#woke the pirate falls in love with the prince and the queen and the three marry
Killian [To David who is fresh out the shower and wrapped in a towel]: Sorry for peeking in on you. I got a little worried after you were in there for a half an hour.
David: It's alright.
Killian: You've got a nice arse.
David: Thanks for noticing.
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
(Third film. After “goodbye”. 23 years ago. The afternoon after the isle was set up. Olympus. Zeus is milling about the throne room excessively drinking in celebration. The marble floor cracks. From them vines fly out and form a Venus fly trap. The mouth opens and out steps a figure in a dark verdant hooded cloak. They send vines in Zeus’s direction which wrap around neck)
Zeus: WHO ARE YOU!!!!
Persephone (removing the cloak): who the fuck do you think it is your “majesty”
Zeus: eurghooh uh. Lady Persephone. To what do I owe the pleasure
Persephone: oh stuff it you old sot. You know what you did!!!!
Zeus: I assure you. I have no idea whatsoever as to what you mean
Persephone: my husband and my two week son where missing when I woke up this morning.
Zeus (feigning concern): really? That’s horrible
Persephone: he did it didn’t he? Adam. He set that, that horrible god awful prison up
Zeus (dropping all pretences): I’m happy to say he did. Now all of those, ahem, people, for want of a better word, are where they belong and can no longer harm us. Oh don’t look at me like that my girl. This is a good thing. Now you’re no longer bound by that pissy little contract he forced you into. You can rejoin your mother here on Olympus and all is as it was a should be before my idiot little destroyed your life
Persephone: if he destroyed my life I wouldn’t be here defending him you stupid slut. Nobody gets it. Nobody has ever seemed to have gotten it. I went through that fissure. I approached the skull throne. I threw myself at him. Being up here was a fucking snooze fest of banality. So I took the first out I could find. And I could not have been happier of what my life has become. The only reason the contract exists is because my mother threatened humanity’s livelihood should I stay there. If it were up to me I would’ve never have come back. I had to sign that to save the mortals
Zeus: how can you possibly be happy in the worlds basement
Persephone: hades is a good husband and provider. He respects my boundaries. He’s never strayed without my consent. And unlike you. He’s never purposefully killed anyone.
Zeus: and what of what he did to my son?
Persephone: ok. I shan’t defend him for that. Because he doesn’t defend himself for it either. He knows he did something disreputable. But he’s more then made up for it. Among other things he paid for and officiated the boys wedding
Zeus: where the Helios was I in all this?
Persephone: you were wine drunk, literally swanning about and harassing anyone and all naiads that stayed still long enough for you to approach them
Zeus (fondly): ah yes, good times, good times. Wait. Where are you going
Persephone: I’m going back home. Pain and Panic are good babysitters. But when Persey cries she tends to burn their limbs
Zeus: who cares. They’re the help
Persephone: they’re family.
(She leaves the way she arrived. On the isle. It’s dark, cold and barren. Hades (John Barrowman) is unconscious. There’s a large green and yellow bruise on his left temple. He’s woken up by the sound of crying)
Hades: hey kiddo. It’s alright. We’ll be ok. I tbini. We just have to get to shelter
(A very large very angry dragon jumps out of the fog. End of flashback. Underworld. Present day. Persephone is at her desk on her laptop)
Persey: see ya ma! I’m going out
Persephone: goodbye dear. Wait. Where are you going?
Persey: Auradon. Don’t tell me you haven’t heard? Chad Charming’s gone postal, stole Verna’s wand. Ben’s missing and Lonnie just sent out the batsignal.
Persephone: oh my goodness. Wow. Do you need me to help?
Persey: just look after our home.
(They disappear a wisp of steel grey fire. Outskirts of Auradon. Elsa’s unconscious on the ground. The girls have found her)
Lonnie: oh my god
Jane: your majesty
Dizzy: we’re off to a great start
Jane: your majesty wake up. Please wake up
Dizzy: the bazooka use the bazooka
Jane: right yes of course
(She squirts ends with the bazooka which instantly wakes her up)
Elsa: ouch. Use that sparingly dear. We may need it more than you think. Could somebody help me up please. Thank you Lonnie
Lonnie: what happened?
Elsa: I teleported here and then I hit something
Jane: it’s a barrier. She put up a barrier around Auradon
Dizzy: ohhhh she’s good. I mean she’s an evil psychopathic bitch. But she’s clever
Lonnie: how do we get inside?
Elsa: Jane?
(Jane makes confused questioning noises)
Elsa: if you would be so kind as to assist me in getting past the barrier?
Jane: ohhhh. Yeah sure let’s do it
(The ice queen and light fairy use magic to create a hole in the barrier. As they do so a flaming comet zooms down and crash a few feet away from them)
Elsa: what the hell
Barrowman!Hades: Name's Hades, Lord of the dead. Hi, how ya doin'?
Jane: fuck
(Elsewhere in Auradon on the school grounds Mal and the others have just touched ground. Mal’s a human again doubled over in pain)
Mal (groaning painfully): urgh. FuckDAMMIT!!!! Jesus I’m not made for this
Hadie (worriedly): are you alright
Mal: I will be. A minivan I am not.
Hadie: was this the first time you’ve carried this many people?
Mal: yeah. Normally it’s just Ben. And even then it’s only if he asks.
Hadie: really.
Jay: let’s just say he wouldn’t watch GOT for the political intrigue
Carlos: or HYTTD for the animation
Evie: or merlin for the story line
Hadie (knowledgeably): ahhh, he’s a scaly
Core four: yep
Harry: can you let me go now?
Jay: uhhhh. Nah
Harry: why?
Mal: because we may yet need a human sacrifice. And you’re the only schmo who fits the bill.
Harry: huh?
Carlos: Gil and I are loved by everyone. I’m the kings adoptive son. He’s the kings brother. You’re the ground people use to scrape gum off their shoes
Evie: that’s an insult to shoes gum and ground. And scraping
Carlos: my apologies. To shoes gum ground and scraping
Harry: I hate you all.
Jay: don’t expect us to lose sleep over it
Harry: besides. I’m the last person who should be a sacrifice
Evie: that specific criteria has been discontinued
Harry: huh
Jay: people like you can be scarified now
Harry: shit
Mal: oh no. Oh no no no no no. This is not good
Evie: they’re all asleep. DOUG
Mal: BEN
Evie: please pickup please please please pickup.
Mal: nonononononono. Gah. I miss you
Gil: please be safe
Jay: Jane isn’t answering either.
Mal: ok ok ok. So. The king. His major-domo/regent. And both their regents are missing. All the remaining students are asleep. It’s only half past two in the afternoon but I already want to take a brandy bath. Because Auradon has no leader. So we’re all screwed to fuckery
Jay: well that’s not entirely true is it. Hadie could you summon the three little bitches. Cause I really really want them to see this
(Hadie makes Uma, Harriet and Cj appear via grey smoke)
Uma: what the hell’a going on?
Harriet (very confused): we were still on the bridge and what’s all that funny coloureds stuf on the ground?
Jay: you three are gonna hate this. You, Uma, especially are gonna hate it. (In his announcer voice) NOW PRESENTING. MALEFICENT BERTHA. THE ACTING QUEEN OF AURADON
(He bows to Mal, closely floored by Carlos Celia Gil and Hadie. Evie is pulled to her knees by Carlos. Mal looks like she was just clipped by a car)
Uma: what?
Jay: well after the wedding she’ll be queen legally. But for now she’s just the regent. It’s wonderful don’t ya think?
Hadie: it’s marvellous. Now bow heathens
Harriet: fat fucking chance.
Jay: oh but Harry’s bowing to the one true queen
Harry: Celia bent my spine
Celia: it was my pleasure
Uma: I am not bowing to that.
Jay: oh you act as if you have a choice
(He uses magic to make the three pirates kowtow to the dark fairy)
Jay: there ya go. Isn’t that better?
(Mal takes a swig of her hipflask and disappears into purple smoke. Everyone stands up again)
Gil: where did mal go?
Jay: I think I know
Evie: then tell us ohhhh. Yeah. Sounds about right
Hadie: where is she. I’ll go to her. Me Evie and Harry
Harry: I don’t fucking think so
Hadie: she’s family. We have to help her
Harry: I’ll bring the coughing
Evie: if that’s going with you then mal will probably commit a sin on sacred ground
Hadie: where is it that she’s gone to?
Jay: you’ll see
(He moves his lower arm around creating a cloud of gold smoke that surrounds Evie and Hadie. When it clears they’ve disappeared. The smoke deposits them on stone steps. Hadie’s clutching Harry’s arm)
Harry: I hate you. I honest to mmmmother hate you
Evie: feelings mutual. Come on let’s go
Hadie: where are we Evie
Evie: where the king was crowned a year and a half ago
(They enter the cathedral . Only Mal is now where to be seen)
Harry: well she’s not here let’s go
Evie: up bup bup. There is one way to lure her out of hiding. Hadie the dagger please
Harry (having flashbacks to when he was 14): no Nono don’t you dare dont you fucking think about it. FUUUUUUCK! She did it
(Evie uses the dagger to slash Harry’s shin. He falls down in pain. Mal pops up from behind the pulpit)
Mal: I heard Scottish screaming (realises she was played) aw crap I shoulda known. I hate it when you do that
Evie: it’s a tested tried and true method. Plus it’s fun to maim him
Mal: yeah...(she heaves a sigh and sits down heavily on the stage) I’m queen. “Yay” I want Ben. Is that pathetic? It sounds pathetic
Evie (sitting down next to her): no. I want Doug. Does that make me ok pathetic?
Mal: no. It’s a change though. Did you ever think two years ago we’d be wanting our boyfriends here protecting us?
Evie: two years ago I wanted to sink my claws into a prince. Now I have the perfect man
Mal: no, the perfect man bypassed you and asked me out. But Doug’s a close second though
Evie (cackling): bitch
Mal: sister. Older by a day
Hadie: May I scoot in if we’re sharing things?
Mal (making a space for him between her and Evie): sure. What do you want to talk about?
Hadie: I never knew my mother. And before you say “don’t rub it in”. I wasn’t born on the island. I’m an Olympian by birth. But when Adam set the isl...you know what, let’s just call it what it is. When Adam created the prison he convinced our beloved uncle Zeus to put our dad there first. Theory was that if Satan could be subdued by a human. Then other “undesirables” would be easier to round up. So when I was two weeks old, Zeus and Hypnos used their combined magic to put him and I there. I have never known anything else. And the next year Hook uh “hooked up” with a street walker, Harriet. And uh
Evie: not a lot stuff to do over there
Mal: well you know except
Evie: don’t. Please. Don’t. It’s bad enough I’m related to that thing on the floor. But having to imagine THAT happening. Gah...it crosses a line
Mal: thanks for the nightmares
Evie: you started it.
Hadie: I’m a hedonist. A disciple of Dionysus to be precise
(Evie looks at him with her mouth agape)
Evie: well that took a turn
Mal: what is a “disciple of Dionysus”?
Evie: it’s basically some sort of cult. Mostly guys. Girls are there as well. I had the unfortunate honour of delivering a flyer to one of their clubhouses last month
Hadie: sorry about that. I told them to be a little bit more discreet after that
Mal (overjoyed): no
Evie (slightly sick): it can’t be
Hadie: I was eighteen and bored. What else was there to do but set up a club
Evie: try to find us.
Hadie: whenever I wasn’t with my friends or our dad I checked up on you. One time you were trying to puncture the barrier with magic. And another you were crying in an alleyway Mal. I even tried to make a wig for you when you were in the market place with a buzzcut Evie.
Mal: that’s actually quite sweet.
Hadie: I just want to tell my mother “don’t worry. My life wasn’t completely terrible. I’m happy”.
Mal: when this is over I wanna tell Maleficent “fuck you, you giant living accessory, fuck you”
Evie: I want to tell Grimhilde. “You were wrong. Princes are not for me, Doug is perfect for me and I eat what I want when I want”
Hadie (wistfully) and Mal and Evie (vengefully): I cant wait to see the look on her face
(This is when “hey look ma, I made it happens. At the school Gil has a peace offering)
Uma: what the hell are these?
Gil: berries. They’re amazing. Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, fun fact, never get in a strawberry eating contest with Mal. You will lose. And need your stomach pumped
Uma: this is this supposed to make up for what you did? You betrayed me. Abandoned me for this. No amount of whatever this shit is is gonna erase that
Gil: I didn’t leave because I wanted to hurt you Uma. I left because it was best for me. You know as well as anyone that the island is an awful place for people like us. So, yeah, I left. But that’s what you wanted. I did what you wanted. Just not how you wanted it to happen. The fact of the matter is Uma, you scare me. I still love you. But you scare me. All I could think of at the dance when you were attacking the ship was “this is what I get for trying to be happy”. I still have nightmares about it. If you care so much about getting kids off the island why were you so mad that I left. Irrespective of who I left with. Shouldn’t you be happy I got away at all?
