#would buy the first book which has specifically and only luna
andromedasummer · 2 years
what if i made all 25+ luna lapin dolls. what then.
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Do you have more Ginny headcanon ?
Do you have fifteen hours?
I'd say most of my headcanons are more like deductions from canon to be honest. You can find some of them in my one-shots. Anyway, I'll try to make a list of strictly Ginny headcanons.
her favourite colour is green (which between Harry's eyes and the Harpies is basically canon, it's like saying that red being Harry's favourite colour is a headcanon)
as we all know Ginny loves cats, but seeing that her family could never afford to buy her one, she always had in mind that with her first paycheck, she would buy her first cat, and she does
when she was little she wrote adventure stories about her and The Boy Who Lived
writing was a part of her healing process after the Chamber
in her second year, Dumbledore invited her many times to play chess and it was a subtle way to bring her to open up about the diary (this is technically not canon but it's way more canon complaint that Dumbledore did this than the idea that he didn't, both from the perspective of him being a good loving man despite it all, and the cynical perspective of him wanting to know more about Riddle)
I'm a strong supporter of the universally accepted headcanon of Ginny and Sirius having late-night chats at Grimmauld Place
Ginny jokingly promised Sirius that if she and Harry would've actually ended up together (like Sirius seemed to believe) she would've called her first boy after him
as the years go by, she and Rita Skeeter develop a sort of frenemies situation (this is actually something I've been thinking of writing about for a long time)
with tpfy @takearisk-ao3 made me fall in love with the idea that Smith would remain an annoying presence in her life
she was arrested at least once while Harry was already Head Auror, it was very embarrassing for the Aurors involved
McGonagall asked her to become Head Girl but she turned it down
she was the first woman to become sports editor for the Daily Prophet (for who doesn't know this: sports journalism is an exetremely sexist field)
I can't imagine Ginny as anything but the coolest of mothers
every young Quidditch player dreams of the stamp of approval from Ginny Potter, if she says a player is going to be great then that player is going to be great, she very much has the power of influencing the players' market with her opinions
in general, I imagine Ginny as eventually a very revolutionary, iconic, and borderline intimidating figure of sports journalism, someone people would aspire to work with and become like (a sort of way less workaholic and good version of Miranda Priestly)
obviously, she published books, but I totally see her publishing also novels and I think that Ginny specifically writing children's novels in her last years would be a very full circle moment seeing that she started the story in love with The Boy Who Lived
I'm kind of into the idea of Ginny eventually starting her own newspaper (with Albus, because I headcanon him as a journalist too)
she is extremely careful in making sure Lily Luna never thinks she can't do something because she is a girl and she makes sure James and Albus never shove her aside
she loves Harry's smile (this is kind of canon, to be honest, fourth book) and she absolutely adores the sound of his laugh
she rescues animals like it's her job, the Potter house is filled with rescues (Harry is always grumpy at first about it, more because he feels like someone should be the reasonable one but secretly it's just one of the many things he loves about her)
the animals obviously have the weirdest names
she kind of likes Slughorn, in the way you like a weird uncle you see once a year
she absolutely can cook, she is the only daughter of Molly Weasley, of course she can cook, she just doesn't like doing it most of the time
even after she stops playing she still keeps doing regular physical exercise
absolutely accidental fashion icon
Ginevra was the name of her half-Italian maternal grandmother who died of a broken heart after Gideon and Fabian's deaths
she passes on to her kids her arts and crafts love, but especially to Teddy
All is well is something she started saying to Harry after he had nightmares, eventually, Harry started doing it with her too, and it sort of became their mantra
she was a bit disturbed by the fact that she would never be able to know if James and Lily would have approved of her, she went alone to their graves the day before her wedding to talk with them
this is substantially canon, but according to JKR, when yew wands (like Ginny's) get buried with their owner, a yew tree is born from the grave and I adore that image (the tree protects Harry's grave too)
I'm pretty sure I could go on for an eternity but let's stop here.
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candy-man91 · 3 years
Ron and Draco: True Nemeses
So I'm a big fan of Ron. He has been my favorite characters since forever and is my second favorite fictional character of all time. As such I've always like Ron-centric content. Fanfics, fanarts, little headcannons, all of which make me fall more and more in love with the character.
And I came across an answer in Quora that perfectly described Ron and Draco as opposites. Two sides of the same coin. I already thought so as well as I always saw Draco and Ron as the two first kids Harry met at his age, both of which to him seemed completely different while still remaining somewhat similar in certain aspects.
Both Ron and Draco come from ancient Pureblood families that have a long history in the Wizarding World
Both grew up with their fathers' opinion on muggles, muggle-borns and half-bloods influencing them
Both grew up in households that showed them unwavering love
Both made an impression that lasted on Harry
Both held care and loyalty for their families and close friends (Ron with Harry and Hermione; Draco with Crabbe and Goyle: This is even more evident in the Deathly Hallows were Draco seems legitimately saddened by Crabbe's death)
But it was the differences that made Harry choose Ron as his best friend and Draco as his school nemesis:
Draco was rich in wealth but poor in values; Ron was poor in wealth but rich in values
Ron was nice, humble, brave and loyal; Draco was rude, vain, cowardly and always looked out for himself mostly
Draco was an only child so Lucius and Narcissa spoiled him rotten with gifts, attention and love; Ron had a lot of brothers, and as such had to (from his perspective) compete for that same attention and love
Draco was a bully; Ron was a friend
All of these reasons as well as others led me to question, just why Draco was Harry's nemesis and then I remembered that Harry's nemesis was Voldemort. Not Draco.
And I think it was a missed opportunity to have made Harry the one to suspect Malfoy and not Ron. Now this may or may not come from the fact that I mostly hate a lot of HBP, but I also have a lot of reasons behind it.
While Harry has never liked Malfoy him immediately thinking that Voldemort recruited him to be a Death Eater was never really believable for me. We even see in OoTP that Harry doesn't really consider Malfoy a threat. After Lucius is arrested and Draco threatens Harry, he only sees this as laughable not something to be scared of.
So him changing his perspective to a 180 in HBP never seemed logical to me. Ron, however, I would completely see thinking that Malfoy was a Death Eater.
From the start while Malfoy had always teased and bullied Harry, Ron and Hermione as well as others like Neville, Luna or others his attempts to bully Harry and Ron were where he "shined". The Potter Stinks badges, buying the Slytherin Quidditch team and becoming Seeker just to spite Harry as well as the Weasley is Our King song, making fun of his dress robes, etc...
However, the type of personalities that both Harry and Ron have are vastly different. Harry doesn't mind these attempts at annoying him as he sees Malfoy as pathetic, but the thing with Ron is that he is much more self conscious than Harry.
Malfoy got the entire school to actually sing a song about Ron's poor skills at Quidditch which only increased his nervousness making him fail. Not only that, but in the books Malfoy made badges that said Weasley is our King as well.
So we have this boy who has made fun of Ron year after year, his financial status, his family, his friends, himself and now he's doing something incredibly suspicious just months after his father threatened Ron's sister with death in the Department of Mysteries. And he is suspicious of him, but he's two best friends just take Ron's suspiciousness as his natural inclination not to trust Slytherins, specifically Draco Malfoy.
And with that I present to you a very small piece of fanfiction inspired by an AU where Ron suspected Malfoy:
Harry and Hermione didn't seem to understand, or it was more like they didn't want to understand. It was as if his voice didn't matter, as if years of loyalty towards the two didn't matter for one bit, like Ron Weasley could only say something stupid and inappropriate if he ever opened his mouth.
But he wasn't stupid, he knew that. He got more than the average student in O.W.L.s, he beat McGonagall's chess set, he help figure out where the opening to the Chamber of Secrets was, he knew that Malfoy was a Death Eater from the beginning.
That last one still left a bitter taste in Ron's mouth. He had been telling Harry and Hermione for months that Draco Malfoy had taken the Dark Mark and was doing Death Eater activities for You-Know-Who in Hogwarts, but they just wouldn't listen.
Just like Hermione didn't listen whenever he told her that house-elves didn't want to be free, or how Lockhart was clearly a fraud, or just like Harry didn't seem to actually listen to him when he told him that he didn't like hearing You-Know-Who's name. It was as simple as that, but unless Ron Weasley had food in his mouth they wouldn't pay him one single fraction of attention.
They didn't know Malfoy like he did, they wouldn't know the lengths that the bloody ferret would go to just to be daddy's perfect little Death Eater, the lengths he would go to spoil everything.
Because they just didn't. They couldn't know the humiliation of being the school's punching bag for months. They couldn't understand how unfair it was that a family like the Malfoys was more respected than his just because they had more money. They couldn't understand how Malfoy's father had a part in the fine that his father had to pay after Harry and he had to go in the car to Hogwarts.
And Ron had been fine with that, he had been understandable about it, but now he knew the truth. They didn't care.
Because as he sat in his bed listening to Harry and Hermione come up with another bloody thing that they had to get in the stupid hunt of theirs in woods that froze his bollocks off with little to no food, he finally understood. Ginny, his own little sister, who was trapped in a castle with Snape and other dark wizards, had been sent to the Forbidden Forest where she could die.
In fact all of his family could be dead, and he would be none the wiser.
They didn't care.
So he stood up and clicked the Deluminator leaving them all in the darkness. They could feel as he felt about his family's situation. They could hear their own heartbeats as he did whenever he laid down in bed scared about waking up and finding out that he was the last member of his family left alive.
Someone called his name, but Ron could only hear the voice. Silky, smooth, seductive and speaking its every thought into his mind.
They don't care. They seemed to have forgotten about you, about your family, about anything but themselves.
He clicked the Deluminator once more and stared into the green and brown eyes of Harry and Hermione.
"Remember me, have you?"
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torterrachampion · 3 years
Everything We Know About Teacher
I needed to get some of this off my chest I guess.
Volume 1:
Taught Noé about true names
Sent Noé a letter instructing him to seek out the Book of Vanitas
The wording of the letter being “I hear it’s been discovered there. It really exists- The Book of Vanitas! Find it without fail... and see for yourself... with your own eyes... the true character of the Book of Vanitas-!
Is apparently intrigued by Noé‘s lack of fear towards the blue moon
He is not Murr (only mentioning this because I know it’s a semi-popular theory. Him, Louis, Noé and Murr are all shown together)
Is, according to Noé, stronger than Jeanne
Volume 2:
Sent a letter to Orlok asking him to assist Noé
Is known as “The Shapeless One” and is feared by other vampires
Bought Noé on the black market
Taught Noé about Babel
Says to Noé, soon after buying him (Noé still has bandages over his eye at the time), “I’m having fun. Because you came with me. I’m sure from now on... things will be much, much more fun.”
Has a field of asterisque flowers, which are know to bloom where the world formula is being interfered with
Immediately left Noé alone with Domi and Louis after bringing him home
The first thing Louis says to Noé (after greeting him) is, “You have no luck. Having my grandfather take a shine to you... You poor thing.”
Actively left documents about curse-bearers out for Louis to find
Claims he wants to “observe the process and result” of what Louis does rather than make him do anything in particular
Caused Louis to begin avoiding him
Beheaded Louis
Volume 3:
Appears before Noé after the bal masque in a dreamlike version of Noé's room
Rather cryptically tells Noé in this ‘dream’ to “Engage with the tale of the people surrounding the Book of Vanitas.”
introduced tarte tatin to Altus
Noé addresses a letter to him about their stay in Carbunculus Castle
Hates Lord Ruthven
Frequently changes his name
Noé has not seen him for nearly half a year (during memoire 13, which is only days after arriving in Paris)
Taught Noé to rewrite gravity, and seemingly finds it quite easy himself
Volume 4:
No one knows how old he is or where he came from
Was the first vampire to serve Faustina and did so the longest
Adopted Domi’s dad
Can change his shape
Ruthven calls him a monster and cites uncertainty about his goals as a reason to let Noé live
Volume 5:
Teaches Noé about vampires and blood, and tells him that because of his power he’ll have to be a little more cautious than other vampires
Noé addresses a letter to him when he first arrives in Gévaudan
Volume 7:
In the Love Mission extra he is the director of Zuttomo Private Academy, which he founded as a hobby, the school also has a secret about the vampire queen hidden within it
Volume 8:
Took Louis because getting rid of him “would be wasteful.”
