#wrote this is minutes sooooo hi hello what’s up i hope you like it
gallawitchxx · 4 months
for the @galladrabbles prompt “muscle” by @blue-disco-lights 🖤
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There’s a muscle, long and lean, which runs down the back of his thigh. It covers tendons and bone; covered by skin you’ve kissed a thousand times.
You are a miracle, you whisper as you run your tongue down his strong flank.
There was a time when you thought you’d never get this close to his body—allowed to penetrate, but not linger. To fuck, but not love. But now, he lies still. The days of running—from you, to you, away with you—are long over.
Now, he twitches beneath your mouth, breathlessly answering every question: Yes. I’m yours.
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torque-witch · 1 day
Meet the Witch - 2024 Edition
Honestly I have not introduced myself in a LONG time because I've had this account since 2014 ish - so in case there are new people here this can be a good reference point.
So hi, hello - this is me in 2024. You can call me Cara but most people here know me as Torque! My pronouns are They/Them and I am currently 32 and married. I live in Pittsburgh, PA.
Most people know me for my devotion to Hel, Norse goddess of Death and my art of her!
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(My hair is a bit longer so I just pull it back - but I barely take pictures anymore. Anyhow -)
What's new?
Still chronically ill and disabled; in 2024 we are still recovering from medical trauma that induced two phobias, POTS-like symptoms and a mystery digestive issue that is probably the severe IBS my meds that caused the trauma were controlling.
I am currently and hopefully to stay fully self-employed after finally getting off my feet from said trauma that left me pretty house-bound for a year. Somewhere in there I got a job with a catering company that truly was terrorizing, never reported me for taxes and therefore fucked up my finance history.
But, in 2024 so far I have done a good amount of shows and toured again briefly with the Oddities & Curiosities Expo group in cities outside of PA and that was incredible! I grew a lot as an artist, and it really helped me to work through some of my phobias and continue to stabilize.
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You can find my Etsy here but I am focusing most of my efforts on shows! It would be best to follow my Instagram to keep up with events and new products!
Otherwise I've just been focusing on adulting and trying to fix our finances so that we can actually buy a house someday (hopefully).
A fun fact is that I started listening to ATEEZ in mid-2023 and got to see them in concert in DC this year as a bday gift to myself. It was absolutely the most incredible thing I've ever experienced. They are PERFORMERS.
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If you're still on the fence about listening to Kpop, you're missing out! I poo-pooed it for a long time as cringey, but ATEEZ has very progressive lyrics and most of the fan-base in real life are alternative women and enby's in their 20's and 30's. Seriously the most fun I've ever had.
Other than that if I need to state it again, this page is for representation and acceptance of all forms and hate will not be tolerated. It's impossible to write out all the ways that people can be hateful but basically don't be a nazi or phobic in any way.
Not much else happened this year except a bunch of small-town drama associated with said catering company (story time?) and shit with our previous landlord (we moved). I made some really good local friends that I'm so appreciative of, and joined a DnD campaign for the first time!
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My character is Ashaf Tendara, an Arcana Cleric archeologist who accidentally found some ruins of Ubtao and now unfortunately because of one of the sessions, their way of spell-casting is just screaming T-rex noises for ten minutes straight (Ubtao is related to dinosaurs somehow). We've finally emerged from the poop dungeons in said campaign, and some of those interactions I've wrote down are truly incredible. My Mage Hand is also a spectral sticky hand. My husband's steel defender's name is Duke Poop'em because of said poop dungeons.
I also read manga, watch anime and still read young adult fantasy at my big age (Adult SciFi is sooooo dense omg but it just takes me longer lol) and watch cozy game and horror playthroughs on YouTube. I listen to podcasts a lot about the paranormal, true crime and reddit readings.
Basically I'm a chronically ill and online shut-in artist with some witchy stuff sprinkled up in there.
I hope that was exciting and super informative. If you have any questions please send them in!
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squishmallow36 · 1 year
Hello there. Fedex Royal AU update for you.
(I will find a name eventually!)
AHHAh, Guess who started over with their story? ... IT WAS ME!
*eye twitching*
Initially, I would have Dex start as a prince, but the more I wrote, the more I relived it didn't fit his character. So I changed it to have him be brand-smacking new to the prince thing.
Turns out, making that change changed all the chapters I just wrote. The storyline is still the same, but I have to write everything!
I don't know how you writers do it because writing out the stories that live in my head is one of the hardest things.
Mad respect for you and other writers.
(Also, I know I asked this before, but; how do you get unstuck when writing?)
(Don't worry about naming until you're posting the fic unless you're stuck with sudden divine inspiration. Almost none of my fics ever get titled before I'm putting it into ao3)
Oh no I hope you don't suffer too much by starting over :)
Prince!Dex not really working with his character is a big reason why Fitz is usually the royalty in the royalty au. I': excited to see how Dex became a prince in the first place then. If it's simply because a grandparent passed away then he wouldn't be super new to the inner workings of the palace but then again a military coup or something would be sooooo fun. (Then Alden is a part of that same military iirc so it doesn't exactly work but I'm rambling into a textbox so don't expect me to be coherent)
As a writer: i don't know how i do it either. Writing is like banging one's head into a wall. Actually that would probably be more productive...
And a couple of 'how to get unstuck while writing' strategies:
- I've recently transitioned into opening up ibis paint x (ik you use procreate it should work the same) and plan out what I want in detail (even down to specific lines of dialogue sometimes--that's a good place to switch to the third bullet point) for this chapter. This can be typed but i like the feeling of the scribbles. Even if I don't consult it while drafting, it's good to have in the back of my mind where I want to go.
- prev is also good for figuring out where you want your story to go if you aren't totally sure. Just give yourself a couple of minutes to continue the story in your head and jot down the necessary details.
- I believe I've told you about this strategy before: the massive incorrect quote. I'm better at dialogue so being able to paste things together with *actions in asterisks* instead of sentences helps me keep momentum going. I'm bad at keeping momentum going because i write one sentence and then go reload tumblr. There are no new posts. I go back to the google doc.
- i personally have not used the comic sans method but supposedly changing the font to comic sans is supposed to help. Something with making the canvas less intimidating. It's also an eye crime so use with caution.
- make a routine that makes you go "i'm supposed to be writing now." Maybe it's a specific place in your house, maybe it's a specific time of day, specific talismans (talismen?) that you need nearby, specific music, that kind of thing. Try to avoid the bang your head into a wall emotion but balance that will developing a habit of writing every day you can. (I'm working on this too)
- if you're fighting with motivation, set a timer for ten or fifteen minutes where you just write (paragraphs, incorrect quotes, planning can all count) and try to not get distracted by other things.
- Or maybe set a word count goal where you aren't allowed to get up until you've written 200 words and then you overshoot the goal and think, "well, i might as well get to 300" and magically you're deep in the thick of drafting.
- for a first draft, it's fine to put things in brackets. I don't know if you've named the Dizznee grandparents yet so [grandmother dizznee] for example will save you from having to go find a name and you'll keep going with the sentence
- if you want to come over here at any time and do a writing exchange where we both write ~500 words (can be adjusted as necessary and overshooting the goal is part of the fun) and then send an ask with a snippet. i've done that with lucas @/synonymroll648 a couple of times and it's GREAT for motivation because you don't want the other person to post and then you haven't written anything. (Disclaimer: i'm going to be out for a couple of hours in a car so i won't see a request for a writing exchange until i get back into internet zone. But after that i'm free)
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nora-xox · 2 years
Hello :) i've see that you are curently asking for headcanon and i was looking for someone who write for tr sooooo can i ask a headcanon with mikey (the normal Mikey), chifuyu, ran, hanma and wakaza with a chearleader s/o, i have ask this before but i want you're wrtiting in this ^^ so the s/o dance and sing like a girl kpop idol you know ? ^^ with her group of chearleader ? I'm sorry if it's don't make sense :'€
Ahhh I've seen this promt before I love it! Also it makes sense don't worry!
I will try my best! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy!
I will do Ran and Wakasa in a part 2 i may even add Rin too.
(Been a while since i wrote something so... Fluffy lol)
Proof read ~ No
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· So first off Mikey loves watching you weather it's practice or a actual show.
· He drags Draken to where you and the group would be practicing just so he can watch.
· If you go to a different school then him and that's where practice is. He will still come and watch ( it's not like he has any reservation about breaking into a different school as we've seen lol)
· Mikey brags about you to the captains all the time. (Poor Draken being dragged along and then still has to listen to his bragging lmao)
· He tries to make it to all your shows if he doesn't have Toman business to handle.
· If Mikey does miss a performance he will whine and pout untill you do his own personal show of the performance he missed.
· He keeps you out of Toman business so no personal fighting cheerleader but he still sees you as that even if you aren't there in person.
· Your teammates have learned that him showing up is going to be a common occurrence and they don't mind much.
· He will bring you snacks or drinks to give you durning your breaks so you and him can share and it's like a mini date.
· Draken has to drag Mikey away when the breaks over because Mikey will try to pull the 5 more minutes and if Draken isn't there then it's a whole ordeal but Mikey will give in after you promise to go get snacks with him after.
· Now he does keep you out of Toman but he has brought you to a meeting here and there because he wanted more time with you. And to show off how badass he is.
· The other members have asked how and why Mikey which got them glares and you got dragged away.
· Emma has gone with Mikey to some shows and knows you well she loves to see Mikey so happy about someone elses passion.
(I couldn't find any gifs for him 😭)
· Chifuyu precious gets so flustered when you show him the outfits for the next show or performance. But he loves that he gets to see them.
· Chifuyu doesn't come to watch your practices often but he will pick you up once you're finished. He always gives you a ride home.
· Practice takes a lot of your time but he loves that you have something you're passionate about. So the time he takes you home he enjoys every minute of it.
· Chifuyu will listen to every bit of your day. From the drama between your teammates to how hard the new dance move you learned that day was.
· HE WILL NOT MISS A SINGLE SHOW. This boy will be there no matter what. Toman has a fight well damn better hurry up and finish this he has places to be.
· The other members can tell when you've got a show because Chifuyuu will be in a hurry to get whatever is stopping him from being there out of his damn way.
· The Toman founders have showed up to your show after a fight just to see what all of Chifuyuu fus was about.
· He will bring flowers and or something but honestly you're just glad he made it there.
· If you asked him to help you practice even if he was tired he would with out question but he did warn you he has two left feet when it comes to dancing.
· Your teammates love when he shows up he has won over your teacher and if he shows up earlier then the end of practice you best believe your practice had turned into your friends poking and teasing you about how lucky you are to have him
· No one bats an eye at him being back stage right after the end of the show. Everyone will help him find you if he had yet to.
· This man oooo he wants you to give him private shows of whatever you learn (take that how you will)
· Loves seeing you in your costumes. Makes jokes about how they should be for his eyes only (well half jokes)
· Boy will watch you any chance he gets. He pisses Kisaki off because he will ditch him to go see you practice if it's been a while.
· Got a show coming up but he wants to spend time with you. Welp guess your dates have turned into you practicing (at home) and him sitting and watching.
· You are his personal cheerleader. If he's got a fight you are there cheering this sadist on while he crushes his enemies. He has no concern about your safety because he is confident that no one will get past him or be dumb enough to risk going after you and failing.
· After a fight he will tease that you didn't cheer loud enough and that he knows you can be louder then that. But then he'll pull you in to a kiss and call it his reward for winning from his favorite cheerleader.
· Hanma will make it to your shows. He isn't gonna miss what you've put so much effort into if he can help it.
· Your teammates find him intimidating and wonder how you are with him. They cower when he shows up backstage after a performance and you have to take him somewhere else. Hanma finds that amusing.
· Hanma has had Kisaki come with him to your shows.
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milkbread420 · 4 years
Yooo that hc/drabble you just did for kuroo and Suna was sooooo good!! Do ya think you could maybe do that again but for iwa and kenma?? if it’s not a bother 😂
Pairings: Iwaizumi x f!reader, Kenma x f!reader
Prompt: The boys have a girl best friend who has feelings for them, but the boys like y/n ( “heather”)
Warnings: Swearing, angst??
a.n:  I made the girls nice bc I can’t imagine Iwa or Kenma putting up with a b word (I feel like they would just be like ‘k bye lmao’) & sorry this took so long I had a hard time w Kenma ;-; Next on the list are Oikawa and Sugawara !
I’m so glad you thought so!! I hope this is what you’re lookin for !
Iwa talks about you and doesn’t even realize he’s talking about you most of the time
But she doesn’t really say anything because he never looks as at peace as when he’s talking about you
His insecurities & self doubt go poof when you’re with him
You laugh along when he ‘bullies’ Oikawa, so it must be love
She knows she should hate you, but she can’t because you just make him so happy
Oikawa definitely knows about her crush and teases her relentlessly.
Sometimes he goes too far and she gets really pissed
Because it should be her, not you
Hanging out used to be just her, Oikawa, and Iwa
Now Iwa’s always asking “Can y/n come too?”
“She just can’t get enough of me,” -Oikawa 
He got beat up for that
Iwa leaves little notes in your locker, telling you how pretty you are or writes you little poems.
Mans is too scared to deliver them himself though, so he makes her do it.
He would make Oikawa do it, but the one time he did, the man memorized the entire poem Iwa wrote to you and would not stop reciting it for a week. 
So she’s stuck with the job
She tries not to peek, but sometimes her curiosity gets the better of her.
Then she wishes she’d never looked.
If she were being honest though, if it couldn’t be her, she was glad it was you, though she’d never really admit it.
You actually get along really well with her.
She hates how easy you are to talk to.
Girl talk definitely happens when the boys aren’t around.
Oikawa knows this, and lets Iwa in on it too
Iwa asks her to see if you’re interested in anyone
That’s how they find out about your crush on Iwa
She had secretly hoped you liked Oikawa 
You like Iwa though (of course)
She calls him like right away to tell him because, as much as she wishes it were her, she’s really happy for you both. 
Iwa is so happy aww
Like happier than he is after scoring the last point in a game
The next day he tells you to meet him behind the gym before practice.
He confesses and both her and Oikawa catch you sucking faces 
She looks like she could scream and cry and smile all at once.
“You know, we could always go on double dates,”
“No, Oikawa”
“She wanted to know how to spike, so I had Oikawa set some balls to her, and she picked up on it pretty well,” Iwa said, leaning back into the office chair in his room with his hands resting on the back of his head, “Especially since she’s never done it before, she’s something else, I’ll tell you that,” he sighed. The girl sitting on the edge of his bed nodded, resting her chin in her palm as she listened to him talk about you, “Oikawa tried to buy her lunch today, just to tick me off,” he frowned, “That bastard,”
“Sounds about right,” she giggled, trying not to show just how bothered she was by the subject.
“I beat him to it though,” he said proudly, “She thanked me,” a blush spread across his cheeks as he recalled the memory of you.
“You sure talk a lot about her,” the girl teased, pretending the ache in her heart just wasn’t there. It was hard to listen to him talk about you. He looked so happy and content when he was rambling on about how pretty you were, or how nice you were. 
Iwa jumped out of his chair, “No I don’t!” he said loudly, “Do I?” she nodded, “Man, I just can’t get her off my mind,” he huffed in frustration, and she realized just what that meant, “Everything reminds me of her,” he was in love, “This is stupid,” he frowned. She chuckled, and he sunk back into the chair, “You don’t think she’s using me to get close to Oikawa do you?”
“I don’t think so,” she wanted to say yes, just so he’d get over you and she’d have him to herself, but seeing how happy you made him, she just couldn’t lie. She was willing to bet you liked him too.
A small sigh of relief escaped him, “Good,” he said, “I didn’t think so either, but I wanted a girl’s opinion, honestly,” 
“Well there you have it,” she smiled. 
He smiled too, but somehow she knew it wasn’t for her.
“So,” Oikawa grinned at the girl, “Just how obvious were you trying to make your crush on Iwa-chan?” she sighed and tried to ignore him, walking briskly through the school corridor in an attempt to get him to stop following her, “Hey now, don’t ignore me!” he whined. 
“I don’t want to talk about that, Oikawa,” she said, “It’s none of your business,” 
“Oh but it is!” the brunette persisted, “Iwa-chan’s business is my business,” he said with a signature fake smile, “Plus, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, you get what I’m saying?” She stopped in the middle of the rather empty hall, “Ooh, too far?” 
“Asshole,” she said, continuing towards her next class.
“Look, my point was that he’s got the hots for y/n, I’m sure you’ve noticed,” The brunette said, “So don’t get in the way and make things all weird,” 
“Wasn’t planning on it,” she said cooly.
“Oikawa? Are you ditching?” Iwaiziumi’s irritated voice made them both snap their heads towards him.
“Iwa-chan! No, we just needed to have a talk is all,” he said, waving his hand dismissively, “I’ll be going now! See you guys after school right?” the girl nodded, still looking like she could punch the snarky brunette in the throat any second.
“Oh yeah,” Iwa said, “Since you’re both here, would it be fine if I asked y/n to come with us? She had plans with some friends, but they all crapped out on her last minute,” his fist balled at his side at the thought of you being ditched, “I thought we could cheer her up,” he finished. His friends looked at each other. Oikawa nodded first, then looked at the girl expectantly; she nodded too, “Cool,” he said, “Thanks,” and he walked into his classroom, not looking back at either of them.  “That’s gonna leave a mark,” Oikawa noted as he watched the girl collect the pieces of her heart, her eyes reflecting the hurt she felt somewhere deep down.
“Fuck off,” 
Her day passed especially slow knowing that as soon as the last bell rang, she’d have to face you. She hadn’t really met you yet, but it sure felt like she had by the way Iwa talked about you. She wondered if you would live up to his hype, then found herself thinking, of course you would. Hajime Iwaizumi was never one to exaggerate, so you must have truly been amazing.
She hoped to god she was wrong, she hoped to find a reason to hate your guts.
The usual trio, plus one, met in front of the gym after school. You were almost hiding behind Iwa, and the tall brunette chuckled, “She’s even shyer than I remembered!”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, bowing your head a bit, “It’s just, you’re all so cool, and it’s really nice that you let me join you today,”  Oh god, you were as amazing as he’d said. Not only were you kind, but you were every bit prettier than she’d even imagined. Iwaizumi looked over at you and grinned and it made her so jealous that you could completely steal his attention with the tiniest gesture if you so desired, because everything about you was so mesmerizing, she caught herself staring. 
“No need to thank us,” Iwaizumi smiled, pushing your shoulder playfully; you blushed and she looked at you as you looked up at her. 
“Hello y/n,” she said with a smile that she wished she was forcing, “It’s nice to meet you!” 
“It’s nice to meet you too!” you smiled back. She swore she could’ve been blinded by the radiance you emitted, it was truly no wonder he had feelings for you, in all honesty she thought it might be crazier if he didn’t. 
