#worldly indicators and success
starastrologyy · 7 months
Astrology observations 🍒
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My chart readings are still opened for those interested :) reviews are on my masterlist that is pinned to my profile 🤍
Something so interesting I’ve observed with Neptune conjunct the composite Ascendant is that the couple tend to be very forgiving of one another. However, there can be the inclination to engage in excessive drinking, gambling, or drug use together (if there are no mitigating factors).
It is not uncommon to begin dating someone new when your solar return Sun & Venus are in the Solar Return 5th house. Ideally, you want to have both to increase the chances. You want to look at the 7th house for a more long-term connection. However, it is possible for a relationship that begins in a 5th house centered solar return year to progress if there are aspects made to Saturn!
A “9th house heavy” solar return almost always indicates that a significant form of study or trip will present itself during that year. Some people may decide to enroll in college for the first time or others may even return to college in such a year. Alternatively, this could be a year in which your religious, political, or philosophical beliefs are highlighted.
It’s not uncommon to see individuals who have their Midheaven in Virgo, or the ruler of their Midheaven in the 6th house end up working in the health & wellness industries. These people can be drawn to personal training, nutrition or the healthcare industry.
If you have the ruler of your 7th house in the 9th. You may find that you have the tendency to attract long distance relationships or foreign partners.
Chiron or Neptune transiting the 6th or 10th houses are two planets I often see activated when a person is having trouble in their vocational sphere. Job losses or disillusionment pertaining to one’s career can often emerge during these transits.
Secondary Progressions are such an underrated predictive technique! You want to look out for when your progressed planets change signs, when the progressed moon enters a new house, or when there’s a progressed new or full moon! This is because these all often coincide with significant life events, this is especially true when it comes to the occurrence of a progressed new moon!
In synastry, when someone’s Mars falls into your 10th house they can motivate you to achieve your career goals and ambitions. However, if Mars is harshly aspected, this person can have a negative impact on your reputation, career, and the pursuit of your worldly ambitions.
You can expect to see a significant amount of advancement or abundance in your career in a year where your solar return Saturn or Jupiter trines the solar return midheaven!
Interestingly, you may experience sudden weight gain or weight loss when your Solar Return Uranus makes a conjunction to your Solar Return Ascendant! Alternatively, this could just mean that you decide to make an unexpected change to your physical appearance! This can be getting a new hairstyle or changing your wardrobe!
If you have your part of fortune in the 3rd or the 11th house you may find success with an online blog, sales, or anything involving the use of technology & social media!
Those with the ruler of their Midheaven in the 4th or part of fortune in the 4th can be drawn to real estate. This placement (ruler of midheaven in the 4th) can also indicate working from home or working in a family business.
Neptune conjunct the descendent is common to see in the charts of people who get married more than once in their lifetime!
If you have the ruler of your 9th house in the 9th, you may decide to pursue higher education/college abroad!
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🪽Juno & Your Soulmate -Houses🪽
❤️‍🔥Juno in 1st house- u want someone who is bold, fiery. It also suggests that your freedom and independence is important for you in a relationship. You want someone who is similiar to you and has similar qualities to you. It is important to you that the person is active and likes to do several things. This placements indicates important life lessons related to connecting with others. You may seek out partners who elevate your status and help you achieve your goals. Your soulmate is someone who is as independent as you or has the same energy as you. The energy here is very important!
🥐Juno in 2nd house- u want someone who is stable and gives you material security. You appreciate luxuries and comfort. You are drawn to someone who is generous and financially self-sufficient, as this enhances your sense of stability within the relationship. Someone who is dominant and who knows what they are doing. Your soulmate is someone who will make you feel that it is okay if you feel safe through material things and someone who will appreciate you for you.
🪴Juno in 3rd house- maybe you want someone who is younger or looks younger. Communication and learning are important in this regard. You like a person with whom you can have mental stimulation. Your partner needs to stay interesting to you, or else you get bored and might look for excitement outside of the relationship. Maybe it can be someone who is your classmate, neighbor or you know them through a friend. Your soulmate is someone with whom you will mentally catch up.
🧚🏼‍♀️Juno in 4th house- u want someone which gives you a sense of home, familiarity, a sense of comfort. Someone with whom you can be at home. A person who will be sympathetic, caring, emotional and who will understand your moods and accept all your emotional responses. You seek protection and nurturing. It is important for you to find a partner who prioritizes family life to worldly success. Also ur relationships with family members become more important after you get married. You also like someone who will have the same view of home and life at home. Your soulmate will be the person who will literally represent home for you (feeling like you've come home).
🪼Juno in 5th house- u want someone who is main character , in the spotlight , famous or someone who's always in center of attention. A person with whom you can always have fun and maintain a romantic atmosphere. You like someone who is charismatic, proud, puts you on first place always. Someone who is always here for u. Partnership helps you be more creative and gives you space to express yourself. Your soulmate is a person who will remind you of your childhood, give you the feeling of childhood, or even a person who will actually be from your childhood.
🛁Juno in 6th house- u want someone with whom you can share your routine and lifestyle. A person who is productive and active, organized.It can happen that you work together or that you meet in the workplace. You need spouse to be a partner in your day-to-day activities. It can also happen that you are so in love with your work that you prioritize it over your family. Maybe you need someone to help you balance your life. Your soulmate will be a person who will help you, do many things for you, help you organize your schedule, someone who will take care of your health.
🧸Juno in 7th house- u want someone who is loving, honest, balanced, beautiful, romantic, maybe hopeless romantic, someone who dreams as much as you. This placement indicates a deep need for marriage and commitment. You crave to find the right partner and get married. Marriage holds important life lessons for you. In a partnership, you discover fulfillment by engaging with someone who equally values their relationships with others. Your soulmate is someone who will bring beauty into your life. Someone who will show you the beautiful side of life. Someone who will value the relationship as much as you do.
🦋Juno in 8th house- u want someone who is deep, intense, dark, private. You want someone who will have a depth within them that will only be shared with you. Someone who will obsess over you and put you first. Someone who will make you feel that you don't need to be ashamed of your bad side. U want intensity in a relationship. Joint resources can also be an important focus of your marriage. Sharing absolutely everything with a person is very important to you and juno here. Your soulmate is a person who will give you the feeling that you can completely trust them and who will be only yours. Someone who will give you their soul (soul connection).
🎸Juno in 9th house- u want someone who likes to travel, likes to explore, learn, do new things. Someone who is optimistic, funny, who always finds something positive. Your partner has to intellectually stimulate you and question your beliefs. You sometimes meet your partner on a trip or through some religious gathering. They are often from a different cultural background. Relationships help you see the bigger picture and gain a deeper understanding of the world and yourself. You soulmate is someone who will give you meaning to your life. Someone who will make you alive.
🩶Juno in 10th house- u want someone who is career focused, hard working, smart. This placement can indicate living in the public eye after marriage. It can be a person who is in a higher position or a person who has an important role. Maybe someone who is older and more mature. You want someone with whom you can build something (it is important to you that the relationship is always being built). You want someone who is practical and shows love. Your soulmate si someone who will give you a realistic view of the world, support you, do things for you and be patient with you.
