#wrote this 3 hours straight
biinaberry · 2 years
Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore! Messed up Jimmy lore!
My backstory deals with the theme of loss and guilt which spans 3 generations of the Solidarity family tree. As such below I provide a family tree to help illustrate.
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Warning: massacres, skinning and blood This story is really long as well
The Solidarity family was the head of Tumble town for a few decades by this point. The oldest daughter of the Sheriff, Rosemary, was newly crowned the Sheriff of Tumble Town after experiencing her metamorphosis and turning into a Rosy Boa.
A few months after this happened a bandit by the name of Harbinger enters Tumble Town and starts to reek havoc often in the form of stealing from the locals or opening animal pens. Eventually Rosemary catches him behind the town's bank and realizes its her childhood friend Jebediah. She makes a deal that if he cuts out his tomfoolery she'll make him her deputy and he of course agrees (mainly due to an old crush he had on her mixed with being legally able to cause mischief).
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The relations between Tumble town and Stratos is just as shit as they are during Jimmy's era. With a long history of the two taking pot shots at each other in some form of trying to prove one is better than the other. During a meeting between Stratos and Tumble Town, Joel tries to tease and make fun of Rosemary. However, she just shrugs and continues on with the meetings, being a surprise to his father (Zephyr) and Joel since previously all the other Sheriffs were hot tempered. Rosemary has 4 siblings so the constant stress of her siblings gives her a little more patience than the rest of her family. But she still has just as wild of a temper when she does reach her limits. With the new Sheriff having the remarkable ability of patience it allows a neutral sort of relationship between the two empires but Zephyr still can't stand the town. He has more experience with the past sheriffs than Joel who only experienced Rosemary's father and herself. Joel and Rosemary then form a business relationship where the two will try their best to be formal, but never encroach into the friends category. They do still harbor major resentment towards each other's empires and are fully willing to defend their own empire with their entire being. At the same time the relationship between Jebediah and Rosemary starts to grow as the two of them fall back into their old dynamic when they were kids. With Rosemary being the one to often follow the rules while Jebediah is fully willing to cause pranks and mischief if it means he gets what he wants. During his time training under Rosemary he started to notice the lack of respect other empires had for the Sheriff. Often muttering under their breath how the don't trust the words of a snake to hold the truth. Or bringing into question the statements she makes during meetings. Rosemary then asks Jebediah if he can do the trade deals since she noticed how trusting the other emperors were when talking to him instead, and he agrees. Still furious over the lack of respect for his friend (and then girlfriend at the time) he would sabotage other empires and make them unable to fulfill their quota for a trade and thus, they owe the town some more for compensation. He almost got caught a few times but he'll keep doing it after surprising Rosemary the first time they got more supplies in a shipment. However she soon figures out what Jebediah is doing and tells him to stop, except for the Goblands because she can't stand their emperor. Eventually the two have a simple wedding in tumble town as Joel not so sneakily drops off 2 barrels of wine for the newly weds and Rosemary just drags him to one of the farther areas of the wedding so the three of them can have a friendly conversation. They thank him for the drinks and Rosemary especially doing a fake second toast to the fact the two empires aren't trying to kill eachother. Joel just shakes his head before Jebediah dares to see if he can drink the whole barrel and Rosemary nearly strangles him. Later down the line Joel and Rosemary almost agree to forming an alliance between Stratos and Tumble Town. Joel sadly returns saying the alliance was denied by his father since he still doesn't trust tumble town and Rosemary concedes. She does suggest that once he becomes emperor then nothing should be able to stop them. A few months pass before Joel returns again, now 11 ft tall and hulking over everything as the town nearly scream. Rosemary comes rushing out and her jaw hits the floor before asking if he needs a shrinking potion and to please not crush her to death by accident. Joel laugh, sits down before picking Rosemary up to say his metamorphosis finally happened and Rosemary cheers. Rushing back inside to slowly drag out Jebediah who hurt his feet by wearing too small shoes and complains about it. The three of them have a mini celebration of Joel's metamorphosis. Joel questions why she is trying to throw a party and she says "Whether ally or enemy everyone should be excited for the chance of progress! Even if it you who could pioneer it" with a snide remark as Joel flicks her shoulder and the three start to drink the storage of wine and chocolate cake. 
