#wouldnt really serve any purpose
krawdad · 2 years
I should build a mechanical hand
Give child me a treat
Give current me's brain something to fucking do
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goodomensjail · 10 months
“Chekhov’s Gun” and Good Omens Episode 1 SPOILERS and speculation
yes i was at the Brooklyn July 18 premiere so these are real spoilers
The “Chekhov’s gun” is a story telling principle that says any detail in a story should serve a purpose in the overall narrative, i.e. if you SHOW a gun to the audience, it SHOULD be fired later in the story. 
Applying this to Heaven’s threat of erasing a name from the “Book of Life” as punishment for anyone hiding or kidnapping or assisting in the missing Gabriel issue: we have never heard the term “Book of Life” in season 1, and why mention it as a threat if it is not to be used in the plot? Why not just say “torture” or “toss into the deepest pit” or anything else that we as the audience would clearly understand as “bad thing”? 
No, it is purposefully stated “erased from the Book of Life” and then we are explicitly told this will mean “they will have never existed”. 
I propose this prediction for the climax of the story, based on my seeing episodes 1 & 2 AND the EVERY SPOILER!!! so STOP HERE if you have avoided and want to continue to avoid “EVERY”. I guess basically here is my current fanfic for the season. 
Fact: we have yet to find out Angel Crowley’s name. He suspiciously doesn't give it to Aziraphale who prompts him for an introduction in the opening pre-fall scene. He changes his name at least once, from Crawley to Crowley, and maybe more times since Hastur and Ligur bemoan “whats he going by these days” in season 1
Fact: The ONLY reason Crowley gets involved in helping hide Gabriel is after hearing that the Book of Life erasure punishment is in play and RUSHES to Aziraphale to protect him while “Good old fashioned lover boy” plays 
THEORY: Crowley will take the blame for hiding Gabriel by handing him into Hell in order to protect Aziraphale. Gabriel will regain his memory and will come to recognize Crowley as either Raphael or Lucifer (more on that theory later)  and Crowley will get Gabriel to swear to secrecy that Aziraphale was involved because hey wouldnt an Archangel want to take out a powerful demon who was once an Archangel or Gods Favorite Light Bringer? So Gabriel allows Crolwey to take the blame and heaven to erase him. 
Crowley will rush back to the bookshop to say goodbye to Aziraphale and EVERY happens. Something like “Well i guess if its my last chance to say it” a la doctor who happens, and smoooooch. and THEN. 
Nothing happens. Crowley cannot be erased because no one in heaven knows his name. They demand Muriel (a scribe angel) look up “the Demon Crowley” and she realizes rather happily there is no such name in the book. They try “the Demon Crawley” and still no luck. 
Gabriel returns to heaven, and he keeps mum on the subject, having gone on an emotional journey with the husbands, he looks at Muriel knowingly and says something like “o well, Muriel keep looking, however long it takes” and he turns on his heel and is off. Muriel smiles and we cut back to our husbands that are really confused, Aziraphale cuz he just got smooched by the love of his life and Crowley cuz apparently he now has to live with his actions....
As for the “Lucifer” theory instead of the Raphale theory: in the HEBREW BIBLE Satan and Lucifer appear to be different angels, Satan a title meaning “the opposer” or “the acuser” and Lucifer “Morning Star” or “Light Bringer” an angel “that fell”. 
Crowley was an angel creating stars including falling stars. 
Crowley appears to be the more powerful miracle maker in season 1, and appears to outrank Aziraphale in the pre fall scene. 
The angels say the miracle to hide Gabriel (which Crowley and Azirpahale performed together) was EXTREMELY powerful, too powerful for Azirpahale.
Crowley was an angel and a demon that did his own thing and didnt listen to authority, either God or Satan. 
Satan, the red horny guy, is clearly called “Satan” in season 1 EXCEPT for the bar scene where Crowley states “i was bored... and then hey its lucifer and the guys!” - what if he is referring to HIMSELF and the guys? it would still work. 
Neil has been pretty against the Raphael theory for some time....
ANYWAY. This is AAALLLL probably way off BUT if i even have a small portion of something right i need it written down to point to after July 28 :)
In ANY case there MUST be some kind of USE of the Book of Life i CANNOT imagine a world where that “gun” doesnt “fire”
EDIT: another story telling principle is called a “Red Herring” and that could also well be in play here, what with all the “Clue” references earlier this month. Lastly, the Archangels all SEE Crowley in the Job story, but he is in his glasses and in his time appropriate clothing....maybe the fact that he is always blending into the fashions of the time is that he is sorta HIDING his status as Raphale or Lucifer and blending in?