✨Juno in 11th house- u want someone who is unique, different from the rest, someone who stands out from the crowd ,is rebellious. This also indicates that you can meet your partner through social activities or volunteering. This means it’s highly likely that you’ll find yourself in a serious relationship with someone who is a good friend or otherwise familiar to you. Someone to share your dreams with. Your soulmate is someone who will be your friend and your lover.
🐚Juno in 12th house- u want someone who is dreamy, artistic, mysterious, compassionate. You have a tendency to fall in love with people who are not available. With juno here you can fall in love with people who need help and you can get married to someone who easily gets lost in life. These people may be prone to emotional escapism, withdrawal, detachment, running into a world of illusions and dreams, and, above all, self-deception when their partners do not match their ideals. Your soulmate is a person who will give you the atmosphere of a movie / fairy tale. Someone you will feel subconsciously.
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holyspiritgirl · 1 month
Study a bible verse with me 🤍
John 12:24 (NLT) says:
“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives.”
• Through scripture, Jesus uses the metaphor of a grain of wheat to illustrate a deeper spiritual truth. In agriculture, a single grain of wheat must be buried in the soil to grow into a plant. So technically, it’s “death” is essential for new growth and multiplication.
• The "death" of the kernel symbolizes the necessary sacrifice and transformation required for new life. For Jesus, this metaphor directly points to His impending crucifixion. His physical death is essential for the spiritual renewal and salvation of humanity. Just as the seed must die to bring forth new life, Jesus must undergo His death to bring about the promise of eternal life.
• This verse emphasizes that Jesus’ sacrificial death will not be in vain but will result in a "plentiful harvest of new lives." This indicates that His death will lead to the growth of many new believers and the establishment of a new spiritual reality. The “new kernels” represent the new lives and believers that will emerge from His sacrificial act.
• This principle extends beyond Jesus’ own death. It serves as a broader teaching on discipleship and sacrifice. As followers of Christ, we are also called to embrace the idea that personal sacrifice and self-denial are often necessary for spiritual growth and fruitful ministry. The idea is that through sacrifice, individuals can contribute to a greater spiritual harvest and the spread of God's Kingdom.
• The verse highlights a counterintuitive truth in the Kingdom of God: true success and growth often come through sacrifice and loss. This perspective challenges worldly views on success and encourages us to embrace sacrificial love and service as pathways to spiritual fruitfulness.
• In summary, John 12:24 uses the metaphor of a grain of wheat to show why Jesus’ death was necessary for a great spiritual harvest and crucial for our salvation. He died for our sins out of immense love, so we wouldn’t have to face death ourselves. His sacrifice leads to new spiritual life and growth, not only for Himself but also for those who follow Him and are called to live selflessly.
Have a blessed day 👼🏻🙏💕
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celticcrossanon · 4 months
BRF Reading - 25th of May, 2024
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 25th of May, 2024
Question: What is the best way to shut down Harry and Meghan?
Note: I did this reading with all upright cards
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Interpretation: Remove their status (titles, place on website, any other indications of being anything else other than an ordinary citizen) and either order a divorce or release the news about Meghan's pregnancies, or do both.
Card One: The Ace of Pentacles
Aces are new beginnings, and Pentacles represent material things - money and social status. Normally an upright card would mean a chance to increase your money and or status, but I didn't include reversals in this reading, so I drew clarifiers to understand what this card was about.
Clarifier One: Strength: This is the Harry and Meghan card, in particular the Meghan card, as the Strength card is the card for Leo and Meghan is a sun sign Leo. This card tells me that Harry and Meghan draw strength from their titles, i.e. their titles bring them attention, special consideration, contacts etc. Removing those titles and reducing their worldly status would reduce their opportunities to undermine the BRF and be believed.
Clarifier Two: The Three of Swords. This is the card of heartbreak and despair. It is traditionally represented as a heart with three swords in it, and the astrological sign Leo (from the Strength card) rules the heart. This tells me that the status of Harry and Meghan is at the heart of this matter. Change their status, take away their special standing, and yes, they will be heartbroken, but it will remove some if not most of their ability to damage the BRF. A faux royal tour by Harry Mountbatten-Windsor is a very different thing to a faux royal tour by Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
The mess age from this card is to reduce the status of Harry and Meghan. Put them on a level with Peter Philips, Zara Tindall and other royals who do not have titles. Remove the Duke title, the HRH style, and the Prince title from Prince Harry (Meghan's courtesy titles will go when Harry's titles go). Remove all connection with the BRF, e.g. their place on the website. Stop giving them money (if this is going on behind the scenes). If you can, remove the Prince and Princess titles from their children. This will remove many of the opportunities that they currently have which are due to their connection to royalty.
Card Two: The Nine of Cups
This is a card of emotional contentment. Upright, it is wishes coming true, success, recognition, pleasure, and satisfaction. In the reverse, it is unhappiness, arrogance, snobbery, and disappointment. I don't think anything will make Meghan and Harry happy - they always have more demands - so again I looked at clarifiers for meaning.
Clarifier One: The Tower. This tells me that something needs to happen that will destroy the life that Harry and Meghan currently inhabit. They need to be reduced to rubble so they can't rebuild their current situation.
The Nine of Cups is a card of pregnancy, with Cups representing motherhood and nine months being the time it takes for a baby to be born. Releasing the truth about the Sussex children and their birth would also create a Tower moment for Harry and Meghan. The first set of clarifiers I drew confirmed this:
First Set of Clarifiers:
The Queen of Cups: This is the card for Cancer, and the energy of this card is of Princess Diana, a sun sign Cancer. So some sort of Tower moment around Princess Diana? I'm not getting anything else on this.
The other meaning of this card is pregnancy and motherhood. The Nine of Cups, the original card drawn, is also a card of pregnancy (9 Cups = 9 months, Cups = fertility, motherhood).
The Four of Wands: The energy of this card is of family. It can also be a card about weddings, as per the second set of clarifiers below.
Releasing the truth about the Sussex children would certainly be a Tower moment for Harry and Meghan. It would destroy their reputation, although I'm not sure that they couldn't twist things to keep some credibility. With that in mind, I looked at the card again.
The Nine of Cups can be a card of excessive drinking or drug use, and the picture on the front appeared as a wedding to me (I know it isn't, but in this reading I look at it and think 'engaged couple' or 'wedding"), and Cups is the suit of emotions which includes emotional manipulation, so putting that all together I asked if this was about Harry and Meghan divorcing and drew some more cards.
Second Set of Clarifiers
Clarifier One: The Two of Wands, a card of planning, showing a person with fire standing outside Chiron's cave which represents the BRF, so planning to protect the BRF, especially in terms of the media (Wands can be PR).
Clarifier Two: The King of Swords, a strategist, also a divorce card as he represents lawyers (and other professionals)
Card Three: The Emperor, which is the King in his role as King.
These three cards, taken together, tell me that the Tower moment required is a divorce, and that The King should order the divorce of Harry and Meghan (as The Queen supposedly ordered the divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana and The Duke and Duchess of York, so there is precedent for it). If not a divorce, then something big that involves planning, lawyers, and The King's permission, such as releasing the news about Meghan's pregnancies, as per the first set of clarifiers.