The Marquis de Sade can’t go against him
Volume 9 (working under the assumption that he is Misha’s saviour):
Saved Misha
Claims he has a way of bringing Luna back
Probably gave Misha the metal hand and dog
Other Chapters:
Has not been mentioned again until showing up now
Okay, cool, so we surprisingly have a lot of information about him. Now I'm just going to quickly ramble about some of this.
With Murr I still think there's a possibility of him using Murr to see things that he wouldn't otherwise be able to. I just don't think he is Murr.
The fact that Noé's trip to Paris was timed perfectly to meet Vanitas is incredibly suspicious. If it's not a coincidence and Teacher knew Vanitas would be on that airship it's not impossible that the dhams (specifically Dante) sold him that information. Sorry to throw suspicion on Dante but information brokers are always characters you should keep an eye on. Otherwise I don't know how Teach would've managed this since he doesn't have any connection to Vanitas himself.
The fact that he told Noé things would get more fun near immediately after buying him makes me think he's playing some sort of very Jack Vessalius-esque long game.
It seems like he regularly left Noé, Louis and Domi alone to do god knows what and even in present he's been unaccounted for for months so he's probably juggling a lot of morally reprehensible activities that may or may not be leading towards some end goal.
I'm incredibly intrigued by Louis's first words to Noé. As a reminder they were , “You have no luck. Having my grandfather take a shine to you... You poor thing.” This was far before Louis had his curse-bearer troubles so why did he already feel this way about his grandfather? I mean he wasn't wrong but what did Teacher do to tip Louis off this early?
Teacher talks about Louis like he's a science experiment. "Process and results." But honestly he goes about conducting his 'experiments' in biased ways. He says he doesn't want Louis to do anything in particular but he definitely pushed Louis onto the path he ended up on and without his interference things wouldn't have ended the way they did. He pretends to be a mere observer of events but he actively interferes to obtain the results that are most favourable/entertaining for himself.
Also for the experiments thing, I think the theory that he could be paracelcus, the cause behind the Babel incident, is pretty compelling even if there isn't tons of evidence. I don't remember who came up with this theory but I've always liked it.
Noé addresses a few letters to Teacher but we never get more than the first few lines so it's impossible to tell how much he told him or what he told him. At this point I'm sort of assuming he knows nearly everything that's happened so far.
As for what Teacher is doing currently, I have no idea. He only decided to interfere once Misha was well and truly defeated, after Noé sliced his face open. It's weird that Noé, Domi and Vanitas have all been in danger of dying at various points through this arc and he never stepped in. So either he was confident they'd survive anyway or he didn't care. If he doesn't care though, what's the point in all of this? It's an awful lot of trouble to go through if it doesn't matter who lives and who dies. Whatever his goal is, it's got to involve Vanitas, right? No way he doesn't need his power or his book in some capacity.
He was able to save Misha from either very near death or from actual death so maybe he would be capable of saving anyone he needed for his plans? If that's the case I suppose it wouldn't matter what happened as long as Misha won in some capacity. Whatever he's doing I don't expect another fight to break out right now, he doesn't seem the type to get into one if he doesn't need to, I feel like manipulation will be enough to give him the upper hand. I guess we'll see next chapter.
Also, sort of unrelated, but I wouldn't put it past him to be involved with some of the other things we don't have answers for, including: the new tower of Babel, whatever is going on with Faustina, or Moreau being supplied with both Luna's books and their blood.
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Holiday Fic
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 East of Eden by  WriteSprite Rated:  Explicit Words:  41,122 Tags:  Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Parseltongue, Dirty Talk, Rimming, Biting, Drinking Games Summary:  When Harry receives a dodgy brochure for an island vacation, he isn't sure he should attend. After a bit of a push, he decides to go for it and winds up spending the week in paradise. At least it would be, if it weren't for that pesky blond git. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Take My Hand by daisymondays Rated:  Explicit Words:  12814 Tags: Summer, Summer Romance, Pining, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, First Kiss, Drinking Games, Harry Potter Has Dimples, Draco Malfoy Can't Cope, Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Auror Partners, Draco Has Feels To Spare, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Flirting, Friends to Lovers, Meddling Friends, Touching, Soooo Much Touching, HP: EWE Summary:  Draco has long resigned himself to pining after Harry... that is until an invite on the annual Ministry holiday gives him a chance to change everything. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 December Never Felt So Wrong by MaesterChill Rated:  Explicit Words:  50001 Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Angst, Mystery, time skip, 00's Music Sung Badly, Fluff, Amnesia, A niffler, 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2018, curse magic, Knitting, Sex, Cuddles, Blow Jobs, First Time Sex, wanking, Advent Fic, Christmas, Magical Artifacts, Falling In Love, Magical Theory, drarry dads, Rimming, Memory Loss, A tiny bell, Sharing a Bed, Dad Jokes, Cursed objects Summary:  'Twas the month before Christmas and sixteen year old Draco Malfoy had never felt worse. His attempts to kill Dumbledore were failing and, as usual, Harry Fucking Potter was a constant thorn in his side. All that suddenly changed when Draco woke up 15 years in the future and discovered that not only was he allegedly shagging Harry Fucking Potter, he also had thinning hair and a five year old son, and no fucking clue how he got there. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Tell Me the End at the Beginning by harryromper Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  36591 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, St Mungo's Hospital, Healer Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Hermione Granger, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Christmas Presents, Christmas Decorations, 25 Days of Harry and Draco, Food Hall Turkeys, Advent Calendar, Healer Luna Lovegood, Kreacher, Minor Neville Longbottom/Ginny Weasley, Yule Logs, Misheard Christmas carols Summary:  St Mungo’s is the last place anyone wants to spend the festive season. Harry finds himself there anyway. Or: Harry's an Auror suspended from duty, Malfoy's wearing the hell out of three-piece suits, Hermione is entirely over everything, and Kreacher just wants to be left alone to decorate for Christmas. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Too Cold Outside (For Angels to Fly) by gracerene Rated:  Explicit Words:  62688 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Second War with Voldemort, Post-Hogwarts, Creature Fic, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Veela Draco Malfoy, Veela (Harry Potter), Auror Partners, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Aurors, Case Fic, Murder Mystery, Mild Gore, Advent Calendar, Christmas, Drinking, Scotland, United Kingdom, Muggle London, POV Alternating, Coffee Shops, Past Character Death, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Dean Thomas/Ginny Weasley, Crime Fighting, Duelling, Burns, Blood and Injury, Bars and Pubs, Getting Together, Romance, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Bisexual Harry Potter, Gay Draco Malfoy, Anal Sex, Riding, Shower Sex, Hand Jobs, 25 Days of Harry and Draco, 25 Days of Harry and Draco 2019, Switching, Wings, Wing Kink, Veela Mates, Mating Bond, Anal Fingering, Bonding, Dirty Talk Summary:  The Auror Department and the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures are working to create a new division partnering human wizards and Magical Beings in order to more effectively police crime involving any and all classifications of Magical Creature. Auror Harry Potter jumps at the chance to join the pilot programme, but he starts to regret his rashness when he discovers who he's to be partnered with: Draco Malfoy. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 If the Fates Allow by Saras_Girl Rated:  Mature Words:  80957 Tags: N/A Summary:  What's that crackling in the walls? Harry has no clue at all. He'll eat some cake and drink some wine Because he is completely FINE. --A story about life's disregard for our plans. [2017 advent story] ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A New Peace by MalenkayaCherepakha Rated:  Explicit Words:  5566 Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Semi-Public Sex Summary:  Of all the people Draco expected to walk into his cafe in Muggle London, Harry Potter was not one of them. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 flashback, warm nights by warmfoothills Rated:  Mature Words:  13068 Tags: Deathly Hallows AU, or more specifically, the godric’s hollow christmas shitshow of 1997, but with ron and draco!, and no snake-animated corpses!, instead:, Grand theft auto, a lot of blood, teenage fugitives, a time loop, Horcrux Hunting, one psychopathic quinquagenarian, Bodily Injuries, the ~power of love, Breaking and Entering, hospital food, questionable headwear, kissing in the backseat, kissing in the freezer aisle, Kissing in the Snow Summary:  “What’s killing me is that I actually quite fucking like Christmas, festival-for-a-personally-irrelevant-religion-turned-commercialised-garbage-holiday though it may be, and now I’m stuck in the perpetual almost-there of it all with an idiot who gets himself cut up every time no matter how differently I try and do things!” “Killing you?” Potter asks. “I thought I was the one who’s about to get my torso sliced into?” ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 All Must Draw Near by Saras_Girl Rated:  Mature Words:  61080 Tags: N/A Summary:  Harry doesn't have time for rumours; he has a shop to run. Which is just as well, really. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 With A Little Help From Hermione by naarna Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  6983 Tags: N/A Summary:  Secret Santa at Hogwarts with every House participating in the name of unity... And Hermione suddenly finds herself in the position of a matchmaker. ❤️ Read on Fanfiction.net
📜 Faint Indirections  by ignatiustrout Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  29793 Tags: University, Wizarding World of the United States of America, Americans, Post-Second War with Voldemort, Librarian Harry Potter, Harry Potter Has a Pet Snake, Parselmouth Harry Potter, College Student Draco Malfoy, Redeemed Draco Malfoy, Anxious Harry Potter, Baby Gay Draco Malfoy, Bisexual Harry Potter, Friendship, Family Dinners, Halloween parties, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Romance, Misunderstandings, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, H/D Fan Fair 2019, Secondary Theme: Book Fair Summary: Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The 12 Dates of Draco  by Drarryismymuse (Hatchersn) Rated:  Explicit Words:  16808 Tags: 12 Days of Christmas, Light Angst, Christmas Smut, Anal Sex Summary:  Holiday dialing, desperate attempts at reconciliation, and 12 blind dates with Draco Malfoy... oh my! OR The day Harry just can't seem to get past. But what is the universe trying to tell him? And when did Draco Malfoy get so bloody fit? He's got 12 days to figure it out. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Christmas Is For Sex (and Love), So Give It To Me by GoldenTruth813 Rated:  Explicit Words:  53218 Tags: PWP, Established Relationship, Christmas, Bondage, misuse of frosting, making gingerbread houses, coming without touching, Blowjobs, Fingering, anal penetration, Rimming, misuse of fairy lights, Praise Kink, Nipple Clamps, erotic massages, Lingerie, Harry in Lingerie, Butt Plugs, Masterbation, Dirty Talk, Overstimulation, Topping from the Bottom, Ice Play, misuse of snowballs, misuse of brandy custard, veritasium, Public Sex, misuse of christmas candles, Wax Play, floating blow jobs, bubble baths, Candy Canes, misuse of candy canes, sex with feelings, Clubbing, naughty letters, babysitting teddy, Edging, healing past trauma, really so much more than sex, but lots of sex too, spiked hot cocoa, Drunk confessions, Anal penetration with a foreign object, french!draco, Switching Summary:  Draco buys Harry an Advent House, intent on helping Harry create all new holiday memories, and have a lot of great sex in the process. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 As it Should Be by leo_draconis Rated:  Mature Words:  5670 Tags: N/A Summary:  It's Christmas Eve, and Draco's world has just shattered around him. Will a Christmas miracle give him a second chance? ❤️ Read on LJ
📜 Dream by the Fire  by GallifreyisBurning Rated:  Mature Words:  11431 Tags: Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Non-Explicit Sex, No Angst, seriously no angst whatsoever, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Coffee Shop Owner Harry Potter, Writer Draco Malfoy, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, Magical Tattoos, Memory Magic, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Wizarding History (Harry Potter), Friends to Lovers Summary:  When Draco Malfoy resurfaces in England after eight years abroad—tattooed, pierced, and wanting to take over a corner of Harry's coffee shop to work on a writing project—Harry can't help but be intrigued. Where has he been? What is he working on? Why here? And why does he have to look so stupidly hot with all those tattoos? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The best Christmas he ever had by gnarf Rated:  Teen And Up Words:  1965 Tags: Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Party, Post-War, Fred Weasley Lives, Christmas at the Burrow (Harry Potter), Mutual Pining, Drinking, Dancing, Family Feels Summary:  Christmas had never been less appealing to him than this year. That was until Arthur Weasley showed up at his door, dressed as Santa, inviting him to the Burrow. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The One Where Ginny Keeps a Secret, Sort of  by Theartfulldodger Rated:  Teen And Up Words:  4039 Tags:  Fluff, Christmas, Established Relationship, Non-Linear Narrative, Group Vacation Summary:  Harry is determined to have a good time with Ginny and Pansy for a trip to NYC over the winter holidays, even if Draco can't join them. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Adventures in Truth and Texting by fluxweed Rated:  Explicit Words:  7981 Tags: Texting, Drunk Texting, Sexting, Veritaserum, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Auror Harry Potter, Drinking, Christmas, Advent Fic, Awkwardness, everyone has phones, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE Summary:  Former Death Eaters are being targeted with a Veritaserum curse – it’s permanent, and makes victims speak aloud their every thought. Luckily, it’s easier to control when writing – and Hermione is trying to introduce Muggle technology to the wizarding world. An advent fic featuring texting, identity struggles, and a Draco Malfoy who will literally not stop talking. ❤️ Read on AO3
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 5 (Lighting Up in a Rainy Town)
Wattpad Link
Ch. 1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Luna and Matteo stunned by the announcement stare at each other with worry and unease. “What do you mean the Jam and Roller is shutting down?!” Luna blurted out right before Simón and Ámbar came rushing in. “Ok I think this is all a misunderstanding everybody. You see the Jam and Roller isn’t shutting down, here’s just a…. guy who does finances and is just checking up on the place. I think what he meant to say was that the Jam and Roller will shut down if nothing is kept in order with the payments, which it obviously has been cause I have my binder with all the receipts in them. So, no need to panic alright; everything is ok,” Ámbar announced to the gang pulling the man with the suit, who now has a confused expression on his face.
