#wolfy Aka the alpha!!!
drrobobitch · 7 months
Okay so I’ve recently gotten back into CSS ANS OMFG I FEEL LIKE IM ACTUALLY LOOSING MY MIND WHY DO NONE OF MY FRIENDS REMEMBER THI WTF 💀😭😭 also thatch is sick goofy little bitch boy he’s my favorite
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I love him sm he’s so goofy
Wolf in his final form fr fr:
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Okay that’s it all I had to say I’ll probably post something later at some point 😭😭
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z-o-m-b-i-e-zzzzz · 5 years
Also you said you do ficlets right ? Will ya hate me if I suggest one lol? I’m gonna suggest one.... don’t hate me. Could u maybe do one, where theirs like long lasting effects of Zombies 2 on our wolfies? Like u said, Wynter should have really bad asthma, Willa could maybe get a severe anxiety disorder from being alpha at such a young age (Shes only soothed by Eliza, her Girlfriend) and Wyatt gets really bad Seperation anxiety from Willa, and he’s super overprotective of her and Wynter. Thanks!
Oki so this gonna be a few short ones all together but I'll separate them
Wynter, Willa, Wyatt, Zed, and Addison were all in gym class playing dodge ball. "Left!" Willa yelled at her brother, who moved as commanded, but Bucky had changed the trajectory of his throw and the bal had hit Wyatt square in the chest, knocking him over.
"Wyatt!" Willa asked as she ran up to her brother.
"Wil, I'm fine. See, fine." Wyatt said getting up on his own.
"Hey man I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard." Bucky said, running over to help Wyatt get up.
Willa felt her breath shorten and her hands start shaking before she ran off and Addison, seeing the distressed wolf, followed her out.
When Willa ducked into the Zombie safe room Addison followed suit. "Willa?" Addison said.
The young alpha was sitting against the wall, breathing shallow. "Hey what's wrong?" Addison questioned sitting next to her.
"Wyatt got hit because of me." Willa responded, tears in her eyes.
"He's not hurt Wil. He just fell. He's fine."
"Yeah. But, in the woods, if you make a wrong call it's n-not j-just falling over it's your life. A call like that, out there. I could've killed my brother." Willa broke down into tears. Addison wrapped one arm around the alpha and with her other hand texted Zed where they were and to bring Wyatt.
A few minutes later Wyatt entered the safe room and rushed over to his sister, who pulled him into a hug and wouldn't let go for a while.
Addison realized that day that maybe Willa being alpha so long had it's affects on her. Even though she didn't have to take on that responsibility anymore.
She'd been running track outside for gym one day when suddenly her breath was gone, and she couldn't get it back.
Wynter doubled over and began gasping for air before Zed approached her and helped her get to the nurses office. It took her a while to get back to normal breathing again but afterwards the nurse ran a couple tests and determined that Wynter had severe asthma.
Wynter ended up getting an inhaler and her pack and new friends knew about it though everyone was confused as to how she could just develop it all of a sudden.
Bree has remembered how Wynter had acted when she started contracting the sickness of the low powered moon stone, she had gotten short of breath easily. It made sense but Wynter didn't have to like it.
She loved running through the woods and getting her heart rate up, and that would be so much harder with asthma now.
One day Wynter was ripping through her locker, breathing audible and frantic. An asthma attack.
She leaned against the lockers and slid down, starting to black out before Jacey, aka Kevin, walked up to her. "Hey Wynter you left your inhaler in the...gym...are you okay?"
She coughed while shaking her head "Inhaler." She commanded and he helped her take it. Kevin sat with her until she felt better, he'd gone with the crowd before but he honestly liked the wolves.
Wyatt was in homeroom with Willa and Bree when all of a sudden a loud siren began going off and he whipped his head to Bree.
"It's fine. It's the fire alarm, probably just a fluke though we do need to evacuate the building." And so they left the classroom.
When they arrived in the hallway chaos ensued and students everywhere made their way outside. Somewhere in the debacle he'd lost Willa. She was right there with him and then she was just gone. Wyatt felt his breath shorten as he looked around in panic and tears began to fill his eyes.
"Where's Willa?" He asked Bree who'd noticed his distress and out her hands on his shoulders.
"I don't know but she'll be fine. We'll find her afterwards but we need to go outside come on." Bree said before leading him outside. Once there he looked around everywhere and couldn't find his sister.
"Maybe she got out a different door. There are different areas for students to wait." Another siren sounded but different this time. "There. We can go back inside now and we'll meet her in class. She's fine Wyatt." But Wyatt wasn't listening anymore. His hands were shaking and he had a tear trailing down his cheek.
It was in the hallway when he finally saw her. Wyatt sprinted up to her and wrapped her in a hug before letting all his tears fall.
Okay there they are 😊. Also, to answer your other ask yes I loved your story it was sooo good. And don't even worry about the girl stuff I was just like "ohhh nooo they think a dude is on the other side of the screen" lol
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Chapter 13; The final fight; Avengers Assemble
*Author’s note*
Okay guys this is it. The most EPIC film scene in the decade of the 2010′s. Over 10 years of MCU movies have lead up to this grand moment, and I want all of you to LISTEN TO THE VIDEOS I HAVE OUT UP FOR YOU JUST TO RELIVE THE MOMENT WHERE THEATERS TURNED TO STADIUMS. 
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*My POV*
"Wolfie, Wolfie, come on (y/n) wake up." I groaned tiredly and slowly I opened my eyes to see blurry figure standing over me. As my vision came back into focus, all I saw was long dark brown hair, a scruffy beard and a blue uniform as well as a metal arm.
"B—Bucky-bear?" he smiled widely and that's when I gasped and immediately tackled him in a hug. We embraced each other tightly as I whimpered out a sob. I wept into his shoulder, feeling all sorts of emotions at this point as I nuzzled into his neck. I felt him stroked down my hair before cupping both sides of my face.
"You're here." He said.
"So are you. Bucky you—you were the first to....." I trailed off before looking down sadly remembering what happened.
"Hey, it doesn't matter now. I'm back. And so are you."
"Yeah. Let's—let's see if we can't find the others." He nodded and that's when we stood up and walked along the jungle and the first people we found were Wanda and Sam. "Mama bear? Falcon?" they turned and the second she saw me, she immediately ran up and embraced me and I hugged her back.
"Oh Wolfie you're here too? Did you—"
"Yeah I....I was. Do—do you think they defeated Thanos?" I asked.
"I don't know."
"More importantly, how long do you think it's been?" it was then we heard a lion's roar in the distance.
"Isn't that—"
"Gen. And Sam." I turned towards them and Wanda said.
"Go, they're your people and they need their alpha." I nodded then I phased into my wolf form and took off running through the jungle. I stopped at one point and let out a mighty howl signaling my chimera pack to come find me.
As I ran through the jungle running towards the very part of the jungle where we all met up before the battle, I kept howling to signal every chimera to come find me. And I could hear not only from the animal calls far and wide of Wakanda, but also their voices through my collar of their panicked voices.
Finally I reached my high rock point and soon flying in was Maria as well as half of the bird chimeras. Leaping over the boulders was Sam, Dani and Gen as well as all the remainder cat and bear chimeras. Reptiles, elephants, canine, and stallion chimeras came near and they all talked through their collars.
'Alpha what's happened?'
'Did they save us?'
'What has happened?'
'Where is everyone?'
'How long were we gone for?' I let out a howl to silence everyone's panic and I said.
'My friends I don't know exactly what has happened. All I do know is that we've been brought back. How I don't know.' It was then a familiar yellow portal opened up and I was hoping it would be my mom but soon coming out was a man with sleeked black hair with a grey streak on the lower side of his head.
He wore similar clothing to how my mom trained me in the ways of the sorcerers. Could he be one of them too? He also had a red cloak that smelled alive to me, as well as a similar goatee that reminded me of Tony's.
"I'm looking for Mother wolf Raksha, otherwise known as (Y/n) Williams." I hopped off the rock now in my human form and I walked up to the sorcerer cautiously.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Doctor Strange and I'm here to answer your questions as well as ask for your help. There's not a lot of time to explain but it's been five years since Thanos succeeded his mission of universal genocide."
What?! Five years!? How—how is this possible?
"As I said I don't have a lot of time to explain because now the Avengers need our help. Can I count on you and your chimera army to fight the final battle against Thanos?" I turned to everyone and they all stood strong and nodded.
"Just tell me this Doctor Strange, will this fight be the one we win this time?" he just looked at me and said.
"If I tell you what happens, it won't." Typical. Mom always said the same thing.
"What do we have to do?"
"Just walk straight ahead with your army, then when the signal flares, you come through."
'What signal would that be exactly?' asked Sam.
"Your alpha will know. The rest of your army will join you at the location of the final battle." I nodded and with that he walked back through his portal and it disappeared.
'Okay—what the hell just happened?!' stated Maria.
'Has it really been five years?' asked Sarah, the second in command of the dingo chimeras.
"We'll ask questions later, right now we've gotta move." I said. I phased back into my wolf form and said to them. 'It may have been five years since everything happened. But we can't let that interfere with what we are about to do. Now I have a feeling that this fight will be bigger than the last one we fought, but we gotta hold strong. Thanos took away everything from us, and forced us to miss five years of being with everyone we know and love. Now's the chance to finally take our revenge on what he did to us. To those that survived and had to live without us. Let's show the bastard what happens when you mess with the chimera pack. Are you with me my friends?'
They all cheered and roared. I nodded and I ordered them to get into marching position. I stood in front of everyone and let out a howl and we soon marched forward.
As we walked ahead, I thought maybe I could try and reach out to my mom through the commlink on my collar.
I reached my metal paw up and pressed it to my collar and spoke.
'Mom can you read me? Mom it's me (y/n) can you read me?'
*3rd Person POV*
As Morowa was stunned to hear the voice of (y/n) from her commlink, at the same time Steve got a message from Sam Wilson.
'Hey Cap you read me? Cap it's Sam can you hear me?' Steve was in shock to hear Sam's voice over his commlink and as he pressed against his ear, the next thing he heard before the sparks of a portal began to open were, 'On your left.'
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Both Steve and Morowa turned around and soon three figures came walking out of the portal. Okoye donned in her Dora Milaje uniform along with holding her spear, but it was the two people that she was with that sent so many emotions through them, especially Morowa.
For walking alongside Okoye, was Princess Shuri in her designed warrior outfit along with Vibranium sonic gauntlets and her face decorated in warrior paint. And right in the middle was the Black Panther, King T'Challa.
His helmet came down so that he could look into the eyes of his sister and fellow leader of an army. Steve and Morowa were relieved as well as thrilled to see them again. T'Challa stared at them strongly before giving them a brief nod.
It was at that moment Sam Wilson came soaring out of the portal and circled around the battlefield just as dozens of other portals began to open up from all different corners of the world and universe while Thanos stood there perplexed.
From Titan; Doctor Strange opened up the portal and readied his shields while coming up in front of him were the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Drax, Mantis, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord, and then swinging up and landing in front of them was none other than Peter Parker, Spider Man. He landed on some rubble before deactivating his mask and he stood up with a slight grin.
Morowa and Steve grinned at each other and nodded. It was then T'Challa proclaimed the Wakandan battle cry as coming out from behind him was the reassembled army of Wakanda. All those who faded away five years ago were now back and ready to defend not only their mother land, but their entire planet.
"YIBAMBE!" his army cried out after their king as they all came out of the portal.
"YIBAMBE!" Morowa cried out to her people and the entire army including T'Challa echoed back to her.
"YIBAMBE!!" As the portals grew larger and larger some Wakandan ships as well as Ravager ships came out. Leading in front of the Jabari tribe was Bucky wielding the same gun he used five years ago along with teenage Groot at his side.
Another portal opened up from Norway revealing the remaining Asgardians who came to Earth. Valkyrie wore her Valkyrie armor and was astride upon her winged Pegasus, and standing along side her were Korg and Meek ready to battle. Also joining beside them was Wanda, her palms glowing with her powers ready to fight.
Soon coming from Hong, Kong, London and New York were all the sorcerers activating their shields and getting into battle ready stances and leading them was none other than Wong. The portal opening beside them held a Ravager army led by their newest captain, Kraglin.
Growing to normal size was Hope Van Dyne, daughter of Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne. She wore the newest advances Wasp suit that her mother never got to wore before she disappeared in the quantum realm, but it was a sign that Hope was to become the new Wasp. She looked around hoping to find Scott.
As they watched all their allies and friends coming forward ready to battle, Thor caught Stormbreaker in his hand and as Tony sat up finally conscious, he was most surprised to see a blue Iron woman suit land in front of Spiderman and the Guardian's portal. When the front of the helmet went up, the woman in the suit was none other than his wife, Pepper Potts.
And from both Wakanda and Ireland, the chimera army reunited together. Everyone in their animal forms and leaping in front on a pile of rubble letting out a mighty howl was none other than Mother wolf Raksha herself.
As Strange met up with Wong, he turned to him and asked.
"Is that everyone?"
"What you wanted more?" Wong snapped back at him. But it was at that moment from the rubble of the facility that still stood, Giant Man came out bursting through the rubble. He opened his palm to reveal Hulk, Rhodey who was now in the Patriot suit and on top of his shoulder wielding a gun was a grinning Rocket Raccoon.
*My POV*
This was it. The final fight that hopefully end all of this. Thanos took everything from me, and this time I wasn't gonna let him win again. As our side cheered and proclaimed out a battle cry and my chimeras all roared and stamped their feet to the ground, we were showing Thanos that we weren't gonna back down.
We we're going to fight, whatever it takes.
As we all got into position and my chimeras all crouched down, fur, feathers and scales riled up ready for a fight, I heard Steve proclaim.
"AVENGERS!!!" I saw Thor's hammer actually go to him and as he caught it he took a pause before finally saying. "Assemble." With a battle cry from Thor as well as all of us we charged head on.
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Ships, choppers, a Pegasus and bird chimeras took to the skies while the rest of us charged head on. Battle cries, screeches, roars and snarls were heard all around as I led the charge with Sam, Dean, Mitchell, Dani and Gen running beside me, all of us baring our fangs, roaring and snarling.
It was then Thanos' army charged toward us. All those that we had once killed were now alive again like the Black Order as well as the alien dogs were back. But just like five years ago, we'll end them too.
Both sides charged at each other. The forces of good and evil facing head on until finally we all meshed together in swords, weapons, teeth and claws. I first tackled one of the Chitauri aliens and literally ripped their head right off their body. Then just before an army of them could come at me, I unleashed the famed weapon that made the Bad Wolf most fearful, the super bark.
They went off flying into the air before being caught by the talons of my bird chimeras and were tossed around like prey before being torn apart limb from limb. I saw the Winchester pride working together to bring down one of the alien gorillas that Thanos had. Sam and Dean tackled the arms and shoulders while Dani and Gen worked together to bring him down by going for the head.
As I took down a few more Chitauri as well as some alien dogs I soon saw Tony getting outmatched by the Hulk sized alien. I growled and as Tony was knocked to the ground I charged head on. I saw two spiderwebs get shot at the Hulk alien's arms forcing him backwards.
