#wolfdog anon
etherealkins · 15 days
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( X / X / X ) ( X / 🐍 / X ) ( X / X / X )
black wolfdog with themes of mushrooms, forests, and nature.
requested by: wolfdog anon | made by: crowley
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macaw-squawks · 5 months
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Silver fox and wolfdog stimboard, with themes of autumn, cozy vibes, and friendship!
Requested by; 🦊🌌 anon
Hope this works, Mr fox!! :> hoping I got the themes decent in here lol- let me know if you'd like any changes!!
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digital-halo · 2 months
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🐺 OC moodboard for 😸🍂 Anon / My Favorite Guy!!
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survivors-redux · 4 months
General thoughts/ideas on Sweet?
Clearing out my inbox and saw I missed this! Sorry!
Sweet is a strange character in Survivors. Due to the shoddy writing, she ends up treating Lucky extremely cruelly and yet somehow he still hold affection her at the end to sire her pups by next arc? If I were treated by my crush the way Lucky was treated by Sweet, I'd go for greener pastures. She has astounding potential tho.
First things first, Redux!Sweet gets a breed change. Greyhounds are too skinny and thin to be able to live without human assistance. One bad injury and she'll be dead by week's end. So she's changed to be a much hardier breed that can withstand Northern California while still keeping her a sighthound: a wolfhound. She could be a mix with strong wolfhound influences, but she's primarily a wolfhound.
Redux!Sweet retains her canon backstory of "I used to be in a pack but then I got caught", but she flees northward after departing from Lucky. She bumps into the Wolfdog's pack, and the two are extremely wary of one another. Sweet feels pity for the dogs under his rule, and plots to undermine the Wolfdog and usurp him herself. She plays the part of supportive second-in-command because she's trying to stay on his good side to blindside him in the future. Upon seeing Bella's potential for leadership, she ropes her into her plans, setting her up to become second-in-command if she becomes boss, or to carry out the rest of her plans if something were to happen to her.
She still treats Lucky pretty badly, though not out of malice. She's deep in character, and if she gets too friendly with Lucky, the Wolfdog is going to treat her poorly too. Lucky's pretty hurt by her treatment of him, and his ideal of her is shattered to the point he doesn't want to be romantically involved with her anymore by story's end. They do make up, don't worry, but it's not the same.
Upon becoming the boss of the OG wild pact, the pet pact, and Twitch's pact, she makes movements to get the dogs more independent from one another and turn them back into a proper pact, or rather trio of pacts. Martha and Lucky are given more importance as oracles of the Waters and the Earth respectively, and she teaches Bella and Twitch how proper leadership is done for dogs.
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ghostlynimbus00 · 2 years
So how "dog and owner"- like is the relationship between hybrids and humans in your discount dog verse? Do people have casual conversations with them? Do they take them for walks? Does billy find himself subconsciously curling up next to the door at night to protect Steve? Is it normal for billy to steal Steve's clothes? Or for them to talk on the phone? So many questions! ( You don't have to answer all or any, I was just spitballing)
Hey anon, thanks for the questions! <3
For a lot of these questions the answer is, it depends. It depends on the expectations of the human and the relationship between the human and the hybrid.
Some people in this AU expect hybrids to behave more like animals, others expect them to behave more like humans. A lot of people have mixed expectations (ex. they might not allow their hybrid to eat at the table, but they might expect them to help their kids with homework)
Hybrids are typically/naturally somewhere in between humans and animals when it comes to behaviors, but they're definitely more towards the human side then the animal side. They're mostly like humans with a few more animal like tendencies (that can be specific to the type of hybrid they are).
It's definitely going to be a bit of a struggle for Billy & Steve at first, because they aren't starting off with the best relationship and neither of them is sure what to expect from the other.
Here is a link to Discount Dog on AO3 if anyone is interested. <3
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im not saying this to come at you, as a bengal owner myself (though i do not plan to purchase any more of them), but aren’t there issues of ethicality surrounding the bengal breed as well, because of their wild cat blood? in particular ive heard stories from vets online regarding the fact that they do not handle visits the way fully domestic animals do and can be dangerous as a result. i see this in my own bengal as well despite his coming from a reliable and reputable breeder and regularly receiving comments from vets that he is very well behaved for the breed. despite being generations down, the wild blood has a clear effect on how well he handles shots, flea treatments, etc. however, outside of vets, very few people seem to actually discuss this matter in relation to the breed. i had personally not even thought about it until i saw them compared to wolfdogs, so i thought to bring it up to you in case you were the same.