Uma (standing up to her full height which just barely reaches Gil’s chin): you left me. To go galavanting off with them. You may not think it. But a lot of sins are never forgiven. So no. I’m not “happy that you got away” because you betrayed my loyalty to do so
Jay: Gil, buddy, leave her to stew. She’s not worth it.
(Gil leaves heartbroken and joins Carlos and Celia near some of the sleeping students)
Uma: lemme guess. You’re his bit on the side? Or is he your chippy?
Jay (chuckling sarcastically): oh Uma. He’s with Lonnie. I’m with Carlos. He and I are not together. But he’s done so well here. He’s great at chess and tourney and R.O.A.R. He’s set up a book club. Every month he goes to the isle and hands out flyers and food and blankets and weathers the hate he for it. He’s a good guy. And him “disrespecting you” wasn’t malicious. Because here’s the thing. You seem to be belabouring under the impression that this is your story. It’s not. It’s ours. It’s always been our story. Mal and me and Carlos and Evie. You don’t even get a look in until way way after this whole thing started. It is not about you. It has never been about you. I’m just sorry you still think that after all these years.
Uma: you don’t deserve to have people celebrate you after what you did.
Jay: what about what you did. You set Harry on Carlos five years ago. You kidnapped Ben and tried to murder him to get under Mal’s skin. Face it “Captain”, you say that what you do is for the island but it’s not. It never has been. What you did was for you. To make yourself feel less worthless than you are
Uma: so what now? You gonna kill me?
Jay: no. Not today. Not while Mal still feels guilty about the shrimpy incident. But I want you to know something. I would’ve done it you know. I would have murdered you if you murdered Mal and Ben. And neither Evie Doug Carlos or Dizzy could have stopped me. Because that is what you get when you mess with my family. And I would’ve made that thing that follows you around like a fixed mutt clean up your remains. Just bear that in mind next time you try to wrest control from my queen
(At the cathedral Harry’s trying to bandage his leg. Hadie sits down next to him and heals him with magic)
Hadie: there you go. All better
Harry: I guess I should say thank you.
Hadie: nah. Don’t expect you to. But I do wanna show you something.
Harry: what?
(Hadie flicks his wrist and there in a darkened bedroom. A baby’s bedroom. It’s filled with roughshod burlap sack stuffed toys hand stitched and fraying. A makeshift mobile of various coloured glass hangs above a safe looking but old crib)
Harry: where are we.
Hadie: where you should’ve been for the past nineteen years if I hadn’t panicked and took you to the Jolly Roger.
Harry: this is my room? At the wherever it’s was you lived.
Hadie: our room. At the lair.
Harry: holy shit. You two. You two wanted to
Hadie: yeah. Dad wanted to keep you. But I was four. You got stuck on the way out. I thought I broke you.
Harry: yeah well, a lot of people would say that there is as nuffink you coulda done
Hadie: I could d waited for dad to wake up. I could’ve asked her what to do.
Harry: like you said you four. When I was four I went down to the docks to try and get rid of ol leftie here. Thought it’d get dad to like me
Hadie: I know. I heard the story. Tick-Tock wouldn’t go for it.
Harry: why settle for the after mint when you can have the rotting steak? You can still see the scar. Look.
Hadie: is that why you carry the...
Harry: the hook? Yeah. That and added protection. For some reason people don’t really like me. Might be the skull face. I dunno
(Hadie laughs. Evie enters the illusion)
Evie (drolly): how sentimental
Hadie (brightly): hey sis
Evie: I mean I haven’t been this choked up since got a chunk of moussaka caught in my throat
Mal (also crashing the conversation): Doug made her laugh at a state dinner eight months ago.
Harry: well I’ve seen him. He doesn’t have to do much.
Evie: have you ever had a telekinetic wedgie?
Harry: no
Evie: oh. Then we’ll be in for a treat then
(Her eyes glow briefly, the illusion breaks and Harry’s lifted ten feet in the the air by the back of his underwear yelling in pain all the while)
Evie: you know, I’ve been thinking. The ember is defunct because calamari thee it in the bay. So we need to reignite it. And correct me of I’m wrong but hades has a massive temper problem?
Hadie: not for years but yes.
Evie: and Hook is the angriest person I know. So. If he by some twisted non miracle gets his hair set on fire while he’s holding the ember then it can work again.
Hadie: don’t appreciate the word phrasing. But I understand the general idea
Harry (bored): so how’re you gonna do it. Beat me up. Conjure up my worst fears.
Evie: talk to you. I’m just gonna talk to you. Believe me. It’s gonna hurt me a lot more then it hurts you. At least not physically
Harry: like I give a shit. Just get on with it so it can be over. Who’s got the pebble
(It conks him on the side of his head)
Mal (sarcastically): oops
Harry: ok first off. I hate you and your carcass needs to be burned with you still breathing.
Mal: immune to fire.
Harry: I meant iron.
(Mal lunges are him it Hadie holds her back)
Evie: now where was I? Oh yes. Breaking your spirit. You realise of course everyone hates you. Your father, us, Jay, Carlos, Ben. Hell. Even Gil only hung around with you out of pity. And Uma. The first chance she got she dumped you like yesterday’s trash. Because that’s what you are Hook. Trash. Useless rotting disgusting trash. Nobody loves. Nobody cares about you. Nobody wants you around.
Harry (nervously): Uma
Evie: threw you away and branded you traitor the minute you questioned her judgement. She never wanted a first mate or a, whatever it was you were to her, she wanted an easily malleable, easily swayed, lapdog. That’s all you were to her “Icarus”.
Harry (voice brittle): Harriet
Evie: lied to you for nineteen years. To save her own skin.
Harry (weakly): stop. Please. Stop
Evie: sorry for what I’m about to say Mal but it’s necessary. (Turning back to Harry). Did you stop when Carlos begged you to stop chasing him in the market that day. Did you stop when dizzy asked you taking all the money from the till? No? Then why the hell should I stop now? Face it Icarus. Nobody wants you. Nobody likes you. Nobody loves you! You mean nothing to anyone. You were born useless. You will die useless. So stop wasting everybody’s time and just do it. Die like the dog you are!
(Harry roars and lunges at her. She evades him easily and he crashes into the stage. He stands up. The verbal beat down worked. His eyes are glowing blood red. His hair on fire in the same colour. The ember has reactivated)
Harry: now it’s your turn
(He shoves his palm out and Evie’s thrown into the wall. Brass candle stands wrap around her neck and starts to dig into her skin. Evie screams hits and kicks at the air. Mal calmly walks up to Harry, uses the sceptre to stab him in the back and pulls out his heart)
Mal: put her down gently. Good. Now lie down like the bitch you are. (She notices Hadie looking at her in horror) what? Did you really expect me to touch him with my bare hands? Here you go (she swings the aorta over to him). You can put it back. You alright E?
Evie: yeah I’m ok. I’m just going to stomp on his face with SPIKED CLEATS!
Hadie: that horrible experience worked. Now we gotta try to make it work for all of us
Mal: how. And don’t say what I think you’re gonna say because I am not working with him
Hadie (sane time as her): we need to work together as a family
Evie: fuck
Mal: how’d you propose we do this then.
Hadie: friction. I think. When I got us out of the isle I rubbed the ember
Harry: and covered it in your own blood
Hadie: yes. So if we replicate that. Then maybe. Just maybe. We’ll all be able to use it.
Evie: good plan. But again. How do we all do it. Cause in case you haven’t noticed. There’s three of us. And one ember.
Hadie: Harry’s here as well
Evie: I know. I intentionally left him out. To me he doesn’t count.
Hadie: well dear you’re going to have to get into his headspace.
Mal: my Scottish accent is legally classed as offensive
Evie: it’s true. Absolutely fucking horrendous
Hadie: heh?
Mal: one time in class we had to put ourselves in the shoes of evil we hate most.
Evie: all four of us chose Harry.
Harry: now ya see what I gotta put up with?
Hadie: indeed I do.
Mal: gargh! Fine. We’ll do what you think is right. But only because I need to stop Maleficent. Ok.
Hadie (smoking giddily): ok
Evie: urgh fine.
Harry: whatever it takes for me to get away from these two twigs
(This is when “friction” happens)
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angstalottle · 5 years
A Pirates Life For Me
There were three things all pirates feared.
The dreaded Galra armada.
Running out of rum.
And the mermaids that followed their ships just waiting to drag down any sailor unfortunate enough to fall into the water.
The voltron pirates considered themselves the acception to the rule as Hunk had long since figured out how to always get them a supply of rum and the Galra ran from them in fear.
Even the dreaded mers never seemed to bother them, leaving the ship and her passengers untouched.
Everyone had their own theories about why this was with Hunk and Pidge believing the type of wood their ship was made from had somthing to do with it.
Their captain, Shiro thought I was because they tossed their old food over board and the rotten smell made them stay away.
Keith thought it was because of the one time he fell over board during a storm.
“I’m telling you guys I got the ugly bastard right across the back!” Keith demonstrated by slashing at the air in front of him. “It was so surprised it threw me back onto the ship.”
“Sure buddy whatever you say” Lance laughed leaning over the edge of the crowd nest that he had long since claimed as his own.
“It’s true! I scared all the mermaids off!” Keith yelled glaring up at him.
“You gotta admit it seems pretty hard to believe” Hunk smiled sheepishly “no one even saw you fall into the water.”
“But it’s true” Keith yelled tugging at his hair in frustration.
“Look mullet if it means so much to you I’ll say you fought off an entire fleet of mermaids to keep us safe.” Lance winked blowing a kiss down to him.
Keith grumbled but was too caught off guard by the display of affection from his beloved to really care.
“Whatever the reason for them ignoring us we have to be smart with the advantage it gives us. Mainly that I think we could pass trough Altea point.
The ship fell silent at the captains words.
Altea point was the fasted rout to smugglers cover that supposedly held treasure beyond their wildest dreams. But anyone that got too close found their ships smashed against the rocks that filled the waters lured to their deaths by the mermaids songs.
“Shiro you can’t be serious.” Lance was the first to speak grabbing a rope and sliding down to the deck with the others “that’s suicide.”
“I hate to say this but Lance has a point” Pidge added.
She ignored his complaints and instead rolled out the map and examined it closely “Even if the mermaid may leave us alone that doesn’t mean we can get around the rocks or the unpredictable current.”
Hunk leaned over and tapped a clear area “what if we approached from here though? The currents fast but in one direction. So long as we follow it we should be able to get through.”
Lance watched in horror as his friends seemed to decide this as their course of action.
“Wait! Wait you all can’t be seriously considering this?!” He looked to Keith hoping he would at least back him up.
Instead all he saw was a look of excitement for adventure in his eyes.
Lance sighed “fine... but if we die I’m so haunting your asses.”
A round of cheers erupted and everyone began preparations for the passing.
All except Lance, who quickly climbed back to the crows nest to hide from the rest of the crew.
It wasn’t until the sun had long since set did Keith come to find him.
Climbing into the small secluded spot with a bottle of rum as an offering which Lance took and took a few gulps from.
“You want to tell me what’s got you so upset?” Keith asked settling in next to Lance watching the stars.
“Other then us heading right for the most dangerous place in the entire ocean?” Lance laughed bitterly “other than that little fact I’m just fine.”
“Lance... please I know there’s more to it” Keith turned Lance’s face towards him brushing his thumb across his jaw line. “Please.”
Lance sighed as he scooted closer and rested his head against Keith’s shoulder.
“The Altea point is where I watched my parents die.”
The news startled Keith so much it took everything he had not to jump up and stare at his beloved. Instead he hummed in acknowledgment, a soft way of encouraging Lance to continue.
“I was only a little kid at the time and we had all gone to the passing together but... we didn’t know we were being followed. One minuet everything was fine and then there was blood and screaming and then... then I woke up in chains on a Galra slave ship. They scooped me out of the water and sold to whoever was buying. They passed me around as a pretty trinket until you guys saved me.” Lance grew more and more quiet as he buried his face into Keith’s chest “I... I don’t want to lose you guys because of what could happen there.”
Keith’s fingers began to slowly run themselves through Lance’s hair. “I promise you. No matter what happens I will always love you. And I will always save you.”
Lance didn’t answer, instead he hugged Keith a little tighter content to just lay there with him.
It took a few days traveling before they finally made it.
The Altea passing and the most dangerous part of the entire ocean.
Ship wrecks marked the way like clouds filled the sky on a shady day.
The ship was quiet, no one able to bring themselves above a whisper as they passed the monument to just how many lives had been lost in the name of adventure.
“Here comes the current” Pidge announced as the ship began to rock violently side to side.
Everyone scrambled to their stations fighting against the ocean Itself to stay afloat.
