#wow ok I need to stop talking about myself I’m getting to selfish
slayfics · 2 months
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Hitoshi comforts you after a hard day.
500 words
Amazing art by @bythevay
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[You]: Can I come up?
[Hitoshi]: Of course.
You swiftly left your dorm. The weight on your chest already lightening. It had been a shit day, and you needed some company.
“Everything alright?” Hitoshi asked as soon as he noticed the solemn look on your face. Usually, you’d greet him with a wide grin and sparkling eyes. But today your shoulders drooped and your attempt at a smile was a sad mask.
“Just been a long day,” you said stepping into his room.
Hitoshi sat on his bed and motioned for you to come over. Joining him you took notice of the soft music playing from his record player that doubled as a Bluetooth speaker. Hitoshi always seemed to have some music playing.
The balcony door opened allowed the gentle breeze to blow through the room. Already you felt calmer by the atmosphere.
“Want to talk about it?” He asked.
You let a sigh not knowing where to start, “I think I’m just exhausted.”
“Hm, I know what that’s like,” he commented.
“I’m sure you do, those eye bags don’t lie,” you retorted poking him with a teasing smile.
Hitoshi grinned at your teasing, “I’ll let that one go since you’re not feeling well,” he said happy to at least see you crack a genuine smile.
You paused a moment trying to get your thoughts together. “I think lately I’ve just been exhausted with being concerned with how everyone else feels and, I don’t feel like I get any of that same energy back.”
“Ouch, you need me to be more observant or something?” He asked.
“No, not you,” you said leaning into him. Hitoshi instinctively pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you. “It’s hard trying to please everyone. I don’t want to upset anyone, but that seems impossible, and when I decide to do something for myself, I feel selfish. Someone’s feelings end up hurt, and it seems unavoidable."
“Because it is,” Hitoshi said bluntly.
“Ok wow, you’re great at advice,” you said sarcastically.
Hitoshi laughed, “Maybe but, hear me out. You can’t please everyone. It’s just a fact. So, you just make the best of what you can with your situation. The rest is an unavoidable consequence. It’ll work it self out eventually. And, you have a right to be selfish. No one is going to look out for you better than yourself. Don’t keep giving yourself away to everyone else.”
You sat processing his words for a moment leaning into his embrace, “Alright that was a lot better,” you admitted.
Hitoshi kissed the top of your head, “and stop putting everyone’s happiness in your hands. That’s not your responsibility. I think you need a good break, some time for yourself,” he suggested.
“Maybe I should be more like you and make all my best friends' cats,” you joked
“Oh, so this is how you repay me for comforting you, by making fun of me?” He said, squeezing you teasingly.
“Thank you Shinso," you said placing a kiss on his cheek.
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sinners: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @derangedmango @reneinii @peachsukii @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @that-one-fangirl69 @pinkpurpledreams @bythevay @aespie @thisbicc @bumblebeebutter
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2jaeh · 4 years
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Bubble ♡︎ | Na Jaemin
Genre : Fluff humor
You’re subscribed to Jaemins bubble, excited just like every other fan to recieve his message for today until his new messages don’t seem like the others.....
“What’s taking so long ?” You stared blankly at the LYSN* app while stretching your legs onto your leather couch.
You switched over to the Twitter app and scrolled through your timeline, briefly reading through whatever was the latest topic on nctzen Twitter. One tweet caught your attention which made you chuckle out loud
Nananotifs: “I’m pretty sure Haechan finally threw Jaemin’s phone out of the dorm window bc.......”
All Nanadoongies gathered on Twitter to complain about the absence of Jaemin especially since he was the only one who hadnt reposted Chenle’s beloved pup Daegal.
You sighed and switched back to the LYSN app and noticed you were able to send one more message to Jaemin before the app blocks you off until he sends a new message.
Y/n: nana I miss you please say something
JAEMIN: y/n did you eat today ? I’ve missed you!
Your eyes widened at the immediate message you received from your ult. Was is coincidental ? Ofcourse it was, they don’t get notifications from fan messages do they ?
You immediately switched over to Twitter already seeing the bubble update account sharing Jaemins new message along with the entire timeline screaming over his activity.
~boominana: “how dare he act so normal I’m gonna cry !!!!”
~jaeminjenos: “post a selfie Jaemin don’t be shy”
~dreamies023: “he’s probably busy guys let him post when he wants to”
The last account was right. Jaemin was probably so busy. It was nice that he still found time out of his schedule to message nctzens and that’s what you loved most about him.
Y/n: Jaemin you’re stressing everyone out on Twitter lol let us know you’re doing ok we love you !
JAEMIN: am I ? :/
Was it a delayed message ? You shook your head and decided it was probably just another glitch on the app.
Y/n: yes stop ghosting us !
JAEMIN: ghosting ? ㅋㅋㅋ so dramatic
You froze. There was absolutely no way that from the tons of messages he would be recieving right now that yours would be the one he read and responded to.
The interaction made your heart race and quickly switch over to Twitter, it was probably chaos right now wondering what Jaemins messages could mean.
Everyone on the timeline moved on from Jaemins first message and there were no updates on the messages you had just received from him.
JAEMIN: y/n ~ are you not going to answer me ? How am I ghosting you :(
This could not be real. You felt a lump in your throat as you checked over your other bubble subscriptions which all seemed fine except for his. You had no idea how to feel or what to do.
Y/N: this is weird. Send me a selfie so I know you’re actually replying to me and not a bot -_-
About 15 minutes went by and you stared at the open chat. He had read your message but there was no reply.
“Humh it was a bot after all” you huffed, about to close the app when your phone pinged and you saw Jaemins name pop up.
A voice note.
“Hey y/n, I hope I’m saying your name correctly hehe So long story short I think the chat glitched and your name and profile pic added itself to my own bubble. Weird right ? Mark Hyung told me I should send a voice note because it will make you believe me a bit more and .....well we would know if you posted on Twitter which CANNOT happen hahaha you understand right ?”
What was happening right now.
You pinched yourself to make sure you didn’t accidentally fall asleep on the couch and start having a very eerie realistic dream.
JAEMIN: I know you’re shocked rn but I really enjoy reading your replies haha it was the best part of my day and well I couldn’t help myself today. I wanted to tease you lol
Y/N: wait so how long has this “glitch” happened for ?
JAEMIN: hmmm....about a month now I think...after you renewed your account I think hehe
Y/N: what ??? Omg I’m so embarrassed......
JAEMIN: there’s nothing to be embarrassed about trust me. I’ve read everything czennies have sent me haha I find it amusing.
You exhaled deeply and scrolled through some of the messages you have sent him during this month and thankfully none of them were cringeworthy.
Y/N: so...now what? Should I speak to app support and fix this....unsubscribe or something....
JAEMIN: LOL youre really funny. Imagine finding out you can speak to someone from your fav idol group and you want to call tech support ...LOL so funny Mark Hyung is laughing
You felt your cheeks heat up at the image of Na Jaemin and Mark Lee laughing at your messages.
JAEMIN: please don’t be embarrassed y/n ! I only did this bc well I have your profile now and you’re really cute.
This was NOT happening.
Y/N: Uh......
JAEMIN: what do you have a boyfriend ? ....
Y/N: no I don’t I’m just....it’s nothing never mind
JAEMIN: LOL so cute! So do you have Kakao ?
Y/N: you want my number ? Why ? .....
JAEMIN: to talk to you obviously! What if they fix the glitch and I’ll never be able to talk to you again..
Jaemin wanted to talk to you. He was trusting you wholeheartedly to add him on his private account. Did he have an idea of the kind of person you were ? How could he possibly risk his career to a nobody ?
Y/N: I do have kakao it’s YN_0023.... Jaemin I won’t say anything but are you sure this is okay ?
JAEMIN: yeah I’ll video call you and we can talk about it ...adding you now. Clear this chat after you get my text!
Is he absolutely insane ? Maybe the voice note was fabricated. Maybe this was some weirdo trying to prey on innocent fangirls. Maybe -
Nana00: heyyyyyyyyy :)
Y/n: hi Uhm is this ...Jaemin ...
Nana00: yup (inserts a pic with your username on a sheet of paper)
Y/n: holy shiiiiit
By now you were already pacing across your entire apartment trying to come to terms with what was going on in your life right now. It became a force of habit to constantly check Twitter and make sure by chance somebody mentioned a glitch of some sort or SM announcing that the app is under construction or SOMETHING.
‘This couldn’t be real’ you thought.
Nana00: lol you’re so funny so are you free to video call ?
Y/n: Uhm......are you sure that’s a good idea ?
Nana00: yeah I mean firstly I would like to know you’re real too lol and also I want to know if I can trust you with this information.....it’ll be quick I promise
Y/n: well....okay give me 10minutes please
Nana00: lol sure :)
After scrambling to your bathroom to make yourself a little presentable as if you just won a video call event for your ult, you finally set on a laidback look so it doesn’t look too obvious that you put a little effort in.
You decided to prop your phone on the mini tripod on your desk so the lighting from your bedroom window in front of you bounced off your skin perfectly.
Y/n: okay I’m ready. I’m a little shy so.....sorry if I can’t talk much...
Nana00: you don’t sound shy when you talk about me on bubble hehe ;)
You buried your face in your hands and groaned. The embarrassment was still eating at you and Jaemin was not letting you live those messages down.
Ring Ring Ring......
You saw your phone light up and Jaemins kakao profile picture fill your screen.
With a shaky finger you press the recieve button and watch as the pixelated video start to clear up, presenting a very smiley Na Jaemin.
“Hi there” he said in his high voice and a bright smile on his face. He seemed to be sitting at his desk as well, hair still wet from either a rainy day or a shower.
“Uhm hi” you replied shyly and waved awkwardly.
“So this is the face behind the bubble profile huh”
“I guess so” you replied. It seemed as though you were calm and collected but on the inside you were screaming. Screaming that you were conversing with one of your favourite people right now.
“Good! Sorry to ask this again but did you clear the chat on bubble ? We have to be careful with that” he said in a concerned voice.
“Yeah I did after you sent the pic I finally realized it was definitely you so I went ahead and did it” you quickly said, kinda embarrassed by how fast your words came out.
Jaemin chuckled.
“You still doubted me after the voice note?”
“Just a little”
“You’re so adorable it’s ridiculous you know that ?” He gleamed and neared the screen, his deep brown eyes focusing on yours “ where are you from y/n?”
“Well I live in a lot of places but my hometown is _______. I learnt most of my korean while studying here in Osaka weird enough” you shrugged.
You moved to Japan for your first year of university since it was where you sort of grew up as a kid and took up extra korean classes once settled in the city.
“Osaka ?? Wow I love Japan I can’t wait to go back! Well now I kinda have an excuse to go” he winked sending your heart into a frenzy.
You giggled shyly “is this the fan service everybody talks about ?
“Fan service is a job....this is different I’m sure you know that y/n haha”
“All of this because of my profile picture ?”
“Well” Jaemin bit down on his lip as his eyebrows turned into a frown
“I obviously saw your pic and thought you were very cute but a big part of it was your messages and how you would always message me when I most needed it.”
“My messages are very random” you chuckled.
“Still made me smile throughout my day and that means a lot” he said and ran his fingers through his hair “so it’s kinda selfish of me to say, but id like for you to update me...personally”
“Na Jaemin are you asking me to be your own personal bubble account ?” You raised your eyebrow.
“Yeah pretty much” he shrugged “I’ll repay the subscription when I see you Osaka.”
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askfallenroyalty · 3 years
I don't think you did anything wrong. When a story is being written, there are a lot of different ways to adress and express something and maybe that's why you're being misunderstood. I think there are just too many things to adress in this story that maybe some people will get when these things are implicitly implied and some people will not. So when a breaking point comes, they'd think it came out of nowhere. You can see this with the amount of asks you receive asking you often the same thing.
Does that mean it's wrong? Ofc not! I myself was a little bit confused with Frisk's reactions and conduct in general until you explained it in your recent asks, and I thought man, that was what I was missing!
Now, yes I believe some parts of the story could have been explained in a different way, because in my opinion there's a lot to read between the lines. If you don't try to understand the characters, you'll clearly be confused as hell. But that's why I love this story! As you said before, there's nothing meant to be black/white coded, and I really appreciate the world and the character's complexity in general. You don't have some of the answers in hand, an that's when you have to analize! (At least that's what I do haha)
I also really felt like telling you something I've been relating to, so I'm putting the respectives tw if someone doesn't want to keep reading (TW: Suicide mention).
In the DW Arc, when the Christmas and Feylow stuff happened, I realised through Chara that I was doing the exact same thing with a friend of mine. He was going through a lot of stuff, and tried to commit suicide multiple times. I was focusing a huge amount of energy on him because I was afraid to lose him, and when he suddenly stopped talking to me so he could take a break, I felt really lost. Because he was the person I talked with the most, one of my dearest friends, and the idea of losing him and not being there to stop it made me insanely anxious, because that used to be the situation most of the times. Now it's been a year since he's stopped talking to me, and I don't exactly know the reason. But I couldn't keep running behind someone who didn't seem to keep wanting me around. And if it wasn't for you, I couldn't have realized how much this was hurting me.
And now, as much as it hurts me to see him acting this distant and cold with me, I'm okay with it. I really am. Because I now have the tranquility to see him continue, even when things are not okay. I can't force a friendship and I really needed to understand that back then. I trust him as much as he trusts me.
I really wanted to thank you for writing this story because it has helped me in a way I didn't expect, and I'm sure it will help a lot of people too! I'm even learning from your way of taking and discussing things haha.
I just wanted you to have this tranquility I have with this story because I trust it'll work out and explain itself once it's finished. And I just can't express how thankful I am to be reading your story.
Thank you again,
I'm looking forward to more of your work and please, take care! Don't stop doing what you enjoy! 🦋
putting it under a readmore because of how long the ask/response is, sorry!
i’m at a loss of words because wow, this ask really hit in a way i’ve never really could of anticipated. when writing AFR, i write a story about things I felt. I’ve been Chara, I’ve been Asriel and Frisk at points in my life. I write because I need to tell their stories and make it real, specifically for my own sake of getting through my own pain and to tell the world this is who i am and that I will be ok, there is hope in this world. It’s a selfish desire for me, but ultimately that’s what art is i feel. I couldn’t draw this much and put so much time and effort into something without it being meaningful or personal.
but art is communication, and when I write to be seen and to be heard, I know there’s others who are reading and are connecting with the work. (otherwise, I wouldn’t be getting asks right? its a lonely process, i forget there’s the second half of the equation -you guys) and i’ll do my best to make sure people are accommodated and can experience this story without hurting in a way that’s past enjoying a emotionally gripping piece of media. i don’t want people to be upset or hurt for my work, and I want to ensure I can make this without hurting others.
I try to leave a lot of ambiguity and room for people to interpret stories and I don’t mind people missing the point or interpreting things vastly differently than what I intended. that’s fine, that’s what art is all about. i don’t want to hold people’s hands and tell them what’s happening or what they should feel -i want them to choose and decipher and think things over. stories should be stimulating and thought provoking, and i can’t decide what those thoughts are. I wouldn’t want to. Personally, if it means people become more confused and lost over the story -well, that’s a trade off I have to take. if it means the story is more up-to-interpretation, than it’s worth it to me.
i do regret with how fast and punchy the arc ended up, and I feel my hints may have been too weak. asriel/flowey has been bluntly surprised/asking to be killed twice, he hasn’t felt like himself since dying and has lost his support systems ect. as a person who’s Been Through Shit, I thought it was as obvious as the sun what was to come but thinking on it now?
with how distance asriel is, how limited the perspective is to chara (who hasn’t known Asriel has been going thru the same depressive/suicidal thoughts as they have this whole time) it was a shock to the system. and in a way that’s fine in my eyes if the reader was completely shocked as you can emphasize more with chara that way... but in the same sense its horrifying for them, it must be for the reader as well.
and I do feel I should of thought of a way to handle the scenario to where it was less in your-face with Asriel’s decent into desperation and attempts. I don’t want to ever show it on screen, I don’t want to ever go into detail and make it any sort of fun for the viewer. it’s supposed to be disturbing and painful and I tried to show how greatly painful it was affecting both chara and frisk. Suicide victims are victims and everyone involved suffer from it. It’s ugly and never something one should be anything but ugly.
that is my intent for it be that, but as I’ve heard from people it’s still a shock and went too far. Authorial intent doesn’t matter when people react to your stories. yes, the context can be good to have, but people’s feelings and reactions mean the world more. I hope with the added context of the complete story that helps it in the long run, but as it is I’m very unhappy with how I tackled it and I don’t really have a good answer to how I should of gone about it. but at the end of the day that doesn’t matter as it happened and I can’t change it.
i’m sorry about your friend and i’m sorry for the pain you’ve experienced as well. it’s not easy being in that position (nor is it for ur friend as well of course) and it’s perfectly fine to feel hurt and to take time for yourself to address those feelings. You, as a person, matter and your feelings are justifiably important as well. nobody asks to be mentally ill and your friend’s choices aren’t fully theirs because of that, but it doesn’t change how it’s affected and hurt you. Losing someone’s friendship has always been a painful and inevitable experience people must go thru in life. I’m sorry that you’ve gone through that, but I’m glad -so happy that my story has helped you in any amount. I sincerely wish you both the best and to heal, I’m proud of you anon for getting through this.
I can’t really express how much it means as a writer to see how my work helped you. Like I mentioned before, I write and feel like it’s by myself that makes this work but it’s a 2 way street -you guys contribute to the story and the story only exists and is perceived by you. without an audience, it really truly is just me here. what you gain and experience within a story is just as important as the writing of the work itself and I often forget that.
Thank you. This was a really nice and eye opening ask and it’s going to be on my mind for a while, haha. I hope once the story is done and I can post-correct how I handle the story, people can learn and gain meaning to it like you have. Sorry if this was a bit rambly, I’m very thankful for your response (as well as everyone else who’s messaged!) and I’m very happy and excited to continue and to do my best. Thank you all so much.
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blankdblank · 3 years
Poke Pt 7 - Yacht Party
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Whistling in the exit of your closet Eddie took in your own toga reminiscent style dress the bright white sheer layered skirt was slit up to the upper thigh and met the golden belt that separated the base from the lace top. With thick straps in white and a low dip in the cleavage almost to the belly button that flowed out to reveal the golden glittery heels you had chosen for the event. “Wow. You need a sign to remind gentlemen to pick their jaws up off the floor.”
“Funny,” you teased, folding a stretchy pair of shorts to cover the thigh holsters for a couple of your daggers for worst case scenario that also would help keep guys from peeking up your skirt if the wind blew the slit back too widely. “I’m sure no one will care about my dress as I death grip the wall.”
“I can skip the trip to prison if you need me there.”
“I’m ok. If I feel bad I am not above fainting or breaking into hysterics to have Tony himself fly me home. Or maybe Prince Thor, I think he can fly if he has his hammer.”
“You can beat this evening. I know you can.”
After a hug for him you said, “You’ll miss visiting hours.” And he chuckled hugging you back and kissed you on your cheek taking notice of the one side of your hair braided back so you could flip the rest over to your left side knowing the boat would drive it wild no matter what you tried to do with it.
The ride didn’t calm things and from the concrete pathway to the wooden docks your focus shifted in a means to calm yourself on the pelicans and gulls who watched your stroll beyond the guards at the entrance who took your invitation shared the lit pathway would guide you to the proper ship. At the base of the plank bridge to get onto the yacht you paused hearing the guests already aboard.
Mid stare at a gull hovering above the boat in a try to focus on anything but the fact you would be out on the open ocean for who knows how long you flinched to look at Sam in his step up to your side with an impressed whistle. “My sister would die of envy seeing this ship. She loves to sail.” His eyes landed on you asking, “Ever been on a boat like this?”
“I’ve been on ferries, but I haven’t been over the open ocean yet.”
“You’ll be okay. Stark’s probably built this thing himself. Bound to be unsinkable.”
“Well, there’s a history of unsinkable ships that beg to differ when it comes to that claim.”
He chuckled and said, “We’ll be just fine. Just in case,” he said showing his duffel bag at his side holding his metal wings, “Brought my wings, things go south The Falcon’s got you.” To yourself you grinned and followed him up into the monstrosity of a boat.
Surely one that would make your ancestors weep, not just for the luxurious ability to have food storage, running clean water and plumbing but for the fact that nothing of the earth other than the single fallen tree stump of an end table was here. The wood was fake same as the faux leather seats and imitation marble finish on the metal surfaces. Nothing of this boat showed the respect boat makers used to put into building sea faring vessels to keep from displeasing the Gods in crossing the tumultuous open ocean and you guessed that might be why they always bothered you.
With legs crossed you sat with eyes fixed on the open ocean in your second level seat unable to keep on your feet to mingle in the crowded floor below. “Thirsty?” the voice at your side brought the sudden place of Prince Loki there with two drinks in hand, one of which with a pacifier band around the stem of the fruity blended drink he offered to you. “The bartender insisted I offer you this one.”
Unable to help it you chuckled and accepted the drink, “It’s a virgin margarita. Thank you.”
“What would maidenhood have to do with drink offers?” he asked and you glanced away to keep from spitting your sip of the drink on him. “Is it repulsive? I shall demand a new drink to replace it.”
You shook your head and giggled in catching his eye to say, “Virgin, when related to drinks means alcohol free.” And his eyes narrowed, “It’s illegal for people under 21 years old to drink alcohol in this country. Others it ranges from 14 to 18 depending on their culture.”
“Why would they have such variation?”
“Because hardly any of the countries share the same faiths, histories, cultures or beliefs on how they should be governed. So just stubbornness and idiocy.”
“I had hoped the drink would aid in a welcome of my company, you seemed troubled when I arrived.”
Softly you chuckled and replied, “Quite humorously for my bloodline I have a fear of open ocean outside of wooden boats.” His eyes locked onto yours in a moment of shock, “There’s no earth in this boat. Vikings paid homage to the Gods for smooth sailing across the oceans. Might just be me.”
And he grinned your way stating, “Not only you. Those who can hear Yggdrasil have higher expectations when it comes to vessels. Your ancestors would be proud you wish to honor their traditions, the ocean is not a fair mistress, she is an insurmountable warrior, she demands respect.”
