#wolf!suho drabble
oxhaven · 4 years
wolf!suho drabble #1
You stirred the pot of thick broth thoroughly, eyes trained on the contents of meat and vegetables being simmered slowly as you stood at the stove with a hand supporting your back. Your eyes glanced up for a moment, staring out the kitchen window at the lush scenery of greenwood and pine trees as the sun began to fall. Your loneliness was short lived when you felt fingers creeping along your waist, firm hands coming to support your body in replacement of your own hand.
“Smells amazing.” Junmyeon's voice vibrates in your ear, his chin resting upon your shoulder gently as to not put too much pressure. 
You breathed deeply through your nose, leaning back slightly as you kept your eyes downward. “It’ll be ready soon.”
“I’m talking about you.”
You chuckled with a roll of your eyes. “And you smell like outside. Go wash up.”
You heard his fake gasp from behind, his voice feigning hurt as he challenged you back. “Are you sending your poor husband away? I’ve been whipping wolves into shape all day you think I can’t take you on?”
You set the wooden spoon against the counter as you turned in his hold, your expression matching his of fake shock. “You’re threatening me in the condition I'm in?”
He spurted out a laugh, throwing his head back with laughter as you pushed at him to go sit down at the table. You took the now cooled down mug of tea you left earlier, letting the liquid slide down your throat as you hummed in appreciation. Your eyes glanced over at your wolf husband who now replaced you at the stove to tend to tonight’s dinner. 
“Have you thought of any names yet?”
You asked the question with curiosity, remembering the many times the both of you pondered over the many suggestions. He looked back, brown orbs blinking at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Just the ones I’ve mentioned before.” You pressed your lips into a line as you breathed in deeply through your nose. “I was hoping you had new ones.”
“We still have plenty of time to think of some, you're not that far along.”
You pouted, continuing to drink the green tea. “It feels like I am.”
“You even look like you are.”
“Hey!” You shouted, a look of hurt on your face as you watched Junmyeon turn to you with a playful smile, his tongue caught between his teeth. He turned the stove off with a sound of a click to cut off the fire before he was returning to your side to bend down in front of where you were sitting. 
“I think of names every night, love. But I want you to have the first name.” You stared at him with a raised brow, sipping on your tea as you watched the corner of his lips turn up into a knowing smirk. 
“Because who said we’re only going to have one?”
He raised up and signaled he was off to take a shower, leaving you alone as you pondered over what he said. You made a noise of acknowledgement, stifling a laugh as you leaned back in the chair understanding the implement as your hands rubbed over your enlarged stomach with care and love.
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an-annyeoing-writer · 4 years
werewolf!Suho x Reader: sleepy (first) encounter.
Word count: ~1,2k,
Warnings: minor mentions of blood & violence,
Rating: 13+, there’s literally more violence in school readings.
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He didn’t look half as graceful as he usually would, not even half as scary, although he’d surely cause fear if anyone was to spot him right now. He had impression that while in his wolf form, blood covering his whole fur made him look like someone to be respected, if not terrified of even. But then when he came back to his human form and there was blood and shreds of clothes covering him, he suddenly looked miserable, like a castaway. And he seemed to also feel like it; his fangs and claws would no longer be able to protect him, any other wolf could easily overpower him. To his luck, he smelt none anywhere around; only the remains of blood in the distance, behind his back, although he knew that the ones who put him in this state were no longer a threat. 
He could only push forward, despite pain and weariness. 
The sky got darker but with his sensitive ears he could already hear the small noises of the town ahead, as soon as he focused on them enough, but it soon gave him a headache so he decided to just move forward thoughtlessly, hoping that he won’t accidentally change the direction. 
And soon enough, had he spotted a house at the edge of the town, with some of the trees in the small, overgrown garden certainly offspring of the ones in the forest right behind the fence. There were other houses around, too, but in all of them – lights were on. It was evening, but not late enough for people to normally sleep. He needed to rest a little and have a look at all the damage. And he’d use some steak or fried chicken, too.
A few droplets of water hit his face, making him glance up at the gray sky. It didn’t take him long to decide that he doesn’t want to look any more miserable than he already does. 
He jumped over the fence, tripping over and falling on the ground on the other side. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds around him; the only sound he heard was coming from the second floor of the house. Its inhabitant must have been sleeping, because the sound was subtle. There was no one else in the house, that he was sure of. 
The backdoor was not locked, he found out soon enough; how reckless. It led him to the main corridor of the house, from where he already smelt the faint aroma of some food. He went straight to where the kitchen was; leftovers of Chinese takeout were present on the counter. Almost cold, but so good looking in his starved eyes.
He reached to the sink to wash his hands. Despite darkness, he could see the water turning red and gray from dirt and blood covering his skin. Good that a soap was there. 
“The towel is on your right.”
He was startled by the sudden voice coming from the door’s direction, jumping away from the counter as if washing hands was a deadly sin he just committed. 
He stared at the silhouette in the door, while the silhouette stared back; messy hair and pajamas, sleepy face; he briefly thought she looks quite miserable right now, after – apparently – waking up, but it’s not like he looked any better. She looked cute despite that and it was the second thought. 
“U-um, please, don’t freak out” he said slowly. 
The girl squinted her eyes; she didn’t look completely aware of what was going on. 
“No, don’t worry, I feel like someone who washes their hands first thing after breaking into my house can’t be a bad person.”
Junmyeon coughed awkwardly.
“C-could I, um… Will you be eating this?” he spoke, pointing at the leftovers.
“Oh. Er, I don’t think so. Heat it up in the microwave, just take the fork out first.”
She passed by him, going to the stove instead and putting a kettle on. He watched her carefully as she turned on the small light by the stove, finally ensuring her enough light to see his full form, which she glanced at curiously. 
Her eyes widened. But, against what would be the most predictable thing to do, it wasn’t – apparently – because of the state he was in. 
“M-Mr Kim?” she whimpered and his eyes snapped to hers.
“You know me?”
“I uh, I’m [F/n] [L/n] from the financial department-”
He didn’t really expect the person whose house he broke into to be the worker of his own company. What a coincidence. 
“Will I get a rise for this?” she asked and he stared at her, dumbfounded. That was when the kettle started to whistle and she turned to pour water into an empty cup. She stared at it with her brows furrowed for around ten seconds. “Ah. I know.” That was when she reached to the counter to take teabags out and put one in the cup. “You want some?”
“No, thank you” he replied politely. The microwave beeped and he took the leftovers out. The smell was really good. “Do you often eat takeouts?”
“Only when I predict my boss to break into my house. I wouldn’t let anyone steal my homemade lasagna” she murmured. 
He couldn’t help but smile at the comment. She definitely didn’t really wake up yet. 
He watched in confusion as she almost burned her fingers with the tea and then spilled half of it into the sink, pouring sink water instead to cool it down. As a result, it was obviously half as aromatic as before. Weirdo. 
“What’s the time?” 
“U-um… It’s almost nine” he replied, glancing at the clock on the wall. 
