#writing the random ideas sparks joy
bones4thecats · 3 months
Hi hi hello! It's me 🧑‍🧑‍🧒 again, hehe. Your writing always sparks joy! And I have a new idea for a request (^w^)
Could I request Ace, Deuce, and Floyd with a reader who often patches them up or straightens out their hair/clothes for them whenever they get into some sort of mischief or fight? Like, they clean wounds and uses plasters or bandages with cute designs or fix crooked ties or collars. It's their way of showing affection (like a little cleaner shrimp haha)
I hope you have a wonderful day! Remember to stay hydrated (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
When Their S/O Straightens Them Out
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, and Floyd Leech Requester: 👪Anon A/N: This is honestly so cute! By the way, like in my other Twisted Wonderland pieces, the reader is not considered to be MC (or Yuu Sei and I have dubbed him in my au) ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Book 1 Chapters 24-28 and Book 3 Chapters 33-39 (not fully-centered - just mentioned) and Mentions of speaking lewdly, fighting, injuries from fights, and physical assault leading to almost-permanent damage ⚠️
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»»———————————-  Ace Trappola  ———————————-««
🪅 Ace has always had a big issue when it comes to relationships. It is literally canon that he had a girlfriend in middle school and when he lost interest he ghosted her till they broke up
🪅 But, when he finally met you, the first year began to seemingly become more mellow around you. Well, he was still a little rascal to others, but he loved to just sneak behind you a spook you instead of dunking buckets full of water on you
🪅 And he was the same until another Heartslabyul student began to get a little close to you. And by close, I mean by stating his care for you loudly during practices, oblivious to the fact that your boyfriend was a mere few feet away from him
🪅 Let's just say the jealousy bubbled over and he threw a basketball at his face, sending the other into anger. And to sum it up, you and the teachers were beyond pissed
"I mean what were you thinking?! You could've gotten suspended, and if you think Riddle would get super angry about a missing tart imagine a suspension!"
🪅 Ace sat there as you began to re-wrap his injuries from the fight, and seeing the fairly deep cuts and scrapes reminded you of when you helped the rest of your dorm and the magicless human and his pet cat against Riddle's overblot
🪅 He watched carefully and pretty much ignored your scoldings in favor of seeing your face flush slightly in anger and contort as you spoke. Ace may not seem like it, but he does love to observe you caring for him. Some would call that slightly creepy, but you found it flattering, he paid you more attention than his homework
🪅 You began to put the bandages away with the cleaning materials when you felt two arms hug you from behind and a man's chin lay on the top of your head
"Thank ya', lovely."
"Anything for the Ace of my Heart."
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»»———————————-  Deuce Spade ———————————-««
♠️ Despite what he wants, Deuce does still have his delinquent urges inside of him. He is severely protective over you to the point where others would think that he was forcing you in the relationship. Thankfully you know better
♠️ He loves to see you happy, even if it means others make you that. But Deuce can tell what someone is really thinking. He spent quite a bit of his childhood around people who hid their true emotions, heck, he was even one of those people!
♠️ So, seeing this random Pomefiore student come up to you constantly and act as if he just wanted friendship, but in reality he was just trying to woo you over. Wanting you to leave Deuce for himself
♠️ Deuce was getting angrier by the day, so it was bound for his anger to finally take over and cause him to act out
♠️ All it took was hearing the other man speak awfully gross things of you in the changing room after Track and Field practice. And he took the first hit
♠️ Next thing he knew you were fixing him up and trying to heal around the collar that came from Riddle earlier that day. The housewarden had found out about the disagreement and yelled his signature spell's name, making you sigh in annoyance
"Dearest, I understand that you love me. But you shouldn't have put yourself through that kind of action, Great Seven knows if he were to press assault charges onto you!"
"Y/N... I'm sorry. I've tried so hard to be the perfect straight-A student for you, my mother, and grandmother and then hearing that- that bastard talk about you that way just made me snap. Y'know?"
♠️ You smiled gently as you laid the extra materials aside and held your boyfriend's face to look at you. You rested your forehead onto his as he sighed and hugged you back
"I love you so much, Deuce. Just the idea of you being minorly hurt, nonetheless severely hurts."
"Understood. I'll try to be a bit better, okay?" Deuce asked, his smile enlarging as you nodded and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you so much for loving me, Y/N."
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»»——————————-  Floyd Leech  ——————————-««
🎭 When you first met Floyd during your first years at Night Raven College, you knew that you would feel sorry for his future one and only. Little did you know that you were that one and only
🎭 Everyone understood the memo when Floyd was around. Do not speak ill of him or someone he was close to, it would only result in the sadistic eel-mer to pop up and practically squeeze you until you had a permanent dent in your ribs
🎭 Unfortunately for a new Octavinelle first year, he viewed the rumors as dumb. He was obviously acting this way to gain attention in that way, there was no way that a puny-looking eel-mer was stronger than the gorgeous and powerful betta-mer that he was!
🎭 Over the passing couple weeks, you have been hiding every interaction close to flirting away from the Octavinelle trio, knowing that either Azul and Jade would tell Floyd in a heartbeat
🎭 But, again, sadly for that new student, Floyd was walking around instead of being on his shift -due to finding it boring- and found the male taking his hair, which was flipped onto one side, and attempting to use dark-red and white colors to attract you. And that was not just going to pass by Floyd like nothing
"Y/N! Who is this you're talkin' too? A new friend?"
🎭 The sharp row of Floyd's teeth poking out from his smile didn't even spook the other male. And when he tried to lay a hand on you, Floyd snapped and began to twist the other male's arm to the point it was on the bridge of breaking. He just smiled as you laid a hand on his shoulder and asked him to put the guy's arm down
🎭 He did and watched with amusement as the other being began to run away in pure fear, gripping his arm as the pain echoed. You just groaned and adjust Floyd's jacket and look over his hands for any kind of scrape from work or being an idiot
🎭 Floyd smiled with wonder in his eyes as you cleaned him up like a little shrimp. Kind of like the magicless guy from Ramshackle!
"Y/N~ Would you ever leave me for that little baby fish?~"
"No. Why, you jealous?"
"Psh! Please. I know that I'm better than all those other bottom feeders."
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HI ITS ME gvxzggsgjfh ok look this is. i know this is a weird one it is SO specific and so obviously something i should just write myself if i want it👏but👏but👏BUT i decided to shoot my shot when a perfect chance has arisenderised for you to pick and choose from anything you like AND in any form, and to see if this one maybe by any chance just so happens to spark anything fun in u too xD
ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo RANDOM EVENT ROLL D20 mc gets bitten by a werewoof or some other kind of "contagious" monster species (....cant really think of anything else other than vampirs, now that i say it) but WAIT THERES MORE because. what if mc insisted that they dont want any potential existent cures, they just wanna stay monstery >:3 JVDTHGLN who's considering it, who would absolutely go in the "its either me or this" direction, who's enthusiastic🤣 this is silly as hell but in the case it sparks joy id love to hear ur any and all thoughts because this idea has been haunting me for forever lmao honestly the best way ive imagined it is like one of your own selfinsert pieces youve posted before where its just all of them together bickering heeheehee💘💕🩷💞💖
love u have fun!!
The Arcana Drabble: MC transforms into a "monster"
In the spirit of things, I though a long drabble/short oneshot would work best to keep the madness going XD
Asra's getting stuck in their "one focus and one focus only" mode and right now that focus is making sure you're okay. He'll decide how he feels later, which isn't being helped at all because Julian keeps calling on him to help him slow down the process and get you to think about this a little more. However, it's hard to tell what exactly Julian wants your decision to be because in between him trying to get Asra to make you think about it some more, he's having all kinds of medical epiphanies about how your anatomy is adjusting to the new monster form:
"MC, let's think about some more, shall we? I'm sure Asra agrees with me - don't you, Asra? Asr - oh, whats this?! Your finger's joints are rapidly adjusting to accommodate for - I need a pen and paper -"
"Right here, Ilya." It's Portia's dismissive tone as she digs a small notebook and pencil out of her pocket that keeps you grounded. Not for long, though, because she can't wait to see what happens next. "Accommodate for what, anyways? Are you growing another joint?? Are you going to get claws??? Talons???? Show me!"
Between Julian jotting down unintelligible notes while he studies your elbow's range of motion, Portia's excited exclamations, and Asra's attempt at soothing touch as they rub your shoulders and ask how you're feeling, it's a miracle you can notice Muriel's quiet mumble in the background. He's clearly overwhelmed and very concerned that the physically-altering substance in general got to your brain first, making you so seemingly okay with turning into a monster.
"MC, do you remember your name? Do you need to take a nap? You don't have to be okay with this -"
"I believe this may warrant far more than a nap to recover from." Nadia's doing her best to keep Lucio calm, holding him back from tackling you much like she might grasp a leash. You can practically see the headache building behind her eyes. "We have yet to determine what the extent of this transformation is and therefore whether our dear MC is even capable of fully agreeing to the current process. MC, darling, did the source of this transformation give you any indication of what the end result would be?"
You'd try to respond, but Lucio's excited yelling is too noisy to shout over. He's fumbling at the fastenings on his cape, distracted by your ongoing changes, and very annoyed at Nadia's interference.
"Where did it go? I want to see if it can give me powers too - OW! Dammit, Noddy, I'm trying to help here! You're keeping me from finding the monster and getting it to give me cool - I mean, getting it to tell us more about what's happening! Don't you want that? Don't you want to help MC, Noddy?! Let me go -"
It's with a loud RIP and subsequent "that was velvet, you know!" that Lucio finally breaks free and sprints off in the direction of your new monster friend. You can feel yourself slowly settling in to your new form as the process shows signs of slowing and reaching completion.
Nadia's facepalming. Portia's looking at you with eyes shining in wonder. Julian's still trying to nag Asra into reversing this as he takes notes. The magician in question is still ignoring him as they ask you how you feel for the nth time. Muriel's eyeing the nearby closet in hopes of taking a nap and waking up to it all being a dream. Lucio's a distant, spiky golden speck at this point.
Faust is quietly trying to sneak her knife into your hand, for crimes.
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ticklishbeans4 · 5 months
I saw your requests open and wanted to ask is you could write a fic for Lee!Vox and Ler!Alastor? I don’t really have any idea for a plot, so I’ll leave that up to you if you feel like writing this!
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So! I got these two asks and decided to combine them! And the drabble turned into... more than a drabble XD so I hope you like it!
“Stohohohohop!” Alastor squealed as he wiggled and kicked under Vox’s claws, his hooves clicking together happily.
“You don’t want me to stop ya goof~” Vox replied teasingly, his sparking claws turning the oh so feared Radio Demon, into a mess of giggles and deer barks.
Honestly it was adorable how easily the man came undone under his touch. A slide of a claw across his belly had him nearly doubling over, blowing gently into his ear made him squeal, and forget ever trying to give him a hoof massage! Vox tried once and got a broken screen out of it, though it was a great lesson in properly restraining the man when he tried to tickle him in the future. Like right now!
He was sat upon Alastors arms, pinning them above his head. He could kick and wiggle all he liked now, but he wasn’t going anywhere! His claws were making a mess of him, one was scribbling and tasering into his underarm, the other was poking and prodding at his ribs in a random staccato that produced a beautiful symphony of cackles. The best part about it all though? He knew Alastor was loving every second of this. It’s why he wasn’t really trying to escape. They both knew if the deer really wanted, he could simply teleport out or use his shadow tendrils to pull Vox off him, plus, he could read his friend well enough to know when he’d had enough, and he wasn’t a total dick, he understood boundaries. And when it came to Alastor, especially with touch, there were a LOT of boundaries.
Still, he happily carried on, digging into Alastors fluffy belly with both hands, making him shriek and buck wildly under him. God this was fun! He was having such a good time right now! “Tickle tickle tickle~ Awww does someone love his tickles? Oh yes you do! Yes you do!” he teased, knowing how much baby talking flustered the deer. “Who’s a ticklish little fawn? You are! Oh yes you are!”
“SHUT UHUHUP!” he cackled in reply, his filter cutting in and out as he laughed, like it always did. It was like he couldn’t decide if he liked it or not, but Vox knew he did, otherwise he wouldn’t have ever allowed this to happen.
Unfortunately for Vox, Alastor was a sneaky bitch. And before he knew it, Vox was dangling by his underarms in the air, Alastors tendrils having snuck up behind him. “Hey! No fair! Let me down!”
Alastor let himself breath for a moment, the residual giggles fading like static in the air. “Goodness! What a rush! I can’t simply let you go now! You have to experience the same joy and laughter I did! It’s only fair my dear friend!”
Shit. Well, he supposed it was only a matter of time before the tables turned on him. “W-Wahahahit! Hold on!” he giggled, already a mess of nerves before Alastor even touched him. “W-We can t-talk about thihihis right? We’re both c-civilized gentlemen! Right?”
“We can be civilized when we go outside, when it’s just us two, I think it’s ok to be a little rowdy!” he smirked back in reply, his claws wiggling as they slowly drew closer to Vox’s sides.
Vox couldn’t stop the nervous anticipatory giggles that poured from his lips. It was always the build up that got to him the most, knowing that any moment he could strike, and Alastor was never one to do what was expected, so those claws could be going anywhere! It made his whole body feel like phantom fingers were wiggling into his ticklish spots just imagining what his friend was planning.