Joel returns again in a few months and confides in Rosemary that he's angry over the fact that Zephyr hasn't given him the title of emperor yet. Rosemary tells him to take a dip in the ocean south of here, count how many types of fish he saw then return to her. He does and when he grumbles back why she told him to do that she said "I had to take your mind off of your father by giving you a new task. Works on Jebediah when he starts to get fed up with other emperors. Now go home and simply just ask your father why you aren't given the crown yet. More often than not there is an actual reason" and Joel groans but concedes and flies back home. She then receives a letter stating his father doesn't believe it would be safe to thrust all of Stratos onto Joel so he'll start giving him small increments to control before eventually he can balance managing all of Stratos. And Rosemary smugly sends back "Told ya idiot." A year or 2 passes before Joel returns to Tumble town without the prospects of trade and asks for Rosemary again. She is happy to see him again before questioning if he already ran out of gunpowder before he whispers if there is any place they can talk alone. Rosemary stops for a sec before saying "yes, come into my house" as Joel shrinks down and enters the premises. Joel vents to her again that he once again swears his father doesn't trust him because he's running all of stratos now for Months yet still he wont give him the title of king. Rosemary scowls and questions why he hell he isn't while Joel immediately responds with "That's what Im asking!". After some time Joel bids farewell to Rosemary before almost walking into Jebediah who is carrying 2 kids. The two stare at eachother before Joel mutters "Are those the gremlins you mentioned in your letter?" and Jebediah just nods before asking if Joel wants to hold one. "So which one is Finch and which is Jacob?" "The black haired one is Jacob, the brown haired is Finch." "Thank me they aren't identically imagine calling both of them the wrong name their entire life" "Want to bet you'll misname them? "Absolutely" before they part ways again. When Joel returns again he instead is faced with Jebediah, stating that Rosemary is currently out on a deal trade. Joel says he's about to leave then but before taking off Jebediah questions "He doesnt trust you" Joel backtakes and turns around. "What?". "What if he simply doesn't see you as worthy. That in his eyes no matter what you do, you aren't worth it. What then Joel?" Joel takes a breath before flying away but the doubt already enters. Over time as he keeps returning to tumble town he keeps running into Jebediah instead, and over time his anger towards his father starts to grow until Jebediah simply states "why not take it." And that forms a plan.
Joel gives Jebediah an artifact from stratos, an old lasso, that allows any god to be yanked from the islands. See in stratos there is a magical barrier that protects the gods from being attacked by mortals. This has prevented wars in the past since only the humans down below would be killed. The lasso bypasses this barrier and they plan for Jebediah to lasso joel's father and drag him to tumble town, and he does
Jebediah nails Zephyr to a stake in the middle of the desert and then waits a few days before telling joel he did the job. Joel comes down, tries to break the ropes and realizes he cant. The lasso can only be loosened by the one who used it and flies to tumble town to try and find jebediah but he is missing. Rosemary is also missing from the town. Every day he returns to the stake site, trying to free his father but nothing works.
While in a meeting Joel suddenly is able to feel the electricity in the clouds and realizes something is deeply wrong. Since every successor god gains the ability to control lighting from the prior emperor. He flies to the mesa and sees Jebediah standing next to his father but as he gets closer he realizes that he is carving out chunks of his skin, using them as parchment. "They say the words of god are stronger than any mortal sword, I wonder if their body is just as useful as their voice"
Joel enraged, tries to grab Jebediah but he evades his grasp and suddenly disappears. He then storms into tumble town and yells for Rosemary for which she immediately turns up worried over why Joel sounds so angry and confronts her. He demands to know if she knew anything about Jebediah's plans and she of course says no. Joel is about to believe her until he connects that how else would jebediah know about his plight if he specifically only confided in rosemary. Connecting in his brain that she had to have told jebediah about his worrie he growls that he doesnt believe her. Rosemary slithers back confused, repeatedly saying that she has no clue what he is talking about, what did jebediah do? what happened? Before trying to run inside of her house as joel grabs the back of her tail. Asks her one more time and as she says no he crushes her head
Jebediah returns thinking he escaped Joel.
