#worthy punishments
worstloki · 6 months
there is a difference between being born to a throne, maliciously vying for a throne, stealing a throne, and having a throne thrust upon you when you are already in the midst of an identity crisis. And I fear Loki's place in the line of succession has people unable to differentiate between any of these
#you can't really argue he planned the extent of Thor's downfall#that was all Odin#Loki didn't force Thor to invade Jotunheim he isn't even the one who gave Thor the idea -- Thor did that all on his own!#that he was doing waswasa @ thor didn't help but wasn't really crime worthy on its own#Thor himself took time convincing the other warriors to be okay with the trip despite the treason and danger involved#like. what. Thor can't differentiate good advice from bad and is emotionally volatile and reckless and that's Loki's fault?#THOR was the one who got them past Heimdall too#the entire ordeal inadvertently showed off the favouritism Thor was receiving in comparison to Loki#even though Loki was the one supposedly so easily influencing Thor to such an extent#call Thor a puppet the way he--wait. no. that sounds weird. uhhhhh#you get the point#people will claim Loki was all up in there rearranging Thor's mental processes to cause his downfall#when really it was Loki doing the bare minimum instigation and watching things only devolve from there#because Thor WAS reckless and immature ?? and he WAS quick to anger and enjoyed exerting his power with violence ??#Loki didn't STEAL THE THRONE FROM THOR he literally just is implied to undermine the coronation#that's not even confirmed but we assume it's true that he let the frost giants in near the casket etc.#Loki has his own actual crimes that he did against Thor and hugging his bro's arm and saying 'you're soooooo strong and correct' was not on#even if you manage to argue Loki was cheering Thor on for the invasion (he wasn't) it was clearly to dob Thor in with Odin#which he did when he had some guard inform Odin#that Odin's chosen punishment was for Thor's disobedience aside stop blaming Loki for the damage ODIN inflicted on him#focus on Loki making up lies to Thor about how Odin died instead like at least Loki DID SOMETHING for that#you can even ascribe as evil a motive as you want there bc Loki was slipping fr#twirling his hair and telling Thor he's smarter about the realm's safety than the king was on the normal scale#you want to talk morals go look at how eager Thor was to invade mass destroy and massacre in the other realm#and expected Odin to 'finish them off! together!' bc he was power high on whatever bloodlust pheromones battle apparently imitates for him#sigh. this is why you can't have nice things Thor. no Loki you're barely any better. sit down. have a cookie.
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seafoodsoda · 11 months
The accidental Jax x Bubble role play during GlitchX was the funniest fucking thing to ever happen in my god damn life-
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I think more people need to accept that part of oppression is that violence is done to maintain systems, and while part of that is punishing the oppressed, not everybody abused by the systems of power will be part of oppressed groups.
A cis woman who is beaten for the "crime" of being thought as a trans woman still faced transphobic violence. A straight man who walks down the street and is called a faggot will still face homophobic violence.
Some people assume this means that, for instance, gay people facing homophobia shouldn't be listened to because "straight people can face homophobia, too! 😢" but that's looking at it wrong.
What this acknowledgment recognizes is that while there are people who will be directly abused by systems that oppress them, and often, it is incredibly violent all by itself, there are people on the "out group" who also experience it, even to a lesser extent, because the systems of power that oppress people want there to be an intrinsically lesser person/out group, even if by perceived proximity. The proximity is also what we have to get rid of if we want to abolish the systems that oppress people.
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alteredsilicone · 7 months
Otak gets charged with a crime and the punishment is glassing.
Somehow, he ends up in the care of the Entrati family.
You know who else is transferred to the care of the Entratis?
He wants to prove himself to Albrecht, he cannot fail his new master like he failed his old.
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landwriter · 5 months
You've Got Mail AU, lay it on me
Brand new scene for you, TJ! (Prev You've Got Mail nonsense.)
If my WIPs were unionized, this one would've been loooong done. But they're not, unfortunately for them, and after like four days after talking about You've Got Mail-verse, I got talking about the Tam Lin AU, and we all know how that went.
The other snippets were silly, this one is a little sad:
It feels like another ending. Hob is sick of them. Morpheus’ face is perfectly expressionless. He can’t take it. Won’t. Wants to greedily keep this for just a little bit longer. He always does. Even when everybody else around him knows it’s over, there he is, holding on past decency and reason.
