sassafraslowrey · 6 years
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#residency #writersresidency #mfaresidency #olympicpeninsula #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #cattledogmix #formerstreetdog 💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt6ha4GH5vN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=udzt73dgty7h
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dyspla · 6 years
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DYSPLA have received Arts Council funding to support three Neurodivergent Story makers with the development of their next new script idea. 
Submissions are now open for the DYSPLA Story Makers Residency 2019. If you identify as Neurodivergent, please take a look at our website and pitch an idea for development. 
We have three residences available on our 12-month program (part-time) and will offer full development support during the whole process. Some of the support we provide includes online marketing, rehearsal room writing workshops, dramaturgy and mentorship support, and much more. The program starts in Jan 2019 and ends next November with an Industry presentation and meetings with producers.
We welcome submission from writers, story makers, artists, and filmmakers based in the UK and DYSPLA have financial support to assist with their travel costs for those outside of London.
For more information and to submit your idea, please click on the link below:
Deadline 16th December 2018
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arquetopia · 4 years
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It’s been 12 years since Arquetopia opened its doors and we never imagined our community would connect so many incredible hearts and minds around the world. Thank you for this amazing journey 🫀💛🧠🌎🌍🌏🙏🏽 #arquetopia #artistresidency #artistinresidence #writersresidency #writerscommunity #development #socialchange #socialtransformation #transformation #sustainability #puebla #oaxaca #cusco #peru #mexico #art #writer #contemporaryart #academic #cultural #culture #content #contentcreator #context #italy #napoli https://www.instagram.com/p/CK6WXmqFdJL/?igshid=lcdjvvhpfjsk
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joya-air · 4 years
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Joya: AiR / apply now / residencies for contemporary artists and writers spring 2021 / application deadline 01 Nov 2020 / aplicar ahora / residencia de artistas y escritores 2021 / fecha límite 01 nov 2020 #artistinresidence #artistresidency #writersresidency #contemporaryart #art #artists #writers #residenciadeartistas #residenciadeescritores #artecontemporaneo #arte #artistas #escritores #residenciadeartistas (at Joya: AiR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1Od4AIzcD/?igshid=1y0zlu2ts174e
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madhuriwrites · 7 years
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minutes away from taking the stage for the Rhode Island Writers Colony with my writing family @acevedowrites @authorcppatrick @johnalynn @tevsmith @jasonreynolds83 - feeling excited and nervous and just so blessed for this magic and these people and our words 🙏🏽 #RIWC #writersresidency #writer #writerslife #authorreading #curryscentedbitch #browngirlmagic (at AS220)
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denkraum-zurich · 5 years
Haiku schreiben
In den Denkraum habe ich zwei Vorhaben mitgenommen. Einerseits wollte ich ein lange fälliges Lyrik-Manuskript fertig stellen, andererseits wollte ich mich neben dem Schreiben von neuen Gedichten etwas ganz Neuem zuwenden. Bis mir die Idee zuflog, mich mit Haiku, japanischen Dreizeilern auseinander zu setzten. Als langjährige Zen-Praktikantin und mittlerweile Zen-Schülerin hat mir diese Idee die Möglichkeit eröffnet, zwei in meinem Leben wesentliche Bereiche zu verbinden: Schreiben und Zen. Obwohl die Haiku nicht a priori zum Zen gehören, haben beide den Aspekt der Gegenwart gemeinsam. Und vor dem Haiku gab es das Haikai, das Hokku oder das fünfteilige Tanja und das Ranga als eine kette von Tanja. 
Die Auseinandersetzung hat vor allem dem Schreiben von Haiku Platz gemacht, in diesem stillen Zimmer unter dem Dach, nicht der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung oder dem Studium der Haiku-Geschichte. Nur zart habe ich dort meine Fühler ausgestreckt, weil ich alle Zeit, die ich im Denkraum verbringen darf, zum Schreiben nutzen will, zum Erforschen von Worten und ihr Zusammenspiel, das Studium ist mir hier nicht gegeben.
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“hörst du das Hämmern? im Innenhof der Altstadt keine Stille mehr.”
Es ist ebenso ein Versuch, traditionell tief Verwurzeltes in meiner Sprache wieder zu geben, unter Einhaltung der Regeln, denen ein Haiku unterworfen ist. 
