#writers struggles
kitcat992 · 17 days
*me, thinking I'm making progress in finally finishing a half-decade long series, only to realize I'm barely a quarter way to the end*
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Where we are vs where we have left to go...I'll be so mournful the day I finish this saga, but at the same time, wow do I want to strangle it some days.
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therealmofstarwars · 3 months
To My Loyal Writing Followers,
Disclaimer: If you're reading this, it means I just went through a raw, no-holds-barred venting session in my previous blog post. That felt good - it's been a frustrating week as a writer and I just needed to let it all out uncensored.
Writing has always been my catharsis and healing outlet when I'm overwhelmed. Sometimes I just have to rant, vent, and freely express myself through explicit language to process the struggles. I appreciate you understanding that need for cathartic release.
For those who vibe with my venting energy and allow me to show up authentically - thank you. Your support means everything. And for anyone put off by the intensity, no hard feelings, but this is part of my creative process.
I'm not a role model, just a young 23-year-old writer trying to survive the ups and downs. Getting that pent-up frustration out on the page is how I cope. I don't hold back, I'm an unapologetic Aries that way!
But now that I got that off my chest, I'm re-centered and ready to create from a more grounded space again. Thanks for being part of my journey and letting me be my true, unfiltered self, rants and all.
My server will be going offline for a longer break this time as I recalibrate after that venting session. I need some extended time away to recharge and refocus my creative energy. The server will be back up when I'm feeling reinvigorated.
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twiilys · 4 months
local writer fell back in love with her 10k WIP and read it all, stay tuned to see if she actually picks it back up and writes for it
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I can't believe I'm having to research something scientific for a fantasy story (I say as if I haven't done it multiple times before lol)
There's an element (pun intended) of one of my stories that I want to make out of something that's impossible irl, bc:
A) it emphasized the uniqueness and power of the thing, and enhances the worldbuilding
B) it's cool, and it's my magical fantasy story and I do whatever tf I want
So I'm looking up stuff in this area that is impossible and I keep coming across things like '10 impossible things that scientists have made possible' or 'this supposedly impossible thing has just been discovered to be possible' etc, and I have such conflicting feelings
Because on the one hand, that's cool as fuck and also fascinating (I've successfully managed to place any rabbit-hole-ing as "look into later", good job, me!); but on the other hand that kinda thing doesn't tell me anything about what I'm looking for, in fact it kinda does the opposite lol
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The life of a fic writer
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hey Guys!
I just wanted to apologize for not being as active as I usually am. I had a few people ask me what's going on and why I don't publish writings of mine daily anymore. So I thought maybe some of you need an explanation, because to be honest, it's tiring me to answer the same thing again and again in my PM's 😓
At the moment I'm in a kind of struggle phase, mentally as well as financially.
I'm about to lose my best friend and fury family member in the next few days. My dog Cooper has gotten sick in the last few weeks, showing not only weaknesses because of his old age, but he also managed to hurt his leg (while secretly climbing on and off my couch, when I was working), as well as teeth problems that seem to cause him a lot of pain.
It's not easy. I barely make it through a month with what I earn, with all the prices shooting higher while the payment for work keeps staying the same. I sold a lot of my stuff, all my books, blue rays, even parts of my clothing and that little bit of jewelry that I had, to get by. In the last weeks Cooper has struggled so much that I had to sell more to get money for the vet and I had to cut back hours again to care for him, because by now he can barely get up on his feet on his own, to get to his water or food, so I can't leave him alone for long.
As you can imagine it's not easy, my family lives way too far away to help out by watching him. I'm pretty much on my own, at least for now. It's time, I need to get him to the vet and eventually let him go. It hurts like hell, but it must be done, he's not doing good at all right now. Letting my fur baby go after 13 years of unconditional love is a downer, but I don't want him to suffer any longer.
Some may say or think "It's just a dog, get over it" and unfortunately I had even people saying that to my face. I'm not proud of it, but the last person who said this to my face, has a black eye now. My dog was always there in my worst and my best moments, and he never judged, he just loved and was always super happy when I came back from work, or grocery shopping. He was there in the morning to remind me I should go on and not give up on me, in my darkest hours when I really struggled to think of a reason to get up in the morning. I wanted to give up on myself, I thought I was done. But there was Cooper, looking at me with big eyes and I knew I couldn't just leave him behind, he needed me and for a long time that was the only thing giving me purpose, before I relearned that life can be more and better again.
So I wasn't in a good state lately and there wasn't much writing. But I just started another request this evening that will be done in the next few hours. Sometimes it calms me, but there have been moments recently when I felt very, very tired and empty and not in the slightest motivated. Aside from that, I don't get anywhere near enough sleep or nutrition these days to feed my brain enough to work properly. Sorry for that. I will write more again soon.
I didn't forget any of you, nor am I ignoring your asks! I hope you understand and won't be mad or disappointed with me. I'm not gone, just a little slower these days, but it'll get better and more again at some point.
Thanks for reading all this if you did, and thanks for your understanding!
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mzannthropy · 12 days
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Me when I'm trying to write.
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kai-j-moriarty-author · 4 months
Developing the Fox's Bride
Hello and welcome to the end of May. I hope the month has treated you all well. Mine has been a mixed bag of memorable highs and forgettable lows. One of the best things that happened to me was the start of my developmental editing (more on that later) and having a really good session with my therapist. My lows ranged from dealing with virtual drama on Discord to resolving a damaged, and…
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That desperate search for the perfect song while writing an emotional scene to be in the right amount of emotional destress to be able to convey it to your readers.
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Don't you just love it when the imposter syndrome kicks in? Like, what am I even doing? 🤷
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Little PSA my people
So, I’m sure you’ve all heard that Tumblr released new settings for mature content that you can change so that you can see them or not
I am now putting on those mature settings for any fanfic of mine that is 18+ and considering I’m doing Kinktober, all of those posts will be marked mature
I had someone having an issue with seeing my latest and the settings being turned off was the issue
SO please make sure your settings are correct or you probably won’t be able to see my stories!
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ladymunson · 2 years
Ugh! Trying to finish part two and my phone keeps going! Nobody talks to me all bloody day and now they wanna talk. Pfft!
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therealmofstarwars · 3 months
Hi guys! I am looking for new people for this server.
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jellymellydraws · 9 months
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Original template cr: @mhuyo from Twitter
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zoeykallus · 11 months
Ever had that moment as a writer, when you try to write, while dozing off every few minutes, and wake up (more like startling up) and wonder 'who wrote' this, just to realize you did and that you're not finished yet?
Kinda like a goldfish. "How did I get here? Oh... yeah right"... a few minutes later "How did I get here...Oh yeah, right" and so on.
It's one of those days.
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