“How have your candles and soaps been?” You asked to change the subject, uncertain of what meaning his lingering stare into your eyes meant.
“Quite exquisite. Thank you again for your care in crafting the mixtures for us to our likings. Your customers have been favorable of temperament?”
“For the most part. Before the shoes Natasha and Steve bought me I got shunned a bit because of my clearly worn name brand shoes, but the new ones have helped to give me a bit of credit to my image. Used to be called an immigrant and now people are asking if I’m paying my dues in the entertainment or beauty world until I get my big break. When Stark came in I almost thought he would just order enough to use that as a means to force me to accept the money he offered.”
“What should it matter what shoes you wear when you are working?”
“The shop has an image to uphold for their most superficial of clientele.”
“Should they ever release you from employment alert my brother and myself and we shall raze the building to cinders.” That had you giggle around your next sip and he said, “You doubt my loyalty.”
“Not at all, Prince Loki. Merely I question how Stark would handle the discovery of who was behind the attack after he’s vetted you both as Heroes.”
“Not one person in my lifetime has been foolish enough to dub me a Hero. I am the God of Mischief and Deceit.”
His eyes lowered to the hand you offered him that his rose palm up to accept, “Fool, right here, pleasure to meet you.” To himself he chuckled and smiled in a glance away. “See, that smile,” he glanced back and chuckled again as you said, “Pure sunshine. You can’t convince me there’s evil in there no matter how many times you stab your brother.”
“I unleashed an army on New  York,”
“Oh who hasn’t unleashed havoc on New York. Havoc is the new pink pumps of the season, everybody has to have some. New York, Washington, California, your brother leveled a town in New  Mexico. Now you go and attack Rhode Island or someplace small like that then we can talk crossing into unthinkable territory, which is seven miles below evil. You have to earn evil.”
He smirked and at the notice he was still holding your hand he released it to take hold of his drink for a sip to break his stare only to look down at that hand resting on his knee when the boat began to pull away from the dock. “I murdered my birth father.” He blurted out as if to try and not lie to you or make you believe he was anything but evil as most from his planet thought.
“Did he raise you?”
“Were you close or just a birthday card once a year type of situation?”
“He abandoned me at birth in a frozen tundra in the midst of a battle between the Jotuns and Asgardians and never acknowledged me as his child or that I even existed.”
You nodded and said, “Selfish quim had it coming then.” Throatily to your sip of your drink he chuckled and bubbled into a few moments of unforgiving laughter. “I’d pick Frigg as a mother any day over that bastard.”
“King Laufey of the Jotuns, or Frost Giants, as some nations dub them.”
“Odin’s half Frost Giant in the legends. They knew each other?”
“Odin,” his eyes fell on you, “Father is half Frost Giant in the legends?” You nodded and he said, “He never speaks of this if it is true.”
“Well he’s probably jealous.” You said and his brow twitched up, “If it was between me and you to be Jotun I’d stay mum simply because you have to be the peak example of Jotun prowess.”
“Asgardians tell bedtime stories of Jotuns to terrify their children and frighten them to behave or they will be eaten.” He said mournfully and looked out at the sea.
“I’d start biting people then.” You said and in the spread of his smile you said, “Always a monster till you’re necessary. How the universe works. The odd one, the new one, that one who doesn’t belong. Till they need you, till they’re scared. So much easier to be scared of the new than to trust it. Well I trust you,” you said and he caught your eye again, “And you can’t stop me. I’m stark raving mad with power and will cackle in their disbelieving faces for not trusting pure sunshine.” You said with a wide smile making him chuckle again.
“Are you certain there is no alcohol in that drink?” He teased.
“Just tons of sugar.” You said taking another giggle laced sip as he took a sip of his own drink. “I heard you’re over seventeen hundred years old? How does that line up to our age progression? If that isn’t too personal.”
“Roughly similar to your age I would presume. Young adulthood.”
You gasped and said, “And they gave you alcohol, someone get this man a pacifier.” You said teasingly turning your head to call it out making him chuckle and simply use his arm closest to you to prop himself up to scoot closer.
“Shh,” he whispered through a chuckle by your ear and you giggled again. “There is little substance on this planet able to inebriate myself and my brother.” He said with his eyes focused on yours when you turned your head slightly to catch his bright gaze and smile.
The ship took a wide turn and your joking mood waned and his hand covered yours at the returned grip of his knee to lace his fingers under your palm, and next to your ear he asked, “How would you like to play a game?” You caught his gaze and he grinned nodding his head at the crowd stating, “Say a name.” He watched your eyes dance over the women in toga influenced gowns surrounded by men in both togas and white and golden suits and you chose one from the back that with a flash of green in his eyes had the man start to dance absurdly awkward luring out your smile and giggle again.
Innocent fun, insignificant playful pranks that had Prince Thor search for his brother in the crowds until he spotted him at your side with his hand on yours. Loki would never have openly chosen such a public display with anyone he dared to imagine courtship until proper tasks of approval had been sought for and by the clear try to not let you have a break to focus on anything but his magic. And the game upon his knowing Thor was looking his way had the Prince conjuring fables and joking tales in front of the possibly distressed young Shieldmaiden he would never dream of damaging her honor. Something was bothering their young respected friend and his brother while Thor saw to his sea wary Mate was distracting his chosen companion for the evening in a far more acceptable use of his magic at this party.
Some food was sampled from the migrating attendees made from faceless drones that somehow had you more weirded out than the ship. One of which that had Peter hanging on his back while it held a bucket and led him to lie down on the couch beside the pair of you. The move had you inch closer to the Prince and had his gaze drop to the thigh pressed against his to something hard he felt tap the side of his leg. He felt himself unable to help but smirk at the clear hilt of a dagger poking out from underneath the shorts that blended into your skirt from afar in its same brilliant white shade. And in a low purr beside your ear as you handed over your empty glass to a drone to free a hand so you could check Peter’s temperature the Prince asked, “Please tell me that’s a dagger on your thigh.”
With a blush to the green mist that eased the hilt of two coiled snakes in bright silver into view widening his grin as he caught sight of the full design. And he could imagine the blade in his mind by the hint of metal beneath the hilt his mist hid away again as Pepper hurried over with some sea sickness medicine. “Where else would I keep it?” you whispered back widening his grin to the point he nipped at his lip to keep from grinning like an idiot.
Pepper in her trot up to Peter’s side offered him a fizzing drink he accepted and took your help to prop himself up to sip on it, “Here you go Peter.” And her eyes rose to you asking, “Are you sea sick too? I haven’t seen you on the main floor since we took off.”
“I’ve got a thing with metal boats in open ocean,” her lips parted, “I’m good sitting. Body just prefers wood boats it seems. Prince Loki’s been distracting me.”
“Well if you need anything let us know.”
“Does he make a lot of these drones?”
Pepper sighed saying, “It’s a new thing. He said he’d make them faceless since I thought fake humanoid ones might bother me, but these aren’t any better, sadly.”
“Because he does know about all the evidence on making AI’s and how devastatingly bad that could go?”
“I remind him daily. Only, seems he forgets, daily. Progress,” she said shaking her head and rising to her feet to go check on another person muttering, “This party is the stuff of nightmares with these waves.”
In a glance at Loki you asked, “If Stark builds AI’s can I plead asylum on Asgard?”
He smirked asking, “AI?”
“Robots with free will. Always turns out that they want to destroy the human race. Borderline Ragnarok for our race.”
“Should there be any danger to this planet we will grant you asylum. I give you my word.”
“How important are potatoes on your planet? Because if they don’t grow there I will be smuggling some there. My ancestors didn’t get to enjoy them in the older generations, but I know they look down on me in envy. Even broke I eat like a King.” Making him chuckle again. “I’m serious, one of the best foods discovered on this planet is the potato.”
“Potatoes are amazing,” Peter sighed after finishing his drink and laying flat again. “I would bring lemons. My aunt gets this big smile when she sees lemons. I don’t get it, but it makes her happy. And I’d have to bring her too of course.”
Loki smiled saying, “We have six variations of potatoes and four lemon breeds. The pair of you and young Peter’s aunt would be amply pleased.”
“Could I have a sheep? My parents promised to get me a sheep when I was bigger. Or is it mainly city spaces without any room for cottages?”
“We have a mixture of both. A quaint cottage could be arranged, or a plot of garden and field to keep your sheep in should you prefer an apartment in the Palace. With ample workers to help train you in treatment and sheering of your sheep when necessary.”
In a giggle you replied, “I would need sheep lessons.” Making him chuckle as well.
At their sides save for a trip to the bathroom you remained until the boat docked again and Loki rose to gently help you up and lead both you and still unsteady Peter to the dock. The assigned car to drive you back however found him reluctantly in release of the hand his had been fixed in for hours now. “Thank you, for the asylum and the sheep,” you said in words that muffled in the ears of the Prince whose cheek you had left a peck upon. “Sleep well, Sunshine.” You said and in a lower to sit inside the car.
“Sleep well and safe on the earth, Shieldmaiden Pear.”
Vision. The newest Avenger had his face plastered across the internet and all you could think of was the promise the Asgardian Prince had made you and it just made your stomach turn. He was so polite and out of everybody he could have spent his time with he seemed to gravitate to your company. Even when a long train ride let you take a long stroll in Central Park that had you run into the Super Soldiers and Sam on a run. When the Zoo was mentioned the Princes seemed to appear in mid air and as if to counter Bucky’s time with your attention another animal would be pointed to and his questions would arise all aimed your direction.
End to end between your fingers your Mate button box was flipped to tap against the counter easing the slide of your fingers to the bottom to aid the lift and flip of the box to do it again. No matter why he was focusing on you there had to be a line and you couldn’t stop hiding from your fears of finding out who your Mate was by humoring the attentions of the Avengers. Onto the counter you settled the button box and gave the button a single tap that almost an hour away had Loki’s eyes twitch off his book confirming he was alone in his gifted apartment followed by an irritated grumble and nestle back into his spot to ignore the unhelpful poke of his Mate from this infuriating planet.
Several taps more in a notice of the muffin bag you had gotten from a café earlier that had you murmur, “Let’s meet for coffee at the Blue Bird Café. Nine AM.” Your fingers tapped before you could think it through just how many could understand Morse Code this day and age, you just had to try and see if anyone would turn up.
And just like you knew it deep down, no one did, at nine or ten when you had finished off pretending to write out something in your pocket journal after you’d finished your first cider and just wanted to go anywhere but there.
Glaring as he made his way to the group lunch after a much needed breakfast alone Loki plopped into his seat and turned his gaze to Natasha at her asking, “Couldn’t sleep?”
“Ten minutes my Mate poked me last night, ten minutes. All in some absurd pattern,” Loki repeated the pattern with the tip of his finger on the table and had her, Bucky and Bruce listening to the meanings of the taps.
Bucky however asked the question the others didn’t, “So did you meet your Mate for coffee?”
Loki glared at him, “I beg your pardon?”
Bruce, “That’s Morse Code. Old school. Must have been eager to meet you rarely hear of people using it these days outside of military or science families.”
Loki asked in a slightly panicked tone, “Where would I meet them?”
Bucky said, “Blue Bird Café, nine am.”
Loki didn’t have to look at the clock but said in his rush from the table, “It’s half past noon!”
He didn’t know where that was but he knew who to talk to to get into Stark’s system. Knowing fully he had links to cameras everywhere. “Red Man, I require your assistance.”
“I am Vision, Green Noble.” The Prince led the way to one of the public labs that linked to his system that Loki linked into the simple online page of the only Blue Bird Café in New York that was located in Queens.
“I need you to help me use Stark’s system to see who was in this café this morning.”
“Are we searching for a culprit in a crime you are aware of?” Vision asked in his hover beside the Prince.
“My Mate used Morse Code to send me a message I did not understand last night and I missed the meeting they tried to arrange. I wish to know who I have spurned to offer my apologies and win back their favor.”
“Oh, very admirable then.” He said lowering as he said, “I am under the understanding that a Mate is the strongest bond you might find in your lifetime. I anxiously await my eighteenth year to have earned my own chance to meet mine.” Raising his hand to link to the system that began to shift the screen windows to delve through the system to first link into the café’s security and the street cameras to watch every person from eight am onwards.
“Pluto,” Loki muttered in the sight of you wearing an anxious expression and a slightly less casual dress entering the café, ordering a drink and muffin with glances at the door to every entrance in a clearly sinking mood as Vision continued to run facial recognition through a database while the video played.
Vision said, “From the 47 customers 24 are legally married and another 17 have announced themselves as engaged on their social media accounts.”
“Pluto Pear, that woman. When did she leave exactly?” Visio read back the time stamp and he said, “I need a print out of this list, I’m going to start with her.”
Vision asked to the print of the page behind him, “Does the young lady hold a certain physical appeal for you to begin with her?”
“I know her. I would never wish for her to believe I have left her there alone. As if I had refused to meet her on the grounds of being my Mate.”
Vision said, “Ah. Then yes, begin with the young Miss Pear.” He said offering the printed sheet that Loki accepted and hurried with rushed thanks in his race out to go and the whole while his mind raced with a single repetition, it had to be you.
Truly for months now any excuse to cross paths was taken including a laughable amount of candles and soap with films, trips out between your shifts and group meals he always made certain to be chaperoned for everyone’s comfort and for your honor the Prince searched. You were the one to make him laugh and find some sense of ease on this planet with a person who seemed to genuinely care about his comfort and tried to keep him from growing too homesick or thoughts on his lineage to spoil his wishes to ever return. If you weren’t his Mate he never desired to meet the person who dared to poke him. He didn’t want to be forced onto anyone else, he had subconsciously chosen you for a while now and would continue to do so.
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Three knocks soon bled to five and before the sixth could land you had opened your front door to the wide eyed Prince who rapidly opened his fist to an awkward wave. “Miss Pear. Might I come in?”
“Sure,” you said letting him inside closing the door behind him in his awkward check of the single room apartment with a lingering gaze at the boat shaped bed he pointed to mid amused smirk. “My first year here there was a play they used that as a prop in and put it up cheap for sale after it closed. Really comfy.” You looked him over and asked, “You have to go on another mission? Only seen you twitchy like this when you had to leave town.”
“No,” he replied and moved closer offering the cider in his hand you hadn’t noticed. “I owe you a drink.”
In the narrow of your eyes you accepted the still warm cup saying, “Thank you. Don’t recall how, but thank you.”
“I don’t know Morse Code.”
Your lips parted to ask over the thunder of your heart in your ears, “Did you want me to teach you.”
“Not today, thank you.” He inhaled sharply and said, “I know you went to the Blue Bird Café this morning and I know that you didn’t meet the person you had hoped to.”
In a step closer he cut you off saying, “Because I don’t know Morse Code and it took me repeating the lengthy set of taps that kept me up last night to those amongst the team who do.”
“Oh,” you squeaked out in realization of what you guessed and halfway hoped he might be saying.
“So I came here to ask you to poke me again,” his eyes lowered to the finger that rose to tap him in the center of his chest that had him let out a breathy chuckle and scan his eyes over your face that was still devoid of anything readable but uncertainty and shock. “No, with your button, do you have it?”
“Oh, button,” sharply your head turned setting the drink down and gingerly he shadowed you in your circle of your bed to the near burrow under the fake fur blanket you had to do to grab the button that seemed to try and keep it hidden for itself. When you stood again you eased your fingers around the sides of the box with its mint colored button now a deep green that with a press of your thumb had him exhale shakily to the poke he felt.
He didn’t know what to do or say and yet all on its own it seemed his body acted to first cradle your cheek then lean in to press his lips to yours in a blind hope that however possible he could seal this bond to never break. Just as loudly as yours his heart thundered in his chest for the action his body had taken without permission.
And when your eyes met again his breath hitched hearing you whisper at the sight of the swirls of green mist that had filled the room with sparkling veins of gold to glimmer around the both of you. His skin now blue with raised ridges trailing across his skin in snowflake like unique markings to just him from his Jotun blood paired with his crimson eyes. “Was that supposed to happen or was it on accident.”
“The mist was unintentional.” He hummed back lowly and in his lean forward to brush his nose to yours his body melted forward at the toe top lift to kiss him again. With the close of your eyes covering his shift back after his notice of the color of his hand still on your cheek. An action and pose he lingered in to savor every second of it.
“Blue is a good color on you, Sunshine.” You said and his lips parted only for the growl of his stomach to make you grin and claim his hand and say, “Let’s feed you and that angry rhino you swallowed.”
Out of your slow cooker some jambalaya was served for the both of you to go with the cheesy mashed potatoes you topped with bacon bits he amusedly poked with his spoon as if it was possibly toxic. “I’m not going to poison you,” you giggled out.
“No, there is a topping like these pebbles on Asgard and it is merely awful.”
“Well this is tiny bits of bacon.”
“Bacon,” he said in an intrigued tone and took a bite he hummed around making you giggle to yourself.
“Midgard isn’t so bad, we’ve done amazing things with bacon.”
“That you have,” he said filling his spoon again with some of the jambalaya that while he chewed it his eyes scanned over your face in your downwards gaze, “Are you pleased?” he managed to ask when he swallowed lifting your eyes again to his.
“Could use more sausage. They’re so stingy on the weight per cent these days.”
“With me?” He asked in a near squeak afraid of the answer.
“As my Mate?” you asked and he nodded, “You are indescribable. You can do magic, I mean come on, I started magic when I was a kid and dreamed to have someone who would be so much more spectacularly talented than myself. Need I say, the essence of pure sunshine in your veins. You accept my Norse roots. Some people would just label me a witch on that alone. And you tolerate my weirdness, major plusses there.”
“I would assume, my title-,”
“Psh,” you said lifting his gaze from his bowls. “I would be honored to be bound to you if you ran a button stand.” You said triggering an awkward grin across his face at the compliment. “If anything the expectations of your possible requirement to take up after Odin on what I would only assume to be a possibly uncomfortable looking golden throne in that floating golden Palace would trouble me for the increase of scowls that would develop from the stress and drive that smile of yours away. Not to mention the heightened risk of stress on the heart from a job of that level.” After a moment of his amused grin your way you asked, “Do you really live forever?”
“Roughly 5071 years.”
“Well Bucky’s close to a century and he hasn’t seemed to age much, Steve was frozen for most of his. So I suppose logically, I can’t say how long I would be around.”
His brow inched up and he said, “I would find you. No matter where in Hel they settle you to spend your afterlife.”
You nodded and asked in a rather embarrassed tone, “No possible way I could get to Valhalla then?”
“You most certainly could well earn place there. Few Midgardians are welcomed, I did not mean to worry you or offer insult.”
You shook your head, “It’s just all different than how I was taught. You’re Frigga’s son, and Thor isn’t a redhead, no telling what else could be different. I mean did you at least give birth to a eight legged horse Odin rides around on?”
“Did I what?” he chuckled out with a widening smile.
“I mean who wouldn’t be able to learn to love a guy who gave birth to Hel, the Goddess of Death; Jörmungand, the serpent that surrounds the world; and Fenrir or Fenrisúlfr, the wolf; and Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse.”
“Thor did advise us the mortals had warped our tales, yet I had no imagination it could be that vastly different.” He paused and asked, “Hel, is she prominent in my life in the tales? I have never heard of a Goddess of that name.”
You said, “Those you had with the female giant Angerboda. You seem to love her in the tales. Though most of your tales I prefer include your other wife, Sigyn. You had a son with her, named Nari or Narfi.” His lips parted, “Odin uses your son’s intestines to chain you to a rock where snakes drip their venom on you and she sits beside you with a bowl to collect it. Though when she dumps it out and the venom drips on your face you thrash around causing the earth to quake. It’s quite the tale of devotion in Norse Mythology. There’s actually quite a tale for how you got married, she was betrothed to another and on the wedding day you kill him and take his shape and then reveal yourself after and she tells Odin she will honor the marriage. Sigyn’s basically known only for her devotion to you.”
“I have never wed, nor know of a Sigyn. I could never imagine my father able to bind anyone with the innards of their own child.”
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
He shook his head, “No, you have not upset me. Although I am curious to ponder on when the tales stretched so far from the truth. Perhaps an exceptionally harsh winter with little to distract from boredom.”
“Well that’s the thing about legends. Everyone who first heard or saw them happen is dead. Kind of like the phone tree game,” his brows furrowed a moment in confusion to the name, “One person in a circle whispers to another, it can be a word or funnier a phrase and gradually through the circle the words change. Sometimes for the worse. Known a few to end in fist fights when they made us do it in schools in some mock trial to stomp out bullying as a sort of way to display how gossip explodes like wild fire. Then again it could be a testament to hearing loss rather than weak attention spans on trading whispers.” As you eyed his grin after a glance away to fill your spoon you said, “Sorry, got away from me there.”
“You did not wander far. Often I find people who ramble show great promise of intellect. Brains that are rapid to focus on new topics are very welcome amongst our scientists.”
“It must be amazing, your home.”
“My people are brilliant compared to yours, however very gullible. Hence my prowess in mischief.”
“Well, if you assume to have all the answers why would you bother looking for more?” making him smirk proudly at your words. “They’ll learn, with enough shoves in the right direction, or enough books to hurl at them. Sometimes you need a bit of mischief to open some eyes.”
“Thor has been working up the nerve to request a trip for his Mate Jane Foster to Asgard. I imagine her introduction to our scientists would be less productive than to hear from one who has crafted a rainbow portal on her own with only supplies from Midgard. Even our best crafters alive today could not tap into that technology. When Thor broke the rainbow bridge that aids in the control of the Bifrost Mother had to travel to Hel to consult with one of our scientists we had lost a thousand years prior.”
“That must have been fun for you to experience.”
“I wasn’t there,” he whispered in a downward glance then cleared his throat and drew in a deep breath, “Perhaps I should share something else, other than my race with you.” When his eyes did rise he almost flinched seeing yours on his, “There’s a, being, a Titan.”
“Like in Greek Mythology?”
“I’m, not aware of their history.”
“Sorry, Titan?”
“Thanos. I fell from the bridge when Thor broke it. Through the open void of the universe I faded to, I don’t know where. There, Thanos found me. His henchman tortured me.”
