#writhes x3
percephilous · 5 months
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asianwhumpgalore · 9 days
Evol (イーヴォー) | Jdrama | Whump List
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Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Superhero, Friendship
Synopsis: Centers on three young kids who attempt to take their own lives out of despair and hopelessness for the world, but fail in the attempt. In the hospital, they awaken to a power inside them that could allow them to be heroes. But the directionless trio, who feel there is no place for them in the world, begin an ultimate betrayal of humanity.
Length: 6 eps
Whump meter: ▲▲△△△ 
✨ Stumbled upon this by accident, highly underrated. Honestly the quality was so good, it was giving The Umbrella Academy, Titans, or The Boys. Defs worth the watch if you like superheroes ✨
⚠️Trigger Content: S**cide (shown and talked about at length), SA, child abuse, torture, blood, gore, graphic violence, graphic death, animal death !!!possible epilepsy triggers!!! (more info at the bottom) ⚠️⚠️Some SPOILERS will be found, proceed with caution⚠️⚠️
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Whumpee: Kodama Nozomi portrayed by Aoki Yuzu
Ep 1 | Wakes up suddenly in hospital bed, winces, touches over the loosely covered wound on his chest. Repeatedly (lightly) hit | Admitted into a mental hospital against his will | Crying, flashbacks to the moment he died.
Ep 2 | Punched, thrown onto the ground, bleeding from the nose, stepped on, forced to his feet, clutching stomach, thrown onto the floor again, repeatedly beaten with a metal baton, writhing on the ground, whimpering, pinned to the ground, choked with the baton pressed to his neck, struggling, bleeding from the mouth, berated. Crying.
Ep 3 | Arrested, restrained, pinned to the ground, struggling, groaning.
Ep 4 | Punched x3, thrown to the ground x2, kicked in the head, repeatedly beaten | Emotional, crying.
Ep 5 | Distressed, concerned for loved one.
Ep 6 | Scared, panting | Attacked with lightning, struggling to fight back, blood streaming down his face, overpowered and knocked back into a shelf, falls to the ground, panting, struggling to get up, struggling to walk, watching loved one die in front of him, in shock | Grieving, enraged, screaming.
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
SA: ep 3 [36:00 - 37:55] (one character forces herself on another for a bit then stops) Animal Death: ep 4 [32:30 - 33:10] (dog is killed), ep 5 [11:45 - 12:08] (dead cat being eaten)
⚠️Flashing lights: Ep 1 | [04:30 - 05:40], [07:35 - 07:54] (mild) [36:25 - 36:47] Ep 6 | [07:44 - 08:11], [10:20 - 10:30], (mild), [11:43 - 11:59], [16:05 - 16:25], [17:25 - 17:49], [19:00 - 19:21], [19:50 - 10:16], [20:30 - 21:05], [21:10 - 22:05], [31:47 - 31:56]
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trashytummiez · 2 years
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This is a commission I got from @fungusfangs that followed up her "writhing tummy troubles" sketch sequence she did of a Dabi who literally couldn't stop burping that lived rent-free in my head for sooooo long >//////////<; you guys have no idea how much I love every single bit of this commission~it's my new favorite commission from her of all time and I can't thank her enough for taking it on and making it the best bit of gassy Dabi content I've ever seen X3
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mpregplease · 1 year
Just like Kintsugi, Chapter 1
Hello all! I promised I would upload Just like Kintsugi here too, so since AO3 is down, I might as well do it now x3
I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: Conception of a mistake
He felt so... Cold. And alone.
This was not how it was supposed to happen. Technically, it was never supposed to happen in the first place, as impossible as it was.
But here he was, writhing in his bed as the ever-increasing pain slammed into him every time he tried to breathe. Maybe he shouldn’t try to breathe at all? Maybe then the pain would go away.
But no, even if he held his breath, the pain just knocked out whatever remained in his lungs, making him desperately gasp for air like a drowning man. In a way, he kind of was. Drowning in what seemed like loneliness and fear. Because of what had happened. Because of the damned fetus. Because he had pushed everyone away. 
He only had himself… And he was pretty sure he’d lose himself soon, too. He wouldn’t survive this. Not this horrible and terrifying pain that just wouldn’t let up. He was going to die, and there wouldn’t be a single soul to remember him. No one to mourn him. This was the end. 
Aiden cried.
“Young master, are you quite alright?”
“... Hm…?”
“I said, are you quite alright, Young master?”
Looking up at the figure above him with bleary eyes, Aiden slowly woke up. Looming above him was the red haired house butler, Ember, who looked very concerned and a little stern.
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” Aiden replied, yawning loudly as he stretched. Then he looked at the clock on his nightstand, which told him that it was long past time to get up.
Aiden had slept in, like he usually did every morning, so why would the butler come wake him up?
“Young master, might I remind you that it’s past noon and that you have a party to attend today?” The butler said as he started to find the young man’s clothes from the closet.
Apparently that didn’t bother Aiden at all, as he turned his back to Ember and simply replied: “So what? I don’t care.”
“You really should care about your future fiancée.” The butler tutted, then came out of the closet with a nice suit.
The mention of Aiden’s future fiancée made the boy groan loudly. He pulled the pillow over his face, and the muffled voice that could be heard from it let Ember know about his true feelings. “I’d rather be shot dead than get married.”
A sigh, then another tut from Ember. “So you say. But, you really must be getting ready… Whether you like it or not.” And at the last word, the butler took the duvet from Aiden’s grasp and pulled, making Aiden yelp out as he suddenly felt the cold of the room.
“You bastard!” Aiden exclaimed and grabbed his pillow to throw at Ember. But the butler was already on his way to the door, avoiding the pillow effortlessly and smiled a little mischievously. 
“I trust you to be able to dress yourself and show up in the grand hall on time.”
Aiden just growled, and while Ember left the room, he said under his breath: “Now, who works for who?”
Now slightly improperly dressed and wide awake, Aiden went down the stairs and into the grand hall which had been decorated with the winter flowers and plants that January could offer.
Here he saw the whole room full of people, all staring at him when he walked in. He felt a little awkward and very much paranoid. Were they judging his shoulder length blond hair? Had he forgotten something? Or was it because he was so late?
Either way, Aiden went over to his parents where he politely kissed the cheek of his mother. She looked a little stressed, and when he was about to draw back, she whispered into his ear. “Where have you been! This is your bethroel party!”
Aiden grew pale at that, but he knew this day would come sooner or later. At 21 years old, he was in his prime for marriage and producing heirs to carry on his bloodline, as well as make sure the family fortune didn’t fall into the wrong hands.
There was just one sad thing about that: Aiden wasn’t interested in carrying on the bloodline at all. Babies were messy, loud, and when they grew up, they were annoying. And then there was the other thing…
Aiden was gay. He’d known he was homosexual since he was a teenager, and so, when he looked at his wife to be, he felt very uncomfortable about having sex with her.
She was kind enough, though. Edith Bradford, with the big brown eyes behind the round glasses. She was just so boring… The only thing that was interesting about her was her playing the piano. But she was also really good at that, having mastered it at an early age.
However much he envied her piano playing skills, he himself was an expert at playing the violin, and having played it countless times at events and parties, he was no stranger at performing for crowds.
“Go say hello to your fiancée, son.” Father said, stern as alway.
And so Aiden sullenly went over to Lady Edith, kissing her hand politely, but the kiss lacked passion and sincerity. Not that Aiden cared.
“H-Hello, Mr. Fairflax…” Edith said, doing a little courtesy. She was still stuttering around him, shy and awkward. Aiden hated it.
“Hello, Lady Edith. How are you?” He asked politely, but it was all for show. He didn’t really care about her well-being, nor her person. All he wanted to do was get out and drink, have fun with random people, and sleep in. This life? Boring.
