#wrote this and immediately fell back asleep lol
cupidjyu · 1 year
kiss me awake pt 2
(maknae line) when you wake them up with a kiss~
genre: soft fluff, sleepy sunwoo, teasing, eric chases you down for a kiss notes: i know i skipped straight to the maknaes but i only just recently wrote for the 98 line so ~ more variety for me lol!!! hope you enjoy!!!!!!!! they're such softies :D word count: 1k
“haknyeonie!” you burst into the room, excitedly. “i made cookies- ah.” you paused in your tracks. there, on the bed, he was asleep. you approached him slowly. he looked so pretty like this, a small smile on his lips. he must be dreaming.
you kneeled down so you were closer to him and brought your thumb to caress his cheek. then, you leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to his lips. you could hear him whine adorable as he slowly woke up from his little nap.
when he blinked his eyes open and glanced at you, he widened his eyes as his mouth dropped open. 
“did you just wake me up like i’m aurora from sleeping beauty?”
you choked, “uh-”
he sat up, looking at you with a slight flush on his cheeks. he took your hand in his, with an awfully straight face. “i’ve always dreamed of that happening.”
you stared for a good minute before bursting out laughing. it was the cutest thing you’ve heard from him, especially with him so serious
he pouted at your response, “what’s so funny? you’re the one who kissed me awake…”
you smiled fondly, pinching his cheek, “you’re just so cute.” you pointed behind you. “come, i made cookies.”
he pouted even more, his cheeks puffy and cute, “can’t you nap with me?” and you couldn’t help but actually contemplate his suggestion. he looked so cute and warm in his sweater. but you shook out of the trance, shaking your head rapidly.
“but cookies taste good when warm,” you defended. you pressed another kiss to his cheek just for the fun of it.
he giggled and thought for a moment before nodding slightly yet skeptically, “you’re right about that.”
he stood up from the bed and slung his arm around your waist. he tilted his head and pulled you into a quick kiss. you immediately felt yourself blush in response.
he smiled. 
“you’re the cute one.”
you hated working so much. but, it was inevitable that you had to get it done, no matter how much time you spend procrastinating.
you turned around when you heard the shuffle of blankets of the bed behind you. sunwoo was sitting against the headboard, his phone bright and in his hands. he was staring at you with sleepy eyes. you could tell with the way they adorably drooped.
you sighed, shaking your head. “if you’re tired, just go to sleep, sun.”
“no,” he stubbornly refused. he crossed his arms over his chest, trying to look tough but to be honest, he just looked cute. “i’m waiting for you,” he mumbled.
“no buts,” he glared, his hand reaching up to ruffle his hair briefly. “i’ll just play games on my phone or something.”
you sighed again. there was no use arguing with him. you always knew he was a sort of stubborn type of person. so, you turned back around and continued typing away on your computer. after a while, you began to get a headache, so you turned around.
and of course, he fell asleep.
you couldn’t help but smile fondly. you got up from the chair and walked over to him, crouching down so that you were face to face with his sleeping expression. you gently caressed his hair. you always thought he looked the cutest when asleep.
you leaned down and impulsively kissed him on the lips. after a while, you got back up to finish your work but you were interrupted by a hand catching your wrist. 
bewildered, you looked back and he was now sitting up. but his eyes were still closed and his lips pouty.
“a-are you sleep walking or something?” you stammered.
“no, i’m fully awake.”
you looked at him skeptically, “doesn’t look like it-” but you stopped because his eyes were now open and looking right at you. they were wide and cute like a puppy. “oh.”
he tugged at your arm and pulled you into the bed with him, throwing the blankets over you.
“no more working for you,” he whispered.
he shushed you with a firm kiss.
“okay, fine.”
your phone pinged in your pocket. it was a text from your boyfriend, eric, who you were just on your way to see.
i’m gonna take a nap, if i’m not awake by the time you get here… please wake me up with a kiss 😚😚  
you giggled as you read the text over and over again. you picked up your pace on the way to his place. you just couldn’t wait to see him.
when you arrived, you headed straight to his room where he was supposedly sleeping. when you opened the door, you were met with a beautiful sight. the sun was setting, the orange lights shining prettily on his glowing skin. his face was relaxed as continued to sleep on and on.
you smiled softly as you approached him. you gazed at him for a while, admiring his peaceful features. 
then, you remembered the text he had sent to you. so, you leaned in, caressing his cheek before pressing a soft kiss to his lips, lingering there for a while.
he woke up almost immediately, with wide eyes, he startled you. 
“you actually did it,” he breathed out, smiling widely and lovingly at you.
“yeah, you said-” you let out a yelp because he now was jumping up and tackling you into a hug. you stared at him, amused. “eric... you just woke up.”
“don’t care.”
you escaped from his strong arms and began to run away.
“hey! come back, let me kiss you back!”
he chased you throughout the whole place.
“ah-” you felt him catch onto your wrist. in one swift movement, he turned you around and pulled you against his chest.
“i got you,” he whispered, slightly out of breath as he looked at you in such an attractive manner. you quickly began to blush, your cheeks turning red. his hand moved to your waist as he pulled you into a sweet kiss before eventually pulling you into bed to nap again.
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sugar-omi · 11 months
Could I please request hc or a drabble about Cove as a new parent with a female MC? Thank you! ❤️
its your lucky day (aka you've asked smth ive been thinking abt for days LOL) bc ive written hc's and drabbles <333 although mostly messy hc's that are in no coherent order also I think I will come back n write more coherent n specific scenarios bc I have sm thoughts on cove through parenthood.... pls tysm for this ask I hope it's satisfactory bc i wrote in order of my thoughts LOL
tags : fluff, AFAB reader, after step 3/wedding dlc, "options" for 1 or 2 babes (if you hc triplets im praying for u🙏), no gender mention of the babe/s, birth surrogacy n adoption are up for imagination but pregnancy/surrogacy is most implied altho i think you could imagine adopting a baby before they're born bc ik some ppl do that
synopsis : how cove acts when you have your first kid & a bit on how he is raising them with you <3
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many many candid shots of cove holding the baby
PLEASE tell me someone recorded near the end of the birth/when they brought you the babe
he's crying. no matter what he's crying his fuckin eyes out
if you're giving birth please either have him wait outside n come in to cut the cord at the end bc he might faint
if you do have him in the room he'll be on his best behavior. will try his best not to worry too much bc he knows it could stress you out
(I'm thinking abt this video I saw where the wife said her husband fainted n fell back into this rolly office chair n just rolled to the back of the room into the dark side (it was apparently a long room lollll))
if you're in for a long labor or it's pretty short he's more calm bc either it's over before he can freak out or it's so fuckin long he's over it LOL
he's more of a solid, physical support than anything else because he's not too good with words but also he dosn't want you to feel pressured, annoyed, or smth with constant "you got this!" "its okay!" as you're pushing out a whole human, its not a simple task
[video 1]
COVE: so little... COVE: (looks at his mom/dad) are they supposed to be this small? (watery laugh)
is very scared to hold the babe, he's a big guy, with or without the muscles so he's always gentle with them even once they get bigger
definitely texts his dad during the pregnancy/surrogacy/adoption process "I hope i can be a good dad like you"
cliff getting a text from cove at 3am: "ty for raising me idk how you did it omg"
cliff is crying n flying over there immediately
!!!! if you need someone to help you adjust cliff is on the fuckin way!!! you can't even finish asking bc he's alrdy here, whatever you need guys!!!!
but if you want to be alone to bond w the babe or you hire a professional to help with the transition then he or your moms will come over and clean up, prepare food, and allows you to come home and not worry about getting things done.
dies if the kid has his hair color or eyes, like at first he just finds it crazy that he's a dad n that he has a lil spawn of his own
also lots of pictures of cliff playing w the babe/s
we all know cove can be lazy with his hair, but he doesn't want his kid going to school w crazy hair so he learns
at first it looks like a mess
n if you keep your hair short or can only do smth simple, its time to call your ma or lee for help LOL
imagine cove standing by your ma as she's showing him how to braid... so sweet
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cove is tip-toeing through the house, trying to shake off his outside clothes quietly and when he walks back into the room after brushing his teeth he's greeted with the sweet sound of his baby's giggle
you are sound asleep.
you and the other babe are sound asleep.
he shushes the baby, easing himself into the bed. suddenly he thinks that spending all that money on this big bed was worth it, especially with the way his achy body sinks into it.
he reaches over the babe/s. "sorry.. did I wake you?"
you hum, it's not a yes or a no, just a sleepy sound and he laughs at how out of it you are even though you're trying to fight it, stroking your face and carding his fingers through your hair.
"I love you.. thank you." he whispers. this moment is so delicate. he worries a bit that if he speaks too loud it'll be gone and he'll wake up in his teenage bedroom, staring at the bottom of his scratched up bunk bed.
"f'what?" you blink slowly.
"for everything..." he grins softly, thinking about that night
of your wedding, when you told him you wanted kids with him.
after the ORCA fundraiser dinner, when you asked him if he imagined having kids with you.
"we made it. that future we talked about..."
you smile softly, more awake now. "thanks for making it with me."
he laughs, muffins his face in the pillow and resting a hand on the baby, willing them not to wake. "how can you thank me for that?"
you grin, more sleepy than anything but still full of mischief.
"how can you thank me for getting me pregnant?" you giggle at your husband's flustered face.
"how can you thank me for being here like I promised years later?" you tease, bringing up night of the fundraiser.
cove flushes, burying his face in the babies hair instead of answering you.
he puts an arm around you, careful of the little one/s between you. "just go to bed..."
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gb lady said cove is sahd material.....
omg he makes them lunch always, or he at least helps you make lunch because his cooking skills are a bit limited and they'd prbly have star shaped sandwiches and applesauce everyday
your kids are definitely cuddles bc of him, he always picks em up, and if he doesn't have a carrier than he'll make a makeshift one out of a blanket.
omg imagine him and the kid/s at the dining table crying tryna figure out the homework
"its getting worse y/n!!!" "what the fuck is common core math?!" "babe call the teacher, something is missing here..."
if you're bad at math or smth too than you're all fucked n your kid/s AND COVE are facetiming his dad for a long distance tutoring lesson
he's reading them books every night
HE gets upset when it doesn't happen
"babe we gotta turn around, I only read them 5 books we're gonna be gone 6 nights."