“Loki,” you said reaching out to rest a hand on his forearm that had his hand turn over to wrap around the underside of yours welcoming the contact and sadness not pity in your gaze.
“I was gone, for so very long, time is, difficult in varied realms to compare.” He wet his lips and continued shakily, “I managed to escape, with a deal. He sent me with the scepter to bring him the tesseract. There are these stones, with different powers to control parts of the universe, he wants them all and has others to locate them for him. That was why, I opened that portal. Why I killed people. To let them know something bigger is out there, and that it’s coming.”
“He wouldn’t have come on his own, but I lied to him. And my Father can’t protect this planet, or won’t. I won’t let him hurt you though. I swear. I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”
“That’s a tall order in this city. Plus even doors are a danger to me when I’m in a hurry.”
“I’m being serious, he has decimated civilizations before and enslaved millions he allowed to survive.” His eyes scanned yours finding an expression he couldn’t decipher and he asked, “What is that look for?”
“I have secrets, terrible things I should tell my Mate, for fair playing field since you’ve been so open with me. I do trust you, I just,”
“I understand.”
“It’s just been mine, for so long. Nearly my whole life now, and Eddie, he found me at and back again from my lowest point,” Loki nodded and bit the inside of his lip at the tear that rolled down your cheek all of a sudden. “He was the first person who cared since I got here, and I just had to tell someone. It was breaking me, and he got me help with his therapist, which has helped. I just, I don’t know why, but even with you being able to rain aliens down upon us, I’m scared to tell you everything.” Another tear down your cheek had him lean in closer to your side. “Because if you knew, what I am, you would hate me. I don’t know why Eddie hasn’t left yet. He should have left me by now.”
“He is not going to leave, and no matter what pain that lies in your past, I will not leave you. And I will wait until you welcome me into the fold. No matter how long it takes.”
The rest of the meal he remained at your side and moved with you to your couch to inch closer to cuddling through a film that allowed you both to a comfortable silence. Droops of your eyes however had him excise himself to allow you to rest. When you were on your feet however with sight of his back his body went rigid to the poke he felt that had him turn to see you with your button in hand say, “Double checking.”
Gently he claimed your free hand and raised it to his lips to kiss your knuckles on the hand he cradled after, “Get some rest. Tomorrow should Stark not interfere, hopefully I could arrange a lunch to make up for my misstep this morning.”
“Not your misstep. I shouldn’t have assumed anyone else would know Morse Code.”
“I will learn, there is no fault on your part. Only imagination.”
“You get some sleep too, Sunshine.” His grin widened, “Keep that stress on your heart down.”
“I shall try my hardest with Stark in the same tower.” He said stealing another press of his lips to your hand before he released it and led the way to the door you closed and locked behind your unbelievable Mate you secretly wished would have tried to kiss more than just your hand the second time.
Pt 8
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess​, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Loki - @pastelhexmaniac
14 notes · View notes
Being A Star (4)- Peter Parker x Stark!femReader
Count: 2071
Warnings: Language as Steve would say
Author’s Note: Here’s the next chapter! Let me know what you think or if you want to be added to the tag for future chapters!
Becoming A Stark || Chapter One Being A Stark|| Masterlist
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Life finally feels normal again. At least as much as it can for missing five years in the middle of your life, having a new sister, and living in a new house. But your dad is home which is the biggest thing. Dr. Cho is talking about having to send him to a specialist to deal with the after effects on his arm, but for now she’s let him come home with the sling holding the dead weight of his arm. The marks freak Morgan out so Tony has been wearing a lot of flannels over his arm so she doesn’t have to see it. You’re not supposed to know, but you overheard your parents talking about how Dr. Cho thinks most of your dad’s arm will probably need to be cut off. She hadn’t done it in hopes of saving it, but her messages about your dad’s case with the specialist said there is little hope that the arm can be saved. Especially since it’s causing your dad pain, which you didn’t know. You try to imagine your dad without his arm, but it just doesn’t seem right.
A knock on your door pulls you from your thoughts. “Shouldn’t you be asleep kiddo? You’ve got the second first day of ninth grade tomorrow?” 
“In which I will be the only one starting the year since everyone else started last week.” You say with a roll of your eyes as Tony walks over to sit on the edge of your bed.
“Even so, you’re not one to stay up late on a school night unless you have homework and seeing as I know you already finished it…” He trails off. “Wanna talk about it?” You slide towards the left side of your bed to make room and Tony moves to sit next to you. His good arm wraps around your shoulder and you lean into the smell of him, cinnamon from his cologne and mint from his aftershave. The only scent missing was the smell of him being in the lab, but until he was cleared to work on things like his cars and other science projects, he was restricted from going into the garage.
“I, uh, heard you and Mom talking the other night.” You say softly. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but you were going back to your room after using the bathroom and had heard them from the top of the stairs.
“Heard us? Talking about?” Tony asks, not following what you’re talking about.
“Your arm. How they might cut it off.”
“How you’re in pain.” You mutter the words. 
“I wasn’t keeping that from you, if you’re up late feeling bad about overhearing it.” You look up at him. “Your mom and I were going to talk to you about it after meeting with the specialist. We didn’t want you to be worrying if you didn’t need to be.”
“I’m not up because I felt bad.” Your bottom lip slips between your teeth as you pull at some of the skin there. “I don’t like that you’re in pain.”
“I feel the same way when you hurt kiddo. But that’s what this appointment is about. They think the stones did something to the tissue and nerves. They think it’s basically corrosive. So by taking the arm away, it would hopefully stop the pain.” Your eyebrows fall together as you think about this.
“But how would that affect everything else?”
“Well, I will have to use a prosthetic. And I’ll have to relearn how to do some stuff. But if it gets rid of the pain it will be worth it. Maybe Bucky will teach me all about having a detachable arm.”
“That guy who was bad but now isn’t, that’s a friend of Steve’s?” You ask, having heard the name but never having met the guy.
“That’s the one. He was brainwashed for a little bit into being a bad guy. But he’s all better now. I wouldn’t risk myself being around him if he wasn’t. And he did help us fight Thanos.” He smiles at you. “I think that makes him a good guy.”
“Fuck Thanos.” You mutter.
“Summed up my feelings entirely.” Tony says as his hand rubs your shoulder slightly.
“How do you just jump back into life after being gone for five years?” You ask the other question that has been simmering in your mind for the past few days. “Like my life just stopped? How do I get that back?”
“You seem to be doing a good job at getting it back so far. Hanging out with Mom and Morgan and your favorite old man.” He teases.
“Dad, I’m serious.” You lean into him as you let the words leave your lips. “The past couple weeks have… they felt like they are a part of my new life. But by going back to school, I’m having to be old me all over again? How do I just slip back into that?”
“New life?”
“My old life didn’t include a little sister or waiting for my dad to come home from being injured. It was a whole different thing. I’m in a new house, I haven’t had to do anything that seems like things I would have done before I just poofed.” You didn’t want to admit it, but you had been avoiding Peter partially for that reason. Peter was pre Blip. Morgan was post Blip. How do you make them go together? 
“What things are you nervous about having to deal with?” 
“I…. I’m scared it will all go away again.” You admit. Every day when you wake up, you feel like crying that you’re still there. 
“Being scared is a normal reaction. We all get scared sometimes.”
“You’re Iron Man. You’re saying you get scared? You literally save the world.”
“I lost you. I lost half the universe. I wake up at night and think that you’re still gone. I’m scared I’ll wake up and this will all be a dream. There’s stuff from before the Blip that still causes me to have panic attacks. I get scared easily kiddo. I’m far from perfect at dealing with things.”
“And how do you deal with all of it?”
“I lean on Pepper. I hug you and Morgan as close as humanly possible. I tried therapy once, but should find a different doctor. I tinker. I focus on the things I can control.” 
“So I should just keep going even if I’m scared?” Tony nods slowly. 
“Is this fear why I haven’t seen a certain Spider-boy around?” You bite the inside of your cheek and don’t answer. “I may not like the idea of you dating people for selfish reasons, but I know he makes you happy. So maybe lean on him instead of pushing him away? Just a suggestion.”
“I…” You trail off, not knowing if you should voice the other thought going through your mind.
“Have you ever thought about how the world would look without you in it?”
“Sure, in a dark moment. Why do you ask?” Tony’s concerned but wants to see where you’re going with this.
“I left, and you guys just moved on. So what’s the point of slipping back into what I did pre Blip if everyone was fine without me?” You ask, not looking at your dad. You find you can’t meet his eyes after saying it.
“We continued living. But we didn’t move on.” Tony wishes he had two working arms so he could pull you into a tight hug and not let go. 
“You had a whole other kid while I was gone. How is that not moving on?”
“Morgan was on her way before you Blipped.” You look up at your dad with all the confusion you’re feeling painted across your features. “If the Blip had happened seven weeks later, you would have Blipped knowing that you had a sibling on the way. The last thing we wanted to do after losing you, was try to replace you. And Morgan could never replace you.” He pulls you in closer with his good arm. “I came back from being lost in space with Nebula, thinking I was going to have to tell you I lost your boyfriend. Then I took my first step off the ship and my eyes were searching for you and Pep- hoping I didn’t lose my family. But the moment I saw Pepper’s eyes, I knew it. She didn’t even have to say it. And when I knew you were gone, my whole world fell apart. It felt like my heart had been ripped out. I was sure my lungs were being crushed. I couldn’t breathe. I had a panic attack in front of the remaining Avengers because we lost, but more importantly I lost you, my kid. It took a week before I could even talk to anyone besides Pep. Nearly a month before I could manage to talk about anything Avenger related. It hurt too much. I broke the one promise I swore I wouldn’t. I swore I would keep you safe and I hadn’t done that. I was across the galaxy as you faded into dust. So I promise you Y/N, we never moved on. We just did what we could to make losing you not hurt so much. We were far from fine without you.”
“I didn’t know.” You whisper, not knowing how much pain your dad had gone through. “I’m sor-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence. You have nothing to be sorry for. If anyone should apologize, it should be me for not stopping the Blip from happening.”
“That’s not your fault though. You may be an Avenger, but the world doesn’t rest on your shoulders.” You pause before saying. “If I’m not allowed to apologize, then neither are you.”
“You’re making demands now?”
“Mmmhmm. You perfected time travel to bring me back. And you brought my boyfriend back, willingly nonetheless. So I say there’s nothing to apologize for. No apologizing.”
“Ok, no apologizing.” Tony leans against your head. Tony decides to bring up a more positive subject. “Morgan loves that you tell her actual bedtime stories.”
“Actual bedtime stories? What have you been telling her?”
“Once upon a time there was a Morguna who went to bed, the end.”
“That’s the worst story I’ve ever heard. No wonder she likes my stories better.” You shrug. “They’re not that special. Just stories I would have made up when I was her age.”
“Vivid imagination?” You nod.
“Still have one. It’s why I love reading. Imagining far off places and new things to see. It’s amazing.” You lean into your dad’s shoulder as you explain.
“Ever thought about writing your own?”
“I’ve… contemplated it before. But never actually given it a try. What if I have nothing to say?”
“You’ll never know if you don’t try.”
“Wow, it’s cuddle time and I wasn’t invited?” Pepper stands barefoot in your doorway.
“There’s still room.” You pat the bed on the other side of you. Pepper smiles and comes to sit down next to you.
“What are we contemplating instead of sleeping?”
“Dad’s trying to convince me I should try to write a book.”
“You could write a book that is solely Morgan’s bedtime stories and I know you would have at least one reader.” Pepper agrees. 
“That’s just made up… shit.” You shrug off your parents’ suggestions. “It’s not a real story.”
“It’s a real story to Morgan. The person who decides the story is worth it is the person who wants to read it. But if you want to do something completely different, that’s ok too. You have plenty of time to figure out what to do in life.” Pepper says. “But, it is getting late and you do have to get up early to drive into the city.”
“You were the ones that chose to move out of NYC proper. So really it’s your fault.” You joke.
“True, but either way, you need to get some sleep so you don’t fall asleep in class.” Tony kisses your cheek. Pepper stands up, but then leans over to give you one more hug and a kiss. “Get some sleep kiddo. Tomorrow is going to be fine.”
“Whatever you say Dad.” Tony pulls your quilt around you and tucks it in tight. “Love you.”
“Love you too sweetheart.”
“Love you kiddo.”
  ...A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway  @iamaunicorn4704  @furiouspockettoad  @daughter-of-stark  @eternalharry​  @huntective-kyeo​ @riiis-stuff​ @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb​ @sovereignparker​ @bbarnestan​ @teenwishes08​ @iamthescarlettwitch​ @skyfallstilinski @cutie1365​ @a-mnd​ @youarethereasonimsmiling​ @thefemalestorywriter​ @krazykendraisnotinsane​ @cathy8taffy​ @letssee2468​ @babyreads​ @riyanna​ @theatregeek @bubblebunbun @curls-freckles-books
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roguestarsailor · 4 years
impressions of six of crows
***spoiler ishh, not plot spoilers but just character interactions throughout the book***
note: I have not read shadow and bone and this is the first book i’m reading in this series so i have no prior knowledge of who these people are or what happened prior to this!!
I adore all these characters in the book! I love how seamlessly everything flowed and its glorious to read. The names were all confusing to me so I had to constantly refer back to the map and the Ice court layout to fully understand everything. I think there were points where I didn’t fully understand the impact because I didn’t read the other books. Talk of the Second army was confusing for me, but I just pushed through. I just love the dynamic of this group and I really really hope they are ok. Please don’t die. Will this author do this to my sensitive heart?? idkk?? 
the heist was so fun and honestly, i dont think the ice court was that well protected haha. it felt like they had so much time to do so many things but it just might be how the story is told. i love stories of trickery and heist and this one did a really good job. I love the backstories getting interwoven together and the plot twists were lovely. I was stressed for kaz though and i was nervous he will “run out of tricks” but it ended up fine. its strange because he is sooo young and hes battling these seasoned professionals and hes gotta navigate this fucked up world. they all have to navigate this fucked up world and i can’t imagine the stress of always looking behind you but also looking at the next 10 steps and then plotting additional scenarios to live. wow. anyways this i was great 10/10!!
Notable scenes include:
I’m going to kill that little idiot. “What do you want?” he shouted down.
“Close your eyes!”
“You can’t kiss me from down there, Wylan.”
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“Pull your shirt up over your mouth,” [Jesper] told Wylan.
“Stop being dense. You’re cuter when you’re smart.”
Wylan’s cheeks went pink. He scowled and pulled his collar up.
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“Discipline. Routine. Does it mean nothing to you? Djel, I can’t wait to have a bed to myself again.”
“Right,” said Nina. “I can feel just how much you hate sleeping next to me. I feel it every morning.”
Matthais flushed bright scarlet. “Why do you have to say things like that?”
“Because I like it when you turn red.”
“It’s disgusting. You don’t need to make everything lewd.”
“Despite her fatigue, she trotted ahead of him. “That’s it, isn’t it? You don’t want to like a Grisha. You’re scared that if you laugh at my jokes or answer my questions, you might start thinking I’m human. Would that be so terrible?”
“I do like you.”
“What was that?”
“I do like you,” he said angrily.
She’d beamed, feeling a well of pleasure erupt through her, “Now, really, was that so bad?”
“Yes!” he roared.
“Because you’re horrible. You’re loud and lewd and...treacherous.  Brum warned us that Grisha could be charming.”
“Oh, I see. I’m the wicked Grisha seductress. I have beguiled you with my Grisha wiles!”
She poked him in the chest.
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YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I FUCKEN LOVE THESE BICKERING IDIOTS. but also nina means so much to me. its so fucken refreshing to see a character who is overweight and can carry herself with so much sass and confidence (because thats what 17 year old me would have wished to be able to channel)!! i love that shes so flirty and especially to someone as stoic as matthais is cute af!! even the author wrote about how much she loves nina: “I probably identify most with Nina. She’s spent her whole life being told she’s too big, too loud, too much--and that’s basically me. I just wish I had Nina’ confidence at seventeen.” she has the kind of sass and big dick energy that comes w having to prove yourself and being shamed and i think thats why she has a special place in my heart!! maybe i’ll go in on my love for nina in another post but ugh i love her
“When we get back to Ketterdam, I’m taking my share, and I’m leaving the Dregs.”
He looked away. “You should. You were always too good for the Barrel.”
It was time to go. “Saints’ speed, Kaz.”
Kaz snagged her wrist. “Inej.” His gloved thumb moved over her pulse, tracing the top of the feather tattoo. “If we don’t make it out, I want you to know...”
She waited.
She reached up and touched his cheek...this was the first time she had touched him skin to skin, without the barrier of gloves or coat or shirtsleeves. She let her hand cup his cheek. His skin was cool and damp from the rain. He stayed still but she saw a tremor pass through him as if he were waging a war with himself.
“If we don’t survive this night, I will die unafraid, Kaz. Can you say the same?”
His eyes were nearly black, the pupils dilated. She could see it took every last bit of his terrible will for him to remain still beneath her touch. And yet, he did not pull away. She knew it was the best he could offer. It was not enough.”
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Inej turned to go. Kaz seized her hand, keeping it on the railing. He didn’t look at her. “Stay,” he said, his voice rough stone. “Stay in Ketterdam. Stay with me.”
She looked down at his gloved hand clutching hers. Everything in her wanted to say yes, but she would not settle for so little, not after all she’d been through. “What would be the point?”
He took a breath. “I want you to stay. I want you to...I want you.”
“You want me.” She turned the words over. Gently, she squeezed his hand. “And how will you have me, Kaz?”
He looked at her then, eyes fierce, mouth set. It was the face he wore when he was fighting.
“How will you have me?” she repeated. “Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch?”
He released her hand, his shoulders bunching, his gaze angry and ashamed as he turned his face to the sea.
Maybe it was because his back was to her that she could finally speak the words. “I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.”
Speak, she begged silently. Give me a reason to stay. For all his selfishness and cruelty, Kaz was still the boy who had saved her. She wanted to believe he was worth saving, too.
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ITERATE AGAIN, INEJ DONT WANT 90 PERCENT OR 99 PERCENT SHE WANTS 100 OR NOTHING WOW. i mean my shipping heart says NOOO buT shes right. kaz gotta figure out his shit and then share that vulnerability w her and maybe they can be truly together. UGH BUT THIS SCENE my god
Van Eck taunting Wylan and shitting on him for not being able to read was disgusting and i will fight him. I WILL PROTECT WYLAN WITH MY HEART! HES TRYING HIS BEST AND WORKING WITH WHAT HES GOT AND HE SAVED THEM ALL SO MANY TIMES. GET THIS PEDO OUT OF HERE FUCK THIS GUY
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“That’s why you disappeared during the journey,” said Jesper. “You weren’t helping Matthais care for Nina. You were hiding.”
“I didn’t hide.”
“You...how many times was it you standing beside me on the deck at night when I thought it was Kuwei?”
“Every time.”
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pekka rolllins. wow. what a man. i expect great things to happen between kaz and him. i truly did think kaz killed him back in the ice court lol but im glad he saw the grand plan and waited it out. hes a man of patience. i can respect that.
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spookymultimedia · 3 years
A Summer to Remember ch 6 [fin]
[Helen pov]
     I ran after him, rocks shifting under my feet. He stopped at a gravel road, leading to the cabin, leaning against a tree and looking at the ground. 
       "Timothy.  . .I understand if you're mad. I'm mad at myself. I wasn't thinking. I still love you. I mean it." My voice shook.
              "I'm confused . . ." He said calmly, 
" but I don't blame you. I'm not that upset really, I understand, I mean-." He sighed trying to gather his thoughts. I stood there dripping. The warm heat and soggy humidity kept me from getting cold. 
                "You like her, huh?" He looked up at me. I nodded, "Alot, actually." 
        He smiled. I didn't expect him to smile. "She's great for you."
           "You. . you think I should?"
"Maybe, I don't really care, well, mind" He shrugged. "If it makes you happy."
             " But I can't leave you." I took his hand. 
He thought for a moment, "Uh. . .isn't there this. . .thing where. Someone has multiple wives?"
    I cocked my head confused.
"You know, that thing that. . .Mormons or Amish do? But like with a husband and a wife?"
        "Polygamy?" I answered slowly. What was he getting at?
 "Yeah, that but without the multiple wives thing."
               ". . .poly . .polyamory?"
"Yeah." He smiled, "that."
I shrugged, "I don't know, that takes a lot of work and communication." 
                ". .but?"
   "But I am considering it."
                "Maybe bring it up to Maude?"
"Okay." I smiled. He hugged me despite me being all soaked and dirty.
           "What about Ned?" I asked and let go.
                         "I don't know, I haven't seen him in a couple hours. I hope he's okay."
                  "You really care about him a lot don't you?"
      He nodded bashfully, "Yeah.  . .yeah I do."
      "That's okay." She smiled. 
He hid his mouth with his palm and looked away.
          "Really it is." I insisted.
"This is all so new and . . . "
       "I understand. . .I think I might be. .bisexual."
  "Me too." He muttered. 
           "I mean you don't need to have multiple partners to be bisexual but that is something I'd like to try. . .I really really l like her."
    "Oh. . . Okay."
  "I don't know, I just thought that you needed to be involved with both to be bisexual."
              "No it's just, I could like men and women equally..like they're both hot. You know?"
He shrugged, "I don't know, I- I don't really feel that way at all."
                  "What?" I furrowed my eyebrows confused.
            "I just- I don't know, I just think everyone looks just ok. I mean I don't not think you're beautiful or anything. Because you are. You're cute. Just. I just don't know what hot is." He scratched his chin and looked away. 
       "Oh. . ." I was still confused. "Okay."
"I should really go look for Ned." 
            "Yeah. I'll go talk to Maude."
"Meet you later then." He smiled a bit and walked off.
          "See ya!" I smiled back and ran back towards the lake. 
