#woman in green is on tubi
general-sleepy · 1 year
[Video Description: A scene from Sherlock Holmes and The Woman in Green with riffing by Mary Jo Pehl and Bridget Nelson.
Moriarty (Henry Daniell) enters Holmes' rooms, while Holmes (Basil Rathbone) plays the violin.
Mary Jo: I'm here on behalf of the whole building to smash your violin.
Holmes looks over his shoulder, stops playing, then stands.
Bridget: *laughing nervously* Sorry, I'm a little nervous. I've never done this Tinder thing before.
Holmes: Oh, Professor Moriarty. Not that I wish to appear inquisitive, but to what am I indebted for the pleasure of this visit? Scotland Yard will be interested.
They walk together.
Mary Jo: *speaking over Moriarty* They didn't appreciate the flaming bag of dog poo you left them.
Moriarty: …think that I am dead in Montevideo. I never dreamed of fooling you.
Holmes: Thank you.
Moriarty: The thought occurs to me, Mr. Holmes…
Bridget: *speaking over Moriarty* That perhaps I've pulled my pants up too high.
(His pants are pulled up extremely high).
Moriarty: You are very comfortably fixed here, aren't you? *inhales* As I…
Mary Jo: *speaking over Moriarty* I feel like he's working up to selling him Whole Life or something.
Holmes: Oh, I beg your pardon. Won't you sit down?
Moriarty: *in a weirdly robotic tone* Thank you.
Bridget: *mimicking his voice* I, a normal, casual human, would many enjoy to sitting now.
They sit in armchairs facing each other.
Mary Jo: Uh, like this? Am I doing it right?
Holmes: Mr. Moriarty, what can I do for you?
Moriarty: Everything that I have to say to you has already crossed your mind.
Holmes: And my answer has no doubt crossed yours.
Moriarty: That's final?
Holmes: What do you think?
Bridget: Well, I think we're broken up!
Holmes: I shall not rest until you are hanged for the finger murders.
(Mary Jo gasps)
Moriarty: You've no proof, you know.
He uses his walking stick to part the curtains and look out a window. Holmes watches him.
Holmes: No, not a shred.
Mary Jo: *speaking over Moriarty* But I've been saying my daily affirmations and believe in myself more than ever!
Moriarty: You could. If you did, you'd never see Dr. Watson again.
Bridget: *delighted* Really?! That'd be awesome!
Mary Jo: Yeah, no downside.
Holmes: I rather assumed you had taken some such precaution. *stands up*Or, I should have snatched up a revolver and indulged in a fit of heroics when you came in.
Moriarty: Very smart, aren't you?
He stands up.
Mary Jo: *speaking over Holmes* Sick of being judged by my big brain and not my beautiful butt.
Holmes: ...I should have anticipated you. But! If any harm comes to Dr. Watson, I shall seek you out.
Bridget: He's like a blind, helpless kitten, you know that.
Moriarty: No harm will come to Dr. Watson this time. But I can't answer for the future. Mr. Holmes, I should strongly advise you to drop this case.
Holmes: Don't be silly.
Moriarty: Think it over.
Mary Jo: *speaking over Moriarty* There's a Massage Envy gift certificate in it for you.
Moriarty: You hope to place me on the gallows. I tell you I shall never stand upon the gallows. But! If you are instrumental in any way in bringing about my destruction…
Bridget: *speaking over Moriarty* Oh, you're gonna get such a pinch!
Moriarty: …Your satisfaction.
They walk towards the door.
Holmes: Then we shall walk together through the gates of eternity, hand-in-hand.
Mary Jo: *breathless* Oh!
Moriarty: What a charming picture that would make.
Holmes: Yes, wouldn't it? You know, I really think it might be worth it.
Moriarty leaves.
Mary Jo: Ooh, now that is weapons-grade flirting, right there!
(Bridget laughs)
End Description]
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comicweek · 6 months
Fox’s ad-supported streamer Tubi has struck a deal with Warner Bros. Discovery to stream DC movies including “The Batman,” “Suicide Squad,” “Black Adam,” “Wonder Woman” and “Aquaman,” as well as superhero series “Batwoman,” “Gotham” and “Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.”
The above film titles, as well as “Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn),” “Green Lantern” and “Wonder Woman 1984,” will hit Tubi’s on-demand lineup in 2024.
Available as of Tuesday are “Batman,” “Batman Returns” and “Batman Forever,” as well as “Superman: The Movie” and “Superman II,” and TV series “Batwoman,” “Gotham” and “Krypton.” 
“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” will begin streaming Dec. 31.
Also coming in December are DC animated movies “Batman: Death in the Family,” “DC Showcase: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam,” “The Death of Superman,” “Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox,” “Son of Batman” and “Superman/Batman: Public Enemies,” plus the series “Stargirl” and “Swamp Thing” and the film “Constantine.”
“The addition of recent blockbuster movies and fan-favorite series from the DC library is a monumental offering for Tubi viewers,” Tubi chief content officer Adam Lewinson said. “We’re so pleased to have such wonderful partners at Warner Bros. Discovery, who are expanding the reach of their superhero franchise films and series that are destined to draw new audiences and fandoms with Tubi’s highly engaged viewers.”
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 9 months
Chapter Three
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Master List / Real People Master List / Reflections Master List
Pairing: Mia MacAlsdair x Au Tom Hiddleston
Warnings: none, 18+ Minors do not interact
A/N: I apologize in advance should my Scottish/English interpretations be incorrect. I am Canadian playing in a world of my own making. Do not @ me.
**I do not tag. **To be notified of updates and new works, subscribe to me or the story on AO3 for email notification, or follow the library blog @tilltheendwilliwrite-library  with notifications turned on so you’re not missing out. An account is required to access my work on AO3. For more information on how to get your FREE AO3 account, see this post.
Mia marvelled out the car window at the house. The pictures didn't do it justice. 
It was Tudor style; the white-washed daub between the timber frames, steeply pitched gables, and thatched roof made it easy to distinguish between that and other periods. Brick and pipe chimneys smoked merrily. The casement window glass gleamed with shine and a fresh coat of white paint. 
Two years of Covid and a subscription to Home and Garden Television, along with Tubi and their shows on restoration projects across the UK, apparently imparted lessons that were paying off. 
The door was kelly green with a white climbing rose clinging to the wall. The plant crossed the lintel and spanned the area above the house's main floor windows. Someone had taken great care of the garden, for flowers bloomed in veritable heaps of colour below every window before the well-kept yard spread out in a wash of lush green lawn, meticulously mowed. 
Trees surrounded the property, but she could make out more buildings farther into the grounds, though Jacob - her driver - pulled up in front of the cobblestone path that led from the raked gravel drive to the door. 
"It's bigger than I thought," Mia murmured, allowing him to get the door and her to step outside. The house was triple the size of anything she could afford back in Canada.
The fresh air was crisp and clean, and the sun peeking through the clouds was lovely. She stood and basked, eyes closed, taking it in momentarily before moving away from the car. 
She couldn't help but smile at the unique roof and the fancy thatching. After hours of devouring the shows on home restoration for period properties, she had enormous respect for the men and women who could accomplish such an incredible craft. It was truly remarkable that, after hundreds of years, such material and labour were still used today. 
Before she could touch the doorknob, already in love with the door's colour, it swung open to reveal a short, stout woman wearing a frilly apron. Her hair was flaming red, her eyes emerald green, but her cast of wrinkles bespoke her age. Still, her smile was wide and welcoming, if a little guarded. 
“Camila MacAlasdair?”
"Mia, please," she smiled and held out her hand. "Mrs. Bailey?"
"Ock, we don't shake the hands of family," she huffed, grabbing Mia's wrist and hauling her forward into a hug that should have come from someone the size of Fergus. "Yer wee gran would 'ave taken one look at ye and known ye were Callum's girl. Ye've yer da's eyes."
Mia leaned into the hug - though leaned down was more accurate. "You knew them well?"
"I've been keeping house for yer grandparents since yer da was a wee lad. It was a shame what happened with yer mum. A true shame. Would that they had lived to see ye and tell ye all this themselves." 
Grief tugged at Mia's heart for her lost family. "Yeah."
"Bah!" Mrs. Bailey set her back and lightly patted Mia's arms. "Here I am holdin' ye in the door like an eejit when yer probably puggled. Let's get ye a scran and settled 'afor I go talkin' yer ear off." 
The woman turned on her heel and set off into the house.
"Puggled?" Mia murmured to Jacob, arriving with the first of her bags. 
"She means tired," chuckled the very British Jacob. 
With the thicker accents of the Scots she'd spent the last week with, it was a shock to have Jacob greet her in a voice that reminded her of Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. 
He'd been kind enough to help her decipher a few of Fergus and Ivy's more colourful sayings. 
Your head's full of mince was one of them. Your bum's out the window was another.
"Ah," Mia nodded, wondering if there was an app for deciphering Scottish - and British - English as even Jacob caused her to blink in confusion when he asked if she were 'taking the piss' and had to explain himself. 
She would see about that later. Fergus gifted her a fancy new phone with what he termed better encryption and security. It was also already attached to her household expenses and ran on the nation's phone service.
Mia stepped beyond the threshold and bit her cheek to keep her jaw from dropping. The low-beam ceiling was spectacular! 
Dark wood separated by white dab spanned the spaces between beams that looked like entire trees held up the ceiling. The wood flooring had planks that were so wide they, too, looked like they came from a whole tree. The rich dark brown of the well-loved wood made the house feel so warm.
She stepped into a kitchen right out of a fairytale. 
Expansive windows threw light across the floor, reflected off the pans hanging above the antique stove and glinted on cut crystal vases filled with sweet-smelling flowers. Pots of fresh herbs sat in the window sills. Butcher block countertops ran the length of all the cabinets and covered the island. 
An enormous fireplace occupied one wall, but a pot belly stove sat in the center, glowing a merry orange with the cheerfully burning fire. The mantel was another massive piece of timber, upon which sat a host of - what Mia assumed were - ancient kitchen utensils. They looked neat, some dull or rusted with age, while others carried a dark patina and still more shone with copper. 
Before the fire, a round rug of burgundy and cream anchored two forest green wingback chairs with a small round table between them. It was of caramel-coloured wood, the top a little scarred with age, but it held a tea tray with the most gorgeous bone china tea service Mia had ever seen. 
The white china fairly blazed against the dark backdrop, while the purple thistle and green leaves caressed the curves of the china with delicate brush strokes. 
A small but fancy chandelier hung over the sink, but recessed pot lights covered the ceiling and would likely add to the warm glow at night, though they weren't currently on.
Mrs. Bailey poked a few mounds of dough back down at the island into their bowls before covering them with sunny yellow tea towels.
"Is that bread?"
"Aye. I always make bread on Mondays." There was something in how she said it, almost as if she challenged Mia to say something contrary.
Mia toed her shoes off beside the door and drifted closer. "I always wanted to learn, but Colt said it was a waste of time."
Mrs. Bailey's sharp eyes jumped to her face and the bruises she attempted to tone down. It wasn't easy to hide, not without also covering her freckles, and Mia didn't want to do that anymore. 
"Ye've quite the keeker. I've some salve to help if ye want it."
"Did you make that too?"
Mrs. Bailey burst out laughing. "Naw! I'm a baker and a cook, alright, but I'm naw chemist."
Mia grinned. "I'd love to try the salve. I'm not sure which is worse, the black when it was fresh or the sickly yellow-green it is now."
Mrs. Bailey's brows drew together, and thunder filled her face. "The bloke who did it, he gonna be a problem?"
Mia snorted. "No. I left him in Canada, and he has no idea I'm here."
Her face cleared. "Good. Would've given 'im a good hard smack with a pan for laying hands on a lady."
