maxladcomics · 5 years
(Unless it contains spoilers) can I hear about your worldbuilding? I'm very interested-
OH MAN- Well I’m gonna start off with: I love worlds with certain restrictions, from resources, areas, whatever- the less that’s available, the more fun it is to work around everything else.
So obviously this is why I love the Undertale world, characters and concept so much- it’s heavily restricted in what the world is capable of doing/having because the barrier is normally a constant part of any AU. 
But I always start with a few base ideas, the first one is always: 
Food. (Of course). The original game already shows that there’s problems with food and resources, other than the fruit that Undyne pummels, and the eggs and milk MTT has, there doesn’t seem to be any form of fresh food available and some of the monsters are literally selling garbage as food. Most of the decent food are made from a long-life resource like flour.. while I don’t know where all this flour comes from, we’ll just pretend it magically comes from the dump and doesn’t somehow get soaked through and go bad. Let’s just ignore that monsters turn into dust when they die
I try to plan out how much of the layout of the underground changes depending on the world, I’ll use my version of Underswap as an example in this.
So for Underswap, the snow area would be later, towards the end. I haven’t completely planned the layout except that an area similar to waterfall would be directly outside of the ruins door, which is overgrown with vines/various plants. I haven’t named any of the areas because I’m emotionally attached to the old ones can’t come up with new ones. 
So any outside resource comes from the dump- I like to have it as a consistent in the underground across AU’s although maybe I should plan one without it.. it might be interesting. 
So the distribution of supplies/food will effect other parts of the layout, IF the castle can get some form of access to sunlight (I’ve always found that weird, IS IT SUNLIGHT, IS IT JUST FIRE- WHY ARE THERE BIRDS SINGING) then it should logically stay at the end but if there’s no sunlight available it’d logically be closer to the dump but would that risk blocking where it comes in- would the royal family give up being close to the barrier where they can see it for exclusive control of supplies? HMMMM
Obviously I haven’t completely planned that part out lmao. It’s something that can be changed at any point because it doesn’t effect the other characters or story that much unless I plan to draw it out. So I guess I’ll just pick what I like when I get to it.
Story-wise, regardless of the layout- the king will be at the end. I always like ending it with that, it never matters how much I change lol, the only AU I’ve made that doesn’t follow this specific route is Swapfell. (And technically Fellswap, but I haven’t planned much of that at all)
Obviously I’ve changed some parts where we expect certain monsters to live, so I get to throw them in. While I would like to cut hotland out completely (for layout/lore) I know that Alphys probably lives there because she’s a lizard, so there would HAVE to be some kind of warm area, not lava again though, I like the looks of hotland but it wouldn’t make sense in between waterfall and snowdin. On the upside, she’d definitely live close to Undyne so they could be dorks a lot.
Anyway- We know that Asgore and Toriel rule over the monsters, and depending where things are modified, or how, then that can usually change a lot from the start. In my Underswap (SPOILERS) Asriel wasn’t dusted by the human, and grew up, taking over the throne from Asgore and Toriel, I haven’t decided if they’re still alive or not, or how much they effect the story, it could be a lot or, none at all. 
Since I still have a lot to plan out lol, this is usually when I grab all my current ideas/concepts and yell at someone until I’m happy with what comes out lol. All this background stuff about the food would only be lightly implied with the characters, with how they act or appear. 
So I’ve got- Food, sources, layout and leaders/rulers.
I like to go over those world building questions lists if I feel like I’m missing something (Which I’ll have to when I want to work on Underswap more) but yeah, thankfully, with all the variety of the characters, I don’t need to worry too much about modifying them since they already have really good base characteristics!
After all that oddly vague rambling, I have one thing to add:
My favourite part of developing anything at all, is adding weird jokes or scenes: 
The vague area I mentioned before should be all foggy from the water that's used to cool the coreImagine Undyne describing it:"It's a slide""for water""a water slide""NO YOU CANNOT GO ON IT, IT'S FOR SCIENCE"
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What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
The sweetest things people do for me, in my opinion, are when people send me something (pictures, posts, memes, etc.) that they enjoyed or made them think of me. Like my friend sent me a picture of a cute mug and that made my fucking day. She also sent me a bunch of SAT memes after we took the pre-SAT. I also love when people send me funny tumblr posts or just a post they liked cause then I get to see something that they enjoyed and I get to enjoy it too!