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scaryhaven · 7 months
i know a lot of people dont want us to be upset in a way that makes them uncomfortable, they dont want us to be mad, they want us to only be sad and cry in our little corners, but we're allowed to grieve in whichever way we please, and you know why? because the writers are getting exactly what they wanted, a reaction. and you know why theyre not getting the sad, whiney reaction they may have expected? because it was cruel, and it was poor writing, simple as that. i think a lot of us izzy fans are actually not asking for a lot, we understand that any of the side characters were in the cross hairs to possibly be killed, its a pirate show (oh now we care that theyre pirates and its not just a workplace romantic comedy, there are stakes, sure convenient, but whatever) but, it was the manner in which hes killed, i think if we saw izzy fully transform into the man he was meant to be, with years of pain and trauma finally shed, and happiness an actual reality for him, and they chose to kill him off at the end of season three, well, it'd still hurt like hell, but it wouldnt feel like this. instead he was never given a chance, a chance at anything really. his death did not serve a bigger purpose for the show, and not for the characters, i dont believe anyone that says that his death was necessary for a single plot point or character development, as if izzy was some great evil holding everything back. no, he was killed for one simple reason, because they knew itd be upsetting, and i hope theyre happy because i am upset, congratulations, you upset me, but guess what, you dont then get to decide how i express this feeling, you dont get to upset someone and then tell them not to be upset because its just really killing the vibe for you. (that being said i will of course not be contacting or harassing anyone involved in the show, no, never, just airing out feelings so they dont become poison inside myself, turning poison into positivity)
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mcl38 · 3 months
lmao i had to unfollow a mclaren moot because they took the "twink" thing to an extreme and were pointing out how he's just oscar's little twink and would always be fragile and small instead of big and strong and fit like "broadscar" and i really just had to. 🤦‍♀️ fit? FIT? lando was the only driver not on the brink of fainting after qatar, not everything in f1 is about how "broad" and "muscular" you seem. i wanted to give the benefit of doubt at first but when the fetishizing gay relationships turned into pushing these bodyshaming stereotypes onto a literal professional athlete i was out.
i mean its so wild bc half of them seem to give the twink descriptor to both drivers and half specifically pin it on lando because hes smaller than oscar & make it into a whole Dynamic of lando being sooo toppable or whatever. which just shows that there isnt actually any weight to 'twinklaren' at all and it rly is meaningless, bc surely if it was clear cut and obvious these differences wouldnt exist ykwim? like its just about what serves their fandom purpose in that moment
idk i think as much as the term broadscar is unfortunately quite funny to me, f1 fandom discussions abt weight and bodies r kind of bound to become problematic (real sense not 2014 tumblr sense) bc of the requirements of the sport. the way lewis has said that hes not allowed to bulk up because it would make his weight balance too lopsided (as a side note u guys do not know how ready i am for post retirement bicep BEAST lewis hamilton. the only way im gonna survive him retiring) etc like its not just about appearance for them.
in terms of how lando is fit like ur 100% right - stuff like qatar shows that he (and jon) has been doing his due diligence w preparing for these conditions. u can also just see in that last quadrant video how hes obviously very physically fit and ready for the season. its just that bodies have natural differences between them - oscar is genetically taller, lando is genetically more flexible; oscar is naturally broader around his arms, lando is naturally broader around his back, etc. and its not necessarily an issue to point these things out or even joke about them (when ppl say daniel's got birthing hips it still makes me laugh and its been years since i first heard it) but at some point it does start to show a fundamental misunderstanding of what f1 drivers do. like do i need to pull up the real sweat im a high performance athlete clip or what
so thats on the body stuff. re: the twink stuff i think the reason it rubs me, you, many ppl wrong even before we consciously realise it is like. a twink is a type - not just a body type, a *type*. in the gay male* community, you identify yourself as a twink (or bear, otter, etc) because some people are particularly attracted to twinks, bc they have a type. then obviously because the gay community is way more than just sexual attraction & has a lot of cultural capital, the term twink gained connotations and cultural history etc and grew past that. but the origins are still very much in gay male* attraction. so now that the term has become accessible to ppl who arent in that community, and therefore arent *participating*, identifying someone by their physical characteristics (and maybe implied penetrative sex preference) no longer has the subtext of appeal, but of derision. because no longer is it implied that everyone involved is a gay man*, which means calling someone a twink also implicitly calls them gay. and i think 'twink' specifically gained traction compared to other types also bc of its association w femininity in one's physical appearance - which, again, ur just derogatorily calling someone feminine and gay. even if, say, ur a member of the lgbt community who isn't a gay man*, it still carries the subtext - like anon u completely correctly identified the condescending undertones of whoever ur talking about. which is why i say we should just bring back fag #justsayfag
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transmutationisms · 7 months
self harm is hot, useful, and honestly not any worse than giving yourself a stick and poke imo. i think people's motivations for it are often more complicated but there is all this built into the discussion around self harm about how dangerous it is and if we take your average non-suicidal self-harmer, they are almost certainly doing things less dangerous than getting into a car we can't have a real conversation about bodily autonomy on a large scale until we all admit that people do dangerous things all the time for all sorts of reasons, and just because one is more societally associated with being a freak doesn't make it some concretely worse form of harm
basically agree but i think the argument here would be that 'accepted' dangerous activities have benefits to them (eg, you get in a car for the purpose of getting somewhere) whereas things deemed 'self harm' have no purpose beyond causing yourself pain or injury. i'd obviously argue back with this that in fact the self harm activities DO serve a purpose or else we wouldnt do them lmao, whether it's self-soothing or emotional regulation or sexual fulfillment or whatever. so really what it comes down to i think, is what sorts of trade offs a person considers rational or normal. like, getting in a car is a good example because statistically it is quite dangerous but if you accede to the idea that going to your little job and making your little profits every day is socially useful and productive, then ofc the car trip appears rational and normal and social in a way that cutting or bruising yourself does not.