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And sees the corpse of his wife instead. He tries to attack joel but he just grabs his body and starts to drag him into the tumble town mines before landing by a lava pit. He chains jebediah up, grabbing a bucket of lava, and forcing jebediah to drink it. His insides burn as his skin turns into charcoal and obsidian and his organs a burning soup of lava and mush. He dies as still as a statue and Joel returns home. Unable to handle the fact that his father is permanently dead and eventually realizes he did the exact same thing. Finch and Jacob were then raised by his aunts and uncles before Finch experiences a metamorphosis and becomes the next Sheriff. Tumble Town is still grieving the loss of Jebediah and Rosemary and as the feelings of sadness and anger compound on eachother, the town plans to do their own form of revenge at the god. The town, spearheaded by Finch confront the god and as the god looks down at the very conflict he caused, he dissociates and acts upon his instincts. When he finally focuses back on reality the battle field is covered in the corpses of Tumble Town's people. He is standing in the middle of the town and it is completely demolished. No one remains, no one survived, a massacre that lasted the span of a week. The god flees. A newly formed ghost town waves him goodbye.
The blood of the massacre spread all across the land. Every grain of sand, every crevice was touched by the iron of its people. Eventually pooling into the once plentiful mines, dripping into the cavern that held the deputy. As the blood poured in and coated his feet the statue came to life. A new god was formed. Created from the loss of thousands and the inability to defend themselves, The Law was formed. The very many who could be credited as the one who started it all.
Stratos's followers often question why Death was never the emperor of Stratos. Why the god alive for millions of years never stepped up to the plate, but she simply smiled under her veil and mutters she never likes to take an active role. But when she felt satiated for the 10th time of her existence, a mighty 3 days before it returned, she had to investigate. She lands in the ruins of Tumble town and listens to the songs the ghost sung, of their loss, of failure, and grief that there is no story to tell. But she latches on to the voice of the leader, the man who wanted justice for his parents but got none. She revives him, stitching his body back together in a crude imitation of a human, flesh made from hundreds of dead, some animal some player and asks him for his name. "Finch Solidarity"
"Well little Harbinger, how do you feel knowing you failed in all regards as a Sheriff?"
She was infatuated immediately. Death soon studied the newly revived Sheriff until the two formed the most bizarre of relationships before a child was born. His name was Jimmy Solidarity, the last child of the original Tumble Town. He was raised in the ruins of his father's home with a body close to a skeleton than a human, more resembling his mother except for his curly baby hair. His father worried for his child, that any child of tumble town would be killed immediately but Death stopped him and said there is nothing to worry about. Her son cannot be killed, not in that way. He is the son of unjust death and thus, he will cause his own tragedy. So they make him a new body created from the old trees raised in the desert. Glossed and varnished before they place the casing around the child and seal it closed. The child opened his eyes and the father's eyes widen as the once wooden appearing skin now softened, appearing almost plush or fleshy if it weren't for the wood grain. His mother gave the child a special hat, a new sheriff's hat to bind him to morality, a code to which will hold back his bloodthirsty nature. While the father worked on trying to bring residents back to tumble town.
Eventually the father rotted away, his hodgepodge body parts and skin patches unable to handle the heat of the mesa. His wife made his death quick and merciful as she took care of their child. Before she too eventually went away, leaving only one photo behind. A family photo taken when Jimmy was 1 yr old as the new citizens of tumble town took care of the child. It wasn't until Jimmy was older than he realized what he lost. Beyond just his parents, his culture was taken as well. Tumble town survived off of folk lore and oral storytelling, and as his father passed away so too did those stories vanished. Clothing and architecture kept sparse to the historical moments in the libraries across the empire. The only aspect truly documented is their history with wars, even if they are one sided, and never contained the tragedy that was committed in a week. So when a new plush toy hits the market, baring the new Sheriffs face, you have to ask. When did tragedy become commodity.
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deoidesign · 2 months
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"what do hands mean about a character?"
Their hands mean they love eachother
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toxooz · 8 months
regarding last ask ig this is my que to slap this up here lmfao
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Late summer nights - Todd Anderson / Neil Perry
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Description: Neil is a summer person, and Todd is a Neil person. That's the story. 💛 [fluff, 800 words]
By the way, this is based off of this post! It's a headcanon by the super cool and awesome @perksofbeingpoet <3 This was so fun to write, I might write more summer fics with dps <- me projecting how energetic I get during summer on them
Todd could swear he would pass out from the heat any second now. Neil, on the other hand, hadn't been this energetic it's been weeks.
