#wonsik scenarios
sadfragilegirl · 8 months
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Whether you're admiring of his beautiful tattoos etched all over his body or feeling crazy of the way he sprays water on himself, you will always feel flustered, having butterflies in your stomach and your heart beating faster everytime you look at shirtless RAVI/Kim Wonshik. 🔥🥵😍🔥
Also, it made you feeling aroused and horny everytime you look at him and his shirtless look. (Especially when he dreched himself with water (and sweat) all over his body.) 🔥🥵😍🔥
(I am trying to write my VIXX Ravi smut, so...please look forward to it and it will be my first ever attempt to write a Kpop smut. It will be posted on AO3. No date announcements yet unlike the Ravi 100% fluff scenario, which it will be posted this February 15.)
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kpopnlockit · 2 years
Royal Counsel (Part 17)
Happy 2023!
Part 16: https://kpopnlockit.tumblr.com/post/691167643968929792/royal-counsel-part-16
Part 18: Coming soon!
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      The ceremony would be quick and presided over by a priest. As far as you knew, Vixx was not a very religious country but even they viewed marriage as a union before God. That sentiment apparently extended to engagements as well. The ladies-in-waiting had delivered you straight to the path that divided the rows upon rows of filled seats. At the end of the aisle was a gilded platform that had been specially made for the occasion. It was raised a half-meter above the ground so that the entire audience could see. An arch would frame you as you stood up there, the arch having been draped with purple chiffon and outfitted with white roses to create a picturesque scene. Two artists had been hired to capture the moment on large canvases. Even the weather was cooperating. It was fairly cloudy but there was no threat of rain, and a gentle breeze cooled the rising heat of the day.
      You had focused on the stage when you arrived, but it did not take long to hear the tinkle of the guests’ finery as they turned to look at you. The buzz of conversation died hurriedly as they realized that the event was starting. You did not allow yourself time to study them because you knew all you would find was judgment. There would be talk of your dress, of your hair, of your face, of anything and everything that could be critiqued. The gossip would come no matter what you did so there was no point in wasting your energy on witnessing it in real-time. 
      The sound of violins interrupted your thoughts. You could not see where the music was coming from, but the sound of harps and flutes could be heard adding to the ethereal ambience that was being carefully crafted. To add to the image, the servants of the manor were outfitted uniformly in lavender livery. They stood in neat lines on both ends of each row of seats, making sure that their polished shoes did not touch the royal purple aisle runner that was meant for you and your promised to walk down. The manor had to have hired outside help for the occasion, as there were far more butlers available to attend to the nobles than you had ever seen in the castle. The ladies-in-waiting curtseyed and followed a path around the guests that had been marked with a generous scattering of white rose petals to their designated chairs off to the side of the stage.
      King Ravi had been somewhere nearby. As soon as you were deposited, he appeared at your elbow with N, Leo, Hyuk, and another man you did not recognize tailing him. The mystery man was tall, just like the other men and had a very distinguishing nose. All of them were outfitted in Vixx colors of aubergine and gold. However, each suit was different, with Leo’s being of a military bearing and N’s being plainer and befitting of a scholar. It was clear that the choice was deliberate to show pride in Vixx and simultaneously display their positions within the royal court. The man you did not recognize clapped King Ravi on the shoulder before leading the men down another footpath that mirrored the lady’s maids to their chairs on the opposite side of the stage. 
     You took a long look at your fiancè. He wore a traditional Vixx robe with a plum torso and white sleeves to match his white trousers. A beautiful mulberry and gold embroidered sash across the waist denoted his royal status and a patch over his left shoulder highlighted his military honors. The most surprising piece of his ensemble was a red tie that kept his robe closed. It matched the crimson in your gown. You had expected him to only be in Vixx colors. You would have to overanalyze the meaning of that later. In total, it was a simple but elegant outfit that did not require jewels or additional adornments to display King Ravi’s pride in Vixx and its short history.
     King Ravi did not have anything in his body language that showed nervousness. He wore a facade of happy serenity. He turned to you and offered his arm. He smiled as he said, “You are exceptionally beautiful today.”
     You did not know if you wanted to roll your eyes or blush. “You are more handsome than usual today as well,” you replied. And it was true.
     He always looked regal in his national hue but combined with neatly styled hair and lightly rouged lips, he seemed to glow in the glimpses of sunlight that peeked through the clouds. You took his elbow and straightened. You needed to exude some of his easy confidence, let alone feel it. 
     Spectators gawked as you took your time walking toward the dais. Like King Ravi, you gazed ahead and refused to let your line of vision wander. It was not only for your peace of mind, but also to remind those who questioned your legitimacy of their own positions. Most would not be able to be in the same room as you once you were queen. Their presence at the engagement was to add to the scale and perceived grandeur of the event. Many of the attendees would usually only be invited to local balls and functions hosted by the nobles of their respective kingdoms. To be invited to a foreign King’s celebration was a show of power and excess. Vixx would be seen as a country that could afford to house and cater to irrelevant earls and counts. Vixx would also be considered humble and hospitable for doing the same. 
     As you had noted before, the ceremony was quick, taking just over ten minutes. During the proceedings, King Ravi did not once look away from you. Though you could pretend to be as stately as a monarch, having a staring contest with one of the most powerful men in the world while promising matrimony in the near future proved to be difficult. You very much wanted to squirm under his gaze or break eye contact just for a moment of reprieve. That could not be done without repercussion so you both maintained vaguely agreeable smirks. Internally, you wanted to awkwardly giggle at the ridiculousness of the situation. The only reason you did not was because of the seriousness of the situation. And just like that, the whole fiasco was over and King Ravi took your hand and led you back to the castle. 
      You did not actually go back inside but he instead took you to one of the open tents set up to the right of the rows of chairs. Some of the tents had been set up with food and drink and others had been outfitted with lounging furniture over thick carpeting. The most ornate tent housed two identical white thrones. In that tent, King Ravi ushered you to take a seat before sitting himself.
     Once the guests were given leave to roam, they did so. A line of attendees formed, all of them wishing to give you greetings and congratulations. You plastered on a genteel smile and murmured your thanks and shook hands and received curtsies and bows. The line never seemed to end but you continued to nod affably alongside King Ravi. You could not recall a single face you had seen. You were sure that you had greeted at least a few people you had personally known, but through the flood of brightly colored clothes and painted skin, you could not recognize them. The receiving line took an estimated two hours. During which, you charaded as a polite and sweet future royal. Undoubtedly, everyone knew that you were no such thing, but no one dared to slight you.
     There were about thirty minutes of reprieve between the end of the cocktail hour and the beginning of the reception. You were able to get through half a glass of lemonade before you were prompted to go to your chambers and change into your second dress. You were glad to go. The volume of social interaction had been overwhelming. Minah and a small entourage of ladies-in-waiting escorted you. The house was startlingly quiet after having been in the ruckus outside. With only the sound of footsteps echoing in your ear, you realized that you had not spoken to King Ravi at all after the ceremony. You likely would not be able to exchange words for the rest of the night. You were not sure if you were disappointed or not.
     The second gown was less revealing than the first but was far more striking. It had a proper ball gown silhouette with a touch of scandal in the sleeves, or lack thereof. The bodice was completely strapless. Over the top was a sheer shirt with long sleeves to add the illusion of modesty. Buttons in a straight row went all the way up to the throat of the mesh shirt. A ribbon tied into a small bow separated the waterfall of fabric flowing to the floor from everything above the waist. The thing that set the dress apart from all others was that it was dyed a deep blood red. To contrast with the dark tint, the gauze over your arms and chest was stark white. Your hair was pulled back into an immaculate chignon. This time, large diamonds studded your ears and encircled your wrists. It was so bold that you would command attention by virtue of walking by. 
     All eyes were on you when you walked into the ballroom. Your entrance was announced which did not help. You kept your chin high and your shoulders rolled back as you made your way through the crowd. No one attempted to approach you. King Ravi was easy to locate as he was a spot of red in a sea of amethyst. Just like in Exo, his clothing was designed to complement yours. He wore a white shirt tucked into white pants and an open cherry-dyed sheer robe over it all. The robe was once again fashioned in the traditional style of Vixx, embroidered with red roses. The collar and sleeves were lined with the same ribbon at your midsection. It was a smart move to transition from Vixx purple to matching completely with you. It sent the message that before the ceremony he was King of Vixx. Now he was a claimed man with a partner that was his equal. The spot of cardinal on his ceremonial robe now made more sense, as it showed that he was including a fleck of you in his attire. A sign of thoughtfulness, of what could be construed as love. You appreciated the powerplay in the small and subliminal undertones to everything. It would help paint the picture you both wanted. Two very different people now united to create a nation more powerful than the world had seen in centuries.
     King Ravi motioned to meet him in the middle of the room. Your skin crawled with the attention being directed at you by everyone else. You did not open your mouth to greet him first, which in any other situation would be incredibly rude. However, you had a plan. You had not discussed it with him previously so you did not know if he would play along, but you were banking on it. You paused and made sure to look him in the eye. He quirked an eyebrow before his mouth settled into a small grin as he approached. He understood what you were doing. He did not falter in his prowl towards you. He only stopped when he was within an arm’s distance. He took your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
     Though you had wanted him to greet you first, you had not expected the chivalrous gesture. You could not hide the way your lips parted in surprise. You rapidly overcompensated with a wide smile and commented, “You look quite handsome in red.”
     “Not as stunning as you though,” he replied in a tone equal part sultry and teasing.
     You beamed though you really wanted to return with a smart quip but that would not be ladylike. He took your hand in his and turned towards the spectators. 
     He addressed the guests in a voice so loud, it must have come from the depths of his gut, “Friends, thank you for being here today to celebrate this joyous occasion.”
     You stood still, the portrait of a happy girl betrothed to Prince Charming.
     King Ravi glanced at you, before continuing on, “Please celebrate with us. Enjoy the food, drink, and dancing.”
     At that, the miniature orchestra in the corner began to play. A cheery song was chosen, concealing the lack of applause after King Ravi’s speech. There were plenty of people not pleased by your arrangement. There were also many who had not developed an opinion yet. When they approached you one on one, they were on their best behavior. However, there was power in groups. They had conspired not to clap and King Ravi had predicted as much. By not allowing ample time for people to even try to applaud, he had enacted his own countermeasure. Very few would pick up on the silence. 
     You would have to tread lightly. You were in a den of snakes. You smiled wickedly. It was good to feel at home.
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hakyummy · 7 years
Birthday surprises (Wonsik fluff)
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Happy (late) birthday @heart-baek-bleed ! I’m sorry this wasn’t posted on the 20th, but I hope you had a great birthday! (I haven’t proof read this so I hope it’s okay!! Let me know if there’s any mistakes)
So, this is my first full fluff on this acc and I hope it’s okay??? I think it’s pretty crap but please let me know what you think ?? And please send requests in :) I should have 2 new posts up within the next week
You blinked open your eyes, adjusting them to the brightness of your room. You groaned, sure that you had closed the curtains before you fell asleep last night. Struggling to sit up, you were pulled back by a strong pair of arms gripping around your waist. You jumped as your head snapped around to look at the person behind you.
Your heart melted and you relaxed into the firm hold when you realised it was your beautiful and charming boyfriend Wonsik and let out a small squeal of excitement, turning in his hold to hug tightly and press your lips together in a short but loving kiss.
“What are you doing here?” You exclaimed in disbelief after peppering kisses all over his face.
“Well, I couldn’t miss my baby girl’s birthday, could I?” Wonsik smiled down at you with a dazzling grin.  
Your mind flashed back to the week prior when Wonsik had informed you over the phone that he wouldn’t be able to make it home for your birthday and that he was endlessly sorry and promised to make it up to you when he got home. You understood, of course, but was saddened to hear you wouldn’t be able to spend your day with your other half. It made your heart ache when you thought about the fact that you’d still miss out on many more special events with Wonsik, but the time you did get to spend with him was surely worth it.
But none of that mattered now, because he was with you now.
After you’d been shaken out of your trance, you were rewarded with yet another smiling image of Wonsik, apart from this time he was holding out a wrapped gift towards you.
You let out a sigh, a smile creeping up onto your face, “I don’t need this.”
You tried to push it away from your body, but Wonsik forced it into your arms, faking an angry expression. Each time you’d try to thrush it away from your body, your boyfriend made sure to not let it leave your arms. He had a playful grin on his face and you knew he wouldn’t give it up, so you decided to just accept the gift.
“Thank you,” you sighed, placing a kiss on his cheek, before turning back to the gift.
Usually Wonsik never remembered to wrap his gifts -or he did, but badly- but your birthday present was decorated with a dark blue ribbon and a gift tag that read, ‘To my baby girl, I love you’ where Wonsik signed his name with hand drawn hearts beside it. You smiled to yourself, he really was such a softie.
You untied the ribbon before peeling the wrapping paper off, leaving you with a small black box. Wonsik nodded eagerly at you, encouraging you to open it. You rolled your eyes at his impatience, but complied anyway, removing the lid, presenting you with a silver necklace with the letter ‘W’ embodying it. You gasped at the simple, but beautiful gift and thanked your boyfriend with a meaningful kiss before moving your hair to the side so Wonsik could put the necklace on you. He did the clasp easily and before leaning back again, he placed a butterfly kiss on the back of your neck and you smiled at the ticklish touch.
“So, what do you wanna do today, baby girl?” Wonsik asked you, placing a delicate kiss on the crown of your head, engulfing you in his teddy-bear like cuddles. “We could go ice skating, just the two of us, or the boys have offered to pay for us if you want to go out for dinner, or we could go shopping, we can do whatever you want.”Wonsik was always so considerate about what you wanted, encouraging you to do what you wish rather than him making decisions for you.
You hummed in thought, considering all of the options, “Well…they all sound great, but… I think I just wanna lay in bed with you at the moment.” You grinned up at him and snuggled under his arms to get as close to him as you could.
He hummed in agreement and readjusted his position so you’d both be comfortable and reached down to place another kiss on the top of your head, before cradling you close to him.
“You know, you just being here is a more than adequate gift for me.” You said before snuggling against his chest and your eyes fell closed in a peaceful slumber.
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inctlife · 4 years
20 Years | LTY ~ Siwoo, Nari, Wonsik
genre: fluff
summary: growing up with the lee family
warnings: none
Siwoo = 5 / Nari = 4 / Wonsik = 1 week
"Nari, Siwoo!" Taeyong called, his voice still soft, so as not to disturb the sleeping baby in the car seat in your arms.
"Daddy!" Nari exclaimed, running into the hallway, Taeyong scooping her up into his arms and spinning her around.
"Oh, baby girl!" Taeyong cooed, "I missed you!"
"Where's baby?" she asked, peering over Taeyong's shoulder.
You laughed, "he's here, Nari, don't worry."
"My little brother!" Nari cooed, wriggling out of Taeyong's arms to see the baby in the driver's seat.
“Our little brother!” Siwoo shouted, running after his little sister, crouching down to see the baby in the car seat.
“Careful, careful!” you chuckled, “you two have all the time in the world to see him, okay? He’s not going anywhere anytime soon.”
Siwoo = 9 / Nari = 8 / Wonsik = 4
“It’s okay, Wonsik-ah,” Taeyong smiled.
Wonsik frowned, turning to you; that was not what he wanted to hear at all.
“Mummy, I’m nervous,” Wonsik pouted.
You chuckled, taking him into your arms and kissing his head, “I know you are, baby boy, but everyone has to go to school some day. Aren’t you excited to play with some new friends? And some of your cousins will be there!”
Wonsik protested, wriggling around in your arms.
“Look, Lee Wonsik, that’s not going to do anything. Why are you so nervous about going to school?” you asked, pulling him away from your chest so you could see your son’s face.
“I miss you and Daddy,” he whispered.
You laughed, pulling him close, “we’ll miss you too, Bubba.”
“Wonsik-ah,” Taeyong cooed, “Mummy even cried last night because of how much we’ll miss you! But school is fun, okay? You’re gonna have so much fun, buddy!”
“Wonsik-ah!” Siwoo called, “I’ll be at school too! And Nari! You can stay with us at break time and lunch.”
“I can?” Wonsik asked, his big eyes shining with the threat of tears, until his big brother spoke to him.
“Of course!” Nari smiled, “come on! We’re already dressed!”
Wonsik giggled, wriggling; now to get out of your arms, and down to the floor, ready to get dressed for his first day of school.
Siwoo = 11 / Nari = 10 / Wonsik = 6
“Wonsik! Throw me the iPad,” Siwoo said, motioning for his little brother to pass it over to him.
But Wonsik’s head hadn’t wrapped itself round all the different ins and outs of language yet, and his brother said what his brother said.
Lifting his arm into the air, he threw the iPad across the room.
“Wonsik! What the heck?!” Siwoo exclaimed, as the flying metal hit his arm and landed on the floor beside him, the screen cracking.
“Wonsik!” Nari shouted, the iPad being a shared possession between the three.
“What happened?” you called from the kitchen, Taeyong stood beside you, rolling his eyes.
“Wonsik threw the iPad!” Siwoo yelled, storming into the kitchen.
“He told me to,” Wonsik said, waddling in after him, a sad look in his eyes.
“Why would he have told you to throw it?” you asked.
“He said ‘throw me the iPad’,” Wonsik repeated.
“Yeah! And that means give it to me! Oh my god,” Siwoo seethed.
“Shh, calm down, Si,” Taeyong said, stroking his eldest son’s hair, ���it was just a little misunderstanding, okay? We’re not mad at either of you.”
“Yeah but dad, look at the iPad!” Nari exclaimed.
“Is it cracked?” he asked.
“All over!” Siwoo huffed.
“We can get you a new iPad, guys,” Taeyong said, “can you two just apologise to each other please?”
“I’m sorry for throwing the iPad, Siwoo-hyung,” Wonsik muttered.
Siwoo frowned, “I’m sorry.”
“For... For shouting at you,” Siwoo said.
“Okay, I’ll get you guys a new iPad. Why don’t you play with Legos for now?”
Siwoo = 14 / Nari = 13 / Wonsik = 9
“It is 3 o’clock in the morning!” you yelled, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?! Taeyong, you’re killing yourself and you’re abandoning us!”
“I’m not abandoning anyone! I’m fucking working all for your guys!” Taeyong yelled back, both of you heated as you shouted back insults and arguments, most of them not even making sense.
“Wonsik-ah?” Nari called gently, pushing her younger brother’s door open, “you okay?”
You never meant for the kids to hear you, but you two were loud.
Wonsik nodded slowly, moving up in his bed, Nari coming to join him.
“You two are babies,” Siwoo said, but still came quickly into his little brother’s room, joining the two on the bed, “I’ll protect you.”
