Usually in the RMG sector, the buyer wants to know the institutional self-capacity of its suppliers through technical audits and conforms itself to its product quality and process engineering or quality requirements to get an idea of ​​what future product quality might be like.
Different types of buyers do this technical audit under different names such as QS audit by H&M and FCCA audit by Walmart and product safety audit by ZARA buyers etc. So today I tried to share with you in a short form from some blog posts and my own experience.
What is technical audit?
Technical Audit is a very important function for garment manufacturing. Every buyer does a technical audit before placing an order in any garment factory. Usually before starting business with a new supplier or supplier, the supplier wants to improve the quality of its existing supplied products, by keeping the quality level upgraded it is very important to review the factory's self-capacity to ensure that it meets the customer's requirements.
Technical audit is a thorough verification of a supplier's manufacturing process and quality control system that is considered a systematic approach to meet customer quality.
What is the purpose of technical audit?
The objectives of technical audit of buyers in garment manufacturing companies are as follows:
1. To ensure that the QMS system is functional.
2. To maintain an audit quality control system.
3. To ensure compliance with customer quality standards.
4. To ensure customer's requirement of manufacturing and process control.
5. To apply best practices in garment manufacturing.
6. To ensure effectiveness, efficiency, improvement and customer satisfaction.
7. To build long-term excellence and sustainable relationships as a supplier by maintaining the quality of the customer's products.
To know more please visit my page Technical audit in garment industry.
Visit here to know:
what is operation breakdown,
operation breakdown of shirt,
operation breakdown of skirt,
operation breakdown of trouser, 
trim card preparation. 
You can visit my post to learn more about bulletin or breakdown of garments in the garment industry.
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“Wear a mask to save lives. Clean your hands. Keep at a safe distance.”
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windsroad · 5 months
library clerk was genuinely such a great job, I loved doing it, I wish that could be my job forever, I miss it sooo much
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takekawa · 24 days
there was a kirakishou necklace at the state fair i am soooo delighted and overjoyed. havent seen rozen maiden merch in the wild in 9 billion years
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gophergal · 26 days
i hate that I have to deal with the financial aid rigmarole every time I want to order textbooks. like. CMON DUDE I HAVENT EVEN DONE IT THAT MANY TIMES WHY ARE YOU SUCH A MASSIVE SUCCASS MOTEHRFUCKER AUGH
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palettepainter · 2 years
Spoilers to the baseball OVA
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Can we please talk more about this??
This game of baseball was turning crazy and potentially dangerous with the damage that was being caused to the field and some of the players thanks to quirks, Jiro is one of the few people to comment on this, and what does Shoji do?? He puts her concerns and obvious feelings of anxiety first, telling her to fake fainting just so she could skip out on the craziness - He’s such a caring guy why is no one talking more about Shoji??
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
OK. preordered $200 dolar set of amano ff art books. atleast i will have something 2 look forward now... yayayy for sitting at a work study desk for many hours a week. ^_^
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hyvee · 2 years
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fifty-ten · 6 months
i've healed up pretty well from being sick, which i suppose is all one can really ask for these days (although only time will tell if i gain any new or worsened Permanent Problems 😁←teeth gritted) but I'm still really pissed off that i had stuff i wanted to do over break and wanted to relax and then had to spend all that time being sick
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fagrackham · 8 months
i am so goddamn motherfucking tired
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redrreign · 11 months
AUGHHHHHH i just recalled that our fucking dishwasher is broken. so even if i DID muster the will to cook i would have to hand wash all the dishes. im hated by god
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hyperspacecola · 1 year
engineering students r the funniest . sometimes the guy next to you gets curious and touches the resistor that has glass over it and says "HOT" on it while sending 12V through it and then complains about burning himself
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takkamek · 2 years
i’m gonna have to go to the office tmrw🤮🤮🤮🤮 it’s only for a short while but mannnnnnn i’m stressed cause we’ve been having all the meetings on teams before so this is making me suspicious😐😐😐😐
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so i’ve been caught up on the mha manga for a while but i’ve finally gotten around to vigilantes and just got through the aizawa backstory. and i noticed an interesting parallel. while it doesn’t have any real significance, the identical use of language is interesting to me. so here, in vigilantes chapter 64, we see aizawa and what he believes to be shirakumo, his closest friend and workstudy partner, cheering him on against a huge villain, only to subsequently discover shirakumo’s death.
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i then remembered all might’s fight against AFO in the final war arc, where (after stain is taken off the board), all might is at the end of his rope but has to keep going, and there in chapter 401, he hallucinates nana shimura and sir nighteye, two of the closest people in his life, urging him on.
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both scenarios refer to this phenomenon as a “pep talk” from the character to himself, imagined to be coming from the voice of a dead loved one. both scenarios also come in the face of an AFO threat, as i remember we found out at one point that the attack aizawa faces was orchestrated by AFO and the doctor, which is how they stole shirakumo’s body to create kurogiri.
these were tiny but neat parallels to me, whether they are coincidental or not. they might or have some deeper meaning, but it was interesting to see two of our pro heroes having a similar experience in the face of great evil. i’ll have to peel back through and see if i find any other similarities.
