#would korra/lin be canon?
marvelgolq · 2 months
Just realized if legend of Korra was Korra and the gaang's kids then the love triangle would have been Lin, Korra, and Tenzin instead of Asami, Korra, and Mako... Kinda wanna barf.
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
right I love legend of korra but I have two issues:
not one mention of suki and that's unforgivable
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hummingintheback · 2 months
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Another Fic Idea that I will never write
I saw this fan art of Lin in Pinterest and it sparked yet another stupid fic idea. I have read this LB fanfic on FF.net that basically has a plot of Lin rumored to being dead or dissappeared since discovering a shocking subending of the Earth Element (so she is the not the chief of police and basically dissappeared around 2 and a half decades. So this lin is a little bit younger than canon lin). And here's where the story comes in, what if after avatar korra arrives at RC is also the time the rumors about Lin Beifong ressurfaced, it would start as hushed whispers on the alleyways until media would be involved. The blue spirit would make itself known, hiding from the shadows and all that stuff. Instead of two swords, this version of blue spirit would use Sai as its weapon of choice.
It would help people during the equalization of Amon but of course other people would misinterpret the idea, assuming the blue spirit is helping Amon. After Amon's death, the blue spirit made itself known again, causing fear to RC's citizen.
Zuko would definitely hear about this. He would send fire nation agents to investigate this "person" behind the mask. And Izumi? What if Izumi knows who could be the person behind that mask but unsure if its really her👀.
I think the conflict would evolve around the Beifongs of course and the Gaang's. I feel like Toph would be the main reason of this two decade dissappearance of her daughter. It would be a similar scenario of Suyin scarring Lin, where Su was sent to Goaling. But instead Lin just decided to vanish from the surface or that's what they think👀
In this story Lin would still have her scars (thanks to su) and it would happen way back than the canon time. This is where the story of how Lin discovered the new subbending and also a forbidden type of bending before the 100 year war.
Might include Yun as the founder of this bending and Kyoshi was the one who had to forbid this type of bending before it goes out of her hand as the avatar and also to stop Yun
Mstery, Angst, Drama, Violence name it this fic will have it all🙃.
Anyway, I feel like just like Zuko's arc this Lin would definitely start as a bad guy after what happened to her face, having blamed by her bending that she cannot control, why not add the break-up of Linzin for more drama and of course the constant deterioration of her self confidence when it comes to being a great earthbender and an heiress.
But one thing is for sure, the blue spirit is there to seek justice and also like grew to help the avatar along the way.
Why justice? That is unsure but I have this idea that after Lin was cast away, after she went through a lot of stuff (i know white lotus would try to imprison her just like what they did to the red lotus), someone would definitely help her. Probably taught her how to control this forbidden bending and that someone was killed by either Yakone, Red Lotus member or the white lotus themself. But what if it was the Gaang?(the mysterious sifu of lin, contributed to the death of Avatar Aang😉)
Credits to the artist of the art: @aleesatana
Thank you for this wonderful fan art🫶 and thank you to @dont-blame-it-on-the-kids for finding the artist❣️.
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kidcataldo · 7 months
Lin Beifong Headcanons
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She smokes, but is constantly trying to knick the habit. Each cigarette is her last, she claims.
She likes gardening, which started with helping Aang on the island as a little girl. Toph made fun of her for it, so she quit pretty early on. She takes it up again after retiring.
She retires when Toph dies.
Her becoming police chief is why she and Tenzin broke up, not because of some love triangle with Pema. Both understood she couldn’t be his wife/mother to his children and be the leader of the police force, and her taking the job made it clear to both of them that their relationship would never move beyond the two of them. (As I type this, I realize this might actually be more canon than headcanon but I’m putting it in here anyway.)
She chose not to have kids because she didn’t want to fuck the kid’s life up like her own mom did with her.
The stress of her job makes her have severe migraines.
She’s a casual probending fan and catches a match on the radio once in a blue moon, mostly whenever it’s just her working late in the office. She likes reading the results in the newspaper the next day.
She does a lot for the community, but does it anonymously. Like, donating money to the local homeless shelter and sponsoring rookies who can’t quite afford gear/supplies at the police academy (she anonymously sponsored Mako).
She’s super wealthy because she invests and lives a very frugal life. Su, however, lives the lifestyle of a wealthy person but is actually in debt. When they reconnect, Lin helps her organize her finances.
Tenzin called her before his wedding begging her to reconsider a life with him. She hung up on him. And out of (eventual) respect for Pema, she never tells anyone the truth about it. She holds her tongue whenever somebody—usually Korra or her gang—brings up Pema stealing Tenzin from her.
She was close with Katara and Kya, but intentionally pulled away after the break up. It would be weird/awkward hanging out with her ex’s family.
She knows Tenzin can’t go into the spirit world.