It seemed like hours and more scrapes and bumps then they were comfortable with but finally the current slowed and they found themselves in calm water just on the other side of the deadly passing.
Applause erupted from the crew, everyone yelling and celebrating, all to busy to notice how the water in front of them swirled and a giant woman with hair as white as sea foam and eyes as blue as the sky rose up blocking their way.
Her giant hands grabbing hold of the sides of the ship looking down at it like a child would a play thing.
“Ready the canons!” Shiro yelled but was drowned out by a screech from the mermaid.
“They canons won’t do any good” Lance grabbed Keith’s hand and pulled him into a kiss “time to keep up with your promise” he winked as he ran towards the mermaid.
Keith’s eyes widened sure Lance was about to sacrifice himself with a flash of blue surrounded his body.
Where Lance once stood now was replaced by a merman with hair as white as sea foam, eyes and tail blue as the sky and a face that they all knew as Lance’s
“I am Prince Allance of the south waters! I was stolen from here as a child and these humans saved me!”
The crew could only watch in shock as the giant mermaids expression turned from one of confusion to unadulterated joy.
A pink light surrounded her blinding everyone for a moment.
When it died down she had shrunk and was now hugging Lance like her life depended on it.
“My dear little brother I thought you were dead.” She cried.
Lance chuckled “sorry about that Allura... they cut off my fin I could swim him but I wanted to see you everyday.”
Keith finally stepped forwards his eyes finally falling to a scar across his back “you were the one to save me... during that storm and I...” Keith covered his mouth in horror “oh god Lance I hurt you.”
Allura bared her teeth at him but was stopped by Lance who simply laughed “you didn’t know it was me dummy. For all you knew I was trying to kill you. Now quick moping and meet my sister. She should meet my beloved... as long as you guys don’t mind I’m not human.”
Shiro frowned “lance did you risk not ever being able to come home to your family because you were scared we wouldn’t want you anymore?”
When Lance nodded he was promptly tacked to the floor with a hug from his captain.
Hunk and Pidge quickly joined in while Keith wormed his way closest so he could kiss Lance on the lips.
“We all love you because your Lance, we don’t care if your human or mermaid. Your still you and your still part of this crew.”
Lance couldn’t help but laugh as he looked around, he was surrounded by family, some he had thought he had lost a life time ago, some he had found along the way and some he intended to make his husband some day.
From that point on there were four things all pirates feared.
The dreaded Galra armada.
Running out of rum.
The mermaids that followed their ships.
And the Prince of the ocean that if any creature of the sea or land should harm would have to face the furry of the queen of the mermaids and the Voltron Pirates.
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Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 13 - push
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a rewrite of ​the x reader that @bluediamondsevie wrote for me
 summary: a who doesn’t love the Disney World, well, (y/n) especially loves descendants, and one day, as she dances in her kitchen getting ready to head out. 17-year-old (y/n) becomes part of that world, now a certain blue-eyed pirate meets the girl from a world where he is a fictional character and he has an actor named Thomas Doherty.
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 your stuff
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The next morning when you woke up Harry was still asleep, and you took the chance to get dressed and leave before he could try to talk to you.
Just as you were leaving the room, you heard Harry's voice from behind you, “lassie wait I wanna-“ you ignored him, closing the door behind you and speedwalking off the ship and rushing over to the chip shop, stopping by Uma, asking if she had any jobs for you to do today, she rose a brow, thinking that today was Harry’s pay route, and you usually went with him, she had a feeling that your weird behavior was because of the reveal yesterday.
She gave you a job of collecting the depts of the more dangerous villains, so you hurried to leave, Harry catching you at the entrance, “hey lass, ready teh rob some people tehday~?” you pushed past him, Harry's brows furrowed in confusion, what did he do?!
He turned to the crew, they all shrugged, they were just as confused, you and Harry had been basically attached at the hip for the past two and a half months. And now all of a sudden you were ignoring him?
What the hell? Harry felt his eyes burn and quickly ducked his head down and made his way to the table, the crew looking at him with sympathy, they knew how to harry felt about you, and now you were acting as if he didn’t exist, that had to hurt, Uma dropped a tray in front of Harry, but he pushed it away and hid his face in his arms, folding them on the table and let silent tears run down his face. Uma sighed and pat his back, rushing back to the kitchen to deliver orders.
‘(y/n)’ Uma thought ‘what the hell are you doing’
She looked back at Harry, whos shoulders started to shake slightly, Gil rubbing his back.
‘you said you didn’t want to hurt Harry but,’ Uma shook her head, grabbing two trays and making her way to the costumers ‘that’s exactly what you’re doing’
You exited Shaun yu’s bunker, money clutched in your hand, and scaled the wall, landing on the roof and lept across the buildings, landing on a largely abandoned warehouse, sitting at the edge, you sat there in silence for a minute, before pain began rising in your chest, you dry heave, jolting forward, gasping for air, hot tears running down your face.
You didn’t want to push Harry away, but if it meant that he would hurt less when you inevitably left this world, you would do it, even if it meant killing your heart in the process.
Sobs racked your chest, you clutched the cracked ruby necklace Harry had stolen for you, you remember the day he presented to you
You sat on your bed, sketching Uma, surrounded by the sea, the water bending to her will, calm but fierce, beautiful but dangerous. Just like her. You were lining the features of her face when the door slammed open, Harry grinning at you, you smiled and set the sketch aside, raising an eyebrow at the obviously exited Scottish pirate boy.
“whats got you so happy hooky~?” he grinned sheepishly at the nickname, walking through the doorframe ad closing the door with his foot, fishing something out of his pocket,
“I saw’ somthin’ tha’ reminded me of ye’ so I snatched it” he grasped your hand and placed a shining ruby necklace in your palm, your eyes sparkled at it, making harry snicker, goddamit why were you so goddamn cute!
“Oh Harry!” you squealed, holding it up in the light, it reflected the light and it shone brightly in the room “I love it~!! Help me put it on!!”
Harry grinned and nodded, happy that you liked his gift, you handed him the necklace and turned, (if you have long hair, you hold it out of the way, if its short, you just stand there,) Harry clasped the silver chain around your smooth (s/c) neck, you giggled at Harrys touch, he laughed with you, patting your shoulders to let you know he finished, you turned and looked down at the gem, squealing you lunged forward and hugged Harry, his arms wrapping around you securely, burying his face in your hair.
“thank you harry~! I love it!”
“glad ye do lassie”
“im going to go show it to Uma!”
Harry snickered and let you go, he watched to run off to Uma’s cabin with a soft smile, what you didn’t know is that Harry didn’t steal the necklace, he saw it at a jewel shop and had asked what the ruby represented, the owner had said that red represented passion and love, Harry thought it was perfect and had snatched the jewel and left $50, the owner didn’t even blink, collecting the money and smiling at Harry's receding back, ahh young love, it could make the cruelest person turn over a new leaf.
You couldn’t breathe, your heart breaking with every memory of harry flooding through your mind, dear god, you never thought you’d feel like this for a fictional character, but the feelings were there, and you were scared of them, you and Harry were never supposed to meet, he was never supposed to even know your name. you weren’t supposed to meet the character, just the actor.
You were just a girl who had landed in a world where you weren’t supposed to exist.
you weren't supposed to fall in love with Harry Hook.
For the next hour, you sat there, crying your heart out, when the hour was up, you took a deep breath, wiping your eyes, when you finally composed your self, you saw the barrier shiver and flash green.
Uh oh, you knew what that meant.
Mal was here.
You sat there for a few more minutes, before hearing the rumble of a motor, you lept up and looked over the edge, seeing mal, blonde hair and everything, chuck a rock at a sign and enter the building you were sitting on top of.
Oh, well then, time to go, time to leave, bye bye core four hideout! You ran and jumped, landing on the shorter building next to the hideout. And raced back to the ship, shit was about to go down.
---three months ago on Auradon---
Fairy Godmother stood in front of the core four and ben, she clapped her hands together and looked at them with a serious face. The five straightened, no messing around when FG is this serious.
“I have called you here to tell you all of a situation, a dimensional portal opened yesterday and I can not locate the thing or person that has entered this world” Mal rose her hand, confused, FG nodded and Mal stepped forward
“what do you mean, dimensional portal? And entered our world?”
FG nodded and spoke; “yes, we are only one of many worlds, for instance, there is another world where the evil queen created a world with no magic, and the daughter of snow white and prince charming saved that world and the villains soon became heroes. But the being that landed in our world is not from that world, but a world where we are nothing but characters on a tv screen.”
FG waved her hand, and a picture of a girl appeared, FG handed it to mal and she and her friends examined the photo.
It was a girl with (s/c) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (round/sharp/square) face.
“if you ever find this girl, bring her immediately to me, she needs to be sent home as soon as possible.”
--present mal POV��
Mal heard footsteps on the roof and looked to the side where they stopped, seeing an (h/c) girl jumping from the roof of her hideout to the building next to it, Mal squinted, the girl slightly turned and showed her face, and mals memory flashed, and she hurriedly fished the photo of the girl out from her pocket, it matched exactly, Mal smirked at the girls receding back.
‘found you’.
--end of part 13—
Comment or message me for part 14
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
“Do you remember… ?” Detective Snowing family pretty pretty please with a cherry on top (Or like a pizza on top... or Panda Express?)
Oooo…pizza…and Panda Express! ;) Seriously, I wish this was as fluffy as piza crusts.
An AU where Detective Snowing was a throuple with Alice when the curse was set by Zelena. :) I’ve grown to love this verse…so feel to leave prompts for it. :)
Also on AO3
Time was running out and Killian could hear his wifescreaming in the other room. He was missing his youngest being born, but therewas a more pressing matter at hand…the little toddler in his arms.
“Papa, where’s Mommy?” Alice asked as they raced downthe hallway. “And Daddy? Mommy said she was having my baby sister, can I holdher?”
“Not right now, Starfish.” He paused in the doorway ofEmma’s nursery, gnawing on his lip. “Just know, I love you more than anything.”He kissed the top of her head. “I need you to be brave.” He went to put herdown, but she interrupted him.
“Papa, don’t go!” Alice whined, kicking her legs.“Please!”
He looked down into her big blue eyes and cuddled herclose. Emma would have David and Snow to protect her, who was Alice going tohave? His spouses would understand. “Okay, baby girl. Papa’s gotchya.”
He went into the nursery and sat with her on thefloor, holding her close. Alice clung to him, her favorite stuffed rabbit inher arms. There was rattling and he could hear the guards charging in thehallways. Alice was now crying and screaming, he slowly rubbed her back andbegan to sing a lullaby his mother once had to him. The doors to the nurseryswung open and Killian was ready to put up a fight, until he saw his husband.He was bleeding from the shoulder, a bundle of blankets in one arm, a sword inthe other.
“Daddy!” Alice cried out.
David gave her a weak smile and kissed the top of herhead. Briefly the two men traded girls and Killian looked down at his youngestin wonder. She was squirming in his arms, but not crying. He kissed the top ofher head, feeling the same love for her he had the day Alice was born. Helooked up at David, confused.
“What’s going on? Why aren’t you two with Snow?”
“Geppetto arrived at the last minute, he told us thetruth. The wardrobe…it’ll take two.” He let out a deep breath. “Snow figuredyou two would be hiding in here…she wants the girls to go into the wardrobe.”
“Is she mad?!?”
“She says that they’ll find their way back to us.Killian, she’s right, this is what’s best. The guards are out there and we canfight them, but what if they hurt our girls?”
Killian looked from Emma to Alice, tears brimming inhis eyes. He knew his husband was right. Alice was sobbing harder and clingingto her other father with all her might. It was the hardest thing he did, butDavid placed Alice into the wardrobe and then put Emma into her arms.
“Daddy! Papa!” Alice cried out.
“We’ll be together again, one day, Bunny,” Davidpromised, kissing each of them on the head. “When you get to where you are,find an adult. They’ll help you, I promise.”
“I wanna be with you!”
A tear fell down David’s face. “I know. We want to bewith you, but we will see you again. I promise.”
He shut the doors to the wardrobe and locked it, clingingto Killian’s hand. The guards broke down the doors and together, they bothfought them off or at least they tried. David was the first to fall to theground and while Killian took care of the guard that had harmed his husband, hesoon was next. Snow made her way into the room once they were gone, but Zelenahad appeared. She dropped down next to her husbands, who had blacked out, tearsstreaming down her face.
She watched as the WickedWitch threw open the doors to the wardrobe, but it was empty. Great pridefilled Snow as she realized that her daughters had gotten away. One day, theywould come back to them, one day, they would break the curse. With thatknowledge, she wrapped her arms around David and Killian, allowing the curse toenvelope them.
Not only were the girls separated from their parentsthat day, but they also were from one another. Emma was placed with a fosterfamily that had anxiously been awaiting a perfect little baby, while Alice wassent to live in a foster home where it was made clear they only took temporaryplacements. The two would live out similar yet different fates.