It was then that he was thrown a curveball, a tendril swiped the back panel of his head. The result was immediate, fuzzy static covered his screen before he squealed and jerked his head away. That was very much a new spot! He didn’t know that place was even ticklish!
“What a fun little discovery! I can’t wait to see what other surprises you hold my friend~” Alastor purred, a tendril swiping back and forth over the new tickle spot, making him squeal and cackle wildly, his voice cutting in and out, like he was losing signal. And honestly? He loved it! He had a hard time admitting it, but he loved this shit almost as much as Al did!
“AHAHAHAHAHA! SHIHIHIHIT!” he cackled, kicking and twisting about, till Alastor caught his ankle and swiftly popped off his shoe. “WAHAHAHAIT NO! DOHOHON’T!”
Alastor just chuckled, examining the appendage, it wasn’t a hoof or a human-like foot… it was a computer mouse. “How very odd! What happens when I…” he experimentally rolled the ball at the underside of the mouse, earning a loud laughing shriek from Vox, “My my! Such a sensitive little spot! You certainly have a lot of those!”
Vox could tell, this was gonna be a long, and very fun, day.
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chao-thicc-hcs · 2 years
Hi, how are you? I read your work, “It hurts when I realize I’ll never mean that much to someone, and it’s all my fault”, and I would like to request a sequel? Could you please include sanzu, rindou, baji and mikey? It also doesn’t have to be those characters, you can choose whoever, but I’d love to see sanzu especially! Thank you for your hard work and if you take the time to consider this! Love your works and small note, for English not being your mother language, it seems near perfect!❤️❤️
Thank you so much for your kind words, anon! I hope my future works will bring the same amout of joy as now!
And sorry for the delay!
I won't include Mikey and Baji, I don't rlly have ideas for them
It hurts when I realize I’ll never mean that much to someone, and it's all my fault. - the sequel [x reader]
ft. kakucho hitto, shinichiro sano, ran haitani, shion madarame + sanzu haruchiyo, rindou haitani
; when the turn tables. once, you were nothing to them, despite all of your efforts, now, fed up with all the pain they made you go through, they became nothing to you. ;
genre: heavy angst, no comfort at all (only fluff at rindou's ending)
tw!!: gn!reader, one-sided firendship/relationship, gun pointing, mentions of abuse, bullying, mentions of blood, abuse, cheating, reader snapping at the end, murder, mentions of suicide, alcohol problems, drug abusing, seizures, self-harm, necrophilia
kakucho (sequel).
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Never in his life people have been so important to him, so important that their words pierced like a pitchfork.
He knew he was a villain, he knew he hurt innocent people, and this has never bothered him until now. So, how could you, a mere citizen, make him feel sick to his guts, make him tear up, cry, and coop himself up in a tiny room filled to the brim with dirty laundry.
Something deep in him knew you were special, despite all of the years denying you and assuming you're vile. In the end his anger issues and trust issues won, but at what cost?
You were able to help him, eradicate his pain and suffering, color his life and bring some joy. However, he missed his chance and now he's left only with the shotgun and cigarettes in his hand.
shinichiro (sequel).
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He knew he hurt you and went over your limits, so it didn't shock him you were never willing to forgive him.
It was understandable, he left a deep wound that led to you losing your spark, miserable and insecure even until today and refusing to let others near you, embarassed to even show your face. He made you cry and isolate yourself as excruciating thoughts of ''never being good enough'' were flashing through your mind all these years.
He lost your trust for people that don't even reach up to him anymore, he doesn't even remember them himself.
Sano was smoking in front of your school, carefully watching how you were sitting under a tree, using your laptop and munching on your lunch. He was smiling at the sight of you tapping with your fingers on the device and taking your time to think of what to write down, even after the awkward encounter.
As he finished the cigarette, Shinichiro glanced once more at your figure, running towards the school entrance. He chuckled and turned around heading to his shop.
. . . .
Realizing his fate laying down on the floor as blood was pouring out of his head, the muffled police and ambulance sirens getting weaker as he starts losing his consciousness, Shinichiro was happy you were one of the last people he saw this day.
But you were not happy that your last goodbye with him was with his cold body in a coffin.
ran (sequel)
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To his surprise he got over it pretty quickly, cursing the day he cried in front of you, instead of just killing you and that twink of a guard. He claims that he's gotten over it all, but even after months this encounter is still causing him random anger outbursts, driving him to insanity and even a desire to kill his own brother just to alleviate his anger. Ran seemed way more erratic, unstable and quick to anger as days passed by. The man tried to ease this by sleeping with women, but lowered his guard and ended up used by every single one of them.
Now he knew what it was like, being used up and then thrown on the ground, laughed at and left overthinking everything from the past weeks with a bottle of liquor and puffy, sleepless expression.
He also lost custody of his child and the mother filed a restraining order against both of them after he hit her and his child.
Ran stalked you, waiting for the perfect day to get his revenge. However you're not stupid, you knew he would be a pain in the ass and hired a guard, who works for another, albeit small, powerful mafia.
He deleted all of his social media, stopped going that much outside and settled down to work from home, eradicated all evidence of his exsistence, just so you think he's dead or just dissappeared, lower your guard and blunt your intuition. He bought extentions, dyed his hair to match them, and dressed blandly. Eventually he was able to abduct you and lock you in his basement, turning you into his favourite toy.
Even after your heart stopped beating, he was still enjoying the feeling of you between his thighs.
Is this what insanity feels like?
shion. (sequel)
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His mind was still conscious while you were assaulting him, ruthlessly impaling him with the sharp item in your hand. He was able to process a glimpse of the things you were doing to him, a tiny teardrop going down his cheeks, as his eyes lost all color. He attempted to reach for your chin and feel you for the last time, but this is when you did the fatal blow that ended his life.
You opened your leather backpack and took out the food you bought before, casually sitting on his lifeless body, eating as the burger buns soaked the blood on your hands. ''It tastes better with a nice view.'' you mumbled.
Couple of years passed and you were sitting there, looking at your new lover, who happened to resemble Shion immaculately. The hair, the stern look, the physique. All the same. But at the same time radically different in spiritual terms. His demeanor meek and gentle. You felt the chills every time you looked in his eyes for longer than 2 seconds, reminiscing your past with the blonde.
It felt weird, anxiety creeping on your bones and nerves when he approaches you, still not over your abusive ex, the resemblance was uncanny. And the memories of you almost beheading him oftentimes flashed through your mind, what matters is that nobody will ever find out. You have your own tricks on how to get away with murder.
sanzu (+sequel)
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Your mind was going in all shades of the rainbow as Sanzu was screaming at you in gibberish, equally as high as you.
He managed to get you into taking drugs with him so it could be easier to mentally damage you and chain you to himself. He succeeded, you were addicted to him and his pills, waiting eagerly everyday for your dose of brief embarking in another universe. Your brain was fried and you were on the verge of blacking out, just like every night. You don't know why aren't you already used to it. His screeching pounding on the inside of your skull, your eyes bloodshot red from the lack of sleep and you not blinking at all, staring at one spot, shaking like a leaf.
- You're nothing without me! You're miserable, you are ready to follow like a dog, drenching yourself with a concoction of tears and blood for someone else's benefit, you're worthless and have absolutely no value!
Overdosing on those potent drugs tickled his anger issues and made him almost kill you every time he encountered you while in this state, you were about to go in your room when he threw a chair at you and it hit your ankle, causing you to fall down and shriek in pain. You were unable to move, you were already tired from crying and skipping meals, hugging yourself as cold sweat went down your body.
-L-leave me a-al- you couldn't even finish a sentence without stuttering and zoning out or forgetting how to pronounce words.
-Oh heck yeah I will leave you alone, I will leave you here crying and screeching while I go on with my life and fuck others relentlessly while you are only left with missing my touch and drugs, craving me like a piece of meat! The others will be screaming my name and ending drenched in my juices and you still won't even have the courage to leave me.
You've known him since childhood, you grew up together, played games, and crushed on each other. However due to your strict upbringing, both of you waited until you were old enough to handle a relationship, but everything got worse over the years, with Sanzu's overflowing worshipping of Mikey and his growing intimacy with pills, and your deteriorating relationship with your parents, mental state, failures and you losing yourself over someone who didn't even love you.
The cheating, the manipulation, the abuse, this wasn't the Sanzu you grew up and played hopscotch with, you didn't even know who he had become. You were desperate to make things work, and forced yourself to dodrugs with him, hoping he will at least love you more if you shared ''hobbies''. And there he was now, proving once again all your work was futile, using the most dastardly words known to human to degrade you and make you feel small in your own house. You knew you would still feel pain, but consented anyways, because deep down was a searing love for this man.
You still loved him, every time you were sober, you were there to help him with the headaches and stomachaches, patched up his wounds. Sanzu never talked to you when he was sober, though, he ignored you and only paid attention to you only if it was related to his gang or using you to his advantage.
He even reached so far to make you watch him have the most gut-wrenching intercourse with a random cheap lowlife he hooked up with, enjoying how you cry for him and whimper in hurt and betrayal.
Sanzu liked to see you beg for the smallest things. He just felt like nagging with you all the time, so he tried his best to find the smallest mistakes and nitpick on them, growing the stems of your insecurities.
There were days where he didn't even look at you, slept on the couch, made himself food, and just acted like you were an inanimate object. Walked past you and didn't bat an eye if he accidentaly bumped into you. Your sanity depended on his mood and behavior.
The silence between you was loud, too loud it made your head hurt and feel heavy. He would take all your money, because ''you didn't deserve them since you don't bring anything to the table'', took away everything he didn't like that you buy because ''it's too ugly in his opinion''.
He did try leaving you, but he wasn't able to manipulate other people into staying with him, nobody was able to stand his erratic behaviour when he was high. You were feeble-minded and he already managed to imprison you and make you his puppy, so why leave you and waste all his ''effort''?
The day you snapped is engraved between his brain folds, the way you looked, the tears, the blood from your body, the messy hair, the torn clothes, your words filled with poison and pain. And especially, your eyes filled with fury and contempt. It was the first time he felt hurt seeing what his tomfoolery led you to.
. . . . . .
You overdosed on pills, cut your hair, cried and inflicted harm on yourself. Sanzu was sober, to his surprise, but finally saw what it was like being high, you were just an alternative version of his intoxicated state. You've had enough of this torture of a relationship.
- Y/n...? Did you fucking inhale my damn pills? - Sanzu tried hiding the shaking of his voice, but didn't succeed.
- N-no, I-i just - something in you snapped all of a sudden and you impulsively took a sharp glass shard from the broken bottle of alcohol you drank alongside the pills. Glenfarclas 12 year old single malt scotch whisky, both of you's favourite alcohol, drinking a glass of it after a fight to soothe the bitterness between you. Something propelled you to scream like crazy and swing the piece trying to impale the person you once called your lover, who was evading all of it, but tripped and fell to his nates.
Sanzu tried to look stern, but he was panting like crazy and looking around in panic, trying to find a way to escape. But when he turned his head towards you, suddenly, your eyes had a different sparkle and emotion in them that made him relax. Even if you wanted him dead that moment, he still managed to hit your soft spot with just his presence. All of your memories together, good and bad, he is still Haruchiyo Akashi. You still held hope. Whilst reaching out to hug him, your hands drowning in blood, yearning to hug him and feel his hands wrap around you like a precious ornament, suddenly your eyes went upward, mind and vision blank. You started having a seizure, but he didn't want to call an ambulance, as they will inform the police and arrest him for drug possesion. Instinctively, he grabbed his bag and ran away, leaving you there.
You had a brain hemorrhage, the pills and alcohol shutted down everything in your system, causing you to flatline. He just left you there to decompose.
The neighbors found you when the stench of your rotting carcass was spreading around, weeks after the incident. You were cremated by your parents' wish, because you had no ''true'' family in the first place that would want to burden themselves to cover the expenses of the funeral, but they kept your ashes in a small urn in your old bedroom.
. . . .
Ten years, ten damned years and this was still making him go insane. After the accident with you his life went downhill. He couldn't focus on his work, increased his dose and failed to complete everything he was assigned. He pretended to not give a shit about you, not at all, or at least he tried, albeit failing.
He actually felt something.... could it be, despondency? From a person who he saw as nothing? He lost his precious toy, the only person who could handle him. Eventually he was kicked out from the gang, got submerged with bills and debt, and ended up homeless, with stubble on his face and alopecia because of the severe stress he was subjected to.
Every time he remembered you his stomach was tickling, he realized he had a close bond with you, he realized you could've actually help him and drag him out of the shithole and help him reach the catharsis of becoming a better self. Since early childhood you saved him from thousands of troubles he involved himself into, gave your sholder for him to cry on, allowed him to be vulnerable in your embrace and filled his body with a new, purer blood, and now you're gone, probably laughing at him from the outerworld. Sanzu was not able to afford drugs anymore, and his sobriety stabilized his senses, and he realized how special you were. The only beam of hope and warmth.