i will find this later also but: i read a fun article a while back about how cutting wasn't really a described phenomenon until like the early 20th century, so (as with many psych labels and descriptions) you can attach this behaviour to other things people did prior that were physically harmful to themselves, but really it's a bit anachronistic because there was a specific explanatory framework attached to cutting and self harm when it entered the literature. patients don't always accept such framework uncritically but there's a new type of feedback loop there, where people are now engaging with a specific professional / credentialled explanation of this behaviour and the desires that drive it, and are assimilating those explanations into their own self-conception and sense of identity, and often simultaneously challenging or defying them. meanwhile the public conceptions of this type of self harm from people who don't do it are kind of another can of worms, but the point remains that the conception of this behaviour we're familiar with now is relatively historically recent. which is just a point worth keeping in mind here imo. people had different ways of thinking about hurting themselves prior to these specific paychiatric discourses, and many still do, and they will in the future as well.
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dballzposting · 3 months
PREMISE 1: Goten has firm boundaries and won't hesitate in being aggressive about asserting his will/wants/needs.
We see this from DBZ to DBGT. A specific example from DBZ would be when he and Trunks were mascarading as The Mighty Mask; Goten insisted that Trunks give juice to his "bottom half too," and that he wouldnt do his bit without being paid his due. After drinking the juice, he was perfectly happy and content; that was his only qualm, and he acted on it. He didnt feel that anyone had seen the juice cup fall out of the outfit-bottom, anyway.
In DBGT, Goten is hard-headed and one-track, most noticeably when he essentially told Mr Satan to FUCK OFF when Mr Satan beseeched him (in his own way) for his help. Goten knows how weak Mr Satan is, and he's an old man by now, and furthermore he's family; BUT, Goten was on a date, and he did not want to keep her waiting. But he did not politely back out like Gohan or even Trunks would have done; he minced no words and boldly, rudely, told Mr Satan that he was on his own; no consideration for the crowd that was witnessing. His date was much more important to him.
There's a lot you could feasibly take from this behavior, but I'm of the stance that this a healthy aggression that serves its purpose when present. He is hard-headed like his father and stubborn like his mother; he knows what his priorities are, and he commits his whole self to them - damn the witnesses.
PREMISE 2: Goten and Trunks are childhood best friends, guy friends, buddies, pals, chums; and their relationship is within those conventional parameters.
Mainly: why are we to assume that there is any affection between them? As children, their relationship is about play, competition, and war, and the perfect collaborate therein; as teenagers, they play superheros together, and evidently havent seen each other for a while by EOZ; and in GT, they don't interact much, rarely mention the other, and never seek the other out. They're loyal, absolutely, but do they really seek acts of affection out of the other?
As they have known each other since childhood, they are only jaded to the other; looking at the other's face must elicit the same emotional rise as looking at a cardboard box. They are like family, but without the obligation; they are a constant in the other's life, but naturally, they grow apart without fanfare when due.
There is no plausible reason for there to be any exciting sparks between them, and by and by, their lifestyles have brought them on different paths in DBGT. This doesnt mean that they stop being friends, and a sparring buddy is a necessary thrill for them - but they easily survive a year apart, and who knows when they actually do interact (or even what they do together or talk about.) They've both grown up and changed a lot. Everything they knew about the other slowly fades to irrelevancy. Still, we can't assume that there is any interest for what could be new between them; Trunks seems busy with his job and Goten seems busy with girls.
PREMISE 3: If Goten has a strong understanding of his priorities and a healthy aggression regarding them, then he would not tolerate anyone getting in the way.
PREMISE 4: Goten in his later years shows a heavy prioritization in attaining female attention.
THEREFORE: He would not tolerate infringement into his relationships with girls.
PREMISE 5: If Goten and Trunks are guy friends, then their relationship is built on familiarity, and they have no new sparks.
PREMISE 6: Trunks has nothing new to offer Goten.
PREMISE 7: Trunks is competition.
CONCLUSION: Goten would not allow Trunks to enter his relationship with Palace-chan.
The Goten and Palace and Trunks throuple shitshow is a beautiful thing and I'll stand by that. But guy friends dont typically want the other stealing the attention of their girlfriend, and guy friends dont typically step on each other's toes like that.
HOWEVER: The throuple shitshow IS a bold conjecture; it's inherit with the non-monogamous aspect. You cannot discredit it on grounds of being Uncharacteristic. For it already requires an open mind to begin with.
