#wonder what kuro did to make him so mad
oopsalltes · 1 year
warm up
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sereves · 9 months
Tsubaki and Lawless Sibling Headcanons
After reading that meme about what woulda happened if Lawless and Tsubaki were on good terms I had to make these headcanons
This. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought about this-  Allow me to do a small rant/analysis-
Lawless is canonically referred to as having a family root according to Gear in this panel
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Yall no one can change my mind Lawless got fat daddy issues that run deeper than a black hole
As shown in these panels he has a deep respect and gratitude to Saint germaine for reviving him, and even goes as far as to lecture Kuro for being "rude"
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I also find it interesting how of all the siblings Lawless is pretty much the only one that was happy to be revived, aside from Ildio who was more or so neutral on his new life. Lawless pretty much took his new life and appreciated his second chance-
Personally in my opinion, I believed because he was a lower-ranking prince who was killed in a conspiracy he may have never gotten a chance to live life? He looks like he died pretty young and since he was a lower ranking prince, he may have lived with a silver spoon in his mouth, but likely was never able to go out to much and was probably very lonely. He probably only had Guil by his side which is why I love and adore their father/brother dynamic 😭
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dAWG- WHYD KURO DO HIM SO DIRTY 😭Bro straight up just lost Ophelia, is about to lose his "second father", then gets dumped by his own god damn brother- Like Kuro pretty much told him "we shouldn't have been born". Like bruh lawless got done so dirty in a span of like a week, like even after this he goes back home  Ophelia's kingdom was destroyed 💀
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Also he had to walk to the meeting stop for about 10 days+ and then walked back on his hedgehog stubby legs like is this man okay, IMAGINE WALKING ALL THE WAY ON FOOT AND JUST BEING DUMPED LIKE THAT- no wonder bro held such a fatass grudge against Kuro. Centuries later they meet again and  Kuro really had the audacity to be like, "why u mad at me" as if he didnt kill Saint and told Lawless they shouldn't really exist 😭
Anyways, moving onto the actual Tsubaki and Lawless siblings headcanons-
Lawless desperately wanted a family and tried seeking that through his new found Servamp siblings, but sadly none of them really wanted it aside from Ildio and Freya. Love the headcanon that Freya canonically thinks of Lawless as her "dear brother"🥺
Tsubaki later down the road looks like he craved that too? In fact it looks like he went to every sibling and tried asking them who he was and none of them knew. But what Im curious is about is this
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Lawless already knew about Tsubaki? When we got Lily's POV, he stated that he was visited by Tsubaki, and Tsubaki started laughing because none of his siblings knew about him. Now Im curious, because if Lawless had met Tsubaki in the past, what was it like? Did he just know of Tsubaki from C3? Given the fact that Lawless has spied on them sometimes when he was bored, is that how he found it? But I have a weak heart, so lets make some headcanons on had they met earlier and actually became close.
In a perfect world, Id had pictured Lawless helped Tsubaki escape from C3 and they both became close since both craved familial love. Its been revealed that Tsubaki is trying to protect his little sister so for sure, bros in the same boat as Lawless trying to make found family
There was also an old book called, "The Hedgehog and the Fox" where a quote is stated, "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Reference: https://www.jimcarrollsblog.com/blog/2018/5/23/are-you-a-hedgehog-or-a-fox#:~:text='The%20fox%20knows%20many%20things,various%20wiles%20of%20the%20fox.
I like to think this very similar to Lawless and Tsubaki. Tsubaki, is likely one of the strongest siblings and can clap cheeks instantly. He has many skills and is canonically the only one that can "kill" his siblings, but Lawless is older, so I believe the "the hedgehog knows one big thing" is really cute, but it feeds into the dynamic that, yes although Tsubaki is superior to Lawless in terms of power, he has a lot more to learn.
Considering Tsubaki was locked up in C3 for a while I would like to think Lawless took him out and immediately tried getting him situated in the modern era. Thats my perspective on "hedgehog knows one big thing" like imagine being locked up and experimented for ages, and finally being introduced the modern day, like when was the last time Tsubaki saw the sun 💀
I also headcanon Lawless is probably pretty well off considering hes greed and judging from the fact hes constantly wearing rings and bracelets like I doubt those are fake, and he literally shops at Shibuya. Lawless is canonically a bougie bitch 💀
Please give me cute shopping montage of Lawless dripping out Tsubaki in modern Japanese styled clothing LIKE I WANNA SEE HIM WEARING THIS
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Anyways thats all I have for now, but TLDR: I love servamp sibling interactions, strike please stop depriving us
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totalspiffage · 1 year
We have the One Piece Live Action trailer now!!!! I'm so excited. I wanna break down a few things about the possible story adaptations based on casting and what we've seen in trailers!
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So first off: Nami and Zoro both get picked up at Shells Town. I know in the anime they actually showed her stealing from Morgan so I'm wondering if they'll keep that as a reason for her to be there.
Second: Nami and Zoro vs Buggy!!! I like this a lot, I'm excited to see that play out. It looks like he had a proper circus, ring and everything! I adore what they did with the effects.
Third: Syrup. I hope it goes faster than the anime. We also got our first glance at Merry-who looks very silly- and Kuro's knives!!! I know Kuro and the two black cat brothers are confirmed as cast so hm. Interested to know how Luffy gets a glimpse at Merry, it seems like it's in a busy port, perhaps they changed the island a little?
Baratie: so this is interesting, it's slated for TWO episodes in the show (Nami gets one for comparison). But it seems like not only do we get Mihawk/Zoro and possibly a shorter? Krieg fight, but Arlong shows up? (I was wondering if they're cutting Krieg entirely but it seems they do have like a poster of him at least, so IDK how that will play out.)
My theory for this arc: Luffy works at baratie like usual, gin (I hope) gets fed, Luffy asks him to join, Krieg shows up to make trouble (if he appears at all), Mihawk/Zoro fight, Arlong interrupts- probably not to interfere but to take Nami? She does the standby betrayal bit HERE, leaves with Arlong. They finish the Krieg fight(again if he's there), Strawhats go after Nami.
I wouldn't be surprised if they cut Krieg but that would sincerely damage the Sanji feeding Gin moment I feel like cause that kindness is what made Luffy decide he was their cook.
Other stuff: Roger's execution looks fantastic. I'm delighted with the inclusion of the "wealth, fame, power". Garp being there makes me so emotional! Alvida looks great I'm an Alvida fan now. The Fishmen look funky but eh I'm not mad about it I'm kinda glad it's makeup and not cgi. The news coo looked great! Giving me hope for s2 with chopper tbh but that's putting the cart before the reindeer. Arlong Park being closer to what Sabaody Park is like is SO cool.
Regardless I'm excited and I'm so happy with how it looks so far. Hoping for more good moments!
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nihilara · 5 months
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HSR VOICE LINES: KURO & MIMI. once an emanator of yaoshi, kuro is a shell of his former self. skirting along the cosmos with his companion mimi, one of the hyper intelligent and near extinct species of cat - like creatures, known as the felista.
kuro is classified as the hunt, and does imaginary damage.
kuro is blue and mimi is pink
FIRST MEETING:  name's kuro nice to meet you. i uh... don't really do very much. worth noting that is.   nonsense. kuro you'd do well to be more cat - like sometimes. take pride in the fact you do very little of late.
GREETING:  sup, you need... help with something? mimi and i can handle it.   prrrrp!
PARTING:  *kuro & mimi yawn* we done? if so im gonna go lay down for a bit.
ABOUT SELF, APPEARANCE:   what...? do i look that bad?   your shirt is undone, and your hair is unbrushed.  ohh... oops. i tend to forget sometimes, not that it matters. i'm not trying to look nice for anyone in particular so...
ABOUT SELF, MIMI:   mimi? she's my best friend.  i thought she was a run of the mill cat for the longest time. turns out she's the last of her species. we've both kind of saved eachother, isn't that right?   couldn't of put it better myself, kuro. we're both a bit out of place. but i am truly grateful to have you with me in these difficult times.
CHAT, YAOSHI:   th-the aeon of abundance...? i know about as much as anyone else does. what... did you think my being an emanator before... helped me understand them? i really don't. they wish to rid the world of suffering, and death.  but even the best medicine can become poison, when applied too liberally. 
CHAT, XIANZHOU:   my history with the xian/zhou people... is complicated. i feel guilty for what i've done, and wish something could be done about their circumstances--  but it was their ancestors that asked for immortality. and yaoshi gave it to them.   well said, kuro. be sure to remember, you cannot change the past. but you do not need to let it ruin your future.
CHAT, IPC:   mrrow!! a dreadful corperation! invasive, manipulative, greedy! they took my home for resources, and believed us worth nothing more than common cats. tsk!    yeah. i'm pretty bias on this... but big companies like that. trying to get their hands in everything. i'm with mimi on this. 
HOBBIES:   uhhh...  does sleeping count?   again, credit where it is due, kuro. he is a wonderful cook, he seems at his happiest when making meals for others, mya!    but i love sleeping too...
ANNOYANCES:   immortality is, and will always be, a curse. what's the point of life, if there is no end?   mrr...?
SOMETHING TO SHARE:  you can tell a lot about a cat's mood, and what they're feeling by their tails. they're incredibly honest animals, if you know how to read them.   prrr...
KNOWLEDGE:  yaoshi's goal isn't inherently bad. see, the aeons don't care about good and evil, they don't care about us. their only desire is to perpetuate whatever concept, or ideal they embody. no matter who, or what it hurts. 
ABOUT JING YUAN:  best if our paths never crossed again. though knowing my luck, it's bound to happen.   i just hope he's had a bit of time to cool off after your dashing escape, nyehehe!
ABOUT BLADE:  i can't be mad about the animosity he has towards me. thankfully though he's courteous enough to not try anything when mimi's in the way.   hmph.
ABOUT DR. RATIO:  i've seen him and mimi having conversations before. i really don't bother listening in or interrupting, they look like they're enjoying themselves.   i care for you deeply kuro, but sometimes i am in need of more...  stimulating conversation.
ABOUT ARGENTI:  i can say with confidence that argenti is a friend. we've crossed paths more than once. he's odd, eccentric... but he's a good person.   and he spoils me rotten, nya~  he's selfless, beautiful, and chivelrous. you could learn a thing or two from your friend, kuro.  
ABOUT BOOTHILL:   revenge? against the IPC? an admirable goal, prrr.  it will not be easy, their influence is vast, and the things they're willing to do for their own advantage? truly wishing him the best with his mission.   yeah, what she said.
EIDOLON ACTIVATION:  ohh that's neat.
CHARACTER ACENSION:  excellent work kuro, keep it up.
MAX LEVEL:  so can i go take a nap now?
TRACE ACTIVATION:  phew, looking pretty good...
ADDED TO THE TEAM WITH JING YUAN:  no hard feelings about my escape, right? ah? ... oh...  
ADDED TO THE TEAM WITH RATIO:  you can also talk to me, i hope you know that.  afraid i might run away?
ADDED TO THE TEAM WITH ARGENTI:  good to see you again, argenti. and in one piece no less.
ADDED TO THE TEAM WITH BOOTHILL:  all you really need is a horse huh...
ABOUT KEVAH:  mimi really likes him, so i like him too. i was... admittedly very surprised to see so many sketches of myself in his book. it's kind of flattering. am i that nice to look at?   prrp...
ABOUT SUNDAY:  is it insulting so say he reminds me of myself in some way? i don't want to say too much. but i can't help pity him, and the situation he's in.   the entirety of the dream hotel seems to be in a bad way. hmph.
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koolcece22 · 5 months
Enter Vemongirl
Ch. 18
Shade’s Pov
It took us an hour to clean up the mess that Kane did to Miles’earth, getting all the animals back to the zoos. All the villains that broke free were locked up once more. All the police fixed the other problems, while me, Miguel, Miles, and 42 were on the rooftops of Miles’s place. 
“So what I got from this Kane guy he seems to be after you Miles. But why?” Miguel said, trying to put it together. I was wondering what was going on too. First, it was a collider. Now, my sixs are trying to kidnap Spider-people but why?
“Miles! Come down here!” 
We heard Miles’ mom call from the window. I can feel her worry for her son. Miles groans as he doesn’t want to be a baby, but he is still a teen so that's normal. 
“Hey, you guys can come in. You can heal up real quick before you head back.” Miles offered. 42 went down without saying a word. Miguel shook his head.
“I should head back to report an-” 
“Come on tio! You’re injured, at least has my mom looked at it.”
Miguel sighed, man head must have made a bad first impression on Miles’s parents. I wonder what he did to get them not to trust him. He seemed more mature than most people I had met, but then again I don’t know a lot of people. 
“I think so too. I mean when you get mind-controlled by Kane you do feel woozy and body aches. That's what Timmy told me and teleporting might make it worse so maybe hold off on the teleporting.” I said. I’m not a genius with the whole teleporting but I’m sure if you're not well you shouldn’t teleport.
“Yeah big spider, and you can eat Bandage boss lady’s food!” Kuro said drooling or more like causing me to drool. I’m so grateful my mask is still on. Miguel looked wondering who I was talking about. Miles steps in.
“She met my mom. Come on you two, it’s going to rain and I sink and don’t (?) want to be wet and stinky too.” 
We went in and I could feel the tone change, mainly Miles’ parents glaring at Miguel. His dad was mad, guessing he found out I burned his table with my acid.
“ Hey, Bandage boss lady! Do have any more food!?” Kuro said not knowing how to read the room. She is not as good at sensing other people's emotions than mine. Miles’s dad's eyes widened from the shock of a talking black rabbit. Rio folded her arms with a smirk
“If you promise not to burn my table and eat my plate again.”
“ Deal!” 
Miles’s dad’s eyes widened even more “That was you?!”
I quickly put my hands up not wanting him to be mad at me. I was about to say something till Miguel intervened.
“I’ll pay for the damage Shade did. Something she neglected to tell me.”
I blushed, “I was going to…there's a bunch of stuff on my mind, remember?” I turn to Mr. Morales and bow. “I’m sorry Mr. Morales-sama, I will make sure I pay you all back since Mrs.Morales-sama has been so nice to me.” 
I looked up at him and he was very stunned at what I was doing. I forgot that this earth is different from my earth so I don't know how to show respect on this earth. 
“Uh. Miles?” I heard saying to my surprise both Miles and 42 responded
It didn’t faze Mr.Morales “What is your spider-friend doing?”
“Dad, she is just trying to say sorry,” Miles said, I stopped bowing thinking it started to make him uncomfortable. Rio returned with some food and Kuro was hopping on my shoulder. 
“ Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!”
Kuro tried to hop on Rio’s shoulder but I quickly grabbed her as Rio was farther than 10 meters and I didn’t want to go into shock. 
“Is it always like that?” Ri0 asked. I know she doesn’t know Kuro is a girl but it still irks me. 
“Uh…yeah SHE’S always like that. She gets very excited with food.” 
“ More like you are excited.” 
I rolled my eyes and commanded Kuro to go back into my body. The last thing I needed is to own the Morales’ more stuff that I couldn’t afford. Everyone but Miguel was surprised the Kuro just fused back into me causing my white hair to become black again. I took a plate of food from Rio and thanked her. At least when I’m in control I don’t make too much of a mess. 
“Well, anyway. You still didn’t tell me what was going on Miguel. Why was there a bad guy after Miles?!” Mr.Morales retorted. Miguel unmasked himself, giving them more of a straight face. 
“I have no idea Jefferson. We have been having trouble on earth. It seems like they are planning something. First the collider, then there was Carnage, and now they are trying to capture a Spider-Man. I have put out a high alert to all Spider-people that these guys are trying to capture them.”  
“And here I thought you are mister know it all.” Jefferson said. They don’t like Miguel. Rio walks over to Miles and 42 to hug them. It is odd why she is hugging 42. 
“Look man, I might not know this whole Spider-Man thing but I don’t want some interdimensional beef from some other Earth coming here and trying to take my son away from us!” 
“I understand but I’m also in the dark too. We still don’t know what is going on.” 
Rio chimes in, also not happy with Miguel's answer,“Doesn't each Earth have a Spider-Man? Why don't you call that earth Spider-Man to fix the mess?!” 
“We can’t. That Earth was on the ban list because of the problem that Spider-person has caused.” 
“ Genial, qué más hay de nuevo?” 
Soon the sound of broken plates fills the room. Everyone turns to me as I realize I just broke another plate. I started to feel woozy from feeling everyone's emotions, I was usually good at ignoring it but the tension between the three wasn’t helping me. I look down, my hands turning into claws and the room has started to spin. 
“Shade, are you ok-” Miles was about to touch me to see if I was ok till one tendril shot at him. If it wasn't for his fast reflexes his head might have been gone.  I quickly got up. Even with the room spinning I know I shouldn’t stay. Everyone is looking at me with worry. Before anyone could stay anything I ran out of the apartment and up to the rooftop, not caring that I had just broken their door too. Another thing I’m adding to the list on how I mess things up.
Third POV
Everyone was surprised at what was going on with Shade. Miguel had no idea what was going on before he could excuse himself to see if alright. 42 spoke up.
“I’ll go check, hearing you guys arguing just brings back stuff I don’t want to deal with. I was about to head out anyway.” 42 heads toward the door thinking she might be on the rooftop so he heads up there. Both Jefferson and Rio weren’t too happy.
“You know how to pick friend Miles,” Jefferson said quietly hoping no one heard. But Miles and Miguel heard. Miles didn’t appreciate that and so did Miguel. 
“Dad, not cool. Shade helps me out. She’s just…A Bit different from me.”
Rio raised her eyebrow “Different how? She's a spider-person like you, no?”
“No, she isn’t.” 
Everyone turns to Miguel. “She is a rare case. I will replace everything she destroys since she is my responsibility until we get this collider situation under control. Miles I want you to keep an eye out for anomalies who have watches like ours. Got it?” 
Miles nodded 
Meanwhile, Shade was sitting on the rooftop trying to calm herself down from the overstimulation of emotion that she felt in the room. Her tendrils were still whipping outside her body, but at least she had control of them again. 
“Are you just going to sulk up here all day?” 
Shade turns around to see 42 standing there. She didn’t sense him due to her trying to regain control of herself. She just glared, not in the mood to be scolded, especially from some kid. 
“Maybe I will sulk all day. It's what I’m good at,”  she retorted as she hugged her knees close to her chest, making her feel young and scared again. 42 walked up to her and sat down next to her which surprised Shade. 42 judged from the look of Shade she was surprised by his action.
“What? I might not seem like a caring hero type like Miles, but know when someone has sensory overload I worry. Do you know any breathing techniques?” 
Shade nodded, “Just count to 10 and take a deep breath. That usually helps.” 
“Well, my mom taught me to watch out for someone having sensory overload or a panic attack. I wish Miles listened to his second Mom” 
“Second Mom?” Shade asked, 42 then hit the button on his mask to open it up to reveal his face to Shade. Her eyes widened in surprise to see Miles's face. The only difference was his hairstyle and he looked tired compared to Miles. 
“I’m guessing Miguel nor Miles ever explain the whole Spider-verse thing?”
“No.I But I mean, I don’t care about that.” 