"Physics homework, done!" Neil exclaimed victoriously, closing his notebook and throwing it on his desk.
"Already? How?" Todd had just finished the first half of his work, and he hadn't even started the one for chemistry. Soon summer break would start and the teachers weren't taking it easy on them, not that they ever did.
"It looks like it'll rain tomorrow, explains why today's so hot," Neil ignored his question. The window was wide open and he had half his body out of it, only a small push away from falling. "We should go outside! While we still can, y'know."
"What? No, I still have way too much work to do," the physics assignment in front of him was pushed aside before he could protest.
"I'll give you the answers and explain them to you tomorrow. C'mon!" Neil grabbed him by the arm. Todd wanted to insist, but he wanted to go with him a lot better.
They had to be silent while they sneaked out, so, naturally, they couldn't stop laughing. It was quite a struggle and they had to be constantly shushing the other.
Once they got outside, the hot wind blew on their faces. Todd considered going back in again.
Neil smiled and, without any warning, took off running to the woods, laughing way too loudly as Todd tried to catch up with him. They didn't stop running for a while, to not risk getting caught.
"Oh my god, shut up!" Todd covered Neil's mouth with his hands, pushing him against a tree to keep him quiet. "Are you crazy?? There's no way no one heard us!" Despite his heart beating quickly from the adrenaline, he could only laugh with him.
"Carpe Diem, my dear," Neil's voice came out muffled and he gently took Todd's hand off his mouth. "We'll be fine."
For a few seconds, neither of them said anything, looking into each other's eyes, close enough to feel their hot breath on their already warm cheeks. A light breeze wiggled the trees and everything felt silent, except for the crickets probably not too far away.
Neil's deep brown eyes seemed to shrink when he smiled, almost sparkling as he looked at him so contently. His pink lips were slightly parted and a strand of hair had fallen on his face. He had an image of graceful disarray, and the night suddenly didn't feel as half as warm as his presence did.
"Your hair is getting long," was all that Todd managed to say.
Neil was caught slightly off guard and chuckled. "Yeah, I have to get a haircut soon."
"Please don't," Todd asked, maybe a little too fast. "It looks great like this."
"Thanks," they broke eye contact awkwardly, not knowing how to continue a conversation, and also not really wanting to.
It was way too hot. Todd couldn't understand how anyone could even like summer. He had always hated the way his hand felt sweaty, and how hard it was to fall asleep even with the window open. Also, any class outside was insufferable if there was sun.
At the same time, Neil seemed to be doing so well. And let the truth be said, it only took a little attention to see how depressed he could get some days. But not recently. No, Neil seemed to be genuinely doing fine.
Todd smiled at the thought, and for the first time, he hoped summer would last as long as possible. "Next weekend, if we finish our homework, we should go get ice cream. To make the heat more bearable," he shyly suggested, mentally repeating "carpe diem" to himself.
"I was thinking about that! I'm sure the other's would be super down for i-"
"Wait, no," Todd stopped him. "I meant like, you and me."
"Oh," Neil was taken aback, but nodded slowly, a smile creeping on his face. His tone was soft when he spoke. "Yes, I think we should."
The two went silent again, and Todd did his best not to smile like an idiot. The next hour wasn't anything but mundane chatting and walking around, but they wouldn't rather be anywhere else.
At some point, Neil tried to take his hand as they walked, but Todd pulled it back. "It's way too hot for this," he complained, yet eventually gave in and took Neil's hand back. Neither of them mentioned it.
"I love summer," Neil stated matter-of-factly. "It's easily the best season. To me, at least. What's your favorite?"
Again, neither of them mentioned it. Although Todd briefly considered hitting his head against a tree and just staying there forever.
That night, Neil fell asleep as soon as he got back to his dorm, without even changing. Todd didn't, it was too hot. He sighed, and looked at his roommate, who was smiling in his sleep.