Mia laughed. "No one has ever called me a lady."
"Yer lady of this house now, so expect to hear it." Again, there was tension behind the words.
Mia wasn't always the best at social cues in the fancy circles Colt aspired to. Still, after years in the foster system, not that she'd lived in any genuinely horrible situations, she'd learned to read people and the tension in their bodies reasonably well. 
Only one of her homes was a bad place where the father drank excessively. He never touched any of the kids under his care, but he often yelled, smashed things, and made threats. She learned quickly to go to her room and stay out of his way.
So when Mrs. Bailey's brows pulled together in worry, and she picked at a crusty bit of dough on the island, Mia attempted to put two and two together. 
"You know, I was thrilled when Fergus told me the house and the people associated with it were taken care of," she said, attempting to appear like she was admiring the pots hanging over the stove and not about to freak out. "I don't know the first thing about a place like this other than it's gorgeous, and I still can't believe I get to stay here. I wouldn't want people to think I would come here and make crazy changes, like fire everyone. It's not in my nature, and honestly, after the last few years, I'm just happy to have a home."
The last came out a bit of a hoarse whisper as surprise tears seared her nose and throat. 
"Ye've had a time of it, haven't ye, Mia?"
She made the mistake of glancing at Mrs. Bailey, compassion in every line of her face, and broke down in tears. 
"There now." The older woman enveloped Mia in a hug and rubbed her back. "Been a hard road, but yer here now. And we look after our own. Ye have yerself a wee greet. Then I'll show ye the house and put the tea on."
Mia sniffled. "Does tea include fresh bread?"
Mrs. Bailey chuckled. "Of course!"
Mia hugged her tight. "Excellent."
The house was a dream. 
All the times Mia watched someone restore their period home on television, she'd sighed in longing. However, after the first time she pointed out how gorgeous the craftsmanship of those older buildings was, even the restored barns, Colt snorted in contempt and called them filthy she hadn't brought it up to him again. 
Laying on her back on a beautiful wide bed with a thick white duvet, Mia stared at the crisscrossed ceiling and let the tears come. 
She'd been so blind to Colt's faults, so desperate for love and affection after being alone most of her life that she ignored his red flags. Some, she even turned around and placed on herself as her faults. She'd accepted blame and tried to change herself when he was in the wrong.
Tears dripped down her cheeks, but they didn't last long. She cried for broken dreams and lost love, but she wasn't cynical enough to believe that would be the end for her. Mia would love again, but she'd learned tough lessons and would guard her heart with higher walls next time. 
For now, she would put Colt behind her and move on with her life. It was here, it was new, and though it was a little scary, it was also exciting. 
She sat up, wiped her face, and took in the sun-drenched bedroom. A fire burned in a beautiful iron grate in a modest fireplace between two floor-to-ceiling windows. Cream club chairs offered a welcome seat to soak in the view or the heat. Antique dressers now held the clothing she purchased, as did the pair of wardrobes. And, of course, the same stunning floor of overly wide wooden planks felt like they'd been polished smooth with literal generations of feet. 
Off the bedroom was a bathroom straight out of a fantasy novel. A clawfoot tub sat on a riser within the confines of an alcove beneath a large octagonal window. The plank flooring gave way to large slate tiles, slightly misshapen, clearly hand-hewn. Again, it felt polished beneath Mia's feet. 
A double sink sat in a vanity that looked like an antique dresser, while the mirror above appeared hand-carved or made from the bones of old crown moulding. It was magnificent, with the small wall sconces glowing on either end. 
In virtually every room, some potted plant or vase full of flowers added greenery to the space, and her bathroom was no different. 
She wasn't sure what the leafy plant on the sink was called, but she was determined to learn how to care for them and help out. 
As Mrs. Bailey - first name Cora - showed her around through receiving rooms, drawing rooms, her late grandfather's study, the dining room, and five guest rooms, she introduced Mia to Oliva and Skye. The young women helped with the housework, general cleaning, laundry, and the like. 
Cora explained the two women had received the items shipped from Edinburgh, found the boxes with her clothing, and unpacked them into the master bedroom. 
It felt a little weird moving into what once was her grandparents' space, but Cora assured her the mattress and bedding were new, changed out when they learned she would be coming to stay. Her grandparents' clothing and the like were stored in the attic until she decided what she wanted to do with it. They had yet to bother with the rest of the house, as Mia could add or edit as she pleased. 
So far, Mia was under the impression that her grandparents had impeccable taste. The antiques were glorious and well cared for. What brick-a-brack she saw seemed well chosen and possibly of value. Clearly, her grandmother had a thing for Waterford Crystal, not that Mia blamed her. 
Her grandfather - apparently - carved and painted wooden ducks. The gorgeous creatures were lovingly displayed in his former office, riding the plate rail that ran the room's circumference. 
They had stored her art supplies, works in progress, and finished paintings there. 
Mia vaguely wondered if that was where her talent came from before Cora shooed her along, talking about how the house was fully renovated right before Covid hit, keeping the old world charm while modernizing things like the insulation, the lighting, wiring, plumbing, heat and air. 
She could only imagine the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent modernizing the house while retaining its classic look and feel. 
The house tour ended in one parlour where another potbelly stove glowed brightly beside a burgundy velvet sofa. Skye was there with the tea tray, Olivia a step behind with another of fresh bread, preserves, and a crock of whipped butter. 
Mia intended to invite the women to stay, but Cora shooed them out, sat with a thump on the couch, and made to pour the tea, but Mia beat her to it. 
She wasn't much for superstitions, but her mother always laughed and said, 'the lady of the house poured the tea unless she wanted to end up enceinte.' Mia was eight when she finally asked what the word meant, but she never forgot the way her mother laughed and explained about the silly old wives' tale. Still, it was one of the weird things that stuck in her brain and arose at odd times. Like now, when she realized this was her house. She owned it, lock, stock, and barrel. 
It made her hyperventilate a little. 
Then, as she handed Cora a delicate tea cup, the woman bluntly asked how she got the black eye. 
It surprised Mia, but she told Cora the truth. When an ocean separated them, there was no point in lying to save face or protect Colt. But, as Cora poked a little at still raw feelings, Mia felt the fresh prickle of tears. 
It was only a week—seven days from losing everything to gaining everything. 
Cora made a displeased sound with her tongue and changed the subject, but the thunderous set of her brows said if she ever met Colt, he might become intimately acquainted with one of the cook's larger frying pans. 
She asked instead about Mia's art, and happy to talk to someone about her joy, Mia ate three slices of bread, liberally spread with butter and jam, drank two cups of really lovely tea, and nattered on about what she did and why. She thought it might bore the woman, but Cora's eyes were excitedly bright, though a bit of confusion lingered.  
"Well, ye've all the time in the world to paint now, love," Cora grinned. "Yer grandad had a woodworking shop near the barn that might suit ye if we clean it out."
The idea of it excited her when Cora encouraged her to have a walk around, but Mia returned upstairs to change first. It was roughly six degrees Celsius, and coming out of a Canadian winter when minus forty wasn't unheard of, six degrees was relatively balmy, but Scotland was damp in comparison. Mia learned quickly that you could get rained on at any time. 
Thus, she'd ended up sprawled across the bed, staring at the ceiling, attempting to adjust to the metamorphosis her life went through in a short amount of time. 
Quiet laughter echoed in her head, and she closed her eyes as the gentle touch of a caring hand danced across her forehead. 
Loki was patiently waiting for her to unpack his things. 
Smiling, Mia looked around the room. The dresser across from the foot of her bed was long and low with a vase of fresh flowers but otherwise empty. 
It took very little time to unpack and cleanse the altar and set everything back as it should be. Once finished, Mia admired her handiwork before rummaging through the bags brought up by the maids. A few pretty crystals and a pewter bowl joined her collection, as did two silver candlesticks meant for fat pillar candles. She bought two in vanilla, two in citrus, and two with a cinnamon kick.
For now, she placed the cinnamon-scented ones in the holders, and the others remained wrapped in tissue paper she tucked into a drawer. 
Loki hummed his pleasure, the warmth of it like the summer sun glowing in her chest. 
"I'm glad you like it. Thank you for leading me here."
Here is where you belong.
Mia grinned. Yeah, she felt that, too.
Next Chapter
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nitrateglow · 2 years
Halloween 2022 marathon: 2-6
Blood and Black Lace (dir. Mario Bava, 1964)
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Models at a fashion house are being picked off one by one by a mysterious masked killer. Who could it be?
This is my first Mario Bava film and I was definitely impressed by the visual style. The way the bright color scheme is juxtaposed with the violent torture and murder scenes (at least, pretty violent by 60s standards) is striking.
The plot was also very twisty and suspenseful. It kept me guessing until the end, and by the time the final scene came, it almost felt like something out of a noir. If you haven’t seen this film, it’s on Tubi and worth a watch, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the giallo genre.
The Call of Cthulu (dir.. Andrew Leman, 2005)
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What if someone had made a Lovecraft adaptation at the height of the silent era? This movie is a cool retro silent film, with pretty authentic expressionist aesthetics and editing. It’s under an hour long, so it never outstays its welcome as a fun experiment.
The Beast Must Die (dir. Paul Annett, 1974)
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A master big game hunter invites a group of people to his estate. He suspects one of them of being a werewolf, the one creature he has yet to take down. However, the wolf-- whoever it is-- doesn’t go down meekly and starts picking off characters one by one, whittling down the list of suspects.
I was initially stoked to see this movie. It’s essentially The Most Dangerous Game meets Agatha Christie, with Peter Cushing and werewolves thrown in. It should be so much better than the disappointment it is. It feels like a subpar TV movie and the werewolf itself is just a pretty ordinary, nonthreatening-looking dog. And Cushing is criminally underused!
Rigor Mortis (dir. Juno Mak, 2013)
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A suicidal movie actor moves into a rundown building with a shady history. During his stay, he encounters troubled neighbors and vengeful ghosts everywhere he turns, and eventually finds himself drawn into a particularly nasty haunting.
I am so torn on this movie.
On one hand, it has this memorably moody and desolate atmosphere, as well as three-dimensional characters and memorable shocks.
Unfortunately, two things strike against it: one is the CG ghosts and CG blood. I admit this is very nitpicky, but I find CG ghosts almost always campy, even in otherwise solid movies like Crimson Peak or this-- I get flashbacks to that terrible 90s remake of The Haunting. CG blood is also always so, so fake that it takes me out of the movie.
And then there’s the twist ending. Oh boy, did I dislike the twist ending. It’s one of those twists that makes everything that happened before seem pointless.
It’s otherwise a very solid ghost/vampire story with stunning visuals and atmosphere-- but oh man, I really disliked that ending.
The Shuttered Room (dir. David Greene, 1967)
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Returning to her New England childhood home for the first time in 17 years, newlywed Susannah fears what might be lurking in the rundown old house. She remembers something traumatic happening in her childhood, though she cannot recall exactly what occurred. Her aunt warns her against staying in the remote town, let alone in the creepy old house, but Susannah’s husband talks her into ignoring the old woman because dammit, that eerie mill might make a nice summer home with fresh paint and new furniture. Unfortunately, whatever attacked Susannah 17 years ago is still at large.
This is such a strange movie. Ostensibly based on a Lovecraft piece (or rather, a short story written by another writer using notes for an unrealized Lovecraft project), this movie is less about cosmic dread than seedier matters. Most of the runtime is not that concerned with the mystery of what’s hiding in the attic or what really happened to Susannah when she was a kid. The main threat is Susannah’s nasty cousin Ethan (played memorably by Oliver Reed), who is established as a rapey thug interested in getting into Susannah’s pants, their familial relationship be damned!