Morpheus is absurdly beautiful in the morning light.
Hob says what he’s been thinking for weeks now. “You know, sometimes I wonder if you came into my shop, and you hadn’t been Endless Books, and I hadn’t been The New Bookshop-”
“Then it wouldn’t have been your shop,” interrupts Morpheus.
“No,” he says. “I guess it wouldn’t be.”
Isn’t, now. In any case.
Morpheus catches the look on his face and takes pity on him. He’s kinder, Hob thinks, than anyone gives him credit for. Including himself. “A cafe, instead,” he offers.
“Or Shakespeare in the Park,” says Hob. He can picture it now.
Morpheus’ lip twitches up the way it does when he’s trying not to smile. “Yes. If we met at Shakespeare in the Park?”
“I would’ve offered you a spot on my blanket. And I would have hoped it would get cold or rain, so you would lean on me.”
Morpheus ducks his head, and Hob wants to seize his face, wants to thumb over those perfect cheekbones. Fist his hands in his shirt and not let go ever. “You would have forgotten your umbrella, of course,” says Morpheus, quietly.
“Of course. And the sky would have opened up until we had to hide under a tree.”
Morpheus looks up. “And then?”
“And then I would have found the courage to ask a beautiful stranger for his number, and I would have asked you out that very night. And if you’d said yes I’d have done it again and again. Every day, actually, for as long as we lived.”
“Hob,” says Morpheus. His eyes are bright.
“If we never came up against each other. If the only thing you ever took from me was the blankets at night.”
“We’d need to have two sets.”
Hob swallows hard. “Yeah. Yeah, we would.”
The sounds of the city lap up against them, but Hob feels like an island alone with Morpheus, standing together on his stoop. He hears the jingle of someone walking their dog past. A siren in the distance. And all he sees is Morpheus, the square of his shoulders, his jaw clenched.
“Morpheus-” he starts.
“Hob, how could you forgive him?” he asks roughly. “How on earth could you forgive this stranger for standing you up?”
“We all make mistakes.” Easily. I forgave him just as easily as I’d have forgiven you, if you had only let me.
Morpheus stares at him. “Yes. We do.” His mouth twists a little. “Some more than most, I would say.”
“Maybe. But people are almost always better than you’d think. Mistakes and all.”
“Ever the optimist.”
Hob presses his lips together in a smile. “Ever the cynic.”
“Go, Hob,” says Morpheus. “You’ll be late.”
He goes. It’s a beautiful day to meet his stranger. How can it feel like his heart is breaking, only now, only after everything, on the threshold of happiness?
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lermisv4 · 2 years
Reasons why Maya Amano is the best thing to happen in MegaTen ever
1. She is a functioning adult in exactly ONE (1) aspect of her life (her job) and a disaster in everything else.
2. Twenty-three and still sleeps with her favourite plush toy, which same bestie. Same. Thank you for validating me.
3. Carries that plush toy EVERYWHERE. Including alien spaceships, underwater ruins and other life or death situations.
4. The only thing she ever bothers to clean (other than her clothes) is her stereo.
5. Was given a pair of custom handguns by a high-schooler she literally just met and never questioned it.
6. Pacified Cthulhu - like, the actual literal Cthulhu - by giving him canned tuna.
7. Ironically, while she has pyrophobia her solution to almost everything is fire.
8. Gunned down mobsters and the army for the sake of talking to a kid who does everything in his power to avoid her.
9. Ever seen Megidola reflected in someone’s face? Maya can do it!
10. Scuba diving is a very cool hobby.
11. Nobody knows how she got her driving license, but she makes everyone regret it.
12. She is oblivious to the above.
13. Once tried to interrogate a corpse right after she killed him.
14. Not afraid to swear in front of elementary schoolers.
15. Only person ever to make Tatsuya fucking Suou shrug helplessly and coming from that guy you know it’s a big deal.
16. The mom friend, except that she’s the “that’s cool sweetheart, let me show you how the experts do it” type of mom.
17. Was also given a pair of hundguns by a serial killer who tried to kill her, but she decided to keep them anyway.
18. The guns are pink. Imagine being a special forces operative powered by magitech, killed by a cute reporter chick with pink handguns.
