#would that be shat as in 'they got shat on'?
courtsees · 1 year
now on the topic of how cyril views archer (and half of this is just headcanon) but i genuinely believe that in the beginning of whenever he and archer started to work at their agency ,, he very much admired archer and his form of masculinity. but probably all that bullying of course made that admiration sour. but we still see glimpses of him having hope that archer will validate/like him at some moments ie the whole best friend episode the shots episode
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chronicswitch · 8 days
thx @stripedpaws for reblogging that post with links to specific meme generators bc now I have this beauty
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rocketrouquine · 11 months
"It's not about glory. It's not about gettin' what you want. It's about belonging to something when the world has told you you're nothin'. It's about finding the family to kill for when yours are long dead. It's about letting go of ego for something larger. The crew."
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Ok, yes. BUT. *stepping on soapbox*
Excuse me, ok, he got an amazing arc where he changed and I went from despising him (I never hated him, I thought he was entertaining in season 1 but very one note villain) to actually adoring him BUT : telling this speech, like, this is what you were always feeling in your soul ?AHEM ! SIR ! I haven’t forgotten your little lunch on deck in season 1 finale when you were speaking about « Izzy’s revenge » all gleeful and dickish while Ivan and Fang were serving you wine and you threatened WeeJohn with no rations just because he vexed your… yes you guessed it EGO.
Don’t get me wrong I really adore the contradiction and the hypocrisy of it all, it’s very on brand. BUT it was clearly the « I’m gonna die » speech.
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triglycercule · 22 days
am i allowed to post headcanons for jk fashion au. will people riot and scream at me not to post because its a waste. this is my own au this would be considered canon (i still have to get used to that. i'm a CREATOR now!). triglycercule this is literally your account why do you worry about if what you post bothers people. idk man i just worry like that,,,, anyways i have so many fucking hcs for jk fashion au that i cant draw without taking an obscenely long time on it so i guess i'm just gonna make this into one big stupid little reblog thread or edit and add onto this when i can (because if i keep making seperate posts about it and then lose track of the hcs i think i'm gonna kill myself) starting with these one :3
jk!nightmare often dances to audios she finds "cool" and stuff like that. i dont know an example of this but just imagine the coolest anime ending or opening soundtrack you could think of. anyways she's not very quiet about this. she sings loudly. and not all that well (NOT THAT SHE HAS A BAD VOICE JUST THAT,,,,, its not the best!) and the dreamtale residence has thin walls. so jk!dream often has to tell her to quiet down because their parents dont wanna hear the noise or whatever. and it turns into a very awkward stareoff between dream and nightmare when dream catches her in the middle of dancing and singing. very awkward. nightmare's eye goes all staremare mode because it would be funny. she's in her "corrupted form" for this so she can get into the right vibes. ans dream just smiles and sighs and offers to dance and sing with her until she gets it right as long as sh lowers the volume. and nightmare is absolutely touched by this because goddamn i would too like,,,,, and then they have a silly dance practice session and sing together sillily and its sweet and cute and amazing and dream is a great dancer ans nightmare isn't sll that good but dream helps her and doesn't judge and thats all nightmare wants (aside from being able to actually get the damn dance move right DAMN IT MOVE FEET!!!! stop dragging around,,,,,)
jk nightmare likes to think she's nocturnal or some bullshit like that. or like she stays up at abyssmal times because the moon is out and the negative energy at night is impeccably high or some cringe shit like that (LMAO) so when she goes to the book club i mean her gang she regularly takes naps there. except she also has a high enough ego not to just sleep on some lousy desk so the jk mtt brought in a beanbag into the clubroom and killer bought their stupid fucking sleeping mask for nightmare to wear. the design on it is up to interpretation but i like to think its like two giant googly eyes looking in opposite directions but like totally bedazzled because jk nightmare wants nothing less