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sylvester-sw33t · 5 years
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UwUTale and it’s legend shall rise.
Creators of UwUTale: @bane667, @voodoodo11, @wolfgirl55stuff, @xxdjedgelordxx, @maxladcomics, @bella-just-bella, and @luna-shimizu.
People who will be drawing UwUTale: @bella-just-bella, @luna-shimizu, @xxdjedgelordxx, @maxladcomics, @voodoodo11, @bane667 (Sorry If I tagged y’all twice)
UwUTale is a collaboration, and you may take as much time as you need on a page, there is no rush at all whatsoever.
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cliban · 5 years
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hey look it’s my 1st = favourite character that I physically can’t draw-
@wolfgirl55stuff requested a positivity Papyrus!
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tobimilobi · 5 years
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The next pages will be in about two-three weeks, because of the way I'm making thoes, and yes, they gonna have a little "animation", not a big deal, but still gonna look cool, I hope...? heh... (ó ꒳ ò✿)”
Also I really, really really love how the Toriel's fight pose and flames came out 
ಥヮಥ <--- *le proud as hell* I would also like to dedicate this page to @maxladcomics , @xxdjedgelordxx , @wolfgirl55stuff , @bella-just-bella and everyone who was on Max livestream. Thank you very much for your kind words and getting me out of a small emotional hole. 
I really had a great time with all of you guys~! (✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ~ ☆゚.*・。゚ 
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Music Tag Thing Apparently
Okay so I’ve been tagged in this for like a week so I gotta get it done
I was tagged by @emiliaf25, did me a big spook, was not expecting that
Rules: give 10 songs you cant stop listening to, and then tag 10 people
Mmmm okay
this is gonna be pretty easy at first No specific order here
1. Breakfast in America (the song but the album is a bop) - Supertramp
2. Long Way Home- Supertramp
3. The Logical Song- Supertramp (I’ve been in a mood lately
4. The Pokemedley- FreddeGredde
5. Symphony- Clean Bandit
6. Crush- Tessa Violet
7. Pretender- AJR
8. Three Thirty- AJR
9. Wish You Were Here- Pink Floyd
10. Shimmer- Fuel
thinking of more now that I’m done oof Honorable Mention the Walking With Dinosaurs Live OST
uhh peoples to tag
@maxladcomics, @wolfgirl55stuff, @bella-just-bella, @luna-shimizu, uhh you guys are like the only people I know well on here besides PastelMelody and she hasn’t been on in a long while so like... any other people that wanna do it go for it
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maxladcomics · 5 years
Ahahaha YAAAYYY (*´◡`​*) I’m so happyyy, thank youuu
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maxladcomics · 6 years
If you have time to, could you explain how you go about planning/making your comics? Other than drawing them, I mean. Like, how do you plan out what happens in a page, how do you go about scripting it, that kinda thing.
WELL- (This is gonna be a long post, so block the tag #longpost or #Maxramble if it’s too much!) 
I unfortunately keep most stuff in my head- but I’ll explain some small things that might help out!
I keep the base of every character set down, so I understand how that character behaves, and when I already know their backstory and how they react/behave to other characters, it makes their actions easier to put in a scene rather than plan out properly. Instead of asking myself “Hmmm how would they react to this-” I can trace back to those details I already know, and help myself realize how they would respond.
For instance- the comic I have in the works right now is much easier than the other ones I’m not working on >3>.. because it has Fell and Fell Undyne, who I’ve drawn a lot and grown attached to and they’ve got a lot of history with each other and they interact in fun ways. I haven’t done that much of Swapfell Papyrus, and Underfell Alphys. While I definitely relate to these two- it’s REALLY hard to figure out their ‘base’, especially since Alphys’s Past comic starts with how hers will be built, and show what she grows into and why- IT’S SO COMPLICATED AND I NEED TO LOWER MY STANDARDS SO I CAN JUST DRAW IT AND GET IT OVER WITH.
Anyway, that was a bunch of rambling.