Thankfully the apartment you died in was never rented by anyone. Rumours swiftly spread after your death, people thought your ghost was roaming there and were too scared to even glance at the front door engulfed in spider webs. Sanzu often visited the place to sleep in and stared at the dry blood on the ground and walls, crying and cursing himself for leading you to this.
rindou (+sequel)
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The feeling of being overpowered by his brother and constantly living in his shadow plagued Rindou's mind. All the applause and credit for the hard work he was busting his ass for was aimed at his brother. Ran was the one who took the credit and profited more, leading him into becoming an insufferable stuck-up, who only got in his way, as Rindou was always saying.
His inferiority complex rooted from there his mental state and confidence went downhill, and he couldn't stand still nor remain calm without some form of reassurance, so he frequently organized pity parties and his co-workers had to bear with his whining. Unfortunately you were the victim of the self-conscious man, allowing yourself to fall into a trap of thorns and venomous snakes piercing your spiritual flesh. Rindou made sure to make you pity him, to make you feel the same way he does, just so he could ease his soul.
He loved you, he really did, so he wanted to share emotions with you, he wanted to teach you to be strong, so you don't get hurt just like him. From trying to stop you from doing what you love and saying how awful you are to even hiding all your stuff just so you don't experience the joy of succeeding in something, just because of his own bullshit.
You still wanted to work somewhere, you wanted your own money, because Rindou would never spoil you or give you anything money related, because he perceived them as the only reward he will ever recieve. He would even go far as to complete tasks assigned for you and gain all the credit.
- Baby, please, let me finish my work! - you pleaded as he was holding your laptop, deleting the files you spent days working on
You felt your blood boil, but the only thing you could do is watch him how he sat on the couch and continued writing, not even bothering to look at you or react to your cries.
- Make me food, please, I have a lot of work to do.
He deemed you weak if you cried, the only time he could try and apologize was when he had a hidden objective to fuck you. By his words, this was the only way to teach you how life actually works, so he didn't actually do any harm, at least that's what he preached. Rindou would seek empathy from you constantly, even after he mentally destroyed you just seconds ago.
Rindou took some rest from work. He loved spending time with you and analyzing every reaction you show as he was sitting on the couch with his hands intertwined infront of his mouth. The man slept almost all day with you, until sunset and still woke up before you. One blissful afternoon, right when the cocktail of sunset's colors were engulfing the sky, placing your head on his chest, you closed your eyes and fell into a deep slumber.
- Y/n, baby? - after what seemed for an hour he shook you awake from the nap you were taking on his chest, snuggled in a silk bedsheet as the sunset colors were touching the room
- Mhh, yes, honey? - you stood up and lazily rubbed your eyes, leaning in for a kiss
- I am worried. Now Ran will have even more time boasting about stuff he didn't do and will make me seem like a loser... and now I'm yet again useless, and he is currently probably living his best life, our co-workers praising him. - he said as a forced sigh came out of his mouth
The same questions, the same statement, for the 3rd time today. Your whole mood sunk to the ground and you tried to conceal your sigh of exasperation with a sweet smile on your face. He woke you up from your peaceful dream just to act like a brat.
- No, baby, you're better than him for the sole reason you do something productive, he's only there for decor, once people realize how useless he is you will gain your fame and he will be swiftly forgotten.
Rindou wrinkled his nose in disbelief, turning his head around and scoffed. This was one of his master tricks to receive a double shot of ego boost and new ideas to make you feel inferior to him. Even his own brother warned you about this behaviour, even encouraged you to run away as soon as you can, unfortunately you were taking a swim in pink clouds.
- Nah, you're still drowsy you can't even process information right now. I know you think of him all the time when I happen to fail, because you wished someone more competent was in your life.
- You know what? Yeah, you're actually a sore loser. - you blurted out with a raspy voice. Getting up from the bed, you went to the bathroom and took a fast shower. Grabbing the sexiest outfit you could find, fixing your hair, not even acknowledging Rindou's piercing glare. After half an hour you and aimed to the door, swinging your hips and leaving a trail of a heavy yet alluring perfume, the one you usually get more compliments for
- And where are you going? - Rindou asked as he was blocking your way to the entrance, towering over you, eyes filled with emptiness
- I am sick of being your punching bag, Rindou. Have you ever wondered why you're so miserable? Because you're weak, and if you go on with it, your brother will continue overshadowing you while you remain at the bottom. Grow a thicker skin and move on instead of asking for pity all the time. You're a child trapped in a grown man's body.
Before rushing out, you turned around and approached him. Towering over his laying figure, you began your taunting session.
- It's funny how you think that the only way to cope with the fact that you're insecure is by projecting your own issues onto others. Has Ran ever been laughed at and pitied? No. He's a real man who can handle his emotions and manage to do his own work without the help of his illiterate brother. Have you actually wondered why you're always the laughingstock? Tried to talk to your brother? You only sit and whine like a whore. All this time the ''work'' you've been doing for him was constantly the subject of a good laughter. You never acutally did your job correctly out of spite towards your own blood, but Ran had to correct you and then he enjoyed himself with a glass of whine, laughing at your kindergarten-level grammar mistakes with your co-workers while I'm sitting on his lap. His fame is deserved, and you will always remain in his shadow, alone and insecure, just how it should be.
You ran outside from the backdoor and head towards Ran's place, taking Rindou's car. You wanted to finally feel loved, and you remembered a conversation you had with Ran when your relationship with Rindou had just begun.
Your first conversation with the older Haitani was behind their bar, while you were waiting for Rindou to arrive. It took Ran embarrassingly long time until he broke the silence while
- My brother will damage you, angel. A pretty face like you doesn't deserve to be bothered with my brother's twisted fantasies of what a relationship is. I will make your life better.
You huffed in annoyance and crossed your arms, twitching an eyebrow and averting your gaze to somewhere else.
- Rindou always warned me about you, how you're always trying to steal everything from him, how you hate his guts and enjoy his suffering and blah blah. I know these old dusty tricks, I ain't getting fooled. You're always trying to overshadow him and steal his happiness away, and now even me, but I don't even like you. I know you're lying, you're a disgrace of a brother and never deserved your fame.
Looking back at this you realized how horribly wrong you were about your thoughtless trust in Rindou's words towards his brother. Fortunately Ran was not annoyed nor agitated, but still offered you help and shelter for when you realize that you were wrong about him. And there you were, kissing his lips and rubbing against him with unabashed passion and lust.
- I knew you will come to me, baby, I've waited so long for you. - he said as he moved his hips to match your rythm.
You spent the night with him, getting drunk and nasty. You unveiled a side of you that even you weren't aware you had, but it was an unbelievable night mixed with lecherous emotions. Ran was able to make you relax and be yourself without. You felt wanted, appreciated and all your craving needs were fulfilled this very night.
- No wonder you are the better brother. - you exclaimed in a slight laughter while hugging Ran's bare chest, sweaty from what was like your fourth session already
He smirked and turned to face you, embracing your figure under the moonlight creeping through the small gaps in his curtains. However, this sweety-lovely moment was swiftly ruined by Rindou kicking the door to Ran's bedroom, eyes filled with frenzied fury. Ran jolted and grabbed his gun that was on his nightstand, pointed it at his own brother and covered your figure with the blankets.
- What the fuck are you doing here, Rindou!
- Oh, no, dear brother, what are YOU doing with my lover! - Rindou screeched as he threw himsef on him.
Ran didn't want to harm him, but protecting you was his current priority, he managed to shoot Rindou in his shoulder and knock him down as he screamed in pain, holding his bleeding gash for dear life, his vision going blurry from all the anguish he was feeling. As much as he despised his brother's attitude and wanted him gone, Ran took him to the ER with you for his wound to be taken care of. The older lad tried to play it smooth but the anxiety could be spotted in his eyes and his hands were shaking.
You were sitting in front of the room Rindou was in, cold, still and stiff, looking at the ground and refusing to make eye contact with the older Haitani, who was sitting next to you, one arm massaging your nape.
After what seemed like an eternity, one of the surgeons left the room. Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho and Kokonoi were already there. The surgeon's merry expression eased the atmosphere and it felt like all the world's weight came off all of you's shoulders.
- The boy is in a decent condition and we removed the bullet successfully. However, we have a suspicion his glenohumeral joint and humerus are affected. We have to perform an x-ray and a neurovascular exam to see if any bones are broken. But keep in mind if something is affected, the rehabilitation process involves gradually increasing activities to restore muscle strength, joint motion and flexibility. Now he needs to rest and is currently sound asleep.
Everyone smiled and cheered that Rindou made it alive. For a moment Ran thought he had affected a vital organ, fortunately he didn't. You felt tears coming out of your tears, becoming a potion of emotions as Ran wrapped his hands around you. Both of you felt immense guilt forming inside, mixed with sadness and joy. You were blaming yourself for everything and couldn't think how you will ever muster the courage to ever speak to Rin again or even look him in the eyes.
- Do you want a ride home? I can see both of you are tired and need some rest. - Kakucho mumbled as he was spinning his car keys on his finger
- We wouldn't mind, I will come pick my car tomorrow, my hands are too shaky to handle the wheel. - Ran retorted and thanked his friend
The ride home was awkward. Ran's arm was caressing your exposed thigh as you were snuggled in his jacket, staring outside the window. Everything seemed fuzzier and faster than usual, probably because you were lost in thoughts about Rindou. Ran was staring lovingly at your features and brushed your hair with his fingers, which snapped you out from your contemplations.
- How are you feeling, sweetcheeks?
- Could've been better. I want to go home and just fall asleep.. - you retorted and snuggled in him, wrapping a hand around his waist
He kissed the top of your head and brushed your hair and massaged your scalp, which led you to fall asleep under his touch. Ran carried you bridal style to his bedroom and placed you to sleep. You woke up some time later with his broad figure laying next to you to change your clothes.
- I think we need to cease our relations for now. For Rindou. I don't want to do him even dirtier than I've already did. - you nodded and hummed in approval, then went back to sleep
. . . .
Rindou got discharged with a fracture in his humerus and a torn glenohumeral joint. He didn't seem to be upset nor was acting maliciously towards both of you. What was even weirder was the fact he is happier than his usual self, albeit after your betrayal. He was constantly under yours and Ran's surveillance.
Both of you were sitting at a bench, waiting for the older Haitani to come back with the drinks and food. You were playing with a street cat that approached you, and Rin was smiling at your interactions.
- Can you put it on my lap?
You obliged and placed the silver tabby on his lap, who seemed not to mind at all and made itself comfortable. A very obedient and cuddly creature that took a liking to the younger Haitani. The cat transformed itself into a loaf and sat there. You were smiling and petting the purring animal, just when Ran came back with the food.
- What a lovely creature, but be careful, it might have fleas. - he scoffed and sat down
- There isn't a bigger sucker than you, brother. - Rindou slyly added and made u giggle, to which Ran threw his drink in his face
All of you sat there, eating peacefully and discussing random matters, giving the tabby some food too, arguing about it's gender, what name to give it and where will it live. There was a moment of silence after before Rindou spoke up.
- I'm not mad. Contrary, I even have a proposal. - that part made you and Ran choke, staring at Rindou with both worry and anticipation - why don't we engage in polyamory?
That sentence perplexed you. Your face was beet red and you almost dropped your food. Your lost all color from your skin when you turned to Ran, who was smiling like a cocaine addict nodding in acceptance
- Ran?? Rindou?? You're okay with this? - you shouted and only got a laughter from the two of them in response
- I know I was a total asshole towards you. - Rin blurted out, the atmosphere turing gloomy- With my inferiority complex and self-hatred, the only thing I inflicted was pain on you, rather than stabilizing myself and our relationship. I deserved to get cheated on, you deserved solace and the love I never managed to give you. But I still have as equally deep feelings as when I first got to know you. And I never want to lose you or my brother. I don't want us acting like strangers and avoiding each other.
Rindou took your hands and squeezed them tight in anticipation and anxiety of you rejecting him and leaving with his brother. In fact, he doesn't want to lose you and watch you with his own blood, albeit telling you he doesn't feel bad. It's eating him up on the inside, it's draining all life from him. He can't sleep, nor eat properly without his guts twisting in regret from all the suffering and torment he put you through. And the way his brother did the exact opposite.
- I-if you don't really mind... - you scratched your nape and held each one of them's hand in approval - I aggree..
You blushed and barely had the courage to muster your response. You were going to be with the hottest men you've ever laid eyes upon. The thought of being between them every night, sharing everything with them, even your own self, was exciting and simultaneously terrifying. Tears started forming in your eyes and you couldn't hold yourself from sobbing.
- What's wrong, baby?? - Rindou softly asked and both Haitanis hugged you tightly
- I'm afraid I won't be good enough... And that you will probably leave me for someone else.. I will not be able to satisfy you, I'm just a mere person while both of you hold power in your hands - you sobbed and snuggled between their embrace
- We never will, we promise. - the older Haitani retorted and kissed your cheek - You're our one and only we want to spend our lives with..
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a/n: It took me way too long to be able to write again. I'm sorry for the long delay
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ladyxnocturnal · 2 years
Leon Kennedy X FEMReader
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Vendetta Leon Era 👀👉🏻👈🏻
Hi Hi! I actually haven’t wrote Fanfic in like years LMAO but I decided to give it another shot whenever I get random motivation lol. I was up at 4 am writing this, I’m sorry if it isn’t as good but I tried! Enjoy!