Das Ganze hat also seinen Lauf parallel mit dem Ankommen im Denkraum gefunden und genommen, Haiku um Haiku reihen sich aneinander, wie die Perlen einer Kette. Und so kommen sie mir vor, die kleinen Gedichte: wie Perlen. Nicht alle schimmern gleich, nicht alle sind von ausgesuchter Schönheit, doch ich übe mich und manchmal leuchtet eines auf. Ich versuche auch, ganz die Zen-Mönche zum Vorbild, die viele Haiku geschrieben haben, alle Anstrengung aussen vorzulassen. Eine sehr wohltuende, wenn auch nicht immer einfache und umsetzbare Haltung des Zen. Persönlich bin ich ihr besonders verbunden, denn ich habe die Tendenz mich stets und immer anzustrengen...
Die Kürzeste Gedichtform der Welt
Das oder der Haiku ist eine traditionelle japanische Gedichtform und gilt als kürzeste der Welt. In der deutschen Sprache werden Haiku meist dreizeilig geschrieben. Ihre Form bestand über Jahrhunderte aus 5 - 7 - 5 Silben, doch die Jahrtausendwende hat diese und andere Vorgaben über den Haufen geworfen. Fast alle modernen und deutschsprachigen Haiku haben sich davon entfernt. Die Haijin (Haiku-Autor/innen) weisen darauf hin, dass japanische Lauteinheiten sich von europäischen differenzieren. Das ist wahr, sofort verständlich und offensichtlich. Japan und der Westen sprechen eine grundsätzlich ganz andere Sprache, auch die darin verwurzelten Regeln und Traditionen, deren Deutung und Bedeutung unterscheiden sich tief. 
Dass ich unter Einhaltung der 5 - 7- 5 Regel schreiben möchte und werde, ist mir rasch klar, diese Besonderheit ist für mich Charakteristika. 
“gleich um die Ecke auf Sonnenlicht gebettet die hohe Mauer.”
Bestandteile und unverzichtbare Charakteristika von traditionellen Haiku
Die Prinzipien und unverzichtbaren Bestandteile,  die für das traditionelle Haiku gelten sind der Bezug auf die Gegenwart und die Konkretheit. Es wird eine einmalige Situation oder ein einmaliges Erlebnis abgebildet. Dieses Ereignis oder diese Situation wird als gegenwärtig dargestellt. Gegenstand des Haiku ist oft ein Naturgegenstand ausserhalb der menschlichen Natur. Ebenso findet sich im Haiku ein Bezug zu den Jahreszeiten, welche sich mit dem Kigo (Jahreszeitenwort) andeuten. (Quelle Wikipedia/Reclam) 
Korsett oder Unterwerfung? der Rahmen.
Ich wollte nicht jene Regeln brechen oder über den Haufen werfen, die Haiku für mich charakterisieren. Am allerwenigsten die 5 - 7 - 5 Silben (Moren) Regel. Dieser beuge ich mich genussvoll. So sehr, dass ich mittlerweile Sätze auf ihre Silbenanzahl teste. Eine Silbe muss immer genau einen Silbenkern enthalten. Meistens ist das ein Vokal oder Doppelvokal.
“die ersten Knospen küsst die Sonne nebenbei einen alten Mann.”
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bis bald!
“hier ein kleiner Kuss auf jene zarte Stelle 1. die nur ich kenne” (2. nur ich kenne sie)
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Only 10 days remaining to apply for the Joya: AiR autumn residency 2017. Already applications have arrived from France, Spain, India, USA, UK, China, Australia and Cuba. We look forward to offering many more opportunities to artists and writers in this sublimely beautiful alpine desert in the South of Spain 🏜… apply now @joya_air #artresidency #artistresidency #art #artist #writersretreat #writersresidency #spain #joyaarteyecologia #residency http://ift.tt/2eL04VO
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dyspla · 4 years
Funded for a second year by Arts Council England and POET, (Protection of English Trust), DYSPLA will be running their unique Storymakers Residency for Neurodivergent* Creatives.
DYSPLA​ is a London based Art Studio run by Neurodivergent (ND) Creatives, for Neurodivergent Storymakers. We specialize in the creative and professional artistic development of Neurodivergent people, as well as producing the work of Dyslexic and Neurodivergent artists. DYSPLA has spent the last 11 years advocating the creative benefits of Dyslexia as a ‘creative force’, and is committed to building a holistic environment where Creatives can finish their stage or screenplays in a collaborative format, with industry professionals and mentors at every stage of the writing process.