“Shall we be on our way ladies and Iwa-chan?” Oikawa grinned, wiggling his brows at you and Iwa, who gave him a well-deserved smack on the back of the head. You giggled, “Hey!” Oikawa complained, “Don’t laugh!”
“Don’t get smacked,” You teased with a sly shrug. 
Dear god you were perfect for him.
“Watcha’ got there, Hajime?” the girl asked as the boy pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper from his locker. His cheeks turned pink for just a second, covered quickly by a click of his tongue.
“It’s a letter for his girlfriend!” Oikawa teased, coming up behind them, “Right, Iwa-chan?” she grimaced at the word, her heart sinking into the pit of her stomach as she looked down at her feet.
“She’s not my girlfriend, Crappykawa!” he shouted, folding his arms over his chest in momentary annoyance. 
“Not yet,” the brunette teased, and if she were to be completely honest, she wasn’t sure which one of them he was trying to provoke, “That’s a love letter right?” Oikawa leaned in to look at the folded paper; Iwaizumi shoved him away, “Or is it another poem?” 
Iwaizumi’s head snapped up, “Shut up!” he grumbled, then turned to the girl, “Do you think you could drop it off in her locker later?” he asked her hesitantly. Oikawa chuckled to himeself, wondering how his best friend could be so casually cruel to the girl. 
“Sure!” she replied, her heart breaking to the gentle smile that spread across his lips.
“Thanks,” he muttered, handing her the paper; it was just a piece of paper wasn’t it? Then why did it feel like a weapon that could tear her apart on the inside with just a single curious glance? That lone piece of paper held the power to leave her heart in shambles. 
She nodded, “No problem!” 
How could she be so cruel to herself?
“So,” she started hesitantly, tilting her head towards you. In the past weeks, you’d actually grown rather close, and as much as it pained her to admit, she’d grown quite fond of you, “I’m glad you came over tonight, I know you’ve been busy with school work and your club stuff,” she said.
You smiled at her, “I know you’ve been pretty busty too, so thank you for having me!”  giving her a small wave, you opened her front door 
She nodded with a clenched her jaw, bracing herself for the words that were about to come out of her mouth, “Hey,” Iwaizumi had asked her to find out who you liked, he even made a stupid bet with Oikawa about it. He was so sure that you liked him, he swore that there was no way all those stolen glances didn’t mean anything. When he talked about it, it made her wonder why he was so blind to her feelings. 
“Yeah?” you asked, unaware of the flashing bitterness in her eyes.
She swallowed hard, “You have feelings for Hajime, right?”
You blushed and looked down, “Wow, is it that obvious?” she nodded, “Yeah,” you said, “I guess it is,” a soft smile played at your lips, “You think he likes me too?” She froze. Even though she should have seen it coming, she couldn’t help but feel unprepared to answer that question.
For more reasons than one. 
She didn’t want to steal her best friend’s big moment, he really should be the one to tell you, but it would crush you if she told you he didn’t or that she didn’t know; and that was her problem. She wanted to want to crush you, to completely leave you devastated and heartbroken so that you’d break his heart too and he’d go to her and realize that it had always been her, but she couldn’t find it in herself. Even if she could, it would never be her, always you.
You were good for him. He was more confident when you were around. When you showed up to his games, he always played better. He was happier too, smiling a lot more, especially when you laughed at his jokes and antics. 
She settled on, “Well he talks about you a lot,” with a small smile that she almost couldn’t force onto her face. 
You smiled and blushed, trying to hide your obvious excitement as you left her house without another word. 
She called Iwaizumi right away to tell him the good news.
Good news for him, at least. 
The next day at school, Iwaizumi was sweating buckets. Finally, the last bell had rung and he was on his way to meet you behind the gym like he’d asked, the girl following him for moral support.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” he said, “I’m not even this nervous before a game,” she knew why. It was because he was head over heels for you, and even though he knew you had feelings for him, he couldn’t shake the fear of confronting you about it. Your pretty eyes looking into his would certainly be enough to make him weak in the knees, and he imagined himself a stuttering mess the second he opened his mouth in front of you; he groaned in frustration and stopped in his tracks, “I can’t do it,” 
“What?” she asked, silently hoping that maybe he’d realized you weren’t the one, “Why not?” somehow she already knew she was wrong.
Then he sighed, “She’s just so perfect, I want this to go just as perfect, but I don’t think I can do that,”
She felt a pain in her chest, “You have do do it,” she spat her words out like they were poison in her mouth, it felt wrong betraying her heart. 
Iwa nodded firmly, “You’re right,” he took a deep breath and started walking again towards the place he’d told you to meet him. He knew you’d be there, but when he saw you, Iwaizumi stopped and felt like he could drop dead any second. 
“You wanted to talk?” you asked, a glimmer of confidence in your eyes.
“Yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “So, listen-”
Before he could get even a word in edgewise, you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He tensed at first, but only for a brief moment before he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. 
The girl watched with a heavy heart from behind the wall, her head just peeking around the corner, “Finally,” she jumped at the sudden voice, “I was scared he’d chicken out.”
“He was going to,” she grumbled as she turned to the tall brunette.
“He was really nervous, but I told him he had to do it,” she explained, wondering to herself why she’d encouraged the breaking of her own heart. 
“If you love something, let it go, right?” Oikawa sighed and she realized that he’d put it better than she could have thought to at the moment.
She watched as Iwaizumi smiled and held your face in his hands, gently stroking your cheeks with his thumbs; you blushed and wrapped your hands around his wrist, smiling back at him. 
Kenma really likes you, but I’m sorry, he never talks about you
The only reason she knows he likes you is because one day she’s like, “don’t you have a crush on anyone?”
and he’s just like, “y/n is really cool,” 
She knows that means he really likes you 
She’s crushed but doesn’t show it because she’s scared of him finding out she likes him
She starts talking to you a lot more after she finds out about his feelings for you
Asks you to help her study hoping Kenma will join
Kenma didn’t ask her to, she just does because she knows he’s way too shy aww
She doesn’t even try to hate you to be honest, she’s actually almost excited, because Kenma actually smiles when you’re around. 
She wished he were smiling at her though
She’s really good at hiding her feelings for him
He’s lowkey jealous of how much time you spend with her bc of your study sessions 
so he confronts her about it one day
She’s like ??? You know you could just come study out with us ??? 
He says he’s not up for it but Kuroo has his ways 
Y’all have a group study session and you guys are really tense like, it’s hella awkward.
Things get a little better by the end though 
You start hanging out with their group more often after that
One day she invites you both to this arcade but then at the last minute she dips and makes up an excuse for why she couldn’t go
That was Kuroo’s idea
After hanging out one on one Kenma is like in love aww
He gets home that night to her and Kuroo waiting for him BECAUSE THEYVE BEEN FOLLOWING YOU GUYS THE WHOLE NIGHT
He’s like ¿? But tells them about how it was a great time and he REALLY likes you
“we been knew”
I think she knows he’ll never like her, so I don’t think she really gets her hopes up and she doesn’t try to sabotage you or anything
It still hurt like a buttcheek on a stick when she saw you kissing him
“That should be me holding your hand that should be me making you laugh that should be me this is so sad”
“Kenma,” she asked quietly as her and the boy tapped away at a game, both pairs of eyes fixed on the screen. 
“Yeah?” Kenma replied after a couple of seconds, trying not to lose his focus on the game. 
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend yet?” she was trying to maybe drop a couple of hints, and nudge him towards the idea of him having a girlfriend and it being her. She hadn’t expected him to pause the game and look at her though. 
“You sound like Kuroo,” he said flatly, “Why do I need a girlfriend? It’s not like I could get one anyway,” the boy shrugged and fiddled with the controller in his hands.
She frowned, “Don’t say that,” He shrugged again, and she took the chance to dip her toes in the water, “is there anyone catching your eye though?”
“What do you mean?” He asked blankly.
“Like, a crush!” She rolled her eyes and set down the controller, “is there anyone you like?” the girl felt her heart beathing out of her chest when he smiled softly and only for a brief second.
“I think y/n is really nice, you know, the girl in out Japanese Lit class?” He mumbled, a blush spreading across his cheeks, almost covered by his hair.
“Oh!” She pulled her toes out of the metaphorical water as her heart sank into the pit of her stomach, “right, y/n,” she said, “she’s really nice!” Kenma nodded and turned his attention back to the game, clicking the play button.
A small sigh escaped her lips as she continued, spamming the different buttons mindlessly, too heartbroken to care about the game anymore.
“You suck,” Kenma noted.
For the rest of the time they sat and played in silence.
“y/n, do you think you could help me out with this question?” The girl leaned in towards your desk and pointed to one of the many questions on the assignment. Kenma watched silently from a couple desks behind both of you.
“Sure!” You said leaning closer to her; you smelled nice and that was the first thing she noticed. It was like she short circuited the moment she drew in a breath, she wondered if you were some magic creature like one she’d seen while playing video games with Kenma,“Wait, which one was it?” You asked sheepishly, snapping her out of her daze.
“Oh,” she shook herself lightly, “number nineteen,” she said, pointing to the question on the paper.
“Ah! This ones not too bad,” you smiled and went on to explain, which she only half picked up on because she was too busy staring at you, “You got it?”
She nodded absentmindedly, “Yeah, thanks!”
“Anytime,” you smiled and shifted your focus back onto your work.
“See you after school, right?” she asked with a smile.
You nodded, “Of course!” For a couple weeks, you had been helping her study for the Japanese Lit midterm in the library after school. After she found out Kenma liked you, she thought it might be a good way for him to get to know you better. 
Her plan hadn’t gone exactly according to plan though, Kenma never actually stayed for the study sessions which left her alone with you. At first, she’d tried to find it in herself to be disgruntled, but you were just so kind to her, and so helpful, she couldn’t resent you, and you’d actually gotten rather acquainted with each other. 
After class, she was still packing up a few moments after the bell, and Kenma stood by her desk, an irritated expression on his face. She looked at him, confused, “Are you okay?” 
“Fine,” he shrugged as she stood up and they walked out of the classroom together in silence.
“y/n’s really sweet,” she said, trying to get him talking. He only hummed and nodded in agreement. The girl knew something was wrong, but for the life of her she couldn’t figure it out, and he surely wasn’t telling her, so she persisted, “you know, if you wanna get to know her you could join our study session after school today,” it felt like the millionth time she’d suggested that.
“No thanks,” he shrugged.
The girl frowned, “Well fine,” she grumbled, “Why are you so cranky?” 
“It’s nothing,” he said.
She shot him a glare, “It’s obviously not nothing,”
“Let’s drop it okay?” 
The girl looked down, “Kenma, just tell me,” he eyes were sad and she felt like nothing at all, nothing if her best friend didn’t trust her with his feelings, “I’m your friend aren’t I?”
The boy sighed in defeat, “You’ve been talking to y/n a lot, and I guess I’m just a little jealous,” he admitted, “of how easy it is for you, I want to talk to her like that too,” 
Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach. He was jealous of her? To be frank, it made her a little irritated that she was putting in so much effort to get to know you just so he could too, and he had the nerve to say he was jealous. She’d invited him countless times to your mini study sessions at the library after school, and he’d declined all of them; you probably thought he hated you by the way he seemed to avoid you like the plague. And as much as it pained her to know that he was pining for a girl that wasn’t her, she wanted him to be happy, she loved when he smiled, even if the smile wasn’t for her. 
“Well, if you don’t hang out with her, you’re never gonna get to know her,” she huffed, “and if you never get to know her, how do you expect her to like you back?” 
“I don’t really,” he shrugged, “I’m okay admiring from a distance,” 
She rolled her eyes, “You always settle for less than you could have,” he looked at her, “Whatever, Kenma,” annoyed, she sped away to her next class, leaving him alone and a bit confused. 
The girl was angry, and as she did her assignment during the last class of the day, she found it hard to focus. She was bothered by the fact that she’d gone so far for her friend, disregarding her own feelings, just so he had a chance at happiness, and he was completely rejecting her efforts. 
“Uh, you good?” a voice came from behind her, shaking her from her thoughts. She frowned as she turned around, “Jeez, what’d I do?” 
A sigh left her lips, “Sorry, Kuroo,” she said, “I’m just in a bad mood,” 
He hummed, “Did Kenma tick you off?” She nodded, “What is it this time, he doesn’t see your obvious feelings for him?” the boy smirked and the girl blushed, getting even more annoyed by the third year’s teasing. 
“Shut up,” the girl said, “At least I can talk to him without mentioning the periodic table,” she sneered.
 He looked at her with raised brows, “Tough talk for someone who can’t even name the first fifteen elements.”
She frowned, “Says the third year who’s taking a second year English class,”
“Touche,” he nodded slowly, leaning forward, “Look, if you want, I can talk to him,” 
Her expression shifted, “Wait, really?” 
“Yeah, maybe I can talk him into going to the study thing after school,” he shrugged. The girl smiled. Though she wanted to be the one to convince him, she figured this would have to be what she settled for. 
After the last bell rang, the girl dashed to the library, waiting for you at the entrance. You smiled and waved, offering her a greeting as you both walked in and unpacked at a table. 
“Hey ladies, have room for two more?” the girl lifted her head and frowned, looking at the pair. That certainly was not the plan she’d had in mind, playing third wheel was bad enough, but fourth wheel, really?
“Kuroo, don’t bother them, see, they’re busy,” Kenma said quietly, averting his gaze from you. 
“I don’t mind!” you cheered, looking over at the girl, “As long as you don’t mind,”
“Nope,” she glared at Kuroo, and he grinned, “I don’t mind.”
“See! They don’t mind Kenma,” the black-haired boy said, taking a seat next to the girl across from you, which forced Kenma to take the seat next to you. 
“Okay,” he said dully, carefully sitting down beside you, not daring to so much as steal a glance at you. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion and hurt for a moment. You wondered why he was so cold towards you, it wasn’t like you’d been mean to him, in fact, you’d tried especially hard to be nice to him during the few interactions you’d had, so it didn’t make sense. 
“y/n, can you help me with the second one?” the girl asked immediately, pulling you from your thoughts. You looked over at the quiet boy for just a moment before diverting your attention to her.
“Yeah,” you went on to explain the question and it’s answer while Kenma folded his arms and glared at Kuroo. 
“Hey, y/n,” Kuroo said. You looked up, “Kenma needs help on the fifth one,” Kenma’s glare became more intense and he kicked his friend from under the table. 
Your eyes fell on the boy and he just looked down at his paper, “Oh the analogies can be tough,” you said. 
He nodded simply, “Yeah,” 
You internally screamed at his lack of response, feeling a bit embarrassed, “So were you able to rule any out?” you asked, tapping your fingers on the table anxiously. 
“Well, I know it’s not ‘A’,” he said, still refusing to look at you.
“Okay! That’s good, so then take another look at the question, and figure out the context,” you explained, “these types of questions are all about context,”
He nodded and gave the question another look as you waited anxiously for his response, “Is it ‘D’?” he asked.
You nodded fervently, “Yeah! Nice!” A soft smile spread across his lips, and the girl across from you felt like her heart was being ripped out and dissected right in front of her. Though you probably hadn’t even realized it, you were making his day, he would be thinking about that moment for the rest of the night and she knew it; she wished it were her he thought about like that, though.
Noticing the expression on the girl’s face, Kuroo spoke up, “Hey, we’re gonna go get some drinks from the vending machine, you guys want anything?” 
“Oh sure,” you said, rummaging through your bag for some spare change. 
Kenma nodded and handed Kuroo enough for two drinks; his and yours. 
Kuroo raised a brow and smirked, “y/n, that’s alright, Kenma’s gotcha covered,”
“Oh!” you were beyond ecstatic, but you repressed the gigantic smile that wanted to force its way onto your face so you wouldn’t freak him out, “Thank you so much, Kozume!” you offered him a polite smile instead. 
Kenma nodded, “It’s no problem,” he said flatly, “you can call me Kenma, by the way,” 
You blushed lightly, but he didn’t really notice. The girl did though, and it made her lose all hope; he liked you and she was almost certain now that you liked him. 
“Well, we’ll leave you two to make out or whatever,” Kuroo teased and you blushed harder. 
“Kuroo, don’t say things like that,” Kenma said as his friends turned around. 
Kuroo laughed, but the girl could only think about one thing. 
In the six years they’d known each other, Kenma had never once paid for anything for her. 
It had been a few weeks since the group study session, and you’d gotten a lot closer to Kenma, Kuroo and the girl. Although the other two were nice, you had a special fondness for Kenma. Your heart raced whenever he talked to you, and when he said your name you swore you’d die of a heatstroke. You knew before that you found him attractive, but now, you had realized you were completely crushing on the boy and you thought it was obvious, but he hand’t seemed to pick up on it; if he had, he certainly hadn’t made any attempt to acknowledge it. 
A sigh escaped your lips at the thought that maybe he was just ignoring your feelings because he didn’t like you in that way. 
“y/n?” the boy mumbled. You were visibly startled by his voice, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” 
You shook your head and smiled, “It’s fine, just caught me off guard,” you had been waiting for him and the other two to show up and you had simply gotten lost in thought. 
“Uh, the others said they couldn’t make it today,” Kenma said sheepishly, “So if you don’t wanna go anymore, that’s okay,”
There was no way you were about to pass up a chance at alone time with Kenma, “No! I’d like to go still, if you’re okay with it,” it would be nice to spend time with him without Kuroo’s relentless teasing. 
“Oh,” he said, sounding a little surprised, “Yeah, it’s alright with me,”
“Cool!” You grinned, and started walking alongside Kenma. 
You were really nervous, and unbeknownst to you, so was he. Every time your hand would get too close to his, you’d both jerk away and look anywhere but each other and mumbling quiet apologies. 
“So,” you started, dreading the awkward silence that fell over you and him, “I’ve never been to this place, what’s it like?”
Kenma looked up at you, “It’s an old fashioned arcade,” he told you, a bit of excitement laced in his tone, “They have a lot of old games, I think you’ll like it,”
“I think I will too!” you said with a smile. He blushed and looked down, trying to quickly compose himself.
“Oh,” he pointed, “We’re almost there,” you could see the big sign and flashing lights and you grinned. 
As you walked in, Kenma held the door for you and you thanked him; it was a simple enough gesture, but it made your heart flutter. 
You spent hours and hours at the arcade, playing every game you saw, and competing at each one for the highest score; you lost almost all of them, but you managed to win a couple by pure luck, but with him, even losing made you happy. He also really enjoyed your time together, and you realized it was the first time you’d seen him laughing so much. 