Siwoo = 17 / Nari = 16 / Wonsik = 12
“Hey, Siwoo-hyung?” Wonsik called sheepishly.
Siwoo didn’t look up from his textbook, furiously writing out notes.
“I– I just wanted to get your advice on something.”
“I’m a bit busy,” Siwoo sighed, looking up at his younger brother for the first time since he entered the room, “what’s it about?”
“Um... a girl.”
Siwoo smirked, sitting back in his chair, “oh yeah? Then I have plenty of time, what’s your question?”
“W-Well I wanted to confess. And I was going to on White Day but I don’t really know how...” Wonsik trailed off, he was so embarrassed, but he didn’t know who else to turn to, “can you help?”
“Our baby!” Siwoo cooed.
“Oh my god, fuck off,” Wonsik whined, going to leave, when Siwoo rolled his chair over and grabbed his wrist.
“Wait, wait, wait!” the elder laughed, “I’m just joking with you. What’s she like? Did she give you anything on Valentine’s Day?”
“Oh my god, who?” Nari asked, stopping her journey past Siwoo’s door.
“No!” Wonsik whined.
Siwoo cackled, “Wonsik has a crush.”
“Shut up!”
“Wants to confess,” Siwoo giggled.
Nari laughed, catching her little brother as he tried to leave.
“I’m helping,” Nari announced, shoving Wonsik onto the bed and sitting on the floor in front of him, “so, what’s she like?!”
Siwoo = 18 / Nari = 17 / Wonsik = 13
“Can you just fuck off?!”
“But you’re crying,” Wonsik said.
“Wow,” Nari scoffed, “really? I didn’t know.”
“Who’s crying?” Siwoo asked.
“Go away!” Nari yelled, throwing a stuffed toy from her bed at her brothers.
“Woah! That was so unprovoked!” Siwoo exclaimed.
“I just wanted to know why!” Wonsik laughed, “I’m sorry.”
“Why?! Why am I crying?!” Nari yelled, “I don’t know, maybe it’s because Hyunjin fucking cheating on me!”
The brothers were speechless, stood in the hallway as Nari slammed the door in their faces.
“Nari?” Wonsik finally said, after a pause.
“Just go away.”
“I have chocolate. I bought it on the way home from school today,” he continued, “do you wanna share?”
Siwoo smiled at his little brother’s heart, “I have this really good series we should watch as well, Ri!”
“What kind?”
Nari paused, picking the toys up from where they’d landed by the door, “come in.”
Siwoo = 20 / Nari = 19 / Wonsik = 15
“Okay guys, we should leave Siwoo alone now,” Taeyong smiled, watching as you gave your son one last, long hug.
Nari sheepishly approached after you, her brother pulling her into a hug before she could.
“I’ll miss you,” she whispered.
Siwoo chuckled, “no you won’t.”
Nari scoffed, pulling away with a sad smile.
“I’m literally gonna be back at Christmas!” he exclaimed, pulling his little brother into a hug, “next you’re gonna say you’ll miss me.”
Wonsik sniffled, “I will.”
Siwoo smiled, “you finally admit I’m cool, huh?”
“I’ve always said you were cool, actually,” Wonsik said, Siwoo laughing as he pulled away.
Siwoo put his hand on his little brother’s head, “be good, okay?”
Wonsik whined, joining Taeyong outside the door as Siwoo laughed, looking at Nari, “you too.”
“I’m going to college next year, don’t get too cocky.”
“Okay, okay, let’s go,” you chuckled, wiping away your tears, “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Bye Mum, bye Dad,” Siwoo smiled, waving, “bye guys!”
Wonsik and Nari laughed, walking backwards and waving until the moment they were out of sight from each other. Maybe they liked each other just a little bit more than they were each willing to admit.
Siwoo = 25 / Nari = 24 / Wonsik = 20
“Happy Birthday our Wonsik! Happy Birthday to you!”
“Don’t forget to make a wish!” you exclaimed, watching your youngest son blow out his candles.
“Does this mean we’re getting cake for breakfast?” Siwoo asked, looking at you and Taeyong.
Taeyong laughed, “buddy, you’re all adults now, we couldn’t tell you what to eat for breakfast even if we wanted to.”
“No! I’m not listening!” Nari exclaimed, “no way! I’m still 14!”
You laughed, “of course.”
“Hold on, why are you more distraught about your age?! Wonsik’s an adult, Nari,” Siwoo cringed, “how?! You were born like yesterday!”
Wonsik rolled his eyes, picking at the chocolate on top of his cake, “I really wasn’t.”
“It felt like it,” you commented.
“Yeah! I remember it!” Siwoo exclaimed.
Nari smiled, “so do I. Uncle Jisung was looking after us for a whole weekend.”
Taeyong sighed, “and now you’ve all become adults too fast.”
“I wouldn’t say it was that fast,” Wonsik said, “felt like fucking ages.”
“Oh you would say that, youngest sibling,” Siwoo tutted.
“Um, Wonsik! Language,” you scolded.
“Seriously?!” Wonsik exclaimed, Nari and Siwoo laughing at him, “Mum! I’m 20!”
“And I’m still your Mum? I’ll shout at all of you for swearing.”
“Not Siwoo!” Wonsik exclaimed.
“Well he’s the oldest, it’s different,” Taeyong shrugged.
“So unfair,” Nari laughed.
“Says you! Dad buys you literally everything!” Wonsik shouted.
“Oh my god no, you’re the most spoilt!” Siwoo cackled.
It didn’t really matter if they liked each other or not, in the end. They were still siblings; that’s all that matters.
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[REQUEST] VIXX as Doms or Subs
@muselin​ First of all, my fellow Starlight: assemble. Second, Bean will ALWAYS be a member of VIXX. I don’t care. I don’t care. VIXX is 6. Periodt.
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♡ Hakyeon is a sensual dom
♡ He would be in complete control, but it would still be about pleasuring you until he’s thoroughly satisfied that you are fucked out.
♡ Very into pampering
♡ He’s into restraints, but soft and smooth materials that are also aesthetically pleasing to look at.
♡ Wants to have sex for hours, slow and deep strokes. He’s not in a rush.
♡ Meticulous like he is in his dancing so he provides plenty of foreplay so you’re utterly prepared. Provides a comfortable environment with pillows and plush.
♡ He’s dramatic af so he’s definitely into role-play, going through whole elaborate scenarios.
♡ You’re definitely going to kiss him until your lips are swollen and you’re not going to complain about it
♡ Not above a little punishment when you misbehave, but he prefers getting lost in each other. The punishment could be you don’t get to stop cumming for the rest of the night
♡ Demands to hear and see all your reactions
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♡ Taekwoon is an aggressive dominant.
♡ You disobey him, he’s not letting you cum.
♡ You disrespect him and you’re not getting dick
♡ Definite pain kink. Slapping, spanking, choking, biting, hair pulling.
♡ Into bruising because he loves the purple blossoms on your skin that he put there
♡ Likes it when you also cause him pain by scratching and biting him.
♡ Definitely into sensory deprivation. And not just blindfolds, but depriving you have being able to touch or using headphones so you can’t hear anything.
♡ Over stimulation is a must. Like to the point it’s almost excruciating. 
♡ Never at any second would he let you forget that every one of your orifices belongs to him
♡ The type of dom to make you sit in place for hours on your knees until he feels he’s in the mood to maybe give you some dick
♡ Or maybe you get to sit on this dildo until he deems you’ve had enough
♡ You aren’t allowed to squirm or moan until he allows it.
♡ Potentially into some kinks that others would find a bit much, like blood play or gaping.
♡ Like 97.3% a dom, but every once in a blue moon is a whiny, mess of a sub that gets too sensitive to stimulation and needs you to just finish him. 
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♡ Whatever you think of as a stereotypical dom, that’s Wonsik.
♡ Wants to hear you call him “daddy”.
♡ Laughs at your frustration at not being able to get off.
♡ Loves to gag you until you have tears running down your face.
♡ Wants to see how much dick you can handle by relentlessly pounding into you.
♡ The kind to say that nasty shit in your ear, wants to let you know everything he’s about to do to see your reaction.
♡ Definitely into public places and maybe even in front of people
♡ Wants everyone to know that’s his stroke is good and you’re his personal cock sleeve.
♡ Loves cumming inside you and watching it seep out.
♡ But also loves cumming on your face and letting it dry
♡ Having sex on every surface of the house because “we got to christen the place”
♡ Forces you to describe your fantasies
♡ Loves anal
♡ Subscribes to the belief that ass to mouth is a necessity in life
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♡ Definitely a constant reassurance sub
♡ Needs you to rub his head and tell him he’s a good boy.
♡ Is very obedient when he’s praised.
♡ Needs constant attention
♡ Loud. Like noise complaints loud.
♡ He will beg and plead, has no shame in letting you know he wants it.
♡ Likes you being in control while he does all the physical lifting
♡ Wants to be used to the point of exhaustion
♡ Can be a little bratty, but only because he wants more, not because he’s not listening.
♡ Prefers softer love making
♡ VERY VOCAL about what he likes. Tells you his body is yours.
♡ Affectionate
♡ Loves having his mouth and tongue abused until his jaw aches
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♡ A lovely sub, but an even lovelier dom
♡ Doesn’t know how to ask for what he wants
♡ But he wants it all. Anything you want to do to him, he’s down for.
♡ Can’t verbalize, but shows you with gestures and eye contact
♡ Appreciates being led
♡ Likes nonsexual situations of being commanded by you
♡ Like he just wants to make you happy and laugh
♡ As much as he wants to have to please every inch of you body
♡ His dominance comes more in the form that he likes to initiate sex
♡ He will randomly pull you into his lap and kiss you breathless
♡ But he’s not really demanding
♡ Wants to enjoy each other
♡ Tries to see who can make the other scream louder.
♡ Praising his universal beauty is a must
♡ Likes to switch between deep, fast strokes and shallow, slow thrusts to drive you both crazy
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♡ Likes to both take reigns and let you choose how the night goes
♡ Equally loves soft or rough sex
♡ As a sub, energetic and rambunctious
♡ But also likes to be humiliated and tamed to “train” him
♡ Enjoys being collared and leashed.
♡ But also playful.
♡ Loves being a little bratty and teasing you until you “punish” him
♡ As a dom, uses his physique to be intimidating and his strength to rag doll you.
♡ Likes to bend you in impossible positions to make you feel even more small
♡ Teases you within an inch of you life
♡ Absolutely delighted at your suffering
♡ Gives in though because he’s actually a sweetheart and doesn’t really have the spine to maintain the facade.
♡ Really just likes making out a lot and having (a lot of!) sex until you’re both a sweaty, floating mess.
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dissoluteways · 3 years
cover up - chapter III
Chapter I / Chapter II / Chapter III
PAIRING: Ravi/OC RATING: Explicit. WARNINGS: There’s some power dynamics but nothing intense. WORDCOUNT: 5749
Notes: This is the final chapter of this fic. I was busy with christmas stuff so i couldn’t post this sooner. Merry belated christmas present! Enjoy!
He didn’t tell the others what had happened this time. Hyuk and Jaehwan pestered him  about it more than usual but he only said they had kissed. Which wasn’t entirely a lie. 
It was obvious something more had happened, considering that once Wonsik got in the car  to go back to their dorm, his face was still red and sweaty. He didn’t want to give details.  What happened that time seemed much more intimate than the previous occasions in which  they just made out a little. Not particularly because she had given him the best blowjob in  his life (not that he had that many to begin with, but this time it certainly won the prize), but  because she said next time. It was a silly thing to hang on to, but it gave him a little hope  that whatever they had going on wasn’t over yet. 
It was some sort of tradition that they all invited the staff for dinner when the promotion period  was over, and this time was no exception. They made a reservation at a fancy restaurant  where they’d have privacy. She was invited too, of course, and Wonsik intended to at least  ask for her number (it was funny he still didn’t have it). If he got the chance, he was going to  ask her out too. 
Wonsik saw her when she got to the place, along with their other makeup noonas, and he  gurgled at how gorgeous she looked, wearing a little black sparkly dress. He was slightly  intimidated again by her presence, especially when she eyed him from the other side of the  table as she sat down, making him gulp loudly. Her gaze was still as dark as ever when she  looked at him, and it was a sin that she would stare at him that way while wearing that  dress. Wonsik desperately needed a drink. The first few drinks made him less self conscious, and he was glad they had that effect on him. Stuttering was something he didn’t  want to do in her presence anymore. 
Wonsik didn’t get to talk to her at all during dinner though. She was on the other side of the  table, and she seemed pretty content with chatting with their stylists. And turns out, alcohol  didn’t make him bolder, only slightly talkative, but the idea of standing up and going all the way there to talk to her made him shiver in his seat. 
Soon enough she was leaving though, after most of the food was served, and Wonsik watched her as she walked out after saying goodbye. He didn’t want her to leave without  having even spoken to her all night, so he got up from his seat and rushed to her. He had to  at least get her number. He didn’t want to break off whatever it is that they had, not unless  that’s what she wanted, but so far, she hadn’t given him a sign that she was done with him.  He could still ask her what it was that she wanted before giving up or not.
He caught her right outside, just as she was putting on her jacket, and he really couldn’t  believe how nice she looked in that dress.  
“Noona,” Wonsik cleared his throat loudly before speaking so she would notice he was there.  
She turned around and smiled when she saw him, taking a few steps towards him before  talking. 
“Hey. I didn’t talk to you all night.”  
“No…” Wonsik looked at her dress and then her face. “You look nice.” 
“Thank you, you look nice too.” She eyed him upside down as she spoke, and Wonsik went  back to feeling small. 
She had that intense gaze on her eyes again, but this time, she was looking at him more  fondly. It made him feel warm inside his chest.  
“I guess I won’t see you at the company building after today…” He said. 
“I guess you won’t.”  
“I was worried because… I don’t want to stop seeing you, really.” 
She was biting on her lip when he spoke, and her eyes softened at the statement.  
“You don’t?” 
“I- no, I don’t.” His voice was shaky, mostly because he didn’t think he would be able to say  all those words that were coming out of his mouth. “Do you want to get a coffee, maybe?” 
She blinked at him, her eyebrows going up for a second. 
“Right now?” 
“Um, no, I mean… Whenever you want, or can… There’s this place that I like…”  
Wonsik stopped talking when he noticed how big her smile had gotten. She took a few steps  closer, only a few centimeters separating them, and her hand found his, squeezing at it  before replying. 
“I’d love to.” 
Wonsik took a sharp intake of air before sighing loudly, his shoulders slumping down and  his whole body relaxing. He didn’t realize he was so tense. She chuckled at him before  tugging at his hand. 
“Maybe we should get a coffee tomorrow morning.”  
“Tomorrow mo- Oh.” The suggesting tone of her voice settled in his brain a few seconds  later, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. 
“Would you like to go to my place?” 
It was one of the few times she didn’t look so confident, on the contrary, she seemed  almost shy, even if it was for a split second. She was still holding his hand, and looking up at  him expectantly. Wonsik would have kissed her right there. 
“Yeah… Yeah, I’d love that.” He finally replied. “I just have to get my jacket.” 
She nodded and let go of his hand, and Wonsik almost ran all the way inside to get his  things. He whispered to Taekwoon where he was going, just in case Hakyeon would panic  later when they got to the dorm and realized he’s missing; and headed outside.  
They took a cab to get there, and Wonsik couldn’t help feeling shaky and excited. Though  they had been alone several times, it wasn’t the kind of alone Wonsik wanted, since there  was always the risk of getting caught, and even when they had done stuff, this was going to  be the first time they could be intimate with each other. He was nervous, but he wanted that  more than anything. 
She seemed to notice his growing anxiety, and rested a hand on his thigh, near his knee. It  was a subtle touch, and Wonsik turned to her. Her soft smile and easy gaze somehow  comforted him. She still looked as beautiful as she did on the first day, and still exhibited  that same aura she had at the very beginning too, calm and warm. It was crazy she could  switch from sweet and mellow to dark and sexy in a second. Wonsik actually liked it, a lot. 
“You look really beautiful tonight.” Wonsik said without much thought. 
She gave him a genuine smile and leaned in, gently pressing her lips against his in an  innocent kiss. They pulled away soon enough, but remained close the entire way. 
Once they got to the building, their excitement was more obvious, as they almost ran from  the cab to get to the entrance. They barely made it to the elevator before she pulled Wonsik  towards her body, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him hungrily. Wonsik responded just as enthusiastically, his hands gripping at her hips as if she would slip away  at any second.  
She dragged him towards her apartment’s door once they got to the right floor, and Wonsik  couldn’t keep his hands away as she fumbled with the keys, placing them on her waist as he  kissed her neck and shoulders until the door was finally opened.  
It was a very spacious place from what Wonsik could see; not exactly huge, but pretty neat  and well lived. He couldn’t observe for much longer as she pressed him against the nearest  wall once the door was closed. She stood on her toes to kiss him, her hands grabbing at his  shirt, and he groaned when she bit his bottom lip, his own hands going through her hair to  keep her close. 
They kissed each other like they were drowning, barely getting a second to breathe, but  Wonsik didn’t care. He would kiss for the rest of his life if he could; the sensation of her lips  against his so addictive he would never get enough of it.  
Feeling bold, he tugged at her hair, yanking her head back roughly, tongue darting out to lick at  her neck. The moan that escaped her lips when he scraped his teeth at her skin sent a thrill  all the way down his spine. Wonsik wanted more of that, so he let himself be rougher than  what he might usually be. He bit and sucked at her pulse point, running his tongue over her  flesh soothingly, before sucking on it again.  
She was whining and quivering under his touch, Wonsik felt a touch smug. He licked at her  skin, messy and wet, before pulling away and catching her mouth in a kiss. 
He couldn’t help the grunt that slipped from his lips when her hand sneaked between them  to palm at the front of his pants. 
“Where’s the bedroom?” Wonsik asked between kisses, voice raspy because she kept  grinding her hand against his crotch. She chuckled as she nipped at his bottom lip, not  exactly giving him an answer. “Unless you wanna fuck, ah, right here.” 
“I’d like that,” she whispered against his lips, squeezing him one last time before pulling  away, “but maybe some other time.” 
She grabbed his hand and led him to her bedroom on a jog.  
Her bedroom wasn’t as big, but what caught Wonsik’s eyes was the amazingly huge window  right by the side of the bed. They didn’t even need to turn on the lights to see, even if it was late at night, the moon and the city lights were enough, and they painted pretty patterns all  over the room.  
His thoughts were interrupted by her hands tugging at his jacket, bringing him closer to the  bed. Wonsik quickly helped her get rid of it, throwing it somewhere on the floor before  kissing her again. She hummed contently when he pulled at her own coat, dragging it off her  shoulders and discarding it randomly too. 
