#wolfwood x insert
bwaveq · 2 years
Just silently imagining a scenario between the reader and Wolfwood where Wolfwood wants to ruin their friendship and be lovers instead🦾🦾
(Totally not thought about while listening to a song)
They’ve known each other for a while now but something starts to feel unfamiliar, the way he’d rather spend more time with you than anyone else?, getting flustered over gestures that were once brushed off but can’t seem to be pushed away?, the room starts to grow warmer whenever you step into the room, heart fluttering each time you look his way,
Your lips starting to look kissable, along with the dying urge to just swiftly take up your hand and kiss your ring finger, it’s not just friendly feelings anymore. It’s blooming love, more than friends kind of situation yk?
Giving you his last lolipop even though it was his last one, making sure you’ve eaten enough before hitting the road with the others, Vash noticing how involved he’s been in your life LIKE PLEASE
IMCRYING i love this man sm
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novasintheroom · 10 months
Hello! Could you write about Vash and Wolfwood reacting to a shy/timid reader?
Thank you for this ask! I hope I did justice to what you had in mind! <3
I think Vash would see it as a sort of novelty to come across you – quiet and timid, shy to a painful degree. Most people he meets are brazen; gruff. To come across someone so…soft, is a treat in his long life.
He may not realize how loud he is at first. And even if he isn’t loud, he certainly catches quite a bit of attention. He’ll realize quickly, though, that this sort of attention is not something you enjoy. So he’ll do his best to quiet down and stave off any unwanted attention. He wants to talk with you, to see how someone remains so soft and shy in such a harsh world and survives.
If it has something to do with your living situation, you bet Vash will do his best to right it in some way. Maybe he’ll even offer for you to join him to the next town – see if you can start a new life there! If it’s just your personality though, Vash will see a strength in you that others often look over. It takes a lot of guts to remain soft and not crowd the world with your noise. He’ll have a great respect for you by the time you two part ways.
If you two decide to stick together, however, Vash may try to take over talking for you at first. He just doesn’t want anyone to walk all over you! You’ll have to grow into something a little more sturdy to adventure with Vash, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be quiet and strong at the same time. Quite the contrary. Vash often seeks you out for advice, as you often notice things others don’t. He will appreciate any look into your inner worlds, as they are vast and deep if he just has the patience to be let in.
Wolfwood would be a little jerk about it at first. He’d probably call you something like “Squeaky” for how timid your voice comes out or how you squeak anytime he looks at you. You remind him of some of the younger kids he was with in the orphanage – the ones who look lost and alone no matter how many kids are around. When he makes that connection, he turns into Big Brother™ and takes you under his wing.
Wolfwood would still tease you a bit, but it’s out of love and concern. If he keeps teasing you, you might actually grow some teeth and bite back one of these times. That would be a relief in his eyes, because he hates the thought of someone bigger than you coming along to rough you up. If you’re sticking with him and the gang, you’ll need to grow a backbone. Don’t worry, he knows it takes time. It’s a hard shell to crack! But with his help and jokes, you’ll be toe-to-toe with the best of them.
The longer you stick together, the more he seeks you out for company. Wolfwood may be able to keep up with Vash’s rowdiness and Meryl and Millie’s antics, but at the end of the day, he just wants to relax and have a smoke. You provide a warmth like that of dying embers on a perfect night. Your quietness turns more comfortable than awkward, as you settle into the routine of finding a secluded place to just sit and watch the sunset together. It can’t last forever – there are people to save and a Stampede to follow, after all – but it’s tradition. It’s sacred. It’s only between you two. He’ll protect you ‘til you’re ready to fight for yourself.
Even then, he’ll still call you ‘Squeaky.’
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silentwhispofhope · 2 years
Hello!! Can i request a Vash and Nicolas x reader with how’d they react by reader pulling them in by the waist?, either the reader is hugging them or giving them a quick peck on the cheek/lips
I hope You’re doing well!
A/N: Ooooo what a lovely idea! I hope you’re doing well too!
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Surprise Hug/Kiss Headcanons
Shy boi
He’s still getting used to all of the physical contact from you after essentially be single for 100+ years.
He goes soft when you pull him to you by the waist. It’s such an intimate action that gets him stuttering.
The blond turns red like a tomato, but he gladly accepts your affection. He ends up tucking his head into the crook of your neck to try and hide his blush.
He’s always surprised when you do something like this. Even after ten times, he’s still not used to it.
He’s initially shocked, but he quickly covers that up.
The undertaker gets very cocky from your move on him and tries to sneak another kiss or hug from you.
He will eventually pick you up and swing you around in his arms, trying to show you off to others.
After the first time, he can definitely sense when you’re about to go in for the kill. He likes to indulge you though, so he lets you get away with it.
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galactiquest · 1 year
Trigun x Reader Drabbles: Clothes-Stealing
Anyone else ever thought about taking your partner's clothes, or even having them take your clothes? It's something I've been thinking about for the Trigang for a bit... So here's some little drabbles!
Gender neutral reader--the only things assumed here are that you wear a t-shirt!
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Vash the Stampede:
Vash, sweet as he is, isn't keen at first to admit that he's been taking your clothes. Without your permission or knowing. Maybe first it was a pair of gloves, then a handkerchief, and then... One of your shirts went missing. Yep, he's a stealer, alright. The thing is with Vash is that he's so comparatively massive to you (regardless of whether you're tall or short) that your shirts on him either don't fit at all, or look like crop tops. Now, on the inverse? Absolutely. Vash doesn't have a whole lot of shirts that he wears (he's usually in that leather-like gear) but if he does, he squeals a little on the inside if you wear it, because he thinks you look adorable engulfed in his clothing.
Also, he might let you borrow his jacket later on... Or might scoop you up and hold you inside of it. There's room for both of you!
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood:
Wolfwood is a guy who would much rather take the "clothes-giver" role in the relationship. He primarily wears his suit getup, so prepare to either embrace the button-up dress shirts or to get his overcoat draped across your shoulders during the cold desert nights. (By the way, yes he does look stunningly handsome without the overcoat.) He's not necessarily preferenced towards wearing your clothes, but he did get caught with one of your shirts on one occasion. He immediately tried to explain it off by saying that his clothes were still in the wash and he needed something clean to wear... But he was definitely smiling about it a bit more than he should have been.
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Meryl Stryfe:
As a sort of ground-level girlfriend type, she's oft to take your shirts. Since she's smaller than most, your shirts would probably hang off of her and go past her waist (though those the same size or smaller, she'd still want to take them!). Meryl thinks they're extra comfortable because they've been worn by you, not to mention they smell like you (whether you wear a certain kind of soap, deodorant, cologne, etc. or just have a natural smell) which makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside. She prefers to steal your stuff while you're changing, taking a shower, or otherwise undressing--she's not particularly sneaky about it. You can't get mad at her, though, because she really does look cute in your shirt, and when she yawns and stretches, it raises above her stomach, and... Well, it's snuggle time.
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Milly Thompson:
Pretty similar to Meryl in the sense that she'd prefer to take your clothes rather than the other way around, but she also loves to offer her vest or overcoat to you if you're ever feeling cold or just need an extra layer. Since Milly is larger than most, some of your shirts might not fit her as well, but she looks beautiful as ever, there's no denying that. She loves to play around like this, too, claiming that she's you and she's the cutest partner in the whole wide world. Yes, she is endlessly adorable, and yes, you should keep letting her take your shirts. Even if she takes all of them.