FaceTime them every night you're away just the two of u
falls asleep w the kids in the weirdest positions
why is there a princess crown on his head and where did the face paint come from????
spoils the kid/kids. you're gonna go bankrupt please stop!!!
when your kid/s finally graduate n move out on their own, he thanks his dad for raising him and teaching him how to be the best dad.
also thanks you for just being amazing n reassuring him whenever he worried abt doing something wrong
if you have more than 1, he's a master by baby 2/3
COVE: (holding fresh baby, whispering) ....why is it so red
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raising you kid/s w cove is tough at first, cove worries about doing some wrong or failing as a parent.
and he did eventually admit he was worried about raising his kid/s in a "broken" home. his parents did their best! and he loves them, but the split was hard for him and he doesn't want them to go through the same feelings.
every day is a new experience in your house to say the least
I imagine it's filled w lots of worry, love, and tears
(cove is losing somehow?! he's been out crybaby-ed)
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starlostastronaut · 6 months
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PAIRING: hwang hyunjin x reader
GENRE: fluff
WC: 0.80k
CW: nothing
PROMPT: "tell me a secret"
if any of you are marauders fans and read atyd, you know exactly where i stole this prompt from lmao. that was pretty much all i had in mind when writing, and as always the prompt is more of just inspiration lol. i also wrote like half of this today in school. but anyway, enjoy cute sleepy hyune <3
title from waiting - jamie campbell bower (yt link bc its not on spotify)
general masterlist here
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You were fighting the urge to close your eyes and sleep with the last bits of energy you had left. You promised Hyunjin you would wait up for him, but he didn't show up. You ate dinner alone, receiving an apology text telling you that the practice ran late and to not wait for him because he didn't know when he would come back.
You weren’t happy, of course, but you understood. This was what it was usually like when they had to learn a new choreography. Long nights in the studio, Hyunjin coming home tired and angry at Minho and his perfectionism. By that time, you would already be asleep, and you would see him at breakfast the next day.
Today was no different. You cleaned up the plates and got ready for bed, thinking of Hyunjin, who was most likely still dancing somewhere. Determined to wait for him to come home this time, you turned on the lamp, deciding to read for a while to pass time. But just as your head hit the pillow, the exhaustion finally caught up to you, and you had to fight your entire system to keep your eyes open. Then, when you were about to succumb to the dreamland at last, you felt the bed sink. Your senses immediately alerted you and brought you to full consciousness, but soon there was a hand on your arms, rubbing up and down and coaxing you back to your sleepy state. 
“It's just me. Go back to sleep, love,” Hyunjin whispered. His touch momentarily left your skin as he took off his hoodie and tossed it away, completely disinterested in where it was going to land. Carefully to not disturb you, Hyunjin climbed into the bed properly, settling down behind your back. One of his arms travelled over your waist, prompting you to scoot back into Hyunjin's warmth. With a hum, he tightened his hold on you, pressing you even closer.
“How was your day?” you asked, desperate to stay awake for a little longer. You wanted to enjoy the time you got with Hyunjin as much as you could, because, truth be told, there hadn't been much of it lately.
“I don't know,” Hyunjin mused. “Long. Exhausting. Fun. Minho was a dick.” After each description, he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck. He too was relishing in these stolen moments of affection, when you belonged to him and him only. If only they didn't so frequently happen in the middle of the night. “I couldn't wait to get back home to you,” he murmured, his lips still pressed into your skin.
When you didn't respond, he assumed you fell asleep. He wouldn’t be surprised. It was actually pretty impressive that you managed to stay awake for that long, if you were to ask him. Hyunjin knew that today you had a difficult day. Your workplace had organized some sort of event (he didn't listen properly when you told him, and he was aware that that was his problem), but he could imagine how exhausting it must have been, especially for you, who really weren’t a big fan of socializing.
Hyunjin himself couldn't seem to fall asleep. He was more than content to just lay there, though, holding you safely in his arms. However, he was sure he would fall asleep soon enough. That was one of the many effects you had on him. When he was with you, he felt the most relaxed.
Suddenly, he felt you move. Without a second thought, he adjusted himself so you could lay your head on his chest. His hand came up to gently stroke through your hair. “Love? Are you awake?”
“Mmhhm.” That was all he got in terms of an answer. Hyunjin chuckled. You truly were the cutest like this, worn out and tired, but fighting sleep with all you had, just so you could spend a few more moments with him. “Hyune? Tell me a secret,” you pleaded, snuggling into his chest. Your words weren’t anything more than a sleepy murmur, but Hyunjin still heard you well enough.
Hyunjin smiled and kissed the top of your head. “You're my biggest inspiration,” he confessed. “When we're practicing a dance or recording a song, I always think about your reaction, and that motivates me to do my best.”
When he didn't receive an answer this time as well, he went to properly check. Your eyes were closed, and your chest was slightly moving, calm and steady. You were properly asleep at last. Hyunjij smiled to himself. He didn’t know if you heard him or not, but that didn't matter. He would tell you tomorrow again. But for now, he closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the land of dreams.
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Yay, this one is finally donezooo. This was a request from.... I don't remember who, I'm very sorry but it's past midnight on Sunday night and I need to get to shower and sleep REALLY soon. Enjoy y'all! And lemme know if I did any good lol Reblog! Don't repost!
Tag for: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @pheradream15 @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow (anyone else who wants on this list let me know!)
Rating: E, like Explicit. Like Eyyy, this is some smut!
Pairing: Leo x fem!Reader.
Summary: You were stressed, Leo got ideas.
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You were stressed and anxious. It was nearing the end of the finals, your job was trying to cram more shifts into your already busy schedule and your old ass mattress wasn’t helping you get proper sleep. On top of that your vigilante boyfriend was busy trying to bust some gang operations in the city. It all resulted in you being a bit more on the cranky side.
You tried to stay strong, it soon should all clear out and you’ll get your long overdue cuddles. Yeah, you could do that.
You pulled your headphones back on and tried to focus on the text. When 10 minutes later a bottle of soda got placed in front of you you jumped up a little turning to see who the intruder was.
“Leo!” You exclaimed tearing your headphones off of your head. Immediately you stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I missed you so much.”
Leo leaned down to make it easier for you but his hands were a bit too busy holding pizza and a plastic bag of snacks to hug you back. 
“We bagged the baddies early, I thought I might surprise you,” he said and you two kissed sweetly.
“So thoughtful.” You chuckled relaxing against him for a second, then you snatched the pizza. “What did you get?” You opened the box all giddy. The smell reminded you you haven’t really eaten in the past couple of hours. Truly, Leo had the best timing. “Pepperoni!” You answered your own question and he huffed a little laugh.
Soon you both were on your bed with your laptop in his lap as you watched some new Netflix show. You were only half watching, enjoying how his fingers felt over your shoulder and neck while he stroked your skin absentminded. His cheek was resting over the top of your head and he’d kiss you from time to time. He really enjoyed the texture of your hair.
You tried to snuggle even closer despite almost laying on top of him but the angle you chose was a bit off and your back decided it will not have that.
You hissed and sat up.
“What’s wrong?” Instantly, Leo was alert.
“It’s just my back. It’s been difficult couple weeks,” you explained. “Not - crime-fighting, life-risking difficult but y’know.”
“Hey, don’t sell yourself so short, okay?” He frowned. “Just because we deal with different things doesn’t make it more or less hard. Let me see.” He coaxed you gently to turn your back to him.
“Is this going to be the bit of a sexy massage montage?” You joked and then hissed as he pressed his finger to a particularly hard knot on your back.
He was right. It wasn’t, it hurt like hell before it felt good. And when it felt good you quickly fell asleep. Then Monday rolled by you wrote your exams and the week just blurred until it was the weekend again. 
You finished your shift at work and were about to head back home when your Donnie-issued cellphone dinged with a new text. From your boyfriend. You smiled and opened it.
FearlessInBlue: "Do you have time tonight?"
You wondered what he could be planning. 
"Yeah, what's up?"
FearlessInBlue: "Drop by the lair. Everyone will be out."
A thrill bloomed deep low inside your belly. 
"I'll be there in 3 hours?" 
FearlessInBlue: "Awesome."
You raced to your place to get ready and then to get to the lair. You looked around and confirmed that indeed everyone was out.
“You’re early.”
You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard Leo’s voice right next to your ear. You spun around to face him and felt a rush of blood to your head. The way Leo was looking at you was simply dangerous. The intense blue gaze eyed you head to toe, hungry.
“Y-yeah.” You swallowed hard. “So, um- where is everyone?”
“They all went to watch a game,” he said. His body swayed a little as he wrapped one arm around your waist. “I said I had plans with you.” He pulled you close and nipped at your ear.
“O-oh.” You bit your lips.
“Come on.”
He pulled you with him to his room. When you stepped inside it you let out a deep sigh. It looked so intimate. Leo placed some loose red fabrics on the walls and lit up candles giving the room a soft glow. There were rose petals scattered around; elegant, white bottles, towels; a brown, mystery basket and soft pillows all of it around the centerpiece that was the mattress. The room also felt warmer than usual.
Leo stood behind you, his hands on your arms, and he kissed your shoulder.  
“You did all this?”
“I just ran with your idea,” he admitted with a low chuckle.
“Sexy massage?” You raised your eyebrow, amused.
“Sexy massage,” he nodded sagely.
You both smiled, Leo breaking character a little, as you pulled him further in with you. 
“Will you help me undress then?” You wrapped his arms around his middle looking up at him.
“I was planning to, yes.” He leaned down for a sweet kiss.
His wandering hands were already attempting to remove your shirt. You parted but held each other's gaze. The shirt slipped off of you to the floor. Next, Leo knelt down in front of you. He kissed your bare stomach, while his hands slipped around your waist. Off went your bottoms and underwear. His palms glided down your legs and took off your shoes.
Your breath hitched watching him work. The gentle way he moved made you feel like a deity. Worshipped.
“Lay down,” he whispered. “On your stomach.”
You obeyed and waited. 
Leo moved on his knees closer to the mattress. He opened the basket first. You eyed him curiously. The very first thing that came out of it was a feather. He tickled your ear and you giggled. He smiled softly and trailed it over your shoulder blades, down your spine, setting pleasant shivers in your body. The feather ghosted over the small of your back, circled each of your cheeks and down your legs. Your toes curled a little as he did all that and managed to make it so sensual. 
You certainly wouldn't be falling asleep any time soon.
Next he took one of the white, ceramic bottles and some kind of liquid dripped onto his hand. He worked it between his fingers for a moment, warming it up. You were getting excited just by watching him. So focused on his task. He noticed your look and huffed a chuckle. 
“What?” He asked.