[Ned pov] 
               I laid in bed hugging onto a pillow after I showered. I thought about what I said. The guilt was dull now but it was still there. I wished I hadn't said anything, I wish I could move on. I'd live without, but it would still hurt for a long while. I closed my eyes, listening to the birds and the windchimes Timothy made one summer. The air conditioner made a low hum, it was a bit peaceful. I could lay down and pretend nothing existed but the present. Nothing in the future matters now. There was only now, and now there were birds singing, a soft pillow under my head, a clean body, and chimes to accompany the birds music. No worry existed here. No concern. No stress. I didn't have to think about it now. I allowed myself to just be present and exist in that moment. I felt okay. 
      After half an hour my catnap was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, "It's me. Ned? Are you in there?" 
            "Yeah." I answered. I started to feel sick again. I opened the door and let him in. 
       "I've been looking all over for you. Are you alright? I'm sorry I pressured you like that, I should have realized that was still a sensitive subject for you. I didn't mean to put you in that uncomfortable situation." He rambled. It wasn't often I saw him ramble like this. I was usually the one who did the rambling and apologizing.
       "Did I ruin everything?" I looked down at the floor.
                "No. . .no of course not." He touched my arm. "Actually uh, I talked to Helen." He moved his hand back to his side.
He sat down on the bed and I did too. 
"It turns out she and Maude really like each other."
        "Oh. . .Tim, I'm sorry.  ."
"What? No it's not like that, she actually wants to maybe start a.  . . .polyamory"
        "Oh? You mean.  . . with you and her dating other people?"
He nodded.  He looked down and chewed at his finger. 
   "Is. . .that a good thing?"
He nodded his head. 
           "I'm happy for her. I mean, she still needs to see how Maude feels about it."
          "Ned I.  . .I- I think I." He flapped around his hands in frustration and shut his eyes. I waited patiently. He took a deep breath. "I love you." His hands fidgeted at his shirt nervously. 
        Everything suddenly felt unreal. It was like time stopped. He felt the same way? 
          "Wow . ."
"Uh . .do you feel okay with me being with you and Helen?"
          "I do feel a bit jealous of Helen sometimes. I'm sorry I must sound like a jerk." I looked away ashamed.
             "It's okay to feel that way. . ."
"But I do want to try it out. I think it'll go away once I- . .I um." I blushed.
             "Get your share?" He smirked.
"Something like that."
               "I get it. Well, what do you want to do with me?" He played with the hair at his neck.
I suddenly felt shy. 
   "Uh . . .um. .uh. You want me to be honest?"
         That was a loaded question. I didn't want to overshare. What if I make him uncomfortable??
     "I really want to.  . .kiss you . .and do some other sexual stuff." I looked away kinda embarrassed. 
             "Oooh." He sounded somewhat surprised. "You're allowed to feel that way." He smiled. 
      I looked at him, "Sooo. . .you're bisexual then?"
            "Yeah.  . .I think so? I mean I- I don't know. I'm a little confused about sexuality."
             "It can be intimidating. It's so weird to suddenly just feel this desire and it's so new yet familiar and it's hard to shake off." 
           "Oh. . . ?"
I looked up at him, "I'm sorry are you uncomfortable?"
                "Oh. No. .no. Just…..I don't know. I just don't feel sexual? I mean I want sex. Buy. Oh, I don't know. "
                    .      "That's okay."
"So . . .you wanna do something?" I didn't want to sound needy. I was but I didn't want to sound that way.
                   "I honestly feel pretty tired right now. I just want to lay down. I'm sorry."
            "No, that's okay. I'm kinda tired too."
        I laid down on my back and left room for him. He laid by my side and reached out his hand. I held my hand out and he felt it.
"I'm sorry.  . ."
"I just.  . . I- I have this issue with touching people sometimes. Like sometimes hugs are just too much or I just really don't want to shake hands with a stranger. It's uncomfortable."
           "Oh. ."
"I'll be okay. I want to hold you. . .I just. I don't know if I can yet without getting overwhelmed?? I'm sorry it sounds silly."
         "No, it doesn't."
"Okay, thank you."
                 "Mmhm" I smiled.
He gently held my hand and closed his eyes. 
I did too. It was quiet, and it was okay again. 
[Maude pov]
    I waited at the shore feeling scared. What we did was impulsive but wild and free and nice.  . . I never felt like that before. It was mind numbingly wonderful. I listened to waves crash while my mind was filled with nothing but dread. A selfish part of me hoped I could have her. 
     I was drawing hearts in the sand when I heard Helen.running up to me, "Maude!" She called, smiling. I stood up trying to get a better look. She suddenly hugged me. 
       "Helen! What's gotten into you?", I giggled out. I held onto her waist and grounded my feet before we toppled over. "It's wonderful, just wonderful, oh I love you so much. I love Timothy so much, oh my goodness I love you so much."
      Timothy and me? Was there a compromise? 
       "What happened?"
She let me go and waved her fists, too excited to stay still. 
    "Me and Timothy talked things out. I told him I was sorry for my actions, he forgives me of course and he said he didn't blame me. So we decided to try out polyamory!" Her words were rushed.
     "Polyamory? What's that?" 
"Um. .well I think it's when you date multiple people or something like that. Of course everyone has to consent to the relationship and stuff. It's not Polygamy."
      "I don't know what Polygamy is. So. . .you're saying we can date?"
  "Yes! It's okay."
I hugged her, feeling happy, "I'm so relieved Helen." 
         I looked up at her. My happy Helen. Our happy Helen?? She was happy and loved and that's all I cared about at that moment. She placed a hand on my cheek and pecked my lips. I kissed her back. I couldn't help but cry. I felt so free. After being by her side for so long I feel honored to be hers. Her eyes widened after our kiss. "Ohh I didn't even tell you the other thing! Timothy likes Ned Flanders! Isn't that the sweetest thing? He's such a sweetheart."
          Her hands rested on my shoulders as she spoke. I touched one of her hands and listened. 
          "So is he going to date him?"
"Well. . .Timothy doesn't like talking things so fast. He said he was going to talk to Ned. I think they'll be okay." She smiled. "I'm happy for him.  Both of them. I think this will be good for them both." 
        "Me too." We spend the rest of the afternoon kissing and running through the water. 
[Timothy pov] 
     After supper, the four of us sat around the outdoor campfire. Ned was making smores and showing me how he perfectly roasted them. "The trick is to keep every side evenly toasted. Nice and equal." I smiled. I liked how calculated his method was. He put in alot of care. When it was finished  he gave it to me. They were warm and gooey. I smiled and wiggled a hand.
  He nodded. I glanced over at Helen who was next to me. Maude was in her arms and Helen told her stories. Her eyes where glued to Helen's. They where a sweet couple. I liked seeing them happy. I nibbled at my treat and gently touched Ned's hand. We held hands. He smiled at me warmly. Helen stared at us smirking. I blushed and smiled, looking down at the fire. I stared into the it feeling happy and nervous. Everything felt okay and peaceful tonight, tomorrow would be a new chapter in our lives. There's lots that we still have to figure out, but as long as we have each other I think we'll be okay. I massaged my thumb onto Ned's palm and let him rest on my shoulder. 
[Ned pov]
       I sat at the edge of the lake alone, looking up at the stars. I had finished packing early and decided to go take one last gander at the water. The air was warm with a calm breeze. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky to block the view. Maude walked up to me and sat with me. "The weather is nice tonight."
"Yeah, it sure is."
       We sat quietly. Crickets were singing to the beat of the water. The light breeze brushed against a bush. "Ned, do you ever wonder what it would be like if we never met? Would we end up in relationships we don't want anyway? Would we have figured out we're gay sooner?" 
            I thought for a while, and then shook my head slowly, "I don't know. .but I know that I don't regret meeting you. You're the best friend I could ever have." 
     She smiled. "You too." 
[Maude pov] 
       Ned and I held hands and watched the stars glow on the water, knowing nothing would come between our friendship. The love our friendship had was just as deep as our respective love for Tim and Helen. I'd always have his back. I was ready to support him and Timothy through everything. It was a very deep friendship, maybe even deeper than most friendships where. Regardless of what our relationship was, it was strong and something beautiful.
       The night felt yellow. Like, a happy warm yellow. I felt happy, we were all happy. I knew for certain this would be a summer to remember. 
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Fourteen
Chris frowned as he received a message from the doorman that he had a guest downstairs. He saved the work he was doing on his laptop, grabbed his house keys and left to the front lobby. He tried to hide his shock as he saw Robyn standing by the front desk. He walked over to her, “Robyn. What are you doing here?”
“I figured a few weeks was long enough for us to figure ourselves out. Can we talk?”
“Sure. You could’ve just come upstairs.”
“I’d figured I’d save myself the walk if you didn’t want me here.”
“Why would I not want you here?”
Robyn shrugged as she made her way onto the elevator. Chris followed behind her then pressed the button for his floor.
“Did you think I was mad at you or something?”
“Or something.”
Chris chuckled. Within a few moments they were inside his condo, “hungry? Thirsty?”
“No, I ate before I came.”
“You really came to get down to business, huh?” Chris replied as he sat down on the couch across from her, “what do we need to talk about?”
“Everything you said when you were last at my house was right. And in hindsight, I’ve been very unfair and selfish towards you.”
“Robyn, I don’t think-”
“Please let me finish. I didn’t want to be in love with you even before I knew you  were you. I didn’t want to still love you long before we ran into each other again. And I’m so frustrated that I can’t stop it. I can’t stop being happy when I see you. I can’t stop being happy when you call or come around. I can’t stop being happy having Anesa hug me or fall asleep in my lap. I want it to stop but I can’t help it. You’re right that I don’t want something serious but it's not because I don’t trust you. I don’t trust myself. I don’t trust myself to be strong enough to handle who you’ve become. You’re brash and honest and open and it makes me feel so damn inadequate. We’ve joked and you’ve been concerned that you’ve ruined me for somebody else but you really ruined me for you. Loving you and losing you broke me. It happening again is going to kill me and I don’t want to do that to you or to myself. I carry this weight of not feeling good enough, of not being strong enough. I don’t want to send you backwards. I don’t want to go backwards. I know that at some point, you’d leave and you’d be ok with that but I won’t.”
“I appreciate you telling me this but what does this change for our situation?”
“I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers.”
“Sweetheart, that’s all I needed to hear. If you don’t have all the answers, why are you asking all the questions? There are some things that we cannot control. You don’t think I worry about you eventually walking out on me. You don’t think I worry about going backwards emotionally. You literally take my breath away from me. These past few weeks have been immeasurably difficult to live without you but I’m not gonna force anything on you for the sake of my wellbeing. I want us to compromise and figure this out together. I want to be able to have uncomfortable conversations with you without fear of shutting down or us shutting each other out. We have a history, it's not going anywhere but we dictate what our future is going to be.”
“So what do you want from me, Christopher?”
“I want you to be ok with loving me. With being happy when you see me. With wanting to be a great mother to my daughter. I want you to feel adequate and enough. I can tell you, you are as much as I want but if you don't believe, what good will that do.”
“I can agree to that.”
“And what do you want from me, Robyn?”
“I just want you here.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“I can agree to that.”
“So what do we do now?”
“How about I start working on dinner for us and you help me?”
“What are we making?”
“Let’s check to see what we got.”
Chris held out his hand for Robyn to take as they both stood up to go towards the kitchen. Robyn stopped part of the way and pulled Chris towards her.
“Something wrong, Baby?”
“No. I just- thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me. I really didn’t do anything.”
“I do have to thank you. Really.”
“I’ll tell you later.”
Chris chuckled as he pulled her into a hug. He kissed her temple as he rubbed his hand along her back, “I love you, Robyn.”
“I love you too.”
“Daddy! Daddy! Mommy’s here,” Anesa yelled as she looked through the front window. Chris got up from his seat on the couch and opened the front door just as Robyn went to stick her key in the lock. Anesa ran over and hugged her legs.
“Hey Love! How’s my girl?”
“I’m good. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Sweets. You gotta let Mommy get into the house though.”
“Ooops, Sorry.”
Robyn giggled, “it’s ok.”
She turned to Chris and pecked his lips, “Hey Babe.”
“Hey. I thought you weren’t coming by until later.”
“My appointment finished up early so I figured I’d head this way now instead of wait.”
“Cool. Dinner isn’t quite finished yet.”
“That’s fine. I’ll just play around with Anesa until you’re done. Do you need me to help with anything?”
“Nope. I got it.”
“Ok. Come on Nesa Boo. Let’s find something to do until Daddy’s finished with dinner.”
Anesa grabbed Robyn’s hand and they left to the back of the house.
Chris smiled as he walked back to the kitchen. If you had told him six months ago, that Robyn would be back in his life, he would have thought he needed to be back in the hospital. Not only for her to be back around but to be exclusively in a relationship was really blowing his mind. It had only been a few weeks since she agreed to officially get back together but it had been long enough for him to realize he wanted to go all in with her again. The first time around may color how she sees marriage with him but he wanted to use as much time as he could to change her mind. It took a while to get used to Anesa calling her Mommy but she warmed up to it so maybe it’d work the same way for them planning a future together. Again.
“Christopher,” Robyn said in a sing-song voice as she walked into the kitchen, “you ok in here?”
“I’m good, Babe. You ok?”
“I’m great. Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Did you say anything around Anesa about me moving in here?”
“No. Why? Did she say something to you?”
“Not in a direct way but she started talking about me being here with her when the social worker comes over.”
“Oh. Wow. Well I mentioned to her social worker that I was in a relationship during one of her visits but I made sure she was aware that you didn’t live here. I’m not sure why Anesa would say something like that.”
“Maybe we should talk about this Mommy thing, I think she’s taking it much more serious than we anticipated. I know we talked to her about it and that our relationship doesn’t mean marriage but I don’t think she’s old enough to understand what we do mean.”
“If the Mommy thing is making you uncomfortable, I have no problem dialing it back but as for anything else, I don’t think she’s really understanding what we mean no matter how many ways I explain it to her.”
“I’m not uncomfortable. I was serious about wanting to be a part of her life regardless of how we work out, I just don’t want it to give her the wrong idea.”
“Duly noted. I’ll talk to her tonight. Did you want wine or anything to drink with dinner?”
“No, I think water would be best.”
“Is something wrong?”
“I’ve just had these really weird dizzy moments and I don’t want to exacerbate them by drinking alcohol.”
“Have you been to the doctor?”
“Yea, I’m waiting on some test results to come back so I’ve just been being careful.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I would’ve brought dinner to you instead of having you drive up here.”
“It’s fine. They happen sporadically so I’m good. What you make for dinner?”
“Roasted cornish hens, baked potatoes and broccoli with cheese sauce. Are you ok to eat that?”
“Yea, that’s good. Sounds amazing.”
“Thanks. You know I’m gonna have you stay here and drive you back to the city myself, right?”
“For your tone after I said the word dizzy, the idea crossed my mind.”
Chris chuckled, “you sure you ok?”
Robyn nodded her head as Chris walked over to her and cupped her face, “why you looking at me like that.”
“I love you.”
“I know.”
Chris chuckled and shook his head, “you’re making me worry about you, you know.”
“I don’t want you to worry about me because there’s nothing to be worried about. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you about the dizzy thing.”
“See you can’t say stuff like that and not expect me to worry about, Robyn.”
Robyn smiled before she leaned up and kissed his lips, “Trust me, I am fine. If it is anything serious, I will let you know.”
“You promise?
“Baby, I promise.”
“Can I have another kiss?”
“You have as many as you want.”
Chris smiled then pecked her lips several times in succession, “I am so gonna enjoy you staying with us this weekend.”
“I can’t stay for the whole weekend.”
“I got people coming to my house.”
“Aww...you can’t cancel?”
“Nope, they are coming in from out of town.”
“Is it your family?”
“Yes and no.”
“And what does that mean?”
“Some of my relatives are coming but most of the people coming are colleagues. It’s a fundraising mixer for my shelter.
“Oh ok.”
“You sound disappointed.”
“No, it’s not that. I just wanted you to be able to stay longer, that’s all.”
“You’re welcome to come if you want.”
“Nah, I won’t have anyone to watch Anesa. It’s fine.”
Chris moved towards the stove and Robyn felt this chill come over the room.
“Chris, are you upset with me?”
“What? No. Why would I be?”
“I don’t know. I just feel like I offended you for some reason.”
“It’s nothing. You ready to eat?”
“I’m ready for you to talk to me. Chris, look at me.”
Chris turned around and leaned against the counter beside the stove, “there’s really nothing to discuss.”
“I hurt your feelings or something. I can see it in your eyes. Baby, talk to me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about the event before?”
“Because it’s a work thing so I wasn’t even thinking about it like that. I do this every year since I opened the shelter. Why is it bothering you so much?”
“It feels like we’re a secret sometimes.”
“Why do you feel like that? My family knows we’re together. My friends know. We spend all our time together. What makes this feel like a secret?”
“People knowing and us actually being a couple around them are two completely separate things.”
“Chris, if my family was here, we’d be at their house for Sunday dinner and parties like we used to be but that’s not the case. It's not like my parents are here and I’m just keeping you away from them.”
“I understand that.”
“Sweetie, you have their contact information, you can speak with them at any time. You do not need me to play go-between. It’s not like they hate you or anything.”
“I guess.”
“Is that what it is? You’re afraid to reach out to them?”
“Chris, the questions will be asked at some point especially if we continue becoming more serious. We were married before, we can’t avoid it.”
“I’m not trying to.”
“So what is it? Do you really need me there as a buffer?”
“No but I would like for us to be together as a unit.”
“What makes us not a unit? We’re always together. Chris, what is it you really want from me?”
“You want to get married again? So soon?”
“It’s not soon for me. We’re not completely starting from square one. I’ve never denied being in love with you and wanting you to be a part of my life. I know it’s only been a few weeks since you told me that you loved me but I don't wanna waste any more time with this.”
“What’s the rush? I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere. Why can’t we just enjoy the exclusivity for now?”
“We are enjoying it.”
“So what is the problem? Are you afraid I’m gonna walk away at some point? Marriage isn’t gonna assuage the fear and we both know that better than anybody. I committed to being with you again. I committed to being in love with you. I committed to moving forward but I cannot make you do the same. I cannot pretend that taking this slow isn’t the best way for us because I believe it is. The novelty has worn off. Reality has settled in and we have to get comfortable with who we are before we can really start talking about who we wanna be. I spent over ten years getting to know the old you. I deserve more than a few months to learn the new you as well. That’s only fair.”
“You’re right.”
“I am not saying that I would never marry you but I just want the space to get there on my own.”
“Which is only right. My apologies.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t do this as much anymore.”
“The staying over at each other’s houses and stuff. I feel like I’m giving you the wrong impression.”
“It’s nothing that you’re doing. It’s just me getting ahead of myself, that’s all. I know where you stand on the issue and I’ll adjust accordingly. No harm. No foul.”
“Chris, I don’t want to hold yourself back from what you want to do.”
“I have no interest in ever marrying anyone except for you so I will wait as long as you want.”
“Don’t say things like that.”
“Because I can’t pretend to be mad at you when you do.”
Chris laughed, “why would you want to be mad at me?”
“Because you weren’t being honest with me. I usually don’t have to dig for you to tell me what you’re feeling. I don’t like that.”
“You are correct. And I do apologize. I just didn’t want to freak you out which apparently didn’t work anyway.”
Robyn chuckled, “is dinner ready yet?”
“Yea. Can you get Anesa?”
“Sure. You sure you’re ok?”
“Yea, I’m good.”
Robyn’s brow furrowed as she walked over to him, gently cradled his chin and kissed him deeply. She pulled back and gave him two pecks before smiling up at him, “better?”
“Definitely better.”
Robyn laughed as she left out of the kitchen.
Chris pulled on his pajama pants and sat on the side of the bed just as Robyn walked out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her. She carefully dried off her skin, set the towel aside then started to put on lotion. As she rubbed her hands across her belly, Chris noticed something odd.
“Yea Babe?” She replied as she clasped the front of her bra closed.
“You said earlier that you’ve felt dizzy and stuff.”
“Yea? What about it?”
“Are you pregnant?”
“What? Why would you ask me that?”
Chris walked over to her and took her to stand in front of the mirror, “I have very limited knowledge of this but look.”
Robyn looked and even twisted her body around then turned to Chris, “I don’t know what you’re seeing but I don’t see anything. What makes you think I’m pregnant?”
“Your skin just looks very taunt over your belly, it doesn’t look like it normally does and you haven’t lost any weight or gained any added muscle in that area.”
“Chris, what are you saying?”
“Your stomach looks hard.”
“Does it feel hard?”
Chris carefully ran his palm across her belly and nodded, “yes, it does.”
“It doesn’t feel any different to me.”
“Did the doctor give you a pregnancy test?”
“Well no. They don’t normally do that for signs of vertigo besides we are sparingly sexually active and we use condoms every time. I had no reason to suspect pregnancy. Also I’m over 40 years old.”
“That doesn’t really mean as much as it used to.”
“You think I should get a pregnancy test?”
“I really do.”
Robyn sighed, “well if you think so, I’ll have my doctor give me one at my next appointment.”
“When is that?”
“It’s next week.”
“You think you’ll be ok until then?”
“Yea. There’s nothing really to be concerned about. I haven’t been drinking. I don’t smoke or anything else harmful so I’ll be fine until then.”
“Would you like me to come with you?”
“That’s sweet but not necessary.”
“I feel like I should.”
“I really don’t want to make this a big deal until it has to be.”
“Are you ok if you are?”
“Sure. I don’t have anything against having children. I just rather not get too far ahead of myself. With my age and everything, there could be a lot of things wrong with these symptoms. I can handle it.”
“You sure you don’t want me to go with you?”
“I’m very sure. I will call afterwards and we’ll talk but I’d rather do it by myself.”