Warning: Little Angst, Smut, Alcoholism Fingering, Bits of Wholesome.
You and Leon Kennedy have been in a relationship for a year now. Throughout the relationship, it’s been very wonderful but your worry for his drinking habit has gotten out of hand with his stress from still haunting him from Raccoon City, In Spain, and China. You tried to think of a way to “relieve” this stress he has, even from off his missions. Maybe for this idea of relief of stress you thought of in mind, will spice more things up more in the relationship and also to see if he could do this idea instead of drinking his life away…
It’s been a year since you and Leon have been a couple now. A one year anniversary if you will. The thought of being with this man for a year sparked you with joy; pure love. The memories fulfilled clouds in your head. You and Leon’s first dates, Laugher over little things, Sharing Thoughts, Opening up to each other, Adventures, the whole love roller coaster. Being with Leon just made your whole life perfect but, you do worry over his health and even his mental health. Lately, Leon felt like a different type of person. He was drinking alcohol more than he should have been. At first, back from his mission from China, He would just take at least a couple of shots before bed which didn’t really affect you as much if it was the bare minimum. But lately, Leon the more he went out to do his missions and help out the president, made it seem like he was getting worse by the minute. You were growing to be more concerned over his health. It was too much alcohol. After all, you knew exactly why he chose to drink his life away like this. Even the thought of your boyfriend getting drunk on the daily after his duties was a big concern for you. You loved Leon with your whole heart and soul, it would kill you worse of all to see how downhill he gets more from all of this. You did on the other hand, talk to him in a serious conversation about his bad alcohol habits. He could see your concerns and worries, it killed him worse to make you see this whole new side of himself. Which made his mental health spiral around even more. You hated seeing him like this daily even when he is home. But today was the day to celebrate a little something special for you and his one year anniversary.
You just got up from your slumber. The sun ever so slightly beamed into the bedroom to warm parts of the wooden floors. Sitting up from the bed, you stretched your arms up to gain energy, rubbing the tiredness from your eyes until your eyes were clear to see your surroundings. The feeling next to you felt empty on the bed, which gave you the thought that Leon was awake before you. That wasn’t really a big surprise for you though. Leon seemed to be a morning bird more than you at least. You turned your head to face the clock on your side of the bed, 12:15 AM. The time immediately made your adrenaline spark, full on speeding your pace to get out of bed. Fixing the covers back onto the bed, Situating yourself quickly as you could to head in the bathroom to refresh. Brushing through your hair, teeth, washing your face to wake you up more.
After getting yourself put together, you started to head to the kitchen to find something to cook you and Leon for breakfast even though it was noon. When you made your way to the kitchen, a little smile tugged onto your lips as you see your lover hunched over the counter top but that smile faded away slowly as you see him taking swigs of Whisky like it was no big deal. Feeling a presence, Leon turned his head to face you to take a good glimpse of what he adores which brought a little cheeky smile on his face.
“Well look who it is, the love of my life.” He said a bit upfront and in a playful way. “Glad you’re awake sweetheart, Happy one year to us, I love you.” He said ever so sweetly with that cheesy smile of his but that little bit of drunk energy was there but not as much that he could blackout or anything in those terms.
His words made your heart skip a beat which made your smile come back, walking towards the counter to land a sweet peck onto his cheek. “I love you more but do you REALLY have to be drinking on this special day Leon?” You asked. You really didn’t want to think about how rough he has it lately and from the past stress that made you sick from worrying too much. I mean come on! It is you and his special day to spend time together and try to make it positive as possible but you mostly wanted to make him happy on this day besides worrying for yourself. You just cared about Leon a lot which showed your heart a lot.
Leon fixed his posture as he went a little hesitant, his grip on the glass was loosening but quickly tightened again like normal. “If only I could just forget what happened back then, I wouldn’t have to go through this same shit hole again..” His tone lowered an octave, letting a sigh out from his frustration. “Y/N, I know you worry about me a lot and that makes me happy to hear and see that but the pain from the past even present of what I have to deal with, what I have to go through again, it still messes with me. I lost so many people back in then, even now who knows what I’ll have to go through for my next mission.”
His words hit to your heart as he vented his frustration and stress towards you. If there was a way to help him get his frustration out and even stress, it would make you feel so good that you helped more of your lover out. You thought about it for a hard moment which an idea slapped across your mind. This idea wasn’t the time but that’s all you can think of.. and it is intimate and an new experience to you and Leon. The idea made you start to feel like you were burning alive from how embarrassing it was. You are a virgin after all and this sort of thing made you terrified. But you trusted Leon after all, he wouldn’t hurt you at all, he’s always been here for you when you need him and you’ve been there for him when he needs you. What could be bad about relieving his stress and frustration through sexually? God the idea was brewing your head but anxiety was creeping upon you the most. Shaking it off for now, you gulped, putting your hands onto his shoulders to look up at his blue orbs in his eyes that sparkled from the lighting from the kitchen.
“Leon.. I know you have it rough and I bet it is a huge nightmare for you but unfortunately, those past memories or present won’t go away and I wish I could help to take your pain away.. I love you and I hate seeing you suffer through this but.. you know.. drinking too much alcohol won’t help much of your stress or frustration. But, I think I know a way that could help you out well, us out that can make a big change..” Your eyes immediately lost contact with his eyes from mentioning a solution to help your lover out. The idea could possibly help right? It’s intimate and not killing his liver or anything.
Leon looked puzzled from this new solution to help his stress and frustration you mentioned. His eyes scanned your flushed face and lost of eye contact which gave him the hint of what this idea of yours going in your head. But he didn’t want to go straight forward and see if it was true or not so, he played along. His hand led up to your chin so you can meet back with his eyes, staring down into your orbs without hesitation. “Really? What would that be? I’m listening.” His tone was still in that octave from him venting but it was like it shifted into a different low octave. Was he being seductive? If so, the way this is going, it’s making you grow nervous but getting heated.
“Well.. you know how we’ve been together for a year now right? W-Well, what if that frustration and stress can be lead onto me? If you know what I mean? It’s embarrassing to explain more into detail but.. please tell me you understand-“
“Oh. I understand sweetheart. You don’t even have to say it twice. I think..” Leon paused for a moment as his hands went to your waist to squeeze into your hips, immediately not to hesitate to lift you onto the counter with all his strength, his lips deadly close to your ear to finish. “I think I love this idea way better.” His voice purred into your ear which sent major chills down your spine.
Your face was stained with shades of blush across the horizon of your face, like it was on fire. Your breathing started to get close of need, but that need was showing now. His touch, his lips, his scent drove you crazy. “Leon-“ your voice sounded soft with a mix of a slight whine to it which caught his attention, causing a wicked smirk across his face to face you, his forehead pressed against yours.
“Yes Baby?” His voice sounded ever so innocent but you know what exactly he was doing to you, it was killing you from wanting him even more.
“Please, Please be easy with me.. it’s my first time. I’m nervous…” Your words sounded cute to him, his smirk turned into a sweet smile, those blue orbs looking deep into yours.
“I’ll be gentle with you love don’t worry, it will be my first too, I’ll take care of you.”
His words felt safe and full of trust. You smiled a bit shyly now but nodded so you agreed along with him. With that being said, his hands adventuring its way to your thighs to grip into lightly, up your shirt, now to your chest, receiving a soft moan from your lips to slip. His eyes were full of love and wickedness as he begin you and his kiss. Your tongues started to play and dance together, tasting the alcohol mixed within your taste, But it didn’t matter to you. You made your legs wrapped around his hips to hold onto but to pull him closer to you. You could feel the tent in his boxers to form, lightly rubbing against your clothed core receiving more needy moans from being muffled you and Leon’s passionate kiss.
Leon proudly swallowed your moans within the kiss but pulled back to take a breath but to admire the ecstasy on your face, the bridge of saliva connected from you and Leon’s tongues. “I love seeing you like this for the first time, only for me.” He chuckled, picking you up to head to the bedroom to throw you into the bed so he could crawl on top of you to stare down at your messy image below him. “You’re so perfect.”
The compliments kept that smile on your face but that shades on your face never went away. You were growing impatient and wanted him here and now. Even though you are getting needy for this man you loved, you were still anxiety written by losing your virginity. Leon could see your facial expressions and he surely did study it very well. He leaned down to kiss you sweetly on your lips and proceeded to move on. “I’ll take good care of you baby don’t you worry.” His voice purred that low octave that you were so down for. Leon started to mess with the buckle of his belt to slip through the holes to throw onto the wooden floor, Unzipping and pulling his pants down to reveal him in his boxers but quickly unzipped his leather jacket with his shirt underneath until he was fully exposed in his boxers only.
“Let me help you out too sweetheart.” He smiled to comfort you, his hands ruining up to your shirt to pull an over your head to reveal your undergarment which made him almost lose his focus. But he shook it off for now to help you pull off your shorts to reveal more of yourself. “So fucking beautiful, all for me.” He added, throwing your clothes onto the floor that clattered along with his. You started up at Leon’s body, urging to place your hands along up and down his chest and to feel his features to admire him more. Just thinking makes you even more horny for your lover.
His hands couldn’t keep itself off you, wasting no time to take your undergarments off until you are bare underneath him. You felt the cool air hit your body, causing you to lightly shiver but wanted more of Leon. “Would it be okay if I prepare you first? I don’t want to hurt you for our first time together.”
The way he mentioned “our” made you melt happily, nodding to give him permission. You could feel his body position so he could perfectly angle his fingers to rub your clit gently in circles at first to make you feel pleasure to substitute your anxious feels. You felt yourself lightly twitch from the sensation, moaning softly from the pleasure. Leon felt a smirk tug onto his face as he watched your face expression turned from anxious to pleasure real quick. Like you were a light switch. He chuckled as he slowly kept playing with your clit gently in a circular motion.
“You like that hm?” He smirked, keeping that low octave in his tone present. Your breath was slightly getting heavy from the new sensations coming across you quick. “Fuck Leon-“ you whined softly, holding onto the sheets below you, your legs twitching from the nerves being toyed with.
“Don’t cum yet baby, the fun hasn’t even started to happen just yet.”
With that being said he stopped his actions, moving his singular digit close to your entrance, the feeling of your wetness made him groan from satisfaction. “You’re so wet for me, I can’t wait to feel more.” He chuckled, not even hesitating to slowly push in his middle finger inside your flower, a gasp escaping your mouth from the new feeling to make your back arch with a more of a moan.
Leon made sure to follow his mission, finding your good spot. His finger started to move in and out slowly to get you used to being stretched, not even hesitating to add another to stretch you more quickly.
“Leon!- Oh god!-“
“Keep moaning my name sweetheart.” He demanded. Your moans were music to his ears. He couldn’t get enough of you already, this man was dying already from being impatient to be inside you. Leon wanted to fill you up with his length, stretching you out to only fit his size, and to fill you up with his cum
Your breath hitched the more you felt your good spot being abused by your lovers fingers, feeling a very new feeling in the pit of your abdomen like you were needing to release. “L-Leon- I- I think I’m going to cum!-“
“Not yet baby.” He quickly stopped his movements causing you to whine from the satisfaction going away for now. Leon made himself tower above you, pulling his dick out of his boxers. He slowly stroked it a couple of times to ease himself. Lowering down, he made the tip teasing between your bond of nerves through your lips to your entrance, aligning it so anytime it would push inside. “Are you ready sweetheart? If it hurts let’s me know, I’ll be gentle with you.” He added, giving you a sweet kiss onto your forehead.
“I’m..Im ready.” You responded, spreading your legs a bit more for him to gain more access to your cunt. He smiled with a nod, making sure his hands intertwined with yours so he slowly pushed his weight above so his dick would slowly push inside of your walls.
You gasped in shock as you felt your cunt being stretched out by the man you loved. Closing your eyes, You tried to focus on the pleasure besides the first feeling of pain. You could feel how deep he is by now which caused you to moan, arching your back below him.
Leon moved his hips slowly, his hands griping into yours from how tight your cunt was around his cock, thrusting slowly but gently. “Fuck baby- you’re so tight for me.” He growled lowly to himself, his brown strands of hair hitting into those wicked blue eyes. You had to admit, Leon looked so charming and sexy like this as well but you always loved however he looked.
When the pain went away, you could feel your walls being perfectly fit enough around Leon, his thrust picking up the pace a bit, your breathing getting heavy with combination of moans and whines from pleasure. Leon moved his hands to your hips to hold onto, maneuvering you to take in every inch of his cock, grunting as he loved how you felt around him. “Fuck- you’re so good at taking all of me inside you, you are such naughty girl.” He chuckled a bit along with his heavy breathing, picking up more of his pace to hit into your good spot.
Your head was funneling with his words but mostly with your pleasuring high. Your moans were loud, filling in you and Leon’s bedroom. Following along with your wetness sounds with skin slapping, the perfect combination as well. Leon was looking down at you to take in the pleasured expressions on your face that was making him more confident for making you satisfied. “Fuck- Keep your eyes on me please baby…”
You felt your heart race, listening as you kept your eyes up at him, receiving a curse underneath his breathing. Leon kept his pace up, enjoying each moment of this between you and him. He could tell he will never get over you moaning for him and the way you look so hot underneath him like you are a big mess that he made and he loves every bit of it.