So yeah, first: Character basics. Then I move onto the plot. 
I have a vague setup for the comic I work with, and while I wish I could put more details in, it seems like this is how I like to work and there just isn’t any way to fix it lol.
Also before these spoilers are notes of what the babybones behaviors are like- they’ll help me understand how the babies act and get an idea of how Fell can respond to them throughout the comic. This is normally what I have noted down when I bring any new character into a comic, so I can understand how they’ll act first, and how my characters can respond/behave around them.
These notes I’m showing, will be the first scene I’m working towards, so from point A (the start of the comic), and the goal is point B, here: (spoilers ahead! But vague spoilers, it doesn’t even spoil the first page)
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(Thank you Anon Paps for the ideas!)I mean there’s not much, so I need preferably a point C which is here:
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and other than that, the rest is in my head, but I can summarize it fairly simply. With Undyne’s help Fell decides to take care of the babybones (UT Paps asks him earlier in the comic to take care of them but the kids make everything difficult for him so he needed to talk to someone), suddenly ghost, things get a bit easier and something happens with Levee to make him a lot more tolerable. 
There was an idea of Fell protecting the kids after something, but I can’t remember it, I might bring that in if I figure it out lol. But yeah the comic will mostly be meant for cute/funny stuff and to encourage myself to draw more, which is how I’ll plot out the inbetween’s for each point. I also have a vague ending planned but that’s a secret :D…. and not noted down *quickly scribbles it down*
So while Paint Tool SAI version 2 has a text feature- I usually write out my scripts on Open Office Writer (Basically microsoft word, but free) and try to keep it to AT MOST, one A4 page. This depends on what’s happening in the page and how much talking is going on. In the past I’ve had to cut pages into two because there’s too much text.
Script for page 2: (Might not be full script, there’s more to this but it might not fit on one page AND I KEEP FORGETTING A BIT OF IT)
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(Out of context script is hilarious omg)
Obviously not shown: There’s a panel break (Silent panel) between a point in this script so far. After Fell says he’s going to call someone else, it’ll show Undyne looking extra confused, then Fell calling another number. 
So with my script I have a basic idea of what’s going to happen (or in the case of funny comics, usually a punchline to work up to) and build the page in my head as I script. If it doesn’t work then I do have to redo the script or even cut out scenes I like because they wont work. It happened a lot in the Drinking comic.
I guess the easiest way I can explain it is, the Point A, B, C and finale are the important points that HAVE to happen, and I consider every scene between that a mini point I can reach, but I don’t have to and it’s ok to cut them as long as they don’t mess with the main points. (…Although they can. All the shenanigans between Short Fell and Fell changed a lot of the other plot points I had, honestly most plot points are changeable, but I usually pretend they’re fixed so I have an idea of where I need to go. WHAT REALLY MATTERS IS THE START AND FINALE OK-)
It makes it much easier since Papyruses and Undyne’s are so.. enthusiastic, that they’ll usually do something without needing a prompt. I love characters like these.
Anyway, onto the drawing of the page: I don’t have any extensively rough scribbles to show, but I usually try to consider who’s in the scene (and if I have to, turn the perspective a certain way so I don’t have to keep drawing 3-4 characters every panel) and how they respond to whatever they’re given. If they’re in a relaxed scenario (like the Drink comic) then how do they respond? Which characters do they naturally gravitate to?  
I usually plan this stuff during scripting of course but anyway-
I’ve been drawing larger panels lately (Inspired by UnderlineAU) and usually draw smaller ones when the scene calls for it, like a silent reaction, or something happening in the background. As usual- I think that showing the character from the waist up is a good place to start so you can show body language and how they react without saying anything. Do they close off when someone comes near them but try to act friendly- or are they genuinely friendly? ALL FUN STUFF TO FIGURE OUT. 
Anyway, I try not to end the pages on something that’s too..??? That feels too much like an ending, I want people to continue reading, or know that there’s another page. Obviously I don’t cut a joke short and end it on the next page, but what I mean is.. with, say if all the characters said goodbye to each other at the end of one page and it seemed like an ending, then suddenly they’re talking again in the next page- it’d be weird xD.
