#woody allen a rainy day in new york
manitat · 8 months
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2019: A Rainy Day In New York
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holycolorfulpig · 1 year
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Everyone Says I Love You (1996) & A Rainy Day In New York (2019)
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A Rainy Day in New York (2019)
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fukublrblog · 2 years
A Rainy Day in New York
2019 film
Director: Woody Allen
December 1, 2022
Warning: contains spoilers
The other day, I watched "A Rainy Day in New York" by Woody Allen. It was about a young couple, Gatsby and Ashleigh, who visited Gatsby’s hometown New York City. They were supposed to have a romantic weekend together, but ended up spending most of their time separately. After a series of adventures, Gatsby decided to stay in his hometown since he loved the city so much and, eventually, he and Ashleigh broke up.
When the movie was over, I was surprised since the plot was pretty much the same as "Midnight in Paris”, which was another romantic comedy made by the director. I wondered if he intentionally did the same thing to entertain his fans. I wasn't sure but at least I enjoyed the similarity of the two movies.
Apart from that, I enjoyed the series of dialogues and music as well. My favorite scene was when Timothee Chalamet as Gatsby sang while playing the piano. I loved the way he sang. It sounded like Chet Baker in “Chet Baker Sings" to me. His voice was also so sweet and relaxing that it comforted me always.
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en-lop-ter · 2 months
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ulrichgebert · 1 year
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Weil wir mit einigen der letzten Woody-Allen-Filme nicht so ganz glücklich waren, haben wir uns mit A Rainy Day in New York reichlich Zeit gelassen. Der ist allerdings wieder ganz charmant, wenngleich wenig überraschend und sehr routiniert, und bietet immerhin den stets entzückenden Timothée Chalamet. He sings, too!
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i-perfect-please · 1 year
I think it's time to rewatch 'A Rainy Day in New York'. Am I the only one who finds Ashleigh incredibly annoying...
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don-lichterman · 2 years
A RAINY DAY IN NEW WORK Trailer (2020) Selena Gomez, Timothée Chalamet Movie HD
A RAINY DAY IN NEW WORK Trailer (2020) Selena Gomez, Timothée Chalamet Movie HD
A RAINY DAY IN NEW WORK Trailer (2020) Selena Gomez, Timothée Chalamet Movie HD PLOT: A young couple arrives in New York for a weekend where they are met with bad weather and a series of adventures. CAST: Timothée Chalamet, Elle Fanning, Liev Schreiber, Jude Law, Selena Gomez, SUBSCRIBE for more Movie Trailers HERE: https://goo.gl/Yr3O86 Check out all of the JOBLO YOUTUBE channels: MOVIE…
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new-sandrafilter · 1 year
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People might be surprised to see that the film isn't just about Wonka, he's got a double act going on with Noodle. What was the thinking behind the addition of her character?
The Willy we meet at the beginning of this movie is very wide-eyed and he has that almost childlike optimism that Timothée Chalamet is just incredible at encapsulating. Because it's the story of how you go from a normal person into the Willy Wonka we know, it felt like a good place to start with him as being very kind-hearted, very open-hearted. He needed a slightly more cynical person to show him the truth of the world, that not everyone is lovely, fluffy, and nice, and that bad things happen along the way. [Noodle] felt like a very good counterpart to him and I was really just interested in their friendship. Calah Lane is wonderful, and she's able to encapsulate this wise, 'old head on young shoulders' kind of character. 
Was there one specific performance of Timothée Chalamet's that you'd seen and thought, 'That's Willy Wonka'?
No. I don't think he's ever done anything like this before. But everything I've seen him do, he's completely mesmerizing. [In] Call Me By Your Name, he was absolutely extraordinary. He's really funny in the Woody Allen film he did [Rainy Day in New York], and he's able to bring humor and heart to everything he does. He's also a terrific singer and dancer, but he just so clearly had a sense of who the character was, and the sense of who he could be.
TOTAL FILM - EXCLUSIVE: Writer-director Paul King breaks down the first trailer for his Willy Wonka origin story
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stonecoldpinkerton · 1 month
I first heard Bob Dylan on some TV show. I was maybe 10 years old. They used Shelter from the Storm in the episode. What a flawless work of art that song is. I summarily read Bob Dylan's autobiography. It was about his entire life, all his experiences. And yet- and here's the interesting thing- he only wrote about 3 albums that he wrote.
Bob Dylan has many famous albums- The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited, Blood on the Tracks, Blonde on Blonde, and more. He only wrote about 3 albums.