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bismuthburnsblue · 6 months
pre project write up: the coat!
ill keep this short (for me) because i worked through most the details with the wearable mockup from last year, but i wanted to reintroduce this project & the fabrics ill be using :)
This is the final version of my winter coat project, which i am starting at a great time (ill probably finish this well after its gotten cold!) Ive started with a base of McCalls M6800, because im not super confident in my ability to draft a pattern with the correct ease for this type of garment. Ive made some minor fittings (far too much room in one of the front seams for me, and i took some volume out of the skirt area. the shoulders were. weird. i honestly wouldnt rate this pattern super highly it had some grading issues that should have been caught, but it serves my purposes) and now i should be ready to go! i wont be following the instructions very much but theyre pretty basic anyway, so ill just go my own way and see where i end up!
this is kind of the inspo if you want a visual!
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the main body of the coat will be made out of this gorgeous, velvet like wool (i think its a blend?). In true Nyx fashion, its black and absolutely impossible to photograph. its probably one of the most expensive fabrics ive ever bought but i looked through dozens of options and this was by far the best one i found. im really particular about textures and this one is just, so nice, and its quite thin for a wool (not in a bad way, its just compact rather than fluffy) which is something im going to appreciate with the amount of fabric in this coat.
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Next: the lining! given that i was going to all this effort to make my own coat, i wanted this to be a completely unique garment, in every aspect, including the lining. I knew i wanted something with a design on it, and something that was a dramatic contrast to the outside, so when i saw this gorgeous 'chinese brocade' fabric i knew it was the perfect thing. Its very much. not a lining fabric and was past the budget i had in mind for my lining but i didnt see anything that came even remotely close to this in my mind so i caved and bought it. Even a year on im still enamoured with it and hope i have some left over to use for other things! I did get extra of the slippery black satin i used to line the mock up coat and i plan to use that to line the sleeves just for the extra glide, but ill use this for the main body.
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one last fabric! one of the changes i wanted to make from the red version was to add a fur collar so i tracked down the softest faux fur you have ever touched! again awful to photograph, but its perfect, and it was by weight, so now i have a huge piece of this :D
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i do also want to make note of the buttons i picked! theyre absolutely gorgeous and i, once again, hunted for ages to find the perfect option and here they are! they photograph a lovely colour but irl the gold is a little pink toned so my extra ass has bought some rub n buff to tone them into a better shade. yes. the buttons. for my coat. listen.
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im generally happy with my mock up, but there are a few changes i want to make. the obvious one was one that was in the plans from before i even started the red one, which was changing the collar. i wasnt super sold on it in the first place and the further in i got, the more i wanted a fur collar! since i have so much of my fur, im also planning on adding it around the cuffs and i do keep tossing up doing the whole hem but i think that might be a little much.
The other major change i want to make is to how i finished the coat. im actually pretty happy with the hemming method i chose for the reasons i chose it, but for this version i want to do something different. the plan this time is to do a facing in the outer fabric on the lining pieces and have that completely attached through the inside, removing any opportunities for the lining to show unintentionally.
Theres also a couple of minor fit things i want to change, i want to add more width to the back in case this fabric is tougher than my mockup, i want to rethink how i did my buttons because that made me miserable last time, and i want to add a little length to the hem. oh and better pockets! i need to give it my mega pockets. but overall im pretty much ready to go straight into it! im so nervous
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demadogs · 2 years
one thing that makes me think theyre still going the byler route despite volume two not being nearly as byler leaning as volume one is the fact that they didnt initially plan to release the season in two parts. that decision was made because they didnt finish the finale yet and they needed more time but still wanted it out by may so they divided it in two.
so its not like any of their thought process while writing and shooting could have been “lets make it look like mike likes will back in the first volume to try and grow our audience for volume two”. they wrote it not knowing there would be two separate volumes.
people usually binge new seasons of this show in one or two days. if they hadnt split this in two, it wouldnt really serve the purpose of queerbaiting because there wouldnt be any time to gain that new audience.
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weirdlizard26 · 5 months
ok hello hi in honour of me finishing season 6 of dr who i will write out my impression of it before starting s7! that there WILL be spoilers so im putting it under the cut!
first things first, it was definitely a HUGE improvement from s5 in my opinion. like it was in general just a lot more enjoyable for me, though still not quite satisfactory. i think matt smith finally got properly into the role too which is nice.
still. this season was deeply unsatisfying. there were so many interesting threads that i feel just didnt go anywhere or didnt get nearly enough development.
1) i thought the "youre my best friend" scene btwn amy and the doctor was very very sweet but i felt it just came out of nowhere? she spent the entire s5 having to "choose" between him and rory and i do appreciate their friendship but i wish they had more time to really develop that kind of relationship
2) i was honestly so happy to see 2 companions throughout this whole season! i think it makes up for a really fun dynamic :]
3) i love rory with all my heart hes such a sweetheart but i feel a little weird about his character development? it definitely makes a lot of sense seeing as how hes 2k years old at this point but it just feels to me like that was done at amy's expense? it feels like shes denied the same development time and time again and i dont like that. i will be honest i don't like her as a person and that in part is due to her behaviour in s5 (i will never fucking forgive them for that scene where she confessed to the doctor it was so dumb and so deeply unpleasant but i digress) BUT i think shes an interesting character and wasnt done justice. like!!! the way i see it, she is contrasted with all the previous companions by the fact that shes not that great of a person. which isnt a bad thing! she had such a huge potential for growth but it felt like every time she learned a lesson she forgot it the very next episode or it just felt like it just didnt matter in the grand scheme of things. which i blame on the writing, in case that wasnt clear. great potential, terrible performance
4) and now for the loose threads.