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tomie-elle · 4 years
HQ Boys + Your Couple’s Song
Pretty Setters Addition: (Part #1) Koshi Sugawara, Oikawa Tōru, Miya Atsumu 
Warning: Not Really (except some language + you might feel extra lonely/single after this because I know I did)
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Koshi Sugawara: Best Part by Daniel Caesar (ft. HER) 
“I just wanna see how beautiful you are You know that I see it I know you're a star”
“I promise we’re almost there bunny just you wait”, he says as he notices your impatience growing. “I know”, you reply “It’s just that I’m just so excited to see this place. You’ve honestly hyped it up so much that it’s got to be something special”. “Because it is, I’ve seen some beautiful things but this has to take the cake”, Suga declares. “Wait, what about me?” you question, as you begin pretending to pout he can't help but laugh and says with his signature smile, “Sorry y/n, I meant the second most beautiful thing, you got to be the cherry on top”, he then reaches for your hand and kisses the back of it, to reassure you how much he does love you. After a few more minutes of driving in the dead of night, Suga pulls up to a clearing in the middle of a field and begins to pull the car to a complete stop. As you both exit, you can’t help but marvel at the scene before you. “Oh my God, Suga, wow, this is just so--” “Beautiful, what did I tell you”. Looking up you can see thousands upon millions of stars all shining in the darkness, you’ve never been really able to see the stars but out here in the middle of nowhere do they look so clear. As you continue to stare up into the sky, Suga begins to pull out a couple blankets and pillows and places them on the roof of his car. When he finishes setting up a small nest of pillows and blankets, Suga beckons for you to join him on the roof, he then you into his warm embrace, and whispers, “How is it?”. “Amazing, I’m just so awestruck that I honestly can’t put it into words, thank you really Suga, for showing me this to me”, you replay while looking him in the eye meaning everyone you said. He then pulls you into a short sweet kiss that says everything and whispers against your lips, “Even though this scene is beautiful nothing can ever compare to how beautiful you are to me”. 
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Oikawa Tōru: Happiness by Rex Orange County 
“Proud of me and my short list of accomplishments, say And me and my lack of new news Me and my selfishness, oh me and myself” 
It surprises you every single time how truly amazing Oikawa is at volleyball, the precision, and accuracy when he sets the ball, his ability to enhance every one of his teammate’s skills, and his powerful unstoppable serve that can barely be received. It always seems to shock you even after dozens of times seeing him play. Every time you watch him you can’t help but feel so proud of him, so excited for him, so happy for him because of that damn smile. It’s one of the only times you get to see him simile so genuinely. So you try to come to every game, try to scream as loud as you can just so he knows how much you believe in him. You’ve always been optimistic, believing that Oikawa and his team were an unstoppable force that held an overwhelming amount of talent that no team could challenge. But today is different as you watch as point after point after point is scored against your boyfriend's team. You felt hopeless as the last whistle blew marking the end of the game. Not even close with Aoba Johsai losing to Shiratorizawa, 0:2. As the boys line up to bow and say thanks, all you can notice is how much your boyfriend is trying to not make any form of eye contact with you. With him lowering his head or looking off in the exact opposite direction as your location, you know he’s trying not to look at you right now. Usually, after every game, Oikawa would look up into the stands (already knowing your exact location) and give you the biggest genuine smile he could to let you how much he appreciates you for all the support you give him. That smile can communicate every little thing he is unable to verbally express. But you understand that today is different, they lost, you can't help but start to think about how he must be feeling right now, how disappointed he must be not just in his team but mostly in himself. He always beats himself up, blames himself for every little mistake, never believing how talented he is or that he is good enough. As your thoughts begin to spiral you can’t help but start to feel the tears starting to swell and drip down your face. Seeing him like this not even able to look you in the eye. You can’t help but wait outside the building, hoping that he’ll talk to you, unlike the last time he lost in which he shut you out completely. As you wait patiently for him, a pair of large hands grab you from behind and pull you into an embrace. Startled you look up to see, Oikawa. “Turn around, don’t look at me”, he whispers into your ear, you do as you're told and turn around. “I’m sorry”, he whispers so quietly into your back, repeating himself over and over again, “I’m sorry y/n, I’m so sorry”. “Oikawa”, you say trying to get out of his firm grasp but he’s so much stronger than you, so all you can do is face away from him. “I’m so sorry”, he continues to repeat himself. After a couple minutes of him just whispering apologies into your back, he finally lets loosens his grin enough for you to turn around to face him. You slowly put his face into your hands and say, “Look at me”. He continues to look down not wanting to make any eye contact. You repeat yourself, “Oikawa look at me”, he finally does so, and the image breaks your heart, his eyes are so swollen from crying that they're practically red. “Hey, you know that I love you so much, right?” you say while directly looking at him, he nods so you continue, “I love you so much Oikawa, that I could never be disappointed in you”. “But I lost, how could you be proud of me and my shortlist of accomplishments”, he quietly mumbles under his breath. “Oikawa, I will always be proud of you”, you whisper and with the 7 words Oikawa completely breaks down in your arms.
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Miya Atsumu: Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez
“Love everything you do When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do” 
“I must be that handsome if yer can’t stop staring at me sweetheart”, Atsumu says with his usual stupid shit-eating grin. “In your dreams”, you reply hastily trying to hide the blush that started to creep up on your face. How can he always somehow make you blush, you think to yourself, stupid boy, stupid face, everything about him is just so stupid. “Am I making yer heart race now” as he whispers in your a little to close for comfort in order to continue to egg you on. “No”, you scream a little too loudly for the librarian’s taste, instantly earning you a “shush” and a cursed death glare. Atsumu can't help but try and contain his laugher while you earn your punishment by the librarian, earning him a punishment as well as, a hard jab to the stomach. “Ow missy, that really hurt me yer know”, he declares while pretending to be oh so hurt, “It was just revenge darling” you replay nonchalantly. “Now leave me alone I need you to stop goofing off Atsumu, and actually let me study, the only reason why I let you come with me is because--” “Because you love me so so much”, he interrupts with that plastered grin on his face. “I’m done”, you say and begin to back your things, “Wait baby, I'm sorry I'll be good I promise”, he whines and proceeds to start doing his own classwork. He actually looks really focused you tell yourself and maybe he’ll actually behave himself for once, so you sit back down next to him and start your own work. After a few moments of peaceful silence, he taps you on the arm, “Baby”, “Yes”, you reply, “Could you help me with a problem?” Atsumu asks politely. “Mmm, which one is it?” looking up, he points you to a certain problem. “Ok, so the question is if you could choose between sucking my di--...ATSUMU!” you yell, and as suddenly as you raised your voice a certain librarian taps you both on the shoulder and asks for you both to leave. “I hate you”, you declare as you continue to walk away from him. “But baby it was just a joke”, he says trying to catch up with you. “I’m really sorry you how much I love you baby”, he continues to say while chasing after you. “I’m not your baby anymore!”, you declare. Easily catching up to you, Atsumu grabs you by the arm and forces you to look at him. “Get off of me”, you yell, he doesn’t budge and with a serious tone states, “Y/N I’m really sorry I didn't mean for us to get kicked out.” He continues and says “Really I just wanted to make you laugh, you know how much I seeing you smile”, he then proceeds to remind you of the time he dressed up to school as a literal clown, after you told him to stop “clowning” around. Or the time he accidentally ran into a pole, when he was trying to get your attention while on his daily run. Obviously it made you and reminded you about how much of an idiot he is, but he is your idiot and no one else's. “You really that sorry?” you ask, “Yes I swear, I swear on volleyball I am”, “You are so dumb sometimes, you know that”, you tell him as he begins to pull you into a kiss. “I love it when you call me fucking dumb”. 
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Event: +3Ghosts Episode 10 Translation
It’s showtime! Just in case, a heads up on the names of the characters! Misumi: Kousei, Kumon: Sora, Muku: Minato, Kazunari: Aoi, Tenma: Sousuke, Yuki: Susukida (note that the names may change once I fully know how they are pronounced, except Misumi’s, thanks to the play song ww!)
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Sousuke: "Are you going to the hospital today, Kousei?"
Kousei: "I'm not."
Sousuke: "How about our club activities, then? We're gonna pick the members for the dance competition, y'know."
Kousei: "I don't even know if I can participate, anyway. I'm goin' home."
Sousuke: "But your injury is already healed, isn't it? They say you only need to attend therapy."
"If you stay like this, our club advisor will tell you to take a--Hey, Kousei!"
Kousei: "Fine. I'll just take a break from the club. And you really think I'm healed already? Look at this, I can barely move."
Student A: "Ghost photo? Dude, there's no way something like that exists. You just photoshopped it, didn't you?"
Student B: "'Sides, things like a spiritualist are downright uninteresting."
Susukida: "I-I said, you've got it wrong! I'm not lying--!"
Student A: "Lies."
Kousei: "So noisy…"
Madoka: (Nii-san truly looks like a different person on the stage. It's as if he has been possessed by his character.)
Mother: "Make sure to attend your therapy today, all right!? And go home by yourself once you're done!"
Kousei: "Yeah, yeah, I said I got it."
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Kousei: "Like hell I'm gonna attend that therapy. *sighs*...Let's go kill some time somewhere."
"'Sides, the therapy does nothing for me. I can't move my leg at all. It's pointless."
"Just when I got so pumped up thinking I'd get chosen for this year's competition… Shit!"
Sora: "1, 2, 3, 4--!"
Kousei: "...What is that guy doin'? Suckass."
"His steps are so weird."
Sora: "Huh!?"
Kousei: "...Yikes, he heard me."
Sora: "Hey, hold on, hold on! Did you say something to me just now?"
Kousei: "...Just ignore him. Getting myself involved would be such a pain."
Sora: "There's no way he'd talk to me."
"No one will see someone like me. I'm invisible. They can't even hear my voice. My existence is unkn…"
Kousei: "So gloomy! I mean, anyone will see if you dance in a place like this."
Sora: "What!? Me!? Really!?"
Kousei: "Now I've gone and done it."
Sora: "Just now, you said my steps were weird--."
Kousei: "Like I said--You're supposed to move like this. I have an injury right now so I can only move slowly, but--."
Sora: "Wow, awesome! You're great, man!"
Kousei: "What a weirdo… Bye, then."
Sora: "Ah, hold on, hold on! S-Say, can you teach me dancing!?"
Kousei: "Why me… Do you not have any dance clubs in your school?"
Sora: "I can't go to school right now. Besides, I can only practice from evening to night. That's why…"
Kousei: "...I have physical therapy tomorrow."
Sora: "I see…"
Kousei: "But I can come since I have quite free time."
Sora: "For real!? Say, can I bring my friends too!? I'm sure they'll be happy! They've also been practicing dancing, after all."
Kousei: "Sure."
Sora: "My name is Sora Natsukawa!"
Kousei: "I'm Kousei Kizu. Just call me Kousei."
Sora: "Nice to meet you, Kousei!"
Izumi: (Misumi-kun is in his top form ever since he regains himself. Kumon-kun is also able to play Sora in his own way.)
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Sora: "He's Minato Mizushima, and he's Aoi Mochizuki!"
Aoi: "Say, are we really going to be fine?"
Minato: "U-Umm, can you hear us?"
Kousei: "Are you makin' fun of me?"
Minato: "N-No!"
Aoi: "Oh, wow! So we're really going to be fine!"
Kousei: "What on Earth are you sayin'..."
Sora: "It's nothing! Let's start practicing right away!"
Kousei: "Wait, wait, wait! Aoi, what? Huh? What's happenin'?"
Aoi: "What is it? Huh? Huh?"
Kousei: "No, no, no! That should be my line, dude! How are your steps so light!?"
Aoi: "Huh!? No way!? Is it that light!?"
Kousei: "For real, man. Rather, you're floating in the air right now."
Aoi: "Whoops, my bad! I kind of forgot about the gravitation!"
Kousei: "Is that something you can forget about!?"
"1, 2, 3… Hey, Minato, is it just me or are you becoming invisible right now?"
Minato: "Huh!? Really!? It's just your imagination! Just your imagination!"
Kousei: "I can't see your feet."
Minato: "Maybe because it's already dark here."
Kousei: "Oh, hey, hang on, I can see through your body!"
Minato: "Huh? Maybe my presence is getting weaker~. Alright, I'll do my best to make my presence known!"
Kousei: "You think everything will be OK just by doing that!?"
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Kousei: "You're doing pretty good now. Have you been dancing up until now?"
Sora: "Ah, yes. We all come from different schools, but we're in the same dance club."
Aoi: "It might be thanks to Kousei that my intuition came back."
Minato: "And you can finally move your injured leg, right, Kousei?"
Kousei: "Well, matching my pace with you all turns out good for my physical therapy."
Sora: "You've also been attending your therapy these days, right?"
Kousei: "Sort of, yeah. If I'm going to go to the hospital anyway, I might as well do it."
Aoi: "You're doing great~."
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Sousuke: "Hey, Kousei, it's about time you show up to practice again. Your leg is already fine, isn't it?"
Kousei: "Well, yeah…"
Sousuke: "We still haven't completely decided on the members who will participate in the competition, so you still have time before the application deadline."
Kousei: "...I'll think about it."
Sousuke: "Dude, do you even have motivation for this?"
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Kousei: "Why aren't y'all goin' back to your dance club?"
Minato: "We do want to return if we can…"
Sora: "We can't even go to school."
Kousei: "Why? Are y'all being hospitalized or what?"
Sora: "Well, I suppose you can see it that way."
Aoi: "Are you in a dance club, Kousei?"
Kousei: "Sort of. I took a break due to my injury, though."
Aoi: "How nice~. Are you gonna participate in the national dance competition?"
Kousei: "No idea. I don't know if I'll be chosen."
Sora: "I wanted to participate too."
Minato: "But Kousei still can make it. I'm sure you'll be chosen since you're working hard!"
Kousei: "...You see, dance clubs are not the only ones allowed to participate in the competition. You can join if four people form a team."
Sora: "Four people…"
Minato: "Are you talking about us?"
Aoi: "Seriously!?"
Kousei: "Who else, then?"
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Sousuke: "Kousei! Today you'll come to--."
Kousei: "I've joined a different team for the competition."
Sousuke: "Haaah!?"
Kousei: "I'm gonna be busy practicin' with 'em, so I'm gonna take a longer break from club."
Sousouke: "Stop messing around! Do you know how long we all have been waiting for your return!? On that condition--."
Kousei: "My bad."
Sousuke: "Hey! You're being too selfish here!"
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Kousei: "If we're gonna join the contest, I needa think about the choreography…"
Man: "Dance practice?"
Kousei: "Huh? Y-Yeah."
Man: "My son also liked dancing, you see. Do you mind if I see you practice?"
Kousei: "That's fine with me."
Man: "It sure brings back memories… My son used to practice until night too. Is it like t-this?"
Kousei: "You've got it all wrong."
Man: "Haha. I should have had him teach me how to dance."
Kousei: "Did your son quit dancing?"
Man: "Yeah… It's been years."
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Kousei: "Let's take a lil break."
Aoi: "Huh? Already?"
Sora: "It's been two hours, after all."
Kousei: "Y'all sure have so much energy."
Minato: "You think so?"
Aoi: "I guess we all have infinite energy since the concept of body no longer works on us~?"
Kousei: "The heck is that? That aside, you'll be discharged before the competition, right?"
Sora: "Y-Yeah, of course!"
Minato: "I'll use any means to join the competition!"
Aoi: "Me too!"
Kousei: "Great to know that, then. It must have been a letdown to get holed up in the hospital during summer break."
Minato: "I wanted to go to school…"
Kousei: "School? Why?"
Minato: "Because I couldn't go there at all…"
Kousei: "Wanna sneak out?"
Minato: "Huh?"
Kousei: "If you can sneak out for practice everyday, I'm sure you can go there, right?"
Minato: "For real!?"
Aoi: "Can we really go, though?"
Sora: "I think we can if we're with Kousei!"
Kousei: "A'ight, it's settled, then."
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Minato: "Sneaking into school at night sure makes you nervous, huh."
Kousei: "Well, it sure feels different from going to school in the morning. Ghosts may even come out."
Sora: "Huh!? G-G-G-GHOOOSSST???"
Kousei: "You're freakin' out too much."
Minato: "This makes me so happy. I've always wanted to go to school."
Kousei: "You're exaggeratin'. Once you get out of hospital, you'll have to go to school even if you hate it."
Minato: "You see, the truth is, I started missing school since junior high."
"I've come to enjoy dancing after entering a dance club during high school. It made me think that I could attend school."
"I worked hard at practice and aimed for the contest. But--."
Kousei: "I'm sure you'll be discharged soon."
Minato: "...Yeah. Thanks, Kousei."
Kousei: "Like I said, you're exaggerating. You can go to school soon."
Sora: "It might seem that way to you, Kousei."
Aoi: "Ah, in that case, I wanna see fireworks!"
Kousei: "Let's do it next week. You're in?"
Aoi: "Seriously!?"
Izumi: (Muku-kun said he understood Minato's feelings, and it really showed in his performance.)
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Kousei: "This place sure is packed. I feel like we'll keep bumping into peeps."
Aoi: "You're right."
Minato: "What a crowd."
Kousei: "But hey, hold on, how can you guys walk that easily!? It's like you're slipping through them! How do you do that!?"
Sora: "We're, we're not!"
Kousei: "No, no matter how man--."
Susukida: "Eeek!!"
Kousei: "What's with that guy?"
Aoi: "Do you know him?"
Kousei: "He's my classmate. We've never talked before, though."
Sora: "He looked surprised when he saw us."
Kousei: "What a weird guy."
Aoi: "Ah, it's the fireworks!"
Kousei: "But we can't see them behind these trees!"
Sora: "Haha. We could only hear the sound."
Kousei: "Let's move."
Aoi: "No, it's fine."
Kousei: "But you wanted to see fireworks, didn't you?"
Aoi: "This is already fun enough."
"I didn't have any friends before, you see. Ever since I got ignored by the guys I was close with at junior high, I was afraid to make friends. I'd always been alone at the dance club."
"That's why dancing and watching fireworks with my friends like this made me so happy."
Kousei: "I see… Good for you."
Izumi: (Kazunari-kun doesn't call himself the fireworks leader of Summer Troupe for nothing. He's really having fun, as if he's watching big fireworks for real.)
Kousei: "Next is Sora."
Sora: "Huh?"
Minato: "You must have something you want to do, right, Sora?"
Sora: "I… No, it's fine."
Kousei: "Why?"
Sora: "I want to make it come true, but at the same time, I don't want to."
Kousei: "The heck is that?"
Aoi: "It doesn't hurt to say it."
Minato: "It's definitely better to say it. If you don't, we…"
Sora: "I… I wanna meet my family."
Kousei: "You can't meet them?"
Sora: "Due to some circumstances… I can't meet them face to face. But I want to see them at the very least, even if it's just a glance."
Kousei: "I'll do something about it, then."
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Izumi: (Despite planning a lot of things for Sora's sake, Kousei gets mistaken as a suspicious person…)
Sora's Father: "What is it that you want? Please cut this out!"
Kousei: "Ah, wait a minu--. Inviting him without mentioning Sora's name at all is too difficult. *sighs*."
Sora's Father: "I'm going to call the police if you do this again."
Kousei: "Please hear me out. I'm not a suspicious person. My name is Kousei Kizu--I'm a friend of Sora Natsukawa--."
Sora's Father: "Sora's…?"
Kousei: "Sora said he wanted to meet you. Can you come with me?"
Sora's Father: "Sora… No way…"
"Can I really meet Sora?"
Kousei: "Huh? Where are you--Oh well, whatever! Please come with me!"
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Izumi: (Promising to let him meet Sora, Kousei brings Sora's father to a nearby riverside…)
Kousei: "Like I said, he wanted to meet you too. Just meet him face to face."
Sora: "I can't…"
Kousei: "Why!?"
Sora: "I just can't…"
Minato: "Kousei, Sora himself really wants to meet his father."
Kousei: "Then why--."
Sora's Father: "So where's Sora?"
Kousei: "Ah, uh, umm…"
Aoi: "Ah, fireflies!"
Minato: "Wow, it's so pretty…"
Sora: "This takes me back. I used to come here to see fireflies with my family…"
Sora's Father: "I see… So you're home, huh, Sora. Kousei-kun, thank you for helping me meet Sora."
Kousei: "Huh? I don't really get it, but I guess he kinda accepted it~?"
Sora: "Thanks, Kousei. My dream came true because of you."
Kousei: "Huh, yeah. But is this really okay? You didn't meet him face to face."
Sora: "Yep. It's enough for me."
Kousei: "Now we've only gotta wait until you're discharged from the hospital and join the competition."
Sora: "...Yeah. I'll have no regrets left once we join the contest."
Kousei: "Well, since we're joining the contest anyway, I also want to win something."
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Kousei: "There's no point in going to school. I should have skipped."
Student A: "Like I said, you probably edited it, right?"
Student B: "Just admit it already."
Susukida: "I'm not lying! Give me back my phone!"
Kousei: "So noisy…"
Student A: "H-Hey!"
Kousei: "Leave him the fuck alone, man. Here you go."
Susukida: "Tha, Thanks…"
Student A: "Tch, fucking boring."
Susukida: "Umm, Kizu-kun, you came to the fireworks festival, didn't you?"
Kousei: "Haaah? Yea."
Susukida: "You're being possessed, Kizu-kun."
Kousei: "Huh? By who?"
Susukida: "Spirits of the dead."
Kousei: "Haaah!? The fuck are you sayin'? Bullshit."
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Sora's Father: "We met here before, right? I remember coming here."
Kousei: "Ah, Sora's…"
Sora's Father: "If you don't mind, can you keep these for me?"
Kousei: "What are those?"
Sora's Father: "Dance videos that Sora collected to study and videos of his performances. I suppose it might be helpful to you."
Kousei: "In that case, you can just return it to Sora…"
Sora's Father: "I do want to do it. But I ended up feeling reluctant and kept them as a memento."
Kousei: "Memento…?"
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Sora: "You've heard from my dad, right, Kousei?"
"Five years ago, we were riding the same bus to go to a dance contest. But our bus flipped over midway and we couldn't be saved."
Kousei: "You're lying."
Minato: "It's the truth. Do you know why we can float in the air or how we have weak presences? It's because we are ghosts."
Aoi: "See? We look like ghosts, don't we? No, I mean, we are indeed ghosts."
Kousei: "Are you for real, dude!? I see!?"
Sora: "I've actually wondered why you didn't notice it all this time."
Kousei: "One usually would not notice such a thing, y'know!"
Minato: "No, I think it's the exact opposite."
Kousei: "Hey, how about the dance contest, then!? Can ghosts even join!?"