When Leon picked up his pace and gradually growled faster with his thrusting, you felt the familiar knot in your abdomen. You couldn’t hold it in any longer, moaning loudly as you were very close. “L-Leon!!! I-I’m gonna cum!..” you whined out, tearing up from the pleasure he was giving you.
Leon could feel his climax get there too, his pace quickening to make sure he hit deeper and deeper inside you. “F-Fuck. Let it out baby.. I’m gonna fill you up so good.” He growled in a low active, letting his low groans mix within your high pitched moans.
With that being said, you finally ride out your orgasm along with Leon’s. He filled you up inside with every bit of his seed, resting there for a moment until he collapsed onto your chest panting. “I love you so much sweetheart. I feel like this is a way better idea than drinking after all.” He chuckled, closing his eyes to relax himself.
“I think it’s way better.” You giggled, running your fingers through his hair softly to ease him.
“Say, how about we shower and I’ll take you to dinner for our anniversary, sounds like a plan?” He smiled, looking up at you with those blue eyes.
“Sounds like the plan love.”
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gaylittlerichie · 2 days
im going rogue with the fic asks, ive made my own
👾 -> What is your process for writing?
HELL YEAH I LOVE THIS FROM U. ok this gets weirdly long with the screenshots so putting a read more here hang on.
first off i have a big doc where i write all small random details/headcanons i guess. i add to it every day. here is a snip of what that looks like:
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when i then get a big actual plot idea i go into that doc and shop for fun little beats to work into it. the vibes start flowingggg here’s an examp from crosseyed & painless:
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NEXT STAGE i do a detailed play by play of the whole plot/the first chapter if it’s a big one. i know a lot of Real Writers say not to do that and let it come to u but…i hate when my writing feels too loose/i don’t know where im going so. detailed af plot for me. examp:
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i research time period stuff on ‘reminiscing the 80s!’ forums from like 2008 and jot down anything that sparks joy. i also do a quick little infodump on the characters so i know where they’re all at and keep it consistent. richiexample:
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so yea the goals for planning stage are to have as many ideas pinging around + stuff that excites me as possible!!!! once ive got that i must write weird overwrought drafts for a couple weeks where im stressing ab it all coming across perfectly…then i have an obligatory Breakthrough where i go Who cares if it’s good just write the story. after that is when the magic happens!!!!!
i edit a little as i go (like at the end of each writinf day) and a lot at the end. and i harass @tozierlvr into helping me figure out plot holes throughout! yayyyy :D
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12timetraveler · 2 months
if you're still looking for random requests/inspo ♥️ how do you think it would go down if Arthur tried teaching Albert to hunt??
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Content: Arthur Morgan & Albert Mason, hunting, bromance, romance?, 2AM if you squint, cowboys having feelings.
Authors note: Hello Hello! It's been a minute since I've posted anything. I've been dealing with burnout for the last few months and typing words has been like pulling teeth. Even the joys of Black Hills Redemption couldn't pull me out of my slump. But this ask was sent in to me and it sparked an Idea™ so here we are! Hope y'all enjoy.
I really liked this prompt a lot and I had a ton of fun writing it!
I left their relationship a little more open. Y'all know I ship it like FedEx but I didn't really feel like going into the romantic aspects of the relationship so this could be a romance or a bromance. Readers choice.
As always this was written on my phone so if you see any typos or weird autocorrect things, no you don't.
Also just a shout-out to Matt if you're reading this! You sparked some Albert content in my brain which has been very helpful for overcoming the writer's block so thank you! 💙
The full story can be read below or on AO3 (Must be logged in to view on AO3. Blame AI bots for that.)
“If you're going to be out in the wilderness, you need to know how to survive,” Arthur had explained to Albert over some drinks at the Valentine saloon. “What if your horse spooks and runs off with all your supplies?”
Arthur bumped into Albert on the road into town; Arthur looking for a drink to celebrate a job well done, and Albert riding in to rent out a hotel room for the night. After some friendly chatter on the ride in the two had gone to the saloon together for a drink.
“I know I'm not the adventurous type, but I do know how to make a fire.” Albert huffed good naturedly.
“But do you know how to find water, shelter? Do you know good water from bad? Can you hunt?”
“Mr. Morgan, you know I'm not terribly fond of the sport.” Albert cut in.
“Ain't a sport when it's survival on the line,” Arthur countered. “I'm not talking about shooting an animal just for fun, or to show off. I'm talking about finding a rabbit to eat when you're on the brink of starvation.”
“Listen, I understand why you hate trophy hunters. Killing an animal and leaving most of it out to rot is a damn waste. If I hunt something, I use as much as I can. I eat the meat, turn the pelt into something useful, use any part of it I can. Even if it's just a little trinket on my belt. That's the kind of hunting I'm talking about.”
“I suppose I don't have much experience there,” he admitted. “My father took me duck hunting once but it was just sport. He was usually busy drinking with his business partners. I never really paid much attention.”
“Well, now's as good a time as any. ‘Specially if you're gonna be wandering the wilds taking photos of animals.”
“I-I’m not so sure about this, Mr. Morgan,” Albert stammered as the two men dismounted their horses just east of Twin Stack pass, in the fields south of the oil field. “I really don't think it's necessary.”
“You're the one wandering the backcountry taking photographs of wild animals. You need some survival experience.” Arthur replied. “Shooting bottles out behind the saloon can only get you so far. You need to try on something real.”
"Mr. Morgan I…” Albert stopped walking, nervously rubbing his hands together. Arthur turned to face him. “I don't know if I can do it.”
Arthur softened slightly. He understood Albert, to a point. He remembered vividly when Hosea had taken him hunting for the first time when he was 15. The thought of killing an animal had turned his stomach. He actually threw up after his first downed deer. He had always had a soft spot for animals, and never wanted to see them suffer. Any time he went hunting, even now, he'd kick himself for hours if it wasn't a clean shot, and the animal suffered at his hands.
“First off, please call me Arthur,” he began, stepping toward the man.
“Then please, call me Albert.”
“Alright, Albert,” Arthur chuckled. “I know it ain't easy. You don't want to see the poor animal suffer. You don't want to become like those poachers who waste everything for a trophy.”
“Exactly,” Albert sighed, openly relieved that Arthur understood his hesitancy.
“But we ain't talking about that kind of hunting. We're talking about survival. Catching a rabbit to feed yourself for the night. That's it. It's no different than eating beef or pork. Just more work.”
“I guess I see your point,” Albert relented.
“With any luck you'll never have to hunt for food. But if your horse spooks or you get stranded or for any reason you need to survive, you need to know how to hunt.”
“Alright,” Albert straightened up, steeling himself for the lesson at hand. “Let's go.”
“Good,” Arthur said, patting Albert’s shoulder. “Now you might want to invest in a little varmint rifle, or even just a standard rifle for protection, seeing as you're out trying to photograph predators. But for today, you can use mine.” Arthur pulled out his varmint rifle and handed it to Albert.
The gun looked a little awkward in the photographer’s hands, like he wasn't entirely comfortable holding it. But he and Arthur had done some practice shots before heading out here, so he at least had some familiarity with the weapon.
“Check that it's loaded,” Arthur instructed, and Albert paused, following Arthur's earlier lesson on loading the gun. Knowing he'd emptied it before putting it on his horse, Arthur handed him some ammo to load the gun before Albert could even ask.
“Thank you,” Albert chirped, nodding politely to Arthur as he began loading the gun. “Would you bring something as well?” Albert glanced over at Arthur as he slid the bullets into their place. “In case my shot is bad, will you bring a gun to finish it off so it doesn't suffer?”
“Sure,” Arthur agreed. “I think that's a fine idea.” Arthur slipped his bow and arrow from the saddle. “No point in bringing in another gun and ruining the meat.” He explained.
“Right,” Albert hummed. “If we're going to hunt the animal, we should make sure it's usable.”
“Follow me,” Arthur said, guiding Albert up the hill a little way.
“See these little holes in the hillside?” Arthur asked, pointing to a few small caves in the dirt as they climbed “Entrances to the warren.”
“How do you know they're not badger holes?”
“Too many to be a badger den. Besides the tracks around are rabbit, not badger.” Arthur shrugged. “Come on. We'll get up here on the rocks overlooking the warren and wait.”
Carefully the two men positioned themselves up on the rocks near the top of the hill, looking down over the slope. Arthur crouched down with a sigh, and Albert moved to do the same.
“Now what?”
“Now we wait,” Arthur grunted. “It's cooling off so they'll likely come out to feed as the shadows grow longer. Just need a little patience.”
“Right,” Albert breathed, settling in on the rock on one knee, varmint rifle gripped loosely in one hand.
The two men waited about twenty minutes, neither saying a word. Albert’s knees had grown sore, then moved beyond, to that painful numbness. Despite this he kept still and did his best not to make a sound. Finally his patience was rewarded.
“Oh, look! A rabbit,” Albert whispered. “What a beautiful shot. I should get a picture–”
“That ain't the kind of shooting we're doing today, Albert,” Arthur chuckled in a low whisper, reminding the photographer why they were there. He knocked an arrow in his bow, ready just in case Albert needed the assist.
“Oh. Right, of course.” Albert whispered. He took a deep breath and raised the gun.
“Good, good,” Arthur soothed. “Get it's head right in your sights for a clean kill, wait for it to stop to eat for a moment.” Arthur could feel the man trembling a little beside him, but Albert was focused on the task at hand. “Take a deep breath in, and out. Always shoot on empty lungs.”
Albert took a couple deep breaths to steady his trembling hands. Everything else seemed to go quiet, and as he finished an exhale, he pulled the trigger.
The shot was good, but the rabbit turned it's head at the last second, and the kill wasn't as clean as either men hoped. Arthur quickly followed it with an arrow, ending the animals suffering.
“Damn,” Albert sighed, defeated.
“Don't beat yourself up. It would have been a good shot if it hadn't moved. Unfortunately sometimes that happens. They ain't prone to just sitting still and letting you get the shot,” Arthur assured him, patting his shoulder. “Even if I hadn't been here, you could have ended it's suffering with another shot, or a twist to the neck.”
Albert shuddered at the thought. But deep down he knew Arthur was right. “I never got a shot like that when my father took me hunting,” he noted.
“Well, the kind of hunting your father was doing sounded a lot more like an excuse to get out of the house and go drinking, instead of actually hunting,” Arthur grunted, swinging his bow over his shoulder. “Now let's go get our catch and clean it.” Arthur offered Albert a hand up.
“Oh,” Albert’s face paled. “We're going to skin and butcher it too?”
“Would be a waste to just leave it here,” Arthur pointed out. “It's death should mean something, even if it's only filling the bellies of two fools like us.”
“I suppose you're right.”
“Come on let's set up a camp further up the hill and we'll have some supper.”
Albert looked rather squeamish as Arthur showed him how to skin and butcher the rabbit. But he watched with rapt attention, following Arthurs every move with his eyes.
“And that's about it for cleaning it,” Arthur said, holding up the skinned and cleaned rabbit by its back legs. “Then all that's left to do is cook it. Could just throw it over the fire, but if you've got some herbs, it makes it a little more palatable. Lucky for us,” Arthur reached into his satchel and pulled out some thyme. “I've got some seasoning.”
“A gourmet campfire meal,” Albert chirped, much to Arthur's amusement. Using some rendered animal fat he rubbed the herbs into the meat before placing it on a crudely constructed spit over the fire.
“Thank you for teaching me,” Albert continued, giving Arthur a small smile. “I know I've been, shall we say, a reluctant student. But I know that it's good for me to know how to do this.”
“Just don't want to hear about you starving in the wilderness,” Arthur grunted as he sat down by the fire. “By dumb luck you've somehow survived enough trouble with the animals you're photographing. I'd like to keep it that way.”
“It wasn't dumb luck, it was with your help.” Albert settled in the dirt across the fire from him.
“I've only helped a couple of times,” Arthur shrugged, pulling out his journal.
“Maybe, but you've helped more than I can say,” Albert mirrored Arthur, retrieving his own notebook and pen to begin scrawling notes from the day.
“Whatever you say,” Arthur shook his head, turning his attention to his journal.
As the rabbit cooked the men spent the time in silence, each writing down the events of the day. Albert noted the animals he saw, the animals he photographed and where he was when he did so. He also notated the spots he visited that had resulted in no wildlife.
Arthur journaled about the job he worked, totalling up the earnings and doing the math of what to provide to the gang. He also tidied up a quick sketch he'd done of the burnt town below Horseshoe Overlook, as well as a chipmunk he drew.
Both men finished up their writing by noting the coincidence of meeting up with the other, and the events that led them to be sharing a campfire out in the Heartlands. Not that either man would know he was included in the other man's writing.
“Rabbit should be about done,” Arthur said, closing his journal and tucking it away.
“Marvelous,” Albert set his notebook aside and pulled out a pair of tin camping plates and forks. “I have a pair of these we can use.”
Arthur took the plates with a grunted thanks, using his knife to carve the meat off the rabbit until the plates had an even helping of rabbit. He handed one plate back to Albert before settling in with his plate, digging in immediately.
Albert picked at the rabbit slowly, seemingly lost in thought as he stared at the sparse meat on his plate. He took a bite or two, slowly, as if tasting it for the first time.