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skelebellie · 1 year
entangled moments
gn!reader drabble interactions with the trigun stampede squad (vash, wolfwood, meryl, and roberto)
(hinted polyamorous relationship w/ vash, wolfwood, and meryl)
traveling through no mans land means hot days and cold nights. its not uncommon for you to shed a couple layers in order to refrain from overheating. however, you tend to miss the watchful eyes of your companions. on chilly nights you snuggle up to meryl, her back against your head as you snuggle into her for warmth. as the night progresses and morning comes your often found intertwined with each other, your head resting on her chest.
wolfwood once jokingly asked if you’d sleep with him one night, to which you nonchalantly said “oh sure i didn’t know you you also got cold at night”. he wasn’t expecting it to get that far. needless to say, he wasn’t too happy that you turned him into the small spoon.
after that meryl is only willing to share her “personal” heater with vash.
jk, some nights you end up pinned between meryl, vash, and wolfwood, body splayed across all three. roberto is left to shiver in the cold.
for some reason you salute roberto when you see him and no one knows why but it gives him a little ego boost so he lets it slide.
you and wolfwood are absolute menaces when left to your own devices. one time the rest of the crew came back from scouting and all they saw was you holding a target in the air and the punisher ready to fire. you could hear the screams of terror from a mile away as everyone was thrown into a panic.
you take a lot of time making sure vash’s arm is up to your standard. if you notice a slight uncontrolled twitch or a lag in his shooting your on him before he can even blink. asking him if hurts or if hes noticed anything unusual.
you often use vash’s prosthetic hand to cool yourself after a long day in the sun, the cold metal never getting hot in the blazing sun. sometimes you’ll be sitting and just guide his hand to the back of your neck, letting out a pleased sigh. he cant help but marvel at how large his hand is across your neck.
meryl is often found having one point of contact with you. you like it since physical touch is your love language, but meryl mainly does it to prevent you from getting lost. it takes one cool bug for you to be 10 miles away from the party.
in the back of the car your sprawled out across vash and wolfwood, your head resting across wolfs legs and your legs stretched across vash’s. the two realized how good of an idea it was so now you take turns laying down across each other when you have to drive to distant towns. vash will rub invisible images on your calf and you’ll play with wolfwood’s hands as a form of entertainment. admiring his calluses and scars. you pretend like you dont see the blush on the tips of his ears.
you love playing with vash’s hair. if your lucky enough to spend the night in a hotel, he will sit on the floor as you sit on the edge of the bed, massaging his scalp. you try to style his hair but it always ends up in the same mop like shape.
wolfwood bonking you on the head because someone asks you a question you should lie about but no one told you that so there you go… telling them everything.
vash and wolfwood are on wandering duty. sometimes you’ll just start going a different direction since something intrested you and they just kind of pick you up from under your armpits and just bring you back.
“okay lets go” you say and you start walking. roberto just kind of grabs your shoulders and turns you to where you should have been going. “yes i 100% knew that we needed to go this way.”
wolfwood goes to give you a high five while your hands are full so you kind of just slap your head against his hand. he almost pissed himself laughing.
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
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[ PAIRING ] Wolfwood x f!reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] Yes, this is a repost. Yes, I didn't write this my brain. [ SYNOPSIS ] idk you fuck your best friend's brother. I truly didn't think that hard about any of this. [ WORD COUNT ] like 1k [ CONTENT ] Porn without a stitch of plot, you're besties with your roommate, vaginal sex, "just the tip", he hits it from the back (ayyy), dubcon (drunk sex), alcohol, overstimulation, pet names (girlie, baby), barely edited, and nothing about this is serious like in the least.
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You alwaaaaaaaaays thought your best friend’s older brother was cute in a fucked up kind of way. He was tall, legs toned and long, and broad shouldered. His clothes were always disheveled in some way: pants that were too short and revealed his ankles, shirts with several buttons undone that showed off his chest. His black hair was always in a state of perfect disarray. He wore dark sunglasses all the time and chain smoked.
But the biggest appeal was that he was a seminarian. A priest-in-training. You assumed those types were stuffy, good boys that went to bed sober every night.
Nicholas, however, was anything but that. You wouldn’t say he was an alcoholic, but he felt no guilt when it came to imbibing. Anytime he stopped by he brought a bottle of dark rum and made you play drinking games. When your friend would go to bed, you would jokingly confess to a multitude of sins of varying severity.
And you alwaaaaaaaaays wanted something more to happen, but getting caught by your friend deterred you. She already thought her brother was a bit of a loser and she would have judged you endlessly for having poor taste.
She loved him of course; she simply didn’t hold him in high regard. His existence was too contradictory, the juxtaposition too much to reconcile. He was a lout of the first degree, but also was relatively pious and devoted to his studies.
Your friend wanted more for you (not her weird, religious brother). And as long as she was around you could fight off your desires with zero issues.
That’s why you were set up for failure the night he stopped by without warning. Your friend wasn’t home and your fantasy started to feel more tangible. Everything was falling into place; this was the perfect opportunity to indulge in your crush.
You scurried around in search of something slutty yet comfortable to wear which ended up being a pair of booty shorts, a cropped sweatshirt, and absolutely nothing underneath. You knew if you stretched your arms over your head he’d get a tantalizing view of your breasts.
You opened the door and told him that his sister wasn’t home, batting your lashes. He smirked and asked if you were doing anything, his voice like honey, endlessly beguiling. You invited him in.
“You tryna have some fun?” he asked with an impish grin. He held up a bottle of Bacardi.
“Hell yeah. Let me grab some shot glasses.”
You strutted to the kitchen with a little spring in your step. You looked over your shoulder to make sure your guest was following. His eyes were firmly pointed at your ass, noticing how the cheeks poked out from the bottom of your shorts. The swing in your hips successfully hypnotized him, pulling him deeper into your clutches. You were going to make this night count.
He took a seat at the table and watched as you grabbed two glasses from the highest shelf. He smirked as your sweater rode up, revealing the plush underside of your tits. You pretended not to notice.
“Shall we?” you asked, handing him a shot glass.
The two of you took shot after shot, rarely speaking to one another. You didn’t need words. A smoldering glance, a flirty wink, said it all.
“You got a drinkin’ problem, girlie,” Nicholas finally said, pointing at the nearly empty bottle of rum.
“You drank just as much!” you laughed, elbowing him.
“I’m shouldering the weight of God’s words. What’s your excuse?”
“I’m trying to get the courage to fuck a priest-in-training obviously.”
He cocked an eyebrow and genuinely seemed surprised by your bold initiative.
“Nah. My sister’ll kill me… And you too probably.”
“She will never know,” you purred, grabbing a hold of his hands and leading him to your bedroom.
You undressed immediately, tossing your clothes at him. You got on the bed on your hands and knees, and arched your back. You gave him the perfect view of your glistening cunt. You heard Nicholas fiddling with his belt and dropping it on the floor. He positioned himself behind you, rubbing the tip of his cock along your dripping folds.
“I’m only puttin’ the tip in, alright?” he said, flicking his lighter. You immediately smelt the acrid smoke of his cigarette. “I don’t need you fallin’ in love with me.”
He guided his cock into your cunt, stopping halfway, and began to massage your clit with his free hand. The pads of his fingers were soft and warm. 
“I want all of it,” you whined pathetically.
You craned your neck back and pouted at him. His cheeks were pink, jaw clenched. He was a man in trouble, a man weighing his options. He took a drag off his cigarette and put it out in the cup of water sitting on your nightstand.
“Alright. You want my cock that bad, huh?” he asked, playing with your aching clit.
He sank his cock inside you and he let out the most heavenly moan. It was thick, stretching out your cunt in a euphoric way. His thrusts were fast and deep, with an air of desperation to them. He kept his fingers firmly placed on your clit, furiously rubbing it. It was almost too heavy a burden to bear. You felt like you were going to collapse under the weight of your ardor.
“To—too much,” you choked out.
“Nah. Lemme show what too much really is, baby.”
He pinched your clit between his fingers and you yelped. It was already so sensitive, the pressure he was applying was dizzying. You struggled to hold yourself up and buried your face into your pillow. He was right. This was too much. But you loved it.
Nicholas chuckled and slammed his cock into you. His thrusts were relentless. Each one was punctuated with one of your dreamy moans. You were seeing stars, ascending into the arms of God, or something… you didn’t fucking know. Your brain was leaking out of your ears. And it didn’t matter; it served no purpose. All you needed was his cock throbbing in your slick cunt.
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creepygnomeking · 1 year
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Trigunsona for me to make them kiss Vash
Ramsey Jasket
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tomatoswup · 1 year
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summary: the when's and development of your feelings for a certain typhoon.
warnings: angst? more bittersweet really
A/N: honestly, this was a quick drabble after finishing notes for class :D since it was just a quick idea, i didn't really develop into a whole backstory and stuff without getting ahead of myself lmao but angst? yes(my first attempt) also was listening to tame impala's "For the First Time" as I wrote this so that kinda explains alot, enjoy!
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When you first started gaining feelings for Vash, it was a night filled with thought and contemplation from your own head. Was this right? He was your best friend for god sake! No, you can't like him. It's not that you didn't want to, you couldn't. Your mind told you to hold back, to stop whatever was developing in you about the typhoon. And as much as you didn't want to accept it, you were in denial. The pair of you have traveled together for so long but you never got tired of the mischievous glint in his eyes, and the toothy smile he would shoot at you. You found it..cute.
In your own words, Vash was too considerate for a world that put their back to him, and you found it admirable.
You clenched the jacket you wore tightly as the snores of your caravan filled the night behind a large rock you sat behind. Maybe you needed the priest to pray for you...