That's when I leaped over Tony starling baring my claws and teeth at him before tackling him to the ground. I pinned his arms down, my metal claws digging into his armor as I licked my chops and bared my fangs down at him before immediately barking and snarling as I went for the head.
Like ripping apart a piece of meat, I heard the bones in his neck break and rip apart as I now held his head in my mouth and quickly disposed of it. Standing guard over the corpse , blood dripping from my fangs daring anyone who was nearby to come at me.
To the aliens that witnessed this horrific scene, they all just ran off but that was futile as I saw Gen and Sam ambushing them along with some of the leopard chimeras.
'Have at them my felines.' I muttered before turning to Parker. 'Thanks for the leverage Peter.'
"Wait—she wolf? Is—is that you holy cow you—you have a metal arm now? That's awesome chick. I-I-I mean well I....."
'It's cool Pete. You're not so bad yourself.' I walked off the corpse of alien Hulk before turning to Tony. Peter looked the same way I did and leapt over and said as he helped Tony stand up.
"Hey. Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I must've passed out because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there right? And he was like....'it's been five years come on they need us'. And then he started doing the yellow sparkly things that he always does." I rolled my eyes at Peter's rambling.
But it was then I saw Tony walking right up to Peter before finally giving him a hug. Peter asked what he was doing but when he realized he was getting a hug from his idol and mentor, he relaxed and said as he hugged him back.
"Oh, this is nice." That's when Tony turned his attention on me. He let go of Peter and walked right up to me. I lowered my ears briefly and the two of us were silent and he said.
"Again I refuse to yell at a sad wolf. Let me see your human form now missy." I obeyed him and the second I turned human, he hugged me as well. I was tense at first because I didn't know how he would react this way.
I mean the last time we saw each other we—didn't end things very well. He believed that I had died that day in Siberia and I forced him to think that, not once did I send him something to show that I was okay because I was still pissed at him for pointing the targeting Bucky who had no control of his actions at the time.
But when I saw that he wasn't going to yell or even hit me, I relaxed and embraced him back.
"When this is all over, we're gonna have a serious talk young lady. But first please tell me I didn't give you that." He gestured to my metal arm.
"It's unrelated." He nodded then as the three of us looked out at the battle raging around us.
"Alright you two, go be Avengers." Peter and I nodded and as his helmet came back up and he swung away, I phased into my wolf form and raced off.
I assisted anyone nearby with either my skills as a sorceress, using my Native American transformer weapon, or phasing into my wolf form to take down the bigger prey. It wasn't until I was taken by surprise by old alien blue-haired bitch from five years ago. I snarled at her and I leapt at her in my wolf form, the two of us rolling around in the dirt. She had me pinned but just before she could stab right through me, a massive black furred body tackled her and proceeded to rip her head off.
Snarls and growls were heard as well as choked cries from her as her head came right off and it was tossed aside. I shook myself of the dirt and sniffed the canine in front of me. He turned around and I knew those fiery golden eyes anywhere.
'A mhuirnín?' we slowly walked towards each other in our wolf forms.
'Oh my god....'
'Is it—it is you. You're here. You're really here!' he tackled me and proceeded to lick and nuzzle into my neck. The two of us grunting and whimpering happily and lovingly.
Phasing into human form, Rauri and I cupped each other's faces and immediately kissed each other with desperate passion.
"I thought I lost you." He said between our kisses. I smiled sadly and I said.
"Me too. But you did what I had asked you to do."
"Avenge you. But I—"
'Uhh excuse me?' we turned and there were the Winchester family, Mitchell and Marie trying to take down one of the alien gorillas. 'We get that you missed each other but do you think you could save the mooshie, love-dovie talk after the battle is done?' I turned to Rauri and said.
"Two Bad Wolves on the hunt?"
"My love I've been waiting five years to go on a hunt with you." Our eyes glowed wolf yellow and we both charged head on before leaping in our wolf forms, fangs and claws out as we both tackled the gorilla down and the two of us going for the killing strike.
*3rd Person POV*
As the war continued to rage on, Doctor Strange was sending up with wisps of Nazareth up from the ground on some of the Chitauri before sending them to another dimension. As he landed, Morowa landed beside him and her Jaguar helmet receded and she looked at the new Sorcerer Supreme and said.
"So. Stark said one out of 14 million we win right? Tell me now this is it?"
"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." said Doctor Strange. Morowa rolled her eyes and said.
"Now I see why she chose you." Then without even his knowledge, one of the alien dogs came towards Strange but Morowa summoned a long whip and caught the dog by it's neck. She pulled it towards her before stabbing it with her spear. "And don't pull your whips like your punching, let it flow like an extension of your arm."
Without even looking she summoned another whip to wrap around a Chitauri's ankle before bringing it to her and she did a spinning sidekick.
"Like that." She cocked her head before reactivating her helmet and she took off running over the rubble to take down more of Thanos' goons. Strange shook his head and muttered.
"Show off."
"At least she proved a better rookie than you were." Wong spoke up after sending an alien to the highest point of Mount Everest. Strange glared at him before Wong summoned out a shield and blocked another alien's attack.
As Bucky continued to fire away at any nearby alien that came within shooting range he fired at them till he saw an old piece of rubble just ahead of him. From above he looked up and saw one of Thanos' ships and he got to thinking back to the battle with Connor.
"Steve!" After he used Mjolnir to knock out one of the bigger aliens he turned towards his best friend and Bucky said, "Follow me and give me some cover!" Steve nodded and as Buck raced on ahead, Steve covered his friend till the two of them reached the rubble of a steel door.
"What have you got in mind Buck?" asked Steve.
"Alright, we're gonna put this on our backs and when I saw go, lift hard." He nodded and the two super soldiers picked the steel door up and almost on cue, they saw (y/n) in wolf form taking down an army of aliens with her super bark. He let out a loud whistle. "WOLFIE! RAIJU!!!" They lowered the shield downwards so that (y/n) could easily hop right onto it.
With narrowed eyes, (y/n) charged towards the two soldiers and as soon as all four paws touched the steel door, Bucky cried out.
"NOW!" and with a strong lift upwards, the two soldiers pushed (y/n) towards the closest ship. And just like back in Wakanda, her wolf body began to spark with lighting and her eyes turned soulless white with spiritual energy.
Lowering her head and much like she was able to back in her days during Hydra, and like what happened with Connor in Wakanda, she headbutted the closest ship Thanos had and it exploded into smithereens.
Everyone around was in brief awe and as Rauri howled out victoriously, all the chimeras cheered for their matriarch alpha female in the success of using her most powerful weapon she had gained during her stay at Wakanda, the move that had set them all free.
She landed safely on the ground and shook herself of the rubble as she stared up at the sky to see the ship fall down to the ground before exploding into a bigger flame.
'Maria, you and any other bird chimera grab as many of our allies as you can and take them away from the west part of the field'. She said in her collar.
'On it Alpha.' Soon hundreds upon hundreds of bird chimeras swooped down and began picking up any Ravager, Wakandan soldier, sorcerer, and Avengers member they could find. 'It's all clear go for it!' And with that all clear, (y/n) used her resonance howl and blew the fire towards Thanos' army, burning them alive.
The two super soldiers watched in awe at this Alpha she-wolf and Steve couldn't help but be proud.
"When was she able to do that?"
"Steve you don't know the half of what she can do. She's really grown not only as a warrior, but as a leader."
"I can see that. Seems our young She-wolf is all grown up now."
"Indeed she is." Bucky said.
"Alright come on, let's see if we can't help her out." The two super soldiers nodded before running towards her.
*A/N: START AT 59 seconds*
In another part of the battle, Thanos was killing any hero on sight and he growled out.
"Where's Nebula?" one of his Black Order members, Corvus Glaive who stabbed an Asgardian with his spear said.
"She's not responding."
"Sire." Ebony Maw said in alert as he pointed outwards. It was then Thanos saw up ahead Clint Barton running with the gauntlet containing the stones.
As he ran through the army of aliens, Clint used his katana to cut down any aliens coming at him head on. But when an explosion happened behind him, he went rolling forward but he caught himself and using his glove, he fired a mini poison dart towards his assailant. As it went down, he turned to see a whole army charging right at him.
But the next thing he knew, two figures in a black and gold Vibranium catsuits came in front of them, both of them sending powerful kinetic energies at the army knocking them down.
"Clint!" two voices called out to him. The two figures turned and the helmets came down to reveal T'Challa and Morowa standing before him.
"Give it to us." Said T'Challa. Then like passing the flag over in a game of capture the flag, Clint handed the gauntlet to T'Challa and the two Wakandans turned towards the army.
"Just like the Masai Maura all over again ehh brother?"
"You and I remember our training at the Masai Maura very differently." Said T'Challa as both their helmets came back over their faces.
Then like two cats running through the plains, both T'Challa and Morowa skillfully dodged every threat that came towards them. And if one got surrounded, they'd toss the gauntlet over to the next cat warrior who was open.
Both using their suits once they were fully powered up to send a powerful wave through the army, knocking them all out. But it was when T'Challa had sent his powerful kinetic energy wave outwards, that he was suddenly knocked down by a double axe sword, which caused him to drop the gauntlet.
Morowa ran towards her brother and the two saw Thanos catch his sword and trudge towards them. But before he could take another step, someone landed between him and the two Wakandans. Red energy surrounded the area and all he was were gleaming red eyes.
It was Wanda Maximoff. And she was pissed.
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"You took everything from me!" She snarled lowly.
"I don't even know who you are." Thanos snapped.
"You will." Wanda said lowly and threateningly. Her hands glowed as she began levitating in the air as well as bringing up two very large loads of rubble.
She fired one rubble pile at Thanos followed by the other, before finally landing down and using her own powers head on to hold of Thanos allowing T'Challa and Morowa to make their escape and grab the gauntlet.
But the ground around the gauntlet began to lift up, all thanks to Ebony Maw. The two of them leapt for the gauntlet unfortunately, they were now being squeezed to death by the earth surrounding them. T'Challa tried to keep hold of the gauntlet but he knew it wouldn't be long before he would be forced to let it go.
"I got it!" the two looked up to see Peter Parker swinging in and T'Challa immediately tossed him the gauntlet. Peter caught it before landing on the ground. "Activate instant kill!" the eyes of his suit lowered and gleamed red and his Iron spider legs came out and began to stab any alien that came right at him.
Back with Thanos and Wanda, Thanos tried to slice her in half with his axe sword but Wanda stopped him using her telekentic powers. His arrogance of his previous fights so far against the Avengers, he thought she'd be no different and that he could land a blow on her.
But he was wrong.
With a slight smirk and a gleam in her red eyes, Wanda sent a powerful upper palm strike which actually cut Thanos' weapon in half and sent it flying a good several yards away from him. Immediately using her left hand, she forced Thanos to rise into the air.
His entire body glowing with her energy as she now began ripping apart piece by piece, painfully slow every inch of his armor. Fearing for his own life and in his own narcissistic manner, Thanos proclaimed.
"But sire, our troops." Proclaimed Corvus.
"JUST DO IT!!" Thanos cried out in pain. And it was then his main ship unleashed all their guns and rained hellfire upon everyone down below.
Not only were the Avengers attacked, but all his ships and his army were also attacked too. As Wanda tried to protect herself, she was soon flow high above the air which forced her to free Thanos from her grasp. But just before she could land on the floor, a giant black mass caught her and shielded her.
'Hang on sister! Keep your head down!' From the voice coming from the collar, she knew it was Rauri. She ducked underneath his wolf stomach and he protectively wrapped himself around her shielding her with his Vibranium suit.
As the guns continued to fire down, Pepper ceased firing for a brief moment to see the lake beside the facility starting to unleash a flood down towards the battlefield.
"Uhh, is anyone else seeing this?" she asked through her commlinks. Doctor Strange who was the closest to the flooding, quickly ran towards the bottom of it and using his powers, created an air-like shield to keep the water up in a tornado shape. Because he knew if the water would rush down, everyone would be flooded.
Meanwhile back with Peter, he was starting to get overwhelmed by the army of alien dogs attacking him.
"I got this. I got this. Okay I don't got this. Help! Somebody help!" Steve who was currently riding on top of (y/n) had her stop and he said.
"Hey Queens, heads up." He then tossed Mjolnir across the field and then he told (y/n) as he unmounted her. "Go find him." She nodded then ran across the field to find Peter.
*My POV*
I sniffed the air for Peter's scent and that's when I saw Pepper in the blue Iron woman suit carrying Peter across the sky before sending him up towards a woman flying on a Pegasus. Wow and I thought those things didn't exist, but then again I've seen weirder so I'm one to talk.
I kept my eyes focused on them and just as a beam shot right in front of them. I ran up on top of a pile of dead alien corpses and leapt up towards Parker. As he grabbed the gauntlet, I grabbed him and I landed on the ground.
'Hang on tight Spiderman!' I ran back around but soon multiple shots were fired right down on us. I dodged as many of them as I could, sliding my claws against the earth to try and redirect myself (god I wish Hydra had turned me into a cheetah at this point).
Suddenly a blast came in front of us sending the two of us flying. I landed rolling on the ground in my human form. I groaned and tried to pull myself up but that's when another round of hellfire came raining down upon us.
"DUCK DOWN PETE!!" I exclaimed as the two of us crawled underneath a pile of earth and I got on top of him in my wolf form and fully activated the suit so that it would go around me as well as activating a shield to surround us. 'Keep your head down!' I said to him as all that surrounded us were grunts and the sound of constant gunfire.
I don't know how long it lasted, probably forever but it was then everything went dead silent. I perked my ears to see if I could hear anything and I thought I heard the sound of a sonic boom coming from the sky.
I deactivated the shield and that's when I saw the guns that once rained fire on up, were now firing at the sky.
'What the hell?' Next thing I saw coming down from the sky was this massive amount of energy. As powerful maybe even more than my Raijū form. It slammed right down into Thanos' ship immediately stopping the guns and when I took a closer look, I saw that it was actually not a weapon from a ship or missile, but a woman.
She flew back underneath Thanos' ship and like an exploding firework, his ship blew apart as the woman glowed like a giant start in the sky. Next thing I saw, Thanos' ship fell right into the river. Then the woman came and landed right over us.
She had blonde hair that had a combed over mohawk style haircut and she wore a red, blue and gold military suit of some kind. Her eyes were hard like stone as she stared down at us.
"Hi.....I'm Peter Parker, and this is (y/n) (l/n)."
'Williams now. (Y/n) Williams.' I said. At that point her eyes grew soft and a warm smile spread across her face as she said.
"Hey Peter Parker, (Y/n) Williams. You both got something for me?" we both stood up and as Peter held the gauntlet, we turned and saw the rest of Thanos' army heading straight toward us.
"I don't know how you're gonna get through all that." Peter said exhaustedly as he handed that gauntlet to the woman.
"Don't worry." Wanda said as she came flying in with the Valkyrie warrior on her Pegasus.