She met little kid Korra a few times (but kept her distance).
She introduces Mako to his eventual wife.
NSFW She and Tenzin had a very passionate sex life (and none of them have felt that intense passion with anybody else). But they’ll never admit it out loud.
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comradekatara · 4 months
hi! apologies if you’ve answered this before, but what do you think of the theory that sokka was killed protecting korra from the red lotus??? i’ve always had mixed feelings about it - on the one hand, sokka Would. on the other, a) the in-text treatment of the red lotus was always questionable and b) the idea that sokka, the most self-sacrificing character, ending up dying for someone else is just so sad to me. what do you think? you consistently have the best ATLA takes on this app!
yeah. I think that theory comes from people valorizing sokka’s protectiveness without understanding why that trait is in fact harmful to him. like, dying a martyr to protect someone important against evil forces that wish to harm them and/or the world has always been sokka’s top #1 fantasy. I don’t really think that’s the kind of thing we need to be encouraging. if anything I think the nicest death sokka could ever possibly get is to die peacefully in his sleep as an old man, because by contradicting his internalized notion that his body is a vessel to used rather than the subject of his own experience, this signifies that he has innate meaning as an individual even when he is not serving another, which is a crucial facet of his arc. that said I also love sokka’s misery and suffering, so I think the idea that sokka does ultimately die a martyr kind of rules in a gruesome, morbid, sick & twisted way.
and then there’s the other element to unpack here, which is the red lotus. it's no secret that the red lotus is one of my favorite elements (no pun intended) of lok, and i spend way more time thinking about them than i do most aspects of that show (not including korrasami. i have clocked so many hours at the obsessing over korrasami factory you don't even know). so in the xai bau spy novel that (mostly) lives in my head, the notion that sokka one day dies at the hands of the organization that was formed through xai bau's ideology is very thematically satisfying to me. but also you really have to share my very specific brand of brainrot regarding who xai bau was, what his relationship to sokka is, the poetic injustice of that particular resolution, etc etc. and obviously none of that is remotely canon, so like. that's clearly not what you're asking here.
on one hand, the red lotus could've killed sokka in their mission to eradicate all world leaders (they do call sokka the chief in that one scene, which i resent, but according to the text, that does make him a world leader. ew), but also sokka could've easily just died in a bunch of other situations, it's really left ambiguous in the show. i don't think that the characters who would have been close to sokka who also fight the red lotus (zuko, katara's kids, lin beifong, etc etc.) seem vengeful enough for them to have been the cause of his death, though, but it's also been a while since i've seen the show, so maybe i'm wrong about that. it is beautifully tragic though. if you're some kind of fucked up sicko (which i'm NOT!!!!!!!!)
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 2 months
fem mako… save me fem mako…
okay so I saw @jade-of-mourning’s post about how makorra would make bomb yuri and I am 100% in agreement so,, how I imagine tlok would go if mako was a girl.
I feel like this would totally affect mako’s backstory n stuff too because life on the street is rough for any kids but like. little girls with no one to run to surrounded by creepy criminal guys. not great! so not only would that add an extra layer of trauma, but I feel like it would also add dimension to mako+zolt’s dynamic when mako and bolin worked w the triads. like, instead of firebending gang leader who wants to shape a mini-me he found into his successor, it’s. hold on let me make another sentence. it’s a girl who’s learned to protect herself and a man she needs to defend herself from offering to teach her better. so there’s less of the straightforwardness of their canon interactions—mako knows she’s being exploited but is willing to play into it to take advantage of learning zolt’s skills and zolt knows she’s clever but wants her close. idk how fucked up zolt would be, but he could probably have some motivations related to trafficking as a backup should mako turn on him that would’ve been less viable with canon mako. idk. thoughts are thinking too quickly for me to type rn.
I’m not gonna go through everything in tlok for the sake of not yapping for 12 hrs like i did in my 100yr war mako post but through the four books in the context of makorra i imagine it would go:
b1: weirdgirl firebender who’s a control freak becomes the avatar’s best friend. she’s totally not in love btw. and there’s literally no jealousy at all when asami befriends korra either cause they’re just chill. just friends, how friends are, yk. amon is a freak but part of her is relieved he took zolt’s bending. thought the thought of her getting her bending taken away feels like a part of her autonomy being taken and that’s terrifying so she’s relieved when he fucking dies.
b2: from what I recall team avatar is more split up during b2 and do you know what that means. so much pining. it smells like a forest with the amount of longing bro. then mako gets arrested and prison as we all know is such a friendly environment for women so. more trauma. then harmonic convergence happens at that is absolutely when makorra realize they’re in loooove. then vaatu happens and it’s like ohhh shit I’m in deeeep.