When you started accepting your feelings for him, it felt as if your stomach constantly hurt every time you'd stand too near to him. And honestly, Vash had been the first crush you've had in a real long time and that flustered you a bit more. Whenever he'd put his hands on your shoulders, the familiar sensation of electricity ran up your back to which he'd curiously ask why your face had flushed red. Were you sick? He recommended a day off from working around with Wolfwood. Of course he did. when he walked away, you couldn't help but quickly cover your face with your hands.
When you noticed the difference, it kind of...hurt. The fact that he had become more affectionate with Meryl, seeking to find her side and accompany her more than he had with you. Was that a hand-hold? You felt a minor tinge in your heart. But that was okay! You guys were still best friends! Why were you feeling some type of way about it? You should be supporting him! You try to shrug the thought off and continue walking behind them as that little toothy smile you loved and had thought was reserved for just you, was given to another. You smiled on to the both of them, ignoring the growing ache in your chest.
When Wolfwood finally noticed the change in your behavior whenever you gazed at the pair, you had already fallen deep into the heavy pressure that resided in your heart. You didn't want to stop Vash from going after Meryl. What kind of person would you be if you did? Wolfwood confronts you as you had temporarily stepped away one night as everyone took camp in the dry deserts of No Man's Land. And as the more questions Wolfwood asked you, the more your throat felt as if it wanted to burn. And it wasn't until he asked a singular question, that you broke. You sobbed as the ache in your chest got unbearable and so heavy your stomach dropped to the floor and the familiar feeling of wanting to throw up arose. Wolfwood sighs and takes a seat next to you, rubbing your back as you leaned onto him for support.
"Is it needle-noggin and Meryl?"
When Vash and Meryl got officially together and Vash had come to break the news to you, you couldn't help but give him a pained smile, not even attempting to speak in fear of a tear falling out. and he asks what's wrong? Were you feeling okay? Did you need help? And he gives you that same toothy-nervous grin when you shake your head in fake reassurance.
oh how you missed that smile.
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drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
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Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader at the ball
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader beginning
Vash X reader who plays flute
First oral with Vash (f! receiving)
First oral with Vash (Vash receiving)
Vash x grieving s/o
Protective and comforting Vash
Vash thinking on dating a human woman
Morning cuddles with Vash
People watching
Vash with immortal s/o
Vash pining for reader
Vash biting (nsfw)
Vash x reader (eldritch horror au)
Vash crying during sex
Vash x physically strong muscular reader
Vash x touch-starved reader
Decay (hurt/comfort)
Uncanny Vash
Uncanny Vash smut (nsfw)
Vash tending to reader's wounds (sfw, fluff)
Clubbing with Vash (cyberpunk AU)
First time with Livio
Morning cuddles with Livio
Livio x small reader (nsfw)
Livio proposing hc (sfw)
Livio x reader who wants family (sfw)
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Kishibe's kinks
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Lucid dreams
Toji x bimbo girlfriend
Bodyguard!Toji x rich girl!reader
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Himeko pampering you (nsfw)
Jealous Himeko (nsfw)
fem!reader caressing Himeko's breasts (nsfw)
Himeko nsfw alphabet
Himeko riding reader's face (nsfw)
Serval riling up reader (nsfw)
Sampo pegging h/c (nsfw)
Sampo x fem!reader who works at Natasha's clinic (sfw)
Jealous Gepard (nsfw)
Gepard pegging h/c (nsfw)
A tale of tails (nsfw)
Jealous Dan Heng
Reader straddling Dan Heng's lap and holding his chin
Creampie with Dan Heng (nsfw)
Lapis Lazuli (nsfw)
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Spawn!Astarion x reader post ending headcanons
Savium (kisses headcanons)
NSFW headcanons
Sleeping headcanons
Overprotective Syzoth (drabble, hurt/comfort)
Heavenly (drabble, nsfw)
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currebunz · 5 months
Ch 10: Fun in Friday
AO3 link
After a shower and much needed restocking, it was time to head out. Roberto had the wheel while you were stuck in the back with Vash and Nicholas. It was usually cramped, the two larger men taking up most of the room. However, this time it felt stuffy. A weird sense of awkwardness hung only in the backseat. You glanced at Nicholas, he did appear any different. If anything, he was more relaxed considering what happened before you left. When you turned to Vash, he was just looking out the window. 
He wouldn’t budge, less the truck bounced a little too hard and caused everyone to shift. You would have lost interest if not for the fact you caught him slipping. You saw Vash turn and try to peek at you, he was really bad at hiding it with the way he jumped. Perhaps he hadn’t expected to see you staring at him. Either way, you were a bit annoyed that he was purposely avoiding eye contact. But that would have to wait for when you could get him alone.
“Where are we going? I don’t see anything” Meryl complained.
“You’ll see when we get there,” Roberto said gruffly.
“What do you mean ‘you’ll see? We should know now” she argued.
“It’s not some place you kids would know” he continued.
Nicholas grumbled when he heard that, ready to join in the argument.
“Well, what about the less traveled? I want to know” you jumped in.
Roberto glanced at you through the rear view mirror and rolled his eyes slowly. He let out a tired sigh, knowing that he was outnumbered in this situation. His grip shifted on the driver’s wheel as he relaxed in the driver’s seat.
“Our destination is Friday, the city of lights,” he finally confessed.
“Friday? I never heard of it” Meryl pouted.
“I haven’t heard of it either” you said as you turned to Nicholas.
“It’s a big gambling hub, neutral territory amongst gangs and vagabonds. The safest place if you are willing to sell your life away to work for some big wig” he explained in his own way.
“No thanks, and no gambling for you,” you said with a narrowed gaze.
“Fine then, I’ll splurge on the women and alcohol” Nicholas sneered.
“Good luck paying with the lint in your pockets” you spat back.
“Alcohol and women?” Vash perked up.
“No, no. Not you too” you pointed at him.
He laughed nervously and held his hands up in defense.
“It also has a water plant, which makes it an exceptional target. That is, if your crazy brother decides to appear” Roberto said to Vash.
“Well, there is always a chance he might…” Vash agreed.
“Then it is for business and pleasure, no need to get so ruffled about it” Roberto said.
“Ugh, it still reeks of ulterior motive…” Meryl groaned.
With the plan finalized, the truck was headed for Friday. Even though the sun was about to set, Roberto continued to drive. In the distance, lights were the first thing you could see. Then large buildings of varying sizes. Then you could hear the music. As the truck drove in, the city was alive with various vagabonds and people. It was much different from the other cities or even the ships.
“Now this is my kind of scene” Nicholas chuckled as he looked out the window.
“It’s a bit loud here…” you sighed.
Meryl was awestruck, looking out the window at the many buildings that passed by. Most of them began to blur together but the bright signs were all you needed to know what kind of business that was in this town.
“Let’s go ahead and get to an inn before they run out of rooms” Roberto laughed.
The hotel was a normal one thankfully, lacking any kind of services outside of lofty beds. This time around, everyone got their own room for some reason.
“I thought we were strapped for cash?” you asked.
“Roberto said this can be written off as ‘work expenses’ but I doubt it” Meryl rolled her eyes.
As odd it felt to take another ‘break’, you had a feeling rest was far from what you would be doing. Everyone met in the lobby for their ‘instructions’.
“Alright, our goal is to find the plant and ask around for any suspicious figures. I’ll head to the lounges to get information” Roberto began.
“For real? It sounds like you are just going to slack off” Meryl narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’re too young to go in anyways so you can stick to the streets” Roberto waved her off.
“I’ll ask around at the gambling dens, maybe I’ll make a killing while there” Nicholas chuckled.
“Yeah, lady killing maybe” you rolled your eyes at him.
“It shouldn’t be hard for me to make it big…” Nicholas trailed off as an idea occurred.
He nudged you toward Vash and smirked.
“Why don’t you go spend time with Needle-noggin? You’ve been glued to my side since we met back up. You two can go on a little date or something?” he chuckled.
“Nick…” you gave him a serious side eye.
“Hm? Me?” Vash pointed at himself.
Nicholas laughed, walking away as he left you alone with Vash. Roberto and Meryl had already left too, leaving you alone with the strange blonde. The awkward air was still there and you had no idea what was going through his head at the moment. Not that he would tell you outright to begin with.
“Wow, I guess it’s just us for now then” Vash said as he rubbed the back of his head and looked up at the neon lights above.
There wasn’t anything that came to mind, leaving you in an awkward position. How were you going to break the ice with him?
“I need a drink…” you sighed and began walking.