“You ever eaten rabbit before, Albert?” Arthur asked, studying the man.
“Yes,” Albert flashed Arthur a sheepish smile. “Many times. I suppose it's just different when you see the entire process. See it going from a living animal to a meal on your plate is a bit… jarring. Usually I see it already carved at the butchers, or fully cooked on my plate in front of me.”
“I suppose it would be jarring,” Arthur hummed, scratching his chin. “But after all it's just nature. If we didn't eat it, a fox or coyote probably would have.”
“Very true,” Albert sighed. The two men were quiet for a moment, Arthur taking another bite of rabbit while Albert was lost in thought. “I admire you, Arthur.”
Arthur nearly choked on his food, pounding on his chest a few times to correct it's passage to his stomach. He also had to push aside the way his heart skipped a beat. He'd spent too long living the life of the delinquent outlaw cowboy. There's no way Albert meant it like that.
“Why d’you say a fool thing like that?” Arthur huffed.
“Because I do. You have such a high regard for nature. A trait most hunters I've met are sorely lacking. A respect for life that others just don't have.”
Arthur’s face fell slightly. “I really don't.” He huffed, attempting to lighten the mood with a chuckle.
When he braved to look at Albert once more he only saw a knowing half-smile. Did he know who Arthur was? Well, to be fair he hadn't exactly used a cover name. All Albert would have to do is read the paper and he'd know who Arthur was. But if he knew, why hadn't he turned Arthur in?
Albert just shook his head, as if reading Arthur's thoughts. “Respect for animal life, then,” he countered.
Arthur didn't know what to say. Albert was such a gentle, polite man. How could he be sitting here, talking to a known killer, and calling him admirable?
“Guess I got enough blood on my hands,” Arthur shrugged, deflecting the compliment, as usual. “Seen enough suffering without adding any more to it.”
“I think there are too many people in the world who don't care how much blood they spill, human or animal,” Albert remarked. “They lose their humanity.”
“Most days mine is hanging by a thread,” Arthur grumbled, voice full of self loathing.
“I think you've got a stronger grip on your humanity than you think,” Albert set his food aside, attention all on Arthur.
“You… you understand what I do.” Arthur waved his hand, not really wanting to say it. Albert nodded a confirmation. “You've probably seen my name in papers, or on bounty posters. You know I ain't a good man. Battery, robbery… murder. I don't think I could get much worse. I ain't got much humanity left.”
“It's true those are some… high crimes,” Albert relented. “And yet, in talking to you, I see more humanity than I do in the high society crowd. The leaders of the nation are soulless. They're only out for themselves. Wouldn't help an old lady cross the street, let alone random fools they find in the wilderness.”
“You sure you're not an outlaw?” Arthur huffed. “Sound a lot like my mentor. He loves to ramble on about how crooked society is.”
“We both know if never cut it as an outlaw,” Albert snickered. “I'd die on day one. And it wouldn't be to a gun. I'd sooner trip and get trampled.” The two men laughed at that before Albert continued.
“Whatever your reasons for doing the things you do, I don't think you're the monster the papers make you out to be,” Albert explained. “Every time I've met you, you've been nothing but helpful and kind, if a little gruff. You may be a sinner, but aren't we all?”
“I think my sins may be a little greater than yours,” Arthur scoffed.
Albert only shrugged. “Maybe. Or maybe the greatness of our sins varies by the hands we're dealt. The life we live. It's easy to be good when you're born with a silver spoon. It's harder to be good when you're fighting every day just to survive.”
“You a philosopher now?” Arthur chuckled.
“I've had a lot of time to ponder life's intricacies of late. Seeing nature in all her beauty will do that.” Albert shrugged. “But my point is, I've met you a handful of times now. You've never given me any reason to doubt you. The papers say you're a monster but I consider you… a friend.”
“A friend?”
“Yes,” Albert affirmed. “A friend, if you'll have me.”
Arthur was quiet for a moment, staring at Albert, trying to decide how to respond. He clearly couldn't respond with his true thoughts on the matter. He wasn't any good at the sappy emotional side of friendship. His friendships usually considered of having each other's backs and teasing each other relentlessly. Maybe the occasional fishing trip.
“You shouldn't have left your food unattended,” Arthur noted, nodding to the tin plate Albert had set down. It was now empty, the bushy tail of a fox disappearing into the bushes behind him. The fox let out it's laughing call as it darted away with what was left of Alberts dinner.
“God damnit all,” Albert huffed, grabbing his plate and glaring after the fox.
“Here. You can have some of mine.”
“No, you eat, I'll be fine.” Albert tried to protest, but Arthur had already halved the meat on his plate and plopped it onto Albert’s.
“That's what friends are for,” Arthur shrugged. It was the best way for him to confirm Albert's statement. They were friends, as odd of a pair as they may have been. Albert grinned, bobbing his head in thank you before digging in to the small amount of rabbit that remained.
“So, what else have you gotten pictures of since I last saw you with the horses?” Arthur asked.
“Oh let's see. Well I did finally get a picture of a coyote after our first encounter,” he hummed. “And then the wolves. But I showed you that one. The horses, um… oh I caught a beautiful shot of some bison rutting in the dirt. And a loon on the river.”
The rest of the evening consisted of the two men swapping stories of their adventures. Albert detailed all the many trials he'd faced trying to complete his project. Arthur in turn told him if the strange things he'd seen on his adventures. The glowing green light over a cabin in the heartlands. The cauldron of grey liquid up in the hills of Ambarino. The strange bones he'd found in, on and around Mount Shann. Just little things, talking long after the moon rose in the sky, until neither man could keep from yawning.
An unlikely friendship, but one that made a huge difference in both men's lives.
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decent0distraction · 2 months
Solo harmony au - part 2
okay SO
The AU for Trolls: Band Together that I recently came up with will now officially be referred as Solo Harmony. Thank you @1-random-ideas555g for coming up with the name for this AU.
I have a few details I want to go over. Stay with me, folks.
King Peppy, due to the trauma of the war and their captivity at the Troll Tree, and old age, is forgetful to almost a dementia like state. He will often see Poppy and confuse her for a young Queen Joy, his wife who was lost in the escape.
Because of this, Poppy avoids her father in favor of avoiding memories of a mother she barely remembers. Viva is deeply troubled by this so Poppy makes herself out to be a bigger trouble…by getting in…you know,, trouble.
But this whole war business is really getting in the way of her partying. I mean, how hard is it for 6 entirely different tribes to come to a single agreement? Right?
No, no, Poppy has no interest in politics or claiming triumph. If she’s gonna die, and she is-
-oh, c’mon, like hundreds of Trolls stand a chance against more than one Bergen!
If she’s gonna die, she wants to die happy. She wants to die knowing she partied and lived life to the fullest! What is Viva’s problem with that?
Well…Viva wants nothing more than for her people to be happy and safe. And that includes her troublesome little sister.
At the exact same time, Branch finds himself in a situation he doesn’t want to be in. Since he is the lone holder of the perfect harmony, he’s important. Too important to be allowed to go outside for too long or make his own decisions. At least, that’s what his brothers say.
Even Floyd gets in the way of what he wants. If he wants to run through a number again to make sure he has a difficult note down and it’s past Floyd’s scheduled break, Floyd will shut the entire rehearsal down and escort Branch to their tent or trailer, or the bunker if they’re in Pop Village.
Oh…did you think the bunker didn’t exist? Of course it does!
But instead of seeing it as a necessary sanctuary, Branch has started considering it his prison.
Branch and John Dory sat on stools in the space where the stage had yet to be set up, a guitar in the older one’s hands.
John Dory strung a somber tune that Branch nodded along to, feeling for just the right time to sing his newly written lyrics to.
“Just close your eyes. The sun is going down. You’ll be alright. No one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I will safe and s-“
“-It’s 15 minutes past the call for break,” Floyd complained as he entered the makeshift music hall.
Branch was quick to his feet. “I know, but I just wanted to run this song I wrote by JD-“
Floyd ignored Branch entirely to yank the guitar out of John Dory’s hands and set it aside. “What are you trying to do? It’s not like you’ll actually let him perform that on stage.”
Branch was distracted by the idea that John Dory had lied to him. “You said it’s exactly what the set needed.”
John Dory sighed, then laughed. “Oh, Baby, c’mon! Don’t look at me like that! I mean, you know how this works; I write the songs; I make your set work-“
“-My set? My set!?” The lights flickered as Branch sparked with a different glow. He was startled by the new effect, stepping back as the flickering died down.
“You’ve been at this too long. Let’s head back,” Floyd suggested, not actually meaning it as a choice.
“The song stays in the set or I’m not performing,” Branch threatened.
“Baby,” John Dory scolded. “What has gotten into you?”
John Dory blames it on old age when he sees that strange glow in Branch’s eyes.
“You need me,” Branch told him. “You all need me.”
“Bab- -Branch,” John Dory self-corrected. “Are you okay?”
Branch wants to tell his brother that he isn’t okay; that he doesn’t even know nor does he really care. He wants to tell him that he’s tired of being used without being asked. He wants to tell him that he may be Baby, the doll of Troll Nation, but he isn’t a toy.
But before Branch can say anything, his head is suddenly pounding and he’s too dizzy to stand.
Floyd, being closer, caught Branch as he nearly fainted. “Okay, you know what? This is done. No more rehearsing for today. You hear me? John Dory, I mean you.”
“Shove off,” John Dory told him. “Go play nurse.”
Floyd shook his head and redirected his attention to Branch. “Let’s get you home.”
The trip to the bunker was worse this time. Branch didn’t want to return to the underground home they shared, but he was too weak to stop Floyd from taking him.
Meanwhile, Floyd is well aware that Branch doesn’t want to go. But it’s safe underground. Branch is safe from the Bergens, from the war, from John Dory’s expectations.
Down here, it’s almost like Branch is a baby again and they know nothing of pain or suffering.
Down here, it’s almost like being free. In fact, it’s better.
“Floyd,” Branch pants. “I need…” to get out.
“I know,” Floyd soothes. “You need to sleep. And a real meal when you wake up.” It takes a few tugs and the tiniest bit of force, entirely out of love of course, but Floyd gets Branch to his bed, who is helpless as his shoes are removed and put away somewhere.
Branch never knows where the shoes go. And that terrifies him.
“No,” he whimpers. “I…I need…” to get the fuck out.
“Shh,” Floyd cooed as he smoothed Branches’ hair and tucks him in. “You just stay right here. I’ll be right back.”
Knowing Branch couldn’t go anywhere, Floyd left and shortly returned with a cup. “This milk will make you feel better. Trust me.” Picking up Branch’s head, the pink haired Troll forced the milk down his throat when he tried to refuse to drink it on his own.
And while Branch coughed and struggled, Floyd cleaned his face and fixed the blankets. “You know, you’re right. We need you. I need you.” He smiled as Branch couldn’t keep his eyes open. “And you need me. You’re the baby of the family. You need us, Branch. You know that.”
And when Branch wakes up and Floyd insists that he have a bowl of soup and a vitamin-rich smoothie, Branch doesn’t argue. Because anything is better than that milk.
Sooo, yeah. We covered family issues and details about the previous rulers ruler of the Pop Trolls.
Who am I forgetting? Something about a mountain? Or was it a Diamond?
Never mind; we can talk them another time.
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
2023 WIP List
I saw a writer I really love doing this here and decided to respectfully borrow the idea.
I'm feeling really bummed about writing lately, can't seem to find the least bit of motivation and have jumped from story to story without adding anything of substance over the last month or so. Nothing seems to spark joy. And yet I have thousands of words in half-written stories I'm not sure what to do with. Ideally, I'd like to finish them, but at this point, who knows 🤷‍ So this is a way for me to take stock, do some soul-searching, try to find where my heart is writing-wise at the moment and see if I can manifest some inspo.✨
These are not even all my WIPs, just the ones I have opened at least once in the last year.
▪ Speed Dating 3/3 Klaroline, friends/roommates-to-lovers
Started in June 2022
The final part to my Speed Dating sequel, which is much longer than the original story because I have no self-respect. Klaus and Caroline are roommates and idiots. The OG one-shot had them going on a round of speed dating and failing to connect the dots and realizing that what they really should be doing is sucking face with each other. The sequel is kind of an expanded universe situation, where I wanted to show a little more of their roommie chemistry and push them into situations where they are finally confronted with the reality of their feelings. But that only happens once they start seeing other people because of course.
I have maybe 60% of the final part written but for some reason, after word-vomiting non-stop for a while, I got stuck on a kind of major point in the story. I've tried to start it soooo many times and it just won't go. 🙃 I think I'm looking at a good 6 to 8k words more before it's finished.