After a long day at school, and a great night at the arcade, Kenma walked you home, and your heart felt warm when he said, “You know, I’m kinda glad it was just us tonight, I had a really great time with you,”
A huge smile spread across your lips, “I had a great time with you too,” your arms flew around him in a hug and as soon as you realized what you were doing, you pulled away and coughed, “Sorry,”
He smiled softly, “It’s okay, I didn’t mind,” your mouth hung open a bit as he took a shaky step towards you, his eyes meeting yours for the first time ever. You exhaled sharply, taken aback by how pretty and expressive his eyes were, “I uh...” he trailed off, breaking eye contact for just a moment, “I really like you, y/n,” he said.
You blinked a couple times and pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming, “Kenma,” he felt like dying when you said his name, he thought you about to reject him, so he braced himself but it never came, “I really like you too!” He smiled softly and you grabbed one of his hands, then got on your toes to give him a quick peck on the lips. His eyes shot open and fluttered shut all in the same second, “Wow,” you mumbled. He stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, “Oh no was that too soon?” You panicked. He just shook his head and you breathed a sigh of relief, “Oh, good,”
He stood there for a moment, collecting his thoughts before he was able to speak, “Goodnight y/n,” Kenma said, “I hope we can do that again,” a blush spread across his face and you nodded, a little giggle escaping your lips as he turned and walked away.
As soon as got home, Kuroo and the girl were waiting at his porch, “Well I think the jury’s reached their verdict, all in favor of Kenma being in love say ‘I’,” The boy furrowed his brows, “I can’t believe you didn’t notice us following you the whole night,”
“It was Kuroo’s idea,” the girl added quietly, and kenma could tell she was upset, but he couldn’t figure out what she was upset about. He chose to brush it off for the time being, too excited about what had just happened to let anyone get him down.
“Guilty as charged,” Kuroo said, putting his hands up on defeat, “So, are you guys dating now or what?” The girl nervously awaited the answer, though no matter the outcome, she knew she would be disappointed.
“Not yet, I don’t think,” Kenma said, “But I really like her a lot.”
Kuroo knew that.
She knew that.
But watching you kiss him from a distance, and hearing him say those words was a new realm of heartbreak.
“I’m really happy for you two, Kenma!”
She was happy for you both.
But she pitied herself too.
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oneusmyeongju · 3 years
On a mission | Oneus (ot6)
Pairing: Reader, RAVN, Leedo, Seoho, Keonhee, Hwanwoong and Xion.
Description: Keonhee being too perfect for this world Y/N began to question herself. And to find the answer, she began to write a plan to find out.
Word count: 4.4K (4453)
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Everything began with a simple question.
"Is Keonhee a robot or a human being?"
I don't know why this came to my mind, but it was just a question that got me thinking for several weeks and still got no answer.
I was on my couch, looking at Musik Bank when Oneus appeared, they appeared with their new comeback "To be or not to be". I was just listening and enjoy the music when an idea came to my mind, just as random as the first one.
"Why can't I disguise myself as a make-up artist or something to gain more information?"
Immediately when my question came to my mind I stood up and walk around the living room to think better. I wasn't a spy or something I was just playing around.
And I looked for one more time to the TV and at that moment the camera was zooming on Keonhee's face. And took a paper and a pencil to write my non-fantastic plan on paper to execute the plan.
So at 7:30 A.M sharp, I will be at RBW entrance, with a bag in my hand pretending to be a delivery man saying that Oneus bought food. When I will make sure I am safe in the building without anyone noticing I'm there. I will find out where Oneus practice room is, and I will say I work as a composer but I am new and don't know the building well blah, blah, blah. Then I will take all the information they know without suspicion, then I will be ready to put my plan in function.
I wrote my mission in a text, but easy for me to remember I write at the back of the paper.
1. Enter in RBW, without getting caught, pretending to be a delivery man.
2.When you finally get in Oneus practice room gain information about something you can find your answer (luckily and preferring to be a concert as soon as possible)
I looked one more time to read what I wrote, it sounded risky, and it will impossible to make this without any suspicion on me.
I took a deep breath and close my eyes. I imagine how all this will be working out, and was a pretty well plan. But I am clumsy and luck wouldn't be on my side.
I was trying to stop to think about the plan and without thinking I was going tomorrow at the RBW, pretending to be a delivery man.
I woke up at 6 A.M to make sure I had enough time to buy all that food. And as I walked somewhere to buy food my mind went blank for a second.
How someone will buy food at 7:30 A.M? I will just go maybe at 10 A.M, is a good time.
I bought all the food it was hamburgers, pizza, cola and ice cream. And instead, to buy a bag of food, I bought two bags.
I shook my head and took again a deep breath when I was finally at RBW at the front door.
When I was entering, a man who was just about to stop me from entering was saying loud and clear:
"I'm sorry miss but visitors can't enter yet, don't you mind coming never?"
I thought that my plan was already ruined but I raise the bags and said:
"I am not a visitor I was just delivering food to this place. And the address said to come here. Don't you mind letting me in? I am just doing my job."
The man was somehow confused, he looked close to my bags and said:
"Ahhh, I didn't saw the bags. Sorry miss. You can enter."
And he let me in. The first mission COMPLETE and I was about to say "goodbye" when I said in a whisper.
"You better be sorry.", I was just about to take the elevator when the man said:
"You said something just now?"
"No nothing. I was saying goodbye, sir.", I was speaking with a rush voice, but he raises his shoulders and said nothing in return.
And after that, I press the button to go on the first floor. And with my phone in my hand, I just looked at the old Vlive where Xion and Hwanwoong were showing the first floor of the RBW building.
I was just looking but I haven't got enough time to memorise, while I was still in the elevator and when I got off. I was still looking at the Vlive I was intensely watching, trying to figure out where I must go.
Walking and walking for some time, I was just about to ask someone to tell me where Oneus practice room is when I bumped into a person. I got scared and dropped the bags and my phone, hit the floor.
I looked up, and Leedo was there.
That's why I was scared so much, I said in my mind.
But he took the phone and the bags, giving them to me saying that he was sorry, and for a split second, he looked at my phone.
"You are a huge fan, no? I can see on this Vlive you were watching right now."
My mouth was opening and closing in shook and give the bags to him:
"This is for you."
"For me?", Leedo was just saying confused as ever.
"No, not for you for all the members. You plural, not you singular."
"This is tricky", he said while I was just laughing silently at him.
For a second I forgot what I was supposed to do, and trying to remember my plan I said:
"Ahh, and one more thing. I am not a fan. I am a compositor but I got all lost and don't know where I am right now, anyway if I was a fan the security guy wouldn't let me in, riiiiight?"
He was just thinking looking at me blankly and nodded.
"And where you are trying to go?"
"I wanted to meet all the artists and I knew only Oneus, soooo I was just looking to meet the artists who I am going to work with.", these words came into my mind right away, it wasn't true but for Leedo was making sense, and so for me.
And following my plan, Leedo was just making this for me a lot easier than I thought, going me to the Oneus practice room.
But when I got there my hopes went -100%. I didn't think how I was supposed to get the information when I can't speak for no reason.
Everyone was just dancing prepare for maybe a concert. And Leedo with a cheerful and friendly voice was saying to his members:
"I'm back, with someone, is new here so don't be harsh with her".
I walked a few steps behind, making me stop because of the door that was blocking my way.
Everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to speak and introduce myself. And I was trying to keep my cool and trying to speak what was on my mind.
"H... hello. I'm Y/N a...and I am the new compositor. I... I'm looking forward w... working with you."
I didn't know why I was so nervous. Maybe because of my bias Keonhee who was just looking at me. Trying to not make eye contact with him, because I probably faint I looked at others, making random eye contact with Hwanwoong.
I was working hard to gain information, I did all this, I didn't want to quit and leave because of my bias, so I took for the 100th time a deep breath and looked at everyone else except Keonhee.
I was walking into the centre of the room and sat down and everyone does the same thing with some suspicion on their faces.
I was smiling and now was step two, gain as much as information you could.
And without looking at Keonhee I began to speak.
"Sorry, for interrupting your dance practice, but if you all don't mind, can I ask you a question? You have a concert or something?"
After I spoke, the room was filling with silence and RAVN's voice was breaking the awkwardness and the silence that filled the room for 30 seconds.
"Yeah, we have a concert... Somehow. We have a fan meeting. And it's on 27th."
Inside me, I was so happy it was in 3 days the fan meeting, and I can find my answer quickly, but I tried hard not to express myself too much. But I hadn't much time for thinking, because Seoho's voice can be heard.
"Sooooo, you are a composer. Don't you mind showing us, you are a REAL composer? And not some random human who is an nr.1 fan and wanted to gain information because you wanted to do something?"
I was frozen in my place, he didn't know my plan, I thought of it yesterday. It's impossible, and I don't know how to compose some lyrics, now I really wanted to quit. But I looked at Keonhee and shook my head, and my mouth was speaking on its own.
"Sure I can prove it. I AM a real composer."
Everyone was looking at me, they didn't believe me. But I can't give up.
Seoho took a pencil and a blank paper and said:
"You can write about anything. You are going there," and he was pointing to a couch at the corner of the practice room, where there was a table too," and we will prepare for the fan meeting."
I was feeling I was on a test but I go and sit on the couch with the blank paper on my face.
This wasn't according to the plan, but I can't lose now. Seoho believes that I am not a composer, but I will prove him wrong.
I'm not gonna lie, in 15 minutes I was just looking on my paper without writing anything.
And while looking on the wall, a message appears on my phone. And it was just a stupid notification. I looked at my Keonhee wallpaper when suddenly disappear and it was a black screen reflecting my face instead, then I couldn't stop writing.
Leave your phone off a while
Us in the mirror
Just the two of us in this maze
The reflection of you and me in this mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror
It might be heaven's joke
Stuck inside a square frame
Endlessly push and pull
From the darkness above the clouds, you shine light
Phenomenon Phenomenon
Open the doors to this space
Between you and me, me and you
Erase what's not needed
Connect the two, connect the two
Even with time and space against us, you're still my love
You know, 0 and 1, don't wait
I can look at you. I don't care about anyone else
Remember it's only you and me in the mirror
It took me 1 hour but, writing some lyrics was somehow great. I didn't have a chance to say I finished it, because Keonhee took the paper and look at it.
I was nervous, thinking that he wouldn't like it if he found that the inspiration was because of a wallpaper of him that I had on my phone.
He read it out loud and my face was down, blushing. And without interrupting him I listened to Keonhee's voice, so the others.
When he finished it, everyone was surprised looking at me more believable than before, when I entered the first time here.
"You did a great job here Y/N", Keonhee's arm was touching my shoulder, and the only thing I could hear was Seoho's voice making me raise my head, slowly.
"Sorry, for doubting you. But you don't look like a composer to me."
"The same goes for me", said Hwanwoong. "And for everyone, I'm looking forward to working with you, too."
I saw everyone's face, feeling sorry for everything. But I didn't want to see them like this and I began to smile.
"Everyone, don't feel sad. If I was in your place I would do the same. You can use these lyrics for a comeback or something, soon. I will go.", I stood up from my chair, going to the exit door. I was so close to leaving, but Xion's voice kept me for a few seconds.
"I feel sorry, too but for making you feeling better, why don't you come to the fan meeting."
My heart dropped, I was so happy. My mission became easier and easier, thanks to everyone.
I slowly leave the building, with Xion's words in my mind. I wanted to do this, but I slowly wanted to accept that Keonhee is just a human.
The next day. I was on the same couch on the same spot with the same pen, but with another paper on my coffee table. And I started writing the next plan.
But before, I bought a ticket to the Oneus fan meeting, it was at 3:15 P.M, it wasn't so far away as I thought, so it was again easier for me.
So, I will be at the fan meeting at 3:10 P.M. 5 minutes I will just go to find my seat. Then they begin the fan meeting, and I will be there just sitting in my seat. Then when I am sure they saw me I go to the backstage without any noticing from anyone, and get into the artist room. And when I will go to the artist room. Then I don't know, fill a bucket with water, or just splash him with a bottle or a cup filled up with water. But before I will just make sure that nobody is in my way. Just Keonhee and me, then if he IS a robot I will run and hide where I can, and if he ISN'T a robot probably I would get kicked out and Keonhee will be mad at me, saying to Seoho and everyone that Seoho was right, that I wasn't a composer and hate me, everyone, forever.
I looked at the paper filled up with my writing and the plan was way riskier than I thought. I didn't have a plan to lure the bodyguard, but maybe I would come up with a solution in the case at the right time.
1. I will be at the fan meeting on time.
2.I will sneak up to the backstage when I make sure one member notice me.
3. Splash some water when you and Keonhee are alone.
4.RUN!!!!!!!! Don't get caught.
My head starts hurting when I looked at my plan, but it was worth trying. I hadn't anything to lose. Maybe I will come back kicked out with a restraining order from Oneus, but I wasn't going to meet them again if that happens.
27.09. I was at the fan meeting at 3 P.M, because I was so nervous and I ended up coming a little early. But the fans didn't wait for a special invitation. When I was entering the room where was taking place the fan meeting. All fans were speaking loudly and everyone was pushing for just a better view.
I looked at my ticket, it was the 10th seat, but I didn't think I will end up fiding my seat at all. It was too crowded.
Trying to find my seat for 15 minutes, but I didn't have a chance to find my seat and I was just standing on my feet. The fans have the vocal cords very strong because my ears wanted to fall off when Oneus was just introducing themselves.
I knew they were excited, but when I met them a few days ago, I wasn't like this. It was just an excitement mixed up with a little fear. And today I felt the same way.
There a lot of fans who were just going to speak with them and getting autographs from them. But I was just looking, with the fans behind me pushed me every second to get a chance.
I was on my feet for like 30 minutes or more, when a crazy fan pushed me too hard and I didn't know what exactly was happening, but I knew I was down on the floor with my right feet hurting me badly.
Good job Y/N.
I said to myself, I wanted to make something but I ended up just hurting myself emotionally and physically.
I heard Leedo raising his voice to his fans.
"Please, To Moons I know you all are very excited and all but I think someone fell, please go back 3 steps, just 3 to make sure everyone's all right."
Fans didn't want to go back from their idols. But they had no choice, Leedo was repeating the same sentence again and again and the other members followed him saying again the same phrase.
They go more than just 3 steps, and my eyes met with everyone else. And they were just frozen in the place like me, making eye contact with everyone, even with Keonhee.
Seoho didn't stay for too long, because he wanted to help me get up as soon as possible.
"Are you all right, if you want we can call the ambulance.", said Seoho with a rush voice.
"I'm ok, don't need to worry.", even if my leg was hurting me I didn't want to quit right now.
Seoho breathes in relief and everyone does the same thing. Fans were somehow jealous of me and Seoho, but they made this not me. They got what they deserve.
Seoho, looked at me and I don't know if he wanted to be safe or not, he just said.
"Y/N, we have some ice bags in backstage in Oneus room, can Keonhee walk you there because I have some autographs to give."
I nodded, and my plan was just going fine.
It wasn't bad after all. The fans contributed to my plan, so I am happy.
Step 3, go to the backstage.
My mission was going to end, but I didn't want to end so soon.
Keonhee said what he was told by his hyung and took me in the backstage making me go into the "Oneus" room.
"It's ok, you can leave now. I'm alright don't need to worry.", I said without thinking twice, without thinking about the plan. I just wanted Keonhee to have fun with his fans.
He stayed silent when he was putting me on the couch, searching for the ice bag.
"We want to be everyone ok. I can't leave, Seoho and Leedo will be making sure that I made what I was told to, so it's not a clever idea."
I can't contradict Keonhee because he knows he's hyungs the best. I'm not here to contradict, I'm here to find out the truth behind Keonhee.
I looked around the room and I can't see something with water to splash Keonhee, so I asked Keonhee:
"Keonhee, I want to drink water, can you tell me where to go?"
"Just stay... I would get the water, for you, just wait a little bit longer."
After some minutes RAVN appeared, running:
"Keonhee, the fans got crazy and everyone is asking about you, I would find the ice bag and you can go there. Keonhee, please!"
Keonhee leaves the room, feeling a bit disappointed. But RAVN found the ice bag so quickly that I didn't had a chance to blink.
"Here, is. Take this and wait when it's over ok?"
I nodded and RAVN disappeared, leaving the room. I put the ice bag on my leg. It hurts so much, I didn't know exactly how my leg was hurting this badly. But after I fell, fans were just ignoring me, step on my right leg, that one who was hurting me from the beginning.
Crazy fans.
The room was filling up with silence and I looked around.
This is my chance, to bring a cup of water.
I said in my mind, but Keonhee said that he would take care of it. I stayed on the couch without moving an inch. When someone was opening the door.
It was Keonhee with a cup of water in his hand. He gave it to me without saying anything. Then leave as fast as he could.
Why everything is in a rush?
I was staying sad because, couldn't make my final mission, the last and only mission. That mission to splash Keonhee in the face.
Keonhee is Keonhee, he wouldn't let me if I ask him nicely, it must be a surprise for him. But he is just too perfect to be a human. That's why I asked that question.
And without doing anything, my mind went to how I became with that question in the first place.
I was in my room with my phone in my hand and I was just scrolling on Instagram when a notification appeared on my screen.
It was from Oneus. The new song "To be or not to be". I listened 10 times, and after that, I was just looking on Youtube to an unboxing to Oneus album "Lived".
I was just looking at the photos when Keonhee's photos appeared by flipping the next page. I take a look closely and without thinking I order myself one album.
After 5 days the package arrived and when I took the album and saw Keonhee's picture, I knew I had to do something. His face, his eyes, his skin, his nose even his lips are too perfect.
But the way he acts when he is not on the stage made me think I was thinking wrong about him.
But the more photos I looked at, the more I was thinking about the question that it was bothering me for several weeks.
"Is Keonhee a robot or a human being?"
That's how all began, it was just a simple story.
But I looked at all my surroundings and saw where I was. A room filled up with make-up with backpacks and mirrors.
What I have done?
That was the only question that I had at that time.
My leg was killing me, it's hurts so much than before, and I wanted to run. But Oneus came.
I was feeling anxious and when I and Keonhee eyes met. I felt sorry for him, before making sudden moves.
Everyone was asking me if I was ok but I repeat the same thing with a forced smile on my face.
I didn't know if they believe me, but my leg didn't want to cooperate with me. They looked at my leg, and I saw that my leg was bigger than my usual leg.
Hwanwoong panicked and was about to call the ambulance.
"I'm fine, don't call the ambulance. Excuse me, I will go home now."
And as I stood up, my legs felt shaky, thought that my legs were about to fall in every second. And I began to leave the room.
When I closed the door. The door began to open again. It was just Keonhee with the cup of water in his hand, that I didn't even take a sip from it.
"You didn't even drink your water", he said while giving me the cup.
I looked at my cup and without a second thought my hand was moving on its own, splashing Keonhee right in his face, and suddenly feeling a lot better I began to run. Trying to get to the exit.
