#writeforfandoms asks
adnauseum11 · 5 months
For the ask game: 8 and 9!
Hello friend! Thank for you for distracting me from checking my email like a maniac <3
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
I was going to originally have John propose at Christmas but it was too cheesy and soon, even for them. I like the necklace better, it suited them more.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Oh boy. I'd love to write one based on where I live but there's another writer doing one right now based in the same area, and I don't want to step on any toes. (what are the odds, out of the entire globe lol.) So I don't know. I've met a few retired military guys who are drawn to being outside and building careers in Search&Rescue after discharge. A lot of those skills are highly transferrable. This area is super remote and hikers go missing on the regular or boaters need to be rescued from the glacial water, etc. It attracts the "colourful 5%" as one old timer put it. More than one person has moved up here with the idea of starting a new life away from the consequences of the old. If you are someone who has maybe made some enemies, it might be of interest as a place to settle down. The landscape also can serve as a character of it's own, because if you get stuck out there without the proper tools or know-how you will die long before anyone finds you.
Thanks for the asks!!
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brewed-pangolin · 9 months
Inspired by your thoughts on tea, since we know Soap makes fun of Ghost during the Alone mission for asking for a cuppa... do you think Soap would make tea for his wife? Tease her about it but always make sure her favored brand is in the pantry?
Umm...I might have gone a little overboard with this. Oopsies. (But I loved it so much!!)
Johnny would absolutely tease his love for your certain affection and acquired tastes towards tea.
Always muttering little quips under his breath as you meticulously scrutinize the herbal tea aisle of the grocery store for the better part of half an hour.
"Steamin Jesus, gonnae be growin' roots inta th'floor if this takes any longer."
You roll your eyes at him. Too lost in mulling over whether to go with the tried and true chamomile tea bags you've been using for years, or venture out and take a chance on the loose tea you've been reading so much about.
You decide, after much internal deliberation, to go with both.
Once at the checkout lane, you survey the ever growing line of products and can't help but notice that two of your newly cherished items seemed to have miraculously disappeared.
"What's th' bloody difference?" Soap's sudden interjection pulls your eyes towards him. Holding both boxes in his hands, eyes shifting back and forth to give each parcel a quick yet thorough inspection.
"Th's ones tea in a bag. And th's ones loose. So what, ones caged and th'others free range?"
"It's basic chemistry, smartass," you snap back. Snatching both boxes out of his hands, adding them back to the line along the grocery belt.
"You should know something about that, Soap. Being a demolitions expert and all."
"Aye, I am. Rarely havin' to deal wit botanicals though, sweetheart."
An amused sigh escapes your lips, shaking your head as you point to each box and explain in lamens' terms the difference to the ill educated Scot.
"Tea bags are good for quick steaps, inexpensive and easily accessible. But they also grow bitter quickly, are only good for one-time use, and generally have one dominant aromatic note."
You give him pause, narrowing your eyes and gander whether he's understanding your descriptive breakdown or altogether lost like a deer in headlights. His cocked eyebrow indicates the former, allowing you to continue.
"Loose tea has numerous aromatic tones, a longer shelf life, greater variety, and one scoop can be brewed multiple times. Yes, they're quite a bit more expensive and take longer to steap, but the pros outweigh the cons pretty unanimously."
"So why ya buyin' both then, bonnie?"
"The same reason you buy two bottles of the same whisky? One single malt and the other blended. Different brewing styles bring out different keynotes in taste. It's simple chemistry and, why are you looking at me like that?"
You question abruptly. His cerulean eyes gazing upon you with the warmth of a summer's dawn. And carrying with it a smile that would make any young mare weak and tremble at the knees.
"Yer so fuckin' cute when ya go on a tangent like that, bonnie. Cannae help but get lost in ya," he whispers. His thumb gently wrapping around the curve of your chin as he leisurely closes the distance between you.
"Um. Excuse me?"
A sudden, unfamiliar voice tears you both out of your enchanting eye lock, forcing you to break from his gaze and focus on the somewhat embarrassed expression of the young cashier.
"That'll be $78.95, ma'am."
Not even two months later, you turned John MacTavish into a class act tea brewing connoisseur. Something about the chemical intricacies of it seemed to pull at the explosive alchemy that flowed so easily within his mind.
Boiling the water to the perfect alloted time and temperature. Pouring it carefully over the filled infuser that he measured out like an artisanly skilled brewer. He even had an app that would indicate the steeping time for each distinct batch of tea leaves.