"He's crazy," Todd thought, still not getting why anyone would like summer, but suddenly not feeling so bad about it. He fell asleep with a soft smile too. At least they'd get ice cream.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
More matador!Fernando! Ferrari this time :D (I can't help myself.....)
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- facial hair
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+ closeups
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I really wanted the vibe of this Nando pic, I think I did pretty well??
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#GUYS THE BULL DO YOU NOTICE WHAT BULL DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE SUBTEXT DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY IMPLICATION#lmao tho i mostly put it there cause i saw this rly cool pic w the shadow of a bull on a matador's cape#i dont understand how i ended up making this one more intensive and detailed than the other#but im not mad cause i really like it aaahhhhhh#but i think this one took more than 6 hours and the other one was 5½?#and both i ended up working until an absolutely horrible time. dont ask me what time i wrote this post#okay btw i didnt draw that embroidery. thank you medibang pattern brush now beloved 🙏#i think it suits him!!!! i was thinking of doing stars anyways so I'm glad it worked out#two people id like to blame:#thank you 005 for accidentally reminding me of the sword!! im glad his other hand is not just idle :)#and thank you suzuki-ecstar for asking me at some point if id ever draw facial hair on nando#^ particularly the 3 Musketeers look. so thanks. i suddenly remembered and i had to draw it 😭#it kept shocking me how baby faced i drew him every time i took that layer off#also every time i worked on the suit red genuinely ceased being an actual color to me#its bright red right?? like very fluorescent?? but my brain kept going: is this too orange?? this isnt red right????#anyways happy with this!!!!! there were a lot more roadblocks than the other but it all worked out#but wow wish i had this level of diligence for yknow. schoolwork.#i can spend 6+ hours on a drawing straight but school? nah i give up every 20 mins or less fjfkkfl#also not abandoning my other aus or anything but i have a lot more ideas for this honestly#i think the ref pics are a lot easier and more interesting to find than for my other AUs#<- cause its so much more modern lmao. so i have a lot more inspo than trying to find ultra specific 18th century paintings#i wanna draw 3 things rn:#nando w the ceremonial cape. seb in a matador suit. and of course some silly vett//onso in this AU#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#matador au
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quigzahhutt · 4 months
Fanfic snippet:
Partners (or something like that)
Tags: Logan Sargeant/Alex Albon, fluff and smut, Developing Relationships, set after the Monaco gp
Words: 4.6k
Rating: Explicit
With Alex's p9 in Monaco, Logan did expect there to be some sort of celebration, just simply not one he was invited to.
Before he knew it, the American found himself at the door of Alex's hotel room, getting lost in his own head and apparently speed walking through the hallways; Alex always tells him he does that, that Logan walks “like he's running out of time", 'wouldn't be far off, with how the season is going' he thinks bitterly.
After a moment of hesitation, Logan tentatively knocks on the door of his teammate’s room, suddenly feeling like an idiot for coming at all. Was this one of Alex's jokes that has just gotten out of hand, one of those mean bits that makes Logan feel a little bit like everyone is looking and laughing at him? Leave it to Logan to take it seriously, always a bit slow on the uptake.
The door in front of him opening shocked him out of his thoughts, his older teammate standing on the other side looking rather cozy in what were obviously his pajamas, typical. Logan would like to have a moment to dissect why exactly Alex invited him over when he's clearly ready for bed and there being nobody else in the room, as far as Logan can tell, but he's being invited in before he can dwell on it for too long.