The bodyguard let me go, even if my right leg was about to give up.
I was about to call a taxi when an arm was on my shoulder, I knew who it was. It was the second time he has done this.
"Don't feel sorry, and for a guess, you are not a composer either you wanted to find the answer to your question?"
I looked back and saw Keonhee with the water dripping from his chin. I couldn't hold myself to laugh, so I began to laugh as hard as I could. Keonhee was looking me confused and gave him a thumbs up.
Saying that it was true.
He wasn't mad, he didn't want to make anything. He was just surprised that a fan HAD done something like that.
The sirens become louder and louder. Someone had called the ambulance, then Keonhee said to me, the last sentence he could say:
"Seoho was right, but I can't blame you either. Real or not? I will ask myself the same question if I were you, maybe I've done the same thing. Don't...
He didn't have a chance to finish his sentence. And when the ambulance arrived I had gone on my feet inside to take me to the hospital.
When I entered the ambulance with my corner of the eye I saw the rest of the members looking at me with a happy and bright smile. I smiled back.
When the ambulance was taking Y/N to the hospital, Keonhee with a whispering voice continued.
"Don't be sad. You don't deserve to be sad just for this."
The next day I was in my bedroom on my desk writing in my journal, everything that happened, with the ending and answering my question.
"Is Keonhee a human being or not?"
Answer: He is a human, and he would ask himself the same question, too.
My leg was in gypsum and didn't hurt me anymore. I took my crutches and began to go into the living room looking at the TV once again.
On the coffee table, I saw the papers I wrote my non so fantastic plan, and in the end, I ended up being somehow friends with him.
The days passed so fast that I was pretty much used to my old life before the plan. And everything became to go to normal.
When 8 months later I saw something I didn't believe.
Oneus was announcing their 5th mini album and I was in Poland for a week so I missed it. But when I came home I listened to the song everyone was talking about so much.
The title track was "Black Mirror" and from the title, I knew it was something familiar.
I think, it was some weird coincidence, but when I heard the lyrics I knew it was the lyrics I wrote. They made more lyrics to the song, but 30% was my work or something like that. (I'm not good at matemathics.)
I listened to the song with a big and bright smile on my face.
Now every time I hear "Black Mirror" my mind always will be going to the day, when my stupid plan was somehow good. Making me and Keonhee meet each other and be friends at the end of this story.
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yuthoe · 4 years
Practice Makes Permanent (PENTAGON: Yeo One)
Hello, friends! This fic is entirely inspired by this post made by Changgu SO LONG AGO, and it looked so cute that I couldn’t get it out of my head. I’m a big theatre geek--I love acting and I was even in an org for it in college, and was cast last minute for a film, too. it’s one of my biggest passions, and hearing news of changgu being in something rotten! made me extremely happy. i needed an excuse anyway to get into the show, and this is the perfect opportunity!
this one took sooooo long to finish. it’s been in my unfinished folder for the longest time, and i’m so glad i’m finally finished with it. changgu’s last performance as Nigel Bottom is today, so i really tried to wrap it up before then. nothing like a deadline to get your ass in gear, am i right lol. but i do apologize if this one seems messy.
btw, the title is something my director would tell us to keep in mind: practice doesn’t make you perfect, it makes you and your body remember what you’re doing, whether it’s correct or not. so you have to practice things in the correct way before it becomes a habit and you keep repeating things the wrong way.
PAIRING: Yeo One x reader. GENRE: fic, general. WARNINGS: N/A. WORD COUNT: 1,635.
You knock twice on the door of a dance studio in the company building, before opening it a smidge and peeking your head through, immediately spotting your boyfriend sitting cross-legged against the floor length mirror, his script for the upcoming show he’s in on his lap. Changgu turns to the door at the knocks and smiles wide when he sees you.
The door clicks closed behind you as you skip to where he’s sitting to give him a peck on the cheek. “Hello, handsome,” you greet as you put your messenger bag down on the floor near you; he murmurs a quiet hi as you settle down beside him. “So what did you ask me to come here for?”
He lifts one of your hands to his mouth and presses a soft kiss there. “Okay, so you know I was cast as Nigel Bottom in Something Rotten!, right?”
“Of course, and I’m exceedingly proud of you for landing the role,” you gush, leaning forward and smacking him on the lips. “I know you’ll do great in it.” You’ve seen the musical before, and it’s hilarious, so when Changgu told you the news, you couldn’t help but feel that playing Nigel would suit him to a T.
Changgu chuckles, grinning widely as he kisses you back. “Thank you, love. But yeah, I have a love interest in the play. And much of Nigel’s character development is helped forward by her, so… you know… if you’re okay with it… could you--,”
“Help you memorize your lines with Portia?” you ask with a smile. It’s been a while since you’d done any acting, apart from what’s necessary for your group’s comebacks. The last gig you could remember was for a short film two years ago that was screened during a film festival, and you’ve been itching to get in front of a camera again.
Your boyfriend shrugs nonchalantly, as if it’s no big deal. “Only if you want to, though. I know you’ve been busy lately.” He levels you with a disarming smile and soft caramel eyes. “But I’d really appreciate it if you could help me.”
You had been ready to say yes to the request even before he gave you that look, so you gently cup his face, press a light kiss on his nose, and say, “I’m never too busy for you, love.”
“Okay,” Changgu says, sitting on the “bench” (three chairs you’d put in a neat row), sheaves of papers in his hands. “Act 1 Scene 8… action!” He taps his rolled-up script against his palm, quickly unfurls it again, and starts scribbling on the cover with an invisible pen.
You stand a little ways away, clutching a piece of fabric you found in the corner around your head and shoulders like a cloak. Your feet want to move, want to pace around a bit from nerves of seeing and possibly talking to Nigel.
Nigel groans in frustration. “Uggggh, no you can’t.” He sighs, makes to stand up, and you spur into action, walking straight into him as he begins to walk away. “Oh, apologies. Good day, mistress.” He avoids your eyes, defeated.
He begins to side-step to excuse himself when you say, “‘Good days were those when lit with love, till dusk of death did herald th’eternal night’.”
It puts him to a stop, and he finally looks at you properly. He recognizes the line and confusion is written plain on his face, obvious in the way his brows furrow. “Hey… I wrote that.”
“Yes, I know,” you say, trying to fight the smile growing on your face as you lower the “hood” of the cloak. The cloth precariously hangs on your shoulders as you pat your pockets for the paper you stuffed in one of them earlier. “I accidentally took this after our first encounter,” you fumble with the blank page and show it to him. “Your sonnet. It’s--it’s perfection.” You’d never read something so deeply sorrowful and yet yet incredibly hopeful.
“Really?” Nigel’s eyes had lit up when you took off your hood, and now he’s fiddling with his hands, embarrassed but flattered. “You thought it was… good?”
You clutch the paper to your chest. “It touched me in places I did not know could be touched.” Instantly, your eyes widen and you inwardly curse yourself for making it sound like something sexual. You try to backpedal. “Forgive me. Poetry is forbidden in my house, especially poems of earthly love.”
You take a step forward, lifting a hand in front of you like you’re reading a marquee. “OH, IS THERE NO PITY SITTING IN THE CLOUDS THAT SEES INTO THE BOTTOM OF MY GRIEF?!” you yell, and press a hand to your heart with an impassioned sigh.
Nigel points a finger at you, the play coming to him easily. “Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 6!”
You whip your head towards him, more excited now. “You’ve seen it?”
He nods, just as elated as you. “Six times! And you?”
“Eight! If my father knew, he would disown me,” you reply.
“My brother, too.”
“I adore Shakespeare.”
“Me too! I’ve got Comedy of Errors, first edition,” he says proudly.
You smile. “I’ve got ‘Sonnet No. 1’.” You hold up a finger. “Signed.”
Nigel’s jaw drops. “Wow.”
“I know,” you say, giggling. Talking about literature always makes you so excited that it’s taking all of your willpower to not jump around right now. Nigel chuckles with you, overjoyed to find someone just as in love with poetry as he is.
The laughter dies down after a while, replaced by embarrassed smiles from both of you. As you move to tuck a hair behind your ear, you remember the paper you’re still holding and the reason you sought him out in the first place.
So you take a breath and look at him, completely serious now. “I think you’re his equal--if not better.”
Nigel is already shaking his head. “No, no way.”
“Oh yes,” you insist. “Your sonnet has Shakespearean sophistication mixed with the complexity of Daniel Webster and the sensitivity of Samuel Daniel.” The analysis has been eating at you since you first read the poem, that the words just tumbled out of your mouth. You needed someone to talk to about it, and who better than the author himself?
Nigel looks at you fondly, mouth upturned in an amused smile that shows his teeth. “You really love poetry.”
You sigh, grinning so wide it feels like your face is going to split in two. “Oh, I do. I really, really do.”
“And cut!” Changgu says. “This is where the song comes in, so we’ll skip that.”
“That was a good run!” you say, pulling off the fabric and folding it into a loose square. “I mean, I’m a little rusty so I could use some more practice, but you were good!”
Changgu does a tiny fist pump and gestures to his script. “Can we do another scene?”
“Yeah, sure,” you say, eager to try again. You didn’t think you’d miss acting this much, but Changgu just ignited that fire in you that absolutely loves being on stage. “What did you have in mind?”
Hours later finds you both in a cafe, you sitting across Changgu and exchanging notes from your mini-rehearsal earlier that afternoon. He nods in understanding as he highlights his lines on the open script, occasionally scribbling notes and tips in the margins. The serving of iced coffee sits half-empty beside him and you carefully sip your warm latte.
You like this, you think. You like practicing lines with Changgu, acting out scenes together, and delivering a whole new dynamic to your characters’ relationship. It makes you want to actually act with him on a legitimate project and, not for the first time, wish you auditioned for Something Rotten!, even as an ensemble character. 
You hear the clack of Changgu capping his highlighter; it takes you out of the spiral of envy you were slowly tumbling into. He looks up at you, eyes soft and gazing at your face.
“Thank you for practicing with me earlier, Y/N,” he says, smiling.
His smile is literal sunlight and has you grinning back. “Anytime for you, Changgu,” you say with a giggle.
He chuckles and sits back on his chair with a sigh. You study him as he studies the highlighted pages.
“I wonder what it would be like if we worked on a project together,” he muses. “I bet it’d be so much fun. We could practice lines together, have loads of inside jokes…”
His eyes focus on you again. “And it would be an excuse to spend more time with you.”
It still amazes you sometimes, how much you two are on the same wavelength. Because of your packed schedules--comeback preparation for you, and musical rehearsals for Changgu--you hardly have time for each other lately. Truth be told, you miss him, and you know he misses you. Today is just an excuse to see each other after such a long time, and you’re just making the day count until you have free time again. And who knows when that’ll be?
You shake off the solemn vibe and say, “Okay. Next time, we audition for a musical together, yeah? Something… darker, maybe? More drama?”
Changgu grins at you conspiratorially. “Are you thinking romance? Or possibly a tragedy?”
You hum, tapping a finger on your chin in mock thought. “Why not both?”
“Oohh, Sweeney Todd? Chicago?” He starts humming the hook to “Cell Block Tango” while doing vogue-like moves, and it’s taking everything in you to not kiss him right now. You’re in a public place right now, and though there aren’t many people in the shop, public decency is still a thing.
No matter--you’ll make sure to shower his face in kisses later.
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ohvalleyofplentyyy · 5 years
Merlin’s Blood
A/N: sorry if you’re allergic to walnut bread, you can just pretend i wrote something else!
chapter 1
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Chapter 2: A Moment with a Miracle
Mother would be sooooo mad if she heard me speaking like this.
But you had landed pretty hard in your defense, you hadn’t teleported in forever because after you nearly crash-landed into the firing zone for archery practice, mother had put a stop to it.
You landed on the top of a rather large cliff that overlooked a small town below it. “I really really hope this is Brugee or else I’m fucked.” You got up and dusted the soil of your cloak, there was a small rip at the bottom but thankfully that was it.
You started walking down the hill, pausing every few minutes to listen to your surroundings and make sure you weren’t being followed.
I can’t believe I would have the fantastic fate to meet the man who’s supposed to kill me. Also, he’s a Witcher, which makes this even worse! And now he knows what I look like, ah fuck, fuck, fuck… What am I going to do—
“Geralt I still don’t understand why you have to kill her! She’s so sweet and it’s not like you’ll be able to find her since she poofed! Into thin air!”
You crouched down immediately upon hearing the voice of Jaskier. About 20 yards away, Geralt was walking with the reins of Roach in his hand along with Jaskier rambling off beside him.
Oh my gods, I guess my fight or flight skills decided to go halfsies and not take me to Brugee, but just get me out of imminent danger…
“—Don’t you see how horrible your reasoning is? She saved me from getting shot with a crossbow at the tavern and then trusted me to help her, I think you need to question who gave you the order to—“ Geralt suddenly perked up and put his hand out to silence the bard. You took a small breath and held it, hoping his enhanced abilities weren’t as amazing as the legends.
In a quiet voice, the Witcher said, “I smell something, lavender…”
Oh sweet peaches and cream, my oils.
Your mother had let you choose an oil for your 11th birthday as a signature statement for a young princess. You used it as a perfume and as you got older you still used it instead of the fancy ones many suitors anonymously gifted you.
You enjoyed that the scent was your own, one you grew up always having. It kept you closer to nature since once the whispers of war started you were locked inside away from harm.
Alright, deep breath Y/N.
You closed your eyes and concentrated, it only took a moment before the wind shifted to be blowing the opposite direction, taking any trace of you with it. You watched from afar as Geralt tilted his face upwards to see if he could find the scent again, but alas nothing was there anymore.
“Come on, let’s go.”
The two men walked farther away from you and once you could no longer see their silhouettes, you let out a long sigh. You looked up to canopy above you and bit your lip to keep it from quivering.
I’m alone.
The thought of that made you more scared than when your killer had been in front of you merely minutes ago.
Tears welled up in your eyes and for the first time in a long while, you started to cry.
Oh, Mama, Papa, please find me, I’m scared…
You fell asleep curled up next to the giant log you had hidden behind, the thoughts and worries swimming in your head as you fell into a blank sleep.
Light shimmering between the leaves of the tall trees woke you. The forest was very peaceful in the bright morning and made you feel a bit better than the night before. The forest was alive with life and wonder in the early light.
You sat on the old log and watched as some small pixies danced along the adjacent stream that no bigger than a log, perfectly pixie sized. They were brightly colored, one purple, another pink, and the last a vivacious yellow. On the other side of the very tiny stream was a deer with two small wings and a long tail, like a lion.
Creatures that resembled monkeys swang through the trees. These creatures were various versions of green, each had two sets of eyes and two tails. Long floppy ears fell down around their faces as well.
It made you smile to know that the friends of the forest you once knew very well had managed to thrive while you were confined to the castle.
Spirits of the forest and other magical creatures knew not to be afraid of you. The magic in your blood from Merlin, one of your ancestors, lifted the veil of protection that others always see when walking through the woods.
Even the most powerful mage would not be privy to such a masterpiece of wonder. The Brotherhood used magic that was, well you could say, tainted. They drew power from other things but you had your own, it was apart of your very being.
Your mother used to tell you stories about how the blood that runs through your veins was some of the most powerful in the universe.
 You always believed it was made up as a child but as you grew older, some of your royal classes turned into magic lessons leading you to question if it was all just fairytales she told you or history.
A few pixies flew down to you and floating next to them was a slice of walnut bread. You took the bread from the air and smiled at them.
 “Have you been working on your magic baking?” They are nodded, you ate the pastry and instantly felt better. The magical bread seemed to lift your spirits and you decided it was time to get moving.
Alright, it’s time to keep going.
Away from the lovely killer I’ve got on my tail…
It took some time, but you finally found the trail leading to town. You took a guess and headed in the opposite direction, hoping the two others would be going to get food instead of hellbent on finding you.
If I can just find a good stream to drink from, maybe I’ll have enough energy to get out of here.
After walking through the dense forest, you stumbled upon a good size river. It was perfect for taking a quick sip but the problem was you’d need to cross it somehow. The current seemed to be fairly strong and you weren’t at the moment. You found a spot of land that was at level with the river and rolled up your sleeves.
The water was like nectar after all this time. It was cool and icy against your palms, you took the canister Branson had been carrying in the bag thank the gods and filled it to the brim.
Who knows when I’ll find a reliable source like this again.
Poor Branson, I know he wasn’t that fantastic of a bodyguard but he did want to keep me safe, and for two weeks he did. I hope he’s in a better place now, with lots of archery fields and sword fighting classes. He was always a fanatic for fighting.
“Alight, how on earth do I cross this now…” You mumbled to yourself. You kicked small pebbles into the river as you walked alongside it. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. There’s got to be some way I can just—cross it.”
Then an idea popped into your head. You turned to the tree next to you as if to speak to it, “If my bloodline is as powerful as people say, then I should be able to just,” you put a foot out, “walk across it.”
It was exhilarating.
You’d never heard of anyone walking on water but here you were, taking a few steps on top of the gushing river that flowed beneath your shoes. You laughed and twirled across the water, dancing with the fish that jumped up every so often as to say ‘hello!’ to you.
I wish I had known about this ability long ago, crossing the moat would have been such a breeze!
But then the water started to slowly lower as if someone was taking a sponge to a spill.
You watched as birds flew from the left, away from something. Animals on the side of the creek ran fast as if they were being chased. “What in the world…” But the worlds died o your tongue as you watch a giant tidal wave come towards you.
“Oh my gods.”
Your instinct kicked in and you immediately moved your hands. One went in a full circle while the other drew symbols on the inside of it. Water swirled around you, creating a bubble as the tidal wave roared over you.
It was horrifyingly beautiful. You watched as flowers floated in the current, most likely ripped away from the sides of the land. Some deer, sadly drowned, ran with the steam as well. They must have been crossing farther up in a shallow area, taking a rest in the lovely stream when it washed them away.
 But what was the worst, was the little doll you saw right above your head, and someone’s tiny hand reaching for it.
You closed your eyes immediately, not wanting to see the body that might come into view.
The wave must have cut through a town, but how is this possible?! It’s a river, someone must have been the cause of this…
Maybe the ones trying to kill me.
You opened your eyes at the thought, now shaking a bit as you realized the situation at hand. “This enemy has strong powers, strong enough to easily kill me.”
The river leveled a bit as the wave raced down the path. You dispersed the bubble and looked at all the debris floating downstream. You ran as fast as you could across the water, you were almost at the edge when you heard something.
A voice.
Someone called out from help, farther down where the wave must have just hit. You turned, wondering whether you should keep going or help the poor soul.
“Help, I’m stuck!” You heard them shout.
Fuck okay.
You darted down the river, sliding down the water like you were surfing when it started to drop at an angle.