“Me either but I got dragged into this since Miles has my spider in him.” 42 Miles said. Shade didn’t get what he meant about Miles having his spider in him. 42 rolled his eyes knowing he had to explain Miguel's job.
“Long story short Miles got bitten by a spider that was meant to bite me, but his earth Kingpin brought that spider to his earth and bit him. It causes a shit ton of problems and Miguel tries to keep the canon of Spider-Man going and … try to get Miles’ dad killed.” 
“What?! Why?!” Shade asked shocked that Miguel would try to do that. He doesn’t seem like the type to do that. 42 got up and shrugged and put his mask back on. 
“You can ask them. I just gave you the Spark Notes version. But at least you should know what was going on with all four of them.” 42 then tossed another watch to Shade. Shade was confused by this; it looked similar to the one Miguel gave her. 42 then made a portal to head back to his earth. 42 was about to jump in till Shade stopped him
“Wait! I’m sorry about attacking you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve been through worse, just don’t hold us back if you can't hang.” 42 said coldly, then jumped in leaving Shade alone to think about what he just told her and see now that she has another watch now, she knows what to do.
Miguel’s POV
I’m so glad I got out of there, it was so awkward trying to get the Morales to listen and trying to have them not cut rope me (?). I had to call a clean-up crew to get their door fixed. Also, to get their dishware and table replaced. I headed up to the roof to see how Shade and 42 were doing. Something to get me out of this awkward situation. As I headed up I saw Shade all by herself, guessing 42 just gave her a small talk and headed out. He was not much of a talker.I noticed that Shade saw me and quickly put something in her mouth. I couldn’t tell what it was.
“Are you ok?” I asked. She just nodded as if swallowing the thing. Weird. 
“I’m fine, just take me back to whatever at this point.”
I was about to open to my earth till I got a message from Timothy. I took a look at it to see the reason for the info he took from 2424-Alchamax’s lab.
Help! Empress Tempest is in trouble! Please help!
I saw a message that Tempest was in trouble again, Shade must have also seen this as her eyes widened. Since we're the only heroes on that Earth. As much as I do I have gone there and I know Shade is coming since she saw the message. I still want to keep an eye on her. 
I opened the portal to her Earth and sure enough, Shade was about to hop in, she looked back at me and guessed she was waiting for me to stop her. I just jumped, not trying to wait any longer. Shade jumped in after.
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richardsondavis · 1 year
So I have just finished watching the live action One Piece.
Not bad. I'll give my thoughts below. Spoilers, sort of.
So we start with Romance Dawn
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So to just give how much I know about One Piece. I read the manga and have read all the parts of the East Blue saga and safe to say, Arlong Park and Baratie were my favorite arcs ever. Especially, Arlong Park.
So with that said, Romance Dawn. Luffy meets with Koby who saves Koby from Alvida. That's how it went but I did wonder how they were going to get Alvida thin as shown in the anime and manga. I actually thought that it might've caused an uproar with the woke crowd but in the end, she's still fat and did team up with Buggy in the end, which happened. Fun.
I don't have much to say. This was the beginning. It's to test the waters. And if you like what you see then yeah, you are in for a ride.
Next is:
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The Man in the Straw Hat
Buggy the Clown. One of the first major enemies that appeared in One Piece. Let me tell you, the actor who played Buggy gave it his all and he is one of the best things that happened. Fantastic work by the actor. Kudos to him!
The crew gets captured by Buggy and all that. A lot got cut out like Zoro having this sword fight or some such. Memory is a little hazy but I am making this after binging the show so do forgive. Nothing really bad happened here. Buggy is just very menacing. He's like Joker. He's exactly like Joker.
Moving on, we got:
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Oh god, Usopp. Ussop's arc, man! Tell No Tales is about Usopp and fuck me if it wasn't the worst shit I've seen. This kind of crap took too long. It shat on a lot of Ussop's character. He is a shot, a marksman and the fact that he ain't got his friends nor the epic showdown between Kuro and his crew against the Straw Hats is just damn disappointing. A lot was cut out. This will feel like a test for some because it gets boring to slog through this crap. This arc could've been done better but goddamn. This was a memorable arc from the manga but this was butchered in love action.
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Next we have a continuation of the Ussop arc but with Sanji's backstory now. It's still as insufferable as the last episode but Sanji's past is not bad. Could've been done better. All I can say. Epic fight between Sanji and the other members of the staff that was with Kuro who were not in the anime nor manga I believe. So yeah.
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Next up Baratie. Holy shit. This was it. The Sanji arc. I didn't really get my hopes up but two things were done here that made me consider this as the best live action anime adaptation. Sanji's backstory and Sanji's goodbye.
Suffice to say, both were done so well, so damn well that I cried. I cried when I read the scene in the manga and now I cried when I saw it in live action. My god. It's so wonderful.
I do see some folks comment that Sanji should've bowed to Zeff when he left Baratie but to me the bowing never really was the point. It was that Sanji was crying and said his thanks. Sanji crying while saying goodbye was the highlight of that scene for me and the live action delivered. We also get Mihawk and a look on Arlong. So there's that.
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Just a continuation of the Zeff, Sanji Arc stuff. Said what I need to above.
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Arlong Park. The arc that I said would be the basis of whether I would consider this to be a good live action. They should be thankful that they chose to put Sanji first before this because the emotional scene from Nami was fucking shit. It was shit. That's what it was!
I'm just damn mad at how they just meh-ified it. Nojiko's actress was awful. Woman can't act and her child counterpart was equally awful. It was the arc I was waiting for the most but it didn't deliver. The emotional scene of the Arlong Park arc was the goat! THE FUCKING GOAT AND THEY BUTCHERED IT! FUCKING HELL!
I'm just peeved man.
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A continuation of the Arlong Park Arc. Fight scene was meh. Garp's fight with Luffy is kinda neat though so I'll give them that. Damn.
Anyway after all that, I'll give this series an 8.5/10.
Thanks for reading and I wish you a wonderful day!
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Final part~
Kitty Mayhem au (4)
It was still mind-boggling to think that the kitties Akito took in all those weeks ago weren't kitties at all!
But the facts were there in front of him! His cats never acted like normal cats at all! They were way too smart at times, almost humanly so, and there was also the fact that on the day of the fire Akito caught them glowing!
After returning from the hospital and hearing what happened, Mari suggested that maybe they were humans that were cursed. "Maybe they made a Nekomata mad or something?"
That... that would explain a lot actually. Akito, despite his mature attitude, believed in the supernatural. His sister shared this belief as well, so it wasn't hard for them to consider this.
As for the glowing Akito saw, it was most likely the curse fading away, and leading to the not cats getting back their original human bodies.
"Aki... " Mari's quiet voice breaks Akito out of his thoughts.
Akito looked up from his book and sees Mari curled up their couch, pouting sadly at him. "Yeah Mari?"
"I miss Hime and the others... "
Akito frowns. He puts down his book and goes over to Mari, sitting down beside her. "Yeah. I miss them too... "
Mari leans against him, curling into his side. "Do you think they forgot about us already?"
Akito honestly hoped not...
A sudden knock at the front door makes the jump. Who was at the door at this hour?
Motioning for Mari to stay back, Akito creeps toward the door catiously. Of course his sister doesn't listen to him and instead follows close behind.
Cracking the door open, Akito sees a group of people he's never seen before and awkwardly asks if they needed anything.
An older man dressed in all black steps up and silently holds something out to Akito. It was a small black collar. Kuro's collar.
"...Kuro?" The man grins. "Nice to see you again Akito. Call me KK."
Mari, who at this point had been peeking over Akito's shoulder, squeezes past her brother and bolts over to a girl her age.
"You! Are you Hime?!" The girl smiles and nods, holding up a small pink collar. Hime's collar.
Mari squeals happily and poucnes on 'Hime', who just giggles and returns the hug. She introduces herself as Erika.
Soon the other ex kitties began introducing themselves as well. With 'Tora' being a scary looking woman called Rinko, 'Yoshi' being a quiet foreigner called Ed, and 'Kuma' being a big/cheerful foreigner called Dave.
Mari quickly drags Erika inside, saying they had so much to talk about! Rinko, along with Ed and Dave, follow the giggling girls into the house, leaving Akito alone with KK outside.
Akito stares at KK curiously. "So... How did you all turn into cats Mister KK?
KK sighs, looking away as he scratched his head. Was the man embarrassed? "Don't call me mister. Makes me feel like a old man. And to answer your question... I may have pissed off a Nekomata."
Akito raises an eyebrow. So it did invole a Nekomata? "And how exactly did you piss off one off in the first place?"
The older man shrugs. "Called it a shitty furball."
Akito chokes down a laugh of disbelief. "S-shitty furball?!" Seriously?! No wonder this guy was cursed!
Hearing how Akito was laughing, KK gives him a familar grumpy look. Yep. Akito could clearly see this was his grumpy kitty 'Kuro'.
The grumpy look eventuall melts away to a more thoughtful one. "While being turned into a shitty furball wasn't the most fun experience, I can't say that I hated all of it." KK smirks, looking like the cat that caught the cream. "I mean, it lead me to meeting you, A~ki~to."
Akito feels a flush form on his face as he heard how KK spoke his name. Was-was he flirting with him?!
"KK! Stop flirting with Akito and get your ass in here!" Rinko voice suddenly comes from inside the house, making both men jump at how loud it was.
Okay. Going by what Rinko just yelled, it was highly likely that KK was really flirting with him... Oh gosh. His ex kitty was flirting with him! And he liked it...
KK shifts beside him and slings an arm around Akito's shoulders. "Come on. Lets head in before Rinko decides to come outside and skins both our asses."
"Our asses? Don't you mean yours?" Akito sasses KK, trying to cover the fact he blushing from being so close to KK, who he was starting to realize was actually quite handsome...
KK huffs out a laugh and gently boops Akito's nose, making Akito remember how he would always boop KK's nose when he was just a kitty.
"Alright you cheeky little thing. Lets head in before my ass is skinned."
Akito smiles as both he and KK headed inside. He wasn't sure where things would go from here on, but Akito had a feeling everything was going to be just fine.
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys As Your Boyfriend
Bokuto Koutaro
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•He's a big baby
•He's the type of boyfriend to hug you all the time, he loves warmth and affection so please be generous enough to give him those.
•Clingy but not in an annoying way, you'll jusy feel like you have a boyfriend and at the same time, a son (LOL)
•Bokuto is the type of person who will always apologize first after arguments. Arguments will be very rare though, because when it comes to you he'll always listen.
•Kou is probably an insecure boyfriend, he thinks more men are much cooler than him that's why he's always working hard to improve himself.
•He's the type of boyfriend who will definitely avoid making you jealous, he'll limit his interactions with women because he doesn't like it when you're jealous, you're cute when you're being jealous but he's afraid that you might leave him.
•Loves kissing you
•He will always tell you how much he loves you.
•Your picture is his wallpaper and lockscreen.
•His IG, FB, Twitter or any other social media platforms is full of you, your pictures. messages for you and stuffs.
•Bokuto is your diary, he loves listening to your rants, it doesn't matter if you guys aren't together, just call him and he's always ready to listen.
•He's the type of boyfriend who will always brag about you, he's just so proud of everything you achieve. It doesn't matter how big or small the achievement is, he will celebrate it no matter what happen.
“Baby Bear!” you opened your arms widely as you ran towards your boyfriend. Bokuto lifted you off the ground, he kissed the tip of your nose before putting you down. “I miss you, baby.” he told you as he let his hands rest on your hips.
“I miss you too, sorry if I don't have much time Kou.” you apologized and he just pulled you closer for a hug, “Shh it's fine. I know you're busy, but how's your tests?” he asked.
You looked at him with sad eyes and the poor baby panicked, not knowing what to do, “What? Did you fail? It's alright baby, I'm proud of you, I know how you worked hard for this.” he pressed his lips on yours with a smile, he cupped your face and let his forehead rest on yours before kissing you for another time, much longer than the first one.
“I almost got my exams perfect baby!”
“You scared me! But I know you can do it!” he laughed and showered kisses on your face as he keep on saying how much he loves you and that he's so proud of you.
Kageyama Tobio
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•Cold at the beginning of the relationship
•Kags is not yet used to physical contacts so don't expect much at first.
•But as the time passes by, he'll start wondering how it feels like to keep you in his arms for a long time so he will try and do it once when you two are studying in his house.
•Because Kags loves how warm and comfy it is to hug you, he'll start hugging you a lot (not in public though, he will be so shy)
•He's the type of boyfriend who'll fall asleep while watching movies (Forgive him, playing volleyball is hard)
•He wouldn't call you baby, babe or other endearments but he loves it when you give him one. His favorite endearment? LOVE
•Kags is a supportive boyfriend, he's the first one to cheer you up if you're sad.
•He's sharp as hell so he would always notice if you're not feeling well once he notice that he will do everything he can to make you smile or to make you feel better.
•Loves it when you keep on asking him to carry you.
•He loves the fact that you're shorter than him (Readers, if you're taller than Kags sorry😭)
•He would always walk you home.
•Sweetest thing he do for you? Taking care of your fingernails 💅🏻 he would definitely watch tutorials in applying nail polish. He also takes care of his fingernails so he wanted to do the same for you.
•When it comes to kisses it also take him some time to kiss you, he always wondered how it feels like to kiss you but he doesn't want to creep you out so he'll behave for quite some time.
“Tobio, you used the wrong method for this equation.” you called him out, Kageyama was quick to look at the problem that you're pointing out and his mouth gaped open as he realized his mistake. “Sorry, I'll do it again.” you giggled and showed him your homework, “Look at mine and compare it to yours, both methods are similar but they will have different answers so beware.” Kageyama started revising his answer while you continued studying for the another subject.
When he was done he looked at you just to see you so focused on what you're doing, you were pouting while answering your own homework and he couldn't help but stare at your pinkish lips.
You two have been dating for almost a year and you two haven't kissed because Kageyama is too shy to make the first move but right now he couldn't help but be tempted.
“Y/N, look at me.”
When you looked up at him, he immediately grabbed your nape and pressed his lips on yours. He was still unsure of how to do it but he did his best and boy, Kags is not too bad for a first timer.
When he pulled away you couldn't help but look at him completely dumbfounded. He will chuckle on your expression and will lean down to press his lips on yours for the second time.
“I love you.” he whispered.
Kuro Tetsuro
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•The type of boyfriend who acts like a Dad (no one can change my mind)
•Kuro will definitely keep on reminding you that eating vegetables is good for you.
•He will monitor your sleeping routine. He would even buy scented candles for you to help you sleep.
•He's so smart so expect him to help you in studying.
•Kuro is addicted to kisses, he will always do everything in his power to steal a kiss from you even if it's in front of his teammates.
•He will tease you a lot for being smaller than him but once you get pissed he'll stop and he will keep on bugging you until you finally agree to forgive him.
•He will always talk about you, in fact he never shuts up about you to the point that Kenma is asking you what kind of love spell did you put in Kuro. He'll politely ask you to decrease the effect of the ‘love spell’
•Kuro loves pinching your cheeks (it hurts so you will get mad) once you get mad he'll be showering kisses all over your face and will talk to you in a baby voice saying things like, “Oh look at baby YN looking so cute with red cheeks. Sorry baby, come here I'm gonna kiss the pain away.”
•What is the sweetest thing that Kuro did to you? He installed a period tracker app on his phone, so he can remember your cycle. If you're on your period, expect Kuro to be extra gentle. He won't tease you or anything, he will buy you snacks and he will always check up on your mood.
“YN, the captain of volleyball club is looking for you.” says one of your classmates. You smiled at your classmate and nod but before you could stand up from your seat, Kuro is already in front of you, “How're you feeling? Do you want to go home? Internet says ginger tea is good for reducing nausea during period.” your eyes widened and you covered his mouth using your hands.
“You don't have to announce to everyone that I'm on my period Tetsu!” you whispered yell and he gently removed your hands from his mouth. “Okay, calm down. Sorry, I know that there's a whole lot scientific process going on inside you, I understand your outburst. I brought snacks for you.” he lifted the plastic bag on his left hand and smiled at you.
You were about to smile back at him but you realized something, “How did you know I'm on my period?” Kuro blinked for a few times before clearing his throat, “I saw the period tracker on your phone, I installed the same thing on mine so I can monitor your period. My Mom told me periods are uncomfortable and painful so I just want to do what I can for my dearest girlfriend.” your heart melted at that and you started crying, Kuro's eyes widened as he pulled you close to his chest.
“Shh, baby what did I do?”
“Nothing. It's just that...I love you so much.”
“Oh experts believe that the drop in estrogen and progesterone, which occurs after ovulation, triggers mood swings during or before your period.” Kuro whispered as he caress your back gently. You sniffed and hugged him tighter still crying because you just felt so loved. “These hormones reduce production of serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter, it's natural to be emotional, baby.” you looked up at your boyfriend and when you saw how serious he was you just couldn't help but laugh.
“You're such a nerd. God, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
I'm very nervous about this, forgive me. I've never shared an OC before.
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@therantingfangirl @justmyownreality
Masaki is the daughter of an Uchiha, Asuka Uchiha, and a shinobi from Iwagakure named Oshinki Kamizuru.
She was born in Iwagakure but did live on the Uchiha compound for two years before her father took her back to Iwagakure. When she was four, her mother who had awakened the mangekyo and was being driven mad by power, tried to steal Masa's eyes. Oshinki caught Asuka and managed to hide Masa away between a rock formation just outside of Iwagakure before he went back to confront the Uchiha.
Masa's earlier memory is of her father placing her between the rocks and promising his return, but he never did. After being trapped for three days a wondering Orochimaru found her wedged in the stone and brought her to his hideout for experiment fodder. She went through years of experiments and when she survived Orochimaru decided to train her. She followed him around during his time in the Akatsuki but he mostly ignored her, so she began to train with Daiki (one of the twin's mentioned in @therantingfangirl 's OC profile) who was under Sasori's wing at the time.
Following Orochimaru's leave of the Akatsuki she continued to train without any special promise, until her mother found her and once again tried to steal her eyes. Masa watched her mother hurt Daiki and with Orochimaru refusing to help she awakened her sharingan and found her talent for genjutsu. She used genjutsu to get her mother to kill herself and after that the snake senin became far more interested in her.
Orochimaru was going to use her body as a vessel first, before Kimimaro, but her (genetic) heart condition began to manifested around the same time so she narrowly avoided being used in that way. She found a different vessel for Orochimaru to use and her training was severly reduced. She was given a summoning animal, rabbits, and The Sound Four and a few other members of Orochimaru's crew (mainly Riko and Kubo two other OC's of mine) take to calling her snake bait while Daiki lovingly calls her bunny.
During the Chunin exams she was entered alongside Kubo and Riko as her teammates to work alongside Suna for the invasion. Kankuro and Temari don't believe the ability her sharingan gives her to put Shukaku under genjutsu, but she's mainly there to keep Gaara in check and to summon large rabbits to destroy the village. Masa and Kuro meet during the exams.