Lying down on the bed, she dragged him down by his shirt, spreading her legs to allow him  between them. Wonsik rested his arms on each side of her head, caging her body against  his, head dipping below his shoulders so he could continue kissing her.  
“I can’t believe this is finally happening,” Wonsik whispered, not really noticing those words  coming from his lips as her hands slowly went down his chest. 
She chuckled against his mouth, her touch softening suddenly, and her hands going to his  back, caressing him softly. 
“Relax, ok?” She murmured, eyes fluttering. Wonsik could feel his face heating up rapidly,  butterflies rising in his stomach. “I like you a lot. I want this. I want you.” 
Wonsik was positive his heart stopped working and that he couldn’t breathe anymore. 
“If you don’t like something or want me to stop, just say it and we’ll stop.” She kissed his  lips lightly, almost careful as if not to scare him away. 
“I don’t think that will happen.” Wonsik replied, pressing his mouth against hers more  urgently. 
“You’re so cute.” She laughed softly. 
She pulled away to tug at his shirt, sitting up to lift it up and off his body. Laying her hands  on his chest, she bit her lips as she traced her finger across his tattoo before slowly running her hands down his stomach. Wonsik hadn’t been working out that much lately, but seeing  that hungry look in her eyes made him feel good about himself, and he smiled softly. 
He tried going back to kissing her, but her hands stopped him. He stared at her curiously as  she lay back down on the bed, supporting herself on her elbows as she brought one of her  legs towards his shoulder. 
“Take off my shoes.” 
Wonsik’s eyes were glued to her face while his brain actually commanded his hands to move,  and she chuckled softly when he hurriedly grasped at her leg. She folded her leg so the sole  of her heels was almost touching his chest, and Wonsik gulped at the image. The power she  had over him aroused him completely and he couldn’t deny it, his pants getting tighter every  second. He fumbled with the straps of her shoe before finally taking it off her foot, and he  put it on the bed as she brought her other foot close to his sternum, and he proceeded to  take that one off too. His heart was beating loudly inside his chest as he did so; she could  probably hear it loud and clear. He put her other heel to the side, and she let that leg stretch  over his shoulder before hoisting it up. 
“Good boy.” 
That warm feeling inside his chest spread through his body and settled between his legs  when she praised him. It intensified when she beckoned him with her finger, a pleased smile  on her face. Wonsik obeyed, carefully leaning on top of her body as she let her leg on his  shoulder fall to the side, and she cupped his face, kissing him fully on the lips. They  breathed into each other’s mouths, tongues tangling together. Wonsik’s hands were on her  thighs, slowly sliding up towards her dress. She lifted her hips to help him glide the fabric  over her stomach, before pulling it over her shoulders and head, and tossing it on the floor,  leaving her in just her panties and bra.  
He sighed at the sight of her body underneath him, his hands resting on her hips smoothly  moving upwards. She hummed when he moved down to kiss her cleavage, fingers twisting in  his hair. She helped him discard her bra quickly before going back to trailing his lips along  her sternum. The moan that left her lips when Wonsik closed his lips around her nipple was  so enticing, it went straight to his dick.  
He was so hard. But that could wait. He knew perfectly well what he wanted to do, and he  kissed her other nipple, softly lapping at it before trailing open mouth kisses down her  tummy.  
“Can I return the favor?” Wonsik asked, sliding off the bed and kneeling down on the floor,  near the edge, and looking at her expectantly.  
She seemed surprised, and he could swear she was blushing profoundly as she nodded,  dragging herself closer to the edge of the mattress. Wonsik wrapped his hands around her  thighs, bringing her closer to him before hooking his fingers under the waistband of her panties to drag them down her legs and off. He pushed her legs up onto his shoulders as  she prompted herself up on her elbows, biting her lip as she eyed him carefully.
Wonsik could see her throw her head back and gasp when he pressed his tongue against  her, slowly licking across her opening before kissing her clit. He licked at her with slow, long  strokes, moans spilling from her lips with every move of his tongue. He stopped to lock his  lips over her clit, softly sucking to see her reaction. Her legs jolted, and her hand shot up to  grab his hair, looking at him through hooded eyes. He went back to swiping his tongue over  her folds, nestling in closer, and her whole body trembled at the change of angle in his  movements.  
“Oh my God,” She almost screamed, her fingers tightening in his hair. “You’re so good,  baby.” 
Wonsik groaned at the praise, flattening his tongue against her slit before flicking it over her  clit. There was a rush of self-satisfaction going through his body as he stared intensely at  her face. It was beautiful, her face flushed and contorted with ecstasy as he licked smoothly at her clit. Wonsik knew very well he was submitting himself to her, there wasn’t any  question about their dynamics; but being able to give her such pleasure made him feel more  powerful than he has ever felt.  
Sealing his lips tightly over her clit, he sucked on her eagerly, squeezing her thighs with his  hands when she bucked in against his mouth. She moved her hips again, this time on  purpose, Wonsik guessed, and she gasped loudly when his tongue slid into her folds, curling  it inside her just right. 
“Yeah, just like that,” She encouraged him in a whimper, tugging more urgently at his hair.  
He immediately pressed his tongue further inside of her, her hips jerking as he did so.  Wonsik was aiming to please, so he slipped his index finger inside her, and she almost  yelled, her legs jolting again.  
“Shit,” She panted, letting her torso fall flat on the bed and breaking eye contact with  Wonsik, “You’re so amazing, holy fuck.” 
The fact that she was so vocal and loud spurred Wonsik on and he groaned against her core,  which sent shivers all over her body as she moaned. She ground her hips down against his  face as his tongue slowly worked inside her, his finger continuously sliding in and out of  her. 
He was soon pushing another finger in, and she mewled in pleasure. Wonsik could feel her  clenching around his digits, his tongue still flicking inside of her.
“Stop, wait,” Her voice was raspy and shaky, and Wonsik stopped altogether, sliding his  fingers out of her, thinking maybe that he had hurt her, but kept his mouth close to her  core. He got to look at her again as she slowly went back to supporting herself with her  elbows; her face was flushed and sweaty, hair sticking to her forehead, and she panted, “I  don’t wanna come yet…” 
Wonsik blinked up at her as she crawled back towards the center of the mattress, sitting up  and taking his hand into hers to make him get on top of the bed too. He followed her lead,  wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he wiggled closer to her.  
“Was I good?” He asked as he leaned in to kiss her, her hands holding his face as he did so.  She was still breathing heavily as he softly licked into her mouth, Wonsik felt a touch smug. 
“Mhm, so good, baby,” She replied, smiling, her hands palming his chest. “But I wanna come  with your dick inside of me.” 
Wonsik couldn’t help the groan that slipped from his mouth.  
Her hands were pushing against his shoulders until she flipped him onto his back. Wonsik  was surprised at first, his head spinning for a moment, but soon he noticed her hands  fumbling with the zipper of his pants, and he kicked off his shoes so she could tug them  down and off his legs. He was left in just his boxers, his obvious erection straining the  fabric. 
She palmed down over his clothed cock, and Wonsik laid his head back, grunting as she  slowly massaged him through his underwear. She slowly pulled his boxers down, tossing  them off somewhere, before grasping at his dick, stroking him slowly. She pumped him  torturously slow, running her thumb over the head and barely twisting her wrist, he had to  fight the urge to flip her over and fuck her into the mattress.  
“C-condom…” His mind wasn’t all gone yet when he asked for protection, and he felt a little  shy when she laughed softly at him, leaning down to kiss him before letting go of his dick. 
Wonsik scooted closer to the pillows as she scrambled around in the drawer of her bedside  table. She straddled him once she found the condom, tearing the little package open before  rolling it on his cock, Wonsik hissing at the sensation. He watched her intensely as she  wrapped her fingers around his length, rising to her knees to rub the tip over her clit and  entrance. 
“Fuck…” Wonsik cursed. He wasn’t even inside of her yet but he was positive he would come  at any second.
She chuckled darkly at his reaction, probably taking mercy on him as she slowly sank down  onto his dick, sliding in easily.  
Wonsik was panting, struggling not to buck up like he wanted to. She had her eyes closed in  a frown, head slumping forward, supporting herself with her hands on his chest. Comforting  her as she got used to the stretch, he ran his hands from her hips up her waist and towards  her shoulders. She opened her eyes to meet Wonsik’s, and without really realizing, he slid a  hand towards her face, softly caressing her cheek. Closing her eyes again, she nuzzled  against his palm and let out a breathy moan.  
She promptly lifted herself up before sinking back down, and Wonsik gasped at the sudden  movement. She was so tight and hot around him; he wasn’t sure how he would last. His  hands fell back onto her hips, his grip tightening as she buckled down on his cock with a  whimper.  
They started a slow, steady rhythm, Wonsik thrusting up to meet her hips. But soon it wasn’t  enough, and he growled when she dropped down rapidly onto his dick, her nails digging  into his chest as she did. She pushed herself down, bouncing on his cock, and he groaned,  raising his hips up to meet hers, hands curling tighter around her hips to help her go down  onto him harder.  
She looked so wonderful like that, her hair falling down on her chest, her breasts bouncing  as she moved her hips to meet his, the city lights reflecting on her skin and making it glow  with pretty patterns. She was riding him so eagerly, whimpering with every thrust of his  hips; Wonsik felt the little composure he had left slipping from him. 
“You’re perfect,” he growled, bucking up just in time as she ground down. 
She offered him a weak smile from underneath her hair before slumping forward, arching  her back with a whimper. Wonsik ran his hand up her waist before sliding them back over  her hips and reaching for her butt, squeezing her flesh. He clenched his fingers hard on her  ass, guiding her thrusts. He felt his mouth dry, looking down to where their bodies  connected, the intoxicating image of his dick sliding in and out of her making the knot in his  stomach tighten.  
“You’re riding me so well, princess…” he groaned, fingers digging into her skin as her hips  rose and fell onto his lap.
Her reply was a breathy laugh, one of her hands sliding up to tangle in her hair, her whole  body almost leaning down on him. When Wonsik thrust up into her one more time, she  whimpered, her thighs quivering, almost losing her balance. 
Wonsik was panting as he sat up a little to hold her, wrapping one arm around her waist as  he kissed her, pushing her body against his. He carefully rolled them over, letting her lie down  and pressing her into the mattress, his body still between her legs.  
Resting his arms on both sides of her head, caging her against his body, Wonsik pulled out  almost fully before thrusting back inside her again. She gasped into his mouth, arching her  back, her nipples brushing against his chest. She was pulsing around cock, hot and wet,  every slide making her moan against his lips. He kissed her, open mouthed and messy,  before dragging his lips across her cheek.  
He could tell how close she was, her heels digging into his back impatiently, her whimpers  almost turning into sobs with every snap of his hips.  
“You feel so good around me,” Wonsik murmured against her ear, kissing her jaw. 
She hooked her arm around his neck, keeping him close. Remembering her reaction from  earlier, Wonsik bit at the side of her neck, sucking hard on her flesh. She shuddered, fingers  tangling in his hair and tugging. He was sloppy this time, his impending orgasm making it  hard for him to keep his focus, but he ran his tongue over her skin, sucking at it eagerly,  before pressing his lips to her throat. 
He wanted to get her off first before coming himself, so Wonsik slid his hand between their  bodies, skilful fingers finding her clit and rubbing circles against it. She clenched around  him, legs shaking as she let out a stuttered moan. 
“I’m- I’m so close, baby boy…” She mewled into his ear. 
The way she was pulsing around him made him whine, and his pace turned relentless as he  slammed into her hard, his fingers still pressing onto her clit. He noticed the grip of her  hands on his shoulders tightening, and how her breath got caught in her throat, and he  knew she was coming. Her entire body trembled underneath him, back arching; and she  squeezed around him hard, Wonsik spilling a stream of profanities when she did so.  
He was sinking so deep into her, his thrusts completely wild and erratic. Wonsik cursed  under his breath, his vision starting to blur as he chased his own high. She was still so wet and her touch against his skin was so hot, her fingers running down his back then, dragging  her nails across his skin. 
“Come on, Wonsik,” She hummed close to his ear, her voice still breathy and shaky from her  release, her fingers caressing his chest and stomach then, “Come for me, honey.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice, his hips snapping forward once, twice, before coming with a  loud grunt. His orgasm was so clear and the pleasure was so vivid he was seeing stars. His  cock pulsed inside her, languidly thrusting as he rode out his climax until she sobbed and  shivered with aftershocks. 
His arms were trembling, not being able to hold on anymore, and Wonsik collapsed down on  top of her, burying his face in her neck. She whimpered when he did, but wrapped her arms  around his waist, keeping him close.  
They took a few minutes to catch their breath, until Wonsik felt her fingers tracing random  patterns on his back soothingly. After a moment he sighed, pulling himself up to look at her  face. She gave him a tired but sweet smile, and he brought up one hand to caress at her  cheek, pushing her hair out her face. 
He leaned in and kissed her, unhurried and gentle, and she hummed into his mouth.  
“That was wonderful,” She whispered after pulling away. 
“We should do it again some time,” Wonsik said without really thinking, and he earned a  breathy laugh from her. 
“We definitely should.”  
Rolling off her, Wonsik disposed of the condom into the trashcan by the bed before resting  beside her. She wiggled closer, covering both of them with a blanket as she lay down next to  him, resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her, playing with her hair  as she slowly dozed off. 
Feeling completely sated and comfortable, and listening to her breathe evenly against his  skin, Wonsik fell asleep right by her side. 
Wonsik woke up when he felt the mattress shift under him. He tried opening his eyes, the  light coming from the window bothering him so he blinked a couple of times before opening  them completely. He caught her just when she was sitting on the bed and slipping into a shirt, her fingers then going through her hair to try to put into some kind of order. Wonsik  thought it was adorable. 
“Hey,” his voice came out hoarser than he intended. Would he ever talk with a normal voice  in her presence? 
She turned around, surprised, but she quickly smiled at him. 
“Hey, you,” she leaned back and kissed him softly on the lips, “Did you sleep well?” 
Wonsik nodded before sitting up, the cool air hitting his bare chest and he shivered. She  noticed this, and quickly went to pick up his shirt from where it was discarded on the floor  to give it to him. 
“I’m making breakfast, do you want anything in particular?” She asked him as she went  through one of her drawers of her closet. 
“Um, just… whatever you want to make is fine,” He replied, putting on his shirt. 
She smiled before walking out of the room with a pair of shorts in her hand. Everything still  felt so surreal, the fact that Wonsik was waking up in her bed after spending the night  together, after pining after her for weeks, the images of all their interactions coming to him  in a flash; it all sent chills through his spine. He needed a minute to cool down. 
He walked into the kitchen after getting dressed and brushing his teeth (using a brush she  left for him in the bathroom) to find her making coffee and toasting some bread. 
“When I asked you out for coffee yesterday, I didn’t mean to make it yourself.” Wonsik said, casually walking up behind her, making her jump a little when he placed his hands on  her shoulders 
“Isn’t it a bit risky? Going out the both of us, I mean.” 
He shrugged, grabbing the two cups of coffee to put them on the table. “I know a few places that are private enough, nobody would bother us there.” 
He helped her set the table before sitting down, and she followed him right after, setting the  toasts down along with some cheese and jam. 
“I guess we could go some time then.” She said with a smile as she sat across from him. 
Wonsik could feel the rush of affection that spread through his chest when she flashed him  that smile. Even as she started sipping on her coffee and taking a bite at her toast, he  couldn’t brush it off. She always seemed so fierce in his eyes, especially with how he  approached him the last few weeks; and there she was, wearing a shirt that was slightly  bigger on her frame, with puffy eyes and swollen lips, looking sleepy as she munched on a  toast. She couldn’t be any cuter in his eyes. 
She pulled her hair back as she reached for a slice of cheese, and Wonsik noticed the two  love bites on her neck, one just under her ear on one side, the other one on the other side, close to where her neck met her shoulder. He couldn’t help holding his breath at the sight. 
Leaning in towards her, Wonsik put his hand on her neck, tracing his thumb over the mark  under her ear with just a little pressure. She shuddered, gasping weakly and closing her  eyes, shoulders curling. She had to put down the cup of coffee so as not to drop it, and  Wonsik couldn’t help the grin that tugged at his lips. 
When he retracted his hand and the shiver slipped out of her body, she looked at him with  wide eyes, biting her bottom lip when she noticed his smile. It was like he found out a secret  about her, one she wouldn’t want anyone to know, especially him. Wonsik instantly  memorized the fact that her weakest point was her neck in the deepest part of his brain,  before taking a sip at his coffee, looking more than just pleased with himself. She glared at  him playfully, going back to drinking her coffee without saying a word. 
“You should probably thank the other guys when you get to the dorm,” She said after a few  minutes. 
“What? Why?” Wonsik swallowed promptly, suddenly alarmed. His brain quickly connected  some details together, and he immediately realized. “Wait, when you asked me a few weeks  ago if it was true that I liked you…” 
“That was kind of an accident,” She clarified, a small blush creeping on her cheeks, “I  actually walked in on the waiting room, and they were practically yelling about it.” 
Wonsik buried his face in his hands, extremely embarrassed that they weren’t even careful  when they talked about it in public.  
“I thought you were cute before,” She reassured him, but Wonsik still felt mortified, “but I  also thought maybe you were just nervous, so I never approached you until I found out you  liked me.”
Wonsik made a dying noise behind his hands that she probably thought was funny by the  way she giggled.  
“I also would have asked you out myself before Taekwoon told me you were planning to do  it.” 
Lifting his head from his hands, Wonsik stared at her in disbelief. Turned out that bitch  talked just like the others. He was never telling him anything ever again. He was never  telling anyone anything ever. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” She laughed, “Whatever it was that they did, it worked out either  way.” 
“I’m not thanking them.” Wonsik stated, “I’m never talking to them again. Actually, I’m  leaving forever.” 
She smiled at him, amused, as she got up from her seat. Wonsik blinked at her, sitting  straight in his chair as she took a few steps towards him, putting her hands on his shoulders  and sitting down on his lap, both of her legs on one side. 
“I guess it was just your manly charms that made me feel attracted to you,” She said with  that low voice of hers that made Wonsik feel like jelly. 
He still noticed the teasing tone underneath her voice, and rolled his eyes, wrapping his  hands around her waist. She chuckled at his reaction before pressing her lips to his.  
Her lips were so soft and her mouth tasted like coffee, he planned to spend a long time  devouring them. She hummed contently when he tightened his grip on her waist so her body  was pressed against his, quickly opening up for him to let him lick at her mouth. Wonsik  wondered how he actually survived all his life without kissing her, without tasting her.  