The aim of this event is to separate Harry and Meghan, either as a couple (remove Harry from Meghan's influence) or from the BRF (Harry and Meghan removed permanently as royals with no hope of ever returning). The first option (divorce) is the kindest of the two.
So here the cards are saying that a Tower moment needs to be created. One way to do this is to release the truth about Meghan's pregnancies. Another way is to order a divorce. The first will destroy their reputation, the second will remove Harry from the equation.
Card Three: The Six of Wands
This is a card of success. If the following two steps are taken, the BRF will be successful and the power of Harry and Meghan will be broken. They will no longer be able to command the attention, connections, special treatment etc that they need for their schemes to succeed. If the steps are not taken, then Harry and Meghan will continue to damage the BRF by their behaviour.
Card Four: The World
This is the card of a successful conclusion to a project, moving into a new phase of life from which there is no return. It is a confirmation of the energies of the Six of Wands - by following this advice, the BRF will successfully deal with Harry and Meghan and be able to move on to a new phase of their existence.
Underlying Energy: The Fool
The Fool is the card of a fresh start, a new journey. It is also a card of being somewhat naïve and, in the worst cases, literally a fool. The energy from this card is that the BRF should not be naïve in their assessment of Harry and Meghan. They can't wait around and hope that things will be better one day. If they want a fresh start for the BRF, to move into a new journey without Harry and Meghan continually attacking them, then they need to follow the steps above to limit the damage that can be done by Harry and Meghan.
There are two things that the BRF needs to do if it wants to shut down Harry and Meghan as much as possible. The first is to remove their status - titles, place on website, anything that connects them to the BRF. The second step has two options: release the truth about Meghan's pregnancy and/or order a divorce. These can be done in whatever order is best for the BRF with respect to publicity and legal matters. If all the steps are done then Harry and Meghan will be reduced in their power to harm the BRF and the BRF will be able to have a fresh start without them.
The BRF is warned not to be naïve about Harry and Meghan and the damage they are doing to the BRF's reputation. They are not to be foolishly optimistic or hope that the situation will somehow fix itself.
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ezekiel-krishna · 5 months
Planets in the Ascendant { Vedic Astrology }
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The Ascendant holds immense significance in Vedic astrology, shaping one's physical attributes, personality, health, and overall outlook on life. When a planet resides in the Ascendant, it exerts a profound influence on an individual's journey. Let's unravel the effects of each planet when positioned in the Ascendant.
Remember if you don't know your Vedic Astrology Placement
➡️ Check here
The Sun, revered as the ruler of the celestial realm, symbolizes the soul, ego, vitality, and essence of self. With the Sun in the Ascendant, individuals are bestowed with leadership qualities, confidence, and an authoritative demeanor. These individuals often possess a commanding presence and are driven by a desire to achieve success. However, they must guard against tendencies towards egotism or dominance.
Mercury influences communication, intellect, and analytical abilities. When it aligns with the Ascendant, it indicates a person who is quick-witted, inquisitive, and skilled in getting their thoughts across effectively. They excel in juggling multiple tasks and have a broad range of interests. However, they might struggle with feeling overwhelmed or restless at times.
Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, expansion, and prosperity, holds great significance when it graces the Ascendant. Its presence indicates an individual who radiates optimism, generosity, and a deep spiritual inclination. These individuals are highly respected and possess a strong moral compass. It is crucial for them to be mindful of the tendency to indulge in excess or become complacent.
Venus, the planet associated with love, beauty, and harmony, casts its enchanting spell when it resides in the Ascendant. Those blessed with this placement exude charm and attractiveness, captivating all those around them. They have a profound appreciation for the arts, seek comfort, and value relationships. However, they must be cautious not to become overly indulgent or reliant on others for validation.
Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and long-term planning, takes center stage when it aligns with the Ascendant. Individuals with this placement often appear serious, disciplined, and hardworking. They possess a maturity beyond their years and have a strong sense of duty. Their challenge lies in overcoming feelings of inadequacy or chronic dissatisfaction.
When the Moon is in the ascendant, the individual is likely to be emotionally sensitive, nurturing, and protective of those they care about. They may have a strong connection to their mother or caregivers and be highly attuned to their emotional needs. It also indicates a deep connection to their intuition and emotional guidance.
Mars in the ascendant people are likely to be energetic, assertive, and bold in their approach to life. They may be prone to taking risks and pursuing their goals with confidence and determination. They have a strong desire for adventure, a willingness to take risks and pursuing their goals with confidence and determination.
Rahu [North Node]
The presence of Rahu in the Ascendant signifies a fascinating blend of personality traits. As the North Node of the Moon, Rahu represents deep-seated desires and worldly attachments. Individuals with Rahu in the Ascendant possess a strong and captivating aura, often approaching life in unconventional ways. Their curiosity leads them towards foreign cultures and unconventional subjects. However, it is crucial to be aware that Rahu can also bring about confusion and an inclination towards obsession.
Ketu [South Node]
Having Ketu in the Ascendant brings forth a unique blend of spirituality, detachment, and past life karma. Individuals with this placement often possess a withdrawn nature and a deep fascination with metaphysical and spiritual endeavors. They may grapple with a sense of identity and often feel like outsiders in society. The key for these individuals lies in finding a harmonious balance between detachment and active participation in the world around them.
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be analyze for Accurate Personalized Predictions.
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janus-cadet · 11 months
Tarot Project - N°33
This is yet another tarot card- strangely, the first I drew for the MCU. Obviously, it was motivated by the ending of the last show I saw, which did not left me indifferent.
(it broke me and I'll never be the same again)
So here is Loki, burdened with glorious purposes, as The Magician.
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(If you haven't see the season yet and are avoiding spoilers, don't look for the explanation under the cut!)
For starters, the Magician is said to be the conduit that converts energy into matter. He represents worldly experience and knowledge ; he has seen it all, experience it all, and acts at the gateway between spiritual and material realms- just like would be a God trapped in the roots of Yggdrasil, all seeing, all creating. He is the root of the whole tarot- having access to the symbols of each suits : Wands, Swords, Cups, Pentacles. The Magician has unlimited potential, is manifestation at its best : who else to embody that, than the God of Stories, the most powerful being in the universe? Timely was right- truly a magician.
But that's not all. Let's start with the meaning of the card, upright.
As the master manifestor, the Magician brings you -you, person living in any timelines ever- the ressources and energy you need to make your own choice. He's giving you a chance. Like him, you might be facing changes, new ideas that challenge who you were: it's now time to act on them. The skills (maybe time magic ?) and knowledges (perhaps your brand new sciency PhD) you have gathered along your life path have led you where you are now. You must have a clear vision of the goal you are trying to achieve. It is not enough to be motivated by ego, money, status or fame, by a throne. When you are clear about your "what", your "why"... your "who"... you will be able to take actions. You are powerful, you are a creative being: you can reach, now, your highest potential. Focus on the ONE thing that will truly motivate you. Be active. Be a tree.