like this! except i totally just fucking stole this from honkai impact but it fits okay it fits
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anyways naptime for jk nightmare :3 and then when she wakes up the clubroom is in like total disarray with horror chasing killer for some bullshit she pulled and dust trying to flip over all the flipped over desks and shes just like what the fuck happened while she was asleep. cant do NOTHING with these damn goons of hers she should've hired others (theyre yiur friends silly dont be like that,,,,)
jk killer does those "today's mission" tiktoks. i've had this on my mind but it clicked for me that jk killer would do this when the mission for the day (i think this was yesterday) was to casually mention in conversation that you shit yourself. THIS ONE https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNoDfpJt/ its such a funny fucking idea i can just imagine the absolute DISGUST EVERYONE would show on their faces. even dream frowns at killer and shes supposed to be perfect 😭😭😭
jk killer forces horror and dust to be in her selfies or videos or whatever the hell she wants to post but neither of them want to be shown online but she also wants to show off her fun moments with her totally cool best friends so she spends a lot of time manually editing emojis over their faces. even the videos. all of them
when jk dream comes to visit the gang and the clubroom usually the gang is in the middle of some sort of chaos and nightmare want to appear calm and collected and cool infront of her little sister so she immediately tries to get the trio to settle down. jk mtt still crack jokes at her expense though
jk dust and jk dream exchange letters with eachother. why? idk i just think that dream would collect those wax seal things (nightmare uses them too but dream's the main collector) and she needs to use them and dust has an interest in stationary so wax sealed letters,,,, stationary,,,, PEN PALS!!! they both have pen pal nicknames for eachother although i cant come up with them rn so whatever its up to interpretation
jk horror often just like. spots jk dream. like out in the wild for no reason its kind just like encountering a pokemon except ive never interacted with any pokemon content so i dont know much about how wild interactions like that go. anyways usually dreams doing some sort of vollunteer work and horror just comes up to her to causally chat. usually when horror's around others that aren't dust or killer she has to force herself to act nice but with dream she's just so naturally nice that it kinda rubs off on horror and she doesn't really act fake nice,,,, its cute. after dreams doing what they go out for ice cream together because theyre friends ans its cute and horror usually pays because dream does a shitton of work for no pay and she doesn't need more money stolen from her. this one is so cute :3
ok thats all i can think of for now. will be updating soon when i come up with more
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average jk nm's gang conversation (nightmare doesn't know how to continue the sentence she just spoke in her fake fancy talk and the jk mtt are dogging her for it)
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garrettwrites · 3 months
I see so many posts about cats being dumb that I honestly question if the countless cats I've been around my whole life are/were real or not. I've only ever met one dumb cat. Every single other one would win at chess if their far superior brain, geared towards bigger achievements, could spare time to comprehend the rules.
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wreckedandpolemic · 3 months
I've been trying to figure this out off and on for a couple of weeks and I give up so I'm just asking you directly.
What does your username say? I cannot for the life of me figure out the back half, and I feel like the it's always sunny pepe Silvia meme.
Wrecked and ????
I'd appreciate your help in this manner!
sorry i’m giggling so hard im surprised it took so long to get this question cos im convinced there are like 5 people in the world that know the words to talk! (and matty is not one of them loool)
but it’s wrecked and polemic!! as in:
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(i did have to google what it meant when i was learning the lyrics to talk! tho lmfao)
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lokh · 2 years
ok so. how often do you think is reasonable to be absent from work.