“W-Wait, I’m coming too!” Vash followed behind you quickly.
With him being much taller and having longer legs, it didn’t take him more than a second to catch up. He fell into step next to you, looking everywhere but at you. It was a contrast to how he seemed to always have his eyes on you when he thought you weren’t looking. You both stopped by a bar, ordering a drink of your choice. Vash had a tall beer in his hand, raising the glass to you.
“Shall we?” he grinned.
“Yeah” you clicked your glass with his.
It seemed like he wasn’t so nervous around you anymore. After taking your first sip, you looked at Vash.
“Looks like you finally relaxed, I thought you might have had a problem with me” you confessed.
Vash nearly spit out his beer, forcing himself to swallow and hit his chest.
“W-Why would I have a problem?” he asked after clearing his throat.
“Well, you’ve been kind of shy as of late. Did I forget something?” you asked.
Vash felt his cheeks warm up, there was no way he could get around it now.
“I may have…. Heard you in the shower…” he said without looking you in the eye.
“Oh….” you took a sip of your drink and looked at the bar counter.
‘I’m gonna kill Nico’
You clutched your drink and tried to imagine kicking Nicholas in the shins until he fell over. Vash could feel the intense irritation coming from you and laughed nervously.
“I-I don’t mind, we’re all adults after all” he tried to say.
But his chest tightened, he knew why he did mind. He knew how selfish he would be by trying to convince you to not do that…. Or to do it with him.
“That’s not the point, it’s rude to just not warn you or anything” you sighed.
“So, you two are like that?” he asked.
“Not necessarily, it’s just… we trust each other I guess? It’s not like I have any reasons not to and Nico isn’t taking advantage of me. I guess it’s more like a casual exchange” you tried.
You didn’t want to put it into words, you both were supposed to be partners in crime, not lovers. Nicholas made that clear and you were painfully aware that he would be in danger around you after this job.
“Huh, I think I can understand that. As long as you are happy” he sighed.
Maybe it was the alcohol, but you felt a bit confident about this feeling welling up inside you. A sly smirk curled up on your lips and you leaned on the counter a bit. Your finger traced the rim of your drink as you looked at him.
“Do you want in on it?” you asked.
“Yes?! I-I mean what?” Vash stammered as he hit his knee on the counter.   Both drinks shook as he groaned in pain. Your eyes went wide briefly and a small laugh left you.
“I didn’t think you would actually respond, I thought you would have understood it was a joke” you said.
Now both of you were staring at the counter, red in the face and stiff in the shoulders. You wondered why you said it, it just felt right and you knew Nicholas would have done that in the moment. But it made you feel warm that Vash just agreed wholeheartedly like that. You had no idea he was beating himself up for taking the invite seriously, of course it was a joke! You had only met him like a week ago!
“S-Sorry, that was a joke made in poor taste…” you began.
“N-No! I just… ah…” Vashs struggled to think of a way to salvage the moment.
As the two of you sat there, some gunmen were laughing loudly and approached you both from behind. They threw their arms around you both and raised their drinks.
“Come on! Join in on the fun!” one guy said.
“Yeah, you two are missing out on the best part about Friday!” the other man cheered.
Both you and Vash shared a strange look, wondering if they were trying to mug you or kidnap you.
“What is the best part?” Vash asked.
The two men tugged you both toward the door and onto the street.
“The Don’s parade! All his best girls come out and pick luck bastards for a night of pleasure. Doesn’t matter who you are or what you are, everyone has a chance!” the men cheered.
‘Oh of course it is something like that’ you thought dryly.
“Anyone? Um, I think we’re good” Vash glanced at you worriedly.
“Aw, don’t be modest big bro! Newbies are really popular and lucky! You might even get the don’s best girl!” a man nudged Vash.
“Yeah, Monica likes fresh meat after all,” another man sighed.
“Thanks but no thanks, I’m not really interested” you began.
There was loud music as a parade began, well something like that. There was a large float with various women on it. They all waved and blew kisses as the float drove slowly by. Their eyes scanned the crowd and only a few picked people from the mob. You began to slide back into the bar but the men blocked your way back in.
“Don’t be a sourpuss, at least try!” one man stated.
“I’m not interested so won’t that better your chances?” you said as you tried to push past them.
But the men wouldn’t budge, the float was drawing closer and some women began walking alongside it to get a better look at the crowd. You were getting annoyed and felt a slight panic at the possibility of being chosen. You glanced at Vash and saw that a woman was approaching him. She had a sultry smile on her face as she traced a manicured finger along his jaw. You couldn’t hear them but it made your stomach drop.
His eyes met yours and he stared into your eyes. They went wide and he wasn’t paying the woman attention anymore. He wasn’t even paying attention to anything around either of you. He leaned toward you and grabbed your hand, taking it firmly in his before taking off running. You were stumbling behind him, finding your footing as you kept up with him. Vash pulled you into an alley, the walls were so narrow you both were standing chest to chest. With Vash being taller it was more like your face was in his chest.
“Haah…. Hah…ah…” Vash’s heaving breathing filled your ears.
Your own breathing echoed in your ears as you both heard the two men run by looking for you both. You were glad to be away from it all but the parade was still nearby, it was too early for you to let your guard down. You looked up at Vash, regretting it quickly. You both were close enough that your noses were touching. You could see his blue eyes reflect the colorful neon lights that illuminated the entrance of the alley. His shades slid down slightly on his nose and cheeks were slightly red.
“U-Um…” his lips trembled as he realized his hands were on either side of your head.
From the outside, this looked like something entirely different than what he had intended to do. But he couldn't find it in him to move away. He swallowed, drawing attention to his throat. Your eyes flickered down to his lips and throat for a second before going back upward.
“Vash…” your question was more of a call of his name.
It was enough to pull him from his shock and he laughed nervously.
“Haha, I guess I just made my own joke huh? I wasn’t intending to do anything…” he said as he tried to shimmy past you to stand in front of the alley entrance.
You released a breath you had no idea you were holding. You felt your shoulders drop as you saw him look out to see if the coast was clear. While he was busy looking, he missed the way you put a hand over your beating heart. Maybe you had drunk too much after all….
A hand wrapped around your mouth and you felt yourself being pulled into the dark alley. It was too quickly to react as you were soon engulfed in darkness. When you felt the hands leave you for a moment, you swung your arm in their direction. It nearly connected, but it wasn’t a direct hit. You heard the sound of something clicking and soon a wave of shock rushed over you.
“A t-taser?!” you exclaimed.
You gritted your teeth, following the direction of the hooks to see some kind of guard using it. You started walking toward him, ignoring the pain and the shock running through your body. He turned the dial up, panicking at how it wasn’t stopping you.
“What’s this bitch made of?” he exclaimed.
You punched the man, feeling the taser stop. Your body felt like it was made of rubber and you began to lose feeling in your legs.
“Ah, shit…” you said before falling to the ground.
You heard someone approaching you and a gruff voice echoed out.
“You dumbass, don’t tase ‘em! I said to bring ‘em to me not kill ‘em!” the voice growled.
------------------------- Your mind felt heavy, actually, your entire body felt heavy. The last thing you remembered was being tased. You opened your eyes, feeling yourself bound to wood. Your eyes made out the legs of a chair and a wooden floor. As you raised your head, you smelled smoke.
Burning tobacco
“Nico? “ you groaned.
“Who the hell is that? Around here, they call me don Grappa. Forgive my idiot underlings, that’s no way to treat a guest in Friday” a gruff voice said.
Your head was pounding so you just glared at the man. Unsure of what to do in this case.
“I bet you are wondering why I wanted to talk with you, well I would like to explain it over dinner to compensate for the rude trip you were forced into. That is, if you agree to not kick my ass or anythin’” Grappa chuckled.
“I’ll consider it” you grumbled.
“I don’t blame you but I’m bein’ honest, I have some info you will want and I got some questions in exchange. I’ll even invite your friends to come save you” Grappa promised.
Your mouth was in a thin line, so he knew who you came with? Was Vash taken too?
“Why would I do that? I’m not about to play some silly game for your entertainment” you said plainly.
“Aw, it will be fun to tease your friends a bit right? I’ll even pay you, just play along with the kidnapping for a bit just to make things exciting…. Let’s say 1k double dollars?” Grappa said.
“Huh?” you grunted.
“Higher?” Grappa said.
“....Make it 10k” you said bitterly.
“Hahaha! I knew I’d like you!” Grappa’s boisterous laugh echoed off the walls.