A wave of uncertainty is felt in the room. “Luna I’m worried this doesn’t add up right. The guy never mentioned any of those reasons. He said he came to do the final paperwork cause the Jam and Roller is closing,” Nina whispered to Luna. “You’re right Nina, this doesn’t add up. I think it’s time for Watson and Holmes to get on the case.” Luna and Nina each give each other a smirk cause the dynamic duo is back into investigating on a new mystery.
Matteo grabs Luna’s hand, takes her away from Nina, and pulls her out the door. “Where are you taking me, Chico Fresa?” Luna asked curiously. “Remember I told you I had a surprise. Well, it’s in the car.” Matteo and Luna walk to his car and stop at the Black Lamborghini in the parking lot. He opens the trunk and reveals a pair of shiny new skates. The pair is glittery pink and are laid on top of their box. Luna gasped at the thoughtful present Matteo displayed to her. “Matteo I... I…. I LOVE IT,” Luna exclaimed before running up to Matteo and giving him a bear hug. “And that’s not even the best part. The wheels light up. I purposely got this cause your Luna and Sol. Eres la luna y brillas como el sol. You’re Luna (Moon) and you shine like the sun. So, whenever you roller skate, the glitter will shimmer while the wheels light up just like you. Te quiero Chica delivery. I love you,” Matteo professed to Luna. Luna was in awe of Matteo’s gift and how he still remembers the exact same words he told her right before he kissed her at the Sky Concert. As tears were slowly falling on her cheek, she gave another hug to Matteo right before he kissed her.
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Ámbar flips through the multitude of pages in her binder as the guy in a suit looks at her with a stern look in his face. “Sorry sir but are you sure we can’t wait any longer. Maybe we can still negotiate a deal with Vidia.” The guy immediately shakes his head and states, “I’m sorry but that’s not possible. Vidia doesn’t want to be a part of the Jam and Roller anymore, they have other ideas in mind for the future and those ideas do not include this place.” Simón holds Ámbar’s hand when he notices her teary eyed as she puts her other hand over her face in disbelief. “Look I’m sorry Ms. Smith but the deal is done. The Jam and Roller is now in the market to be purchased,” the guy responds to Ámbar. She swiftly looks up. “Mr. Tobias, What do you mean the Jam and Roller is up for sale? I thought Mr. Trabeck was going to buy it to turn it into a club and bar. Also, you can call me Mrs. Álvarez from now on.” Simón and Ámbar glance and give a smile to each other.
Mr. Tobias thinks for a second and replies, “Mr. Trabeck pulled out his offer and decided not to purchase this place so it’s currently up for sale.” Ámbar and Simón immediately look at each other with hope in their eyes. Yeah, the Jam and Roller is being sold but maybe, just maybe, the owner can preserve its originality and keep it the way it is.
Luna dashes inside with her new roller skates in hand. Nina notices and approaches her. “Luna are those new skates? They look beautiful!” Nina compliments. “Thank you, Nina. Matteo bought them for me! I’m so happy right now. He got me specific ones just for me and the words that he told me inside reassured my trust for him. I love him and he loves me. Ooh I can’t wait to try them on. I’m planning to head to the rink right now and skate in them so I can easily break them in and get well acclimated,” Luna stated to Nina with exhilaration in her voice. “Alright than I’ll leave you to it. See you later Luna. It’s getting late and I want to go home quickly so I can read the book that’s been waiting for me!” Nina gives Luna a hug and heads towards the exit as Luna runs to the rink with her new pair of roller skates in hand.
“Jim, I think we should go back to school so we can finish packing up our things to bring them back to our apartment,” Yam said to Jim. “Really…. Can we please stay a little while cause I’ve been dying to skate.” Yam shook her head in response to Jim and replied, “We shouldn’t, the quicker we get it done the quicker we can come back to roller skate tomorrow.” Jim nodded in agreement. “I can drive you guys back since I’m also going to head out,” Ramiro stated. The three amigos (friends) headed out the door.
As Matteo closes the trunk of his car, he notices at the corner of his eye Gastón walking towards him. “Hola Matteo. Wow nice car, didn’t know my buddy was already going to spend some of the cash he earned from his big sold-out tour.” Matteo laughed at Gastón’s compliment. “Originally I wasn’t planning on it, but I decided to treat myself after seeing how huge of a success the tour became to be,” Matteo boasted with excitement on his face. “Makes since, you totally deserve it.” Gastón than showed a worried look on his face. “Que te pasa? What’s the matter,” Matteo asked. “The thing is Nina got a call from Eric today. She’s planning to meet up with him tomorrow morning. She said they’re only friends, but I know Eric. He’s probably still heartbroken that Nina broke up with him. What if he tries to get her back? What if he's still not over her and tries to steal her away from me? This is not good! I should’ve told Nina that was a bad idea for her to agree to have a meeting with Eric,” Gastón pondered right before freaking out.
Matteo looked at his distraught friend. “Don’t worry too much about it. Remember Nina broke up with Eric because she didn’t have feelings for him in the first place. She’s always been in love with you. If your still super worried about her than… maybe… spy on them. See how the date goes,” Matteo suggests. “Spy on them? Heck no I’m not going to do that. What if she catches me,” Gastón immediately rejecting the idea. “If you do it right, she won’t find out. I once spied on Luna when she did that music video for Sebastian Villalobos and she never caught me. Trust me bro you’ll be fine.” Matteo’s advice calmed Gastón down as he contemplated on whether or not he should spy on Nina.
The phone in Matteo’s pocket starts ringing. Matteo picks it up. “Yes hello…. Oh hi Viviana…. Yeah I’m a little busy does it have to be right now…. Alright fine I’m on my way.” Matteo hangs up the phone and says goodbye to Gastón. “It seems like I have to go. Viviana apparently needs help with this song. I can’t reveal much other than the fact that she wants to release a collaboration soon. Rafael thinks it’s a great idea, so I have to help her,” Matteo revealed to Gaston. “Like I said before, I think Viviana is bad news and you should try to stay away from her as much as possible. I understand that your manager keeps pushing for you too to hang out more frequently but don’t trust her,” Gaston advised Matteo. “It’s ok. She means no harm and I only see her as a friend. Plus, now that my tour is over, I can finally hang out more with Luna.” Nina comes running to Gaston. “I’m ready mi amor.” Gastón and Nina say goodbye to Matteo as they all head to their cars and leave the parking lot.
Simón enters the rink and sees Luna skating with light up, shimmery roller skates. “Hola Luna! Love the skates. They finally glow just like you,” Simón cheered to Luna. She skates towards Simón and gives him a hug. “Oh, Simón I am just so in love with these skates! I won’t lie I still prefer my other ones, the pink and orange ones since I have so many memories with those, but I don’t know these new ones give me hope. Maybe someday the Roller team can get back together. I know we’re all very busy but who knows! It is the summer, and anything can happen,” Luna bubbled to Simón. Simón scratches his head and swallows hard. He feels bad keeping a very important secret from Luna but doesn’t want to break her heart. He knows how much the place means to her and doesn’t want to bring her down. “You never know Luna. Maybe Juliana comes back, or maybe when we have time, we can enter a competition,” Simòn swallows hard. “Oooh that would be incredible Simón. Truly a dream come true, but I guess I have to wait to see everyone’s decision, but I will propose it to them. Hopefully they say yes,” Luna gushed. “You never know.”
Pedro comes walking in with Delfi. “Simón, it’s getting late and me and Delfi are really tired. We just came back to say goodnight and don’t forget to lock up,” Pedro reminded Simón. “Yes of course Pedro. Buenas noches! Goodnight,” Simón replied. Everybody told each other goodnight and left the rink. Simón heads over to Ámbar in the cafeteria while Luna heads to the lockers to grab her stuff.
Simón sits down over to where Ámbar’s table is at and talk about the Jam and Roller. “Mi amor I don’t know whether to feel hopeful or worried that the Jam and Roller is for sale on the market. What if someone buys it to only remodel the place and get rid of the rink? Keeping this secret is just too much for me knowing how much this place means to all of our friends.” Ámbar holds Simón’s hand after admitting what’s been worrying her. “I know exactly how you feel but hopefully someone does buy it to keep it the way it is and don’t shut this place down. We just need to keep having hope and faith alright.” Simón caresses Ámbar’s face and hugs her as she lays her head on his shoulders. Little did they know Nina had entered and overheard their conversation.
Nina secretly sprints to the lockers to get her journal and sees Luna there. “Luna you would not believe what I just heard. So Simón and Ámbar were talking and apparently the Jam and Roller is up for sale and they may shut it down!” A terrified look is plastered on Luna’s face hearing Nina’s big news.
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seriouslysam8 · 3 years
For the ask game, would you please answer questions numbered 2, 8, 14 (all of your titles have such cool names), 18 (I hope Abditory isn't one of them as that story rocks), 21, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 44, 51, 62, 76, 82, 85, 88, 90, and 98.
Sorry for asking so many, but I love your work! Entombed gave me so many feels! I found your stories because author Breanie said to read them in her author's notes. Best rec ever! Thank you for answering.
Wow, that is a lot of asks! Thank you so much for wanting to know so much about little ole me. I think I hit them all in this and my apologies if I missed one. Let me know if I missed one. @breaniebree is awesome and my writing BFF. She is amazing, and I love her.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
So, I’ve written for The X-Files, Supernatural, and Harry Potter. I currently only write for Harry Potter. I would say Harry Potter has always been the most fun.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Random shit. Brontide came to me because I was browsing the HPFanfiction subreddit looking for a story suggestion and someone asked for a story where Harry was addicted to Felix. Only one unfinished dimensional time travel story was listed. It idea sparked me to write my own version. Entombed came to me because I was rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy was buried alive. I knew I wanted to bury Ginny alive. As I stated in the author’s notes of last Kalopsia chapter, I drew inspiration from the Djinn storyline in Supernatural. I write about things I know, too. I have young kids at home so I like writing the Potter children as young because I can mimic their mannerisms in my writing. I’ve even asked my kids to say certain words to emulate their speech pattern in my writing if I’m writing that age group.
14) How did you come up with the title for the XXX? You can ask about multiple stories.
I HATE coming up with titles. My newest trend has been to literally Google “unique words”. There are a ton of Pinterest accounts who make fancy word and definition pictures. I scroll through all these little unique words and pick out ones I think fit a story. Sometimes I Google a unique word for BLANK and see if I can get a cool version of that name. @breaniebree actually helped me with Entombed.