b3: new airbenders yay! mako is distracted from korra a little bit when she and bolin meet their long lost extended family, until dear old grammy says that korra would make a fine husband for her granddaughter if she were a man. and cue gay panic cause DOES SHE KNOW???? HOW??? I’m being intentionally vague cause I last watched this show like five years ago and I don’t remember the timeline at all but bear with me. airbenders in ba sing se are freed, krew makes their way over to zaofu to meet opal. this is cool it’s fine. lin is literally mako’s mom and she’s still worried the whole time they’re on zaofu. korra is kidnapped. prison for mako and bolin (again). m+b search the desert for korrasami, it’s all mostly the same except more. yk. gay pining. korra is poisoned but the girls have a girl moment on air temple island after Jinora gets her tattoos :3
b4: korra travels for a while, before returning to rc. then she’s gone again to the swamp. kuvira attacks zaofu, korra defends, and then she’s back. mako and asami are. yeah. blah blah blah that one episode of makorra reminiscing gets really gay, kuvira tries to take over rc, mako lightning-zaps the mech and almost dies and then BOOM. they kiss after the battle. and the lesbians win once again as makorra walk into the spirit world hand in hand.
if you’re wondering why this was written so disjointedly it’s because I kept getting distracted mid-sentence. and I also hate how the romance was dealt with in canon, but it’s such a big part of b1 (my favorite book minus romance) and the repercussions lasted throughout all four seasons so obviously that I physically cannot bring myself to rewatch it. and girls are so. thank u lychee ur really super awesome and cool for drawing makorra as girls because I think they would’ve worked out in canon if mako was a girl. sorry I’m really sick rn and I’m a little out of it lmao 😭🙏🏼
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
Tlok Lord of the rings au because i'm squishing my hyperfixations together like a crazy lil 5 year old.
Korra- I'd say dwarf... she matches the stereotypical dwarf personality to a T. Notoriously stubborn, loyal and hardy. The most resistant to the corruption of evil as well. Also, controversial opinion... out of the Krew, Korra deserves a beard most. Also. Give her an axe. Or a sledgehammer. Let her wreak havoc. I think her family would come from Khazad-dûm and be directly related to the line of Durin. Though I feel like she'd reside in the Blue Mountains and unlike most of her kin, she'd have an appreciation for water and the sea.
Asami- Elf. Elf. With her glorious hair and agility??? Hell yeah. She'd be descended from the Avari and live in Mirkwood. I think the moral ambiguity and hostility of the Mirkwood elves touches nicely on Asami's original role as a villain. Also coming from such a combative area would have her learning combat as well, if even better, than her canon counterpart.
Also korrasami would be super cute as a dwarf/elf relationship lol. Korra's already canon shortie. And it would replicate their little rivalry in season 1. Just instead of fighting over Mako, they're fighting over centuries of mutual racial animosity.
Bolin and Mako - ok. Im getting real controversial here. Hobbits. Fucking hobbits. Now. Hear me out. More Brandybuck/Took coded hobbits I'd say. Probably grown up in Bree... tiny orphans in a big world. So sad.
Bolin is an easy pick. Although he's pretty big and bulky, his character has a lot in common with typical hobbits. Not a coincidence that my two fave characters are him and Samwise Gamgee... I love my dirt himbos. Bolin has that gentle, cheerful hobbit vibes. And he likes food too lol.
Mako also has hobbit vibes, I'd argue. However he has a lot of that hobbit typical caution ans suspicion towards the outside world. I could see him valuing a home and prosperity...give this man a hobbit hole He's so stressed he deserves it.
Tenzin, Kya and Bumi. - half elves, Rivendel. Tenzin is basically Elrond, ok? Bumi chose humanity good for him. Kai is the scruffy human they adopted à la Aragorn.
Lin and the Beifongs- honestly was stumped at this one... but I kinda think humans, particularly Dúnedain of Arnor. A noble people, now acting as Rangers, protectors of the land... matches Lin, our favourite chief of police, huh?
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 month
Please tell me the misrepresentations you see in the ATLA/LOK fandoms (and how many are people being purposely obtuse about female characters)…
so it turns out i'm a liar bc i kept thinking I'd get to this eventually and then didn't but I'm doing it now!! I kept it to the main points that get me heated rn. all under the read more.
mainly fandom thinks violence=murder? That because characters like Toph are down to fight that it means they're 100% chill with murder? or that Kysohi being okay with killing as a form of justice means she's simply violent and will always murder? And it pisses me off. Toph likes fighting - but she's never been shown to be okay with killing. she's more thoughtful than people give her credit for because all they see is that she likes fighting. Kyoshi tells Aang "justice will bring peace", which is NOT "you gotta kill your enemies", but just a simple statement - essentially she is telling Aang to bring justice, whatever that means to him and the world. It's important to note that while Kyoshi says she killed Chin and would have done anything to fight him, she doesn't actually kill him, he just refused to move. (She also didn't stop his conquest before that but that's a different issue.) Just because Kysohi is known as a fierce warrior and owns up to doing whatever it takes to bring justice, that apparently means she's overly violent and is down with murder. But even on her wiki page, while she's noted as being more willing to kill enemies than other avatars, notable accomplishments she achieved in her life didn't have anything to do with killing or violence, but rather trying to better the world and the Earth Kingdom systematically.