While Emma had a new family the first three years ofher life, she was soon shuffled back into the system when they had a child thatshared their blood. She would have close calls with families, but by the age of10, she had given up all hope. She was a permanent run away by age 15 and injail before her 18th birthday, where she would give a son up foradoption.
Alice bounced around homes just like her sister, butshe had it a bit worse. While Emma knew nothing of their pasts, Alice couldremember everything. She tried to tell people of who she really was-a princess,born to a queen, a shepherd turned prince and a pirate turned knight. No onebelieved her and as she got older, insisting it to be true, they assumed shewas mad. Soon, Alice wondered if what she knew to be true, really was. Shespent her teen years in and out of insane asylums. When she finally escaped,she made her way to Storybrooke, Maine. It was there she knew that she hadn’tbeen crazy all those years. Her parents were still young, but there was nodoubting who they were.
She made friends with her papa, now a detective, andit wasn’t long before he invited her to move in with him. She thought that truelove’s kiss would break the curse, but when she kissed his cheek while he wassleeping…nothing happened. Her mother, a teacher, and her daddy, the owner of apet store, didn’t seem to remember who they truly were. Alice was so close toher parents…yet so far.
Then Mary Margaret gave Henry the storybook and soonhe dragged Emma Swan to town. She knew that had to be her sister, yet there wasno convincing her of that. She watched as she had a power struggle with thetown’s mayor, Zelena West, who kept intruding on her open adoption plan withHenry-despite her only being his aunt and his mother, Regina, having no issuewith it.
Finally, it happened. Henry ate Zelena’s turnover andEmma woke him with true love’s kiss. As it turned out, it had to be done by thesavior.
“Alice!” She heard her name being called on thestreets shortly after it had broken. She turned to find her parents standingthere, in awe.
“Mommy! Daddy! Papa!”
She ran into their outstretched arms, allowing them tohug her tight. It felt so good to be back in their arms, feeling their kissesbeing pressed to her face and head. They pulled apart after a moment, takingher in. All of them had tears in their eyes, especially Killian.
“Oh Starfish,” he whispered. “You’ve…”
“Grown up?” She suggested with a small shrug, whichjust made them frown. “Hey, it’s okay. I found my way home.”
“We never wanted to let you go…”
“I know. I’m not mad at you. I never forgot where Ibelonged.”
Grumpy, or Leroy as he was known in Storybrooke,stepped forward. “Not to be rude…but what now?”
“Now,” Snow smiled, touching Alice’s cheek. “Now, Ifind my other daughter.”
“So, it’s true.”
They all turned around to find Emma standing there.They had all gotten to know her under the curse. While Alice had been livingwith Killian, Emma had with “Mary Margaret”. She had been best friends withher, Alice too. (Though, she often got annoyed with the latter for“encouraging” Henry’s belief in the book.) Slowly, they all walked closer toher. In some ways, she looked like Alice, but in others, she was just like hermother. Snow touched her chin, the tears falling faster.
“You found us,” she choked out.
She enveloped Emma in a big hug. David, Killian andAlice joined it, watching as David cradled the back of Emma’s head, just as shehad when she was a baby. They all stayed like that for what seemed likeforever, rejoicing in the fact that they were reunited. Something felt off,though, to Alice at first. She didn’t know what it was until Henry spoke up.
“Grandpa?” He asked David.
David chuckled, pulling away as Snow and Killian letout hearty laughs. “I suppose so, bud.” He wrapped an arm around him, pullinghim close.
It was only then thatAlice saw the look on Emma’s face. She was shocked, there was no doubt that allof them were. But there was more there…almost like she wasn’t as happy as therest of them.
The next few days were an adjustment period. Reginatook over as mayor, locking Zelena away to make sure that she couldn’t hurtanyone else. Snow, David and Killian helped people reunite with their families,while getting to reconnect with their own.
Emma watched it all, feeling a dull ache in her heart.They had explained to her why they gave her away and Alice was there to backthem up that had they not done what they did, they’d probably all be dead. Shegot why they were apart, that’s not what hurt. It wasn’t the fact that she hadbeen alone. No, she had started seeing Archie for her problems under the curse,as had Alice.
It was the fact that she felt like an outsider in herown home.
Her parents had all these little nicknames for Alice,they had all these memories of her and she had ones of them. Every conversationseemed to start off with “Do you remember…?” Soon, they’d all be laughing oversomething funny Alice had done or an embarrassing parent moment on David, Snowor Killian’s parts. Alice had only been 4 when she went through the wardrobe,but it was clear that she had an elephant’s memory.
Emma wasn’t apart of any of the memories. She knew itwasn’t their fault, she had read the book. She was only mere minutes old whenDavid had put her in Alice’s arms and closed the doors to the wardrobe. Shecouldn’t help but feel jealous…like she just didn’t belong.
It wasn’t just their parents, though. It was the wholetown. They all knew her family so well, better than she did. There were theselittle looks that Ruby would give Alice when she ordered marmalade toast forbreakfast and tease her over how much she ate it when she was little. Geppettohad carved her starfish earrings, remembering it was her nickname from herpapa.
They all made an effort to get to know Emma and shelet them in as much as she felt comfortable. Still, they were all things thatthey should’ve already known. Ruby would’ve known that grilled cheese and hotcocoa were her favorites, long before she showed up to Storybrooke. Leroywouldn’t find it odd that she didn’t like dressing up and wouldn’t have eyedher weirdly for wearing jeans to their celebration of the curse breaking.
The celebration was just too much for her handle. Shetried to keep on a brave face, mostly hanging out with Henry, but even he wasbusy. He was a kid, he wanted to play with his friends and she understood that.She drifted back towards her other family, who were all talking. Snow gave hera big smile and David looped his arm through hers. They were trying and sheknew that. Which just made it hurt all the more.
Regina grinned as she sipped her cider. “Do youremember when Alice was convinced that if something had fruit in it, she couldenjoy as much as she wanted? She devoured all of my apple tarts in one party.”
Alice groaned at the memory, patting her stomach. “Ithad apple in the title! I was 3!”
“She was retching up apples for three days,” Killiansaid with a chuckle.
Snow wrinkled her nose. “If I didn’t hate those thingsalready, I certainly would’ve after that.” She ruffled Alice’s hair. “Alwaysgiving us heart attacks, this one.”
Alice playfully rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Mama.”
“Aw, it was worth every bit of it.”
“Agreed,” David nodded. “Every sleepless night, everytantrum or fever. We had some great years with you, Bunny.”
Emma bit her lip and slipped away from his arm. Shelooked around at the crowd of people, the ones who didn’t have any memories ofher childhood. The ones who couldn’t tell her a thing of what she was like whenshe was too young to remember it. There was no doubting that blood made herapart of this family, but she sure didn’t feel like it.
“I um, I’m tired,” she said, interrupting the conversation.“I think I’m gonna head home.”
“I’ll walk you,” David offered.
She shook her head. “It’s okay. You guys have fun,reminisce about old times.”
Before anyone could arguewith her, she was out the door.
Emma stayed curled up on her bed for the rest of thenight. Killian, David and Alice had moved in with her and Snow after the cursebroke. It was the smallest place out of all of theirs, so she wasn’t sure why,but she hadn’t argued. There was a spare bed in her room, which Alice nowoccupied. On the top of it was her favorite stuffed animal, Mr. Rabbit. It madeEmma feel a little better that she hid her baby blanket under her comforter.
She pretended to be asleep when they all came homefrom the party. Alice slid into her own bed and said goodnight to her parents,accepting goodnight hugs and kisses. They moved to Emma, doing the same to her,despite them believing she wasn’t awake. She silently cried once they left.They were trying so hard and yet…it hurt.
As the tears got worse, she decided to be better safethan sorry and made her way up onto the roof. She had spent many a night upthere with “Mary Margaret” under the curse, drinking and talking abouteverything. One night stands, how crappy Killian and David had been (the lattercursed to be married/a cheater and the other, a womanizer who slept with anyonewith a pulse) and all of their fights with “Mayor West”.
Now, she sat with one of her fleece blankets wrappedaround her, staring out at the stars. She was alone, crying. She felt stupid,ungrateful.
“Emma?” She heard David’s voice coming from behind herand she quickly wiped away her tears, turning around to look at him. “What areyou doing out here?”
“Nothing. What about you?”
“I came to see if you girls needed an extra blanketand saw you were gone.” He dropped down next to her and studied her face in themoonlight. “You’re not okay.”
She sighed, pulling the blanket tighter around her. Heremoved his robe and handed it to her. “You don’t have to.”
“I don’t want you catching a cold.”
Having people that cared, that was new for her too.She accepted the thick robe and put it on, tying it tightly around her body. Itsmelled like him, like all her parents actually.
“So, you want to tell me why you’re really out here?”When she was quiet, David tried another approach. “Or why you really left theparty early?”
“I told you, I was tired.”
“Your mom says you like to say you have a liedetector. I think you got it from me.”
Emma sighed, stretching her legs out. He wasn’t goinganywhere, clearly. “I don’t belong here.”
“What? Emma, of course you do, you’re our daughter…”
“I know. I know I’m apart of this family,biologically. And I know you’re all trying, this isn’t your fault.”
“Then what? What aren’t we doing?”
“It’s nothing you can fix,” Emma said, refusing tomeet his worried gaze. “You guys just have all these memories of where you’refrom, of raising Alice. You can tell her stuff that she doesn’t remember, shehas memories of you guys…”
“But you don’t have any of us,” he whispered.
Emma shrugged. “And it’s not like you guys can tell meanything about me.”
Silence fell over the rooftop once again. A few moretears rolled down Emma’s cheeks and she held David’s robe closer to her. Then,out of nowhere, he spoke again.
“You wiggled a lot.”
Emma looked up at him. “Huh?”
“You wiggled a lot, when you were first born.” Hewistfully smiled at the memory. “I thought I’d drop you, you didn’t stopmoving.”
Emma grew quiet once more, not wanting to interrupthim or do anything to make him stop. She hung on his every word.
“You cried a bit when you were born, then when I tookyou from your mom. Then I was fighting the knights…”
“You fought knights with me?!?”
David grinned, proudly. “Damn straight. You were alittle trooper, didn’t make a sound. I didn’t realize that until I reached thenursery and you were quiet. Just staring up at me with those big green eyes, soalert.” He stroked her chin. “I knew you were just like your mother, a littlewarrior.”
Emma blinked a few times to rid the tears. “Wow.”
“We may not be able to tell you a lot, Emma,” Davidsaid. “But we do have a few stories. Like when your mom was pregnant and she couldn’tstomach any vegetables, every time she ate a salad, you threw a fit. She’d haveheartburn or you’d kick up a storm in there.”
She laughed a little. “Guess even back then I knewthey sucked.”
“We prepared your nursery, so it’d be perfect for yourarrival. Alice picked out so many stuffed animals when we went to the markets,she was so excited to be a big sister.”
Emma yawned, inching closer to him. “What else?”
“Well, if I told you all of them tonight, then we wouldn’thave any for tomorrow, now would we?” He wrapped an arm around her. “How aboutwe get you back to bed and then tomorrow, we’ll tell you some more? I’m sureyour papa, mom and sister have lots more.”
“Okay.” Emma stood up with him and started to followhim back to the ladder that would lead down to her room. “Thanks…Dad.”
Tears glistened his eyes and he tightened his grip onher. “No problem, kiddo.”
Once she was tucked back in bed (he let her keep hisrobe), David headed back down to his own. They had found their old bed frameand mattress in the back of Gold’s shop shortly after the curse broke and itwas huge, but it reminded them of home and it fit them all. He carefully madehis way back into the middle of his spouses.
“Where were you?” Snow asked without opening her eyes,tightening her grip on him.
“Talking with Emma.” He smiled a bit, his eyesshutting. “I won by the way, she called me dad.”
Snow and Killian half-groaned, having lost that bet. Deepdown, they were happy, though. Emma was slowly opening up to them. They finallyhad their family back.
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lunanight2012 · 6 years
Adrinette April Day 13: Group Project
So this takes place a week after yesterday's prompt. Hope you all enjoy! (May have cheated and made it a pairs) also it kinda turns into storytime about mermaids and pirates (totally not referencing a future marichat fanfic I'm thinking of writing) @adrinetteapril @purrincess-chat
“So mermaids?” Adrien asked, smiling at his project partner.
“T-that seems to be our topic. Though I don't understand why mermen aren't mentioned as much as mermaids. I mean you kinda need the mermaids AND the mermen to make the merbabies right?” Marinette rambled on, standing up to better instinciate her thoughts.
Adrien chuckled. “Have you heard of the story about the infamous pirate captain and the mermaid princess?” Adrien asked her, smiling.