They pulled away to breathe and she rested her forehead against his. He wanted to  reassume kissing when he felt it was enough time apart, but she simply pecked his lips  before speaking. 
“Wanna take a shower together?” 
Wonsik finished his coffee in one sip, the liquid burning down his throat when he gulped,  and he nodded eagerly.
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blu-joons · 3 years
One Night To Be Mine ~ Kim Wonsik
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Your eyes could only roll as Wonsik made his way over to you with a proud smile on his face. You placed your clipboard down, beckoning him over when you noticed how misplaced his microphone was against the red jumper that he wore. Although you knew why he’d done it, there was no chance of you letting him get away with it.
“I don’t appreciate these games you’re trying to play whilst I’m trying to produce a show,” you whispered.
He simply shrugged back at you, moving his arms back so that you could reposition his microphone so that it sat properly on the collar of his jumper. You couldn’t deny how strong his body felt as you moved around it, refusing to focus too much on it though, trying your hardest to remain professional and ignore Wonsik’s advances.
Each segment you filmed, you noticed him often looking in your direction, watching your every move. His crush was undeniable, most of the cast had picked up on the way that he behaved too, but you tried your hardest to dismiss it every time.
“You can tell me if you like what you see,” he smirked once you were finished, moving your hands away. “You wouldn’t be the first person to compliment my body.”
“You’ve got work to do, and this is not the place,” you sighed.
His head nodded, very much aware of the other people that were around you both. “I reckon I could find a pretty good place if you gave me a chance to prove it to you. In fact, this island particularly is well known for how romantic it is.”
“And you’ve still got work to film,” you reminded him, trying to keep a hold of your composure. “If you don’t mind, you’re needed back on set.”
Your attitude only teased Wonsik more, the hard to get was something he craved out of you, because deep down he could see how flustered you were around him too. He knew he had you wrapped around his finger if he wanted you, he just had to keep searching for the key that would eventually unlock the door.
After the shoot had finished for the day, you quickly made your way back to your office, desperate to head back to your hotel and rest for the night. Everything was set for the main shoot tomorrow, exploring the island and plenty of markets too.
However, as soon as you stepped foot into your office, you knew you weren’t alone. As you spun around, a gasp came from you as you noticed Wonsik stood just centimetres away from you, quickly closing the door behind him.
“So, how about that place?” He instantly asked, barely giving you the time to catch your breath. “I saw how red your cheeks were putting my mic on earlier, are you really going to keep denying that you have feelings for me?”
Your head nodded, stepping past him so that you could file your director’s notes away in your bag, grabbing your belongings and throwing them in too. Wonsik refused to move as you did so, noticing how panicked you became as a result of how close he was to you.
Once you were done, you grabbed your bag and threw it over your shoulder, only for Wonsik to continue to stand in front of the door. You knew he was far too strong for you to even try and step around, moving back instead, folding your arms across your chest.
“Just give me a chance,” he spoke up, staring across at you with a wide smile on his face. “You can only pretend not to be interested in me for so long before you slip up. So, why don’t you cave and just let me take you out?”
“And what makes you think we would work anyway? You’re a star, I’m just a producer, it’s not worth the risk for me to get involved with you,” you admitted.
Wonsik’s eyebrows raised, as did yours once you’d realised what you’d said. The slip up occurred instantly, realising the not-so-subtle way you’d managed to go about telling Wonsik that you felt the same way too.
“The fact that you’re a producer doesn’t change anything,” he assured you, taking a step towards you, “in fact, I love that you’re a producer, you’re normal Y/N.”
“And when things come crashing down or found out, who gets the sack?” You challenged.
His head nodded, instantly understanding where you were coming from. A relationship between staff and star never tended to end well, and whilst Wonsik was irreplaceable on the show, you were very much the opposite, with plenty of producers lining up for their chance.
“I would be careful, you know that, you’ve spent enough time with me to know the person that I am. I know that work is important, but I’m not going to let work get in the way of my chance of love, even if it does end up upsetting a few people along the way,” Wonsik assured you.
“Chance of love?” You whispered, slightly surprised by such an honest statement from him.
His smile slowly grew, reaching out for your hand to take a hold of. “I know what we’ve been doing is fun, but I want to be serious too. I know you think you’re just the producer of this show, but you’re so much more than that, however much you wind me up too.”
Your eyes rolled as he tugged you to stand closer towards him, relaxing his hand against your waist, noticing how red your cheeks had turned once again.
“I was convinced if I pushed you far enough away, you’d drop any feelings you had for me,” you confessed to him.
“Did you really think I was that easy?”
Your head shook with the release of a light giggle, “I’ve learnt now that you’re a lot harder work than I gave you credit for. That still doesn’t mean I’m going to give in to you straight away, I’ve been promised a pretty romantic dinner if I remember correctly.”
He could only scoff at the wide smile on your face, making sure you held his promise from earlier in the day against him. Even though you’d scoured most of the island for places to shoot, Wonsik assured you he had some place special up his sleeve.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” He proceeded to ask, sensing he might have finally won the battle. “You’re not going to get scared and back away, or change your mind about me? Because we still have to work together.”
It was something you’d given a lot of thought; you knew that if things didn’t work out with Wonsik it was going to make work a very awkward place to be. But you hadn’t tried to ignore your heart for so long for no reason, you knew that he was exactly what you wanted.
“I’m sure,” you smiled, taking yet another step closer towards him, staring up at his eyes.
With that, Wonsik’s hand moved up to cup the side of your face, slowly leaning down until his lips pressed against your own, catching at your bottom lip before quickly pulling away, conscious of where the two of you still were.
“We’ll make this work,” he whispered as he pulled away from you, keeping his hand against your flushed cheek. “I’ll pick you up tonight once everyone’s in their rooms, make sure that the coast is clear for us both.”
“It’s going to be hard,” you acknowledged, suddenly feeling slightly overwhelmed by the extents you’d have to go to in order to keep your relationship quiet. “But I’m willing to do it, just as long as you are too.”
Wonsik’s head nodded, having dreamt about the chance to be with you for so long, he’d already mapped out several ways to keep things quiet in his head before. “Just trust me, and we’ll be alright, I promise you.”
“Of course, I trust in you,” you assured him.
“Then we’ll be alright, at least for tonight.”
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
VIXX - Ravi A-Z
“Hiiii, could you please write an A to Z for Ravi?? 🙏🙏”
“vixx ravi a to z 👀thank u ❤️”
“Ravi A-Z NSFW please?”
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A - Aftercare Bless him he tries, but he’s so exhausted afterwards the most he can probably stretch to is maybe getting you both a drink...after that youre on your own lol sorry 
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) does it count if i say his favourite part on himself is his tattoos? idk, i just feel like theyre something about himself that he really cherishes, and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner, he likes the cakes, the booty, the butt meat. He can’t get enough.
C - Cum Likes to cum on your face or neck. Bonus points if you let him cum in your mouth then kiss him, it’s something he finds so unbelievably hot.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) He really REALLY wants to record the both of yall going at it and use the audio in one of his songs, but he thinks you’d never agree to it so he’s afraid to bring it up :((( 
E - Experience He strikes me as someone who’s no stranger to one night stand kinda things so he’s definitely got a fair amount of experience. He just gives off the energy of someone who knows his way around the female body lmao
F - Favourite Position Loves having you ride him, he likes the lazy approach and watching you bounce on him is his favourite site in the entire world. Always has a soft spot for doggy as well, he’s always a fan of anything where he get’s a full view of your ass.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) Not that goofy at all tbh, sex is something he just takes super seriously, he’s not here to mess around lmao. He’s here to fuck you up and get you shaking fgfdgdg
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Trimmed to the point of almost being bare, but he leaves a little bit lol
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He has his softer days every now and then, but he’s not really all that intimate in the moment tbh. He knows that you know how he feels about you, so he doesn't feel the need to be overly sentimental when at that moment all he wants is to rail you into the mattress until you're shaking oop.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) Honestly he probably does it basically every day; it’s pretty much a part of his nighttime routine at this point. He finds it the perfect way to relax just before he goes to sleep
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) For sure marking, both giving and receiving. He doesn’t even care if anyone sees them, he wears them all with pride and a massive smirk lol. He’s into maybe lowkey bdsm stuff too, just a little light pain and restraint kinda things.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) His favourite place would be his recording studio. It’s just that bit different enough to be a lil saucy, but private enough to where he’s like 95% certain no ones gonna walk in on you. It’s the reason he bought a super big sofa to go in there tbh lol.
M - Motivation (What turns them on) He’s a simple man, literally just touch him in an even slightly suggestive way and his brain will go straight to his dick. His thighs and lower stomach are the places he really likes to be touched
N - NO (something they won’t do, turn offs) No sharing, so that means no three(or more)somes lol. You’re his and he’s yours. That’s how he wants it to stay. 
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Lowkey the type to be more into the whole “face fucking” thing when you go down on him. He can get super intense when giving too, he wont stop until you've had a least one orgasm from foreplay alone lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) I feel like he’s somewhere in the middle lol, a happy medium. Probably a little on the faster side, but not crazy rough. He’ll be sure you feel it the next day.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) He’s quite a fan, he thinks they definitely have their charm of just scratching that itch whenever it occurs. They happen every now and then, usually in the morning when he wakes up with a boner but has to be somewhere soon.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) To a certain extent. He does have a few hard limits, but aside from that, he’s totally open 
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) I dont think he lasts all that long, mainly because of how much energy he puts into whatever he’s doing. But providing you catch him before he falls asleep, he’d be down to go a second round.
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) Definitely owns a few. Not a crazy amount, but mainly what he considers the “essentials”. Stuff like a vibrator, blindfold, silk ties and maybe a paddle if he’s feeling extra spicy.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) Maybe surprisingly idk, but i really dont think he’s that into teasing. I think he’d much rather just get straight to the main event then draw things out needlessly long.
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Some super gravely moans and very very sweary. Super into dirty talk also. Very much a “let the neighbours know my name, baby” kinda guy sdfds
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) He love love looooves it when you’re super vocal, the louder the better. It doesn’t matter where you are, what time of day it is etc. He knows all the right spots to hit that’ll get you screaming and he’ll keep going until you’re as loud as you can get.
X - X-ray (what’s going on inside those pants) Average in both senses i’d say, pretty n veiny though lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) Pretty high, like it’s not that high where its unbearable lmao but it’s probably a little higher than average. 4-5 times a week at most
Z - Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Super fast lol. Pretty much as soon as he pulls out of you, he’s out like a light lmao.
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love-kazin · 4 years
History Walls
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Genre: just a friendly scenario with a very slightly friends-to-lovers.
Pairing: Kim Wonsik/Ravi x Reader (female).
Warnings: none.
Word count: 1.371. 
There’s this literature project counting as the major grade and your friends couldn’t think about any person that wasn’t you to work with. 
"What I'm saying is that doesn't matter what you're reading, because any kind of literature is a literature! Anything that makes you read is interesting because it can develop your creativity and vocabulary." Hanging out in a bookstore wasn't how you planned to spend your saturday. Not with the guys, actually, because you love a good bookstore, but being the one who got invited was a little different. Since you were a good student, with the higher grades in class and the most well developed assignments, you were the first thought of the guys. Not that they only wanted to work with you because of that. It's just easier to work with friends, and if they're smart, it's a plus. "Do you really think that?" Taekwoon was looking at you but his face was hard to describe. He could be genuinely curious about your opinion or preparing himself to end all your arguments. "Yes, I do. What do you think?" "I think a good literature is the better option to extend your intelectual atributes." "But what's a good literature?" "Oh, here we go again..." You could only chuckle at Hongbin's statement. Any topic could get kinda phylosifical in seconds when you were talking, which was a little boring but an amusement to them at the same time. Hearing you talk all your points of view was nice, not only because you helped them to get another vision about certain topics, but also because your excitement was interesting to watch. "A good literature is that one that makes me travel around the theme, like I'm floating in the author's ideas." "That's a good point, really. I think it's important to feel conected with the material you're reading, to take that to yourself. But as you said, a good literature is the one that makes you feel it. And this can be anything. It can be a thick book about a country's history, a cute and tragic romance, a fashion magazine or even the shampoo bottle. It can work differently for every person." "Even a shampoo bottle? How's that could work?" "Imagine that you're a chemical student, learning how to compose something. Don't you think the specified rotule would make you wonder how to work with that? Which combination is the better one? To whom that product can work well?" "Oh, that makes a lot of sense. So, that's how bedtime stories works for kids at night? I mean, it can stimulate their thoughts and affect their dreams?" You nodded. It was good they were catching your point. Hakyeon started to look at you proudly, his words dancing at his expression. He didn't needed to talk it out loud, but you knew that he was thinking you would be amazing as a teacher - which was the main point of your academical career. "Do you think it's problematic for an adult to like stories made for kids?" Jaehwan looked really curious, subtly. Which was kinda normal. You were used to his comportment that can change in seconds from playful to serious. "Of course not! I understand that some people may joke around and tell to this person to grow up, but they're doing it! Just like everybody. It's something to read, and as long as the person enjoy the topic, it's valid. Nobody should say otherwise." Humming in agreement, they started to work on the summary of the literature assignment. Actually, it was something to present, with slides, point of views and lots of topics related to the main point. That's the reason requiring a whole 7 members group. The teacher has given almost two months to prepare it, since it was a final project for the semester, so there was a lot of time to do it, and it wasn't that hard. But being an applied student, you always liked to do your assignments as soon as possible, and your friends knew it, even not being the same way. It would be kinda hard to everyone thinks exactly the same way, and that's why some discussions happened along the day. "I don't think it's healthy for a kid, for example, to read adult things." "That's why there's age recommendation, Taek." "But there are things that doesn't have it. Like those shampoo bottles you said earlier." "I don't think a kid would read that these days, but it's not forbidden. Maybe they can be a chemical engineer in the future, right? Is that bad?" Taekwoon just looked at you and returned to the book while thinking about it. Wonsik was the one who was strangely quiet that day. No one seemed to notice when he left the table to disappear between those big book walls. But that did bother you. If he wasn't feeling ok, you'd like to help. His face looked puzzled, almost lost in thoughts, and the way his eyebrows furrowed a little trying to read the book title on his hand was very cute. "Do you need some help, Wonsik?" He then looked at you, nodding. "I'm starting to think that this book isn't even in english." The thick and brown cover, with golden letters, and a thin dust layer, was actually in german. "It's not. But I can find a english version of it, if you want it. Or a korean." Wonsik smiled at you, showing off his perfect teeth, resembling a little like a cute bunny, but also big. While you showed him the way to the library part where would had be the book in his elected language, you grow up some curiosity. "May I ask you why do you wanna read this book? It's quite sad. Are you alright?" "I'm okay, yeah. I'm just curious, and trying to expand my known list of books. I wanna be smart." "You already are. But it's great to know more, also because you're getting to know another type of writing. If you feel too sad to finish, you can just call me and I'll resume to you." "Did you read it?" Nodding, you grabbed the book and gave it to Wonsik. "Can I call you if I have some doubt?" "Sure. I'll be glad to help." Then, the silence came. Being around Wonsik was nice, but along with the others. Alone, it was weird because he seemed uncomfortable in your presence. You didn't knew why; there wasn't any memorable thing that happened that may have hurted him or anything. So it was just weird. And turned your cheekies into a red color because of your shyness. But also his, which you didn't knew the reason. "Maybe... Can I just call you...?" "What do you mean? We're friends, right? You can call me." That was unexpected. But you weren't denying an approximation. Maybe things could get better. "No, I mean, like, not a friendly relationship." "Oh, so like... strangers?" "What? No, not like that too." You weren't following his idea. The question mark was almost tattooed in your forehead. "In a getting-to-know kind of relationship." He seemed nervous about the topic. "I thought we were already doing... Oh." Then something clicked in your head. And your cheekies burned even more. Specially because Sanghyuk appeared in the hallway looking for both of you. "Are you done with this weird dating thing? We're needing some help." Before you could explain the situation, he disappeared. Wonsik nodded and smiled weirdly at you and returned to the table. Was he developing some kind of crush on you? He was like the main crush of the entire class. It wouldn't be bad, but it didn't make sense at all, specially because he had never said anything. Maybe you'd have to figure it out. Returning to the table, you saw a thoughtful Wonsik and other five hardworking men. Sitting on your spot, you quickly wrote a simple "yes :)" on a post-it and passed to the man on your side, almost like a secret mission. You could sense him trying not to break into a wide grin, and you felt related. It's a little weird how things work, but it can be good. Turning your attention to the paperwork, the boys seemed a little lost, just how Sanghyuk has said. "What do you need me for?"
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sadfragilegirl · 6 months
*Sigh* The world seems to be losing hope and humanity these days and it's getting too much and I am already traumatized enough for ALMOST a year now!
And it feels like sometimes I feel like my Kpop fangirl life has need to give a break for a while because I can't stand so much sad Kpop moments at all. Which is why I am currently get into Honkai Star Rail and Love and Deepspace lately... 😞
Kpop was supposed to be fun and happy but right now it's full of fanwars, scandals and even unhappy moments. That's the reason why I barely listen or not being ready to listen to new Kpop songs for months since this lifetime trauma of Ravi leaving VIXX last April 11, 2023.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm sorry everyone...I don't want to disappointed you telling this but... Sometimes, I think I should give my Kpop fangirl life a break and stick to something else that I love: Honkai Star Rail and Love and Deepspace. (And sometimes, reblogging food posts)
I hope you all understand.
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Blue Collar (M)
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Genre: Smut, slight BDSM, romance Pairing: Rabin Word Count: 4.4K Summary:  After a mission gone wrong, Hongbin was left down for a few months, unable to do anything with his lover Ravi. What he thought was just the others helping Ravi through this lonely time, it turned into a regular occurance where Hongbin found his boyfriend spending more time with the other four than him. Desparate to have Ravi's attention again, Hongbin pulled out the blue collar, a special gift, in hopes to remind Ravi of who he was really with. Warnings: Inaccurate accounts of sex 
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Hongbin sighed as he stared down at the silky material in his hand. The dragon pendant resting heavily in his hands as he marveled once more at the beautiful collar. It had been a gift from his lover; Ravi was always so generous. In their line of work, money was never an issue. He never questioned how Hakyeon got the money for their jobs, but he did and it was probably best he didn’t know. He just knew they were all well off, regardless of what silly whims they spent their money on. Though this collar was not just a silly whim. It was a special present from his Master, a persona that he didn’t get to interact with much anymore, and that really saddened him.