Other posts have summarized this issue better than I can and I can't find the one that really speaks to me but. basically the fandom is overly obsessed with violence. They get annoyed that Aang didn't kill Ozai. They get annoyed that Aang said "revenge isn't the answer" when Katara wanted to kill the man who killed her mother. They deliberately misinterpret characters into being more violent than they actually are and then misinterpret that too.
I think this is the issue that prompted my original post ngl because I was trying to go through the Pema tag and kept seeing hate. Which I hate.
I think this is really where the fan misinterpretation comes into play. Because it's generally accepted that Tenzin and Lin broke up because Lin couldn't have/didn't want children. This led fans to assume that Pema was a homewrecker and Tenzin simply decided to hook up with someone who did want to have kids. But this is such an uncharitable view on all of the characters involved and more importantly, none of it is canon!
While Pema's advice to Korra about confessing despite her love interest being in a relationship is admittedly not flattering to her, it's important to remember the context Pema had for her situation. As well as what Tenzin himself said about the situation, he says explicitly that Pema did not "steal" him. Tenzin says regarding himself and Lin that they were "growing apart" and "wanted different things". While this is vague and probably what prompted fans to assume it was a kid thing, honestly I doubt it. Tenzin and Lin, as we see in their adult selves, are very different people. I don't think they would have been able to make it work. Tenzin adores his family and values this connection deeply, even if he struggles with it. Lin, on the other hand, in both flashbacks and present day, overall values work over family. Which is not a bad thing, but is a definite clash between them. Especially since they're growing up and those issues would just fester if they stayed together.
While Pema confessing to Tenzin while he's in a relationship is a little questionable, honestly, Tenzin is not the kind of person to just break up with someone and date someone else simply because they confessed to him while things were rocky. And tbh there are worse things than confessing you like someone when you think they're not happy with the person they're dating. Like... destroying your ex's home and trying to throw their new s/o in jail, like Lin did. People forget about that part. Like that's just not cool and idk why people think it's okay.
So idk why people lean so hard into the "Pema is a homewrecker and Tenzin dumped Lin just so he could have kids and that's why Lin is miserable years later" headcanon. It just is so uncharitable to every character involved and doesn't have any text to support it.
Katara (and Katara & Zuko)
People misinterpret Katara every fucking day in one way or another and it drives me nuts. 1) She is not a crybaby or talks too much about her mom. The times she's cried has been in response to upsetting things and therefore definitely justified, and same thing for bringing up her mom - always in situations where it's relevant. 2) she is also not unnecessarily violent. she fights when she perceives a threat or needs to deal with assholes (ie those 2 guys from Toph's intro episode and Jet when they meet again), not whenever she wants to flex. 3) she's motherly, but she's not a mom. she's a teenager. she's not above mischief. 4) she's not an asshole! people who write hurt/comfort fics about Zuko after he joins the gang usually have Katara being unnecessarily mean to him just to amp up Zuko's pathetic-ness and it bothers me. She was warming up to him a little bit by the boiling rock episode! she swung back to anger in the next episode but like. it's not undeserved, and she's dealing with her mom issues and trauma. She's not an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.
related to this - Zuko and Katara are friends!!!! I keep seeing stuff about them being frenemies or Katara being friendly but still mean to him all the time and I'm sick of it!!! They made up by the end of the southern raiders episode. they were chill in the ember island players. they had clearly become friends by the final episodes like all of their interactions were clearly friendly. I legit think that the attitude towards zutara has gotten so negative that people swung too far in the opposite direction and can't interpret them as genuine friends because of it. even though they are!!!
Zuko's levels of pathetic-ness
Zuko's not as pathetic as people say he is. He's a disaster, yeah. He's awkward, sure. But he's not a pathetic mess like people tend to portray him. Like he is powering through every absolutely ridiculous situation that gets thrown his way like a boss - handling it badly? sure. not always saying the right thing? Absolutely. But he is powering through it surprisingly competently considering every situation he ends up in. He's not a mess on the floor about any of it, except for like, 3 times and that was the result of emotional turmoil and physical sickness. idk I saw this post where Zuko gets distracted by how hot the water tribe guys are and I was like No Shut Up You Don't Understand Him.
Like. is he the perfect whumpee? absolutely. but he is not a "crying on the floor" kinda whumpee. He is a "defiant to the end, still fighting back no matter what" kinda whumpee.