“I love you.” You smiled
“I didn’t do anything yet.” He shook his head but leaned down to kiss your head. “Let me know if you ever feel uncomfortable, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed.
Soon you felt him touch your back, slowly working your back muscles. From your shoulders moving down. The gentle kneading, the way the heel of his palm and fingers were undoing all those kinks you got over the week. The oil made it all smoother, the repeated motions warming you up.
“Mmm, god you are so good at this,” you sighed.
“Thank you. This is just a start," He promised. 
That's when he slipped over your ass. The thumb and forefinger spread pressing over the cheeks and going down. Then with a stronger grip of his whole hands. 
You let out a soft groan. It was getting to the good part. You felt his nails getting in on the action with gentle scratches over your skin. 
"Turn around," he told you and you eagerly did so. 
Now you had a much better view of him as he began to massage your arms. The slow, circular motion was turning your bones into goop. Then he got to your hands. A gentle press of his thumb, a kiss on each knuckle. He basically studied and explored your hand. And then sucked on a digit. His eyes were on you with such intensity… the way he slowly took your finger in his mouth, the sensation- you couldn't help but moan. 
A victorious, lustful smirk bloomed on his mouth. 
"Tease," you jokingly complained.
"That is the point." He said, proud of himself.
Then he repeated his magic on your other arm. 
Next, his thumbs rubbed over your clavicle, loosening the muscle there. You were already feeling like putty in his hands but were not protesting. You shivered as his hands slid down between your breasts. With the back of his fingers and knuckles, he circled lightly over them, stroking the undersides then squeezing them lightly. Always avoiding the hardened, dark peaks of your breast. You whimpered and shakily inhaled. 
He continued to tease for a minute, two, it stretched into infinity. Your nipples stiff almost painfully from the anticipation. You groaned, impatient.
"Shh," he shushed you. "Patience."
But he rewarded you. When he lightly pinched them between his knuckles, you moaned loudly. He lowered his mouth, helping himself to you. 
Feeling the rough texture of his tongue on you, you arched and cried out. Your oiled fingers tried to grip on his head but you kind of slipped. 
He chuckled, then took your hands then placed them back down. 
"No touching, sweetheart~" he kissed you sweetly and you whined in protest as he moved away.
He moved back down, slowly rolling your nipples between his fingers, pinching and pulling. He tested different strengths and watched your reactions. He implemented his tongue, slowly rubbing it over the stiffened peaks, making your toes curl. You were panting, gripping onto the fabric underneath you. 
Regretfully in your opinion, he moved away from your breast. Now it was time to knead your sides. He tickled your belly a little and made you laugh, giving you time to catch your breath in this high-intensity situation. 
You inhaled and exhaled as he positioned himself between your knees. He now was rubbing circled over your hip bones and traced kisses over your underbelly. 
You bit your lips. The next sensation was his nails lightly scratching the insides of your thighs. The knowledge of how close he was to your sex built up the anticipation further. You suspected that you were going to fall apart the moment he'd touch you there.
Leo could see the wet stain you created on the sheets and felt incredibly proud of himself. You were shivering with pleasure under his touch. All he did to you was making you breathless and the thought of that just swelled inside him. 
"You're gorgeous," he said and kissed your thigh. "You're like my personal deity." He kissed the other one. "I wish to worship you every day of my life."
You moaned hearing his honeyed words.
"Leo… please."
"As you wish," he said and kissed your nether lips, making you jump a little. 
He was definitely taking his time, frustrating you further. You could feel your core just scream for him already. His tongue, his finger, his cock. 
"Just fill me up," you whined but he didn't obey. 
He licked over your folds, then kissed over them. His tongue slowly pried them open to trace the edges. You realized he was tracing his name over you. Each letter was precisely licked and engraved over you. L, E, O, N, A, R, D, O. With one hand up he reached up to your breast, to tease it while he worked. 
Then with the tip of his tongue, he rubbed the seam between your clit and entrance. He put more pressure in there, movements rougher. He was tracing the now sensitive muscles that led inside you and you begged the gods for him to breach it. You were so fucking close. 
He didn’t. Instead, his mouth wandered up again. Wrapped around your pearl and gently sucked.
You cried out, your legs wrapped around his head, locking him in a tight prison and you wouldn’t let go. What’s more important he didn’t. He continued to stroke and suck on your clit, stronger, harder, with a vicious purpose. Your body was victoriously wrecked with wave after wave of orgasm. You didn’t even know you were crying out until you stopped, whimpering helplessly and your throat burned.
You laid there before him, completely boneless, head empty, twitching and whimpering when he pulled back as he gently pried your legs from around his neck.
He must have seen something in your eyes because he hovered over you and gently kissed you. His whole beak was soaked in you and you could taste herself on his tongue.
You couldn’t talk. You were just in pure bliss.
“Was it good?” He asked and you nodded. “Good,” he chuckled with a sense of accomplishment and a job well done.
He tried to pull back but you stopped him. A question appeared on his features.
“More,” you managed to utter. Your jelly knee nudged his waist. You were not going to let him sleep after that.
He pushed down his pants, stiff and ready after all that he did to you. He laid between your legs and slowly pushed himself in. 
You moaned, hands going around his neck and nails into his skin. 
“Yeeeessss,” you moaned into his ear. 
Oh, god this was so good. Just to feel him stretch you, fill you. You nearly sobbed you wanted him so close. 
“Don’t let me go,” you begged him. 
“I won’t,” he replied. He remained still for a moment, letting take it all in. Your breath evened out and you nuzzled his cheek.
“Move,” you ordered and he did.
He tried to be slow, but you could tell he wanted to chase his pleasure as well. He was so good to you.
“Please, Leo, fuck me,” you hissed into his ear. Your inner muscles squeezed him tight. You heard him moan and you knew you won this time. He may have still been going slow, but the hard and sharp thrusts were bringing stars into your vision as he bent you in half. Your tights were going to have his imprint on them and you definitely ruined all the fabrics he had gathered for the scene. And by God, you loved every second of it.
Hours later, both of you sweaty and barely conscious, laid on the mattress, entwined together in a way you couldn’t quite tell where you ended and he started. You were so happy.
“So,” you spoke from atop his plastron, “I will rate this massage experience 10/10, will you write me down in your books for another appointment?” 
“Sure, let me just check my calendar,” he replied.
Your eyes met and you both started laughing. You kissed but kept on giggling. Mmm, yes, an experience to repeat for sure.
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justmeandmyships · 7 months
Amy & Laurie moments from the books (bc they were meant to be) part 12:
Laurie going to tell Amy the good news about Beth.
Please this is just my favorite moment of them because he literally just fell asleep in Aunt's March house. He was so tired but yet, he made an effort for Amy. He didn't have to, but he did it for her. He promised her, he would immediately tell her any news about Beth and he did. Like did I already say he FELL ASLEEP 😭😭😭. This moment is too precious. How people can say their connection came out nowhere when my boy was going beyond his energy to comfort her and he didn't saw her romantically yet!!! I can only imagine after their marriage how he went beyond and back to make her happy
"Laurie, meanwhile, posted off to comfort Amy, and told his story so well that Aunt March actually "sniffed" herself...
She(Amy) dried her tears quickly, restrained her impatience to see her mother, and never even thought of the turquoise ring, when the old lady heartily agreed in Laurie's opinion, that she behaved "like a capital little woman." She would very gladly have gone out to enjoy the bright wintry weather; but, discovering that Laurie was dropping with sleep in spite of manful efforts to conceal the fact, she persuaded him to rest on the sofa, while she wrote a note to her mother. She was a long time about it; and, when she returned, he was stretched out, with botharms under his head, sound asleep, while Aunt March had pulled down the curtains, and sat doing nothing in an unusual fit of benignity. After a while, they began to think he was not going to wake till night, and I'm not sure that he would, had he not been effectually roused by Amy's cry of joy at sight of her mother.
Bonus: please notice how he spoke in her favorite making Aunt March agreed. I can't...He was going to gain that ring for her lol
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jackblackhotelmirror · 4 months
yours - an alastor fanfic (18+)
this is my first smut fic so please be patient lol... i wrote it for myself like last month but after seeing all the horny alastor girlies on my feed, i thought i'd share it here.
also i hate doing y/n fics so i just named the reader Lucretia since i was listening to sisters of mercy while writing it.
The night fell cool over Hell and devoured the bleeding city in darkness. I stood silently at my window, gazing out from the hotel and staring up at the sky, wondering who or what was above this devilish place. I don’t remember being alive. 
There was a guttural groan from the streets, the sound of vehicles whipping in and out of the village center, but otherwise, silence. For a moment, I heard Angel lamenting in the hallway, but he slammed the door and piped down. I knew Charlie and Vaggie were asleep, and Angel would surely pass out on his bed in a moment’s time. As for me, I couldn’t sleep.
What was that? 
From my door was a rapping sound. Someone was at my door… at this hour?
Removing myself from the window, I crept across the room. There were no peepholes in the wood, so opening the door at any point for anyone could cost your life. I hesitated. I debated asking for identification. 
The static. The subtle echo. The peppy tone. I recognized that voice.
I opened the door. Even in the dead of night, he was dressed in his velvet suit, sharp as a tack. “Hey, Alastor.”
Grinning, he stared me down. His hands were crossed behind his back, standing tall as a mountain, but his ears were sunken. His eyebrows furrowed– not in a manner of anger, but in a manner of suspicion.  
“Hello, my dear! How are you this morning?”
“Alastor, it’s midnight.”
“Oh, how correct you are, dollface!”
His lips quivered as he stopped talking. We gazed into each other’s eyes, and I couldn’t figure out what he wanted. Had I forgotten to do something I promised? Were we engaged to go somewhere now? I had always been one to forget.
“Uh…” I didn’t break contact from the crimson rings in his eyes. “Can I help you with something?”
The atmosphere had cracked. I watched his shoulders tense up. His eyes widened. His fur stood up on his neck. Nonetheless, he continued to grin. “May I step in?”
I gestured him into my room. He waltzed inside and immediately closed the door behind him. My heart began to skip beats. A chilled rush of fear rushed to the surface of my skin. My mind began racing– what could he want? To reprimand me? To recruit me into some villainous plan of his? To kill me? There was no reason for him to see me, let alone to lock us in my room together.
“What is this about?” I asked. I kept a watch on my tone– one wrong intonation and he would slit me from head to toe. 
He looked off to the walls and walked past me, a blank stare draining his face. “I have a favor to ask of you!”
