#writing of midnights timeline
taylor-on-your-dash · 7 months
SOOOO since now we know the writing date of you're losing me, i was thinking of making a writing of midnights timeline but with a twist, since the amazing Professor @backup-baby-backup has already written a Midnights timeline!
So what I was thinking to do is, making a timeline of the *story*. it would be very different from my usual timelines (or timelines in general), since this would be more of a literary analysis than a rundown of the writing process backed up by sources.
anyway, let me know if you're interested with a comment/like/ask!
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midnightdemonhunter · 5 months
24 hours before he wakes up in a bathtub, Gorgug meets a friendly stranger in his apartment building.
Now that I've finally caught up to fhjy, it's time to post the fh fanfic everyone's been waiting for.......saw au!!!!! In this lovely oneshot, read for a deeply awkward Gorgug, an unsettling Kristen, and the beginning of the end.
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caemthe · 13 days
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things aren't looking good for jiyan because all my muses are the 'resolute heroes that tragically died young' type so idk what that means for his future
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ask-princessandromeda · 3 months
So how did you all join the army?
Chris: Well, Luke was the first to join and… he was my bro, y’know? I always looked up to him. He was all I was supposed to be. It’s true, I was angry at the gods, I hated my dad for ignoring me all my life, but Luke was the one that actually made something of all of that angsty teenage anger. I wanted to trust him, I needed someone to trust or else I would have been just another unclaimed loser, uncared for. And Luke couldn’t be wrong, could he? Hah.
Ethan: Well, it’s quite simple. I wanted to make a change and that was the only way I could gain respect for the minor gods. It was the only way I could gain Nemesis’s respect. I joined pretty late, after I finally understood what Kronos planned. I knew what I was signing up for. And, as for every valuable thing, I had to fight to get a place in the army.
Alabaster: I joined at my mother’s command, as I was invited to lead my brothers into battle. And of course I accepted, there was no place for me at the ignorant gods’s camp anyway! I was also the one who told Ethan about it and he joined shortly after.
Luke: You know it was the right thing to do. Stop with the stupid questions.
Silena: I… Luke forced me into it. Actually, no. He didn’t force me. But I was scared that Kronos would hurt Charlie and… yeah. I accepted to be their spy. I’m so sorry.
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burntlikethesun · 10 months
having finished the Planet of the Ood and Waters of Mars target novelisations recently, here are some more I'd like to see expanded upon in book form
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 4 months
Really curious to know what the first and last songs written for both Midnights and The Tortured Poets Department were.
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stormxpadme · 10 months
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Sexy Days of Summers
A new oneshot in the IF THIS IS WHAT WE'VE GOT, THEN WHAT WE'VE GOT IS GOLD collection is online.
In which a heist goes wrong for Scott and Bucky and they find some intriguing ways to kill time before the rescue.
Written for @scottsummersbingo and as a little gift for Tweedledeedum who has the best birthday date in the world, obviously ;). I hope you have a little fun with this. Have a wonderful day!
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current mood: repeatedly banging my head into the wall because of animes that have Major Important Events happening over the span of decades before the "main story" even starts, but have NO ACTUAL OFFICIAL TIMELINE for when these Major Important Events ACTUALLY HAPPEN, forcing you to dive SO DEEP into reddit pages (and manga panels and anime screenshots and wiki pages and character data booklets) that you wind up with a master's degree in that anime JUST so you can piece together what MIGHT be a semi-viable timeline of historical events in the show that STILL has holes in it because the actual show decided "timeline? what timeline? we work on dramatic timing alone lol" was a reasonable organizational method.
if this seems very pointed and specific, it's BECAUSE IT IS.
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spoofymcgee · 1 year
sun-warmed earth (a bnha ficlet)
"I thought you were joking when you said you were dropping everything to become a farmer but hey, good on you," Nemuri says.
Shouta looks up at her, squinting at the sun that shines along the edges of her (fucking tall, why is everyone in his life so tall, it's getting to that time in highschool when some of his students are taller than him and Shouta hates it). "Either help me dig these holes or fuck off, I'm busy."
Nemuri hums for a minute, checks her watch and then shrugs, tying the skirt of her sundress up in a knot at her hip and pulling on the gloves he hands her. She gets down on the sidewalk next to him, wincing as the hot stones dig into her bare knees. He passes her a towel without looking sideways and she takes it with a grateful knock to his shoulder.
"So, what are we planting?" she asks, starting to attack the warm soil with a trowel.