"She's got help." Okoye said as her and my mom came from our right. Pepper then landing beside my mom. All of my female chimeras came surrounding us as well as Shuri, the three alien girls, and the woman in the wasp suit.
'Get out of here Peter. We can handle this from here.' I told him. He nodded and backed off. I turned towards the army that was charging head on at us.
It was an all-female army versus the army of Thanos.
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"Hey she-wolf." The blonde woman said to me. As half the girls charged head onto battle. I turned to her and she continued, "that powerful surge I felt on my way over here. Was that you?"
'Yeah I—I sorta call it my Raijū form, it's something I recently—well sorta recently discovered.'
"You know I think combined together we could cause them serious hell. Care to join alongside me?"
'I don't know. I never knew I could do it twice in a row.'
"Well if it's anything like this," she held her hand up into a fist forming that powerful surge I had witnessed earlier. "All you have to do is just let it all out." I turned towards my female chimeras and I said.
'Gen, Dani. Lead the advance, go!' they nodded and it was then Gen gave the command.
'Chimeras attack!' soon all my female chimeras charged head on to help the rest of the ladies with the battle. I took a deep breath and got into a hunting position.
I focused my energy on bringing back my Raijū abilities and once I had it, I opened my eyes and just let it go and allowed the power to consume over me.
"There you go She-wolf, let's show 'em what we got." I let out a powerful resonance howl and thanks to my enhanced raijū powers, it made my howls twice as dangerous and deadly.
The woman and I charged head on and like two firing sonic bombs, we both bombarded through the army with her holding the gauntlet and me racing beside her sending out either sonic super barks or sonic resonance howls.
We got closer to the van that was going to be our time portal to get the stones back to where they came from before Thanos can even get ahold of them.
But I saw Thanos charging right for us so I let out a sonic resonance howl towards him which sent him backwards but it wasn't until three additions blasts that really got him flying backwards. Just before the woman and I got any closer to the van, a giant sword slammed right into the tunnel which sent quantum energy out sending everyone within range backwards. I rolled around on the ground and as I skidded across the floor, my vision went black.
*3rd Person POV*
After the blast and the gauntlet was now lying there in the middle of the ground, Tony removed a dead alien corpse off of him and saw the gauntlet just a few feet away from him. He turned to see Thanos going right for it, but he quickly tackled him to the side so that he couldn't get to it.
But with a jab of his elbow right into his face, Tony was sent flying backwards with a harsh grunt and lay on the ground completely exhausted. Thanos went for it again but just before he was inches away from it, Thor stepped in front of him and swung Stormbreaker at him.
Using both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir against Thanos, Thor managed to keep Thanos distracted from grabbing the gauntlet. He managed to force Thanos a few steps away then he turned back to grab the gauntlet but he was grabbed by his cape so swinging Stormbreaker again he tried to go for the head but Thanos caught his axe.
Thor called back his hammer and crossed it over Thanos' hand trapping him in an X lock as lighting sparked through Thor's veins and lite up his eyes as he yelled at the mad titan. Taking his chance, Steve leapt up and got onto Thanos' back and held him in a choke hold.
Enraged and having enough of their persistence, Thanos broke free of Thor's grip before headbutting him, knocking the God of thunder out. He then grabbed Steve by the back of the head and flipped him over his shoulder before standing over him and delivering a single punch to his head knocking him out as well.
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With no one to stop him this time, Thanos finally grabbed the gauntlet but just before he could put it on, he was tackled and the sound of snarling and growling was heard. He tossed the mass of fur aside only to reveal Rauri standing in front of him snarling and baring his teeth.
Taking note to how his arms and biceps were now easy access thanks to his sister in law. Rauri went for the painful strike of getting right at his left bicep, hoping that by biting as hard as he could, it would cause Thanos to drop the gauntlet.
But all that did was make Thanos even more impatient and more angrier. He yanked on Rauri's neck hide in a choke-like manner forcing him to let go and he then sent a punch Rauri's way. But he got back on his feet and snarled at the mad titan again with tail raised high and fur on end.
He then tackled Thanos to the ground and the two rolled snapping and snarling at each other. When Thanos managed to pin Rauri down, using his Vibranium back claws, he scratched Thanos' armor slowly chipping away at it but till not doing enough damage. But it did give Rauri the chance to get out from underneath Thanos and hop onto his back in human form.
Using the fighting skills he learned from his wife way back when they first met. He ensured to have his legs wrapped around Thanos' waist as he used the Vibranium claws on his armor to deeply scratch down Thanos' arm and anywhere near his face. He even unleashed his fangs and took a bite into Thanos' cheek scarring his face up pretty bad.
Thanos let out a painful yell before finally reaching for Rauri and tossing him down to the ground. But he ensured to keep hold of Rauri's arm as he held it behind his back and over his head. Rauri tried to free himself but all that did was cause Thanos to dislocate his shoulder which sent out a cry of agony out of Rauri.
He was then grabbed by Thanos and tossed aside like trash just like he did to Stark. He grabbed the gauntlet again and this time he succeeded in placing it on his right hand. Just as he felt the power of the stones surging through him, he let out a cry but just before he could snap his fingers together, another figure tackled him.
*My POV*
When I woke up, I could hear the anguish cries of my husband. And when my vision became clear I watched as Thanos holding my husband's arm way above and behind his back and I think I might've also heard bones breaking. But it was when I saw him toss my husband aside like trash that it became personal.
Because when you mess with one wolf, you get the whole pack. Especially if that wolf is the Alpha's mate.
Feeling absolute rage as I saw Thanos place the gauntlet on is hand, I activated my raijū powers once more and charged at Thanos. Just before he could snap his fingers, I cried out a battle cry as I grabbed his right hand and kept his fingers apart from each other so that he couldn't snap them.
"You are not taking my family away from me again!" I snarled out as I allowed my raijū powers to increase with the burning rage I felt inside me. Thanos and I fought for dominance and then he decided to headbutt me, which of course didn't work as I kept my sharp glare at him.
I then unleashed my spirit wolf to come forward and pin him down while snarling down in is face. I let out a fearsome cry as my fangs came out and my eyes went from soulless white to wolf gold.
Of course the bastard had to cheat as he pulled out the power stone and held it in his other hand before closing it into a fist and punching me right in the chest sending me flying in the air.
*3rd Person POV*
Seeing this all unfold, Tony felt like they were going to lose again. This Thanos proved to be even more savage and deadlier than the one they faced five years ago. He looked towards Stephen Strange and Strange who was still maintaining the water, turned towards Stark.
As the two of them stared at each other, Stephen with a shaky hand, slowly lowered his middle, ring and pinkie fingers signaling to Stark.
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One way.
It was then Tony realized what that one way meant. He knew what he had to do in order for this one victory to be the way they would save the universe.
Thanos reconnected the Power stone back to it's original spot and he once again felt the power of the stones surging through his body. Quick as a whip, Tony took hold of the gauntlet and held on as tightly as he could.
Thanos kneed him in the gut but Tony held on strong. He tried to go for a punch but Stark blocked it till finally Thanos just knocked him aside sending Tony away. Readjusting the gauntlet he stared at it in awe.
"I am....inevitable." then he snapped his fingers together. Only to hear a loud CLANK. Confused Thanos looked to the glove and turned it over. Only to see the Stones were gone.
But when he looked towards Tony, he saw all six of the stones moving up along his right palm and once all six stones were in place, Tony held back the agonizing scream as he felt the radiation from the stones starting to burn him alive.
The mad titan was horrified at what he saw. He had allowed his arrogance to blind him to what Stark had truly planned out.
"And I....." Tony panted out. "Am....." he glared pure hatred towards Thanos before finally whispering out strongly. "Ironman."
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And with a single snap, a flash of bright light boomed around Tony and thunder rumbled in the sky.
*My POV*
As Mitchell and Maria helped me back up onto my feet I was in shock to what I had just seen. The first thing to turn to ash was one of those leviathan ships that was heading towards Rocket ready to swallow him whole.
Then the remaining army, but not just that everything related to Thanos. His ships, the fallen soldiers of his army, his order, everything Thanos had strived to create to get to this moment was turning to ash.
I turned towards my marine Betas and they looked at me in shock as well as awe. We went over to Rauri and Mitchell helped him stand up and we all watched as Thanos was forced to watch everything he worked for disappear.
Just like he made us watch as our loved ones disappeared all those years ago.
When only he remained, my beta chimeras surrounded him and the exhausted Titian just looked at them before finally sitting down defeatedly. Rauri and I walked towards him and stood in front of him glaring down at him. He sighed so softly it was like the breeze of the wind.
The two of us turned to each other before nodding. We looked back at him and leaned down towards him before softly blowing out some air and at that second, Thanos turned to ash and faded away.
"It is finished." I said. I looked up to Rauri and nuzzled into his chest and with his working arm, he wrapped it around me and kissed the top of my head. But it was then I remembered. "Tony."
I raced towards him and was horrified at what I saw. His skin was almost charcoal grey, he looked like ash from a fireplace, blood was pouring out from his nose and the corner of his mouth, and the right side of him was almost completely burned away.
Rhodey who stood beside him only nodded knowing that there was no way he would survive this.
"Tony." I choked out. I knelt down beside Rhodey and cupped the side of his face and he mouthed out.
"I-I.....you promised me we'd try to sort what happened in Siberia out. But I—I can't do that if you die. Please Tony I—I can't....I can't lose you too. Please Tony I—I'm sorry Tony I'm so, so sorry....." tears kept falling down my face as Rhodey gently picked me up and I soon felt Rauri's arm wrap around me and I wept into his chest.
At this point Peter came swinging in and he was just as heartbroken as I was as I heard him choke out.
"Mr. Stark? Hey! Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won! You did it, sire, you did it. I'm sorry.....Tony." At this point Peter was like me at this point, trailing off crying as Pepper and Rhodey gently backed him away from Tony. Finally Pepper knelt in front of Tony.
"Hey." She softly said as she placed her hand over the arc reactor at the center of his chest.
"Hey, Pep." He softly whispered as he placed his hand over hers.
"Friday?" Pepper said and that's when I could hear Friday say.
'Life functions critical.' Oh god please don't tell me it's true.
The two of them stared lovingly at each other and all I could see even though the life was fading from his eyes, Tony was showing pure love as he stared at Pepper. Almost like he was trying to memorize her face one last time.
"Tony? Look at me." Pepper told him as Tony now tried to look away. He groaned weakly and wheezed softly as Pepper smiled assuringly but still having tears in her eyes. "We're gonna be okay. You can rest now."
And with that I heard Tony take his last breath. The light on his arc reactor die out, his hand fall lifelessly from Pepper's, and finally the last amount of life in his eyes went dull and empty.
Pepper's lip quivered as she lowered her head for a moment before kissing Tony's cheek and bowing her head to sob against his shoulder. It was then I knew, no we all knew.
Tony Stark was dead. Sacrificing himself to save billions of people across the universe.
Play deleted scene
We all stood there in silence and that's when I saw Clint bow down with his left leg forward pressing his head to his hand. T'Challa and my mom soon followed after turning to Clint, the both of them having the same leg out in front.
The blonde woman turned to them and she followed behind, while at the same time a man wearing some sort of red garb that looked alien to me also kneeled down. The blue robotic alien woman followed his lead immediately joined by the Valkyrie warrior.
Scott also joined in bowing. Steve followed suit then Thor, and Stephen Strange who held guilt in his eyes probably knowing that this is what had to happen in order for us to win.
I then phased into my wolf form and bowed respectfully for Tony. Rauri followed suit and tried to bow as best he could with a dislocated leg, every single one of my chimeras followed behind us. Soon the rest joined in, Bucky, Sam, Shuri, Okoye, Wanda, Rhodey, Peter, Bruce, the woman in the wasp suit, even the other aliens.
Every single one of us was bowing with our left foot forward as a sign of respect and gratitude to a man that sacrificed his life in order to save us all. A hero that should never be forgotten, the one who started it all.
Anthony Howard Stark.
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vampiricelete · 5 years
What’s winter mahina Rome Jax and valla name in your contacts and their ringtone
@the-winter-dork-rp = doofus (ringtone: crazy frog)
@lightoftheluna = wolfie (ringtone:oath by Cher Lloyd)
Rome =spawn of jake (ringtone: Stevie griffin saying mom)
@jacobtheslayer = soulmate aka jackass (ringtone change depending on if he piss me off but normally it’s gone gone gone by Philip philips)
@alpha-jax =my heart (ringtone I will wait by Mumford and son)
@that-werewolf-punk =shithead (ringtone goat screams)
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misspurrfectshipper · 4 years
The TLC summary: (SPOILERS!!!)
Cinder: So I'm a random mechanic and I'm in this adoptive family for like 5 yrs and then the prince of New Beijing mess around me and then he invites me to the ball. Oh and there this Levana she's really bitch and this not-so-random doctor told me that I'm Lunar (why I shouldn't believe him???) and when he told me to not go to the ball I went there and I've got arrest and now he told me that I'm fucking princess and I have to save Luna& Earth from that bitch Levana..... Yay
Scarlet: So I met this hot dude with green eyes and I'm trying to find my grandma and me and the hot dude with green eyes fell in love in like two days and he's a fucking Luna spy and my grandma is dead and the hot dude and me somehow ended up in the Rampion Crew....
Cress: So I'm locked up in this fucking satelit for like 7 yrs, the Lunar princess came to save me but then the things fucked up. Me and my fuckin crush are in the fuckin desert and after we came to Rampion crew we are going to break into a palace of New Beijing and kidnap the Emperor and start the fucking war with lunars....
Winter: So I'm princess of the Luna but I'm not Blackburn, my crush/bff/childhood friend is back on Luna from Earth. But he has to kill me but he didn't kill me, and somehow the other princess of Luna breaks on Luna and she start a revolution and then she faked her death and then she shows up with a army of Levana's soldiers and then my cousin (the other princess) somehow won the Lunar throne and that bitch Levana's death and everywhere is happily ever after!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I forgot I became fucking crazy and my crush finally realized that he's in love with me!!!!!!!
Stars above: Scarlet was such a badass even when she was child. Cinder wasn't such badass when she was child (ok, she fixed Iko but that doesn't count). Wolf actually become alpha only because he didn't want to become a fully evolved wolfy-like-solider. Cress was a cute lil naive daydreamer aka hacker. Thore was surrounded by girls even when he was smaller then them. Winter.... She was a motherfucking beaty&brave. There was another rich cybotng and mistaken android just like Iko & Cinder. Hoodies are the best camouflage from your crazy fangirls aka Kai was trying to find Selene! Uwu, Wolflet got married and Kaider engaged!!!!!!!Yay!!!!
The Fairest: So I'm the ugly princess aka Levana, my sis is really bitch and this is my married crush, his wife is pregnant. Oh, and my sis is pregnant too, but we don't know who is father. My crushes wife is death now so I can marry him now!! Yay!! Oh, my sis is death so I also become a queen. Wait there her daughter so let's kill her so I can be officially queen!!!! Now I'm becoming a real bitch but only little bit. Wait my husband gets killed and he leaves me his daughter Winter. I'm going to become a real bitch now, that's how to get over your husband's death.