Maybe it’s a farm boy? A small child? Who would be in these woods right now, maybe a survivor from the town?
You weren’t expecting to find Jaskier clinging to a log in the middle of the water, his tunic caught by something beneath the rushing stream, and the Witcher who said he was to kill you, knocked out on the bank of the river on the side you had been crossing to.
So I guess they didn’t go to town for supplies after all.
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tags: @emmalbg @holyhumorliteraturelight​  @crazzyter @romyr4 @stretchkingblog97  @emilyhuynhhh @holychic @katiejmac​ @ayamenimthiriel​  @peeyewpeeyew @petalduck​
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
I’m the Tinder date anon and just want to let you know I loved what you wrote, it was sooooo good! Could you write a part 2? Thanks 🙏💜
(A/N): Hello there, lovely!
I am extremely sorry that this took quite some time for me write it!
I honestly love these two so I couldn’t help but want desperately to write something nice and sweet for them and I hope that I somehow did!
I hope it didn’t disappoint!
WARNINGS: Mentions of Sex, Self-Conscious, Body Issues, Trust Issues.
(Tumblr shit won’t let me modify this from the computer hence I can’t add the “keep reading” button, please don’t hate me) 🙈
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Ivar was awoken by a body shifting next to him, which wasn’t unusual, since it had happened many times that Hvitserk feel asleep drunk next to him and sometimes or when Ivar was sick or feverish.
But this body smelled divinely.
And it was extremely female, by what he felt as he subconsciously pushed himself against it, meanwhile she gently moved out of the bed to reach for something…
… maybe the phone that was ringing in the room, quickly accepting the incoming call.
“What the hell, Elaine?!” she replied to the phone, keeping her tone low as if she didn’t want to wake him up “… oh c’mon as if you have never left me for a boy… and Hvitserk, at least, accompanied you back home…”.
He smirked, remembering Elaine, who, the previous night, had been so annoying that even the great fuckboy, Hvitserk had been turned off.
His brother had dreaded the entire night, which was strange, since he was the one who usually didn’t enjoy dates, but that night had been quite nice for him, since he got a beautiful girl in his bed.
He leaned into her warmth, meanwhile her ushered tone lulled him.
“Yeah… he wasn’t a psycho and I had fun… now won’t you stop bothering me and go back…” an annoyed huff meant that Elaine had no intention to leave her alone “… yeah… no I am not telling you the details… because it is none of your business!”.
He giggled slightly and the laugh was transferred to her shoulder, making her turn around and found him awaken and open-eyed.
She couldn’t help but blush, something that was seen even in the dark of the room, in the cocooned refuge they had created the previous night, after all the “activities” they had tried, together, eventually falling to the grip of slumber, due to the few drinks they had shared.
“… I have gotta go” and although he could hear Elaine protesting on the other line, she closed the call and even went as far as to switch off the phone and push it back onto Ivar’s nightstand, before she turned to him, mumbling softly, right onto his swollen lips “… I am sorry if I woke you up”.
“I don’t mind it” he mumbled, although he hated whenever the alarm would ring up in the morning “… Elaine seemed pissed”.
“Your brother was kind of an asshole with her” she replied, as she pushed her hands out onto his chest, slightly cold due to having been outside the blankets, as he nodded his head, as if to say that ‘he knew it all too well’ “… but she is also some kind of an asshole”.
He laughed delighted, pushing his hand onto her hips to bring her closer, and they met halfway for a kiss.
Definitely a “good morning” kiss, as their noses bumped awkwardly together, and this got a little giggle in the kiss, and it quickly spread in his mouth.
His hands moved up, tangling in her hair, meanwhile she became molten under his touches, a sensation he liked quite much, even more the previous night as he had ducked himself between her legs, licking her to oblivion, after things between each other had gotten quite heated.
He still remembered that moment in which she had stopped buckling up her hips, chasing the orgasm on her way, just to still all her movements as a sudden tremble had gone through her body and she had come copiously onto his face.
She had tried apologizing, but Ivar had shushed her, licking her clean.
“…I don’t mind it, I actually think that we should try doing that again”.
And she hadn’t been able to protest, smirking lightly embarrassed.
They were halfway through having a second round, her hands slowly drifting closer to his member, meanwhile his mind was focused onto marking up her neck, with soft love-bites, when Hvitserk opened the door to his room, without knocking.
“Brother, did you leave “YouPorn” on last night?” he asked, with a knowing smirk, probably thinking that, like him, Ivar felt the constant need of … an “helping hand”.
But what he discovered was much juicier, and immediately his eyes focused on the two naked bodies, hidden barely by the blankets, and Ivar shifted to hide her body with his, to preserve some kind of modesty, as she squealed surprised.
Hvitserk seemed almost ashamed and rushed out, immediately, mumbling an “I am sorry”, although they could hear hysterical laughs being uttered outside.
A tense silence grew between them, after Hvitserk had exited the room and quickly she moved to push herself to stand, holding the cover onto her chest, to shield herself, meanwhile she looked around the room to relocate her clothes, as she quickly pushed her phone in her bag.
Ivar felt himself lose all the warmth in which he had woken up to, but he was unable to do anything to stop her, mostly due to the fact that he was “a bit” embarrassed himself, and understood completely that she hadn’t wanted to be seen with him.
He let her dress in peace, after he had showed to her the restroom, he had then looked for his boxers, moving to dress up in some sweatpants and a casual shirt.
He felt somehow ashamed to be seen like that.
His legs hurt, mostly due to all the “physical activity” he had done the previous night, but he preferred to stand onto his clutch or just sit onto bed, than to crawl around his room.
She came back after a little bit less than fifteen minutes, dressed in the outfit of the previous night.
She had also washed off the little make-up she had worn, and Ivar literally beamed softly at her beauty, now even more perceivable, still blushing a bit.
“Ahh… thank you, for letting me stay and use the bathroom” she mumbled, moving close to him so that she could put on her shoes, their hands touching them accidentally and he literally rejoiced at the shy touches.
And she seemed to agree with him, smirking meanwhile she pushed her feet into the little black booties, before she adjusted her messy hair in a high ponytail.
She was honestly the cutest and Ivar wanted to lean in and kiss those lips again and again, peaking them till they became reddish and swollen, as they had been the previous night.
But he just stared at her, almost creepily and when she moved her head to meet his eyes, he immediately pushed himself to look at his legs, waiting for her to move away, and eventually she left the bed, adjusting herself onto her shoes and taking a quick look in his mirror.
“Ahem…” she mumbled, her hands clutching into nervous fists “… it was a nice night… I haven’t had this much fun since… I think ever”.
He wanted to show how much those words affected him, but he didn’t know how.
“… maybe we could do the same, another time?” her tone was tentative, almost as if she hadn’t expected him to be completely enamored with her, after a night… as if he hadn’t wanted to repeat every little thing they had done the previous night, that morning…
Hadn’t Hvitserk caught them, he would have gladly.
“Yeah, it was fun” ‘oh good job, Ivar… totally the coolest thing you could have ever said’.
But she smiled brightly, reassured, almost wiggling a bit onto her feet, before she moved down to plop a kiss onto his cheek, peppering a few more all onto his face, which got him too surprised to react properly.
Then she moved away, quickly getting a strip of paper out from her bag and handed it to him, as with a pen she wrote something quickly, turning again to kiss his forehead, before she wandered off, with one last look at him, who stood there, unable to move and process what had happened.
He heard her greet Hvitserk and slowly slumped back in bed, his head hitting with a thud the mattress meanwhile various images of the previous night flashed in his mind, the way they had laughed together at their clumsy moves around the bed, before they plopped onto it.
The way he had tried desperately to focus on her, changing the balance and pinning her to the bed, meanwhile he pushed his fingers into her pretty hips, to keep them from buckling up, meanwhile he peeled her soaked panties from her warm center to lick her clean, meanwhile she had ridden his face.
It was the first time ever that he had tried something with a girl, not many were willing, but (Y/N) had seemed extremely aroused, and the act in itself had made her enough dizzy that he got her all trembling around him, as he settled onto her chest after she had come.
“Let me return the favor” she had mumbled as he pushed her back down, to calm her, ashamed by the lack of his “reaction” to her “… you made me feel so good”.
“I just…” it hadn’t taken many words for her to understand somehow, and she hadn’t asked much more, settling back onto the mattress and softly kissing his head, her hair going through his head to ease his shame, meanwhile he slipped onto a soft slumber “… this is enough”.
He hadn’t had such a nice night of sleep, since ever.
He decided to face Hvitserk, after hunger got the best of him, after he had hidden the little ticket with her phone number in a drawer of his nightstand, the one locked with a little locket.
His brother was halfway through a bowl of milk and cereal, and Ivar, for a moment, believed that he was too busy eating to even acknowledge his brother, but he wasn’t enough sneaky and Hvitserk looked at him with a smirk, before he whistled.
“… congratulations brother”.
“Go to hell, Hvitserk” he mumbled, meanwhile he dragged himself to the counter, starting up the fire to prepare himself some pancakes, since, although he didn’t feel like facing his brother, he couldn’t help but feel slightly happy.
“Oh… of course, but I am glad that my brother finally got some… physical activity… done” he continued talking, meanwhile he played around with his bowl, looking hungrily at the pancakes Ivar was starting to cook “… and with an hottie, like that, I am proud of you”.
“Don’t you have some kind of button to switch that mouth off” shouted Ivar, trying not to mind him too much business, as he continued his meticulous preparation.
“… when are you seeing her, again?” continued his brother, not minding his “slightly” threatening tone, and the fact that he was close to where the knives were set in their kitchen.
“When are you seeing Elaine, again?” he retorted, as he moved to turn the pancake he was working onto, sending his brother a smirk of his own, gaining a muttered it’s a “low blow” “It is none of your business, also”.
“It was literally thank to me, that you got her in your bed!” retorted his brother, meanwhile he stole a bit of the pancake dough, as he moved to get chocolate syrup from its shelf.
“Well… she still could have turned out to be a freak” mumbled Ivar, not wanting to let his brother know that he actually liked her, and that he had done a good thing, for once.
“… from what I heard the only thing she was a freak in, was your bed”.
A fork was thrown his way and Hvitserk laughed, before he realized that something was bothering indeed his little brother, and decided to bring it up, when Ivar moved his plate of newly made pancakes on the kitchen table.
“You don’t seem too happy” he mumbled, as he munched onto the pancake he managed to steal from his brother.
“… I just…” he was just trying to find a reason why a girl like (Y/N) might be interested in him.
With all his problems.
Of course, she hadn’t seemed to mind his legs, but girls never stuck around on the long run…
… and wait till she discovered that she couldn’t satisfy her that way.
She wouldn’t be walking that cheerily away from his house…
She would be running away, for sure.
“… did you not like it?” asked Hvitserk, almost as if it was an offense to him.
“You are an idiot” muttered Ivar, thinking that he couldn’t escape this, so he might as well… try to open up, with his idiot brother, who, at least, had more experience with women “… I did, but I am sure that she won’t be very interested in going out with me, away”.
“Ahem… Ivar… I know that you don’t believe me, but I truly think that I basically saw her giggle her way out of the apartment, this morning and she was almost…”.
“Please don’t finish that phrase” he mumbled, facepalming himself, meanwhile he tried to shut up his brother stuffing a fork full of food in his mouth “… and I just… my legs…”.
“She didn’t even notice them, and she doesn’t seem the type that mind such thing” spoke his brother, through a mouth full “… she isn’t like…”
“Margrethe?” he asked, knowing all too well that the blonde bitch had spoken about his “little” problem to anyone who seemed to have ears that could listen “Fredys?”.
His previous girlfriend, could he consider her that, had been what Hviterk had defined from the start as a “gold digger” but Ivar had never believed him, preferring to bash into her compliments and gentleness, that physical contact that had meant the world for him, since nobody had treated him in that way, almost making him feel like a god.
But he soon discovered that she hadn’t wanted him for anything that she had mumbled in his ear late at night, but more for his money and Hvitserk and Ubbe had been more than happy to help him throw her out.
“… I was going to say with the typical… ‘she is not like the other girls’, but also that… is indeed true” he explained, a bit uncomfortable since he knew that those two periods brought bad memories in his already irascible brother “… I have to say that I was a bit busy with Elaine… but she honestly seemed to be into you and bery sweet, you are lucky brother”.
Ivar nodded, slightly, although he didn’t look too convinced, wondering whether for once his brother had shown himself to be wise, or he was just going to do another mistake.
She didn’t want to seem a clingy girlfriend.
(She wasn’t even his girlfriend).
But she couldn’t help but wonder if the connection she had felt with Ivar that night, had been felt just by her.
She had left him his number, and three days had passed from their ‘date’ and no call from him had come, although she had hoped so, and each time her phone would ring, she would be having a mini heart attack, hoping it was him.
It was never him.
And it was getting to the point that she was sure he wasn’t interested in her in the slightest and had just wanted a good fuck.
Although from the way he had been damnably charming and careful with her, she wouldn’t have guessed it.
In her constant state of annoyed waiting, she had been able to move even Elaine, who, one day, went  to her, and slipped onto her desk a small line of paper with a series of numbers on it, which she hadn’t understood at first, and then her roommate had simply mumbled:
“It’s Ivar’s phone number” she had simply commented and had explained “Hvitserk gave it to me, last night, since he said that ‘his dumb brother is a bit slow in these things’ “.
“Oh, ahem… thank you… I guess?” she tried to appear absolutely not appalled by the entire thing.
But Elaine simply smirked.
“You got it bad, don’t you?” smirked her roommate, slinging beside her onto her kitchen table, meanwhile she played, nervously with the strip of paper “He better treats you well…”.
“I…” she mumbled, trying to find a proper reply “… don’t think he is interested in me, like that”.
Elaine looked at her as if to say “nonsense”, before nudging her lightly to get her to continue her discourse.
“…I left him my number and told him that I didn’t mind… doing it all again…” and then she started fidgeting with her hands “… and it has passed three days with no calls or messages”.
“You do realize that men are idiots, and slower than us”? Elaine spoke up, laughing lightly “… but also I think that he is simply shy and needs a bit of a push… I don’t think that the guy who dumped me after a date… would have given me his brother’s number, if the brother in question didn’t have a thing for my roommate…”.
She still didn’t look convinced, but she tried her best to take a deep breath and Elaine gently caressed her back to relax her.
“And even if it doesn’t work… at least you won’t be in this limbo waiting for a sign…” she winked at her, before jumping away and lightly trotting towards her room, just to turn around “… just send him a message, do it for me”.
She still felt a bit down, but chose to indeed send him a message, although she was damnably scared that he didn’t want the same or might think that she was moving too fast.
“Hey, I hope I am not bothering you… but on Monday I am going to be left alone, because Elaine has another date… and since I liked our last one… maybe you could come over… so I could show you my own collection of alcoholic beverages…”
She honestly felt extremely cringey re-reading it, but ended up sending it anyway, passing terrible fifteen minutes, waiting for a reply and in the end, she thought about switching off the wi-fi so that she could focus a bit on studying and only switched it on after a few hours.
And when she opened it, not expecting any message back, since Ivar probably just chose to ignore her (had that been truly Ivar’s number, and not a terrible joke made by Elaine), she found out that Ivar had answered her, and even used emojis.
She didn’t breathe properly for a few minutes.
And then she focused on the message.
He had replied:
“Hey, sweetheart (ten points for the nickname) you never bother me, although can I ask how do you have my number? (perfect he thought she was a stalker…). But I am happy that you did contact me, I was trying to take courage to ask you out, but you have more balls than me, apparently (and smiling emojis)! And if you want some company, I am always up for it, just let me know if I can grab something to repay you for the hospitality! Have a nice day, lovely! See you (and your alcoholic beverages collection) on Monday!”.
She was halfway through imploding, redness onto her cheeks, as she re-read the message, to make sure she wasn’t making stuff up, immediately jumping around the kitchen at any Taylor Swift song she could muster up in her mind, meanwhile Elaine snickered, having exited her room for a quick break too.
“Please don’t do that with Ivar, when he comes on Monday” recommended her friend, before she moved to join her friend in her dance “… I am happy that at least somebody will get laid on Monday, maybe not on the couch, since we both spend there out single nights”.
Elaine looked at her, as she exited the bathroom, all dressed up for her home date, with Ivar.
Through the days that had separated her and Ivar, they had chatted non-stop, delving in a more comfortable situation than their starting one, although she couldn’t help but feel like Ivar was keeping himself a bit back.
But she hadn’t wanted to push him and was more than glad to take what she could get.
“Is it too much?” she asked.
She had dolled herself up, even going as far as putting on her newest dress: a little black dress with little crystals onto the velvety fabric, bringing even more awareness to the heart-shaped cleavage that showed elegantly what she had been give by mother nature.
She had avoided heels, mostly because she hadn’t wanted to trip onto Ivar, but her make-up was full-blown, accentuating her eyes and lips, although she was sure that her lipstick would be either onto a napkin or Ivar’s lips, since she already missed them, by the end of the night.
Or so she hoped.
“No, no, I am just thinking that you won’t even arrive to the sofa… and straight up do it like animals on the floor”.
She almost threw a small spoon to her roommate, who giggled and moved outside the door, quickly pushing her form in her coat, meanwhile she muttered about having left some condoms under the sofa pillows in case they needed it.
And what was worse was that as Elaine exited, she saw Ivar waiting on the threshold of the door, a light blush on his cheeks showing that he had heard what she had said, and she quickly rushed to him, hiding her face, to welcome him.
He had his crutches in one hand and in the other he held a bottle of wine, for which she thanked him.
“Oh, it is the least I could do… since you were gracious enough to host me”.
He seemed definitely much less relaxed than in their text messages, but she tried not to give it too much thought, showing him the sofa as she moved to collect omething for the wine bottle.
He complimented her house and she gently replied, continuing the small talk till she was next to him again and inevitably caught him looking at her, and as he saw himself being caught red-handed he turned his head away, blushing delicately.
“Is it too much?” Gosh she had done a huge mistake…
“No no” he rushed to reply, gently putting his hand onto hers, almost as if it was natural “… you actually look gorgeous, very very gorgeous and I feel like a creeper looking at you, constantly”.
She giggled and smacked softly his chest.
“Look all you want, I don’t mind it” and to reinforce that she got up and moved to settle the take-out she had taken for the night (after having admitted to Ivar that she couldn’t cook to save her life, except the most basilar things), swaying lightly her hips.
As she turned, she found him looking at her ass, with no shame.
There she remembered about Elaine’s teasing and thought that maybe it would end up more real than what she had thought.
After they were settled they started eating and this gave them a chance to talk with much more calm on both side, which made them more relaxed and playful, and she thought about teasing him under the table, but when her leg brushed against his, more accidentally than by true intention, he yelped and immediately his knees shot up.