My heart pounded. “Is that so?”
“Yes, my dear!”
He turned to face me. This time, his ears were pined to the sides of his head. His arms hung at his side. His grin softened. His eyebrows fell away from each other, causing his eyes to sharpen. The Radio Demon looked pathetic, as if he were on the run from a hunter.
Softly, he said, “Do you know what happens to me once a month?”
I shook my head.
Once again, he turned his attention to the wall. His shoulders rounded. “Well… you see… oh dear, how embarrassing-” He tapped his foot on the floor. “Well, once a month, I begin to feel… how should I say it?” 
His eyes snapped to mine. “You know how a woman feels during her…  time of the month? Not the bleeding part, oh goodness no, but when she’s fertile?” The enunciation of his words hinted insecurity in what he was saying.
“You begin to feel… strong urges, correct? Well… animals have those urges too.” He glanced down at his tatted fur before looking me in the eyes. “I have an… animalistic nature in my form. So once a month, I begin to get… overly excited. Much against my will, I assure you.”
I blinked. “You’re horny?”
“Don’t say it like that! How obscene!” He smiled and laughed nervously; however, we both knew I was right. “Well, I would go to Angel with this but the Devil knows how long he’d poke fun at me for. Oh, I can see it now: all the eons he’d spend bringing it up in every conversation, how dreadful-”
“Just say it already,” I interrupted. The suspense was going to kill me.
He exhaled and looked to the floor. His smile faded. “I need to mate. If you can find someone that would be willing to… lend her services for me. Obviously I can’t go out looking for one in person– if news got out, it would be the end of my dignity! So if you can find someone who would let me… mate her, I would pay you back splendidly.”
I stood silent. I couldn’t believe what I just heard… Alastor, the Radio Demon, who despised anything to do with sex, was standing in front of me asking to find someone to mate. All those years I’d heard him wail about the unpleasantness of sex and how he’d rather die than give his body up for pleasure had unraveled. 
“Can it be… anyone?” I asked.
“Anyone with lady bits, of course.”
I bite my lip. He watched his feet intensely, chewing his cheek, and nailed his ears onto his head even more. “Well… I could do it.”
He perked up. Looking at me, he asked, “Are you pulling my tail?”
I shook my head. “I’ll let you fuck me.”
He barred his teeth at me and his antlers thickened. “Don’t say it like that,” he said through gritted teeth. “This is not an act of delight. I despise it. If I could avoid it, I would. People only use words like ‘fucking’ if they enjoy it. I don’t. Not with you, not with anyone else. This is purely to stop myself from getting excited at random. You understand, babyface?”
I nodded. 
Pivoting on his heel, Alastor walked to my bed and sat on the edge. He took off his boots to reveal blackened hooves before crawling into the center of my bed. “Now, my dear, what level of play are you expecting before the main course? You know, to get warmed up?”
I opened my mouth to comment on his weird use of words, but I bit my tongue. Sometimes I have to remind myself that he was a man of the ‘30s, and words like ‘foreplay’ weren’t in the encouraged vernacular. His substitutes will have to do. 
“Erm, I suppose a bit.”
His eyes narrowed, tense. “What would you like me to do?”
“I don’t know… touch me?”
The truth was, I was already wet. I had fantasized about a moment like this with him. I’d touched myself to this very scene countless times. My cunt was throbbing just at the sight of him on my bed. I’d always been attracted to him, but never in a million years had I expected to experience this in real life.
I walked over to the bed, sat on the edge, and looked at him. He shifted so that his entire body was facing me. With a single claw, he gently ran it down the inside of my arm. “Like this?”
I smothered a giggle. “Not quite. Maybe touch my-” I caught myself. I couldn’t expect too much of him– I knew he didn’t want to do this to begin with, let alone the bells and whistles. 
“Yes?” He tilted his head again.
I grabbed his hand and placed it on my collarbone. “Here.”
His eyes fell to my neck. A red claw traced the bone structure. He seemed mesmerized.
The claw trickled down my collarbone and down my cleavage. The tip of his finger drew over my nipples, drawing circles. A shiver rolled down my spine and I cooed. My nipples hardened under his touch, and I think he noticed. More than anything, he seemed interested in just touching me.
He took both hands and placed them on my ribs, sliding down my sides until he reached my hips. I could feel myself getting hotter, and my underwear began to feel slippery. I tried to breathe slowly. 
“Could you take off your pants?” he asked.
I nodded. Scooting myself down onto my back, I slide my hands into the hems of my pants and guided them off– over my thighs, down my calves, off my ankles. He towered over me as he leaned in. Looking me up and down, he grinned. “You are a beauty.”
I smiled.
Before I knew it, he swung his leg over my hip and straddled me. Grabbing hold of my hands, he pinned me to the mattress. A look of authority shadowed his face as he raised his eyebrows, gripping my wrists. He pushed my thighs open with one of his legs and laid down on me. I could feel him hardening on my stomach. Taking a hand, he reached it down to my underwear and hovered over my entrance. Slowly, a finger skimmed the fabric of my underwear.
“You’re wet,” he said. He didn’t seem particularly emotional about it, but a twitch of his nose led me to believe he was smug about making me flood myself before we even started.
I wiggled myself out of his grasp and rolled my underwear off. As soon as I took my hands off my thighs, he took a claw and ever-so-gently dipped it into my entrance. I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply as he traced around my vagina.
I felt him shift his weight off of me and he trailed down to my thighs. Looking up at me from between my legs, he looked me in the eyes as he leaned down and licked my clit. I moaned. His tongue circled my clit while his finger continued to trace the inside of me. He sucked at my lips for a moment, then lapped at my wetness. 
Letting out a grunt, he got onto his knees and pulled down his pants. My eyes widened as he positioned himself above me and lined himself up with my body. “Are you ready?” he asked. I nodded. 
With a swift thrust, he pushed himself into me. I whimpered– I hadn’t had sex in a while, and my body was not prepared for it, but the short pain subsided and gave way to a new sensation: pure bliss. He stretched me out as he moved into me with no particular rhythm. He stared at the pillow, not at me, but that was ok: it’s what he needed to do.
I didn’t expect it but he took his finger again and slid it between us so that he could rub my clit. I moaned. “Oh my god…”
“Is that ok?” he asked.
I nodded. I grabbed the back of his neck and he grabbed my thigh, pushing it towards the walls so that I could be wider. Over time, he fell into a rhythm, one that was a bit rough but hesitant. His eyes were screwed shut, and I knew he was trying to take himself out of the moment. For whatever reason, I leaned towards him and kissed his neck. I bit at his ear before he flinched, and I stopped. 
Although he wasn’t looking at me, and although he didn’t quite know what he was doing, I thought he looked beautiful. He pushed deeper into me with every thrust and I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes into the back of my head. His dick was fleshy and rubbed against my clit gently, teasing me. He continued to thrust into me before I began to feel a rush of heat roll over my body. Opening his eyes, he said, “You’re dripping wet, sugartits.”
His cock began to pulsate as he went harder and deeper into me. It sped up with every hump, and I could tell both of us were about to come. His nails dug into the small of my back as he leveraged himself to push deeper and deeper into me. The whites of his eyes flashed as he began to moan. “Lucretia… oh my…”
“Fuck me, Alastor.” I didn’t care that he didn’t want to fuck– I wanted to convince him to. 
He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me closer to him as he started to come. He pressed his lips into my neck and whispered, “Good girl. Good girl.”
Our bodies were on fire. I began to scream his name but he covered my mouth with his hand, begging me not to draw attention. He murmured my name into my ear before kissing me deeply. With a final thrust, he slipped a finger into my mouth and whispered, “Oh sweetheart, that was marvelous.” For the first time since he stepped in the door, his smile came back.
He nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck and let out a sigh before pushing up and out of me. I laid there, shaken, in the bed. I watched as he rolled his pants up his legs, fastened his belt, and pulled on his top. 
He turned to look at me. “Thank you, doll.”
I sat up. “Was it any good?”
He froze. Then, after walking over to where I was laying, he placed a soft kiss on the tip of my nose and drew a claw across my collarbone. “Well, it was good enough to call you mine forever."
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donnie-woomy · 2 months
I wrote a crack fic
Alia was softly sleeping, until her phone started ringing and she groggily picked up her phone, seeing that it was zero calling her.
“WHAT IS IT??!!!!”
“Hey girlie :D”
Said zero, being in a good mood.
“You wanna come with me, x and axl to chuck.e cheese?”
“:3 ?…….”
“Yeah sure why not”
“Ok let me call x and axl!”
Zero contacted X first, the call was immediately answered.
“Hey big boy~”
X said so ✨kawaii!✨ laying on his bed like a fucking anime girl.
“You wanna come with me and gang to chuck.e cheese?”
“Haha! sure thing!”
Then he called axl.
“Hey axl you wanna-“
“…..you wanna come with us to chuck.e cheese?”
Everyone got ready to go, they all decided to arrive there in alia’s mini van (fucking boomer) and made it to CHUCK.E CHEESE!!!.
“lol aren’t you all a little too OLD to be here lmao”
Said some random Reploid girl, X kicked her in the shins and stole her hat. They all went to the games.
“x, zero….. we don’t have the cards to play games”
Axl said vewy swadwy wike he was abwout to crwy 🥺 (fuckin kil me plz). Zero had an idea.
“Don’t worry buddy I got a plan.”
X and Zero approached a couple nearby.
“Omg babe could you win some games for me pleeeeaaaaseeee??!!!”
“Sure thing bae-“
They both got jumped by the two hunters and had their cards stolen. Axl was 💞SO HAPPY💞 Alia fell asleep standing in place and x woke her up by drop kicking her. They went to order some pizza.
“Let’s go play some GAMES!!!!🔇🔇🔇”
Axl said very energetically. They played lots of games, then the buzzer for the pizza went off and zero screamed.
“It’s ok big boy the pizza is ready”
Said x so gayly
They all went to get their pizza, x and zero ate their slice ROMANTICALLY. Alia called them cringe, covering axl’s eyes. After that, they went to the prize table and axl saw the most amazing thing ever. A stuffed shrek toy with memory foam Jordan’s on. (I want it…)
“Guys look!!! ITS SHREK!!!”
An employee walked to the group telling them to shut up, alia cracked her knuckles and punched him in the stomach. Then chuck.e cheese and his friends came out to play a song, throwing tickets. Axl did his best to grab all the tickets, then chuck.e accidentally stepped on his hand.