4a) madame kovarian was such an intriguing villain and the sneak peaks we got of her only hyped it up but then i feel that just went nowhere? she served cunt for one whole episode where she wasnt even the main focus and then died. and im assuming she didnt REALLY die given this is doctor who after all but her participation in this season specifically was deeply disappointing to me.
4b) in the same vein, i really wish we could see more of melody and more specifically her upbringing and training. all that teasing of "the woman who murders the doctor" only for her to try to kill him for half an episode and suddenly become "one of the good guys" as soon as he makes sad wet puppy eyes at her?
4c) in the same vein (again) all the teasing of how river and the doctor meet and fall in love and then when she meets him for the first time they dont even get to spend any time together to bond and actually develop any real feeling for each other? and then they just get married for no reason other than it was teased? "i love you more than any living being in the universe" bold statement for a girl who met him ~twice~! it was all so intriguing but it just fell flat in the end.
4d) now dont get me wrong. i fucking hated the ending scene of mid season finale. "um actually all of this horror is your fault because you did too good of a job saving people so now people who want to do fucked up shit are scared of you and want to kill you. if only you didnt save all those people so good we wouldnt be in this situation!" like do you realize how ridiculous that is. even so! that literally didnt fucking go anywhere. was it just supposed to be a one-off guilt trip that never gets addressed again and doesnt change anything other than anger me? what was the purpose of that. it was said as if it was leading up to some huge character discovery moment for the doctor but then it just. didnt. he just left to look for melody.
4e) "i didnt want you to die without making you see how much people love you" yeah and. yeah? go on? oh? we're just leaving it at that? no old friends coming together to save his ass and yell at him abt how much they care about him? other than the justice whatever that we saw in ONE episode and who didnt even get any help from the doctor lending him their robot suit? ok.
4f) all that build-up to accepting your fate and being at peace with death (which like. we've already done all that with ten and i loved that arc but whatever ok lets do it again i guess) only for him to not die was. a little disappointing? i mean dont get me wrong im glad hes ok but it just felt empty bc it didnt lead to anything. and like again i LOVED the solution to that particular puzzle! of course the doctor lies and of course he'll find a way to cheat death again thats what he DOES but its just upsetting that that whole build-up was virtually for nothing
ok thats all for now. in conclusion, s6 was much better than s5 for me but still disappointing. hoping s7 will pick up!
as always i welcome any and all comments and discussion just be niceys to me
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dragonji · 4 months
what do you do when every direction you throw yourself into desperate for some kind of reassurance just ends up tightening the noose. people offer halfhearted solutions, tell you again and again to just Do something, say you have options and resources and to Just Be Better without seeing how much it never works. you can keep running all you want, change paths or divert what little energy you can to keeping some hope, and yet still. Still things fall apart around you again and again and again. it becomes a fools errand trying just to be ambivalent about living. but even thats a convenient lie, because if it were truly unbearable you'd actually do something about it, wouldnt you? It wouldn't matter that youre so full of fear you spend your waking hours- and then more besides- locking it behind your teeth trying not to choke on it. You wouldn't be clawing for the pitiful fleeting gasps of air you can manage, the way you have been for years. You wouldn't be wasting all of this time, all this desperate fading strength, on running so far and so fast from something you willing yoked around your own neck. Nevermind that you never asked for the chain in the first place- you didnt fight it, did you? Took it as obligation, as only what you owe, as the burden you must repay in order to justify your own existence. Personhood's a luxury you were never meant to afford. Maybe thats why you get so attached to the concepts of divine and monstrous, to endless ageless fluid spirits. No one to blame but also no one to thank, just a truly individual existence, fully embodied only because of the whims of careless fate. It's captivating really, one of the truest ways to capture your attention wholly even if just for moments at a time. How different, how curious, how free it must be, to live as something so close to humanity but so far removed. An existence where connection and relation are not nearly so damning a prospect, where you have choice and time to make the wrong ones. No one expects a god or a monster to sacrifice themselves to spare humans that scorned them- and if they do, well of course theyre due honor and respect in return, it's only right. And as an aside, none of this is to say that you are inherently better than any human. Gods and monsters may be powerful and beastly and awe-inspiring, but they are no less infallible. And immortality is no safeguard against pain, it just gives more time to process and understand it. But for gods and monsters both it seems a simplier existence. At the least, both have Purpose. Both serve a higher need and no one blames them for following their natures, any more than they'd blame a storm for rain. Whether it's a blessing to nourish parched earth or a flood to sweep terrible devastation, it's all just water.