After the failed invasion she's too weak to go on other missions so Orochimaru sends her to build a new base for them and she chooses a spot somewhat near Suna. Gaara finds her and asks for her help repressing Shukaku so he can try to be a better person and she agrees. They continue to train together and get closer together as they do so until Gaara becomes Kazekage. Sometime between the end of the invasion and the beginning of Shippuden Masa develops the rinnegan in one eye, because of Orochimaru's experiments on her and Kurono. Through the rinnegan Masa and Kurono share dreams and even what the other is seeing at times and it brings them closer.
Through the rinnegan, Masa watched Gaara die and she makes a break for Suna. She sees the way Deidara mistreats him and forever holds a grudge against him for it. She doesn't get back until after Konoha has already brought Gaara back and later that night she realizes she's in love with him but refuses to say or do anything about it.
Eventually Masa can feel her heart disease beginning to get the better of her so she decides to leave Orochimaru along with Daiki leaving the Akatsuki. They decide to make a deal with Suna and Konoha to share information so that they can live out the rest of their lives in peace, but the deal goes bad, Daiki dies and Masa's mangekyo awakens because of his death and she starts to begin controlling the rinnegan.
After Daiki's death, Tsunade saves Masa's life to try to get information but Masa swears revenge and joins the Akatsuki and becomes Kuro's partner.
Masa doesn't fully leave the Akatsuki until right before the war. She joins Suna against Obito and Madara. After the war Gaara, Kurono, and Naruto are really the only people who trust her so she stays in Suna and works in their intelligence division. She continues to have feelings for Gaara but doesn't feel like she deserves to be loved by him so she ran off after his initial confession two years after the war.
When she comes back, after receiving some perfect advice from the sixth Hokage, she accepts Gaara's love wholeheartedly.
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bimsha · 3 years
Head in Her Heart (Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader)
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Warning : Mentions of Suicide, Violence and Major Character Death. Read at Your Own Risk. Don't tell I Didn't Warn You. If You Are Sensitive About These Topics, Please Refrain From Reading.
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"'Cause it's easier to keep holdin' on to something sweet In her mind the more he lies, she justifies But why?"
Song: Head In Her Heart - Nico Collins
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Tetsuro Kuroo had come a long way in his life. His love for volleyball has made him the man he was. He patted against his wristwatch a few times, he had an hour before he had to attend the meeting. He didn’t want to arrive early and sit by himself in that gloomy meeting room and not be ready to drink the stale coffee they serve in those places. Kuroo decided to cross the road and head to the nearest café. He missed breakfast and it felt like a good chance for him to grab some food. Ordering his food, he walked to the nearest table just beside the front window of the place. One of the workers brought his food and he was certainly surprised by their speed. Not every day you get to meet good workers and fast service. He smiled at her, turning back to his food when a movement caught from the nook of his eye. He turned and registered the familiarity. A young woman, possibly around his age sat by herself in the far corner of the café. Her hair draped against her shoulder as her eyes darted along with the menu in her hands.
It didn’t take Kuroo much longer to recognize her. She hasn’t changed much since High School. “Y/n?” He talked, waving his hand a bit to take her attention. She looked up from the menu and turned to him. Her eyes frowning for a second before the recognition flooded in. She smiled. The same smile he had grown to love through his high school years. She stood up and walked over to his table without hesitance. The raven-haired male gestured to the seat in front of him. “It’s been so long,” She said, her smile still painted on her lips. It was only then he realized, maybe she did have changed a bit.
“It has” Kuroo replied, tapping against his lukewarm coffee. “I thought you moved to America. That’s what the rumours said anyway.”
She paused for a minute to smile at the waitress who brought her order and thanked her. “I did move to America but I came back a few months after.”
“Oh” Kuroo wondered about the reasons. He still remembered how she was excited to start a new life back in America. In their post-graduate ceremony at high school, she looked at him right in the eyes when she confessed her dream to be a fashion designer. Kuroo wished her luck and let go of her, wishing her best. She had always been the kind of girl to follow her dreams. The kind of girl who wanted to live her dream, not just thinks of it. “America didn’t sit right with you?” He asked, his tone light. He didn’t want to build up any tension between them.
“Kind of.” She was staring at her drink, he noticed. She had been avoiding eye contact since she came to speak with him. That was peculiar. As he remembered, she always used to look anyone in the eye. There was never malice in them, but the positive energy that could light up anyone’s day. Gosh, he was being sappy again. Their light-hearted conversation continued until a man walked into their table. He looked at her and frowned.
She stood up with a smile. “Right! Kuroo this is my fiancé, Fujino Toru, and Toru this a high school friend of mine, Kuroo Tetsuro.”
He extended his hand for Kuroo to take. But the only thought going inside his mind was that: she was going to get married. “Nice to meet you,” He said in a stiff voice.
Toru merely nodded, his dark eyes giving him a judging glare. Kuroo stood his ground as he stared back at him with the same stoic look. Y/n seem to be clueless about the tense situation. “Were you two close friends?” Toru asked with a smile, aiming the question at her.
She just ducked her head that her bangs bounced over her forehead, “We were more like acquaintances. He was a good volleyball player. He was always inside the gym”
“Oh,” Toru said, raising his brow.
Kuroo simply shrugged as his response. Toru wrapped one of his arms around her leading her towards the café door. Kuroo watched them leave and turned back to his seat, only to see her untouched food and the coffee mug still filled to the brim, not a sip taken.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours and hours passed. Kuroo focused on his job, recruiting members and finding the fresh raw talent in the country. That was something that didn’t change all through all these years. His love for volleyball. He still adored the sport. It had been raining two days straight. He knew it should be past ten in the night when he walked to the car park in the diner. Kuroo worked late and decided to stop by the diner because he knew he’d be too tired to make his inner. The car park was almost empty except for his own SUV and some other black car. He didn’t pay any attention until he heard the voices. It was the aggressive note of a man. Curiously, he turned to them.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out who they were. Especially for Kuroo who had watched her staring out at the window during the English period. Who glanced during the breaks to catch her sweet smile. He frowned, the man was Toru. Did something happen? He thought torn between two worlds. He wondered whether he should ignore them and just leave, Y/n was going to get married and this should be some minor problem. But on the other hand, seeing the rude gestures and the loud voice of Toru, a part of his mind hesitated to go on. Only this time, he promised himself and approached the two. Carefully wearing a smile just to make sure he wasn’t intruding on them. Just spotted them by coincidence. Toru stopped to look at him, “What are you doing here?”
Kuroo put his hands up in surrendering motion. “Just saw you two while passing by, I thought I’d say hello”
He squinted at him and turned to her one last time. “I’m leaving”
Y/n smiled, “Sure and I’m sorry, again”
That’s when Kuroo noticed her swollen cheek. She was holding her hand over it as if to subside the pain. Kuroo immediately turned to Toru who was walking to his car about to call him back when she tugged on his elbow and shook her head. She was still smiling at him, and Kuroo realized what was different about her.
That smile didn’t quite reach her eyes like it used to.
“Y/n” His voice was soft as he talked, “Did he-”
“It’s okay. I did something stupid.” She blinked, slowly running her smooth fingers on her skin. “It’s my fault”
She shook her head, “Just some business problems, don’t mind it” She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the numbers.
“I can drop you at your house if you want to” He offered, trying to keep his eyes away from her reddened cheeks and tired eyes.
She blinked, “Ah, no, it’s okay. I’ll find a taxi.”
“It’s too late and too dangerous for you to ride alone in a taxi” That idiot should’ve thought about it before leaving you alone here. He didn’t speak the words out loud. “Let’s go”
She reluctantly nodded, following him to his car. As they sat inside, an awkward silence settled between them. Kuro turned on the radio, trying to break the suffocating silence. He wanted to ask her about him. Why did she look so sad? Why did she look so hopeless? “Y/n, should I stop by a pharmacy and get an ice pack for that?”
She shook his head, “It’s fine. I have some at home”
Kuroo nodded, stopping the car by the red light. “Did he-” Kuroo stopped, trying to compose himself. “Does he always do that?”
She didn’t answer right away. There was it, the smile again. “It’s not a big deal”
It is, Kuroo thought.
“It’s my fault. I’m a clumsy person” She laughed a strangled sound.
You were never clumsy, Kuroo thought.
“When did you meet him?” He took a turn as she pointed out the directions.
“It was a proposal by my parents. They wanted to find me the best husband.” There was no cynical tone. She was honest, she always had been.
“Oh,” Kuroo simply said, “You always loved your parents and never complained.”
“You remembered?” She asked, certainly surprised.
I remember everything, “Yeah,” Kuroo said, awkwardly smiling. “You were pretty popular back then”
“Says you” She rolled her eyes, “Girls flocked around you. You were a star in high school, captain”
But I only had my eyes for you.
“Anyway, enough about me. How’s your life? Any girlfriend?” Her voice held the hint of excitement as she asked.
“Already married to Volleyball at this point”
She laughed, “Weren’t you always?”
“Good point,” Kuroo said, chuckling. The conversation continued until they reached her apartment building. They laughed at their past, beautiful high school memories. There will never be a time like that in your life. Life was not too complicated back then. Kuroo waved at her as she walked in. She looked just like the past Y/n at the moment. Her smile reached her eyes.
After that day, both of them kept in touch with each other. Even met in some cafes with several of their other friends back in high school. Everyone was in different places, working with different people but when they got together again, it was the same madness they had in high school.
Kuroo didn’t know when Toru arrived at the shop until he saw him storming to their table. They had organized another get together of high school friends and two of them arrived earlier than expected. Y/n immediately stood, her fact neutral and passive but her eyes glistening with fear. “Toru” Her voice was remarkably calm.
“What are you doing here?” His eyes rested on Kuroo, “With this man?”
She smiled, “We organized a high school get together. We’re waiting for the others.”
“You lying bitch” His voice was quiet but strong. The impact on his words made several of them turn.
“I’m sorry” She murmured.
“It’s not your fault” Kuroo blurted out, “This is a misunderstanding. What are you going to do to her?”
Y/n gave him a surprised glance. Almost as if it was the first time someone had talked for her. She smiled at him, “It’s okay” She muttered, “Let’s go, Toru”
“Yes, we’re leaving” He yelled, taking her wrist as he dragged her out of the door. Kuroo wanted to run after them. He didn’t know what that man was capable of doing to her but he was frozen to the ground as he watched. The girl he once loved, still had feelings for, getting dragged by her fiancé. If this was love, it was a love made in hell. He’s destroying her.
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You knew your life wasn’t meant to be smooth. The bruises on your arms were easily covered by long sleeves. In summer, you always gave the same excuse, I get cold easily. When in reality, you were a summer child. You loved the sense of sunlight on your skin. He robbed you of your simple pleasures but you kept holding onto that man. Because you had faith that he will change. Any man could, you’re giving him chances. One after another. Just till you break. Kuroo stumbled again into your life by pure coincidence. He was the one who reminded her of the beautiful past. Those high school years you could never take back.
Toru didn’t favour Kuroo from the start. Sometimes, you sympathized with him. He was insecure about himself, about his abilities to love her. You sighed, pressed one of your hands against the bruises on your wrists. He wondered whether he would ever change. Maybe you’re meant to be with someone like this. You should’ve known before. People like Kuroo was never meant to be with you. He was just so kind and out of your league. He had been like that, always. You smiled at your crush on him back then. You weren’t the only one. Many girls in the class asked him out. You were quite jealous for some time until you learned to let go. Kuroo would never like you. You weren’t meant to spend a beautiful life.
Toru came and went and you stayed back at home for few weeks. He was growing out of his jealousy towards Toru. Jealousy is something toxic. Something that could devour a man out of his positive qualities until their vision tunnels into a murky green smoke. Toru could be a good person, sometimes. He would cuddle with you after work when he was in a good mood, if it was bad, you knew you should stay away. But several blows were inevitable. Sometimes, you wondered whether it was all worth it. Maybe you should fade away. You didn’t know when the feelings started but they seemed like they were here to stay.
When Kuroo called that afternoon, checking up on you. You realized how much you wanted to talk with someone. You have grown sick of your loneliness. You just wanted an outlet. So, you invited him into your apartment out of pure desperation. Trying to find a way to chase the demons growing stronger by each toxic word, each desperate feeling. The bell rang. You walked to the door and opened it to see Kuroo’s face, concerned and caring. You hated yourself for feeling secure in his hold. You weren’t supposed to have feelings for him. Toru was your fiancé. Nevertheless, you invited him in and saw the paper bags in his arms. “Why did you bother?” Your lips painted to a smile but he looked at you as if you are transparent. Almost as if he could see you for the girl you are.
“It’s your favourite sushi. I passed a sushi shop and it reminded me of that ridiculous party we had after graduating”
A smile instantly touched your lips as memories flooded in. It would be amazing to live in past but the sad part of life is you have to move on from those beautiful memories. “Y/n?” He called again, “You’re spacing out”
“Sorry,” You said, inviting him in. “I was thinking about the party”
“Right” Kuro placed the bags on the table. “Wanna have some?”
You didn’t have any appetite. The past few days, you haven’t had any appetite either. You ate just to survive and wondered what it felt like for everything to stop. To stop hurting. To stop loving. To stop thinking. To stop breathing. But his dark eyes made you falter, “Sure” you answered.
You both sat by the dinner table and started to eat. You nibbled at your food, pushing them against your plate. “You have changed” Kuroo observed, showing a piece of fish into his mouth.
“Everyone changes with time.” You said, smiling at him. “But you’re still the same kind guy acting like an old geezer”
“Hey” He objected, “That’s offensive. Aside from all that, Y/n, what’s wrong?”
You stiffened on your seat. Of course, he would notice. They had known each other for so long to point out the differences among them. Maybe, you didn’t ask him to come over because you wanted to talk to him. Maybe, it was because you wanted to see his face one last time. You’ve already given up. “Nothing. I’m fine. Just getting on with life”
Kuroo didn’t look like he believed it and you knew that was a lame excuse. “How’s it going with Toru?”
“It’s okay. He’s trying.”
Kuroo sighed, setting down his chopsticks. “From what I’m seeing, he’s destroying you, Y/n”
You froze, your gaze lingering on your plate. Your heart was racing. It was the raw truth. The truth you wanted to hear. A little hope bubbled inside your chest. Maybe, he’ll save him. “It’s easier though. To hold onto him rather than letting go. Everyone will be there, talking about things, talking about me. It’s a hard life”
Kuroo shook his head, “It’s your life, Y/n. You choose what you want. I think-” He was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Both of you turned in surprised to see Toru, walking up to you two. Kuroo immediately stood up. You just waited, looking at his furious face and raging eyes and wondered, does it matter anymore?
“What’s going on here!?” He let out a ragged cry, grabbing Kuroo by the collars. You sprang onto your feet.
“He was just talking with me. Toru, stop this!” Toru released Kuroo and grabbed you by your hair slamming your face against the side of the table.
“What the fuck-” You heard Kuroo yelling before pushing Toru back and punching him right on the face. “Stop hurting her!” Toru wiped the blood off his nose, switching his glances with you and Kuroo.
“Get out of my house” He yelled at Kuroo.
“No, if I’m leaving, Y/n is coming with me. I don’t trust you anymore” Kuroo was determined. You watched his eyes filling with something unknown. The same look he had when he always stared at you. The look that you weren’t able to understand.
“Leave,” You said, your voice shaking. “I’m okay, I’m sorry”
Kuroo looked at you with reluctance. “But Y/n-” he started when you finally snapped.
“Leave!” You screamed, your throat was dry. Your soul was dry. Your heart was dry. There was nothing to think about anymore. Your life had collapsed right in front of your eyes. You didn’t want Kuroo to be a part of your destruction. He deserved a better life with someone better than you. Hence, you did all that you could, to send him away. For the first time in your life, you yelled at him to leave. Not giving him any other choice than to meet your commands. You watched his hesitant eyes and reluctant steps. Toru couldn’t do anything to you rather than hurting you because he was a man acknowledged by society, murder will ruin his reputation.
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Kuroo didn’t want to leave. Even after leaving the apartment, he hung around the door deciding his next move. There was no noise coming inside and he didn’t have any other choice rather than to back down and leave it. Y/n was right, no matter how violent Toru can be he cannot cross the limits. He valued his reputation. But he didn’t want to see Y/n hurt. He walked out of the apartment building and waited for a while, patting against his pockets to find his cellphone. He should call someone and ask about his next move. He hasn’t been insecure about his decisions before but regarding this sensitive topic, it would be better if he called Akaashi or Sugawara. “Did I left it back there?” He wondered, looking over his shoulder to see the apartment block again. He shook his head running back to the building, half glad about the excuse and the opportunity. Half wondering what her reactions would be. He exited the elevator, thinking of walking to her apartment when the elevator beside him pinged close, giving him only enough time to see the disappearing figure of Y/n behind the two metal doors. Out of sheer surprise, Kuroo froze to the ground. She didn’t see him. An unknown feeling of anxiety filled his stomach as he smashed his fingers on the elevator buttons. He tried the staircase but soon find out it had been close due to construction, he raced his way to the elevators back again as the doors pinged open. He raced inside, wishing she would be okay. Wishing he would be able to save her.
His ride to the rooftop seems to take forever. He paced around waiting until the door opened. He stepped out. The cold night wind welcomed him, brushing away his raven hair out of his face. Kuroo froze: there she was, still alive, standing at the edge. Her head tipped back to stare at the eerily beautiful stars in the night sky. “Y/n?” Kuroo talked.
She turned, surprised. Her eyes filling with thousands of emotions. “Kuroo? What are you doing here?”
“Get down from there. It’s dangerous” Kuroo didn’t answer her question. He didn’t have the time to answer her question. The only thought running inside his mind was: get her out from there!
She turned back to the sky, “This world is a terrifying place, Kuroo. I don’t think I can endure it anymore.” She looked over her shoulder at him, smiling. “You’re a kind person, you know? It’s rare to see people like you. Wish I would’ve-” She stopped, shaking her head. “My life, it doesn’t have to go on anymore.”
“You still have the chance, Y/n. Come down and we’ll sort it out, please.” Kuroo knew his voice was shaking. He was surprised he had the strength to talk at all at the moment.
She suddenly turned and opened her arms, “I wish it was different for me, different for us. You can call me selfish for thinking like this. But” She smiled, and Kuroo’s heart stopped for a moment. It was the same smile. The one that reached to her eyes and wrinkled the edges of her face. The one that lighted up her face like a star. Her smile. The smile that only belonged to her.
(The smile that she gave only to him.)
"I love you"
Kuroo’s heart was racing as she grinned, “Tetsuro, keep that beautiful heart forever. You can make someone’s life better. I know it”
I want to make your life better, he wanted to say but just watched her. His whole body was frozen to the ground as she waved slightly. The hope in her eyes was nowhere to see. Her eyes were empty again. He took a step, ready to take her down from there. Ready to save her life. But, she jumped.
Kuroo would’ve screamed, he would’ve run to the edge of the rooftop to see her. But he just stood there. His arm still hanging midair, trying to reach the girl that was already gone from his life. He fell to his knees, clutching his shirt as he punched the ground repeatedly. The girl he failed to confess. The girl he loved but never was his. Sitting there, he regretted all the words he didn’t say. He should’ve tried harder. Should’ve confessed to her. Should’ve made her life beautiful but he failed.