▪ Random Fic (not the real title) Klaroline (duh), sorta exes-to-enemies-to-lovers I guess
Started in May 2020
The start of my romantic comedy phase. This predates even my coffee shop AU. It's Caroline and Klaus having a fling that ends very, very badly, but then having to come together again a year later to marry their common friend (and Caroline's ex), Tyler. I wanted it to be quick, witty and light-hearted and then at some point it got some very emotional bits in the middle and turned into something else completely. I guess it's still mostly light-hearted, but it has some ~~substance, whatever that means. I think it's an okay fic, and it's 55k words, which is not too bad, but then does anyone still read 55k all at once these days? lol
The fic is finished. I think I wrapped it up in April last year, so a year ago. But I haven't been able to go back and read it again. I've tried, and I've started it so many times, but then I always stop and never pick it back up. But like. 55k words of finished fic here. 🤷‍
▪ Pendulum Klaroline, soulmates!AU but make it sad
Originally in January 2019, started rewriting in July 2020 (lol)
I have issues with this story. It's the saddest damn thing I've ever written, but it's also my favorite storyline I've ever come up with. It got some hate at the time, I don't know why, but also some of the most heartfelt comments/responses I've ever received on any story (and I still keep them all!), so I think this is one where you either love it or hate it. But because I feel so protective of it, I have problems (of the personal brand) leaving it out in the open, and I don't want to repost it until I'm absolutely sure it's ok. As you can see, it was one of my first ever fics, so the writing wasn't the best. But I still love it, I don't care. I keep wanting to make the writing match how much I love the idea, and I don't know if that's possible. 🙃
It's the rare AU I write entirely from Klaus' POV, which is something else. I'm not sure I'm that good with Klaus. It's also an AH, but it has a little magic twist. Every time Klaus dies, his life just restarts from the exact same point. He's born on the same year, at the same place, to the same parents. Except he remembers his previous lives, and so he accumulates the knowledge of hundreds and hundreds of previously lived years each time he's reborn. And then shit happens.
First time I posted this, it was 57k words long. I have successfully finished rewriting the first of three parts, which is around 14k words, but as you can see, I have been in this process since 2020 (!!!), so I need to go back and tinker with that as well. May God have mercy on my soul.
▪ Mystic Tours (not the real title) Klaroline, friends-to-lovers but also fake dating
Started in January 2023
This was inspired by Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison, except it's not a Christmas story, and it doesn't actually have any farms. It has Klaroline fake dating to try and win a contest that can potentially save Caroline's failing business, and also loads of side-characters Sound of Settling style (including a horde of Mikaelsons and Bonnie and Enzo as Caroline's co-workers). I really like writing stories where I can fit a bunch of side characters and make the whole thing sorta absurd. But I also wanted to try to make something quicker, more dialogue-oriented and with shorter scenes. AND YET. I just can't seem to make it work, the writing kinda sucks.
I have some 6k words of this, but can't tell you how much of that is actually usable. And it's maybe 10% of the story. 🙃
▪ Friends that Ruin Your Life (may or may not be the title, undecided) Klaroline, Klefan (!!), affairs, fucked up people, angst
Started in March 2023
The five minutes during which I decided I wanted to go back to my origins and write something angsty and filled with complicated situations, a bit like Gasoline. It features Klaus and Stefan as a couple, and Caroline getting sucked into their messy marriage. So yes, Klaus is having an affair. In his defense, so is Stefan. Caroline's moral compass gets all out of sorts and she realizes the world is a lot less black-and-white than she'd previously assumed and sometimes you do get judged by your one-offs, even if your heart is in the right place.
I got super excited about this one and churned out the entire plan for the whole story, with all the scenes and most of the dialogues and the document alone is like 60k words long. I wrote that in like three days. 🥲 I don't think I could make it a one-shot, and I think that left me bummed because I didn't want it to be a multi-chapter. And then I'm not sure the writing was coming along fine enough, it wasn't flowing, and I started to question whether it was actually good or if I was totally tripping when I had this idea and this was actually insanely shitty. lol Leaning more towards the second right now.
▪ King Arthur AU (not the actual title) Klaroline, magic, fantasy, King Arthur
Started in March 2021
This is very high fantasy, and very intricate. It would be a multi-chapter, but I have no idea how long. I think I was leaning towards 10 chapters. I have four written. And the writing is fairly decent, if I may say so myself. But as it usually happens with me, I get to a point where I start wondering why am I even writing this, and then I stop. 🥲🥲 I also think I was having some doubts about how to wrap it up. It had maybe more plots than I wanted to work with. King Arthur was actually Elijah, and Klaus was Mordred, and Caroline was Guinevere-ish, a witch undercover in "Orleans" (I'm so creative!!).
Only reason this is even on the list is because I recently read the four chapters I have and thought they were pretty decent, but I haven't written anything in almost two years, so maybe I've swiped up on this one already.
▪ The Wolf III and IV 🤡
Started in October 2020 (!! when I tell you guys I've had this written for years lol)
I have technically written The Wolf 3. It's in my "headcanons" format, which is honestly a joke, because clearly I don't know how to write headcanons. 🤡 But as you can see by the starting date, it's very, very old, and it requires full rewriting and lots of editing. Chapters are 15 to 20k words long (some are longer). TW4 is a different story. I never actually wrote it down, all I have is a full, detailed plan of all the scenes and shit. My idea was to not split the two stories into two different fics, but rather continue on with TW4 in the same AO3 "document" (???) as TW3 and make it 34 chapters long instead of 21. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but also I don't have it in me to start another separate story.
But here we are, stuck on S03E17. 🤡 Gonna be honest with you, my dudes, it's been rough to find the motivation to open that document. I think I have half of 17, maybe, but I haven't touched that in over a month. Laely, I have been often sent into thinky thoughts that you really shouldn't have when you're writing fic just for the hell of it, you know. Like, this is in no way meant to be a great piece of writing, I shouldn't be worried about that. It's the fan service of the fan service. But I start to think about the real quality of it and whether it even makes sense to be writing it, I realize I wrote one fic that was good, a second one which I personally think was even better, and then I made the classic mistake of having one too many sequels. This is Jurassic Park III. It's not as crappy as Jurassic World, you have Sam Neill, but should it exist? I just want Klaus and Caroline to be together for a change, and I love adding random final scenes in every chapter where it's just the two of them being married, but - should this be written? Or rather, should this have been posted in the first place? Do we really wanna see them being domestic? Doesn't that kind of kill the vibe? I don't know, man. I don't know. Chapter one was a blast, people seemed so into it and I wrote five chapters at once and got maybe a little over-excited, and then which each update I feel like there's less and less readers and it really gets me thinking. These thoughts are sabotaging my will to write. I need to get back on my fuck it horse.
It will come to me at some point, though. I'm sure it will.
Anyway, these are all my current WIPs! Comments, ideas and positive energies are all welcome! ✨ Let's return to this in december and weep at how little progress I've made 🥲
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arcielee · 2 months
Ooohhhh here's my beautiful Geto wife doing the fanfic ask game:
3, 11, 29, 31, 40, 54, 55, 60
I tried to pick the numbers avaiable lol
Hello my darling 💜
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3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
Oh my goodness, I am a slut for it. It is almost always a focal point of every damn thing I write. I cannot help it.
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11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
Every since I posted the story Silver Coins, I am haunted by the fact that she brought out two plates instead of one, which was more of a common practice in the 9th century England.
As a result, I now pride myself in my research. I spend days on an idea or concept, and even go as far to check the etymology of a word to see if it can actually fit.
29. give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
Spoiler? I hardly know her!
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31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
It is Osferth. He is definitely my comfort character, I truly adore writing for him. I just love the tragedy of his character and how he responds to the world around him. It is so much fun for me.
Tom Bennett is a close second, though. And currently, I am enjoying writing for Satoru Gojo. 😆
40. best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
I had someone who mentioned I needed to emphasize more of time jumps, if they were in my stories, so that will haunt me forever.
54. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Do not force it. You'll burn yourself out. If the words aren't coming, you can revisit what sparked the idea originally, to see if they'll flow again, or just step away and write something else entirely.
55. do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
No WIP is abandoned for me.
They are horrible neglected and accumulate a large amount of dust before I clean them up and post. Sometimes my muses flit off for other things or sometimes you hear nothing for feedback, so that uncertainty settles into your bones and you go off to do something else entirely.
But I always go back. I have posted stories that have sat in my drafts for a year before I finally went back and finished it.
60. where is the most dangerous place that you’ve written fic?
At my job. They gave us notebooks and now everyone thinks I am an avid note taker, but it is smut, it is pages of research on how to make soap or random blurbs that spill from me.
But also smut.
ask game for fanfic writers
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prettyboybuckley · 2 years
For the touch prompt (if you're still doing it and it sparks happiness): touching cheek to cheek 💖
(Your writing gives me such joy btw)
Hi!! Thank you so much, that's so nice of you to say! And I'm glad! I am so sorry, I know you sent me this prompt literally two months ago, but time just kind of got away from me... Anyway, inspiration suddenly struck today and I ended up writing something a little longer than I usually do for a prompt fill! I hope you like it! Disclaimer that I wrote this through dictation because of hand problems and that while I did edit it and read it through, there might still be a random word or two that the computer misheard and that I didn't notice. Short summary: Buck wants Eddie to face his fear of being in public places after the shooting, and Eddie decides that should be a mutual suffering. They end up taking Christopher to the Santa Monica Pier. Set right after Season 4, during Eddie's recovery. Full work under the cut, but also available on ao3.
quiet my fears with the touch of your hand (G, 1299 words)
Buck hasn't been on the pier since that day.
He likes to tell himself that there just hasn't been any reason to, that it has nothing to do with fear. After all, you'd think that in that case, large bodies of water would bother him as well, and they don't.
So, yeah, he isn't scared to go to the pier at all.
Eddie thinks otherwise.
Now that Eddie is doing better, his shoulder not fully recovered but healing the way it's supposed to, Buck has been trying to coax him out of the house—and consequently out of his comfort zone.
Of course, Eddie also claims that he isn't scared to go to public places, but Buck doesn't believe that, not with the way Eddie gets all shifty when Buck suggests something as simple as going to the store together.
So Buck has been trying to think of something that they can do together, preferably with Christopher as well. He's suggested the zoo as well as a museum, but neither seemed to interest Eddie much, and he knows he's gonna need something good to get Eddie to agree.
“I mean,” he says after Eddie shoots down what is probably his tenth idea, “why don't you come up with a suggestion then? What would you like to do?”
And maybe Buck should have seen this coming, because he did confront Eddie about his fear when they started this conversation, putting his foot down even when Eddie tried to deny everything.
“I want to make a compromise,” Eddie replies, a look in his eyes that doesn't exactly make Buck feel like he’s going to enjoy said compromise. “You want me to face my fears? How about you face yours at the same time?”
Oh. Yeah, Buck is not going to like this.
It has always kind of surprised him how resilient children are.
If the idea of going back to the pier scares Christopher in any way at all, he doesn't show it. He's excited even, saying it has been way too long since they have been to the amusement park on the pier. And so a trip is planned for the next Saturday, and as the days pass the anxiety in his stomach keeps growing and growing.
Stepping foot onto the pier has his heart feeling like it is going to beat out of his chest as his gaze automatically drifts two are the pier ends and the water starts. Next to him, Eddie seems to be just as nervous, though he is mostly looking at the crowd around them.
In front of them, Christopher is clearly in a hurry to get started on exploring all the things the park has to offer, talking half to himself and half to Buck and Eddie as he muses on what to do first.
Buck takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself, and he looks at Eddie from the corner of his eye. Eddie is already looking at him, and when Buck holds out his hand, he only seems to need a second to think before he takes it.
Holding hands is not something that they do, not really, because as close as they are, they are still just best friends. That's what Buck always has to remind himself of. They are just best friends.
And sure, walking over the pier hand in hand as they follow Christopher to what he has apparently decided should be their first stop, it doesn't feel like a thing that just best friends would do. But Buck also knows that it is a dangerous thing to acknowledge that.
Of course, it turns out not to be all that bad. They have fun that afternoon and slowly Eddie starts to relax beside him as Buck manages to stop paying attention to the water at all times. They end up getting competitive multiple times, at least for the games that Eddie can play with only one arm, and the result is that they have to carry an excessive amount of prizes that Christopher is absolutely delighted about.
“I guess you were kind of right,” Eddie says when they are both sitting down for a minute and keeping an eye on Christopher, who—on his own insistence—is getting cotton candy by himself.
Buck raises an eyebrow at him because while he knows what Eddie means, he wants to hear the words from the man’s mouth. Eddie seems to realize that, too.
“That this would be good for me, to get out of the house, go somewhere public.”
He's serious and genuine, his voice quiet as he focuses his gaze out into the crowd where Christopher is. Buck decides that if Eddie can be vulnerable, then so can he.
“You were also right,” he replies. “That I had to face my own fear by going here.”
Eddie looks at him, smiles that soft smile that has Buck's heart beating a little faster. He nods and Buck doesn't know why, but it feels like a victory. His gaze falls onto a photo booth nearby, a little off to the side and seemingly not very popular.
“Maybe we should commemorate this. I mean, it might be nice to have a picture for Christopher’s photo album anyway, but it might also be a good reminder that we took this step.”
He nods towards the booth as he says it, and Eddie follows his gaze. The guy’s eyebrows wrinkle for a moment, but then he nods. Christopher comes back then, and they wait for him to eat his cotton candy, but it is soon after that that Buck drags his Diaz boys toward the photo booth.
It's not easy to cram all three of them into the small space, and Buck ends up with Eddie pressed tight against his side, one of his arms wrapped around Eddie's waist, while Christopher sits on the spot where their thighs are pressed against each other.