Reversed, the card can indicate that are still uncertain. You know that you have to take action, but are uncertain of the course it must take. You are afraid of what you might loose, what path you need to choose; be patient, be attentive- the solution will manifest itself in time, when you'll be ready to accept it. If you are already acting on your goal, the Magician Reversed can be a sign that you are struggling to see progress and success (perhaps because of some annoying Avengers who refuse to accept your perfectly reasonnable demands ; perhaps you can't make yourself kill that one person to save the rest.) Maybe you are not clear on your desired outcome; maybe your effort are misdirected, unfocused. You may be lacking conviction. Perhaps the goal you're going after is not the one you actually need, or even want. Are you sure you want that throne ? Are you aware of the price coming with any glorious purpose ?
At its worst, the Magician Reversed signifies manipulation and trickery. You may be masterful at manifesting, but you are lost, and you may only do it for personal gain and at the expense of others. Does it feels off? Maybe. It might means you were made to work for the highest good, before you find yourself lost. Remember your "why", remember your "who". You have many skills, talents, capabilities, but your real potential is not being maximized. You have to ask yourself- what needs to change for you to reach your full potential? What do you crave the most? You can't lie to yourself: you have to be honest, as painful as it might be. You have to be ready to do what it takes to reach your most important goal.
If, in the end, it matters most to see your friends having a shot at life, at happiness, than it matters to not be alone- then, you know what you have to do.
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With that, I conclude my explanation. Only one more card, and I'll be done with the Major Arcana!
(Just like Marvel is done with Loki a h)
I hope you liked it. You, yes, you who is still reading! Thank you for that.
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sngii1726 · 6 months
Is every planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th house bad?
No, not necessarily. While the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are traditionally considered to be more challenging or "malefic" in Vedic astrology, it's important to understand that the interpretation of a planet's placement in these houses is not solely determined by the house itself, but also by factors such as the specific characteristics of the planet, its strength in the chart, and any aspects or conjunctions it forms with other planets.
Here's a more nuanced perspective on each of these houses:
6th House: Often associated with health, conflicts, enemies, and service, the 6th house can indicate challenges and obstacles in life. However, planets placed here can also signify strengths and opportunities. For example, benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 6th house can indicate success in overcoming obstacles, good health, and positive relationships with coworkers or subordinates. Malefic planets like Mars or Saturn in the 6th house may indicate health issues, conflicts, or struggles with enemies, but they can also provide the determination and resilience needed to overcome challenges.
8th House: This house is associated with transformation, sudden changes, secrets, inheritance, and occult matters. Planets in the 8th house can indicate deep psychological insights, spiritual growth, or unexpected events. While malefic planets like Saturn or Mars in the 8th house can bring difficulties such as delays, losses, or upheavals, they can also foster inner strength, discipline, and the ability to navigate through transformative experiences. Benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 8th house can bring blessings through inheritance, spiritual growth, and a deep understanding of life's mysteries.
12th House: Associated with losses, isolation, spirituality, and hidden enemies, the 12th house can indicate challenges related to confinement, sacrifice, or letting go of attachments. However, planets in the 12th house can also signify spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and connection with higher realms. Malefic planets like Saturn or Mars in the 12th house may indicate feelings of isolation, subconscious fears, or hidden enemies, but they can also foster discipline, introspection, and a sense of detachment from worldly desires. Benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 12th house can bring spiritual insights, divine protection, and a sense of inner fulfillment.
Ultimately, the interpretation of a planet's position in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house depends on a variety of factors, including the specific characteristics of the planet, its strength in the chart, and its interactions with other planets. A holistic view of the entire birth chart
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13lunarstar · 7 months
The eighth nakshatra
Degrees: from 03°20' to 16°40' of Cancer sign
The ruler of nakshatra: Saturn (sans. Shani)
Nakshatra's guna: sattwa (divine)
Pushya keywords: nourishment, milk, abundance, caretaking, devotion, protection, upbringing, traditions, healing, teaching, peace
Symbol: a cow's udder, representing nourishment and abundance
Pushya in various planets
Sun in Pushya: enhances qualities of leadership, authority, and vitality. Individuals may exhibit a strong sense of responsibility ( because of Saturn's influence) and may be drawn to positions of power or influence. They may also possess a nurturing and protective nature, especially towards their family or community.
Moon in Pushya: a very auspicious placement for the Moon. Individuals born under the Moon's influence in Pushya may be emotionally sensitive, nurturing, and compassionate. They have a deep connection to their roots and may excel in roles that involve caretaking, counselling, or supporting others.
Mars in Pushya: can amplify its assertive and energetic qualities. Individuals may be driven by a strong sense of purpose and may be determined to overcome obstacles in pursuit of their goals. They may possess leadership qualities and a desire to defend their values, and protect and nurture those they care about, especially family. Also, Mars in Pushya can signify emotional intensity and passion. Individuals with this placement may experience strong emotions and may express themselves assertively in their relationships and interactions.
Mercury in Pushya: enhances communication skills, intelligence ( including emotional), and adaptability. Individuals may excel in fields that require effective communication, such as teaching, writing, or public speaking. They may also be adept at networking and building connections within their community. Good placement for social work. Individuals may excel in academic pursuits or intellectual hobbies that stimulate their minds.
Jupiter in Pushya: enhances qualities of wisdom, spirituality, and benevolence. Individuals may possess a deep faith and may be drawn to spiritual teachings or practices. They may also be generous, compassionate, and devoted to serve as guides and mentors, offering wise counsel and guidance to those in need. Pushya Nakshatra is associated with cultural heritage and ancestral wisdom. Individuals with Jupiter in Pushya may have a deep respect for tradition and may seek to preserve cultural practices and customs. They may be involved in activities that celebrate and promote cultural diversity.
Venus in Pushya: creates a keen eye for beauty and may excel in artistic pursuits such as art, music, or design. They may build environments that are visually pleasing and inviting. Venus in Pushya indicates emotional sensitivity, vulnerability and empathy coupled with romantic idealism. These individuals are attuned to the feelings and needs of others and may excel in providing emotional support and comfort. They value intimacy and connection in their relationships and seek to create bonds based on mutual understanding and trust.
Saturn in Pushya: brings a sense of discipline, responsibility, and stability. Individuals may be diligent workers who take their duties and obligations seriously. They may also have a deep respect for tradition and may uphold traditional values in their personal and professional lives. Saturn in Pushya Nakshatra emphasizes a practical and pragmatic approach to life. These individuals are realistic and down-to-earth, preferring to focus on tangible results and achievable goals rather than lofty ideals or dreams.
Rahu in Pushya: may amplify desires for deeper and intense emotional experiences (which may lead to dependability), material success and worldly achievements. Individuals with this placement may strive to obtain status and accumulate wealth, property, or resources as a means of establishing security and stability in their lives. However, there may also be a tendency towards excess or obsession, which could lead to challenges if not kept in check.
Ketu in Pushya: emphasizes spiritual growth and detachment from worldly attachments. Individuals may be introspective, intuitive, and drawn to mystical or esoteric knowledge. Natives with Ketu in Pushya may be on a lifelong quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth, exploring different paths and philosophies in search of deeper meaning and purpose. Ketu in Pushya may indicate a release of past karma and a willingness to let go of attachments and burdens from previous lifetimes. These individuals may be liberated from the cycles of birth and death, finding peace and contentment in the present moment.