Between missions and their pent up hormones, more times than not did Hongbin find his lover being fucked senseless. Ravi so easily and readily gave himself up to Hakyeon and Jaehwan whenever they wanted. Before it had never been a problem. He didn’t mind sharing and in return, he was free to love the others as well. But ever since his last mission ended with him being shot, he saw less of his lover with him and more of his lover with the others. Logically, Ravi couldn’t do anything with him. He had been shot in his leg, pretty deeply as well. Jaehwan had extracted the bullet himself, but healing time would take a while.
Perhaps it was all that time he spent lying in the bed that finally got to him. Wishing day in and day out that he could move on his own and not rely on the others. Though his wound wasn’t life-threatening, the function of his leg could have been damaged if it didn’t heal correctly. He was actually thankful that Hakyeon had convinced Jaehwan to forgo the restraints to make sure he stayed in bed. He promised to be a good boy after all. And it seemed that promise is what led to his current dismal thought process.
What could he possibly do to get Ravi to notice him once more? To stop so easily offering himself to the others. While he didn’t care if they switched, Ravi was supposed to be his top, his dominant. And yet so easily the other slipped through his fingers and became their bottom. Their slut. It was both sickening and painful in a way his brain could barely comprehend and his heart could handle. He was feeling...desperate. That’s probably why he listened to Hyuk. While the other was still young and learning of their ways, he was smart, with great ideas. There had to have been something that would connect the two of them together again and Hyuk’s suggestion of Ravi meeting his (Hongbin’s) needs was the answer.
Hongbin’s needs were to have Ravi back with him. The tough, dominant man that had waltzed into his life years ago and professed his loved. He even stuck around after finding out Hongbin’s secret, and it was a big secret as it was. He couldn’t shake his tattooed lover even if he wanted to and it was that determination that drew Hongbin to Ravi. The will to stay and dominate, to thoroughly know what Hongbin needed inside and out. That’s why he was with Ravi. But that had changed...but now he would get it back.
And the blue collar is what would help with that.
It took a lot of courage for him to strip his clothes off and adorn the blue collar. It fit perfectly, just like the first day he wore it. The silky material stroked the smooth column of flesh as if it were greeting an old friend. Clipping the hooks together, Hongbin ran his fingers over the material before stroking the pendant that rested heavily just above his collar bones. Without even staring at the mirror, he knew the dragon was glinting in the light, a reflective material that Ravi claimed was sacred, blessed almost to be able to give Hongbin the comfort and love he desired if Ravi wasn’t around for some reason. And while Hongbin so desperately wanted to believe that, he couldn’t. Because though he was wearing the collar, he felt no love, no comfort. Only emptiness and fear.
A deep sigh left Hongbin and he had to sit back on the bed in fear his legs would give out under him. It was hard for him, to have the courage. This was different than a mission. On a mission, everything was precise and calculated. He knew the target, knew the details. He had his gun loaded, freshly clean, and ready for use. In and out. He knew times and locations. Everything was planned, right down to the last breath before he shot his gun. This...this wasn’t a mission. This wasn't calculated or precise. This was raw vulnerability; a pleading show to gain back what he lost with fear of it never actually returning. This was his heart that was being displayed so openly. His mind, his body, and soul hung on the thin line that could lead to eternal happiness or eternal pain. It was a fine line that Hongbin was so scared to cross, but at the same time, he knew he needed to cross it.
Weary brown eyes turned to the clock, watching as the seconds ticked by. It was getting close to the time when Ravi would return. From where Hongbin was never sure, but he never asked. He didn’t pry. They all had outside lives outside their little family. They did what they wanted, when they wanted, so long as it didn’t interfere with their missions. What Ravi did was up to him, but a part of Hongbin couldn’t help but worry and fret that maybe the other lost interest in him because he had found someone else.
It was a possible reality that he didn’t want to exist.
Closing his eyes, he took in a few more steady breaths before he stood once more. He had more strength in his legs which he was grateful for and slowly he began stripping. There was no one he was trying to show off for, just that he was taking his time, keeping himself moving. He was sure that if he didn’t have anything to do while he waited, he would chicken out and run and hide, and he honestly hated doing that.
The last piece of clothing was tossed to the floor and Hongbin stood in the middle of the room naked. He looked over his body for a moment, taking in his taut, flat stomach and shapely thighs. He wasn’t overly muscular, but in his line of work, he didn’t need to be. He used his slim build in his favor, many people underestimating the strength that lay hidden inside. He was sure he was attractive enough to catch anyone that he wanted, or at least that’s what he liked to think. So why? That’s really all he wanted to know. Why the sudden change in Ravi?
The sound of feet heading for the room caught his attention and Hongbin moved quickly onto the bed, kneeling in the center of it, head bowed slightly as he waited patiently. The door to the room opened, followed by two steps before they stopped and a slight gasp filled the otherwise quiet room.
“Master.” Hongbin whispered gently, never once lifting his head. He did, however, watch Ravi out of the corner of his eye as best he could, though it was hard to really see and focus on the other. Silence filled the room shortly after, both males waiting for what to happen next. One knowing it was his place to wait, the other was unsure of how to approach the situation or why it was really happening.
“Hongbin.” Ravi whispered gently, taking a few tentative steps forward. He sounded so surprised, but that was a good thing. Hongbin wanted him to be surprised. He wanted Ravi to see the steps he was taking to work on their relationship, to make it amazing again. To make it simply exist once more. He felt the gentle touch to his bare shoulder; strong, calloused fingers stroking the skin gently. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“Waiting for my master.” Hongbin replied instantly as he had trained himself. Like he knew Ravi liked it. Yet the sigh that fell from the other’s lips told him otherwise. It wasn’t a happy sigh or a needy sigh. It was a ‘sigh’ sigh and Hongbin could feel his chest tightening. What had he done to make Ravi feel this way about him? What was wrong with him? Was he ugly? Was he boring? Was it because he himself was more of a bottom than a top? Was that the issue? Was Ravi honestly wanting someone to top him more now than ever before?
He couldn’t… The simple thought of losing Ravi because of this was killing him. He couldn’t lose someone he had come to love and held so dear in his heart. Was a simple sexual role going to be the downfall of what he had deemed as true love so long ago? Was this the end?
“Hongbin.” Those same callous fingers slid under his chin and pressed upwards, and despite Hongbin’s struggle, they forced him to lift his head, deep brown eyes staring up into beautiful blue orbs that were only made to be so breathtaking by the contacts the other was wearing. “You don't need to do this.” He said and Hongbin nearly choked on his breath. This was it. He could feel it. The end.
“I have to!” Hongbin protested, voice wavering. He could feel the tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, but he couldn't let himself cry. Not yet. Not like this. Ravi was a bit taken aback at the protest, his eyes wide with confusion. He didn't understand it. Why was the other acting like this.
“Why? Why Hongbin?”
“For you!” Hongbin told him, eyes sparkling with his unshed tears. “I do this for you. You are my master and I love you.” He confessed. “I can't...I can't lose you. Ravi please.” His voice tapered off at the end, voice so soft that the words were barely audible, yet spoke in such volumes. Hongbin expected the silence that came next. He also expected for Ravi to leave. Or tell him how disgusting he was and how he no longer loved him. What he didn't expect was for those strong arms to wrap around him. He was still, eyes wide as he was engulfed in Ravi’s arms, the sweet musk of the other filling his nose as the warmth and sense of security washed over him. It was so familiar and it was love, which made it all the harder for him to relax.
“Binnie, what makes you think you're going to lose me?” Ravi asked gently. Hongbin chewed his bottom lip, hands reaching up to grip at the arms wrapped around him.
“Because.” He whispered, eyes closing as he lowered his head. “You don't...we never...together…” he stumbled over his words, fighting back the years that wanted so hard to escape him. “All you do is sleep with them anymore. You never top me anymore, you don't look at me with the same lust as you do the others.” The words fell from his lips like the water breaking through a dam. He couldn't contain them, nor think of a way yo delicate put the situation. He simply spoke of his feelings at the time.
“You’re wrong.” Ravi snapped at the accusations. He didn't like what Hongbin was saying, but there was some truth to of and he knew it. Things were different, but that didn't mean Ravi wanted to end the relationship. He loved Hongbin, so greatly. “It's not true.”
“It is!” Hongbin whimpered, fingers clutching tighter go Ravi’s arms. “It's true and I'm so scared you'll leave me. You'll leave me to find someone who pleases you.”
Ravi gripped Hongbin’s chin and forced the other to look at him. “You please me. I want nobody but you.” He whispered, staring intently at the other. “I love you Hongbin. Yes, there are times when I want to be bottom but I love you. Whether you top me or bottom to me. I will always love you.” His confession was hard and sure, raw emotions swimming in Ravi’s eyes he spoke, near similar emotions reflected in Hongbin’s.
“I love you Ravi.” He pulled from the other and slung his arms around Ravi’s neck, holding him close. “I just...I can't take it anymore. I miss you and need you. I need my dominant bear.” The tears finally broke free and he started sobbing. Ravi’s arms simply tightened around him, pulling him closer. Soft kisses peppered his head for a moment before Ravi paused.
“I'm still here baby. I'm so sorry if you felt neglected.” Ravi whispered. “Let me make it up to you.” Pulling back from the kiss for a moment, Ravi smiled gently down at Hongbin. “Can I make it up to you?” Hongbin nodded, more than willing to have Ravi make it up to him. His heart felt like it was soaring, just from the simple fact that Ravi wanted him, loved him, and cherished him.
“Please.” The plead struck Ravi hard, his eyes softening a great deal as he cupped Hongbin’s cheeks and pulled him in close, kissing him deeply. Hongbin’s head tilted up slowly and to the side, letting Ravi take control of the kiss like he so desperately needed. He needed Ravi to control everything. Ravi’s tongue ran across his lips and he parted them with ease, letting it slither into his mouth. He felt so full with it, soft moans leaving as Ravi licked and teased his mouth in any way possible. His own tongue moved slowly, curling and sliding against Ravi’s as the kiss grew hotter. The tension grew stronger between them and Hongbin couldn’t help but moan as his senses were completely overtaken by the other.
Ravi’s hands moved over his sides and up his body, calloused fingers stroking over scarred skin. Tingles of pleasure coursed through his body and it had Hongbin trembling. His body moved easily with Ravi’s guidance and he laid back on the bed, legs spreading to accommodate Ravi sitting between them. He trailed his lips down Hongbin’s neck, pressing tender kisses overexposed skin before pressing equally tender kisses over his the collar. He loved the collar, the dark and light blue that contrasted so beautifully against his pale skin. When he had seen it in the window, he knew he needed to have it, to give it to the one special person in his life.
“Wonshik.” Hongbin whispered as he shivered, Ravi’s tongue coming out to lick over his neck. The light touches of the flicking tongue were teasing his nerves, setting them on fire. Ravi pulled back and looked down at the other, smirking.
“You’re so gorgeous, baby. So perfect.” he whispered, watching as a flush spread over Hongbin’s cheeks. “I love you so much baby.” he cooed gently and dipped his head back down, capturing Hongbin’s lips in another kiss before he could respond. Laying over him, he pressed down and bucked against him, a sudden gasp leaving him only to be muffled from their connected lips. Ravi’s hands once more moved, gliding over the smooth legs of his lover, lifting them up as he shifted forward. He rocked and ground against the other, his clothed erections scratching against Hongbin’s sensitive member, making him whimper and jerk under him.
“Off.” Hongbin mumbled as he broke the kiss. He reached down and grabbed at Ravi’s shirt, tugging at it hard to try and get it lifted and taken off. He was so hard, his cock twitching against his stomach. It had been so long since they had actually alone time like this when both were healthy and there were no punishments that they needed to give to the enemy. He was excited and he wanted to hurry this along so he could feel the hot length filling and stretching his hole. “Please. Take them off.”  The chuckle that left Ravi had Hongbin pouting, but the other pulled back and took off his shirt nonetheless. The shirt fell to the floor, soon joined by jeans the other had been wearing. No underwear, then again, they usually never wore underwear.
“Better?” Ravi asked as he laid back over Hongbin, bare flesh pressed against bare flesh. Hongbin groaned out and arched his back, panting softly.
“God yes.” he whispered and smiled at him. “Feels so good.” Hongbin’s hands grasped at Ravi’s sides, stroking over the other’s body and just feeling him. It had been way too long since they had been so close like this and it felt like they were experiencing each other’s touches for the first time again. Ravi chuckled softly, lips once more traveling down Hongbin’s body, pulling sweet moans and soft sighs with each kiss and swipe of the tongue. Ravi found a dusky nipple, tongue flicking lightly against it, feeling it harden with each passing swipe. Hongbin shivered under him, whimpers of lust leaving him, a soft plea wanting to leave his lips, but it got caught in his throat as the warm lips wrapped around his nipple and sucked on his nipple like a hungry man.
“Oh my god.” Hongbin panted and shivered in pleasure, back arching slightly. “Ravi.” Fingers tangled in short locks, tugging to keep the head against his chest. His nipples were always a sensitive part of his body, and he loved it when anyone teased them. “More.” he begged softly. Ravi chuckled around the nipple, teeth nipping at the small pebble. Pulling off, he switched to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment, hands reaching down to still the twitching and moving hips. “Nngh~”
Ravi enjoyed the teasing he was doing. Hongbin was so responsive to everything that he did and it pleased Ravi so much. Why they had waited so long to reconnect was beyond him. But he was glad they were doing it before he actually lost the love of his life. Moving away from his nipple, Ravi moved down the other’s body, lips leaving a trail of hot kisses down his chest. The hands in his hair tightened as he moved further, growing closer to the hardness resting against Hongbin’s abdomen. The head was an angry red, glistening as precum pearled at the tip and slid down. Ravi knew what the other wanted and he wanted to taste the other, but at the same time, he wanted to continue to tease the other.
“Please.” Hongbin pleaded.
Ravi decided to indulge the other, simply for the fact that it had been so long since it had been the two of them. His lips parted and he took the head into his mouth, a soft moan leaving him as the sweet taste of his lover filled him. Hongbin’s body shook and arched at the sensation, needy moans leaving his parted lips as fingers found their way into his hair, tangling in the soft locks. He pulled hard and Ravi groaned, taking the hard flesh further into his mouth, sucking on it hungrily.
“Yes, Ravi~” he groaned out, eyes screwed shut as he focused on the pleasure coursing through his body. The heat curled tightly within his gut and he knew he wouldn’t last long. And while the thought of cumming now was so appealing to him, Hongbin wanted to hold back. He wanted to cum only when he had Ravi inside him and he couldn’t wait. He gave Ravi’s hair a few more tugs, trying to get the other up and off his cock before he came. Ravi came up reluctantly and with a loud pop. He licked his red lips with a hum, lidded eyes staring down at Hongbin.
“Please. Need you inside me.” Hongbin whispered, his legs parting as wide as he could get them, trying to entice Ravi with a view of his hole. Ravi chuckled at the almost pleading tone of the other and he sat up. He wasn’t about to deny his lover the pleasure he wanted and it had been so long since they had been together. He stripped himself of his clothes, tossing them to the ground as he leaned over and searched for the lube in their bedside table.
Things felt foreign him, and he realized just how long it had been. Grabbing the bottle, he opened the bottle and poured some on his hand, pausing for a moment. “Prep or ?”
“No. Just please.” Hongbin whispered, eyes locked with the hand, waiting to watch it smooth that lube on the hard flesh hanging between Ravi’s legs. Ravi chuckled and nodded as he wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking it and coating it with the lube. He groaned at the friction that it brought, the pleasure heightening slightly in his body. Hongbin licked his lips as he watched the hand move, watched the way precum pearled at the tip before being swiped away. Pulling his hand back, Ravi moved to sit between Hongbin’s legs and grinned, pressing the tip of his cock against the rosy bud.
“Ravi. Please.” he begged and pressed down on the cock.
“You beg so nicely baby.” Ravi cooed lightly and slowly pushed his cock into Hongbin. The breach was slightly painful but felt so good nonetheless. Hongbin hadn’t felt so stretched in such a long time it was like he had regained his virginity back. Ravi moved slowly, sinking his cock in inch by inch, eyes locked on Hongbin’s face, watching for any signs of pain or displeasure.
“So good.” Hongbin whispered, his body relaxing under Ravi’s. There was a slight sting from the penetration, but his body soon adjusted to it and all he could feel was pleasure. The pleasure of having Ravin inside him once more. His hips rolled up and pushed down on Ravi, forcing the other deeper inside of him. “Oh my god.” he panted. Groaning softly, Ravi gripped Hongbin’s hips tightly and pulled out slowly before thrusting back in. There was slight resistance on the first few thrusts, but eventually, Hongbin’s hole relaxed enough for him to be able to thrust into him easily. Soft moans and needy pants left the younger male as the pleasure coursed through his body. Ravi’s hands slid down and gripped Hongbin’s thighs, lifting them up as he started a hard and fast pace.
“Fuck. So tight.” Ravi growled as he pounded into the hot, tight heat, hissing deeply as he bottomed out each and every time. Their moans mingled together with the loud smacking of skin against skin. Bodies rocked as they desperately chased after their release, hands clawing and clutching to each other in a haze of pleasure. Ravi’s hips angled, the head of his cock pressing into the squishy ball of nerves inside of Hongbin, a smirk playing on his lips at the loud cry that left the other. Hongbin threw his head back as he moaned heavily, neck stretched and arched so eloquently and was accentuated so beautifully by the collar that it had the heat inside Ravi coiling tighter with arousal.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Ravi grunted and gave harder thrusts, balls slapping hard against Hongbin’s ass. Nails dug deep into his back, pulling a harsh hiss from him as Hongbin whimpered and shuddered under him.
“Can’t...can’t hold back.” he panted and bucked into him. “Gonna cum..Ravi.” he groaned out and jerked under him, his cock heavy and twitching against his stomach, precum oozing from the tip. Reaching between them, he wrapped his fingers around Hongbin’s cock and pumped it quickly, enjoying the cries of pleasure he pulled from the other.
“Ravi! Oh fuck Ravi!” he cried out loudly and clenched around the other. He couldn’t stop the coil from breaking and he gave a hoarse shout as he came, cum coating Ravi’s hand as his cock twitched and pulsed. The hole around him clench and Ravi let out a deep grunt as he kept thrusting into Hongbin. The other was trying so hard to milk his cock and it felt so amazing. Ravi wanted to try and hold out, but he couldn’t. Hongbin was just so tight and hot. Growling out, Ravi thrusted in once more, pushing deep into the other. Leaning over Hongbin, he bit into his shoulder to muffle his cry as he came hard inside the other. Hongbin moaned out as he was filled, body twitching in pleasure.