“I-I’m good… How a-are you?”
“Fine.” Aiden replied with barely concealed disinterest.
And then they stood there, awkwardness spreading from them to the other guests, who quickly seemed to notice the atmosphere. 
“Uh, music!” Father said and clapped his hands twice, and luckily the band started to play immediately, which meant that Aiden had a reason to break out of the horrible conversation with Edith.
“I have to go, I’m supposed to play in the orchestra.” Aiden said, leaving Edith behind and letting out a sigh of relief when he stood at the orchestra.
“Let’s play something good.” Aiden smiled as he led the musicians into a Quadrille like piece, which the guest immediately began to dance to.
Hours passed before evening finally came, and the biggest event of the party took place. But Aiden didn’t know what to do when he was told to get down on one knee.
“Come on, son, propose to Lady Edith.” Father pressed on. Mother looked very distressed. This wasn’t good.
He was supposed to do something grand, wasn’t he? Words had never been Aiden’s strong suit, he was better at letting out his feelings by playing the violin. But he had to try. If he wanted to be a lord, he had to marry Edith. But was that what Aiden really wanted? Or was it just his parents who had planned out his life for him?
“Lady Edith… I hereby ask for your hand in marriage. I will bring, uh… Wealth to the family, as well as to you.” That wasn’t a complete lie, but Aiden just couldn’t force himself to do better than that.
But apparently it was enough.
“Yes! Yes!” Edith’s eyes were shining with tears, but they were of happiness. And as a silver  ring with a big, fat, stone in the middle was given to Aiden, he gave it to Edith, sliding it on her delicate finger. It looked completely out of place on her tiny hand, too big and too heavy.
But the room erupted with cheers and applause anyway. Aiden felt sick, but he had to play it cool, so he just smiled politely and looked to his parents, who nodded in acknowledgement.
“The marriage ceremony will be held in 6 months!” Father bellowed, trying to drown out the noise, but it only grew as the people in the great hall heard the great news.
All around there were happy faces. But not Aiden.
Aiden’s eyes went wide when he heard the date of the wedding. 6 months from now! His life was going to end in 6 months, when he was going to get married to Edith. Little, shy, nerdy Edith, who was more grey and dull than a mouse.
He couldn’t take it anymore. This was too much… And he felt so sick. So he fled the room.
On the way, he bumped into Ember.
The anger and disappointment of not getting to decide his own fate made tears appear in his eyes, and Ember noticed it immediately.
“What’s wrong, Young master?” Ember said, catching Aiden just as he was about to fall.
And that was all he needed to burst into tears.
He couldn’t even speak properly, so Ember took Aiden to the younger master’s room, sitting the young man on the bed.
“Try to take a deep breath…”
And Aiden tried. After a few moments, he was breathing at a normal pace, but he was feeling far from comforted.
“They… They just don’t care… They don’t care about me! Nobody cares about me!” Aiden said, voice thick with tears. But suddenly the boy with the golden hair was embraced by the butler, and, in one, confused moment, the air stood still.
“Aiden, people do care about you… And so do I.”
Aiden couldn’t see Ember’s face because his face was on the other man’s shoulder, but he could hear that Ember’s breath was coming in hard; Ember was nervous.
And then Aiden did something he never should have done: He kissed Ember.
And Ember did something he, too, shouldn’t have done: He kissed Aiden back.
It was a desperate kiss that tasted salty because of the tears on Aiden’s face, but that didn’t bother either of them. And before they knew it, their desperate kissing had turned passionate and hard.
It was only after they’d done it, that Ember realised what he had done. While Aiden slept peacefully, completely passed out because of his exhaustion, he softly caressed the silky straight, but a bit tousled hair, and counted his options.
But at the end, he came to one good conclusion: If Aiden could keep his mouth shut, then he wouldn’t get fired. Besides, it wasn’t like Aiden could get pregnant. 
It took some time before Aiden woke up again the next morning. When he did, it was to a great pain in his bottom and a headache that made even a hangover pale in comparison. What happened yesterday…?
And then it all came flashing back: The wedding in 6 months, the run in with Ember, the many tears that were shed… And the sex.
He flushed from head to toe, surprised that he even dared to do it with a lowly servant, but if you can’t find others, they’ll do in a pinch. 
As Aiden looked around, he realised that he was alone in the bed. There were no clothes on the ground, which probably meant that Ember had been there to clean it up. Speaking of Ember… Where was the bastard? Had he really left him alone after such a messy round?
It seemed like it, and Aiden gingerly got up, careful not to make too many sudden movements as he walked to the bathroom. Here he showered, brushed his teeth and overall got ready for the day. There was just one problem: Aiden didn’t know how to dress himself properly.
But there was no need to worry, because in came Ember, carrying some clean clothes that had just been washed and dried. They smelled heavenly, and Ember walked into the bathroom to let the young master put them on.
“Good morning, Young master.” Ember greeted, ever the faithful butler.
Aiden gasped in surprise at the sudden voice and instinctively covered his genitals with his hands.
This made Ember grin cheekily, and he put the clothes on a table as he spoke. “Come now, no need to cover up. After all, it’s not the first time I’ve seen you naked.”
The young master’s face turned into a light shade of red at the hazy memories of the many pleasurable touches that ghosted his skin, but he refused to let himself appear embarrassed. “You, you jerk! I… I-”
“Enjoyed it, yes?” Ember cut Aiden off, which in turn only made Aiden flush even more. “What a coincidence; so did I.”
“You can’t just pretend it was fine what we did!” Aiden yelled, now no longer covering up. He was too angry for that.
“Oh? Why not?” Ember got close, a finger under Aiden’s chin as he forced the smaller man to look up at him. “If you don’t say anything, and I don’t say anything, who’s to find out?”
Aiden found himself at a loss for words, because Ember was right. They had both enjoyed it, and if neither of them said anything, they could keep doing this for a long time. But… “It feels wrong… Somehow.” 
This didn’t stop the butler. “Young master, there’s nothing wrong with having a bit of fun… Especially when you’re going to get married to a girl you don’t even like in less than 6 months.”
That was it. Ember had pushed a button in Aiden, and they both knew that he had. They could fool around for a bit until the wedding date, but then they’d have to break it off, which was more than okay with Aiden.
“Just, promise me one thing.” Aiden said as his hand came up to remove Ember’s finger from his chin.
“Promise? My, you’ve got some nerve… But fine, I’ll bite. What is it?”
“No romantic feelings involved,” Aiden said. “This is just sex, nothing else but that. Got it?”
Ember snorted, then chuckled a little. “You’re a man after my own heart, Young master. I’ll gladly agree to this rule, as long as you don’t blabber about this to anyone.”
Offended, Aiden crossed his arms in front of his naked chest. “Of course not. I’ve got more to lose than you by revealing this secret.”
“Then it’s a deal, Young master.” Ember said as he held out his hand for Aiden to shake.
Aiden took the offered hand and shook it twice. “It’s a deal.”
Chapter 1, END
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hypmic-translation · 1 year
JYUSHI If everything in the world is overwhelming darkness Then there’d be no point in having my eyes open I’d rather just keep them screwed shut tight Hoping that these tears might stop flowing Dreams and gods are all fake I’m the joke that everyone laughs at The more I try to keep myself from crying The more cold rain flows down my cheeks
HITOYA There are two things I just can’t stand One is defeat, and the other is Needing someone else to lick your wounds for you Stood alone, I looked up at the night sky Your cries are your own - I can defend you, but I can’t speak for you And just the same, my anger and pain are mine alone Don’t you dare interfere
JYUSHI: I’m exhausted, collapsed, withering away HITOYA: Writhing, struggling, enduring, in agony JYUSHI: Still I continue, into the future, determined HITOYA: Without stopping, into the future, determined KUUKO: If this pain is too much for your two eyes to handle, then I’ll take over from here
CHORUS Enlightenment! Now, look with eyes wide open KUUKO: Willingly! HITOYA: Stubbornly! JYUSHI: Living on! (1) Sharing a destiny, Nagoya Division Let us see with our six eyes, together (x2)
BAT Nagoya!