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The rural gothic atmosphere is certainly strong due to the remoteness of the location and the low-key hostility of the townspeople, but the film suffers from a draggy pace and a lackluster conclusion. The revelation of just what was lurking in the attic is pretty lame too.
It’s a shame because Carol Lynley gives a strong performance as Susannah. She’s emotionally fragile and trying to move on from the unhappiness of her past. I just wish the movie was as interested in that plot element as I was.
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Two iPads.. one Apple Pencil HOWARD GAVE ME WHILE AT PAUL MITCHELL BC I ASKED FOR ONE DURING THE end of August - Nov 21 before I went to River 🤷🏽‍♀️
Congrats you wanted to BE THE greatest at whatever bullshit THIS IS, 👏🏽 NARCISCIOS YOU TAKE THE CAKE AND ITLL BE HANDLED SOON.
BLACK IPAD, I used Lees for .25 seconds when I got home cause my cup tee last had water dripped on the keypad and stopped working THEN PSYCHWARD and I was posting off my ORIGINAL RED IPHONE FUCKING 8..
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docrotten · 2 months
HOUSE (1982) – Episode 256 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Damn! Come out of the grave and run out of ammunition!” Resurrection without ordinance? Such a disappointment. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they discuss House (1986), a comedy horror picture with its acting roots in Eighties television.
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 256 – House (1986)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
A Vietnam vet/horror novelist’s son disappears while visiting his aunt’s house. His search for his son destroys his marriage and his writing career. When the troubled writer moves into the haunted house after inheriting it from his aunt, the evil ghosts in the house force him to endure a harrowing journey into his past.
  Directed by: Steve Miner
Writing Credits: Ethan Wiley (screenplay); Fred Dekker (story)
Produced by: Sean S. Cunningham (producer)
Music by: Harry Manfredini
Cinematography by: Mac Ahlberg (director of photography)
Production Design by: Gregg Fonseca
Special Paintings by: William Stout (as Bill Stout), Richard Hescox
Special Effects by:
James Cummins (creature design/creature effects designer: Backwood Films)
Kirk R. Thatcher (creature designer: Backwood Films) (as Kirk Thatcher)
Visual Effects by:
Mark Sullivan (stop-motion animation)
William Reilly (motion control technician)
Stunt Coordinator: Kane Hodder
Selected Cast:
William Katt as Roger Cobb
George Wendt as Harold Gorton
Richard Moll as Big Ben
Kay Lenz as Sandy Sinclair
Mary Stavin as Tanya
Michael Ensign as Chet Parker
Erik Silver as Jimmy
Mark Silver as Jimmy
Susan French as Aunt Elizabeth
Alan Autry as Cop #3
Steven Williams as Cop #4
James Calvert as Grocery Boy (as Jim Calvert)
Mindy Sterling as Woman in Bookstore
Jayson Kane as Cheesy Stud
Billy Beck as Priest
Bill McLean as Mr. Jones
Steve Susskind as Frank McGraw
John William Young as Would-be Writer (as John Young)
Dwier Brown as Lieutenant
Joey Green as Fitzsimmons
Stephen Nichols as Scott
Donald Willis as Soldier
Ronn Carroll as Policeman
Robert Joseph as Robert
Curt Wilmot as Skeleton Big Ben
Peter Pitofsky as Witch
Elizabeth Barrington as Little Critter
Jerry Maren as Little Critter
Felix Silla as Little Critter
The rallying cry from the Grue Crew is, “Chad is back!” For his return episode, the crew picks an 80s movie that surely everyone has seen. Well, everyone but Jeff. The film is HOUSE, released in 1985… or is it 1986? Covered seven years ago by Doc Rotten, Christopher G. Moore, and Thomas Mariani in episode 105, the current crew decided to revisit this comedy-horror feature. Starring some 80s TV icons – William Katt (The Greatest American Hero, 1981-1983), George Wendt (Cheers, 1982-1993), Richard Moll (Night Court, 1984-1992) – the cast, crew, and effects give them plenty to talk about and there’s plenty of taglines for Chad’s return. Welcome back, brother!
At the time of this writing, House is available to stream from Tubi, PlutoTV, and Amazon Prime, as well as multiple PPV sources, and on physical media as a Blu-ray from Arrow Video.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film chosen by Chad, will be Spookies (1985), a film whose making-of story might be more interesting than the movie itself.
Check out this episode!
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tvrundownusa · 5 months
tvrundown USA 2024.01.26
Friday, January 26th:
(exclusive): "Gone Before His Time: Kobe Bryant" (TUBI, special presentation), "Sit Down With Stand Up" (netflix, Udom 'Nose' Taepanich w/ Yuthana Boonorm)
(movies): "Suitable Flesh" (Shudder|AMC+, body-swap campy occult horror), "The Underdoggs" (APrime, Snoop Dogg football comedy, ~95mins), "Trunk - Locked In" (APrime, German suspense thriller, ~95mins), "Badland Hunters" (netflix, Korean post-apocalypse action, ~110mins)
(streaming weekly): Expats (APrime, limited series premiere, first 2 eps), Hazbin Hotel (APrime, next 2 eps), The Traitors (Peacock), The Woman in the Wall (Para+), Masters of the Air (apple+, World War II drama, first 2 eps), Undead Unluck (hulu), Love Is Blind: Sweden (netflix, next 2 eps, season 1 finale)
(streaming twice/week): Flex X Cop (hulu, Korean detective drama premiere, day 1 of 2)
(hour 1): Power III: Raising Kanan (Starz), Penn & Teller: Fool Us (theCW), RuPaul's Drag Race (MTV, 90mins), Shark Tank (ABC)
(hour 2): Hightown (Starz, season 3 opener, new night), Masters of Illusion (theCW) / . / World's Funniest Animals (theCW), RuPaul's Drag Race (MTV, contd) / . / Untucked (MTV)
(hour 3): Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO), CMT Campfire Sessions (CMT, "Riley Green")
[preempted, returns next week: Transplant (NBC), The UnBelievable with Dan Aykroyd (HIST) ]
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gilly-laughs · 10 months
I have to recommend this movie I just watched called 'Baby Cat'. It's on Tubi.
Tubi description:
When Dana moves into her new apartment, she falls in love with the building's cat, who happens to be a grown woman in a costume.
By any objective scale, this movie is not good but there is something about how it all comes together. I nearly cried at the end (that doesn't make sense even to me).
Ok you have to be cool about watching a woman meow and purr(subtitles calls it groaning) and act like a cat. It's not sexual (but it is maybe in a queer way?). Dana and Lori (the cat) have sex but most of it is off screen, some heavy petting (pun intended) and nudity. They fall in love?
There is a subplot about gangster drug dealers being attacked.
Dana is the only one working in her office but her boss talks to imaginary coworkers. Max is a trans masc side character who is always wearing open shirts.
The lesbian love story really ties everything together in the end.
It's better than it sounds. Some of the green screen shots (there are more than you would expect in a comedy like this) are badly composited but it's consistent enough that it adds to the 'charm' of the movie. Sound is okay, not muffled or noisy with background noise.
It's primarily a comedy with romantic elements. It doesn't fit the mold of a traditional romantic comedy but hits a lot of the same beats. No major studio could have made this movie. I love this movie.
Here are some screen shots:
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Max Powers and the green screen door, get used to it.
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Just taking a cat nap
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Lori and Dana have a moment
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Just a normal conversation with the building manager
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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I’m A Creep
Fandom: The Messenger Jack x Rin Davies
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: suicide discussion, oral sex, penetration, mention of masturbation, angsty whomp because OOOOF is Jack a Whomp!character
Note: The events of this fic contain spoilers for those of you who havent seen The Messenger.  It takes place after the end of the movie.  Read at your own risk if you haven’t seen it!  If you want it’s free on Tubi :)
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Present Day:
Jack stood beside Rin in the dead of night watching her sleep for just a moment. Only a moment because she roused the instant she sensed him breathe. Sitting up, she quickly reached inside the nightstand. He knew her routine, Rin was impulsive about making sure her leather motorcycle gloves were on before she let him in.
Jack wordlessly pulled his shirt over his head and stepped out of his sweatpants and boxers. 
Rin lifted her covers and opened her legs to him. Obliging, Jack lowered himself onto her showering her neck with kisses. His tongue and lips trailing down along her collarbone, erection hard against her thigh. A hand found its way under Rin’s t-shirt and over a naked breast where he pinched at a nipple. 
“Jack,” she was breathless. “Stop. Don't touch my skin, please.”
Jack pushed himself up by the arms, “How is this enjoyable to you, duck?” A northern term of endearment. “My thighs ah touchin’ you aren't they?” The moonlight caught his eyes as he teased her with the head of his cock. “What about this, inside you?” Suggestively whispered. 
Rin moaned but held her cool. “It’s not the same. Like you said, that's inside. It's just my.. skin. From my..” her voice trailed off. 
“Would it be so bad? I just want to feel you under me without fuckkin clothes.” Jack took a chance and kissed her. Tongue pushing inside of Rin, but she stiffened. “Sweetheart,” now he whispered, just his fingertips brushed her cheek. “Please, love, just touch me”
Several Weeks Before:
Rin sat alone at a center table in the middle of the visitation room.  This wasn’t her first rodeo, probably won’t be her last.  She flexed her hands outwards the leather of her gloves cracking and flexing in a satisfying manner.  No one was going to come and see her. Besides, the solitude allowed her to quietly spy on all the other nutters around the room.
Just to her left Rin noticed a pretty redheaded woman and her son as they sat across from probably the most attractive guy ever in an institution.  There was a tenseness to the way he sat, shoulders hunched and hands between his legs.  His hair unruly and a blank stare that wasn’t really focusing on- she came to realize-  his sister and nephew.  Rin knew him from group therapy where he was equally quiet, eyes glassy from a psych med cocktail.  The majority of his speaking hours tucked away in that overbearing therapist’s office.  
“Jack, will you please just look at me?” his sister, Emma tried her best to reach out to her brother. “I.. I think Martin and I made a mistake.” 
Jack only stared straight ahead between Emma and his nephew, Billy. The preteen looked uncomfortable and scared as his mother nudged him softly. “It's ok. Billy tell Uncle Jack.” 
“I did, Mom” , his voice quiet. “I'm supposed to say no. That you should get me help before it's too late.”  Rin watched as Billy folded his arms and laid his head down. “Only I can't. It's all night and day, Jack. I can't sleep because they don't have you.” 
“Best leave him here with me then, Emma.” It was the first time anyone heard Jack speak in weeks. His sister had a posh accent, so Rin was surprised when Yorkshire dripped from his lips. “For good, right?” 
“That's not fair. You are sick, Jack.  You weren't caring for yourself. You.. you got too involved with that murder. You were hurting yourself,” Emma struggled with tears. “I want to take you home.”
“Oh like I'm some kind of fookin dog? Emma you and Martin made it clear I belong here. She's right, maybe it was all dad. That's traumatic you know.” 
“You deserve someplace warm! A home. Please, Jack. I found this in your things.” She slid a newspaper clipping towards her brother. “That's the boy who drowned. Why.. why didn't you tell me?” 
“Loads of kids drown in pools,” Jack stated bluntly with a shrug. “Why should your pool be any different?” 
“I never said it was our pool.” 
“I recognized the address in the article”
“Jack, it's from two years ago.” 
“I got lucky. Ah we doon here? I have walls to stare at. Here Billy you can have this back,” from between his knees he produced a glass paperweight with a scorpion inside. “Tell all ya mates Crazy Uncle Jack sends his loov” 
Jack tried to stand but Emma grabbed his arm. This was Rin’s cue to swoop in. She swiftly moved from her table to theirs. 