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gophergal · 1 year
Been a bit since I've posted so uhhhhh. Have some stuff I drew for class
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A still life set up for the whole class
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Something based on a reoccurring nightmare I had as a kid
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A drawing of my workspace
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Something a bit more experimental (and purposely kinda messy/bad lol)
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chronic-escapixt · 25 days
I can’t stop thinking about how persistent & steadfast she was to stay on a show with such a hostile set environment (hostile in particular towards her bc of the racism of the showrunner and the trickle down affects of that). She dealt with insultingly bad styling, wigs that literally harmed her natural hair, and what i’d confidently assume (based on her own account & interviews of the writers/showrunner clearly isolating her) constant micro/macro agressions, racism toward her reflected in the writing, and constant hostility from the fandom. (Plus i think she wasnt getting paid as much as her other main cast members.. i could be wrong, but i wouldnt doubt it). Nearly every season there was some plot device to write Bonnie out of the show. And i just have to marvel at how strong Kat is to come back season after season and advocate for her spot. I know i wouldnt be that strong.
When comes to workplace racism, i’ve heard stories from my peers, i have my own stories, and its extremely exhausting. I ended up transferring from my undergrad and going back home to do online school because it was getting so bad with my roomates and the workstudy program i was in. I was so stressed, so harbored with imposter syndrome i was having daily migraines. All that to say, i know a bit of what she went through & i admire her for being so strong.
Miss Kat Graham deserves her flowers tenfold bc i fear she went too long without them. Despite everything, she served iconic as Bonnie. Knowing what i know, i would’ve completely forgiven her for leaving that shit show but im glad she didnt bc she’s one of the reasons i kept watching to the very end. The empowerment of seeing a black woman stand on her talent and demand visibility should be a testament to our strength and create dialogues that lead to change where we dont have to be so strong.. okay im done
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How about Tokoyami, Shinsou, Tenya, and Sero with a playful childlike s/o who always smiling (like they could have literally be in a serious fight and they’ll be cracking jokes and giggling throughout).
I started writing this last night and don't have time to finish it this morning, so sorry, we're missing Sero. I'll try and come back and add him after work.
Tenya gets migraines with you and your coping mechanism. You are his precise opposite, seeing rules as a suggestion and life as a reason to have fun.
Even during fights, you're laughing in villains' faces and providing witty one liners. He'll admit to cracking a smile every now and again, particularly when you've verbally roasted the enemy, but still you can't always treat life like a joke.
People are three dimensional, no one's happy 100% of the time, so when that crash does happen, Tenya has a way of being there.
He doesn't gawk at the lack of a smile on your face, or try and get you to laugh again, he lets you breathe, with no pressure to be your "usual self", you get to relax, truly relax.
Tenya invites you to his room to do your studying, claiming he's created the optimal environment for it in his dorm.
It usually results in you being so comfortable you end up spilling your guts to him, or falling asleep somewhere utterly random.
Tenya never complains, keeps inviting you week after week, to give you that little moment where you don't need to be the jester.
Shinsou won't lie, it was downright annoying at first.
Both you and Kaminari, high-energy balls of go go go!
He doesn't know how you do it, he's tired just looking at you, always with that infuriating...gorgeous, sunny smile on your face. You have the audacity to light up the world without really trying, you make a joke out of everything.
In grave situations though, that sense of humour of yours turns...sinister.
"Welp, we're getting our asses kicked, but at least we're doing it with style!"
"Sure, let's all march into the corridor of destruction, I'm sure Bakugou won't laugh too much as he blows us to teeny tiny pieces!"
"My ass is going to get firmly kicked, but hey, we're learning right?"
The sarcasm was on the mark every time, and you didn't seem to care that Jirou levels you with the death glare to end all death glares, it's all in good fun.
Your humour sometimes alienates you, Shinsou's seen it, but it never seems to be reason to make you stop. That smile turns out to be your little rebellion of self, and Shinsou loves you for it.
Tokoyami was drawn to you from the start, which made you quite the ironic pair. You were a ray of sunshine, almost literally (bonus points if you have a light based quirk), and he...was not.
He tries not to be dower and depressing, he does have a sense of humour, and you have a way of making him laugh in the oddest situations.
Hawks took you both on for the workstudy and ended up meeting the bloody dynamic duo, you blend seamlessly together and help each other keep up with the feathered menace. Alone, either of you is a force to be reckoned with, but together?
People joke that the two of you are joined at the hip, but you can't help it when there's an innate comfort in his presence, he doesn't even have to try.
The quiet moments are his, when you both fall silent in your room and just...exist together. Sharing space while occasionally sharing a thought, there's never any pressure in each other's presence.
Someone made the mistake of claiming the two of you shared a braincell once, and you've never let it go.
Your running joke is: "Sorry, can't talk right now, Fumi has the brain cell."
Fumikage picked up on it, and now his response when everyone looks at him funny is: "I won't be giving it back until you promise to stop using it for evil."
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