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
its weird being kin with a character who is so commonly headcanoned to have NPD (while not having npd), and then having NPD now like man i Didnt have npd i was riddled with a whole other set of mental health issues lol
"omgg leo isnt DEPRESSED he has NPD and just needs support from his family to validate himself!!" like good for you live your life but also No i Didnt i acted as the "face man" because a) i didnt have a Niche in the team and b) nobody else really Was the face man like i didnt have a *role* aside from just being The Fourth Turtle like, donnie had his tech and raph was built like a tank and also Is Raph i mean cmon, and mikey had his fucken Razzmatazz and i was just sorta There Leo, blue guy, red eared slider, liked instant noodles and cold drinks and warm blankets and sorta just not really A Part of it like why do you think i took up being the fucking medic? so id be like!! useful!!! so id have something to do to say i was helping!! do you know how taxing it is to go and set bones and be the one to help your brothers after they have their shit rocked by like. meatsweats or something? fuck like im not MAD at them but it was like. a stressful thing. but i HAD nothing else! i wasnt leader until way later on and no matter what raph would always be the Unofficial Leader. my portals didnt compare to any of the shit my brothers could do. like "oh yeah hey i can make fucking portals" meanwhile raph can a) FUCKING DUPLICATE HIMSELF and b) make a projection of himself thats like 5 times his size mikey can a) THROW BOATS??? AND BUILDINGS???? WITH HIS FUCKING NUNCHUCKS???? b) yk. make inter-dimensional portals so not even my PORTALS are unique c) FLOAT. EVENTUALLY. d) like. pyro-related stuff i guess. and donnie's so fucking smart he doesnt even NEED mystic shit!! his tech-bo is like, yaknow, EVERYTHING YOUD WANT out of something called a "tech-bo", he set up all of our lair's tech, he made the heaters, he made AI's with the same capabilities of a human brain, and then add on MYSTICS to that???? holy SHIT. then theres dad who can just Kick Ass apparently despite being a tiny rat-man. april is the most resourceful person i know, casey and casey jr. are both STUPIDLY good with hand-to-hand combat because of fucking course they are. barry is a) physically capable somehow, b) has his stupid fucking vines and c) is an ALCHEMIST. even fucking sunita is more interesting than me!!! like what the shit! the most I contribute is being a fucking pest!!! my unfunny-streak has CONTINUED into Now, and im just as uninteresting and all this is stupid because draxum made all of us WITH A PURPOSE. the tank, the strategist, the analyst and the mediator. raph, me, don and mikey. i know, factually im not "without purpose". im part of our stupid, biologically-designed unit. but i cant fucking help myself. what the point of a strategist if the analyst is smart enough to fix everything if something goes wrong. what good is a strategist if the mediator can, again, THROW. BUILDINGS. what fucking GOOD is a STRATEGIST if the TANK can protect everyone!! "oh but leo! you trapped Him in the prison dimension" it wouldnt have been a PROBLEM if I hadnt let them out in the FIRST PLACE. it doesnt MATTER that i didnt know what it was! it still happened BECAUSE OF ME. donnie had to fucking, idk, INTEGRATE with THE FUCKING TECHNODROME cause of me! mikey fried himself cause of ME! dad and april got hurt cause of me! raph got fucking kidnapped and infected BECAUSE OF ME! if i wasnt a factor, the invasion wouldnt have happened at all, and my whole "planning to trap Prime in the prison dimension + self sacrifice" thing wouldnt have even HAD TO HAPPEN, so that point is WORTHLESS! i am a """strategist""" that only serves to hurt his unit. and what kind of fucking strategist is that.
-leo (probably from Lemonade Leak i guess) 🔷⚔🌌. sorry for this ask, mpc. probs more venty than you bargained for.