19. Can and will interview ANYTHING. Including gods.
20. Also killed the serial killer twice.
21. Abducted the dude who conned her bestie. Yes the police knew. They did notthing to stop her.
22. Someone put a hit on her for being too cute. To their defense, there was too much alcohol involved, but still.
23. Despite befriending Cthulhu, she hates squids.
24. Her response to killing demons is “Sorry~! ;)”
25. Thinks that eating squid is the ultimate sacrifice she can make.
26. Accidentally made her boss regret her life choices.
27. Kicked her own ass twice.
28. She’s a closet gambling fanatic.
29. Burn scars are valid even if they’re hidden.
30. She finds crabs so cute that they’re her favourite food.
31. The female bartender and that high class casino bar is openly gay for her.
32. Killed the god who killed her.
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pochapal · 8 months
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this being the first theory battler has lampshaded and discarded as a joke is making me extremely 👁
#umineko liveblog#like. everything else has been taken seriously even when it's stupid#but this is outright dismissed the second it's mentioned. surely not..........#ough but wait. the possibility of the captive beatrice falling pregnant is rather high#and there are several plausible scenarios with which a hidden child could work#i mean if we go full cliche then the answer here is that nanjo somehow helped beatrice hide the child#making him like double compromised with kinzo. almost like a moral stalemate even#also given the date the mansion was built we can assume this kid would be in their early/mid 30s present day#only known candidate on rokkenjima who fits the criteria would be rosa but that doesn't really makes sense#either that or gohda is a good 10-15 years younger than you'd think he is#but then i'm thinking about the ushiromiya shannon stuff and wondering if there isn't an orphanage link#not that shannon's the beatrice child because she's 15 years too young for that#but perhaps the kid was concealed in the orphanage and this is where the furniture stuff comes in?#every single servant kid is less than human unless they prove themselves to be a worthy substitute for the lost child#and the abuse comes from the fact that they also bear the brunt of kinzo's rage at this kid for having slipped out of his grasp#and of course none of the servant children can ever compare to kinzo's ideal so the cycle perpetuates forever#furniture in that they're being punished for not innately being an ushiromiya successor#this also feeds into the beatrice/kinzo becoming stuff too at a slightly different angle#the children are brought on expected to carry fragments of both beatrice and kinzo and tormented when they fail to do so#meanwhile i genuinely think if a beatrice kid existed they would presently be extremely far removed from rokkenjima#like some random well adjusted adult who knows very little of their origins#meaning that even if kinzo ever found this person they too would not be a fitting ushiromiya successor#yeah i think there might be some potential for this kind of theory
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immren · 7 months
tell me abt immrens mom ‼️‼️
omg thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about her (and immren) a little bit! she's not entirely fleshed out (i should flesh her out some more, so this is a good starting point ^_^)
her name is ilmiira of house kylth. she's the head of her household, priestess of lolth, and also a powerful sorcerer. she's extremely cunning + manipulative but less ruthless than you would maybe expect the matron mother to be.
she had 3 daughters by the time she found a random baby laying in a pile of gore. quite honestly, she was straight up going to ignore him and leave him there, but she literally couldn't bring herself to do that. she believed finding him was an omen from lolth, so she instantly felt attachment to this baby.
she raised him with a sense of importance as if he was her first daughter. she gave him the name immren. (which, if i properly used the drow name chart.. im'ryn .. devoted/love + blooded 😭) she personally taught him how to use his magic (since he showed early signs of being a magic user.. Sorcerer moment.) and also the teachings of lolth. she gifted him a family heirloom that he still keeps and wears yearsss later (it gives him a buff to his spellcasting, most definitely.)
while she was very nurturing towards him, she often had to be cruel so he wouldn't grow up to be soft. (poisoning him so he'd gain resistance, telling his sisters to not hold back during hand-to-hand combat training as soon as he was old enough to hold a knife, punishing him if he cried at all, etc) she really encouraged his violent tendencies..
which that did lead to a huge betrayal with him murdering one of her daughters. she was extremely upset. i think she assumed this was a test of lolth of some sort. like "oh is This the omen?" , but even then, she hesitated to kill him. that gave him the opportunity to run away (that 8 year old would have legit died if he tried to fight her lol.)
then i think after that, she sort of upped her devotion to lolth to desperately avoid any sort of punishment from her, like borderline zealous. i might change my mind later, but she never ended up getting punished for anything, (besides her social status plummeting bc Thats embarrassing.) because the way i see it, immren isn't a true drow, he was made from bhaal's gore. so it was like, an 'outsider' murdering one of her own. If that makes sense. if it doesnt.. well... my brain can imagine anything.. i also dont know how lolth would feel about her raising a bhaalspawn though.. Hmm.