KUUKO Finally, it’s my turn Grabbing my mic puts me right in the centre Carved into my heart is a flower mandala You better be ready, bright red bandana! Even the detested higanbana Deserves to bloom like any other flower A sight so beautiful it’ll make your body shake Proving we’re alive, so put your hands together Everyone on earth makes mistakes But there are always ways to do them better Choose what’s kind, not just righteous Bad Ass Temple will shine brightly I’ve got no interest in words meant to comfort My bad, but I’m no god or Buddha Merely a monk that’s passing by- And your family, too
CHORUS Enlightenment! Now, look with eyes wide open KUUKO: Willingly! HITOYA: Stubbornly! JYUSHI: Living on! Sharing a destiny, Nagoya Division Let us see with our six eyes, together (x2)
KUUKO Yo, Jyushi! Hit ‘em hard!
JYUSHI “You’re just some weirdo in makeup and visual-kei” Cease speaking and observe my pre-written fate Shall I run away? Nay! I’ll put on a show Rising from my grave, now I shall awaken Having stared into a mirror longer than anyone else, I’m a narcissist That is why even if I fall to my knees I’ll just keep getting up, my way of life Is seared into every inch of my vision
HITOYA Does holding grudges make you feel stronger? Does hating others make you feel better? What was it for? Who was it for? Why’d you do it? Questions without answers I care about more than becoming strong I want to protect what’s important to me, that justice I believed in Should be a sturdy shield, not a weapon
KUUKO Earthquakes, storms, fire, your old man, but More than all that, what you should fear is your own self! This fire in my chest will ward away darkness A fighting instinct, hard work and perseverance Owari’s vigorous, red-headed monk (2) Will take apart the well-written bullshit on the folding screen Word by word, my lyrics unyielding Now listen close to this impulsive sermon! If there’s no clear path ahead, then that makes us lucky - it means there’s no way for us to get lost!
CHORUS Enlightenment! Now, look with eyes wide open KUUKO: Willingly! HITOYA: Stubbornly! JYUSHI: Living on! Sharing a destiny, Nagoya Division Let us see with our six eyes, together (x4)
Enlightenment! Now, look with eyes wide open (x3) Sharing a destiny, Nagoya Division Let us see with our six eyes, together
Each of these lines in the chorus correspond to a specific part of each members' history and personality - Kuuko, who always faces everything head on; Hitoya, who refuses to back down to anything; and Jyushi, who struggled with depression and suicide but continues to live regardless.
Owari was the name of one of Japan’s old provinces, making up the western half of modern-day Aichi Prefecture, which Nagoya is the capital city of.
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wolfvirago · 7 days
came for the absolutely INNNSAANNE AESTHETICS AND SELFMADE LORE stayed for the same tbh :] ur a delight on the dash i love seeing u
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tell  me  why  you  followed  my  blog  and  tell  me  what  made  you  stay. [accepting]
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;; asdsfgdfh??? Thank you so much my friend!! The aesthetics were lovingly made by @cerberuscomms , I just provided ideas based on liminal spaces and horror. I will take credit for my writhing tho X3
I love seeing you too, buddy!
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spicywarl0ck · 10 months
I really try to get better with social media and doing things I swear xD So, after a small pause, I decided to start a new Wip up (as usual) And I don't have a current tag list, so, if you want to post your wips, feel free to feel tagged x3
The icy cold had him in its firm grasp when he awoke with a gasp.
Pain shot through him with an intensity he never felt before, each fibre of his body feeling as if it was set aflame by a burning fire. He felt every aching of his bones as he grit his teeth, his left arm pulsing and throbbing as raw hot pain coursed its way through him.
Cold sweat broke out on his brows when he grunted, his dirtied and muddy red hair falling in strands into his face as a flash of green light burned through his closed eyelids.
His heart raced in his chest, threatening to burst his ribcage as he writhed in pure agony with gritted teeth. He could feel his pulse racing, his very veins feeling as if they’d explode any second as his blood seemed to become molten lava.
And then, it stopped.
Breaths escaped him in quick and panicked inhales as dazed eyes scanned his surroundings quickly, every limb hurting. He almost felt feverish… poisoned when he struggled to keep his green eyes open long enough to make any sense of his blurry view.
Stone walls surrounded him, the heavy weight of shackles digging into his numb hands as Iron Bars kept him contained. The mere flicker of a torch was the only light source as water dripped down the walls and onto a small bundle of already mouldy straw.
He was in a prison cell.
Only the creators knew how he’d ended up here, but there was one thing he knew for sure: He needed to get out of here as quickly as he could. The only question was how, while he was very resourceful when he wanted to be, he didn’t entirely know the state of his injuries or where he was to begin with.
But it seemed that he didn’t need to wait any longer to figure out the latter.
Heavy footsteps echoed against the walls, announcing a group of at least five people if his ears were not mistaken. The clang of metal armour accompanied it, meaning that whoever came for him was heavily guarded.
And while he had been able to outsmart them outside and at his full health, he knew he wouldn’t last against them in his current state.
“You’re awake.” The face of a stern woman appeared in his blurry view. She looked tough, the scar on her cheek and the heavy armour she wore, telling him that she’d seen some battle’s already. And the way she had her hand resting on the sword’s pommel told him that she was on edge enough already.
“Open,” she added harshly towards one of the guards accompanying her. “Drag him out here, and keep an eye on him. I want to question him.” 
The guards gave a curt nod to her before the metal of their keys jingled against his ears, followed by the rattling of the bars and a metallic scream as the barred door swung open. Not that he was an expert on Shem prisons, but they really could use some oil on their doors.
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nihilistwife · 6 years
... actually now that i think of it... only one of my dnd characters had an even vaguely Tragique backstory
- pre-dnd pathfinder dude was literally traveling w his family. They just wanted adventure
- half orc paladin qas embarrassed of orc ancestry but like... not rlly Damaged by it
- half elf warlock failed a coup so her problems are her own
- tabaxi was raised on her moms' dairy farm and studied magic on a nearly semester basis and still goes home to visit
- tiefling sorcerer is just.. a shithead. Theres nothing wrong w him hes just a greedy jackass.
And the One Kinda Tragic character is a bard elf w merrow and succubus ancestry who.. had a puppy crush on a human wizard who was already dead by the time she was old enough to leave n go look for him. Like yeah she was lowkey a fiend but her head mostly just ace of bass top tracks on repeat
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Not sure if this is a better or worse universe.... But here is the intergalactic variant of MAG 192. [Tape recorder clicks on] [Footsteps] Martin: Is there anything we can do to help her? Archivist: If there is, it’s on the other side of these doors. Rosie: Head right on in, he’s ready for you. Martin: Okay. [Door opens, the background noise slightly cuts out & the first beats of ‘Little Clone Baby’ become audible] [Note: ‘Little Clone Baby’ underscores the rest of the conversation, an unbreaking narrative of yearning (?) as Elias floats and writhes/vibes in perpetual perception] Jonah (Background): When it’s dark at night, and I close my eyes I can see you there, only one that doesn't hate me I think I dreamed it all, got your drawing on my wall I just feel so calm, held by your arms  Why are you so far away, in Galactonium? Hey Won’t you  Save me  Hold me  Maybe  I just  Want to Be your Little Clone Baby Little Clone Baby [x3] I just wanna be  Little Clone Baby [x3] I just wanna be  Little Clone Baby [x2] I just wanna be Little Clone Baby [x3] I just wanna be. Archivist: [Aghast] No... Martin: Can he hear us? Archivist: I... Martin: Does he even know we’re here? Archivist: I don’t... Martin: [Calling]Elias! Jonah, Jonah Magnus! Oi! Dickhead! Come down here so we can kick your arse! Archivist: He can’t hear you, Martin. Martin: Yeah, I got that. What’s wrong with him? Archivist: Nothing’s wrong with him. He’s the pupil of the Eye. Martin: Meaning? Archivist: He won. [Song continues playing until the end of the Chorus, tape recorder clicks off]
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @dreadfutures! I really appreciate it! <3
Still working on the never-ending snippet (they’re chapters, really XD)! To be fair, this is a great exercise because it’s helping me utilize dialogue more! So, without further ado...