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a-d-nox · 6 months
web of wyrd: the solar plexus chakra
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the numbers we are focusing on today are based on the yellow bubbled number in the center of the web - we multiple it by two to equal your emotional number - ex: as you see above and in previous charts, my energetic/physical (because for this chakra they will always be the same) number is 6. so to get the emotional number i have to multiple by two: 6 * 2 → 12. 12 is my emotional number for the solar plexus number.
but what does this number mean?
the chakra set we are examining is the solar plexus (manipura); it governs the navel to ribs, abdominal organs, digestive system, and nervous system. it indicates personality, leadership qualities, how to achieve goals, social status, success, ability to get things done, ego, and willpower.
so let's talk about some examples:
6 - the lovers
physically 6s are very much like their ancestors/parents. they tend to look just like someone from their family. biblically, eve was made from the rib of adam. that is much like this. the two biblically figures are depicted in the the card's image and the chakra represents the ribs to i felt it was ironic. they tend to have a nervous tummy - their anxieties can live in their stomach and reap havoc on their digestive system. a common health concern for this placement tends to be diabetes.
energetically 6s are very even keel. they are the balancing energy in any connection. they keep things evened out in all their connections - they don't seek out leadership they seek equality. they can be very chameleon like in a connection to the point where no one knows the true them. they can play the long game in any situation if they have positive energy where this chakra is concerned because they wouldn't be seeking instant gratification. these people are often well liked in a community - they are likely to be rather successful as well.
6s emotionally are can struggle with codependency if they don't know how to be respectful and communicate effectively with those around them. often they can let their emotions effect how the world sees them - they can get mood descriptors from those around them instead of physical, accomplishment based, or other descriptors. their personality can be mood governed. some times their ego can get in the way too as they can have an overblown senses of self or low self-esteem.
12 - the hanged man
12s physically are very lean and tend to appear taller than they actually are (it is all a matter of perception). it could seem like their chest is very full in the rib cage area because they tend to breathe via the lungs instead of through the diaphragm. they could have very taunt and toned midsections as well. they show be careful about how they physically position themselves this lifetime because the might be putting unnecessary stress on their abdominal organs without knowing that they are.
energetically 12s aren't the people that give off leadership energy instead they seem to be examples for what not to do for those around them. it tends to look like these people are struggling in life and as though they are annoyed about their circumstances. they best achieve their goals when they slow down and take stock of everything that is happening around them. life is not as bad as they assume it to be. they are unlikely to be seen as anyone famous or popular in this lifetime - if they do make a name for themselves, it tends to be one of martyrdom.
emotionally 12s are easily annoyed by life. it is a rare day when they seem peaceful; their peace can seem like a very celestial or other worldly thing if it is to occur. it could seem like a dream or what have you. they do have a unique ability to pretend and fake their emotions in a very convincing way that has everyone believing they are being honest and real. their ego tend to be be one in which they are have a lot of "woe is me" energy and as if they are always the victim in a situation.
22 - the fool
22s physically are very trim they have a toned abandon usually because of the exercise they do. they appear very healthy though they often have unknown issues internally that cause them many issue down the road. it doesn't tend to show signs - one day they are fine and then the next they are not. they aren't very nervous people - some may say it would be better if they did have a sense of self preservation.
energetically 22s tend to be free spirits - they don't have a leadership bone in their body. they don't mind being pioneers but they don't seek followers and power like many people do because they prefer freedom and not to be held back from exploring the realm. they can best achieve goals they have by having faith in the universe and themselves. they need to trust they they have the support for the universe that they need. they often wander upon opportunities they would have over looked had they not trusted themselves and the universe.
emotionally 22s they could be very hesitant people - often they struggle with trusting themselves as they should. they might be prone to break downs when they have to start over or when the outcome is not what they expected. they have to learn to trust their intuition. this is the one the few energies that i don't find has ego issues.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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harlronica · 1 year
psychic/intuitive astro placements for part of fortune
In Astrology, The Part of Fortune is the exact spot in the sky at your time of birth where your sun, moon, and rising/ascendant were in harmony with each other. The Part of Fortune signifies prosperity in one's life, represents worldly success, and is associated with the physical body and health. A Starseed origin in alignment here is the origin in which you are likely to be most angelically guided and protected through. Having any fixed Starseed origin in alignment with The Part of Fortune will emphasize angelic guidance and protection by your ancestors in the psychic realms.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological Part of Fortune Placements* "I succeed"
Cancer: sensitive to the needs of others; these chart holders hold great emotional sensitivity and possess a great urge to heal others. Especially if there is an alignment with the Sirius or Hydra Starseed origin which runs along the Cancer degrees
Scorpio: possess an intense desire to explore the meaning of life and the psyche; these chart holders have the power to easily investigate and read in-between the lines; extremely intuitive. This placement is also extremely beneficent in crime related fields of work. Especially if there is an alignment with the Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel) Starseed origin which runs along the Scorpio degrees
Sagittarius: naturally aligned with the divine laws and possess a great intuition; these chart holders are philosophical and are prone to seeking the bigger and deeper truths of life. Especially if there is an alignment with the Shaula or Lyra Starseed origin which runs along the Sagittarius degrees
Aquarius: intuitive; these chart holders easily absorb knowledge more so than any of the other part of fortune signs; possess a great inner and outer awareness to their environment; very unique and different from others. Especially if there is an alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees
Pisces: incredibly healing and spiritual; these chart holders are likely to have heightened psychic abilities and are instinctively aligned with the divine. Especially if there is an alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees
1st house: Part of Fortune in 1st house chart holders have a clear ability of seeing and understanding life. Especially if running along a Pleiades degree. The 1st and 2nd house belongs to Pleiades.
5th house: visionary and can benefit greatly from dreams and visions. Especially if running along a Regulus (The Family of Archangel Raphael) degree. The 5th house belongs to The Family of Raphael.
7th house: healing abilities are present here; most likely these chart holders are going to be empathetic. Especially if running along an Arcturus degree. The 7th house belongs to Arcturus.
9th house: possess an open and higher mind; these chart holders are visionaries. Especially if running along a Shaula or Lyra degree. The 9th house belongs to Shaula and Lyra.
11th house: extremely visionary; creative and inventive; these chart holders are constantly supported by God (The Divine; as long as they are open to receiving.) Especially if running along an Andromeda degree. The 11th and 12th house belongs to Andromeda
12th house: these chart holders feel everything in their environment with a lot of intensity and depth; possess angelic/divine protection; very creative and inspirational. Especially if running along an Andromeda degree. The 12th house belongs to Andromeda
Note: not all astrological placements for Part of Fortune are listed. If your Part of Fortune house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What sign/house is your Part of Fortune in? Note below! Mine's in 12th house Cancer with a Sirius alignment.