And as he brought the expertly steeped brew up to you in bed, you couldn't help but give yourself a theoretical pat on the back to turning the once tea scoffing Scot into a true master brewer.
"Simon would be proud, John." You teased, bringing the porcelain rim of elegantly decorated cup to your lip.
And Soap answered first with a icy glare, followed quickly by his typical brogish banter.
"Donnae fuckin' dare, lass."
Drabbles Masterlist
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peachesofteal · 11 months
For the ask game! ☁️🔪🥑
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
My actual real life, commonly used nickname is Peach! + I love teal, blues, greens, etc. I want to be the lady who only wears those colors when I get older.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I did a lot of research on Semtex and it’s original compound/whatever when I was writing Sassy. Prob got myself on a list somewhere.
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
None because killers get caught by opening their mouths 😈
Thank you love! 🖤
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
Babe. Darling. Sweetheart. You know I love you dearly and think the absolute world of you
But if I don't get to see Makarov burn I might start a riot, just so you know 😇
i don't know about getting to see him burning, makarov seems more like the kind of guy who likes to hang around, y'know?? ;)
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 5 months
For the ask game: 🍎🍊🍒
JEN! Hi! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I always get so excited to see you in my inbox. I do an audible little *gasp!* and go “Jen!!” every time. I hope you’re having a terrific Tuesday so far, darling! Thanks for sending me a fruit salad!!
🍎 Is there anything that you straight-up won’t write?
I answered this one here but something else I will not write is angst for the sake of angst. I don’t like putting characters in situations just to make it painful. I’m never going to say “this is bad, but I can make it worse just to make it hurt more.” It all has to serve a purpose when it comes to Putting Them Through It. All broken eggs will result in omelettes on this blog or so help me!
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
It’s Javi P. He intimidates me. Which fits, right? I mean he’d be pretty bad at his job if he wasn’t at least a little intimidating or assertive. But I feel like he could maybe chill a little with me? C’mon, Jav, I just want you to have nice things, can you please relax and let me give them to you??
No, but really, I think I convince myself that I don’t have his voice quite right, and that deters me from writing more for him. Even though I definitely have ideas for him.
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Romantically speaking I love writing established relationships. I love when the characters know each other so well that they anticipate each other’s needs. I love letting them be relaxed and let their guards down and maybe even be a little silly. I love letting them come up with unique nicknames for each other (like Ezra coming up with Huckleberry for Clara or Frankie calling you Flamingo one time when your leg was broken and it just sticking).I love when they know that they can lean on each other so they do.
Platonically speaking I very much love to write a best friend who is willing to break knees for their person. A best friend who will throw a drink in someone’s face if they’re treating their friend like garbage. A best friend like Firo who is always ready to jump in when Navina needs him in Resol’nare or Navina who will literally steal from an Imperial shipyard because her buddy needs a ride. A friend like Libby and Max from A Bad Idea who are ready to throw hands for you when yours and Dieter’s sex tape gets leaked online. Friends who are there for you at your worst and your best and all the unremarkable times, too.
Thanks again for these, Jen!!
Send fruits!
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Ooooh what is Sweet Tea? (And why is it very very loosely titled? 👀)
Jen! Thank you for asking!
Sweet Tea is very loosely titled because I'm not far enough in the writing process to know if it's the right title yet.
This is actually the Tommy/Reader thing I hinted at the other day (here) and I can tell you a few things:
Pre outbreak; Reader and Tommy meet in mid 2011.
Follows the game timeline (2013 outbreak) but uses Gabriel Luna/Pedro as the Tommy/Joel models
Sarah features heavily in it
Part of the JTGtBG universe, and will factor in again later.
'Sweet Tea' is what Tommy calls Reader.
Told from Tommy's POV all the way through, so ... draw your own conclusions as to why that might be but I won't tell you if you're right or wrong.
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Tell me about your favorite ODST and why they're your fave
I think I have a soft spot for him because I've played Uplift Reserve so many times for all the challenges because you can do that level in under 4 minutes. I liked him before though, but he's just a guy. He gives me Soldier TF2 vibes and I like how he interacts with the rest of the ODSTs. He's nice to Rookie after Romeo kicks him awake and the "Uh Lord, I didn't train to be a pilot" scene is good. He was technically in Legends and I love The Babysitter, but he's also got military sci-fi vibes that fit the Aliens aesthetic from early Halo.
That and he got married. Love a wife guy.