...The Anchor being a buzz kill. :3
“Fane..”, Solas said, slightly breathless as Fane explored and showed the warmth of a balm.
“Hm,”, Fane hummed as he finally found Solas’ pulse, fluttering and skipping. He pulled away a bit, eyes hooded as he watched the beating patch. “You’re getting excited already. Dangerous, my sky. Very, very dangerous.”
Solas let out an airy laugh, turning in his embrace a bit to rest his side against Fane’s front. He had to adjust his hold a bit and take his hand holding the mage’s jaw away, but he kept his eyes on the butterfly before him. It was tempting to...well, snatch it from the air, but Fane kept himself in control, even as he felt the sky begin to lay kisses along his neck. They were as light as air and near reverent, but no less hot with their underlying heat. It was making his mind haze with a different kind of smoke this time.  
“Ma’isenatha,” Solas murmured against where he was kissing, tender and sweet, but there was a note of...concern in its cadence? “...May I see your hand?”
Fane blinked, the smoke clearing a bit. “Huh?”, he uttered in question, shifting his gaze away from the steadying butterfly to glistening orbs--lavender branching out from where the pupil was. Oh, he loved that hue. That hue, that very few saw…
Solas offered him a tiny smile. “Your hand.”, he repeated, a tentative touch appearing against an...oddly warm, blazingly warm, palm. Why was his hand so damn hot? It almost burned.
Fane drew his brows together, confused. “...My hand? Why do you--?”
Suddenly and before he could get the words out, the Anchor cracked within his palm--ancient magic still very much volatile from his earlier outburst. Fane hissed sharply. Damn it all! He forgot all about the Void-taken thing! Fuck! Just when he had been sure everything was as it should be again! Foolish! Foolish!
“Easy, vhenan,”, Solas soothed, one hand appearing upon his cheek and the other within his spasming hand. Within an instant, their fingers wound together, interlocking like a masterwork latch. “Breathe, and let us move from the floor. I can examine your hand better that way.” Blue orbs connected with his own, questioning and full of tender concern, even if they were a bit hard to make out from the suddenness of sharp daggers under his skin. “...Can you do that for me?”
Fane gritted his teeth at another pulse, growling deep in his chest, but he managed to jerkily nod. He could move, but by anything that was holy, he didn’t want to. The damned Anchor tended to skyrocket in its anger every time he jolted it, but...he could endure it. He could endure it if it meant it would just stop.
Solas gave him another reassuring smile, gingerly lifting himself off of where he was leaning against Fane’s front to stand. Fane nearly dragged the elf back down when another deep pulse of magic shot up his arm, but thankfully, not his head. It fucking burned like acid, however. The magic was less than it had been earlier, but it was still managing to seep from the slit and snake up his arm like ethereal vines.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,”, Fane cursed over and over, growling and snarling in the interim. “Fuuuck!”
He sucked in a deep breath and let it out shakily, trying to fight through the pain and nausea as he, none too gracefully, pushed himself off the floor with his free hand. To Fane’s surprise, the Anchor didn’t protest too awfully, only snapping against his wrist like a hand slapped another in reprimand. Still, it ached, burned, and screamed.
Solas’ hands appeared on him the moment he stood at full height, using both to lift the acid spewing hand up to his line of vision. Fane swallowed hard around pooling saliva and took in deep breaths through his nose as he let the mage work his magic. 
He watched as a slender finger glided along the brightly glowing opening, testing, teasing the familiar magic out with a gentle blue glow. The tendrils came outwards, but then abated minimally, cowing at calming blue, but they still carried fury underneath--pulsing and crawling. Fane grimaced at the sensation, stifling a pained growl. It would never end unless he chopped his arm off, would it? Or, well, if Solas took it away. Sadly, his sky didn’t have the capability or power to do that yet. Fane would be both relieved and not relieved the day that he did. For various reasons. Reasons they also needed to discuss sometime, but not right now. Not when his fucking arm was feeling like it was getting pulled through a rift!
Solas gave him a tiny smile, glancing up from his work. “You are doing well, my dragon.”, he praised before concentration hardened features that held the shadows and dual glow of magic, eyes going back down to focus. “What do you feel right now? Describe the sensations for me.”
Fane took in another deep breath. “Uh, c-crawling. F-Feels like there’s worms under my skin. Worms that are--are on fire.”, he tried to explain as best he could, but those blazing worms were wriggling, writhing as Solas gingerly ushered more of his magic into the mark. “I-It keeps knocking against that f-fucking ward, too.”
Solas glanced up again, but didn’t halt his ministrations. “It has not pierced through, correct?”
Fane shook his head with a shaky sigh. “No, but that’s because I’m…” He gasped a bit, a hard pound slamming into the walls of his mind like a drum. “...fighting it.”
That seemed to be all Solas needed him to say, going back to his task with a furrowed brow and a determined look in his sky-line eyes.
Slowly but surely, the Anchor began to die down as the more Solas guided his magic to make the more volatile counterpart heel. The tendrils of sickly, but sparkling green abated, the ever present glow dimmed, and best of all, the pain ebbed away like a lazy wave. Fane sucked in a deep, deep breath as that reprieved was granted to him. He still felt nauseous as all got out, but the worms were dying down, the knock upon a locked door floating away as chaotic magic slithered back down his arm. He could honestly sob from relief. Truly, he could. 
Solas let out a quiet sigh of his own, tired and relieved all in one, as his eyes met Fane’s own again and for good this time. They were speaking to him, asking a typical question and it filled Fane’s heart with tender affection.
Fane smiled tiredly. “Better. Thank you.”, he said. He was utterly exhausted, stomach tender and head aching duly, but the pain had stopped, the magic driven back to the hole it crawled out of.
Solas let out another relieved sigh at his words, a tired smile of his own appearing, cracking the mask of concentration, and giving his marked hand a gentle squeeze with the two still holding it.
“It’s nothing.”, the mage downplayed, shifting tender eyes down to gaze upon the Anchor forlornly. “I simply wish I could rid you of this burden, to wipe away this pain. If I had known it would be you who would somehow pick the orb up, I would have been--”
Fane sighed softly as he tapped the underneath of Solas’ chin with a few fingers of the hand he was holding. The elf blinked, steely orbs snapping up to him instantly and that only made Fane smirk more. How the sky heeded a dragon’s call. It should be the reverse, but this world continued to show how much it defied itself.
“Stop. Observe and accept. Observe what happened, and accept that it was beyond your control to predict. You will fix things, Solas. We will fix things.”, Fane assured as he leaned in to lay a light kiss against the mage’s lips. It was reciprocated with ease, a tiny hum escaping from his sky and it made him reluctant to pull back, but he did to murmur, “All of it will come in time, ma tarasyl. You know that. I know that. Be patient.”
Solas let out a chuckle. “Using my own words against me? Wisdom is a concept in you, I see.”, he teased.
Fane sneered a bit. “Cute.”, he replied dryly before shrugging. “I only used them because you used my own earlier, and I figured you’d be more amenable listening to yourself when in concern to what happened at the Conclave and whatnot. You do like to hear yourself talk, after all.”, he teased with a growing smirk. They were coming full circle now, and hopefully, his jokes would land more gently this time.