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"normal" meaning "unquestionable" & the embrace of that cropping up anywhere such as an aim to be on the unquestionable side of a Normal / Weird binary, thus surely being a comfortable effortless indelible version of Good that stems from "just be normal"
ppl out here like freud 2.0 where well they had the sufficiently normal Nuclear Household family(tm) experience so they're sufficiently normal for it, versus the weirdos who had the Questionable family times so as to end up with Issues, surely unlike all those who are Family Issue free, i.e. normal, no question. like how also Going To School is Normal, so of course there's that idea that anyone who didn't go to school normal style or did but Did That Wrong are the people made Weirder with Issues. & when what's Normal is what's Good is what's Unquestionable it's like why would i need to question it when it's so normal? why wouldn't some rando asshole nepo man be Meritous & Good at business when he's so Successful at it. speaks for itself, same as Your role of being treated entirely differently does, this can't be questioned, blame it on your own failures; again how the supposedly "questionable" experiences (unlike other ones, which need no Legitimate questioning) are pathologized like. people talking about disabled ppl's lacking "social skills" being this meaningful Driver of ableism just like poor people's lacking "financial literacy" being that darn cause of classism & resource extraction, the already Questioned vulnerable [you're just doing it wrong / failing] people are the cause of their own mistreatment, Normal people who are so socially & financially successful are helpless, this victim blaming (can't question it. Normal) sure totally doesn't speak to abuse being "normal" as well
which, good thing abuse totally isn't Normal i.e. in the territory of unquestionable things (with, obviously, the idea that Abuse (Real abuse, if you like) must be Exceptional in addition to, if not to Really be, "obviously" questionable) since if something can't be questioned then surely it's also How Things Were In The Beginning, Are Now, & Ever Shall Be (catholic prayer paraphasing re: god, for referential context) & there's just nothing to do but invest in & play into it For Success & resent / punish / try to eliminate disruption, like people just existing but doing it Weird, c'mon, be a better person please, obviously....meanwhile people out here approaching queerness in a way that accepts & acts according to the unquestionable normal of abuse of queerness, such that oh the "abnormality" of being queer (that is, "normal" people's abuse in the face of awareness of queerness) is unquestionable, such that Oh No, investment in that abuse now & forever world without end amen, & now punching down on the people who are just Being Weird & Disrupting this embrace of the norm: radfems invested in "all bodies will be classed as men & women & the former abuse the latter" & hate women who already disrupt this premise; pointing out ace exclusionism as terf logic just applied in the different context where queer vs nonqueer binary is neatly detected just as the gender binary is & people who already prove that & the way it's defined is not the case are the real problems, infiltrating Unquestionable (Normal) Queerness & delegitimizing it i.e. being The Cause of e.g. homophobic abuse, which will also unquestionably exist, so if we're gonna blame someone as Needing To Change it'll have to be uhhh already also affected Weird people who are ruining things, they're the Real causes of this abuse, so they're basically men, basically cis, basically straight. boooo to trans ace bi pan aro nonbinary gnc people....hardest to be binary gender "same sex" "romantic" "visible" Truly Queer couple currently holding hands in public or in front of family, & it's You Mfs who make it harder, not, yknow, the people who were already always embracing & perpetuating the abuse bolstering Normal(tm) Cishet Just Being Normal. and of course don't forget going after poly people & others disrupting / not accepting premises about Unquestionable Relationship Structures/Requirements. so not just being normal
also the beloved concept broken out that, of course, Being Normal = Being Good, b/c hello, unquestionable?? where it's like meaningless ideas that abuse is Abnormal like ":( hurt people hurt people" (inherently a framing to counter any response to [person is hurting me] that's not silent secret sympathy forever i guess. nobody's using this catchphrase to argue for Hey Quick let's all intervene to stop someone being hurt, lest they go on to hurt anyone themselves) like & yet everyone is hurt, yet not everyone is doing shit where these arguments are broken out after they're already getting away with nonsense & we're telling others to just stop complaining, while also not everyone isn't getting shit on for being "disruptive" & perchance the real hurtful problems for trying to Stop being shitted on, or just have a little more breathing room to day to day live while it happens. everyone's hurt bitch let's get you some "what's the actual patterns & context of supported power imbalance made emergently evident by whose choices & life are constrained & undermined & made smaller" like. or the expanded idea as that well all abuse comes from Being abused, i.e. the Cycle, never mind that abuse is everywhere as per its being Normal, & nobody's intervening every time it manifests despite its supposed exceptionality thus rareness & supposed indication that someone's Being abused to cause it. just gotta roll with it, wow. & pathologize being victim to it, abuser in the making, Vulnerable People are dangerous, those insulated & given more access to systemically backed power in an oh so Normal way are surely oh so Safe as well. the very rich families are all lovely havens. the abused people are treated so well & embraced & supported by all the more Normal people they encounter, certainly not Also isolated, bullied, victim blamed by these Normal friends family coworkers new partners randos in public randos who are "professionals"
but yknow uh literally just be normal lol. aaand post. and like "lol being Anti Being Normal? just like a weirdo" like yeah of course. and what, i'm gonna try to win the heart & mind of someone like "of course you have blue hair & pronouns" & convert them, as would definitely happen if only all transgenderists were Normal about it? and the perspective of "what Unquestionable Good is ever actually coming from striving to get to point at Others as Weird" involves going like "nooo i wanna see myself & be seen as Just Being Normal" instead of like having ideas / arguments about how to be considerate towards people which can be articulated in any other way & involve effort & said consideration (ft. anything able to be questioned)
#but i think we all agree that ppl pointing & going ''ugh poly shit ruining everything'' or ''aplatonic?? lmfao'' are heroes AND le epic#always feel free to circle around too to bi ppl who are Totally Basically Cishet AND Worse Enemies Really Than. Anyone Cishet#and i'm sure the ace exclusionism never ends for plenty of ppl. keep the logic but go ''oh well it's just still not That big a deal''#the experiences of being more vulnerable & exposed to exploitation of that? are the drivers of Deviation. your weird issues#MY blessed normativity. had enough of Family Friendship Romance that was all surely pleasant enough#popular enough / not bullied enough at school. i am now a good person based on vibes b/c to be Hurting anyone? well i would Know#why not go talk to the rando who was like ''racism is over b/c i have never invoked like Hey. White Person To White Person. give me#preferential treatment >;) & in fact now white people are Dispreferred etc etc'' ohh all the Special Treatment(tm) for Others....#again like the idea Abuse happens in some ''abnormal'' situation & simply being in ''normal'' ones will show victims the light#(already with the logic that ppl are in abusive situations b/c the victims need to Know Better & Take The Correct Actions finally)#(i.e. victim blaming / pathologize the individuals) like yeah the guarantee ppl don't just keep getting shat on is not there lol#the blessed normal ppl who are i guess natural healers i presume? Totally never ostracizing bullying & further treating as ''''weird''''#like the idea ohh autistic ppl are Bad At Interactions. oh shit interactions b/w autistic ppl go great? well uhh#then It's A Two Way Street except also being nt is Normal so autistic ppl need to ''learn social skills'' so Ableism Ends. their fault#same deal like sympathy & support from the supposed Primed To Harm fellow abused ppl?? while others are undermining & ostracizing? nahh#even getting to be ''alone'' i.e. either existing amid others but not there ''with'' anyone; or certainly Left Alone; way more Validating#and just more pleasant too like. even the abstract concept of [do xyz: with a friend group] :((( vs do it by yourself :)#''oh ppl don't want to have the Social Skills & exert the Effort to have a friend group?? that's that on Moral Failure'' Lol. truly.#good people are popular & bad people are ostracized in recognition of their unquestionably Questionable Weirdo Vibe. got their ass#if you can't / won't break something down beyond Normal/Weird. why. i'm questioninnnng....And queer.#like ''sounds just like something a Weird Ruinerrr (Disruptor) would say'' uh yeah i sure hope it does &c
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5-htagonist · 3 months
im on a BOAT! in ALASKA! a really BIG BOAT!
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jazbell · 6 months
thinking about persona 4 discourse and i get so mad
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nashscribblings · 1 year
Patreon done goofed.
If you haven't been made aware, Patreon shat the bed at the start of this billing cycle:
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I had quite a few Patrons knocked off the roll this time around. If you got declined or a fraud warning or something, please be patient and try to stay on top of it.
Considering Grady's health issues, this comes at a really bad time. Pitching in would be appreciated.