“Good, good.” She opened the counter again and took out some pills. Then, she stared at them for a few more seconds, before taking one and drank over with the tea-ish liquid. He kept staring. 
She let out a deep sigh, leaning her back against the counter.
“I should wake up.”
“Excuse me?”
“It doesn’t matter if I took the pills if I’m still sleeping. Goddammit. Dreams are tricky.”
Junmyeon raised his eyebrow, still staring at her dizzy form, the fork frozen in his hand. 
“Okay. Never mind. Please clean after yourself when you’re done. Goodnight.”
And with these words, she left the kitchen, probably going back to sleep.
Junmyeon thought that maybe he should leave her a note when he’s done, so that she doesn’t take the pills again by accident. Although he’d really like to see her face once she realizes it wasn’t a dream.
Or maybe no. Maybe it’ll be good to stay as a dream. Maybe she’ll see that the leftovers disappeared and think she just ate them herself? Sounded like a good reasoning for a confused mind. 
He also thought that maybe, instead of a rise, she’d use a few days off. But that’d be for later to consider.
Please, reblog if you enjoyed!
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youxidol · 4 years
Hi! I saw the drabbles and thought why not? Can I maybe get 145 & 161 with Junmyeon pretty please🥺 Love you!!✨
“Ugh, it smells like something died in here. Oh. It’s just you,” your face screwed up in faux disgust as you followed Junmyeon into the living room full of his clan.
They all greated you happily before settling down to listen to the leader’s plan to rid the city of a new clan of dark vampires.
You all came to an agreement that you’ll take it on turns to patrol, and if you saw anything, your pack and the clan would come together to try run them out.
After your “family talk” was over, you spent a few minutes joking around with the immortals.
“I’ll meet up with my pack and do the first round on the way home,” you smiled, pulling your jumper over your body.
“Don’t die on us,” Baekhyun teased with a smirk.
“Wolves aren’t that weak,” the prince scolded.
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass,” you shot, earning snickers from the members.
Junmyeon looked between you and his clan before letting out a groan, realising the vampire wolf alliance would be made ten times more difficult due to your childish bickering.
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exowolf-reactions · 6 years
To the end of love
genre: Suho Wolf/Royal!AU type: drabble/scenario characters: Junmyeon, reader Do not copy without permission or use in any way, this is my work.
I could watch her the whole day, I could watch her the whole night without resting. I could simply stay by her side without getting bored, for eternity. In fact, I did. I had to, it was my job.
I often thought that was the reason why I fell in love with her in the first place. During our training, they taught us how the royal family was the most precious treasure we could ever guard. They became our whole lives, they became our reason to be. Maybe I loved her because I was taught to, maybe I thought she was the most beautiful creature on Earth because they made me believe it or maybe it was my own heart who thought so. 
Either way, my heart would often race as our hands touched, every now on then. I wouldn’t call it ‘touch’, it was more like barely touching and it wasn’t every day, frequently or anything. Only when we wouldn’t get caught, only when it was only me guarding her, giving her company. I lived for those moments, I worked for those moments that give me life.
“I don’t want to do this” I heard her sigh even if I was outside her door, guarding it. “I don’t want to get married to some unknown royal. We have plenty here, why not choosing one of my own?” She was complaining to her maid, who was also her best friend. “Like who? Who can give you more than some heir from another country?” My heart sank with the maid’s words. I knew it, we all did. Even if I had some hope of my love being reciprocated, I wasn’t enough in her parents’ eyes. I was simply a knight, her knight. Maybe my family had been powerful once, but things change. That’s the reality. I can’t afford to marry a princess, not in their eyes.
“I love someone else” She suddenly said, making her maid drop something on the floor. As her knight, I’m obliged to enter even with the minimum disturbance, but I knew it wasn’t necessary. And I wanted to listen. “I thought I would never hear you say those words” Her maid and friend calmly said. “I know”. For a few minutes, no one said a word, I started to worry.  I was about to go inside to check if they were still alive when I heard her sweet voice say. “I want to marry him”. Sweet yes, but also full of sadness. My heart sank again. “There might be a way...” The maid said. “I’m not sure if it will work. But there’s an old myth... word says if the rulers don’t respect it... the kingdom will fall in disgrace”
“My lady, where are we going? We need to get back” I told her as I followed her, deeper into the woods. “You have to be back before-” “AH shush Jun! Nothing will happen, don’t worry” I sighed and continued behind her. I couldn’t disobey her, even if I knew she had to be back in the castle, as the ball was about to begin. “It’s now or never, I don’t have much time. I need to find it” I didn’t ask what we were looking for, I wasn’t sure if I was allowed. It was true that we had grown so used to each other presence that we were somewhat friends. But I never knew the limits of our trust. I was lost in thought, watching her every move, admiring her silhouette as the moonlight hit her skin and her shiny dress, when she turned to me and smiled. “We’re there!” She looked beyond happy and relief like her life depended on it. Maybe it did. “Where is, there? Here?” I asked a little bit clueless. But I didn’t get an answer as I could see it myself. “The heart of the woods...” I said breathlessly. A beautiful lake appeared in front of us, the sunlight reflecting on it. Yes, sunlight, in the middle of the night. “This place is...” “The place our bedtime stories talk about” She finished the sentence. “I knew I would find it” She looked towards me, this time grabbing my hand as our fingers intertwined. “You know what this means, right Jun? Only-” “Only soulmates can find this place...” She nodded. I turned to her, Seeing nothing but her eyes, ignoring the fireflies that surrounded us in a very special way. “How did you...” “Know?” She whispered, tears forming in her eyes. “I knew the moment you came to my room, introduced yourself as my most loyal knight.” We both laughed at the memory. “I know it has been hard Jun, you being my knight and I being the princess... but I couldn’t live with our hands touching every now and then... I needed more” Slowly and gently I pulled her closer to me, closer than she had ever been before. The tip of our noses almost touching. “You are the one who’s always saving me, doing things for me. For once... I wanted it to be me the one doing something for you, us” I didn’t care anymore, I knew that soulmates were more than respected in our world. So I kissed her lips, for the very first time. Her soft and sweet lips parted, returning the kiss. It felt warm inside, in my heart. But also everywhere else; like my whole existence was becoming one with hers. It felt like we were melting in a non-physical way. Her kiss was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me, my soul. How it lasted hours for us and yet only a few minutes passed, how we needed more and more as we continued, how the whole place seemed to be watching us, the woods witnessing our love.  When we finally managed to break the kiss, I looked into her eyes. Many questions forming in my head, until I saw it, saw the mark that appeared in our intertwined hands. Our soulmate mark. “My dear Jun...”I pulled her into an embrace, her face burrying on my chest. I carassed her head slowly as I watched the fireflies flying around us.  “Marry me princess... marry me Y/N. Be mine until the day we die” Felt how she started crying as she held me tightly. Her head nodded slowly. “I’ll be yours Jun, until the end of love.”