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worstloki · 1 year
Loki in Thor 1: *does villainous acts*
Thor: LOKI, NO!!
Loki: *drops off the bifrost*
Loki in Avengers 1: *does villainous acts*
Thor: LOKI!!! NO!!!
Loki: *goes quietly assuming death will be his sentence*
Loki in Thor 2: *breaks out of prison, commits treason*
Loki: *gets impaled*
Thor finding out Loki is alive actually: I guess you just COMMIT CRIMES TO DIE??!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
complaint 1 about the polls over which cast member's characters would win in a 3 (or more) way fight: just straight up forgot Travis exists
complaint 2 about the polls over which cast members' characters would win in a fight: also straight up forgot Tary exists
complain 3 etc etc: if you don't vote for clerics and druids by default you might be stupid
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swordmaid · 10 months
the thing is. shri'iia has to be super fucking terrible in early act 1. it's very important for her to make super terrible decisions and just be a general cunt so it makes her fall from grace feel even more heavy for. bc otherwise it'll feel like whatever to me... personally. but it does not feel good for me, the witness the player the person controlling this whole shebang to watch arabella get bitten by the snake then die because it just makes sense for shri'iia's character at that moment to not intervene 😭. any instance where zevlor is asking help with the tiefling refugees she's like i'm out 🏃‍��️. she doesn't care about the tieflings. or the druids. all she cares about is getting her cure and if they can't do anything for her then she won't do anything for them.
but i hate to see it personally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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silenab · 7 months
THINKING about thalia seeing the lethe and going oh luke told me about this once. they were talking about death and dying together btw
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yourlocalxenomorph3 · 7 months
this is by no means an organized or eloquent post but like. the recent focus on the issues with tumblr's moderation system and m@tt mentioning moderation improvements got me thinking
when a user violates the terms of service, a lot of other social media platforms (facebook, for example) have warnings or strike systems or temporary suspensions/restrictions, instead of tumblr's rather unfair policy of "you fuck up once and you're terminated with zero warning"
and i think tumblr could really fucking benefit from shifting towards something like a strike system. idk. i contacted support with a message under the "feedback" category and maybe we could legitimately get them to consider it if enough people express a desire for that kind of moderation. idk. just a thought
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
Okay, yeah, the ending kind of ticks me off.
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robinsnest2111 · 4 months
still feeling bad even after food and a couple hours of sleep. how mean
#one of these days the yearning for an understanding person to come home to at the end of a day will end me#until then i will probably have to complain about my stupid suffering#why must humans be a social species and why must i crave things i cannot have lol#why must i be stuck living with people i cannot ever trust again. want to be around people i like and who i can be vulnerable with#tbh if i still was as whiny in real life as i am on here most days i'd only get to hear 'shut up' and 'tough luck. man up'#and that is Not It. would only make me feel worse. so i keep quiet and keep to myself#which does not solve my original problem at all#maybe one day. maybe one day i can just be a beloved pet that doesn't get scolded or belittled for seeking comfort#that one thing my parents said to me 15 years ago still haunts me#'only people who deserve it get hugs' which was used to deny me comfort/affection. because apparently i am not worthy/deserving 👍#i was 13 going through the most vile shit at school but bc it affected me negatively and my parents didn't like me at my mentally illest#they just straight up denied me any type of comfort or support. took away my belongings. made me stay in my room for months on end#as corrective punishment. but none of it made me better. just made me worse. idk idk idk#all the shit they put me through. the emotional and physical punishments. the beatings borne from frustration#and still some part of me wants to seek comfort from them. BUT I SHOULDN'T. they broke my trust and my heart and soul so many times#it'd be straight up suicide to open up and be vulnerable with them again... lole running chest first into a wall of knives. no.#sorry. really in it tonight. gonna try to be more normal tomorrow
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