Marinette blinked, sitting back down. “N-no, what's that story?” Marinette asked, curiosity taking hold.
Adrien smiled. “One second.” He stated, getting up and going over to a nearby bookshelf in the school library, pulling out the book.
“Here it is. Once upon three lives a beautiful mermaid princess, her name was Bri. She loved to swim around freely, but her mama, the queen of the merfolk wanted Bri to marry a mer prince. Bri didn't like said prince, so she swam far away, hundreds of miles away. Until she swam into the hull of a boat, hard enough to cause her to black out. Not just any old boat, this was the ship that belonged to the infamous pirate captain Chat Noit. Chat Noit looked over the railing, only to see a beautiful pink scaled mermaid tail disappear under the water.” Adrien read.
“Wait! There's no way Chat Noit could tell he hit a small little mer.” Marinette intervened.
Adrien chuckled. “Can I finish this story, Mari? I promise, it's a short story.” He explained before scanning over the words till he found where he left off.
“Walking down to the poop deck, he called to his most trustworthy crewmate, his right hand woman, Allegra. She was kinda stuck up, but had her captain's back when he needed her. ‘Allegra, have we entered mermaid domain?’ he asked her. She looked at the map and shook her head. ‘No, we're hundreds of miles from mermaid territory, why do you ask?’ she questioned. ‘Because, i think we just hit one.’ he explained, taking off his signature long black coat and black boots. Tossing his hat to Allegra before jumping into the sea.” Adrien continued.
“Wait! Why did he jump in?? Bri’s a mermaid, she doesn't need saving!!” Marinette complained.
“Mari! Im almost done!” Adrien exclaimed, grabbing hold of Marinette's hand, trying to calm her down.
“Chat Noit came back up, carrying an unconscious Bri. He called down the lifeboat, which Allegra happily dropped down. He climbed onto it, laying Bri in it gently before Allegra ordered the crew to pull up the boat. Soon, Chat Noit was back on his ship, the Coccinelle. He laid Bri on the deck before snapping his fingers in front of her, trying to wake her up. After a few snapping attempts and a loud shout, Bri woke up, sitting up so fast she knocked heads with the captain. She began to panic even more when she noticed her tail becoming legs. ‘What did you do to me??’ Bri shouted in fear as she tried to curl in on herself. ‘Nothing! But the only time I've heard of mers gaining legs are… do you happen to have a human parent as well as a merfolk parent?’ Chat Noit asked her. Bri thought for a moment before responding. ‘My mama is the queen of the mers, i never met my papa before. Mama said he was big and loving, but she couldn't be with him because she had to rule the merfolks. I think my papa is human.’ Bri explained, trying to stand up on her newly formed legs, only to fall on top of Chat Noit. After getting her some clothes and learning more about her, Chat Noit learned that this princess ran away from home, now wanting to find her father. And that's how Chat Noit the pirate captain began his journey with the mermaid princess Bri in search of her human father.” Adrien finished, closing the book.
“That's it! Well it did give me some good ideas! Maybe i could make mertails for us and we can have Alya film us swimming in the pool with our tails, pretending we're merfolk!” Marinette exclaimed happily.
Adrien squeezed her hand, enjoying her enthusiasm. “That sounds amazing!”
Hope you all enjoyed! (And yes, Chat Noit is basically Felix and Bri is Bridgette. Also Chat Noit is another way of saying Chat Noir.) See you tomorrow for Day 14: Confess!
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harry-hook-me · 7 years
True Family
Writer - @harry-hook-me (myself)
Request - @woahtatyana
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Descendants characters or scenes from the movies, all credits goes to the creators and producers of Disney’s descendants.
Summary - Y/n, Harry, Uma and Gil hate it at Auradon and decide to wreak havoc so they can go back to the Isle, in the process Y/n finds out some big news which stresses her out but helps her realize she truly is evil.
Warnings - swearing, bad behaviour (if that it even a warning)
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It’s been five weeks since me, Harry, Uma and Gil left the Isle and arrived at Auradon, and every second I’ve hated. This place is just totally the opposite of us. Pastel, pretty and full of perky princesses and dumb princes. Were pirates for god sake, we belong on the sae, not at some school for the goodies.
“We need some sort of plan, there’s no way I’m staying here anymore. I don’t want to be good, I’m evil, it’s in my blood. I’m destined to be the queen of voodoo, not a prissy pink princess” I vented to harry as we walked through the clean corridors of Auradon Prep. I rolled my eyes at the group of girls chatting away in there colourful dresses. “I’m with ya love, this place ain’t meant for us lot.” Harry huffed back. Harry and I have been together for three years, he has always been my best friend and the one who got me onto Uma’s crew.
Harry and I arrived at the oak tree where Uma and Gil were sat, out little area we always went to since we arrived. I perched next to Uma and sighed. “still hate it here?” she questioned “ey” I nodded back at her, “same” she replied, “me two” Gil added. “and meh” Harry sighed. It was obvios to anyone that none of us wanted to be here. “One problem, getting back to the Isle is as difficult as getting off it.” Uma huffed and lent back onto the tree we all sat under. “I want to go home” Gil sulked. I put my hand on his arm and gave him a sympathetic look. We all sat there in silence for a couple of minutes until, “I have an idea” Uma shouted out of nowhere. “if we can’t leave Auradon, we could always get kicked out” she smirked wickedly. We huddled together and began making plans to wreak havoc around Auradon.
It was night fall and I was preparing for the first of many tasks to hopefully get us kicked out of this hell school and sent back to the isle. Uma gave the first one to me. I grabbed my back pack filled with spray paint and headed out of my dorm room. I quietly tip-toed out of the school, and closed the huge entrance door. I grabbed my first can and got to work, about half an hour later I had finally finished my master piece. The crews catchphrase “WE RIDE WITH THE TIDE” was written in big, green spray paint across the door to the school, the octopus pirate logo just underneath. I was sure to add a picture of a hook, ship, anchor, and skull. I signed the artwork, to be sure they knew it was me that did it then gathered my things and scurried back to my dorm quickly and quietly.
The next day I woke up to a lot of noise outside my dorm room door. I hopped out of bed, put on some cloths and walked out of the room. All eyes on me. Everyone in the hall. Dead silent. I chuckled, and evil grin on my face. “I can spell your fear” I laughed. “The only reason that I’m hear, is to wreak havoc” I added, laughing, everyone looked scared and stopped staring I strutted down the hall purposely bumping into people making them drop their books. They know I don’t mess around, after all, my father is the lord of the shadow people, and he taught me everything I need to know about destroying my enemies.
I met up with the crew at the oak tree, same as always. “There’s my evil girl” harry smirked as I walked over. I giggled, wrapping my arm around his neck and pecking his lips. We all looked over at the door, my masterpiece, out for everyone to see. “you did a good job Y/n, but theirs still more to do.” Uma said, our heads all turning to look at her as we began to discuss our next plan of action.
I sat in biology, bored out of my mind. It was about time for our next mischievous act, lucky all four of us were in this class together, though fairy godmother, had made sure we didn’t sit together so we could actually get some work done. I looked around at the three others, nodding to each of them, signalling that it was time. I stood up and got on top of the table. The other three then doing the same. I smirked, fairy godmother looking up at us all in disbelief. “get down right now, children” she said to us sternly. Uma and I giggled. Pathetic. “oh shut up you old hag” harry hissed. “Everybody prayin that we’ll change, well maybe on day but tomorrow we’ll be back at it.” I added. “They call us all menaces” Gil states “          They say that we’re cursed” harry added. “but something about us is making them jealous” Uma giggles “So listen and learn.” I finish. I walked across the table. Kicking books and papers off. Harry jumped off of the table he stood on and walked over to the table I was on. He held me hand and helped me as I jumped down. Gil and Uma then jumped down from the tables they were on, the entire class, plus fairly godmother still had their eyes glued to us. We all walked to the door then turned round. “I don’t think they realize that real villains, never change.” Uma said, somehow making everyone in the room look a little more scared of us, I love this. I giggled as we began to walk out. Before walking out, Harry turned and bowed at the class, his signature smirk plastered on his face, he turned and wrapped his arm round my waist palling me closer. All four of us walking away from the class leaving everyone in that room, including fairy godmother, completely speechless and in shock.
Uma and I were currently sat on my bed in my dorm room, talking about what it was going to be like when we can finally go home when a loud nock on the door broke us both out of our deep conversation. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Harry and Gil, they both had big smiles on their face. “King beasty wants a chat” harry smiled. I turned to Uma “it’s time” I giggled.
We entered Ben’s office, Belle, ex-King beast and fairy godmother were also in there. “So” Ben began, just send us back already. “You guys have really been causing chaos around the school and we can’t be having that here in Auradon. We’ve given you a chance to change, but you clearly don’t care so I’m afraid that I have no choice but to send you back to-“. “Stop!” Belle interrupted. Huh? “Ben theirs something I need to tell you” she added. What the hell is going on? Can’t this family drama wait until later, I want to go home. “Y/n is actually your sister” Bella said “WHAT!” I yelled. Hold on, how, I, eh? I was filled with confusion. “She’s what?” Ben questioned. “Bullshit” I stated bluntly. “Mind your language young lady” fairy godmother shouted “oh shut it bitch” I spat back. She took a step back looking angry. “You’re lying” I hissed as Belle. “I’m not darling, I’m your Mom” she replied calmly. “My mom, my fucking mom. Don’t you dare think you can call yourself my mom, you’ve never been a part of my life, so why should you be my mom? How is it possible anyway?” I challenged her. Everyone including the crew all shocked and silent. “It was before I met Ben’s father, I had a run in with Dr Facil- your father” she began, I grabbed onto Harrys arm. Not able to think strait right at this point and feeling a bit dizzy from this sudden news. “he used his voodoo magic to put a love spell one me, we, well you know… did it” she added, I tightened my grip on Harry’s arm feeling more and more dizzy, he held me, becoming concerned of how pail I had become. “When you were born, I was still very young and, well, I didn’t want a child. So I took you and left you on your father’s doorstep, but I never forgot about you. You were I my mind every day. Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.” She finished becoming teary eyed. The room was spinning, my head was pounding, I couldn’t see or think strait, “don’t sweetheart be you bitch” and with the room went black, Harry shouting my name was the last thing I heard as I fell backwards into his arms.
I woke up, the bright lights hurting my eyes, I tried to sit up but my head was killing me. I groaned and shuffled around. I was in my bed in my dorm room. “Your awake” I heard the familiar Scottish accent say. I smiled lightly knowing Harry was there, but that smile quickly vanished when I thought back to what had happened, whenever it was with belle… I don’t know how long I’ve been out. “What happened?” I asked looking over at harr, my vision blurry because my eyes still hadn’t gotten used to the lights. “You fainted baby, I caught you” he answered. Walking closely towards me, he looked tired, dark circles under his eyes, that weren’t his eyeliner. His hat and hook sat on the night stand, his signature red leather jacket carefully laid on the back of a chair, his hair all messy, just the way I liked it. I smile one again as I studied his beautiful features, his arms, chiselled face, cheekbones, silver eyes, and once again his messy dark hair. He’s so handsome. He sat on the edge of my bed and placed an un-gloved hand on my cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb. I closed my eyes and leaned into his soft hand. “So I guess your half princess half villain then” he chuckled lightly. My smiled faded once again, “I ain’t no princess” I huffed attempting to sit up but hissing as the pain rushed to my head, Harry placed his hand on my arm, “hey, you need to rest love” he soothed me, getting up to grab me a glass of water. “Where’s Uma and Gil?” I questioned as Harry handed me the water, I took a sip. “Back on the Isle” he answered. I spit the water out, “WHAT” I yelled, “hold on, what, why aren’t you there - why aren’t we there.” I spit out in a fast and barely audible tone. “Well I stayed to make sure you were okay, but I am going back.” He stated, “And me?” I questioned, “They want you to stay here” he relied quietly but loud enough for me to here, “there is no fucking way” I hissed through gritted teeth. I pushed the covers off of myself, my bare feet hitting the cold floor, I stomped over to my wardrobe, getting out some clothing and putting them on then shoving the rest of my cloths into a bag. I grabbed my boots and slid my feet in them. “Y/n, please baby, you need to rest.” Harry exclaimed, I ignored him and walked straight out of my room and off to Ben’s office.