They hit the table with enough force that both their glasses fell and, although they didn’t break, they stained with the wine in them the white cloth on the table, but she wasn’t worried about it in the slightest, because Ivar moaned of pain, after the entire ordeal, and she rushed to him, worried anything might have happened.
But he just pushed her away.
Quite literally.
She couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt by the gesture and took it as him pushing her away, because it had been her who had hurt him.
She waited for him to calm himself, meanwhile he checked his leg, pushing his fingers onto his skin and gently caressing it, to ease the pain.
It was only when his attention shifted towards her that she asked if she could do anything.
“No no, I just need to lay down a bit” and as she moved to help him up, he rejected her again, making her feel as useless as she could.
“I am sorry” she muttered, meanwhile she tried to calm herself down, from the anxiety that was burning up in her stomach: she had basically ruined the entire night.
“For what?” he asked, meanwhile he laid himself down, carefully handling his leg.
“I shouldn’t have… shit… I am sorry”.
“You already said that” his tone was stern but soft, and he patted the handle of the sofa, to make her sit beside “… it wasn’t your fault… I was just not expecting it”.
“I’ll try to remember it, next time”.
He looked at her, confused, as if he was surprised that she wanted to try again.
“… aren’t you… disgusted by my reaction?” he seemed surprised and she dared to softly reach out for his hand “… I literally can’t stand the touch of another…”.
“Then I’ll be more careful”.
For a minute she realized the truth, he wasn’t annoyed with her: he was annoyed with himself.
And with his body.
“… you don’t have to be that nice” he mumbled almost ashamed, but she didn’t seem to mind it, instead leaning down and gently kissing him on his lips to silence any reply.
“I am not just being nice, I really like you” and she blushed hiding her face in his chest, meanwhile Ivar almost naturally circled his hands around her “… although it might seem crazy”.
“Yeah it is” he commented and for a moment, she thought he had said the truth “… it is crazy that you, a fucking beautiful girl want to end up with a monster like me”.
“Oh, you want to play this game?” she retorted, knowing what was bothering him “… you seriously can’t say that, when you look like a fucking Greek god”.
“I’d prefer something like Norse god” he mumbled, making her laugh lightly, meanwhile she pushed him away, as he linked them back together, gently kissing her cheeks as she leaned down to kiss him properly, the kiss taking all their embarrassment away and completely enveloping them together.
His hand came onto the small of her back, gently caressing relaxing circles on it, meanwhile she moaned softly in his mouth, making him take more confidence and gently pushing his hands lower.
She giggled, definitely giddy and pushed him away, before softly grinding against him.
And his gaze became troubled again and his hands went away from her bum, almost, although definitely more gently than before, pushing her to the side, in order to get her to gently slide away, which she complied, although with a worried look.
“I just can’t…” he mumbled, taking his head in his hands, and she had to take one away for him to focus on her.
“Is it something about me?” she didn’t understand, he had called her gorgeous and had kissed her like his life depended on it “… maybe I am not your type, and you are doing this just out of pity…”.
She was panicking hard and he was the one who got her to focus on him, tightening his hold onto her hand to get her to face him: he was red in the face and his stance had something of aggressive, not towards her, but he looked like he just wanted to spit something out.
“I just…” he took a deep breath “… I just can’t get it up… because of all the leg things”.
She didn’t know what to mutter, surprised, not talking, something that Ivar took badly, immediately taking it as a ‘I am not interested anymore’ and made to rush away, but she pushed him down, something which was quite impressive, but the fire burning in her eyes, said that she wasn’t taking any bullshit.
“… you can’t?” she asked, calmly, and he just nodded, hiding himself from her “… well I don’t mind it, last time, I literally… you know… without the need of your …”.
The sight of her extremely embarrassed got a thrill of excitement coursing through Ivar, although he had to admit that he was feeling quite ashamed of himself.
But she hadn’t laughed, neither pitied him, and that was something he was thankful for.
“So… for my little problem… I understand if you want to quit it…” but before he could quite his phrase, you had swiftly shushed him.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” she didn’t want honestly, she wanted to kiss him.
Now his lips were even more swollen, and pretty…
“No, I heard you fine the first time…” he mumbled, coming closer as if he wanted to see the truth in her eyes “… but in the long run, you are going to be annoyed with me”.
“Or I might not?” she replied, making him face her, gently laying a few kisses on his noses, playful enough that she saw his eyes shining again “… I am already half in love after two dates, don’t you have a little faith in me?”.
“Just had a lot of people who betrayed it” he seemed pained by saying it and she soothed the tone, with a soft kiss on his forehead, feeling him purr under her.
“I am sorry for it” she commented, gently taking his hand in hers, and holding his gaze “… but, although I am not pretentious enough to say that ‘I am different from other girls’ because that is some male bullshit, I truly care about you and, even if I know that we are mostly strangers, so you are free not to believe me, but I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose”.
“I just… don’t want you to regret this” he mumbled, chewing on his bottom lips.
“Oh, believe me, I am sure I won’t” again that reddish color, was drawn onto your cheeks “… I have had many guys with a perfect functioning… you know what… and I mean they didn’t make me…”.
“… cum?” he suggested softly, sending her a smirking look “… you know that we are adults”.
“I almost liked you when you were a tad insecure with that kicked puppy look” she mumbled, hiding from him, just for him to engulf her softly in his arms, a bit calmer due to the confession.
He just hoped she wouldn’t change her mind.
And she hoped the same.
“So, after this emotional moment, do you want to see my collection of alcoholic beverages?” she joked, trying to lighten up the mood, exiting her head from under his arms.
“… just if I get to see your bedroom next” although he was blushing adorably, Ivar seemed more lighthearted and before he knew it, he was spurred up on his feet and she pushed him towards her, almost not caring about his legs.
“Well why should we wait for that?”
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Authors Note: This is a little fic for @just-some-friendlydrabs​ because her secret santa didn’t follow through what a little bitch. So I thought and wrote this up today for new years because new year kisses are so cliche but sweet. I don’t know how good it is, but i hope you enjoy it, you cutie!
This fic is based of the song L.O.V.E ME by Hayley Kiyoko, my lesbian goddess. Give it a quick listen below if you haven’t already!
 “I love her, but…”
“What the hell does that even mean?” You pondered in your head while trying to still your racing heart. Currently, you were attempting to relax on the couch in the ballroom of your agency that was hosting a new year’s party, everybody either dancing with their significant others or chatting on the side. Clutching your cup, you unsteadily took a sip while mulling over in your head a conversation you overheard between Shinji Nishiya and your current crush/like/love Yu Takeyama.
“Why don’t you just tell her?”
You heard Nishiya say, with a mention of your name. You really didn’t want to snoop, but the way his tone was and the way he said your name made you feel like it was some important tea about you. And well, you can’t help but snoop when it comes to gossip. So, you stayed in the hallway adjacent to hall they were talking in, hiding behind the wall, trying to make as little sound as possible.
“Because! We’re both Pro-heroes! You know how the media would eat that crap up. They probably wont leave us alone for months.” You heard Takeyama sigh and groan. “And besides, we work together. Messing up our relationship would be… awkward.”
“But… don’t you like her?” Nishiya asked. “Wouldn’t it be worth the cons?”
“I mean. I love her, but… I don’t know if I would want her to be with me. She’s still so new, I don’t want to screw up her popularity points for the new year.”
You grit your teeth, groaning as you threw your back against the couch while massaging the steadily growing headache. How the hell could she say she loved you but doesn’t want you to be with her. Was she not listening all the times you flirted with her? Or told her you really didn’t care about the popularity polls? Does she not get that you would go through heaven and hell for her just to hear her call you hers?
You looked around to see the countdown to midnight was in its last couple of minutes. You searched the crowd to find Takeyama, hopefully to maybe talk to her and tell her how you felt, but she was nowhere to be found. You didn’t want to go on a mad dog search for her when midnight was already so close, and you knew she always had her phone on her and turned on.
Fuck it.
You pull out your phone to send her a text.
All I wanna do is bust a move
You got me begging, "Pretty, please"
I would throw away all of my revenue
If you swear you'd never leave
Takeyama sighed and ran her hand through her hair as she leaned against the wall right outside the ball room everyone was currently partying in. She would love to just barge in and laugh and joke with everyone like she usually does, but she knew you were in there and there would be no way she could stop herself from throwing herself on you. Especially now, trying to recover from the four shots she chugged down as soon as she saw you enter the building.
God, you were so pretty, even more so in the new year’s outfit you picked. As soon as you said hello to her, all she wanted to do was lean down and tilt your chin up and kiss you on your pretty lips. But she controlled herself. She didn’t even know how you felt about her so it wouldn’t be right to steal a kiss without permission. But god, did she dream about grabbing you by the hips and just stare into those gorgeous irises of yours.
Takeyama groaned and buried her head in her hands. Is it too late to be that douche bag male protagonist and just, power walk in the ball room and steal a kiss before it’s too late?
“Who would be texting me now?” Takeyama whispered to herself as she pulled out her phone. Her heart fluttered when she saw your name on her screen. Quickly opening the text, she held her breath:
-Hey, sooooo…. I know it’s almost new years but I need to tell you that I really really really like you. Like, like you. Might even love you.
-And I don’t care about the popularity polls. I told you this while trying to flirt with you
-Sorry. I over heard you talking to nishiya
-So yeah
 So girl, don't tell me you love me if you don't really want me
I'm working through my issues, yeah, I'm gonna kiss you
In front of everybody that wants to be your honey
And if you have a problem, don't tell me you love me
You sighed as you closed your phone, too scared to even see if she read it yet. Getting up from your seat, you decided to go get another drink to distract yourself from the anxiety suddenly budding within you. Maybe you should have waited? Maybe talk to her about it after the new year? You mulled over what you just did as you quickly poured your drink, not wanting anyone to notice the unsteadiness of your hand.
“Shit. Things are really going to be awkward until we talk about this.” You thought.
You walked back to your seat, only to see it was taken by a couple making googly eyes at each other. Silently cursing at them, you made your way to the back of the ball room, opposite of the T.V. where everyone’s attention was. You lean against the wall to see the countdown in its last thirty seconds.
“What’s already done is done.” You think. “No sense in worrying about it now.” Taking a sip, the countdown was now at twenty seconds. “Maybe I can talk to her the next time I see her.” Fifteen seconds. “When will I see her though?” Ten seconds. “Hopefully not long.” Five seconds. “Maybe, I should-”
You were thrown out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your cheek and another on your neck, pulling you toward your side, right into the lips of Yu Takeyama. You almost dropped your cup, but you were shocked and frozen in place. You didn’t even notice you stopped breathing. Her lips tasted like strawberries, no doubt the lip gloss she puts on damn near every day that made her lips look so kissable and made you want a taste. Now here you were, with her giving you a taste of her soft lips on yours.
She pulled away, her face as red as the Christmas hat that she wore to go along with her Christmas dress. “Damn she looks cute.” You thought. “Nah, she looks cute every day.”
Unbeknownst to you, she was thinking the same thing about you. “S-sorry.” She said. “I should have probably asked before I kissed you but, your text made it seem like… well…”
You said nothing as you wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her down into your lips, tasting strawberries again. She relaxed into your kiss, placing her hands on your hips, lightly gripping them. You both completely shut out the rest of the world, enjoying the feeling of finally holding each other. You hear her hum as you run a hand through her silky hair and you softly groaned as she ran her nails up and down your back, scratching lightly, making you arch your back into her.
You started to wonder if the kiss was making you dizzy or the heat of too many people in one room. Either way your head was spinning as you both slowly pull away, still holding onto each other.
Takeyama chuckled. “I’m guessing you didn’t mind it the first time?”
“Of course not. I’ve wanted this for a long time.” You said as you grinned at her. “Why the change in heart?”
“I just realized that losing you is much worse than you losing some stupid popularity contest.” She lowered her eyes and gently placed her forehead on yours. “Hope you don’t mind?”
You closed your eyes and sighed, relishing in her aura. “For you? I would have you kiss me in front of every camera.”
“Good. Because I noticed a lot of people in here chatting you up all night.” She started massaging her thumbs into your hips. “I wanted to let them know who you belong to.”
“Please that’s my line.” You said as you opened your eyes to meet hers. “Too many people want you. Didn’t think I had a chance.”
“I’ve always wanted you.” She glanced down to your lips and back to your eyes. “Only you.”
“Well, I’m here.” You inched forward slowly. “Only for you.”
You both closed your eyes, slowly reaching each other’s lips and-
“Excuse me! Are you both an item now?!”
You opened your eyes to flashes of cameras and reporters with recorders asking questions over each other. You glanced at Takeyama. All she gave you was a shrug and a grin as she captured your lips.
You smiled into the kiss, thinking you could get used to this.
  L-O-V-E me, let me be, be your company
H-E-L-L-O, let me know if you wanna go
L-O-V-E me, let me be, be your company
H-E-L-L-O, let me know if you wanna go
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canvas-the-florist · 5 years
Pairing: DLAMP
Warning: Sympathetic Deceit, Death threat??
Word Count: 2283
Everyone warned Logan that these four were dangerous. All their actions were random and they always knew what to say. It was too risky to go up to them. He was originally going to heed to that advice but it became harder and harder to follow. To say he was being stalked by them was a bit extreme, but Logan started to see them almost everywhere he went. Turns out Virgil likes going to the Starbucks he works at, Patton lives in the same apartment complex, Roman sits next to him in most of his classes, and Dimitri works at the only library in their city. It was driving him mad. He didn’t want to mixed with the wrong sort, but everywhere he went they’d be there.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Logan looked up and saw Roman giving him a concerned look. He nodded. Of course, he was okay, people were just… getting in his head. Oh, of course, Roman was the one to ask how he was doing. Logan looked up, he was in class. But, he never spaced out opportunities to learn. Getting tired of this, he rubbed his eyes, repositioned his glasses, and quickly wrote down the notes on the board. He had been so focused on ignoring them, they were all they could think about. Maybe Roman wasn’t so self-centered as people had said…
After his class, he drove to his job and got ready to deal with customers. Soon enough, he saw Virgil walk into the coffee shop. Of course. Logan wasn’t quite sure that he wanted to deal with this today, but he had to. As Virgil was fumbling over the amount he had to get, Logan hoped there wouldn’t be small talk. But then again, from what he gathered, Virgil was quieter than the others and just liked getting social things over with.
“Have a nice day,” Logan called out after handing Virgil his change.
“Uhh,” Virgil took a second to look at Logan’s name tag, then recognized exactly who it was. “Oh! You too, Logan…” It was obvious that he wanted to say more but was much too anxious. So, he walked away.
Well, that wasn’t so bad… It was becoming clearer that these four weren’t as bad as he’d been told. Logan decided to head to the library and return some books he picked up about space. Well, they had been interesting, he wasn’t sure whether or not Dimitri was working that day. He told himself he didn’t want to see him, Logan was secretly hoping they could intertwine paths. It was a stupid idea to go to the library when he still had a week until the books were overdue but he went anyways.
“Hello lovely, returning some books today?”
Oh, right. There was Dimitri. Logan just handed the books to him and attempted to walk off. But, it seemed that Dimitri was much bolder than Virgil. “You’re the kid Roman mentioned to me, right? He seemed to leave out that you actually go outside from time to time.”
“It would-” Logan pushed up his glasses, catching Dimitri rolling his eyes. “It would be unwise to remain indoors, that is incredibly harrowing for one’s health.”
“The way you talk is totally not ridiculous, bbbut, you have a point I suppose.” Dimitri gave a smirk that attempted to be called a smile. “It would be harrowing if you held up the line any longer. I hope to see you soon, love.”
Logan blinked back in surprise and decided to go home. Why were the four deciding NOW to talk to him? Was it because he had made a conscious decision to avoid them? Apparently so. His drive home was uneventful until he saw the people in the parking lot of the complex. “Oh, this is unfortunate.” He saw Patton greeting Roman, Virgil, and Dimitri out of a car… This wasn’t going to be pleasant.
He quickly turned off his car and rushed to his apartment with his keys already in hand. But, it was frivolous as Logan heard his name being called. This time, from Patton. He had always been kind to Logan, but the rumors surrounding them scared him. Apparently, they’ve threatened to murder a kid, set a bathroom on fire, and scare even the teachers. But, Patton and the others ran up to him.
“Hello, Logan!” Patton called with a smile across his face. “Would you like to hang out at my place with us? We ordered pizza and we’re going to play Apples to Apples!”
“Ughh, I thought we decided on Candyland?” Roman complained. “You have to admit that game is a gift from the gods!”
“But Cards Against Humanity would be so much funnier,” Virgil added.
“Couldn’t we do Trail to Oregon? It is the EASIEST, after all.” Dimitri questioned, with a smirk appearing on his face as the others disagreed with him.
Logan couldn’t hold back a slight smile on his face. Whatever relationship these four had, it seemed wonderful. He almost wished to be a part of it. So, without overthinking for once, he decided to join them. It turned out they were playing all the games suggested. Patton seemed to enjoy all of them equally, while the others play-fought in the background.
Why did this group seem so perfect despite being called the spawn of Satan? Logan really wanted to ask. But, should he? He was sitting on the floor of Patton’s living room, holding the greasiest pizza he’d ever eaten, pondering quietly to himself. Virgil noticed something was off and scooted next to him.
“Are you okay dude? Sorry, Patton pushed you into this. He just likes everyone.” Virgil gave a small laugh and got up. “You wanna soda? We have Dr. Pepper anddddd Fanta, ew.”
“I’m satisfied without one.” Logan declined.
“Sooooo, you’re getting a Dr. Pepper.” Roman grabbed one and threw it at Logan. “There aren’t any acceptions if you do a game night with us.” He caught the drink with his left hand, causing Patton to give mini applause.
Dimitri walked out of the bathroom. “Roman, dear, I prepared the chair so we can do makeup.” Roman gave a happy little squeal and ran up to him. They shared a quick hug. “I know, I’m simply the worst for thinking of this. Would you like to have your makeup done, Logan?”
“You don’t have to.” Virgil inserted with a small smile.
“Virgil’s right kiddo, but you would look so pretty with makeup on. I mean, you’re already pretty, but you would ALSO look good with makeup.” Patton added, slightly stumbling over his words.
Logan felt inclined to say yes almost immediately, regardless of the fact he had never worn makeup before. That would change tonight. So he agreed and they all moved to the bathroom. Even Virgil put on some makeup, which according to Roman, was a rare occasion. It was much more enjoyable to have someone put eyeshadow and eyeliner on you than Logan had originally thought it was going to be. Of course, Dimitri and Roman were the only ones that could actually accomplish the art of makeup.