Licking his lips, he panted as he looked up at Ravi, smiling softly. “Fuck.” he whispered. Ravi could only chuckle as Hongbin wrapped his arms around him and pulled him down into a kiss. Their lips moved together slowly, the kiss slow and lax as they both worked to calm their heated bodies.
Pulling back from the kiss, Hongbin looked into Ravi’s eyes and gave a heartfelt smile. “I love you. So much. You don’t understand how much this means to me.” he whispered. Ravi nodded his head and stroked Hongbin’s cheek gently. He really didn’t know how much it had meant to Hongbin. He didn’t know how much this whole ordeal had hurt the other. But he could see it now and he was so glad he could change the outcome. Because he wasn’t sure if he would have been able to live without Hongbin. Hongbin was his world and while he loved being with the others, he loved Hongbin more; he was in love with him.
“I love you too baby.” Ravi cooed and kissed him once more. “Don’t you ever forget it. No matter what’s going on in our lives or who we may favor for a while, you are mine and I love you.” he told him with a soft voice.
“I will never doubt again. I swear.” Hongbin whispered.
“Good.” Ravi hummed as he slowly laid down, rolling them onto their sides. He didn’t pull out right away because he had missed this connection and didn’t want them to part so quickly. Blankets wrapped around them and he sighed as he snuggled into the covers, his head resting on the pillow as Hongbin snuggled against his chest. They laid in silence for a while, just listening to each other’s breathing and trying to match them in sync. Eventually, Ravi realized that Hongbin was no longer trying to sync their breathing and his had even out considerably. He looked down at the other and chuckled as Hongbin slept peacefully against him. Ravi settled down against him and pressed a kiss against his head. With a soft hum, he closed his own eyes and let himself follow his lover’s footsteps and fell asleep, mind filled with happy dreams of him and Hongbin together for many in the future.
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Tags: @channiesmixtape​ @jisungsjheekies​
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⁂ Heavy (Ravi/Wonsik Kim)
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Genre: Fluff ☁
Word Count: 808 ☁
Pairing: Female Reader x Ravi ☁
World: VIXX ☁
Author’s Note: This fic is about a woman’s period.
You knew that the next week would be hell. You were on the plane to Japan with VIXX when your period started, despite not being due for another week. When you were younger, you had very heavy periods to the point that you had to be put on birth control to slow them down. For years, it helped and eventually, you stopped taking them. The past year, however, your body has slowly been returning to its heavy flow and the misery that came with it. The flight to Tokyo was only about two hours long, but in that time, you had to rush to the bathroom to change your feminine products several times. None of the boys realized what was wrong, and assumed that you were simply sick from the flight.
Ravi knocked on the bathroom door, his voice soft. “Baby? We’re gonna be landing soon, we have to get back to our seats.”
“Just a second,” you called as you stood up. You had to grab onto the wall to steady yourself as your head started to spin. With a groan, you quickly washed your hands and exited the bathroom. Ravi was waiting near the door, looking worried.
“Are you okay?”
You forced a smile. “I’m fine, I think I just ate something bad this morning.”
His brow furrowed, knowing that you hadn’t eaten anything that morning, but he kept his mouth shut and followed you back to your seat.
The plane landed and everyone started to file out. You did your best to keep up with the group as they walked fast through the airport. You suddenly felt a wave of dizziness come over you and you swayed. Everything blurred around you and the sounds melded together until it just became a low hum in the back of your brain. The last thing you saw was Leo turning around with wide eyes.
Your eyes fluttered open, taking in the white popcorn ceiling. You rolled over, looking around the hotel room. Ravi’s bags and your own were sitting on the table.
The door clicked before sliding open. Ravi walked in carrying a bag of food from the nearby chicken place. “You’re awake,” he quickly dropped the food on the table before rushing over, sitting on the side of the bed. His hand found your forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“A little bit better,” you mumbled, glancing at the clock. “Wait… You should be at the show!”
He smiled, moving his hand to your cheek. “I couldn’t live with myself if I went to the show while you were alone and unconscious. You really had me worried… I still think I should take you to the hospital.”
“It’s not that serious, I promise.”
“What is it?” He paused, sending you a look. “And don’t tell me you are something bad.”
“My period started on the plane.” You sighed, “It’s really heavy this month. I guess my body couldn’t handle it.”
Ravi frowned, “Well, you don’t have to worry. I’m going to wait on you hand and foot!”
“That’s really not necessary, Wonsik. I’ll be okay.”
“Nonsense,” he waved you off. “Are you hungry?”
He grabbed the food off the table and sat down across from you. “Is there anything I can buy you to help?”
“I have some Advil in my bag. It slows the blood flow. Long-term, though, I’ll have to go to the doctor and get back on birth control.” Ravi frowned. “Do you not like the idea?”
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” he pouted. “How can we have kids if you’re on birth control?”
You giggled, your heart skipping a beat. “Isn’t it a bit too early for kids?”
“It’s never too early~” He smiled at you. “But if it’ll help you feel better, I support it.”
“It’s only for a little while until my body regulates, and then I can stop taking it again.” You informed before taking a bite of chicken.
Ravi stood up and grabbed your bag, bringing it over to you. Although he knew you trusted him, he felt it was disrespectful to go through your bag.
“Thank you,” you unzipped it, reaching into the small compartment on the side and taking out the bottle of pills. He handed you a bottle of water from the mini-fridge. “Hopefully these will get to work. Are you sure you won’t get into trouble for skipping?”
“Don’t worry about me, baby. You’re the most important thing,” He leaned in, his lips ghosting over yours. “I love you so much. You’re my world.”
“I love you too,” you closed the distance, capturing his lips with yours. You could feel his love and adoration pouring into the kiss and you felt your heart racing. Maybe having a heavy period wasn’t too bad if it meant being fussed over by such a wonderful boyfriend~
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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hakyummy · 7 years
Paris (Wonsik smut / fluff)
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Genre: smut / fluff
Length: 3.6k
Pairing: Kim Wonsik (Ravi) + reader (female)
Summary: Wonsik gets time off work and takes his wife to Paris for their second anniversary to make even better memories than the year before
How the hell did it take me so long to write this??? I’m sorry to all Wonsik stans that his was the last to be posted <3 
sidenote: I fucking love Kim Wonsik ok that’s all I hope you enjoy :)
The chilly night breeze brushed across your naked arms as Wonsik led you towards your hidden location. He’d managed to use his charm to persuade Jellyfish to allow vixx a 4 day rest. He’d planned this to overlap your anniversary so you could spend it together rather than Wonsik being in the studio all night. He’d surprised you with a 3 day trip in the city of Paris. It was your last night here, which also happened to be your anniversary. You and Wonsik had toured the beautiful city for the past 2 days, visiting various monuments and museums to appreciate the French culture and explore parts of the world you’d never seen before. Your days were very crowded and busy; by the time you and Wonsik arrived back at the hotel in the evenings, you’d both been too tired to initiate any type of physical interaction aside from cuddling up after you’d flopped onto the bed in exhaustion. It was your last night in Paris and you hoped Wonsik would make your final night abroad go off with a bang.
You were blindfolded, trusting Wonsik with your body as he approached the ‘surprise’ he’d planned out for your anniversary night. You’d travelled up a long elevator journey and despite racking your brains, you couldn’t work out where Wonsik would have taken you. You questioned it being one of the fancy restaurants in the hotel you were staying in, but after hearing no sounds of cutlery scrapping across plates or the delicious smell of French cuisine, you had come to the conclusion that it must be something different.
“Nearly there sweetheart,” Wonsik assured you as he rubbed his thumb over your hand, carefully guiding you forwards.
He stopped several moments later, letting go of your hand and counting down from 3. You assumed this was your cue to remove the blindfold yourself and as he reached 0 you pulled the fabric that covered your eyes.
As your eyes focused you were greeted with the dazzling lights of the city of Paris littering the ground that appeared millions of miles away from you. You gasped in delight as your eyes scanned over the glorious view. The landscape and all the lights shone so brightly and it almost blinded you. The silk ribbon that was the Siene river travelled throughout the centre of Paris, outlining the various buildings and artefacts decorating the city. The cars on the ground far from where you stood were busy, all rushing around to get somewhere. Down there everything was fast paced and rushed, but here, with Wonsik, time stopped and it was just the two of you. You were at the top of the Eiffel tower.
You turned towards Wonsik and noted that he’d dressed up for this occasion, suited in a black tuxedo accompanied with a bow tie. You felt slightly under dressed as you glanced down at your skirt and tank top, but Wonsik didn’t seem bothered. He smiled at you brightly, admiring the twinkling look in your eyes that reflected off the busy city around you. He basked in the never ending beauty that constantly radiated off of you, the brightness of your aura giving him light. You were his rock, and he was so so grateful for just your existence alone. His chest felt tight when he realised just how much he felt for you and before long he had wrapped you up in his arms and pulled you close to his chest, holding you as his hands silently stroked through your hair.
You stayed like that for several moments, just basking in the presence of one another. Being at the very top of the tower with Wonsik made you feel as if there was no one else in the world, only the two of you here together. You were at the very top level and you felt as if you were in the clouds. You don’t know how long Wonsik was holding you in his embrace, but when you looked up from his chest he still held his glowing smile as he gazed lovingly down at you. His eyes crinkled up from the impact of his smile and it melted your heart. You honestly, truly loved Wonsik with all your heart. All your thoughts were stolen from you as Wonsik planted a chaste but loving kiss on your lips without warning.
You were breathless when you parted from him, the kiss rendering you unable to take in any oxygen. Without uttering a word, Wonsik took your hands in his as he began to lead you away from the barrier. You noticed a group of men that you hadn’t acknowledged before holding a variety of string instruments; violins and cellos decorating their arms. You gasped out in delight, tears forming in your eyes. You couldn’t believe Wonsik would do something like this for you.
As you looked around the platform you saw no one else besides you, Wonsik and the 5 men carrying classical instruments. Realising he’d must probably hired out this floor just for you, your heart pounded, over whelmed by the over flowing emotion you carried for Wonsik.
“Shall we dance?” Wonsik suggested with a playful raise of his eyebrows. You playfully smirked back before placing your other hand in his. The musical instruments began to play as you and Wonsik waltzed across the floor. The Paris lights blurred all around you and all that you could see was Wonsik as he lead your way.
You continued moving in time with the music as you glided across the floor. Wind pushed your hair around, dancing along with you until you finally came to a stop in the centre of the platform. You were unsure on how long you and Wonsik were dancing for, questioning whether it had been just several minutes or a full hour. Wonsik thanked the musicians in simple French terms before approaching you and taking your hand in his again.
He quietly lead you down several stairs to a closed off section, pulling on your hand like an eager young child. It was still the top floor of the tower, but with a roof sheltering you away from the cool breeze of the evening. The room was completely empty aside from a table in the centre of the room, a candle and flowers decorating the middle of the surface, various plates and cutlery laid out around it for a fancy dinner. The whole room had been closed off and reserved for you and Wonsik only.The smell of your favourite meal reached your nose and you gasped, Wonsik had remembered just how you liked to eat it. When Wonsik lead you over to the table you could see the steam coming off the food which made you realise that Wonsik scheduled for it to be prepared it while the two of you were dancing. You heart welled up in this show of affection.
You gasped, you honestly though your gift was just being on top of the Eiffel tower with your beautiful husband. He always knew this was one of your dreams and he’d done everything in his power to make your dream a reality. It was so thoughtful of him to plan this all out. It just served to make this fantasy that much better.
Wonsik pulled out your chair like the gentlemen he was and you smiled at him, too shocked to speak. He took his seat across from you, admiring the delight on your face. He inwardly praised himself for making you so happy with this anniversary surprise. Wonsik gestured for you to start eating your food and you gladly did so, tucking into the delicious meal with gusto.
You finished up your meal after a while, reaching a comfortable silence as Wonsik just assessed you in the chair. He watched you with his puppy-dog eyes, but quickly averted them when you met his brown irises with your own. He bit his lip as his eyes studied the floor for a couple seconds and your heart raced thinking about how flustered he still got being around you. Little did you know that the real reason he was flustered was because he’d noticed just how prominent your cleavage was in that floral tank top of yours and thought you’d caught him staring.
“I don’t know about you but I’m really looking forward to dessert.”
You choked on the red wine you were sipping and struggled to keep it in. After composing yourself you widened your eyes at Wonsik. He looked down and scratched the back of his head, he didn’t know you’d end up taking it in that way.
His words flamed the desire you’d been thinking of prior and you couldn’t ignore the fire that was awakened in the pit of your tummy.
Awkwardly coughing, you decided to ignore the statement and tried to casually proceed with a different conversation. “So… how is work going?” You internally cringed after realising just how awkward the question was and how bad it was at diverting your mind from your thoughts prior.
Luckily, Wonsik decided to play along instead of calling you out on trying (and failing) to break the tension between the two of you; spinning up a random story about the members that had no relevance to the question. You were glad he decided not to comment on the sensual waves coming off your body and humoured you by changing the subject, but you couldn’t even focus on his tale as you watched his lips part and close again. His lips were just fascinating to you; the way they moved; the words he spoke; the way they felt on your body.
You were unavoidably turned on yet again, licking your lips as you stared at his. You just yearned to feel them on you again, it had been too long. All the words he spoke dissolved in the air as you imagined them on your body instead, the way his lips would graze across your nipples in a teasing manner. You shivered in your seat, trying to subtly cross your legs without Wonsik noticing your shift in mood. Of course, you forgot that the two of you had been married for 2 years and he could read you like a book.
Wonsik studied your change in body language as he inwardly smirked to himself. You were obviously still effected by the ‘dessert’ statement he’d made, but tried to cover it up with a delirious enquiry. He played along with your ridiculous ‘distraction’ so that you didn’t feel uncomfortable. Wonsik could clearly see you weren’t listening to a word he was saying as he saw your longing gaze on his lips. He licked them fervently for good measure, anxious to excite you.
Catching you off guard, Wonsik suddenly leaned towards you and slotted your lips together. The union was abrupt but not unwelcome as you tilted your head to get better access. Sooner than you would have liked, Wonsik pulled back from the kiss, admiring your puffy lips and look of yearning in your eyes.
It didn’t take long for Wonsik’s lips to meet yours across the table again. This time, however, it wasn’t a short and gentle embrace like before, it held much more passion, but at the same time a whole load of lust overpowered your body. You could feel the sparks flying between your two bodies and you knew you needed him; you needed him right now. Your body was craving Wonsik so badly; he was like a necessity to your life and you couldn’t deprive your body of it’s basic needs.
Several moments later and he’d pressed your body against the cleared part of the table, desperately holding your hips as he rubbed his hips in a teasingly slow pace against your core, trying to drag out your pleasure as long as possible. Even though it was a crude gesture, Wonsik managed to make it sensual and not sleazy, that was a talent he had. Seemingly making everything seem soft and romantic, no matter the situation.
Your hands scrabbled to remove your shirt and Wonsik silently agreed, nimble fingers joining yours as you attempted to shrug your tank top off over your head. His fingers traced across your collarbone and neck as he admired the skin you had put on show for him.
You kept eye contact as you arched your back up, giving Wonsik complete access to removing your bra. The chilly night sky made your nipples perk up, along with the arousal you were feeling from Wonsik’s ministration. But you weren’t cold. Wonsik making your body feel like as if it were burning all over from head-to-toe, every nerve set alight by just his touch alone. Every part of your body burned and he had only just removed your bra.
Wonsik dipped his head down to place gentle kisses on your skin, working up from your tummy. He lathered his tongue across your breast before taking your hardening nub into his mouth. He moaned in appreciation of your body. Wonsik always made sure to let you know that he loved your body, no matter what he was doing. His tongue ran over and around your sensitive skin pulling quiet moans from your throat. You whimpered when he raised his eyes to make eye contact with you, mouth moving off your body with a pop.
He stood straight between your legs as his hands skimmed across your skin from your hips up to your shoulders and down again, admiring your body. Your skin flushed from the heat of the moment and you squirmed upwards, eager to continue.
You were wrecked but untouched where you laid so Wonsik decided to add fuel to the fire by unbuttoning his shirt. One-by-one, his nimble fingers continued to unclasp each of the buttons until he reached the end of his shirt, shrugging the material off his shoulders. He gave you several moments to admire his lean but muscular frame, standing proudly before you. You sat up and placed your left hand on his shoulder, the other resting on his chest, feeling his heartbeat quicken beneath your touch.
Your fingers delicately trailed down his sculpted chest, brushing over his nipples lightly in a teasing matter. He let out a deep sigh and you proceeded your journey, delicately trailing over the lines of his 6 pack. His skin was soft underneath the pads of your fingers, light traces of hair leading downwards towards his private area…
Your mouth watered internally thinking about his dick inside you, but you decided to push the feeling aside, not wanting to be too hasty with the act itself. He was so perfect inside and out and you wanted him to know how he made you feel. However you couldn’t contain your feelings and without being able to stop yourself, you cupped your hand over the bulge in his dress pants. He let out a husky groan at the feeling of you squeezing him lightly.
When you didn’t proceed to undress him any further, Wonsik decided to take matters into his own hands, latching his mouth onto your collarbone as his hands snaked around behind you to unzip your skirt. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you raised your hips to help him slip the material down and off your legs. You were still wearing your heels as when he looked up from where he was positioned on the floor, he let out a moan at the sight of you: hair tousled, breasts on full display, throbbing heat pulsing against your thin material of panties, wetness soaking them and the heels on your feet only served to make his real-life fantasy even more incredible. Wearing heels never failed to help you emphasise the key features of your body: legs, the arch of your back and Wonsik’s personal favourite, your ass.
Wonsik cupped his hands around said ass and helped you to wrap your legs around his waist. He continued his previous movement by grinding onto your panties through his trousers to relief himself from this torture you were cursing him with.
Becoming inpatient, Wonsik was quick to discard his trousers off and onto the floor, stepping out of them and his shoes. He parted your legs again, stepping in between them. His hands slid up and down your sides, attempting to sooth you and slow down the sinful act you were performing.
Your sex throbbed at the sight of Wonsik towering over you and the firm grip he held on your waist. His hungry gaze lingered on the swell of your breasts before trailing up and locking with your eyes. The mood changed for a second as Wonsik broke into a gentle grin and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. You blushed at the affectionate touch he gave you. Your lips locked in a hungry but passionate kiss as his tongue explored your mouth. Several moments through your make-out session, Wonsik continued to grind his clothed bulge into your seeping core, making you moan from the sensitivity of being wet for so long.
It was you who snapped first, abruptly pulling back from the kiss so you could hook your fingers into the waistband of Wonsik’s underwear before tugging them down his long legs. He did the same to you until you were both bare besides the heels that covered your feet.