I slammed the door open and marched in, “you don’t really believe your keeping me here do you” I screamed at Ben walking over to his desk, Harry stood at the door. I ignored the fact that the four VK’s were sat there watching what was going down. “Sweetie, you’re awake” Belle chirped. “you can shut your mouth” I sternly hissed through gritted teeth I relied, pointing at her but not looking, instead keeping death lock eye contact with Ben. Belle sat down silently. “Y/n your family, your royalty. You belong here.” Ben explained standing from behind his desk. “Come on Y/n, you can change, we did, and we know you can to” Mal added. “You can shut up you pathetic, weak excuse of a villain. You’re a joke, you know nothing about me. Unlike all of you, I’m pure evil, even if I maybe half good, I will always be ten times more wicked than all of you combined” I began to vent. “I don’t belong here, I belong on the isle, I’m not gonna be a prissy princess you can dress up in pink frilly dresses and tiaras, I’m not, and will never be good. And as for you” I turned and painted at my so called mother. “You will never be my mother, your dead to me. I’ve gone eighteen years without you, and I’m damn sure I can go the rest of my life without you as well, you know nothing.” I pointed at her as she gulped, I walked backwards a couple steps and extended my arms. “I’m a true villain kid” I pointed over at Harry who had a smirk on his face. “Harrys a true villain kid” I pointed out of the window to the view of the isle. “Uma and Gil are true villain kids” I gestured the so called VK’s sat in front of me. “you, are not” I said with a sassy tone. “I don’t need this, I don’t need you. I need that place” once again pointing at the view of the isle, “I need my friends, because they are the only family I need, the only people I need to be happy.” I laughed “I need Harry, because if all else fails, I know that he, we forever make me happy.” I gestured to him and smiled. “I’m evil, and I’m not changing, not for anybody.” I said, and walked straight out of Ben’s office, everyone left speechless.
Finally Harry and I were in the limo that was driving us back to the Isle, Home. I don’t need my so called mother, or brother. All I need is right there on the isle, I have Uma, Gil and Harry, my best friends. My true family.
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Finding Neverland (6/?)
Summary: History has a funny way of repeating itself. Juliet Jones learns this the hard way as she finds herself thrown decades into the past, and tasked with ensuring that her parents fall in love. (CS movie redux)  Notes: Praise hands to @unfolded73 for the beta! Read on AO3. Previous Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Emma forgets Neal is dead.  
There's a dark humor to be found in that, how she had once wished for nothing more than for him to die, and now that he is, she forgets. For so long while he was alive, he haunted her, a ghost or shadow that would remind her how foolish it is to trust others with her heart. It only ends up broken. She carried a torch for him for a decade, but now that he's gone, it's like a weight has been lifted.
She feels guilty at that. He's dead. Gone. People don't come back from death. It's permanent. She should feel upset, or more upset than she does. Her mother acts suitably distraught, like she is grieving more than Emma, the one who loved him, the one he left behind. Even Hook sounds more broken over Neal being gone than she. But at least he has – had – a connection to him.
"He gets it from his mother."
Sometimes she forgets his history, how all-encompassing it is. She might joke about his age, but it's never really sunk in how long he lived and how much he loved. Neal's death hurts him. She wonders if Hook misses him. They didn't seem close as adults, but Emma is familiar enough with complicated feelings about Neal to know the situation is just that – complicated. She could ask Hook about it, but that would mean opening up to him, and that is the last thing Emma wants.
She can't entirely figure out Hook. He's a pirate. He wants – she refuses to believe there's a past-tense there – to kill Gold. He's admitted to killing many men over the centuries he's been alive. But...he turned the ship around. He's helping her find her son, and he supports her. And he's the type of guy who could love a woman so much that he would carry a torch for centuries.
She wonders what it’s like to love someone that much. She certainly would do the same for Henry, but Henry is her son. What is it like to feel that way for a lover? Her parents overcame curses for their love, and Hook overcame centuries. What did she and Neal ever overcome?
Nothing. Especially now that he's dead.
Being in his Neverland home reminds her how little she even knew about him. He never overtly lied, telling her he was a runaway, that his relationship with his father was tenuous, that he didn't like to talk about his past. He never mentioned his mother. Not once. Now Emma understands his evasion. It's not like she would have believed him then.
"Hey, so, my dad is Rumplestiltskin and I lived in Neverland for awhile. Oh, I'm also 600 years old."
Surely she would have thought he was crazy, and run in the opposite direction. Sometimes she thinks she should have anyway, but then she wouldn't have Henry. And, well, Henry is worth the heartache. He's the bright light in the darkness that her mother always goes on about. Emma sighs and continues to search through Neal’s things, investigating the life of a man now dead. She always thought she never really knew Neal, but that had been in relation to him leaving her. This is another layer, one that causes her to question how much she knows about everyone in her life.
Her roommate who she thought was a school teacher is actually Snow White, her mother. The guy who miraculously woke from a coma is Prince Charming. She's on a search party with both, accompanied by Captain Hook and the Evil Queen. No amount of bingeing Disney could prepare her for this, for them. What does she even know about them? What dark secrets are they hiding, if any?
Then again, what do they know of her? She hasn’t told her parents about Neal, and what went down between him and her. They don’t know about all the heartache of the past twenty-nine years, of friends lost and hopes crushed. Would Mary Margaret act so sad if she knew the truth? Knowing her mother, probably.  
And then there's Romeo and Juliet, whom she knows nothing about except for what they choose to share. Can she believe them? Her instincts say yes, but there's something off about them. She knows they've been keeping their own cards close to their chests – hiding Juliet's magical abilities is evidence enough – but is there anything else they're hiding? Deep down, she knows there is. Emma just hopes that it won't be something that would damn them all.
Emma glances back to her group. Her mother. Her father. Hook. And --
"Wait. Where are Romeo and Juliet?"
Her parents and Hook look around.
They're gone.
 "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Juliet's intentionally mangling the meaning of the sentence. In the play, the question is asking why he's Romeo, not where the guy is. But that sort of mistake is the kind of thing that would get Gideon to come out of hiding wherever he is and correct her. Besides, it's not as if she can actually shout his name – the real one and not the cover – without drawing attention.
She doesn't even know if she is walking in the right direction. She has no idea where he even went. So much for abiding by the "Stuck in a Different Realm" Buddy Rule. Then again, she broke the "Be a Good Girlfriend" life rule, so she supposes they're even.
Sometimes she forgets that Gideon has a brother. Does that make her a terrible person? Neal Cassidy has always been an abstract to her, someone who once existed in her family's lives, but now very much does not. He was the reason her mother gave her extensive lectures on safe sex. He was the reason why Gideon's father was so hell-bent on finding the Land Without Magic. He was even the reason for why Henry believed she and Gideon shouldn't date.
 "It's weird."
"Well, he's not related to me. It's not my fault your family tree is a mess." 
But aside from those moments, as far as Juliet is concerned, Neal Cassidy is a non-entity. Her "Neal" is her uncle, who is more of a brother to her than anything. But Neal Cassidy is Gideon's actual brother, a fact that she forgets.
Most of the time, Juliet considers Gideon an only child. He's even admitted that he feels the same to her. His brother died before he was born. Everything he knows about him is learned second-hand. He doesn't talk about him. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't care.
She combs her hands through her hair, wanting to scream. She's been too caught up in her own family drama to pay attention to Gideon's needs, firmly planting her in the "Worst Almost-Fiancé" category. At the end of the day, assuming they don't die or ruin the timeline, she can go back to her family. This can be a joke for them all, just like Prince Charles and Princess Leia. But when Gideon goes back, Neal will still be dead. This is it for him.
God, she's a self-centered idiot.
"Come on, handsome hero, where are you?"
She hears no answer.
Juliet reminds herself that she needs to keep cool, despite the wild pounding of her heart in her chest. Where is he? She's afraid. She knows how dangerous this island can be. She's heard enough horror stories from her father in that regard.
If something happens to him…
She shakes her head. No. She will not allow herself to jump to worst-case scenarios. He'll be fine. He's survived worse than a cursed island and an insensitive girlfriend. Hell, he's already survived one psychotic grandparent. He can survive another. 
Besides, he can’t die until she apologizes. Because it is definitely her turn to apologize. Sure, he could have told her what was going on in his head, but she might not have listened, too caught up in her own problems. She has to find him, say she’s sorry, and promise to be by his side when they find his brother. Juliet isn’t entirely sure of the timeline, but eventually her family will be making their way to Echo Cave. She and Gideon will need to find excuses for why they  don’t want to go in – maybe they can stay with Regina? – but they will find Neal, and Gideon can meet him fo the first time. And Juliet will be there holding his hand the entire time, just as supportive as he’s been to her.
She just needs to find him first.
Juliet stops herself from wandering any further. She’s already strayed far enough from what had been Neal’s camp. She’s not even sure she’s heading in the correct direction. That’s the most likely explanation for why she hasn’t found him yet. Standing still, she takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself.
She stands quietly for a moment, taking one, two, three deep breaths. It is in the silence when she hears the unmistakable sound of footsteps behind her. She turns around, hopeful to see Gideon and with an apology already on her lips.
Juliet doesn’t have the chance to scream before her world turns black.
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terreisa · 7 years
The Savior and The Scoundrel: Show Must Go On
Emma has had a few titles attributed to her in her life: princess, captain, pirate but none sat so heavily on her shoulders as Savior. When fate forces her to step into the role prophesied before her birth the only saving she wants to do is to bring back the man she loves. Fulfilling the Prophecy along the way is an additional reward. Sequel to A Crown and A Captain.
Prologue, Ch 1
ff.net, AO3
“Emma, would you sit, please?  If only for a moment?”
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes Emma half heeded her mother’s request by coming to a stop at the desk she had been pacing in front of and that her mother was sitting behind.  The constant need to move was a new habit, one that kept the shake of her hand at bay and had the added advantage of keeping her from finally talking to Snow.  Her guilt at avoiding one of few people she loved more than anything was only offset by her fear of once more growing close to her mother and then losing her all over again.
It had only been a week since they had sailed away from Snow’s island prison.  Emma felt as if she had used every excuse, from dealing with the single surviving guard in the brig to writing mundane entries in the Captain’s log, in a vain attempt to escape the inevitable.  She hadn’t had to come up with so many different reasons to avoid a conversation since Red had somehow smelled that she had been in bed with a man decidedly not sleeping when she was seventeen.  As embarrassing as the ensuing lecture about propriety and caution had been she would have sat through ten more just like it rather than explain exactly the type of woman her mother’s darling princess had grown up to be.
Emma had given Snow the captain’s cabin and allowed her to move freely about the ship, giving her mother the opportunity to see what she had honed over their separation.  Gone were the refined manners, the docile tone of voice, the dignified poise and in their place were stern commands to be followed, orders and praise equally barked out over the sound of waves and wind, and stalking from stem to stern with sturdy steps and working just as hard as the crew beneath her in rank.  All of that she was proud of, it was the life she had made for herself from the ashes of her old one, and yet it was just the varnished facade of the life she had truly been leading.  The one where revenge was her sole motivation and only Red and Pinocchio had kept her from blackening her heart.
When she had escaped from what she believed to be Regina she had just been beginning to understand the ramifications of being the future Queen of Misthaven would have been on her life.  Her lessons in arithmetic had slowly changed from mere numbers to problems involving crop yields and populations shifts, the ones in geography became studies of various kingdom’s resources and accessibility around or through various natural obstacles, and history had shifted from general knowledge of the realm’s past to pointed lessons on diplomacy between their allies and the fragile truce with their enemies.  She had no longer been allowed to travel alone or with only Pinocchio as her companion, instead ordered to take no less than three guards with her at all times and sternly warned against trying to leave them behind.  Then there were the suitors: flattering poetic letters sent with lavish gifts from far away princes, the sons of lords and dukes sent from all corners of their kingdom under the guise of paying their family’s respects to their rulers, and even a few older lords and dukes themselves making a play for power and for a young, attractive wife at the same time.  It had all rankled at her, chains that she hadn’t agreed to binding her, and she had foolishly wished at the time that she could be free of it all.
When she was unexpectedly forced into that freedom it was nothing like the fantasies she’d dreamed up as one tutor or another droned on.  She had been running for her life, hiding in caves and under thick bushes with Red and Pinocchio, all while soldiers tore apart villages and burned down farms looking for her.  The first stirrings of vengeance had come as she had stood over a broken doll in the middle of a pothole ridden dirt road leading away from yet another destroyed village.  The people had been in hiding, they could sense them on the edges of the woods and behind twitching curtains, and all Emma could do was stare at the wooden doll, its arm missing and a vicious crack through its roughly carved face.  It was then that she vowed to make Regina pay and not with the lenient punishments her parents had given before.
Emma had carried that vow with her as she went from innocent girl to a hardened woman and sloughed off her princess sensibilities to embrace the pirate.  It was the promise she made before she went to sleep at night after successful pillages and when she woke up to news of Misthaven ships on the horizon.  She never harmed the sailors she fought against, knowing that they’re loyalty was keeping them and their families alive.  Instead she hoarded every tale of injustice that reached her ears like the gold she stole pushing them into a place that only she had access to.  For ten years she had kept her righteous fury burning, stoking the fire as more and more reports reached her of Misthaven’s suffering and Regina’s cruelty, waiting for the opportune moment to strike when Killian had sailed self righteously into her life.