He wrote about his first album, the start of his career, the self titled album "Bob Dylan". He wrote about the album he was writing as he was writing the very book, the album "Oh Mercy". And he wrote about his most infamous album, "Self Portrait".
I would have to make a separate post to thoroughly talk about Oh Mercy. What I remember about his first album is this: he explained that he had an interview with someone from the record label. The record guy was asking him "where are you from" "what brought you to New York" etc. They wanted a short paragraph to put on the back of the album.
Bob explains that he came to New York on a freight train. Record guy asks "You mean a passenger train?"
Bob answers, "Freight train." Then, breaking the scene, author-Bob explains he *actually* came to NY on a passenger train.
To most, Bob Dylan was, as Joan Baez described, "the original vagabond, the unwashed phenomenon". The king of the New York folk scene. It had been on the rise with artists like
Tom Paxton
and Peter, Paul and Mary,
Simon and Garfunkel.
But Bob Dylan was the one that really defined it.
Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Allen Zimmerman. He was raised in the south, Missouri. His parents were ethnic Jews and he was raised Catholic. He grew up listening to gospel music, blues, and, famously, Woody Guthrie.
But his music never sounded like he'd been raised on gospel. No, he put tradition in the wind. He was the New York dynamo, Bob Dylan!
The fame wore him out quick. For all his poetry and expression, he never felt understood. His identity was the freight train kid, not the passenger.
Years of wear and tear get to him. I get the sense he resented the people who looked up to him.
And here we get to the meat and potatoes.
Self Portrait.
Rolling Stone magazine put out an issue reviewing it. The cover stated in bold text, "What the fuck is this shit?" Bob released the album knowing it would tank his career. And man, this album is filled with gospel inspired tracks.
The album opens with "All the tired horses". Just go and fucking experience that song. Close your eyes, breath deep, and listen. Really listen.
Self Portrait is, in my mind, the greatest Dylan album.
I used to *think* I understood Dylan. But listening to Self Portrait, for the first time I *felt* I understood Mr. Zimmerman.
Thanks for reading y'all. Keep safe. You're valuable, you have a right to be here, just as much as anyone else. Just as much as the trees and stars. You matter.
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"The Willy we meet at the beginning of this movie is very wide-eyed and he has that almost childlike optimism that Timothée Chalamet is just incredible at encapsulating"
Was there one specific performance of Timothée Chalamet's that you'd seen and thought, 'That's Willy Wonka'?
No. I don't think he's ever done anything like this before. But everything I've seen him do, he's completely mesmerizing. [In] Call Me By Your Name, he was absolutely extraordinary. He's really funny in the Woody Allen film he did [Rainy Day in New York], and he's able to bring humor and heart to everything he does. He's also a terrific singer and dancer, but he just so clearly had a sense of who the character was, and the sense of who he could be.
Director Paul King for Total Film - July 11, 2023
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tctmp · 1 year
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A Rainy Day in New York: Directed by Woody Allen. With Timothée Chalamet, Elle Fanning, Liev Schreiber, Suzanne Smith. A young couple arrives in New York for a weekend where they are met with bad weather and a series of adventures.
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my-own-lilypad · 1 year
Just wanted to follow up on The Art of Selling Out not being a surprise to me. When it was announced he would star in A Rainy Day In New York I was shocked because even then there was enough negative information available about W.A. that non-celebrities could say, “Something is not right with that man.” Yes, he donated his salary afterwards but that was when I realized his ambition for fame was great. When the “dating” announcement broke earlier this year I realized more distance was needed; just admire his work but not follow his every move.
You don’t have to post but just wanted to add a bit more as you responded. Today was the first day I saw your blog and like what I have seen so far. Have a great day! 😎
That's ok, I don't mind follow ups! And thanks for the compliment. 
Yes, I agree - when I read about the drama around A Rainy Day in New York, I did start to wonder, why did Timmy get involved, it must have been purely for his own personal gain. Then I watched the film and I was not comfortable with the misogyny. Why would any young man claiming to represent people of all genders, colours, sexualities etc, an intelligent artist like him, ignore all of the old-fashioned sexism? Did he think it was funny? Did he think it wasn't gratuitous that the girl was naked by the end? Did he not see how that was some kind of perverted Chekhov's gun -like, here is a cute blonde - don't worry, by the end of the film you're gonna see her in her underwear, for no real reason. Not to mention the whole mother/hooker story line. I thought, Timmy must not have been thinking about the implications when he agreed to star in this rubbish. I passed it off - but part of me did wonder how far he was willing to go to further his career. Yes, he gave the money away, but it would have been better not to have starred in the film at all. Like, just don't support this shit. I don't know what he got out of being in a Woody Allen film but it must have been worth the drama. 