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Sadly, I would put Abditory in this category. Never say never though. I think about it from time to time. Honestly, I abandoned it due to such a negative response I was receiving and the lack of positive response. I became discouraged. It wasn’t even negative response due to my writing, it was literally a bunch of “why would you waste your time writing a story about the biggest plot hole in the books? JKR butchered the whole SK storyline and it’s unbearable to read.” So, basically, my reviews and PMs were filled with JKR hate over that plot point in the books. They heavily outweighed the positive reviews I received. Honestly, I think that’s why a bulk of stories get abandoned - lack of positive reviews or enthusiasm for a story. If I didn’t get so many great reviews for my stories, I don’t know if I’d be able to finish them or continuing writing new ones. Fanfiction is free, (as it should be) but it’s a lot of time and hard work. A little appreciation goes a LONG way. So, my advice, review everything you love reading and encourage writers to keep writing. I always say in my authors notes that reviews make me want to write and inspire me. That’s the truth. The moment I stop getting reviews will probably be the time I take a writing break again.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
@breaniebree. I mean she’s dedicated years to a single story with so many plot lines and characters that I’m amazed she did it. She’s a fantastic writer, and I definitely consider her my writing BFF. I feel like I’ve learned a lot from her and enjoy talking about writing with her so much. I’m so glad we’ve become friends.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
Horrified. Anytime I get a little steamy in my stories, it goes immediately to @breaniebree who usually adds way too much smut and then I cut it down to still be somewhat PG-13 in order to appeal to a wider audience.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
I feel like Kalopsia isn’t getting as much love as my other stories. I’m way behind in my normal review count per chapter. I wonder if it’s just the confusing storyline or if it’s just not as fun to read? But I was definitely worried it wouldn’t get the love I thought it deserved when I started writing it and it’s lived up to that expectation.
30) In contrast to 29, is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Cronus Rising. People still recommend it occasionally and I still get random reviews. I’m like, “why????” Its horribly written and a stupid plot line. I literally was getting back into writing after not writing for a good five years, so it’s abysmal. I’ve often wanted to rage delete it.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
When someone tells me I should write an original novel and they’d buy the hell out of it. I do have some original novel ideas floating around (one I’ve been writing since I was like 15), but crippling fear of rejection from publishers have stopped me from ever actually finish an original novel.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I got some criticism in Brontide for having drama for drama’s sake with no real purpose or goal for said drama. I felt my drama served a purpose, drove the story along, and I add a lot of fluffy and cute family moments. I feel like in real life, when you to your loved one is going through sometime, it feels like nonstop drama and bad news and like a dark cloud just follows you. I wanted to emulate that in real life. So Harry’s POV was often drab because HE was the one going through something horrific and it was all doom and gloom for him.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
“You never think I listen to your ramblings, but it’s kind of hard to block out, mate.”
51) From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Um... I’d say a 3. I think I have some good and unique plots for stories but sometimes I struggle on how to execute those on paper effectively. I struggle with descriptions, action, and showing rather than telling. But I do think I’m good at dialogue and capturing a character’s personality. So, 3.
62) Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
A lot! I have a Teddy/Victoire stalker story in the works that I’m excited about. I have (this is going to sound weird) but an outsider rom-com planned where Ron/Hermione breakup right before Hinny’s wedding and Hinny struggles to get them back together before the big day. I have a Potter family vacation fluff/comedy story planned. I have a game night one-shot planned. I have a short story about Luna’s wedding. So many that I want to write and don’t know which one to write first!!
76) Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I’d say no. I’ve always tried to write my ideas down. Some I’ve never finished because inspiration peters off and some I plan on finishing once my newest big project is done.
82) Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Harry goes through some shit, and Ginny is his soulmate.
85) Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I don’t understand why people don’t ship Harry/Ginny more. I don’t understand the Harry/Daphne obsessions (like just why???) or the Harry/Hermione ship at all. I always see people asking for story recommendation and they specific say “no Harry/Ginny”. They are literally perfect for one another and they are soulmates.
88) If you could ask one other fanfic author three questions about their writing, writing process, or works, what would they be and who would you ask?
@breaniebree .
1.) How do you organize all your charts? Send me the ALL the charts. Because I don’t understand how you keep everything straight!
2.) How do you write so much? You’re like a little writing machine in a cute little package.
3.) Where do all the ideas come from? In a dream? Just thinking? Driving? Do you write everything out in your head like meeee? Can I have some of your writing mojo?
90) How do you process and deal with negative reviews?
I obsess over them. I analyze them. I may get bummed out and not write for a few days. If you don’t like what I write, then don’t read or review. It’s a hobby. I do this for free. I’m not asking you to critique me. Give me a nice review or ask me a question, but don’t be cruel or mean because you can hide behind a keyboard and be a bully to make yourself feel superior.
98) If you had to give up either snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to and why?
Music. I grew up with three older brothers. My house was always rowdy and loud and obnoxious. I need it to be loud. I can’t stand the silence or focus when it’s silent. I need music to help me think and write. When I’m home alone, I always turn on the TV or music, because I can’t stand when it’s silent. I think I’d go insane.
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gins-potter · 3 years
Can you do Ginny Weasley for the ask game?
i certainly can lovely x
why i like them
i loooooove my girl ginny because she's a fucking badass, she grows so much over the course of the books, and she just really comes into her own as someone who isn't afraid to speak her mind and knows her own worth, and i love that for her.
why i don’t
the one thing that kind of bugs me about ginny is she can kind of put ron down sometimes, which isn't always unjustified since a lot of the time it emerges out of arguments between them, but i think she can sometimes zero in on his insecurities and target them because he's said something shitty about her. like i'm specifically thinking about that scene in hbp where he slut shames her (which was so not cool) so i'm kind of torn between, she's justified in having a go back at him and damn i wish she wouldn't do that because i'm also a proud member of the ron weasley defense squad.
favorite episode/scene
i think one of my favourite ginny scenes has to be in ootp when harry's worried about being possessed by voldemort and she comes out with that line "Well, that was a bit stupid of you, seeing as you don't know anyone but me who's been possessed by You-Know-Who." because she was kind of a quiet character through the first few books but this is where she really stands up and makes people take notice of her. but then she follows it up by talking about her experience being possessed which couldn't have been easy but she knows harry needs to hear it to understand better what's happening to him, so i think it shows a lot of bravery on her part as well.
but i also really love at the end of bhp when harry tells her they have to break up and she just knows, and doesn't really put up a fight about it because she knows it's something he has to do. and maybe that's a little out of character for her, but i see it more as a sign of how much she's matured because as much as she doesn't want to let him go, she knows she has to for now at least.
favorite season/movie
has to be hbp just because not only does she continue to come into herself as a person and character but we get all that hinny goodness in that book.
favorite line
eughhhh so many. cause i mean "Anything's possible if you've got Enough Nerve" is just so iconic. and then i love "leave him alone, he didn’t want all of that." because she's like this little 11 year old coming to harry's rescue and i just love it. but i also love her little moments of humour/witticism which i think are kind of underrated like "a pygmy puff, but I didn’t say where." So many good lines.
favorite outfit
oof that's a hard one cause i feel like we don't really hear her fashion-sense described a lot in the books but @blvnk-art definitely draws a lot of my fave fanon ginny looks.
is there a correct answer besides harry?
i have to say i'm pretty partial to ginny's friendship with the rest of the silver trio.
head canon
maybe this should actually be my unpopular opinion but i don't really see her as a journalist, so my headcanon is that she has a long, successful quidditch career, probably plays for england in the world cup at some point, and eventually "retires" to a coaching gig or even flying teacher at hogwarts (at this point i imagine her kids are all grown up and moved out and harry has retired from the auror department and is teaching dada at hogwarts also).
unpopular opinion
idk if this is really an unpopular opinion but i find the take that ginny's feelings for harry are just the result of a lingering childhood crush and therefore not necessarily genuine to be kind of stupid. like, there was clearly a period of time across books 3ish, 4 and 5 where she clearly moved on from that crush, tried to date other people and realised she had genuine feelings for harry, and i think you can see that in how she's really willing to call harry out. when you have that kind of crush on someone you think they walk on water and do no wrong, which just doesn't like up with how the canonically are when they got together.
a wish
i wish we'd seen ginny more in books 4, 5, and 7. 4 and 5 mostly just to lay a bit more groundwork for ginny as both an individual character and as a love interest for harry, just because his interest in her in sixth book is a little abrupt (i can buy that he's just seeing her in a new light but wouldn't have minded a few more hints in those previous books). i also wish ginny, luna, and neville had gotten more of their own storyline in the last book, yes yes i know it's harry's story but there were a few scenes where the narrative shifted away from his perspective so i don't think it would have been that out of place. and i think after how they proved themselves in books 5 and 6 all three deserved that extra bit of attention.
an oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
this is more a fandom one but oh god please don't ever ship her with draco - personal dislike
5 words to best describe them
brave, witty, powerful, badass, level-headed
my nickname for them
might be obvious cause of my url but i do like the nickname 'gin' for her
give me a character and i will answer…
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 30
30 issues wow...forget the fact that I skipped like 5 issues of crossover event nonsense
another big ole swerve recap omg
this trial is so messsyyyyyyyyy lmao 
hvbajdfbahsjkfdbhjs starscream listening to meagtrons speech looking like ‘hmmmmmmm I may have miscalculated’ 
prowl looks pissed af meanwhile optimus just looks dead inside lmao
I mean. megatron kinda does have a point. this is like, the most biased, conflict of interests lookin trial of all time, in that all the major participants have some sort of long, complicated history with each other. what a mess
optimus, listening to megatron’s speech: wow this is worse than divorce court was
oh shit I totally forgot that those decepticons attacked the trial 
a guy saying ‘objection!’ as optimus prime punches half his face off...that pretty much sums up idw op lmao 
op: oh thank god, I can punch shit now. I'm not cut out for this bureaucracy nonsense
megatron: thanks, random decepticon, for the attempted rescue, but I'm super old and I just want to nap so no thanks
random decepticon: wtf- [gets murdered by optimus prime]
I love op’s big ass antennae 
meanwhile, brainstorm goes to a bar and instead of buying anything, pulls out his own drink. I feel like that isn't allowed in most bars, or is at least frowned up vbsjdhfbhjdkfn. ily brainstorm 
also? big ass mood I was so broke last time I was on a barhopping vacation w/friends that I brought a cheap giantass bottle of mixed drink in my backpack and just drank that at all the bars lmao
WHIRLLLL I love his humansona sm. and also I love that whirl is into artsy french movies or w/e omg
brainstorm, drinking thru a wrist funnel: sorry I cant take my mask off rn it isn’t plot relevant yet
‘earthlets’ lmao
I love that rung is like, too pretentious to care that much about movies and would rather read earth books lol
and then bluestreak is like ‘yeah they have books...comic books’ can this man not read
I still cannot fuckign believe that the argument that got megatron out of a for-sure death sentence or w/e was ‘its not a war crime if we’re on the moon’ liiiiike what the actual hell lmao
also I love that, once again, we see magnus’s strict adherence to the law, technicalities and all
magnus: you cant really stop a trial and move it somewhere else where the laws are better suited to the outcome you desire
prowl: what are you, a cop? fuck off
also op being like ‘ok whatever all that doesn't matter...what DOES matter is that it would look bad for us to move the trial to cybertron in an obvious attempt to circumvent the rules, and public perception is what’s most important, fuck all that ‘morality’ bullshit’
meanwhile, rodimus is dead! and ambulon is also dead, which makes first aid sad, which makes ME sad
ayyy, rodimus is still alive! well, one rodimus is alive, at least 
rodimus and megatron really have the vibes of ‘stepfather and stepson forced to work together on a family road trip gone wrong after dad decided to sit this one out’ lmao
ah yes, ‘malaise’ the medical diagnostic term for ‘I don't feel so hot and idk why’ that practitioners like to throw under the ‘diagnostic notes’ section of lab orders to explain why they're ordering every blood test under the sun for a patient 
I love medical terminology. ANYWAYS
rodimus: listen I have to come to terms with the fact that there's another version of me right here, and he’s DEAD, which means we can’t fuck, which is super lame 
I firmly believe that rodimus would be team ‘hell yeah id have sex with my AU self’ tbh 
I find it interesting that megatron is often casting blame for his actions onto others - here, he says that rodimus made him realize he doesn’t want to stop doing stuff w/his life, and then says that starscream forced his hand w/the whole ‘luna 2 law’ thing, and previously he’s said how whirl beating him up in jail is what led to him abandoning pacifism - take responsibility for your actions and decisions dude!
though he goes on to say here that he resorted to violence because he realized that the system that was in place could withstand everything else he would have tried to use to change it, which is super interesting 
megatron: okay, yes, I MIGHT have murdered billions, but I could help find us a new planet, which would be baller, sooooo...how about you co-opt your lame son’s frat boy ship and put me in charge? 