“Insufferable.”, Solas quipped with an exasperated sigh, but it was fond underneath, he knew. “Why do I--?”
Fane blinked as Solas suddenly froze up, face going blank and glittering eyes staring at him, but not registering. He furrowed his brow at that, pulling his head back a bit to get a better look at blue and grey. Now, that wasn’t normal. The hues were still bright, aware, blue with lavender branching from the middle, but Solas’ face and posture screamed, ‘disconnected’. Fane felt himself grow more worried at that. Had he fucked up again?
“Solas? Are you--?”
He went to ask after the man, thinking his joke had hit a nerve yet again, but a slender finger suddenly darted up to his lips, stilling them. It was telling him to wait, to be silent. Fane blinked. Well, at least the mage was responsive? Yes...a corner of a mouth was moving a bit, eyes were blinking slowly, and a…
...nose was twitching?
Before any more questions could be voiced or even thought up, Fane saw Solas’ face pinch a bit, nose screwing up before sucking in a slow, deep breath, and then…
We have it all in this story! Pain, sadness, Solas tears, Fane rage, fluff, cockblocking magic, and sniffles~ >:3 Watch this turn into a sick fic now. XD
Tagging forth (with love and potions to ward against sniffles!)
@oxygenforthewicked @noire-pandora @the-dreadful-canine @little-lightning-lavellan @aymayzing @dungeons-and-dragon-age @hoochieblues @whataboutbugs @1000generations @blueheaded @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold and anyone else who’d like to share! It’s Wednesday~! X3 (no pressure, of course! <3)
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asianwhumpgalore · 3 months
A Writer's Odyssey (刺杀小说家) | Cmovie | Whump List
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Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Fantasy, Historical.
Synopsis: Desperate to find his missing daughter, a father agrees to help a mysterious woman assassinate a novelist. At the same time, the young hero in the book’s alternate universe has also put his revenge plan into motion, and his actions begin to affect the real world.
Length: 2 hours
Whump meter: ▲▲▲◭△ 
✨ Both the fantasy world and the real world had an engaging story that connected very nicely! Very unique and surprisingly whumpy ✨
⚠️Trigger Content: Quite a bit of blood, human trafficking (briefly in the beginning). ⚠️⚠️Some SPOILERS will be found, proceed with caution⚠️⚠️
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Whumpee: Lu Kongwen portrayed by Dong Zi Jian
10:20 | (as book character) Chased through a forest, hit in the back with chains, falls to the ground, grunts, bleeding from the mouth, struggling to continue running, saved, pushed off cliff to save his life. Panting, whimpering, in shock, watching loved one die, whimpering, crying, angry.
16:16 | (as book character) Living armour engulfs him, in shock, trying to remove it, falls to the ground, in pain, unable to control his limbs, whimpering, armour pierces his skin and settles on him, whimpering, groaning, screaming.
35:15 | (as himself) Barely dodges being hit by a car, tumbles down the stairs, wincing.
41:05 | (as book character) Accidentally dragged into war, barely dodges an arrow shot at him, falls to the ground, in shock.
55:55 | (as book character) Scared, running for his life, chased. Falls on the ground from a rooftop, barely dodges a weapon thrown at him. Kicked in the chest, knocked back onto the ground, barely dodges a weapon thrown at him again, bleeding from the mouth, scared, struggling to get up, concern for ally.
01:01:05 | (as himself) Hit in the leg with a rock, falls to his knees, wincing in pain, labored breathing, hit in the shoulder with a rock, whimpering, calling out for help, panting, struggling to crawl to safety, hit in the back with a rock, groaning, hunched over in pain, whimpering, hit in the head with a rock, falls down a hill, unconscious on the ground, bleeding from the head, groaning weakly.
01:11:35 | (as book character) Clutching chest, coughing, concern for him.
01:20:45 | (as himself) Scratches visible on his face. Slips and falls off building, caught by ally.
01:21:48 | (as book character) Fought, saved, distressed. Holes visible on his arms from meat armour. Meat armour returned to his body, stumbling, panting.
01:44:50 | (as book character) Holes visible on his arms, saved, knocked back onto the ground x3, in pain, saved, grabbed by giant hand and squeezed, bleeding from the head, groaning, screaming, saved, falls to the ground, writhing in pain, stabbed in the abdomen by a giant nail, slowly dragged across the ground, groaning.
01:49:50 | (as himself) Stabbed (off-screen), lying on the ground, barely responsive, bleeding from the abdomen, wheeled into the hospital, oxygen mask on his face, unconscious.
01:53:25 | (as book character) Struggling to walk, shoved and is sent flying back onto the ground, spits blood, groaning, panting. Clutching arm, tries to move but arm hurts, winces, tries grabbing sword but arm is too weak (seemingly dislocated but unsure when this happened), winces, armour engulfs his injured arm, groaning.
01:5920 | (as book character) Dangling from high place, struggling, engulfed by tentacles.
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Whumpee: Guan Ning portrayed by Lei Jin Yin
05:35 | Arrested (offscreen). Has nightmare of losing his daughter, wakes up cuffed to the car, repeatedly hit.
35:15 | Saved from car driving into him, tumbles down the stairs, wincing.
47:00 | Kicked in the chest, punched in the chest, shoved into a wall, kneed in the abdomen, shoved into a furniture, strangled with a telephone cord, kicked on the leg which causes him to fall onto the ground, arm twisted behind his back, screams. Held under water in a bathtub, arms bound, struggling, losing consciousness, pulled out and thrown on the ground, coughing water, labored breathing.
01:06:15 | kicked in the chest, falls back.
01:05:12 | Fought, glass bottle broken over his head, bleeding, slashed in the face, falls on the ground, wincing, struggling to get up, angry. Told disturbing reveal, whimpering, crying. Kicked to the ground, tackled and knocked out. Crying.
01:33:50 | Electrocuted x2, fought, crashes into bookcase, slashed in the back with a fan blade, clutching leg, trail of his blood on the wall.
01:39:05 | Golf ball thrown at his abdomen with super strength, punched into a wall, thrown onto a table, dragged across the floor, unable to get up, bleeding from the head, falls to the ground.
01:49:30 | Helped to walk, struggling to continue on his own, stumbling.
02:01:30 | Emotional, crying.
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
Gifs coming soon >:3
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
Loyal Companion (Pokemon)
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Heyo anon! Please feel free to stalk my blog all you’d like! X3 Heed my warning, traveler; the farther back you go, the more potential cringe you will encounter! 0.0
All jokes aside, I’m glad you liked the Zoroark fic! For the character getting wrecked in question, I’ve decided to go with Shield (Male!Protag/Victor) as our lee today! I haven’t written for him in awhile, so it felt right! X3 I hope you like it!
Piers heard the scream before he saw the sight.
Panic rushed through his body as he startled, whipping around towards the sound of faint cries. Oh no! No, no, no! Scrambling to his feet, Piers raced towards the victim, praying whomever he found was still in one piece.
He knew he shouldn’t have let Zoroark run around freely! She was a gentle pokemon, but could easily switch to aggressive if pushed. She was also incredibly protective, quick to attack if she felt her trainer- in this case, Piers, seemed threatened. Oh Arceus, please don’t let her be attacking someone!
Piers ran and ran, rushing past bushes and trees, the sounds of the cries getting more clear as he sprinted. He was almost there. He grabbed his pokeball as he bursts into the clearing-
“Ahehehahahhahhahahhahaha! Waahhahahahit! Wahahhahahait! Stahahahahahp ihihihhihit!” Shield squealed, laughing and wiggling beneath the fluffy pokemon upon him. Zoroark was sitting on his chest, her face nuzzled into his neck, claws gently scratching at his sides. Her fluffy mane swished back and forth, effectively tickling any bare skin that was exposed upon her pounce. 