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I have a question if it’s alright? Personally what do you think happened to Lin after Amon took her bending? Cause I doubt he would have just let her walk free bending or not. Cause like near the end she just pops back up. No escape scene or anything if Amon did imprison her.
*Looks at entire blog* uh yeah... I might have a few thoughts lmao <3
It is Perfectly Alright!!! I will always always enjoy any excuse to talk about After/During Amon shit yessssss
I have a few fics up about this! up on my Ao3, MIND THE TW TAGS I BEG YOU.
I have an OLD one about if Lin got off the island and how she tried to support the Krew and keep out of their way.
i have another idea where she was held in the cells pema and the kids were shoved into in later so she knew she failed to protect them after all.
I have another idea where shes held in a wooden cage in the Sato workshop so she could see the planes and machines being built but couldnt reach them.
I have the more recent fic about her being tortured for the days leading up to the rally. but she is uh, barely alive and that is not really canon compliant with the unexplained scene of Lin on the docks.
so if you're looking for a fully canon compliant take...
Amon did not let her off the island, they probably held her in that cell that they have in the ATI attic (for some reason?) she would have tortured for information, where the air fam was headed, where the Avatar was, ect. she would have been there when Tarrlok was tossed in, but I think maybe she was dragged out to the arena to be apart of the rally as a display of all the trophies Amon's collected the bending of. So no one knew where she was but she was probably with a bunch of other captives so she was found when the police cleared the building. So for keeping it canon compliant then any injuries would have been healed up with a healing sesh. (or she was hiding her injuries rather well)
as an aside, in the south
As to why Lin was there, I think Katara would have tried bloodbending to undo the damage bloodbending did. Lin allowed Katara to try several times on herself with no success.
I also fully believe Korra took Lin into the Avatar state with her so she could see Aang again and he could thank her and say he loved her and was proud of her and Aang could restore Lin's element to her.
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Thanks for tagging me, @wishingforatypewriter!
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Before I begin, there may be spoilers below!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 142! But a lot of them are one-shots.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? It's 355,968, surprisingly. I'm pretty sure I've seen individual fics longer than this. But also, I think that's a pretty big number for me considering..
3. What fandoms do you write for? Only and only, exclusively Avatar, The Legend of Korra.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Chaos: Chaos was my first ever multi-chapter fic. It stars Lin Beifong, no surprise there, thrust with this eclectic group consisting of her "found family". Primarily focused on Linumi (Lin x Bumi), the fic actually serves as a post canon fix it.
Soul: Soul quite literally is written from the soul. It mostly focuses on the relationship between Lin and Tenzin (ofc, it's LinxTenzin) and explores their connection beyond the physical realm. It's not just about two people who fell in and out of love over the course of time, but about two souls that ache and burn for the other.
The Pledge: This was supposed to be a Lin x Tenzin one-shot of Tenzin falling victim to some kind of out of body, false-memory-confabulation situation where he just quite literally forgets that he wasn't married to Lin. I really wanted to leave this fic as is, but a lot of people asked for a part 2 and the people pleaser in me didn't wanna disappoint. I didn't love how the fic turned out, but oh well. I love the first chapter though.
Abscond: Another multi-chapter! This one is Lin x Mako. It's a series of events that led to Lin and Mako finding commonality and having this flirtatious banter that neither could control. It's a little dramatic, but fun nonetheless.
Laws of Physics: This one's different. It's my Lin x Bumi modern AU, they're both college professors in their late 30s, early 40s respectively. Like chaos, it features almost every character (not all in great detail ofc), and it's been so fun to re-imagine everyone in this modern setting.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, always! I may be a little behind sometimes, but I always make it a point to respond. I love, love, love, love comments!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There might be a tie here: So Many Signs: It's a post-breakup Linzin fic where they see each other for the first time at a gala. A hundred percent based on Exxile by Taylor Swift. Chimera: I'm not sure it fully comes across, but Bumi has this recurring dream about drinking with Lin where they play games and kiss- turns out, this dream is what's flashing before his eyes as he's drowning in deep waters to his death. Yeah, whoa. Why did I write this?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Okay, I think they're all happy!
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Okay, but jokes aside, I think It's Time To Make Time kinda gives everyone a very happy ending. Oh, and Ghost of Weddings!
