#work from vacation home
iexperiencetravel · 2 years
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cfffrk · 4 months
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What if Jeeves had worked as a page boy at a private boys' school in his youth?
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good-wine-and-cheese · 3 months
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Astro Boy poster based on the Urasawa's Monster one
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doctorsiren · 8 months
How long do you think Phoenix was stuck in wolf form after Miles' Note?
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I think probably that whole year. If Maya wasn’t in danger when Miles came back, then he probably would have turned back right then, but Maya *was* in danger, so he stayed that way until the end of the whole ordeal
I’m laughing at how every drawing is a different style
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lost-in-fandoms · 3 months
Rich business owner Daniel is on vacation, staying in a fancy beach resort, spending a lot of time at the beach bar and at the pool. Resort worker Max who stumbles all over himself to be around him and bring him everything he asks for (and everything he doesn't).
One night after Max has asked for the fifth time if Daniel needs anything else (he doesn't), Daniel tells him listen you're very cute but you're way too young for me and also this is your place of work, you need to lay off a bit. Everything Max hears is "you're very cute" and kind of stops listening after that, but Daniel is right, it is his place of work, so he tries to be a little less obvious.
The thing is, Daniel is on vacation with a couple of friends, but he's still kind of bored? They have a few activities planned, but mostly they just hang around and go for swims (which Max really appreciates) and he's used to be busy all day every day, so this is not exactly his thing.
On day four he ends up asking Max if he knows of anything he could do to entertain himself (Max needs to work very hard to not answer "yes, me") and Max tells him a few things and then very selfishly kindly offers himself as a guide.
Daniel says okay fuck it and they start hanging out a lot, Max driving him around to places, showing him the island and taking him to secret spots, and Daniel forgets he is not only working but also several years younger and just enjoys himself. Max is funny, hot as fuck, laughs at all his jokes and is very clearly into him, so one night they stay out a bit too late at a bar in town and Daniel gets slightly too tipsy (Max is sober since he's driving) and they end up kissing. Max uses literally every last bit of his self control to not give in when Daniel asks him if he wants to go back to his room, because Daniel is drunk and also he had told Max he had to lay off before, but does end up dragging Daniel back and if he leaves a kiss on his forehead when he lays him in bed nobody needs to know.
Daniel has sort of a freak out the day after because he thinks he took advantage of Max's kindness, staying in his room with the excuse of being hungover, but Max knocks on his door that evening bringing him dinner (that Daniel hadn't ordered) because he's a no-bullshit man.
He tells him that it's fine if Daniel doesn't want to do anything, but Max is plenty old enough to know what he wants and to know what he can and cannot do at work, so if Daniel wants to fuck him, Max is free after nine, and then he leaves as Daniel bluescreens.
At 9:30 he calls the front desk to ask about Max.
The next morning they talk about it, Daniel insists Max can't risk his job over this so they need to be discreet, but he does want to keep seeing him. Max tells him he can do whatever he wants, but they find out the secret is actually exciting, and the hidden touches and glances during the day are almost better than being able to kiss by the pool.
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dailycephalopods · 1 year
Are all cephalopod in the cephalopoda family? Genus? Kingdom? Idk which it is
Also thank you Mr squid for delivering my mail
This chart helps breakdown the animal classification order
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Domain-> Kingdom-> Phylum-> Class-> Order-> Family-> Genus-> Species
[There are also (sub/super)families, (sub/super)classes, (sub/super)orders, ect.]
To get into specifics with cephalopods here is a chart breaking down the scientific classification of a hummingbird bobtail squid!
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So, yes!! All cephalopods belong to the Cephalopoda class, all cephalopods also fall under the Mollusca phylum, so Cephalopods are mollusks (like snails!!)
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levok · 6 days
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Come home. The children are missing you 😔
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littlekingbergara · 3 months
two weeks ago we had nine cars stolen from my job, last week our major everything software got attacked by hackers and they're still working to recover it so we've been doing everything handwritten since thursday, and today we haven't had power all day so i haven't even been in. which is fine i guess bc i did wake up 45 minutes late for when im supposed to be going in an hour early on account of the handwriting everything.
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littleporksausage · 10 days
Remember how tumblr was full of tips and advice for texas snowstorms and uk and canada heatwaves
And even uk flooding
I remember
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nekomortiz · 1 year
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Here's what i got so far on my SpiderSona!!
- She's her universes Black Cat
- In a Power Rangers like group of others ( A rag tag team of torturous science experiments gone rogue to save NY )
- No one except her team has seen her face
- Her Spider Man is dead :(
- She wears the Spidey-like mask bcause she thinks it looks cool
I wanna work on her outfit more to make it less plain and think of a name for her, but so far so good 👌
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secondhandlovers · 9 days
Almost the whole country is being flooded and my federal state is affected the most
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disneybooknerd626 · 28 days
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Need a work view day like this in my future 😍
Now that I can work from home I’m considering a resort work day sometime in the future 😏
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barid-bel-medar · 7 months
It's very disconcerting going from semi-warm weather (the unusually warm [it seemed]) December in NYC, to hot weather in January in Sydney (I was down there about a month) to freezing weather when I came back to NYC (this winter is the first time in ages we've gotten actual snow accumulations; we've had about six inches in a week when we didn't have six inches for the better part of three years worth of winters)
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tj-crochets · 6 months
Crafting update: all the fabric is cut to size and ready to sew for my next baby quilt! I'm actually following a pattern for once! Well. Mostly. The pattern calls for 28 jelly roll strips and I have 24 so I'm adapting, but I am mostly following a pattern lol
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bri-does-art · 8 months
a little birdy told me you have some kind of an AU for the Funtime animatronics also?
... who is this.
There are, like, only 5 people who know about this. So which one of youse is it? >:'D (I am not mad. I am very glad to have the opportunity to tease it out. <3)
I am working on an AU featuring the Funtimes, little birdy is right! It's a very different flavour than Call of the Abyss, more of a fantastical drama than a science-fiction horror mystery. It is a tale of duty and responsibility, secrets and closets, choices and consequences, healing and growth, a farmer's child and a puzzling fae, and above all, it is a tale about two lonely souls whose fates are more closely intertwined than either realize.
It is also a tale full of fae shenanigans, fun and indulgence. It's not a serious epic like Call of the Abyss, and hopefully not as huge and ambitious either. 😂 So, dropping the serious act, it's a Fae AU in which some poor unsuspecting farmer gets caught up in the Funtimes' court's bullshit and learns to navigate a new social circle that seems hellbent on keeping their newest member close. I will make a new blog just for it, as there will be more, err, kid-unfriendly elements featuring in this one - I want to be able to properly curate my audience for this AU without alienating people who follow me here and like my non-explicit stories. So, until that's done, I'm leaving y'all with this little sneak peek. :)
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icantalk710 · 2 years
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Bit more on the quiet side the past week 😅
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