“Oh sorry kiddo I didn’t mean-“
Chuck.e then got jumped by x, zero, and alia. They all got enough tickets for the Jordan’s shrek, and gave it to axl who was 💞JUST SO HAPPY💞. Then suddenly chuck.e cheese closed, they were all still inside.
“Stand back everyone!”
Alia exclaimed as she picked up chuck.e’s severed hand and was about to throw it at the window. Until they all heard a door open and hid in the play area.
“Don’t worry about my brother ViA, he’s probably asleep”
“Finally we can be alone”
They all peaked to see that it was RiCO and HATSUNE MIKU?!?!?!??!!?!?!!!!! They were making out so ROMANTICALLY!!!! X gasped! Zero couldn’t believe it, Axl was making a surprised face, and Alia pointed.
x-“IS THAT HATSUNE MIKU??!???!!!!”
zero-“OH MY GOD HATSUNE MIKU!!!!i!iii!!!”
axl-“Hey look it’s RiCO :3”
It is now confirmed that axl is the only one with a functioning brain which is surprising (he’s not supposed to be the normal one here wtf?!). They all got out of there from the back door, meanwhile RiCO and Hatsune Miku carried on with their date.
The end :D
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wosemi-sama · 9 months
omg uh ur writing slay so can i req vbs character headcanons when they have a crush on a g/n reader ?? tysmmm <3
yo im super sorry for taking ages w this. this is has been sitting in my drafts 4 like 2+ months n i feel like im setting it free from its cage after so long. somewhat proofread btw so keep that in mind lol <3
vivid bad squad x reader headcanons (separately)
kohane azusawa
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Met you during a Wonderlands x Showtime show at Phoenix Wonderland
You two were sitting on the same bench, next to each other
It was really awkward since you two were the only ones on the bench
You ended up talking and gaining a new friend that day.
You and Kohane ended up meeting up on the weekends and going on trips to Phoenix Wonderland together
She ended up gifting you a Phenny plushie on one of your trips there
Kohane ended up slowly developing a crush on you
An noticed that she was starting to space out a lot recently and asked what was wrong
She became flustered and said it was nothing as she started stuttering
An caught on quickly on to what was happening.
an shiraishi
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An was in one of your classes and hadn't even noticed you until a couple months.
One day, she fell asleep during class and didn't wake up until class was already over.
An looked around the classroom and realized that class was over, as the only other person in the room was you.
She glanced at her empty notebook, supposed to be filled with notes, and glanced back at you, packing up your bag.
An dashed over to you in a hurry
"Hey, do you mind letting me borrow your notes really quick? I... fell asleep."
"Not at all, go ahead."
An quickly wrote down all the notes on her notebook and handed your notes back to you.
"Thank you so much!! I'm An Shiraishi, by the way. Nice to meet you."
After that, you would occasionally meet up with An
An eventually found herself falling for you.
akito shinonome
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Akito being Akito, absolutely refused to admit he has a crush on you
The two of you were co-workers at his part time job and occasionally talked.
You eventually became friends with him and hung out with him a lot, going shopping, amusement parks, etc.
Akito started to grow feelings for you but decided to ignore it.
An and Mizuki found out and immediately started to tease him
toya aoyagi
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Didn't realize until really later on.
One day he was sitting there until he started thinking
"Wait, why do I feel about them this way?"
The two of you were pretty decent friends
The two of you talked and went to the arcade from time to time
He plays those crane games at the arcade to get you a plushie, and get the plushie flawlessly every time.
Tbh, he doesn't really act that different from normal.
He hopes to confess to you one day, just not yet.
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cometcon · 8 months
I did it. I wrote fanfic for Helluva Boss. Striker is consuming my mind. XD
So I was looking through the Striker tag on here for more of my favourite bastard snakey boi and found this really neat artwork. :D
And it's a really interesting concept and the artwork is so well done and they've kept just enough of Striker's sinister energy in the images that my brain just wouldn't leave me alone about it. And it got me thinking: Redeemed Striker cuddling up to Moxxie for warmth is definitely cute and even I love it (and I'm aromantic as fuck XD ). But would it be possible to write something with the same basic concept, just making it a different scenario to involve my first impression of Striker instead, without having to redeem and develop Striker first? Can I have my cake and eat it too? XD
I've changed my mind since I first posted this so here's the freshly edited new introductory waffle:
I want to flesh this out a little and write it as a whole oneshot partnered with my Blitz/Striker fic which is also set during Harvest Moon and maybe ending along the lines of the events in the canon episode, but in the meantime my brain churned out about 800 words for the specific prompt. I think I'm leaning for the fic being about Moxxie's perspective of Striker arriving at the farm as in canon. Moxxie dislikes him immediately and since Striker is an egotistical supremacist piece of shit he just doubles down on the dickwad behaviour, but keeps it subtle enough for Blitz and Millie to do their usual thing of overlooking Moxxie's concerns about things they don't see as a problem/threat/red flag (I promise I'm not hating on them; I enjoy their characters but also sometimes it does seem like a fair bit of the shit Moxxie gets dragged into could have been avoided if they'd listened to him. XD Though then we wouldn't have the parts of the show I enjoy, so again, not complaining, just playing with it. Don't kill me lol.) And Moxxie understandably gets sick of Striker's shit and they begin a tit for tat resulting in Moxxie shooting Striker's window 'by accident' and then 'forgetting' to fix it. XD And since they're all sleeping in the farm house, Striker chooses to escalate with a cruel and unusual punishment...
Behold, my first ever attempt at dark fluff. XD
The sound of the door opening and soft light spilling across the room made Moxxie's eyelids flicker, a low growl of annoyance building in his chest. 
Millie had a bad habit of laughing off their boss' infuriating behaviour, finding it amusing. Cute, even. Moxxie vehemently disagreed, yet his complaints typically fell on deaf ears, so he usually just endured. But these night-time visits were reaching the absolute line and Moxxie had had enough. He didn't care what his wife said, he was going to fucking murder Blitz if he took even one more step toward-
His back tensed in surprise as the covers lifted, the mattress behind him sinking beneath Blitz's weight. The night had finally come. He'd suspected his boss would escalate, but the fact it was really happening took its sweet time trickling through his outraged mind. Moxxie's vicious attempt to slam his elbow into the licentious imp's gut was too slow and easily thwarted as a large hand latched onto his arm, halting its trajectory. 
"Blitz, I swear to fucking Satan, I will claw your eyes out of your skull and feed them to Luna! Get off me," he hissed quietly, hoping not to wake his snoring wife. She might just tell him to move over and give Blitz more space before falling asleep again anyway. 
Before he could do much else however, a long, clammy, lithe body that was decidedly not Blitz pressed into him, strong arms wrapping around his much smaller form and pulling him closer. His heartbeat accelerated and a bolt of fear shot down his spine. 
"Shouldn't make threats you can't follow up on, rodent." 
Striker's breath wafted over Moxxie's ear in a gentle caress. He shuddered, tugging uselessly at the unyielding grip trapping him against the assassin as he felt Striker curl further, moulding himself into every part of Moxxie he could reach. Moxxie's tail twitched, caught between them and unable to find a gap to escape.
"What the fuck?" 
It should have been a shout, but his throat was tense with fright, the words emerging in an embarrassingly pathetic whimper. One hand searched for Millie, desperately praying he could wake her before they were both slaughtered in their sleep. 
"Quit wriggling," Striker rumbled, fingers lacing through Moxxie's to draw the hand back into his chest. 
"Why are you in here? Get out." 
Moxxie still couldn't manage more than a choked whisper, but the fact there seemed to be no intention of actually harming him allowed a rising indignation to take fear's place. He tried kicking, though that only served to annoy Striker, who immediately enveloped the flailing legs between his own. It was like being stuck in a patch of quicksand; the more Moxxie struggled, the deeper he sank.
"Someone hasn't fixed my window yet. It's cold." 
That long, spiked tail snaked across Moxxie's shivering skin, coiling around their tangled limbs and draping itself over his abdomen. The quiet rattle as the tip continued upward and settled by his face sent a chill through him and he squeezed his eyes shut. 
"That doesn't mean you get to- mmph!" 
His final, barely audible attempt at protest was swiftly cut off by Striker's free hand covering his mouth. 
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," came the deceptively soft admonishment, arms and tail constricting in a painful warning. Moxxie groaned and went limp, hoping it would be enough to appease, the understanding he really was at his captor's mercy sinking to the base of his stomach like a concrete brick on the ocean floor. Striker chuckled and thankfully granted him the ability to draw breath after a moment, though he remained tightly entwined with the trembling little body in his clutches, chin resting in mock affection atop Moxxie's head as he murmured, "Good boy. Go back to sleep."
This was just another one of Striker's games, he told himself. If he stayed very still and didn't cause a fuss, his tormentor would get bored and leave. 
Any minute now.
The dark outline of Millie's senseless form under the blanket was silhouetted against the window, her peaceful snores the only sound stirring the atmosphere. Striker's breathing had slowed too, apparently content to stay snuggled against him, leaching his warmth and sanity alike. 
Well, fuck.
When several minutes had passed without any further threat, Moxxie forced himself to relax. There was nothing he could do anyway. If Striker wanted him dead he would be already. Staying alert all night would play right into the other's aims, showing him the intimidation tactics were working the second he saw his victim's tired eyes and frazzled demeanour the next morning. 
Moxxie refused to let him win that easily.
He listened for Millie, his breaths steadying as he timed them to match hers and held the image of her beautiful beaming grin in his mind. Striker was bound to slip up eventually and when he did, Moxxie would be prepared for him. A new thought of slicing the trecherous demon's throat with his own knife flashed through Moxxie's head and he smiled, playing it slowly on loop until he managed to drift off again.
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Hello! I was wondering if I could request something?? It's totally OK if not, I totally understand lol. I was wondering if you could wrote some Newt Scamader x sibling reader comfort, platonic siblings type stuff where reader just hasn't been feeling so hot mentally and feels like their friends don't want them around anymore? I've kinda been struggling with that lately...
She/her or gender neutral reader pls. 🥺
Feel free to dm me if you have any questions and please don't feel bad if you won't accept my request, I 100% understand.❤️❤️
Much love ❤️
A/N : thank you so much for this request! This is the first request I have ever gotten! I’m proud for coming this far with this account and I hope you enjoy this cute fic because I put everything I could into it 🫶🏻 REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
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~I will be there for you~
You and your friends are meant to be going out. That’s was until they texted you that tonight was cancelled because someone was sick and didn’t want to miss out so we will reschedule the event. You texted back that that’s okay and that they should let you know when it will be rescheduled. They read the message but never replied. They have been acting all strange over the past few weeks and you don’t know why. Your mind immediately went to thinking “what is they are trying to get rid of me?” And over thank it. Overall you mentally haven’t been feeling very good about yourself anyways. You felt like you didn’t have the looks of your friends. Tina, Queenie and the rest. You doubted your looks in every dress you had on to go on a date with (y/b/n). Your eyes pricked with tears as the thoughts went through your head.