“JACKIE!’ I've been looking for you everywhere!” His eyes panicking in her direction. “I'm Wren,” she took her glove off and reached a scarred hand in Emma's direction. “But my brother couldn't say it so you can call me Rin” She smiled brightly. 
Emma tentatively shook Rin’s hand, smiling in turn.  Rin took a moment as her mind’s eye zoned in on what was inside of Jack’s sister.  It was a loneliness, a desperation to take care of her little brother but protect her son from the same fate.  But most importantly Rin felt a small tingling of warmth from somewhere deep inside of Emma’s heart.  It was white and pure and instantly recognizable as hope.  Even though it was tiny it was growing and starting to spread, and Rin knew Emma was eager to share that with her brother.
“Wow,” Rin blurted, “I wish my brother was as invested in me as you are.  You’re a good person, Emma.  Trust me,” she winked.  “Woman’s intuition.”
Emma narrowed her eyes and studied the crazed looking woman standing between her and Jack.  The scars on Rin’s hand raised some alarms, but Emma ignored them.  She omitted a relief and let go, “Well thank you.  Can you talk some sense into my brother?”
Moments later, with the visitors gone, Rin sat down in Emma’s place.  “Thank you is a start,” she teased Jack. 
He rolled his eyes and slowly turned in her direction to face her dead on.  The intensity of his eyes took Rin by surprise.  “Thank you,” the sarcasm poured like a waterfall.
Rin took off her other glove.  “Now, Mr-”
“Jack is fine.”
“Jack.  Tell me,” Rin feigned a German accent, “Und why do zey sink you are crazy.”   
He blinked slowly.
“You got sectioned.  What bullshit excuse did they force you to believe?  Because it seems like Lovely Emma is desperate to get you out, and we know how hard that is.”
Jack took an impossibly deep breath, “Schizo-effective disorder with some dissociation, post traumatic stress disorder, non-suicidal self injury disorder and depression.”
“Fuck me, that's a trail mix of bonkers. Now ask me” 
Jack closed his eyes. They were shut for so long that Rin was certain he had fallen asleep having given in to his meds. His hunched, thin body sort of folded a bit in on itself. A moment of possible self-soothing when he started to sway. 
“Jack?” Rin's tone fell quietly with concern. She poke his arm carefully avoiding touching the skin. “Darling what cocktail did these quacks put you on.” She was an expert after all these years; if the drugs were working, no way would he be this much of a zombie.
Green blank eyes hidden behind enviable eyelashes attempted to focus “Seroquel. Clozapine?” His words start to slur a bit. “Fine. How fucking barmy are you?”
“Well,”  the young woman softened, “I have suicidal ideations with self-injury tendencies myself, severe clinical depression, a bit of the old borderline personality disorder and wait for it..”  she practically whispered a few inches from Jack’s face, “total emotional attachment to partners.”  
The skin around Jack’s eyes crinkled as he squinted just enough to indicate his hazed brain was trying to process everything Rin just unloaded. His lips parted to speak but he paused resulting in a gobsmacked expression.  “You’re barking.”
“Says the sexy scarecrow with journo clippings of dead boys.”  Rin pursed her lips and crossed her arms, “Why are you really in here Jack.”
“I’m fucking mad.” It was matter of fact.
“To quote the Cheshire Cat, we’re all mad here, love.  Look at me,” she held her hands aloft to display gnarled and prominent scars covering both hands in their entirety.  “I developed a gift or two by primary school.  See I can touch a person, and I know what they are feeling.  Except it.. It goes deeper than that.  I can PICTURE their true selves.  It’s a bit overstimulating, but no one can lie to me.  Not really.  Doesn’t do much for my sex life.  Or lack of one really.  Honestly, you put a cock in your mouth only to find out the guy you’re with is fantasizing about slitting your throat and wanking in your blood.”
Jack shook his head, “Jesus christ.”
“Well yes! My parents were religious zealots, right?  They got wind of my gifts.  Tried to use me in the church, but I rebelled.  Long story short, darling Mumsy and Papa decided if they may be stuck my hands in boiling grease I wouldn’t be able to use it anymore.  It’s not in my hands though.  It’s in my skin,” Rin smiled almost pleasantly. “Sometimes I get a bit over the edge.  I stop shielding myself from the pure air around folks, I suffocate in it.  Then,” now she held out her wrists, “I have my little accidents.”
Jack’s mouth hung agape.  His brows furrowed in confusion, “You are off you’re fucking nut.”
“That’s all relative.  Now, you can tell me why they REALLY sectioned you.  What power or ability are they masquerading as mental illness, or I can find out my way.”  Rin shrugged. 
“Why the fuck do you care?  I’m sleeping at night.  I have food and a bed and a shower.”
“Und electro-shock zerapy, und coma inducing psychopharmaceuticals, und most importantly you has lost your voice und a chance to harness your ability correctly.”  that mock German accent again.  “You shouldn’t be here, Jack.  Emma certainly doesn’t think so, and neither do I.  You’re special.  Or that bitch shrink wouldn’t have made you the living dead.”
Jack snorted followed by a rather loud.  “Just fuck off. Fuck off.  Fuck off.  FUCK OFF!” he screamed in Rin’s face.  Not once did she flinch, arms crossed again in a challenge. Disgusted by her, Jack kept bellowing his words thick with anger and cotton from the meds, “I DON'T BELONG OUT THERE EITHER!  I DON'T BELONG IN HERE!  I DON’T FUCKING BELONG ANYWHERE. HE’S DEAD.  SHE’S DEAD.  EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF THE CUNTS IS DEAD!  DEAD DEAD DYING!  JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” 
He shot up out of the chair to leave, but Rin caught his large hand.  Skin to skin, hands so small together they barely covered just his one.  Instantly her body stiffened as she gasped for air.  Tears immediately stung her eyes as she crammed them shut.  There in her mind was just a large body of water.  Ocean waves crashed overhead as she sank far below the surface.  Dark, cold, horrifying that sensation of being drowned.  Rin choked on the last bit of oxygen in her lungs and started to suffocate.  The hand she held brought her mind’s eye around to opening under the water to see Jack floating near-motionless in front of her.  It took all of her strength to push against the tide towards him where she held his face in her hands.  Death and decay flashed above them, the dead peering down from boats just waiting for Jack to return to the surface.
Rin strained to convey that tiny bit of hope Emma had passed along to her earlier as she pressed her forehead into Jack’s in the icy deep.  There was no reason in particular that she was drawn to him.  Not in the hospital or here trying to save him from drowning slowly. Was he attractive, undoubtedly, but that wasn’t all or it. Maybe it was now that she knew he was a messenger, a harbinger of death.  That was itself a form of an empathic gift.  Or it was just compassion. 
Suddenly Jack’s eyes burst open.  In that languid way your body moves underwater, he pushed her away.  His arms and legs thrashed around in a panic as if he only just realized he was allowing this place to kill him.  There was an instant loss, and Rin’s inner self slammed into a brick wall.  The physical Jack had severed the connection between her body and his.  To resurface that suddenly forced Rin gulping in blessed oxygen that she never really lost.  It was an illusion, where the two of them had been.  He really had shoved her back though, she realized that now.  Storming out of the visitation center, Jack left Rin alone to cry.
Several days later
Rin lounged against the wall outside of Jack’s room with her gloves firmly in place.  Patients weren’t SUPPOSED to fraternize outside of the common rooms, but Rin had been here a few times before.  She knew which orderlies and nurses to finess, and which to avoid.  In this case Jerry was the giant, affable St Bernard of a man that kept watch in this particular hallway.
“Wren back so soon?” he teased. “What are you doing hanging around the human handbook for the recently deceased?” 
“Delightful, Jer.  How is he?  I mean really.” Rin hooked her thumb in the direction of the room.
“Easiest patient I’ve dealt with on account of he rarely speaks, pops his meds and keeps to himself.  Gave us a bit of a row when he first got here, but I like the guy.  I don’t know what to believe though.  His sister’s been sniffing around administratives.”  The orderly shrugged his massive shoulders.  “Heard you took quite the piss on visitation day.”
“I didn’t take the piss!” 
“Did ya do your handsy thing,” Jerry made jazz hands.
Rin’s eyes almost rolled back in her head, but suddenly there was a figure in the doorway which caused her to jump.  “How about we don’t talk about the nutter like he isn’t 10 feet away and only 27 years old?” Jack insisted.  His arms crossed and shoulders sagged in their usual way.  
“Can we talk?”  
Before Jack could truly answer, Rin had already pushed past him and sat down on his bed.  His mouth hung somewhat agape before he eventually joined her.  Jack attempted to sit close, just for some human contact, but the young woman beside him shied away.
“Right,” a retort.  “You’ve started being just as bloody fucking annoying as they were.”
Startled, “Who?”
“You know those.. Schizo delusions I’m here for.”
“The dead?”
Jack’s green eyes narrowed and Rin knew there was a sarcastic remark just sitting there waiting to be released.  Instead he curled his posture as if he was trying to fold in on himself.  Make himself smaller, less noticeable.  “Dissociations sparked by my father’s suicide.”
“Psycho babble bullshit jargon.  Congratulations, you’ve become a parrot.”  Rin waved her hand, “Jack has anyone ever-.”  There was a hesitation.  
“Has anyone ever what? Go on, enlighten me then”
Rin started stripping her gloves off but thought better of it.  A sense of foreboding, of drowning and clutching her chest for hair flashed across her mind.  The loneliness emanated from Jack without her touch. That empathic conduction of her skin.  Reaching instead to place the soft leather against his cheek, her thumb brushed his bottom lip.  Her eyes searched for him in that moment where time stood still before a mouth replaced a thumb.  
To not only Rin’s surprise but his own, Jack didn’t recoil.  His body relaxed as instinct took hold. There was a fervor in hands that got tangled up in hair.  Tongues fought each other as arms made their way around bodies in an embrace.  They held one another tight, the desperation apparent.  
The spell broke when Jack laid Rin down on the bed and let his warm mouth trail down her neck. He was awkward and hungry like a teenager.  He fumbled around her chest to attempt massaging her breast. 
A snort came from Rin simply to hide the panic of rushing water when Jack’s lips came into contact with her skin.  Maybe hers found it easier to beg off that inner eye from opening, but now she didn’t have a choice.  They weren’t as deep with the surface just rippling only a few inches away.  
Before she started to lose oxygen again, Rin began to squirm.  “ Stop.  Please?”
Jack sat up and faced forward as if nothing had transpired.  His cheeks flushed and a hand tugged at his tee-shirt embarrassingly then stuffed between his legs. He blinked a few times as he breathing calmed. 
“I only came to ask you if anyone had ever shown you affection.  Held you.  Emma.. Emma”  Rin inhaled deeply as she forced Jack to hold her glove hand.  “I know she sort of longs to hug you.”  Back on his cheek to make him look at her. “Obviously I got my answer,” she laughed. 
Jack silently replied by pushing his forehead into Rin's.  They laid down again this time with their heads on his pillow legs and arms tangled up in each other. Jack nuzzled the edge of his nose into the skin behind her ear; her breath caught. Then the couple seemingly melted together.
“Jack you seem less-” fingers twisted up in his curls.
“Like a walking coma patient?” hand gripped the thick of her thigh.  Then reaching a shelf above Rin Jack seized one of those creepy glass paperweights housing a floating tarantula. Turning it over underneath to show a tiny white envelope. “I started hiding my meds. Pass them along to my sister when she visits.”
Just under the surface of the water, still struggling for air exploded before Rin's eyes. Perhaps she had passed something between Emma and Jack. Was it her own faith that was transmitted to him? That first touch that woke him up after all this time. 