She had wanted to hate him with every fiber of her being when she had first laid eyes on him.  He had, however, forced her to reevaluate everything she thought she believed in, including herself.  It was as she was falling in love with him that she began to believe that not only could she regain her kingdom but could do so without becoming something she loathed in the process.  Killian had gone on to prove it to her after being dealt his own blows by Zelena’s hand and continuing to be a good man even as he was preparing for a war that wasn’t his to wage.
Somehow she couldn’t find the words to explain that it all shaped her into the woman she was, practically a stranger, when she was standing in front of her mother fidgeting like she did every time Snow was preparing to scold her about her unroyal-like behavior.
“I’m not the daughter you raised,” Emma blurted out.
Snow winced and Emma mirrored her, mentally berating herself for saying the one thing that could drive them further apart.
“I know that,” Snow said softly, looking down at her hands.
“I mean, I am but not?” Emma winced again.  She resumed pacing, “It’s been a long time and I’ve done things, good and bad, but not exactly what a future queen would do.  Red did her best but we were on the run and there was only so much she could do.”
“I know-”
“But you don’t.  I curse, a lot, and I eat with my elbows on the table while drinking ale but mostly rum.  I don’t rule over a kingdom but I do run command of a ship.  A pirate ship.  I’m a pirate or I was but I’m also the princess who can remember the proper protocol for greeting foreign dignitaries and which fork goes with which course.  I’ve stolen and been greedy but I’ve also tried to do some good.  I- I just can’t be what you think I am,” Emma finished sadly, once more coming to a stop in front of the desk but not looking at Snow unable to face the disappointment her mother must be feeling.
“Emma, sit down,” Snow commanded.
Emma sat immediately stunned to hear a tone of voice she hadn’t heard in a long time, even longer than the span of time that she hadn’t seen her mother.  They had been separated for a decade but Snow still seemed to know exactly how to get her to fall in line.  She looked up hesitantly at Snow and saw she was smiling sadly at her.
“I may have been locked away from you but I’m still your mother and I love you, no matter what you’ve done.  If you had stopped for a moment and talked to me you would know that,” Snow said it gently but the rebuke still stung. “I want to know who you are now and I want to know what you’ve done since our separation, both the good and the bad.  I just want to get to know you again, sweetheart.”
“Captain Swan,” Emma said with a smile, one that grew wider at her mother’s confused look. “When I started sailing I called myself Swan.”
“It suits you,” Snow said with a tilt of her head.  A flash of pain clouded her eyes and she frowned, “Your father?  Is he-”
“He’s alive, but-” Emma tried to assure her but her voice was unsteady and she could feel the tremors starting in her hand.  She had not only been avoiding telling Snow about her life but about the curse and her role in breaking it, “There was a curse.  Zelena cast it and I’m not sure exactly what it did but we keep hearing that Misthaven is in ruins and everyone has disappeared.  Dad was kept in the castle’s dungeons, he was most likely swept up in the curse just like Kil- just like everyone else.”
“Zelena?  What kind of curse?  Emma, what kind of curse?” Snow asked agitated.
“I- I don’t know,” Emma said taken aback. “Zelena, she’s Regina’s sister apparently and said she was getting what she deserved.  Her happy ending.”
“No,” Snow breathed out sounding horrified. “It’s been so many years, we should have been safe.  I thought we were safe.”
“You knew,” Emma said accusingly. “You knew about me being this ‘Savior’ and kept it from me?  Did you know about the curse too?  About what it would do?”
“We knew,” Snow said defeated, hanging her head. “The Dark One warned us about a curse that would stop time and take away our happy endings.  We made preparations but it never came.  We never wanted to find out why and just end up provoking Regina into casting it.  Every year that went by where nothing happened we felt relief, joy that we were spared.  Then, I guess, we became complacent.
“Your magic was so strong, even when you were a baby.  It was enough of a burden for you to grow up with.  Your father and I decided you didn’t need to know about the prophecy, your fate, when there was nothing to save us from.  Then Regina attacked and we were torn apart.  For the past eleven years I have spent every day wondering if what we did was right, if we should have prepared you better even when we believed we were safe.  I know now that it wouldn’t have mattered, you were always destined to save us.”
“Fuck destiny and fate and prophecies that don’t give me a choice.  I didn’t ask for any of this, I don’t want it!  All I wanted was to find you and Dad, to go back home, to be happy with-” Emma paused, fighting against the tears gathering in her eyes.  She had yet to utter Killian’s name aloud since telling Elsa what had happened with Zelena.  She wasn’t about to do so to Snow who knew next to nothing about who she had become, “-to be happy with my life again.  Although, I guess it was never my life in the end, just a pawn being moved about at the whims of others.”
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to make sure we’re still on course,” Emma said stiffly.
Stalking from the captain’s cabin at a clipped pace she longed for the Brooke.  She knew every inch of her ship and thus every dark corner she could disappear to in order to control her emotions.  Her only knowledge of the ship she was on that benefitted her need for isolation was that there was no one stationed in the crow’s nest.  With determination she made her way there, ignoring the salutes and stares of the crew in her wake.
After an hour of what she refused to acknowledge as hiding she climbed back down, windswept and in control of her temper and the shake in her hand.  Snow was nowhere in sight.  Emma took a deep breath and made her way back to the cabin.
“We were never explicitly told what the curse did.  The Dark One spoke in riddles, as he’s wont to do, and I was pregnant with you at the time.”
Snow began speaking as soon as Emma walked through the door, as if she hadn’t stormed out in a fit of pique.  Keeping quiet Emma sat down and promised herself she would listen.
“You have to remember it was a long time ago,” Snow said apologetically, glancing at Emma before focusing on the desk in front of her.  Emma realized she was looking down at a piece of parchment with covered with familiar looping quill strokes, “He said we’d be imprisoned but not in a cell.  Somewhere where time would stop and there wouldn’t be any happy endings.  That’s all he would tell us about the curse.  Then he told us about you, how we had to send you away and you would come back to save us, on your twenty-eighth birthday.  I gave him your name as payment but I don’t know what he was going to use it for.  The curse never came and we had no reason to seek his advice again.  I’m sorry, I don’t know anything more.”
“Zelena would only say that it was going to give her the happy ending she deserved,” Emma said shakily, going back to those fateful moments in the library. “She said it was the Dark Curse and crushed a heart to do it.  I barely escaped.”
“Where did she cast it?” Snow asked, finally looking up at her.
“At our castle.  We tried to stop her but her magic was too… it was too strong,” Emma finished on a whisper, the image of Zelena’s hand deep in her chest flashing before her eyes.
“Then we have to go back,” Snow said determinedly.
“There could be answers there or a clue, something you might have missed,”  Snow flipped over the parchment in front of her and grabbed a quill from its holder. She began writing, “We’ll need to determine if there are any other curses that require hearts.  It could help us narrow down exactly what this Dark Curse did.  Write down everything you remember about her casting it: smells, colors, sounds, anything.  When we get there we’ll be able to discover more and possibly what happened.”
“I-I don’t want to go back there,” Emma said desperately, a cold panic seizing her.
“What?  Why not?  Everything we need to know could be there, perhaps the answers could be in one of the books.  Why wouldn’t you want to go back and find out?” Snow’s brow creased as she peered at Emma confused and with a bit of hurt in her eyes.
“I just… can’t go back there.  Not after-” Emma’s voice broke and she found she couldn’t continue.
“Not after what, sweetheart?” Snow prodded.
“I’ve lost so much in that castle.  First it was you and Dad, our lives, our home.  Then I nearly lost my heart,” Emma patted at her chest, tears gathering. “This stupid, useless thing that keeps beating even after everything, everyone, else was ripped away.  We can find the answers somewhere else.  I won’t go back there and risk losing you too.”
“What is his name?” Snow asked softly.
“His name, Emma,” Snow smiled sadly at her. “I may have missed some things in your life but I know love when I see it.  What is his name?”
Emma jumped guiltily.  She was sure she had been careful not to mention anyone her mother wouldn’t know.  Especially him.
“Kil-Killian.  His name is Killian and he’s gone.  He made me go without him, to leave him behind to suffer whatever that witch did to hi-him an-and I don-don’t know if I can sa-save him.”
For the second time since she’d reunited with her mother Emma burst into tears..  Snow rushed to her side and once again gathered her in her arms as she sobbed.
Her tears ended as quickly as they started, like a summer squall that passed over the Brooke soaking them to the bone before moving on with a gust of wind.  She was left hiccupping in Snow’s embrace, listening to her whisper reassurances in her ear.
“Shh, sweetheart, you’ll find him.  Just like your father found me and I him.  How you found me.  We’ll find everyone, it’s what we do,” Snow murmured as she ran a soothing hand over her hair.
“I don’t even know where to start,” Emma said haltingly. “The scouts said that Misthaven was in ruins, no one left, they just vanished.  There’s been no word from anywhere else in the realm that they’ve been seen.”
“Then we’ll start with that,” Snow said encouragingly.  She pulled back and gently wiped the tear tracks from Emma’s cheeks, “You can tell me everything on our way back to Misthaven.”
“Everything?” Emma asked apprehensively.
“Perhaps not everything,” Snow said with a smirk.
Emma flushed knowing what her mother was implying but somehow unwilling to share that she hadn’t gone that far with Killian.  A decision she still wasn’t sure if she regretted or not.  Sleeping with him could have given her more memories to hold onto tightly as she tried to find her way back to his side or caused her infinitely more pain knowing exactly what had been torn away.  In the late hours of the night both scenarios kept her awake in her bunk, staring uneasily into the darkness.
“The kingdom wasn’t how I remember it.  Even before the Dark Curse.  You, we, need to be prepared for that,” Emma warned Snow.
“This isn’t the first time I’ve reclaimed my throne, sweetheart.  We’ll handle the problems as we come across them, not over worry ourselves before then.”
She blinked, amazed, at Snow’s confidence, “Then I’ll tell Andersen to set our heading.  It should take us two weeks to arrive at the port closest to the castle.”
Snow gave her a wide smile.  Emma returned it hesitantly, still uneasy about the decision to return to Misthaven but knowing in her gut it was the right one.  She stood and moved towards the door, pausing when Snow called after her:
She turned back and was surprised to see tears standing in her mother’s eyes.
“I know it hasn’t been easy, all this time on the run, fighting back.  I want you to know, from this bandit to you, a pirate captain, that I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become.  You’ll be a wonderful queen someday.”
Giving her what she hoped was a grateful smile Emma left the cabin quickly, knowing it seemed like she was escaping.  She had yet to come to terms with her role as some kind of fated magical savior.  Her future as a queen was almost too outlandish to contemplate.  It didn’t escape her notice that her hand had remained steady throughout their conversation.
Over the two weeks it took to reach Misthaven Emma did what she hadn’t wanted to do when she had found her mother: she shared her story.
It came out in fits and starts.  Snow listened quiet and attentive as Emma told her of how she escaped the castle with Red, Pinocchio and the dwarves, the year or so they tried to live as bandits and then their decision to flee the kingdom altogether.  She laughed as she remembered their first mistake ridden sailing adventure and settled into fond remembrance as she regaled her mother with stories of finding out she had a knack for it, and for attacking Misthaven ships.
They were three days out when Emma finally began telling Snow about how Killian came into her life and the whirlwind of events that had happened in the past year.  As the weeks had passed it had been easier for her to talk, to tell things to her mother she hadn’t wanted to at first but as she spoke of Killian she kept his true status to herself.  Not because she was ashamed but because it truly didn’t matter to her that Killian was a royal in his own right.  She merely didn’t want to unnecessarily open up the conversation to her future as queen.  Especially when there was currently no kingdom for her to rule.
“I haven’t seen this view in a very long time,” Snow said in a wavering voice as she came up to Emma’s side at the bow of the ship.
“Neither have I,” Emma murmured, continuing to look at the Misthaven coastline as it grew larger on the horizon. “I didn’t dare bring the Brooke this close.  Not only because of Regina, or I guess Zelena, but because it hurt too much.  Red didn’t even suggest it, not once.”
“It still looks as beautiful as I remember.  The first time I saw our kingdom like this was a year or so before my mother died,” Snow said quietly, almost wistfully.  Emma lowered the spyglass to look at her, “We had been visiting, oh I can’t even remember which kingdom, but we had sailed for weeks and weeks it felt like.  It was the first official trip I’d taken where I had been expected to act as a princess should.  At first I was so proud, happy even, to show just how grown up and proper I was.  By the time we returned and I saw Misthaven like this again I was ready to run off and be travelling minstrel.  My father pointed out I didn’t even know how to play a simple wooden flute.”
Snow laughed and Emma joined her, imagining her mother roaming the kingdom with a flute in one hand and her bow in the other.