You felt as lonely as ever, sitting in your bed, small amounts of tears falling down your face. You didn’t know what to do. You felt like nobody wanted to be around you anymore. Even Newt and Theseus weren’t around anymore. Newt has his book and Theseus is too busy with Leta. More tears flooded so you thought about everything.
All of a sudden Newt came home. “Y/n” I’m home!” He shouted as the apartment was quite big. He didn’t hear a sound.
He thought that maybe you fell asleep or something. He came into the room and saw you door was open a little and so he pushed it open further only to see you in a crap state.
“Hey…y/n are you alright?” He whispered softly as he stood in the doorway just wanting to make things better as a brother.
“Yea- yes I’m to- totally fine” you choked out holding your head in your hands.
You brother needed to go over to you. He hated seeing you this upset.
“You know you’re not okay. What’s wrong?” He asked as he sat beside you on the bed placing his hand on your shoulder rubbing his thumb to help you relax.
“It’s no-nothing” you replied more tears falling. Newt didn’t believe you one bit whatsoever. His eyes softened as you sobbed in front of him slowly breaking his heart.
“It can’t be nothing y/n, you’re crying this much and you NEVER cry.” He smiled a little when he heard you giggle slightly with a wave of happiness washing over you for a second.
It’s ju-just that no-body wa-wants me around any-anymore everyone is busy
D-doing things and I-I’m just not goo-good enough!” you cried into your hands trying not to look at newt in the eyes with your red and puffy eyes.
“But I’m here” he said trying to look down to meet your eyes but failed.
“No you’re- you’re not! You ha-have your b-book and creatures!” You sobbed. Newt went silent. He was meant to always be there for you. He was your big brother and he didn’t do what he was meant to do, be there for you. He felt a huge amount of guilt.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry I-I never knew” he said now wrapping both of his arms around you. You declined his hug and tired to get his hands off of you by squirming and smacking his arms. No matter what you tried he didn’t t let go.
“I’m not letting go until you calm down” he said tightening his grip around you feeling heartbroken to see you like this and him being a part of the reason why. He wouldn’t let go whatsoever. No matter what pain he is getting.
It took you a while to calm down and Newt knew you were calm when your body went limp in his. The room was silent, you were still and all he could hear was you breathing deeply.
“I truly am sorry.” He said tears pricking his own eyes. As he gave you one last hug. You looked at him in sympathy and despite your mood, you smiled at him and ruffled his hair making it a mess.
“You really know how to mess with me don’t you?” He asked playfully.
You just simply gave him one squeeze in the ribs causing his to let out one belly laugh before sitting up.
“ I do have one thing I think will cheer you up.” He said as he opened his case that was beside him and called out the nifflers. They all came out flying over to you and a ton of shiny things were now splattered on the bedsheets. You played with them and was the happiest person alive.
“Just remember, I will be there for you “ ruffling your hair playfully causing to create a play fight.
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nani-nonny · 4 months
I’m Blue ch.12 snippet
(and 5 min asmr if you like…)
I wrote 1.5k words in 40 min… not my best but I managed to salvage 5 min of it to share :) I almost fell asleep cutting the video down to size because listening it was relaxing lol I should listen to it more often haha! Anyways, teaser!
Big Yellow chimes in with her own answer, “Maybe it’s a trauma response. You know, to protect himself. He didn’t continue his attack when Blue stopped moving. And he didn’t lay back down until Blue backed up.”
Great… A sleep-fighter seems to be what Big Blue is dealing with. How wonderful…
He sighs and whispers, “Alright, if this doesn’t tell you we should call it quits, then I’m going to need your help. Don, you need to restrain him–maybe some handcuffs. Mike, I’ll need your help in connecting to his mystic core faster.”
Big Blue doesn’t wait for their response and steps forward. He doesn’t hesitate to dive headfirst into the tent, and is immediately greeted with a metallic fist wrapping around his face. The cold fingers grip tightly to his cheeks over his mouth, silencing any possible sounds he may make in the attack.
Big Blue responds in kind by grabbing the slider’s wrist and fighting to push it down to the ground. He’s quick to catch the free hand that aimed for his throat, and struggles to push it away from succeeding. “Now… would be a great time…!” He reminds the voices in his head.
Immediately, a purple handcuff manifests around the wrist that Big Blue manages to pin to the ground. Big Blue uses this chance to lean forward and headbutt the sleeping warrior’s forehead, disorienting not only himself but the elder long enough for the other cuff to restrain the other hand. The purple cuffs tighten over the elder’s front, and just before the elder’s foot reaches Big Blue’s head, a red hand manifests from his shell and catches it.
A yellow flame shoots from Big Blue’s chest and erupts into a long chain that connects his mystic core to Barbarian’s.
Big Blue acts fast and closes his eyes, he ignites the electricity of his ninpo like always and lets himself be consumed by the shared connection.
He doesn’t stop igniting his ninpo, even when his ears are met with silence. But he stops when he hears Big Red, “Look.”
Big Blue opens his eyes, meeting that familiar abyss that he has yet to forget despite the years. But a short distance from where he stands, he sees a blue figure lying on its back. Its hands rest over its stomach as he stares up at the empty black side without a single feature on its face to signify sight. If it weren’t for the figure’s legs and arm, he wouldn’t be able to dictate which direction the figure was facing.
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writerownstory · 1 year
If you’re still taking juke prompts…
#85 "You were talking in your sleep." has excellent potential 👀
once again this is way late, but I hope some fluffy Juke makes up for it 🥰 (didn’t reread too much tho because otherwise i’ll never post this lol)
Luke startled awake, confused by his surroundings at first, until his eyes settled on Reggie and Alex sitting across from him in the Molina garage turned studio.
They had practice immediately after school as usual, but then they’d settled down into a writing session and all of the late nights leaning over his notebook caught up with Luke and the gentle scratch of Julie’s pen against her notebook and Alex and Reggie’s voices going back and forth with Julie’s made for too soothing of a lullaby for him to sort of just… pass out.
He wasn’t proud of it, but it happened, okay???
His best friends exchanged an amused grin before looking back at him.
Alex nodded toward the end of the couch where Julie was sitting, unfazed by he and the boys sudden conversation, scribbling away in her notebook.
“You were talking in your sleep,” Reggie told him.
“What did I say?”
The bass player tapped his chin, pretending to think about it. “Oh, I don’t know… what was it, Alex?”
Luke watched as the corner of Julie’s mouth twitched ever so slightly, like she was trying to hide her smile.
The teasing grin grew across Alex’s face, clearly ready to taunt him. “I’m not sure I remember.”
“Leave him alone, you two,” Julie scolded, though it was clear she, too, found whatever he must’ve said amusing. She pointed a stern finger at Reggie, who looked like a deer caught in head lights at the gesture. “Or I’m telling Kayla you wrote that song about her.” She turned on Alex. “And I’ll tell Willie you think skateboarders are cute.”
“Yes ma’am,” Reggie mumbled the same time Alex sunk into the armchair, muttering, “Yes, Julie.”
She shook her head at them fondly before tucking her pen in her notebook and slapping it shut, climbing off the couch.
“Jules, hey wait,” Luke called, bouncing up after her. “Where are you going?”
“It’s my turn to start dinner,” she explained. “Wanna help?”
His eyes lit up immediately before he bit his lip to hold back a grin threatening to take over his face at the thought. “Yeah, sure.” He followed her up into the house, leaning against the island in the kitchen while Julie got everything ready.
Julie had decided last minute that she was going to make spaghetti for dinner that night. It wasn’t lost on her that she and Carlos had had more than enough spaghetti in their lifetime, as it was the only dish Ray could manage by himself right after Rose passed away. But Carlos always said that he liked it when Julie made it too, because she made it like their mom did.
It meant the world to her that Carlos felt that way, and something about the idea of keeping even the smallest piece of Rose’s memory alive and sharing that with Luke and the boys made Julie’s heart full.
As they prepared the pasta, Julie was admittedly surprised at how easily Luke picked up on things in the kitchen. He wasn’t perfect, but for the effort he gave, he was pretty alright by her. (And if she had butterflies every time Luke brushed past her—for the record, the Molina kitchen had plenty of space in it—it was all she could do but duck her head to hide her blush.)
She watched as Luke hummed to himself as he occasionally stirred the spaghetti—it was a menial task but she always thought that Luke made everything kind of adorable. His fingers tapped along on the counter and she recognized the melody they were messing around with earlier before he fell asleep in the studio.
As if he could feel her gaze on him, he looked up, his mouth turning up into an amused grin. “What?”
She returned his grin with a soft smile of her own. “Nothing. I just never imagined Luke Patterson as a chef.”
“Julie, come on. I’m just doing what you tell me to. We all know who the real chef here is,” he teased.
“Actually it’s my mom,” she admitted, her eyes falling away from his. “Carlos says I make it like her, so I figured maybe you guys could try it too.”
His expression became incredibly soft as if he completely understood the significance of a seemingly little thing. “We’d be honored.”
And so the boys joined the Molinas for dinner and all 3 of them absolutely raved about how good it was along with Carlos—though Julie wondered if Luke said something to the boys beforehand. Either way, she was honored they liked it so much.
At the end of the evening when it was time for the boys to head to their respective homes, Luke hung around on the porch, taking his sweet time saying goodbye to Julie. The boys had shot him knowing looks as they left, so he was sure he wouldn’t hear the end of it but he didn’t care.
“I guess I’d better head home before my mom starts wondering where I am,” he said, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t want her to be worried,” Julie said with a nod.
“Thanks for letting me help make dinner, and for letting the boys and I stay.”
“Of course, you guys are always welcome here.”
“Thanks Julie,” he said, smiling down at her. She could tell he was dragging his feet but she wasn’t sure she wanted to say what she was thinking out loud. “Well I’d better go…” He moved to step off the porch when the words came flying out of her mouth.
“Luke, wait!”
He froze, his whole body turning to face her immediately.
“I… I, um. I wanted to talk to you about something.”