Piers all but slumped into the grassy terrain, relief filling his chest as he watched his pokemon tickle the trainer senseless. “Heh...hehe...thank Arceus…” He breathed, leaning back into his hands as he watched Shield writhe and squeal, Zoroark giving him little mercy. “Seems like you’ve gotten yourself into quite the predicament, huh Shield? Reminds me of Allister when I first introduced her to him.” He laughed softly as he listened to Shield howl, tears of mirth dotting the younger trainer’s eyes.
“PEHEHHHEHEHEHIHIHIHIRS! HEHEHHEEHLEP MEEHEHEHEHE!” Shield begged, arching with another squeal when Zoroark’s claws found his armpits, digging in gently so not to hurt him. The downside of this, of course, was that it tickled even more, leaving Shield helpless. “AHEHHAHHAHAHAHA! STAHAHHAHAHAP!” He cried, cheeks flushed a deep red, eyes squeezed shut as wheezy laughter punctuated his pleas.
“Hehe, alright, girl. That’s enough.” Piers got up and walked over, gently putting a hand upon Zoroark’s head. The pokemon immediately stopped tickling Shield, pulling her claws back and resting them upon his torso, pulling down his shirt and jacket sweetly. Shield immediately fell back into the grass, gasping for breath as he recovered from the vicious tickle attack. “Hehe...heh...hehehe….” He giggled, tossing an arm over his eyes as he laughed.
Piers smiled, whistling softly for Zoroark to climb off of the tired trainer. After she did, Shield managed to sit up, a soft smile on his lips as he looked up at Piers. “She’s quite strong...and sweet. I think she wanted these.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of berries. They were slightly squashed from Zoroark’s tickle attack, but mostly intact. With a laugh, he offered the pokemon the fruit.
Immediately Zoroark went for it, gently encasing his wrist as she gulped down the berries. Shield giggled at the tickly feeling against his palm, squirming slightly. “Hehe! It tickles!” Piers chuckled softly above him, kneeling down and giving Shield a poke to the side, making the younger trainer yelp. “She’s got quite the playful side to her. I didn’t expect that when I caught her as a Zorua, so she surprised me when she did the exact same thing to me.”
As if to prove his point, the fluffy pokemon quickly darted up, nuzzling her face into Piers’ neck and earning a surprised laugh from her trainer. “H-Hey! Come on now!” Shield laughed, sitting back on his heels as he watched the pair, gently rubbing away the tickly sensation along his sides. “Playful indeed.”
I hope this was good!
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sleepwalker356 · 4 years
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hypmic-translation · 4 years
Don’t Pass The Mic
ALL: Don’t-don’t-don’t pass the mic! (Gi-gi-gi-gimme the mic!)
Say what?
RAMUDA: Yo, say, say, say what? Diggity-do-do-don’t pass the mic Sorry to keep ya waiting out here long, ladies With complete control over candy and whip (1) I’ll sneak into your earphones with just a touch Fling Posse bespoke new coordinates Constantly cutting edge is Ramuda’s flow An all-you-can-eat naughty buffet My drops are Shibuya’s guidance
GENTARO: Mm, chrysanthemums blooming in one’s bedside dreams (2) As if within Dogra Magra, the world appears to be infinite (3) Like being dragged into an antlion pit (4) It’s so incredibly natural for the heart to invite abnormality Fragile, you’re so easily teasable The dreams I paint upon the town are all ghost stories, a sweet honey (5) It’s a secret (shh!), but that’s really just a lie
DICE: Three-seven, what the hell? From heaven Endlessly winnin’ pools of cash to jump into, wahoo! (6) I ain’t like the rest, I hate takin’ things slow (7) By the end of the night, all your cash’ll be mine Boom-shakalaka-boom-shakalaka-boom Full stack, raising bets on my luck Only half-serious, Dead or Alive Dice are what I’ll stake my life on, y’knyow? (8)
ALL: Don’t-don’t-don’t pass the mic!
CHORUS: Wack MCs, get rid of them all Thrust out these daggers (say what?) Understand intuition, an instant conclusion Connect dots with my words East side, west side, lock, stock, barrel Scatter crowds, rule the stage Division Battle life, etched into our minds I won’t just pass my mic to you!
Oath be made! There’s no escape! Unbeatable thugs who can’t be shaken Now our words become machine guns Or a compass guiding us into the future, uh Three become one It’s showtime Carve it into history, our style Roaming life and death, genetic power Just put your trust into your instincts, say what?
ALL: What, say what? (x3) (RAMUDA: Don’t pass the mic!)                                   (GENTARO: Don’t pass the mic.)                                   (DICE: Don’t pass the mic!) Welcome to the division!
JAKURAI: Impropriety writhes and coils about all of these howling fools Blood and tears flowing throughout this city, caused by rampant verbal abuse Even the hope we tell ourselves to believe in has curled up and died in our throats Why does mankind rush towards death like the falling of cherry blossoms? (9) Helpless… A pomegranate trampled on a silent night (10) In this wasteland we build Matenrou’s paradise The words I breathe out are clear and serene Prepare to expose one’s self to a shower of taunts
HIFUMI: Hi, hi, hi! Can you hear the call? Bow, bow, bow! The excitement’s not enough If the princess can drink there’s no reason why the prince shouldn’t too! Champagne! (Bang!) Hugging kittens from behind will surely make them scream Eternally calling out for this yellow rose Tacky, ugly men are to be kicked out Gigolos and graceful women only in this jet bath
DOPPO: Aah, I really don’t want to do this anymore Getting caught in the automatic turnstile again (11) “Crap!” Power harassment, moral harassment, a painfully repetitive loop Being beaten to produce results is hip All those walking the city seem like hard workers But I’m a corporate drone, always gritting my teeth through loneliness I can’t do this much longer, my SNS is erased Let me run away and disappear into a parallel world!
ALL: Don’t-don’t-don’t pass the mic!
CHORUS: Wack MCs, get rid of them all Thrust out these daggers (say what?) Understand intuition, an instant conclusion Connect dots with my words East side, west side, lock, stock, barrel Scatter crowds, rule the stage Division Battle life, etched into our minds I won’t just pass my mic to you!
ALL: What, say what? (x3) (JAKURAI: Don’t pass the mic.)                                   (HIFUMI: Don’t pass the mic!)                                   (DOPPO: Don’t pass the mic!) Welcome to the division!
JINPACHI: It’s Edo Asakusa, you ready to begin? (12) Infernos and fights, I’m good at starting both Master, leader, I’m Demon’s Fire (13) Onigawara Bomber’s Jinpachi (14) The hell’d you say! Shutting down geisha and ladles (15) Oi, dumbass! Sharp words cutting through thick bastards Trendy, stylish demons and lanterns Wash your face with miso soup, then never come here again! (16)
MASAMUNE: The perfect kind of saké is saké that’s cool The original drunkard has arrived (17) Recklessly drinking, this red-faced Bacchus (18) The drunker I get, the smoother my flow It’s scale is simply too big for you foolish amateurs You have good reason to fear, drawing back like an oaf I’ll be the one to sew your mouth shut Then celebrate victory with some high-grade booze
DOSHIRO: Carp streamers are flown in May (19) Yet somehow you don’t even know the flavour of soba (20) Expect a war if you damage Sensō-ji, ‘kay (21) The unrivalled NiHachi stands guard in Shitamachi (22) I, an efficient yet obstinate person Brazen with the force of blooming fireworks With confidence in my skill and pride in my work It is my duty to knock people like you horizontal
ALL: Don’t-don’t-don’t pass the mic!
RAMUDA: Big trouble is the price of life JAKURAI: It is inevitable that those who prosper will fall JINPACHI: The rebellion arrives, eliminating false things ALL: A revolution of words, don’t pass the mic!