Hey there anon, it's no trouble at all! I'll split this into two parts. It's gonna be a long one, so take a look under the cut for my answers (and a very cute photo of Kep).
The question about aggression is interesting to me, as I've never actually heard of bengal-specific aggression before. To vetblr and catblr, what are your experiences with bengal aggression? Do you find the breed leans one way or another?
On that note, let's look at aggression. Like I said, this ask is actually the first I've ever heard of bengal cats being aggressive! Of all the bengal owners I've talked to, both breeders and your average folk, none mentioned anything about human or cat aggression in bengals. As a high energy breed, bengals are known to be environmentally destructive when understimulated, but I can't find anything supported by science stating the breed is any more or less human/cat aggressive than your regular tabby. In talking to both my vet and acquaintances that work at vet clinics, they've all only had positive things to share about bengal personalities.
In my own F7 bengal experience Kepler is as sweet as a button, and even in high stress situations like parties or vet visits he is calm and friendly. He's never had issues with shots, ultrasounds, flea treatments, or handling from the vet. (Dave my domestic shorthair, on the other hand, needs multiple drugs including complete anesthetic to prevent him from hurting himself or veterinary staff, and has a greater history of aggressive behaviour). I actually purchased Kepler because the bengal personality seemed a lot safer and more consistent than adopting a dsh from the shelter and risking owning two aggressive cats.
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(A photo of Kepler at the fear free vet, allowing them to lay him on his back for an ultrasound and urine collection.)
Regarding ethics, the issue most look to is the Wild x Domestic cross of the asian leopard cat and domestic shorthair. In the United States and other countries with lax animal welfare laws, poaching and private ownership of servals to create the Savannah breed is an ongoing issue, so it makes sense to want to apply the same logic to bengals.
The reason the cross is not an issue to me personally is that the bengal is considered a "closed breed" under the TICA and CFA, meaning that breeders can no longer register and show <F4 bengals or create new bengal bloodlines by outcrossing to the asian leopard cat. As of this change reputable registered bengals are considered a fully domestic cat and not a wild cross.
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(The CFA breed standard stating no bengal can be outcrossed to asian leopard cats.)
This means that so long as you source your pet from a registered and reputable breeder, you are not contributing to the poaching or the unethical breeding of wild mixes. It's a fantastic inclusion, as it also actively discourages people from poaching, owning and breeding wildlife. It also makes it clear to potential cat owners like myself which breeders to avoid (ie. those that don't register or show their "bengals").
As an Albertan Canadian I also have further peace of mind as it is illegal for people in this province to own or import wildlife or wild mixes F4 or below, so there is no chance of getting a poached cat (or its offspring) unless I went to the black market or a particularly shady breeder.
Are there people in the United States and other countries that still cross domestics with ALCs? Most definitely. But I personally don't think that owning a cat that is;
Purchased from a reputable breeder;
Barred by law to be a recent outcross; and
Registered under a cat fancy that discourages outcrossing
actively supports modern poaching or unethical wildlife ownership. Cat fancy has taken steps to minimize the harm of bengal breeding and ownership on wildlife while still preserving a bit of cat history. Those steps are sufficient enough for me to be comfortable with it, and I hope that breeds like the savannah cat follow in their footsteps with a closed breed standard.
That being said, if the history of the bengal upsets you or is something that rubs you the wrong way, I wouldn't fault you for it. Wildlife and animal welfare is a bit of a tricky business, and it's not always black and white. Just make sure to do your research and be open to multiple opinions. I appreciate you reaching out to me, and I hope my own thoughts have given you something to think about, even if you don't agree. Cheers!
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spiritmoodboards · 2 months
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Moodboard for a black cat therian and black wolfdog therian, dark academia/goth/cemetery/art/death/black/pastel pink themes For an anon! Hope you like the look :D
We're closed for now, thank you!!
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slimeful · 2 months
Wolfdog Alterhuman Flags
[pt: Wolfdog Alterhuman Flags /end pt]
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[ids in alt text]
Wolfdog Alterhuman, Copinglink, Kin, Nonhuman, Otherhearted, Otherlink, Quoiian, Synpath, & Transspecies Flags
Etymology: wolfdog, alterhuman/copinglink/kin/nonhuman/otherhearted/otherlink/quoiian/synpath/transspecies
for anon!
@radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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[id: a green ivy plant wavy line divider. end id]
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tosahobi-if · 3 months
yeri! what would the ro's be if they were animals?
anon i want you to know this is literally my roman empire because i've doodled the cast as animals before!
jinwol would be a peacock. extravagant feathers, intricate rituals, territorial... the list goes on.
yul is a wolfdog mix that looks like a little fluffy puppy when they're young but grows up into a huuuuge canine. still loves cuddling and treats no matter what size they are!
iseul would be a horse! big personality, majestic, runs really fast, and will be your best friend forever. maybe a lusitano?