For business inquiries and Starseed origin readings please email [email protected] ! I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
*Starseed Origin Chart Readings*
Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) . You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Inner Planetary Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
Planetary Degree and House Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. This reading will tell you what Starseed origin your planets are connected to through house/degree placements. (Ex: having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree means that your Mars is in alignment with Hydra. Having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree while also having Mars in 12th house means that Mars is now overlapping the Andromeda Starseed origin as the Andromeda Galaxy is connected to the 12th house and runs along 29 degree Aquarius before moving into Pisces. Meaning that since Mars is positioned in the 12th house while also being in 29 degree Cancer, Mars is in alignment with both Hydra and Andromeda.) For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
Planetary Aspect Starseed Origin Reading: for $50 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found throughout your astrological houses (house 1-12) and planetary aspects (ex: Jupiter trine Neptune, with Jupiter being in alignment with Aldebaran/The Blue Rays (The Family of Archangel Michael) and Neptune being in alignment with Lyra) along with a detailed description behind what each house/planetary aspect origin represents and the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Full Starseed Origin Chart Reading: for $80 this is a combination of the Full Inner Planetary Origin Reading, Planetary Degree/House, and the Astrological House and Planetary Aspect Origin reading. All information listed above for both readings will be included in this one. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
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galaxyastrology1726 · 4 months
According to Vedic astrology, which house is considered more powerful, the 4th or the 10th?
In Vedic astrology, both the 4th and the 10th houses hold significant importance, but the 10th house is generally considered more powerful, especially in terms of external influence and public life. Here’s a comparative analysis of the 4th and 10th houses to understand their significance and relative power:
4th House
- **Home and Family**: Represents your home, domestic life, and relationship with your mother.
- **Emotional Foundation**: Reflects your inner emotional state, comfort, and sense of security.
- **Real Estate and Property**: Indicates property, land, and real estate matters.
- **Early Education**: Relates to your early education and upbringing.
- **Inner Peace and Happiness**: Shows your source of inner peace and happiness.
- The 4th house is crucial for personal happiness, emotional well-being, and the foundation of your life. It’s associated with private life and what makes you feel secure and comfortable.
10th House
- **Career and Profession**: Represents your career, profession, and public life.
- **Status and Reputation**: Indicates your social status, reputation, and recognition in society.
- **Authority and Power**: Reflects your ability to hold positions of authority and power.
- **Achievements and Honors**: Shows your achievements, honors, and how you are perceived by the world.
- **Government and Leadership**: Associated with government roles and leadership positions.
The tenth house is important for your professional life, public status and social influence. It is considered the house of karma and is often seen as the most powerful house in terms of career and worldly success. You can connect with us for more information. From the website of The Kundli. which can give you an accurate information
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
Hi khi, what if one has both the atmakaraka and amatykaraka in the same nakshatra? The planets are 2° apart sun and mercury in the same nakshatra.
When both the Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka are in the same nakshatra, it creates a powerful synergy in Vedic astrology.
The Atmakaraka is the planet that holds the highest degree in your natal chart (within any sign), representing your soul's desires, deepest lessons, and primary karmic path in this lifetime.
The Amatyakaraka is the planet with the second-highest degree, symbolizing your career, professional life, and how you fulfill your soul's mission in the material world.
When both the Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka are in the same nakshatra (a lunar mansion), their energies are closely intertwined, leading to a more focused and intensified expression of that nakshatra's qualities.
Having both these karakas in the same nakshatra signifies a strong alignment between your soul's purpose (Atmakaraka) and your professional or worldly pursuits (Amatyakaraka). Your career or duties are likely to directly reflect your soul's deeper desires.
The nakshatra they occupy will color the expression of both the Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka. Each nakshatra has its own set of myths, deity associations, and characteristics. The influence of the nakshatra can bring specific themes into your life, such as creativity, spirituality, communication, or leadership.
With the Sun and Mercury only 2° apart, this close conjunction often results in a phenomenon known as "Budha-Aditya Yoga" (a combination of the Sun and Mercury), which enhances intelligence, communication skills, and leadership abilities.
A close conjunction, especially with the Sun, might lead to Mercury being "combust," which means its energy might be somewhat overpowered by the Sun’s intense rays. However, this can also mean a more driven and focused mind, especially in the areas governed by the nakshatra.
If in Ashlesha Nakshatra (Ruled by Mercury):
This combination might give a very sharp mind, strong communication abilities, and a knack for dealing with complex or hidden matters (like research or occult knowledge).
If in Krittika Nakshatra (Ruled by the Sun):
The focus might be on leadership, cutting through obstacles, and being a guiding light for others, with a strong drive to achieve recognition and success in your professional life.
Having both the Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka in the same nakshatra indicates that your soul's journey and professional path are deeply connected. This alignment suggests that by following your professional pursuits, you're also fulfilling your soul's purpose. The specific nakshatra will give more detailed insights into the nature of this connection and the themes that are most prominent in your life.
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veggie9961 · 1 year
Gen Z Saturn Placements
Saturn is time---past, present, and future. It represents both past golden age and future utopia. It tends to denote opposites---it is the planet of the poor and downtrodden and the planet of the extremely wealthy; it is an isolated and depressed planet, and yet it is a planet of success, fame, and social connections. Saturn represents the climb, the process, and the gamble---the effort and the risk of going out of your comfort zone to achieve something new and innovative.
In short, your Saturn sign is an energy which is foreign to you. Most of Gen Z has Saturn in the signs Taurus, Gemini, Cancer or Leo. These signs all have to do with presence and connections with the immediate environment. Gen Z might have collective challenges with enjoying the present moment due to the worldly pulls of technology and globalized education. This signs also have to do with the simple and personal enjoyment of life. This generation might be able to enjoy life more with age.
Saturn in Taurus
In Saturn in Taurus we find an inability to remain stable or at peace. People with this placement might remember a simpler time, a time when things were steady, a time when they had everything. The punishment of Saturn in this sign could indicate a rupture or vulnerable period in the stability of their household or in their ability to support and feed themselves. Insecurity can make room for a competitive attitude. This might be a determined, bold individual whose patient, deliberative instincts are suppressed deep within. A goal for these natives is to relax, and to make sure good values aren't lost in the game for power. As they mature, they build a wealth of luxury, security and influence to protect themselves. They might be famous. If not, they are generous and guide others with what they know at the very least.
Saturn in Gemini
In Saturn in Gemini we find an inability to think or speak freely. People with this placement might lean more toward maintaining identity for themselves by following certain morals and ideals in what they allow themselves to think or say. They remember a time when they could converse instinctively and critically, but their newfound anxiety can usually only allow them to converse with maturity. The good news is they can connect with anyone of any background. This placement can feel dissociative, and to combat that, an individual should get comfortable with having a unique way of speaking, thinking and doing things, and surround themselves to learn from a diverse variety of individuals who can bring out dynamic shades of their inner conversationalist.
Saturn in Cancer
In Saturn in Cancer we find an inability to express our emotional vulnerability or the need for help without feeling like the scapegoat. Those with this placement have a soft, imaginative spirit trapped deep inside like a ghost in a machine. They might remember a time when they expressed their softer, angelic side, but they have since resolved to a life of working hard to achieve traditional ideals of success. There could also be a disconnect from a parent, the family or from culture. This is a painful, nostalgic placement. It is Saturn in detriment. With time, these individuals earn comfort after putting in the effort to work through their emotions. Perhaps at that point, their journey rationalizing the concept itself of comfort will have allowed them to discover a more mature ideal of comfort and care-giving.