CHORUS: Wack MCs, get rid of them all Thrust out these daggers (say what?) Understand intuition, an instant conclusion Connect dots with my words East side, west side, lock, stock, barrel Scatter crowds, rule the stage Division Battle life, etched into our minds I won’t just pass my mic to you!
The end is near The greatest conflict Roaring into my Hypnosis Mic Straight hit to your soul, self-customised These words that’ll burn up your synapses Three become one It’s showtime Carve it into history, our style Roaming life and death, genetic power Just put your trust into your instincts, say what?
ALL: What, say what? (Don’t pass the mic!) (x3) Welcome to the division! It’s kill or be killed, oi!
“Candy and whip”, AKA carrot and stick. Basically, offering rewards to someone as an incentive to do good and punishing them if they don’t.
“Bedside dreams”, or the space where your dreams reside. The chrysanthemum is the imperial flower of Japan, but in hanakotoba white chrysanthemums usually mean truth/grief, and are incredibly common at funerals. Tldr, you aren’t dreaming, you’re dead.
Dogra Magra is a surrealist, psychological thriller book written by famous Japanese author Yumeno Kyūsaku (actually a pen name), in which a man wakes up in a hospital with amnesia. He might be a murderer, but he also might not be, and everyone else in the book might not be who they say they are or even as dead as they’re supposed to be. It is, mostly, a book about psychoanalysis.
The antlion is a type of insect that, surprise surprise, eats ants. The larvae, which is the more popularly known form of the antlion, achieves this by digging pits that ants fall into. Another name for the larvae of antlions is doodlebug, but that seemed out of character for Gentaro to say… you can pretend he does if you want to, though.
The literal translation of “ghost stories” would be “demon play” (鬼物), which is the fifth and last stage of an Edo-era Noh play.
Dice uses onomatopoeia here to signify the act of jumping into a pool, like he’s doing a cannonball.
More onomatopoeia here, read as chimachima, which signifies someone doing a task in a less effective, much slower way when it could be done far more efficiently.
Dice finishes this line with a very obvious “nya” sound, but he also phrases it as a question? So I merged the two and made a pun instead.
It’s traditional in Japan for people to get together during spring for “flower viewing parties” in which they appreciate the transient beauty of cherry blossoms, because of how quickly the flowers bloom and then fall away. That phenomenon is what Jakurai is referencing here.
I’ll be honest I have no idea what this means. The pomegranate is a symbol of fertility and femininity in Japan, however, so maybe it represents Chuuoku?
Automatic turnstiles/ticket gates, like the kind you’d find in railway stations.
Asakusa was a popular entertainment district during the Edo period, but has since been surpassed by Shinjuku and other districts/wards thanks to the damage dealt by bomb raids during WW2.
Jinpachi’s MC name. Just so I don’t have to do this every time, all of Asakusa say their MC names in English.
An ‘onigawara’ is actually the name for a type of roof ornament in Japanese architecture, which is a statue/tile depicting the face of an oni (demon), intended to ward away evil (and bad weather). They’re commonly found on Buddhist temples. The “bomber” part of the division name probably has to do with the aforementioned WW2 thing.
This guy has the thickest Edo accent. His “the hell” is an shortened version of an old retort/catchphrase of Tokyo citizens (“what the hell are you saying/talking about?”). “Geisha” and “ladle” are both references to cultural aspects of Asakusa, as it is currently Tokyo’s oldest geisha district, and in the Buddhist Sensō-ji temple located there (the oldest in Japan) you purify yourself with ladles of water.
The expression “never come again” stems from the more literal phrase of “come the day before yesterday” - essentially, a day that won’t ever exist again.
A reference to an old song from the 1960s by the Folk Crusaders. It tells the story of a man who dies in a traffic accident while drunk driving and goes to heaven, but gets kicked out and comes back to life for spending too much time drinking with beautiful women.
Bacchus, the Greek/Roman god of fruit, vegetables, ecstasy and wine. Also known as Dionysus.
A reference to Tango no Sekku/Children’s Day on May 5th in Japan, in which carp streamers are flown to celebrate. This is the last day of Golden Week.
Ni-hachi (Doshiro’s MC name) is a kind of soba. He’s essentially saying “it’s so late in the song, but you haven’t had a taste of me yet”.
“Sensō-ji”, or Asakusa Temple. It is the oldest temple in Tokyo.
Shitamachi is the name for the geographically lower half and (once) lower-class of Tokyo, which is considered more traditional than its Yamanote counterpart.
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So I decided to tackle prokopetz’ mini-RPG Olaf Hits The Dragon With His Sword. Except that I couldn’t figure out what the format was, so I rolled for that too, and ended up with an epic saga war song, Also I rolled d6s for every response that Olaf and The Dragon made, because I honestly could not figure out what story I wanted to tell. And then, after I wrote it, I sang it. Here’s Olaf, In Wrath, Approaches.
Olaf, in Wrath, approaches.
Steps like thunder on the ground, shadows writhing all around. Ignited fires in the air, Olaf approaches.
He is wrath, he is might, he drags his sword down by his side, Ploughing a furlough in the ground, Olaf approaches.
Storms are quieter than his voice, shadows flee from his annoyance His words are stoked by fires inside,
Olaf, of Wrath, approaches.
"Dragon!" "I have words for thee!" "I have come to fight you," "Leave your lair to meet with me!" "I will destroy you," "You buried my town, you withered my crops!" "You froze my fields, you killed my dogs!" "Recite your words and die today!" "I say my wrath, my hate is greater!"
Finally, a figure of my past comes to meet me, But he's a fragile man now. Olaf, you are just relearning how to burn. Reborn in flames, for another first time.
But maybe you can be the one to finally understand me. I am Loss, I am lost, I must earn
Something again to light my fire, Some way I can't define I lost my flight to a knight of your land, Do you remember him? I'm lost inside...
O, my partner... how we flew... in skies above the sky, and "strong" men took him, they trapped him, and they used him for his faerie light.
My fire now is ice. Olaf, you are outmatched now. You got older and tired. And ice stays the same Forever.
Olaf, Of Wrath, approaches.
"I come forth to fight you! And I shall not turn back! I have burned my bridges behind me! eft lands I loved a wreck!"
"Dragon! Do you remember..."
"Long ago I was a hero, I found a sword after a quest, I returned, I taught my legend, Then I settled in to rest."
"I reforged my sword long ago, Turned it into a plough; For the monsters I cut down, I planted seeds all around."
"For each ruin that I defiled, I put new chests in domiciles, For warriors old and heroes new, I put barriers up to you - so that no one could disturb you...
It was the least I could do for you, my old friend...
I'm sad to hear of his demise, but you shouldn't have touched me or mine, I've done my time, I've paid my dues, Why did you do what you do?"
"You burned them all, You burned it all. You burned it all. You burned it all..."
DRAGON: Can I make it up to you, Olaf? There are trees inside my lair. I have grown beside them since I was young, since before even you had hair.
I could restore the land to what it came from, ice is water, just bound. Put down your sword, we could go forward, We don't have to do this go-round.
I have all the world's riches in my hoard. I took coins but I kept each loved thing safe. I've had my loss, I won't do more, Put down your sword, we could go forward. Olaf, I could give you everything back and more.
I've had my loss, I won't do more, Put down your sword, we could go forward. You could have my hoard, and be adored.
...Olaf. Wait. Olaf! Wait!
Olaf, in wrath, approaches.
"Dragon! I have prepared to meet with thee! I brought with me all the ritual items!" "With my preparation I will give thee an eternal separation from his side!"
"Dragon! I come to lift thee not from this world but from your strength, what would be worse but not acting I could leave your fire as ice untamped. I could do what I could to help you, but you've shown how you repay my help - So talk, or I'll leave my sword pinned in your hide, you'll not be born again, he'll forever search for your light, but he'll never find   you."