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phantom-bleu · 1 year
I think people can be a little too harsh on the tlers its smth ive thought abt for a while. Like ppl criticised wizard cookie for being much “meaner” in the revised english translation but actually he was always a pretty snarky kid even back in ovenbreak, they just dialled it up and also gave him jabs in his dialogue that made more sense in english. And espressos supposed diff personality in eng to kr bc thanks to koreans grammar systems he slips from polite/formal into informal on occasion to make a point abt his upbringing. You obviously cant do that in english so expecting translators to just magically come up w a faithful tl for that isnt fair. Except english does have a form of the same thing which they did use, espresso talks in such contrived formal sentences w zero contractions or any figures of speech to the complexity that ive seen a couple of instances where ppl didnt even understand what his dialogue meant. And we can ask ourselves why that was their chosen method. While i cant read korean we can only assume espressos formal speech is to adapt to high republic society which hes not born into and treats him worse for it, and hes on the defence to prove his place there. And we can also only assume his informal tense is more true 2 his natural way of talking. In english espressos so well-spoken its jarring compared with other charas, esp latte who is a similar position to him but so much more relaxed, and he comes across as stuck-up and rude for it. But doesnt that also serve the same purpose as being a voice he puts on to prove he belongs in academia/high society/etc bc if you really thought abt it his manner of speaking just wouldnt naturally happen. Does this kind of alter his personality? Yeah but in the case where they struggled to tl a largely grammar-based point of characterisation into a language where u just cant do the same thing he would probably come across as so much drier. A localisation being different to the original text isnt a bad thing, its often necessary to rephrase things or make changes to a character so that these small things abt charas r communicated more intuitively without you having to think abt them or keeping in mind that the game isnt originally english. Like they arent trying to sabotage a characters personality most of the time they have to make minor sacrifices so that you arent completely lost trying to pick up on all the subtext and cues from a culture u arent from. This is the point where id also defend the 1 dchoco line in the dark cacao kingdom storyline everyone and their mother had a problem with but i dont remember it so im not gonna
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gg-selvish · 1 year
I only ever really Sapnap characterized as the “straight one” in dnf fic which is usually used to contrast how someone reacts to their best friend versus how someone reacts to someone they’re attracted to. That makes sense to me even if it mischaracterizes Sapnap’s relationship with dnf. I’ve read one too many fics where dnf are hitting on each other or flirting or direct it teasingly to Sapnap and have his reaction be running for the hills. Like Sapnap hasn’t leaned into every gay joke or flirtation made by his friends, but he’s got to be the “straight one” because that’s how the straights react and the whole poor Sapnap save him thing. It does serve the purpose of getting Sapnap away, which I do like because I prefer a dnf fic to be just about them and saves me the trouble of having to read people trying and write a character I like, but they don’t care for.
mmm i disagree and also agree with this so this is gonna be long-winded as i often am.
i do agree that the biggest perpetrator of super straight and like... man's man sapnap is dnfers because of this like ur so right and. as someone who reads a lot of dnf i wish they just wouldnt even mention him lmaoooooo reading whatever reason theyve made up to get him out of the house is amusing in an annoying way. i like dnf fics where theyre just alone in the house and no one asks questions why. i read dnf for dnf not for sapnap to be there especially if they're gonna characterize him the way they do. but thats dnfers and they do things their way and thats fine i just ignore it im not gonna police anyone's writing i'm just gonna talk about it on my little blog with like 12 followers and hope no one reads it...
my biggest issue with it and where i saw it a lot in the older days (late 2020 through 2021 especially but it went beyond that too) in a way that really grinded my gears was with this like. one specific breed of karlnap. i used to ship karlnap and LOVED karlnap especially during their initial meetups. im a dnkn shipper til i die there's no reason for me to dislike them. but i just couldnt stop finding myself reading these fics that were just so strange. hyper-masculine sapnap with ditsy effeminate karl in this very very binary way that i just couldn't compute. it not only disagreed with my personal opinions but it would develop into what i saw as a slightly off-putting lack of chemistry and was just really unenjoyable for me to read. it read like m/f to me which is fine but when im looking for mlm fic i want to read mlm. this goes back to wanting queer dynamics in representation of queer relationships (note: i'm using the word representation VERY loosely. im not implying fanfiction is anything close to actual representation). it was just so weird
it's kind of funny because i realized this in a very roundabout way. a friend of mine from outside the fandom wrote and gifted to me a karlnap fic based on the karlnap they had read and it was like the perfect highlight of the dynamics in the ship that bothered me... i loved the fic, still love my friend for writing it, but it really pointed out that the characterization of those two was just so set in stone in those days and i read it but i didn't like it in the long run or as inspiration for my own writing. the writing was incredible, the quality of it was great and it popped off it was amazing. my issue was with the guts of it, yknow? the internal stuff.
that's one of the main reasons i started writing karl differently than i used to (remember when i used to write karlnap? subbottom karl in MY christian minecraft server?) and focussing on kwtnf because i was mad about the sapnap characterization but didnt watch him solo enough to focus on him... then i hyperfixated onto karl and went fucking hog wild with the idea of him and his character in my head. it obviously didnt do anything i dont have any impact on other people but it made me feel better lol
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beepathan · 2 years
Since we’re doing charisma house questions for the charisma house tumblr person, can you rank the characters from most problematic to least problematic and state why.
Also I hope you know that I am in no way threading it you to place Terra as least problematic and in no way will throw a fit if you say he is anything but an unproblematic queen 🔪
for the purposes of this ask i am going to be ignoring rikais music video, for hopefully obvious reasons to anyone who has seen it (as it would instantly place him in first)
so lets start off by figuring out what exactly we mean by problematic. is it which character would get cancelled on twitter the fastest? is it which characters charisma is most harmful to themself and those around them? is it just vibes? we need a definition to base our understanding of "problematic" around before we even start looking at the characters.
one dictionary definition of problematic is “unresolved or dubious”, so for the purposes of this analysis i am going to rank them based on their perceived controversial value; i.e., which character would spark the most controversy in an online fandom space. a vriska, if you will.
the least problematic charisma house is sarukawa. first of all, hes a short king, and second of all,his whole thing is really easy to figure out and work around. there isnt any sort of controversy i can imagine going on with him, other than maybe the fact that he might be in a gang and is furry-coded.