I think I did something similar to that in the babybones comic? I vaguely recall them saying goodbye, and then having one or two panels to have them talking about the next place, so readers knew there was more. So that’s the kind of thing I mean
I’m not sure if I have any more to say lol, but I hope this helps??
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maxladcomics · 5 years
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Collab with @wolfgirl55stuff of Undertale Undyne!
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sylvester-sw33t · 5 years
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~Some Inspiration For Those Who Need It~
My friend had..a reeeaaalllyyy bad day yesterday, so before I give this to her tomorrow, I just want all my friends and followers to know: You are loved, you are appreciated, and always mean something to somebody. Don’t forget that.
@creative-poptart, @voodoodo11, @bane667, @bella-just-bella, @wolfgirl55stuff
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cliban · 5 years
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Breaking news: Local artist supports asexual, aromantic, both, and in between folks, even if she/they isn’t on the spectrum!
This goes out to all my asexual, aromantic, both, and in between friends! *cough* @wolfgirl55stuff @xxdjedgelordxx , I was thinking of you two in specific, but anyone who I haven’t mentioned, I support you fully as well!
My blog is an ace/aro/inbetween/both spectrum safe zone. Please unfollow me if you don’t like this, and do tell me/reblog this if your blog is a safe zone for our ace/aro/inbetween/both friends!
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maxladcomics · 5 years
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HERE'S SOME OF MY FAVOURITES- Obviously not all, probably not half. Most of these I wanted to draw as thanks for all the love I got a week or so ago- it was awesome and I wanted to show some love in return. SO HERE'S SOME COOL AU'S. First: Flora!Papyrus who belongs to @lemathehuman Second: Rust, who belongs to @wolfgirl55stuff and has an AU blog @shortoutau here! Third: Sanguine, made by @bella-just-bella I DON'T KNOW IF THE AU HAS A BLOG Fourth: This Underfell Papyrus design belongs to the really awesome @ask-ufpapyrus FIFTH: Is TWIST from the Twistfell AU, he belongs to @itsladykit Sixth: Illusiontale? AU Papyrus that @voodoodo11 created! I love his design so much- so cool! Seventh: I drew Swap Papyrus because I know @paintys-actual-art loves him thiiiiiiiis much
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cliban · 5 years
Quotes from 2019
If you know me, you’ll know I have a habit of taking screenshots out of context! This is my absolute favourite thing to do and here: Take my blackmail lol
@xxdjedgelordxx​ @thestrangecarrotcake​ @scribblings-of-a-mad-man​ @wolfgirl55stuff​ @messedupessy​ @bane667​ @voodoodo11​ @maxladcomics​ 
and the DA guys, Kernel, Tiger, and Cinna! I’ve probably missed so many people I’m sorry - AND I’M IN IT AS WELL
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I hope you enjoyed this because I loved making it lmao
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cliban · 5 years
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1st place raffle prize for @wolfgirl55stuff of her Underswap Sans! The cat in the background is her purrsona (Imsorry), and as far as I understand it, he’s aggressively gay ((maybe not the right desc but AGGRESSIVELY GAY IS MY FAVOURITE PHRASE I AM AGGRESSIVELY GAY-
Anyway here take this
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sylvester-sw33t · 5 years
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Drew something simple for New Years, and since I’m probably not going to be on later tonight, I decided to post it now.
And considering that I started Tumblr only a few months ago and ended the year with this, I’m extremely grateful, so thank you.
Personally, I want to thank @creative-poptart, @bane667, @voodoodo11, @wolfgirl55stuff, and @bella-just-bella. Y’all have given me a lot of support throughout the year, so thank you very much for that, I really appreciate it ^^
Happy New Years everyone!! ❤️❤️❤️
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cliban · 5 years
Raffle has been drawn!
The first winner is @wolfgirl55stuff ! And I noticed your tags saying you didn’t know what you would do if you won - so UH HERE HAVE 1ST PLACE I SWEAR IT WAS RANDOM
2nd place goes to @ask-d4c ! Thanks for the congratulations message UwU
and 3rd goes to @searchingwolf ! 
Congratulations to all of you! Please DM me for your prizes! 
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