The DYSPLA Storymakers Residency 2020 Shortlist includes 30 artists who were successfully selected from 220 applicants. Congratulations to: Owain Astles, Aislinn Evans, Alex Mill, Aminder Virdee, Ash Morris, Aurora Fearnley, Connor Sansby, Emma Tracey, Eve Leigh, Isabella Albuquerque Sperotto, Matthew Gabrielli, Mia Sinclair, Michael Toluwalope Okanlawon, Mike Forshaw, Mohammod Shipon, Nacheal Catnott, Nala Hermeziel, Rosie Baldwin, Shala Sayedyannakis, Jones Jimiroroso Ogun, Nicolee Tsin, Sean Burn, Thomas Morgan Evans, Ella Jade, Peck Mesma, Cassie Atkinson, Jack McMeechan, Lindsay Dukes, Lucy Sheen, and Janet Barnett. The Residency will offer two artists, based in England, a place on the 12 months fully funded program which offers: free script development support, a creative network of professional actors, directors and industry mentors, rehearsal room workshops, a script report, peer feedback, marketing support and the opportunity to present their work at the DYSPLA Reception and Table Read Presentation. 
Last year's attendees included: The Arts Council England, BFI, BBC, ITV, Sky, Directors UK, Freelance Producers, Development Producers, Academic Institutions, and Agents. The DYSPLA Panel will select eight of the strongest applications for the final round of interviews to be announced in September 2020. This year’s Panel includes representatives from Vertigo Films, Goldsmiths  University, Disability Arts Online, Earls Court Film, and last year’s DYSPLA Storymakers Resident Writer, Dr. Julia Pascal.
This year's Residency Partners include Earls Court Film Festival, which will support the initial production costs for one of the winning short film scripts with a grant of £1,500. Disability Arts Online (DAO), is on board as our Media Partner and they will commission interview profiles for both the Finalists and the Winners on the DAO website, documenting and promoting the artist's professional development every step of the way.
DYSPLA’s Founder, Lennie Varvarides describes the program as, ​“A ‘coming out’ party for brave new voices in our Neurodivergent community. This Residency is an acknowledgment of the creative benefits of Neurodivergence and how necessary it is for the survival of our creative ecosystem”.
For more information about the residency or for an interview, please contact Lennie Varvarides.
*NEURODIVERGENT - “Sometimes Abbreviated as ND, means having a style of neurocognitive functioning that diverges significantly from the dominant societal standards of ‘normal’. Neurodivergent people include dyslexics, dyspraxics, AD(H)D, autistics, dyscalculics, OCD, dysgraphics, Tourettes, etc.” (Hewlett, Cooper, 2017) 
DYSPLA is a London-based arts organisation founded by Lennie Varvarides with Kazimir Bielecki and supported by the Arts Council England. The company has been developing the work of Neurodivergent artists since 2009. DYSPLA works internationally in Script Development, 360 Film, Installation Art, Immersive Theatre, Digital Art and Festivals to promote the British Neurodivergent Aesthetic and to develop new Storymakers. DYSPLA is both advocate as well as artist, of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic*, which is defined through the cognitive eminence of Neurodivergence. As Ronald D. Davis states, ‘the mental function that causes dyslexia is a gift in the truest sense of the word: a natural ability, a talent’ (1994, The Gift of Dyslexia), DYSPLA believes that gift is what makes ND Creatives so apt for the creative industries and creative writing in particular. 
Image ASSETS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lhv34h2zwcpazek/AAAKYTyxK_J5EhRF819YkbEQa?dl=0
Video ASSETS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zh0butnp8y9t347/AABkE3mR_FOKyPviLZriStvma?dl=0 
Funders - Arts Council England & POET (Protection of English Trust)
 Partner - Earl’s Court Film Festival (ECFF): Supports Filmmakers with grants, location and production office support, as well as accepting short film entries for screening at ECFF in Earl’s Court’s wonderful cinematic venues. Many Earl’s Court short films have been selected or entered for screening at other film festivals such as Tribeca, Sundance and BAFTA qualifying festivals.
Media Partner - Disability Arts Online (DAO) a unique online journal with a passion to support disabled or marginalized artists through networking, discussion and profile aimed at achieving a widespread appreciation for the richness and diversity of disability arts and culture. Our readership consists of majorly (65 per cent) of disabled artists and disabled people with an interest in the arts. Our mission is to spread the word about the impact of work being made in the disability 
arts sector. Our other main demographic (35 per cent) are people working for other arts organisations who spearhead the professional practice of disabled artists, writers, performers, choreographers, curators or theatre-makers, or for art institutions that provide access to the arts for disabled people. Disability Arts Online gets over 25,000 page views a month. 
Quotes from DYSPLA STORYMAKERS Residents 2019 Winners:
“DYSPLA helped me regain my confidence, that can so often become eroded when you are neurodivergent.” 