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cyarskj52 · 8 months
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apocalypticdemon · 5 months
oh god. first year of my master's is done
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
I wish my brain could be fucking normal for once :/
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
just another day wasting away in margaritaville trying to figure out how the actual fuck the Grand Army of the Republic is organized. send assistance i am shaking sobbing crying in a corner
#no like. does anybody understand it please help me#i get how it’s divided#i even made an entire flow chart#but it’s the numbering i’m confused with cause none of it makes any fucking SENSE#and i don’t know know if i just don’t know how military battalions are numbered but this makes less than 0 sense even if i did know#because like. ok so for example: the 327th star corps is in the 2nd systems army. but how is that possible? why are they called the 327th?#because there are 10 systems armies; each with 2 sector armies; each with 4 corps#and if i know math (which i occasionally do) that means there are 80 corps in the entire GAR (4 for each of the 20 sector armies)#so then HOW#is there a corps in the 300s#and that’s not even the worst example#okay so we all know the 212th? our most beloved attack battalion of gold babes?#they’re in the 3rd systems army which means they should have the 5th and 6th sector armies (1st system army has 1+2 2nd systems has 3+4 etc#but then they have the 7th sky corps. and if there are 8 corps per systems army and they’re in the THIRD systems army#how do they have the 7th corps? and how are they only the 212th battalion? cause there’s 512 battalions in the first systems army ALONE!#so either it’s straight up wrong and their battalion number should be more like 1212 (in the thousands!)#or each sector/sustems army has their own numbering of battalionsthat goes from 1-512; and same for their corps?#so it would be like ‘we’re the 404th battalion of the 6th corps of the 4th systems army’?#but then that still contradicts the existence of actual corps like the 91st mobile recon corps and the 41st elite corps!#so are there two different systems of numbering it? do corps and legions and battalions all number and name their divisions differently?#i wrote so much i ran out of tags but serious am i just dumb or am i right and none of this makes sense#i spent literally 2 hours getting distracted by this conundrum today#after spending 4 hours last night understanding how the army is divided cause i was curious about what the numbering meant#LITTLE DID I KNOW I MEANT NEXT TO FUCKING NOTHING#this is what happens when i get bored smh#if anybody understands military structure and im legit just missing something PLEASE tell me i am so curious#star wars#the clone wars#andis thought geyser
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My dearests, unfortunately I will not be able to post my new fic today as I have almost finished it, but have no more time to proof read and edit today. But I promise it'll be out tomorrow asap! 🖤
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elytrafemme · 4 months
having fond memories of when me and my best friend took a walk and we just started like. discussing platonic/socratic philosophy. like idk if this is a Gay Person activity but there's something about meandering back and forth from a CVS listening to your buddy talk about Alcibiades
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gorillaxyz · 5 months
i dont want to write anymore
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clericofkelemvor · 11 months
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Dateile got a lil makeover and i wrote a ficlet to go with it. Spoilers for dark urge stuff and act 1 + content warning for imagery of gore, explicit thoughts of harming companions, and general bloodlust-induced thoughts. now with ao3 link
Dateile woke with a start, gasping for air. Immediately she knew her fever had broken - she was covered in sweat, her clothes sticking uncomfortably to her body, but lucid, almost painfully so.
No one else was awake. Even Wyll, who had volunteered to take watch, was slumped over in a fitful sleep, sitting by the dying embers of the fire. Dateile shivered when she realized they barely gave off any warmth, reminded of the chill of the spiders' cavern.
She dragged herself into a standing position and ambled over to the fire, her joints stiff and painful. She added a log from the pile next to it and blew over the embers, making them glow a little hard, then poked them with her dagger to try and get a spark going. The red coals seemed to whisper to her, begging her to take them to Wyll's face and burn it off, but she gritted her teeth and ignored it.
She got a small flame going eventually, and the log started to crackle gently. She sat back, staring at it. Her body was itching with dried sweat and tingling with a desire for violence, for screams and entrails. She curled her hands in fists and sat on them, trying to remember her dream instead.
It came all too easily. The tall human woman - who seemed so strangely familiar - telling her she had stopped the ceremorphosis, that she needed her help, that her urges would doom them all. Dateile could still smell her, dried herbs and sweat, still feel her pulse beneath her fingers when she'd helped her up.
Surely it was only a vivid dream. Right? Yes, she had been in bad shape before the dream - and when Lae'zel had said it was the beginning of their transformation, so grimly sure, Dateile had known it was true. And yes, now here she was, unchanged and unharmed, as the woman in her dream had promised. But it could have been only a dream - a way for her subconcious to process the illness. Maybe it hadn't been ceremorphosis at all. After all, she'd dreamed of much worse, weirder things.
Ripped out tongues and peeled skin flashed in her mind, and her hands twitched violently. Dateile closed her eyes tight, trying to banish the images, but in their stead Alfira came to mind - sweet, gentle, trusting Alfira, who had played for her the first song she could remember, who she had murdered without even waking, whose corpse she had savaged with pleasure she could still feel upon waking up with bloody hands.