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thechronicliar · 6 years
Here is one of the promised Sterek Chapter stories.
Basically, Derek is the magical one and Stiles is the werewolf. There are other role swappings, like with the Alphas and Argents. But just a story of how it would be like if Stiles was the werewolf that turned alpha instead of Derek. With Stiles using his werewolfness to help flirt with Derek.
Magic Derek and Werewolf Stiles. Brilliant. I know.
Stiles is a werewolf, born and an Alpha later on in life. His mother was killed by hunters when she went to save the Hales who were magical descendants. During her death, the Alpha powers were transferred to Stiles while at a sleepover at Scott’s house. With the sudden change, Stiles bites Scott by accident while in mid-transformation, making him into a werewolf as well.
The Sheriff is still human in this AU, but he has a lot of knowledge about the supernatural. I’m thinking either the bite didn’t take or he was too old for Stiles’ mom to want to risk biting him. Melissa is a werewolf, bitten by Mrs. Stilinski long before they met John Stilinski or moved to Beacon Hills. They have been close friends for a long time. Stiles’ mom was a true Alpha and had left her pack to make her own. Scott was going to be bitten when he was a bit older and it would be easier to control, but shit happens. It was a HALEstorm, ha, no, but it really sucked having two newly powered children and a dead alpha.
The Hale family are humans mostly, with a few magical people. A big family like before, there was a fire, but no one died. Hunters wanted to remove the witch coven to weaken the supernatural vale around the town. But sort of was a fail.
That is if I keep the Argents as Hunters. It is tempting to have the Argents as the Alphas and vice versa. Argents as the Alphas, wanting the Hales to work for them and not with the Stilinski’s. Alphas being a ragtag group of hunters, cutthroats that are there to eradicate any supernatural. With this, there will still be that fire caused by Kate who is insane and doesn’t take no for an answer. Kate and Mrs. Stilinski end up killing each other (well, Mrs. Stilinski kills Kate, but far too injured to survive her wounds and her added power from Kate gets transferred to Stiles too) and the Hale’s survive. The Hales move away, not feeling safe, knowing the Alphas will be after them, because they are a powerful family and probably took a few out. The Alphas years later are still trying to hunt down the Hale’s to get revenge and probably after the Stilinski’s too, probably thinking if they attack them, then the Hales will come back. They then finally threatened to kill off the pack in Beacon Hills if they keep running. Stiles’ pack doesn’t know about this at all. Well, maybe the Sheriff does. He’s still in connection with the Hale’s.
Derek comes back to Beacon Hills to repay the debt that was made with his family’s lives being saved. He and probably Laura and Peter are there to take care of the Alpha pack. Stiles’ pack helps. They take in members of the Argent pack (humans and not humans. Not sure how their packs are. Maybe they are all family and go out killing Alphas to strengthen their pack. I think I like that). Stiles is still head honcho. The new hunters (aka what was the Alphas in the original) are coming in because of all the supernatural crap happening and plan to kill off everyone. And they are scary good at what they do.
Derek may be there to take Deaton’s place later or just to start cleaning up their home for all the other Hale’s to slowly start coming back. He is really good with his magic and maybe he works for Deaton at the animal shelter while learning how the area now works and about the current supernatural. That and the new alpha.
Now for the Sterek. The moment Derek is in town, Stiles knows. The smell of the man sends his heart racing. And Derek doing magic is badass with a nice ass. If Stiles had a tail, he’d be wagging it every time he saw the man. I just like the idea of Stiles using his wolfy skills to stalk on Derek in a slightly cute and creepy way, to where Scott has to tell him to stop and just go talk to the guy. And Stiles keeps his nerdy trip over air self even though he’s an Alpha werewolf.
I also think at first, Stiles has no idea Derek isn’t a normal human (especially one that already knows Stiles is a werewolf and is baffled that Stiles was the Alpha). Their relationship would be much the same, filled with snark and barely veiled flirting.
Stiles’ pack would grow after the Hales start to return. The Hales and Stilinski’s fight side by side to face the growing troubles. This one would have been more of several chapters instead of shorts like the others.
Had a little written for it though: Stiles is really good a finding Derek, even in the middle of the woods. It’s like he has a target system on the man.
The blue jeep clanked its way up the drive toward the Hale house to see several construction workers finishing up the framework of the house. Laura and Peter stood at the hood of Derek’s Camaro, looking over the blueprints when Stiles pulled up beside them. He smiled brightly through the open window and waved at the two. “Hello my almost favorite Hales!” he cheered, breathing in subtlety as he looked for any sight of Derek.
“Almost favorite?” Peter mumbled while Laura laughed behind him.
“Hey Stiles, Derek’s not here,” Laura answered his unasked question.
Stiles slummed back in his jeep’s seat as a pout pulled at his lips. That explained how stale Derek’s scent was. “Then why is his car here?”
“He’s out jogging the property line,” Laura supplied as she went back to looking at the blueprints. Peter, on the other hand, looked amused as he stared at Stiles with his unnervingly blue eyes. “He should be back in an hour or so. If you want, you can wait here for him.”
“Who says I came here for him? Maybe I was here for your lovely face?”
Laura looked up with a raised brow, obviously not believing him. “’Almost favorite’,” she quoted him.
“Now you’re just misinterpreting me.”
D: Stop following me
S: “No” walks out behind tree and skipping up to Derek’s side as he run
D: -grunts and runs faster- I can put stalking charges on you
S: -Derek wasn’t lying, but there was no heat in the threat- Go for it. My dad’s the sheriff.
D: I’ve met the sheriff.
S: …-shit-
D: He would be the one to put the cuffs on you himself.
It had become a habit, wondering into the Hale woods and waiting until the familiar muscled form goes jogging by. Derek was surprisingly fast as he took the beaten trails, jumping over roots and fallen tree branches. Stiles had no problem keeping up with the pace, though he wasn’t nearly as good as Derek at dodging all the roots and branches. He’s fallen more than he’d ever admit, but every time he fell, Derek slowed his pace just slightly enough to make it look like he wasn’t trying to run away from him. Today was no exception. A root caught his laces and sent him sprawling into the dirt.
“If you’re going to follow me, you could at least stop tripping over the same root,” Derek grumbled down the path. He had actually stopped to look back at him. His frown deepening the longer Stiles laid there.
“It’s not the same root,” Stiles mumbled too low for Derek to hear as he pushed himself up. He glared down at the root that looked oddly familiar.
Just a lot of Stiles awkwardly trying to get Derek to like him and succeeding, cause how could he not?
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i-am-so-over-you · 7 years
Yoonmin Fic Recs Masterlist (only happy endings)
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So I have been reading a lot of Yoongi/Jimin because they are giving me all the feelings, here are some of my favourite ones. I will keep updating this. It is short because I just started not too long ago. :)
Note that this is for fun only and I do not actually believe that the real Yoongi and Jimin will be romantically linked in any way. 
All of the fics are complete and on Ao3.
Updated: 19th February 2018
Wow it’s been a while since I’ve updated this list and I came back to 800 notes!! Here’s more of my recent favourites.
aeonian (adj.) [ee-oh-nee-uhn] eternal; everlasting.
In the year 1304 A.D., tensions between the Vampires and the Lycans are at an all time high. Min Yoongi is the Captain of the Death Dealers and the most elite of the Vampires' protectors. Over the long years of his life, Yoongi has grown unemotional and apathetic, no longer interested in feeling emotions. When the human nobles come to visit, Yoongi meets Park Jimin, the youngest son of a baron, and his whole life changes. Suddenly Jimin is the most important thing in his world, and Yoongi will do anthing to protect him.
Me: Someone I just enjoy the same story of aloof Yoongi finally finding something to care about, no matter the universe. Enjoy this one, I loved it.
oil, lube, service
"Unless you know what a ‘rear oil change’ is? I mean, what the hell are they going to oil, my tires?” Jimin laughs at the ridiculousness. “Oh, I don’t know, but that sounds kind of kinky, 'changing your rear oil.' It sounds like the mechanic is preparing you for buttsex.”
“Tae!” Jimin complains.
AKA The mechanic AU where Park Jimin thinks Min Yoongi is overcharging him for car maintenance, but he's really not, cue Yoonmin falling in love.
Me: It’s refreshing to see real-life relationship struggles and personal insecurities in a fic. Honestly I think our fandom has one of the most talented writer base there is. This was so good. The author is someone I set notifications for so I get an email whenever they update. Amazing work. Do check out her other stuff if you looking for great characterised stories.
Warm Mr. Wolfie
Jimin's late aunt left him a cabin last year, and he still hasn't been by so he takes time off to spend the holiday season there. Little does he know he'll meet a wolf on his hike behind the cabin, a wolf that will change form in front of him and claim to be his mate.
Me: If you are looking for something short and cute this is the one to go for. Very fast burn.
Gotta Be Fate (If We’re Under the Covers)
Jimin is excited to just sleep for a day and maybe catch up on some tv shows at the hotel.
That is, until they get to the new hotel they’re staying at, and he gets handed a room key that’s the same as Yoongi’s. Meaning, he and Yoongi will share a room and worse, he and Yoongi will have to share a bed.
“Why do I have to share with Yoongi-hyung?” Jimin complains. He’s managed to avoid it this whole trip which is really in his best interest if he wants to keep his raging heart boner for him hidden.
AKA my response to Yoonmin sharing a bed, 8 years too late.
Me: I’ve loved canon-compliant fics, not because I really believe the real-life them are together but because it makes it easier to picture, somehow, This is so cute and sweet.
The Songbird and the Sea
In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly.
But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East.
Me: I just want to say that I’ve been aware of this pic since a very long time ago but I refused to read it until it was completed (cos I am just not very good at waiting). THIS IS A MASTERPIECE.
Updated: 28th September 2017
Winter Blues
Yoongi is turned into a cat by a sorceress, and novice witch Jimin finds him and takes him home. Fluff and feelings ensue.
Me: This fic is fluff. Fluff. Fluff. There is just enough tension. Just enough angst. Just enough everything to make this the perfect warm-feeling fic to end off the night before you sleep.
7 Minutes in Heaven
“It’s a fusion game. The person who spins the bottle gets to ask the person it landed on truth or dare, and if that person doesn’t want to answer or do the dare then they either take a shot or take off an article of clothing,” Jin says like he’s proud of improvising such a fantastic game. “I’m not playing that,” Yoongi says. “Hyung, don’t be a party pooper, are you scared we’ll learn your secrets?” Hoseok asks and Namjoon ah’s dramatically. Yoongi shakes his head and puts his tongue in his cheek before he smiles at their antics, pushing Namjoon over closer to Jin so that he can sit down. “Please, hyung, it sounds like fun!” Jungkook says. “It’s my birthday.”
Me: Indulgent!Yoongi and shy!Jimin is my favourite thing.
Coffee and Honey
"-Hyung...- Hoseok sighs -You are as intimidating as a pink marshmallow. -That's the fucking point! -Yoongi literally bangs his head on the table -He IS a pink marshmallow."
In which Yoongi has insomnia, cannot for the love of God socialize, and Jimin is the way too cheerful and, oh, so downright gorgeus barista who works in a nocturnal coffe shop.
Me: As an insomniac, this fic feels like a dream come true.
13 Iconic Yoonmin Moments
https://youtu.be/jESuM-NRS9k 23:59 I feel like you might want to watch this, hyung ;) 23:59"
Or, the one where Taehyung sends Yoongi a video that shows the top 13 Iconic Yoonmin Moments, and suddenly Yoongi is way too aware of the way Jimin acts around him.
Me: I really love canon BTS fics and this one is good so much that it is believable. I really really love how the writer made it realistic and well-paced.
Money can’t buy happiness (except when it does)
“So, I know that you're homeless and that you don't need my pity, it's just that I noticed you always write on the edges of your notebook because you probably can't buy a new one, so I bought you six new notebooks and... wait, are you crying?” AU
Me: This made me sad but made me smile at the same time. As always, all fics all this list end well so get ready for some light angst that ends with fluff.
Please don’t take my Sunshine Away
"As you took the sun away from my life I will do the same. You'll never feel the sun on your skin again, you will never see the light of day. Only when someone will feel for you love in the purest form, in the brightest way, only then the sun will come back again. But too bad, such love does not exist and it will never find it's way."
Min Yoongi is cursed and hasn't seen the sun in three years. Enter Park Jimin, literal ray of sunshine, and suddenly the sun isn't so important anymore.
Me: As someone who has days that feel like they never see the sunlight. I think I am also looking for a Jimin who is the embodiment of sunshine.
in your eyes (it’s where i wanna be)
Jimin pauses with his marker inches away from the cup, because — is he really going to do this? Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned to write something flirty on a coffee cup? But no matter what his churning gut says about danger and what the hell are you doing do you want to die, this guy is — with no better way to put it — totally Jimin’s Type with a capital T.
(Or: Jimin accidentally starts a nickname war with the cute blonde who likes his coffee way too bitter.)
Me: This is just so much cute blushing Jimin and tough but secretly soft Yoongi. I love love love this so much.
Updated: 25th June 2017
I only rec fics with happy endings.
Heated Love
"In his daze Jimin barely realizes the seriousness of the situation, but he’s sure of one thing: he’d trust Yoongi with his life. And right now, with his aching body and burning skin, he couldn’t trust anyone else but the alpha to take care of him."
In which Jimin is going through his first heat and, again, he doesn't really know what to do.
Me: this is the continuation to the First Love fic further down this list. I am a sucker for protective!Yoongi and needyOmega!Jimin so let’s just leave it at there. I also might have a bit of a Hyung kink but let’s not talk about this anymore.
Movie Night
Movie night with the band usually means a lazy evening watching some dull western flick while eating unhealthy amounts of popcorn, but every now and then, when it’s Jeongguk’s turn to pick, it means gory horror movies that has Jimin burying his face in the crook of his boyfriend’s neck to not scream in terror at every single jumpscare.
And Yoongi? Well, Yoongi finds a new way to distract him.
Me: This is *blush* the filthiest one-shot I have on this list and it hits all the right spots. Featuring the shy Jiminnie and his indulgent Yoongi. 
Barbershop Romance
Jimin's impromptu visit to a salon called SUGA turns out to be more interesting than he expected. Way more interesting.
(Also known as 27 pages full of tooth-rotting fluff, painfully obvious flirting, and sexual tension.)
Me: This is just so much fluff and tension and Min Yoongi being a secret softie for our Jimin. 
Barbershop Love
Jimin has never taken his best friend’s jokes about his alleged praise kink seriously, because that’s all they are and ever will be. Jokes. They’re stupid jokes that Taehyung makes at his expense to see the shy Jimin turn into a blushing, embarrassed mess of stuttering protests and meek curses. They’re only jokes, and they’re so stupid.
Or at least Jimin has always thought so, but then his hairdresser boyfriend asks him to pose as a model for his winter collection, and Jimin realizes that there might the teeniest, tiniest bit of truth to Taehyung’s persistent teasing.