Sora: "Sorry… In the first place, there's barely anyone who can see us…"
Minato: "It's impossible."
Aoi: "I think people who have sixth sense can see us, though."
Kousei: "I don't have such a thing, though."
Sora: "Maybe it's because we share the same feelings that you can see us, Kousei. We all want to join the dance contest.”
Minato: "I wanted to join the contest…"
Sora: "But Kousei's the only one who can see us… Besides, you need at least two people to join the contest."
Aoi: "Sorry, Kousei…"
Kousei: "What are you apologizing for!? Y'all want to join the contest, don't you!? You'll definitely join!"
Sora: "Kousei…"
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Izumi: (Thus, in order to make up the number, Kousei asks Sousuke from the dance club to help him…)
Kousei: "I'm begging you, Sousuke. I want to look for someone from the dance club who can join my team."
Sousuke: "You really are asking too much. Besides, you're the one who chose them over the dance club."
Kousei: "I know. But I have to participate in this contest no matter what."
Sousuke: "I'll join your team."
Kousei: "Huh?"
Sousuke: "The contest is in three days. Do you really think there's anyone who would be willing to join your team so suddenly like that?"
Kousei: "Then why are you…? To begin with, you've been chosen to represent the dance club."
Sousuke: "The dance club has a lot of substitutes. We have prepared so that anyone can take over anytime."
Kousei: "But--."
Sousuke: "I want to take part in the competition with you. I've told you I'd wait, right?"
Kousei: "Sorry, and thanks."
Izumi: (Tenma-kun has already said this, but he really is perfect for the role.)
(No matter what he says, in the end Sousuke is very helpful and compassionate, and Tenma-kun shows that side of him well.)
Kousei: "Say, Susukida! You can see ghosts, can't you!?"
Susukida: "Huh?"
Kousei: "You said you saw ghosts at the fireworks festival."
Susukida: "Y-Yeah."
Kousei: "Do you know a way to make other people able to see ghosts?"
Susukida: "Maybe with… psychic photography."
Kousei: "Psychic photography… That's it!!"
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Sousuke: "I thought you were lying when you said they're ghosts, but you were not."
Sora: "Never would have I thought you'd come with an idea of having us dance on the screen."
Sousuke: "Hey, are they all here?"
Susukida: "Y-Yeah."
Minato: "Susukida-kun can't hear our voice too."
Aoi: "To think that we'd be able to join the competition…"
Sora: "Thanks so much, Kousei."
Izumi: (Yuki-kun did a good job expressing Susukida's delicate feelings and how happy he was when the others used his ability.)
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Izumi: (Then, on the day of the competition…)
(They all look like they're having fun.)
(Especially Misumi-kun… I can tell he's really having fun when he dances on stage with the others.)
(I can tell they're fully enjoying this moment in this summer… That feeling of theirs is overflowing…)
Kusumi: …
(Misumi's performance reminded me of Father's plays… That's right… I, too, wanted to create that kind of play.)
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MC: "The winner of this contest is… Sakai High's dance club!"
Kousei: "I thought we'd at least win a prize, but it didn't turn out like that."
Sora: "I'm happy enough to be able to stand on the stage."
MC: "The Special Recognition Award goes to… +3Ghosts!"
Kousei: "Huh…"
Sousuke: "Seriously!?"
Kousei: "Special Award…"
Sousuke: "We won that! Come on, Kousei, go get that throphy! Ah no, I mean, Kousei and you three!"
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Sora: "--Special Award? Us?"
Minato: "I can't believe it…"
Aoi: "Isn't that awesome!? Yaaay!!"
MC: "Your creativity was wonderful. Not only that, but your performance was also highly-praised due to the fact that we could sense the characteristics of the people on the screen. Congrats."
Kousei: "Thank you…!"
"Hey, you three, come on, hold the tro--ah, right, you can't."
Aoi: "Hahaha. Let's just pretend we're touching the trophy~."
Sora: "Wow! I still can't believe it! We won a prize!"
Minato: "I'm really happy."
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Susukida: "Let's take a pic! Look here, guys!"
Kousei: "--."
Sora: "Thanks, Kousei, Sousuke-kun, Susukida-kun."
Aoi: "We have no regrets left."
Minato: "It's sad, but I'm glad I wasn't alone."
Kousei: "Huh?"
Sora: "I'm glad I could meet Kousei."
Aoi: "See you!"
Minato: "I hope we can dance together again one day."
Kousei: "Wait a minute, hey!"
Sousuke: "Kousei?"
Susukida: "They disappeared…"
Kousei: "Why!? They should have said that kind of thing sooner! I could have prepared myself mentally."
Susukida: "Take a look at this, Kizu-kun."
Sousuke: "They all held the trophy."
Kousei: "Haha. Their presences are as weak as ever."
Izumi: (A nice smile filled with sorrow… As if marking the end of a summer, the curtain closes…)
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Misumi: Thanks~!
Kumon: --*sobs*!
Misumi: There, there, Kumon. Huggies~!
Kazunari: Me too!
Muku: Good for you, Kyu-chan!
Yuki: You're crying too much.
Tenma: Hey, come on, introduce yourself. Good grief.
Hiro: …
There's no mistaking it… Friends are the best treasure in one's lifetime.
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Kumon: Sorry for intruding.
Madoka: Welcome.
Kazunari: Hakkaku-san's mansion is super elegant!
Muku: It does feel like this place belongs to Hakkaku-san.
Izumi: Is it really okay for us to come here?
Madoka: I think my grandfather will be happy if lively people come here.
Misumi: I'm so happy I could come here with you all~!
Izumi: (Well, Misumi-kun is happy. That's good enough.)
Kazunari: So this is where Hakkaku-san usually wrote…
Tenma: This is truly a great place; it's close to the mountain and the sea.
Yuki: And it's quiet here.
Kusumi: ...Ah, found it.
This is what you're looking for, right?
Izumi: Ah, thank you!
Tenma: "White Beard Pirates"....
Misumi: I watched this with Grandpa!
Tenma: Looks like we got the right one.
Kusumi: Let's visit the grave before it gets dark.
Madoka: Yes.
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Misumi: …
Madoka: …
Misumi: Thank you for bringing me here.
Kusumi: --.
--No, I should have brought you here sooner. Sorry.
Madoka: I'm sorry, Nii-san.
Misumi: It's all right. I'm glad I could come here today.
Madoka: …
Misumi: Let's make paper airplanes, Madoka!
Tenma: You're gonna fly them here!?
Yuki: That's disrespectful, you know.
Misumi: I'm gonna give Grandpa the paper airplane that flies the farthest!
Izumi: Le-Let's look for a wider area to do it.
Madoka: I have this. I wasn't the one who made it, though.
Misumi: It… looks similar to my paper airplanes…
Madoka: When Nii-san took on the lead role for the first time, It flew from the window.
Misumi: So you've been keeping it…!
Let's play more and more and make paper airplanes!
Izumi: How about the papers, though?
Misumi: Ah…
Madoka: I think we can use the papers in the mansion.
Kusumi: Please use these.
Misumi: ?
Madoka: Father, these are--.
(They're manuscripts. They're filled with words…)
Kusumi: It's garbage. I'm bringing them here because I want to burn it.
Madoka: (This is Father's handwriting… He kept writing and erasing his words… There's a trace of his struggle.)
Izumi: Is it really okay to throw them away?
Kusumi: ...I had always felt like I submerged into a dark mire, you see. But now I could finally get rid of that feeling.
It's all thanks to you, Misumi, Madoka.
Misumi: Father…
Madoka: (There's a lot of unfinished stories that disappear without seeing the light of the day like this.)
(At the very least, I shall remember those stories. Then, one day--.)
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Tenma: Okay, I'm sure this time I'll--.
Kumon: I'm done!
Kazunari: It's all set!
Misumi: Alright, let's go! Three, two, one!
Muku: --Wow, it's flying!
Kumon: Awesome! Mine flies that far!
Tenma: Not again! Mine fell down right away!
Kazunari: Go, go~!
Yuki: Just as I thought, Triangle Alien's flies the farthest.
Madoka: You're amazing, Nii-san.
Misumi: Ehehe~!
Izumi: The white paper airplanes are dancing in the blue sky… This, too, is a summer-like thing.
< Episode 9 | Masterlist | Epilogue >
29 notes · View notes
tomorrowsdrama · 4 years
Hyena Ep. 16
I’m baaack!  Kind of.  I think I hit that point in my quarantine life where I kind of lost my mind so I went on an unexpected hiatus that lasted longer than intended.  I know it’s been over a month after the finale of Hyena but here are my ramblings.  This post is super long so I’ll save my thoughts on the series as a whole for another post.
Objectively, it was a pretty good finale that was entertaining and wrapped up the important plot lines.  We even got some sweet otp moments (more on that later) and satisfying smackdown of the bad guy.  But subjectively?  Personally?  Purely based on my selfish expectations?  I wanted more romance!  More sexiness!  I wasn’t expecting a wedding or anything like that but, not even one kiss?  Or a long embrace?  Why????
I mean, how can you give me all this sexy chemistry in the promos:
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And then not make use of it in the finale?  That’s just not fair I say!  I feel bamboozled!
Ep. 16
Anyway, let’s talk about the parts I enjoyed of the finale.  This is mainly (99%) going to be about the moments between Geum Ja and Hee Jae.  So on the morning of episode 16, way back when, I woke up so excited for the finale.  Since this was the last episode, surely there will be a kiss!  And surely it would be epic given the chemistry between JJH and KHS.  I mean did you see that kiss in episode 8?  So when we started off the episode with the scene of Hee Jae telling Geum Ja he didn’t want to see her hurt anymore, I was amped.  Yes, we’re starting off strong with the romantic scenes I thought.
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How can you not fall for him?
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Geum Ja, you are not a gangster, you do not need to show your story through the scars on your body.  Joking aside, it’s sad that she’s been through so much in life that she has the scars to prove it. 
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I love that Hee Jae says this half-sarcastically but you can tell that he truly does not want Geum Ja to go through any more pain/suffering.  And it’s his sincerity that makes Geum Ja smile so softly.  And this is where they kiss right?
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Nope, he gets a hearty bro punch in the shoulder.
Cut for lots of caps and ramblings.  It’s a bit of a mini novel, you’ve been warned!
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Mmm I loved how many scenes of concerned Hee Jae we got in this episode.  
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Geum Ja screams from a nightmare and Hee Jae immediately runs into the office to check on her.  The only way he could have reacted so quickly is if he was sitting outside the office guarding Geum Ja which...AHHH I think I’ve just died and gone to hurt/comfort heaven.  Just look at JJH’s face.
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EEE!  I audibly squealed when Geum Ja said this.  Ok, now I’ve truly died.  Geum Ja?  Asking to be comforted?  By Hee Jae?  What?  This is major.  She’s finally letting down her walls a little bit around Hee Jae and allowing herself to be vulnerable.  Keep on leaning I say!  Lean all the way into bed.
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Omg and then she showed concern over Hee Jae’s own emotional state despite her own trauma.  His dad totally betrayed him just a few hours ago so Hee Jae’s having a pretty shitty day too.  But of course, Hee Jae is only concerned about Geum Ja.  Ahh, how many times is he going to make me swoon in this episode?  
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Feet piled on top of each other?!  Are they finally in bed together?
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Of course not.  Unfortunately, this isn’t that type of drama.  SIGH.  But this is still very sweet and squeal-inducing.
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Have I talked about how much I love JJH’s little sly smirks?
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I love that these two fools can’t stop worrying about the other.  Geum Ja knows better than anyone how deep emotional scars caused by a parent can be.  On top of that, Hee Jae’s father was someone he respected and loved, so the blow is even bigger.  I just really like it when my otp show how much they care about each other, ok?
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Look at that smile on Hee Jae’s face.  It’s like there’s no other place he would rather be than next to Geum Ja. 
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No, please don’t.  Y’all are not 12.  Please get at least a queen size bed with plenty of room for two adults to move around in and do...adult things lol.
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And then.  AND THEN!  Geum Ja takes the initiative and turns over towards Hee Jae.  She’s finally the one taking the first step towards him without any prodding.  And Hee Jae smiles to himself and follows her lead to turn over also.  And then the two fools smile lovingly at each other as they fall asleep.  Omg, excuse me, I need a moment.  I’ve temporarily passed on to the other side from sheer otp happiness.
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This moment was just too good.  I literally raised both my arms up into the air and cheered when I first watched this episode.  I thought, wow the writers are feeding us so well.  They’re showering us with so many romantic scenes.  The otp caring for each other?  Being tender with each other?  Sharing a “bed?”  I don’t want to ever get off this love train, keep it coming!  This is only the first third of the episode so surely it can only go up from here.
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And then it ended on a comedic note.  I guess I should have seen that coming.  This is SBS, not TVN (or JTBC from the looks of The World of the Married).  Hah, well I suppose they both had a pretty tiring day so it’s understandable that they would not have much energy to do anything else.
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It’s the little everyday things like asking if she’s ok that get me.
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(JJH I thirst for you.)
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Suuuuure you are.
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Lol, he wouldn’t be Hee Jae if he didn’t pull something childish/petty.  At least Geum Ja is amused by it and finds it cute now.  Get you a man who can be both your emotional support and amusing bratty boyfriend.
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Geum Ja does end up meeting Hee Jae for dinner and he can’t help but smile a little.  Gosh, it takes so little from Geum Ja to make him happy.
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(damn, look at that profile!)
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So some time during this episode, Geum Ja’s adoptive father died off-screen from the stab wound he sustained while stopping her assailant.  At first, I went “Huh, that’s it?”  But then the more I thought about it, the more I liked how matter-of-factly it was treated.  It’s certainly consistent with how Geum Ja deals with things.  Also, she faced her demons/him in a previous episode so you could say that she already resolved that chapter of her life.  
Still, you could tell that she’s not completely unaffected by it.  KHS’s acting in this scene is so good. You can tell there’s more to it than what she’s saying just by the little subtle changes in her expression.  I can only imagine the many complicated feelings she must be experiencing.  
On the one hand, he’s the worst part of her past life and surely deserved to die.  But on the other hand, unintentional or not, he died saving her.  Geum Ja does not state this with any affection or sentimentality in her voice.  It is merely something that happened.  Thank goodness the writers did not try to redeem him in the last minute.  One good deed does not make up for all the violence and abuse inflicted on her and her mother.  
Anyway, all that muddled history and emotions would make anybody conflicted.  They really handled it the best way they could - simply state what happened and move on.  No hate, no praise, no sadness.  He was a terrible man who paid the ultimate price and died.  I like that Hee Jae understands not to push the matter any further and changes the subject.
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Bro, you’re delusional if you think you still have a chance with her.  
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And then we get to the ubiquitous Big Shareholder Meeting that we see so often in dramas.  I love how Geum Ja is so ballsy in everything she does and she does it all in her comfy tracksuits. Of course the Big Shareholder Meeting does not go as planned and Song Pil Jung gets arrested.
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God I love the look on Geum Ja’s face.  It screams “is this guy still talking to me?”
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Can I just say, I love how utterly brutal Geum Ja is in her rejection of Kevin Jung.  Woof, ouch.  If I ever heard that from someone I liked, I would be so devastated and embarrassed, I’d find a dark hole to bury myself in and lick my wounds.  But of course, Kevin, like all the other men who fall for Geum Ja, seems to be into it.  It takes a certain type of man to go for Geum Ja and apparently that type is a total masochist who likes getting rejected and their heart ripped out.  I mean, to each their own.
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I like whenever they do their power couple strut.
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A bro fist bump?  Really?  Hm, I never really fist bumped the guys I dated but that’s cool I guess.  They’re going in to destroy Song Pil Jung so I guess a fist bump is appropriate.
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Hm, I don’t know.  It seems like you’re the one who got arrested.
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Bro.  Mister.  Are you for real?  Did you forget all the shitty things you did to her?
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Yeah, that’s kind of a big deal I think.
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SO. SATISFYING.  Whew honey, this exchange gave me life.  My skin has cleared, my bank account is full, and I’ve lost 5 pounds.
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Yessss I am all for this nerdy JJH in glasses and turtleneck sipping on expensive instant coffee aesthetic. 
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The couple that taunts together, stays together?
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Hahahahaha, Hee Jae talking about being professional at work? Hahahahha.
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I live for jealous Hee Jae because he’s extra ridiculous whenever he’s jealous.  In this scene he’s getting jealous over Ju-Ho calling Geuma Ja “noona” and it’s like come on, they’re foster siblings.  Let him call her noona.  Side note, Netflix translates “noona” into Eun-Young, Geum Ja’s real name, and it irks me.  Couldn’t they have just translated it into “sis” instead?
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Now we’re around the 55 minute mark and I’m thinking, okay this is probably where it’s going to end.  This is when it’s going to happen.  They don’t have that much time left in the episode.  All right, give me us all that we’ve been waiting for.
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(Good looking main stays looking good.)
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You can’t ever accuse Hee Jae of not being committed to Geum Ja.
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We finally get an explanation for why Geum Ja always stared at that huge building
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Haha, can you expect anything less from her character?  At this point, I’m looking at the remaining time and thinking, ok then, when’s that kiss gonna happen?
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SHRIEKS WHAT ARE THOSE HIDEOUS THINGS ON HIS FEET?!  On another note, I’m sure Kim Hye Soo must be so glad she doesn’t have to wear those gigantic heels anymore.
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Omg, ok, this is it.  We’re getting shots of beautiful sexy people strutting and being playful with each other.  They’re setting up for a romantic ending kiss.  Ok, time to prepare myself.
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Yes, put your arms around each other.  We’re getting closer now.
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Oh, ok.  I guess this will be a far away in the distance kind of kiss.  That’s ok, too I guess.
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Oh, wait.  Never mind.  Looks like we’re going to get a frontal view of the ending kiss after all.  Even better!
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What?  That’s it?  What?  Did I miss something?  This can’t be.
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Oh whew.  An epilogue.  Ok, this is when it’s going to happen.
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Hahaha, they’re totally using the vloggers to advertise for their law firm.  I love how Hee Jae has loosened up on what he thinks a proper lawyer should act like and it’s reflected in his more flamboyant wardrobe choices.
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These damn fist bumps again.  All the time spent fist bumping could have been spent hugging and kissing.  Priorities, people!
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Hah, like hell Hee Jae would ever leave Geum Ja.
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Haha knew it.  Boy is more whipped than whipped cream.
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This pretty much sums up their dynamic.  SIGH I’m not going to get my kiss am I.
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Oh no.  That caption can only mean one thing.
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Yeeep.  That’s it.  This is the end.  Finito.  
Well.  All right then.  You know, the first time I watched this episode, I felt very disappointed that there was no final kiss.  I mean the last time we saw them kissing was in episode 8 at the midpoint of the drama.  This drama was clearly a rom com/screwball comedy so it only seemed fitting that there would be one last kiss scene.  That’s how you end a romantic drama!  But alas.
Actually, upon re-watching and re-capping this episode, I realized that even though we did not get any kiss scene, the writers still gave us plenty of sweet moments between Hee Jae and Geum Ja.  We got to see their lovely progression into becoming partners who supported and trusted each other so that was nice.  Even though they’re clearly together now, it’s nice to see that they still have their playful bickering dynamic.  So objectively, it was a nice ending.  I just personally wanted more smooches.
If you made it through this entire post, thank you for expending so much time reading my ramblings and congratultaions on having so much patience!
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Like We Used To: 13
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A/N: I started writing this chapter thinking it would just be a filler, but I ended up really liking it!
Message me what you’d like to see in the upcoming chapters
[Click here for previous chapters]
The loud chimes of Elizabeth’s phone alarm started blaring, shaking her from a deep sleep. She reached over to turn it off. 7 AM. Harry stirred beside her before settling back down and she smiled, still blown away that he was even here with her. Not wanting to wake him, she cautiously slid out of bed, grabbed a change of clothes, and headed towards her bathroom in the hall to take a quick shower and wash away the filth from last night’s activities.
Today was Elizabeth’s first day ‘back to work’ since her best friends’ wedding, and even though she worked from home most days, she did feel more productive when she got dressed and ready for the day. After her shower she brushed her teeth, put her damp hair in a perfect low messy bun, got dressed in a black halter top, tucked it into a pair of high-waisted brown plaid pants, and layered it with a chunky knit beige cardigan and gold necklaces before creeping downstairs to make breakfast.
There wasn’t much food because she wasn’t able to do her weekly shopping yesterday, but she did have eggs and veggies, so she decided to whip up a couple veggie omelettes for her and Harry and make some tea.
While the tea brewed, Elizabeth grabbed the trash out of the can and took it out to the waste bin. Wednesdays were trash collection day and she always took hers and her elderly neighbor’s trash to the curb to collect. It was drizzling outside so she tried to hurry.
“Oh, Elizabeth!” 
Elizabeth looked up and smiled politely at her neighbor who was watching her from her window “Good morning, Judy! How are you?”
“I’m well, dear! Thanks for taking my trash again! Will you be joining me for dinner tonight? I’m making stuffed peppers!”
“That sounds wonderful, Judy, but I actually have a friend over for a few days.”
“Is it that handsome fellow that showed up yesterday?” she asked, making Elizabeth silently chuckle to herself. Judy resembled a younger Iris Apfel in appearance. She was an eccentric 83 year old retired widow with no close relatives, so she spent most of her time staring out of her window and observing the neighbors. Just is very sweet, but she’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind. “You can bring him along if you’d like. 6 o’clock, then?”
Elizabeth nodded, you can’t say no to Judy, “Ok, we’ll see you at 6, then.” before scurrying inside to see Harry, still only wearing his boxer briefs, in the kitchen pouring two cups of the now-brewed tea, .
He looked up, confused, “What were you doing out in the rain?”
Elizabeth kicked off her shoes, eyeing his body and his perfectly placed tattoos, “I was taking mine and my elderly neighbors trash bins out.”
He smiled at her, “You take your elderly neighbor’s bins out? What are you, perfect?”
“Yeah, I’m an absolute saint and don’t you forget it,” she laughed, taking the cup of tea from him, “Speaking of how amazing I am, I made you breakfast. I’m gonna take mine to the office and get started on work.”