"Maybe one day he'll find his way back to you, but by then you'll be lost in time, maybe you'll burn him maybe you'll freeze him and you'll know who he is just before he dies."
Olaf, do you think I am young? I was fledged before you were grown. You helped me, that's a certainty, but I've been around since before you were born.
I was a king before you were an infant, I've seen the world before humans were here. You threaten, but I am greater, Your sword, my ice, who will prevail?
"Dragon! You have lived more long years, but most of them you spent asleep. While I have lived each minute doing *something*, I've lived more life each day than you've in centuries.
Before your flight to freeze my land, When did you last leave your lair? He was with you, I was with you, We found the world was fair.
My sword - you know what it does, I got your love to it reforge. Dragonforged plough-to-sword. It's the last thing, it's the last thing you'll have of him -
And all this world's spirits know me, I've travelled since we parted, far and long. With just one word, you know I'll be heard, And we'll be done, dragon. We'll be done."
(+Ambition) ---
DRAGON: Then you know that nothing of his will hurt me, He spoke it with his dying breath. He was an artist, he was a blacksmith, he knew that someone would use his work against me.
Oh, Olaf, you are foolish, Did you count on that to work? Come on, hit me, hit me with your sword, Has it spent too long as a plough?
You could give it to me and I would return you all the things that I have stolen. You're right, it's the last thing I have of him, Give it to me, Olaf.
You were my friend and his, and the spirits were raised my me and then, my love. You speak that word and you'll be undone. Be smarter, come on, Olaf.
You're advancing on me now, Olaf. Fires in your eyes. Hit me, Olaf. HIT ME, OLAF! Come on, let's see what that sword can do!
(+Iron) --- OLAF:
Blood x3: 17 Sorrow x2: 14 Ambition: 15 Envy: 12 Iron: 2
I put down my sword years ago So I wouldn't be tempted to fight, To roam the land and cut down people in monstrous skins. This world doesn't need a hero, It doesn't need a strong man, It needed peace, it needed hope, It needed rivers to flow and trees to grow.
But my sword is pinned down in his hide. my temptation is too strong to fight. I roam the land and cut down monsters in people's skin and the people cheer me for it. Revolutions like storms ravage, both false and real Until I'm dead I know the land will never heal - my crops are blood, my dogs are war my fields are death, my town hunger -
The shadows writhe at night with the dragon's eyes still watching me.
I know that the dragon's lover will be reborn. I'll hunt him down and I'll raise him. And one day I'll walk him to the base of where I left the dragon's skin.
Will the dragon kill him? I don't know, I'll leave it to his lover now, I'll raise his fairy love, the best I can...
But there's hate in my heart. There's hate in my heart, there's hate in my heart, there's hate in my heart --
DRAGON: "If you Think of wrath, you think of hate, time will pass at a faster rate, but is it worth it?"
"Is it worth it?"
"If you think of wrath, you think of hate, at the end of your path, just dig two graves -"
"Was it worth it?" "Is it worth it?"
"If you have power, you will use it, A final hour win or lose it,"
"Was it worth it? I watch him Is it worth it? with my eyes open Will it be worth it? Coming at me -
Olaf, in Wrath, approaches.
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Variant Tieflings
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“Scary Evil Blonde” © Nika Starikova, accessed at their ArtStation here
[Commissioned by @wannabedemonlord, who wanted to close some gaps in the tiefling bloodlines offered in Pathfinder. A little outside my wheelhouse, but playable races are always fun. This also gave me an excuse to figure out what I was going to do with the “black-eyed kids”, a common urban legend bogey of the Internet age. I do so love making monsters out of cryptids and urban legends.]
Variant Tieflings Although tieflings can be born with undifferentiated and mingled fiendish blood, some have a specific tie to a particular race of fiend. Variant tieflings have the fiendish resistance and fiendish sorcery traits of an ordinary tiefling, but have different racial ability modifiers, skill bonuses and spell-like abilities. Some variant tieflings are described below.
Dorvae-spawn Tiefling (Geasborn) The dorvae pride themselves on serving no gods or masters other than themselves, but desire to be served and worshiped in turn. As such, they frequently mingle their bloodlines with those of their followers, hoping to create a race of unquestioning and powerful servitors. Geasborn are almost always found wrapped up in a dorvae’s schemes, although a few do break free of their progenitors and seek their own way. Some of these seek to do good and reverse the sinister influence of their ancestors, but many of them are just as power hungry and selfish as the dorvae. Geasborn have skin that appears leathery or scaly, and their facial features are strangely small and subtle. Some have patterns like snakeskin on their legs, or their guts can be seen writhing below the skin like a nest of vipers. +2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Wis Dorvae-spawn are tough and charming, but easily led +2 Acrobatics, +2 Bluff Spell-like Ability A dorvae-spawn can use see invisibility as a spell-like ability 1/day, with its character level as its caster level.
Sahkil-spawn Tiefling (Horrorspawn) The sahkil less often mate directly with mortals than they do influence bloodlines with curses and haunts, causing wholly human parents to give birth to a child who is just slightly off. Sahkil-spawned tieflings grow up fast, but appear young, even childish, into old age. They are almost identical in appearance to humans, but their skin is pale or ashy and their eyes are a solid black. These “black eyed children” often have no loyalty to even loving parents, terrorizing and murdering them before escaping to wreak more havoc. Few horrorspawn are anything but evil, and even those that find goodness or neutrality tend to have dark, cruel senses of humor and use fear and intimidation as regular tactics. +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Int Sahkil-spawn are quick and have forceful personalities, but are not creative thinkers +2 Disguise, +2 Intimidate Spell-like Ability A sahkil-spawn can use silence as a spell-like ability 1/day, with its character level as its caster level.
Sample Geasborn             CR ½ Dorvae-spawn tiefling oracle 1 XP 200 NE Medium outsider (native) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +0 Defense AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (-1 Dex, +6 armor, +2 shield) hp 9 (1d8+1) Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +2 Resist cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee morningstar +3 (1d8+3) or dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20) or death touch +3 touch (1d6+1 negative energy) Ranged dagger -1 (1d4+3/19-20) Special Attacks death touch (6/day) Spell-like Abilities CL 1st, concentration +4 1/day—see invisibility Spells CL 1st, concentration +4 1st (4/day)—bane (DC 14), cure light wounds, inflict light wounds (DC 14) 0th—bleed (DC 13), guidance, read magic, resistance Mystery—bones Statistics Str 16, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17 Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 12 Feats Improved Initiative Skills Acrobatics -3, Bluff +9, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Sense Motive +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Bluff Languages Common, Infernal SQ fiendish heritage, oracle’s curse (lame) Gear breastplate, heavy wooden shield, morningstar, 3 daggers, spell component pouch, 164 gp
Sample Horrorspawn     CR ½ Sahkil-born tiefling slayer 1 XP 200 NE Medium outsider (native) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +5 Defense AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 armor) hp 11 (1d10+1) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee kukri +3 (1d4+2/18-20) or kukri +1 (1d4+2/18-20) and kukri +1 (1d4+1/18-20) Ranged longbow +4 (1d8/x3) Special Attacks studied target (move action, +1) Spell-like Abilities CL 1st, concentration +1 1/day—silence (DC 12) Statistics Str 15, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16 Feats Two-Weapon Fighting Skills Climb +6, Disguise +2, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (local) +3, Perception +5, Stealth +7, Survival +6 (+7 when following tracks); Racial Modifiers +2 Disguise, +2 Intimidate Languages Abyssal, Common SQ fiendish heritage Gear masterwork chain shirt, 2 kukris, longbow with 40 arrows, 2 flasks acid, 27 gp
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