Maike Hale Jones
“This was a truly inspiring residency which helped me learn the new language of writing for film.” -
Julia Pascal
Academic Quotes: From Dr Helen Taylor, Dr Brock L. Eide & Dr Fernette F.Eide, Nancy Doyle
Dr Helen Taylor, Creator of 'The Evolution of Complementary Cognition' advocates for the necessity of the Neurodivergent in A new theory of human cognitive evolution. ‘The reason we evolved different ways of processing information, is because it increased productivity, our ability to adapt to change and our ability to survive’. 
Dr Brock L. Eide & Dr Fernette F.Eide, The Dyslexic Advantage. 2011
‘The Dyslexic mind has provoked attention and interest, but it's true nature and purpose have been missed. It’s been evaluated for its charity and accuracy as a lens, and found wanting. Yet if we study the dyslexic mind carefully, we’ll find that its true excellence is its ability to reveal many things that are hard for the [Neurotypical] mind to see’.
Created by Richard Macer and produced by Susanne Murray, Platform Productions.
BBC Documentary Farther and Sun: A Dyslexic Road Trip, 2018
‘ADHD brains are simultaneously hyper-vigilant and under-reacting to pressure. We are over responsive to innovation and don’t panic at risk.’
Molly Long, Design Week
Designing With Dyslexia Is A Cognitive Plus, 2019
Vanella Jackson, Hall & Partners
Standing With Doctor Thick On Dyslexia
‘The dyslexic mind is preoccupied with possibility, connecting ideas and creating the new. This is why thirty percent of those that attend art college are dyslexic and why dyslexics are drawn to creative industries and becoming entrepreneurs. Some of our most famous inventors and engineers are dyslexic. Albert Einstein was dyslexic.’
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arquetopia · 4 years
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#arquetopia #artistresidency #artistinresidence #writersresidency #writerscommunity #development #socialchange #socialtransformation #transformation #sustainability #puebla #oaxaca #cusco #peru #mexico #art #writer #contemporaryart #academic #cultural #culture #content #contentcreator #context #italy #napoli https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfLky3Fpn1/?igshid=1hw0ebgqu2obb
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madhuriwrites · 7 years
first night at RIWC and @authorcppatrick had to pull out the kitty cat filters #writerslife #riwc #writersresidency #idontknowhowtoact #shesnottired #writergirl #blackgirlmagic #curryscentedbitch #browngirlmagic (at Warren, Rhode Island)
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liyingscribbles · 7 years
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Time truly flew and I am so very grateful for all the good vibes that absolutely emanate from these people, these walls, these surroundings, filling me with so much creativity and giving me space to grow so much as a writer and as a person. I already miss this place! 💖💖💖 #gallivants #usa #vermont #vermontstudiocenter #writersresidency #thanksgiving #gratitude #grateful #thankful #loveandlight #hopeandgrace (at Vermont Studio Center)
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Only 10 days remaining to apply for the Joya: AiR autumn residency 2017. Already applications have arrived from France, Spain, India, USA, UK, China, Australia and Cuba. We look forward to offering many more opportunities to artists and writers in this sublimely beautiful alpine desert in the South of Spain 🏜… apply now @joya_air #artresidency #artistresidency #art #artist #writersretreat #writersresidency #spain #joyaarteyecologia #residency http://ift.tt/2xaDrBR
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ppirapokin · 9 years
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The road always leads somewhere.
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arquetopia · 4 years
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#jamesbaldwin #arquetopia #artistresidency #artistinresidence #writersresidency #writerscommunity #development #socialchange #socialtransformation #transformation #sustainability #puebla #oaxaca #cusco #peru #mexico #art #writer #contemporaryart #academic #cultural #culture #content #contentcreator #context https://www.instagram.com/p/B_inCALFm7d/?igshid=1chdew4rktyoq
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joya-air · 6 years
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madhuriwrites · 7 years
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the Rhode Island Writers Colony is much more than a place to come together and create - it's love and support and discussion and (vegetarian) dinners (can I please have a burger?!?) and foolishness and laughter and escape. But most of all, it's family. Thank you Mama Dianne and John and Jason for giving me these two weeks and helping me find my words again. I had not been able to write new prose for months prior to the residency and considered telling you to give my space to someone more worthy, a writer with some real talent, not a wannabe like myself - i am so glad I did not (thank you, Christine). I am forever thankful for y'all and the space you've carved out for our family of word warriors: @authorcppatrick @johnalynn @acevedowrites @tevsmith @jasonreynolds83 @irvinwrites @becomher @ramonariel @thecleveragency @dianne_stephenson - we are the luckiest crew ever 🖤 #writerslife #writersresidency #RIWC #brookestephenson #writer #writing #friends #family #curryscentedbitch #browngirlmagic (at Warren, Rhode Island)
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