Saturn in Leo
In Saturn in Leo we find an inability to have fun and display confidence without overthinking about others. There is anxiety around performance for people with this placement. They come off as serious and shy. They are unable to act on their ego. They mask their personality in favor of ideals such as remaining objective. They might put things they want off to the future. Saturn in detriment in Leo can be painful as the existence of objective awareness prevents the native from truly and simply being the person they want to be. Whether they know it or not, though, these people are main characters, and they redefine what it means to be a main character. If they put in the effort, or just took the risk, they are truly able to do whatever they want. They are talented folks, and their skills age like fine wine as they open up and surprise everyone.
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rascosmicwisdom · 1 year
In Vedic astrology, Rahu is one of the nine celestial bodies known as the Navagrahas. Rahu is considered a shadow planet, as it does not have a physical existence but is an imaginary point in the sky. Rahu is often referred to as the North Node of the Moon, while its counterpart Ketu is known as the South Node.
Rahu is associated with desires, ambitions, materialism, and worldly attachments. It represents the areas of life where we seek growth, expansion, and new experiences. Rahu is known for its unpredictable and intense nature, and its influence can bring both positive and challenging effects depending on its placement in an individual's birth chart.
Some key aspects of Rahu in Vedic astrology include:
1. Ambition and worldly desires: Rahu represents our worldly desires, ambitions, and the pursuit of material wealth. It can indicate the areas of life where we seek success, recognition, and power.
2. Transformation and growth: Rahu is often associated with transformation and growth. Its influence can bring sudden changes, opportunities, and experiences that propel us forward on our life path.
3. Illusions and deception: Rahu is known to create illusions and confusion. Its energy can cloud judgment and lead to unrealistic expectations, indulgence in materialistic pursuits, and temptations.
4. Unconventional and out-of-the-box thinking: Rahu is associated with innovation, unconventional thinking, and breaking societal norms. It encourages exploration of new ideas, technologies, and alternative approaches.
5. Karmic influences: Rahu is linked to our past life karmas and unresolved issues. Its placement in the birth chart can indicate the karmic lessons we need to learn and the challenges we may face as a result.
6. Eclipse energy: Rahu is closely associated with eclipses. During a solar or lunar eclipse, Rahu's energy is amplified, and its influence can be more pronounced.
It's important to note that the effects of Rahu can vary depending on its placement in different houses and signs of the birth chart, as well as its relationship with other planets.
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celticcrossanon · 2 months
BRF Reading - 25th of July, 2024
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 25th of July, 2024
Question: Does Prince Harry believe his lies? Does he believe what he is saying is the truth, or does he know he is lying?
Note: The energy that came as I was shuffling for this question was that of someone who knows he is reciting a script for money/fame/attention, but who thinks there is nothing wrong in doing this. We'll see if the cards support this or not.
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Interpretation: He believes the lies about the fantasy world he lives in, but he knows he is lying when he attacks other people.
Card One: The King of Pentacles
Pentacles is a very practical suit, rooted in reality, and the King of Pentacles is a very practical man. This is someone who is very ambitious, who wants (or has) worldly status and material success (lots of money and lots of things to show how wealthy he is). It can also be someone who is generous in protecting and providing for their family. He has worked hard and prospered, and is seen as someone who is responsible and reliable.
The energy of this card says that this is how Harry sees himself (which answers any question I had about how delusional he is). Harry sees himself as someone who has worked hard and who will make/is making lots of money from his hard work, someone who is generous to everyone, and someone who is protective of his family. As the card says, he is very ambitious and wants lots of titles and wealth for his family, seeing them as his birthright because he is a prince (the King on the card sits in front of a castle where he belongs, Harry also thinks he belongs in a castle). I have an energy of resentment about all the hard work (in his mind) that he has to do to earn money, as he seems to think that it should come to him with no effort at all on his part (the picture on the card shows servants in the background with food and drink for the king, indicating that Harry thinks his food/drink/clothing etc should be carried to him by servants, i.e. come to him with no effort on his part).
The King of Pentacles is the card of a Taurus person. Some of the negative traits of Taurus are being stubborn, self indulgent, extremely lazy, and not wanting to change anything about yourself. That is the energy that Harry is expressing, not the energy above that he thinks that he possess.
Card Two: The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is a card of inaction. This tells me that Harry does not want to act, he does not want to put in an effort, he just wants to sit there and have everything come to him when he wants it.
The Hanged Man is the card of the planet Neptune. One of the things that Neptune symbolises is illusion- fantasy, imagination, daydreams, seeing something through rose coloured glasses, and so on. It can also indicate a victim/saviour mentality, someone who would rather daydream about things than work for them, and someone who is very good at sliding away from taking responsibility for their actions - all traits we have seen in Harry (Neptune does have good meanings, these are just the ones I am getting from this card). It is a planet that deals with emotions and daydreams, not the hard facts of life.
The energy from this card tells me that Harry is living his life through a veil of illusion. He sees thinks as he thinks they should be in his fantasies/daydreams, not as they really are. He tells himself stories about what has happened and he thinks they are true. When the circumstances of his life change, he will tell himself another set of stories/daydreams/fantasies and believe that they are true. He is emotionally attached to his fantasies as they reflect how he sees himself, and he will be very upset if he is forced to admit that they are not true.
Neptune can also represent drugs and alcohol use and abuse, which is another layer of Harry's relationship with reality.
Card Three: The Magician in Reverse
The Magician is the card of manifestation. In the reverse, the things you want to manifest are not happening. This card tells me that Harry is floating along, playing out the fantasy in his head, and the fantasy is not materialising in the world around him. He can not make what he wants to happen actually happen in the real world.
The Magician is the card of Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, so it is likely that Harry is trying to manifest things by communicating them to others via PR articles.
Card Four: The Ace of Swords in Reverse
The Ace of Swords indicates the truth when it is upright. In the reverse, the sword of truth on the card is pointing downwards, and it represents lies. It also represents mental confusion, hostility, using words to destroy people, arguments - all the things we have seen Harry do to prop up the tales that he tells himself about being an innocent victim. Coming after The Magician card, this tells me that when something that Harry wants does not manifest for him, he lies about it. He may lie as part of the manifestation, but he definitely lies about the failed manifestation. He may also use lies to destroy others (or try to destroy them) when they don't give him what he wants. In this case the energy is of someone who knows he is lying but who does not care - in their mind the other person deserves the pain and hurt caused by the lies because they did not give Harry what he wants. The lies will also always paint him as a victim or as a misunderstood saviour (the Neptune influence from The Hanged Man card).
Underlying Energy: The Five of Pentacles
This is the card of exile. Whatever he says about it, and whatever tales he tells himself, Harry knows he is in exile from his family. He blames them for this instead of looking at his actions and seeing what he did to cause his current situation.
The energy of this card is full of anger. It is an energy that wants to break and destroy and crush, and it is directed at Harry's family because (in his mind) they broke their promises to him by not giving him everything that he wanted (half of the Duchy of Cornwall money, co-King with Prince William, sole 'King of the Commonwealth' (a position that does not exist), etc . (Pentacles is the suit of material things and social status, so I am using things that relate to that area of life as examples of broken promises).