Me: I am quite the sucker also for a Jimin with a praise kink. Let’s just leave it as that. This is a sorta sequel to the fic above. MissterMaia is a genius, I would recommend reading everything they have written.
Yoongi gives Jimin anything he asks for, but Jimin still wants more.
Me: SugarDaddy!Yoongi pampers SugarBaby!Jimin but his baby wants more. So much more. This is just fluff there is so much fluff.
Math Tutor
Min Yoongi is the school's resident Bad Boy™. He's covered in tattoos, is pierced, curses like a sailor, smokes like crazy, doesn't give a shit about anything, possesses a hot temper that has people steering clear of him, and is desperately in love with Park Jimin, the adorable math nerd. When Jimin is tasked with tutoring Yoongi in math, who is in danger of failing the class and being held back a year, both boys are hesitant. Yoongi because he can't think straight around the boy with startling red hair, and Jimin because Yoongi is scary as hell and looks like he can easily kill someone. Gradually, though, the two grow closer, and Jimin finds that Yoongi is nothing like how he'd imagined.
Me: BadBoy!Yoongi being a softie for our good student Jimin. Hits all the right spots.
Blueberry Muffins
Park Jimin, a meek, quiet assistant at Bangtan News Station, catches the wrath of his long- time crush, the 7’o clock news anchor, Min Yoongi, when Jimin accidentally switches scripts one night and almost causes an incident on live, national television. Yoongi is furious and makes Jimin cry in a room full of their coworkers, calling him names and telling him how stupid he is. Afterwards, Jimin takes to avoiding Yoongi like the plague, and Yoongi, who at first couldn’t stand Jimin, can’t help but start noticing him everywhere. Soon he finds himself falling for Jimin, which scares him, because Yoongi has never felt this way about a man before. Will it be too late to salvage a relationship with Jimin, or did Yoongi ruin his chance for good?
Me: Some light angst here and there but of course, like all the other fics in this list, there is a happy endings. 
The Devil’s Mistress
Yoongi is Captain of the pirate ship, the Devil's Mistress, and he and his crew are racing against time to find a famous buried treasure, always one step behind and losing it to another rival ship. To gain the upper hand, Yoongi kidnaps a silver-haired beauty who is rumored to be a creature of great power. He isn't expecting to fall in love on the way.
Me: I love the bed-sharing trope in fics. So this is perfect.
Side Dishes
Yoongi is Korea's most famous actor. He's kissed so many pretty girls that he doesn't know what love is supposed to feel like anymore.
And then he meets rookie actor Park Jimin.
Me: What? A fic with feelings and plot and also a secondary plot that is good enough to be a fic of its own? 
Magic Appa Love Scone
The one where Park Jimin thinks he mostly has his shit together until he wakes up married in a future universe that tells him otherwise.
AKA the one where fate slaps Park Jimin across the face.
Me: I know that the title sounds weird but wow this gave me far too many feelings. 
Sexy Mochi
Yoongi’s never really understood why it’s a stereotypical thing for alphas to have some obsession with omega’s necks. He’d always thought that was kind of weird and just some macho ‘make your mate submit by biting their throat’ thing until he’s alone in the kitchen with Park Jimin and his damn shirt falls down his damn shoulder.
Me: Omega!Jimin is a tease when he wants to be.
Spring Day
Even when he was a pup, Park Jimin never even dreamed that he would find his soulmate. Thoughts like that were better left to his hopelessly romantic best friend and partner in crime, Kim Taehyung. It's a one in a million chance, but a twist of fate brings a strange wolf into Jimin's life and it changes things forever.
Me: Alpha!Yoongi learns to love with our little Omega!Jimin. With a healthy amount of angst to add to the fluff at the end.
Updated: 3rd June 2017
I have returned with some new fics I found over the last few weeks. Enjoy! :D 
Out of My System
Yoongi likes one night stands and he understands how they work. What he doesn’t understand, however, is how he ended up in bed with a probably-not-legal kid crying in his arms about his broken heart, because he’s pretty sure (and correct him if he’s wrong) that a babysitting job was not what he was looking for when he went to the opening of his friend’s new club.
Me: How do I say this, there are fics that start with one night stands and none of them went on as beautifully as this one. It is a natural progression, almost like a real relationship, I am like the way Yoongi is portrayed here. Conflicted but ultimately a softie at heart.
where the heart is
She hadn’t been ready to be a mother and Yoongi hadn’t been ready to be a father, but where she had turned tail and run, Yoongi had vowed never to do the same.
Me: I wasn’t expecting this single father Yoongi story to pull me in as much as it did. There is sufficient twists in this to keep it interesting and also a climax at the end which is nice. A soft, mostly fluffy story of how a Yoongi believes in love again. 
tear the moon from the stars tonight
"Remember what I told you. You are mine now and I take care of my things."
Joseon Era AU: Jimin, a low born, catches the attention of nobleboy Min Yoongi.
Me: I wasn’t sure what to expect of this Joseon AU fic but it was pretty good, with enough character progression. Read it for something different.
Paper Chase
Jimin thought that joining a fraternity would be all parties and fun. He hadn’t anticipated falling for his cute roommate, Yoongi.
Me: If you are looking for some light fluff and PWP, this is the fic to go for. It is a hard R so beware.
Updated: 29th May 2017
when you're in love all the lines get blurred
Jimin isn't sure what possessed him to lie to his mother and tell her that he had a boyfriend, but now that he's opened the position, he has no choice but to fill it. Yoongi is, apparently, his only option.
Me: I just love love love love the whole fake boyfriend idea no matter which fandom I am into at the moment. I really enjoyed this one there is some angst but also so must fluff.
The 100-Day Love Challenge 
For a variety show challenge, Jimin must tell Yoongi every day for 100 days that he loves him.
Me: There is nothing for me to explain. Nothing. If you are having a bad day and need fluff this is it.
Conflicting Arrangement
"Absolutely not," Yoongi deadpanned. "Namjoon-ah. I value you as a friend, and I think I'd even go as far as to say that you're my best friend, but absolutely fucking not."
"You owe me," Namjoon pleaded. "Come on, Yoongi, it's not a big deal."
"Your boyfriend's best friend's best friend needs a fake boyfriend to come out to his family this Chuseok, all the way in fucking Busan." Yoongi repeated drily without pause, making Namjoon wince. He flipped a page of his textbook, picking up his highlighter. "Not a big deal, Namjoon. Amazing."
Me: This is a really really long fic but god do I love it. It is worth it. Slow but the character development is really really well done. It is also yet another pretend boyfriend fics (I just love them)
First Love
Jimin is being courted for the first time. He doesn't really know what to do.
Me: This fic is in the OmegaVerse, if you are not into it please do not enter. I repeat, DO NOT ENTER. However if you are, this fic is just too precious not to share I want to drown in the fluffiness of it all.
Do You Like Your Drafts Rough?
As a romance novelist, one would think Min Yoongi would have his own romantic life sorted out a little more than he actually did. Because instead of being in a happy, nauseating relationship, Yoongi was juggling both a one-sided crush and some punk who lived downstairs.
Me: This is an AU where Yoongi is a writer and Jin is a librarian. I highly recommend the entire series.
we pass in front of a flower shop (and i catch the scent of roses)
Jimin's a florist who sings to the flowers and crushes hard on the mint-haired man who just came in to buy a cactus.
Me: Just picture Jiminnie singing to flowers and watering them because i am dying at the thought of it and this fic is exactly what it is. PLEASE READ for a fluffy time.
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time-is-strange · 7 years
Wolfy Wednesday
Let’s talk about Claire and her parents today!
Luna: She is an Aussie-German Shepherd Mix. She was a stray mutt living in the city since birth. She was known as Moonshine by the locals due to the patterns of spots shaped like a crescent on her side. One day to escape the dog catcher she ran out of the city and into the woods. It wasn’t long before she got lost, due to the overwhelming smells of wet earth and trees. However she was lucky enough to stumble upon the Brink Wolf Refuge and Rescue. The Brinks quickly took her in and treated her with a kindness she had never truly experienced before. They renamed her Luna, and she became the family dog.
Demetri: He is a Red Wolf and the Alpha wolf of pack B of the Brink Wolf Refuge and Rescue. Red wolves typically live in the south eastern areas like North Carolina and Florida. During a time of near extinction, the Brinks took in a variety of Red Wolves. Demetri was one of many wolves who were captured and relocated for the survival of the species. He quickly took to the forest life and the minimal human interaction well showing his strength in adaptation.
DeLuna: Luna took to the refuge life with curiosity, how bigger canines were in large fenced of areas were beyond her. During her time in heat, she snuck behind a volunteer and looked for a mate of one of the wolves. Not much is known what exactly happened, but the next morning they found Luna curled up with Demetri. Within 2 months she had a small litter of three wolf-dog mixes. The Brinks gave away two of the pups to those who could handle their possible wild tendencies. With the urging of Alex (Who 12 at the time) they kept the fluffiest one with the biggest paws, as her own pet (AKA Claire).
Fun Fact: The names of Demetri, Luna, and Claire are based off the song “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy. Clair(e) De(metri) Lun(a). It’s also why the ship name of the wolf and dog are DeLuna and not Lumetri.
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Werewolf!Namjoon (Boyfriend)
And now it is time for the first half of Vmon, my lowkey spirit animal, an amazing leader who !!! is !!! looking !!! so !!! good !!! like he always looks great but we’ve got brown haired!joon back what a gem I’m so happy, I will support all the hair colors he has bc he deserves lots of support, Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster aka joon
I’ve written three things for werewolf!joon so far, there’s the description of him as a werewolf in general, which is part one (here) part two is him falling in love with a human (here) and of course, werewolf!joon as a father (all of the father related posts are here)
Since one of the requests was for human!reader, I’ll be using that to start off with
Goofy sweetheart with a heart of gold what a good boyfriend
Just think about this for a moment
You’d have unlimited access to joon’s closet and he’s super okay with you wearing his clothes bc he thinks they look 100/10 on you
They always smell like his cologne or the laundry detergent he uses and his hoodies are the best to wear bc he wears them the most frequent around the house so they smell the most like him and they’re always really warm and soft and he always gives your head a lil kiss when you wear them bc he thinks you look really cute
The weather starts getting colder right and it’s snowing one day and you’re turning the heater on and getting in all the comfy sweaters 
That’s when you first see him in his wolfy state
It’s pretty hard to get him cold bc werewolf, he’s like a personal heater which comes in handy on days like this, but even he gets cold that day bc it’s just freezing outside, neither of you even wanna think about leaving the house anymore
So joon has to go into his wolf form bc it’s just that cold and as a wolf, he’s more built for the cold bc fur helps out a lot
He gets all under the blanket while you take a shower to heat up and he let Rapmon snuggle with him bc two heat sources are better than one and soon it’ll be three once you get out of the shower
He kinda assumes you’ll be okay with it, you already know he’s a werewolf so surely this will be okay right??
But he forgets about the fact that you haven’t seen him like that yet
You don’t notice until you actually get into the bed bc he’s tucked under all of the blankets so you’re a bit ?? when you feel fur against your legs
You assume it’s Rapmon until you see his lil paw sticking out from the blanket, too far away from you for it to be him
You look under the blanket to see this giant ass wolf and you don’t really know how to react
You know in the back of your mind that it’s most likely Namjoon bc he is  a werewolf after all, it wouldn’t be that weird if he could become a wolf but that part of your brain doesn’t get acknowledged at first bc there’s a fucking wolf in your bed how does one react to this
You kinda just stare at each other for a few seconds and he’s trying to judge your reaction while being half asleep and you’re trying to figure out what your reaction should be
It isn’t until you see Rapmon cuddled up to the wolf that you figure it’s safe bc surely rapmon wouldn’t do that to a wild wolf plus Namjoon wouldn’t just casually let a wolf into the house and not tell you about it
It’s actually kinda cute to see him like that bc he’s got these really long legs and he’s h u g e like he’s the second biggest in the pack and he’s got this long dark brown fur that’s s o soft but then his eyes are still the same as his human eyes, they’re still so bright and you can see the happiness in them when you pet him and you can just imagine the smile that would be on his face
Giant wolf but an even bigger puppy
You weren’t scared of him to begin with but any chance of a fear is long gone the minute you’re rubbing his belly and cooing at him and playing with his ears
So he’s the alpha of the pack right
Full moons are always something he needs to be there for bc he likes to make sure everything is going okay for everyone, no one needs any help controlling any urges, no one’s playing too roughly, the humans are safe, etc.
He would get a bit protective over you with the other wolves just bc he knows that sometimes they don’t realize their own strength
And while another wolf can take that too-rough bite and shake it off, a human can’t so joon does hover around you when he sees another wolf with you
He knows they would never intentionally hurt you but he also has that wolf side of him that’s just like gotta protect gotta protect gotta protect
But that’s nothing compared to if it was a serious threat
With the other wolves, it’s more of a warning growl here and there if they start playing too rough, it’s keeping an eye on them
But if it’s serious, that’s an entirely different story, if there’s one thing you never wanna do, it’s threaten an alpha or their love bc then you have the entire pack chasing you down and BTS has a hu g e pack, it’s the boys, their parents, their siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, family friends, it’s not a pack you wanna try to challenge
Regardless of whether it’s the alpha or not, they’re gonna defend their own but if it is the alpha, it’s like trying to poke a crocodile with a stick, they just get even more protective bc the alpha is like the glue of the pack, it’s up to Namjoon to keep everyone happy and healthy and make sure no one’s pissed off at each other for too long, he keeps everything running smoothly
So the last thing anyone wants is to see him upset bc they’re all v v grateful for him and appreciate him a lot so his love is gonna be protected, not only that, but you also have Namjoon that isn’t about to let that happen
He’s normally really humane despite being part wolf so if he’s growling (and it isn’t just a lil warning type of growl, like the one he gives the younger wolves when they bite at his ankles or bite down too hard) you know shit’s about to go down
As I’ve mentioned in the other posts, jealousy isn’t the same for a werewolf as it is with a human bc werewolves mate for life, once they love you, they love you, that’s it, there is no chance of them falling for someone else or cheating or even thinking about anyone else in that way
He does jealous but it’s in a “hey I want your attention” type of way so if you’re spending too much time with one of the other pack members, he’s gonna try to get you attention back on him, hugging you, giving your cheek a kiss or two, dances around you, anything like that
But if you were to get jealous, since you are human, he’s gotta laugh at the fact that you think anyone could even come close to taking him from you
“I’ve got my love, why would I wanna give that up for someone I don’t know??”