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 3 years
Werewolf Jk drabble
[ A/N: I was originally gonna put this in a story but decided against it :) ]
Y/N issa part of Exo
She isn't born into the pack like the rest, she's one of the very few who's adopted out (she was found in a forest without parents)
Jk is part of Bangtan, a rising pack, yet very powerful (Exo is already extremely big)
He catches a glimpse of Y/N when he moves into town and can't get enough of her
So he interacts sneakily with her in school, but not outside
(They're in college btw)
Sehun keeps a close eye on her and him, but doesn't say anything
Kai doesn't really care, knowing she can handle herself
Kyungsoo doesn't trust Jk, like at all and therefore always tries to keep them apart
So like, also when Kyungsoo, Kai, Sehun and her are at the mall
At some point Jk's instincts grow a little strong, and staying away from her slowly becomes kinda painful
He doesn't need to be with her 24/7, but he does need to see her more than just in school
When vacay starts, it all goes wrong, because he crosses territory when he's looking for her somewhere near midnight in his wolf form, senses clouded by her scent 
His pacc alpha is very mad (Joon) but when Jk explains he understands and gets to down to business with Suho
Suho rather doesn't form a pact with their pack, but decides to agree on having jk and yn see each other more often,,                                  - meanwhile you're tryna see what's going on, but all the boiz of exo are a little overprotective with you because you're on your period
When they finally let Jungkook out of the room they locked him in, he's a little overprotective of her too, and doesn't want to leave, it takes Namjoon's alpha command to get him to leave
Next day Jk's waiting for her at the border where both forests meet,, for like 20 mins before a pack member (maybe Baek?) Spots him
In return he gets her and they hang out
After that school starts again, and he actually comes down to it and asks her out, also filling her in in most parts, though he leaves out the part where he admits she's his mate
They start dating in secret, and hang out A LOT more
At some point they want to sleep together in the pg way and so decide to ask for permission,(mostly because yn wants to) for Jk it's mostly because he's affected by the moon cycle (if she was a werewolf she'd be in heat now), she's also affected because of his change in pheromones but isn't very aware of it
The answer is no,,
So Jk sneaks past the border later that night, and climbs up into her room,,
Except he's caught red handed by Kyungsoo, who sighs, but decides to let him in for this once, slowly understanding that Jk is harmless
It's the next morning when Suho himself sniffs him out and spots them in her room, sound asleep
At first he'll be mad cuz why defuq is he shirtless but then she awakes and slowly pokes her head up like- Huh, and she's just clothed
Cue another meeting, except they're both included this time
They own up to their relationship, and neither Joon nor Suho have the heart to stop them
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shaalk · 4 years
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[O]- Oneshot
[C]- Complete
[M]- Mature content (please only read if you’re above 18)
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Back together [O][C]
Characters: Minseok X Reader
Genre: Slight angst, Romance, CEO AU
Warnings: None
Summary: Being a wedding planner involves a lot of stress but, there’s also a truckload of joy that comes with it. It is always my goal to be involved in a wedding from start to end. This one though, was a bit much for me.
Words: 1750
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Confession [O][C]
Characters: Junmyeon X Reader
Genre: Slight angst, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, (very very) Slight crudeness
Summary: Junmyeon bumps into his ideal girl at the club and that gets me a little worried because I think i might be in love with him.
Words: 1726
Late night escapades [O][M][C]
Characters: Junmyeon x Reader
Genre: Idol AU, Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Unprotected sex, Creampie, Dirty talk, Panty sniffing
Summary: SM Entertainment has just announced that Junmyeon will be releasing a solo album soon. Because his hard work for the past 15 years as a trainee and an artist has finally paid off, he definitely deserves a special gift from me.
Words: 2494
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Great morning [O][C]
Characters: Yixing X Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Warnings: None
Summary: It’s the day after Yixing and I got together so I know it’s not going to be a good morning, it is going to be a great one.
Words: 1429
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Back to you [O][C]
Characters: Baekhyun X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Idol AU
Warnings: None
Summary: Many people find long distance relationships difficult to maintain. But to Baekhyun and I, as long as both parties put in effort, nothing is impossible.
Words: 1372
Big bad wolf [O][M][C]
Character: Baekhyun X Reader
Genre: University AU, Smut
Warnings: Dirty talk, Cunnilingus, Unprotected sex, Slight cumplay
Summary: Baekhyun sounds like the big bad wolf. But that isn’t the only thing big about him.
Words: 2713
Gamer + Bonus [O][M][C]
Characters: Baekhyun X Reader
Genre: Idol AU, Smut
Warnings: Strip tease, masturbation, use of sex toy, choking, nipple play, use of degrading names, dirty talk, creampie
Summary: Everyone knows how much Baekhyun enjoys gaming. That is the only thing he does whenever he has free time. But when he decides to do just that on a rare day that both of us are free, i’ll do just about anything to get his attention.
Words: 2444
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Expect the unexpected  + Bonus [O][C]
Characters: Jongdae X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Summary: Life has a way of throwing you into the deepest trenches at unexpected moments. At least that’s what I think. Jongdae however, always manages to see the goodness in every situation.
Words: 2194
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Cuddles [O][C]
Characters: Chanyeol X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Slight angst, University AU
Warnings: None
Summary: Chanyeol hates upsetting me and making me cry. But when he loses an important match, he’ll ultimately end up doing what he hates.
Words: 1290
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Proposal [O][C]
Characters: Kyungsoo X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Summary: Kyungsoo and I had been looking forward to our simple date for so long but because something cropped up at work, I had to take a rain check. Nevertheless, Kyungsoo isn’t going to let this deter what he had planned out perfectly.
Words: 1714
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Forgive me [O][C]
Characters: Jongin X Reader
Genre: Slight angst, Fluff, Exes to lovers
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Going abroad to study was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I have no regrets about it. I do however, regret how I left things before I flew out of the country.
Words: 1551
Bored [O][M][C]
Characters: Jongin X Reader
Genre: Smut, Boyfriend AU
Warnings: Unprotected sex, Mentions of wanting to get caught while having sex, Cumshot
Summary: In which Jongin tries his best to liven up a boring and repetitive afternoon.
Words: 1887
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How we started [O][C]
Characters: Sehun X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, CEO AU
Warnings: None
Summary: Sehun is that haughty yet handsome boss that everyone somehow falls for. I am not an exception.
Words: 1900
Stages of life [M][C]
Characters: Sehun x Reader
Genre: Exes to lovers, Smut, Fluff, Romance, Angst
Warnings: Will be stated at the start of each chapter
Summary: Being with Sehun is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. There are so many ups and downs, but as someone who enjoys thrill, I love every moment with him.
Words: 14623
My housemate’s man [M] 
Characters: Sehun x Reader, Jongin x Reader
Genre: Cheating Au, Smut, Fluff, Romance, Angst
Warnings: Will be stated at the start of each chapter
Summary: Sehun is cheating on his girlfriend with me, her housemate. He thinks we’re just using each other’s bodies, and so do I at first. But then my heart suddenly comes into play.
Words: TBA
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ace-angel-judas · 5 years
Can I get a drabble of Hope having a big fight with one of the alphas??❤️
“Where are you going?!” 