??? is a big cat. i'm torn between a black maine coon (floppy house cat that takes up a bunch of space on the couch and demands to be fed) or a panther of some kind. either or!
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beastie-bones · 7 months
Hii, can I request a moodboard for a high-content wolfdog, with themes of snowy forests & campfires? Tysm :)
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Here you go anon, hope you like it! 🐺❄️
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horsegirlalexkralie · 5 months
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coming off anon to give you the most tim/masky wolfdog
HIM !!!!! im so glad u guys see the vision thats literally him
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macaw-squawks · 5 months
Mr. Wolfdog!!
It's been a bit since we talked and I felt I had to change that!
I am here to request a moodboard and also a stimboard if you're not busy! I think this particular theme would be fun !
Could you make a silver fox and wolfdog mood/stimboard with themes of friendship, cozy/warm autumn, and general soft chill vibes?
I am playfully nipping your tail,
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Silver fox and wolfdog moodboard, with themes of autumn, friendship, and cozy, called vibes!
Requested by: 🦊🌌 anon
Hope you like this, Mr fox! Working on that stimboard, should be posted very soon after this board if all goes to plan :> let me know if you'd like any changes!!
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neopronouns · 5 months
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flag id: a flag with 7 stripes, with the third, fourth, and fifth being larger than the rest. they are grey, medium dark brownish-grey, brown-black, near-black, extremely dark grey, dark brown-grey, and faded brown. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
blackwolfdoggic: a gender related to being black wolf-dog hybrid
[pt: blackwolfdoggic: a gender related to being black wolf-dog hybrid. end pt]
for anon! the smaller outer stripes represent wolves and dogs and the inner stripes represent black fur. the term is 'black wolfdog' + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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survivors-redux · 1 year
hmmm an idea for wild packs in general:
Instead of a single pack of like 15+ dogs cause that’s just not sustainable or realistic, how about several nearby family groups that all have their own kinda territories? Like, not super protective of their land just a “this is occupied think twice about settling here” mentality, and they semi regularly band together under Mr Wolfdog because he’s the strongest. Lots of taking small prey until deer season or something which is when Wolfdog calls the mega pack together?
You're not far off the mark from what I made!
Packs have now become Pacts, and are more a loose conglomeration of dogs who swear fealty to a leader, called a Boss. In an ordinary pact, dogs live a little more spread-out from one another, usually sheltering with their sibling, lover, companion, or family. The Boss is the one in charge of organizing dogs to take care of a threat or negotiate with other Bosses.
Pacts only gather during nights of the full and new moon and other important nights for the great howl. Nights of the full moon also are the appropriate times for new dogs to swear fealty to the Boss and for puppies to undergo the final step in their coming-of-age ceremonies. These great howls are for dogs from the same pact to get to know one another and to learn of any new dogs in the region.
The Wolfdog subverts this by making everyone sleep in the same camp, nearly micromanaging their lives, and punishing dogs when they behave how he doesn't want them to. Most of his dogs were strays, abandoned pets, or were born into the pact, so most of them are extremely vulnerable to his abuse.
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loveandleases · 8 months
Wait, our dog will be a wolfdog?? Aren't they hard to take care of? :O I didn't even know one can adopt them out of shelters!
Now I'm imagining this fuck off massive dog who decided MC is their only human and now they are on a mission to go back to their REAL owner, fuck you, Chris!!
AND it will be half-husky?? "You took off my harness, now I must sing the injustice and pain of this brutal removal of my pseudo-flesh to the world starting 1 AM?" husky??
Oh, Chris is gonna pay MC to take the dog back.
That is one of the options yes! Honestly, they're about as much to handle as other dogs. It all depends on the personality! Yes, they're very loyal. When they get the zoomies might as well duck for cover, because they will take you out. It's a given.
Half wolf/ half husky (based on my own) ! Lol, if that is how you want to imagine them! Bed hogs though I warn you.
Yes get that doggo back anon!
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transolar · 9 months
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(pt: Wolfestic /end pt)
↳ Wolf-estic
↳ A gender that is wolfdogs and being domesticated. This gender feels like wanting to escape and be free, but also feeling indebted to the ones who raised you.
↳This gender is also tied to being otherkin.
☼ Requested by anon
[Flag ID: A symmetrical eleven striped flag. From in to out the colors of the stripes: black, dark gray, gray, light blue, light yellow, sunshine yellow. /end ID]
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