op: sounds fair to me. now how about we do some more Big Speeches before I make you somebody else’s problem
vbhdjskfbhaskdjf the ‘team rodimus’ lineup setup reminds me so much of the ‘together we make the ______’ meme with the different members being like, ‘the power’ ‘the gay’ ‘the awesome’ ‘the guy with no ears’ hbvhjdkfbs
chromedome: if I do this I could die
rodimus: that sounds like a you problem bro
‘this one time’ YEA RIGHT c'mon cd honor your dead husband’s wishes
omfg I forgot abt brainstorms ‘early early warning system’ lmao
I love nautica soooo much oh man
ooooof drift :( :( oh no
dead future rodimus!! uh oh is right
rodimus, known himbo: I'm sure I can defeat the inevitability of future events! all I have to do is cut my own arm off!
tailgateeeee he’s so cute...I love that he can tell stories of his daring escapades, just like at the beginning of mtmte, but this time its actually TRUE
he looks so fucking sinister there lmao how are we NOT supposed to realize he has bad intentions from the get-go
‘you’ll make a prime one day’ well, getaway, you’re right about that at least...
cyclonus in the bg like 🤨🤔 at getaway
seriously I cant get over how getaway has such a slimy kinda vibe to him, like specifically in his interactions w/tailgate - this is before things even really take off but I'm still like TG GET AWAY (lol) FROM THIS GUY
cyclonus: somebody flirting with my crush? better go stare out a window instead of communicating absolutely anything to said crush about my feelings!
honestly I feel like, while megatron renouncing the decepticons and becoming an autobot is certainly interesting, it would be equally interesting for him to remain a decepticon but try to change the philosophy of the movement 
like, I get why op had him give that speech - to prevent the cons from trying to free megs again/thinking that he was being coerced into things (ironic considered he WAS coerced into giving that speech) - but it’s kinda the easy way our for megatron - being able to completely abandon the decepticon cause and not deal with it at all, and start over anew as an autobot
it would've been a lot harder to remain a con and try to reform what he has broken in the decepticon movement - but I think that would've been really interesting
though from a writing logistics standpoint, I get why jro didn't go for that bc we don't get a lot of other decepticons in the cast for that to work, and also megatron still definitely DOES have to face down all his mistakes w/the decepticons w/the djd and overlord and whatnot
anyways. I cant believe that all megatron had to do to join the lost light was make ONE speech denouncing the decepticons. like, they should've at least had him do a tiktok dance too or something, just to make it a really tough deal
I love the rodpod vbhjfsdkfbjaskjndfj
ok but I still don't really get the logic of making megs CAPTAIN like ouch. poor rodimus 
I feel like making megs a bartender at swerves or st would've been WAY more useful in showing him humility or w/e. OR it would've made him evil again, which, fair, 
ratchet: don't worry, we’ll medically poison him, it’ll be fine
ok but rodimus is right, this is SO messy, op wants to prove his ex husband isn't 100% evil so he’s like ‘ill let my rebellious son deal with him’ lmao god. I love this setup so much, its so wild
ratchet is also right, rodimus’s fuckup definitely pales in comparison to megatrons All That 
OH BRUTALLLLLLLL when ratchet says the list is fake ‘because my name’s not on it’ FUCKING OUCHHHHH
‘only bad guys say ‘unhand me” rodimus ily
omfg ‘we’ve practiced this’ of course they've done evacuation drills...magnus ily
lmao it’s the panel where it looks like rodimus and megatron are doing karaoke or having some sort of rap battle
and the lost light is GONE! oh shit!!!!
and there closes issue 30! once again we’ve gotten a lot of setup and exposition - which, while definitely necessary, means I don't have too much to say
I will say, throwing megatron onto the lost light has definitely mixed things up, and it’s interesting to see new dynamics already forming
so, until next time!
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anchanted-one · 4 years
Harry Potter Talk
Settle in everyone, this is going to be a long one.
So a couple of days ago, I saw a massive anti-HP (the character) rant that really irritated me that I wanted to address.
Before I do, let's address the transphobic in the room. Rowling. Transphobia is detestable, and not wanting to support the series while that directly benefits and enriches her is a super valid stance. Also my personal stance, we support the trans people in this house!
Now that that's out of the way.
"Harry Potter, jock from a wealthy family" or something to that effect.
Regardless of how big his bank account is, remember how Harry was brought up? And by whom?
The Dursleys. The magic-hating child-abusers. Who forced Harry to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs for eleven years. Who gave him Dudley's things secondhand. His mother's sister was so unwilling to spend a dime on him that she was dyeing some of Dudley's old things gray to use as Harry's school uniform.
His cousin Dudley, who delighted in tormenting him, and whose gang joined him in beating up Harry whenever Dudley felt bored enough that he wanted to beat him up for fun.
Is this the upbringing of a "rich jock"? He never used much of his wealth in the Muggle world and even in his school years he seems to know the importance of restraint, and sharing (in book one, he's delighted to be able to share with Ron, and in book four he gives the Twins a thousand galleons without a second thought). Dudley was the one who got thirty-six presents on his birthday and threw a fit coz it was less than what he'd got the previous year. Harry got a used tissue for Christmas. He was the one so not expecting any gifts at all that his best friend's mother packed him a hand-knitted sweater for him, and made his day.
Jock? He played the loneliest position in the Quidditch team. The Chasers and Keepers work together as a team, and the Beaters too, but Seekers are ignored by everyone--including the team--until it becomes apparent that they've spotted something.
Harry was quite popular when he joined the school, but that popularity mostly manifested as people pointing at his scar and whispering about him. Most made him uncomfortable. He only ever had a few friends he was comfortable with.
There were long periods when he was in fact an outcast. That time he lost fifty points for the thing with the dragon, or the time when the Ministry and the Newspapers had turned the entire Wizarding world against him. The time his name came out of the Goblet of Fire, all Houses except Gryffindor treated him like shit, and even the Gryffindors, while they were cheering for him, weren't paying much mind when he was saying that he didn't do it, or that he needed support. That one time, even Ron didn't stay by his side. He was all alone but for Hermione.
The only time he fit the bill of the jock was in book six, when he was too obsessed with what Malfoy was doing to give a damn about his newfound popularity. That was also when he chose the company of outcasts like Neville and Luna over popular hangers-on.
Yes, there are legit reasons to hate the character; he has a massive hero complex. He routinely gets his friends into trouble because of it. He has a very narrow and myopic perspective because of which he doesn't notice much outside of his mystery-hunter track (there was a time when I could illustrate that point better, but it's been a decade and more since I read the last book. I wanted to better read up before talking about this, but I can't bring myself to binge-read like I used to)
By contrast, yes James Potter was a 'jock'. But that's reason to hate him, not his son. Harry, when he sees Snape's worst memory, is rightly horrified. When Remus tries to make the "we were just fifteen" excuse, Harry reminds him "I'm fifteen!". (It should also be noted that Snape's memories obviously show his nemesis at his worst, whereas Remus Lupin--the Werewolf--tells Harry repeatedly that James and Sirius were there for him when no one else was. James risked his life to fight Voldemort, whereas Snape was happily on Voldy's side until that one person he cared about was marked for death by the Prophecy©. Snape was also an abusive bully well until he died--just ask Neville. Dumbledore has also told Harry that memories are fickle things, which can be changed, so the chances that Snape simmered in this memory and unconsciously distilled it to make his old nemeses seem even worse--or himself seem like the angel who wouldn't hurt a fly--also exist. As someone who's experienced bullying, mockery, etc, I know this self-serving tendency of memory quite well. Though this bit is speculation on my part. )
Regarding the sillier names like Pansy Parkinson, and mean descriptions
In addition, when the series began, it started as a children's series, hence the Roald Dahl-like non-villain bad guys of the early part, and the "hate-me-I'm-nasty" names they were given. The Dursleys. Dudley Dursley aka Dudders. "Pansy Parkinson". Everyone was more caricature than character. That's how they are in children's books.
Many people are also described in a way to make the reader immediately dislike them. Malfoy is pale, with a pointy chin. Snape is an oily man with a large beaked nose and greasy hair. Rita Skeeter has a mannish jaw. Umbridge has a face like a toad. All of this is again in keeping with the Roald Dahl theme. Whether it's Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Mike Teavee, Violet Beauregarde or their mannerisms and descriptions make readers feel an instant dislike for them.
When the series became more... Mature, those caricatures can start finding their critics. Never mind that such caricatures and worse can be found in thousands of other works, like Superhero comics for instance. Yes, no one names their children "Pansy" but Slytherin was an allegory for white supremacist type people. Back in those days, JK wanted them to be hated without reserve, much as she wanted bigotry and racism to be (irony, considering where she stands today).
Death of the Author
In the text there is no real transphobia that I can remember, other than that description of Rita having a "mannish jaw" (I admit that I haven't read it in ages, but I am still certain of this). Once the material is out in print, everyone is free to interpret it as they choose. Whenever JK comes out with clarifications or retcons or something--as she is known to do anyway--it's still more of her headcanon than in-world truth. If there is no outright mention of something in the text, then it doesn't matter what meaning the author intended to convey. What matters is what each reader makes of it. In the case of Harry Potter, the enemy are clearly folks obsessed with blood purity: Purebloods.
Lazy names
I'm going to speak specifically about the Indian names here: Parvati and Padma Patil.
While India is a large country and the name is more common in certain regions than others, I had heard that Patel/Patil surname is quite common in Britain. And really in Indian cinema the most common girls' names are Priya (Big Bang Theory as well) or Pooja, many girls in this side of the screen have goddess names. Like "Parvati". Many people also keep the same first letter for names for twins, or even in families (for instance, my parents, sister, and I, all have names starting with "A"), so "Padma" is a nice choice of name. And really, Padma and Parvati Patil are much better names than "Khan Noonien Singh" (now there's a lazy name).
Everyone insists that Star Trek's Khan is supposed to be of Indian origin, but with a name like that and an actor with a Mexican accent... I don't really think so. It was because of this silly character generation that I didn't particularly mind him being played by the very white Benedict Cumberbatch.
But the Patil twins. Them I can feel that connection to.
Races of the main cast
Now this might be something contentious, so I apologise for that in advance.
No one cares what Harry is, though since Petunia is noted as being pale, and Lily has red hair, the unknown factor is James Potter. Was he black? That would make Harry biracial at best.
Ron is written as a freckled boy with red hair, and all Weasleys share that look.
As for Hermione... She is the poster child of the blood-purity bigotry bias. When reading her, people are supposed to understand that the prejudice against her is certainly her Muggle-born origin; not her skin color, not her nationality, not her sexual orientation. Which is why I feel it's necessary that she stand out as less as possible in those other ways. For this reason I think that it was a good idea to portray her as white.
Here are characters who are specifically noted as black: Dean Thomas, Michael Corner (both of whom were Ginny's boyfriends), Kingsley Shacklebolt, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan, Blaise Zabini (who's noted as being very handsome, and quite popular). Aside from these we have a few token people of Indian and Chinese origin. Speaking again as an Indian, I don't really mind. This is a British story set in a mid-nineties British school only accepting students from the British Isles. It makes sense to me if there are few Indians.
What does all of this translate to? There are legit reasons to hate both the character and the series. So don't make stuff up, especially if you're ignoring the text to do it. Don't confuse the author and their work, even if you have resolved not to buy that work and thereby support her.
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accio-kitty-malfoy · 4 years
A Breath of Fresh Air
Chapter Seven: The Dark Roast
The next day people emerged slowly throughout the day. Harry woke up earlier than he thought he would and set about helping with the great tidy up operation. They all worked hard, wanting to have everything sorted as soon as possible. By five everything was spotless and by six everyone was sat around eating. A lot of people had gone home but the dismantling of the huts was a job for the day after. Harry’s body ached and he was exhausted, but the day before had been worth it. Ron and Hermione were still at their bungalow and he didn’t expect to see them for a few days. He found a spot under a shaded tree with a cold drink and closed his eyes for a second.
 He was woken by someone shaking him gently.
“Harry, wake up.” He recognised the soft voice and as his eyes opened a gentle face and blonde hair came into view. Luna was smiling down at him. She sat next to him and offered him a cup of tea, which he gladly accepted.
“What time is it?” He asked, completely bewildered.
“It’s about eight thirty. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just tired. It feels like I’ve done a marathon.” Harry’s muscles felt tangled into knots and he had a headache that was niggling at the back of his skull.