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bwaveq · 2 years
do u do ..request?
just some reassuring vash and wolfwood if u want like the reader is really down
if u want of course
OMGOMG YOU’RE MY FIRST REQUESTER, and i just started writing things like this only recently kinda so im still new but im down to write this just for you :))
I’m already writing this down fr so it should come out soon 🦾🦾
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novasintheroom · 10 months
hiii ✧⁠*⁠。
could i request a scenario w wolfwood (trimax coding if possible) and reader in an established relationship, using kiss prompt 13 from dialogue list 1? thank u heehee 🩷
Absolutely! I'm not familiar w/ trimax really, so I hope this still came out alright!
Lipstick Kisses
♡ Pairing - Wolfwood x Reader
♡ Word count - 1k
♡ Warnings - slight make-out session
♡ Description: Nico complains about your lipstick. He doesn't mean it, though.
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The floorboards beat with the strumming of guitars and drums. People stamp their feet, dancing with each other and their drinks. It’s bright in the bar. Lively. The whole town is celebrating another close call from bandits. It was a hard-won victory, thanks to Vash the Stampede and his friends.
The Stampede himself is at the bar, tie magically around his head and babbling happily. Meryl and Millie watch from a nearby table, murmuring to themselves and enjoying their own drinks. They don’t wonder too much about where their other two friends are. You’re usually around somewhere, just out of sight.
Of course, you and Nico had secreted yourselves nearby, in one of the bar’s small hallways. The perfect place for a little lovin’.
“You’re gonna get lipstick all over me,” Nico grumps, but still stretches to let your lips find another spot on his skin.
You hum, leaning back to admire your work. A patchwork of lips decorates his neck, his jaw. “Not all over you,” you tease. You rub at a lip mark, dark red-turned-purple smearing in the dim lighting. “Just the parts I can see.”
“Well if you want to get it all over me, we could find a room and – oof.” Your hit doesn’t actually wind him, but he takes the hint. He smiles at your glare.
You smile back after a moment. “You’re awful.”
He pulls you close again and leans down for a kiss. Your lips meld together, sweet and endearing. It’s hard to have moments like this alone nowadays. Too many eyes, too many whispers. But tonight is a celebration of another close call. It’s time to indulge.
Your lips wander again. You feel his Adam’s Apple bounce with his swallow, his stubble grazing your cheeks as you reach for his ear. It’s easy to kiss him. Easy to love him. You press another red kiss to his earlobe and whisper. You aren’t even sure what, but it brings goosebumps to his skin. He tries to do the same to you – bending down to press a kiss to the groove of your neck. It tickles, and you laugh. Nico lets out his own breathy laugh, cut off to a low groan when you kiss his throat again.
“Princessa…” he warns, but you keep kissing. You want to mark him up, see nothing but your lip stains on his skin. Not a patch of natural color in sight. But Nico knows where this could lead, and he isn’t about to let you go so far. So he grabs your chin and hefts your lips to his again, pressing once, twice, three times before melding perfectly again to a sweet, long kiss.
You’re breathless when he pulls back. He isn’t much better. He leans his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. Takes a deep breath through his nose. “What you do to me…”
You giggle and press your nose to his.
A waitress suddenly opens the door and moves through the hall. She only glances at you two, eyes sliding over you like water before she’s gone again, into the backroom. She must be used to scenes like yours.
You, however, are not, and your face is flushed at being caught. You bury your face in his chest and shake your head. You want to leave now. Go back to the party. “That’s so embarrassing…”
Your man snickers and says, “Hey,” softly. You look up at him, pouting, but unable to hold it when you see again just how many lipstick marks you’ve left over his face. “Don’t get shy on me now,” he says. Nico laughs and pats your cheek. “S’a good color on you.”
You punch him in the shoulder and he laughs. “Not as good as the lipstick color on you,” you shoot back. You’re pleased to see the red rise to his cheeks.
“Alright, alright,” he pulls out a handkerchief from one of his jacket pockets and gives it to you. “Help me clean up, will you?” He mutters something about getting back to the party, anyway. The moment is gone, and it’s time to move forward.
You take your time wiping the makeup off. Each one needs a bit of good scrubbing. You’ll have to get this lipstick brand again – it really stays on well. Nico is patient, letting you wipe and re-wipe several areas, dampening the handkerchief with your spit to help the stubborn ones. He watches you stick your tongue out, concentrating on every little bit. It’s hard to not kiss you when you look like that. When you’re finally satisfied with your work, you step back and give him a once over. “Okay…I think you’re clean.”
He reaches out and wipes away a smear of lipstick on the side of your mouth. He smiles and pecks you on the lips. “Thanks, doll.”
The bar is bright when you come out of the doorway. People nod at you two, some giving winks and knowing smirks. You squeeze Nico’s hand before flitting away to the bar to get you two the drinks you want. He watches for a moment before finding his way to Millie and Meryl nearby.
“Well, you two seem to be having fun,” Meryl quips.
Nico pauses for a split second before lowering himself in a seat. “What do you mean? We just went for a little walk.”
Millie is staring at a spot on Nico’s neck. “Gosh, Mister Wolfwood, if you went for a walk, it must have been a very loving one, what with that lipstick on you!”
Nico feels a blush creep up his neck. He slaps a hand where he sees Millie’s eyes and rubs. Red lipstick smears onto his fingers. You’d missed one on purpose. He looks at you at the bar. You turn away with a quick smile. Caught red-handed.
Meryl and Millie laugh at his plight while he grumbles about you being blind. Still, his heart hammers at how blatantly you made your mark for everyone to see.
Oh, he’d get you for this later.
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silentwhispofhope · 2 years
*Limping to your request box* I MISSED YOU AND I WANT TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA FILLED WITH FLUFF!! Is it okay to request?
💞[Skin Writing/Drawing Soulmate AU]✍️ 🖌️ - Reader is an artist and constantly draws many art in their skin because it's just so satisfying! Their soulmate Vash feels appreciated, in love, and beautiful whenever Reader's drawing appear on his skin. Their art just gives him a reason to love his skin despite skin scars 🥺 🖋️ - Reader does calligraphy, and they sometimes quote the bible doing it cause why not? Soulmate Wolfwood just looks with a soft, maybe teasing smile as he sees his soulmate's work. 😎 📜 - Reader is a poet and they randomly have ideas and prompt all throughout the day, so they grab a pen and start writing all the poetry from their head. Soulmate Knives who's intellectual and curious admires whenever his soulmate's writing appear on his skin, he just covers it from others eyes because pest don't deserve to see this beauty. 🌱
- Sugar Plum Anon 💟
A/N: Just for you Sugar Plum Anon, I’ll do all three <3 I do hope you’re alright though! Please do stay safe! Since I’m doing all three, I hope you’re alright with headcanons instead of normal lil’ one shots. :)
Skin Writing/Drawing Soulmate AU Headcanons
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He was absolutely scared out of his mind when he first saw the ink appear on his skin. He even went as far as to try to scrub his skin raw, and the ink was still fresh as ever. Poor blondie is wondering how the hell something like this is happening.
Meanwhile, you’re doodling like there’s no tomorrow with your ballpoint pen, tracing the outlines of your veins and doodling smiling faces.
Over time, Vash learns to just accept the random appearance and disappearance of drawings across his body. At the end of the day, it’s like a fun little game to see what’s been sketched on him underneath his turtle neck.
It takes a while for Vash to realize that it’s his soulmate doodles appearing on his skin. Warmth floods his heart each time he thinks of this, causing him to lovely trace the marks across his own skin.
He would laugh sometimes at the sudden ink smear appearing on his skin before new sketch marks appeared, your work hypnotizing him. He especially loved when you used different colors, almost painting his skin like a canvas. Eventually, he makes the move to respond.
So imagine your surprise when you find a poorly drawn flower appear on your skin. Ensue the same panic Vash experienced when you remembered you didn’t draw that.
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Scrubbing his skin did nothing. Seeing the scripture on his forearm made him wonder if he had perhaps gotten too drunk the night before and had gotten a tattoo.
The fancy calligraphy was choice, especially with that proverb. For the lips of the adulterous woman drop honey, and her speech is smoother than oil. Wolfwood decided that there could be worse things etched into his skin from that old religion.
You, on the other hand, were giggling to yourself. Oh, the irony of something appearing to beautiful but naughty. A snort escapes from one of your nearby friends.
He didn’t put anymore thought into it until the next day when the ink disappeared. Lowkey, thought he was super dehydrated for him to imagine that, but nope, even after drinking tons of water, the ink was no longer on his skin.