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saradika · 1 year
Hi darling! For the ask game: G, I, and K! 💖 I hope you're having a wonderful day!
hi jen!!! 💖 I hope you are too! And thank you for these, you really got me thinking!
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I jump all over! But usually I will start it, then fill in the bits I’m sure about, and try to write out the ending as soon as I can - I like to have an idea of how it ends and those feelings/dialogue so I can get there with the middle. (This is assuming I have an outline, haha)
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure (reading or writing)?
I don’t think I’d call it a guilty pleasure and I am new the to genre/trope but I have been really getting into romantic AUs lately (knights, gardeners, regency, vampires, vacation, etc)!
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
Ahh sorry, this is so incredibly niche but it is the most angsty - I love the pennywayne ship in Batman (martha x thomas x alfred) so I’ve had ideas for either 1) an introspective gen fic where tb!alfred struggles with trying to be strong for younger bruce while he’s carrying so much of his own grief, or 2) reminiscing about a recent & sweet meetcute with reader but then wonders if he even deserves that kind of happiness (because he still blames himself for what happened)
[fanfic ask game 📝]
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
I have a very important question.
Is Soap the kind who gives up his pickle, or asks for yours?
Soap won't ask for your pickle. He will steal it. Right from your plate. No question.
Doesn't even flinch when you flash him those poor puppy dog eyes and puffy pouty lips.
"Why do you always have to take my pickle, Soap? Y'know, I order them with the intent to eat them, ya jerk."
"Ya get enough a'mine, lass. Cannae havin' ya over indulgin' yerself." He quips in response with teasing wink.
Biting down, the victorious crunch accentuated your edible remorse while you wrapped your fingers around the remainder of your half eaten sandwich.
"Is there anything you don't eat?" You inquired against the soft rye bread before taking a healthy bite.
"Aye. Cow tongue. Cannae stand the shite."
"Well, they don't have cow tongue on the menu, Soap. So thanks for hogging my only available side."
Rolling your eyes, you chewed on your bite and took in the smirk curling into his lips. Dropping the sandwich with a sigh and awaited the next smart-ass comment to roll over his lips.
"What?" You implored with a heavy tone of growing irritation.
His smile deepened into the apples of his cheeks. Accenting the bright blue pools of his eyes as he swallowed the last remnants of your stolen morsel.
"Got a tongue I think ya might wanna take a bite of, lass. Or ya still cravin' my Scottish pickle?"
"Jesus Christ. I can't take you anywhere."
Drabbles Masterlist
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Me seeing there will be a Price fic in your fae AU
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Dipping my toe(s) in the water!
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
Okay I just realized something. This song is very Graves for this fic: The Devil is a Gentleman by Merci Raines
The fronts he puts up, the things he hides... actually this song could be representative of most of the main men in this series. Even Price. He's absolutely ruthless when he needs to be, and he definitely hides a lot behind a pleasant mask and expensive clothes.
it really is such a good representation for graves, price, makarov, adler, hell probably shepherd and the rest of the 141 men too. they all put on a front, appearing as perfect, suave gentlemen, but they are absolutely devils in disguise. that goes esp for our main three men, though makarov doesn't try to hide it nearly as much and i think that's something canary knows and it's part of why she's so hesitant to trust price again.
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something-tofightfor · 9 months
I hope you get to do something fun and have delicious food!
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Thank you so much Jen. I wish that wet hair Joel in his green flannel was there waiting for me this morning because LOOK AT HIM in his new jeans. The delicious food will come tomorrow - my sister's making me dinner and I can't wait!
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What kind of pet(s) are you sitting for?
Cats! They're like my nieces and I'm their weird uncle thing that comes into town while their moms are away.
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saradika · 1 year
Your turn!! Marroon, mauve, lavender, timberwolf! 💖💖
ahh jen! These are so sweet, thank you!
MAROON = You taught me something new.
MAUVE = You are really talented
LAVENDER = You inspire me
TIMBERWOLF = I trust you
I sent you yours - so here is a lil din pic I made, instead! 💖
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[followers color game! 🩷💛🧡💚🩵🤍]
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biomecharnotaurus · 1 year
Happy birthday! I hope you get to eat delicious food and do something fun today!
Thank you so much!! It was alright :)
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
This is Soap. 100% Soap.
Just wait til he grows up and full-blown husky tantrums on us.
Scottish Deranged Husky Soap does not want water baths. He prefers the benefits of good ol' dirt.
Sound on is a must
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