"Fucking vegetables," Shouta grunts, leaning down to pull his rolled-up sleeve father up with his teeth. "Daikon and cucumbers and snow peas."
"O…kay," Nemuri says. "Is there. A specific reason why you decided to start a community garden, or just for fun?"
"None of my fucking kids eat their vegetables," Shouta informs her, reaching for the saplings. "So I'm going to make them care for a garden and grow their own, but first I need to have a garden."
"That makes sense I guess," Nemuri says, but she doesn't sound like she believes it.
Shouta sits up and glares at her. "What."
"Nothing, I just," she bites her lip, not the way she does when she's genuinely hesitating, but the way she does when she's trying to drag out something she finds amusing by keeping herself from laughing. "You know the public is clamoring for half your class to be included in the Hero Rankings already. They're some of the strongest, smartest heroes in the world."
"And they still can't manage to properly feed themselves," Shouta says, turning back to his plot of land and punctuating his point by stabbing his trowel back into the earth. "Their competency at hero work manages not to translate into proper diets for anyone except Midoriya and Bakugou."
"Bakugou?" Nemuri asks and then shakes her head. "Naw, never mind, I see it. What about Todoroki?"
Shouta grimaces. "He's reached the stage where he is–expressing his newfound independence from his father by subsisting entirely on Doritos, coffee and lettuce."
Nemuri hisses sympathetically. "Oof."
"Exactly," Shouta says, and they work in silence for a minute before he adds, begrudgingly: "Thank you."
"What are friends for?" she says, off-hand. "Anyway, I can probably find you a peach sapling."
Shouta's eyes go wild.
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madsmilfelsen · 9 months
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I've been watching a lot of M*A*S*H lately
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taylor-on-your-dash · 7 months
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kit10phish · 2 years
Midnights Album = Lover Vault Tracks
Midnights Album = Lover Vault Tracks
I guess I should have started the series with this post. But what I forgot is not everyone has this same opinion. Even though it seems fairly obvious to me. So here’s some background thinking that may influence my opinions about the tracks. Here’s what I think happened: Taylor is rerecording her masters. Fans were clamoring for the albums. There were trends every Friday on Twitter guessing…
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Due to @circa-specturgia's interest in this recent ask for Blorbo Blursday earlier today, I'm getting around to writing a new non-canon scene where Atrixi teaches Staticlight her ways of manipulating shadow magic. Melody Blade Non-Canon Scene #2: Atrixi teaches Staticlight her shadow magic skills, Part One! (This takes place in an alternate timeline of Midnight and an Apocalypse of Shadows!)
Staticlight had never thought that he'd see the ethereal landscape of the Etherlands in person, yet he hadn't got here through death, more like through a special invitation. Still, he fell in love with the mountains he could see in the distance that surrounded him.
Further ahead, as he decided to sightsee this place, he saw many young kids playing around and he saw the many elemental powers that they seemed to have fly past him.
He walked through a set of strangely invisible gates and entered to the four goddesses he had seen within the Melodiverse stories and everything else: Tylmera, Atrixi, Ydelia, and Ziris. All of them expressed surprise at Staticlight standing there. "Greetings, kind mortal. What brings you to the Etherlands?" Tylmera said, and gestured Staticlight to sit down at a soft cloud seat that formed as soon as he sat down.
Staticlight hesitated. "Uh, I actually don't fuckin' know. Must've been a special invitation? Though I don't remember getting invited--" He was cut off as Atrixi stood up, noticing Staticlight and went to embrace him before letting go. "Damn, you're short!" Staticlight laughed. "Are you the one who invited me, then? Also, what's your name?"
Atrixi grinned. "Hehe, my name's Atrixi! Nice to meet you, are you the Staticlight I've heard of?"
Staticlight smiled lightly. "Yes, I am, heh." PART TWO WILL BE WRITTEN TOMORROW!
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cuz-reasons · 4 months
Terrible news I'm 7k words into another super self indulgent fic and I think I've barely even scratched the surface of it
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Like this post for a sentence starter from Agent Cooper!
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ace-malarky · 10 months
oop I have asks I will get to them but also I have family over and yaddayadda probably the last time we'll all be together (mortality's a bitch) so like. capitalising on that so I haven't forgotten I just. haven't been around. Who knows when I will have time!
... maybe tomorrow I don't think I have to like Be places until the afternoon but the housework is also piling up lmaoooo
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