Harry lives in a world of fantasy. He sees himself as a hard working person who is earning lots of money, who is generous to his friends, and who protects his family, instead of how he really is - lazy, self indulgent, and expecting everything to be given to him without any effort on his part. He sees himself as an innocent victim of other people and/or as a misunderstood saviour, not as someone who is having the consequences of his actions catch up to him.
Harry does not want to take responsibility for his actions. He constructs a world in his mind where he is the hero and everyone else is the villain. He expects things to go the way he thinks they should go, and when they don't, he looks for someone to blame as he could not possibly be at fault in anyway.
Harry is trying to get things by sitting and home and manifesting them, most likely by putting out PR articles. When this does not work he gets upset, and then he lies about the manifestation (e.g. We turned down the invitation to the Westminster wedding, not We were not invited; Pa did not make time to see me, not I didn't ask Pa for a meeting, etc). He also lies to get what he wants, or to hurt people who haven't acted they way they do in his fantasies (i.e. they said No to him). While he may, and most likely does, believe the lies he tells about the current fantasy world he inhabits, his lies to get what he wants or to destroy other people are deliberate. In that case he knows he is lying and he does not care, because in his mind they deserve it for saying No to him in the first place.
Underneath all this is a huge anger at his family for exiling him (as he sees it) and a refusal to accept that it was his actions that led him to his current situation. It is always everybody else's fault.
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dionysus-venus · 1 year
Jihyo Chart Reading
Jihyo vedic birth chart is so easy to read because everything Onces know about her translates so obviously in her chart.
Libra Ascendant; lord in 4th house
Indicates Jihyo life focus is on her deepest inspired self or her private life. The 4th house represents emotions, privacy, lowest point, imagination and inspiration, and lineage or other aspects of us we were "born into" (nationality, culture, etc)
1st house is our energy and physical body. The "front gate" of our birth chart. Having it focus in the deepness of the 4th house can indicate a weak ability to preserve self against people, life dilemas or just any obstacles that prevents a person for living life (stress, closed-mindedness, skills, wealth, etc) but because the 4th house is good for grounding it's something that can get better with age
Capricorn Sun in 4th
Sun is weak in the 4th and Capricorn is one of the signs Sun feels weak in (because Sun and Saturn are natural enemies) so this means there is issues with confidence, happiness, and insight
Capricorn in 4th can indicate feeling restricted or overpowered in private life. On the reverse having Sun her can indicate an ability to gain power from restricting self or hard-work
Capricorn Sun is typically a placement that gets better with age because Jihyo's conscious may be very focused on restrictions and limits put on her by society or people with authority over her but may have learned to use restrictions as starting blocks or guidelines for greatness and power
Sun rules 11th house
Jihyo soul in this lifetime is focused on worldly success and fame. Sun is how we intrinsically desire to be (its our soul) and how we aim for honor in our lives by living up to our own standards and heart's desire. So Sun here can indicate a person getting honor and confidence from connecting with or seving society in a big way. Humanitarian vibes or society's muse
Sun being in the 4th and ruling the 11th creates a natural relationship that acts like a conjunction between Jihyo's private life, family or mother to her . Usually indicates gaining wealth or favors from family, lineage, or imagination. Can also indicate private life being very restricted or structured by society or fame
Libra Moon in 1st house
A lot of artists have Libra Moon (or sun) because there is comfort in creating beauty having Libra Moon in 1st house means jihyo focuses a lot on what she finds pleasing and giving art to share with others. Libra is also about justice and balance so Libra Moon. Which for a lot of celebrities shows up as being activists or another senario is always striving for greatness to balance out recieving great success
Moon rules 10th house
Moon ruling the 10th house means there is an emotional need to project life in the highest way to make a impact on the world. Or could mean there is a natural skill in expressing self in the public.
Moon being in the 1st and ruling the 10th creates a natural relationship between the two houses that acts as a conjunction between Jihyo's life direction, physical body, and persona and her career, public image & honor, services and contributions to society.
Usually indicates a natural inclination to "making it big"
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Chitra Ascendant (Star of Oppurtunity)
Ruled by Mars (aggression, courage, and energy)
Jihyo directs her life towards being creative in a very meticulous way. Feels inspiration (because Chitra is "demonic/body/desires" focused) but wants to master a physical manifestation of beauty (because chitra is guided by Tvasthar: architect of the universe). On top of that Chitra symbol is a beautiful painting or pearl (two beautiful things that takes time to create)
Chitra people are also said to have sudden crude moments where they will trigger or anger others through their insensitivity (I think also having the tiger as the yoni animal of Chitra indicates a sort of aggressive or intimidating nature) speaking of having tiger as yoni animal may indicates a majestic sexual appeal
(Nakshatra Lord) Mars in 12th conjunct Rahu
Gains and projects energy into fantasies, creativity and/or spirituality. Rahu influence here may indicate a materialistic obsession with these things and an intense desire to make these things a tangible thing in their life or to be complete immersed in these things
Shravana Sun (Star of Learning)
Jihyo soul aligns with the "star of learning" quite a few other celebrities have shravana on their Sun or Moon because it's ruled by Moon (emotions, devotion, and inspiration) but also resides in Capricorn giving a influence of Saturn(restriction, building stregnth, & lessons) This indicates learning to cater to the masses and Shravana symbol being "the ear" can, to some extent, mean being formed or greatly influenced by authorities of society or your culture (the deity wish of shravana is "may i stay in good favor of the public and not have any shame)
the combination of Moon and Saturn can also mean jihyo has a big influence on the masses because anything Saturn touches creates strgnth and power with time and discipline so jihyo can be seen as very powerful and event authoritarian herself
Moon in 1st
Moon is better understood as "your existence on earth" which is similar to how it is seen in western astrology but in vedic astrology there is an understanding of how much the moon actually represents a person's personality as it is the entire spectrum of a person's ability to experience emotions. Moon is often called the "emotional mind" because it's understood how you can emotionally experience the world turns into how your entire being is formed.
Moon in 1st or Moon conjunct Ascendant can indicate having your true deepest self align with your life direction. It can also mean jihyo feels a little unrest because the moon (which is passive and needs calm energy) is in the active and exposed part of her chart
Moon on 1st house gives a charming apperance
Swati Moon (Star of Independence)
Jihyo's deepest self and main being is focused a lot on freedom and adaptability.
Swati being ruled by the Wind God (Vayu) it shows up typically for swati peoplr that at a young age they could of felt very easily swayed or pushed around by the world around them (almost being as light as leaf having no power or stability) (which comes from Swati being ruled by Rahu the part of us that is susceptible to influence of society or pop culture)
The deity goal of Swati is "May I move freely in all the universes" which indicates an ability to master any environment or situation. This may come from Swati being in Libra there is an influence of Venus giving a feeling of pleasure from the influence of the world around them. Swati people get use to this "easily moved" aspect of themselves through socializing, and the "high" of romantic feelings.
Rahu in 12th with Mars
Rahu in 12th means there is an obsession with fantasy or most hidden desires. Having Mars here can add to the flame but Rahu is very fragile and really doesn't feel comfortable with Mars force. This can result in a lot of uncontrolled energy and indulging too much in desires against better judgement. Having moon in Rahu Nakshatra can indicate a little mastery over this aspect of jihyo though
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Didn't edit this so will have typos
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