Her wide brown eyes looked up at him and it took everything in him to keep from melting right then and there. She didn’t even know what she did to him and yet, there she was. “What’s up?”
“About… about what you said, earlier in the garage. When the boys were teasing you about what you said in your sleep…”
His brow wrinkled in confusion—he’d almost completely forgotten that happened. Julie had shut the boys down so swiftly that he’d put it out of his mind. “Yeah?”
“You said that… well, you said you loved me.”
Everything in Luke came to a screeching halt. Had he heard her correctly? Sure Luke had dreamt of telling Julie he loved her, but he had counted on being conscious when he actually did. “Julie, I… I’m so sorry! I mean, I’m not sorry I said it but I’m sorry I said it in the least private or romantic way possible and I—“
“—I’ve been meaning to tell you, well, I mean I would’ve started with maybe that I just had feelings for you instead of just jumping into it, but I guess that’s where that lyric face first, full charge comes from, huh?”
“I—“ His cheeks turned pink as he finally stopped talking. “Yeah?”
“It’s okay. I-I feel the same way. I’m not sure I’m ready to say it yet, but I really care about you.”
“I care about you too, Jules.” He quickly but cautiously reached out to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. “Can I kiss you?”
He was rewarded with a warm smile, and Julie knew based on the butterflies in her stomach that she wouldn’t mind loving Luke for a long time.
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risingflora · 10 months
Two Cups of Tea - post Mag 200
Spoilers ovbiously. This is the first draft 🌟 this is a short lil story I wrote at work lol
As the dust settled on the world renewed, everyone found their places again and went about their business. Many people who survived the "end of the world", as it had been referred to, found their way into new careers. Many took their survival as a new lease on life. But others fell back into their lives prior, and somehow, this applied to some of the old staff of the Magnus institute. One of which, was Martin Blackwood. When asked, he would say he originally feared returning, but that Jon was able to convince him, and he loved spending time with his partner, of course, even if it meant returning to the Magnus Institute.
Of course, it was no longer called the Magnus Institute. In fact, now it was a government owned facility. It housed many section 31 officers, who shared the space with those employed for the study of the paranormal. It was not yet renamed, but if you referred to it as the Magnus Institute, you would get a scowl in response. The government was not too happy about what the institute had done to the world. Most people just called it the institute.
It was surprising that, among others associated, Martin Blackwood was still so interested in the archives. After being convinced, Martin disregarded how odd it was, as it gave him some semblence of normality. He enjoyed popping into Jons old, dusty office, bringing paperwork to add to the piles stacking up there while they reorganized the place. It felt so familiar to just... fall back into his old life. Except now, he had his soul mate, and nothing would ever allow Martin to lose Jon now. Martin was fiercely devoted, and fiercly in love.
Martin would close himself in the room sometimes to chat with Jon, when he was particularly struggling. Sometimes Georgie, who had picked up a job there in the aftermath, would pause when she heard his voice behind the door and sigh in disdain. Sometimes she considered opening the door, but she felt so bad for all he had gone through, and did not want to stop his venting. She knew they needed each other. She was unsure when Martin would ever want to move on from the chaos that had traumatized him, and she was in no rush to barge in and stop their trauma bonding.
Martin would come into the break room and chat with everyone, ask how Melanie was doing, get to know the new folk - and sometimes when he left he would leave with a second cup of tea to bring to Jon.
"Does he like tea?" Basira would ask on occasion, which would usually result in immediate scowls from her peers.
"I think its growing on him," Martin chimed with a wide smile, "and plus, if he doesn't drink it, I will!"
And when he would leave, Georgie would sigh deeply and shake her head. Someday, they'll talk.
Martin would add to the stacks on Jons desk, being tasked by his peers to bring old statements to be filed away. He would sometimes wonder why the statements were still necessary, but they needed to be kept "just in case", according to Georgie. At night, she would often ask him if he wanted to come over for dinner, to help him clear his mind with company.
Often, he would say he was going out for drinks with Jon, or that he was staying late to keep Jon company. Georgie would want to protest, because Martin needed a life outside of work - but Martin would just smile cheerily and say his goodbyes.
Martin would say his goodbyes, and go to the bar, or go home, or even sometimes fall asleep in the armchair in that dusty old office. He never minded waiting for Jon to clock out, Martin would say. He would return the next day, all the same. Martin would continue to add to the stacks while Jon promised him he would have them organized soon. Maybe he would help one day, Martin thought as he added to the stack - but Jon had his systems, and Martin would not want to distract.
One day there was arguing ouside the office about space - the sectioned officers needed more of their own office space, but Georgie begged them to not use Jon's office. It was the last memory Martin had of what life was like before - she would win the argument this time, but she knew someday soon, she would lose. She watched Martin poke his head out of the room and ask if everything was ok, and Georgie said it was - for now - and Martin smiled and nodded.
"Okay - it was just loud, and Jon is focusing on a recording. It stressed him out a bit, and you know how much work he has to do still!"
Georgie smiled meekly and watched Martin recede back into the empty office, alone, and close the door - and she listened to Martin talk to no one, laughing and drinking lukewarm tea, as he sat across from the empty chair of a dead man.
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i-am-hoo-iyam · 8 months
I saw the sun and moon upgrade story so I wrote a fan fic story. Moon gets shoes tossed at him and yn has technology trouble. lol.
The reason moon tossed the dangerously heavy helium was the virus and he slammed the projector cuz it was old and broken anyways and he was also trying to entertain the kids while they waited.
A day in the daycare.
“Hey sun! Where’s moon?” Sun sighed. “He has a headache again so he’s going to rest upstairs till Nap time.” The kids looked sad. “Can we wake him up by shouting good morning like we do with you when you’re still charging and it’s playtime?” Sun put a finger to his lips. “Nooo! He needs his rest. The new Helpi antivirus is just making it worse so he needs all the rest he can get!”
A kid took his shoe off and punted it as hard as he could. It went flying into sun and moons room way up right as yn left the bathroom. You know how if you go into a school gym there’s all those balls in the rafters? Kids can kick hard. There was a yelp. The shoe floated down on a helium balloon a minute later. Un and sun turned to the kid. “We just said DONT BOTHER HIM LET HIM REST”.
The kids put pieces together and you could see the gears turning in their lil heads. “So if we get a shoe up there we get a balloon?” Sun and yn rushed from time out. Sun stopped theee kids and yn got a kid before their shoes were off. Two other kids got their shoes off. One, an older kid, punted it hard. It slammed against the curtain frame of the room above the pit. It landed on the balcony. A shaky blue and silver hand reached out and took the shoe. It floated down on a helium balloon with a note thst read “ it was funny once. Please stop before you hit me in the head”.
The kid was grabbed by sun but another one got free. They thought maybe a loud noise would get moon to come out. They popped one of the balloons. POW. Half the kids started crying. Moon stepped out on the balcony. The older kid took the opportunity to kick his other shoe. He hit it square with his foot and it went flying right into moons noggin.
Moons eyes turned red and a big heavy tank of helium went flying out of the balcony. Sun caught it. “YOU WANT BALLOONS? MAKE EM YOURSELF”. Moon stormed back into the rooms above the pit. Sun pit everyone in time out and went to check on moon.
Yn was taking care of a babies diaper and trying to settle the other crying kids. The older kid pulled out a soda and a mentos while yns back was turned, yn focusing on settling the baby and getting a new diaper on. The other kids settled down immediately and gathered around to watch the older kid.
The older kid put an entire roll of mentos in this huge bottle of soda he pulled out of his backpack. He shoved the entire thing in and put his thumb over the opening and shook it hard. He let it fly and it shot across the room making the kids cry from being scared again. It sailed into sun snd moons room.
There was a loud yelp and sun fell off the balcony. He escorted the hysterical kid to the door. He shoved them out and yelled “AND NEVER COME BACK. Oh sorry about him yn. Do you need help with that diaper?
Soon it was nap time. The kids settled into their mats and sleeping bags and fell asleep. Someone coughed. Moon shushed. “SSH”. Yn dropped their phone and it clattered. “SSH”. The vent squeaked. “SSH”. “Moon that was the vent-“ “SSH”. A kid snored. “SSSH”. “Mooon we can’t sleep when you do dat! Shtaaap!” “SSH”.
The kids woke up and looked at moon. “Aw you owkay?” “Noooo that stupid bear is meddling around and giving me a migraine”. Helpy chimes up from inside moons systems. “I told you it would hurt but I would be able to suppress the virus and (insert tech mumbo jumbo here) the make it go away again. I’m almost done… andddddd… done! That virus has no chance of hurting you now!” Moon stopped holding his head. “Oh? Thank you Helpi! I feel a lot better now”.
“Sun my headache is gone! Yn do you need help with pulling up the movie?” Yn shook their head. “I’m ok but thanks”. The projector turned on. Helpi now had orange eyes. “I can pull up the movie for you. Just get your hands off the keyboard and let me do my thing.” He pulled up a video of a man in a metallic beaten up rabbit costume peering over a little girls shoulder as she played an old arcade game.
Yn quickly overrode Helpi with a bypass code and shut the video down. The computer spat out “I always come back” in a dark creepy voice and then started smoking and shut down. Yn yanked the plug out. The computer calmed down. Yn went to the second computer, Jose’s. They pulled up the passcode Jose had given them. They logged in.
Helpi, with blue eyes, popped up. “My apologies. Somebody replaced the movie file and I got confused”. The kids were dissapointed. “Aww I wanted to watch the rabbit movie”. Yn sighed and pulled up the file Helpi showed them. “You sure this is the correct one”? “Certain”!
“This movie sucks! It had words bouncing around and I can’t even read yet!” Yn sighed. The projector had disconnected. Yn banged a fist on it. It shut off. Moon stepped forward. “Here let me try”. He picked up the projector and slammed it against the floor. He put it back. The movie popped up. “See you just diddnt hit it hard enough”. “MOON NOW THE PROTECTIVE GLASS IS CRACKED”.
Sun made moon sit in time out instead of watching the movie.