And now of course he is supporting Kylie Jenner - coming out to the public as being in a relationship with her is implicitly supporting everything she stands for, whether it's PR or true love. And not only did he come out as being in a relationship with her, it had to be a big media reveal - someone's filming, quick let me suck your face and grab your ass and then look smug at the camera. That flummoxed me. I was like - what is this shit? Grabbing a plastic model's ass in public? Groping her? - what are you THINKING? - how dare you normalise this shitty chauvinistic behaviour - you of all people!
That was when it fully dawned on me. No principles. Even if he's pressured into things, he's got a tongue in his head hasn't he? A brain in there too somewhere? Not a very intelligent lad in the end, as it turns out. But making a shitload of money, so that's ok then. 
The last part of your message about 'more distance is needed'. I agree, that is what I want and need now. I have loved and admired him (in a fandom way, you know 'fandom Timmy' not the real person obviously) for two years and I need to pull away because that person that I thought existed is not there. I mean, real-life relationships are hard enough to break away from, I don't need a fantasy one to be the same, lol!
If there is a film out that I want to see and he happens to be in it, then I will go and see it, but I'm not going to follow him the way I did. 
Anyway, enough of me rambling, but it did feel good to get all of that off my chest to someone who isn't blinded. Thank you for reading my blog, wish I could return the compliment. 🤓 Have a great day. ☺
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euphorial-docx · 2 years
“why is timothee’s character in ‘a rainy day in new york’ so underrated?” i don’t know maybe it has something to do with it being a woody allen movie.
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zumpietoo · 1 year
While I'm mentally ticking off my next set of projects for the upcoming week or so (finish cleaning my bedroom/dressing room, assembling the cat shelters (one last, warm week is expected), dividing/transplanting irises and winterizing geraniums, Halloween decorating and FINALLY the basement!)....I found myself watching A Rainy Day in New York....cuz didn't realice (tho I should've), until I was legit in it, it was a Woody Allen piece....
Annnddd.....I was immediately reminded of why, ignoring the whole pervy shit (I'll get to all that in a sec), I'd found his stuff largely tiresome anyway: we, ofc, have a Woody self-insert, we have wimmin all presented as serving/being primarily decorative shag gaggers, who men grow almost immediately bored with, for painfully selfish reasons----which we're meant to sympathize with/view as fully understandable. Everybody is rich and ostensibly artsy/intellectual, but also painfully shallow. And, again, obsessed with sex. Everybody is, despite the aforementioned shallow, also unspeakably pretentious and insist on using far larger words than such characters would actually use. Oh and it's based on a weird, outdated elitism that existed in NYC in 50s....
I actually found a fair amount of professional criticism of it, thusly, in quite a few periodicals, actual good media, at that....and the acknowledgement he's been obsessed with fucking muuuuuccchhhh younger wimmin since at least Manhattan (which everybody merely brushed away, cuz, ickily, it wasn't nearly the deal then that it is now).
I also discovered, despite Allen's attempts to distance himself.....he and Harvey Weinstein share a history, as is detailed in his "son's" 2019 book.....
But what IS a bold outing of the hypocrisy of cancel culture and its faux outrage? Allen enjoys LOTS of fangurls on reddit....the same peeps who seem to scream how dreadful "some people" (cough, Cole, cough) and are endlessly droning about what a pretentious jerk Cole is....looooovvvveee Woody Allen. Think he's a genius.
And.....A) he isn't: his stuff didn't age well, it's the same pretentious drivel over and over and his direction is abysmal....(just watch as everybody frenetically rushes thru their lines, with showy stage artifice). B) his shit turns out to be an endless manifesto/confessional for wanting to fuck children.
Hilariously (or not, if we're being real), they excuse his 56 year old self marrying a 21 year old he'd known since she was a child, because "it lasted"----and there's a lot of, "well if you really believe what Dylan and her mom said"......ummmm......dudes, her BROTHER does....and what happened to "always believe the victim"?
Oh right....Allen's a nebbish turned player and you like that/hope he'll pick YOU next, so you're willing to excuse all that, while hanging Cole cuz......."he's a jerk" (cuz broke up with his on again/off again GF and moved on with his life)....it's why ALL your outrage is pure, unadulterated bullshit....
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en-lop-ter · 2 months
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