Bag in hand, Hope spun around to face an angry Xiumin. Normally, the eldest alpha of the pack was quite laid back but as any alpha, challenging him was a sign of aggression. 
“Stop being irrational,” Xiumin snapped. 
“I’m not being irrational!” Hope screamed, “What’s irrational is this set up we have! None of you will find your real mates like this, Tao got lucky! Kris and Luhan are gone because they’ve found them and we just don’t work all together,” 
He crossed his arms, puffing out a breath. Maybe they were down to two alphas now because the others had absconded, but Xiumin was struggling now. Suho would be able to handle this much better than him. 
“Stay until we find our mates,” He tried to reason. 
Staring at him in disbelief, Hope shook her head. Humans and Wolves were just two different species and now it was really showing, their emotions were too different. 
“No,” Hope turned around and continued to walk out the door. 
Xiumin was getting restless, he could smell the distress coming from the other pack members who had decided to hide away from the fight. Hope wasn’t surprised when a large grey wolf ran in front of her, growling. 
“Minseok,” Hope shook her head, “Get out of my way,” 
A whimper escaped the wolf and he shook his head, growling again. Hope knew he wouldn’t attack her but she didn’t want to make this difficult. Grasping her bag tightly, she walked past the wolf. 
He sat on his hind legs, watching as she disappeared into the treeline with her bag on her back. There was no point trying to make her stay, she would just ran when the chance was given. 
A loud howl rang through the air, making Hope flinch. 
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kpoppwriter · 6 years
This took me 12 years to update because I wrote so much in a month 😂
Updated: 10/08
EXO Reactions
EXO Reaction: You do aegyo
EXO Reaction: You’re short
EXO Reaction: He jokes about your insecurities
EXO Reaction: You’re his sister and stressed from school
EXO Reaction: He walks in on Xiumin and his GF
EXO Reaction: You suddenly kiss him
EXO Reaction: You get scared and hide behind him
EXO Reaction: You cuddle up to him because you’re scared of the dark
EXO Reaction: He walks in on Sehun and his GF
EXO Reaction: You get mad at him for buying you an expensive gift
EXO Reaction: You distance yourself because you don’t deserve him
EXO Reaction: Their S/O invites him to join them in the shower/bath
Mafia!EXO Reaction: Arguing with their pregnant wife
EXO Reaction: Walking in on their girlfriend touching herself
EXO Reaction: Idol girlfriend performs a sexy stage
EXO Reaction: You’re in pain because of your period
EXO Reaction: Going down on him
EXO Reaction: Sweet and cuddly girlfriend
EXO Reaction: S/O crying during sex because it’s so good
EXO Reaction: S/O holding in moans during sex
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Girlfriend doesn’t like being affectionate
EXO Reaction: Really good sex with their girlfriend
Mafia!EXO Reaction: Their S/O dying
EXO Reaction: Not wanting to have sex because you’re insecure
EXO Reaction: Argument with S/O
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Sleepy S/O walking around in underwear
EXO Reaction: S/O getting sick before their birthday
EXO Reaction: Argument with S/O pt. 2
EXO Reaction: Teasing them in public
EXO Reaction: Shy S/O
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Friend stressing out and having a meltdown
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Being close to an ex-member
EXO Reaction: Idol S/O ignoring them to break up
EXO (OT12) Reaction: S/O gets turned on by neck kisses
EXO Reaction: Their S/O Doesn’t Want Sex In The Relationship
EXO Reaction: Sehun Coming To Them For Advice On A Crush
EXO Reaction: Their S/O Isn’t Very Girly
EXO Reaction: Walking In On Their Crush Naked
EXO Reaction: Idol S/O Singing An Emotional and Powerful Song
Super Junior Reaction: Teasing In Public
BTS Reactions
BTS Reaction: You break up with him because of hate
BTS Reaction: You distance yourself because you don’t deserve him
BTS Reaction: You get mad at him for buying you an expensive gift
NCT Reactions
NCT 127 Reaction: You’re having surgery
NCT (Legal Line) Reaction: Being kissed on the neck
NCT U + Kun Reaction: Pushing him up against the wall and kissing him
NCT U + Johnny Reaction: Being self-conscious of your acne
Super Junior Reactions
Super Junior Reaction: Idol S/O Fainting On Stage From Overexhaustion
Super Junior Reaction: Idol S/O performing one of their songs
Super Junior Reaction: Pushing him up against the wall and kissing him
Super Junior Reaction: You gush about another group
Super Junior Reactions: S/O holding in moans during sex
Super Junior Reaction: S/O Asking Them To Teach Them Choreography
Super Junior Reaction: Their child says ‘Dada’ for the first time
Super Junior Reaction: Taking Care Of His Sick S/O
Super Junior Reaction: Their S/O Gets Turned On By Neck Kisses
TVXQ Reactions
TVXQ Reaction: He’s cast in a drama with his S/O
TVXQ Reaction: Being teased for being whipped for his S/O
TVXQ Reaction: Dating a Suju member’s sister
TVXQ Reaction: Their juniors are excited to see their S/O
TVXQ Reaction: Someone walks in on him and his S/O having sex
Day6 Reactions
Day6 Reaction: Asking them to go rougher in bed
BigBang Reaction: You Mumble Their Name In Your Sleep
I Will Go - optional bias angst
You and Me, Just Like This - Taeyong fluff songfic
Let Me Help You - Mark fluff/angst songfic
The Rain and The Memories - Lucas angst songfic
Little Notes and Hugs - Jaehyun fluff songfic pt. 1
Ice Cream and Playgrounds - Jaehyun fluff songfic pt 2
But Do You Like Like Him? - Haechan fluff
The Irresponsibility of Drinking - Xiumin angst/fluff
Collaboration - Sehun angst/fluff
Daddy - Xiumin smut
Forgotten Tragedy - Yixing Mafia!au angst
All Mine - Jealous Xiumin smut
After Performance Affection - Junmyeon fluff
The Love That Comes With Fear - Yixing fluff
Hate Comments - Chanyeol fluff
Hello Baby - Sehun fluff
The Wrong Kind Of Juice - Xiumin fluff
A Cup Of Coffee - Sehun fluff
Fishy Funeral - Xiumin fluff/comedy/angst(?)