Harry pulled her closer to him before she could leave, looking into her eyes for a moment. They smiled at each other before he kissed her forehead and let her continue upstairs.
Work seemed excessively mundane today. All she found herself thinking about was how much she wanted to go downstairs and hang out with Harry, wondering what he was even doing, and thinking about how she could just save some of this work for another time, but she really wanted to get as much done as she can so she didn’t have to do a ton of work later. 
It was lunchtime and her video conference with one of her clients and some members of staff was running over time. Elizabeth jotted down notes as they wrapped up their meeting. She was in the middle of talking when her door creaked open and a still-shirtless Harry tip-toed in, carrying a plate and a drink. 
She powered through the interruption and continued, “...So I think we’ll let Connor take reign of that particular platform and we can have that ready for approval by Monday morning, how does that sound?” she said, gesturing for Harry to have a seat on the sofa on the other side of her desk so that he was out of view.
“Yes, that’s perfect,” her client agreed with satisfactory approval from her team, “And you’ll be sending us the agenda for our next call?”
“Yes, I’ll get that over to you by the end of the week,” Elizabeth assured, feeling Harry’s gaze, “Alright, everyone. Well thank you for another constructive meeting. I’ll let you all go so you can grab some lunch and I’ll see you on our next call in two weeks. Kathy, if there’s anything else you need just shoot me an email.”
Everyone sang their goodbyes and Elizabeth closed her laptop, deflating in her chair and turning her attention to Harry who was looking at her with a lopsided smile and an eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know why,” Harry started, “but seeing you working is really hot.”
Elizabeth chortled, rolling her eyes, “You bored yet?”
“No, I’ve actually been catching up on emails and calls, too. My publicist just sent me this,” he lifted his phone up to her to show a few pictures of Harry at the club he attended with their friend group on Sunday. Her and her friends were seen in the background, “The article said nothing of the fight and just mentioned me being there with friends in passing, so everything is still in the clear. There was nothing of me at the carnival, either.” Elizabeth blew out a ton of fresh air in relief as he continued, “Anyway, I just thought I’d bring you some lunch because you never came down,” He placed the plate on her desk that carried a beautiful turkey sandwich and some chips with a glass of water.
“Wow, I’m spoiled.”
“I figured it’s the least I can do since I invited myself over.”
“That reminds me,” Elizabeth swallowed a chip, “Judy invited us over for dinner at 6.”
Harry hesitated, “Uh….who’s Judy?”
“My neighbor. The one with the trash bins. She’s 83 and has no relatives in the area, so I have dinner with her every few weeks and we do a puzzle together.”
“Alright, now you’re just showing off. You’re gorgeous, smart, GREAT at sex, and you play puzzles with your elderly neighbor?”
“My god, you’re such a flirt!” Elizabeth crooned, rolling her eyes, “Anyway, I doubt she’ll know who you are. She saw you at my door yesterday and called you ‘the handsome fellow’.”
Harry laughed, “Judy’s got good taste. Maybe I ended up on the wrong doorstep.”
Elizabeth scoffed and shooed Harry away, “Okay, let me get back to work so I can be done earlier. And please go shower. Judy’s 83, she’s not stupid. You wreak of sex.”
“You sure you don’t want to have another quick go at it? We can make room on your desk.”
“Out!” Elizabeth demanded, laughing.
By the time 5:30 rolled around, Elizabeth had completed double the amount of work that she was meant to. She was eager to check out what Harry was doing, because she thought she couldn’t hear the faint sounds of a guitar. Sure enough when Elizabeth reached the end of the staircase and peered into the living room she saw Harry sitting on the edge of the sofa with a guitar in hand, humming and muttering along to a tune and occasionally stopping to jot something down in his phone. The floorboard creaked and Harry sat up straight.
“Whatcha singing?” Elizabeth smiled, walking in.
He put his guitar down and sat up, “Just...working on some music. Gonna work on it a little more when I see Mitch and the guys next week.”
Elizabeth nodded and the two got ready to head on over to Judy’s house. She was slightly worried how Judy would react.The odd’s were small, but what if she did know who Harry was? Or what if she had said some things that were a bit inappropriate? How would Harry react? Elizabeth was used to Judy’s eccentricity and knew how to communicate with her, but would Harry be able to manage? She could be a bit much sometimes. But, given the amount of interviews Harry’s been in over the course of almost ten years, surely he knows how to handle himself. 
They decided to make their way over in the pouring rain, using their jackets for cover, as they were greeted at the door by a thin, pale woman who had way too much pink blush on and the brightest red lipstick imaginable. Her eyes looked magnified behind her bold, black squared glasses, and her white hair peaked from underneath an emerald green headdress with gold brooches of bumblebees and butterflies along the side. Her long blouse set was almost disorienting as it was covered in bold chartreuse and magenta geometric shapes and she wore layers upon layers of gaudy costume jewelry. 
“Come in, come in, dinner is just about done!” She ushered them inside.
Elizabeth glanced over at Harry to see his eyes widened as he looked from Judy to her home that was an antique hoarder’s dream and she giggled to herself, following Judy towards the dining kitchen. 
“Judy, this is my friend, Harry,” Elizabeth introduced, grabbing some plates out of the cabinet for her.
Judy turned to look Harry up and down, noting his tattoos before saying, “He’s not the prick that cheated on you after three years, is he?”
Harry smiled as Elizabeth laughed and said, “No, that’s not him.”
Judy nodded in approval, “Alright, then. This boy’s got a nice face,” she declared, turning to Harry, “Are you having sex with her?”
Harry’s eyes widened and Elizabeth shouted, “Judy!”
“What?” She shrugged her shoulders, turning the stovetop off and stirring up the pot before looking back at Harry, “All I’m saying is if you’re having sex, just make sure you’re getting her off, too. You young men these days are so selfish in the bedroom.”
Harry laughed as Elizabeth asked, “Is that from personal experience, Judy?”
Judy cackled, “Honey, I may be old, but I’ve still got it,” causing Harry and Elizabeth to bust into laughter.
Dinner was delicious and Elizabeth noticed Harry getting more comfortable as conversations went on. She saw him loosening up, realizing he could joke with her. When dinner finished up, she brought out a puzzle for them all to start together. It was small enough for them all to be able to finish before night’s end. 
By the time they were halfway finished, Judy asked, “So, are you two dating or just screwing around?” When she noticed the look Elizabeth and Harry gave each other she waved her hands, “No judgement to ya! Everyone needs some casual fucks every now and again.”
Harry cleared his throat and took a sip of water, “Well I’m trying to get her to date me, but she’s playing hard to get.”
Judy looked over at Elizabeth, “What’re you doing that for? Is he bad in bed or something?”
Elizabeth laughed, pushing a puzzle piece into its spot, “No he’s fantastic in bed. I’m just trying to...take it slow.”
“Taking it slow is for the birds if you found a guy that’s handsome and good in bed. That’s rare.” Judy scoffed.
Harry grinned, “Tell me about it. I’ve been trying to date her since I was 15 years old.”
“For that long?!” Judy exclaimed, shocked, “What are you making this poor boy wait so long for? Does he have a shit job or something?”
Elizabeth shook her head no while Harry, jokingly, kept adding fuel to the fire, “I’m rich, Judy! I’ve got money, the looks, I’m good in bed, I’m a gentleman. What more could she want?”
Judy shook her head, “She’s out of her mind, is what she is, I’ll tell ya that!”
Harry winked at Elizabeth before turning back to Judy, “Might just cut my losses. What do you think, Judy? You and me?”
Judy hooted, “Ooh, I’ll tell ya what. If Elizabeth doesn’t come to her senses soon then I’ll snatch you right up! It’s been a long time, but I reckon I still got it!”
Harry laughed, “Judy, I’m trying to convince Lizzy to come travel with me for a bit. You think you can help me out?”
Judy looked over at Elizabeth, eyes wider, “This handsome boy wants to take you away from this god forsaken city, and you said no?”
“Because he wants to leave on Saturday! I wasn’t properly prepared!” Elizabeth defended herself.
“Girl, you need to learn how to live a little! The best adventures are always spontaneous! You should go! I can take my own damn trash out while you’re gone!”
Harry smirked over at Elizabeth. Judy was smitten with him, now, and Elizabeth knew that she would never hear the end of it from Judy if she didn’t go. There were too many factors working against them, though. Again, he was famous. Every step he made was scrutinized. People would eventually notice a different woman being seen around him. What would the backlash look like? She also had her own work to worry about. Sure, she could manage to do her work on the road, but would she even have the time to? Who knows what his PR touring looked like? And what about the people that worked for him? What would they say about her tagging along? She wanted to go, but she wasn’t sure if she should.
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appleteez · 4 years
The Best Lazy Soccer Player (3)
Pairing: Soobin x reader
Genre: High school au
Word count: 1249
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“You know sitting there all afternoon and sulking won’t solve anything.” My mom says while cleaning random utensils in the kitchen. I was sitting at our kitchen island slightly swirling on the high chair while my chin was resting on the wooden table.
“No whatever Y/N, you’re my daughter, and as your mom, I know you’re dumb and that your only way to succeed in this world is going to be soccer. I want you to get back on this team and show a little more enthusiasm. You can’t just quit a team you’ve been in your whole life.”
“I’ll just join a club right out of high school. I could even try out for one now.”
“If that’s a subtle way of saying you’re dropping out, no you’re not.”
“There’s not point in me continuing though.”
“Y/N.” She turns around to face me and I natural straighten myself. “Is this about a boy?”
“What? No !”
“I know it wouldn’t be Yeonjun, and last person would be Beomgyu.. Is it? Soobin?”
“What? No way !! It’s just.. He likes Aera and was using me to get to her and it pissed me off.”
“Oh you’re jealous.”
“I’m not ! I don’t like him ! I just don’t want to be used this way ! He should just grow up and go talk to her himself.”
“Y/N, Y/N.. I’ve told you many times before.”
“Yeah I know.. Men are trash.”
“Exactly, but.. my little daughter I know, wouldn’t give a single fuck if that happened to her. Because she doesn’t care enough about things in general except soccer games. Your reaction to this whole situation.. well it makes me think that you have some feelings for him.”
“This conversation is useless. I know damn well I don’t have feelings for him so it doesn’t matter.”
“Ok, then you can go back to the soccer team.”
“What no!”
“If you really don’t care, then just go back and go to practice so you don’t have to deal with him as much. I mean, Yeonjun and Beomgyu are managers too so if you need something you can ask them. You only really have to deal with Soobin when you skip practice right?”
“Once again, I’m right and you’re not. I cleaned your uniform, and I’ll be calling your coach to let him know.”
“Don’t call him ! That’s embarrassing, I’ll just go myself.” I mumble annoyed at the whole situation, my mom was just too powerful since my dad left us. --- “Wow wow! If it isn’t Y/N !” My coach’s face lights up as he sees me come up on the field in my uniform.
“It is..” I mumble. “Where is everyone?” I look around and see I was the only one.
“There’s no club today.” He says nonchalantly.
“Since when?”
“Since you left, and the players kinda lost hope into winning anything. So they stopped showing up little by little and we decided to have practice four times a week instead of seven.”
“Why? They’re really good players.”
“Y/N.. You guys have been a team for so long. Some of the players can only shine when you guys are all together because of your strong team work. You were the foundation of this team, if you take the foundation away, the pillars start to fall and everything else crumbles down.”
“The pillars?”
“Aera and So didn’t take the news too well, and as captains, it impacted the whole team pretty badly.”
“How, it’s not like a showed up when I was in the team.”
“You still showed up to games and helped us get pretty far Y/N. There was still hope, plus you were showing up to practice way more often then usual thanks to Soobin.”
“I did..?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore Y/N. The players came to term with it and so did I. They’re gonna have fun and I’ll probably go coach somewhere else.”
“Oh my god.. I destroyed this team..” I whisper to myself. “Coach stay right here and get everything ready. I’m bringing everyone here.”
“I’m really sorry coach, I was selfish and.. just really a plain asshole. I’ll make it up to you I promise. Coach.. I’m taking you to nationals, we’re going to the finals.”
“We are?” He smiles and seeing the determination in my eyes, there was no doubt. --- “This is crazy, never in my life I would have thought that Y/N would be the one bringing me to practice.” Aera says as we all run around the field.
“Yeah plus..” They both look at me. “She’s actually giving her best during practice.” So says looking at me running way faster than the rest of the team.
“We can’t lose to her ! We’ve been practicing longer and harder than she ever did !” The practice went perfectly after that. The team had never been so motivated.
I run to the managers out of breath and get a water bottle from Yeonjun. He smiles at me and gives me something to snack on too.
“You’re actually doing amazing.” He says with a huge smile on. “I’m really proud of you~”
“Don’t get too mushy there Yeonjun.” Beomgyu says as he brings a whole tray of rice balls.
“You guys made all of that?” I laugh at everything they’ve prepared. “That’s adorable.”
“You want an energy drink?” Soobin says shyly offering me a sports drink.
“I’m fine.” I say barely looking at him while I sip on my water. As much as I try to brush it off, the tension can be felt directly. People around us become silent and Soobin stands there cheeks blushing out of embarrassment.
“Hum, ok!! Everyone please huddle up !” The coach finally says. He briefs us on our practice and what’s going to happen from now on. Aera even asks if we can come sometimes to practice in the morning too. The whole team seems on the same page and that’s how the little meeting finishes. While we get to the locker room to change, the managers stay behind to clean up.
“What happened between you two?” Beomgyu asks without caring about boundaries.
“Ah.. Nothing.”
“Wow you have the guts to lie to us.” Yeonjun says squinting his eyes. “Come on Soobin, tell us Soobin~” He teases while nudging him with his elbow.
“I.. I told her I liked Aera.”
“Mhh.. I don’t think she would really care, it’s Y/N we’re talking about.” Beomgyu says confused.
“No I.. I was basically using her to get to Aera.. I didn’t see it like that but she’s right.”
“Who’s right?”
“When I told her why I was trying to get her back to practice so hard is because I wanted to be on Aera’s good side.”
“Ohh~” Yeonjun says understanding the situation. “Yeah you were using her to get to Aera.. But still it’s not like her to react this way. If anything she would just make it harder for you just to tease, not take it that personally.” He says confused.
“I think that Y/N grew some affection for you. Maybe not romantic, but maybe she was having fun with you and when she realized you only did it for your personal interest she got hurt. I mean, she probably doesn’t even know that, she’s weird and complicated and self-centered.”
“She likes me..?” He says shocked.
“Wow wow, I said maybe not romantically ok!?”
“I have to say sorry to her..”
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dangan-happy · 4 years
(No offense, but you're looking really good today.)
To Kyoko, Korekiyo and Kokichi. I want some advice. There's this guy I've been talking to on Discord for less than a month. I started to develop a crush on him, but I don't think it went any further because prior to meeting him, I had a crush on an irl person.
Today I get confirmation that he likes me romantically. I don't know what I feel about him and I don't know what I should respond.
Can I get a hug from Kokichi as well? thanks a lot
Hmm, romantic situations are always incredibly uncomfortable when the advances are unwanted or confusing. Perhaps this is my anti-social side talking, but I feel like these are some of the most uncomfortable social situations, so I'm sorry you have to unravel the knots of this. We can start by looking at the facts. You did, (past tense) have a crush on this individual, it is now confirmed that he has romantic feelings for you, and as of now you're unsure how you feel. Honestly, I would tell him just that. Tell him that you're not sure how you feel. Be honest, yet gentle and clear. Make sure he understands, and do try to phrase it at least a little nicely if you're worried about hurting him.
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I would not recommend mentioning that you did have a crush on him. From what I've seen, that can sometimes lead to self doubt on his end, as he might start wondering what changed, or what he did to change that. Honesty is the best choice overall. I can't promise that your relationship won't change. Conversations between you may be awkward for a time, but it's better than just ignoring the situation. Yes, not acknowledging it would keep your relationship the same, but failing to address this now can lead to a bigger conflict later.
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In problems like this, I don't think that any advice offered by anyone can be one hundred percent helpful. Ultimately the choice is yours, and this is all from my personal opinion. The most important thing is that you think of yourself and think of your own well being. It's ok to be selfish sometimes. I wish you all the best throughout this, I'm certain things will turn out alright for you.
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Hiiii anon! Of course you can have the one and only Ultimate Supreme Leader help you out here! You're welcome in advance!! Ok, let's see. Aw man, these situations suck. It's stressful and awkward, and there's like, a whole other human person's feelings to worry about. If you did have a thing for him at one point, I'm guessing you do care about him as a person, so yeah, I think it would be good to worry about his feelings. Yeah, wow this is like, totally weird, but I agree with Kiyo. Honesty is the way to go with this one. I know, that's like, not my style but hear me out. Speculation and refusing to act almost always make these kinds of things worse. So to avoid that, put everything out in the open. Say you're not sure how you feel, and if he's a good person, he'll respect that and not push you.
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Don't feel pressured to jump into anything, don't like, force feelings for this guy. Keep your emotions as priority one, make sure you're comfortable with what's going on. Yeah, I also agree on the "Don't tell him you did have feelings for him at one point" thingy. I think it's ok to leave that detail out. Like I said, if he's a good person, he'll respect your answer and leave it. This situation might be awkward for a while, but trust me, you want to handle this ASAP. You also said you've only known him for a month, so you might not even know him all that well. Just get the truth out there, and see how things go. This is like, probably kinda not helpful, but hey, you asked for a hug so a hug you will get!! Stay strong kay! You totally got this, and I'm sure as hell not lying about that!!  
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I see, a dilemma that involves potentially breaking another persons heart because you’re unsure how you feel. Well then, I guess this is as good a time as any to see if I can provide you with some helpful tips.
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I believe that you two need to have a discussion about this because avoiding it for too long will create a tense situation and awkwardness will form. For example, he might think that you’re annoyed with knowing that he’s interested romantically or he could also develop the habit of overthinking. That could cause him to believe that you don’t want anything to do with him. I’m not sure if that is the case but it could be a thought that’s come across his mind.
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Excluding that you had a crush on someone else before meeting him think about the things that captured your interest with the person you met on Discord. What about him drew you to developing a crush, the small little details can help you decipher how you feel. Was it because you were speaking to him constantly? Or maybe the way that he treated you? The possibilities are endless, the evidence can be examined so you can determine your feelings. While I am no good with feelings myself, everything I say is circumstantial.
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Take everything I say with a grain of salt Anon, I may be a detective but my specialty is dealing with murder cases, not love ones. But, that won’t stop me from trying to help you. I hope things mend over with no drama. If you can, you should inquire why he likes you. Questions can help probe whether you return the feelings or not.
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romansrgn · 4 years
ch. 7
“What happened to you claiming my trainer as your baby daddy?”
Braelin rolled her eyes. “Stop with the pettiness. It's not cute.” she attempted to pick up the trash bag, but Roman took it out of her hands. “I know how you felt about the idea and didn’t think it would be fair to you.”
Roman nodded once again, surprised at how much impending motherhood has managed to mature Braelin. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
“There’s no need to thank me. These are your babies, as well as mine. But I also need you to understand that I like Dante, and I want to see where this goes with him, which also means that he will be in our children’s lives whether you like it or not.”
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“I don’t, and there’s a good chance I never will because you are supposed to be with me. In my home and my bed.”
Braelin was tired of the caveman attitude that he seemed to put on every time a man enters into her life friend or otherwise. “Too fucking bad. We’re not together anymore. Do I need to remind you why that is? We made a mistake--”
“Our kids are not a mistake.”
“You’re right—they're not. But the truth of the matter is, what we did and the circumstances behind it certainly were. We don’t work. We get caught up with our history and fall back into old patterns that end up hurting the people that matter to us. I can't and won't hurt Dante in the same way you hurt me.”
Roman knew that any relationship they could potentially have with each other was shot to hell after she abruptly ended things once Janelle came back into his. But, as infuriating as they were, they had something people might wait a lifetime to find. “Will, you ever forgive me for that?”
Braelin smiled sadly “I want to. Despite me letting you back into my bed, I can’t risk letting you back into my heart.”
Roman nodded despite how much it stung; he appreciated her honesty, “I deserve that and for what it's worth, I am sorry.” 
“I know.”
Braelin gasped a little, placing her hand on her stomach.
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“I think they’re trying to say Hi.” she nodded towards her stomach 
Roman placed his massive paw over her baby bump “I don’t feel anything.”
“Just wait.”
After a few seconds, that’s when he felt it. For the first time, he was able to feel his babies kick “That’s amazing.” He said, looking up at a Braelin with so much awe.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.”
Braelin and Roman jumped apart. “No, that’s ok. Roman just wanted to feel the baby kick.”
Janelle looked in between them both. “Yea, I know how exciting that could be. I mean, I don’t know, but you know what I mean.”
Braelin fidgeted a little, suddenly feeling even more uncontrollable by the second “Yea, and I know what you mean. Look, I probably should say goodbye to everyone before they head out.”
“Before you leave Braelin, I wanted to talk to you both.”
Roman stood up a little straighter before looking at Braelin. “About what?”
“I know things are awkward because of our history. Roman and I were college sweethearts that found each other again when you two were together, and because of it, you guys broke up.”
Braelin smiled tightly, “Right.”
Roman ran a hand over his face “Janelle, maybe now isn’t the —”
“I’m not trying to shake the table or anything I’m not. I just want us to be honest. Like,  honestly, when Roman confessed that he cheated on me, I instantly thought it might’ve been with you, but then I checked myself because deep down inside I know what you two had wasn’t worth risking everything you have now for something so meaningless like a one night stand. I mean, you said it yourself, Roman, it had to be with some bitch that meant nothing to you. They were nobody.”
Braelin snorted before taking the trash bag out of Roman’s hands. “I’m sorry about what happened between you guys, and you’re right, our history is complicated, and that’s exactly why I’m trying to move on in the same way he did. Now, if you excuse me, I need to say goodbye to my guest. Feel free to take home some to-go plates before you see yourselves out.”
Roman waited until Braelin left before speaking to Janelle, “Was that necessary.”