The heat radiating of your sexes made tingles go through your skin and as soon as they made contact you both let out a moan. Wonsik circled his member around your clit before sliding it down the slick skin till it met with your entrance.
You keened when Wonsik inserted his length inside of you, your body arching desperately towards his. He groaned when he was fully sheathed inside your body, his grip around your waist tightening slightly more. After he’d steadied his laboured breathing he froze and leaned forward to lock your lips together. Saliva was exchanged between the two of your mouths as Wonsik waited for you to adjust to his member. When you began to rock your hips forward, he took this as a green light to continue,
His hands were still steady on your waist, holding you still while he slowly pulled his length from you before entering excruciatingly slow again afterwards. After several more of these actions you leaned back against the table and began whining for Wonsik to pick up the pace, not having the patience to wait any longer.
He decided to give you some slight relief, dancing his fingers up your torso until he reached your nipples. You bucked up towards him from the sensitivity your body tingled with and he smirked at the obvious effect he had on your body.
His hips began to snap into your slightly faster and the slick sound of your sweaty bodies colliding filled the room. Your face heated up, the possibility of staff members being around the area making you attempt to hold back your moans. This however was proven impossible when Wonsik hit that spot inside you that made you see stars and you now didn’t care about who would hear you.
You felt as if you were in an eternal abyss of euphoria and was completely oblivious to anything around you. Your body arched up to Wonsik and he had to add pressure to your hips to keep your body still for him. Your moans were increasing in length and intensity and he silenced them by joining your lips in a firey kiss.  
Feeling Wonsik against your lips brought you back to earth slightly. That was until his lithe fingers trailed down and started to rub your clit in time with his thrusts. You gasped, trying to get the air back into your lungs but Wonsik was stealing all the oxygen from you. You were dizzy, light-headed, but you wouldn’t change this feeling for the world. His touch was burning all over your skin, but you loved it. It was too much but never enough for you to handle and you didn’t know what was going on right now; all you knew was you and Wonsik were together and that was all that mattered.
Wonsik was driving you closer and closer to the end and you were happy to accept the journey. The two of you travelled towards the edge of the cliff with no worry of stopping, excited to topple over. As you were approaching your peak Wonsik didn’t let up his thrusts, only increasing them to bring you into a higher state of euphoria. It was like you couldn’t feel anything but at the same time your body was feeling absolutely everything; every touch of the pads of his fingertips, every outline his tongue lathered over, every breath that was airing over your skin. Every molecule of your body needed this moment with him and just as he hit your g spot one last time, you reached your peak.
The luminescent lights that shone through the window just blurred into one illuminating glow. You were unable to concentrate on anything else besides your husband above you. He reached his peak several moments after you, his face contouring in pleasure making you clench your insides around him. He grunted before fully spilling himself inside of you and sealing your love with a simple kiss.
“I don’t know how you’re going to top this for next years anniversary, but I’m looking forward to it,” you let out a laugh after you’d caught your breath.
Wonsik groaned before rolling over and wrapping his arms around you, nuzzling his face into your neck. Maybe next year he’d take you to New York.
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inctlife · 4 years
Chocolate Chip Cookies | LTY ~ Wonsik
genre: fluff
summary: wonsik finding a love of baking
age: Wonsik = 4 / Nari = 8 / Siwoo = 9
warnings: none
“Mummy! Mummy!” Wonsik whined.
“What is it, baby?”
“When are Nari and Siwoo going to be back?” he asked, his big, pouting eyes looking up at you.
“Baby, it’s only been a few minutes! They won’t be back from the party for a long time,” you said, “why? Are you bored?”
Wonsik nodded as you lifted him onto the sofa.
“Good thing Daddy’s prepared!” Taeyong announced, “Wonnie, do you wanna bake?”
“Bake?” Wonsik repeated.
Taeyong nodded, “we can make cookies!”
Wonsik giggled, “I want cookies!”
“We have to actually make them first,” you laughed, following your two boys into the kitchen.
“Okay! I already bought all the ingredients so you just have to roll your sleeves up,” Taeyong said, crouching down to Wonsik’s level, helping him to roll up his sleeves, “and wash your hands.”
With an excited giggle, your son climbed on his step, swiping his hands under the water and rubbing the soap in.
“Done!” Wonsik announced, turning back around.
“I’ve found a recipe,” you said, putting it on the side.
“Wonsik come over here,” Taeyong muttered, pulling Wonsik’s step (with Wonsik still on it) over to the work bench.
“What’s first?!” Wonsik exclaimed, looking at you excitedly.
“Okay! First is dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt,” you listed, Taeyong getting them out the cupboard as you spoke.
“Is Wonsik gonna stir them together?” Taeyong asked, beginning to weigh out all the ingredients and pour them into a bowl.
Wonsik cheered, “of course! I’m really good!”
You giggled, kissing your son’s head, “yes you are.”
“Mummy, next!” Wonsik instructed as he began to mix the dry ingredients with his wooden spoon.
“And now, wet ingredients,” you said, “let’s stir in the eggs and melted butter and vanilla extract.”
“Wonnie,” Taeyong spoke, getting the boy’s attention, “Daddy will crack the eggs and you’ll stir them in, okay?”
Wonsik nodded, Taeyong smiling as he cracked two eggs into the bowl, watching nervously as Wonsik began to stir. Surprisingly, keeping most of the ingredients inside the bowl.
“You’re super good, Wonsik!” you exclaimed, putting the butter in the microwave.
Wonsik giggled, “butter!”
“Ooh, do we need the butter now?” you asked, turning around to get it, “you’re really good at this, seriously, Wonsik-ah.”
Wonsik smiled, “I love baking!”
“You’ve only just tried it today,” Taeyong chuckled, taking his son’s hair out his face.
“And I love it!” Wonsik exclaimed, “it’s my favourite thing in the whole world!”
“And, we get yummy things to eat afterwards!” you whispered in his ear, making him giggle as you poured and stirred in the melted butter and the vanilla extract.
Taeyong smiled, coming round and backhugging you, both of you watching Wonsik with pride as he stirred the mixture in wonder.
“Let’s eat!” Wonsik finally announced.
You laughed, “we have to bake them first, baby.”
“Oh,” Wonsik pouted.
“And don’t you want chocolate chips in them?” Taeyong offered.
Wonsik’s eyes lit up, “yes! Yes!”
“Okay, let’s stir those in then,” Taeyong nodded, pouring as many chocolate chips as he could in the bowl, Wonsik stirring them in to the mixture.
You smiled, watching as Taeyong helped him as the mixture became heavy, before getting out a tray.
“Wonnie gonna help?” Taeyong asked, Wonsik nodding and scooping out balls of mixture, Taeyong putting it on the tray, “well done!”
Beginning to clean up the other bowls and utensils, Taeyong put the cookies in the oven and sent Wonsik on his way, back to the playroom.
“Good thinking,” you commented.
Taeyong laughed, “he loved it! I didn’t even think he’d try.”
You smiled, “I’m so glad your at home now.”
“Hmm, me too,” Taeyong hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your lips gently.
“Daddy! Are they done yet?!” Wonsik shouted.
You and Taeyong laughed, Taeyong resting his forehead against yours as he closed his eyes, “not yet, bud!”
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내 속에 나 아닌 또 다른 누군가 (Someone Inside Who Isn’t Me)
Demon!Kim Wonshik x AFAB Reader (ft Demon!Jung Taekwoon)
Welcome to Spooky Month!
This is part of the VIXX Parallel Release Project by @uwugalore. Based on “hyde,” (the title is from the lyrics of the song!) this includes themes of duality, similar to that of Jekyll & Hyde (it’s the over-arching theme of his powers, as well as shown within the story itself!)
Word Count: ~2.1K
Description: Wonshik has the power to steal souls running through his veins. However, as a half-demon, his powers are greatly reduced. Rather than stealing souls to use, he can only “steal” his victims’ strongest personality traits to lure them in. His powers cannot do any harm, so he works together with his full-demon half-brother. Chosen as the duo’s new victim, Y/N gives them an interesting new challenge.
Warnings: cursing, fighting, supernatural themes, minimal mentions of blood/gore
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Tonight, a full moon lights up the sky, even at 2AM. Naturally, you roam around outside. You never sleep well on nights with full moons. You gave up trying to figure out the cause years ago. Tonight, you decide to get some fresh air and light exercise by roaming the city. Your friend tries to convince you not to go, but his texts only make you more excited to go.
[SKY:] Y/N things come out more during the full moon [Y/N:] Things?? [SKY:] Yknow, ghosts+demons+things [Y/N:] Ooh~ I haven’t seen a demon in ages! [SKY:] Y/N .-.
You leave him on read and start your journey. You reach the nearby university, deciding to check it out. You find a large lecture hall and attempt to open the door, not expecting anything. To your surprise, it opens, and a pleasant sounds resonates throughout the hall, stopping suddenly as the door closes behind you.
“Hello? Who are you? Why are you playing the piano at 2AM?” You question towards the front of the room before you can even see a figure.
“Why are you here? Nobody ever comes this late,” a deep voice counters, implying that he comes here often, “and you don’t look like a student.”
“How’s that? It’s a university. How do uni students look, huh, smart guy?”
“They look like they know where they are if they come to campus this late.”
He stumps you, so you change subjects as you approach the man at the piano, “What’s your name?”
“Why do you wanna know?”
“Should I just call you ‘Smartass’ then?”
He scoffs, “Go for it, if you want. I’m Wonshik, though, you little creeper.”
“My name’s Y/N, thank you very much. I’m not a creeper. I just can’t sleep during full moons.”
“You a demon?” He jokes.
“If I am, nobody told me.”
“Well then, Y/N, I’m gonna leave. I got work to do tomorrow.”
Standing up, he towers over you. His clothes hug his body enough to reveal the idea that he has a toned body. Suddenly, his presence entrances you, so you follow him out.
“Hey, Wonshik, wait. Can I walk with you for a bit? I’ve got all the time in the world, and you’ll still be heading home.”
He waves a hand at you, signalling his lack of preference in the matter. You catch up and walk by his side, bombarding the poor guy with questions the whole time. Before you know it, he stops in front of the gate to an apartment complex. Looking up, you recognize it as your own.
“You live here?” His nod makes you smile, “Then let’s exchange numbers, neighbor!” You hold your phone out for him to take, but he stares at it blankly.
“Maybe if we meet again. I’m not exactly a people person.” He unlocks the gate and holds it open for you to come through. You follow, putting your phone back in your pocket.
“Well, I’m this way.” He points to one walkway.
“Oh, I’m this way.” You say, motioning to the other path, “So, I guess if I see you, I see you. Later, Wonshik.” Walking to your apartment, you can’t help but wonder why he captivated you.
Back in his shared apartment, Wonshik finds his half-brother, Taekwoon, waiting for his arrival.
“Y/N’s next, and you know it.”
With a sigh, Wonshik pleads, “Y/N already has it bad enough if full moons do THAT to her, so let her be.”
“Y/N’s next. You don’t get to argue. I want that soul, and you’ll get it for me.”
Wonshik can’t understand why Taekwoon is so hooked on a specific soul, but he doesn’t question it, thinking of it as another effect of his power limitation, “Fine.”
“Perform a reading tomorrow. Figure out the new personality you have to project at her.”
Without response, Wonshik retires to his room, knowing he’ll have a mission tomorrow. The next day, you find yourself working in the nearby park after feeling a need to leave your apartment. Working from home has its perks, but the apartment gets too quiet for your thoughts sometimes.
“Oh, Y/N?” You look up to see Wonshik with his backpack slung over his shoulder. Immediately, you shove your phone in his face, making him laugh. You didn’t expect him to be the type to laugh at those small things, but it makes you smile. You expect a lot more laughter from both of you in the future as you see him send himself a message from your phone. Little do you know that he uses the opportunity to perform his reading of you. Handing your phone back to you, he makes sure that your hands touch. You receive a slight shock on your end, but you play it off as static electricity and even make a joke.
After a few seconds, Wonshik doubles over in pain, holding his head tightly. You hold his shoulders, concerned, “Wonshik, are you alright?! Do you need water or something?”
He winces in pain, but manages to get a single word out, “Home…”
You quickly pack up your stuff and help Wonshik stay steady as you cross the street together. You unlock the gate and follow his lead to his apartment. “Do you want me to walk you in?”
“No. Roommate might-” Before he can finish, another surge of pain shoots through his head. He slowly unlocks and opens the door, walking in with a quick “thanks” before shutting the door behind him. He manages the strength to lock the door before collapsing. As you muster the strength to walk away despite your worries, his pain fades with the sound of your departing footsteps.
“What the hell happened to you?” Taekwoon asks, looking down at his brother.
“The reading…” Wonshik regains a normal breathing pattern as he finishes, “I think it went wrong… I don’t know.”
“You look like you went berserk.”
“I think I did. I started hearing voices in my head. Suddenly, I just felt… tortured.” His head stays down, staring at his hands. Taekwoon silently smirks down at him, knowingly.
The next few days feel gruesome to Wonshik whenever you get close. You message him, asking whether he feels any better, but he claims he’s sick. After the fifth day, the pain calms, leaving Wonshik with the task he started with: luring Y/N in using the reading he performed. From his reading, he gathered two distinct traits that he can use against you.
“Oh! Wonshik! Are you feeling better?”
With a giant smile, he greets you, “Hey, Y?N! I’m much better now. Don’t worry too much.”
The amount of pep in his voice shocks you both. You laugh, returning his energy, “You seem like a whole new person today!”
The voices continue to haunt Wonshik whenever he nears you, but he uses the nearly-split personality he gained from the reading to get closer to you over the weeks. One day, he decides that it’s time to ease his own suffering by using his rougher side.
“Y/N…” He practically growls out your name as you hang out together at the park. The voices in his head get louder, warning him not to give you up to Taekwoon, but he chooses to ignore them.
“I need something. Will you help me?”
Cautious, you probe for more information, “Depends. What do you need?”
“Come home with me. I’ll tell you there.”
“Wonshik, you’re never this secretive. What’s really going on?”
He grabs your wrist, pulling you away from your seat. You barely manage to grab your bag as he drags you to the crosswalk. You tear your arm away, "Wonshik, tell me what's going on! You're starting to scare me."
Knowing you won't listen, he grabs your arm again, pulling you closer before throwing your body over his shoulder without issue-- showing his demonic strength to you for the first time. Unknown to both of you, this triggers a response inside of you, changing your fear into growing anger as you struggle in his grasp. When he reaches his apartment, he rushes into his room. You see Taekwoon lock the front door before the bedroom door shuts and locks. The anger inside you only rises as your supposed-friend throws you onto the bed. You both hear Taekwoon banging on the door, angry that his brother won't stick to the plan.
"She's MINE! Give her up, RAVI!" You recognize that name from somewhere deep in memories you didn't know existed. It clicks. Your anger bursts, giving you unexplainable strength. "Fuck." He tries covering up his mistake, "Wonshik! She's dangerous! Give her up before she remembers everything!"
In mere seconds, you push Wonshik to the ground as you speed to the door, ripping it straight from the hinges. Taekwoon stumbles backwards from the shock. "Damn..." He curses under his breath, readying himself to fight. Wonshik finds his way back to his feet to witness his brother smirking in his fighting stance as he sarcastically welcomes you. "Welcome back, Mastema. You couldn't have given me a bit more time to prepare?"
"Mastema...?" Wonshik's torture suddenly makes sense. Your torture finally makes sense to him. Not only was there a sleeping demon inside of you, but Mastema, the dark angel who tempted his demon father to sleep with his human mother by loaning her a demonic scent. Mastema convinced Wonshik's parents that she had granted his mother with demonic ever-lasting life and transformed her completely into a demon. After they believed Mastema and gave in to their desires, Mastema removed the scent, ending the illusion of demonic power. Then, the two were banished to live apart for eternity. Wonshik's demonic power killed his mother during childbirth, so he's been holding a grudge over Mastema for as long as he remembers. Meeting her makes his eyes turn blood red for the first time in his life, making Taekwoon freak out, cursing up a storm as he backs away even more, abandoning his faux courage completely as Wonshik realizes everything going on.
"You... You caused everything. And YOU knew!" He turns to his brother, redirecting his anger.
"Ravi... Calm down. I was gonna take Y/N's soul before Mastema awakened. I swear!"
Mastema steps in between the boys, distracting Wonshik. He bears his fangs at her clearly. Her now-blue hair and eyes glow back at him. But she looks calm as she approaches him, placing her hand on his shoulder and leaning close to his ear. "She love you, y'know? She must fall too easily. Otherwise, I'd just kill you both."
"Shut up, witch. You speak only lies." He growls back, stopping himself from jumping at her in an attack.
"Try me. It's true. And you can't bring yourself to kill me because you know that."
"Shut UP!!" He breaks, lunging out to bite Mastema. She tries to dodge, but he tears out some of the skin on her arm. As the blood drips, her hair shows the only sign of any weakness as it gradually stops glowing. Although still blue, Mastema loses some power as the blood spills and you fight for control of your body from within. 
As your eyes return to their original color, you gain enough power to communicate with Wonshik, begging him to stop. "Wonshik... Please. Come back..."
Hearing your soft pleas, his fangs retract, and his eyes return to normal. As they do, however, Mastema gains control again, shoving him away with a force that sends him flying into the wall. You continue fighting with her for your body, a great feat of color-changing eyes and hair accompanied by an orchestra of screams and threats. When you finally regain control for long enough, Taekwoon sinks his teeth into the back of your neck. You hear a voice in your head that you know all too well scream in agony as Taekwoon rips a soul from your body, knocking you out cold for days.
When you finally awaken, you find yourself in a room you don't recognize. You can't remember the events of the previous few weeks. You don't recognize the man sitting by your bed. You move, trying to sit up, alerting him of your consciousness.
"Y/N! You're awake! Taekwoon, you didn't kill her!"
You just stare. That's your name? It doesn't sound right. You have a lot to remember and learn, but the man sitting next to you seems more than willing to help you as he smiles back at you, talking up a storm that you don't really follow. You notice something as he smiles with his teeth that you remind yourself to ask about later.
Where are his canine teeth?
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dissoluteways · 3 years
cover up - chapter I
Chapter I 
PAIRING: Ravi/OC RATING: PG WARNINGS: Nothing this time. WORDCOUNT: 4042
Notes: Ok soooo this fic has been sitting on my computer since Scentist era so go figure how old it is lmao it is fully written, i’ll just proof read it and post it, probably once a week? it’s gonna be three or four chapters, i’m not sure yet. Enjoy babes ♥
Wonsik should be used to being surrounded by beautiful people. He was an idol; it was one  of the perks of it, having pretty girls and handsome boys around. And he was fascinated by  that world when they debuted, years ago, and he couldn’t help but stare a little too much  when they introduced themselves to their seniors. A lot of time had gone by since that, and  he thought he was immune to the way other idols shine by then. 