“So much has happened since then.  Almost too much,” Snow sighed sadly. “I never wanted you to experience anything like I had.  I’m so sorry, Emma.”
“It’s not your fault,” Emma said aghast.  Snow dropped her eyes as if she didn’t believe her, “I never blamed you, not once.  This was all Zelena’s fault and Regina’s too.  They’re the reason for everything we’ve had to deal with, for all of our suffering.  Not you, never you.”
Snow hummed, neither in agreement or negation, and turned to look back toward the horizon.  Emma stared unbelievingly at her mother.  She wondered what exactly had been running through Snow’s thoughts during her long imprisonment and what part Zelena had played in shaping them.  One more thing for the woman to answer for once Emma confronted her again.
They approached the harbor with caution.  It quickly became apparent to Emma that she’d have to set anchor well outside the safety of the port.  Debris was butting up against the hull as Emma ordered the ship to slow to a crawl.  Even from their position still far out at sea it was all too easy to see the destruction caused by the curse.
The entire harbor looked as though a giant had stormed down from his beanstalk and used the ships as his playthings.  Every ship had snapped free of its moorings and only a few were left afloat.  The others were broken and battered, half sunk or smashed to bits contributing to the debris field that expanded with the coming and going of the tide.
Through her spyglass Emma saw that the village hadn’t fared much better than the ships.  More rooftops than she could count were collapsed, windows blown out as the glass glittered in the midday sun, signs and even some doors ripped off their hinges laying splintered on the cobblestones or propped up like grave markers.  It was hard to tell what originated from the force of the curse and what was exacerbated by the months that had passed.
Aside from the flocks of gulls and a few crows there were no other signs of life.  She had seen plenty of ports after a violent storm and it was disconcerting to not see a single person trying to set things to right.  Most alarming of all was the unnatural stillness in the village.  Even the birds hardly stirred, their intermittent calls pierced the heavy silence that blanketed the ship as they approached.
Emma gave the order to drop anchor, “My mother and I will go ashore with a small party.  From there we’ll continue on foot while the others gather what supplies they can to at least make it to a welcoming port.  Hold your tongues about your purpose there, if you must say something explain that you’re making a report for Queen Elsa for new trade routes.  It’s routine and shouldn’t arouse too much suspicion.  After that head straight back to Arendelle.  Andersen is your captain now.”
There was a beat of silence before Andersen spoke up, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, your- er- Captain.  Queen Elsa-”
“Is fully aware and supportive of this plan,” Emma cut in.  She didn’t need the crew questioning her decision or Andersen’s near slip of her true status. “Prepare a boat.  We leave in thirty.”
Leaving the crew to follow her orders she went below deck.  Snow was close behind and they moved about the captain’s cabin in relative silence.  It was only when Emma noticed Snow fiddling with the bow and quiver full of arrows she had given her that she paused.
“Emma, are you sure that you don’t want a few members of the crew to come with us?” Snow asked, not for the first time since Emma had told her of the plan.
“Mom, I’ve told you,” she said with waning patience. “While I trust them they’re ultimately loyal to Elsa and Arendelle.  I won’t drag them into this by ordering them to remain at my side.  Not when they have the chance to return to their families with stories to tell of their time with us instead of scars.”
“This isn’t only our fight, Emma.  You don’t need to do this alone,” Snow argued.
“I’m not doing it alone, I have you,” Emma said with a wide grin that only faltered slightly when Snow frowned at her.  She slung her pack over her shoulder, “They should be ready for us.”
She turned and left the cabin before Snow could respond or argue further.  The last thing she wanted to do was get into a fight with her mother over something she wasn’t willing to budge on.  Especially when they’d have no one but each other for company for the foreseeable future.
The boat was ready when Emma emerged on deck.  She was relieved.  If Andersen had decided to go against her orders she would have had to resort to drastic measures.  It wouldn’t have turned out well for any of them or her friendship with Elsa if she’d had to use her magic to guarantee that she’d make it to shore.  Before she could praise their efficiency Andersen pulled her away from the bustling on deck to the somewhat quiet helm.
“I’m going to put in my report to Queen Elsa that I am thoroughly against this plan.  It’s a reckless, dangerous, and absolutely foolish course of action.  Even more so when you refuse to elaborate what you intend to do once you leave that village.  You and your mother are the last of your line.  Your priority should be restoring your kingdom and securing your legacy.  Not frolicking off into the woods on some sort of fool’s errand.”
Emma couldn’t have been more shocked if he had slapped her.  Andersen had quickly figured out who Snow was when they had rescued her and subsequently realized what that made Emma.  He had tried to confront her about it multiple times over the weeks but she had rebuffed him every time, thankful that he had kept his revelations to himself.  She could see that it had been a colossal mistake on her part.
“How dare you speak to your captain and heir to the throne of Misthaven in that way!” Snow’s voice resounded from across the deck, every syllable ringing with authority.  Emma thought she could hear the commanding tone echoing throughout the village. “You are meant to follow orders without question, are you not?”
“Ye- yes, Your Majesty,” Andersen stuttered, clearly caught off guard by Snow dropping all pretense and dressing him down as the Queen of Misthaven.
“You have insulted not only my daughter and myself but your own Queen as well with your assumptions as to what should or shouldn’t be done.  When your crew has returned with what supplies they’ve found you will leave and never return under threat of imprisonment,” Snow’s green eyes snapped with anger as she looked over the crew that was watching her with trepidation. She turned back to Andersen, “You are hereby banished from Misthaven by my order.  Is that understood?”
“Yes Your Majesty,” Andersen said weakly, ashen and swaying slightly as though he might faint.
“Good,” Snow said tersely.  She made her way over to the rowboat that was waiting to be launched, “Shall we?”
Emma gaped at her mother as she climbed gracefully into the boat.  The crew scrambled to their positions, four of them joining Snow as the others prepared to lower the boat to the water.  Without sparing a glance at Andersen Emma made her way across the deck and was stunned to see Snow trying to hide a proud grin.  She clambered into the boat with less finesse than Snow did and signaled for them to be lowered, trying very hard not to catch her mother’s eye because she knew the moment she did she would start laughing and most likely never stop.
Her mirth died the instant the rowboat touched the water.  The view they’d had of the destruction from aboard the ship had been removed, even as they had slowly sailed through it.  Emma felt as if she was in the heart of it as the sailors in charge of the oars began to row them away from the ship and towards the shore.  They had no choice but to move through the water slowly as Emma and the two not rowing bent over the sides of the boat to push debris out of their way.  She couldn’t look at Snow and the tears that were falling steadily from her eyes.
It took over an hour for them to make it to shore and to find a suitable place to unload themselves.  Nearly every pier in the harbor was gone, only thick wooden pilings sticking out of the water to indicate where they had once been.  Finally she spotted a ladder that led to the water and ordered them moor the boat there.  The shortest among them would have to jump to reach the bottom rung but it was better than nothing.
She was the last to climb the ladder and was therefore the last to face what remained of the village.  Killian had told her of his small adventure to sneak on the Jewel when he had last been in Misthaven and she had asked him to describe the village in as much detail as he could remember.  His words had painted a full and vibrant picture in her mind.  To see the stark, broken reality in front of her felt like a knife to the stomach, the sharp bloom of pain in her gut that radiated a pulsing sick heat over her body.
They picked their way through the village carefully, worried that any wrong move might cause everything to collapse.  Without many of the signs indicating what building originally housed what they cautiously investigated every one slowly accumulating small jars of pickled goods that had yet to turn.  It was far from enough but Emma was confident with rationing and favorable winds the ship and its crew would make it to the next port without too much suffering.  For her and Snow, however, she hoped that the game in the woods would be far more plentiful.
It was late afternoon by the time they had scoured through all the promising looking buildings.  The road leading out of the village was clear, something Emma found oddly fitting as she stared off to where it disappeared into the forest.  Snow cleared her throat delicately beside her bringing her focus back to the group.
“This is- uh- where we’ll part ways,” Emma said hesitantly.  She was no longer their captain and even though they knew she was a princess she wasn’t exactly sure she wanted to start ordering people about as one.  She looked at the four sailors in front of her, “I know your perception of who I am has changed but I want you to know that all of you, along with your fellow sailors, were one of the finest crews I’ve sailed with.  Give my regards to the others and tell them I wish them smooth sailing back to Arendelle.”
“Andersen’s banishment does not extend to anyone else,” Snow chimed in quickly with a genuine smile. “If any of you reaches the rank of captain your ship will be well received here.  Once we’ve restored everything to how it should be, of course.”
Three of the sailors shuffled their feet.  Emma couldn’t tell if it was because they were uncomfortable with Snow’s invitation or if they were just eager to return to the ship.  The fourth was looking at Snow with a curious tilt to her head.
“Go ahead and go back,” Emma said genially.  She kept an eye on the curious sailor, “If you make good time you’ll be well on your way to a more bountiful port before night falls.”
“I’d like to remain behind and continue on with you, Your Highness,” the fourth sailor said switching her gaze to Emma.
“I won’t have you abandoning your post, sailor,” Emma said sternly. “You’ve sworn to serve Elsa- Queen Elsa- as a member of her Royal Navy and you’ll continue to do so.  Understood?”
“All due respect, Your Highness, but I’ve made no such vow.  I was hired on by Andersen as an able body that could follow orders and had some sailing knowledge.  My allegiance is not to Arendelle or her Queen,” the woman said as she squared her shoulders to stand tall in front of her.
Emma regarded her carefully.  Her face wasn’t a familiar one.  Not from her time sailing through various ports and cities or from her long lost life as a princess where people of all statures paraded through the castle halls.  She was older than Emma by about ten or so years with light brown hair and while she was pretty it wasn’t a face that would catch someone’s eye and hold their attention.  Curiously the only thing that truly stood out about her was the barely hidden pain in her dark brown eyes.  One that Emma was almost certain had surfaced the moment they had stepped foot on dry land.
“Who is your allegiance to then?” Emma asked slowly, already guessing what the woman’s answer would be.
“I was born and raised in Misthaven. My loyalties are with you and your mother,” the woman bowed her head towards Snow respectfully and then looked back at Emma. “I’d like to help restore the kingdom to the one I remember.  The one I loved.”
“It won’t be easy,” Emma said bluntly, ignoring her mother’s frown. “There are things we won’t be able to tell you and the things we do will become your burdens to bear with us.  If we allow you to come with us you need to trust us with your life as we’ll trust you with ours.  Do you understand?”
“I do,” the woman answered without hesitation.
“Good,” Emma gave her a grim but genuine smile.  She turned to the other sailors, “You’re dismissed.  Unless of course someone else wants to come along.”
She was amused and unsurprised when they shook their heads almost in unison.  They gave her and Snow perfunctory bows before beating a hasty retreat back towards the docks, the sound of clinking jars accompanying them as they went.  Emma watched them go with only a hint of envy that they could so easily choose which path for their future to take  She banished the thought quickly before her hand could start to tremble.
“What’s your name?” Snow asked.
“Grace, Your Majesty,” the woman answered, bobbing down into a small curtsey.
“None of that now,” Snow said, waving her hand. “No curtseys, bows or ‘your majesties’.  Not with what we’re about to face.  Call me Snow.”
“When was the last time you were in Misthaven?”  Emma broke in before Snow could offer Grace a cup of tea they had no means of providing.
“Almost two years ago.  I spent some time in Camelot and Balliolshire before heading to Arendelle,” Grace answered quickly, obviously eager to prove she was going to be helpful in any way she could.
“Well then congratulations, Grace, you’ve just become Misthaven’s royal historian.  Or should I say only historian?” Emma joked, grimacing as it fell flat.  She sighed, “Tell us all you can remember while we walk.”
“Where are we going, Captain?”
Emma smiled, glad that Grace hadn’t exactly followed Snow’s order, “Home, of course.  If I remember correctly you’ll have a day or two to tell us what we’ve missed while we’ve been gone.”
“And when we get there?” Grace asked cautiously.
“When we get there,” Emma repeated quietly looking to Snow for support.
Her mother gave her a watery smile as she adjusted the bow resting across her body.  Emma turned to look at the road that led towards the castle, pushing back the memory of the last time she’d seen it when Killian had been at her side.  It was too painful to continue otherwise.
“When we get there,” Emma said once more with strength behind her words, “That’s when we really start getting our hands dirty.  Still up for joining us?”
“Absolutely,” Grace said with conviction from behind her.
“Then let’s get going.  We still have some daylight to take advantage of.  It would be a shame to waste it.”
Taking a deep breath Emma started down the road.  The first few steps she still felt the urge to turn around and return to the ship with the other sailors, contention with Andersen be damned.  Then she heard the confident footsteps of Snow and Grace following her and she realized that for better or worse she had chosen her path long before she even realized there was a choice to be made.  Her path would always lead her to Killian and she would be damned if she allowed anything, even herself, to get in her way.
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