#worth it huh
0alanasworld0 · 11 months
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the bullshit broadcasting company has done it again
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potato-lord-but-not · 7 months
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and it’s ALSO available as a sticker !! (thank u will)
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shitpostingkats · 4 months
Alabasta Ace is so funny.
Like the strawhats keep commenting that Ace is so polite and restrained compared to Luffy but like. This dude drags himself out of the ocean just to thank them for looking after his brother and offer to help wash dishes. Mans asks "Are these guys bothering you?" and proceeds to blow up an entire fleet with his bare hands. He trips over himself to make sure all of Luffy's crew likes him and no, really, you don't mind that he's a weirdo???? That we, I mean he, are feral little insane guys who take up space and emotional labor and are kind hard to handle? Really???? Cool cool cool hey just a reminder I can help out with anything that needs doing. I got lost in the desert but donnut worry in the 0.6 seconds since you last saw me I have somehow acquired water and provisions for several weeks. Don't ask me how!
Peak oldest sibling behavior.
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fishareglorious · 4 months
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This screenshot my friend sent me made me uncontrollably start wheezing.
no one:
tooth fairy: fuck you. live
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thecruellestmonth · 23 days
We love Bruce's tragic ignorance of Sheila's role in Jason's death.
We love Jason never telling another soul what Sheila did, because he loves her, because he's grateful she showed him compassion as soon as it didn't cost her anything, because nobody needs to know.
We need to go further.
Jason's last act as Robin got an innocent woman killed. His own mother, a doctor who should've lived many more years making the world a better place.
Poor Doctor Haywood might've survived being forced to work for the Joker, but Jason dragged her into a dangerous confrontation instead.
It's obvious what happened: Jason was trying to show off. He wanted to impress his mother by revealing himself as Robin and taking down the Joker. Treating everything like a game, never considering the consequences.
And despite losing everything to his recklessness, Sheila still used her dying breath to praise him. It's a tragedy that such a sweet woman dedicated her life to caring for others, but her own son doomed her with his carelessness.
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owlafterhours · 1 month
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not the most accurate but the Grid lives rent free in my brain
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ohdeargodwhy · 9 months
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Lazy afternoon on Richmond Green
(when she noticed Ted turning up at Trent's flat a lot, Trent's daughter made him a matching bracelet. Trent went to great pains to let Ted know he wasn't obliged to wear it, but Ted was so touched by the gift he'd never dream of taking off what he immediately accepted as one of his most treasured possessions)
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spilledte · 4 months
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LGTS Weezer request 💀
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godbirdart · 2 years
got rid of an old cat tree like a year ago and it was a mistake because apparently, this tree was my cat’s favourite tree. in the history of all the trees she’s ever had, this was THE ONE she cared about. she has never mourned the departure of any other trees over the last decade and a half of her life. she has had two BRAND NEW ones since and she barely interacts with even a single scratch post on them, only climbing one out of Pure Obligation because i place her food there. the only reason the tree had to go was because 1: at the time, the manufacturer wouldn’t ship parts to my country and 2: it was lookin real rough. so yeah. guess who’s fucking repurchasing this same goddamned tree
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rambunctioustoons · 9 months
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"It's funny. Laugh."
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pb-dot · 2 months
This latest Adventuring Party really drove home my favorite aspect of Brennan's DMing style. He genuinely loves seeing his players succeed, even against odds he considered to be nigh insurmountable.
Let's take the Last Stand as an example. Now, Brennan made no secret out of the Last Stand encounter being very hard, and for people who do not play D&D it may even seem like he overhyped it, but from a mechanics standpoint, the CR, functionally the difficulty rating of this battle royale was sky-high. Yeah, none of the Bad Kids went down, but that is entirely thanks to a combination of excellent strategic play from the Intrepid Heroes and some choice luck.
To mention some of the game changer moves, the Scatter spell really re-defined the battlefield more favorably for the Bad Kids, the disguise self was a value proposition because it split the flying monsters, which was the greatest threat to the proctor by far, in two, functionally halving the threat to the squishy normie, not to mention dealing with the mega-mosquitos in combo with Spirit Guardians. Those little flying bastards would have been such a pain in the ass if Fig didn't bug zapper them to kingdom come. And the bless. Dear god, the Bless saved so many asses in this encounter.
This isn't to say magic was the only thing that defined the battlefield. The single-target damage dealers did some truly astounding numbers and managed their attention and abilities shockingly well. Yeah, Gorgug crit like a madman, but he also tanked like three or four non-barb PCs worth of effective HP damage without going down even once. If he had failed his saves and gotten eaten by the Purple Worm things would have gotten nasty for him, but again, the touch of luck (and bless) saw him through.
So, this is all to say that this was an encounter meant to kick the players' ass. Not an unwinnable one, evidently, but this was supposed to be a considerably worse experience even without getting into the non dice-roll exam questions. And how does Brennan react when the Intrepid Heroes put their game face all the way on, get really smart with their level 1 spell slots, and dismantle the whole thing? He's overjoyed, he's cheering for his strange adventure children, and we're cheering with him because frankly it's rad as hell.
This illustrates one nuance I feel sometimes gets glossed over about the DM-player relationship. A lot of people have talked about how Junior Year is the "Revenge of Brennan" or what have you, and I feel that kind of misses the central appeal of DMing and Brennan's style in D20 in particular. Yes, Mr Mulligan enjoys playing the heel on occasion. It's good fun to play the personification of everything going wrong and the inherent shittiness of the world, but like the wrestler heels, all that wicked charisma is meant to do one thing, and that is build up the faces, or the players in this case.
Now, the ghost of Gary Gygax may come after me for this, but I firmly believe it's not the DMs job to kill the player characters, or even to inconvenience or torment them. A good DM's job is to make it seem like they're going to kill the player characters, as to provide an environment for the players to succeed, a challenge for them to overcome. It's all one big improv exercise (or kink scene if you prefer to view it that way), where the DM derives their (near)absolute authority over the world the PCs inhabit from the shared understanding that they're going to show the players a spectacular, if not on occasion harrowing, time.
This is Brennan's biggest strength as a DM I think. He genuinely wants to make a spectacular time for his friends, and he understands that to do that he must on occasion be the monster they oppose, and on occasion he must be their breathless cheerleader. On occasion, one imagines, he must also be both.
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geomimetry · 1 year
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HELp he is a nightmare to draw, but very pretty glowy
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Watched the true Potential episodes again.
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minusecko · 3 months
More Parallel Canon Tests
Still working on the Parallel Canon stuff, got a basic groundwork for a "boss arena" but is is missing a lot of detail. Did a small test render just to see how it might look.
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sergle · 2 months
lollll stevens insta post is so tone def too like uhh u can smell the privilege coming off this 🧍
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ohhhh... I think I'm going to hurt him
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trashworldblog · 5 months
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gotta say this is some of the worst fucking lists of all time
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