But he didn’t expect to see such a beautiful girl when they were introduced to one of their  new makeup artists. She didn’t have any striking features, and for being a makeup artist, she  didn’t seem to be wearing any. But it was probably that that made her so surreal. Her face  was soft, and she wasn’t terrifyingly stunning as some other idols he’d met; she gave a nice,  pleasant aura instead. 
And when her lips curved upwards in a warm smile, Wonsik choked. Literally choked. 
Hongbin side-eyed him as Hakyeon introduced them all one by one, and when it was  Wonsik’s turn to introduce himself, he almost spluttered trying to stop himself from coughing. 
“Hey, you ok?” She asked, stepping just a bit closer, and he had to take a step back, hitting  his chest in an attempt to clear his airways.  
At that point most of the people in the room were looking at him, and Wonsik would have  rather been swallowed by earth than to even speak. 
“Yeah, I’m…” He coughed one last time before replying. “I’m fine. I’m Wonsik, nice to meet  you.” 
She bowed and smiled again at him and he had to look down or he’d choke again. 
Before getting to work, they discussed the kind of concept they had in mind, and  (fortunately or not) Wonsik realized she was just there to work with them for that comeback  only. He was relieved, at least he was only going to choke and trip himself for two or three  months. Enough time to get rid of a possible superficial attraction. Maybe he would be lucky  enough to have one of their other stylists do his makeup instead of her. 
But that day wasn’t his day, and he was sitting in front of a mirror with her by his side as he  made an attempt to entertain himself with his phone to calm down before he had to put it  away to let her do her job.  
“Can you close your eyes, please?” she asked in a soft voice, getting closer and leaning down  so she could be at eye level. “And lean your head back.”
Wonsik could feel all the blood rushing to his face with every touch of her fingers on his  skin; he hoped she couldn’t tell how red he obviously was.  
“You can open your eyes now.” 
He did as he was told, and he regretted it immediately when he saw her face just a few  centimeters away. He pressed his back against his seat as much as he could so they could  keep their distance, but it was to no avail when she started applying the eyeliner, and he  tried his best to not choke on his own saliva again. 
“How old are you?”  
Wonsik jumped a little at her question, accidentally making her jut the line across his cheek.  “I’m sorry,” he apologized right after, internally slapping himself. 
“It’s ok, I can fix it.”  
“Great…” he looked at her as she looked for a q-tip before fixing the line and reapplying it.  “Um… I’m 25.” 
“I’m older then, I’m 28.” She replied with a smile, now applying foundation to his lips. “You  don’t have to be too formal with me, let’s get along well.” 
Great. It was going to be a tough three months. 
One of the things that Wonsik told himself before actually getting to know her is that she  might have a bad personality. He was hoping that, if someone was pretty but rude, he  was going to get over that silly crush in a second. 
But it wasn’t like that. She talked, but not a lot, and not much about herself. She actually  asked him a lot of questions. Like she wanted to get to know him. And it wasn’t only that,  her voice made everything so much worse. She didn’t think it was possible for someone to  have such a soothing voice. He noticed the way she talked to Hakyeon or Taekwoon, since  they were the same age; he figured she might even change her nice approach. But no, she  seemed like a total peach. 
With all the talking, Wonsik learned that she actually worked with other groups a lot,  especially when it involved dark or sexy concepts. But she was more of a helping hand than a full time makeup artist. She told him she wanted to have her own line of makeup products one day, but so far she was content with working with idols.  
Wonsik never felt so out of place in his life. He didn’t know anything about makeup, and he  told her about his music, but he still felt silly when he looked at all her shade palettes and  foundations. He didn’t care about any of that before, but then he didn’t think it was possible  to be more nervous than he was when she was around. It was an awkward feeling, and for  the first time in his life, he hoped promotions period would be over soon. But it had been  only a week since he met her and he was completely exhausted.  
“I can’t wait to get home and sleep,” Wonsik confessed, sliding into their car with Hyuk and Hongbin after a long day of recording.  
“I guess thinking about our new makeup noona takes up a lot of your time,” Hongbin commented slyly, a smug smile on his face. 
“Shut up, you asshole.” Wonsik spitted, hitting his shoulder, but Hongbin still laughed at  him. 
“Hyung, I noticed you’ve been spending a lot of time in the shower lately,” Hyuk commented,  with a feigned innocent look on his face. “Is it because of her?” 
Wonsik glared at him but didn’t answer. 
“At least she helps you with your personal hygiene,” Hongbin grinned. 
“You shouldn’t wear such tight pants when she’s around, though,” Hyuk said.
Wonsik sighed loudly; already regretting what he was about to ask, “What do you mean?” 
“Those pants can’t hide all the boners you’re popping.” 
Both Hyuk and Hongbin broke into laughter as Wonsik turned into a tomato. 
“I’m not popping anything, you pricks!” 
“Noona!” Jaehwan’s voice resonated through their waiting room, making Wonsik turn towards the door faster than light and almost drop his iced tea, only to be stared at by Hyuk  and Hongbin with knowing smiles on their faces, just as their staff walked through the door.  
Damn them, at least Hakyeon and Taekwoon didn’t tease him about it.
Wonsik watched as Jaehwan greeted her with a very uncool fist-bump (at least she laughed), before she walked towards the rest of them to say hello.  
“Hey Wonsik!” she called him in a cheery tone and smiling at him. 
“Hey…” He tried to keep his tone as chic as hers but he was pretty sure he failed miserably. But she kept on smiling at him as he took a seat in front of one of the mirrors. 
Wonsik wasn’t particularly observant, but he was certain she had been smiling more at him than when they first met, or even more to him than to the other members. Even then, when she was putting makeup on him and he was trying to keep his face as unresponsive as he  could, she kept on smiling, making it so much harder for him not to have a heart attack  right then and there.  
“I put on a red eye shadow this time,” she said softly, making him jump a little in his seat. “I  think it looks good on you, so I hope you like it.” 
“Oh…” he replied, not exactly sure of what to say really. “That’s good.” 
“Do you usually wear lip balm?” she asked, looking at his lips. 
“I, uh… No, not really.” 
She pursed her lips as she grabbed the lip balm from her makeup set, smearing some of it  on her index finger before applying it directly on Wonsik’s lips. Her face still was inches  away from his, and the fact that she was obviously staring at his lips made him think he  might die right then and there (which would be totally embarrassing if he was honest), and  he couldn’t help but to look at her lips too, gulping when he thought about how it would  feel to kiss them. 
“You really should use lip balm,” She told him once she was done, putting away the piece of  makeup, “It keeps your lips nice and soft.” 
“Yeah, I bet they are…” His reply came out without thinking, and he immediately regretted it.  She blinked at him before smiling sweetly, apparently oblivious to what he accidentally  implied. He tried to correct himself either way “I mean yeah, lip balm… does that.” 
Luckily the director called for them so they could start recording, so he quietly left the  waiting room, with a hand covering his face to hide his embarrassment.
“Damn man, you really got some amazing flirting skills.” Hongbin patted his back sympathetically on their way to the filming spot. “Maybe in ten years, you two might finally go on a first date.” 
“Shut up.” Wonsik spat back. “I don’t wanna date her; I want promotions to end already.” 
“They haven’t even started yet. We still have like five weeks to go until it’s over,” Hongbin pointed out, no comfort in his voice at all. “Hope you can survive until then.” 
Wonsik definitely hoped for that too. 
“So… Wonsik, have you accidentally confessed your undying love for her yet? 
Wonsik groaned, throwing his head back against the back of the couch. He got it if they joked about it when they were at music show stations or even the company building when they were practicing, but to do it during dinner, when they were supposed to think about something else and relax for once in their lives? 
“I was hoping we wouldn’t touch that subject. Like, ever.” He growled back at Jaehwan; Hyuk and Hongbin snickering from the other side of the room. 
“She probably knows already,” Taekwoon’s soft voice commented, and there was a collective silence before the words sank into Wonsik’s brain. 
“Wait, what?” He practically screamed, everyone looking at him with expressions resembling amusement and knowledge. “…Does she know?” 
“She hasn’t said anything about that,” Hakyeon spoke up, looking almost completely  disinterested about the subject. Faking it, obviously, Wonsik knew he was totally up to date, especially with the way the others talked about it like it was daily news. He wished he wasn’t, he didn’t want his meddling ass in the middle of the whole situation. “Not to us, at least.” 
“She knows,” Hyuk said, a smug smile adorning his face. “She does look at him, you know.” 
“She does?” Wonsik asked, turning his head towards the younger boy, his entire body suddenly numb and trembling. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Hongbin commented enthusiastically, “I’ve seen her looking at him. You  know… sexually.”
“What?” If he didn’t know any better, Wonsik would have thought he was about to have a heart attack. 
“Oh good, I thought I was the only one who saw her eyeing him like he was a piece of meat,” Jaehwan commented, ironically as he put a piece of stew inside his mouth. 
“She wants to fuck him!” Hyuk sing-songed, looking like it was Christmas day and he just got the biggest gift in the house. 
“She what?!” Wonsik finally yelled, almost dropping the glass of water he was holding. 
“Oh come on,” Hongbin consoled him, voice calm, “You’re not terrible looking.” 
“Thanks for the compliment, but that wasn’t what I was referring to!”  
“Wonsikie,” Hakyeon intervened, voice peaceful as if they were talking about the weather.  “Do you want me to find out for you?” 
Wonsik stood up; face red with embarrassment and annoyance, as he walked towards the hall to his room before turning around. 
“No, I don’t! I don’t want any of you to meddle into this! I don’t want you all, jerks, to mess with this, it has nothing to do with any of you!” 
He felt like a teenager all over again and he walked all the way to his room, ready to close  the door and never opening it again when he heard Hakyeon’s voice:  
“She does wanna fuck him though, we gotta help her.” 
“And stop talking about me as if I wasn’t listening!”  
Wonsik yelled before slamming the door loud enough for even the neighbors to hear. 
He slumped onto his bed, sighing loudly and wanting nothing but for the bed to eat him and  spit him out like in that scene on Nightmare on Elm Street. 
All the things they said, even if they were to tease him or not, made him think anyway. She  couldn’t possibly want to fuck him; it seemed insane that they even think she looked at him  that way to begin with. They hardly knew each other, not to mention that he was a nervous  mess every time they were in the same room. There was a reason why didn’t date often and  it was because he got nervous around the people he liked, like sweating, trembling, and  even more sweating. It wasn’t attractive at all. 
The thought of them all possibly making a plan to “help her” was buried in the back of his  head as he dozed off in his bed. 
He should have known something was off when he walked into the waiting room a few days  later, after recording was over. Mainly because everyone was looking at him. Literally, everyone. Even Taekwoon, who was eating a snack, stopped to stare at him.  
Second of all, all the staff was gone. They only had to take off their makeup before leaving,  so it didn’t seem unusual that their stylists weren’t there; but even their manager was  absent.  
“Um… where is everyone?” Wonsik asked, eyeing the entire room. 
“They left already,” Jaehwan answered quickly, as if it was super obvious. “We have another  schedule now so they left to go there already.” 
“We have another schedule?” Wonsik certainly didn’t remember seeing another schedule in  their calendar that day. That was probably the third thing that was off. 
He squinted his eyes at Jaehwan before looking at the rest of his members, and all of them  looked unusually quiet.  
He didn’t get to ask them what was going on when the door opened. Wonsik turned around  and froze, his heart stopping for what felt like an eternity. 
“Well I guess we gotta go now!” Jaehwan’s cheerful voice resonated in the room as they all  voiced their agreement and headed towards the door, greeting their makeup noona on their  way out.  
“Wonsik still has to take off his makeup,” Hongbin commented to her, who looked just as lost as Wonsik did.  
“Oh… I can help him.” She replied, smiling as she turned her head to look at Wonsik. 
Hyuk was the last to leave the room, and he did some kind of obscene gesture before closing the door with a smile, and Wonsik realized the devious plot behind the whole  scenario. 
There were a few seconds of silence before he spoke up. 
“There’s not a schedule after this, right?” 
“Um, not one that includes me, I think.” She replied, going to her bag to look for the cleanser  cream. “I think all the girls went home already.” 
“Fuckers,” Wonsik cursed under his breath, clenching his fists as he turned to glare at the  door. Maybe he could cast an evil eye spell or something. 
“Wonsik,” her voice brought him back to reality, and he quickly turned to look at her. She  was near the mirror, waiting for him to sit down with a smile on her face, and Wonsik  thought he might go blind if he looked at that smile for too long. “Sit.” 
He took a few steps towards her, his legs feeling like total jelly as he sat down in front of  her. He leaned his head back before she even asked, so used to being in that position when  it came to applying makeup that he did it naturally every time he sat down in front of her.  Closing his eyes was his own choice; Wonsik knew he would probably turn into a tomato and  explode if he had to look at her from up close.  
Massaging the cleanser on his face with her fingers made him relax, and he let out a sigh he  didn’t know he had been holding in. Her touch was gentle as she stroked the cream on his  cheeks, forehead and chin, and then down and around his jaw. He felt the washcloth on his  face a few seconds later, tenderly wiping away all the remains.  
Wonsik opened his eyes and got ready to get up from his seat, when she quickly put a hand  on his shoulder, urging him to remain seated. 
“I’m not done yet,” her voice wasn’t really harsh, but Wonsik stayed still, the skin on his  shoulder where her hand had been slightly stinging. “I still have to remove your eye  makeup.” 
“I usually just use oil for all my face…” He commented, not exactly sure why he was objecting. 
The look she gave me made him regret that comment immediately. 
“Well Hongbin also uses oil.” He said quickly, trying to drag someone else down with him  since he apparently was making a mistake when he applied oil to remove his makeup. “A lot  of it, actually. And he rarely moisturizes his skin too.” 
She was chuckling, her eyes turning into crescent shapes, and he smiled back at her, a warm  feeling settling at the pit of his stomach.  
“Close your eyes, please.” She asked, still smiling warmly, and he did as he was told.
She swiped a small amount of oil across his eyelids and eyebrows, before removing it with a  cotton pad. When Wonsik opened his eyes, sure that it was done this time, her face was still  only a few centimeters away from his, and his breath caught in his throat. He really couldn’t  help but stare when she touched his lips with her fingers, and he tasted a bit of the  cleansing oil she had applied.  
Wonsik was pretty sure she knew he was looking at her lips, but at the same time he  couldn’t bring himself to care. She had perfect lips, a pretty round shape and kind of plump,  and she was probably wearing lip balm or lip gloss because they were shinny too. He gulped  loudly and his eyes went up to meet hers, and she was staring right back at him. 
She pulled back after a second, reaching for another cotton pad, before leaning closer to  Wonsik again. She skimmed his lips with the cotton pad in one slow, gentle move before  disposing of it.  
“It’s done.”  
“Yeah…” Wonsik replied, clearing his throat when his voice came out higher and hoarser  than normal. “Yeah.” 
They both stood up at the same time, and Wonsik felt weird when he had to look down at  her. He was almost a head taller, yet he felt strangely small when she was around, his legs  turning into a puddle of goo every time.  
Right at that moment though, she was looking at him with a little dark pooling in her eyes,  gazing at him in a way she hadn’t done before. It made Wonsik’s heart race faster than  usual. 
“You look good without makeup.” 
The compliment made Wonsik blush a little, and she replied with a small grin. It was a weird  comment, considering she was his makeup artist; he was supposed to look good after  putting it on, not when he was barefaced.  
The blush spread towards his ears when she moved closer, much closer than before,  considering they hadn’t moved much, the chair he was sitting on before was still behind him.  
“You’re very cute, you know.” She said, that typical smile of hers on her lips. 
“I- I am?” Wonsik almost gurgled trying to get those words out of his mouth.
“Yes.” Her smile turned somewhat mischievous, and she stared at him with a knowing look. “Is it true?” 
Wonsik blinked, not exactly sure what she was asking. Maybe he had blacked out before from being so close to her and missed part of the question. 
“Is it true that you like me?” 
He couldn’t help but actually choke a bit this time, totally flustered and taken aback. Was he that obvious? He didn’t respond to her question, not exactly sure whether to lie or admit it, each option embarrassing enough for him. But from the look on her face, she was clearly enjoying the state he was in, a complacent smirk on her face giving her away. She looked up at him as she took another step closer, and he could smell her perfume then, something resembling coconuts and lemons, and Wonsik gulped.  
Her gaze pierced right through Wonsik’s eyes and she leaned in forward slightly, tilting her  head up, her lips parting just a bit, her breath washing over his lips. She had to be standing  on her tiptoes; even then she was still smaller than he was, but with the way she was  looking at him, he felt like a small animal, just about to be hunted down.  
“You’re really cute.” 
That was all she said, her voice low and sultry, right before she kissed him on the lips. 
It was all it was at first, her lips pressing against his, but she stole Wonsik’s breath away  anyway. There was a serious lack of oxygen in his brain, still in awe of what had just  happened, he couldn’t respond properly at all. She opened her mouth and tentatively flicked  her tongue out over his lips, and he let out a groan, feeling the vague taste of the cleansing  oil mixed with her cherry lip gloss, and he knew he wanted more. Wanted to feel her closer,  to taste her more, and just have her. 
Wonsik’s hand gripped her hips tightly, pressing her against his body, and she cupped his  face with her hands, and it was like his skin was burning when she touched him. She glided  her lips over his, the wet slide so intense it made Wonsik’s head spin, but he was eager,  hungry, so he parted his lips to slip his tongue out. The moan that escaped from her lips  made Wonsik proud, and his hands went upwards towards her waist, squeezing her skin through the fabric of her shirt. Their tongues brushed against one another, their lips  smoothly moving together; Wonsik felt like combusting.
It was over before he even knew it; she pressed her lips against his firmly before pulling away completely. There was a light blush adorning her cheeks and a smile on her lips; Wonsik went back to feeling vulnerable. He was very aware he was panting hard, and his  whole face felt extremely hot; meanwhile, other than the fact that her face was kind of pink, she looked completely fine. 
She took a step back and turned around to grab the little case with the creams she had  taken out before looking back at him. Her eyes were blown, and she looked completely  content with herself. 
“See you around.” She smiled at him one last time before grabbing her bag and walking past  him and towards the door. 
Wonsik stared at the door for what felt like forever before averting his eyes towards the rest  of the room. He felt completely out of place (it was a common feeling these days), his body felt  like it had been drained from all its energy, and he was positive he looked like had just been  mugged. And he was still trying to understand what had just happened.
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