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have gotten hate maybe once or twice on AO3. It's not typical. But it's there- and it's funny. Everyone on Tumblr hates me though lmao.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have attempted smut a few times! I'll be honest, it isn't great. I've read some fantastic smut so I just know I don't fall in the "smut writer" category. I mostly write a lil bangity-bang-bang for Lin. That's about it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Do crossovers between my real life and Lin Beifong fanfiction count? If not, then no I haven't written crossovers. But if yes, then it's Exhaustion. Way to expose myself lmao.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I wouldn't be opposed to it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I would love to! There's some really wonderful authors out there and I would LOVE to write with them.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? It's a three way tie between Linzin-Linumi-Linzolt. I can't pick. I do love other ships from other fandoms, but let's stick to what we know lol.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm going to be greeted with pitchforks for this one, but it may wind up being Waging Wars. I kinda forgot what my initial premise for the fic was (should've written it down, I know), so I'm gonna focus on stuff I have mapped out instead. I'm sorry. I will try my best coming back to it though, I promise.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think my ideas are pretty good. The way I can visualize or imagine up these situations often take me aback too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? The writing part of it. The more I get out of practice, the more I struggle- which leads to taking insane amounts of time between chapters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I guess if it fits the characters/story/universe, it's fair game. I've never done it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Ha! Avatar The Legend of Korra.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Ummmm that's a hard question. Here, you tell me yours.
I'm tagging @orangepanic, @risingsoleil, @superliz6 and anyone who wants to participate!
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bonefall · 1 year
twig and lily found family actually means sm to me especially since canonically shes her foster parent and recognizes lily as her mother in squirrels book so even if its not canon here they somehow still find each other,, in my head bonefall!lily is the arbitrary role model that got attached to this random kid (think lin and korra from LOK)
I always try to preserve the "emotional core" between characters with my reduxes! Even if they stop being related or don't end up as the foster or mentor, I try to shuffle in a way where they're at least friends.
BB!Lily is getting some odd differences, because I am swinging a machete at canon's tendency to set "nice mom" as the default personality of background women. So instead, my Lilyheart has no kits, and she has a personality that's more reserved.
She's a bit "sharp." Aloof, seems cold, but under that, it's because she has a tendency to blame herself. Lilyheart never really got over how Seedpaw died saving her.
If she'd been stronger, hadn't gotten tangled up, if she'd said something about retrieving stupid, useless shit from the camp, Seedpaw would still be here. Her dad Dustpelt had just died saving them. Seedpaw died helping her. Ferncloud's holding her tighter and it's all her fault.
(Changes: Jay's stick is a living tree so they were not fetching the stick of the fallen. Lily's parents got swapped because Bracken died in BB!Po3)
But she's not as ruthless as her sharp eyes suggest. Lily is actually very sweet and cares a lot about people. I'm coming to view all the Dustfern kits as having a bit of a "safety crew" vibe because of their dad, and a "sit up straight dear" one from their mom.
So! Lilyheart being Alderheart and Twigbranch's buddy is very fitting for her. The poor, anxious guys can hide behind her and she stick up for them.
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waterfire1848 · 16 days
I saw a post of yours from a while ago about the Legend of korra crew meeting the atla gaang (I love stuff like this so much) and I was thinking, how do you think they reacted to katara being a bloodbender? Like in Lok they all knew what it was and most were horrified when it came up. I think they would find it deeply upsetting the someone they know can do it and that they were only a child when she learned.
Hello, @1anxiousbeancrying !! Thanks for the ask!
I love the idea of Korra meeting the ATLA Gaang! That just has so much potential!
So, in canon Korra knows what bloodbending is. When Tarrlok bloodbends her, she knows it right away without him having to tell her. I imagine it was Katara who told her about bloodbending as she's the only one in the compound that had that kind of exposure to the sub technique. And we know that Katara outlawed it, meaning that she probably had to prove its existence/its existence become known to the outer world. Not to mention Yakone and the fact that all of the Gaang's kids would have been around by the time it was happening, a time when Katara probably would have thought about telling them.
Getting back to the question though, I think it would be different depending on who you're talking about? I can see Korra finding it interesting at first but then being scolded by Katara because it's also incredibly dangerous. From how she reacted to Tarrlok, I think it's safe to say Katara put a good fear of bloodbending in her. So, I imagine that, as a kid, Korra would find bloodbending kind of cool and want to know more but if she found out about what Katara went through in present time, she's a more sympathetic and concerned for her mentor. Asami, Bolin and Mako would probably have all found out about Katara bloodbending after season 1, so they get the full, traumatic version of it and they'd mostly be horrified (having experienced being bloodbended themselves) and also pretty comforting (for lack of a better word) towards Katara.
The Gaang's kids might be a little different. I imagine they would have heard the story of Hama as more of a ghost story Sokka uses to scare them when they were younger which stopped when Yakone came into being. I can also see Katara telling them during or after the trial (at least some of them). Following the very shaky timeline of Korra, Suyin is 2, Lin is 8, Tenzin is 9, Kya is 13, Bumi is 19, and Izumi is ???? when Yakone's trial is going on.