Then again, no one could blame him. We’re all living lives filled with regret. Just one after another problems crowd inside our minds but, we’re humans. We make mistakes but our pure existence can make someone smile. Make someone happy. We can be the reason that someone’s alive.
Kuroo stood up and collected his courage. Streams of tears flowed down his tears and he didn’t attempt to wipe them away. An ambulance blared breaking the silence of the night. Her words echoed through the air around him. Her last confession. Kuroo finally screamed, letting out the agony and the pain inside his heart as he sobbed openly. Tears streaming without mercy.
It was just three words: I love you. But it can make the deepest mark inside someone’s heart. Either a pleasant beauty or an everlasting regret.
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"She has her head in her heart and a broken body Never wrong but she always says sorry Takes the pain, and throws away her pride"
Word Count : 3954
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76 notes · View notes
Magnets pt. 1 (Kuroo Tetsuro x f!reader)
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Word count: 1.9k.
Tags: none.
Summary: During your third year of high school, you get acquainted with a very charming boy. How will things evolve?
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Kuroo Tetsurou was definitely a popular guy. Tall, athletic, with beautiful but weirdly cut hair, he always had a predatory sneer that made everyone shrink in his presence. Everyone except you. The reason was that, unlike most other people, you had fortuitously got the chance to discover that under that cocky and strict air he always showed around there was something else.
After your second year of high school, you had to transfer to a new school, Nekoma High. On the first day you had left home a bit too early, so you decided to take it easy on the way there, walking slowly and observing your surroundings in order to get a better view of your new city. While doing so, your attention was caught by a voice coming from your left. You turned your head toward that direction and saw a small green space, in the middle of which stood a crouched boy and a tiny white and brown dog. The boy had a weird haircut that reminded you slightly of a rooster and he was talking to the puppy while petting him profusely.
“You’re a good boy, aren’t you? My little good boy, you like when Kuroo pets you, don’t you? What a good boy you are.” The tone of the boy was the usual ridiculous high-pitched tone people use when they talk to puppies and babies, and the thing clashed hilariously with his outer rebellious appearance.
After a moment of affectionate tones, the boy noticed that you were observing him and his face darkened briefly. After leaving the dog alone and after inspecting you from the bottom to the top (he was still crouched), he stood up and walked toward you, assuming an attitude that you soon discovered was his default one.
“You attend Nekoma High, don’t you?” he asked confidently, recognising your uniform.
“Yes,” you simply replied.
“How is it that I’ve never seen you before?” His tone was inquisitional and somehow it seemed like he deemed it impossible that he could not know every single person (or maybe girl) in the school.
“I’ve just transferred. Today will be my first day,” you replied, a little annoyed by the way the boy was towering over you now that he was standing and scanning you.
“Oh, which class?”
A pensive expression played across the boy’s face. “You don’t say…” Then he started walking, turning distractedly toward you with a gaze that you immediately recognised as a way to say “follow me”.
Since you had to go in the same direction, you were left no choice but to walk together with him, but you felt a bit strange about the change in the attitude of the boy. You wondered if he was the type of person who constantly wanted to make an impression.
In truth, you had soon discovered that to simply put it, Kuroo Tetsurou was a person with a thousand facets. Sometimes he was arrogant, but other times he was extremely humble; sometimes he could be a bit of a dick, but at times he could also be surprisingly kind; sometimes it seemed like he didn’t care about people that much, other times he almost seemed maternal. There was one thing that was constant, though, and that was that having to deal with him was always fun. And it was particularly fun when the boy was dumbfounded by the fact that you, unlike most of the girls in the school, didn’t hang on his words.
It wasn’t like you didn’t notice the remarkable charm of the boy, but you had imposed upon yourself to keep a certain distance at least until you had the chance to get to know him better.
Being classmates had been a source of information, but you had the impression he wasn’t completely himself in that environment. New clues started to arrive the first time he invited you to watch one of his friendly matches. He had heard you telling a friend and classmate that you were free that afternoon and he had immediately taken advantage of that, saying that you couldn’t miss the chance to see the great volleyball team of Nekoma High.
Sceptical, but curious, you had accepted the invite and followed the boy to the gym, where he had briefly introduced you to his teammates, and particularly to Kenma, who you later discovered was his best friend.
While the boys had gone into the locker room to change, you had found a place on the bleachers and shortly after a parade of boys in red had appeared in front of you. Needless to say, red suited him. The other team arrived soon and, after a bit of warming-up, the match began.
You had watched some matches on the TV, but looking at the movements of the players from up-close was rather exciting and you soon realised that Kuroo was a very good player. He had scored many points with his serves, strikes and blocks, but that wasn’t all. Even if he had neglected to mention it, he was the captain of the team and you had had the chance to overhear the speech he had delivered to his teammates. It was something about blood and bringing oxygen to the brain. It had seemed quite peculiar but at the same time…
BOOM. You got hit by a ball in the face, on your left eyebrow to be precise. You hadn’t had the time to avoid it because you were completely lost in thought and you had seen it just at the very last moment. The boy who had hit the ball last - you discovered later that it had been a receive gone bad - apologised over and over for a while and then the match continued normally, but you had noticed the worried expression of your voluminous haired friend.
After the match, Kuroo had insisted on walking you home and, as soon as you had gone far enough from the school, he had taken you aside and caressed your temple gently, making you stare at his dark eyes in surprise.
“Does it hurt?” he asked you, concern clouding his eyes.
“No, I think it’s just slightly swollen. I haven’t had a chance to check my face in a mirror yet, but maybe it’s better this way,” you said with a chuckle.
“Damned Yaku, of all the days he had to make that mistake today…” Kuro seemed upset and moved his hand, gesturing while talking.
You stopped one of his hands by gently taking his wrist in your hand. “Kuroo, everything’s alright. By tomorrow I won’t even remember this happened.” You smiled. “Furthermore, that guy played like a god today, so I really don’t think you can get mad at him.”
Kuroo gave you a suspicious look and started walking again. “Is that so? And what do you think about me then?”
You followed him, walking side by side. “Mmh… let me think…” You were playing. You knew that Kuroo wanted to hear you said that he was good, but it was funny to make him suffer just a little.
The boy looked at you sideways. “If you talk like this, you make me start to think that maybe you deserved being hit by that ball.”
You laughed and then finally replied. “You’ve played very well, Kuroo. I’m no expert in volleyball but watching you play was very interesting.”
While you walked and looked at the little shops you were passing by, you smiled and the lights of the windows reflected in your eyes. “Mmh…” you pondered for a moment.
“What is it?” he asked, interested.
“That speech about blood… could you explain it to me? I couldn’t hear the whole of it.” You turned briefly toward him and glimpsed a hint of surprise in his eyes.
“Oh… it’s just a speech I make before we start the match to psych up the others.”
“Yeah, I got that part, but what does it mean?”
“Well, in our team the essential element is Kenma. Not just because he’s the setter, but also because he has an incredible analytical capacity that allows him to always choose the best strategies.” Kuro looked at you for a moment and then brought his gaze in front of him again. “For this reason, he is the brain. And we, his teammates, have the responsibility to make the ball arrive at him in the best way possible, like the oxygen must flow in the blood. This way he can play to the best of his capabilities. That’s all.” The boy put his hands in his pockets.
You pondered for a moment. “I understand. It makes sense now that you say it,” you paused for a second, already smiling internally, “you surely couldn’t have been referring to yourself when you talked about the brain.” You had pronounced the sentence in a perfectly serious tone, so serious that Kuroo had needed a moment before understanding that you were teasing him.
“Y/n!” he exclaimed in a scolding tone, turning at you.
“Hey, I have never given you the permission to call me by my first name, you know?”
The boy said nothing and replied with a crafty expression instead and then turned his gaze back in front of him, sighing and walking faster, as if you weren’t there anymore.
You quickened your pace in order to keep up with him and nudged him lightly. “I was kidding. As much as I’d like to affirm the contrary, you’re not dumb.”
The boy didn’t turn at you, pretending to be offended, but slowed down his pace so that you could start walking normally again.
After a while, you arrived in front of your house. “We’re here,” you said gesturing at your house. “I still don’t get why you wanted to accompany me home since you live on the opposite side of town. It will take you forever to get home now.” You were close to your gate, the feet together and your gaze towards your shoes.
“I clearly did it because I like you. Wasn’t it obvious at this point?” the boy replied with a candour only he could muster.
You felt a clench in your stomach and raised your eyes, meeting those of the boy. For a moment you had thought that he was joking – you had always thought that the interest he had shown to you was just a friendly fondness – but his face was terribly serious.
You tried to say something, but your voice got stuck and your mouth remained half-open,  without a single sound coming out of it.
“I’d like to kiss you now, y/n,” said Kuroo, his eyes intense and fixed on you.
You remained speechless once more, your breathing passing quickly in and out of your mouth.
Kuroo leaned forward – his dark eyes hadn’t left you a single instant – and kissed you. The kiss lasted about three seconds and it was a simple kiss, just a contact between your lips, but it was enough to make your head spin. Then the boy straightened himself, shot you his signature sneer and took a step back. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I expect you to be a bit more… talkative.” The sneer got bigger and even before he turned around and started walking home a red hue began to spread across your face and a smile rose slowly until your cheeks started looking like small knobs.
Part 2
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
First Impressions // Chapter 3
Fandom: Servamp Ship: LawLicht (main), KuroMahi (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Hyde, Licht, Kuro, Mahiru
Summary: After Licht meets the wealthy bachelor, Hyde, she was certain that she could never be friends with him. Their paths continues to cross and she slowly comes to know him. Licht wonders if she judged him too quickly. (LawLicht, Pride and Prejudice AU, Fem Licht)
Ch.1 // Ch.2 // (Ch.3) //
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Mikuni didn’t bother to knock on Misono’s bedroom door before she entered. The room was dark but she had to note that smoke lingered over the candle as if the fire was recently doused. She turned away from the candle and looked to her sisters sleeping on the floor of Misono’s room. The sight reminded her of their childhood where they would make forts and tents to camp on the ground.
She could easily conclude that her sisters were pretending to sleep so they wouldn’t have to start their morning chores. The sun was only beginning to rise so Mikuni didn’t see a reason to wake them. The amber hue of sunrise was tainted with grey rain clouds. They had time before the rooster would wake the town. She knelt next to her sisters and adjusted the blanket over them. Her eyes fell onto the book next to Licht’s pillow, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
When they returned from the party, Mahiru suggested the sisters sleep in the same room and read the play Licht had brought for Misono. Mikuni knew that the suggestion was to lift Misono’s spirits after their mother’s hurtful words so Mikuni agreed. Her only condition was for them to sleep before midnight because they needed to wake early to care for the horses.
She had to finish the bookkeeping for the night so she told them to sleep first. Since they attended the ball, Mikuni stayed up later than she usually would. She was disappointed that she fell asleep in her office and missed the sleepover with her sisters. She placed the play on the desk and lit the candle again. “I know you’re merely pretending to be asleep, Ladies. While I was walking down the hall, I could hear you three reading the play. It’s not good for your eyesight to read in the dark.”
“Then we shall switch from reading the play to discuss our new neighbours? Licht told us that Hyde was the one to suggest the comedy.” Misono said and gestured for Mikuni to lay down with them. Despite how Mikuni knew it would be more responsible to start the day, she settled onto a pillow instead. “Perhaps we shall see them if we go to the theater. Mahiru will have the opportunity to speak with Kuro again.”
“Mother has voiced her approval of them due to their wealth but I dare say we must protect each other from them. We cannot trust them. Hyde called Mahiru mad when she is clearly an angel! He also bribed the mayor to sneak into the library.” Even as she spoke, Licht thought of her talk with Hyde earlier that night. She rolled onto her stomach and stared out the window to Hanafield manor in the morning light. “There is also their brother who lives in the town under a false name. Who do you think he is?”
“Kuro said his brother has his reasons to hide their family name. We shouldn’t pry. They aren’t a traditional noble family but we shouldn’t judge them. Our peers would say we’re far from conventional women and we know how hurtful it is to be called such.” Mahiru reminded them. The four sisters each had their own passion and they wanted to do more with their skills than call it a hobby. “People are far too complex to judge who they are after only one meeting.”
Mahiru thought of Kuro and pulled her blanket to her lips to hide her grin. She was certain her sisters would tease her for the budding crush. “At first glance, Kuro appears to be the perfect lord with how handsome he is. He can’t dance though. He stepped on my feet several times but his effort was so earnest and charming that I accepted another dance when he asked. I’ve never danced so much in a night.”
“All the mothers at the ball must’ve been jealous of you for catching Lord Ash’s fancy. I’m certain he spent half the night dancing with you. The rest of the night, he spent smiling at you. I would venture to say he’s smitten with you, Mahiru.” Mikuni laughed.
Heavy knocks pounded on the wall and it startled them. Licht instinctively placed her hand on Misono’s shoulder to protect her younger sister. She relaxed when Sakura’s voice travelled through the wall. “I’m trying to sleep! Quiet down!”
“Sakura does have a point. It’ll be better to continue our conversation while we do the morning chores. We won’t be bothering the ones still asleep.” Mahiru said and sat up. “We can’t waste the morning. The stable hands will come soon and I want to make something warm for them to eat. Will you help me, Misono? You can give something special to Tetsu.”
“What? Why would you mention Tetsu specifically in such a way? I don’t have any feelings for him.” Misono insisted with a bright blush.
“Oh, don’t be so upset. Mahiru is teasing you about your crush on Tetsu because you brought up her crush on Kuro earlier.” Mikuni laughed when both of her sisters tried to deny her feelings. She stood and placed the pillows back onto the bed. They cleaned the room and Licht’s eyes fell onto the play Hyde gave her. She made a note to herself to return the book to the library.
She wondered if she would see him once again since he appeared to enjoy reading. Hyde’s teasing grin from the day they met contradicted the soft smile he had at the library. He had heard their mother insult Misono and intended to ask her to dance. She didn’t know if he was motivated by pity or compassion. But the thoughtfulness in his red eyes made her heart stumble for a reason she couldn’t need. Licht cared for her sister and she was happy to see someone treat them kindly.
She didn’t know why she couldn’t stop picturing his face. Licht pulled her thoughts away from the man and she followed her sisters out the door. They went through their morning routine. Their family’s wealth was modest so they couldn’t afford a robust staff to care for the house. The sisters loved the aging building and they would help the staff maintain the home of their memories.
There was a knock on the front door and Licht glanced at the time. It was far too early for their stable hands to arrive and they would usually knock on the back door. Licht answered the door but she didn’t recognize the man on the other side. He bowed politely to her and held out a letter. “Good morning. I am the footman for the Servamps and they asked me to deliver you this invitation.”
“Thank you.” Licht was surprised by the invitation but she took the letter into her hand. She closed the door and she carried the letter to her sisters. She tore off the seal and opened it to skim the words. Mikuni was the first one to notice her reading.
“What is that?” Mikuni asked and looked over her shoulder. “The Servamps are inviting us to morning tea? I didn’t think we had made such a good impression on them to do such. The letter names all of us but my intuition tells me that this is clearly meant for Mahiru. The letter mentions that it was a pleasure to dance and she was the only one to dance with a Servamp.”
“I would love to have tea with the family.” Mahiru took the letter and searched for the line Mikuni mentioned. She smiled to herself once she found it. Then, she folded the letter and placed it on the counter. “But we will be far too busy to pay them a visit. I need to work with the staff to plan for Haruto’s visit next week. Mikuni will be too occupied with the family business to do so.”
“I’m sure Misono can handle the horses while I arrange everything for our cousin.” Mikuni waved away her protest. “Misono has been working with me and the family business for a year now and she can handle it for the day. If you want to go, you can without worrying about us. Do you want to attend the morning tea as well, Licht?”
“Since we went to the party last night, I wasn’t able to practise my piano like I usually would. I planned to compensate for that time by practising an extra two hours today.” Licht could see how excited Mahiru was by the invitation and added: “I would go to protect Mahiru from that demon but his siblings will be there. She should be safe having tea with them.”
“Thank you.” Mahiru beamed a smile at her sisters and held the letter close to her chest. “We would sneak into Hanafield’s garden and play. This will be my first time inside the manor. I will ask them to invite you three another time so you can see it as well. I’m so excited. Oh, we should tell mother and have the carriage prepared before the rain starts.”
Mahiru placed the letter in her pocket as she left the kitchen to tell their mother. She quickly found her in the drawing room and she sat across from her. “Mother, I have been invited to have morning tea. May I take the carriage to visit them? They live next to us but the distance is too far to walk.”
“I have already promised Sakura that we would take the carriage to town and watch the officers enter town. There shall be a parade! She’s so excited to meet a soldier and I hope the weather doesn’t postpone the parade.” Her mother took Mahiru’s hand and patted it gently. She didn’t feel her mother’s warmth after she said: “We have thirty horses and you can ride one to visit your friend for tea. I need the carriage.”
“I understand, Mother.” Mahiru nodded to her. She told herself to look forward to having tea with the Servamps and the opportunity to speak with Kuro again.
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“Is this the file that you were looking for, Misono?” Licht asked and held out the folder to her. While she wasn’t as business minded like Mikuni, she did her best to help when Misono asked for her assistance. Mikuni said she trusted her with the family’s business but she felt a little uncertain. She was happy to have Licht’s support. “Perhaps I can bring the piano into the office to play a song to motivate you.”
“You’re a strong angel but I doubt you can carry the pianoforte up the stairs. Even if you did, you’ll leave drag marks on the ground and Mahiru will scream the moment she sees that.” They laughed as they pictured Mahiru’s reaction. She glanced out the window and she noted how heavy the rain had become. “Mahiru hasn’t returned from morning tea yet. Do you think the mud has slowed the carriage?”
As if to answer their question, Mikuni entered the room clutching a letter. Licht immediately knew that something was amiss by her pale face. “The Servamps sent us a message. Mahiru has fallen sick with a cold. She rode a horse to their manor and it started to rain during the last mile of the journey. They’re treating her cold but the doctor says it might take the night for her to recover.”
“Mahiru should know better than to ride a horse in this weather. What on earth would persuade her to do so?” Licht took the letter from her sister. She knew Mikuni would never lie about Mahiru’s condition but she was in disbelief. She wanted to immediately go to the Servamp’s manor to see her condition and to ensure that she was being treated well. In the back of her mind, she was reminded that Misono needed her help with the family business. She loved both of her sisters.
Licht turned to Misono and there was an understanding between them without speaking. “You should go, Licht. I’m worried about Mahiru as well and I’ll feel better if one of us was there with her. Mikuni and I will stay here to deal with the family affairs. We’ll go to Hanafield once we complete the work here.”
“I’ll send you a more detailed letter about Mahiru’s condition the moment I see her.” Licht promised.
She gripped the letter in her fist as she ran down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Licht only stopped to put on a coat and her bonnet. In the corner of her eyes, she saw her mother step into the foyer. She thought her mother may question why she would run into the rain. She rushed to explain as she tied the ribbons of her bonnet.
“Mahiru has fallen sick from riding in the rain and I must go to her bedside. She is being cared for by the Servamps since they planned to have tea together.” Licht slipped her feet into her boots without lacing them, worried that Mahiru’s condition could worsen if she dawdled for even a moment. “I will ride Pegasus so there’s no need to prepare the carriage.”