The next few weeks became a game of trial and error. Of how little or much Rin and Jack could consume of each other.  Kissing was no longer an issue once the meds began to wear off, lips and tongues and mouths. It felt more like standing ankle deep in a bathtub. Warm and comforting; it was Jack that was overpowering.  
Eager to make up for a very long very lost amount of time. He stumbled along Rin's body uneasily because of how little clothing she removed at first. Not that he was in a rush to reveal what was underneath his oversized shirt and sweatpants. He wasn’t the one recoiling when the stimulation overwhelmed.  
“I'll take off my shirt. Touch me here, but where the fabric of my bra is. Tease the nipple with just your fingertips. No that's.. maybe under? Touch them. Oh God. Now your mouth. Right there.  Are you.. you took your shirt off too?” (She marveled at how defined, muscular Jack's body seemed despite his slight stature)   
Jack took initiative now and slid his fingers inside of Rin. He pumped them a few times guided by her ``Oh.. maybe you can touch me.. Do you feel.. It’s like a bud or a kernel.. Here let me.. It’s just right.. OH GOD.  Right like.. ”   And she would ride his hand and fingers that circled that bud.  
Rin would cry out in surprise.  Her body exploded in ecstasy. They weren't drowning anymore. Just swimming, bobbed under the water and surface. It was the sense-memory of suffocating, coupled with the dazzling pleasure of Jack's warm tongue as it teased her nipples, his strong fingers teasing her clit at the same time. His hot skin meshed with hers washed out by fear.  She apologized as they scrambled to arrange themselves. 
“Don't think I'm going anywhere for quite some time, my love.”  His words changed with the possessive my in lieu of the once meaningless sentiment. He would steal a chaste kiss from Rin whose cheeks flushed to match his own as he made that familiar adjustment between his legs.  In the future, Rin would come to him without a bra but reluctant to take her shirt off when Jack kept on never minding.
Jerry became an ally of sorts. He always had been on Rin's side after she read him her second section. It wasn't difficult to get him to believe in Jack's abilities. Staff has whispered down the corridors that Jack had suddenly found himself aware of a suicide attempt.  That dead reporter Emma mentioned, his fiancé had taken more pills than Rin ever fathomed any number of her attempts. (She had a flare for dramatics: slit wrists) Jerry mentioned Jack had a tantrum the likes of a toddler screaming the name Sarah whatever over and over, pounding his fists into his head to make whatever haunted him. Sure enough, this Sarah was found nearly having bled out and foaming at the mouth. 
“How would he even fucking know, poppet? Not unless Jack really was chatting up her dead fiancé “ As if that was all he needed, Jerry turned his back and caused distractions all the nights the Empath and her Beautiful Broken Man longed to be together.
It was stunning the way Jack learned to manipulate the system.  Only Rin, and reluctantly Jerry, knew he pocketed his meds.  Safely tucked away in those ugly arachnid globes in the pockets or purse of Billy and Emma.  He started talking more in group therapy and far less in private sessions.  Engaged in conversations with his sister and nephew, true ones that resulted in a simple smile or a laugh free from a facetious tone.  To the staff and doctors those fucking psychopharmeceuticals worked.  To Jack’s sister and nephew and whatever Rin was to him, there was a slowly lifting weight making the air around him lighter. Yet Rin kept her hands to herself.
More trial and error.  In the midst of fervent kisses, Rin took Jack in her hand.  A stroke or two was all she got in before he spasmed and came.  The mortification that flashed in his eyes as he curled in a fetal position between her and the wall while she whispered reassurances in his ear.  Touching him, caressing him and eventually taking him into her mouth became easier and longer with practice and patience.  
They laughed into each other’s mouths before Rin let her tongue trail down over his stomach. Anxiously Jack took off his pants and boxers, lying backwards.  He held the back of her head, moaned and twisted as she licked and sucked on him. His hips bucked and thrust upwards.  
Present Day, Again
“Would it be so bad? I just want to feel you under me without fuckin clothes.” Jack took a chance and kissed Rin. Tongue pushed inside of her, but she stiffened. “Sweetheart,” now he whispered,  just his fingertips brushed her cheek. “Please, love, just touch me?”
Rin took a moment to think.  He wasn’t drowning anymore.  She could push that old feeling out of her third eye and bury herself in new ones.  She took a hold of her shirt and tossed it on the floor.  She took the erection that twiced against her thigh and held it just outside of her pulsating and ready sex.  With hands that sunk into her vunerable skin, Jack buried himself inside of her. 
That fire from Emma all that time ago poured from Jack’s body into hers.  It pushed back the water as he pumped rhythmically into Rin.  Building into a frenzy quickly, his pelvis crashed into hers before she could really come around to what was happening.  It briefly conquered the fears from before; caused hot tears to spring to her eyes that flowed uncontrolled down her cheeks.
In his fervor, Jack noticed and bent to kiss them away.  The gesture she had made that first time, a thumb brushed across her cheek and lower lip as he slowed his pace. Wren,” he took to calling her that tentatively.  “What is it?”
Before she could answer, Jack became distracted by something in the corner of the room.  Eyes passed between Rin and whatever it was that she couldn’t fathom or see.  She took his chin and focused it on her as they crashed together and apart again in another wave of building friction. It was too late though, he had abruptly pulled out and away from her. 
“NO!  STOP!  LEAVE ME ALONE!  CAN’T I HAVE ONE MOMENT OF FUCKING HAPPINESS WITHOUT ONE OF YOU LOOMING OVER ME LIKE A FUCKING PERV.”  He used fists to beat out a rhythm on his temples as he scurried to the corner of his bed with knees up to his chest.  
In the frenzy, Rin had been knocked to the floor.  Jerry had rushed in, he was never too far away just in case.  In a whirlwind, he picked Rin up with one hand and with the other attempted to intervene between Jack's fists and his head.  What could either of them do?  If attention was drawn to the room, surely the doctors would realize Jack had gone unmedicated for weeks.  Jerry’s eyes wide gestured towards Rin’s hands.  She shook her head, but Jack carried on.  
“Go on Jenny Wren, there has to be something your hands can do.  I’ll lose my job and you’ll be separated.  They’ll put him back in the Zoo.”  He was already yanking her arms forward and trying to remove her gloves before she could consent.
Rin knew The Zoo. It being rooms that could be monitored with two way mirrors.  You got a bed and a blanket.  They controlled when the lights came on and when they turned them off.  No privilege, no real structure.  They fed you, bathed you, and gave you “playtime” when they said.  No matter how you suffered from mental illness no one deserved that. She would never forgive herself.
“JERRY LET ME DO IT MYSELF!”  Rin bellowed if only to out yell Jack and his fit.  “Make her go away!  LEAVE ME ALONE” he cried underneath her.  Her hands free, she flexed them a few times before joining Jack on the bed.  She clutched his forearms and struggled to get a grip enough to pull them away from self-harm.  “JACK!  YOU HAVE GOT TO FUCKING STOP, MY DARLING.”  She slid her hands over his temples before he could punch them anymore.  She used the heels of her palms and pressed.  
It was immediate, the way her mind opened to him.  This time he was floating along the tide in a boat surrounded by what Rin could only guess were dead people.  They grabbed and tugged on Jack’s clothes.   Rin sat on the other side from him between two oars; she used one to swat at the ghosts who tried to pull them back in.  But there, walking along the surface, was a beautiful young woman.  Blonde hair flowed in waves down her back.  Sarah.
“You said we would be together, Jack.”  She was angry.  “That’s what you told him when he warned you I overdosed.  I survived that attempt, but not the second one.  Where is he Jack?  Why isn’t he here waiting for me?”
“Jack?”  Rin spoke softly.  The hands gripped her tight in place of him.  They started to pull her in with him because he was useless now.  He stood up to them for possibly the first time in twenty years.  They would take her instead then.  
Jack seized Rin’s body before she could go over in his place.  He held her fast and tight and shielded her from them.  “NO.  You don’t fucking get ANYONE I love.  Not Billy.  Not Emma.  Not Martin.  No Wren or Rin.  AND YOU DON’T FUCKING GET ME ANYMORE.”  He took the oar up in his free hand and swung it around the bodies in the water.  He jabbed it forward like a sword at Sarah still pacing the side of the boat.  “GO, SARAH.  HE’S WAITING FOR YOU.  I PROMISE THIS TIME”  Jack insisted and pleaded.
Then it was so silent it deafened both Jack and Rin as they clung to one another in the boat.  In a flash and explosion, they separated and landed back on the bed in the room in an institution.  Jerry panted and pawed at the two of them dazed and uncertain.  Jack blinked a handful of times with no recollection of what just took place in his head and Rin’s.  They never knew or remembered Rin had learned.
Jack scoured the room for any sign of Sarah or anyone else.  He rubbed his eyes a few times then sighed heavily.  “I.. I want to go back to my room now.”  It was matter of fact.  
Jerry nodded and helped him back into his clothes.  Jack stumbled a bit but managed to kiss Rin sweetly before being led away and down the hall.  Rin knew Jerry would probably give him something to help him sleep at least for the night and probably into tomorrow.  She was afraid Jack had woken up a second time.  Not just from his nightmare of the last twenty years, but whatever happened between them.  It was a price she had to pay sometimes when she helped.  There was something Rin longed to say earlier.  What made her cry was an ember somewhere deep inside of Jack that he had never experienced before.  For the first time in his life, he had hope.