Minus Suyin, I think the Gaang would take this opportunity to tell them what bloodbending really is and why they know it's so dangerous. How the kids would react though would probably depend on the kid? Suyin probably doesn't understand what's going on, Lin is most likely scared (mostly for her mom though, she knows aunt Katara isn't dangerous), Tenzin is also probably scared but I think he'd be scared of his mom's power now (in his head, he knows his mom would never hurt him but hearing that she now has this kind of power does freak his out), Kya is more so concerned with her power abilities and if she could one day have such a horrifying power, Bumi is the most adult out of everyone so he probably has a similar reaction to the Krew in that he's more understanding about what his mom went through. I literally have no idea how Izumi would react.
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kingwuko · 2 months
what are ur hc about wu and makos wedding? who proposes, the party , after the party is over? that kinda stuff
I hc Wu proposing. Wu sets the pace of the relationship so I think he would be the one to actually pop the question HOWEVER.
I hc that there is not yet marriage equality in all the Earth Kingdom states. It's something Wu's working on but reforming a government is tricky and some state leaders are more resistant to the change than others.
so my big marriage hc is that they don't get married until it's legal across all 55 EK states.
which means they are getting married a lil later, maybe in their mid 30s.
aaaaand. I actually don't have a lot of hc around the wedding ceremony itself! the only weddings we see depicted in the world of avatar (that I can remember) are Zhu Li and Varrick's, and Ursa and Ozai (in the comic The Search). But to my knowledge, have we ever seen an earth kingdom wedding????
I feel like there would be a big push for the wedding to be as traditional as possible, given that there will be two grooms and that alone would probably get some negativity from some of the nobility or whatever; so having a traditional ceremony would be like. Like. showing that same sex weddings aren't the end of tradition... Am I making sense here?? at this time I don't have many head canons about what a traditional Earth Kingdom royal wedding would look like!!! I'd love to hear if others have ideas!!!
But I do think it would be sweet if years prior to actually getting married they had a super private, super secret commitment ceremony that only their closest friends and family know about 🧡
Their commitment ceremony would probably be more modern, similar Zhu Li and Varrick's wedding... Idk who would conduct it!!! Maybe Korra? I think that would be pretty sweet!! I think it's just the korrasami and bopal. pema and tenzin. Lin and... Kya??? Not sure about Mako's whole extended family but Grandma Yin for sure. Maybe more. But it's a secret from the public. Apparently I like Wuko having secrets 🤣
They should probably have a honeymoon on Ember Island, right???
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tamras-shieldmaiden · 3 months
Kuvira 4 and 18 for the character ask (if you'd like)!
Character asks about Kuvira? Yes, please!
If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Oooh, this is a good one because I've always felt Kuvira's story could be a great fit for a crossover with the novel and anime series The Twelve Kingdoms. I have talked about this previously on this blog, and my opinion still stands. The overall premise of the story is about a girl who gets transported to this world resembling feudal China and finds out she is the ruler of one of its Twelve Kingdoms (roll credits). Rulers are told by a sacred creature, a kirin, that their mandate is willed by the gods. So far, it sounds fairly standard isekai fare, right? The kicker is that if the appointed ruler does a crapy job, it's the kirin and the kingdom who get punished along with the ruler with monster attacks, famine, and natural disasters. So what better job for a disgraced dictator than to have the chance to turn her life around with another turn at the bat, fully knowing what's on the line for her country and her kirin should she fail again? The Asian fantasy setting, the complex politics, and the deep worldbuilding The Twelve Kingdoms offer are a natural match to Kuvira's story, and besides, she would absolutely slay in royal garb.
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My girl Youko Nakajima from 12K looking fab.
How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
It pains me to admit that, as much as I would love for Lin and Kuvira to have any type of relationship, they don't in canon, so that's something for fanfiction to fix. Compared to other characters, canon doesn't provide us with a lot of options for Kuvira aside from the Beifong family (Sans Lin), Varrick, Bolin, Zhu Li, and of course Korra, so I'll go with the Avatar. Putting aside the minuscule detail that they were enemies, I believe there's potential for a solid friendship here, and the proof is in what we've been shown both in the series and later in the comics. Korra was able to get through Kuvira's defenses in the Spirit World and persuaded her to surrender unconditionally, something that hadn't happened with any of Korra's previous foes. In Ruins of the Empire, we see how Kuvira is willing to help Korra and how Korra is willing to provide her with the opportunity to do so despite everyone else's misgivings. It might take some time, but I'm hopeful the temporary alliance we saw in ROTE could eventually give way to a meaningful friendship.
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Please, I need more moments like this.
Thank you @the-hopefulpenguin for the asks!