“The morning tea was with the Servamps? If I knew, I would’ve allowed her to take the carriage and have her bring Sakura with her. That would’ve been the perfect opportunity for her to impress the family.” Her mother sighed and Licht bit her tongue. “Sakura will be so upset with Mahiru for not telling her. She was already disappointed that we couldn’t take the carriage into town due to this rain.”
“Your daughter has fallen ill yet you speak of the feelings of Sakura’s alone? You have more than one daughter, Mother! Hell, Mahiru has been more of a mother to your daughters and she’s the third oldest of us. You would match us with husbands in exchange for dresses and Father will do the same for money to gamble.” Her worry for Mahiru caused her frustration to boil until she couldn’t contain it. Licht’s yells could be heard throughout the house. She didn’t bother to listen to her mother’s reply before she stormed out the door.
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Hyde stood on the perron staircase behind the manor and he was protected from the rain by the canopy above his head. He took a long drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke. He could see the creek past their garden and he recalled his first meeting with Licht. Their footman sent the family a letter to inform them that Mahiru became sick in the rain.
Sharp blue eyes played on his mind and he pondered if Licht would visit them to see her sister. She threw her shoe at him for insulting Mahiru and yelled at her mother for hurting Misono’s feelings. It was easy to see that she cared more for her sisters than how society saw her. Hyde couldn’t help but respect her passion and conviction.
He put out his cigarette in the ashtray sitting on the stair rail. Hyde intended to return into the warmth of the manor but something past the creek caught his attention. The person was too far for him to know who the rider was but he could see that they were riding towards the creek. He stepped into the rain and walked down the stone staircase.
The creek was only a short walk from Hanafield’s garden so he was able to reach the water with a light jog. On the other side of the creek, the horse continued to sprint towards the water but the rider made no move to slow down. Hyde tried to call out to the person to stop but his voice was drowned out by the rain striking the creek.
His eyes widened when the horse leapt over the creek and landed a few feet next to him. Hyde pulled himself out of his shock and he grabbed the horse’s reins to force it to stop. He shouted up at the rider: “Are you mad to perform such a dangerous jump in this rain?”
“Let go of me, Demon! I need to see my sister.” Hyde recognized Licht’s voice only a moment before she kicked him. Their screams scared her horse and the animal instinctively rose onto its hindlegs. She was thrown from the saddle and she braced herself from the impact with the ground. Instead, she found herself in warm arms when Hyde caught her.
“Are you okay, Angel Cakes?” Hyde asked. His heart was still racing and he didn’t know which of them was more startled. He looked down at her in his arms and the first thing he noticed was the tears staining her cheeks. He assumed that they were caused by worry for her sister and he wanted to reassure her. Before he could, Licht pushed lightly on his chest.
He placed her on the ground and Licht moved in front of the horse. With a simple hand on the horse’s muzzle, it became calm. Licht spoke to the horse in a soft voice and he was surprised by how lulling it was. “It’s okay, Pegasus. I was upset but I shouldn’t have rode so recklessly in the rain. When we return home, I will brush you and give you apples.”
“Our staff can care for your steed.” Hyde offered. He took off his jacket and held it over her head so she would be sheltered from the rain. The hem of her dress was coated in mud and her hair was dishevelled from the ride. Yet, she was still beautiful with her sharp blue eyes. “Your sister is well. The doctor said she only needs rest to recover.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” Licht relaxed and stroked her horse’s mane. “Thank you for taking care of my sister and offering to help my horse. I want to see Mahiru right away.”
“I’ll walk you to the guest room where she’s sleeping.” He nodded. Hyde wanted to ask why she appeared so upset earlier but he didn’t know if it was his place to do so. He changed the subject and said, “I’ll have the staff prepare a towel and warm tea for you. We wouldn’t want you to catch a cold as well. Anyways, I owe you a dress after I ruined the one you wore to the ball.”
“You’re housing my sister while she’s sick. We can consider ourselves even.” She said and looked up at him. He held his jacket over her head and she felt surrounded by warmth.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
CHAPTER 5: THE LINK (Complete)
* K - The First Story (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
For Misaki Yata, friends were the most important thing.
Since he was a child, he was good with people and was able to confirm his existence by trusting someone.
When he was young, he felt something like the importance of his existence by protecting his mother, who raised him as a single mother. Since his mother had only him, he had a strong determination to be strong in his childhood.
As he got older, his general temperament grew stronger and he came to think it was more fun to do it. He would cut the wind on his shoulder, and if someone messed it up, he would fly and wave his fist.
However, in the end his mother remarried and she had a new child with her new husband, and her mother was no longer the one he had to protect. He went on to do things like "use" instead of "trust."
Leading friends and doing stupid things together, eating alone was irrational and boring. Even if he was having fun, he couldn't laugh alone. However, Yata silently built up his prowess because he did not have the skill and finesse to match others by force, and he could not accept loneliness.
He met a boy and spent several years with him, but when he remembers him, he gets angry, so he erases it from his memory.
For Yata, it was a man named "Suoh Mikoto" who changed his world.
The "King" with overwhelming power that destroys Yata's prowess.
He was cool and he got addicted to all of it.
Yata took Suoh's hand and befriended the followers of the "King".
Friends became the most important thing to Yata. It doesn't matter if it was used, regardless of everything, he just looks at Suoh's back and follows him, and if Suoh says "Burn them.", he becomes a flame with his friends and will do his best to do so.
This place where he can hang out with friends, is the absolute only place to live in Yata.
(Totsuka. Somehow...)
Remember that while he was shedding blood, as if trying to reassure Yata, Totsuka's face tried to laugh somehow.
Two people, Yata and Kusanagi, rushed in after receiving the news of Totsuka's shooting. Fallen on the rooftop, at midnight in December, it was Yata who lifted Totsuka's cold body that was still bleeding. Totsuka touched Yata's tearful cheek and tried to smile, but in the end his hand fell limp and left a mark of blood on Yata's cheek.
(I'm sorry.)
That was Totsuka's last word.
He was a man who always laughed. He was good at finding fun and was in the center of his friends and made everyone laugh a lot. He was an executive of "Homura", an old friend of Suoh, a weak but fluid person, who took care of his friends. For Yata, he was a person whom he sometimes considered a kind brother, and other times a good friend.
That person was killed.
The criminal is now in this school.
"Hey, hurry up, get a PDA!"
However, when he saw a couple of boys walking through that area, he grabbed their chests and they were terrified, the boys made a pitiful voice.
It's nice that Anna's skill revealed the criminal's whereabouts, but it seems like they have to go through a locked door to enter the school premises. Yata and Kamamoto knew they needed a school designated PDA for that purpose, and they were harassing the boys to get the pass.
"I'll give it to you! I'll give it to you, so please forgive me!"
"You should have been this honest from the beginning."
Yata exhaled through his nose and played with the PDA he had obtained.
"Can I come through with this? Sorry to copy you."
Yata turned his harsh gaze towards Kamamoto.
"Let's go."
Yata, along with Kamamoto, headed back to Gakuenjima's gate. Among them, there is a person who broke something important in Yata.
Yata stepped forward with a burning killing intent that was stronger than anger.
After being taken by Neko and returning to the classroom, the boy feels that the situation is strange.
Kuro quickly moved the needle and sewed the costume, looking at the boy.
The boy sits alone in the back seat of the classroom, gazing vaguely out the window. The expression is clearly shaded and the outward-facing eyes are out of focus to show that his heart is not here.
He's a nice guy so he's okay to float more when he found his alibi, but the glow was gone immediately after finding that in his room. Of course, the situation has not been resolved, so it would be a problem if that were discovered, but it is a strange time to put a serious face.
Currently, Kuro's comment about the boy was trying to settle down to the point that "I don't trust him, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy." He seems to be a person who loves this school and his friends.
"Kuro-kun is amazing! The seams are straight and very tight, although the sewing is very fast."
Kukuri looked at Kuro's hand and made his eyes shine. She is a very good, hard-working and kind girl. She was the type of person that Kuro respected.
"This is natural as Ichigen-sama's disciple."
"Kuro-kun, do you have a teacher? A sewing teacher?"
"No. Ichigen-sama was a swordsman and a master of life. Ichigen-sama was not only a kind and thoughtful person, but also a wonderful person who was familiar with all things. I am a swordsman because of Ichigen-sama. I learned various things like sumo wrestling, horseback riding, car, bicycle, helicopter, boat, etc., and studying for licenses, cooking, sewing, cleaning, tea ceremony, flower trail, fishing, dancing, and investment in dance. He faced me with one thing seriously and always led me harshly with a calm heart. Ichigen-sama's beautiful heart and profound culture are reflected in the haikus that Ichigen-sama sang, and I impregnate my heart with that. It is my Favorite moment listening to his haikus. Not only is the phrase wonderful, but the depth of his voice is exceptional as well."
When it comes to Miwa Ichigen, he gets a fever. The boy said something rude, like "annoyed", but Kukuri asked him with a smile. The student next door has a stern look, but Kuro decided that he couldn't hide his surprise from her because she was so versatile.
"Kuro-kun is interesting. I'm glad that Shiro-kun has a friend like Kuro-kun."
Unable to grasp the intention of Kukuri's words, Kuro bowed his head. In the first place, Kuro was not friends with the boy, and although he did not have a single life, the boy seemed like a person with many friends.
Kukuri lowered her eyebrows and laughed, pointing her eyes at the boy sitting vaguely in the distance.
"Shiro-kun is good friends with anyone, but it seems that no one can enter deep places, so I feel like one day he will go to some fluffy place alone, and I'm a bit worried. But Kuro-kun seems to enter Shiro-kun, and I'm relieved that you don't lose sight of Shiro-kun."
Kuro was confused by the words he heard. He was surprised by the boy's reputation, and "they" were not the friends he expected, on the contrary, in some cases he felt guilty for having to kill the boy.
"Kukuri! I have you!"
Before Kuro said anything, Neko hugged Kukuri from behind.
"Oh, that's right. Kukuri-san, let's give you a special super spicy rice cake."
Kukuri laughs and walks away from Kuro with Neko. When he saw his back and sighed, he turned to his hand. He cuts the thread with which he has sewn.
He folded the finished costume, he stood up and lined it up with the other costumes.
"Are they all costumes? Okay, then check yours and report immediately if the size doesn't fit."
When it comes to manpower, he looks at the group doing other work.
"What is the progress of the decoration?"
"A little more…"
"Okay. I'll join. There are other things I can do..."
Looking around, Kuro noticed a thread extending from Kukuri's sleeve trying to open the rice cake for Neko. As he walks silently, Kukuri mysteriously raises her face from him.
"What? Kuro-kun…"
"There is a tear in the elbow of the uniform."
"Oh, really. I wonder if I ripped it somewhere."
"By the way. I'll sew it up. Don't move from where you are."
When he pulled out his own needle and thread that he had been using earlier, he repaired a small tear around Kukuri's elbow. Looking at Kukuri that she got stuck while she was holding a bag of rice cake, Neko seems to be dissatisfied.
While sticking a needle into Kukuri's sleeve, Kuro again snooped towards the boy by the window.
Surrounded by sunlight, the boy looked strangely dreamy. He felt that he would melt into the light just as he was, and when he was poisoned by Kukuri's story, he changed his mind and retreated lightly.
"Isana Yashiro! How long will you be like this!"
"Shiro, he got mad!"
Neko was happy, probably because she wasn't really mad at his voice. Kukuri said to Kuro, who turned his attention from her to the boy, with the needle stuck in her sleeve, "Ah, Kuro-kun, please don't look away now!"
She raised a terrified voice.
The boy clears the look of disgust, changes his face and turns to them.
"Sorry. Well, what should I do?"
"Let's eat Senbe together!"
"I'm telling you to work!"
"Oh, Kuro-kun, please..."
After making a discordant voice, Kukuri suddenly changed her face.
"Oh, that's right. Shiro-kun, if you don't have anything to do, can I ask you a favor?"
Kukuri's request was a small purchase, primarily for the purchase of additional fireworks.
"Will you use them again?"
"Don't complain! Generally, when Shiro-kun was working yesterday, he missed some fireworks, right?"
The lost fireworks were probably used by the boy to evade the attackers from him. The boy seemed to have no words to answer, and he was cheating and laughing.
After her sleeve was repaired, Kukuri laughed happily "Thank you." and turned to everyone.
"Everyone! Shiro-kun will take care of it, tell him what you need!"
"Oh Shiro saved us! I'm running out of nail polish, so buy it!"
"Shiro-kun, can you buy me two purple threads?"
"I want potatoes! Consomme flavored!"
"I want chocolate and cookies! In a large bag of individually wrapped packages for everyone to share!"
"I want to eat ice cream!"
"The ice will melt!"
"Then bring me wool!"
"Take a receipt!"
"Wait, wait, I'll take a note now!"
Surrounded by colleagues, the boy writes on a piece of paper. The laughing boy in the middle of the crowd doesn't seem to disappear one bit, but something is trapped in Kuro's heart.
"Be careful, Shiro-kun. Please come back early!"
Kukuri laughed cheerfully and pushed the boy back, entrusting him with a general shopping mission.
When they accompanied the boy without a PDA and left the school by the back route without going through the gate, Kuro, the boy and Neko walked together across the connecting bridge. Neko was cheerful wanting to walk. As for the clothes, she put on the school girls uniform that she had worn in the morning, and when Neko ran, the hem of the short skirt fluttered.
Neko, who was walking while her interests changed from here to there, jumped onto the railing of the connecting bridge and happily looked at the landscape from there.
Kuro and the boy also stop.
The sea reflected the light and shone.
When he arrived, he ran down the street without looking around his due to his anger and his sense of mission, but when he looked at it like that, it was a truly beautiful sight.
As Kuro and the boy follow Neko and approach the parapet, the sea breeze blows gently and makes his hair flutter.
Looking at the calm and beautiful landscape side by side, he felt calm after a long time.
When he thinks about it, peace hasn't come to Kuro's heart since Miwa got sick. Miwa's death pushed Kuro into deep pain and a feeling of loneliness. Even so, the reason he stayed was because he made a promise to Miwa before he died. Defeat the evil "King". Determination to fulfill that last mission made him walk straight even after Miwa's death.
However, on the way, he was preparing for the festival with boys and girls of the same age, and relaxing with a mysterious boy, and Neko, looking out to sea.
"It’s beautiful."
He leaked from his mouth inadvertently. The boy leaning against the parapet looks at Kuro and laughs softly.
"Right? I also really like the view from here."
"Glitter killer!"
Following the boy, Neko said happily and took a deep breath.
"Shiro, let's finish soon and go home early!"
Neko laughs with her whole face. The boy also looked towards Gakuenjima with a warm smile somewhere in the shadow.
"Yes. Let's go home early. Kukuri is waiting for us."
For Fushimi Saruhiko, the moment his heart moved was extremely rare.
Most of the time, his emotions only move in the direction of irritation or disgust, and he has lived by cutting off most of the joy and sadness from him. He does what he is supposed to do, but most things are lazy and annoying. Additional involvement with others is the worst of all. He is not thrilled by his daily life.
It was partly due to the quirks of Fushimi's growing environment, because he stopped waiting for others early on, and because he left most of the world.
He met one of them and spent a few years with him, but in the end he broke it into pieces with his own hands, so he is not going to tell anyone.
Tatara Totsuka was killed, and the members of "Homura" who are angry are looking for the criminal, but Fushimi was still unmoved and participated in the search for the criminal, because that is Fushimi's job.
"Scepter 4" is different from "Homura", and adapts to Fushimi's character as he is. It wasn't a hassle to get the job done quickly without getting used to it.
However, situations where easy tasks cannot be accomplished quickly, and situations where incompetence becomes a silly obstacle and makes work difficult, is purely painful.
"I am very sorry for the sudden request, but I would appreciate your cooperation. I want to reiterate; we will not cause problems at your school."
"That's right, but... given the current age, revealing students' personal information is not correct."
In the reception room of Ashinaka School, the incompetent-looking headmaster and vice-headmaster give a clear answer as they get confused over Awashima's request.
Fushimi was taken by Awashima to the Ashinaka school, also known as Gakuenjima, which the "Yoshii" system identified as the criminal's hideout. Awashima's job was to persuade the directors, and Fushimi was waiting standing behind Awashima's chair, but he was tired of listening to the careless exchanges.
"I would like you to understand that we are willing to pass through the hands of the judiciary if necessary."
"No, that's…!"
"Yes. I don't want to complicate things as much as possible, so I would like to have voluntary cooperation."
"However, when it comes to searching for a student without knowing his name or class from all the students, it is not realistic to do it right now..."
Awashima's voice also begins to sharpen with irritation. However, the director kept trying to escape with an errant word, he wanted to avoid making a decision here. It was getting harder and harder to hear the silly conversations, and Fushimi looked out the window, letting their voices flow like a distant noise. The wind is strong, he watches the clouds slide and flow.
"Are you sure? This investigation is already a decision. If your school does not have the investigation capacity, we will do it for you."
"Are you going to do it? It's too overbearing."
"I don't want to be misunderstood, but I am not convincing them. I am explaining the situation to them and telling them to take appropriate action."
In Fushimi, this whole situation became irrelevant.
Fushimi turns his back on the exchange between the headmaster and Awashima, who was making noise.
Fushimi quietly escaped from the reception room when he looked at Akiyama and Benzai, who were lined up in a polite manner, and he touched Akiyama's shoulder with the intention of pushing the rest away. Awashima didn't even look at Fushimi, although she did notice.
He walked into a quiet hall with a light humor. Unlike the area where students walk, this building for teachers and foreigners is quiet. Fushimi took out the PDA and slid his finger from it to call the spokesperson for this school. He took a quick look and discovered that the student council room is the right place to fulfill his purpose. The student council room was located in the building across the courtyard from here.
As they exited the building, the soft light of the winter afternoon sun fell on Fushimi.
Contrary to Fushimi's mood, as he walks under the clear blue sky, Fushimi feels the area around his lips twitch and he notices the quiet irritation within himself.
The death of Tatara Totsuka. Suoh Mikoto's selfishness. The Weissman deviation of the "Red King". The "Colorless King" killing a member of the clan. The revenge of "Homura". The "King" who wants to invite the slaughter. Possible consequences.
Maybe Izumo Kusanagi understands it and is on the way, and Anna Kushina knows it. But the others would not know anything. Especially that boy.
Fushimi clicked his tongue and sped up.
When he got to the student council room, he opened the door a little and looked inside the room, there was only one student. A mature woman with braided hair tied next to her head.
Fushimi thought about what to do for a moment, but it became problematic to use an indirect hand and chose a direct means.
He closed the door again, knocked gently and moved his body to hide behind the door.
The door opened and the student appeared. Fushimi presses a medicine-soaked cloth against the student's mouth from behind her. The student who took the medicine lost consciousness and was bent over.
Fushimi lifted the student's body with minimal physical contact and carried her to the student council room. If he borrows her fingerprint to unlock the computer, he will have access to all the students' data. He connects his PDA with a cable and starts hacking.