Being Mischievous Has Consequences - Kyungsoo smut
My Princess - Junmyeon Royalty AU smut
Learned From The Best - Sehun fluff/comedy
Yes Sir - Junmyeon smut
A Remedy For Being Warm - Xiumin smut
Love On Set Of A Variety Show - Yixing fluff
Perfect - Yixing Mafia AU fluff
Super Junior
Brunch? - Heechul fluff/comedy
One Condition - Leeteuk/Heechul smut (threesome)
A Special Song - Donghae fluff
See Ya Later, Dad - Donghae fluff
Jungkook smut crack fic
Soldier - Taemin angst
Monsta X
A Little Jealousy - Minhyuk fluff
Is This What You Wanted? - YoungK smut
Rehearsal - Changmin smut
Hold Me Forever - DEAN fluff
Lazy Day - Zico smut
Poisoned Love - Sooho (Hwarang) angst
A Delicate Flower - Sooho angst pt 2
Day Trip - Junmyeon Train to Busan AU
          pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | epilogue
Belladonna - Baekhyun Royalty AU
         pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | pt. 6 | pt. 7 | pt. 8 | pt. 9 
Saving Far Water - Multi Idol Escape the Night AU
          Character Profiles | pt. 1 | pt. 2 | poll 1 | pt. 3 | poll 2
Lotto Series - EXO songfics based off the Lotto Repackage
          Lotto | Lucky One | Monster | Artifical Love | Can’t Bring Me Down |                      Cloud 9 | Heaven | She’s Dreaming | White Noise | One and Only |                        They Never Know | Stronger
EXO Headcanon: Kissing You
EXO Headcanon: Big Booty
EXO Headcanon: Freinds with Benefits
EXO Headcanon: Cockwarming
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Overstimulation
EXO Headcanon: Aftercare
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Orgasm Denial/Edging
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Proposing
Wolf!EXO Headcanon: Finding his mate
EXO Headcanon: Girlfriend suggests making a sex tape
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Thigh riding
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Their S/O has bad migraines
EXO Headcanon: Dominating and BDSM
EXO Headcanon: Female Member
EXO as Your Boyfriend
EXO as Your Boyfriend (NSFW)
EXO Ex-Members as Your Boyfriend (NSFW)
BTS Headcanon: Rejecting a girl for their career (Namjoon and Yoongi)
Super Junior
Super Junior Headcanon: Cockwarming
Super Junior Headcanon: Orgasm Denial/Edging
Super Junior Headcanon: Dating a new idol with an age gap
Super Junior Headcanon: Being asked about their beautiful girlfriend
Super Junior Headcanon: Spontaneous sex
Super Junior Headcanon: Rainy Day Cuddling
Super Junior Headcanon: Comforting a stressed S/O
Super Junior Headcanon: Angry Sex with Heechul
Super Junior Juniors (Headcanons on the children of SuJu)
Super Junior as Your Boyfriend
NCT (Legal Line) Headcanon: Overstimulation
NCT 127 Headcanon: Being teased about his girlfriend on a VLive
NCT 127 Headcanon: You’re shorter than him
NCT as Your Boyfriend
SHINee Headcanon: Proposing
Day6 Headcanon: Surprising him with lingerie
Monsta X
Monsta X Headcanon: Teasing in public
BigBang Headcanon: Comforting a stressed S/O
Dating Poly!Kpop
Drabble game #1 ~ Prompt list ~ Masterlist
300 Follower Drabble Game ~ Prompt List ~ Masterlist
Drabble game #3 ~ Prompt List ~ Masterlist
Fake Snaps
Boyfriend Jongdae
Boyfriend Donghae
Boyfriend Sehun
Boyfriend Yixing
Boyfriend Leeteuk
Boyfriend Junmyeon | 2 
Daddy Junmyeon
Boyfriend Eunhyuk
Daddy Xiumin
Smutty Yesung
Boyfriend Heechul
Boyfriend Kris
Big Brother Shindong
Smutty Donghae
Smutty Yuta
Big Brother Siwon
Boyfriend Baekhyun
300 Follower Admin Asks
kpop 8 + 11
personal 3 + kpop 17
personal 10 + 13
kpop 11 + 19
kpop 25 + bonus
personal 14 + 21
personal 11 + 20
NSFW Headcanons
Shindong - D,J,K,M,U,X,Y
Donghae - A-Z
Eunhyuk - A-Z
Mark Lee - A-Z
Kyuhyun - A-Z
Xiumin - A-Z
Sehun - A-Z
Yixing - A-Z
Taeyong - A-Z
Heechul - A-Z
Jackson - A-Z
Leeteuk - A-Z
Jaebum - A-Z
Taemin - A-Z
Phone Lockscreens and Wallpapers
Suho Lockscreens/Wallpapers
Mixed EXO Lockscreens/Wallpapers
Jaehyun/Mark/Zico/Jooheon/Lucas Lockscreens/Wallpapers
Who I Write For
765 notes · View notes
childofthenight2035 · 6 years
This is the collection of my posts. I'm sorry that I don’t update often. Please let me know if a link isn't working.
Last updated: 24-11-2019 [no longer posting]
(* indicates personal favourites)
Emergency Contact (Jackson Wang Fluff/Angst)  // Epilogue?
A Little Cheer (Chanyeol Fluff)
Elf (Chanyeol Christmas Fluff)
Library Cards Over Lunch (D.O. Fluff)
Portrait Mode (Suho Fluff)
Staircases And Sentiments (Kai Fluff)
Sing For Me (Kai Fluff) //Completed//  (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Dance With Me (Lay Fluff)
Friend Zone (Sehun Fluff)
Suits and Second Thoughts (Sehun Fluff/Suggestive)*
Sillage (Sehun Angst/Suggestive)*
Moonlight (Sehun Wolf!AU)* //Completed//  (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Bonus!)
Stuck (Xiumin Fluff)
Nothing But A Name (Jaehyun Fluff)*
Resolutions (Jaehyun Angst/Fluff)
Protect You (Taeyong Bodyguard!AU) //Completed// (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Serendipity (it’s written in the stars) (Ten Angst/Fluff)* // Teaser 1 // Teaser 2
Stray Kids
Letters To Who You Were (Chan Angst/Time Travel AU)*
In Which The Protagonist Is A Dumbass (Felix Fluff)
SKZ Drabbles: Masquerade Ball*
chan // minho // changbin // hyunjin // jisung // felix // seungmin // jeongin
Love At Laserpoint (Jimin Fluff)*
Photoaesthetics (Suga Fluff)
Karaoke Night (Namjoon Fluff)* //Completed//  (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Call Me Crazy (Taehyung Angst/Fluff) //Completed//  (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Noctivagant (Jungkook Fluff)
Cinderella (J-Hope Fluff) //Completed//  (Part 1) (Part 2)
Red (Jin Angst)
85 notes · View notes
fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Do you have any puppy!Jongin (or any type of hybrid for that matter) fics? Preferably with smut please! Thank you so much
Sorry I couldn’t find many puppy!Jongin but here you go
Agenda (Kyungsoo/cat!Kai, NC-17)Aphrodisiac (cat!Kyungsoo/dog!Kai, NC-17)Bambi On Ice (lynx!Kyungsoo/reindeer!Kai, PG)Better than One (Chanyeol/cat!Kai/cat!Sehun, NC-17) Cold Weather Warm Hearts (dog!Chanyeol/cat/Kai, G)Dog Days Are Over (Chanyeol/dog!Kai, NC-17) Fetch! (Kyungsoo/dog!Kai)Heart Vacancy (Suho/cat!Kai, NC-17)I Wanna Be Yours (Kyungsoo/cat!Kai, R)in with the tide (puppies!Chanyeol/Kai, G)Loved (dog!Kai/Sehun, R)Mating Mania (bunny!Kyungsoo/leopard!Kai, NC-17)My Dearest (bunny!Kyungsoo/wolf!Kai, NC-17) My Heart is Your Home (Chanyeol/cat!Kai, NC-17) Of dog treats and tail swishes (cat!Kyungsoo/dog!Kai, PG)Paws and Claws (kittens!Kyungsoo/Kai, NC-17)Paw at your heart (Luhan/Chanyeol with puppy!Kai, G)Purr for me, baby (cats!Kai/Sehun, NC-17)Spring Calls (penguin!Kyungsoo/bear!Kai, PG-15)Static warmth (Luhan/cat!Kai, G)The Theory Of Instincts (Kyungsoo/bear!Kai, NC-17)The World Where You Exist (Suho/cat!Kai, NC-17)Trust You The Most (Kyungsoo/cat!Kai, NC-17, check warnings)untitled drabbles: 1 > 2 > 3 (cat!Chen/puppy!Kai, PG-NC-17)
update! anon recommends If Lost, Return to : Baekhyun (Baekhyun/Jongin, NC-17) thank you so much for your help, we really appreciate it!