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faccioliste · 4 years
12 Etudes, Op.10: No.2 in A minor – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh
12 Etudes, Op.10: No.4 in C sharp minor – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh 
1977 – Ana Tijoux
24 mila baci – Adriano Celentano 
33 “GOD” – Bon Iver
3 Nouvelles Etudes, B.130: 2. Allegretto in A flat major – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh 
3WW – Alt-J 
3WW – OTG Version, Alt-J
44 gatti 
505 – Arctic Monkeys 
50 Special – Lùnapop
 715 - CR∑∑KS – Bon Iver 
A Cruel Angel’s Thesis – Neon Genesis Evangelion
A Fifth of Beethoven – Walter Murphy
A mano a mano – Rino Gaetano
A me me piace ‘a nutella – Il piccolo Lucio
A new error – Moderat 
Acida – Prozac+
Acqua (Malpensandoti) – Tedua
Addams Family Theme
Addio a Napoli / Ma come fanno i marinai – Dalla, De Gregori
Address Unknown – The Ink Spots
After Hours – The Velvet Underground
Aggiungi un posto a tavola – Johnny Dorelli
Ai ai ai – Los locos 
Ain’t Got No – Nina Simone
Al ballo mascherato – Fabrizio De André
Alexander Platz – Franco Battiato
Alla consolle – Mimmo Amerelli
All Alone – Gorillaz
All Day and All of the Night – The Kinks
All In – Nitro
All I want is you – Barry Louis Polisar
All of me – John Legend
All tomorrow’s parties – The Velvet Underground
Alter Ego – Tame Impala
American Boy – Estelle, Kanye West
American Pie – Don McLean
American Woman – Lenny Kravitz
Amigas Cheetahs – The Ceetah Girls
Amor, amor de mia amores – Natalie Lagourcade
Amore che vieni, amore che vai – Fabrizio De André
Amore disperato – Nada
Anche per te – Lucio Battisti
Andavo a cento all’ora – Gianni Morandi
Anemos - Introduzione – Murubutu
Another brick in the wall – Pink Floyd
Antidoping – Gemitaiz, MadMan, Ensi
APPARTENGO - Il sangue – Marracash, Massimo Pericolo
Applausi per Fibra – Fabri Fibra
Arabella – Arctic Monkeys
Are you gonna be my girl – Jet
Argenti Vive – Caparezza
Arrivederci Tristezza – Brunori Sas
Ask - The Smiths
Autoipnotica – Caparezza
Avrai ragione tu (ritratto) – Caparezza
Azzurro – Adriano Celentano
Ba-ba-baciami piccina – Quartetto Cedra
Babalù – Mannarino
Baby – Justin Bieber
Baby Boy – Beyoncé
…Baby One More Time – Britney Spears
Baby’s on Fire – Die Antwoord
Baciala – La Sirenetta
Baciami ancora – Jovanotti
Back In Black – AC/DC
Back On The Scene – Slaughterhouse
Badabum Cha Cha – Jim Croce
bad guy – Billie Eilish
Bad Mouth – Fugazi
BAGDAD - Cap.7: Liturgia – ROSALÍA
Balla – Umberto Rosario Balsamo
Ballata degli impiccati – Fabrizio De André
Bam bam – Sister Nancy
BamBam – Matador
Banana Brain – Die Antwoord
Bandiera Bianca – Franco Battiato
Bandiera Gialla – Gianni Pettenati
Bandiera Rossa – ✊
Bang bang (My baby shot me down) – Nancy Sinatra
Barbera e Champagne – Giorgio Gaber
Beachwood Park – The Zombies
Bella ciao – ✊
Bella vera – 883
Be my baby – The Ronettes
Ben 10 – Sigla
Benzi box – DANGERDOOM
Berghem béla sità
The best of both worlds – Hannah Montana
Bibbidi bobbidi bu
Bigger Than Prince – Green Velvet
The Black Angel’s Death song – The Velvet Underground, Nico
Blackbird – The Beatles
Blank Space – Taylor Swift
Blowin’ in the wind – Bob Dylan
Blue Monday – New Order
Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley
Blush Beat – Club Domani
Bocca di rosa – Fabrizio De André
BODY PARTS - I denti – Marracash
Boom boom boom boom – Vegaboys
Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas
Branca Day – Derozer
BRAVI A CADERE - I polmoni – Marracash
Brazil – Django Reinhardt
Breakthru – Queen
Briciole – Calcutta
Brother Sparrow – Agnes Obel
Bull in the heather – Sonic Youth
Buonanotte Fiorellino – Francesco De Gregori
Buona sera (Signorina) – Fred Buscaglione
By Night – Sophie Hutchings
B.Y.O.B. – System Of A Down
By starlight – The Smashing Pumpkins
By This River – Brian Eno
Cacao Meraviglio – Renzo Arbore, Paola Cortellesi, Nino Frassica
California King Bed – Rihanna
Camcamini spazzacamin
Canapa – Punkreas
Cannabis – Ska-P
Cannibal Bling Bling – 10LEC6
Can’t Hold Us – Macklemore
Can’t Stop – Red Hot Chili Peppers
Canzone – Lucio Dalla
Canzone all’entrata – Caparezza
Canzone all’uscita – Caparezza
Canzone a metà – Caparezza
Canzone Del Maggio – Fabrizio De André
Canzone intelligente – Cochi E Renato
Canzone per te – Sergio Endrigo
Carabinieri – Sigla 
Caramba beviamo del whisky 
Carlo Martello Ritorna Dalla Battaglia Di Poitiers – Fabrizio De André
Caso umano – Ministri
Cattolica – Pop X
Centro di gravità permanente – Franco Battiato
C’est la vie (you never can tell) – Pulp no pulp
Che coss’è l’amor – Vinicio Capossela
Che Fico! – Pippo Franco
Che Idea! – Flaminio Maphia
Chi C’è – Fabri Fibra
China Town – Caparezza
Chi Se Ne Frega Della Musica – Caparezza
Chissà Dove Sei – Francesco De Gregori
Chop Suey! – System of a Down
Chum – Earl Sweatshirt
Chunky – Flatbush Zombies
Ci Penso Dopo – Fabri Fibra
Cirano – Francesco Guccini 
Clandestino – Manu Chao
Clint Eastwood – Gorillaz
Coda di Lupo – Fabrizio De André
Come porti i capelli bella bionda – I Girasoli
Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd
Complicated – Avril Lavigne
Comprami – Viola Valentino
Compro Horror – Caparezza
Comunque Dada – Caparezza
Concerning Hobbits – The Lord of the Rings
Cooler Couleur – Crookers
Cose che non capisco – Caparezza
Country Roads
Crabs in a Bucket – Vince Staples
Crazy in Love – Beyoncé
Crooked Cops – Rejjie Snow
CRUDELIA - I nervi – Marracash
Cuccurucucù – Franco Battiato
Cuore Matto – Little Tony
Cuore Nero – Blind
DA BUTTARE - Il ca**o – Marracash
Da Feeling – Nightmares On Wax 
Dafne sa contare – Murubutu
Dance Monkey – Tones and I
Dancing Queen – ABBA
Dancing With Myself – Billy Idol
Dangerous – Kid Enigma
Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...) – Queen
Death USB – Salmo
Dedicato a te – Le Vibrazioni
Del Verde – Calcutta
Desire Be Desire Go – Tame Impala
Detto, Fatto. – Gemitaiz & MadMan
Dieci ragazze – Lucio Battisti
Diet Mountain Dew – Lana Del Rey
Die Walkure - Ride of the Valkyries – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
DI MI NOMBRE (Cap.8: Éxtasis) – ROSALÍA
Disorder – Joy Division
Dispari – Marta Sui Tubi
Disperato Erotico Stomp – Lucio Dalla
Dog in the Mirror – Guerilla Toss
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Domani – Ernia 
Domani – Articolo 31
Domani smetto – Articolo 31
Don Chisciotte – Francesco Guccini
Don Raffaè – Fabrizio De André
Don’t Cha – The Pussycat Dolls
Don't Give Up – Mystery Jets
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood – The Animals
Don’t Pass Me By – The Beatles
Don’t Sit Down ’Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair – Arctic Monkeys
Don’t Stop Me – BowLand
Do the astral plane – Flying Lotus
Dove sta zazà – Gabriella Ferri 
Dove vola l’avvoltoio – Pietro Buttarelli
Downer – Nirvana 
Dream – Hiroshi Noshimura
Dream a Little Dream of Me – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Drogata schifosa – Pop X
Due su due – Articolo 31
Ed ero contentissimo – Tiziano Ferro
E la luna bussò – Loredana Bertè 
E la vita, la vita – Cochi e Renato
Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles
El pueblo unido – ✊
El Tango De Roxanne – José Feliciano
Endors Toi – Tame Impala
Eroe (Storia di Luigi Delle Bicocche) – Caparezza
Estate – Negramaro 
È tardi – Caparezza
E ti vengo a cercare – Franco Battiato
Everybody Needs Somebody to Love – The Blues Brothers
Everytime We Touch – Cascada
Facciamo un pupazzo insieme? – Frozen 
Fai da tela – Caparezza
Fall In Love – Yuno
Family Affair – Mary J. Blige
Fango – Jovanotti 
Farò di te un uomo – Mulan
Fatty Boom Boom – Die Antwoord
Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz
Feeling Good – Nina Simone
Femme Fatale – The Velvet Underground
Fenomeno – Fabri Fibra
Figli d’arte – Caparezza
Figli Di Pitagora – Eiffel 65
Figli di puttana – Pop X
Fireside – Arctic Monkeys
Five to one – The Doors 
Fleas to beas – 10LEC6
Forever Jung – Caparezza
Franziska – Fabrizio De André
Freak Like Me – DJ Deeon
Frosinone – Calcutta
Funkytown – Lipps Inc.
Funnel of Love – Wanda Jackson 
Fuori dal tunnel – Caparezza
Gaetano – Calcutta
Game of Thrones – Sigla
Gasolina – Daddy Yankee
Gente che spera – Articolo 31 
Ghetto Kraviz – Nina Kraviz
Gianna – Rino Gaetano
Gigugin – Articolo 31
Giotto Beat – Caparezza
Girlfriend – Avril Lavigne
Girls Just Want to Have Fun – Cyndi Lauper
Giudizi universali – Samuele Bersani
Gli insetti del podere – Caparezza
Gli uccelli – Franco Battiato
G.O.A.T. - Il cuore – Marracash
GO AWAY! – CocoRosie
Goodbye Malinconia – Caparezza
Good Golly Miss Molly – Little Richard
Goodnight Moon – Shivaree
Gotta Go My Own Way – High School Musical Cast
Grande figlio di puttana – Stadio
Grau grau grau - da “io sto con gli ippopotami” – Bud Spencer
Grease – The Four Seasons
Greased Lightnin’ – John Travolta
GRETA THUNBERG - Lo stomaco – Marracash
Hallelujah – Leonard Cohen
Happiness is a Warm Gun – The Beatles
Happy Days – Ghali
Happy Days (Theme from Happy Days) – Pratt & McClain
Happy Hour – Felix da Housecat
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger – Daft Punk
Harry Potter in 99 Seconds – Jon Cozart
Have You Ever Had... (Skit) – Salmo
Heart and Soul – Joy Division
Heartbreak Hotel – Elvis Presley
Hello, I Love You – The Doors
Hey Bulldog – The Beatles
Hit Me with Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar
Hit the Road Jack – Ray Charles
Hive – Earl Sweatshirt
Ho capito che ti amo – Luigi Tenco
Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus
Hollaback Girl – Gwen Stefani
home with you – FKA twigs
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it – Lana Del Rey
Hotel Supramonte – Fabrizio De André
House Credibility – Caparezza
Ho visto un re – Enzo Jannacci
How Far – Tei Shi
HUMBLE. – Kendrick Lamar
Hypnotize – The Notorious B.I.G.