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goththembo · 1 year
Hard to make arguments for the parentals at this point like metronoming btwn staying a part of their lives and just disappearing to as physically far away from them as possible when i move out
#might start a fund or some shit idk#$200 of groceries in the toilet bc my parents wants come before anything else!#$200 of my fucking money! they both make at least twice as much as i do!!#after spending so much time and other resources taking care of them while they’re sick getting them basically anything they wanted#all the while they got me fucking sick and what do i get?? NOTHING#fucking fall down the stairs weak and I couldn’t even get a fucking ride to work when it was hitting 80 degrees already#my head is about to explode#they’re better now but i feel like crap#and any time i complain i get shat on for it#they always make it about them like how much worse they and everyone else on the planet has it than me like#that’s wonderful! wont help me to not kill myself ffs#like even in normal passing conversations it’s like a fucking argument turned competition like I literally cant!#sick. stuck at work for 10 hours. wont be home until like 8pm. where ill have to cook dinner for everyone that hates anything the other like#organized a big overpriced fucking instacart order specifically timed so that someone would be home to fucking. take it inside???#it’s 80 fucking degrees and there’s melted ice cream and hot heavy cream and god knows what else is ruined because no one could just#do the fucking thing they said repeatedly they would do and be at the place they had to be at the one time they had to be there#AND WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE OUT TODAY LIKE GOD GO HOME#ITS A FUCKING MONDAY DONT YOU HAVE WORK#OR CLASSES???#UGH
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tropicalscream · 1 year
blah blah Bethesda bad anyway
my favorite thing about Elder Scrolls is how goddamn fuckin weird it is
like on surface it's just some dnd game but like even a cursory glance shows tis fucking insane like:
The moons is the corpse of a god
the stars are actually holes in reality when alot of primordial spirits hated that mortals were becoming a thing and fucked off
The demon lord of forbidden knowledge/resident Cthulhu stand-in might also be the beta version of the entire fucking universe made sentient when it wasn't chosen to be the used reality
there are cat ppl that take the form of furrys, lions, or regular cats, so you can have a cursing Pirate legend whose an alcoholic & wanted in 5 countries but is also a like basic tabby cat
the wood elves are so pro-nature they're cannibals and also they murder vegetarians
Vampires came from the Lord of Rape doing well ya know
Werewolves came to exist bc the lord of hunt got bored and is a furry
sex is treated like a fucking ip copyright contract on what aspect of sex is happening and what god it's under. There's been many religious wars about this
The lizard ppl are part tree
the Dwarves all fucked off somewhere and disappeared bc they were so atheist they did math to break relativity and literally no one has any idea where they went God or mortal (except maybe Cthulhu and hes not telling)
Said Cthulhu stand-in treats hiding your grandma's secret cookie recipe & hiding a spell that would end the universe and slay a god the exact same and he will murder you for either
Everyone wants to fuck the Orcs but will never admit it and they got so bent out of shape that a demon god killed the og orc god, ate him, and shat him out bc she couldn't deal with everyone complimenting them all the time so now all Orcs are cursed to be hated but they're all still sexy & so is their god
And all this isnt even the tip of the iceberg
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squishe · 1 year
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diathadevil · 1 year
why do I keep torturing myself like some morbidly curious viewer watching US-centric youtubers calling Europop music The Worst Genre.
I don't know what else I was expecting yet I still got mad.
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the gameplay for Jill is different and great in RE3R because she is trained she was in the military (in Delta force?) specialising in knife fighting and everything else we see her do so how to make that scary? put her up against some thing as quick on their feet as she is, physically stronger and larger (hoping for the Ada game where we follow her in RE2 and the time between 4 and 6 she is also quick on her feet but instead of a knife it's just her pistol)
and also have Nemesis come into one safe room and not a big one like the main hall of re2 but a small one the one by the garage where we see Nic for the first time? that one (I was always too scared to trigger Nemesis coming into there to get it done but I'm sure you can find a video I've seen it done on a livestream with Darkness)
and then the other creatures you come up against and this idea I hope comes across in the RE5 and 6 remakes but overwhemling numbers can and will get you killed like good god (in inferno i got scared at my favourite save points being taken away and I died so many times in the starting section i just treated myself and got out the rocket launcher which only does so much if you don't have the coins on you)
speaking of Inferno (and nightmare) enemy placements being different some items being different (the magnum turns up in the subway station)
make it dark and make corridors and corners you can't see down until you go down it think you clear section and when you come back running for your life more zombies have wondered in and you have to dodge those as well
I've said this before and I will do so again but the director Kiyochiko Sakata did such a good job for a directorial debut because his gaming credits are as a programmer and coder
Resident Evil 2 (1998) Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) AKA THE ORIGINAL Devil May Cry (2001) Resident Evil 4 (2005) God Hand (2006) MadWorld (2009) Vanquish (2010) Anarchy Reigns (2012) The Wonderful 101 (2013) Resident Evil 3 (2020 game)
I wanted to talk about M2 studios/ inc but I can't find much on them right now but they had a huge role in RE4R and RE3R and members were part of the 1996 team i think
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