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your-fantasy-alive · 7 years
Master List
Groups We Write For(Girls)
Ship Rules and Regulations
Loki’s Fall
American Horror Story
Lobster Boy(Even Peters)
Big Bang 
Their Girlfriend Winning Awards
Flower Road 4/5
Flower Road 2/5
Flower Road 3/5
You Being Shy At A Party
 You Being A Clingy Wife
You Writing A Song For The Baby You Lost
You Cursing In English
You Being On The Bad Girls Club
You Finding Out They Cheated
You Walking Out After A Fight (Pt.2)
Teaching You How To Ride A Bike
Them Trying To Show Affection
Forget Me Not 
Meeting You (Devils Kiss)
Racial Comments Towards Their Girlfriend
Their Girlfriend Being Short
Their Girlfriend Getting Hurt
Their S/O Being Thick/Chubby and Being Insecure About It
Their Pup Growling At Them( Wolf AU)
You Being Insecure
You Being Touchy Feely
You Having Cute Moans
You Hearing Noises Downstairs
You Not Liking To Smile
You Singing An Emotional Song After The Break Up
Writing A  Song About Your Breakup With Them
You Falling Asleep on Their Lap
You Crying BC They Did A Cover of “With You” by Chris Brown
Rap Monster
Beautiful Trauma
Love Myself
“Take Me To A Place Without A Name”
We Don’t Have To Take Off Our Clothes
Dirty Tag
Early Christmas
Tongue Technology(R)
J Hope
Before You Go
Coming Out
San Junipero
Stranger Things Have Happened (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2)
Break Up Prank
Choice and Answer 
In The Morning
Something Gotta Give
Discordant Memories
Morning After
Touch My Body
Only You
Devils Kiss
Zombie Apocalypse 
David Bowie 
Space Girl
Being A Clingy Wife
Bringing Their Mixed Kid to A Meet and Greet
Having Your Period
Meeting for the first time( Suho, Tao, and Sehun)
Their Child Running On Stage To Their Mom
Their Crush Saving Their Life
You Being A Fashion Designer(Sehun, Chen, Xiumin)
You Being Praised 
You Being Worried About Them
You Performing On Stage and Fainting
You Walking In On The Jacking Off
Your Self Harm Scars
Showing their Shy S/O Affection
Rest A Little
“Water Date”
“There is No one Like you”
Army Of One
“Flame Date”
High Heels
Red Carpet Blues
“Lightning Date”
Never Be The Same
Beauty and The Beast Teaser
The Time I Loved You
Only Told The Moon
Lets Go Home
“Wind Date”
Chanyeol and Sehun Prank BACKFIRES
We Are One (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4)
Suho Mafia (pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt. 7)
Now Or Never
Do Over
Angry About You Speaking To Other Big Bang Members
Flower Road 1/5
Chasing Lights
Spoiling His Family
Harry Styles
Ex Boyfriend
“My Favorite Fantasy”
Jae( Day 6)
You Were Beautiful
Baby, I’m So Lonely
Mark Tuan
Him Ignoring You
Stranger Things Have Happened(Preview)(Pt.1)
Optional Bias
Talking To The Moon
Move Me
Texts (KPOP)
BTS- ( Suga) (Rap Monster)
YouTuber Imagines
Joe Sugg
Your Side
“The City Of Love”
184 notes · View notes
narika-a · 7 years
~ Main Masterlist ~
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✽ Their tall girlfriend making fun of them for being short
✽ Their girlfriend falling asleep on their chest
✽ Mafia AU When their fiancee runs away
✽ Their girlfriend trying to glare at them after an argument
✽ Their girlfriend ignoring them after an argument
✽ Them dating a romance writer
✽ Mafia AU Regaining their fiancee’s trust after she ran away
✽ Their girlfriend getting scared while watching a horror movie
✽ Mafia AU Them kidnapping the wrong girl
✽ You flirting with them
✽ Mafia AU Finding out the girl they fell for is a cop
✽ Finding out their girlfriend has tattoos
✽ Mafia AU When their wife tells them she’s pregnant
✽ Mafia AU When their pregnant wife tries to leave them to protect their unborn child
✽ Mafia AU Their future s/o being a spy
✽ Mafia AU Finding out their sister is with a rival mafia member
✽ When they apologise after a fight thinking you’re asleep and won’t hear anything
✽ Mafia AU When you’re scared of having their children
✽ Mafia AU When somebody threatens/scares you
✽ When you storm out after a fight
✽ Mafia AU When you get angry at them for killing an innocent person
✽ Mafia AU When they see someone flirting with their girlfriend
✽ Mafia AU When you get kidnapped
✽ Mafia AU When their fiancee rats them out to the police
✽ When they see their sister kissing another member
✽ Mafia AU When they fall for the girl they’re supposed to kill
✽ Mafia AU When they kidnap you for information but show interest in you
✽ Mafia AU When their s/o is a leader of another gang
✽ Mafia AU Wedding night after an arranged marriage
✽ Mafia AU First time after an arranged marriage
omg look at this reaction list, it’s practically mafia au only jesus 😂
Scenarios/One Shots/Drabbles:
Xiumin/Kim Minseok
✽ Wolf AU I Will Take Care of You
✽ Mafia AU Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold
Park Chanyeol
✽ Mafia AU I’m Not Letting You Go That Easily
✽ Mafia AU Look At Me—Just Breathe, Okay? (Writing Prompt)
✽ College AU Say It! (Writing Prompt)
Byun Baekhyun
✽ Mafia AU I Want To Protect You
✽ Oh My God! You’re In Love With Them! (Writing Prompt)
Oh Sehun
✽ I Just Need To Be Alone Right Now (Writing Prompt)
Suho/Kim Junmyeon
✽ Mafia AU Have You Lost Your Fucking Mind? (Writing Prompt)
Chen/Kim Jongdae
✽ Can I Sit Here? The Other Tables Are Full (Writing Prompt)
✽ We Still Have An Hour
Kai/Kim Jongin
✽ Mafia AU I Need You To Forgive Me (Writing Prompt)
✽ Mafia AU All I Need Now Is Her
Lay/Zhang Yixing
✽ Mafia AU Couldn’t Do It Then. Won’t Do It Now
Chen/Kim Jongdae
✽ Mafia AU There Is No Third Option [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Epilogue]
Oh Sehun
✽ Mafia AU If You Want Something, Come And Get It [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
✽ How Would EXO Propose
✽ Wedding With EXO
P.S. If you don’t see your request done here, I’m not ignoring it. I just need time to catch up with all of them.