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Girl like. The reason he said "this is how it should be" and faced death with a smile....is cuz he wanted to die. For 2 years he sat there thinking he was worthless and deserved to die. If he hadn’t be shot, his death would’ve been suicide, he was fully planning to die in a gutter somewhere undetected. When saying "this is how it should be" hes literally saying "don’t cry because I’m dying, my death is a good thing actually because I fucking suck and you are better off without me". I don’t think that’s badass even slightly, it’s actually really sad and really shitty. Shinjiro is so convinced that he deserves to die and hates the idea of anyone giving a shit about him because he literally can’t wrap his mind around the idea that he will be missed when he’s gone, that his death is a bad thing actually. And his last words were meant to be comforting because he fully did not intend for anyone to be there when he died, he intended to die alone, so he says them as a reminder that he’s not worth crying over
Personally, if it were me, if I was holding my dying best friend in my arms who was deeply depressed and suicidal and he said "this is how it should be" uh. I wouldn’t admire him for it??? Like am I losing my mind when I say the way this game handles Shinji is bad or is anyone else seeing this too 😰
#its like okay listen i understand the basic math of any persona game they say things and everything they say is actually#very bad when you think about it for more than 3 seconds#like what theyre intending to do with the death of this character is be like oh no your sad friend dies tragically thats so saddddd#but that doesnt mean you cant live a wonderful life full of meaning you cant let grief consume you life is beautiful awagga#and i guess shinji is a specific character whos used cuz i guess its more tragic that he never realized he was worthy of life and shit#and i guess its also like ‘dont be like this guy who let grief consume him and then died you gotta Be Different’#which i dont. love. that last part cuz if you think about shinji and what led him down this road#its like. of course hes depressed! he accidentally killed a woman with a child when he was 16!#he himself is an orphan and he just made some other kid an orphan as well and it happened cuz his persona went out of control#which very much can translate to ‘this must mean im dangerous and can hurt everyone if im not kept under control’#so of course he isolated himself and believed he was evil and became suicidal like who wouldnt feel that way#like am i supposed to be mad he left sees and took drugs cuz uh while i dont think isolation or Evil Drug is good for his mental health#i dont think him continuing to fight in sees is something he can just easily do again given how he killed someone like he shouldnt have to#be a part of this thing anymore like how would he even safely get castor to not do that??? he cant kill more people on accident!#so yeah like using shinji as an example of bad coping mechanisms is already just. a big fucking oof to me like it just feels like the game#is saying he shouldve gotten over it and simply not be suicidal and stayed on the team. idk if thats the intent but uh it wouldnt faze me#cuz persona games are notoriously awful at writing characters who are traumatized and abused#but what makes everything even worse is how the game kinda like. acts like shinjis death is a stepping stone#like we’re supposed to use it as a wake up call and understand the stakes but keep going on anyways#and akihiko and Ken get. ‘great character development’ according to the game telling you they have now developed#but damn all akihiko is is just repressed he cries for 3 seconds and then is like I SHOULD MAN UP and then neglects a depressed child#shinjis dying words are words to live by now even though they piss me the fuck off like girl am i crazy HES FUCKING#HES TELLING ME NOT TO CRY OVER HIM BECAUSE HE SHOULD BE DEAD ACTUALLY AND THIS IS A GOOD THING ACTUALLY#like if the game wants us to still find meaning in life despite losing someone it just really hurts that shinji has to die for that to work#apparently. cuz the character i see myself in is shinji. not some perfect prettyboy who does everything perfectly and has 4 gfs#his death seems like a punishment for bad behavior. the bad behavior being of course depression and drug use. and im simply supposed to be#better than that if i want to live. and we dont get to form a connection with him cuz thats gayyyyy#and his death is like a NOBLE HEROIC SACRIFICE idk its just such bullshit to me i hate it so bad#how is killing a suicidal guy and then treating it as admirable that he said ‘this is how it should be’ supposed to make me feel#makes me feel sick personally and it ruins the entire game’s theme to me because its fucking shallow and the story is bad and im tired
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