Cue some praying. He nearly has a heart attack when more ink appears on his skin. He has to go back to the orphanage and ask the elders for help on understanding the situation. Turns out it’s a soulmate thing, one which they didn’t even bother to mention until now.
Overtime, he appreciates the calligraphy he appears on his skin, particularly when new motifs appear. Wolfwood liked seeing you test new things and watch as the ink appear on his skin.
However, he was very glad to wear long sleeves when you would write down a particularly dirty proverb like 5:19. He would always end up blushing a bright red like a tomato, a huge contrast to his normal, stoic personality.
Imagine, your surprise when you notice fresh ink on your skin. For your ways are in the full view of the LORD in basic script.
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He almost didn’t see the script appear on his arms, the ink nearly blending into his suit and pale skin. His fingers traced the letters he could make out. Knives immediately knew what this meant, it was his soulmate reaching out- most likely not knowing what was happening.
He tried to ignore it the best he could and kept himself covered with his cloak. Having someone would just drag him down, make it harder to reach his goal of eradicating humanity. However, his curiosity got the best of him.
Taking another look, the bleach blond quickly recognized the letters as chords with their denoted accidentals. Luckily for him, he new how to play. It was child’s play, really.
Meanwhile, your trying to understand how to play different songs only by listening too them. You were too stubborn to look them up, very confident in your ability.
And so it became a pattern for him to decipher your song you had written on his arm. He would spend hours playing the piano, watching the notes on his arm be crossed out and replaced. The composition rarely stayed imprinted on his skin for longer than a day.
Often, Knives would see lyrics being written with the chords. A little artist are we now? His small joke to himself caused a small smile. He would end up humming them, his low voice cutting through the air. It was for the sake of rhythm, he told himself.
Imagine your surprise when you saw a new. mark you knew you hadn’t inscribed into your skin, a word marked out for another.
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krillissue · 9 months
Forbidden Fruit
I took a look at my Vampire Vash and Vampire Wolfwood and thought, "Hey, I should write something with them together!" And then a friend jokingly suggested an X Reader so, here it is! A Vashpire/Vampwood crossover sandwich.
Reader uses he/him pronouns but I tried to keep everything vague (this is my first try at an x reader so please be kind) There is no use of y/n, I use instead nicknames (little lamb, sweetheart, darling, baby)
No major warnings, other than blood drinking and shady make outs in a dingy alley. There's gratuitous flirting, praise, slight possessiveness, mild public indecency, alcohol. 4K words
M for Mature content
It was a still night, the rain-soaked streets reflecting the streetlights and made anyone out scurry for cover. You ducked into a seedy-looking dive bar, the red neon sign by the door a fangy smile but no name you could see. Shaking out your damp hair, you take a glance around. The interior was dim with numerous neon signs shedding different-colored pools of light around the patrons. No one seemed to pay you mind as you slowly made your way to the bar, figuring you might as well get a drink while you wait out the rain and warm up. 
“What’ll it be?” The bartender was a stern redhead, her piercing blue eyes seeming to look straight through you. You search the chalked menu behind her, looking for anything that sounded good but there were too many options. You opened your mouth to order but a gruff voice cut you off before you could get a word out. 
“Don’t order off the specials, darlin’. You won’t like ‘em.” The man that had slid up next you was tall, dark, and handsome. You could smell his leather jacket and musky cologne even without the arm boxing you in. He was pressed close to your ear, leaning down to whisper. “What’s a lost little lamb like you doing in a place like this?” 
“Take it easy on him!” Another man took up position on your other side, this one blonde and smiling. “The poor thing probably just wanted out of the rain. Isn’t that right?” His blue eyes were hidden behind yellow shades but they were open and earnest. You trusted him a bit more than “dark and broody” beside you. 
“Yeah...do you have any recommendations?” Blondie gave you a sweet smile and it filled you with warmth but not to be ignored, you felt a rough finger trace lightly across the back of your neck. 
“Spikey always wants something sweet. Are you sweet, little lamb?” 
“That’s enough, Wolf. Back off.” The bartender shooed him off with a cold glare before her features softened towards you again. “I can mix you whatever you want. And we have beer on tap if that’s more your speed.” You nod, grateful to have some breathing room. The so-called Wolf was gorgeous in black leather and an open dark red shirt, most of his hairy chest on display. Being the target of his attention had set your heart racing like a frightened rabbit but you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You ordered and took your drink to a small round table, just planning on people-watching. A particularly rowdy table near the back kept catching your attention, the group all yelling excitedly about something to an almost frenzied level. 
The longer you sat however, you noticed several patrons watching you back. Not all of them looked friendly. Curiously, Wolf and Blondie kept close but still gave you space, always in your periphery. It was starting to set your nerves on edge, everyone eyeing you like a piece of meat. 
“Can I sit with you?” Blondie was smiling still, pointing to the chair beside you. With the neon pink and blue lights on his pretty face you finally noticed, he had a nice smile. Why were these two gorgeous boys wanting to sit with you? They clearly knew each other but weren’t mixing with anyone else at the bar. It wasn’t exactly suspicion at their intentions giving you pause but something felt off. 
“If you want to. Your friend going to join us, too?” 
“He’s not so bad, is he?” He took his seat and smiled toothily, his own drink dangling by his fingertips. “My name is Vash, it’s nice to meet you.” What a weird name. You told him yours in return and took a sip, waiting for the looming shadow of the Wolf to appear. 
A large cool hand settled on the back of your neck, gently squeezing. It could only be one man getting so friendly with you. He leaned down over your shoulder to grin, his dark eyes mostly hidden behind his shades. Why were these two wearing sunglasses indoors and at night? 
“You looked lonely all by yourself, little lamb.” You stiffened at his presence behind your back but he moved to the seat on your other side, his posture relaxed and open. “You gotta be careful wandering into a place like this. Not everyone’s so friendly.” 
“Like you?” The alcohol gave you a boldness you wouldn’t normally possess but his cocky grin was starting to get under your skin. He chuckled, unphased. 
“You’ve got better chances with the wolves than these fine folks, I’ll tell ya that.” He took out a heavy silver lighter and started flipping it open and closed, the light catching on its shiny surface. You thought you’d smelled cigarette smoke clinging to him earlier. 
Taking another glance around, there did seem to be some pretty hungry-looking characters lurking around. A sharp-eyed lanky figure with too many silver chains and black clothing was chatting up an equally intimidating red-haired fox-faced person, both of them smirking like the cat that ate the canary. And a white-haired man with his finger hooked through the collar of the person beside him kept winking at you, a cocky grin to rival Wolf’s. 
They all seemed to shy away with Vash and Wolf on either side of you, though. Scary dog privileges? Well, at least one scary dog. Vash was more of a golden retriever than anything. You could practically see his tail wagging as he smiled at you both. 
“You’re scaring him!” Vash playfully chastised his companion, leaning forward on the table. “They aren’t so bad. They just aren’t used to...someone like you coming in here.” You bristled at his implication but he was so sweet and unassuming. It didn’t seem like he was trying to insult you. 
“Sweet little thing like you, you should be grateful we picked you up.” He swiped Vash’s untouched drink from his dangling fingers and knocked it back before offering his hand to shake. “Nicholas D. Wolfwood, at your service. I specialize in looking after lost lambs.” You took his hand and noted again how his skin was cool to the touch. Shouldn’t it really have warmed up by now? The strangeness of the evening was starting to make your head spin but it really did seem like these two were looking out for you. They were subtle about it but both were giving little warning glances at anyone that got a little too close or stared too long. 
“Do you want another drink?” Vash snapped you out of your thoughts with a point to your empty glass. You nodded stiffly, wanting something to settle your nerves a bit more. 
“So...why’s everyone staring at me? Are you all in a club or something?” Wolfwood smirked at your question, flicking his tongue out to lick his lip. 
“In a way.” He gestured to a pale blue sign on the other side of the bar in the shape of a blinking eye, or maybe it was winking, there was only the one. “Most people who come here are part of the Eye. We all know each other, more or less. You’re a fresh face.” 
“And that’s bad?” 
“Oh, no, it’s good. Everyone wants a piece of fresh meat.” He licked his teeth then, his canines a little sharper than they had any right to be. You had to admit he lived up to his “Wolf” nickname well. “Blondie and I just wanted to make sure a pretty thing like you didn’t get torn to shreds.” The thought sent your heart racing but not from fear exactly. You couldn’t stop thinking about those fangs of his at your throat. 
Before your thoughts could get away from you too much, Vash returned with a refill, the glass held in a strange metallic hand. A prosthetic, you assumed. It was a work of art, really. You wondered what it would feel like against your skin. You tried to shake your head clear of that particular train of thought. Sure, these two were handsome and friendly but nothing was going to happen. Not with you. 