5K notes · View notes
suho-mochi · 7 years
For Minseok fics: off the top of my head, Yeolology wrote a cute drabble called Proposal that I really liked. Also, Fairyscribbles has the Chronicles of the Wolf series that Xiumin has his own stories for. That's all I know of :( I look for stuff for him all the time, but it really is scarce. And he's my bias, so it's sad 😢
I think I might have read the Proposal one, but I’ll have a look again cos I want to be sure!! I totally understand your sadness tbh one of the reasons I started writing here is because there were barely any Suho stories T^T
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oh-beyond · 8 years
🛸 EXO Masterlist
Please note that updates will be made from now in the new all writing blog @myeoning-call this masterlist will be updated linking works to the side blog.
➡✴EXO Hybrid series✴⬅
✿ Multifandom Kpop Masterlist ✿
Ⓜ Mature content + 18 
💯 Recommended
✔ Completed
🔛 Ongoing
🔜 Coming soon
🕳️ Hiatus
👑 EXO K 👑
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♔ Suho ~ 수호 /  Kim Junmyeon ~ 김준면
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❁ She’s Dreaming Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ Monotony Ⓜ : Part 1-  Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
❁ Monster Stalker *Suho’s mate story* Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ Wasted Ⓜ part of Dismissal series collab with @messyscriptorium​ & @sootemptation 🔛
❁ Sweat Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Despacito, Suhito Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 ✔
❁ Pusillanimous Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔ 💯
❁ Ocean’s deep: (Drabble) ✔
❁ The prince’s visit Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Unintentional (Super Junior’s Siwon - Suho fic) Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 10 Parts ✔💯
❁ Stay Ⓜ Part of ‘EXO Coming Home’ series by @ninibears-erigom collab with other writers: (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Just the way you are: (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Jeweller: (Drabble) ✔
❁ Red Triangle: (ft. Red Velvet’s Irene) (Oneshot) ✔💯
❁ EXO as animals series: My bunny Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
♕ Byun Baekhyun ~ 변백현
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❁ Monster Stalker Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts  ✔ 💯 
❁ Saviour Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 27 Parts ✔ 💯
❁ Sway Ⓜ collab with @rockeryeol : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4.A - Part 4.B ✔ 💯
❁ Paths Ⓜ (Baekhyun-Luhan fic) Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Puppy love: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue  ✔ 💯
♖ Park Chanyeol ~ 박찬열
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❁ I’m not your friend Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4  ✔  
❁ Specialist : (One shot) ✔
❁ Cuddled Up! : (One shot) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Gentle Monster by @yourkeeperoftherunners : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue  ✔
♗ D.O. ~ 디오 / Do Kyungsoo ~ 도경수
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❁ EXO as animals series: Peek-a-boo, I can see you: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
♘ Kai ~ 카이 / Kim Jongin ~ 김종인
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❁ Stronger Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 8 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ Aroha means 사랑 : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Wishes Come True Ⓜ by @ninibears-erigom​ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 🔛
♙ Oh Sehun ~ 오세훈
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❁ My Queen Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 16 parts  ✔ 💯
❁ Off Limits Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Cry Wolf Ⓜ :  Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue ✔ 💯
💎 EXO M 💎
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♚ Xiumin ~ 시우민 / Kim Minseok ~ 김민석
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❁ Are you bored? Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔
❁ No! Not Xiumin please! Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔
❁ Kyosu-nim’s passion Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 💯
❁ Minseok oppa will fix it Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔
❁ Unwind Ⓜ (Xiumin-Luhan fic) collab with @xiubaek-13​ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ It’s also your birthday!: (Drabble) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Bad kitty Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
♛ LuHan ~ 루한 ~ 鹿晗
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❁ A what job for EXO? Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
❁ Don’t be afraid Deer Lu: Part 1 - Part 2  🕳️
❁ Unwind (Xiumin-Luhan fic) Ⓜ collab with @xiubaek-13​ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ Paths Ⓜ (Baekhyun-Luhan fic) Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 💯 
❁ Fear the Forbidden Faerie Forest Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Little deer (Xiao Lu): Part 1 🕳️
♜ Kris ~ 크리스 / Wu Yifan ~ 吴亦凡
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❁ That’s Lucie…: (One shot) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: A dragon’s heart: Part 1 - Part 2 by @shyukchimark 🕳️
♟ Lay ~ 레이 / Zhang Yixing ~ 张艺兴 
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❁ You have no idea Yixing Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔  
❁ The Postman Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Lost and enchanted Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue  ✔
♞ Chen ~ 첸 / Kim Jongdae ~ 김종대
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❁ Idol’s life: [Masterpost] 14 Parts ✔ 💯
❁ Healer - Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ Tinted Lips Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 6 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ Chen’s Lil’ Something Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 9 Parts  ✔
❁ I really hate that dress: (One shot)  ✔
❁ Compliments (Highlight’s Gikwang-Chen fic) Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 
❁ The Whisper in the Ashes Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 ✔ 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Soft Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔
♝ Tao ~ 타오 / Huang Zitao ~ 黄子韬
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❁ EXO as animals series: by @heebiejbies 🔜
❤ Reactions/Headcanons OT12:  
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🌌 OK But Imagine... (Mini Drabbles Masterlist)
❁ How your first shared kiss with EXO would be
❁ Chen dating a non idol headcanon
❁ Chanyeol in bed headcanon
❁ Chanyeol dating a non idol headcanon
❁ EXO seeing you first time in a library while you’re absorbed in a book 
1K notes · View notes
kpoppingimagines · 8 years
#11 EXO Suho wolf au pls💕💕💕
11 - “How did you get in?”
You knew as soon as you got a call from Minseok that something was wrong. Joonmyun had told you that they were going on a run tonight, so you’d made plans to go out with some friends. Only, you’d got as far as a couple of drinks before your phone rang.
“Hello? Minseok? Is everything okay?”
“Uh, not exactly, (Y/N). I know you’re out and everything, but-”
“I’ll be home in like fifteen minutes, what happened?” You stand up and mouth apologies to your friends, saying you’d call them tomorrow. They nod, and you shoot them a smile before walking out of the bar and hailing a cab.
“Well, we were out running, and Baek and Jongdae were goofing around like usual. Joonmyun yelled after them to be careful, and they shifted and dragged Chanyeol off with them, saying they’d behave, only none of us were paying attention and when Joonmyun spun back around mid-shift he knocked straight into Jongin, who stumbled back over a log and we think he twisted his ankle or something. He also got a nasty scratch down his cheek.”
“Is he okay?”