Janelle shrugged, “I don’t see why it wasn’t. We never cleared the air after everything that happened despite constantly being in each other's faces, for I don’t know how many years.”
“You wanted to rub our relationship in her face, and for what?”
“To remind her that even though she’s carrying your children, I’m your wife, and that fact will always remain.”
Roman’s eyes widened.
“You didn’t think I would put two and two together. Give me a little more credit than that.”
“I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how.”
Janelle laughed bitterly, “I’m not surprised. I mean, how do you tell your wife that you got your ex-girlfriend pregnant? It can't be easy, and despite how much I wish you didn’t because it would make it helluva lot easier to leave your cheating ass, I know you still love me. But I also get the feeling you’re not completely over Braelin.”
“I do love you, and you’re right. I love her too.”
Janelle shook her head, wishing like hell she was wrong about him still being in love with his ex. “Does it get exhausting? Jumping from one bed to another? Do you think we deserve that?”
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Roman swallowed. He was so caught up with his feelings for both women and their reaction to him that he never really took the time out to see what his indecisiveness was doing to them emotionally. “I was selfish and careless, and because of that, I hurt two of the most important women in my life, and for that, I’m sorry. You and Braelin will never know how sorry I am. So no, I don’t think my wife or the mother of children deserve that, but it’s the endless cycle that we managed to find ourselves in.”
“Ourselves? This isn't our situation, Roman. You cheated on me with your ex-girlfriend and got her pregnant. You did this, and now I have to sit back and watch you two share this connection that you refuse to have with me.”
“I never said I didn’t want kids with you. I just can’t think about that right now.”
Janelle laughed, “Right because your plate is already full with the little side family you manage to have on me.”
Roman knew nothing he could say would make this situation better for anyone. He fucked up and fucked around on his wife, and now these are the cards he has to deal with. So this only left him with one option: “You're right. This isn’t fair to you or Braelin, and that’s why I’m going to give you both the space you deserve.” He said before walking out of the house and past Braelin, who was watching the entire exchange.
November 30, 2011
“Friend of the birthday girl?”
Braelin laughed, “Yes, and no. She’s my cousin.”
Roman nodded, “The smile kind of gave it away.”
Braelin’s cheeks flushed, “and you must be related to the twins?”
“You see the family resemblance?”
Braelin rolled her eyes, “Not really. All of yall are major flirts.”
Roman grinned. “Can you blame us?”
Braelin shrugged, “I guess not. Want a beer?”
“Aren’t you a little young for that?”
“Boy, please. I’m twenty-one years old as of September 5th and have been drinking way longer than that. Either get on the bandwagon or move to the side.”
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Roman threw his head back and laughed, “All that feistiness in that tiny package.”
Braelin popped a hand on her hip. “Don't let the small package fool you. I’m tough as hell.”
“I believe you. Now can I get my beer, please?”
Braelin laughed and tossed the beer to him “How long have you known Naomi?”
“Since she and Jimmy started dating in FCW.”
“You’re a wrestler! That makes so much sense.” She said, taking a sip of her beard, “How long have you been training?”
Roman shrugged, “I’ve been training for a while. NXT is good and all, but I’m ready for the main roster.”
Braelin nodded, “You have to appreciate a man who knows what he wants, but you know what they say practice makes perfect.”
Roman shook his head ”You believe that?”
“If I didn't, I wouldn't be in college, collecting this much debt to become a doctor.”
Roman had to admit he was a little thrown by her choice of profession. A girl like her would usually aim for a career as an entrepreneur or a model. Maybe a model was a stretch considering she barely stood 5’4 despite having the looks for it. “A doctor? Wow, I’m impressed.”
“Yea, you probably thought I would sell clothes on a website or something.” Braelin rolled her eyes when she noticed how guilty Roman looked. “As much as I can’t knock the hustle, that’s not for me.”
“Then tell me, pretty girl. What kind of doctor do you want to be?”
Braelin shrugged, looking at her hands a little, “I dunno. I’m still deciding.” 
Roman raised a brow before taking a sip of his beer. “Really? Usually, when someone commits to a career like this, they have a plan. Being a doctor  takes years of dedication and—“
“I know what it entails, thank you.”
Roman knew he had hit nerve, but for whatever reason, he felt she was holding back, so he decided to push her “Oh yeah? It seems to me you don’t know. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be hellbent on committing to something you had no intention of seeing through to the end. Why waste your time on something you don't care about when you can have something you actually want?”
Braelin blinked, not realizing she was that easy to read. “My mom wants me to become a doctor.”
He knew there was an ulterior motive behind her career choice “Ok, that’s fine, but what do you want.”
Braelin has been watching Naomi train for the last three years, and she couldn’t lie and say her interest hasn't peaked. So in her downtime, she’s been watching old wrestling footage in an attempt to train herself because she couldn't sign up for wrestling school without her parents finding out, “I want to wrestle.” She whispered, not making eye contact.
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Braelin was ready to hear the laugh that followed by her admission. But when she looked up, she saw him staring at her intently.
“Ok, well, if you want to wrestle so badly, then I’ll help you get into wrestling school, and if you’re not ready for that, then I’ll train you myself.”
“You barely know me, and you’re offering to train me?”
Roman finished the last of his beer before tossing the bottle in the trash. “I’m a good judge of character, and something’s telling me you’re worth the investment.”
Braelin’s cheeks flushed suddenly, wishing she didn’t have a boyfriend.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Dante asked from his side of the bed. He noticed that she’s been on edge since everyone left after the cleanup.
Braelin bit down on the corner of her lip, not sure if she opened up this can of worms out of fear of losing him, but she knew it wouldn’t be fair to Dante if he went into this blindly “Janelle knows about everything.”
Dante blinked. “That explains why she’s been shooting daggers at you all night. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine. I’m relieved because this terrible secret doesn’t have to be held over my head forever, but at the same time, it makes everything feel real.”
Dante raised a brow “Really? It doesn’t get any more real than you being heavily pregnant, Brae.”
“I know that, and that’s why I’m ok with you bailing if this is too much.”
Dante rolled his eyes “We’ve been through this already, baby.”
“I know, and I feel like a broken record, but this isn’t fair to you. My drama and fucked up choices shouldn't come down on you” When he moved to approach her, Braelin took a step back “Don’t do that. I don’t want you to be ok with everything, especially not after I cheated on you.”
Dante shook his head moving to stand in front of his girlfriend “First of all, you didn’t cheat on me because we weren’t official, but now that we are I need you to know that I want us, I want you and I want to see where we can go. I will keep saying it until you believe it, but if this is too much and you don’t want this, then I need you to tell me,” he lifted her chin to look her in her green eyes. “Ok?”
Braelin nodded despite feeling as if she didn’t deserve him. She said, “Ok.” 
Survivor Series 2020
Roman sat next to the USO's at the announce table, going over their match. This year it would be faction vs. faction vs. faction: The Bloodline vs. Undisputed Era vs. Seth Rollins and his  Disciples for brand supremacy. As much as he was hyped about teaming with his family and competing against his brother,  his personal life had gone to hell in a hand basket. Since the barbecue, he and Braelin barely talked, and when they did, it had everything to do with the baby and the doctor appointments he often missed because he was on the road, which seemed to appease Janelle. 
Speaking of Janelle, after a few weeks of living in a hotel, Roman finally came back home despite wanting to keep his distance from both women on a romantic level, which is why he slept in the guestroom. 
Janelle wasn't to convince that their relationship was over and honestly? Neither was he. When he put that ring on Janelle’s finger, it was supposed to be forever. But that was all shot to hell when he fucked around on her not once but twice and with his ex of all people, and despite everything they’ve been through, he knew he still loved her.
Ok, smart ass, what about Braelin? His inner voice asked. 
 They were still friends, of course, and despite the relationship ending so abruptly, he knew there were some unresolved feelings there. The better word for it was love, asshole.
Roman sighed 
Love was the better word for it, and up until now, he had no problem admitting that to himself because he wasn’t hurting anyone, but now that no was no longer valid. He was hurting the two of the most important women in his life, and there was no way he was willing to put Braelin through another round of hell, especially now with his children in the mix.
Roman sighed and abruptly standing up, causing all three men to look in his direction.
“We ain’t done talking about the match?” Jey said from his seat next to Seth.
“I’ll be back; there’s just something I need to do. Besides, my head ain’t in it yet.”
Seth agreed, “I can tell since you haven’t listened to a word we said.”
Roman looked sheepishly, “My bad.”
Seth trusted Roman with his life, so he wasn’t worried about the big man carrying his shit with him into the ring and possibly hurting someone. He just knew whatever Roman was thinking about was creating emotional turmoil in the big dog. “Whatever it is, you want to talk about it?”
Roman looked around and saw all eyes on him. He knew they weren’t going to drop it, so he sai, “The twins are mine.”
Several eyes blinked. But it was Jimmy that said, “That makes sense.”
Jey nodded “When you told us that you and Brae fucked I didn’t know you hit—“
Roman’s eyes narrowed, “Hey, man. Besides, it’s not like we wanted any of this to happen. It just happened.”
“So, what’s the plan? Are you and Braelin going to give it another try?”
Roman rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m married, and she’s with Dante.”
“Yea, but that hasn’t stopped shit before,” Jey said with a shrug causing Roman to flinch. “I know the whole situation is fucked up, but you and Brae had something most people wait a lifetime to find, but you ended up fucking that up when you went back to Janelle.”
Roman rolled his eyes “I’m sorry I thought you said something useful that could help the situation.”
Seth decided to chime in. “The only thing that could help this situation is honesty, and we all know it’s a little bit late in the game for that. But the least you can do is be honest with what you want and who you want.”
“It doesn’t matter what I want because I’ve already decided to keep my distance from both of them.”
Jimmy raised a brow “Really? You moved back into your house with Janelle, and you’re what? Co-parenting with B? Yea, that’s a whole lot of space.”
“What the fuck do y’all want me to do?” Roman snapped “I fucked up and cheated on my wife and got my ex-girlfriend pregnant. But you want to know something I fucked up away before then by letting Braelin walk away because I wasn’t ready to get my shit together. Now I’m paying the price. She’s happy, and it has nothing to do with me and you know what as selfish as it is, I fucking hate it. But it’s what I deserve, and more importantly, it’s what she deserves.”
Jey held up his water bottle. “Now that you finally got that off your chest, are you ready to plan this main event?”
Roman looked around the arena and noticed that all eyes were on him “Yea, let’s do this.”
Braelin looked over Dante, who was busy talking to the photographer. Today was her maternity shoot, and she wanted this experience to be perfect and unbeknownst to her boyfriend; she was doing her shoot naked. 
“Baby, please leave that poor man alone and let him do his job.”
Dante shook his head “Where’s the stylist? They should’ve been here an hour ago?”
Braelin laughed, “Honey, there’s no stylist here because I won’t be wearing any clothes.”
Dante blinked before turning his attention to the photographer who didn’t even bother hiding his amusement, “You mean you’re doing this shoot naked?”
Braelin nodded, “As a Jaybird.”
Dante cleared his throat. Not at all ok with some other dude seeing his girl naked before he even had the chance too. “Is it too late to change the photographer.”
The photographer rolled his eyes, “If it helps your ego. I’m gay and would rather see you naked than your pregnant girlfriend.” He looked at Braelin, “No offense, B.”
Braelin smirked, “None taken. But I do have an idea.” she looked in between both men “Marty, I won’t be needing your services today, and don’t worry, you’ll still get paid for the day.”
That seemed to appease the photographer before he left the couple alone.
Dante held up his hand. “Look, you don’t have to send him away on my account. I know how important this is to you and—“
Braelin nodded, “You’re right, it is important, and that’s why I’m still going to do my photo shoot.”
“Without a photographer?”
Braelin shook her head, “I have a photographer, you.”
Dante laughed dryly, “I’m not a photographer.”
Braelin disagreed wholeheartedly. “Those pictures you took of me last night says otherwise.” She said, taking off her robe and tossing it to the side, “You just need the right motivation.”
Dante licked his lips. “Damn,” he whispered, taking the camera off its stand. “You trust me with this?”
“I trust you to make me look the same way you make me feel. That's why I couldn’t have picked a better man for this.”
Dante had a feeling they were no longer talking about the photoshoot “What are you saying?” he said while snapping pictures
“I’m saying that I choose you and will always choose you because I think you will be the best choice I’ll ever make.”
As friends, they’ve known each other for a long time, but as lovers, it’s new, but sometimes something new can be the thing that’s worth holding onto.
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Dante sat the camera on the stand before taking Braelin in his arms and kissing her with everything he had. Braelin licked his lips in which he happily obliged as her tongue slid into his mouth. What had started out gentle quickly became passionate and heated as his large hand slid into her hair and gave it a gentle tug as his tongue trailed a hot path down her neck, causing her shiver.
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“Fuck.” Dante whispered heatedly, “I want you so much right now.”
She whimpered as he captured her lips with his once more “I want to taste you, please baby, let me taste.”
Seeing Braelin's green eyes was so clouded with lust that the sight made his dick jump, “I want you to do a lot more than taste.” She said, biting his chin gently.
That was all he needed to hear.
Braelin legs cleared the floor and were instantly wrapped around Dante’s waist. He sat her down on a pile of pillows that was going to be used as props for the photoshoot but would come in handy for what he had in mind.
Dante removed his shirt, followed by the grey jogging pants he was wearing, causing his dick to spring free.
Damn. Braelin thought. He had to be nine inches long and thick enough to fill her in all the places she hasn’t been filled since.
Don’t even go there, her mind chastised. 
Dante’s dick was a thing of beauty as it pointed accusingly at her while leaking precum.
 Dante gave his dick two pumps before crawling over Braelin and capturing her lips once more. “I think I said something about tasting” he grinned against her lips.
“Let’s see what that tongue can do.” she whispered.
Dante smirked before leaving wet kisses down her protruding stomach and thighs. She didn’t have to wait long as his tongue jutted out and lapped at her clit like a kitten causing Braelin to moan loudly.
“You taste so good baby.” he said in between licks spreading her legs wider and inserting a finger which almost caused Braelin to shoot off the pillows. “So fucking good.”
Dante played her pussy like an instrument. He knew how lick and how to rotate his finger enough to make her squirm so her end was coming sooner than she liked “I’m finna come.”
Dante took that as a sign to double his efforts by literally fucking her with his tongue and that did it she came so fucking hard.
When Dante came up from between her thighs the top of his nose and the whiskers of his beard was covered in her juices “Ready for round one?” He whispered against her lips.
33 notes · View notes
Girl Talk
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This place is actually kinda cozy.
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Well, I live by myself, like I said, so whatever mess there is, you can blame it on me.
*Komaru walks into the living room of Kanon’s apartment, where she’ll be staying for the evening. Kanon has a kotatsu set up, which Toko is already nuzzling under.
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Mmm...It’s waaaarm...
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Mind if I squeeze in?
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Knock yourself out. There’s enough room for a few people.
*Komaru and Kanon snuggle under the kotatsu and sigh happily.
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Excuse me?
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Oh. Hey there Hatsudoki. Are you ok?
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I was wondering where my client was...There was a matter of which I needed to talk to him about.
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But...I can’t seem to find him.
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Oh, Kuripa and Yasu are downstairs right now. Kuripa’s trying to teach Yasu how to use an electric baton better in case he needs to fight...
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Anyway, I’m sure they’re doing alright...But I wouldn’t interrupt them if I were you.
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I see...Well, I guess I’ll just wait for him to come back...
*She begins to head into the kitchen.
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Huh? Wait, you’re leaving?
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I’m not leaving. I’m just going to wait for Kurafto in the kitchen.
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Isn’t that a little bit...boring?
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Why don’t you join us?
*Kibin looks at Komaru with a surprised expression.
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Are you...asking me to stay?
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Uh-huh. We haven’t gotten to chat yet, and I want to get to know you.
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Sorry but...I don’t really like having close relations with my clients...
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Kuripa’s your client. He’s the one paying you, so we’re a separate entity, aren’t we?
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I’m pretty eager to talk too. I’m curious as to how someone so young could be a bounty hunter...
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Hmmm...Very well...If you insist...
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Huh? What’s up? You look a little red?
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N-Not true...!
*A few minutes later, Kibin is snuggled under the kotatsu, trying to hide her satisfied expression.
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It feels...nice...
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Haha...You act all serious, but you’re really just a big softy, huh?
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That was a joke...
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I-I see...It was a joke...
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So...What’s your stories?
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What do you mean?
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You want me to talk about myself...something I’m not that good at...But I’d like the three of you to go first.
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Please, tell me about yourselves.
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What’s there to tell really? For the most part, I’m just a normal girl...
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No normal girl has an iron leg...
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Well, that’s...a recent addition.
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I was part of the demon hunting game that the original Warriors of Hope played in Towa City over 8 years ago...That’s where I learned to use a hacking gun.
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Yeah, same here.
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I was kind of dragged along. But that’s how I met Komaru and the other warriors.
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If I understand correctly, the Warriors of Hope are your friends now, aren’t they? Why make friends with old enemies?
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Well, to be honest, they were just as much victims of the Demon Hunting as the adults were.
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Monaca manipulated both the adults and the kids, for reasons everyone believed to be making a paradise for kids to live peacefully...
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But in the end...She just wanted to slaughter a bunch...And she wanted Komaru to become the successor to Junko Enoshima.
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But...well...She made me this leg, so I can’t really hate her...
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Well, I suppose people can atone for their misdeeds...I can’t complain on my lonesome...
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What about you Nakajima?
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Well, my story is pretty similar...
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I’m from a pretty rich family. My dad was a director at TAT Television.
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That’s a pretty large TV conglomerate...!
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The largest in the world actually.
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I used to be super infatuated with my cousin Leon, and when we got into high school, I signed up to be manager of his baseball team in order to be close to him.
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You were infatuated with your own cousin?
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I know...I’m weird...I’m sorry...
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D-Don’t apologize, I’m not judging.
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I can’t judge...My love life has been a total mess...
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But...I still have feelings for Master Byakuya...!
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But...my real question is how are you associated with Hagakure?
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I met him by chance. At first I thought that he was just a random citizen, caught up in the whole mess, so I used my hacking gun to save him...
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We...didn’t have the best relationship when we first met...Yasu realized that if he brought me back safely to my father, he would be able to pay off his remaining debt. From then on, he began treating me royally...
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Tch...Selfish, money-grubbing dumbass...
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Um...is he really that bad?
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He wasn’t entirely to blame either...To be honest my own intentions weren’t very...pure...either.
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What do you mean?
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I hated the Future Foundation. When I found out that Leon had died in the killing game, I resented them and blamed them for allowing him to die...
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And so...I swore that after I escaped the demon hunting game...I’d take them all down...and kill every last one of their members...!
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But...that didn’t happen, did it?
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No...Yasu found out...I’d wrote about it in my pocketbook and he somehow read it. And when I found this out...I...
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You tried to kill him?
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Yes...I tried to strangle him to death...
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But as that was happening, Kotoko Utsugi showed up and tried to kill me...And she almost succeeded...
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But...Yasu powered up a train and rammed into Utsugi’s robot, then he scooped me up and ran away with me. 
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We nearly died...since we were being chased by both Utsugi and Daimon...But no matter what, he refused to be the helpless guy that he usually was, and he refused to let me go.
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Wow...He really did that...? Maybe I judged Hiro a little too quickly...
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Yeah, maybe he’s cooler than we first thought.
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Ok, what about you then?
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Yeah, it’s your turn! Go on, what’s your story?
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Before the tragedy hit...I had a small family. I was an only child, and I lived with my parents.
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When Junko Enoshima and the Remnants of Despair all attacked, one person came into my house and burnt everything down...
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I escaped the blaze...but my parents weren’t so lucky...
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In the years that the tragedy raged on for...The Future Foundation never found me...So I had to survive by myself...for so many years...
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H-Hold on a second...Hatsudoki, how old are you?
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Is that really important?
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J-Just answer...I want to know if I’m doing the math right...
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I’m 19.
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Th-Then...if the tragedy first hit, and you lost your family, and were forced to survive in the apocalyptic wilds on your own over 10 years ago...then you would have been...!?
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Holy shit...!
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...It’s tough living in post-apocalyptic times...And I certainly did things that I wasn’t proud of.
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In order to ensure my own survival, I killed anyone who had resources that I needed...For someone like me, it was get busy killing, or get busy dying...
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Even after the area that I lived in at the time began going through rejuvenation after the killing game, I still had blood on my hands and no money...And that’s where I first got a job...
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Someone approached you and told you you could kill for money, huh?
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Yes...and I accepted.
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As much as it pained me, I only knew two skills...how to survive, and how to kill...I couldn’t cook well enough, I had no social skills, I didn’t have an education...
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I had nothing that would allow me to live a normal life...
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Assassin work was really all there was, huh?
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After I went through training, I was free to live on my own...But from then on, I had a goal in mind...
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I wanted to gain enough money that would last me a lifetime. I wanted to get so rich that I’d never have to live life like a slumdog again...
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I wanted to live the rest of my life peacefully...So I began to get better at my job...I charged more because of it...and I also ended up saving money...Just so I could achieve that dream. It’s selfish...But I want it more than anything...
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No...After all you’ve been through...You probably deserve a happy life...
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You don’t like being a hitman, do you? You just want to be done with that life...
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...Who, other than a psychopath, could enjoy a job where you kill people unjustly...?
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I always thought something was slightly off...And now I know what it is...
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Those clothes of yours barely fit you...Is that because...?
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I only own a few sets of clothes. I don’t waste money on new ones when these ones still just about fit me...
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Hey...we’re back...
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Oh, hey guys! How’d it go...?
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I thought I was gonna die...!
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Ooookay then...?
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Seriously, go easy on me Ripa! I’m not used to fighting like you are!
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How many times do I have to say, don’t give me a stupid nick-
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Actually, I like that one. It sounds like “Reaper.”
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It’s getting late...we should probably turn in for the night...
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Agreed...so, what were the sleeping arrangements again?
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I’m sleeping on the floor in Kanonball’s room, Toko and Komaru get the other bedroom...
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Doki-Doki’s on the sofa and Reapers on the futon in the front room.
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Alright then...
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Goodnight you guys!
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