I Am Woman – Helen Reddy
I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor – Arctic Monkeys
(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction – The Rolling Stones
I Cento Passi – Modena City Ramblers
I colori del vento – Pocahontas 
I consigli di un pirla – Articolo 31
Ieri era zero – Hercules 
I Fink U Freeky – Die Antwoord
I Follow Rivers – Lykke Li
If She Really Is Your Light – Pavlove
I Know It’s Over – The Smiths
Il ballo del qua qua – Romina Power 
Il ballo di San Vito – Vinicio Capossela
Il bar della rabbia – Mannarino
Il Bel Canto – Ministri
Il Bombarolo – Fabrizio De André
Il Cielo In Una Stanza – Gino Paoli
Il Dito Medio Di Galileo – Caparezza
Il Funkytarro – Articolo 31
Il Gatto E La Volpe – Edoardo Bennato
Il gigante e la bambina – Lucio Dalla 
Il gorilla – Fabrizio De André
I’ll Be Your Mirror – The Velvet Underground
I’ll Come Running – Brian Eno
Il Mondo – Jimmy Fontana
Il Pescatore – Fabrizio De André
Il posto più freddo – I Cani
Il Principe Ali – Aladdin
Il regalo più grande – Tiziano Ferro
Il senso dell’odio – Salmo
Il suonatore Jones – Fabrizio De André
Il tempo di morire – Lucio Battisti
Il testamento – Fabrizio De André
Il testamento di Tito – Fabrizio De André
Il testo che avrei voluto scrivere – Caparezza
Il Vitello Dai Piedi Di Balsa – Elio e le Storie Tese
I’m a Believer – Smash Mouth
I marinai tornano tardi – Murubutu
Impara il longobardo con Alessandro Barbero 
I’m so tired – The Beatles
In caduta libera – Folkstone
In Cold Blood​​ – alt-J
Incontro – Francesco Guccini
In Italia – Fabri Fibra
Innuendo – Queen
Insieme a te non ci sto più – Caterina Caselli
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea – Neutral Milk Hotel
Introduzione – Fabrizio De André
In Un Giorno Di Pioggia – Modena City Ramblers
Inverno – Fabrizio De André
Io centro con i missili –  Pop X
Io credo in me – Naruto 
Io ho in mente te – Equipe 84
Io non mi sento italiano – Giorgio Gaber
Io sono fatto di neve – Ministri
Io sono qui – Salmo
Irene – Pinguini Tattici Nucleari
Iris – The Goo Goo Dolls
Isla Magica – Maria Usbeck
Isobarre – Murubutu
I sogni son desideri 
Isola verde – Murubutu
It Is Not Meant To Be – Tame Impala
It’s not too late – 10LEC6
I’ve got a woman – Ray Charles
(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life – Bill Medley
I vitelloni – Bobo Rondelli
I wanna be your lover – La Bionda 
I wanna be yours – Arctic Monkeys 
I want you back – The Jackson 5 
I will survive – Gloria Gaynor 
Jazz suite no.2: 6 waltz II – Dmitri Shostakovich
Jigsaw Feeling – Siouxsie and the Banshees
Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) – Kenny Rogers
Just the way you are – Bruno Mars 
Kalasnjkov – Goran Bregović, Slobodan Salijevic
Keep yourself alive – Queen
Kentucky – Il Bepi & The Prismas
Kevin Spacey – Caparezza
Killer Queen – Queen
King’s Supreme – Machete Crew
Kitaro – Caparezza
Kurt Cobain – Brunori Sas
La Ballata Dell’amore Cieco (O Della Vanità) – Fabrizio De André
La Ballata dell’eroe – Fabrizio De André
La Ballata del Miché – Fabrizio De André
La bambola – Patty Pravo
La bella la và al fosso – I Girasoli
La Bomba In Testa – Fabrizio De André
La Caduta di Atlante – Caparezza
La Canzone del Padre – Fabrizio De André
La Canzone di Barbara – Fabrizio De André
La Canzone di Marinella – Fabrizio De André
La cesarina – I Girasoli
La città vecchia – Fabrizio De André
La collina dei pioppi – Murubutu
La cosa – Cochi e Renato
Lacrime – Ghali
La cura – Franco Battiato
La danza delle streghe – Gabry Ponte 
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space – Spiritualized
La donna cannone – Francesco De Gregori
Lady Marmalade – Moulin Rouge
La famiglia dei becchini – Musica Per Bambini 
La fine di Gaia – Caparezza
La Ghigliottina – Caparezza
La grande onda – Piotta
La guerra di Piero – Fabrizio De André
La Isla Bonita – Madonna
La La Land – Green Velvet
Lala Song – Bob Sinclar
La libertà – Giorgio Gaber
La lontananza – Domenico Modugno
La mamma di Rosina – I Girasoli
La Marchetta di Popolino – Caparezza
La mazurka di periferia – Raoul Casadei
La mia parte intollerante – Caparezza
La mia ragazza mena – Articolo 31
L’animale – Franco Battiato
La notte – Arisa
La parata degli elefanti rosa – Quartetto Cetra
L’appuntamento – Calibro 35
La prima rondine venne ier sera – Pop x
La prima volta  – Motta
La prima volta – Salmo
La regola dell’amico – 883
La rivoluzione del sessintutto – Caparezza
L’armata perduta di Re Cambise – Murubutu
Larsen – Caparezza
Las Divinas – Patito Feo
La società dei magnaccioni – Lando Fiorini
La spesa – Marta Sui Tubi
La stagione del tuo amore – Fabrizio De André
La Strada – Modena City Ramblers 
La Tartaruga – Bruno Lauzi
Laughing On The Outside – Bernadette Carroll
La Valse à Mille Temps – Jacques Brel
La vie en rose – Édith Piaf
La vie en rose – Louis Armstrong
L’avvelenata – Francesco Guccini
Layla – Eric Clapton
Le barche – Calcutta
Le coppie – I Cani
Legalize The Premier – Caparezza
L’emozione non ha voce – Adriano Celentano
Le ragazze di porta venezia – Myss Keta
Less Than – Nine Inch Nails
Le tasche piene di sassi – Jovanotti
Let Me Blow Ya Mind – Eve
Let’s Get Crazy – Hannah Montana
Let’s Twist Again – Chubby Checker
Levante – Murubutu
Lexotan – I Cani
L. Fast & D. Young – Salmo
L’Idraulico Aulico – MusicaPerBambini
Life on Mars? – David Bowie
L’immensità – Don Backy
Limonata – Calcutta 
L’infinto – Caparezza
L’inno del corpo sciolto – Roberto Benigni 
L’isola Che Non C’è – Edoardo Bennato
L’italiano medio – Articolo 31
Little Green Bag – George Baker Selection
Little Lover – AC/DC
Livin’ la Vida Loca – Ricky Martin
Lonely Boy – The Black Keys
Lonely Day – System of a Down
Long Tall Sally – Little Richard
Lontano dagli occhi – Sergio Endrigo
Lontano, lontano – Luigi Tenco
Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee – Stockard Channing
Looking at You – MC5
Loose Lips – Kimya Dawson
Loser – Beck
Los Ojos Del Diablo – El Raton 
Lo stretto indispensabile – Il libro della giungla 
Love Buzz – Shocking Blue
Love Is a Laserquest – Arctic Monkeys
Love Me – Justin Bieber
Love sex american express – Cristian Marchi
Love Stink – LoboLoto
Love Story – Taylor Swift
Lucifer Sam – Pink Floyd
Lucille – Little Richard
L’ultima festa – Cosmo
L’ultima speranza – Hercules
L’uomo che premette – Caparezza
L’uomo tigre 
L’uva fogarina – I Girasoli 
Ma che freddo fa – Nada
Madame Hollywood – Felix da Housecat
MADAME - L’anima – Marracash
Maddalena e Madonna – Brunori Sas
Madonnina dai riccioli d’oro – I Girasoli
Mad Sounds – Arctic Monkeys
Magazine – Dark Polo Gang
Ma il cielo è sempre più blu – Rino Gaetano
MALAMENTE (Cap.1: Augurio) – ROSALÍA
MALDICIÓN (Cap.10: Cordura) – ROSALÍA
Maledetti scarafaggi 
Mambo Italiano – Renato Carosone
Mamma Roma, Addio – Cranio Randagio
Mara e il maestrale – Murubutu
Marco gioca sott’acqua – Murubutu
Marks – Nicolas Jaar
Marry You – Bruno Mars
MARYLEAN – Machete
Marylou – Mannarino
mary magdalene – FKA twigs
Mas Que Nada – Sergio Mendes
Materazzi ha fatto gol – Matrixgol
Matilda – ​​alt-J
Men In Black – Will Smith
Mentre tutto scorre – Negramaro
Merchandise – Fugazi
Me So’ Mbriacato – Mannarino
Messa in moto – Caparezza
Meteorological – Guerilla Toss
Mica Van Gogh – Caparezza
Migliora La Tua Memoria Con Un Click – Caparezza
Milano – Calcutta
Milkshake – Kelis
Mi mujer – Nicolas Jaar
Minor Swing – Django Reinhardt & le Hot Club de France
Minuetto – Mia Martini
Mio fratello è figlio unico – Rino Gaetano
Mi parli di te – Motta
Mi sei scoppiato dentro al cuore – Mina
Mi sento una betulla in piena estate insieme a te – Cecco e Cipo
Misirlou – Surf Boys 
Mi sono innamorato di te – Luigi Tenco
Moanin’ – Charles Mingus
Moby Dick – Led Zeppelin
Mon oncle – Frank Barcellini
Moondance – Van Morrison
Morte in diretta – Salmo
Mouth trap! – 10LEC5
Mr. Simpatia – Fabri Fibra
My Generation – The Who
My Rollercoaster – Kimya Dawson
NANA (Cap.9: Concepción) – ROSALÍA
Nandemonaiya – RADWIMPS
Narcoleptic Verses Pt. 1 – Salmo
Negative Youth – Salmo
Nel blu dipinto di blu – Domenico Modugno
Nella Mia Ora Di Libertà – Fabrizio De André
Nella pancia dello squalo – Salmo
Nessuno – Brunori Sas
Nessun rimpianto – 883
Niente da capire – Francesco De Gregori 
Niente di strano – Giorgio Poi 
No. 1 Party Anthem – Arctic Monkeys
No Big Bang – Priests
No Fear – Fabrizio Maurizi 
Noi bambine non abbiamo scelta – Baustelle
Non farti cadere le braccia – Edoardo Bennato
Non me lo posso permettere – Caparezza
Non me lo so spiegare – Tiziano Ferro
Non potrei mai – Fast Animals and Slow Kids
Non siete stato voi – Caparezza 
NON SONO MARRA - La pelle – Marracash
No Stress – Laurent Wolf
No Surprises – Radiohead
No Tengo Dinero – Righeira
Noter de Berghem – I cör alegher 
Notte prima degli esami – Antonello Venditti 
No Woman, No Cry – Bob Marley & The Wailers
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da – The Beatles
Oh, pretty woman – Roy Orbison
Oltre il ponte – Modena City Ramblers
Oltre l’orizzonte – Oceania 
One More Time – Daft Punk 
One O Six – Jupiter 
One way or another – Blondie 
On Melancholy hill – Gorillaz
On the floor  Jennifer Lopez
Oops! I did it again – Britney Spears 
Orgasmo – Calcutta
Oroscopo – Calcutta
OSCENO – Lilly Meraviglia 
Our song – Taylof Swift 
Paint it, Black – The Rolling Stones
Pale Blue Eyes – The Velvet Underground 
Pantalica – Colapesce 
Papa was a Rolling Stones – The Temptations
Paper Bag Acid – Jerome Hill 
Paradise – Phoebe Cates
Paranoia mia – Ernia 
Parole parola – Mina 
Party in the U.S.A – Miley Cyrus 
Peace Lovin Man – John Lee Hooker
Peaches en regalia – Frank Zappa
Penny Lane – The Beatles 
Pepper – Butthole Surfers 
Per amore e basta – Motta
Per dimenticare – Zero Assoluto 
Però mi vuol bene – Quartetto Cetra 
Per tutte le volte che – Valerio Scanu 
Peter Gunn – Henry Mancini
Piazza Grande – Lucio Dalla
Piccola Sbronza – Selton, Dente 
Pifferaio magico – Articolo 31
Piledriver Waltz – Arctic Monkeys 
Piove – Domenico Modugno 
Pippi calzelunghe 
Pistorius – Gemitaiz, Madman 
Più bella cosa – Eros Ramazzotti 
Planet Caravan – Black Sabbath
Play – Betta Lemme 
Pleasentville – Nitro 
POCO DI BUONO - Il fegato – Marracash 
Poesia – Don Backy 
Poetessa maledetta – Club Domani, Stephanie Glitter 
Pokemon – Giorgio Vanni 
Pollon, pollon combina guai – Critina D’Avena 
Pop porno – Il Genio
Pornoromanzo – Brunori Sas
Posso farcela – Alex Baroni (Hercules)
Post Concerto – Coma_Cose 
Precipitevolissimevolmente – Dente, Il Genio 
Preghiera delle palle di neve – Musica Per Bambini
PRESO (Cap.6: Clausura) – ROSALÍA
Pretty fly (for a white guy) – The Offspring
Price Tag – Jessie J, B.o.