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Okay so this is impossible not to request with Father Luc 🌟 but I would actually love to see a quick moment of Flora going to midnight mass despite being sick because she wants to see Father Luc in that robe and him noticing her fever because am I misremembering or does that blessing involve the priest touching people’s foreheads?? (I’m not catholic sorry lol) and this unspoken moment where he’s a little tripped up by it but there’s a line of people so he can only say it with a look, but then slightly later approaching her like hey I think you might have a fever 🥺
Title: Cheer My Wearied Spirit
Words: 1853
Note: Thank you for the request, my friend! I love the reversal here from the other Father Luc thing I just wrote. A lot of it felt similar to the previous father luc fic, but it was essentially the same setting (just different years) so I suppose that is to be expected. I am still planning to write the day 2 follow up to the original father luc fic! Over the holidays I will have quite a lot of down time and hope to do a lot of writing over those two weeks or so, and that follow up is top of the list 
It seemed she had just shut her eyes when the alarm telling her to start preparing for mass began to scream in her ear. Flora groaned as she reached out to shut it off. She didn't feel well. If anything she felt worse than she had before she fell asleep, which was obviously the opposite effect she had been hoping for. She nearly rolled over and went back to sleep. Since she was evidently going to be sick for Christmas, she was sure her parents would excuse her from midnight mass if she asked. 
However, the image of the hot, young priest who had recently been called to her parents' church flooded her mind. She hadn't been able to forget his beautiful smile in the intervening six months since she'd met him over the summer, and she'd be darned if she missed her chance to see it in person tonight. For one thing, she needed to confirm if he was really as handsome as she remembered. She had fruitlessly googled him and scoured the woefully out of date church website to no avail. She needed to see him again for herself.
Every joint ached and her head throbbed as she got out of bed and began to dress. As a precaution she also took her own temperature. She was desperate, but she wasn't stupid. If she had a high fever, then of course she couldn't go. However, the reading wasn't even over 100 degrees. The show would go on. She put on her best "I'm not sick" face for her parents when she emerged, and they didn't seem to suspect anything as they got their coats on and loaded into the car. 
The little church was packed when they arrived, and more people streamed in every second. The three of them were just barely able to squeeze into a pew while most of the other latecomers were relegated to folding chairs. They had hardly removed their coats when the organ began to belt out the opening chords to the first hymn. Everyone rose as one without being told, drew a collective breath, and began to sing their hearts out, with grinning and good cheer all around. 
However, Flora wasn't paying much attention to anyone except the man in the robe who had just taken his place at the front of the church. He, too, was grinning as he picked up a hymnal and began to sing along, his face rosy and fresh and his eyes perfectly set off by the royal blue of his stole. Corny as it was, the most fitting comparison that came to her mind in the candlelit room was that of an angel. 
"Damn," Flora sighed to herself. "He really is that beautiful."
The service was the same as it had been every year of her life. Usually she loved the comforting familiarity, but tonight there was a thrumming undertone that she couldn't quite place, except that it intensified whenever Father Luc looked her way. It would have been deliciously exciting if she hadn't been feeling so gross. 
Ten minutes into the service and she began to wonder if coming had been a mistake. She immediately began to overheat, squeezed between her parents as she was, and the air felt thick even in the sanctuary, with its soaring ceiling and dozens of windows. Her head was throbbing before the end of the first hymn, which she couldn't sing along with anyway since her throat felt as if she'd swallowed glass. While her eyes followed the priest's every move, her sluggish thoughts couldn't actually follow what he was saying. She swallowed yawn after yawn, and soon she found herself thinking about her bed more than anything else.
She was in such a fog by the end of the service that she didn't realize it was almost time for communion until Father Luc began to prepare the host. She shook herself out of her stupor as much as she could and readied herself to be inches away from the hot priest. 
She hadn't been to confession in months so she didn't plan to partake of communion (not to mention the idea of knowingly sharing a cup with the rest of the congregation while she was ill made her shudder), but she wasn't going to miss out on the chance to be blessed by him, so when her parents rose she did the same, and the three of them walked to the front when their turn came. 
She moved down the line, lulled into peace by the familiarity of the sacrament and the lovely piano piece being performed. She didn't realize it was her turn until she was shocked into awareness when Father Luc made eye contact with her, his eyes warm and bright. She wordlessly indicated that she did not wish to partake in the sacrament, mesmerized by his deep blue eyes. With a warm smile he laid his hand on her head and began to murmur a blessing, according to tradition. However, she was startled when the smile faltered as his skin made contact with hers, and for a moment she thought he was going to draw his hand back, blessedly cool as it was. He did not, but blessed her as usual, though his gaze probed hers and a strange expression tugged his eyebrows toward the center–was it worry, perhaps?
She was unable to discern the meaning of his behavior before she was pushed along by the queue behind her. She made her way back to her seat in a haze of confusion and sickness, clamping her lips shut against a cough as she sat back down. She didn't have much time to dwell on the strange interaction before the service drew to an end. A little more talking, a little more chanting, and then the introduction to "Silent Night" could be heard as the lights were dimmed and candles were handed down the rows and lit. Soon Father Luc was only visible from the chin up, the candle he held casting strange shadows on his face as he sang, yet Flora still couldn't keep her eyes off him. She wished she could talk to him–say something funny or witty or memorable, in the hope that she would stick in his mind just as he had stuck in hers. 
When the service ended, the congregation began to file out of the pews to meet the priest who greeted them as they exited the sanctuary as always. Once again Flora was electrified as she made eye contact with him, and he froze for a split second too. Her parents quickly drew his attention, seemingly not realizing what had transpired between them. They clasped his hand, thanked him for the service, and presented her for an introduction. 
"This is our daughter, Flora. She's home from nursing school for the holiday break," her mother said. "I think you met her once before over the summer."
"I believe you're right. It's a pleasure to see you again, Flora," he said, holding out his hand to shake. 
Flora mirrored the gesture breathlessly,  attempting a smile. "Same to you, Father," she said. 
Once again, the handsome smile flickered when they touched. This time his hand felt roastingly warm while she had started to shiver in the line to get out the door. 
He opened his mouth, hesitated for a split second, then seemed to change his mind about what he was going to say. "I hope you are well this evening," he said, his eyes probing hers again. 
She nodded and smiled as she was supposed to, then moved along so the next people could greet him. If only he knew, she thought to herself, that she was the opposite of well. And yet she thought he might suspect the state of her health. Why else would he look at her so closely? And use that particular phrase? 
Her parents were always some of the last people to leave any church service. This had been the case her entire life. Their families had been attending this church for generations, so they knew everyone here, and if they didn't know them then they made it their mission to get to know them. Usually Flora didn't mind, but tonight she certainly did. She hovered by the door closest to their car, holding the door for everyone else lucky enough to be leaving and mentally imploring her folks to hurry up just this once. 
However, her patience was rewarded in an unexpected way. Out of nowhere, Father Luc appeared and headed right for her as if he'd been searching for her. He had removed his robe and was wearing a royal blue sweater, the same color the stole had been, over a striped collared shirt and tie, looking very dashing indeed. Flora's heart fluttered as he drew near. 
"Flora, I was hoping I would catch you before you left," he said, stopping only inches away. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. This will probably sound strange, but when you were receiving the blessing, I thought your face seemed very warm. I think you might have a fever. I just wanted to let you know so you could check when you get home."
Flora flushed immediately, fever notwithstanding. "I think you're probably right. I wasn't feeling the best this evening, but I really wanted to make it to mass. I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have come tonight."
"Oh no, that's not… it's a blessing to have you with us tonight and I wasn't trying to say otherwise. I just wanted to make sure you're taken care of. No one likes being sick on Christmas." 
She flushed even brighter. "Thank you, Father. I have everything I need back at my parents." 
"I'm glad," he said earnestly. "And while I am excited to gather with the congregation again for Christmas Day, under the circumstances I'll say that I hope I DON'T see you tomorrow!... Unless you make a miraculous recovery of course. And if the Lord chooses to work such a miracle, all the better! But… I guess you understand what I'm getting at," he stammered, his face red now as well. 
She giggled a tiny bit, his nervous rambling somehow cuter to her than anything else he could have said, and also serving to put her at ease. "I do. I promise I'll stay home tomorrow if I'm still sick. I appreciate you checking on me."
"Certainly, and I hope you feel better soon. Take care, Flora." He turned and walked away, both of them still red-faced.
He had hardly turned the corner when her parents emerged at last, and Flora avoided their eyes, lest they notice anything amiss. She ushered them through the door with pleas to head home to bed, not needing to exaggerate the fatigue she felt. She wouldn't tell them she was sick tonight. They would only fuss and blame themselves for bringing her out in the cold weather. There would be plenty of time to be fussed over through the rest of this holiday break. Instead, she let silence reign during the drive home, smiling to herself as she imagined his cool hand on her face over and over again. 
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manlymothman · 1 year
ok, i wrote this story a bit ago and quite liked it. i tried to edit it and make it a bit more... better, lol. i need to write about these guys more
Kah woke up and was immediately greeted with the sight of swaying trees and a blue sky. He didn't remember falling asleep outside. In fact, he didn't remember falling asleep at all.
He thought for a moment while he watched a crunchy, brown leaf fall just beside his face. What was the last thing he did before he blacked out? Was he at home? A friend's? The store?
That last memory he could think of was Wednesday night when he was eating leftovers while dancing to punk rock. He told himself he'd clean it up in the morning and despite all other questions and concerns running through his head, he silently prayed to the stars above that he did. A dirty apartment was really the last thing he wanted right now.
He sat up and tried to bat away any dirt on himself. His head wasn't pounding and he wasn't dizzy, so those were good signs. Looking around he found he was in a park. There were one or two kids playing on the swings, their parents, and a junkie that had just walked into one of the porta potties.
Kah searched himself and found a phone. Yes, a phone, but certainly not his. His phone had a shattered protection screen and (to everyones dismay) no phone case. This phone only had a small crack on the corner and a pink flowery phone case. The date read September 14, Friday. The time was 12:45.
"Oh, you're certainly a mess."
Kah jumped at the sudden wispy voice. He looked up and was met with a familiar sight.
"Taikoh! Hey, hi, yea, just a little out of it. I'll get shit sorted soon. Skies pretty today." Kah said, nodding up towards the towering trees. He quickly stood up, regretting it immediately as he fell back, clutching his throbbing head.
"I wouldn't expect this behavior from a drunkard, and certainly not from an anxiety ridden man like you." Taikoh sighed. They held out a hand that Kah reached up to grab. It fell right through. Kah didn't even know why they tried. It's not like Taikoh was tangible. And, now that he thought about it, they weren't even visible to anyone else. He waved awkwardly at a passer-by that probably thought he was talking to a tree.
Kah stood up a little slower and carefully. He stretched just a little bit and took a deep breath.
"Well, since you're here, might as well ask... You know what happened between, uhhh... Wednesday night and now?" Kah asked. Taikoh seemed to consider it for a moment as if they weren't entirely sure themself. They turned around and started walking, and Kah followed.
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