Buck can't tear his eyes away from Eddie as he sets up the machine to take their pictures using the little touchscreen. There is a small preview in the corner, and all he can think is how much they look like a family.
“Say cheese,” Eddie says cheerily as he leans back again, somehow managing to get even closer to Buck.
And then he presses his cheek against Buck's as he grins widely to make sure they both fit in the frame well enough, and Buck is taken so off guard that he only remembers to smile at the last moment. The camera snaps multiple pictures in quick succession, and then it is over already.
Buck feels like he doesn't breathe until they're standing outside again, and his heart beats quickly in his chest as he takes one of the two strips of pictures from Eddie. The images feel incriminating, even though he knows that the heart eyes are probably only obvious to him.
It's Eddie's voice that startles him out of his thoughts, and he looks up to find that Christopher has already walked ahead on his crutches and Eddie is looking back, sending him a questioning look.
“You coming?” Eddie asks, pulling his hand out of his pocket and holding it out as if he is waiting for Buck to take it, palm up. “I was thinking we could go home, order some food? I guess we’ll have to hope that Chris comes down from his sugar high around his bedtime.”
There is something about the way he says ‘home’ that has Buck feeling breathless all over again.
“Yeah, I’m coming,” he replies, slipping the pictures into the pocket of his jacket as he catches up with Eddie. He resists the temptation to take the man’s hand – it feels too risky. Baby steps, he thinks. But maybe one day.
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enigmaticexplorer · 1 year
A year ago (in July) I completed my second full-length fic. The moment I published the final chapter on AO3, I told myself I would never write fanfic again. 
I was tired of writing. I was tired of tying my self-worth to my writing. And I was tired of hating everything I had written. It reached a point I almost deleted all my fics and my AO3 account. I was done with it.
Months passed. Ideas percolated in the back of my mind. I had an itch to write. But the moment I tried to, I froze. Sometimes I thought about writing and it made me nauseous. After so long of unsuccessful writing moments, I thought I had reached the end. Writing for fun was no longer something I could do. If I had the skills to write before, I no longer had them.
It wasn’t until May of this year that I had an idea. It was so sudden and random that it shocked me. I started to write. I didn’t feel nauseous at the thought of writing.
Today I completed the second draft of that random fic idea. It’s surreal to see the chapter documents on my computer.
I went from thinking I would never write again to completing a full-length fic. And I feel so relieved to have found my old joy in writing again.
All that to say, I hope other writers who have taken a break, who feel defeated, who feel nauseous whenever they look at an empty Word doc will find their old spark and joy again.
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luna-eclipse2000 · 2 years
Broken bones
Jean x gn!reader
“Remind me how you did this to yourself?” You ask as Jean enters your dorm room with a leg cast on and using crutches. “Eren was being a little shit again.” Jean answers. “Uh huh, it’s always Eren’s fault.” You say sarcastically as you close the door. “From what I heard, you started it.”
“Mikasa probably said that, she’s always sticking up for him when she knows it’s his fault!” Jean says angrily. “Ok, calm down.” You say, throwing your hands up in surrender. “Just take a seat and I’ll go get you the homework.”
You head down the small hall as Jean hobbles over to your saggy couch that you bought off Craigslist for only $50, and into your room. You head to your desk, grab your binder labeled ‘History 102’ and flip to the very back of it. You bought one that had the front and back pockets for your own homework and a spot to put those who weren’t able to make it to class that day. Once you grab the sheet with the small list of things to do for next class, you head back out to the living room to see that Jean has put his foot up on the coffee table with a pillow under it. You hold back a snicker at the sight.
“Aw, poor baby.” You tease. “You want me to kiss it better?”
“Well, now that you mention it-“
Jean says, causing you to smack his shoulder. “Hey, hey! I’m already injured, thank you.”
You roll your eyes and hand him the sheet. Jean grabs it and looks over the list. “We have to write an entire essay by Friday?”
“Yup. So you better get to it.” You say. Jean sighs and you can practically hear the wheels turning in his head as he tries to come up with an idea for this assignment. “Do you know what you’re doing?”
“Mhm.” You hum. “But I’m not saying because I don’t want you stealing my idea.”
“Have at least a little bit of faith in me.” He says. You look down at his cast and see that no one’s signed it yet. Maybe signing casts was an elementary thing only. You wouldn’t know because even though your high school was full of idiots, you never saw anyone with a cast on. Maybe a brace, but no casts. You remember the time when you broke your wrist from trying to do a trick on the monkey bars in second grade and how happy it made you to have your friends, family and just random classmates sign it.
So you get up from the couch and head back to your room where you grab out your pack of sharpies. You discard the boring colours- black, browns, greys, just all the darker colours because that won’t spark any joy- and re-enter the living room. You take a seat on the floor, grab out a green sharpie and sign your name in bubble letters. Then you pull out a red and pink sharpie and start doodling little hearts all around your name.
“Uh, (y/n)? What on earth are you doing?” Jean asks once he notices you. “I’m drawing.” You answer simply. “But why hearts?” Jean asks. “Because then you’ll always know that I love you even when you’re being a hot headed jerk.”
“How was I being the hot head?” Jean asks rhetorically. “Eren pushed me down the stairs!”
“Or you tripped and your ego is making you place blame on an easy target.” You say jokingly as you grab out your yellow sharpie and start drawing little smiley faces. “Ok, will you stop that?” Jean says as he shifts his leg away from you.
You look up at him with a hurt expression on your face. “Sorry… I thought you’d like it.”
“I’m sorry…” Jean apologizes. “I do really appreciate it.”
“Then can I go back to what I was doing?” You ask hopefully. Jean hesitates with answering so you pout, knowing how weak it makes him. He sighs and shuffled his leg back towards you. “Fine. Just as long as you help me with this stupid assignment.”
“Done!” You agree with a smile as you go back to drawing your smiley faces. Jean just smiles softly, shakes his head and then pulls out his phone to do a little bit of research just to be able to say he did some.
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aesterblaster · 2 years
Weird ask but ok-
Niche hobbies/things the Blue Lock boys would ask you to do with them
Notes: so so fluffy lmao and can be read as platonic
Songs: Sherry / Jersey Boys , BIZCOCHITO / Rosalia
Isagi would literally beg you to go over his notes with him. Whether it be on a recent class before a big test or his latest soccer observations, he loves hearing your thoughts on his opinions. Isagi makes all sorts of hand gestures as he rambles on with you about everything from the mundane to the egoistic. You're his favorite person to bounce ideas off of but, he'd never admit to you that half the reason he cleaned up his hand writing so much was because he wanted you to be able to read it.
Bachira would ask you to help him find the right meditation apps. Not everyone knows this, but he meditates quite a lot and unfortunately hates almost every app on the market for it. You should know, having suggested at least 7 to him. The voices are too loud or too quiet, the premises too basic or makes him remember embarassing memories. Of course, it turns out in the end your voice is the best for guided meditation.
Reo drags you away to play old board games when you visit his house. You swear you've never even heard of half the things in his family's board game cabinet. This always gives him some wiggle room to jokingly make up rules, just to watch your expressions as he describes some ridiculously complex dice rolling system. Although you do always get a hold of the rule book and usually win.
Nagi takes you to huge greenhouses to pick out new pet plants. Each time a cactus of his dies he pretends not to care but is heartbroken deep down. Especially since he always lets you choose, claiming that going through each one is too much of a hassle. But there's no denying that there's a spark of affection in his eyes when he gets to watch the cashier place it into it's own little pot.
Rin would make you go to old vhs or horror movie shops with him. You like to tease him that he's the only reason they're still open anymore, but still when you go in there is a sort of reverent feeling that washes over you. From the laminated posters of black and white haunted houses to the sheer amount of tapes from all over the globe, you can't knock the owner's dedication. He always ropes you in to buying way more than you mean to in the end.
Tabito convinces you to go to a glassblowing class with him. At first he signed up on accident, meaning to go to an extra chemistry course, but he quickly falls in love with the craft. You do too, even though you're sweating to death in the hotshop, seeing the glass cool into just the right shape or pattern is always worth it. With his eye for precision and your ideas for sculptures or even just willingness to help make you two a perfect team.
Shidou calls on you at random hours to help him completely redecorate his room. What can he say, his interests change and sometimes what used to make him explode with joy just isn't doing it anymore. Half of the fun of redecorating with him is simply hearing him talk about his life or feelings, opening up in a way he doesn't in your day to day convos as he puts together a new bookshelf. He hints that maybe one day you two will do some work on your space as well.
Otoya would make you help him DJ at events. Whether it's a school dance or some club he managed to book a gig at, he'll always ask for your imput on his playlist or request that you set up his gear with him. Even when he pretends to be hurt at your suggestions to remove something or add something somewhere else you know he takes it to heart. He even teaches you the basics of BPM matching and other techniques so you can give more specific feedback.
Kenyu would take you to his modelling interviews. Half for support and half to joke with you about the ridiculous things they'd ask him before they let him try on the clothes. You like it because you get to go to these amazing locations all over Japan and see some amazing fashion design while also getting to hang out with Kenyu. Honestly even though you two laugh and joke about the designers, you're grateful he shares these amazing experiences with you.
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I think I've finally figured out why I've been so unhappy on here lately.
I've gotten spoiled and used to Discord where when you post a comment or share something, you usually get quick responses. There is a dialogue, a back and forth where you can share ideas and build off of one another. And while I do see that happening sometimes between close mutuals, that's not really how Tumblr works. But I wish it did.
My greatest joy since starting to write and share my work is meeting others doing the same or others in the fandom who want to gush about HCs, story ideas that may or may not ever get written, WIPs, fanart, GIFs, moodboards, etc. I love watching an idea grow and getting to comment along the way. I love watching a random frenzied conversation between multiple people spark an idea that blooms into a fantastic piece of art.
But I guess that's not really how Tumblr works. And if I accept that most people just want to consume content or stay in their own bubble, then maybe I can find that same enjoyment I did when I first made my blog.
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riririnnnn · 2 months
Most of all, hello again! And before you ask, no, I'm not a telepath or a psychic. I mean, I was a psychic for a mini time to steal— I mean, make money fairly. :D
Back here again… I'm glad you've found some new hobbies and are doing other things! Of course, I'm also very sad when I see that you're stopping writing because maybe you feel like it's becoming more of an obligation than something cool that you're doing to share. I'm really feeling like a balance, I'm happy and sad because you really are one of the few creators of quotev that I like and you were also the one who gave me the starting point to start writing my Blue lock povs. <3
So what I'm really going to say here now as a young Brazilian who accidentally took a six bloody month psychology course is; Don't try too hard or force yourself to do something you no longer want to do. If that second one is the case then I just wait for a post like "It's over, I'm done writing, Bye and Lol."
And one more thing, I'm like air. You may not see me or smell me, but sometimes you hear me and feel me— :D
Ily, bye-bye darling.
—TJ. 🇧🇷
PS; Don't worry, I probably won't actually kill someone and I'm sorry about the accidental double ask.
Ah, well, I consider myself as a lawful good, but I don't mind the idea of, y'know, stealing money from the rich. Like, I don't condone the idea of stealing—that's a bad manner, but stealing from the rich? I understand that.
And you are scaring me now..
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Like, be honest, do you have any special supernatural power? Do you have a camera in my room or something? 'cause how do you know that yes, writing indeed started to feel like an obligation to me—I lost the sparks—especially during those times when I, out of the blue, started to lose motivation to write.
You see, personally, I think the most important thing for a Fanfic writer is that you should have fun while writing! I mean, it's not a job, so you should enjoy it! And I've been living by this motto ever since I, myself, became a Fanfic writer.
But lately, I wasn't able to feel the same, y'know.
Whenever I do random things, I think of my books, the potential future plot and stuffs, and I always have this stupidly big smile on my face during the whole time—you might even think I'm mentally ill or something because I'm feeling that much of happiness!
However, you can say a couple of weeks to be completely honest, I wasn't able to feel the same joy, y'know, Instead of smiling and giggling like an idiot, I ended up frowning whenever I opened the books. My face used to be like: >:( It started to feel more like a chore of something, and I couldn't confess it truthfully until now because, well, haha, I thought it was very rude of me to say so.
I kinda don't have any idea why I started to feel this way, but I'm sure that the book Cliché had a pretty big hand behind this—I think I did vent about it to you some months ago (?).
I mean, it's very arrogant of me to say this, but I took (maybe take?) pride in the fact that I never suffer(ed) from writer's block and that my imagination power is very strong—ideas always keep flooding in my mind and story automatically formed on its own as I typed. However, I never realised that having so many ideas can also mean that they may not connect very well to eachother, y'know.
And that's exactly what happened while I was writing the book Cliché. I had abundance of ideas for the story to proceed, but they just didn't link up which frustrated me and, I guess, also damaged some of my ego.
I won't say I'm done with writing though :) I still like it a lot, and I'm, slowly, getting back into the track—it may take a while, I think.
Oops, I ranted a lot :p
Thank you so much! You are very, very sweet <3
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Also, "You may not see me or smell me, but sometimes you hear me and feel me," hm? That's scary, hehe :p
And LMFAOOOO! Glad to know you won't actually kill someone, lol.
Take care <3333333333
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Sending you lots of love!!
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