The three of you chatted while you sipped your second drink, your thoughts only getting more muddled the longer they kept giving you their attention. You felt a bit like a rabbit caught in a snare, their sharp grins and teasing remarks going straight down south. Vash was friendly and asked you endless questions, and as he got more comfortable, he started finding excuses to touch you. His fingers were just as cool as Wolfwood’s but you didn’t have much room to wonder about it when he was looking at you like you were the only person in the room. 
And Wolfwood, he refused to be ignored. Anytime Vash had your attention too long, he’d drag it back to himself. He was bolder with touching you, unsurprisingly. But you found yourself leaning into it the more he did it. It started to feel like the two of them were playing a game, trying to one-up the other. All you cared about was that you seemed to be the prize. You’d happily get out of here with either one but it seemed they wouldn’t be satisfied until you chose. 
“Do you want another drink?” Vash turned your face back towards him, his fingers gently hooked under your chin. His big blue eyes were half-lidded and his smile sly. You were practically melting in your seat but shook your head. The last thing you needed was alcohol loosening your lips any more than they already were. 
“You’re really pretty,” You found yourself saying anyway, Vash’s angelic face tinted in pinks and blues and the orange of his glasses. His eyes got all squinty with his warm smile, his thumb gently brushing your bottom lip. 
“You’re sweet, aren’t you? But I think you’re the pretty one here. I could just eat you up.” Vash started to pull you closer and for a moment you thought he’d kiss you but Wolfwood’s hand rested on your neck. He pulled you back towards him, his fingers scratching pleasantly into your nape. 
“What about me? Am I pretty?” He said it with a big enough smirk that you could tell he was teasing. But fuck it, you’d compliment him too. Didn’t want the big guy feeling left out. 
“You’re sexy.” Your face flamed for the boldness but you might as well go all in. “Like, you look like a mistake I’d happily make.” 
“Oh, sweet thing. I don’t bite. Not unless you want me to.” His dark eyes peeked out over his shades, his fangs glinting in the red light pooling over him. Fangs. Fangs. At last, your overheated brain connected the dots. Too late, you realized what all of these feral grins turned your way meant. 
“I wouldn’t complain.” What had gotten into you? Alcohol makes you too honest. Vash chuckled beside you, leaning in close to your ear. 
“I wouldn’t be so quick to volunteer. He’s greedy.” They met eyes, Wolfwood glaring. 
“And you aren’t? I spotted him first.” 
“He likes me better,” Vash sounded smug, pressing a soft kiss near your ear. “Don’t you, sweetheart?” 
“H-hey, you’re both hot as fuck! I don’t think I could choose.” Wolfwood took you from Vash’s gentle grip and nipped your ear, his fangs just barely scraping. 
“But you’d choose me, right?” This was quickly getting to be too much. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, these two gorgeous devils driving you crazy. You stood, planting your hands firmly on the table to steady on your slightly unbalanced legs. 
“I think... I should probably get some air.” 
“We’ll join you.” Vash stood as well, his lanky height suddenly making you feel smaller than you are. 
“I could use a smoke.” Wolfwood got to his feet as well and stuck an unlit cigarette between his teeth. “Lead the way, lamb. We’ll follow.” 
This hadn’t exactly been your plan but it didn’t seem like you were getting away from either of them any time soon. You made your way carefully towards the door, the two vampires flanking you. That’s what they were, you were certain of it now. Everyone in the bar was probably nonhuman, now that knew what to look for. The air outside had grown colder with the rain, and the drops were still pattering softly. You shivered, but continued around to the side where there was a bit of an overhang and Wolfwood’s smoke wouldn’t be right by the door. 
He lit up, his dark eyes pinning you to the wall over his shades. Without the lights from the signs in the bar, you could tell there was a red glow deep in them. Wolfwood offered you the pack with a smirk. 
“You want one?” 
“No, thanks.” I just wanted to follow you into this dark alley, you thought to yourself. Vash sidled up to you, leaning his back against the chilly brick wall. Wolfwood politely blew his smoke downwind from you both, unbothered by the rain slowly weighing down his shaggy mane. 
“Are you cold?” Vash’s pretty face was pinched in concern and before you could answer, he slung his arm around you. He wasn’t much warmer than the air around you but his torso blocked some of the biting wind. Pressed so close to him, you could finally discern his more mild scent. It was something citrusy and warm, maybe oranges? You tried not to give away the deep inhale but he just chuckled and hugged you a bit tighter. 
“Are ya feelin’ better, lamb?” Wolfwood joined you both, his cigarette forgotten dangling from his lips. “Your head feelin’ a little clearer?” You did feel more sober out here in the crisp air, the hazy lights and hypnotic music from the bar just an afterimage in your mind. But these two still had an intoxicating presence to them, especially when they kept speaking to you in their soft sweet voices. 
“I know what you want from me,” You mumbled, shrinking further into Vash’s jacket. It was warm, the rough canvas thick and comforting. “I figured it out, you’re both vampires, aren’t you?” You expected them to laugh or refute you but they just shared a smile, both of their fangs on display. 
“Very good, sweetheart.” Vash thumbed your chin again, turning your face up towards him. His blue eyes had a kind of glow to the irises, shining through his orange shades. “You wandered into the wolves’ den without realizing. You’re lucky we were here tonight.” 
“Plenty of them wouldn’t be so careful with a pretty little thing like you.” Wolfwood had propped himself against the wall by his arm, effectively blocking you in against Vash’s chest. He loomed over you but kept enough distance to not touch you for now. 
“You just want my blood, right? That’s what all of this is?” You started to feel anger bubbling up. Not just because they’d been toying with you all night but because you had started to believe it. But they were just hungry and you should leave. You shoved away from Vash and got a few steps down the alley before you stopped and looked back at them. 
They weren’t chasing after you. They were having a quiet exchange you couldn’t hear, both of their expressions disappointed but not at all what you expected. Maybe you had wanted them to come after you, just a little. It stung, the thought that they didn’t even want your blood. You turned again to leave but Vash called out your name, his shuffling footsteps bringing him closer. 
“Wait, it’s not what you think.” You whirled around, catching him by surprise. 
“Then what is it, huh? Explain it to me.” You crossed your arms as you waited for an explanation. Vash looked sheepish, glancing back at Wolfwood who gave him a “go on'' gesture. 
“We do want a drink, that’s true. But we aren’t monsters, we aren’t going to take you by force.” 
“So the flirting was just a lie? To convince me to let you bite me?” 
“Not entirely!” Vash held up both his hands, smiling nervously. He looked again at Wolfwood for help but he seemed pleased just watching. “I-- We both like you. You’re not just a meal we’re trying to share.” 
“You don’t even know me,” You said with an eye roll. 
“Call it a feeling, then. I can tell you’re something special.” Vash offered his gloved hand then, looking all the world like an apologetic angel. “You can always say no, we won’t force you.” You looked at Wolfwood over his shoulder and he beckoned with his hooked finger, making your stomach clench. You wanted to believe their honeyed words spoken with their forked tongues. Sure, maybe it was a little exploitative, but you weren’t getting nothing in return. Call it mutually beneficial. 
You took Vash’s offered hand and he pulled you back towards where Wolfwood was waiting. Vash backed up against the wall but pulled you against his chest this time, his long-fingered hands resting on your waist. His usual big sunny smile had turned more sultry as he leaned in, nosing gently against your throat. You melted into his touch, a whimper escaping without meaning to. Wolfwood pressed against your back, pinning you both to the wall. His hands were a lot less gentle with you, manhandling your hips to push them back against his. You felt his teeth against your neck before his tongue, his lick making you shiver. 
“W-wait, wait,” You pushed against Vash’s chest, trying to get some room to breathe. It momentarily distracted you that Vash’s chest was a lot firmer and broader than it looked under his bulky turtleneck. “You’re both going to bite me?” 
“We’ll be careful with you, promise.” Vash was quick to reassure you, rubbing your sides with his thumbs. “You’ll like it, trust me. But if you want us to stop, just say so.” 
“Can you-- Can you kiss me? Please?” Vash looked at you fondly, biting his lip to hold in whatever he wanted to say. But he still leaned in and kissed you, his lips soft and cool. It was nice but not what you wanted, especially sandwiched between them. You grabbed his shirt to pull him in, deepening the kiss until he gasped into your mouth. He tasted metallic and sweet, his sweet little fangs just barely dragging against your lip. You wanted more. 