for our second least problematic member of the charisma house, i think im going to have to go with terra. what controversy would there even be? sure he inconveniences others for the sake of his own self love, but honestly all its really resulted in so far is being late to coffee, broken mirrors, and... a man jumping out of a window, property damage, displacing another member from his own living space... well, i never said he wouldnt still have some issues. but overall, terra just lives for himself, and i dont think thats going to get him called out. maybe an argument can be made for the moral implications of being straight up in love with your self, but im not getting into that
it shouldnt come as a surprise that i also dont think rikai is problematic... mostly. like i said before, were ignoring his music video for this post, so thats not where his controversy comes in. hes an advocate for order, justice, and safety, so obviously, overall this is pretty good, right? but he also enforces his ideals onto others without regard for their own beliefs, for example, the rikais morning track where he gets everyone up at 5am because he, personally, goes to sleep at 9pm and thats a healthy time to wake up for him. however, not everyone follows that same sleep schedule, so obviously it wouldnt be healthy for them to wake up at that particular time... and that can be applied to basically everything he does. i could definitely see some discourse about the validity of trying to force your lifestyle onto others, especially when you take into account the fact that rikai apologists would absolutely defend him by saying hes autistic (coded) so he cant help his obsession with order. hes a 25 year old neurodivergent minor, how could you say hes in the wrong?!
next up was close between amahiko and iori, and iori wins this one through plausible deniability and having no self esteem. like, hes obviously a masochist, and forcing everyone around you to sign a contract agreeing to use you for everything is clearly manipulative. but! dont forget, some people devote their lives to serving others to cope with the fact that they view themselves as less than human, and an empty shell devoid of anything that needs to be filled with the commands of others! so i could see controversy there, and honestly im so glad charisma house isnt huge here, because i did not enjoy imagining it.
like i just said, amahiko comes out ahead of iori because... i mean. come on... the controversy here is fairly obvious, and this is the website where people weep about kink at pride. absolutely no way amahiko is going to come out of here without a multitude of callout posts and dissertations about how anyone who likes him is problematic. his whole thing is sex! he calls everyone sexy! he stripped at the christmas party! he says thanks when people call him a perv! hes clearly a creep who needs to be contained, thank god terra trapped him in his room that one time... you see what i mean? like, there is absolutely nuance here, and i can get into that some other time, but i dont think the online world would take kindly to the minister of sexy affairs.
now whos in second place? who do we have left? its fumiya. i mean like, his whole thing is... i dont even know. i mean like, just look at him. he lies for fun, he steals, he made everyone ride off a cliff... but most importantly, hes a minor. i dont think i have to elaborate here
this may come as a shock, but ohse is the most problematic charisma house. how?! ray, how on earth is ohse problematic?! hes just a suicidal shut in! yeah, but you have to remember, im looking at their potential controversial value here, and ohse is absolutely ripe for discourse. hes guilt tripping everyone! is he even taking care of his lizard!? we dont need a character whos shtick is that they keep trying to kill themself in 2022! even if he doesnt mean to, his self deprecation is harmful to others! he has blue hair and pronouns!
well im tired now so the end
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catboypawjob · 1 year
anyone else get really fucking annoyed whenever some new art scandal happens and instead of people trying to hold the art thief or thieves accountable they always shift the discussion to some stupid fucking "but is it art?" debate. if someone is stealing a piece of art, photography, writing, or any other artistic medium and tracing it, recoloring it, mutilating it, running it through an ai model, or just plain stealing it, and passing it off as their own, then it truly doesnt fucking matter if the end result is ugly, beautiful, inspiring, or whether or not it constitutes as art in ur book. its theft. it also doesnt matter whether or not the thief is "a real artist" or not bc u could talk in circles for eons about what art is fundamentally and it wouldnt get u fucking any closer towards addressing the problem. in the same vein, someone making a definite statement that the thief is not an artist (or is) shouldnt be an invitation to discussion either, especially if the person saying so is the same person who just had their work stolen. tldr defining art and what makes an artist is not an appropriate discussion to be had here, it serves no purpose and does nothing to hold the thief accountable.
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sistervirtue · 2 years
🍧✂️🍼💔 for virtue and or sebastian
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
virtue: didnt really have a childhood? well, she did, but angels don't really have...possessions. and then . go into the cocoon. so. childhood overall is just a little irrelevant to angels hers was a bit of a special case but even then the seraph's more hung up on it than she is
sebastian: painter's easel. she's not a super sentimental person, but i like to think she'd definitely be at least a LITTLE upset if it got lost. just a well-loved item.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
virtue: you really have to be a piece of work for virtue to cut you off. like... you got something WRONG with you. on PURPOSE. mass murder and excessive cruelty kind of wrong
sebastian: if you no longer serve your purpose and she doesnt like you. bye.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
virtue: she thinks they are so fucking precious. not huge on the idea of having her own though
sebastian: interested in having them but otherwise fairly neutral on everyone else's child. hers would be built different tho 💪
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
virtue: she wouldnt take well to being lied to or having her morals ignored. and she can be surprisingly vindictive about it, too.
sebastian: desertion
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