If you were genuinely upset over it, he would of course take it much more seriously and not giggle about it but if it was just a bit of light jealousy bc someone hit on him or was too touchy with him, he’s just gonna think you’re really cute
But he does take insecurities about being human more seriously
His father is human so he’s grown up hearing the stories of how it’d taken his father a while to get used to being a human in a pack of werewolves and how he used to wonder if his mother would’ve rather been with a werewolf bc they’d understand everything about being a werewolf that a human can’t fully understand
And you feel that same way bc you’ll never know what it really feels like on a full moon, you can’t relate to that side of him on a personal level, whereas another werewolf could, very easily
But he reassures you that he doesn’t care that you’re human, especially since he was raised with a human parent
He’s totally open for having a serious conversation about it, if that what it takes to make sure you know he really genuinely 100% doesn’t care that you aren’t a werewolf
“You know me a l o t better than any other werewolf ever could, I’m good with my words aren’t I?? I can just describe how it feels”
Werewolf!Namjoon as a boyfriend is just really cute, always up for cuddles and always okay with belly rubs
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acciopjm · 5 years
AO3 Fics
Strike ~ read
⁂ ~ really need to read
Tumblr media
 ⇢ Bon Voyage ~ Yoongi was meant to be taking the trip of a lifetime with his boyfriend. But now he's in Paris, alone and miserable. That is, until he collides - quite literally - with one Park Jimin. ~ 47951
 ⇢ Gangsters Love Better ~ As the leader of a gang Yoongi is busy a lot; killing, stealing and smuggling is a lot of hard work to do after all. But there is still some room for a beloved pet, and who would suit better into this role than Jimin...? A deep whisper, so close to his ear, that Jimin couldn't hear anything else growled into his senses; "I don't need any protection baby-boy." ~ 61032 (22/22) (ft. Jikook, Namjin)
 ⇢ Only breathing ~ As a drug lord, Yoongi knows the rules: -you don't ask questions; -whatever the client wants, you sell it; -you don't do loans; -you don't fall in love with a customer's whore. Yoongi knows the rules. And because he knows them he also knows when he's about to break one. ~ 26461
 ⇢ I'm Glad You're My First (First for Everything) ~ Jimin wasn’t a prude, he just liked saving his firsts for everything for someone special. And, that special someone was Min Yoongi. ~ 12840 
 ⇢ Beauty in all forms ~ When Jimin hit an art block he really didn't expect a grumpy florist to be the answer to his problem. ~ flower shop, tattoo parlor, fluff, smut ~ 4738 
 ⇢ i'm outside the door (invite me in) ~ neighbour au where jimin is adorable and clueless and yoongi is grumpy with a kitten who is in love with jimin ~ neighbour!au ~ 4707 (👥)
 ⇢ Just Checking ~ Jimin and Yoongi just really, really love each other.(aka just yoongi and jimin being domestic and fluffy and cheesy) ~ nursery teacher!jimin, journalist!yoongi, fluff ~ 4933
 ⇢ light me up (i'll keep you warm) ~ He’s already taking a deep breath when he hears someone twisting the doorknob. “Jung Hoseok, I have a bone to pick with you, you absolute asshole,” he starts.It is not Jung Hoseok.Definitely not.Min Yoongi.Jimin coughs awkwardly into his fist. “Hello,” he finishes.(In which Jimin has a crush, yells a lot, and maybe falls into like.) ~ 13154
 ⇢ pretty (odd) ~ in which min yoongi is a librarian and he happens to fall deeply in love with park jimin, the regular who's in love with literature just a little too much. ~ College/University, Librarylibrarian!Yoongi, english major!jimin ~ 11813 (📚)
 ⇢ Under the Mistletoe ~ Thanks to Kim Taehyung and his big mouth, Jimin finds himself snowed in on Christmas for the very first time. The problem is: he’s at a cabin in the middle of nowhere with Min Yoongi.What could possibly go wrong? ~ 12057
 ⇢ I’m Here with You ~ When Jimin kisses Yoongi, he keeps it soft and mellow with pecks that go as soon as they arrive. All he can think about is how much he loves Jimin, and these days, it’s really the only thing on his mind anymore. He’s made a home out of Jimin, and he lives there everyday without ever wanting to leave.Or, Yoongi and Jimin place their forevers in each other with sweet kisses, soft embraces, and whispered promises. ~ 13196 (💚)
 ⇢ Give it to me slow (then wash away) ~ Jimin has worked in the Blood Brothel for a long time, he's had his fair share of clients, knows how to do his job and what to expect from his customers. That's why it is to him a shock when he gets a boner from being bitten by one of their new clients, Yoongi. ~ vampire au ~ 33331 (💉)
 ⇢ Boyfriend Tag ~ “Normally I post dance routines and the occasional tag or challenge video and I know I haven’t posted in a while so I am here to make it up to you all. Yoongi lost a bet sooooo we are here with the highly requested, boyfriend tag!!” Jimin yelled making Yoongi wince and lean away from him. “Are you ready?” Jimin asked bringing his attention to Yoongi. “You better not get a thing wrong,” He warned pointing a finger at Yoongi. ~ 51598 (15/15) (💚) ⁂
 ⇢ Cotton Candy  ~ "He could get used to sitting next to Yoongi like this. To have him around. To have the band around. To smile and feel happy. To see Yoongi sitting in front of an instrument and having him play just for him.'If this was my happy ending,' Jimin thinks, resisting the urge to lean his head on Yoongi's shoulder, 'if I wasn't who I am, I'd just let you have me whenever you want. You could have me anytime.'"As spring turns into summer, school band Cotton Candy unexpectedly loses its singer and the members are forced to look for a new vocalist. Six boys find one in the form of the promiscuous pink haired boy Park Jimin who makes a home in their hearts and finally finds a place he belongs. ~ 239518 (25/25)
 ⇢ Craigslist Date ~ Min Yoongi's family are judgmental and unsupportive of his lifestyle and his mother won't stop nagging him about how he's still single. When he finds Park Jimin on Craigslist offering to pose as someone's fake date to mess with their family, Yoongi can't help himself. What starts as a prank on Yoongi's family turns into something more when the two of them quickly develop feelings for each other. Will Yoongi, who doesn't know how to handle feelings, let his chance at love slip away, or will he go after the silver-haired boy and hold onto him forever? ~ 48845 (13/13) (💧)
 ⇢ Weight of Playing with Fire ~ "He's walking this way, grab my ass!""But mine's coming this way too, grab my hand!"Or the one where Yoongi and Jimin fake-date to make their unrequited love(s) jealous. ~ 48862 (35/35) (💧)
⇢ Bite Me, Scratch Me, Lick Me Better ~ Jimin yawns, smiling at the feeling of warm sun against his face. He had a pleasant dream. He thinks. He remembers the feelings it gave him, but can't recall a single thing about it. He sighs, and unconsciously pets the cat on his lap, only to freeze because when he opens his eyes he's not petting a cat-- he's petting Yoongi. ~ 68926 (26/26)
⇢ What's Up, Buttercup ~ Jimin meets Yoongi, the grumpy buttercup fairy, and proceeds to worm his way into his heart. ~ 14305 (4/4)
⇢ Impractical Magic ~ Jimin needs to shadow a real witch for his creative writing assignment. Min Yoongi is just about the worst witch he's ever met. ~ 16801 (3/3)
⇢ The Devil's Mistress ~ Yoongi is Captain of the pirate ship, the Devil's Mistress, and he and his crew are racing against time to find a famous buried treasure, always one step behind and losing it to another rival ship. To gain the upper hand, Yoongi kidnaps a silver-haired beauty who is rumored to be a creature of great power. He isn't expecting to fall in love on the way. ~ 16473
⇢ Paper Chase ~ Jimin thought that joining a fraternity would be all parties and fun. He hadn’t anticipated falling for his cute roommate, Yoongi. ~ 15089 (3/3)
⇢ Sexy Mochi ~ Yoongi’s never really understood why it’s a stereotypical thing for alphas to have some obsession with omega’s necks. He’d always thought that was kind of weird and just some macho ‘make your mate submit by biting their throat’ thing until he’s alone in the kitchen with Park Jimin and his damn shirt falls down his damn shoulder. ~ 8281
⇢ Barbershop Romance ~ Jimin's impromptu visit to a salon called SUGA turns out to be more interesting than he expected. Way more interesting. ~ 13164
⇢ Barbershop Love ~ Jimin has never taken his best friend’s jokes about his alleged praise kink seriously, because that’s all they are and ever will be. Jokes. They’re stupid jokes that Taehyung makes at his expense to see the shy Jimin turn into a blushing, embarrassed mess of stuttering protests and meek curses. They’re only jokes, and they’re so stupid.Or at least Jimin has always thought so, but then his hairdresser boyfriend asks him to pose as a model for his winter collection, and Jimin realises that there might the teeniest, tiniest bit of truth to Taehyung’s persistent teasing. ~ 22153
⇢ Coffee and Honey ~ "-Hyung...- Hoseok sighs -You are as intimidating as a pink marshmallow. -That's the fucking point! -Yoongi literally bangs his head on the table -He IS a pink marshmallow."In which Yoongi has insomnia, cannot for the love of God socialize, and Jimin is the way too cheerful and, oh, so downright gorgeus barista who works in a nocturnal coffe shop. ~ 7290
⇢ 7 Minutes in Heaven ~ “It’s a fusion game. The person who spins the bottle gets to ask the person it landed on truth or dare, and if that person doesn’t want to answer or do the dare then they either take a shot or take off an article of clothing,” Jin says like he’s proud of improvising such a fantastic game. “I’m not playing that,” Yoongi says. “Hyung, don’t be a party pooper, are you scared we’ll learn your secrets?” Hoseok asks and Namjoon ah’s dramatically. Yoongi shakes his head and puts his tongue in his cheek before he smiles at their antics, pushing Namjoon over closer to Jin so that he can sit down. “Please, hyung, it sounds like fun!” Jungkook says. “It’s my birthday.” ~ 8487
⇢ Winter Blues ~ Yoongi is turned into a cat by a sorceress, and novice witch Jimin finds him and takes him home. ~ 14685 (3/3)
⇢ Gotta Be Fate (if We're Under the Covers) ~ Jimin is excited to just sleep for a day and maybe catch up on some tv shows at the hotel.That is, until they get to the new hotel they’re staying at, and he gets handed a room key that’s the same as Yoongi’s. Meaning, he and Yoongi will share a room and worse, he and Yoongi will have to share a bed.“Why do I have to share with Yoongi-hyung?” Jimin complains. He’s managed to avoid it this whole trip which is really in his best interest if he wants to keep his raging heart boner for him hidden. ~ 7895
⇢ Warm Mr. Wolfie ~ Jimin's late aunt left him a cabin last year, and he still hasn't been by so he takes time off to spend the holiday season there. Little does he know he'll meet a wolf on his hike behind the cabin, a wolf that will change form in front of him and claim to be his mate. ~ 7973
⇢ oil, lube, service ~ "Unless you know what a ‘rear oil change’ is? I mean, what the hell are they going to oil, my tires?” Jimin laughs at the ridiculousness. “Oh, I don’t know, but that sounds kind of kinky, 'changing your rear oil.' It sounds like the mechanic is preparing you for buttsex.”“Tae!” Jimin complains.AKA The mechanic AU where Park Jimin thinks Min Yoongi is overcharging him for car maintenance, but he's really not, cue Yoonmin falling in love. ~ 53313 (10/10)
⇢ soundtracks ~ What Yoongi doesn’t say is this: "If only you knew, Park Jimin. Every song I write, and all the words I have to give, will always be yours."(Or, Yoongi is a famous underground rapper from simple beginnings and Jimin is his hip-hop hating, exceedingly rich boyfriend). ~ 38877
⇢ Aeonian ~ In the year 1304 A.D., tensions between the Vampires and the Lycans are at an all time high. Min Yoongi is the Captain of the Death Dealers and the most elite of the Vampires' protectors. Over the long years of his life, Yoongi has grown unemotional and apathetic, no longer interested in feeling emotions. When the human nobles come to visit, Yoongi meets Park Jimin, the youngest son of a baron, and his whole life changes. Suddenly Jimin is the most important thing in his world, and Yoongi will do anything to protect him. ~ 54422 (3/3)
 ⇢ The Songbird and the Sea ~ In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly.But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East. ~ pirate!au, slow burn, enemies to lovers!au ~ 255878 (34/34)
 ⇢ Look My Way ~ It all started when Yoongi read his own name and the word 'cute' written in the same sentence on the wall of the boys' bathroom.But he kind of liked the way his name looked in the stranger's handwriting. ~ high school!au, fluff, crack ~ 5362
 ⇢ love is not a coincidence (it's fate) ~ Thirteen years into their friendship, and Yoongi finally realises that he's in love with his best friend. ~ high school!au, fluff ~ 10,694
 ⇢ thrill me, chill me, fulfil me ~ Yoongi is actually doing pretty well, thanks.Or he is until Jimin tosses himself in Jungkook's lap and breathes out toucha-toucha-touch me into the microphone pinned to his shirt front, looking right into the audio booth, and then Yoongi has to swallow and try not to cry out of sheer sexual frustration. Or, Jimin plays the lead in Rocky Horror, and Yoongi suffers. ~ college!au, musical theatre!au ~ 7465
 ⇢ maybe i hate you can be our always ~ When Yoongi thinks about it, really gives it genuine thought, it's possible that Park Jimin isn't the worst person in the world. (Or, Yoongi and Jimin get off on the wrong foot.) ~ enemies to lovers!au, college!au, slow burn ~ 35,919
 ⇢ Lil' Meow Meow ~ Jimin nods his head, biting his lip to prevent the giddy smile from showing on his face. With careful movements, he pockets the paper like a fragile piece of treasure, and he glances up at Yoongi through his eyelashes with a shy smile. “T-thank you, the flowers are really pretty.”Yoongi visibly preens at the compliment, chest puffing out subtly. “Anything for the pretty baby boy.”or: Jimin meets Yoongi, a straightforward and confident alpha cat hybrid, and proceeds to fall in love. ~ hybrid!au, college!au ~ 25,320
 ⇢ Pepsi Cola ~ “OK, fine, I’ll tell you one thing,” Jimin sighed as he shifted on the seat, his shoulder rubbing against the underside of his chin. “We’re going to a place that just opened this weekend, a really fun place.”“Fun place?” Yoongi repeated before making a noise under his breath. “A fun place in Seoul? Is that even real?”“Uhuh, we’re going to that new ‘roller skating rink’ that opened in Gangnam-gu,” the younger man explained, dropping the English words out of nowhere and surprising him. “You heard about it, right?”“‘Rollo…su…ting’?” he said, slurring the English words rather heavily and struggling with the last part of the funny word.“Yoongi, you do know what roller skating is; don’t you?” Jimin asked, his expression showing that he was trying his hardest to not laugh at him. “Surely you know what it is?”A.K.A. that oneshot in which Jimin's kisses taste like Pepsi, Yoongi can't pronounce the word 'disco' and everything is soft™ ~ fluff ~ 26,669 (1)
 ⇢ Queens ~ “Yoongi doesn’t know what bowling is,” Jimin said out of the corner of his mouth, that smirk reappearing on his face again.“Hey, I know what balling is!” Yoongi argued indignantly, turning to give him a faüx glare. When his friend raised his eyebrows, imploring him to explain, he quickly added. “It involves a ball, so, there.”A.K.A. that oneshot in which Jimin has to explain what bowling and pizza is, Yoongi keeps getting gutter balls and everything is still soft™ ~ fluff ~ 33,123 (2)