“Oh, what a hungry little lamb you are,” Wolfwood praised in your ear, his hands dragging up your shirt, his rough hands scraping over your overheated skin. Or maybe his was just cold? You couldn’t tell anymore, not with Vash’s tongue in your mouth. Wolfwood brought his hand up to cup your throat, not grabbing it hard enough to block your air, and kissed the side, sucking little marks you’d hate him for tomorrow. Maybe. It felt so good, you relaxed back against him. His gruff voice in your ear started murmuring directions, telling you where to touch Vash. 
You broke away from his lips when you dove in for his ear, nipping his gold loop earring. He squeezed your waist in his surprise before retaliating with a hand hooking behind your thigh to pull it up around his hip. Like this, you were pressed firmly between them, trapped by both. Vash’s hand squeezed your thigh as he held your leg in place, joining Wolfwood in kissing your neck. 
“Stop hoggin’ him, Blondie.” Wolfwood griped over your shoulder, shoving Vash in the shoulder. 
“Oh, feeling left out? Jealous he likes me better?” Vash smirked as he pulled you back against his chest, making Wolfwood draw in closer as well. 
“You wish, give ‘im here, I’ll show ya.” Wolfwood yanked you by your hips, threatening to rip you from Vash’s arms. “Don’t you wanna kiss me, darlin’?” His voice had tipped a bit into whininess, something that spun your head. They let you turn in their grip so you could face Wolfwood, Vash taking up the task of kissing your neck in his place. It was easy to slip your hands into Wolfwood’s open shirt, his necklaces clinking together pleasantly as you buried your face there, just taking a moment to savor his ample pecs. 
When he grew impatient and kissed you, his big hands held your chin and neck in place. He tasted like cigarettes and smoke but you didn’t mind, he devoured your mouth in the sweetest way. His scruff tickled at your skin but you didn’t care, he bit you like he meant it. 
“Don’t I get a kiss?” Vash’s soft voice filtered in slowly, your lungs starting to cry out for air the longer Wolfwood took it away. But he broke away to give a sloppy kiss over your shoulder, letting you suck in much needed air. 
“Little lamb,” Wolfwood tipped your chin back towards him, licking his lip. “Can we have a taste now? I bet you’re as sweet as you look.” Your thoughts immediately went to your arousal, absolutely nowhere to hide it with them so close. But they meant your blood, obviously. You nodded stiffly, slight disappointment in your eyes. “Oh, that won’t do. I need a verbal agreement and less sadness in those pretty eyes. What’s wrong, baby?” 
“Is it too much?” Vash hugged you, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“N-no, it’s just that-- It’ll be over. I don’t want it to be over.” 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Vash’s voice was sweet as honey in your ear, his soft lips brushing the shell. “We can take you home, if that’s what you want. All you have to do is ask.” 
“Yes! Yes, please? Please, I want that,” The pleas fell from your lips embarrassingly fast but you’d do anything to keep these gorgeous boys kissing you. You grabbed Wolfwood’s shirt to yank him closer, presenting your throat to him. 
“Such a good boy,” Wolfwood kissed your neck before finding the place to sink his teeth in. It burned for only a moment and then the warmth started to bloom in your gut. You threaded your fingers into his damp hair, the moisture giving you a firm grip on it. He grunted when you pulled on it, his sucking growing more insistent. But Vash didn’t want to be left out, he was nosing the other side of your neck. He pressed soft kisses before his fangs sank in, the sweet heady warmth making you floaty and limp. Their combined sturdy frames kept you up, but you were certain without them you would have tumbled to the ground. 
They drank messily, Vash’s moans breathy and high, Wolfwood’s low grunts. Blood trailed down your neck and made a mess of your clothes but that was the furthest thought from your head. You were pressing your thighs together, desperately trying to relieve the almost-painful building pressure. Vash and Wolfwood were close enough to grind against but it wasn’t enough, far from it. You wanted them inside you. Vash pulled away from your neck first, lapping the little pinpricks closed. Wolfwood needed a bit more convincing but eventually left a farewell kiss there as well. 
“Please, please,” You pressed your face into Wolfwood’s chest, legs shaking with how badly you needed something. It was Vash’s hands that found your hips, his slim fingers teasing at your waistband. 
“Do you want some help, sweetheart?” You nodded before grabbing Wolfwood’s cheeks, pulling him for more kisses. He happily obliged, occupying your mouth while Vash opened your pants and slipped his hand inside. He was slow at first, casting glances around. But Wolfwood’s mouth muffled your moans and their bulk hid you almost entirely. Vash urged you on with muttered praise, peppering kisses everywhere he could reach from his cramped position. Too quick, you felt your orgasm building, and you desperately gripped at Vash’s wrist. You wanted him to give it to you, you wanted him to draw it out. But he promised, he promised. It wasn’t over with this. You let yourself tip over the edge, making a mess of yourself. 
Vash happily licked his fingers clean, holding you up while Wolfwood gave you soft kisses. They let you come down and find your footing again before they stepped away, both smiling wide satisfied grins. 
“What do you say, little lamb?” 
“Let’s go home, we’re not done yet.” 
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valintiino · 1 year
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vashwood dump with a lil self insert
63 notes · View notes
scrunchables · 1 year
light me up
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x gender neutral!Reader
Mentions of reader smoking
SFW content
You and Nicholas share a silent night, exchanging only glances and a cigarette kiss.
With half-lidded eyes, you watched every inhale and exhale he took, watching as the smoke curled up into the air, into your nose and your clothes, before it was carried off by the cold desert wind.
Beneath the curtain of smoke and red-tinted shades, you could see his eyes trained on you in turn, watching your fingers curl around your jacket and thumbing the well-worn zipper.
How many nights was it now that you were both sat out during night watch, sitting next to each other and sharing nothing except unbroken stares and the occasional drink?
So many times you had contemplated saying something. Anything. A joke to crack the silence, a tease to humour something, reminiscing about the day's events-
-and every time you would open your mouth, the words would die in your throat, and you would simply look away to avoid the weight of his gaze on you.
You idiot, you would always curse yourself, what the hell's your problem?
Nicholas wasn't a difficult man to talk with but with every word he'd say, every time his gaze would pass yours, you felt something twist in your gut and you'd clam up in his presence.
You wondered if he noticed the hold he had on you with something as mundane as a single look.
You figured he would. You'd learned that Nicholas was more perceptive than his chain-smoking and foul mouth let on, senses honed to an uncanny degree for reasons that you would never know. Not that you'd ever get the chance.
The wind blew again, but this time it changed direction, and before you knew it, cigarette smoke landed squarely in your face. You coughed wretchedly, taken by surprise, waving away the lingering smoke and cursing the stink of tobacco.
From your side came an amused chuckle, and you scowled at Nicholas as you batted at his arm and settled into your jacket. "Just so you know, I'm blaming you for that one," you grumbled as the smoke cleared.
His half-cocked smile stretched even wider. "Hey, 's not that bad once you get used to it."
Your eyes lingered on the way his eyebrows raised with his smile and the moons illuminated his shapely nose and the cords of muscle in his neck, thinking that you wouldn't mind it if it was for him. So instead you shook your head, looked away into the yawning desert sands, and waved him off. "Mm, I'll pass."
A few moments passed before you felt something shoved into your fingers and you jerked, looking back to find a fresh cigarette in your outstretched fingers. You looked up to see Nicholas leaning in, still with that half-cocked smile.
Your gaze flickered down to the little stick of white and brown as your heart jumped into your mouth, uncomprehending of what had just happened. But before you could allow yourself to spiral into your thoughts, you simply lifted it to your lips and looked up to meet his gaze.
"So, uh, you gonna hand me your lighter...?" you quietly whispered.
Nicholas let out a soft heh and leaned in closer. Calloused fingers gently tipped up your chin and he leaned in even more, ever so slowly that it felt like the world had stopped still.
The tip of his cigarette met yours, pressing together until a second soft ember lit up both your faces.
There, in the light of two lit cigarettes, you saw that he had taken his glasses off, saw the rough patches of stubble that lined his chin, saw the way his smoke-grey eyes locked onto yours, and saw just how very close he was to you.
Seconds stretched into eternity as you both leaned into each other, cigarettes pressing as tender as kisses, and eternity ended in a second as your lungs violently rejected the tobacco and you jerked away in a fit of violent coughing.
Your cheeks burned ember-hot in embarrassment at the ruined moment, but the way you heard him laugh in a gentler tone made everything seem okay all of a sudden, and so you leaned into his side as you silently shared smoke well into the night.
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