“Maybe you should have a nice bath.” Luna suggested “I know it normally helps Gin when they’ve been training.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Harry leaned back against the tree and took a sip of his tea. Some of the tension eased out of his shoulders. He closed his eyes again. The next time he woke up he was in bed. The clock on the wall said it was three in the morning and his head still hurt, but he was awake. He took something for his headache and tried to read for a while, but he kept getting distracted. The piece of folded up paper on the desk dragged his attention away from his book one time too many so he got up and settled himself at his desk. He thought for a while before starting his letter. He stretched out his shoulders and dug some paper out of his desk. When he’d finally found a pen, he began to write.
 “Dear Blaise,
                I was told by Dean and Seamus about your ‘Silent partner’ business. I have the beginnings of an idea for a business, but I will be the first to admit that I have no idea what I’m doing with the business side of things. If we could set up a meeting to discuss whether you think my idea is viable, I would be very grateful.
 Yours sincerely,
 Harry Potter”
 He wandered around the house looking for an owl to send the letter and found Pig asleep in the fruit bowl.
“You’re meant to be nocturnal you silly bird.” Harry said fondly, stroking the small owl’s feathers before tying the note to him and sending him off. He’d never bought a new owl after losing Hedwig, but he guessed that he would probably have to get one at some point. He couldn’t borrow Pig forever, especially if he was going to move out to Gimmauld. He couldn’t believe that he was actually considering moving there, or setting up a salon, but when he thought about it, it seemed to make sense to him somehow. He sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and watched the sun come up. Ginny was the first person up, as they usually were. They liked to train early in the day because it wasn’t as warm.
“Harry, not to sound horrible or anything, but you look like shit.”
“Yeah, I’m not feeling great. I haven’t slept particularly well.” Ginny laid the back of their hand against Harry’s forehead.
“You feel kinda warm and clammy. Go back to bed.” Harry shook their hand off and insisted that he was fine.
“Whatever. Just don’t let mum see you like this. She’ll freak.” Ginny said and went out to train. Harry stared out of the window again. A letter came from Blaise at around nine that morning. Harry untied it from Pig’s leg and fed the overexcited bird a treat. Pig took the treat and nestled back down into the fruit bowl.
 “Dear Mr Potter,
                Thank you for your letter. Unfortunately, I don’t have any openings right now, but one of my partners has a slot that you can take if you’re happy to work with someone else?
 He usually conducts his initial meetings at a coffee shop called ‘Fernandez & Wells’. The location is Fernandez & Wells, 1-3 Denmark St, West End, London, WC2H 8LP. I can arrange a meeting between the two of you to discuss your proposal if you wish. I believe he is free at two thirty tomorrow. If you are happy with this arrangement, please reply in the affirmative and I’ll get it all set up for you.
 Yours sincerely,
 Blaise Zabini”
 Harry sent a letter back, replying that he would like to have the meeting with Blaise’s partner. He then dragged himself upstairs and ran himself a bath, adding in some of the muscle potion that Ginny used. It helped a little, and the steam seemed to relieve his headache somewhat too. He laid back and let the warm water was over him. His eyes drifted closed again and his mind was filled with the events from the past few days. It was so nice to see family and friends and he knew that he could count on them to support him and help him with what he wanted to do. He wondered what the meeting the next day would be like. He knew that it might stop his dream before it even started, and nerves churned his stomach. When he got out of the bath, he took a pepper up potion and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Ginny was right; he really did look terrible. A knock on the door made him jump and he exited the bathroom. Ginny was there.
“You should go down and have something to eat. Mum’s fretting.” Ginny all but dragged him down the stairs and sat him in front of a plate of food. He ate, though he wasn’t hungry, thanked Molly and then excused himself. It was only six in the evening, but he was exhausted. He decided to try and sleep as much as he could before going to the meeting the next day.
 He slept fitfully that night and didn’t feel much better when he woke up the next morning. It was around eleven and he wanted to be there for two. He thought that he would floo to Grimmauld and then get the train to the coffee shop, which would take about twenty minutes. He decided to leave around one. He downed another pepper up potion and managed some toast. He was almost tempted to go back to bed for another hour, but he knew that would be a bad idea. Instead he jumped in the shower to see if the cold water would knock him out of his funk. It brightened him up a little, but he still had a headache and his muscles ached. He looked at himself in the mirror again and rubbed his face. His hair, as usual, was untameable, so he dried it carefully and then left it. Back in his room he began worrying about what to wear to such a meeting. He’d never done anything like it before. In the end he decided on a pale green polo shirt and soft grey chinos. When it was time for him to leave, he grabbed a light jacket and then floo’d to Grimmauld.
 It was just as he’d remembered it, only more dusty. He’d never really seen the potential in the house before. There were enough rooms that he could even rent one or two out if he wanted. Though he’d have to find a way to shut Mrs Black up once and for all, he realised as he walked through the hallway and she began to scream at him. He told her where to stick the troll leg umbrella stand and left the house. The air smelled different in London to The Burrow and he wondered if he’d ever get used to it if he moved there. It took him about ten minutes to get to the train station and by the time he’d bought his ticket it was around twenty past one. The 1:34 train came along, and he jumped on it. He wondered where he would be able to rent or buy a space to open his salon. He didn’t mind commuting, but he also supposed that he would be able to link the floos up in Grimmauld and the salon. He sighed and rubbed his temples. His headache was still there and it was getting worse. He knew if he just got through the meeting he would be able to get back and sleep for the rest of the day.
 It was only a four minute walk to the coffee shop and he walked up to the counter to ask for Mr Zabini’s partner, as Blaise had told him to in one of his letters. The barista pointed to one of the corners of the shop where a man was sat hunched over some papers. Stands of blond hair were falling into his eyes and he pushed them back.
“Your 2:30 is here, Sir.’ The barista told the man. He looked up to where Harry was stood, and his grey eyes widened in surprise. Blaise clearly hadn’t told him who his 2:30 appointment would be. He stood up and extended a hand as Harry walked towards him, taking in his dark grey suit and plum coloured shirt, which he wore open slightly with no tie.
“Mr Potter. What a pleasure.” Harry tried to hide his own surprise and held out a hand. He shook the other man’s hand, taking in how soft the skin was. They stepped away from one another and Malfoy’s lips looked as though they wanted to form themselves into the smirk that he usually had reserved specifically for Harry.
“Would you like a coffee, Mr Potter? Their dark roast is simply delectable.” Malfoy motioned toward a seat, offering it to Harry, but before he could properly register what was happening the floor was racing towards his face and the whole world turned to black. Grey eyes and the feeling of floating tugged at the edges of Harry’s consciousness, but he couldn’t drag himself back from the warm darkness.
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Is there a book that is important to your current muse(s)? Is there a reason for it? - from, Foxesandmagic
Ooooh okay so I have a few main muses right now but I’ll try to narrow it down!!  I ended up focusing on books from their childhoods, mainly the “kid’s”book that they still love the most and have a sentimental attachment to
Amethyst Andrews: Le Petit Prince; Amethyst has an old, now super beat up, copy of Le Petit Prince which lives permanently in her room at the Andrews’ house, and is one of the only two personal possessions that she keeps there.  She’s had that book since she was nine, and Archie got it for her when he found out she’d never had a birthday before.  It’s one of her three most prized possessions (the other two are a stuffed giraffe that Archie got her on adoption day and the necklace Sweet Pea got her the christmas before she was orphaned)
Luna Hale: A Series Of Unfortunate Events; Luna had owned every single one of the books that were out before the fire, and her dad (who I hc as being a witch, don’t ask why) cast protective spells on them because she wasn’t the most careful kiddo in the world.  After the fire, they were the only personal items that she still had and they mean the world to her, and then the Stilinskis gifted her the others when they came out.  She also, let’s be real, very much relates to the tragic orphan whose family died in a fire thing
Kit Conrad: probably The Chronicles Of Narnia!  I think that there’s something about the escapism and the mostly happily ever after that would appeal to both Kit and Hope, although honestly the final book (and every time someone is unable to return to Narnia) would fuck them both up a lot.  It’s also something that I could see Freya possibly reading to them as kids, and is probably a book that Kit remembers from before his parents died
Nikki Rogers: Nikki’s important book isn’t from quite so early in her childhood, but is Percy Jackson And The Olympians (specifically The Lightning Thief) because Steve buys it for her when they leave to go to DC the first time they meet, and it’s symbolic to her of everything she hopes for in having a dad
Quinn Hargreeves: Definitely The Secret Garden!  Quinn relates a lot to Mary, being sickly, neglected, and unloved (granted, Quinn has siblings who love her, but has still been deeply traumatized by Reginald), and the book has always served as a sort of reminder to her to be kind and loving to everyone she encounters and also reminds her that sometimes all someone needs is to have someone who loves and cares for them, which is both how she feels about how her siblings love affects her and why she is so outspoken about how much she loves her siblings
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aproblematicpanda · 4 years
Harry Potter? For the in-depth fandom ask
Hi thank you! ♥ I will use the books for my answers, since I didn’t really like most of the movies. I apologize if I mix up some of the characters, I’ve only read the books in my native language so I will have to google for some of the names in English. :’D
Top 5 favorite characters: Minerva McGonagall, Luna Lovegood, Fred & George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley. Other characters you like: The golden trio obviously, Molly, Dobby, Draco Malfoy, ... There are not a lot of characters I dislike. Least favourite characters: Umbridge, for obvious reasons. Otps: Hermione and Ron. Notps: I don’t think I have any? I’m not very invested in shipping when it comes to the HP fandom, I pretty much keep an open mind to everything? Except incest but I’ve never seen anyone ship anything like that, so. Favourite friendships: Harry, Ron and Hermione, obviously, and I also really liked Fren, George and Lee, and Lavender and Parvati. Favourite family: The Weasleys Favourite episodes: / Favourite book:  Prisoner of Azkaban is probably my favorite book. Favourite quotes:  "If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." "But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." "Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking right past Peeves who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth, 'It unscrews the other way.’" "There is no need to call me ‘sir,’ Professor." And probably more. The books have so many amazing scenes, funny, inspirational, sad, hopeful, ... It was really hard to pick just a few. Best musical moment: / Moment that made you fangirl the hardest: Ehh... I mean, obviously I was rooting for Harry and the ending was a satisfying one, just like every other time Harry beat Voldemort, but the moment that made me fangirl the hardest would probably be Hermione punching Draco in the face. xD When it really disappointed you: The only truly disappointing thing about the book is how House-Elves are treated. Other than that, the only time I’m disappoint is literally every time JK Rowling decides it’s a good idea to open her mouth. Saddest moment: The moment Harry breaks down in Dumbledore’s chambers after Sirius dies gives me chills every. damn. time I reread the book. Most well done character death: Oh god, this is so hard because most of the deaths really hit me hard Favourite guest star: / Favourite cast member: / Character you wish was still alive: Honestly? Probably Hedwig. Maybe Fred. One thing you hope really happens: That JK Rowling’s Twitter account is banned so she doesn’t have a damn platform anymore. Most shocking twist:  When did you start reading: I think the first three books were already out when I started to read them. My classmates kept telling me to do it and I was in that annoying phase where I refused to dive into anything that was this massively popular - but I’m glad I eventually caved because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have grown up in this fandom and that means I would’ve had an entirely different experience. Now I can still say I grew up with the books and I’m glad I did. Best animal/creature: I’m a gigantic sucker for unicorns and I’m not sorry about it. xD Favourite location: I mean, Hogwarts is amazing, the descriptions of the castle never get old. Trope you wish they would stop using: Ehh... I honestly don’t know? One thing this book does better than others: I love how this show has such an inspired, dedicated, creative fanbase. The amount of HP related art, fanfiction, headcanons, ... out there is mindblowing. I’ve never quite seen that happen in any other fandom and it’s part of why I love this one as much as I do. Like how people can take a character that’s mentioned maybe a couple of times in the books and they create so much content for them to the point where I’ve actively had to stop myself from writing an answer to this questions because the answer isn’t canon, that’s admirable. Funniest moments: Fred and George wrecking havoc on Umbridge and finally leaving the castle after they get caught is without a doubt the funniest scene I can think of. Couple you would like to see: Like I said, I was never really into shipping anyone with anyone. I enjoy quite a lot of fanon ships I see on Tumblr, though. Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: / Favourite outfit: Every outfit I can think of is influenced by the movies so I don’t really have an answer to this. I would’ve loved to see Hermione’s dress to the Yule Ball, though, and the Patil sisters’. Oh, and Fleur’s wedding dress. Favourite item: The Marauder’s map. Do you own anything related to this show: No. What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in: I’m a Slytherin. Most boring plotline: I can’t think of anything. The passage that bores me the most is the one where the Minister of Magic meets the Muggle Prime Minister but that’s not a plotline. I guess everything is just so well thought of, everything that’s in the books in there for a reason and I wouldn’t cut anything out of it. Most laughably bad moment: As much as I dislike JK Rowling, she wrote seven brilliant books. I can’t think of a bad moment. There are plot holes, sure, and things that really fucking bug me, but no laughably bad moments. At least, not any that I can think of right now. The fact that she gave Cho Chang two last names as a name is a bad moment, though - but it’s not laughably. It’s just more proof that JK Rowling is a terrible person. Best flashback/flashfoward if any: The memories Snape shows to Harry, and the ones they both get to see of each other during their Occlumency lessons. Most layered character: I love the character development Ron goes through. Most one dimensional character: Ehh. There were a lot of important characters so it makes sense that not all of them got the layers they deserved. Right now nobody who’s relevant to the plot comes to mind as an answer? Scariest moment: Well, when Harry and Dumbledore came back from finding the fake Horcrux, that had me scared. Not for their lives (because it was obvious that Harry would live and Dumbledore would die) but because it felt like all of Dumbledore’s plans would be ruined so that’d probably be the scariest moment for me? Grossest moment: Ehh... I would probably throw up if I had witnessed Nagini sliding out of Bathilda’s dead body so I’m gonna go with that one, that must’ve been horrifying for Harry, especially because he spares Hermione the details. Best looking male: Well the books name Cedric Diggory as the most attractive one, so... Let’s go with that one then?  Best looking female: Fleur and Ginny Who you’re crushing on (if any): I would probably be all over Ginny if I had gone to Hogwarts. Favourite cast moment: / Favourite transportation: A Thestral! Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I really love the descriptions of Hogwarts. Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Oh god, so. many. Off the top of my head, here we go. 1. The carriages that bring the students back to the train station are mentioned specifically at the end of the fourth book and yet Harry can’t see the Thestrals until the beginning of the fifth book. 2. In what world are the Weasleys poor? Hermione specifically mentions in the seventh book that you can increase the quantity of food and Harry gets more wine for Slughorn and Hagrid with a spell in the sixth book, so no wizard or witch would have to spend any money on food, ever. And like with clothes and books and everything, why buy multiple ones? Just buy one and then duplicate it like when Hermione did it with the medallion? 3. Harry randomly remembering the phone number to get into the Ministry of Magic after almost an entire year, having heard them once: please. I started rereading the fifth book like two months ago for the gazillionth time and I already don’t remember them anymore. 4. Supposedly there’s a curse on the position as the DADA professor ever since Voldemort asked for the job, so there’s a new teacher every year, but Professor Quirrel is introduced in a way that makes it seem as if he has been teaching there for quite a while and other students (like Fred and George) treat him as such - seems to me like the curse was only activated with Harry coming to Hogwarts but that’s not what’s canon. 5. Voldemort conveniently waiting for the end of the school year each year to make his move. 6. The school year somehow always starts on a Monday and the Hogwarts express always leaves on September 1 which would mean that September 1 was a Sunday for seven years in a row. 7. Why, WHY, would they use feathers and parchment? What the hell is wrong with pen and paper? Or things like torches, when electricity has been a thing since forever? And the same goes for using owls to send letters, or the memos that are used in the Ministry of Magic: just text or e-mail, dudes. One sloppy ‘this doesn’t work here because there’s too much magic in the air’ just doesn’t cut it for me, especially because Harry does wear a watch, for instance. I probably have more but this is all I can come up with right now. xD Best promo: My childhood best friend bugging me about the books until I finally caved and started to read them. xD At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Literally the first chapter.
Send me a show/fandom and I’ll answer
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All the TOP 10 OF THE DECADE posts made me want to make one of my own, so here’s my 10 fave games this decade:
Yakuza 0  Shovel Knight  Nier Automata  Metal Gear Rising  Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX Final Fantasy XV   Scott pilgrim vs the world the game Undertale Persona 5  Doom
Danganronpa 2, New Vegas, Touhou Luna Nights, Katana Zero and Mario Odyssey all only barely missed out, and it was a tough decision not to include them. I loved the shit out of those games but thinking it through I decided they were just slightly less loved by me than the above.
Below the cut are some extended thoughts (of varying length) on the games included:
Just CTRL F if you wanna find a specific one
Yakuza 0
Every Yakuza game is delightful and this is definitely the best one, in my opinion. The Yakuza games appeal to me for a lot of reasons: the combat, the story, the variety of activities, the look of it all and the music. I feel like its a very unique game experience with its blend of weird in-depth side activities, serious crime drama, manly man masculine combat friendship melodrama, metal gear-esque convoluted conspiracies and a surprisingly compassionate view of the world it takes place in. 
The combat is what drew me in initially because it just feels good, the feedback of stomping on a dudes face in yakuza is delivered perfectly, and the attacks are brutal, hard and flashy. Its a very solid and satisfying combat system and in 0 its the best it has ever been. The ability to switch between 3 different and equally fun fighting styles on the fly really lets you mix things up and adapt your approach, every style feels fun and useful. If i had to pick a favorite it would be slugger, but its a tough choice, and they are all very viable and FUN.
Yakuza 0 also gets big points for having the best story in the series. The protagonists feel much more interesting in this era, the fights feel more earned in this game than others, the relationships are incredibly touching (I’m almost mad majima didnt stay with makoto) and the substories (and some parts of the main story) are the funniest they’ve ever been. Stuff like the quasi-stealth mission where you have to make sure women don’t see you buying a porn magazine for a child, and the extended scene of kiryu trying to guess the right business manners for a meeting had me laughing so much i was i was almost in physical pain.
The extensive business and host club substories get you tons of extra game content and are good enough to almost be there own game. The other games in the series have extended side activites of varying quality, but i think 0 had a rare case of all of these being, basically, perfect. The team obviously agrees since host club management came back repeatedly, but never as good as it was here.
Being set in the 80s elevates almost everything in the game because of the outfits, money flying out of every enemy you attack, the classic sega games you can play at the arcade (Outrun is so much fun and I’d have never have given it a proper go otherwise) and the disco minigame everyones made a meme out of (that music is so catchy).
As a final note this game has the best boss fights and music in the series, which is a very high standard to surpass when you look at the rest of the series. The dual final boss fights, the recurring boss for kiryu and almost every majima fight are highlights of the entire series for me. 
0 is going to end up being one of the few games I’ll never sell my copy of because i want it available for me to play forever, its a complete delight.
Shovel Knight
This game has been analysed to hell and back, so i wont have much original to say i suppose. Admittedly i did enjoy the first campaign but it didnt completely win me over, plague knights campaign and beyond was what really made this an all time greats for me. It’s one of very few games that gets the NES+SNES platforming appeal 100% right and essentially surpasses most games of the day, with almost perfect pacing, challenge and level design. IT helps that the whole world and story and look is charming as all hell. It’s an easy game to love and the more you play it the more that feels justified. Being PACKED with great content is also a plus. If you liked the first campaign you can just keep going through a set of campaigns about as good that only really rehash some level assets. I would say its one of the best 2D platformers ever for me, if not quite my true number 1.
Since i have little else to add to the shovel knight discussion, here’s my ranking/thoughts on each campaign
Plague of shadows. BEST storyline, great levels with a really cool gameplay gimmick, the characters are all cute and the ending really makes me feel for him. both sorry for him at first and then a very real AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW for LOVE
King of cards. king knight is just fun as hell to play as, he doesnt have that many tools but his movement is just crazy fun and i love the flair in all his animations. also has that rad final boss. joustus is ok i guess.
Shovel of hope. uuuuuuh what can i even say about this. its good, and the melancholy dream bits add a lot to the mood of the story. we’ve already analysed this campaign within an inch of its life i dont think i can say anything new. wish we could fight the battletoads on pc.
Specter of torment. still fun and i appreciate the tone change, but i didnt care as much for the characters and the mega man-esque level select doesnt suit shovel knight imo. specter knight has a lot of fun movement options though. mainly i just love GRINDING and the diagonal slash. i dont give a fuck about reize
Nier Automata
I feel a tiny bit ashamed i have so little to say about this considering it is one of the most emotional experiences i have ever had with a story. If i lsten to the final version of weight of the world i still cry just from remembering this game and how it made me feel. i think its one of the greatest narratives of the century but i can barely get across the appeal to anyone who hasnt already played it. its a story about hope, despair and the nature of the human race that never feels like its preachy or pretensious or taking on more than it can handle. it made me feel all kinds of emotions deeply and intensely, it genuinely made me burst into tears about 10 times, maybe more. even putting aside the ggrand narrative, theres so many cool character moments and bits of world building and visual eements and tragic little side stories that you would need a whole book to talk about them all while doing any real justice to them. i loved it so much that im paying £70 to see an orchestra do the soundtrack live. I want to hug and kiss 2b and 9s better. i just love it deeply and i find it hard to explain why it makes me feel that way, but its a dark beautiful and hopeful story where every moment feels earned. the despair of the story giving way to genuine hope with the rest of the world helping you fight for it is such an intensely emotional moment that you could never replicate outside of this kind of story and medium. how the fuck do i explain that to anyone that doesnt already get it. I’m glad this game exists
Metal Gear Rising 
Well, complete tone shift here. Platinum made a lot of great action games in the last decade that all dig into that same itch for DODGE SLOW MOTION BANG BANG BANG alongside great soundtracks, visuals and awesome set piece moments. Just intense, flashy, awesome combat. Picking a favorite of the decade was the hard part, because a platinum game had to be one of my faves of the decade. The closest was transformers, but mgr has a couple of things about it that put it above the rest of the platinum catalog for me.
The story actually works very well at still being metal gear while in the platinum formula, its about the cycle of violence and FINDING YOUR OWN PURPOSE and it works weirdly well. The strangest part is that it feels like a legitimate sequel to metal gear 4 tonally while still being the crazy action game it is
Raiden is just super fun to play as, while I’ll always miss the DODGE SLOWMO in a platinum game parry and zandatsu give a great flow to fights and there’s real exhilaration to parrying a hard chain of attacks and tearing out a bunch of enemies spines at once every time
raiden is also just  a fun protag, it truly allows me to embrace that kind of stereotypical edgy cool anime swordsman he embodies
Bosses just rule
one of the best final bosses ever, in my opinion? maybe that’s controversial, but armstrong gets an insane amount of characterization and pure PRESENCE out of such a small amount of screen time and the fact he feels like such a perfect rival to raiden so quickly is kind of nuts to me. within about half an hour you are ready for the ultimate final showdown with everything at stake, and then the gameplay 100% delivers on that with a fight that is challenging as hell and just feels climatic and intimidating. its a little thing, but having this dude just smack you around with his hands and almost no fighting skill after a game filled with crazy flippy cyborg ninjas makes him feel TOUGH and the way you finish him off? it just rocks, plain and simple. I don’t think i need to justify slices a massive dudes chest open and ripping out his giant still beating robot heart as the music climaxes and our cool edgy protag literally says WE’RE DONE HERE. truly, it has to be this way.
Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX 
For fast twitchy 2d platformers this barely beat out Katana Zero and Touhou Luna Nights, but i think its just a little better. The skill ceiling on this game is high as hell and once you really get to grips with it, its an experience you cant find anywhere else. its just satisfying as hell to be able to get through the point where you can ZOOM  through these levels by making use of copen’s dash and lock-on and weapons well enough. once you get good enough to get through a hole level without touching the ground, you just cant go back. I liked this enough to get an S rank on almost every level. this game just rules, man.
story, art and music are all great as well. but they pale in importance next to zippy jetpack zoom zoom fun time.
also great for having a cool twist that i genuinely did not see coming at all
Final Fantasy XV   
For context, my experience of FFXV was not the base game so i cannot personally address the concerns of the version at launch, which i hear from others was a total mess! The game has been updated and changed so much that it is probably almost unrecognizable aside from the absolute base aspects of it. The version i am talking about is, as far as we know, the “final” version released right before Episode Ardyn. There was of course an update after this, but it only added DLC compatibility and a few items, so it means very little in the grand scheme. I also played all of the dlc and watched all the periphery material to get the full, messy disjointed experience. it is also worth noting that the only other FF game i have played is the classic title Mario Hoops 3 on 3 Basketball. I feel it important to tell you this before getting into things so that you can have a full idea of the perspective i come at the game from.