Once he has full access rights to the campus network using the student council computer as a springboard, he can begin to match the faces of all students, teachers, secretaries, and all the people who belong to this school with the face of the criminal.
Fushimi also felt irritation burning inside his chest, looking at the automatic compilation work. Like static electricity, it is annoying and disturbs Fushimi's thinking.
When he sighed sharply, an electronic sound was heard and the screen showed a screen informing her that the job was finished and the result.
Looking at the screen, Fushimi raises his eyebrows and lifts his back from the back of the chair he was sitting on.
At that moment, he heard a familiar voice far away, outside the window.
"Look closely, don't look away, fool!"
The voice yelling at someone, as soon as it enters Fushimi's ears, it turns into something that bristles his skin and spreads all over his body.
Fushimi stood up, stuck his finger into the hole in the blind that covered the window, and looked outside.
The figure immediately jumped into Fushimi's eyes.
A student intertwines with two male students and is listening to their destiny. A boy with a skateboard under his arm and a beanie that would be more appropriate for a young man, a boy with a boyish look who is lifting a tight fit.
He can understand why they are there and what they are doing without asking. He remains straightforward and can only see what is in front of him.
He remembered irresistibility and destiny.
For Fushimi Saruhiko, the moment when his heart moves are extremely rare.
But now, Fushimi twisted his mouth into a smile, feeling shaken after a long time, as if to repaint the annoyance and little irritation he had felt a while ago.
It was okay to invade the school, but the Ashinaka school was so big that he thought it was stupid.
It is far from Yata's school image, which he thought was at best about the school building, the gymnasium, and the school grounds. Here is a clock tower, cafes, shops like supermarkets, fashionable open spaces, etc. It could be said that it was already a town.
Of course, there is not just one school building, but several school buildings are built in a relaxed way using a sprawling site, and there are other buildings such as a research building, a teacher building, a clubroom building, a dormitory room student, etc. There is greenery between them, a mysterious fashionable bronze statue and an arch with stained glass on the ceiling. It seems that the school festival is near and preparations for the festival are underway here and there.
Yata was stressed while he wandered around such a place while he listened to the murmurs.
"Hey, don't you know this guy?"
"Don't you know where this guy is?"
"Do you know this guy?!"
He asked randomly as he showed the photo of the criminal that he put on the PDA, but he never got a good reaction. They always shook their heads if they didn't know about it, or they were scared of Yata and ran away, and he couldn't find any clues.
As he bit the impatience and irritation with his back teeth, Yata searched for the next student to listen to him, and his footsteps became wild and steady.
"Please wait, Yata-san!"
Kamamoto, who had been left behind before he knew it, shook the giant body and reached for it. Yata clicked his tongue.
"Idiot! Go shopping and eating after asking."
"Yata-san, have you eaten? Did you rest? Since that day..."
He tried to tell him not to change the story, but Kamamoto's eyes on the back of the sunglasses seemed to be more serious than he expected, and Yata was a bit confused and then smiled.
"It's okay."
He has little awareness of whether he is eating or resting properly. If he is hungry, he will put something in his mouth, and if he is sleepy, he will sleep. But since that day, he certainly has felt less hungry and sleepy. He is addicted to the excitement of anger.
The sight of that cold ceiling revives in his mind. Blood spilled onto the concrete and the eyes lost light. Totsuka will never return.
He remembers the back of a man whom Yata respects more than anyone, stretching out his hands before the Blues and being captured without resistance. There is no way Yata knows what Suoh is doing now and what he thinks he is.
With that in mind, he doesn't really care about food or rest.
Yata turned his back on Kamamoto and started walking. He heard a small sigh behind him, but Kamamoto followed Yata without saying anything else.
The inside of his chest is noisy, and Yata searches for the next person to ask as he walks fast as if he's looking for a place to hit his feelings with nowhere to go.
Yata, who was impatient, kept asking with astonishing tenacity, but the results did not improve after all. When he wandered around the big school and asked in a half lost state because he did not know where he was, he felt like a small boat that had gone out in search of a sunken ship and was in danger.
"Hey, you guys! Look at this picture! Do you know this guy?"
When they found a couple of boys behind the school building and he hit the PDA screen like he was hitting the pent-up frustration, they made an openly scared face. Yata clicked his tongue, saying this guy will scare people just by talking to them.
"I do not know..."
The boy said backing away, but it was clear that he was looking for an escape route and not looking directly at the screen.
"Look carefully!"
When Yata asks, the boys' eyes escape even more.
"You've averted your eyes right now, huh? Oh! Do you know this guy?"
"I do not know!"
"I do not know..."
Faced with the guys trying to escape at any moment, "Where is he?" Yata asked, and put his hand on his shoulder from behind.
Kamamoto grabbed Yata by the shoulder and shook his head.
Yata clicked his tongue and turned away from the student, who was leaning forward with his forehead down. Seeing Yata settled, the two boys fled as if rolling.
"Is it a dead end again? I'm angry."
"Yata-san, you can't help it. This place seems to be huge."
"Shut up!"
Biting Kamamoto, who makes a terrifying voice, Yata takes off from the front and starts walking.
"I don't want to delay another second. I will avenge Totsuka-san's death."
Yata told him to ask in a lower voice. At that moment, he heard a small woman cry.
When he rolled his eyes, he saw two schoolgirls, looking at Yata and Kamamoto standing in a way that was clearly inappropriate for this school, and huddled together.
Yata was openly scared.
He may be strong against men, but he is not good at dealing with women. A woman is a different creature from a man, who hurts himself quickly and he does not know what she is thinking. He's not good at knowing what kind of attitude he should have. Yes, he is not good at understanding it, but he is aware of women and gets nervous. Yata insisted on his heart.
"Ah, you there! Come here for a moment. I have something to ask you!"
Ignoring Yata's feelings, Kamamoto called out to the two schoolgirls with a lot of pressure. Being called out by a standing giant with blonde hair, a beard and glasses, the schoolgirls get more and more scared.
"No, oh, that..."
"Ah? What is this? I'm just saying there is something I want to ask you..."
Without saying anything until the end, Yata hit Kamamoto's head with a fist. Kamamoto makes a plaintive voice.
"Hey, don't scare the girls like that! I'll punish you."
He was so upset that his voice changed. Yata turned to the girls with a flushed face.
"Hey, sorry, that was wrong..."
He intended to act like a gentleman to the best of his ability, but when Yata screamed, the female students finally fled with a frightened voice that they could not bear.
Yata lets them go, and then slams Kamamoto's head next to him to shake off the awkwardness.
"Gya! Please forgive me, Yata-san."
"Shut up! I always tell you not to threaten a woman!"
"No, I haven't raised my hand... First of all, Yata-san, you've only asked the boys all this time."
"To find a boy you must ask other boys!"
When Yata said that, Kamamoto made an exaggerated gesture. When Yata clenched his fist again to hit him again, a voice that touched the most sensitive part of his nerve slipped into Yata's ear.
"It feels like the virgin is exposed as usual."
The moment he recognized that voice, Yata's head turned white.
It was a very familiar voice and, at the same time, very distant.
Yata slowly shakes his head and looks back at the sight that he feels like he's shaking.
First, the toes of the boots came into view. Looking up, he saw an abominable blue uniform and a saber with a blue scabbard at the waist. AND…
A face with a murmuring smile. From the other side of the black-rimmed glasses, his familiar eyes stare at Yata.
Fushimi Saruhiko, a man who is now a member of "Scepter 4" and was once Yata's partner, was there.
A voice containing rumors flows from Fushimi's thin lips, which form an undistorted smile, and entwines with Yata.
"It's a strange situation. How is this? Ah, Anna. But Kusanagi-san can't let you listen to this recklessly. Misaki lost control without permission? Seriously, as always."
Perhaps by the way, he said the first name of him and of Yata's close friends. Throwing those friends, their spirits, into messing with them was annoying.
"Shut up! Don't call me casually! Don't feel free to talk about my friends! Traitor!"
Fushimi laughed deep in his throat.
"It couldn't be helped. After all, I am of a different race than Misaki and the others. It was inevitable to leave."
"Ah! You are not wrong about that. You are different from us!"
"Yata-san...! If you make noise in a place like this..."
Kamamoto inserts a frustrated voice between Yata and Fushimi, who are filled with tingly air. However, Fushimi behaved as if he hadn't seen Kamamoto's existence.
"By the way, Misaki. How did you sneak in here?"
"Ah? It's none of your business."
"The security level here is high. Where is your pass? Show me, Misaki."
"It's none of your business! Don't call me by my name, you make me sick!"
Fushimi also makes a catchy laugh.
"Oh, that's right, you hate being called by that name right?"
Fushimi locked eyes at Yata. His lips move slowly as in slow motion and a moist, sweet, audible voice is exhaled.
"Mi... sa... ki..."
Something snapped in Yata's head.
A fiery red light seeps from Yata's body as if anger is overflowing with a physical form.
"You asked for it..."
Fushimi lifted the edge of his mouth.
"Yata-san! This is not good! Remember what Kusanagi-san said, don't let Mikoto-san have been captured in vain! What good would fighting that monkey do?"
The word "Mikoto-san" affects the feelings and power of Yata, which he is about to attack. Yata managed to restrain his furious fist with desperate self-control.
"Mikoto-san, huh?"
The tone of Fushimi's voice becomes lower and the laugh becomes darker. It was a voice that lurked with malicious intent, and Fushimi's sheer irritation.
"He seems to have lost his bearing on him, right? After all, he decided to give himself up. I guess it means he has matured. You should learn from him, Mi… sa… ki…"
Yata was filled with an icy rage, which was the exact opposite of the rage that had blood on his head, making him feel cold and icy.
Insult Suoh. Fushimi's mouth said it, no one else.
Yata took a deep breath and threw down the skateboard he was holding. The skateboard turns vertically and falls into a position waiting for Yata to get on. He didn't want to take anything anymore. He hears Kamamoto's impatient voice in the distance, "Yata-san!"
"Saru... You are going to die!"
Yata barked.
Fushimi laughs and touches the handle of the sword.
"Fushimi, ready for an emergency battle."
As Fushimi drew his sword, Yata put one foot on the skateboard and kicked the ground. The red light that overflows from his body turns into a flame and is directed towards Fushimi.
Fushimi lightly avoided Yata's rush with a laugh. Yata spins his skateboard without killing the momentum with which he jumped, increasing the output of the flame.
The flame that rises from the body swirls and becomes a bright red pillar that stretches to the heavens. At his feet, the wheels of the skateboard with the power of Yata sandwiched the tiles on the surface of the street.
Yata, who turned into a swirling pillar on fire, approaches Fushimi again. Fushimi turned the sword with a smile and inserted it into the swirling flame with the tip of the blue light.
As the blade was soft and flexible and entered the column of flame, Fushimi took a deep breath. The power of the blue poured from Fushimi's body onto the sword in one go, scraping away Yata's flame and scattering it.
Yata and Fushimi's eyes were intertwined as the red and blue colors mixed and danced. Fushimi's eyes seemed to be a mixture of pleasure and murder, and some emotions that Yata couldn't read.
Yata jerked it off him, focused the flames on his hardened fist and struck him down. Fushimi avoids Yata's fist with his sword, grabs his arm with a blue barrier, and stops him.
Fushimi is familiar with Yata's movements and fighting style. It was uncomfortable to realize that, and Yata enthusiastically jumped up on his skateboard and launched a nosedive attack. Fushimi received the bottom of Yata's skateboard with the sword from him.
Yata's skateboard and Fushimi's sword fight each other, and Fushimi raises the sword, deflecting the trajectory of Yata's power. However, just before being played, the skateboard wheel scraped off Fushimi's sword. His glasses flew off.
Fushimi, who exposed his true face, narrowed his eyes and looked at Yata, narrowing the distance with the lightness of taking steps, and extended his sword.
Yata jumped to avoid the sword. He flips high as he is, and at the same time he lands, he attacks again.
A fist like a bullet of fire. Kicking with the body on fire. If it's just a knife, it can be defeated, but there is also Fushimi's sword, which uses the power of blue that also serves as a barrier.
Fushimi attacked Yata. A blue light like fluttering phosphorescence. Yata leaped like a small animal and withdrew as he avoided a gentle but violent push, and used the skateboard as a folding shield.
The eyes of the two meet.
When they looked at each other they felt something emotional, and Yata kicked Fushimi down as if to shake him, and he too jumped on the skateboard and came down from behind.
"Ke, you're not as good as before, Saru!"
Fushimi laughed at Yata's provocation with just a sigh. He slowly lifts the glasses that have fallen to the ground and puts them back on.
"No... I'm stronger. Much stronger than before."
"Silly stuff!"
Yata kicks the ground again. He coiled the flames all over his body, kicked the back of the skateboard with his left foot, and jumped high.
Fushimi catches Yata attacking from above with his sword.
After taking action for a short time, Yata jumps once with Fushimi's sword power that can be repelled, regains his position, and charges immediately.
He remembered that he was rushing too much when he was next to Fushimi. However, stupid or not, Yata's haste has set in motion what is in front of him. Fushimi used to follow Yata running aside, but that is no longer necessary. Yata has both power and stamina. He doesn't need to be smart. He will push everything with just force.
He engulfed him with a fist engulfed in flames. Fushimi dodged Yata's attack or defended himself with the power of blue, but his legs slowly fell back.
Yata laughed at Fushimi, who was being pushed passively.
"What's the matter, Saru?"
Suddenly, Fushimi's mouth made a smile.
Fushimi flashes his left hand from the position where Yata becomes a blind spot. He sees a flying red light.
Yata opens his eyes to the red color that Fushimi gives off, and the reaction is delayed. The red light from "Homura" ignited Fushimi's knife that pierced Yata's shoulder.
The first thing he felt was heat, not pain.
When he realized it was a sensation of fire, Yata hit and rolled on the ground. He hears Kamamoto's impatient voice saying "Yata-san!"
Frowning, Yata grasps the right shoulder from which the knife is sticking out.
The burning pain from the wound pulses according to the heartbeat.
Yata removed the knife from his shoulder and gritted his teeth.
This knife is familiar to Yata. Originally, Fushimi was darker. Fushimi mainly used to throw knives as a weapon when he was in "Homura". Yata looked closely many times as if this knife had the power of red.
But now, Yata was completely surprised that Fushimi used a knife with the same red power that he used back then. He can tell that he was scared.
Distorted by anger and the feeling of wanting to cry for some reason, Yata crawls across the ground and covers himself.
Fushimi looked at Yata with a smile.
"Didn't I tell you? I left Suoh and got stronger. This is the test!"
The sword from "Scepter 4" that houses blue light and the knife he used in the "Homura" era that houses red light.
Looking at Fushimi, who is holding both colors, Yata's head was boiling.
"Ah, two colors?"
Kamamoto said in a frustrated voice and stepped out, perhaps trying to protect the fallen Yata.
However, the foot stops in one step. A bright red Fushimi knife flew in and stabbed into Kamamoto's feet. At that moment, the red power in the knife explodes and the column of fire rises. Kamamoto falls on his butt.
"Stay out of the way, I'm not interested in small fish!"
Yata staggered to his feet, staring at Fushimi's profile, who screamed at the impulse to change his voice.
"Saru is right… Stay out of this."
He grabs the knife stuck in his shoulder. Fushimi's red power burned Yata's palm. Regardless of the burning pain, he pulled the knife out hard and threw it.
The flames that were once shared as a partner are hurting Yata. Attacks of the same color are difficult to defend. Even if the blue power can be blocked by the red power, the same red power cannot be well noticed. It is the power of friends, not the ones that originally clashed.
Yata was unable to forgive Fushimi, who used that power as a tool while he was wearing a blue uniform. The more he felt the pain in his shoulder and the more aware he was of the heat of the blood flowing from him, the more his fighting spirit burned.
"Saru, don't get excited just because you have those powers. Do you intend to conquer this country?"
"I'm not interested in the vulgar things in the world. I'm interested i ..."
Fushimi distorted his face. His pupil opens behind his glasses.
"Blood and flesh."
Yata clasped his hands into his fists and screamed from the bottom of his stomach. He blew up a flame to squeeze all the power from the core of the body.
He looked directly at Fushimi. If he hits all the power he has now and knocks him down, that's all Yata has, and he can't see other scenarios.
Looking at Yata, Fushimi laughed with satisfaction.
Fushimi holds the sword. Yata, who has turned into a mass of flames, kicks the ground to hit Fushimi.
He didn't care if he died or killed.
At that moment, a cold, sharp blue wind blew and tore between the hot Yata and Fushimi.
I heard the anger of a woman.
When he looked, a woman dressed in blue was standing there with her two subordinates. Seeing her holding a sword in her right hand, he knows that blue breeze was a power cut from hers blue hers.
The wind it produced scattered the flames of Yata and the hot air between them.
Seri Awashima, a lieutenant from "Scepter 4", a blue-clad woman with an outstretched back, declared it again and sent an attentive glance at Fushimi.
"Fushimi, put your sword away, what are you doing? Where do you think you are?"
Awashima's cut seemed to have dissipated the damp heat that Fushimi was wearing, and Fushimi turned around with a fake smile on his face.
Awashima lowered her eyebrows, but she did not repeat any more words to Fushimi and turned her eyes to Yata.
"Misaki Yata, a member under the command of the "Red King". The captain of the "Homura" team who controls the skateboard, and you answer to the name of Yatagarasu."
He didn't feel bad about being called by two of his favorite names, and Yata snorted and laughed.
"I know you too. Seri Awashima, the right arm of the "Blue King". Call me a ruthless woman."
Awashima had an indescribable look, as if she was angry and stunned.
"I think that name was probably said by the owner of the bar, right?"
"Anyway, it is a fact that I cannot ignore that you are here, but unfortunately it is too great a disadvantage to be here now. What if you guys postpone the meeting?"
"He was the one who started it."
"Yes? Maybe I was not clear. You are going to postpone a meeting, understood? Is that better?"
Yata looked wryly at Awashima, who was like a teacher, with only one corner of his mouth raised.
"I have no intention of obeying a Blue."
Kamamoto called out in a voice trying to stop him, but he ignored it and continued proudly. He thought that retreating just because these Blues appeared would make "Homura" look bad.
"Your king…"
Suddenly, Awashima's voice seemed to be soft. Yata's shoulder shuddered at the words.
"All he does is complain about the food, but he finishes it and goes to sleep. I'm totally blown away."
He felt him being pushed hard in the chest.
Suoh seems to be Suoh and he's fine. He was so relieved that he wanted to cry over that fact, and he felt his strength gradually increase.
Awashima smiled at Yata when he accidentally muttered. At that face, he suddenly felt uncomfortable when he remembered that Awashima, whom he had only thought of as an "enemy", was a woman.
"Let's go."
He turns around to hide his flushed face from her and starts walking with Kamamoto.
As he walked, Yata looked back just once. Fushimi kept his sword down and turned, not even looking at Yata. Yata clicks his tongue bitterly and turns to the front.
His injured right shoulder was annoying.
"Do you have something to say?"
Awashima said in a very calm and simple voice.
"I'm sorry."
Fushimi made an apology, but it was neither an apologetic voice nor an apologetic tone.
However, Awashima forgave Fushimi's attitude as if it didn't matter.