 ⇢ Hang On, Baby! ~ “OK, first, I need to tell you this. I thought about this date all week long, OK? I mean, all week long and that’s not a joke, Jiminie.”“Hmm, Yoongi,” Jimin said around his slushie straw, his lips lifting up into a smile. “That’s cute.”“Huh?” Yoongi hummed, lifting his eyebrows as he did. But his boyfriend just carried on sipping at his drink, which meant that he should continue explaining. So, he shifted on the wall and tried to think of the right words to say. “Well, you put a lot of thought into the first two dates, so, that meant that I needed to do something special too. But, I ain’t in Gangnam-gu, and it’s hard to find out about all of these new cool places to visit, yeah? And Seodaemun-gu is pretty much dead of an evening, which meant that I really had to think to find the right place. That’s when it hit me.”“What hit you, Yoongi?”“Something special, somewhere special, there’s only one place in this district like that,” he stated, before quickly adding. “The arcade, Jiminie: Electrozone.”A.K.A. that oneshot in which Yoongi is highly competitive whilst playing Galaga, Jimin bets kisses, and everything is soft like always™ ~ fluff ~ 32,333 (3)
 ⇢ So Kiss Me ~ Min Yoongi is stressed out. Park Jimin is stressed out. They're all stressed out.A.K.A. - the College!AU that nobody asked for. ~ college!au ~ 52,246 (1) 
 ⇢ Make A Move (Before I Make A Move) ~ Yoongi thought that taking Jimin down into Gyeonggi-do for spring break was a great idea. Jimin thought talking Yoongi into staying in a love motel for the night was a great idea.A.K.A. - the Road Trip!AU that nobody asked for. ~ college!au, road trip!au ~ 49,372
 ⇢ i'll be a gentleman ('cause i'll be your boyfriend) ~ Yoongi isn’t an easy man to surprise, but kisses out of the blue and sudden boyfriend proposals can do the job. ~ college!au, fake dating!au, fluff, smut ~ 21,020
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 ⇢ my youth is yours ~ “What did you say your name was?” says Yoongi, after an eternity of awkward silence.“Jeongguk,” says Jeongguk. “Um. My name is Jeon Jeongguk. I’m a freshman.”“Oh,” says Yoongi. “Fucking hell.”(In which Jeon Jeongguk goes to college, makes some friends, and learns he’s got a lot of growing to do.) ~ 24957
 ⇢ The Art of Lost Stars ~ "You were supposed to come five hours ago."Jungkook sighed, handing Yoongi a couple bills. "I know, time got away from me.""Away from you, my ass. You're lucky I didn't walk out on the kid.""I'm sorry, thank you."Yoongi scoffed, looking through the money. "Your kid is upstairs asleep," he pocketed the money. "She kept asking where he dad was."Jungkook licked his lips, wiping his palms on his pants. He never knew why he got so nervous around Yoongi.Maybe it was the tattoos spread all over his arms, the piercings on his lip and eyebrow, or the fact that Jungkook had the biggest boner in the world. ~ 53557 (24/24)
 ⇢ Cerulean and Malachite ~ Ever since Jungkook could listen, he’d been watching. Watching the streets, the crowds, watching the people pour on and off the trains. Jungkook had watched for the flash of color that was said to indicate the instant when one found their Soulmate. Under normal circumstances, in everyday life, an aura would be invisible to the eye; but when two Soulmates found each other, it was said that they would see the color of each others’ auras. Jungkook spent his entire life with his eyes wide open, searching around him, waiting; watching and waiting. Jungkook became impressively good at observation. ~ soulmate, pianist!yoongi, college au ~ 16144
 ⇢ Sneeze once; I hate you. Sneeze twice; we're doomed ~ Jeon Jeongguk used to imagine himself being brave and confident in front of his soulmate. It wasn't until he realised that his soulmate is a gorgeous (and serious-looking) man dressed in all-black that he started to doubt the whole soulmate thing altogether.-Soulmate AU in which you sneeze at the same time as your soulmate. No exceptions. You have a flu? Your soulmate sneezes it all out with you. Your nose itches? Your soulmate finds out through experience. ~ soulmate au, college au ~ 13528 
 ⇢ Love and Basketball ~ Jungkook and Yoongi are the star players on their high school basketball teams. They also cannot stand each other.What if one night changes that all? ~ basketball!au, high school!au, enemies to lovers!au ~ 44,197 (16/16)
 ⇢ By Your Side ~ Yoongi and Jungkook deal with the hardships of a long distance relationship. ~ basketball!au, college!au, high school!au, angst, long distance!au, fluff (sequel to above) ~ 34,388 (12/12)
 ⇢ take me out (we're going down) ~ There are a lot of things that Jungkook expected from his junior year of college. General stress. Student debt.He did not expect to be hit by a car.It’s going well. ~ fluff, humour, college!au ~ 20,202
 ⇢ these hallowed halls ~ “Bowtruckles,” Yoongi announces with grandeur, “Can suck my dick.”The Hufflepuff table is next to the Slytherins; Hoseok looks over and winks, along with Jimin’s second-year friend (Taesung? Taehyung?) but a group of girls giggle, and one of the Hufflepuff prefects rolls his eyes, piecrust stuck to his chin.“Just because the bowtruckles can suck your dick doesn’t mean they will,” says Gerry. “Bowtruckles have caused me so much emotional damage in the last hour that they should suck my dick just to make up for it.”Or, Yoongi goes to Hogwarts, and meets Jeongguk, and grows up. ~ hogwarts!au, friends to lovers!au, slow burn ~ 70,601
 ⇢ with a bang (stunted plants can bloom) ~ namjoon [1:12] so you met jimin and taes roommate last night yoongi [1:15] …...yeah namjoon [1:15] met him real good yoongi [1:16] oh my god 
or what not to do when you find yourself falling for the guy you almost slept with but then didn’t because he turned out to be your friends’ roommate: a guide by min yoongi ~ college!au, humour, fluff ~ 24,450
 ⇢ hey, i like you a lot (not clickbait) ~ “why does yoongi-hyung hate me,” jungkook mumbles. “we’re still on that?” jimin raises his eyebrows. “he doesn’t hate you. he just doesn’t like being in front of a camera.” (jungkook is the only one yoongi won't film with and it just really bothers jungkook for some reason.) ~ office!au, humour, fluff, friends to lovers ~ 5873
 ⇢ You Stir up a McFlurry in My Heart ~ Jungkook is completely and utterly screwed the moment he develops a crush on the voice behind the McDonald’s Drive Thru speaker. ~ food service!au ~ 7985
 ⇢ 그 손을 내밀어줘, Save Me ~ That’s when Min Yoongi, self-declared ‘simple man’, turned the corner onto his street, mid-yawn, his breath escaping with a small squeak he’d never admit he made, when he collided into another body, and his ‘simple man’ life was thrown into chaos.In which Jungkook is angry, nearly a high school drop out, and alone, and Yoongi is an adult who is struggling, and somehow, they find someone to save them in each other. ~ angst, fluff, slow burn ~ 54,113 (15/15)
 ⇢ The Best of Me, 나 너밖에 없지 ~ Three weeks. It had been three weeks since the performance, two weeks since he and Jungkook had that silly little Romeo and Juliet talk. Silly and dumb, maybe, but the thought still made Yoongi smile, even in his groggy, half-asleep state. Nothing had really changed, per say, nothing except for the kissing. God, the kissing… Jungkook kissed, for all his inexperience, like he was trying to make up for lost time.Jungkook was still a little shit, Yoongi still indulged him. Days were long, nights were longer, and Yoongi loved Jungkook with more ardor than he’d ever thought possible. It was a pity he didn't seem to be what Jungkook needed. ~ fluff, angst, college!au, slow burn (sequel to above) ~ 65,937 (12/12)
 ⇢ The Sound of Winter ~ Yoongi has a lot on his plate, but when his pack discovers a small pup in their territory, he finds that he's about to have a lot more. ~ werewolf!au, angst, slow burn ~ 39,583 (5/5)
 ⇢ I know I'll fall in love with you, baby ~ The soulmate/soulbond au where Yoongi is part of a famous rap duo and Jungkook is his diligent fanboy, they meet at a fansign and things escalate from there (alt. Yoongi didn’t sign up for this) ~ soulmate!au, rapper!yg, fanboy!jk, fluff, angst ~ 31,461 (5/5)
 ⇢ ride out the storm with you ~ babysitting a field operative who probably has the shittiest measure of danger is definitely not a part of yoongi's job description. but that's what he still ends up doing half the time, anyway. ~ secret agent!au, slow burn ~ 26,528
 ⇢ watercolor ~ It’s a man, he realizes, his hair a muted shade of mint, like the pebbles that rest at the bottom of the water fountain outside of Taehyung’s dorm. He’s not the tallest, but people seem to give him space, so he’s easy to observe, despite his black on black outfit, a t-shirt tucked into tight denim. ~ tattoo!au ~ 18,655
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 ⇢ lost + found ~ Yoongi adopts a stray puppy that broke into his apartment in the middle of the night. Probably the best/worst decision of his life. ~ 406218 (61/61)
 ⇢ I Write Songs About Your Stupid Anecdotes ~ Taehyung keeps singing Spanish songs while Yoongi is trying to tutor his students. Jimin keeps "forgetting" his keys at Jungkook's apartment. Namjoon won't forgive Seokjin and Hoseok is the glue of all these six idiots.Or the 'listen i know we've been best friends for years but i'm trying to tell you that i'm in love with you so will you fucking stop singing spanish songs' au that no one asked for. ~ 30744 (20/20)
 ⇢ Settle Down and Let Me Know If You'll Stay ~ "I can grant you three, no wait it's four. Four wishes! Just say the word!""What?"Or the one where Taehyung is a genie who found himself in the company of a drunk with a wicked personality and can't help but want to make him happy. ~ 49658 (34/34)
 ⇢ The Nearness of You ~ Taehyung is a black cat hybrid in a magical world that detests his kind. When Yoongi, a student studying the Magical Arts, performs a spell to summon a witch's familiar, he unknowingly grants Taehyung the opportunity for freedom and love he's long been denied. ~ 10107 (2/2)
 ⇢ Will You B Minor? ~ “Hey baby, my brass isn’t the only thing that’s upright.”“Goddamnit, Kim Taehyung.”In which Taehyung is full of useless music-related pickup lines and Yoongi is too confused, too awkward, and too smitten with a certain Saxophonist. (A story with one too many midnight serenades, Americano’s, hungover misunderstandings, exploding washing machines, and that one little snore Yoongi does in his sleep that makes Taehyung want to catapult himself into space for No Apparent Reason.) ~ bffs!taekook, fluff, brass!au ~ 19,364 (2/2)
 ⇢ feelings you provide ~ Feeling a little daring, Taehyung slips the ring on his finger. He’s not expecting it to fit, he knows that part of the victorious appeal of this jewellery is it was designed to fit only Yoongi, but instead it slips over the knuckle of his ring finger like a glove. taehyung borrows one of the SUGA diamond rings when he needs a comfort object ~ canon verse!au ~ 3157
 ⇢ you’re my golden hour ~ Yoongi is taking a photography class because it's a required elective. Kim Taehyung is: 1. the best photographer in the class, and 2. The Most Beautiful Person In The Entire World. ~ college!au ~ 4259
 ⇢ disappearing act done poorly ~ Taehyung goes through a break-up and decides to 'cope' with his feelings by going to the cinema each night to watch the same film; Yoongi is a tired cinema employee but somehow manages to put up with Taehyung. ~ college!au ~ 13,574 (2/2) 
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 ⇢ At 4 O'clock, I'll Stay ~ “I hate him so much, Yoongi, I'm thinking of saying he has rats in his stupid bar just to get rid of him!" "Well, what did he do?" "He said that I was the best soccer player and shouldn't talk shit about myself!"Or the one where Taehyung goes to Jimin's bar to talk bad about his latest soccer matches and Jimin waters down his drinks by "accident." ~ 35897 (22/22)
 ⇢ summer, winter, spring (i'm falling for you) ~ The school starts to take notice of Jimin.Taehyung has always noticed. ~ friends to lovers!au, high school!au, fluff, slow burn ~ 41,786 (4/4)
 ⇢ it's your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in ~ The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung's, it's an emergency. The other times after? That's a different story. ~ college!au, fluff, crack ~ 22,658 
 ⇢ true love's kiss ~ "Taehyung needs kisses!" Jungkook yells. Everyone in the Great Hall turns to look at them. Taehyung is suddenly glad he's fallen off his chair, because hiding under the table has never been more convenient. "He needs True Love's Kiss to lift his curse! Or he'll turn into a Squib!""Merlin," Taehyung whimpers, clutching Jimin's leg. "Merlin help me." (in which taehyung accidentally drinks a potion that looks like pumpkin juice, loses his magic and finds true love in his bestest best friend.or: in which jimin lifts a curse, falls in love with his bestest best friend and makes some bad, followed by some really good, decisions.) ~ hogwarts!au, friends to lovers!au ~ 19,711 (6/6)
 ⇢ Wanna Hear Your Body Talk ~ “What?” he asks, slowly, giving Taehyung a chance to change his mind about what he’s offering.Taehyung doesn’t take it. He probably doesn’t even notice it, because he’s a do first, think later type of person when it comes to his brilliant stoned ideas and Jimin should know better, should stop him, but… well. He doesn’t dare name it even in his own mind but if Taehyung is proposing what he thinks he is, stopping him is the very last thing Jimin wants.“Let’s make out,” Taehyung says, putting the bowl away, sounding ceremonious and completely, absolutely serious. “Prove me wrong.” (Taehyung doesn't believe making out is better than sex, so Jimin takes it upon himself to convince him) ~ college!au ~ 4826
 ⇢ Common Ground ~ Taehyung is rich, a little bit bratty, a lot a bit spoiled, and failing calculus. Jimin works full time, tutors, and is a straight-A student. There's a rulebook somewhere that states very clearly that people like Jimin should never associate with people like Taehyung. But rules are meant to be broken. And opposites always, always attract. ~ college!au, enemies to lovers!au ~ 44,136 (2/2)
 ⇢ Until my last breath ~ "I see colours everytime you speak"- Jimin said in a small murmur, as he hid his face in the curvature of Taehyung's neck - "The most beautiful colours I've ever seen" - he continued, not wanting to look Taehyung in the eyes. His small, delicate hands traveled along his back, carefully feeling the warm mesh that covered his skin."and when you touch me ... when you touch me, I hear the most beautiful melodies." Jimin brushed his nose into Taehyung's warm skin, causing a heavy shiver to run through his body."And what do those melodies sound like?" "It sounds... it sounds like peace"  (Or Jimin finds himself in a situation he has never expected to be in, with the last person he would ever want to). ~ fluff, angst ~ 78,226 (15/15)
 ⇢ to whom it may concern ~ Taehyung believes in soulmates. He believes in soulmates to the moon and back, with the sort of fervor reserved for children and lunatics.Jimin believes in soulmates. He’s just not sure he wants his. ~ fluff, friends to lovers!au ~ 16,351
 ⇢ stay (until your dream holds mine) ~ "It wasn't love at first sight." ~ hybrid!au ~ 5115
 ⇢ now you're lost (lost in the heat of it all) ~ It’s not that Jimin was scared of dog hybrids. He just really really didn’t like them because how could he? Dog hybrids were gross.Kim Taehyung was tall, slim, had gentle but defined features, the most perfect eyebrows Jimin had ever seen and a playful glint in his eyes. But most importantly - he was a dog hybrid. ~ hybrid!au ~ 14,477
 ⇢ various stages of undress ~ in which taehyung has a crush, jimin takes his clothes off, and yoongi must be persuaded. ~ stripper!au ~ 14,820