After it was finished, Logan peered at a mirror in confusion. He looked rather good for once. It was a change he wasn’t sure he was used to. Then he looked at Dimitri trying to stop Patton from fidgeting so he could work and saw Roman trying to calm down Virgil when he accidentally moved and ruined the makeup. It seemed chaotic but perfect. Logan hoped he could be a part of it one day.
“Logan! Please hold down Patton. He insists to be unmanageable.” Dimitri cried, holding back his products from reach.
“I’m sorry, Dee, it’s just been a long time since someone else has wanted to hang out with us!” Patton explained, grabbing hold of Logan’s arms. Logan didn’t pull back but felt incredibly awkward. Has it really been such a worry to Patton that’d he wouldn’t gain any friends? It made him guilty for avoiding them for so long. “Logan, thanks for joining us!”
“Yeah, it’s… okay…” Logan found himself losing words. “However, I have obtained a question?”
“What question would that be?” Roman asked, reapplying Virgil’s eyeliner.
“Why does everyone seem to be fearful of you four? You all seem rather… delightful.” Logan was rather hesitant to ask but went straight to the point. It was counterproductive to sugar coat it, and he never really was good at wording things in a way to seem less offensive. “I apologize if that seems insensitive, I feel inclined to know why people would say such hateful lies.”
“Well…” Patton trails off. “They aren't exactly lying? Some of them are, yes, but not the fire thing and that one death threat.”
“To put it simply, it was Roman’s fault.” Virgil deadpanned, causing a gasp from who he was talking about.
“I didn’t mean to leave the curling iron near the sink, okay?!”
“I also don’t believe it was his fault when he beat up my ex and Patton threatened to kill him if he ever talked to me again,” Dimitri commented. Logan couldn’t believe his ears, but then again, what was he even expecting them to say? Of course, there were logical explanations to the rumors. “Let’s not forget that Virgil was the one to figure out where my ex even was to start this assault thing anyways…”
“I… apologize for making assumptions.” Logan stutters, and Patton gives him a reassuring smile. He seemed way too kind to give someone a death threat, but he knew he shouldn’t underestimate any of these people.
“Oh, that’s fine. At least you asked about it instead of silently holding grudges against us…” Roman smiled like he was remembered something unpleasant and covering it up. He then jumped off the counter and kissed Virgil’s hand. “I finished, you look lovely.”
Virgil gave a laugh. Dimitri spent a few more minutes on Patton’s makeup while Roman did his own. Once Dimitri was finished, Logan helped Patton up. He didn’t even realize how long he spent holding his hands. Usually, he hated physical contact but felt strangely calm here. Dimitri had decided he didn’t want to have his makeup that night. So by request from Roman, they all agreed to sit down and watch The Lion King. All of them ended up entangling together. Logan was being held by Roman, holding Virgil’s hand, Patton was leaning on him, and Dimitri was on top of Logan and Roman.
Patton was the first to fall asleep, then Roman, next Dimitri, and Logan and Virgil talked a little bit before both passing out due to exhaustion.
In the morning, Logan had received more hugs than he could count. And he actually enjoyed getting affection from them. It was sort of plan leaving back to his apartment next door. He left the sleepover with the numbers of the four and promises to hang out more. It seemed boring without Roman or Patton screeching in the background of calm conversations with Dimitri and Virgil. Logan happened to be the last to leave too. He helped Patton pick up the room quietly.
“I send my gratitude to you for inviting me for this… sleepover.”
Patton laughed lightly. “Of course, they all seemed to like you. I hope you’ll come to next week’s?” Logan blinked a bit and pushed up his glasses.
“This sort of thing is a weekly occurrence?” Logan asked. “And you are asking me to partake in this event that seems rather meaningful to you?”
“Yes, kiddo. Roman even told me he’d like to do your makeup again. Dimitri even liked hanging out with you, and that surely must mean something! And Virgil always seems to stay up during these and he actually got some sleep. It would be an honor to have you come over again!”
And with that, Logan started hanging out with the four he was told to avoid. They really were a lovely group of people. And Logan felt grateful to be a part of it. Truly wonderful. After a few weeks of attending the sleepovers, he was approached by all four of them at once. They all seemed to have one specific thing on their minds.
Logan felt himself fill with fear. This was it, they probably didn’t like him anymore. Of course, this didn’t sound logical, but he was still afraid. Would they tell him to stop talking to them? Or go back to being alone all of the time and have to stop asking Dimitri or Roman for makeup tips?
“Hey Logan, we have a question for you!” Roman said like he could hardly contain his excitement.
“Don’t worry, there it isn’t anything bad,” Virgil reassured, causing Logan to breathe a little bit. At least it wouldn’t ruin this group for him.
“So, you may know that we’re a polyamorous relationship and we wanted to ask…” Patton looked at Dimitri to finish the question, causing him to roll his eyes and gain a smirk.
“Would you like to be apart of the relationship? You would be dating all of us if you agree, and since we’re such lovely people.” Dimitri finished. “You can continue going to the sleepovers if you say no too, that’s still allowed.”
“I…” Logan paused to think. He did like all of them quite a bit and he couldn’t think of any reason to say no at the top of his head. “I would love to.” Patton decided this was a good time to scream ‘group hug’ and they all piled on top of each other.
Logan smiled a little as he listened to the laughs of the others. This was perfect.
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thehattersdaughter · 5 years
Deathly Still
((Hello everyone, terribly sorry for the inactivity! Here's a little non-canon thing I wrote just to get back into writing things. I used one of @erika-de-claire's characters (hope you don't mind!) for a what-if scenario to see how Eliza might interact with Erika's ex.))
TW: Violence, mild injuries
The grounds of Gracey Manor were deathly still, with barely a soul to be seen wandering the halls. Most spirits had retired for the night, resting and preparing for a new day of accommodating mortal guests; most spirits, save for one little ghoul. Outside in the graveyard, Eliza wandered from grave to grave enjoying the peace and quiet. She stopped by a gnarled old tree, leaning against its trunk with a sigh. She loved the solitude, and the silence of the night was so calming-
A branch snapped somewhere behind her, and Eliza jumped in surprise. She figured she'd sat on a branch, but another noise followed shortly after; a shuffling sound, combined with the soft creak of the old fence around the mansion. Eliza tried to find a reasonable conclusion- it was probably just the caretaker, coming in early to do some yard work or something else mundane. The soft sound of footsteps behind her made it clear that someone was here, but who? Was someone trying to break into the mansion? Why would someone even want to?
"Hello, Erika."
Eliza whipped around, just in time to see a strange boy emerge from behind a gravestone. She didn't recognize him, but there was something familiar about him...
"Erika? Wait a minute, you're- you're that jerk that hurt my sister!" She backed away, pulse beginning to race as she spotted the silver knife partially hidden behind his back.
"Your sister?" He sneered. "Yes, I know your sister. And I've been missing her so sooooo much, you know. I do hope you don't mind me... coming for a visit," At that, he reached into his pocket and cast a handful of salt into Eliza's face, with her barely shielding her eyes as it struck. "Of course, I don't need your permission, little ghoul." He advanced towards her, watching the salt burn the ectoplasmic fabric of her sleeves down to the skin below. Eliza whimpered in pain, shying away like a wild animal. Desperate, she broke into a run, heading towards the cemetery gates and towards the mansion.
"Mortal in the graveyard!" Eliza cried, banging on the shuttered windows in a cry for help. "He's gonna hurt me!" she sobbed. She ducked behind a bush in hopes that someone would have heard her and come to her aid. Her heart thumped frantically, and she pulled her knees tightly to her chest to try and hide it. For another minute, everything was silent.
But alas, the stranger wasn't far behind, and suddenly, Eliza was yanked out from her hiding spot by her hair. She was slammed to the floor and barely had time to react as the blade of the boy's knife raked across her stomach. He drew back for another attack, but voices around the corner caused him to look away for a moment. Taking advantage of this, Eliza mustered up the last of her strength, crawling into a particularly dense bush and barely making her escape. She could hear the voices of the Host and several others arguing with her attacker, but couldn't bear to go back that way. She slumped in the shadow of the attic balcony and shut her eyes.
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prettyboyswow · 6 years
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Request: Thomas Shelby Imagine? Maybe the Reader and him are married and something causes tommy to get jealous? Love your work!!
Author’s Note: Hi. Hello. It’s been a while! Sooooo, my life has been crazy lately, and I haven’t had time to write. BUT, I pushed through and I wrote this in a sleepy haze (so pls forgive me if it sucks lol)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x fem!reader
Warnings: like one/two curse words, jealous!Tommy
You had never been more infuriated with Tommy before. Sure, he had done some terrible things. Things that any sane person would never forgive. But, this was just ridiculous.
It had all started about a month ago as you and Tommy readied yourselves for bed.
 “So, I’ve been thinking of getting a job” your words came out slowly and carefully as you took the pins that held your hair in place out, letting your hair fall over your shoulders.
Tommy’s movements stopped and he turned to face your reflection in the mirror. “And who would look after, Charlie,” his eyebrows rose in questioning and he tossed his suit jacket over the back of the chair sat in the corner. You rolled your eyes and let a small sigh pass your lips.
”Isn’t that why you’ve hired all of the staff?”
Now it was time for Tommy to roll his eyes. “No, not specifically,” he mumbled dryly as he changed into his sleepwear. 
“Well, we will hire someone to watch Charlie while we’re at work. I have an interview on Friday,” you pulled your red, silk robe from your body and hung it in the wardrobe.
“Friday,” Tommy’s hands came to rest on his hips. His brow was furrowed and his lips were puckered. “You’ve got yourself an interview for a fuckin’ job, and you didn’t think to talk to me about it first?”
“I didn’t think it needed to be talked about. We have enough money to get childcare for Charlie. And, honestly, Thomas, I need something for myself,” at this, Tommy’s eyebrows rose, making his forehead creased. “I love Charlie, but I feel like my entire life revolves around this house. I’m either taking care of Charlie, or you, or your brothers. I need something that is mine.”
With that, you pushed yourself under the covers and closed your eyes. Tommy was very persuasive, and he knew it. You were not going to let him talk you out of this, You’re mind was already made up.
Your body jerked at the sound of Tommy slamming the bedroom door. You rolled onto your stomach and groaned into the pillow. You knew he’d react like this, but it still frustrated you. He’d come around eventually.
The interview at the small office job went well. You were immediately hired as a receptionist and you loved every minute of it. While many women found the work tedious and boring, you couldn’t help the smile on your face as you walked into work each morning.  
The women you worked with didn’t seem to care much for you. They had all been working together for a few years, and you were new. But, Nick, your boss, was wonderful. He treated you like you were an old friend and you were grateful for it. You needed someone on your side.
Since you had taken the job, you had barely spent time with Tommy.  He was still angry with you for not speaking to him about your plans. You had apologized and tried to explain yourself countless times, but he wasn’t having it. 
So, most nights you spent alone while Tommy was in his study.  And, when he did finally come to bed, he stayed on his side. You hated fighting with him, but you weren’t going to quit your job because Tommy was being a child.
With Tommy being so cold, it was easy for you to take on more jobs at the office. You had always been a hard worker. When Nick asked you to take on some extra projects or stay late to help him finish paperwork, you happily agreed.
“How are you so good with numbers, (Y/N),” Nick let out a small chuckle as he leaned back in his chair. “I swear, without you, there’s no way I’d be able to get all of this done.”
You grinned and shrugged your shoulders. You loved being recognized for your hard work, and you hoped Nick would put you up for a promotion.
“Dunno. Just always been good with them,” you finished your calculations, penning in the last few numbers on the paper before putting the pen down. “All done, boss.”
You both let out a laugh and Nick shook his head. “Great! Now, go home, get some rest. I will see you Monday.”
He stood and put his coat on, giving you a friendly hug before exiting the quaint office.
You followed suit, putting your coat and hat on. The Birmingham weather was unforgiving this time of year, and you were thankful Thomas had bought you a car so you didn’t have to walk.
Your ride home seemed to take forever. You couldn’t tell if it was because of the cold, or the tiredness you felt taking over you. You couldn’t wait to crawl into your warm, oversized bed.
That wish was crushed the moment you walked through the door.
“Where the fuck have you been,” Tommy’s voice boomed, causing you to drop your purse by your feet.
“God, Thomas, you scared the hell out of me,” you leaned down to grab your purse and hang it on the hook, along with your coat and hat.
“It’s half past one in the morning,” his hair was disheveled and his eyes held a crazed expression. Something you’d never seen before.
“I told you I had to stay late tonight,” you moved to walk past him and up the stairs, but his large, calloused hands caught your elbow.
“Late is an hour or so. Not 1:30 in the morning,” he tilted his head to make eye contact with you. “Who were you with?”
You knew where this was going. “I was with my boss. We were finishing up some work.”
His grip on you tightened then was gone completely. His hands ran through his hair and tugged as he took a step back. “I knew you’d cheat on me when you got a job. I’ve had the boys check up on your little boyfriend. He’s married, you know.”
Before you knew what you were doing, your hand came up to slap Tommy’s cheek. “You’re disgusting, Thomas.”
Standing there in shock, Tommy reached up to rub his reddening cheek. “What? Didn’t think you’d get caught?”
Your eyes welled up with tears and you sucked in a deep breath. “For you to even think that I’d cheat on you, makes me sick.”
“Imagine how I feel, darling,” he finally turned to look at you with a cold glare and you wanted to slap him again.
“You know, Tom, I have forgiven you for so much. I have been there for you through your worst moments,” you took a deep breath and tried your best to blink back tears.
“If I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t cheat on you. I would leave you.”
His eyes softened some and he took a step back to fall into one of the red, cushioned chairs. The fire that crackled in the fireplace illuminated his face, and his cheekbones were even more prominent than usual.
“Why haven’t you then,” he blinked slowly and lent his head against the back of the chair. “You’ve got yourself a job now. You’re making your own money. You could leave whenever you wanted.”
You could feel an imaginary crack split your heart in two. This beautiful, broken man in front of you just needed a little attention. You moved towards the chair he was sprawled out in and stood in between his legs. You reached down to cup his cheek, running your thumb over his cheekbone softly.
“Because, Tommy, despite everything, I’m absolutely in love with you.”
His pink, plump lips twitched upwards slightly. He reached up and put his hands on your hips, rubbing tiny circles into the fabric of your dress.
“You’ve been working late a lot,” his words were quiet and his eyes looked everywhere but your own. “I thought maybe you’d found someone else.”
You used your hand that cupped his cheek to turn his face to look at you. You bent down so that you kneeled on the floor between his legs. “I’ve been working late because I love my job. You should know by now that no one could ever replace you, Tom.”
You leaned forward, bringing your other hand up to rest on his knee. Your lips were almost brushing his own as you spoke, “No one even comes close. You’re my one and only.”
Note: THIS IS SO BAD I’M SORRY !!!!! I really tried hard to make this decent, but I’m so tired lol. Please forgive me, next fic will be better! & like always I love to hear (constructive and/or positive) feedback so don’t be shy :)
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munchyn · 5 years
Blue Eyes| Daniel x Reader Chapter 2- Stalker
Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5| Chapter 6| Chapter 7| Chapter 8| Chapter 9| Chapter 10| Chapter 11| Chapter 12| Chapter 13| Chapter 14| Chapter 15| Chapter 16| Chapter 17| Chapter 18| Chapter 19| Chapter 20 (Coming Soon)
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Y/f/n POV
Y/n got up to got to the bathroom. Once she was out of sight, I shot out of my seat and walked towards the boy she had been with. I sat down in the chair in front of him.
“Hi,” I said. He looked up at me while drinking out of his straw. “I’m Y/f/n.”
“You’re Y/n’s friend,” he said after swallowing his drink. I nodded.
“Slightly offended that she didn’t call me her best friend, but yeah. I’m her friend.” I nodded again, bitting the inside of my cheek. Man, this was not going how I planned. “So… you’re Daniel.” This is sooooo awkward! “Could I have your insta?” Wow, real smooth Y/f/n. Real smooth.
Daniel nodded. He seems sweet. Doesn’t look like he talks much tough. I got a napkin from him that had his Instagram username on it. “Sorry, my phone’s dead,” he said as he gave it to me.
“That’s okay,” I took a napkin and wrote this in it:
(Your friends insta)
+BONUS! (Your insta)
Y/n’s Instagram
I folded the piece of paper up and gave it to Daniel. When I looked up I saw Y/n coming out of the bathroom. “I have to go,” I said, getting out of my chair. “It was nice talking to you.” I walked up to Y/n, “I got to speak to Daniel while you were gone.”
“Oh no,” she said. “What did you do?” The look of fear on her face was priceless.
“I have given him our Instagram accounts,” Y/n relaxed when I told her this.
“Phew,” she sighed. “At least you didn’t do anything embarrassing. Or did you?” Y/n looked at me suspiciously.
“Calm down,” I say. “It’s not like I said anything that would make you loose that soon-to-be boyfriend of yours.” I stopped talking when I realized what I’d just said. “I’m sorry.” Y/n shook her head.
“It's okay,” she said and we walked out of the mall and back to my house. It was gonna be a long day of movie marathons and gossiping and possibly stalking celebrities on social media.
Daniel POV
I put the slightly crumpled piece of paper in my pocket and paid for my smoothie. I looked around, hoping to get one last look at Y/n before leaving (now that I think of it, that kinda makes me sound like a stalker). But neither Y/n nor Y/f/n were in sight. They must have left while I was finishing my smoothie.
I got out of the Starbucks and looked around for the others. If only my phone hadn’t died. I finally found Zach and Jack doing stuff in a toy store. Apparently, Zach had to fulfill his dream of being Princess Firefighting Unicorn 3d. Needless to say, they had gotten distracted from searching for Y/f/n.
“What are you doing?” I said as Jack slowly put the stuffed llama back on the shelf. Zach meanwhile showed off the plastic Elsa crown atop his head with pride.
“I am living my dream Daniel,” said Zach dramatically. I just shook my head.
“Could one of you call Corbyn or Jonah?” I ask them. “My phone died.”
After lots of describing the toy store we were in and telling Jonah and Corbyn where to go and where to not go, they found us. We didn’t bother to stay any longer and headed to the hotel we were staying at.
The first thing I did when we got there was to make sure my phone charged and once it had enough battery I got right into Instagram. I got out the now crumpled piece of paper Y/f/n had given to me and searched for their accounts. Plus adding Y/n to my contacts.
I looked at Y/n’s insta. There was a picture of her in a band hoodie as her profile picture.
“Yo Daniel,” said Corbyn. “Are you stalking that girl we met at the mall?”
I looked at him so quickly I got dizzy. “What? No,” I say and turn off my phone, placing it on the nightstand. “And her name is Y/n by the way.” Zach looked at me weird.
“It’s not like we didn’t see you making heart eyes at your phone,” says Jonah.
“Yeah,” says Jack, jumping into the argument. “Only logical explanation is that you were stalking her man.”