"So how did it go?"
Awashima asked.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb. You accessed the school's data anyway, right?"
Fushimi was struck by the void for a moment and blinked, realizing that he was discovered.
His thoughts and actions were read by Awashima, it made him feel a bit interesting and he evaluated.
His head went cold because he faced Yata, and his emotions that trembled after a long time settled in the original place, and his head switched to working mode.
"How is he? Is that boy a student from here?"
The result of the collection of data from school officials hacked from the computer in the student’s council room revives in Fushimi's mind.
No applicable person.
After matching with the photo of the criminal's face, the system concluded that.
"The suspect is not enrolled in this school."
Yata thought it was done.
It was Yata who insisted, "I'll just ask one more person!", shaking Kamamoto, who was persuaded to go home after first aid treatment for the wound on his right shoulder that was stabbed with a knife.
He was wondering if he could go home empty-handed, and he was so upset that he had that conversation with Fushimi that he didn't feel like coming home, and he was worried about Yata. It was also because Kamamoto is stubborn, he would tell Yata to go home as if he was trying to calm his son down.
Yata then stopped a group of students passing by without even looking at the other person's face before being stopped by Kamamoto.
However, in that group, it was a female student who stopped in response to Yata's voice. The skirt of the Ashinaka high school uniform fluttered, and the hair cut with an ornament on the side swayed.
He stopped a woman. Yata was afraid to notice. On the other hand, the student who stopped didn't seem to be scared of Yata and tilted her head with a clean face.
He can't run away, Yata averted his eyes from her so as not to make eye contact with her, but pushed forward the image of the criminal boy that was displayed on the PDA.
"I'm looking for... this guy... have you seen him?"
The schoolgirl looks at the boy in the picture.
"Kukuri! We will get ahead of ourselves!"
A student who seems to be friends with her spoke to her from a distance. The girl named Kukuri looked at her friend, replied "Oh, yeah!", and then turned to Yata.
"I'm sorry."
Kukuri said with an apologetic bow.
"Do not know him."
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mythykl · 4 years
UNSPOKEN,, *todoroki x (f) reader
Genre : fanfic, smut *aged up* (shoto is imagined to be 21yo or something,, and reader as 19yo)
rating : explicit, NSFW, 17+
Warning : fingering, oral?? todo is pretty horny overall. starts w a pretty intense bg story, so you gotta read through all that to get to the good stuff. cool.
words?? idk, it’s pretty lengthy tho.
our todoboi is a pretty lovin’ bf in here.
Tumblr media
“I’m really sorry for yesterday, Y/N. I-I did’n-”
You clench your fists as you sit on the couch beside him, and interrupt, “Whatever it is- save it, I don’t blame you to begin with. I-I’m just mad. I’d spent almost a week for that chapter, to give justice and bring perfection in what I wanted to put across to the readers. Well- its not even about the time; I had thought through it so much, and atlas thought of typing it out yesterday- I mean- whatever crap that I had even written, I was proud of that- until,, your ignorant ass decided to show up in the room and fuckin’ switched off the computer assuming it’s already logged off, o-or whatever. You could’ve at-at least- fuck-” yup ya ass is livin’ in the worst nightmare of a writer, stay steady
You of course cried, and even threw a tantrum for an hour or so once you realized what had happened. But primarily, you were just mad- mad at yourself for not saving that damn file, and even at him cuz ofc. 
Todoroki certainly didn’t take it well, since he is sad at present, and can’t even look in your eyes. He apologized multiple times since last night and had even prepared a breakfast for you before leaving for work; on the other hand, you haven’t even answered to his appeals yet with clarity.
Out of the blue you just cup his cheeks, making him instantly look up- at you, and then get up with an audible sigh, “Go get ready, I’ll prepare our dinner by then.” That gesture somehow took him aback. 
He gets up instantly and blurts out in confusion, “I d-didn’t expect you to prepare a dinner for me, and on top of it- wait for me so we can have it together. You should’ve ate already, it’s almost midnight.”
You turn back to him, walking towards him to hold his hands, "I honestly don’t know what to reply. My heart- just thought it is the right thing to do that; one mistake isn’t enough to just hate you all of a sudden, Shoto. Moreover we are talking about this, it’s not like you’re being arrogant or things are left unsaid- and you’re genuinely sorry. I can see that in your eyes. I’m just- I don’t know. I’m depressed a bit- yes, but it can’t be helped now. I need some time to think, maybe.” 
Little did you know that your kind words pricked him like thousands of tiny needles against his skin. He loves you, and however seemingly ‘small’ mistake this might be, he hates himself for hurting you- the person he loves so dearly. He thinks of his mother, his complicated family life- which had made him seemingly unemotional. You were one of the people to break through that forged cold wall. He had finally accepted you as his reality than his mere escapism and live with you, but here he is- bringing tears and fueling anger in you, like a good for nothing- just like his father.
After a slight pause, he just busts his arms open and pull you close to him, in his warm embrace, “What did I possibly do to deserve such an angel?” He almost whispers in his beautiful voice.
An angel? 
“So talented, pretty, wonderful, real and warm. Remember. I love you. No matter what. I always will. And I respect you- your passion, interests, talent, likes and dislikes, freedom, strengths-weakness, your work, happiness- everything. Throw all the tantrums you want and cry all you want- more than just agreeing and being there for you- I’ll always make sure I understand you first. I’m sorry for being so ignorant lately.”
It may seem as if he’s crying, but he’s not. He said all that with a tough stance and gratefulness in his tone, a faint disbelief of having you as his significant other. While you just stood there, in surprise. You aren’t oblivious to his past and his journey through it. Is he blaming himself? or Is he again thinking that he doesn’t deserve happiness?- you’re at the loss of words and a mind fumbling all over the place. You simply subside the chaos, and hug him back. 
“We’re definitely working, Todoroki. Understanding each other more than just being in love- something that many fail to do. Isn’t this great?” You at last blurt out.
“Yes. I guess,” he says as he detaches himself from you, “I’ll be right back- until then, read what I’ll send you as you have dinner. Gonna sound stupid of me- but I already had dinner at office. I assumed that you’d not prepare a meal for me and- would be asleep by now as well.”
“Wow icyhot, I’m mad at you even more now,” you say playfully as you walk towards the kitchen.
“Save it. You would be saying that for the millionth time now,” you chuckle as you grab your phone, lying on the dinner table.
Before serving your food, you decide to see the text, only to find an attachment with a rather strange message- ‘Hey, here’s an headcanon for chapter 37, that I wrote. Enjoy.’
Wait did he- read your wattpad book? And moreover, came up with a theory to what might happen in the ne- next chapter.
Nice. jk. Ofc you lost your shit
For the sake of getting back to senses, you legit do the deep breathing shit- which your therapist always recommended you to do.
Now what?
You serve yourself some noodles instantly, since you don’t feel hungry anymore, rush to the dining table and start chomping on the cold noodles as you open the attachment.
What made you almost throw up was that the mention of word counts. Which is 3k by the way, though no where near how much you usually write.
Shoto is definitely not the kinda guy to have read any wattpad books, or more specifically even have come across the word 'headcanon’.
He probably noticed how you mention it as well at the end, but decided to put it in the beginning,, for god knows what reason?? Or, he did decide to go through the fanons- which your readers’ posts on tumblr. This eases your nervousness, you clearly urge for more.
You swipe down, reading furiously fast, yet scanning every word and sentence- atleast twice. The chapter, honestly, was mediocre. He had ideas but couldn’t put them across- with excessive repetition of words, but he is almost close to-
“Honey, are you done?” Todoroki’s voice almost scares you. You look at your bowl ready to grab another bite- but you had already finished the meal.
“Earth to Y/N. Don’t tell me my words were that mesmerizing,” he says with a smile as he rubs his hair with a towel.
“Let’s be honest, though you don’t have the talent of a writer, your idea was- kinda similar to mine. What I’m sayin is that you almost. GOT. IT. RIGHT. Well, kuro did spy on KAORI’S house that unfaithful night, and he didn’t have any sources as such, which does mean that he is hiding his real quirk- but, no- I’m not telling you more than that.”
“Since you already know that I read all your chapters, and did like the book- I certainly can’t wait to understand why KURO would possibly do that.”
You just smirk off his curiosity; “You gotta wait boy,” you say as you as you walk back to kitchen counter with your bowl. Todoroki marches behind you to grab the cleaning cloth to clean the table, as you do the dishes.
“Put that towel in the washing machine, please.”
“Yup,” you almost feel an ounce of happiness in his reply. After he closes the machine’s door, you at last ask, "So what are your thoughts?“ It has never been one of you expectations for the people to you read your books or even, praise you for writing, but a review wouldn’t hurt, would it?
"Uhh- well, I love how everything is now just coming together, as one can foreshadow that the book’s gonna end. The use of words was elegant, and the plot is bewitching. Has been a while since I even read anything in thriller, that too- this good. Fuck. Reading kaori’s point of view just the day before the murder was- unbelievable. And characters, they all are just great.”
That is indeed a Todoroki kinda explanation. 
“Wow you did read all of tha-” but before you could complete your statement, shoto just grabbed your hips and stood tall behind you, now speaking in an extremely low tone, “And not to mention- the first sex between Kaori and Braun, it literally was like the depiction of ours. Except, they were awkward and slow, we weren’t.”
You pause. what took over him all of a sudden?
He continues, “That gave me a whole another perspective to what sex really means, and moreover what intimacy mean to you. It was.. surreal. Reading it, was as if- I’m living through that afternoon again, but with more emotions, and a bit more of you.”
“It’s not like I’ve explored much to actually wri-”
 “Oh, is that so?”
“I’m not complaining, of course, but these are the moments I believe must be left to cherish and our intimate times just feel more- sacred to me like this??” Sigh, “Ugh. Now, how do I explain?” Well, that is true, even though Todo and you’ve dated for almost two years now, it was just four months ago that you lost your virginity with him, on your nineteenth birthday. 
He had already lost his with the previous girl he was with. Though he never implied, it felt as if you were obliged to do it for him, due to your own insecurities. Once he got to know that, his reaction was nothing as what you had thought. He said that he loved you, and such things are nothing related to love; that sex is overrated, and continued on saying dorky yet adorable stuff like- cuddling was much better and what not. Since then, you had sex with him just thrice. None of you were really against this unspoken agreement, to not have-
Wait, an unspoken agreement?
You instantly feel like an hypocrite, since you had just claimed to have nothing unspoken between you both.
Sudden a sharp pain in the skin of your neck brings you back to reality. Shoto is sucking on your skin, kissing ever so lightly. As if marking you.
An audible morn escape your parted lips as the bowl just falls on the kitchen sink. Todoroki leans forward and simply closes the tap and whispers, “So you do like to be 'submissive’, don’t you? Had this discovery while reading one of your books, 'Starless nights’.”
The exact book for which you had to watch vintage porn to make the chapters with intercourses more sensual and intresting.
Again, taking you by surprise, he simply turns you around as you continue stare at the ground with your hands wet, in front of you like dog’s pow.
“So I assume you liked my headcanon.”
“Yup; was much better than the crap I write, let’s go to-” but you’re interrupted-
“Now baby, we both know you’re the better writer, and that you just lied.”
“That was sarcas-” but he just pulls you closer and spanks you hard. You hiss as the pain spreads all over your butt cheeks.
“Never interfere, Y/N.” Wait wut-
Your immediate reaction was biting your lips- is he saying the words from the book? Not exactly inacting them but attempting to set a similar atmosphere, which you lowkey craved for in your wildest dreams.
“Since I’ve anyways taken this unspoken, unofficial oath of keeping you happy and stuff, now why not help you with some satisfaction- with all those juices flowing down your-”
You suddenly push him back and blurt while blushing hard, “Stop with this teasing and aw- awkward co- conversations todoroki! Fuckin’ juices, seriously? I’m not co- comfortable with-”
But then, you notice his right hand in your shorts. Or more like the sheer coldness against you clit, almost like there’s ice against it. When did his hand go in there? You end up clenching his T-shirt, as you jolt up on your toes.
“You. Clearly. Want. This. Don’t. You.” Suddenly, he pulls his hand out as he grabs your ass tight as he pulls you even further. Then, he brings his hand up to the height of you face and simply starts stares at the dampness on his fingers, “Wetter than I suspected." 
Now behold the unbelievable.
He keeps staring at his fingers, opens his mouth as he places his fingers into them and suck it as you watch this piece of art in awe.
"Can’t believe that I had you like- just thrice before this. You do live up to what I usually call you, honey.” He continues, “I hope you’ve noticed my creativity as well, as i used my coldness to.. nudge it.”
“You’re being quite quirky today, aren’t you?” This statement just makes him go still, and the next second he’s found laughing. His deep voice, almost reverberating in the silent room. He steps back, brings one hand to his face as he looks down and continues to laugh. The mere sight of him in this way gives you so much warmth, this is the moment you realize that this is the true home. With him.
When he finally looks up, the mere sight of you blushing so hard makes him lose his composure again, but this time it’s a nervous laugh. 
Approaching closer, you set your hands on his torso and continue, “That was quite execrable pun to chortle at, we were doing excellent just now-” but in reply, he simply cups his hand around your cheeks and say, “Shit y/n. You’re going to be the death to me,” and continues grinning like an airhead.
Why is he being annoying now? After so much sexual tension, how can he stop? In midst of you cursing yourself in your head, he leans at your height and kisses you.
Finally being out of patience, you look at the ground and stutter, “Ca-can we do i-it al-alrea-”
“Quite frankly, I’d like if you stay quiet, you shall take what I’ll give you, right?”
You look up immediately into his beautiful heterochromic eyes and say without any further doubts with a smirk, “Go ahead, Shoto, who am I to deny?”
“Sedective. umm, I like that.” he smirks too.
“Know that I love you,” and that’s it. Within one second, his hands are in your hair and his face is buried in your neck, digging deeper into you, as if uprooting releasing your soul from your body.
Skin glistening on your collar bone now and colours warming up on your cheeks, you whimper under his dominance, as he squeezes your waist and lightly nips against your shoulder. You shiver, with pretty evident  goosebumps, in spite of the heat you both bear at this point. 
Your breath gets hitched in your throat as he moves inwards below your collarbones. while his hands rest on your waist. You involuntarily climb a bit on him, intending to close the gap, but more to feel his manhood against you. Your hands firmly on his shoulders, almost pushing him back- maybe because it’s too much pleasure to feel at once. 
At another rise of your hips, Todoroki places his hand on your waist and pushes you back down, “Easy, easy princess,” he mummers before getting back to fiercely kissing me. You run your fingers through his hair, as you body slowly commences to accept an indeed new experience bombarded at you. 
Suddenly, you remember something. In heist, you shove him back and say, “Wait! We need to wash our hands- I- I mean we have just did chores. Well, at least partially and I need to wash myself- I mean I’m clean,” but then you stop to look at him just to find him in utter shock. 
“Shoto! I mean I want this but hygiene is impor- fuck. I’m. Such. A. Boner. Killer. Ain’t I?”
“Point made.” Todoroki picks you up in bridal style and rushes towards the bathroom.  for some reason i thought of adding this,, lmao
“Wait what-?”
“No time to waste.”
This makes you giggle a bit. You wash yourself while he as well washes his hands, and you practically pull him out of the bathroom, grab him by his collar and kiss him deeply as his hands slowly move up and down, feeling your torso- flesh untouched due to s mere knit. 
His hand unapologetically moves to the hem of your sweater, and further inside; but within one move of his, you stood there shivering, exposed. 
Immediately, you move forward in order to close the distance between you and shoto out of nervousness. His eyes drop down to your heaving chest and you’re painfully aware of that.
“Don’t. Don’t hide,” he mutters, grabbing a hold of your hands and locking them behind with one of his own for you to stay still; as he slides his other in your shorts. You feel his gentle hand running down the slit.
“Honey you’re dripping wet, what have i done to this innocence?” It seems that he expected a reply, but you didn’t. You just couldn’t. He then pulls the other hand to you face, diving in for yet another passionate kiss- accompanied by a battle of tongues this time. You are going breathless, but he refuses to move away.
The creasing in your folds level up to three fingers now,. He isn’t generous anymore, with aggressive circles in there, he finally commands, “Say my name.” 
“Sho-shoto.” Your moans only fuel in his lust and desires, his want, an indeed selfish want to have you all for himself, to offer the utmost satisfaction.
He pushes a finger into you as you instinctively let out a small breath hold his busy arm with both of your hands. This makes him push you against the wall with his free hand.
“M-my legs, it’s going numb,” on hearing this, he removes his own shirt and slightly repositions himself, with one hand now on the waist and the other back in there. He kisses your forehead as you look down, unable to keep up with his pace.
That’s when the coldness returns.
 “I- ah- can we ge-get to the bed first?” Your stuttered words only results in a widened smile from him. He is enjoying the sight, clearly in love with the effect he has on you. His head shakes, further sliding another finger inside you, “You can do it baby. You’re taking it all in without questioning.”
You nod quickly, as you start climb up a bit again. In return, he slowly curls his fingers- more and more with each passing second making you almost cry out this time, “Please n-no, this is too intense for me.”
“Yet my princess didn’t make Braun stop after that, I read in somewhere that Kaori secretly wished for him to not stop even if she said so. Just go on.”
You didn’t know how to come back at it, because it is true. You want your Shoto to push those limits you’ve set for himself, and you’d as well be fine if he simply throws off you cliff at this point. 
“Now now, spread your legs y/n.” 
Did he say something? You couldn’t listen. With eyes rolled back, you can’t comprehend anything to begin with.
“SPREAD YOU LEGS or else I won’t play nicely.” You’re eyes shoot up, and find his already searching for yours; before leaning in and gently kissing you. Your legs not being shut anymore, todo takes the opportunity, making his finger get stuffed deeper. His two digits start moving faster and harder, pounding against your walls- all while he feels you squirm to slow down.
“You can take it hun’,” he definitely knows what he’s doing, and you’re totally in for it. “Y-yes,” you moan softly. This is when he slides in a third finger, now really making you scream.
You attempt to gasp and struggle to stand, but then he says,”Stay,” as you unknowingly slide down the wall. Your nails dig in the skin of his back as you try to stable your stance on your tip toes yet eventually, your legs give out on you.
Suddenly, you feel him hit a spot which just pulls something inside your stomach. Todoroki on the other hand, notices your unusual hitched breath and starts hitting the SAME. EXACT. SPOT.
His free hand goes to the back and around your waist, holding you evermore tightly so that you won’t hurt yourself.
“I feel- like that- again-,” you manage to blurt.
“Like what?”
“Like pe-peeing, b-but different. Just like th-the last time we-”
He simply smirks, “We what?” He sighs and growls in your ear, “Is princess gonna squirt for me?”
Your body shudders against him as you moan his name, again and again, “Shoto, I-I-”
“That’s it. Squirt for me y/n,” with that he removes his hand entirely for one second, only to push two digits inside again, now thirsting harder and curling tighter; with his thumb against you slit. His hand grows even more colder, almost stinging down there, making you restless. 