“Jongin’s fine, he’s gonna have to take it easy, but he’s okay. Joonmyun, on the other hand, won’t come out of your guys’ room. He’s blaming himself and over-exaggerating how hurt Jongin is. And you know how he gets…”
“Yeah, I’m in a cab now, I’ll be home soon.” You reply, sighing. Joonmyun always made things out to be more than they were, which could be good or, in this case, very bad. The thought of him locked in your room, stewing in guilt is making your heart ache.
Soon enough, you pull up to the house and pay the cab driver with a ‘thanks’. You’re greeted by Sehun and Yixing in the kitchen, and can hear Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol in the living room. “I thought you were out with your friends?” Yixing asks.
“I was, but Minseok called me.”
“Ah.” Sehun nods. “He’s with Kyungsoo in Jongin’s room now, but you should probably head up to Joonmyun.”
“Will do, see you later boys.” You wave and head up to the third floor in the huge house, coming to a stop in front of your and Joonmyun’s room. You try the handle but, as expected, it’s locked.
“Go away, Minseok!” Your boyfriend’s voice sounds from inside. You take out a bobby pin from your hair and bend it so it fits into the lock, twisting it and opening the bedroom door. “How did you get in?!” You step into the room and hold up the hair grip with a smile.
“We figured this out the day we moved in, when Sehun and Jongdae wanted the master bedroom and locked themselves in here.”
“Oh… I thought you were…”
“Minseok called me. It’s not your fault, you know. You didn’t know he was there. And he’s fine, Minseok said it’s only a twisted ankle and a couple of scratches, he’s just gotta take it easy for a couple days.” You make your way over to the bed and sit next to him, taking his hand and putting your head on his shoulder.
“But I’m the leader! I’m supposed to be protecting them, not hurting them.”
“Myun, it was an accident, stop beating yourself up about it, or I’m gonna have to do it for you.” You giggle, playfully punching his arm.
“Okay, okay, I get it. Thanks.” He smiles down at you and kisses your forehead. 
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Loyalty (Fluff)
Royalty AU (Part 1 Part 2)
Secret Agent AU (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 End)
I’m Yours (Angst/Fluff)
Broken (Angst)
Royalty AU (Part 1)
Royalty AU (Part 1)
Please Rest (Fluff)
Big Bang
But You Don’t Like Kids (Fluff)
Movie Night (Fluff)
Too Tired (Fluff)
Drunk (Fluff)
Don’t Listen to Them (Angst/Fluff)
Girl Talk (Fluff)
Block B
Park Kyung
Smitten (Fluff)
Welcome Home (Fluff)
Cold Nights (Fluff)
Sick Day (Fluff)
Rap Monster
Excuse Me? (Fluff)
Pranks (Fluff)
I Don’t Want to be Alone Tonight (Fluff)
It’s Over (Angst)
Calm Down (Fluff)
Video Games (Angst/Fluff)
Man-Child (Fluff)
Blackmail (Fluff)
Love is Love (Fluff)
Jay Park
Monsta X
Kiss Me (Fluff)
You’re Mine and That’s It, Forever (Angst/Fluff)
I Understand  (Angst/Fluff)
He’s Taken (Angst/Fluff)
You’re All Children (Fluff) 
At the Fair (Fluff)
Puns (Fluff)
Evening In (Fluff)
You’re Lucky I Love You (Fluff)
Someone Else (Angst)
Yeo One
Homesickness -Exchange Student AU (Angst/Fluff)
Paranoia (Angst) 
Bad Day (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 End)
Distance (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
Long Days and Late Nights (Angst/Fluff)
Honeymoon (Fluff)
You’re Safe With Me (Angst/Fluff)
Stress (Fluff)
Hate (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Cafe AU (Part 1)
Pleurs (Angst)
Mornings (Smut)
Late Night Cravings (Fluff)
 Pet Store (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Winning Isn’t Everything (Fluff)
Romeo and Juliet: The Sacrifice (Angst)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2)
Be You (Fluff)
Not a Morning Person (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2)
No Thanks Satan (Fluff)
Just Friends (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
I Didn’t Mean it (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
5 Seconds of Summer
Black Veil Brides 
Hunter Hayes
One Direction
Shawn Mendes
Aidan Turner
Andrew Garfield
Benedict Cumberbatch
Chris Evans 
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Pratt
David Tennant
Jared Padalecki
Jensen Ackles
Luke Evans
Matt Smith 
Misha Collins
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland
Dan Howell
Life with Eric (Fluff)
Harry Potter
Dean Thomas
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Nymphadora Tonks
Remus Lupin 
Ron Weasley
Sirius Black
Kane Chronicles
Carter Kane 
Sadie Kane
Zia Rashid
Magnus Chase
Alex Fierro
Magnus Chase 
Samirah al-Abbas
Alex and Magnus 
Sam and Amir
The Maze Runner
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase 
Clarisse la Rue 
Frank Zhang
Hazel Levesque 
Jason Grace 
Leo Valdez
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano 
Orignial Characters 
Introducing Amelia Zhang (OC)
Introducing Hunter Zhang (OC)
The Dark Artifices
Cristina Rosales
Diana Wrayburn
Diego Rosales 
Emma Carstairs
Gwyn ap Nudd
Helen Blackthorn
Jaime Rosales
Julian Blackthorn
Kit Herondale
Mark Blackthorn
Tiberius Blackthorn
Aline and Helen
Tessa and Jem
The Hobbit 
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne 
Johanna Mason 
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark 
Primrose Everdeen 
Annie and Finnick
Katniss and Peeta 
The Infernal Devices
Cecily Herondale
Charlotte Fairchild
Gabriel Lightwood
Gideon Lightwood
Henry Branwell
Jem Carstairs
Jessamine Lovelace
Sophie Collins
Tessa Gray
Will Herondale
Gabriel and Cecily
Gideon and Sophie
Henry and Charlotte
Will and Tessa 
The Lunar Chronicles
Cinder and Kai
Cress and Thorne 
Scarlet and Wolf 
Winter and Jacin 
The Mortal Instruments
Clary Fray 
Isabelle Lightwood
Jace Herondale 
Jordan Kyle 
Maia Roberts 
Raphael Santiago 
Simon Lewis
Don’t Underestimate Me (Angst)
Vampire Academy
Christian and Lissa 
Dimitri and Rose 
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner 
Derek Morgan 
Emily Prentiss 
Jennifer Jareau 
Penelope Garcia 
Spencer Reid 
Doctor Who
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor 
Eleventh Doctor 
Twelfth Doctor
River Song 
Bruce Wayne
Edward Nygma 
Harvey Bullock 
Jeremiah Valeska 
Jerome Valeska 
Jim Gordan 
The Hobbit
Black Panther 
Black Widow 
Captain America 
Iron Man 
Scarlet Witch 
The Wasp 
Soldier 76
Friendship (Angst/Fluff)
Romance (Fluff)
Us (Angst/Fluff)
Stop Running (Fluff)
Original Stories/Excerpts: Fantasy Novel
Introducing Ravenshade
Note: New fandoms will be added as I feel necessary. If you want to request something, but don’t see the name on the list, shoot me ask and I might still be able to write it. Just because it’s not on the list doesn’t mean I don’t know it.
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