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
Sooo...nothing to do with taatfp, BUT someone asked something about LOK and it reminded me of a headcanon that I got as soon as we met Opal and see Lin's reaction to her. (Im not very involved in LOK fandom or anything, so if this isn't a new HC sorry xD)
What if Opal is actually Lin and Tenzin's child? Like, after Tenzin chose Pema, Lin found out she was pregnant. She kept it secret because she didnt want Tenzin to choose her just for the child she was about to have and because she wasn't sure if she wanted to be a mother at all. She decided that if the baby was an airbender (I think baby airbenders are quick to show it? Idk where I got that info from but Im pretty sure that's true?) she would tell Tenzin and then decide how to move forward together. But the baby girl wasn't, so, desperate she reached out to Suyin and asked her to find the baby a loving family among her people and begged Suyin not to ask questions and not give her any details (Lin was completely sure she would be as horrible as mother as her own and didn't want her daughter to grow up to hate her) about the baby or where she ended up, to stop herself from reaching out and messing up.
So, imagine her surprise when she travels with Korra to Zaofu and recognizes the eyes of her niece. Her *airbender* niece.
Yeah, she feels betrayed, you could say.
Omg okay I'm so surprised I've never heard of this theory, anon! It's such an intriguing one! It would definitely provide a good explanation as to why Opal was one of the people who received airbending after Harmonic Convergence, especially when you consider Bumi getting airbending and his heritage. Gahhh this would be such an interesting fic premise.
My running theory as to why certain people got airbending (and I think this is a pretty common theory) is that they were people who had Air Nomad ancestry from refugees who had escaped the genocide and went into hiding in the other nations. Even though two airbenders always give birth to airbenders, we know from the existence of the Kataang kids that if an airbender has a child with a nonbender or a different type of bender, it's not guaranteed that their kid(s) will be airbenders. Again, Bumi having gotten airbending supports this theory as well because of his heritage - all the people who got airbending probably had a latent airbending gene that was "unlocked" after Harmonic Convergence.
In Opal's case (as far as we know in canon at least), I would say that there is likely Air Nomad ancestry on Baatar's side, or possibly on Suyin's dad's side.
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orangepanic · 4 months
34, 36 (I am myself a very visual person, and I should say proudly that I have read all your fics during last 2 months, and I visualize Iroh very good, you even told his height, but not for Asami(as far as I can remember) I would love to imagine them beside eachother in your fics, so how tall you imagine her🧐)
39, 41
Please skip any, if you have already answered ❤️
That's such an interesting point! (also you read all my fics???!!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗) I wonder if I spend less time describing Asami because she has so much more screen time so I assume readers know? Anyway I have Asami as just a hair over 5'9" but as in canon almost always in heels, which puts her at perfect kissing height with Iroh :-)
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
At the same time everything and nothing. There are no characters who are inspired by real people, but at the same time there are little bits of people I know in so much of my characterizations. Asami has my messy purse and my coffee order. Iroh and I probably have the same number of books, though his are far better organized. His and Izumi's dislike of shoes is the same as my husband's. Some of the settings look like places I've been or seen (like all of Starvation Paradise is inspired by a real place in Russia). It's all cobbled together.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
Yes, which is often the hardest part. Writing for me is like watching a movie in my head and trying to translate. But it's also filtered through the characters' perceptions. Another reason I might describe Iroh differently than Asami is that they notice different things about one another. For example, I pulled these first re-meeting descriptions from the same fic.
Taller than average, he had thick black hair that he wore slicked back and the typical pale skin and golden eyes of the Fire Nation. Handsome in an angular sort of way, he had the kind of tense, uncomfortable look that she associated only with military men, nuns, and Lin Beifong.
Her black hair was bound up into a ponytail and she’d exchanged her heeled boots for hiking shoes. Even in the flat shoes she was tall, and though clearly younger than him she walked with a surety of movement that made her seem older than Korra and the others. A pair of olive green goggles perched on the top of her head. Iroh hadn’t wanted a traveling companion, but the thought crossed his mind that, if he must have one, he could do a lot worse than a pretty girl with common sense.
While it's only an example, I think Asami is slightly more literal and objective in her internal descriptions. Enter Mr. Tall, Tense, and Handsome from the Fire Nation. Iroh seems to be more relative, so while also noting features like tall and pretty, he's also describing Asami relative to his own expectations and feelings, so you get comparators like "younger than me but seems older than Korra and mature for her age so maybe okay to date?" and "I really didn't want to go with someone but hmmm okay yes I like this."
I can't claim I'm doing this on purpose but maybe I am? It would track with my characterization of Asami as slightly more analytical and Iroh as a big sack of feelings.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
Oh, all the time! First, I shamelessly steal headcanons. All the time. I see something I like and I adopt it. Second, I'm always reading things that make me want to write better or differently. If I read something I like I'll try it out. For example I just read a trashy mystery novel that, while I didn't love it, hardly used dialog tags at all and I was fascinated by that, so I've been trying it out. It's just fun to play with. Finally, I love chatting with other writers and people in fandom and bouncing ideas and getting feedback. They've all made me better.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
I love the subtle intimacy of this one and have been trying to write like that ever since.
Fanfic writer asks
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