#wooma art
Since PINTEREST wants to SHAME me, (/lh /j) Ill ask the fellow traumatized folk on this blog, does anyone have any darker, heavily emotive, edgier art styles that are semi-abstract and/or anime that you can recommend?
I very very much love Wooma art for reference and a lot of Vocaloid PV styles and Id absolutely love recommendations if anyone out there had any
I'm trying to develop a stable way of doing more than just headshots and busts and I kinda wanna study stuff
I might also look something more into xxxholic cause what I've seen is that it kind of is neat itself
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cheshire-qilin · 1 year
Wooma My Beloved
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knife-block · 7 days
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Lineart & sketch under the cut The original/reference is obviously Wooma's (うーま) art for ヴィータ.
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mz00-nah · 8 months
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Kalmia 💔
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pr3ttyguard1an · 4 months
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another day another me saying hey look at my art NEEEOWWW
yes herb is a girl trust me i asked john cookie run
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knightsgazette · 2 months
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Okay, can I show you some little sketches? I think yes HD. I love this clip and am absolutely in love with Kalmia
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happy birthday to moebius and vita used to date
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staygoldralph · 2 years
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ussee ussee usseewa
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fejki · 5 months
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i wanted a new icon
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
how did you do the wooma art study? whats ur sketch process? im trying to learn how to do art studies next year and urs was rlly rlly rlly good so i wanna know ur process...
*slams through* DID SOMEONE SAY WOOMA ART?!
Ok ok tho like I literally haven't been near the front for like a month or so cause our systems been working on other things and me and the trauma parts related to our trauma tend to 'pause' when were not being actively set off or when we don't have mental capacity to deal with our Stuff but I like popped up like an excited little mole rat cause y e s (and this is not a problem or me being mad, very thankful if anything cause this shit is one of my few dopamine topics and i usually only front for negative shit so WIN)
But thank you on the compliment ^^ I'm the Wooma kiddo in the system cause Wooma's art gives me dopamine and comfort and I just really like it so it means a lot that you liked it.
Our system parts that do art actually have very different processes, but the only parts that do proper studies are Riku and I and even in that we have different approaches so they'll probably reblog and add on their process as well BUT AS FOR ME
A lot of art studies (the Wooma one included) starts with a lot of just looking at the art and multiple examples of it to find some tendencies and similarities. You can do this physically by like drawing notes over some of the art that they've done or just mentally take notes as you look through it. A really good thing Riku and I would talk about when they were helping me figure it out when I doubted art as a hobby was that its really important while doing this to make take note on the things you ESPECIALLY like and find really cool about it because those notes should be mentally starred as inspiration for how you might like to modify your own personal art style
But like a good place to start is to google the style you like or look through their media / portfolio and just spend a good time browsing it and interacting with the source art itself and try to pick apart the question of "How do they do this" which we tend to look at line thickness / quality / brush type, proportions, major shapes and how they represent things (eyes, noses, facial expressions and the individual ratios of them), etc.
I usually don't actually draw over / draw notes directly over since I just like to browse and take mental notes and reference as I go but for the point of this ask Ill do a bit of an example pulled from Wooma's Instagram (I got lazy since I don't usually actually physically do much of this type of studying and got bored)
Collect a number of references, I just pulled from instagram thumbnails; then pull out thing that seem unique / stand out to the style to look more closely at
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2) Lower the opacity and try to draw over the general base structural shapes and take notes on how things work together and the "steps" done to draw the basic structures
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3) Doing the above gives you a general idea on the "rules" that are principle to under lying a style. Cool thing is to then make the layer below invisible so all you have are your notes and you have some general good guide lines to reference for later
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Then after you did that you can try to do an emulation / try to do and study a specific one you like so like I did a few but one I think I still remember the specific image I studied from was this one [link]
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Which became this one
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And from here you just kinda plug the art that you are directly trying to emulate and breakdown free hand to the side / corner to regularly look at and reference how the original artist handled doing one thing and decide how you want to apply that to your own
Follow the notes and "rules" you found below and do it as well
Another note I like to add though is that you should never be afraid to go "I like that but I prefer to do it this way / apply my usual style" cause Wooma tends to use a more pencily thin solid / cleaner line but I just like the brush I used, I like the sketchy messiness and I also like coloring in the way i did which is not Wooma style, but just how I like to do things. The eyes are inspired and studied from wooma particular in size and general shape, but I prefered the more fluid and less clearly parallelogram shape and did that as well + my way of handling hair is not studied off of Wooma but rather inspired by the over exaggerated angular style / expressiveness of Wooma's overall art
They actually tend to do hair a lot more in a - for lack of better words - normal anime style but I was like noooo i like the angularness and "dramatized stylized" proportions and shapes so I was like ok im applying that to the hair even if you dont
Like I really like Wooma's art cause of how expressive it is due to how it breaks a lot of typical proportion rules and uses very sharp and dramatic shapes as a foundation sooo
Oh and regarding sketching, I don't sketch I just immediately draw and start with the foundation shapes and just add it directly over. I might erase a few lines that go over but I dont really have a sketching layer. Sketching would be a thing Riku or rather XIV would probably know how to explain better cause I just don't.
But ANYwAyS we have a movie to watch with fam and all soooooooo Ill have to give up the front but THANK you for the prompt to GO OFF cause it was nice to be back after a month or so to do something so fun and just info dump and sdlafkjlda
Love you anon. Riku will probably add their version of this when they get the down time and energy (if they get the downtime and energy, a lot of what I put here was partially advice they gave me)
Hope this was helpful!
-Lin (I am really ad at shifting over from Rin rip)
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rattbrand · 1 year
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the lamb has neither wandered off
nor been led astray…
someday I will turn these into stickers
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aoimeakane · 6 months
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I sometimes relate to wooma's art on a spiritual level
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harp00ns · 2 years
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Did a Kilmer redraw
(Original screenshot down below)
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c4ndybutt0ns · 2 years
art 👍 love her she is so cool wow
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xoadoratio · 10 months
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katsukiyaa · 1 year
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Messed up on the facial expression while inking so that sucks
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