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 ⇢ Days Are Numbered So Move On ~ Jimin is a spy. Jungkook is training to be one. Hoseok trains the agents to have agility. Seokjin just wants to be Employee of the Month. Namjoon is the leader nobody asked for. Taehyung loves the kids books. And Yoongi is in the wrong occupation.Or the one where Jimin is stuck training the new spies because of his last mission and Jungkook insists on being a nuisance to Jimin. ~ enemies to lovers ~ 34591 (28/28)
 ⇢ It's Still Beautiful How You See the World ~ "Wait, you promised him that if he graduates from high school, you'd date him?"Or the one where Jungkook confesses to Jimin in middle school. Jimin thinks Jungkook is too young to know what "love" is so he promises to date Jungkook after he graduates from high school and starts college. Now that Jungkook has graduated from high school, Jimin starts to back out of their promise. ~ 45550 (32/32)
 ⇢ I Shouldn't Be In Love With You ~ Star soccer player Jeon Jungkook has not spoken once to math nerd Jimin all year. That wouldn't be so strange if not for the fact they used to be best friends. ~ 10409
 ⇢ Home ~ Taking in what he assumed was a stray hybrid dog, Jungkook takes care of Jimin. The cute hybrid has brightened Jungkook's dreary days and warmed his lonely nights and Jungkook learns that he cares a lot for the elder. And Jimin finds that he cares for the younger just as much.The small apartment doesn't feel as empty anymore, now that Jungkook had Jimin to call his home. ~ 26412 (15/15) 
 ⇢ More Than Your Body ~ Jungkook got an assignment to create a documentary about something he can get involved in and in the beginning, he had no idea what to do. However, when he sees Jimin dance, he knows what he wants.Or in which Jungkook is a film student and may or may not be a little obsessed with the silver-haired man he keeps seeing on his way to university. ~ 48670 (5/5) 
 ⇢ All of you, all of me ~ Jungkook felt secure and protected with Jimin, like he could let himself get loose and open up to him without being judged. ~ 11621
 ⇢ The Jeon Family ~ Jungkook is the heir to Korea's biggest mafia group, and Jimin is an innocent employee that catches his eye. ~ 30499 (3/3)
 ⇢ In the Line of Fire ~ For some reason, Jimin was everyone's favorite target. ~ 1212
 ⇢ doubt thou the stars are fire ~ Jeon Jeongguk's got a Reputation™. Park Jimin learns how to not give a shit about it. ~ 3451
 ⇢ my heart is beating (like a jungle drum) ~ "He thinks you're a bully?" "You? Bullying? You're too anti-social to do that." "I know!" Jungkook bemoans. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to him. Jimin thinks Jungkook is bullying him when all he wanted was to give him a cupcake. To apologise. To see him again because he's cute. OR the one with a lot of misunderstandings ~ 3228 
 ⇢ your body is a place to stay ~ In which Jungkook juggles a five-year-old daughter, Jimin the pretty bookstore employee, and coworkers who like to tease him too much. ~ single dad!au, tattoo parlour!au, cafe!au , fluff ~ 8783
 ⇢ who would have thought i'd get you? ~ in which jimin comes over for dinner, and jungkook and seoyeon try to impress. (follow-up to your body is a place to stay) ~ single dad!au, fluff ~ 2527 (sequel to above)
 ⇢ Blow Me Like Your French Horn ~ In which Jimin undergoes a transformation from Cinnamon Roll to Sinnamon Roll and Jeongguk is a little too competitive, a little too tsundere, and a little bit too moony-eyed for his own good.(A tale of red converses, sandpit wrestling, shitty best friends a little too obsessed with playing Cupid, emotional constipation, existential crises, and that one body roll Jimin does that makes Jeongguk re-evaluate his life)“i see that you adore playing your loud ass trumpet at random moments in the middle of the night, well fyi i happen to be a master at the French horn so fuck u i challenge you to a brass off” AU ~ slow burn, friends to lovers!au, fluff ~ 40,219 (8/8)
 ⇢ expensive lips ~ Jungkook goes to Sephora on a mission to get some lipstick. He leaves completely enamored with an employee named jimin. ~ fluff, smut, strangers to lovers!au ~ 12,385
 ⇢ the eyes are the window to the soul (and to the heart) ~ In which Jungkook’s eye colour changes according to his mood, but when Jimin wants to know what the colour ‘pink’ means, Jungkook hesitates. Jungkook doesn’t want to tell him that his eyes turn pink whenever he’s around Jimin because it means love. ~ college!au, fluff, humour ~ 7789
 ⇢ You Broke My Heart (but I broke it myself) ~ Jimin's fiancé has abandoned him on his wedding day, and Jeon Jungkook, Jimin's first love and worst heartbreak, is back. ~ high school!au, angst ~ 19,660 (3/3)
 ⇢ we're not broken just bent ~ “You’ll die,” Jimin hisses and they’re so close now that his perfect illusion is broken. Jungkook can see his dark circles, can see Jimin’s lips, red and raw from biting. “I did almost die in this house once, five years ago,” he whispers, watching as Jimin clenches his jaw but doesn't look away. “I think I can handle more. I’m bigger and stronger now, see?” Jimin holds his gaze for two seconds before it tracks south to move down Jungkook’s body. ~ hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers!au ~ 16,204
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 ⇢ Frooty Loopy ~ "We both reached for the last box of Froot Loops and I don't care that we're both adults I will fight you" AUaka: in which Taehyung fights Jungkook to the death for a box of artificially flavored and colored loops. ~ 30939
 ⇢ Hickory ~ Jungkook should be focused on winning, but his mind's stuck on wondering whether or not this Kim Taehyung guy fucks harder than he hits. ~ 48347
 ⇢ maybe we’re all just fools ~ Jeongguk likes to run. He’s never wanted anyone to run with him before. ~ 52675
 ⇢ change my world (you're the sunlight in my universe) ~ Jungkook is an artist who likes drawing on the cafe's freedom wall. Taehyung sees his drawings, and falls in love.Featuring Jimin as the 100% done wingman, Yoongi as the possessive boyfriend, and Seokjin as the sassy mom. ~ cafe!au, college!au, fluff ~ 6757
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 ⇢ a sugar coated pill and a pick me up ~ As Namjoon stood slightly removed from the scene, bemusedly watching the six-year-olds swarm around his cooler (which he had borrowed from his mom), he didn’t even notice that someone had sidled up next to him until he heard the tiny, but undoubtedly exasperated, huff.He followed the sound, turning his head to the right. A guy was standing there, arms crossed, lips pursed. He let out another huff, louder this time, but only slightly.Namjoon refused to acknowledge him. What the fuck was this guy’s deal? Was he really that bitter that his six-year-old just lost a soccer game for six-year-olds?One more huff from the guy.He was beginning to think this guy’s lips were just perpetually pursed and would simply never, ever unpurse themselves, when he, the guy, finally unpursed his lips to speak.“I just think it’s pretty irresponsible to bring Gatorade to a soccer game for first graders,” he said, huffily, “No offense.”(or: namjin are soccer dads who fall in luv) ~ 25023 (2/2)
 ⇢ It's Gonna Get You In Trouble ~ Kim Namjoon knows he's not the most handsome guy out there. It's just guys talking shit about each other, Jin Hyosang is an asshole, and anything that escapes his mouth is complete bullshit. But it's true though. He's awkward, clumsy, and a complete nerd; no one, not even the most desperate person in the world, will notice him.Kim Seokjin is having none of that. ~ high shcool!au, fluff, humour ~ 6107
 ⇢ play the game ~ Yoongi and Hoseok get paired together for a class project. ~ smut, enemies to lovers!au, high school!au ~ 5148
 ⇢ Decorate Me Prettily ~ Yoongi blankly stares at his left wrist. Another batch of parallel lines decorating his very pale complexion. Another batch of parallel lines over parallel scars. Another batch of parallel lines revealing how his soulmate is feeling as of the moment.or (soulmate au where whatever written/marks you have in your body your soulmate has it too) ~ soulmate!au, self harm ~ 3259
 ⇢ The Philosophy of Special Relativity ~ Hoseok’s tongue is cold as it licks into Yoongi’s mouth, and his lips are slightly sticky, but Yoongi can’t help the way his tongue automatically brushes over Hoseok’s, the way a low moan claws it’s way up his throat. He can taste the sweet, slightly bitter flavour of chocolate over the muted spices from their dinner, and something else – something distinctly Hoseok that makes Yoongi’s knees feel like Jell-O.Or: Hoseok wants Yoongi to eat ice cream. Yoongi just wants to eat Hoseok. ~ eating disorder, smut ~ 5695
 ⇢ Flames just create us (burns don't heal like before) ~ Yoongi is a wolf and Hoseok is a lamb trying to run away from home.(Or: Hoseok is heir to a multi-billion company and Yoongi is the bartender he falls in love with.) ~ heir!hoseok, bartender!yoongi ~ 22,090
 ⇢ no more parties in seoul ~ tittytae: mail me my death certificate pls 
tittytae: i jus accidentally liked Jungkook’s pic from fifty weeks ago
jimin neutron: YES YES YES
tittytae: I UNLIKED IT
tittytae: did i just make it worse
a chatfic where all of bangtan are in university, live to expose one another, and hoseok is a modern day cupid. ~ texting, fwb!taekook ~ 57,455 (yoonmin, taekook, namjin)
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Father!Namjoon (Werewolf)
I just wanna say that my heart goes out to everyone affected by any of the recent tragedies, my heart just fucking broke hearing the news and I really truly hope that this is the last time anything like this happens. Hopefully a shit ton of fluff can help cheer up your day the way it always cheers mine up! So now it is time for the last member of the hyung line, my lowkey spirit animal, our amazing leader who looked so fucking good in the recent Run episode like that !! is !! a !! look !! he was comfy and cozy but cute and he just always looks good tbh he could wear a trash bag and I’d probably think it was adorable, Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster aka joon
So there are a few links for werewolf!Namjoon, there is part one (here) which is the description of him as a wolf, part two (here) is him falling in love with a human, there’s the werewolf boyfriend post (here) which describes him as a boyfriend and there’s werewolf!joon as a father part one (all of the father related posts are here) which is about him and the pregnancy
You don’t have to read any of those to understand this post, you could very easily read this on its own but those other posts are all of the backstory posts for anyone that’s curious or maybe wants to have a werewolf!joon night
For everyone that hasn’t read the original father!joon post, he has two munchkins, a girl (she’s the older one) and a boy
Two mini joons just imagine how cute that family would be
Joon squeezed into one of the kids’ beds that his legs do not fit in at all, his bbys on either side of him, a tiny ponytail in his hair from when the bbys had decided to give him a new hairdo
He’s got a couple of books in his lap bc it’s getting close to bed time and the easiest way to get them calm enough to sleep is to read to them and joon is more than happy to do so
There’s no other way he’d prefer to spend his Saturday night than to lay in bed with his munchkins, reading some of their favorite books while they have their heads on his chest and bby girl’s ponytail is tickling his chin and sometimes their heads block his view of the page but that’s all okay with him
He’s nonstop smiling the entire time and every time they giggle at the voice he gives a character or they react to the story, that smile gets even wider and his cheeks are so o w by the end of it but he’s just so happy for the rest of the night
They’re gonna be smart kiddos bc joon so it doesn’t take all that long for them to connect the dots when it comes to being a werewolf
All it takes is for them to see one of the cousins (the boys’ kids) to go off into their wolf form and then they’re just looking up at joon and asking if they can do that too
Namjoon shows them what to do and how to go back and forth from human to wolf and he’s always there to make sure they don’t cause too much trouble
Bc the thing is a normal toddler can cause a lot of chaos right toddlers and just kids in general are v v energetic and curious so the fact that they’ve now tapped into this power is just gonna bump all of that up by fifty bc now they can run a lot faster and jump even higher and they have abilities that a typical toddler probably wouldn’t have
Joon finds all of it hilarious like there’s this one time where bby boy chasing his tail for a solid two minutes and joon is laughing the entire time and he has to breathlessly remind bby boy not to make himself dizzy and he’s got tears in his eyes from laughing so much
 I mean pretty much anything they do is hilarious to him bc he loves them so much and he thinks they’re fucking adorable (which they are) but especially that type of shit
He doesn’t even think about the fact that he has to explain that they can’t just go off into their wolfy state in public bc that just doesn’t cross his mind
It doesn’t become a topic until bby boy gets cold and decides to start going off into his lil wolf form and joon has to run over and cover him with his jacket before anyone can notice the fur or paws and they have to run to the bathroom so joon can explain it to him
It takes him a couple of conversations about it but they eventually understand that being a wolf in public?? Not gonna turn out well
Okay but wanna talk about size differENCE BC HERE IS A VERY GOOD EXAMPLE
Two teeny tiny pups next to a not at all teeny tiny wolf
His legs are pretty much the same length as their entire bodies and his paws are three times the size of theirs and everything is just smaller on them especially compared to joon
They’re always wanting to see what he’s doing, wanting to help, wanting to just be there with him bc they love him a whole lot
As the alpha of the pack, he normally spends more time checking up on everyone and making sure things are going smoothly
The pups try to be super serious about it as well and joon normally gives them a job to do like make sure everyone has a buddy (and if they don’t already have a buddy, to be their buddy)
You know how when adults tells kids “good job” or give them a compliment of that variety, they get so happy and proud of themselves, that’s the pups every full moon
Their lil heads are held up higher, their posture gets better they’re just so proud of themselves bc dad approves 
Once they’ve done their job for the night, they start getting playful and chase joon around and jump all over him like lil kids do
Like you know how sometimes a lil kid will accidentally stick their foot or their hand or their elbow in your face and they totally don’t even realize it bc they’re squirming around so much, that’s pretty much the pups on the daily but especially the full moon
One of their tails keeps wagging and it hits him in the fact a couple of times, he’s got one of them climbing onto his head and their paw is squishing his face and he’s not even really sure which one’s which at that point bc they’re just moving too quickly but he feels right at home
They have their moments of clumsiness so he makes sure they’re all okay neither of them are tripping or falling bc there are a lot of lil rocks and twigs that they could easily trip over, especially when they’re not that used to having paws
Werewolf!joon as a father is basically just one giant teddy bear don’t let the teeth or the size or the strength fool you, he’s actually just a giant cuddly bear who’s always always always up for spending time with his family
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