He watches you open your mouth and moan loudly, as his hand only gets wetter, feeling you squirt against his hand. You shake hard in his hold. He doesn’t let you go. A tear escapes you eyes, but simply doesn’t seem to care,”Shoto, for some reason I-I feel s-so great wi-with yo-,” but you are interrupted as he shoves you further against the wall , sliding down your shorts and undergarment, again with three fingers in.
“That’s my good girl,” he praises you while curling those fingers inside and then removing them together. He further continues, “seems like you’re ready,“ as he rubs the wetness inside the slit, giving special attention to your clit.
Saying that, he kneels down, now facing lower abdomen and plants a kiss over there. You simply look down at him, still struggling to balance, searching for even a slightest hint to know what is there to come.
Maybe he’ll stand up an carry you to the bed? or How about making him feel better this time?
But then, his face smashes his face on your dampness; almost attempting to bury in it as he holds you up and pushes. your legs apart. You clearly know where this is going, todoroki will be showing no mercy whatsoever.
"That wasn’t even the start honey,” he confesses in midst of you moans and begs for him to go slow. It doesn’t hurt anymore as much as it gives an unbearable form of pleasure.
You moan and whimper, yet he continues to suck in your clit. You can feel a finger inside, or maybe two, as they go in and out. Practically shattering you all at once while fusing you once for all.
Your hand travel its way to his hair. Ruffled enough to make the red and the white parts almost indistinguishable.
Oh dear.
Though your eyes are close, hands are fumbling around for support and legs are strictly held in place by Shoto, yet you can feel his tongue moving. As if in patterns, not that you could figure out. It either went in for an eight or just licked off entirely as one does while eating an icecream. You moan his name again and again, the same sensation building up block by block as he paves deeper and denser.
“I can’t take this anymor-”
“What makes you think that’s gonna stop me from eating this pussy.”
Little do you know that shoto can’t hold back anymore, it’s not just that he is in control but he has lost control. At the sight of your dark flushed red cheeks, delicacy and vulnerability, he only gets faster and tougher on you. His other fingers reach around and grips your ass, with his fingers slightly grazing across your unused hole.
That’s it, that was enough for you to go stagnant again, in your mind atleast. Your legs start shaking, with your mouth parted yet again. Shoto quickly stands up, with fingers still inside, to help you stay stood up. You feel yourself about to pass out, but in actuality are fully awake and aware. He kisses you, now moaning with you as well, as he fingers you until you cum.
His teeth take in your lower lip as your eyes flicker up at his unmatched ones.
Shoto, with one hand against the wall, halts for a minute. He stands tall in front of you, while holding you as you struggle to stand.
In midst of huffed breaths, you manage to say, “I- I, I mean- can I make you feel good as well?” On listening thise words, he goes still, “Baby, you can barely stand.”
“Still-” but again, before you could say anything, he picks you up in bridal style and dropping you on the bed; letting you lay back while he removed his left over garments.
This is when his erect manhood is finally exposed, refilling your memories of your first time when you had simply wondered how would you take all of that in. You did, though it was painful. But this time you refuse to be scared by the length, you know this is going to feel the best and you’re willing to take him in, deep inside you.
Shoto sighs and walks to the bed, “No-”
“Tonight is about you. Let ME explore you.”
“I wa-wanna hug you,” you blurt out.
He giggles, “sure, all that my y/n wants shall come true.”
But when you attempt to get up, your legs just fail to response. Even the slightest movement feels like a bolt of electricity run through you. At the sight of you falling back on the bed, Shoto simply smirks and says, “By the looks of it, I think I did a pretty good job at pushing your limits.”
“Don’t- I can’t even walk.”
“Wait,” he climbs on the bed beside you, sitting with back against the headboard while you lie against him, still breathless, still attempting to move.
“Don’t move princess,” saying this, he carefully pulls you up, with your head on his thigh. He helps you sit up slowly, while embracing your body against him, and finally hugs you, like a child clenching onto his teddy favourite bear.
“You are so beautiful,” he says as he gets up, while eyes glued on you. He moves to the end of the bed and pulls you towards him as he climbs in again. His two digits reenter your dampness, almost making you hiss at first but it’s soon replaced with moans.
Your back arcs as you mumble, “Sho-shoto, I’m very sensitive ri-right n-now. ah-”
While on his part, he receives it as a signal to level up to the next stage. He slowly penetrates in, soon pacing up. Warmth filled in your hearts and sweat glinting the lustre. He repostions you both a couple of times, giving you different forms of pleasures with each go. 
You as well witness his fire quirk leaking out at times. He kisses you deeply and claims you as his own as he repeats the words, “I’ll never let you go.”
Now it’s past 3am, as your exhausted bodies lay next to each other; that’s when he whispers, “I love you.” Maybe he thinks you are already asleep, but you are not. He clearly can’t leave anything unspoken.
i hope this has left you baffled 
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pair-annoyed · 4 years
Anime I Watched in Quarantine
With some of the restrictions being lifted, I wanted to make a sort of master post to see just how much I’ve watched in my time off. Plus, I wanted to share something more lighthearted with everyone.
All of these anime will be rated on a 1-10 scale, 10 meaning masterpiece, 1 meaning complete garbage. I’ll also share what I liked/didn’t like about each show. This list will go in chronological order, and will encompass all anime from 3/13 - 6/13. Multiple Seasons will be grouped together. 
1. Beastars - 8/10 
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I dig how human and down-to-earth Beastars is. The pacing was a nice and the animation was unexpectedly great! It’s driving force is its characters and their interactions. Felt a little slow at times, and Juno annoys me, but that’s okay. I’ll be watching season 2.
2. Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun - 8/10 
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Oh my god! This visuals for this were absolutely wonderful! It did feel a little cliche at times, I won’t lie. But, I still loved all of these characters and the nice balance between creepy and comedy. 
3. Ao No Exorcist - 6/10 
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I posted about this one after I finished it. The ending really pissed me off. I feel like if I had watched this when I was 13, I would’ve given it a higher score. Compared to some of the other shounen I’ve watched, this felt a bit basic. That doesn’t mean I still didn’t like it. Still have to get around to watching season 2...
4.  Kaichou wa Maid-sama! 6.5/10
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Shoujo usually isn’t my cup of tea. Maid-sama was a nice way to ease into the cliches of shoujo. Misaki is a great protagonist and the ending Maid-sama was so satisfying. I’m only giving it a low score because of its slow pacing and lack of certain character development. 
5.  Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou  - 7/10
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I’m a big Violet Evergarden fan to begin with, so of course I liked this movie. It did not resonate with me as much as the series itself, but I still enjoyed it. Kyoto animation is never disappointing in their visuals and sound design 
6.  Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! - 8/10 
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren - 6.5/10 
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Chuunibyou was a breath of fresh air for me. It was so different from all other romance anime I had seen at the time. It for sure has a slice of life vibe to it, but it was still so good! It reminded me of being in middle school and my “chuunibyou” phase. The second season was not as enjoyable as the first. I guess I just had higher expectations for Rikka and Yuuta. 
7. Dr. Stone - 7/10
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Dr. Stone is honestly such a perfect shounen for me. I’m a science nerd, and with taking AP Chem this year it was kind of nice to sorta apply my knowledge. This show also has some of the best reaction images ever. The tone, however, is a little inconsistent which made it hard to keep watching. I do love the relationship between Senku and his Dad, that whole sub-plot was so endearing.
8. Oshiete! Galko-chan - 6/10
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This one only gets a low score because its so short and the op takes up like half an episode. This show had been in the back of my mind for a while. I decided to watch it after seeing a video essay discussing it. Its masterful subversion of tropes and stereotypes was refreshing. The message of this show is so positive, and everyone can benefit from watching something like this.  
9. Mairimashita Iruma-kun  - 5/10 
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The second half of Mairimashita Iruma-kun was so much better. I’m not completely sure why I didn’t like this as much as I should have. Overall, its a really average show. The comedy (and musical numbers???) give this show and charismatic and chaotic vibe. I’m someone who focuses primarily on character-character interactions, and this show definitely had it. It isn’t monogatari levels of dialogue but it’s still nice. For the studio’s low budget, they were able to make a really bright and colorful show. I’ll be watching season 2.  
10. Byousoku 5 Centimeter - 8/10
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Very. VERY. Pretty!! This one was another one that didn’t completely resonate with me emotionally. I still loved the story and the way it was told. Its not like Your Name or Tenki no Ko, it’s realistic and grounded.
11. Mob Psycho 100 - 8/10
Mob Psycho 100 II - 9/10 
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Style alone made Mob Psycho 100 so impressive. By the second half of each season I was emotional invested in Mob and his whole journey. Season 2 is receiving a higher score because it was able to make me cry. That’s something I NEVER expected. I’m mad I didn’t watch this sooner. It is a great balance of action, comedy, and heart. 
12. Noragami Aragoto - 8/10 
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Not sure why I put off Norogami’s second season for so long. I absolutely loved it. The focus on Bishimon was a nice change of pace and it was great to see Yukine develop more as a character and begin to loose his arrogance. Kazuma was my favorite character in all of this. His ability to affect the people around him was presented nicely. I was emotionally invested the whole way through, and I’ll probably pick up the manga. 
13. Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - 3/10
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Ah yes. My least favorite thing on planet earth. This is a wonderful example of Shoujo at its worst. Their relationship was incredibly toxic, and the characters themselves were poorly developed and generic. The whole time all I could think was that I was watching normalized Stockholm Syndrome. Our MC deserves so much better. 
14. Youjo Senki - 6/10
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I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to like Youjo Senki as much as I did. I’m not usually one for iesekai. The action was great, but the use of CGI bogged down scenes. I do NOT really like the protagonist that much because she came across as apathetic. Towards the end, I started to like her more. This was also my first military/warfare-focused anime. If either a movie or second season is made, I will probably not watch it. 
15. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - 6.5/10
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I wanted to like Madoka Magica more than I did. I really did. The style was compelling and the story was interesting. Especially in the beginning, a lot of the death and sad stuff didn’t feel all that sad. The last 4 episodes are a solid 8/10, I love time shenanigans. The emotions and character development really shined through in the end. Madoka is such an inherently kind-hearted person, I love her so much! 
16. Yakusoku no Neverland - 8.5/10 
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I was expecting Yakusoku no Neverland to be more graphic, but I’m kind of glad it didn’t go that route. Like Madoka, the last four episodes had me really invested. However, the character development was not as rushed. It’s a smart show and welcomed change of pace. Emma is my favorite character and you bet I’ll be watching season 2. The more I think about this show, the more I appreciate it. 
17. Mo Dao Zu Shi - 9/10
Mo Dao Zu Shi 2nd Season - 8/10 
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I know that is is technically a donghua, but I’m counting it as an anime because its on MAL. Amazing visuals and an incredibly layered story.  Censorship makes it difficult to fully appreciate this work and its original novel. Even though I was confused for the first 2 episodes, Mo Dao Zu Shi did a great job of developing the time period and character relationships. The second season wasn’t as satisfying as the first but still great! I don’t think I’ll be watching the live action anytime soon, but I believe that a 3rd season is confirmed for 2020.
18. Banana Fish - 8.5/10
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I knew nothing about Banana Fish going into it. Although I didn’t cry at the ending, it definitely made me feel some type of way. Kind of... numb. Banana Fish is painfully realistic. So much so that I had to take a break after episode 15 because I felt sick to my stomach. I also praise Banana Fish for it’s healthy, non-fetishized relationship representation. Eiji and Ash have such a complex but healthy relationship. I hope Banana Fish is able to pave the way for better representation in media. 
19. Promare - 5/10 
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Why do people praise Promare so much? I hated how predictable it was. The whole movie felt like a 2 hour animation flex for Trigger. The only character in this movie that didn’t manage to piss me off it some way was Lio. The only other thing I’ve seen by studio Trigger is Kill la Kill, so compared to that, this felt like such a step down. :( I was disappointed. 
20. Given - 6/10
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Given made me both sad and made me want to start a band. Overall the animation is nothing special, I do like the reactions that some of the characters had. Especially that “It’s Mutual” gif set. I couldn’t get over how much Ritsuka looks like Kageyama. My only complaint was how rushed Mafuyu and Ritsuka’s relationship felt. More time should have been dedicated to Mafuyu dealing with and moving past the loss in his life. All that said, I’m still watching the movie.
21. Enen no Shouboutai - 5/10 
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Generic Shounen, bad ending, great animation. Need I say more? I did not watch Soul Eater (made by same creator), but this was enjoyable. Really cool fights, not so cool character development. A lot of the explanations towards the end felt like complete bull shit. Same energy as using fancy sounding science words to explain things. 
22. Hataraku Maou-Sama - 5.5/10
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This is another show I felt I would’ve liked more if I watched it when I was younger. The iesekai trope is so beaten down that classics like this don’t really carry as much weight as they originally did. A 24 episode season with more Slice of Life episodes would’ve benefited this series greatly.
23. BNA - 7/10
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BNA, in my opinion, was so much better than Promare. Like Hataraku Maou-sama, BNA would’ve benefited from a longer season with more Slice of Life Episodes. Trigger’s newer animation is beautiful and I really hope BNA gets renewed for a second season. The ending was cliche as hell, but still really enjoyed this show!
24. Devilman: Crybaby - 7/10 
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A.K.A. The one show I’ve got to watch when I know I’m alone. The use of multiple languages besides Japanese in the sub was a unique take. The animation was also a little jarring at first, but I came to love it. The themes in this are not the most positive. The end left me feeling numb, but also appreciative. Ryo pissed me off as soon as he tried to kill that cat, so it was hard to sympathize with him in the very end. It is a really good show, but also sickening, Watch at your own discretion.  
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kryptsune · 3 years
Tell us more about the mythology of Yokaitale, or perhaps even what specific versions of Wonderland inspired Wonderfell (like did you take anything from the 2 American McGee games at all?)
🌼 Wonderfell is a fun one. I take inspiration from way too many adaptations to list here but yes you are correct I am a huge fan of McGee’s interpretation so that does creep in. If you noticed Chesh has a hoop earring. That is definitely inspired by that version. I don’t take too much from the Disney version since... I know this is controversial but I don’t think it’s the best adaptation. It gets the usual Disney family-friendly treatment. Which is fine I still love it but if you know me I like things a little more... mature. 
I was also inspired by games like Alicemare, IB, Yume Nikki. It doesn’t make sense now in the context of the fic but it will. Wonderland has always suspended the real and the surreal and I definitely play with that concept a lot. Things are not always as they seem. 
I always felt like Undertale initially was an Alice in Wonderland variation from falling down a hole into a magic world, to a cast of colorful crazy characters, to having to sacrifice or grow in some way along the journey. It’s why I made Wonderfell because I have always seen Sans as a Cheshire archetype and not just because of the grin. It’s more like his abilities. The Cheshire cat can disappear and re-appear at will. It’s not a direct one to one but his teleportation abilities are very similar. Pap has always embodied the Mad Hatter for me especially with his fascination with puzzles instead of riddles. 
I also really wanted a more fun and colorful take on UF stuff. I am really tired of Boss always being angry or Red always being abusive... or I don’t know that characterization that made me make my own version (Underworld AU) in the first place. Or god... them being just a shit post. I know it’s nice to have those every once in a while but I always felt the missed opportunity to actually make them something other than cardboard cutouts. In my opinion, I feel like a lot of my boys have taken on a life all their own. It’s why I am using them in my original work.
Yokaifell? Well, it kind of stems from some of my favorite anime of all time, Kamisama Hajitemashita being one of them. There is just something really cool about yokai lore because I always make the joke that if you go to Japan anything can and will kill you. There are so many yokai to work off of too so that's where the inspiration comes from.
Mythology wise my Yokaifell lore post goes into quite a bit but the things that I have not mentioned in that is how the world works outside of the main story. 
As I continue to develop Souly Damned I have been wanted to add more and more of the things that have influenced my storytelling so they kind of cross over in ideas. The realm of yokai in this instance is a separate realm (I do know they are spirits but just bear with me). You can think of it as another dimension separate from our own but still accessible. It is possible for mortal souls to enter the spirit realm but souls are kind of the key here. 
Normally humans just walk through the gates and never end up in the realm because they don’t believe in the realm or its inhabitants. Those that can see have the realm's magic buried within them and the more they worship/believe the more that influence grows. In the majority of my work, I ascribe to the idea that the eyes are the windows into the soul so the more magic you have the more vibrant your eye color. 
Since Yokaifell is set in modern-day most humans have normal eye colors. Basically, magic = key in this lore. Now you may be wondering why my Frisk, little out of her element bean that she is, is able to run through the gate. She starts off as a normal unsuspecting human who is lost in the forest whom Ryou accidentally lures. Usually, he does that on purpose to mess with humans but in this case, he is just playing his koto and relaxing. Since the town that Frisk moves to is more in the mountains the people there are very in tune with the old ways. They even warn her not to go into the forest because of it. She just doesn’t listen since she doesn’t believe in magic or superstition. 
 The yokai in my lore can only be seen by those with magic in their soul unless they drop the veil. Obviously being a foreigner she has 0 idea what Ryou is trying to tell her when she first encounters him. That is until he imparts just a sliver of magic on her soul so that she can actually understand the language. But... uh... whoopsie. Humans with magic are rare and that makes them incredibly yummy to the yokai around the area. This creates a chain event where she ends up in the spirit realm and because of Ryou’s mistake she is able to pass through the gate like one of them would. The oni chasing them ends up smashing the gate they came through and there you are... she is stuck which you can already gather is dangerous. 
Ryou and Kuro are two yokai you don’t really want to mess with because their past history is seeped in blood. They both despise mortals for some unknown reason. One that is revealed further down in the spoiler section. How they went from practically killing mortal and yokai to laxer is also kind of a question mark. Kuro is able to quell his rage by serving the kami (in this case Asgore) while Ryou... uh... ok he doesn’t really handle it all that great. He is just a very salty boy. 
Like my lore for Souly Damned lower level of yokai can not just jump to the mortal realm whenever they want. There is a hierarchy established and fortunately, Ryou and Kuro are pretty high up there so they can interact to some degree. I have that outlined further in the lore post.
 I will say that in order to explain this I have to toss up a spoiler warning for anyone that does not want to see it. {THERE BE  SPOILERS AHEAD}
So... spoiler time but Ryou and his brother Kuro used to be humans at some point. This was centuries ago but they both died when a rival village tried to eradicate their own. Kuro being the proud warrior went off to fight, leaving his little brother to watch over the rest. Unfortunately Ryou never actually sees his brother again and yeah... it’s sad to say but he dies on the battlefield. Ever since he was a child he wanted to be a warrior. He dies fullfilling that dream.
Ryou though being younger tries to fend off the attackers but he is eventually mortally wounded and left for dead. He bleeds out as the snow starts to fall again which is why his design not only incorporates red but also the snowfall aspect, especially his human guise. 
In that time there was more magic and yokai roamed freely. The souls were far stronger and because of both Ryou and Kuro’s deeply held emotion that affects their souls eventually calling out to the Kami... they are then reborn as yokai in the process. Ryou as the mischevious Kitsune and Kuro as a gashadokuro samurai. So it’s established that humans can become yokai but it's rare as the centuries progress. It takes an incredibly strong soul coupled with some kind of deep emotion which could be anything from rage to love. 
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