This was chosen over Mario Odyssey and someone will probably kill me for that. I just think its a great emotional story that does a fantastic job of making you care for all the characters, and the world feels massive and full of cool stuff to see. It’s my favorite open world game and i love The Boys.  its not the kind of thing i usually play but i think it genuinely had a great story and its a very fun game to just explore and spend time in. ffxv truly understands the emotional bond between The Lads and it is fun to kill big monsters with your party
(they kinda ruin the last cutscene in english, in japanese he says I LOVE YOU GUYS and it makes me cry but in english he goes U GUYS ARE THE BEST which just isnt the same. a small nitpick though. a lot of this game made me cry regardless, its just great at creating an emotional bond)
I admire the insane level of ambition in the visuals and scope, and i bought every dlc for it because it was just that good. the ifrit boss fight and all the giant monsters are just amazingly epic in scale. the “found a cool rock” post is what i truly admire about this game summed up. 
all the ancillary material for the game is great and worth getting into, with the exception of the Comrades multiplayer expansion. Everything else adds depth to the story and the world without being entirely necessary for you to get through the story. the anime and the dlc all really feel worth getting into without being something you have to see to get The Full Experience
the giant monsters are cool
Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game
Being from 2010 this game only just makes it in, but it was my favorite beat em up this decade and a source of great nostalgia for me. It had a pretty big impact on music and art tastes in regards to games, and in retrospect this games existence was very much a dream team scenario. Paul Robertson is a great sprite artist who does a lot of good work, Anamanaguchi have gone on to become one of my favorite bands (another winter is still one of their best tracks imo) and at the time this came out i was obsessed with scott pilgrim. That plus the beat em up gameplay makes this kind of a perfect blending of a lot of my specific tastes. Playing this brings me back to the time in my school life that i played it very distinctly, a more comfortable time in my life for sure, and i think the game still stands up excellently. I hope that someday it will get a rerelease so others can enjoy it. I give this another play through every year or so, but i wish id gotten the dlc while it was still available
i like this game because of the intense adrenaline rush and violent catharsis it gives me, essentially a constant dopamine rush
fun game good
I’m glad i got to this before the massive wave of spoilers and popularity came about. It’s a great story with some fun gameplay, and i think SANS UNDERTALE was one of the best boss fights this decade. Its a shame that for so many new players this experience is going to be ruined by spoilers
Persona 5 
Danganronpa 2 and fallout new vegas were close contenders for this last spot. I actually made a post about my thoughts on this game before https://journaloftomfooleryandjapery.tumblr.com/post/184341270554/nue-is-great-love-his-goofy-design-when-life-will but essentially 
Essentially, its got a great cast of characters, a cool slick look, great monster designs, a fun gameplay loop of collecting monsters and grinding stats while waiting for the next big event, and a surprisingly good story
No idea if royal is any good, but its on a pretty small list of games that i might actually take the time to replay
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and THE GRYPHON’S QUEST! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 1 of 19
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Carmen Pondiego
Cover art by Aranel the Cyborg, now  Wind the Mama Cat
29584 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 03/29/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
This is a Fan Fiction based on My Little Pony.  Canterlot, Princess Luna and the name Daring Do are owned by Hasboro Inc.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Chapter 1. Ethnological Geography 305 
Doctor of Antiquities Daring Do stood in front of her latest class of students from all over Equestria and places even more remote.  She had two Gryphons who were recently transferred from the Imperial College and, though they were ponies, one from the Chineighese Empire and one from the Far Northern Dales.
There were two large magic net mirrors as well.  That was the only practical way for X'ibian dromedaries to take the class and actively participate. The average dromedary was over two meters high at the shoulder and his or her head could be as much as two and a half meters to three meters above the ground.  They just would not fit into pony sized buildings.
Daring Do asked, “How many of you have read any of my books?” About two thirds of the students raised a hoof.  Both gryphons raised a claw and both dromedaries, in their mirrors, raised hooves as well.
A sarcastic voice from the lecture hall said, “Just like all the other profs. Gotta buy her books!”
Daring Do instantly replied, “No, you do not.  Not in this class.  There are three texts that you have been required to buy and which we will use extensively.  I am not the author of any of them.  My expedition reports, from which my books are popularized, and some other materials, can be had by magic net or reserved from the Royal University Library.”
“Getting back to the curriculum, we will be covering two basic topics in this class.
“The first is the ancient cultures themselves.  This part of the class necessarily has to be a survey, as each of the civilizations that we will touch on is a specialty in itself.
“The second topic, which we will cover in far better detail, is the REASON that those civilizations collapsed, where their populations went, and what came of their migrations.  That is were all of our modern civilizations and cultures came from.
“For those interested in better detail than this class will have time for, study the Nightmare Wars.  They are the primary cause for all of those collapses and migrations world wide.  How?  Simply put, BOTH sides used weather as a weapon.  In the process, without meaning to, they destroyed the natural weather patterns over the entire world.
“I recommend using the Chronicle of Equestria, Volumes 300 through 457 as your primary sources.  If you find discrepancies between other sources and the Chronicle, go with the Chronicle as the definitive source.”
A self satisfied Chineighese accented voice from the audience smirked, “It sounds like Equestria owes the Empire massive reparations!”
Mild of voice, Daring Do replied, “If one wishes to think in such terms, possibly.  Do remember that what you ask of others may be required of you.  The Chineighese Empire is composed of fifty two states.  Each one was conquered by force.  The Empire was built on literally millions of deaths, the destruction of whole cities, the burning of libraries, and hundreds of years of slavery.  Are you sure that you want to make those reparations?
“If so, feel free to press your claim to Equestria as soon as you have settled the ones that you owe.
“The past is dead.  We cannot change one thing of History.  We can see clearly both the good and ill of what was done.  What we CAN do is learn the lessons of that past in the hope of creating a better world to come. We, in this class and others like it, are the memory of the whole world, not simply some part, however large or small.
“That is why the study of Ethnological Geography is important.”
A genuinely puzzled sounding voice from somewhere in the shadows at the back of the big lecture hall asked, “If the Nightmare Wars wrecked the weather, didn't the Cloudsdale Weather Authority fix it?”
Daring Do smiled at the question.  “The short answer is No.
“Celestia needed nearly a hundred and fifty years to regain the trust of enough pegassi to begin serious weather control here in Equestria. Cloudsdale, though many do not realize it, is an enormous weather engineering feat.  It took over two hundred more years to build it to where it is now.
“Ask any weather engineer how far our weather control reaches.  Many nations have some sort of weather authority.  They operate on different philosophies of how the weather should be dealt with, too.
“In any case, regaining control of the weather took at least hundreds of years.  The disasters that forced the migration of populations were long past.
“Those changes in the world's weather are the reason that the ruins of ancient civilizations often lie in such hostile environments as jungles or deserts.
“Now, here is your assignment.  Using the world map in your study kit and what you can find in the first two chapters of your three required textbooks, see if you can sort out what the climate was for each of the marked civilizations.  Then compare it to the present climate.
“Class dismissed!”
Daring Do watched the orderly stampede of students for the exits, fondly remembering the days when she did the same! She packed her notes and started to return to her office. 
She did not get there.
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erebosnyxart · 5 years
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Im sorry for mistakes, maybe soon I will upgrade some part from here but for now enjoy! _______________________ Full Name: Luna Drake (Luna Lóng from real father and Drake from mother) Other Names: Lua (as dragon and assassin - assassin afte join Hector) Species: half human half dragon (chinese dragon) Gender: female Hair Colour: black Eye Colour: blue Place of Residence/Origin: Jamanakai Village Professional and Combat Information: she is fluent in using a dagger, which is hidden on the thigh strap. Thanks to Hector she can shoot a little with a bow Occupation: florist Affiliation: Ignacia Villager Elemental Power: none Elemental Weapon: none ~Personality~ Luna is a very secretive but always cheerful girl. She can put everyone in a good mood. She spends most of her time on the glades, where she grows flowers for sale. She loves nature and history of Ninjago, most likes legends about next generation of ninjas and their power. She can sew, dance and sing well. As soon as she finishes her job, she escapes from the village and turns into a dragon. She loves the freedom that her transformation into a dragon gives and then she feels great joy. She hates lying and seeing the blood. ~All Known Abilities So far~ Luna can change into a dragon. This is the art of extinction so only Luna nd her mother can transform. ~Family And Relationships~ Her father was a keeper of the stable. When Luna was young, she visited her father very often. The stable is located outside the village, so when Luna grew up, she didn't have time to visit him. Mother took care of poor people and played the zither on the street collecting money. Sometimes it happened that she was invited to the rich people outside the village and played for them. She don't have any siblings (There was a dragon curse on the whole family, where the child could only be born by combining two dragons. Luna's mother is a dragon but she hid this fact from her current husband. Luna doesn't know her real father, but her adoptive father doesn't know the truth and thinks that Luna is his daughter) Luna has a childhood friend who is very much in love with her. She knows that, but she doesn't reciprocate his feelings. She doesn't like his exaggerated self-confidence and the lies in which he told villagers that he is a chosen ninja who knows how to wield various elements. Boy named Saros  doesn't know any martial arts but he wears a ninja outfit. He sews his outfit and tries to "help" people but usually disturbs them or makes troubles. One day a fire broke out in the village. People tried to extinguish it but it was too hard for them. All the people who had powers and especially the power of water disappeared from the village. Unfortunately, Luna was so afraid to change into a dragon to help her mother who tried to extinguish the village with water carried in its mouth. She tried to save people by directing them to the shelter right behind the village. Luna noticed Saros was missing and started looking for him. It turned out that the boy was slammed with a column that fell shortly after the roof collapsed. The temperature didn't let her enter, so Luna shouted for someone to help. Unfortunately, the other people were so terrified that they didn't want to help girl. At some point Luna felt a powerful wind that swept away the remnant of the house as well as the fire around her. The stranger in the mask and ragged cloak picked up the boy and took him outside. Stranger holding the boy only muttered "where to take him?" and Luna, further away in shock, pointed direction. They both moved in that way. Initially Luna didn't know what to say, so she only thanked the stranger. They both introduced themselves and as soon as they reached the shelter, the stranger left. Luna watched him, hoping that they would meet again. After a few days when Luna and others arranged the village, Stranger appeared to help. As soon as he came to Luna, he pulled off his hood and mask, revealing his face. Luna looked at him deeply with her eyes, observing his black beard, his beautiful but tired eyes and the scars on his eyes and mouth.Hector turned his face the other way, wanting to leave and help but Luna threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. That's how their friendship started and then the relationship (maybe the love relationship will be added some other time if you will be interested) ~Bio/History~ As soon as the war between the good and evil dragons ended, Luna's mother escaped while pregnant as far as possible. When she had lost her strength, she hid in the village of Ignacia. She found there stables nearby village, where there was no one, so she wanting to rest. She hid in a haystack. She was found by a man who wanted to help her. Luna's mother thought that the other dragons would not find her and the child when their "smells merged" so she changed her attitude to him and wanting to hide the fact that she was in early pregnancy, she devoted herself to a new man. This man was very pleased to hear that he would become a father and organize a wedding. (He didn't realize that he might not be Luna's father because the dragon-woman pregnancy last for 10 to 11 months).Their lives began to break badly after Luna's birth. Girl was not like her father at all. Fortunately, the man didn't grudge and loved them both very much. Luna's mother was very unhappy and tried to spend as little time at home as possible. She missed her first love and Luna's father all the time. To not to fall into madness, Luna's mother sacrificed herself to help the poor people in the village. Her family was very poor so Luna started breeding and selling flowers right after finishing school. Villagers were specific to her idea, because the flowers grew very badly but thanks to her care they took on beautiful shapes. Most people thought she was using black magic, so they avoided her. However, the flowers were so beautiful that they had to buy them without an opportunity. ~Trivia~ - she is very nice and hospitable - love flovers and study in free time books about flora - she never killed a man or an animal - she love to transform into a dragon - when she first met Hector she was scared of him but something fascinated her in him - Hector was the first person who she wanted to kill (he shot a bow to the animals which she took care of in the oasis near the village)102550100 NestedThreadedFlat Oldest FirstNewest First
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