Dateile stood up and walked to the edge of camp, one foot in front of the other. She had to make it purposeful, because if she did not focus, if she did not put all of her willpower in every step, she knew she would run back to the fire, and her hands would find one of her companions, and would kill them. Terror was forming a scream at the back of her throat, but the rest of her body begged for savagery, bloodlust thrumming harder and harder in her veins with every heartbeat.
She made it to a stalagmite as tall as she was, surrounded by a smattering of smaller ones in a circle, and slumped over at its foot, pushing her back into it as if the slimy stickiness of it could keep her here. At least she didn't have her eyes on the camp and its occupants anymore; the images her mind tried to form became more vague, concepts of impersonal wounds and memories of blood rather than scenes of Shadowheart or Gale being beautifully, thoroughly gutted in the dark.
"Fuck this. Fuck this, fuck this, fuck this." Dateile hissed between her teeth. Her vision narrowed, clouded by a sanguine haze. She needed to hurt something, someone, or she would kill one of her friends again. But stones didn't bleed, and it would take much too long to chip at one. She buried her hands in her hair and pulled as hard as she could, but the pain barely helped. She shook her head violently, hoping to make herself too dizzy to think, but it did not work as well. Her long braid swung into view and them away again, the read threads barely visible in the lowlight almost reminding her of-
Blood. The thought was single-minded, frantic, and she gripped the braid and squeezed. It didn't hurt, and it did not bleed, but the way the hair gave way under her fingers, from a thick strand into a thousand fragile filaments, echoed in away that made her blood hum in satisfaction. Like a limb she had cut once, sliver by sliver, slow enough to enjoy the way the muscle fell apart.
She grabbed her dagger and applied it, just as slow, to the end of her braid. The blade was a little dulled by use, but it made it better - more resistance. It didn't bleed, but Dateile could trick herself in remembering the way she'd killed others instead - goblins and humans and gnolls recently, fresh in her mind, and combined with the sensation it was enough. She took the weapon to her hair again, just a little further up from where she'd cut, and applied strength, closing her eyes and conjuring images of warm, exposed flesh. It was easy, so easy, and she did it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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And here is the bull himself >:)
+ lore notes
I was like, ah I should make the shadow something interesting, and then I'm like GIVE HIM BULL HORNS???? OKAY SURE !!!!! I'm glad such thoughts can strike at 7 in the morning....thanks brain. But hehehe I'm glad bcs now this matches up super well with the Nando one!
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New ship dynamic: who's the bull and who's the matador :)
I think, in this AU, Fernando is generally pretty fond of Seb when he first meets him. Like "ah yes my very own protégé, very nice, I shall mold him in my image." But then Seb starts veering off that course. Bullfighting is all about being dramatic, but Seb maybe has a bit too much(🤏) flair for the dramatic. This escalation starts while he's still Fernando's assistant but he keeps it generally at bay. But god when he becomes a matador himself, he's just off the rails insane.
Bullfighting, to me, is a sport about reckless endangerment of one's self in the pursuit of drama and performance(its literally described as a tragedy in three acts.) But Fernando thinks Seb endangers himself *too* much, not because he cares or anything, but he's making a mockery of the sport!! Especially when Seb starts doing that bull hand symbol(seen above), Fernando just keeps become more enraged with him, not anything to do with the fact that Seb is threatening his records and threatening his own wellbeing, nah of course not.
Seb's gesture is making a mockery of the sport, he's disrespecting the culture, the very nature of it, blah blah blah. Jenson once asks Fernando, after noticing him seething while watching Seb do his gesture, "Which bull are you really trying to defeat?" One could also describe Fernando and Seb's relationship as a "tragedy with three acts."
Anyways Fernando gets very tied up with this rivalry. Even after suffering a severe injury(I have yet to decide, but y'know mchonda electrocution core), he quickly returns to the sport, loath to let Seb get any more headway. And then Seb gets injured, poor little sweet Seb, and neither of them can handle it. Though I already covered this in my prev lore post 🤭 and I think I put it pretty viscerally there so!! I digress.
They're both matadors, but the bull itself is not the only bull Fernando wants to conquer. Conquer as in death? Hm.
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suenitos · 10 months
like I said. I think Dream and Dylan mulvaney should meet and have a chat
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