“Is anyone going to take my side in this argument?!?” I say, making wild hand motions as I spoke.
At that, Zach got off the couch and slung his arm around my shoulders. I was starting to think that Zach had eaten something he was not supposed to. He was acting weird. “I take Daniels side,” he said and everyone (including me) looked at him like he was crazy. “Let Daniel stalk Y/n all he wants”
“THAT IS NOT HELPING ZACH!” I yelled in frustration as I hid my face in my hands.
(Time skip because YOLO)
Once the whole “stalking” argument had been over I got back on my phone to ignore Jack and Zach (#JACHARY FOREVER) and Corbyn and Jonah.
“Aaaand he’s back to stalking her,” said Zach. I ignored him and texted Y/n.
Me: Hi. It’s me Daniel from the mall. Help me! These guys are being so annoying!
I waited for a while to see if she would answer. Luckily for me, she did.
Y/n: Hello Daniel From The Mall! How did your day go after I left you at Starbucks?
… apart from your annoying friends of course.
Me: Not much happened. But I’d love to text with you for as long as you can.
It took a whole five minutes to respond this time. I felt bad that I might be interrupting something she was doing with Y/f/n. After what seemed like an eternity to me, she texted back. It was a short simple answer to my offer but it was good enough for me.
It was a simple, “sure”.
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graciebirdie · 7 years
Sooooo... I wrote the first chapter of my Steter fic... I’m not going to put it on ao3 yet but you guys can read it here! (and tell me if it’s terrible. it’s been like five years guys...)
Peter Hale felt the Beacon Hill’s high school boy’s locker room was probably the worst place to have a conversation about the secret supernatural world.
The whole place echoed, a horde of disgusting boys would be running in any minute, and (most importantly) it smelled absolutely revolting. Peter had been in literal sewers that smelled better. He was surrounded by utter fools and he just wanted this pointless meeting to be over and done with already. “If Jackson is dead, it didn’t just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen.” There. That was probably dramatic enough to catch people’s attention.
“But why?” as always it was taking Derek a while to catch up.
“Well, that’s exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly. Where the hell is Stiles?”
Scott instantly bristled. “Why do you care?” He even had the nerve to bare his teeth at Peter. What a little shit.
Peter rolled his eyes. “We need to come up with a plan and you three imbeciles aren’t going to be any help.”
Derek gave Peter a very flat look and Derek’s stick of a beta seemed affronted. Scott actually started snarling. “You leave Stiles alone, you psycho!”
Peter flung his hands out in annoyance. “Oh please! The last time I pissed Stiles off he set me on fire! You think I’m going to go through that again? Coming back from the dead isn’t easy, you know.”
Scott flailed around in bafflement. “What the hell are you talking about? Stiles helped kill you because you were killing people! We were saving lives!”
Peter eyed Scott in disbelief. Did Scott really think Stiles cared about the people Peter killed? Stiles cared about three, possibly four, people. The rest of the world could go hang as far as Stiles was concerned.
Of course, Scott was the moral police… Maybe Stiles hadn’t told him he’d only helped because he wanted revenge on Peter for hurting Lydia. And he’d probably been a little afraid Peter might kill Scott and/or the Sheriff.
Well, it wasn’t like Peter had any actual proof of Stiles’ motives. Just his intuition and the theories he’d made from observations.
Peter rubbed his face in annoyance. “Look, we’re wasting time. Where is he?”
Scott shrugged petulantly. “I dunno.”
Peter fought back a growl. “What do you mean you don’t know?”
It took Scott a few seconds but he finally ground out an answer. “We think he ran off because of all the attention.”
It was official: Scott McCall was the dumbest person on the planet. “Stiles wouldn’t run away from attention.”
“How the hell do you know that?” Good god, if Scott yelled any louder civilians might actually start paying attention.
“Because, unlike some people, I’m not an idiot.” Peter turned on his heel and stormed out. He had a genius spaz to find and a monster to kill and he didn’t want to spend all night doing either.
Peter knew Stiles’ scent. It was pleasant enough, underneath all the gross teenage boy parts. Peter just wasn’t quite confident in his ability to pick Stiles out of a crowd that was silently screaming in fear. Of course, Peter knew the smell of Stiles’ fear very well. He was intimately familiar with it, one might say. And Peter could easily find Stiles when he was afraid.
Peter followed the exhilarated-tired-happy-afraid Stiles trail from the lacrosse field to the parking lot and came to a stop at the curb.
He took a deep breath and stared straight ahead at Stiles’ distinctive blue jeep. A bit of what might be considered dread curled through Peter. Stiles’ trail stopped at the curb but there was another scent mixed in with his. A very distinctive scent.
Wolfsbane-mount ash-blood-death.
Stiles hadn’t just run off. Hunters had taken him.     
Off the top of his head Peter could think of three places hunters might have taken Stiles: there was the abandoned warehouse he had recently found that they seemed to be using as some sort of meeting place.
Or maybe the ruins of the old house. Peter had noticed the distinctive hunter scent was fresh there.
Or there was always the Argent family home…
The hunters would never had dared go so blatantly after the son of the local sheriff without Gerard’s say so.
And of the three, the Argent house was closest.
Peter had always been good at lurking in shadows.
Dying hadn’t changed that.
He had made good time across town and was now in the Argent’s very nice and shadowed back yard. From inside the house he could hear seven heart beats and the muffled sounds of people in pain. And he could smell fresh blood, both human and werewolf.
He was, as usual, disappointed in his nephew’s incompetence. Apparently the alpha hadn’t been keeping a close enough eye on his puppies.
He debated on what to do now that he’d found Stiles. On the one hand, if the hunters were going to be so incredibly obvious in their illegal activities they deserved to get caught by the local law enforcement. On the other hand, that would make it a touch harder for Peter to kill Gerard Argent.
But as much as Peter longed to feel the blood of every last Argent on his hands a new plan was starting to form. There was something different about Stiles’ scent now. Something that hadn’t been there before, or maybe hadn’t been as strong before. Something that made Peter’s mouth water and his heart race. Something that filled Peter up with what some might call hope but he called possibilities.
Stiles smelled like magic and Peter wanted.
Peter had a disposable cell phone because he was currently labeled a missing person and only had so much hard cash squirreled away. He should probably see about getting his status fix… One problem at a time.
He called Derek first. He didn’t particularly want to but there where loose ends that needed to be tied up. Namely the Kanima. If Peter got Stiles’ father killed Stiles would absolutely get his revenge. Revenge that would probably be even bloodier than Peter’s had been.
“Peter! Where the fuck are you? Something’s happening with Jackson!”
Peter fought an eye roll. “Yes, that’s why I’m calling. I’m about to seriously distract Gerard. You’re going to have to take care of Jackson.”
“How the hell am I supposed to do that?” Peter often wondered how he and Derek were related.
“Find Lydia. Tell her to use her human love. If that doesn’t work kill him. It’s really not that hard Derek.”
“God damn it. We don’t have enough time-”
“Yes we do. Find Lydia. Have Scott call her. Do what has to be done with Jackson.”
Derek growled and Peter took that as agreement. He hung up and made his next call.
“911 operator, what’s your emergency?”
“Yes, hello? I was out walking my dog and I saw three men pull a boy from a black SUV. I think it was the boy from the amber alert?” There sheriff was nothing if not diligent in his job. Peter had absolutely no doubt there was an alert out on Stiles.
“Sir? I need you to tell me where you are.”
Peter carefully gave the Argent’s address, causally mentioned he thought he remembered that the house belonged to arms dealers, and hung up when the operator asked for his name. He slid the phone back into his pocket before crushing it.
Everything taken care of he slipped back through the shadows and down the street where he could listen to the commotion without risking getting involved.
And keep his eye out for Jackson, just in case.
He absently wished for some popcorn and settled in to listen to the fun.
Part two here
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Jotaro Aquarium Date (Part 4 Time)
((I wrote this based on a trip I took to the aquarium and I tried to make this fairly detailed given it’s Ocean Man lol. But yea, I based it off the Baltimore Aquarium and the Dallas Aquarium if you guys wanted to know and the relationship is up to interpretation. Also, dedicated to @jotarohasadirtysecret, a new friend!!!!))
Under the cut because it’s 2K+ words
Given that this is Jotaro we’re talking about and aquariums are usually crowded with people, most of them being children, the request to join him really caught you off guard. Before your thoughtful silence could be taken as rejection, you quickly agree to his request, not missing the small blush that he As much as Jotaro loves sea life, it was still surprising to know that he wanted to go to the aquarium. tried to cover with his hat.
Getting to the aquarium wasn’t too bad. Sure, it was hot but the train ride there was pleasantly cool and surprisingly empty for a Saturday. You even managed to get more than a one word answer out of the quiet man by commenting on the skyline of Downtown. Reaching the stop, the two of you made your way to the aquarium. When the two of you arrived to the aquarium, both of you were relieved it was only a ten minute walk away from your stop. Thankfully, the line was fairly short, it being a 30 minute wait instead of the usual 45.
Surrounding the trail to get inside and near the admissions booth were a few exhibits holding exotic birds mostly from South America and Africa. Gawking at the sheer size of the birds, some the size of farm pigs and one that was nearly four feet tall, while Jotaro purchased the tickets. Nudging you away from a band of penguins, the two of you climbed up a flight of stairs into a seemingly different world.
You heard Jotaro inhale sharply and your eyes widen as a beautiful blue waterfall thundered beside an enormous tree was presented before you. Small monkeys jumped from branch to branch in the thick canopy while ducks by the shore of the island swan in the equally blue stingray filled waters below. Upon further inspection, aka leaning over the rail, you saw the water was much deeper than it let on, seeing dark shadows moving under the surface.
The mist from the waterfall must have made the rail slick because you soon felt yourself tipping over. An arm around your waist pulled you back to the ground and away from the rail before moving itself to your shoulder.
“Yare yare. I know you like fish but you don’t have to swim with them.” looking up at Jotaro, his gaze was trained on the water below but you saw the end of his mouth was slightly -almost unnoticeable- turned upward. You guess the aquarium made the stoic male a bit soft.
Even though there weren’t many people outside, the aquarium was packed. The hand on your shoulder pushed lightly, leading you around the walkway as it gave different angles to the sight before you. A tiny monkey looked down from the leaves arching over the walkway, giving a curious head tilt to the people below. You gawked up at the small creatures as Jotaro led you to the next exhibit. The two of you passed by all types of tropical birds, a crocodile, bats, and even a sloth that was sleeping in a low tree.
Just past the crocodile the slope of the rail became more defined and the viewing windows of the open-ended tanks you looked down on earlier were in sight. Stingrays seemed to fly by in their own tank as ducks dived down with them. The biggest tank and the one with the most crowing housed the-
“They’re sooooo cute~.”
“They’re a lot bigger than in the videos.”
And that last person was right. The Giant Otter -and it lived up to its name- was stretched out on a log above the water. From nose to tail tip, it reached almost six feet long.
“Have you ever worked with otters before?” You looked up to see that his teal eyes were slightly widened, just as surprised by the size of the creatures as everyone else. “I have but not the giant ones.” You could hear the note of longing in his deep baritone and stifled a giggle as he took an album’s worth of pictures of the otter before it dived in the water.
The trail continued to slope down until the room it led to was much darker than the exhibits before it. You could feel Jotaro start to practically vibrate at what this could mean; you were finally going to see the fish tanks. The tank was no less than 30 feet long and maybe a foot or two taller than your companion, making the viewing window take up most of the wall. Inside were some of the biggest and friendliest catfish you’d ever seen. Unlike its other tank mates, the catfish were very interested in the people and stayed very close to the glass as though they were saying hello. Stingrays, softshell turtles, and an arapaima lazily swam around, letting the catfish have all the fun and… was that a manatee in the back? Jotaro stood fairly far from the tank given that people crowded around the benches in front of it but you could tell he wished to be closer. You, on the other hand, had no problem with coming face to face with the tank and was greeted by one of the catfish. It looked at you with curiosity and even followed a bit as you started to walk away.
“Those fish are ridiculously huge! What do they feed those things?!” you wonder out loud, looking back at the tank. It was then you noticed that Jotaro wasn’t walking with you even though you were on the other side of the room. He stood in front of the tank, writing furiously in a pocket notebook. He looked up and you saw his shoulders slightly jump in panic when he realized you weren’t standing next to him. It wasn’t until his eyes landed on your frame did he snap his notebook close and made his way over, releasing a soft ‘yare yare daze’ when he stopped before you.
“Don’t walk away like that. This place is too crowded.”
“Yea, okay.” you snorted and laughed as he pulled his hat down, knowing that he was probably covering a blush since it was his fault you got separated. A very mischievous idea crossed your mind and you just hoped that this wouldn’t make Jotaro too uncomfortable. You wrapped your arms around his left arm, careful to keep to that side in case he wanted to write something else in his notebook. He looked down at you in mild bewilderment at the sudden contact. Flashing a brilliant smile, you responded with a, “So we don’t lose each other again.” and didn’t even bother trying to hold in the laugh at his ‘yare yare’.
Now that you think about it, you were glad that you decided to latch onto his arm. The lower half of the building seemed to be exclusively for deeper sea life as there were tanks after tanks of the deep-sea creatures. Fresh water, salt water, cold or warm water; you name it, it was there. You had to lengthen your strides as Jotaro darted from one tank to the other and giving the small children around a run for their money in terms of energy. You even watched as he found a tank titled the Waters of Japan and became engrossed with a particularly friendly fish. You heard the children’s laughter as they watched the fish flip to follow whatever finger was dragged on the glass.
There was one tank, though, that got Jotaro to finally stay still long enough for you to catch your breath. Not much to your surprise, once the two of you entered the Shark Tunnel, Jotaro didn’t want to leave. Honestly, you didn’t really want to leave, either. The tunnel was bathed in a soft blue light, the water around you a cool aquamarine. Even the shadows softened to a sapphire and Jotaro’s already deep blue eyes darkened to match the water around him. Your breath hitched as his white attire glowed, making it seem like he would look more at home with the creatures in the water than the people on land. With how enthusiastically he talked about his work, you felt that he thought the same way sometimes. Turning your attention back to tank around you, you failed to notice him watching you out of the corner of his eye, taking you in with as much vigor as you were to him just moments earlier. Watching the smaller and more passive sharks -bull sharks and sawfish, Jotaro informed you- swim right beside and above you was mystical. The real spectacle, though, were the bigger fish. Candy colored tropical fish sped away as a whale shark seemingly moved in slow motion behind them. The crowd let out a collective ‘ahhhh’ as the gentle giant twisted over the tunnel to swim to the other side.
Looking up at Jotaro, you were surprised to see that he was smiling. Smiling. In public. Well, a Jotaro smile. Okay, surprised wasn’t the right word given that his normal stoic facade wasn’t as strong today as it normally is but it wasn’t a normal sight and it was kind of…..nice. You’d daresay he was having fun today and this side of him was worth being swarmed by obnoxious children and even worse parents to see it again. Neither of you bothered trying to rush the other out of the tunnel, enjoying the peaceful nature of the whale sharks. After standing there for what felt like forever, Jotaro lightly tugged his arm in your grasp and started making his way to the exit. Walking slowly, the two of you watched as a pair of manta rays back flipped slowly in the water before gracefully gliding away to a deeper part of the tank as of saying goodbye.
Continuing your slow gait, the two of you passed by tall wide columns willed with long tentacled jellyfish. The tanks changed colors, giving some life to the dark room and giving the unworldly creatures an ethereal feel. After the jellyfish, the hallway started to lighten and you had to let go of Jotaro’s arm as he suddenly ran to the next tank. Practically pushing past the children gathered at the glass, you watched as he started to furiously write in his notebook again. You laughed, knowing that if any animal was going to provoke this reaction, it was going to be the dolphins. They corkscrewed, flipped, and spun around and around in the water; just having a good time. Given that he had a dolphin pin on his hat and coat, you concluded that they were his favorite aquatic mammals and watched the dolphins in wonder as they performed tricks before the growing crowd.
You had to literally drag the tall male away from the tank and to the next exhibit, which would be some of the last animals in the aquarium.
“Come on….” you huffed trying to pull him by the arm. He’s six foot too tall of pure muscle, making him stupid amounts of heavy. “You’re too tall to be standing in front of the tank forever and you need to move because you’re heavy~!”
“Just a few more notes.” he grunted. You could’ve swore he’d been writing something down for five minutes straight by this point about an animal he works with every day.
“You work with them all the time. Come on, just a few more animals.” a sigh and a ‘yare yare’ made you nearly stumble as Jotaro started walking away from the tank.
Holding his arm again, you nearly rolled your eyes at how stiff he seemed to have gotten but still dragged him to the small petting area in the sunlit room.
“Welcome to the horseshoe crab exhibit! Would you like to touch them?” the woman behind the waist tall open tank asked. “These crustaceans haven’t changed much at all from millions of years ago, given that they don’t look much like any other creature in their family.” she was right, with its appropriately horseshoe shaped body, eight legs, and tail made it look like a mix of a stingray and a crab. Its black eyes were nearly lost in its dark brown/gray body and you were careful to softly run a finger down its spine. It hopped a little in the water at the touch and the sudden movement made you quickly pull back your hand. The woman laughed at your surprise and started to pet a particularly antsy crab. “I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you about that.” To your left, around six crabs were crowded around Jotaro, who looked concerned at the crabs climbing on top of each other as they tried to get affection from the man. Seemingly feeling your gaze, he looked up and seemed to flush a bit when your eyes met. Nodding his head in a thank you to the woman, he gave the crabs one final pat before joining your side again.
Walking around a busy and sometimes cramp building all day left the two of you exhausted and you were both glad the ancient crabs were the last creatures in the aquarium. The walk back to the train station was quiet and relaxed, neither too eager to move fast but also not too eager to miss the upcoming train. The train ride was equally quiet and, thankfully, pleasantly cool and mostly empty. A tired contentment rolled off Jotaro in waves, making you want to lean closer to the man. There was a moment’s hesitation before you felt an arm wrap itself around your shoulders and bring you closer to its host. In response, you leaned you head on his shoulder and closed your eyes to rest a bit for the remainder of the ride.
A gentle but firm nudge prompted you out of your seat from your groggy state. The arm around your shoulders led you out the train and to your destination. The walk back slowly but surely woke you up and it wasn’t until the two of you were a street or two from your house did you realize that you were going home. Jotaro led you to the front of your house and stopped in front of the door. He slightly rocked on his feet as though he was going to say something but was too nervous to do so. A smile tugged your lips upwards as you thought of another mischievous idea that you hoped would go in your favor. Standing on the top of your toes, you grabbed the collar of Jotaro’s coat and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Despite pulling his hat down to cover his eyes, his blush had spread across his entire face and he didn’t bother trying to hide his smile as he turned away to go home.
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