Prima di dormire – Salmo 
Prisencolinensinainciusol – Adriano Celentano 
Prisoner 709 – Caparezza 
Promised Land – Joe Smooth 
Prospettiva Nevsi – Franco Battiato
Psycho Killer – Talking Heads 
Pump up the jam – Technotronic, Felly 
QUALCOSA IN CUI CREDERE - Lo scheletro – Marracash
Quando quando quando – Tony Renis 
QUELLI CHE NON PENSANO - Il cervello – Marracash
Quello che siamo diventati – Motta 
Questa è la mia festa – Maria Antonietta 
Questa è la realtà – Hercules 
Questo piccolo grande amore – Claudio Baglioni
Ragazza magica – Jovanotti 
Ragazze acidelle – Flaminio Maphia 
Ragazzo fortunato – Jovanotti 
Ramaya – Afric Simone
Rancho della luna – Salmo 
Rasputin – Boney M. 
Recitativo – 2 invocazioni 1 atto di accusa – Fabrizio de andré
Reginella campagnola – I Girasoli
Relax Your Body – D.F.X. 
RENIEGO - Cap.5: Lamento – ROSALÍA
Respect – Aretha Franklin 
Restiamo in casa – Colapesce 
Ricchi Dentro - Ghali
The Climb – Miley Cyrus
The Dark Side of the Mood – Nitro
The Flintstones – Sigla 
The Gravedigger’s Song – Mark Lanegan
The Heroic Weather - Conditions of the Universe, Part 1: A Veiled Mist – Alexandre Desplat
The Kids Aren’t Alright – The Offspring
The lazy song – Bruno Mars
The realness – RuPaul
8 notes · View notes
recentanimenews · 3 years
Tubi Adds In This Corner of the World, Liz and the Blue Bird, and More
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Screenshot via Eleven Arts
  Tubi continues to grow its anime offerings, following the recent deal inked with Toei Animation to add episodes of shows like One Piece and Dr. Slump. The latest has Fox's free streaming service teaming up with Shout! Factory to stream a handful of acclaimed titles, including In This Corner of the World, Millennium Actress, Liz and the Blue Bird, Penguin Highway, and more. 
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    The free additions will be available both subbed and dubbed starting April 8. In This Corner of the World will join the Tubi lineup in 2022. Here's an overview of everything that's on the way:
  Millennium Actress
Winner of Tokyo Anime Award and nominated for multiple Annie awards, this gorgeous new restoration is what many believe to be Satoshi Kon's (Perfect Blue, Paprika) greatest work. When the legendary Ginei Studios shuts down, filmmaker Genya Tachibana and his assistant are tasked with interviewing its reclusive star, Chiyoko Fujiwara, who had retired from the spotlight 30 years prior. As Chiyoko recounts her career, Genya and his crew are literally pulled into her memories where they witness her chance encounter with a mysterious man on the run from the police. Despite never knowing his name or his face, Chiyoko relentlessly pursues that man in a seamless blend of reality and memory that only Satoshi Kon could deliver. The film also garnered the Grand Prize in the Japan Agency of Cultural Affairs Media Arts Festival.
  Liz and the Blue Bird
Directed by Naoko Yamada, students and best friends Mizore Yoroizuka and Nozomi Kasaki prepare to play a complex musical duet, "Liz and the Blue Bird," for oboe and flute. Though they play beautifully together and have been friends since childhood, Mizore and Nozomi find that with graduation looming and the duet proving difficult, their friendship begins to buckle under the pressure. Interspersed with their story is the fantasy tale of Liz, drawn like a storybook, contrasting with the crisp realism of the school. These two distinct styles weave with stirring music to tell an intimate coming-of-age story. The film was nominated for Best Film at the Crunchyroll Awards.
  Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
Though only 15, Maquia knows she will live for centuries without aging past adolescence. She belongs to the Iorph, a clan of ageless beings just like her. Maquia's elders warn her not to fall in love with anyone outside their realm. But fate pushes Maquia out into the mortal world one night when an invading territory separates her from the clan. There she discovers an orphaned baby, Arial, and takes him in as her own child. From this point, Maquia will suffer extreme heartbreak in the name of motherhood, as she watches Arial grow and seeks to reconnect with her lost Iorph friends, all torn apart by the cruel world of Mesate.
  Penguin Highway
Budding genius Aoyama is only in the 4th grade, but already lives his life like a scientist. When penguins start appearing in his sleepy suburb, hundreds of miles from the sea, Aoyama vows to solve the mystery. When he discovers that the arrival of the penguins is somehow related to a mysterious young woman from his dentist’s office, they team up for an unforgettable summer adventure! The film was nominated for Best Animated Film at the Japanese Academy Awards.
  The Wonderland
On the day before her birthday, young Akane meets the mysterious alchemist Hippocrates who brings her through a basement and into a fantastical world full of magic and color. Though things seem peaceful on the surface, he reveals this world is in danger and as the destined Goddess of the Green Wind, it is Akane's responsibility to bring back the rain and save this world from the terror known as Zan Gu. Joining Akane on her journey is Pipo, an alchemist in training, and her adventurous Aunt Chii. The only problem? Akane just wants to go home. The film is directed by Keiichi Hara.
  Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Welcome To The Kitauji High School Concert Band
Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – May The Melody Reach You
Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Our Promise: A Brand New Day
Based on the manga and television series, the Sound! Euphonium movies follow Kumiko, a young girl at Kitauji High School who plays euphonium in her school’s orchestra. Follow the band on their mission to reach Nationals while juggling romance and adolescence.
  Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern Parts 1 & 2
Adapted from Waki Yamato's popular manga, Kazuhiro Furuhashi’s Haikara-San is a heartfelt, and sometimes comical, tale of love surviving through the perils of war and separation.
  Donten: Laughing Under the Clouds Gaiden
One Year After the Battle, The Tragedy of Fuuma Ninja Tribe, and Conspiracy of the Military
It's been a year since brothers and shrine guardians, Tenka, Soramaru, and Chutaro, have defeated the legendary giant snake that threatened to destroy humanity. However, their lives are thrown into upheaval when they discover a plot to revive the evil serpent.
  In This Corner of the World
Based on the award-winning manga by Fumiyo Kouno and brought to life by acclaimed filmmaker Sunao Katabuchi (Mai Mai Miracle) and producer Taro Maki, In This Corner of The World tells the emotional story of Suzu, a young girl from Hiroshima, who's just become a bride in the nearby city of Kure during World War II. Living with her husband's family, Suzu has to adjust to her new life, which is made especially difficult by regular air raids. But life must go on, and Suzu — through the help of her new family and neighbors — begins to discover the joys of everyday life in Kure. Much is gained in Kure, but with war, many things cherished are also lost. In This Corner of The World is brought to life, in stunning animation, by acclaimed filmmaker Sunao Katabuchi (Mai Mai Miracle) and producer Taro Maki. The film was also nominated for Best Film at the Annie awards, among several other wins and nominations.
  Source: Press release
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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justin-hammers · 4 years
🧸 Movies I Seen:
The Green Mile
Galaxy Quest
Charlie’s Angels
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Gentlemen Broncos
Everybody’s Fine
Iron Man 2
Cowboys and Aliens
Seven Psychopaths
Mr. Right
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
The Best of Enemies
Richard Jewell
Bonus: Fosse/Verdean
🧸 Movies I Have, But I Have Yet To See:
Lawn Dogs (Tubi)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (TV)
Heist (TV)
Welcome to Collinwood (TV)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (TV)
Matchstick Men (Google Drive)
Snow Angels (TV)
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (TV)
Choke (Google Drive)
Frost/Nixon (Netflix)
The Winning Season (TV)
The Way Way Back (TV)
A Single Shot (Tubi)
Trust Me (TV)
Better Living Through Chemistry (TV)
Don Verdean (Netflix)
Vice (DVD)
🧸 Movies I Don’t Have and Haven’t Seen:
Box of Moonlight
Jerry and Tom
Safe Men
The Sitter
Loitering with Intent
Woman Walks Ahead
Blue Iguana
Jojo Rabbit
Trolls World Tour
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vo-kopen · 5 years
Hey so I ran the numbers on the tubi app
And there are freaking around 125 Rifftrax episodes available on the tubi app. That includes live shows and regular episodes. I rounded it because I think it repeats the same version of Miami Connection twice, but that’s it.
124/125 episodes. And that does not include any mst3k, cinematic titanic, or film crew - all of which are on there too. But yeah, that’s a big selection of episodes, and the tubi app is free. It’s not accessible in Europe (unless you have the magic of a VPN) and you have to see ads, but still, 125 Rifftrax episodes, free to see. And like 11 of them are x-mas Specials, for any gentiles who follow x-mas. That vast selection might be a bit overwhelming, so here are some of my personal faves there. Tagging @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @neshtasplace @ayellowbirds @majingojira @filmsfoodandfandom @avengersemhwasp1 in case any of you would like an update on just how many Rifftrax episodes are on tubi, and some of my ones I have viewed the most.
Ator the Fighting Eagle
Attack from Space
The Beast of the Yellow Night
The Bride and the Beast
The Hideous Sun Demon
Rifftrax Live: Miami Connection
Rifftrax Live: Space Mutiny
Rifftrax Live: Summer Shorts Beach Party
Sherlock and the Woman in Green
Supersonic Man
Voodoo Man
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sciatu · 6 years
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Ora andiamo, il mare è un maestro severo, non ama ritardi e pigrizia, lasciamo alle spalle Catania, la sua anima fenicia, le sue passioni carnali, da una Sicilia passiamo ad un'altra ancora, quest’isola è come un diamante dalle mille facce, non ne vedrai mai una uguale ad un'altra. Lasciamo le terre nere e subito costeggiamo la foce del Simeto ricca in verde e volatili, sorgente di preziosa e pura ambra che solo lungo la riva del mare potrai scoprire. Andiamo ancora verso il grande caldo che ci attende, le rocce ricoperte di cespugli ed eucalipti ora diventano bianche come pelle di donna; ci saluta per primo il piccolo castello di Brucoli e dopo il promontorio troviamo l’imperiale Augusta con il suo porto militare e le grandi raffinerie che da lei iniziano. Osserviamo quei grovigli di tubi con diffidenza e il loro respiro nebbioso con paura, solo la piccola penisola che gli arabi chiamarono Il Chiodo ci da sollievo; li per la prima volta gli antichi Greci vennero in Sicilia ad iniziare gli scambi con la gente locale, li da Micene arrivarono i primi coloni, i primi semi di un grande raccolto. Più avanti ci attende bianca e luminosa Siracusa, eterna ed immortale, dolce e serena. Bianca la vedi che si distende nel golfo ortigia, come un amante che in un letto azzurro attende il suo amato. Lei ha tutte le tue bellezze, è solare, felice, innocente, di una bellezza che di vicolo in vicolo nasce spontanea ammaliando e sorprendendo.
Now let’s go, the sea is a strict teacher, does not like delays and laziness, we leave behind Catania, its Phoenician soul, its carnal passions, from one Sicily we pass to another, this island is like a diamond with a thousand faces, you will never see one like another. We leave the black lands and immediately skirt the mouth of the Simeto, rich in green and volatile, a source of precious and pure amber that you can discover only along the shore of the sea. We are still going towards the great heat that awaits us, the rocks covered with bushes and eucalyptus now become white as a woman’s skin; First of all, the little castle of Brucoli greets us and after the promontory we find the imperial Augusta with its military port and the great refineries that start with it. We observe those tangles of pipes with distrust and their foggy breath with fear, only the small peninsula that the Arabs called Il Chiodo gives us relief; For the first time, the ancient Greeks came to Sicily to start exchanges with the local people, the first settlers arrived from Mycenae, the first seeds of a great harvest. Further ahead awaits us white and luminous Syracuse, eternal and immortal, sweet and serene. Bianca sees her relaxing in the gulf of Ortigia, like a lover who awaits her beloved in a blue bed. She has all your beauties, she is solar, happy, innocent, of a beauty that from alley in the alley arises spontaneous, bewitching and surprising.
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