#ws: i needed love no words can say
cullenakingirog · 1 year
Not me deciding that Sampaguita is gonna be a chanter in regards to one of her roles in Clan Marahuyo where she recites/sings epics and stories of their heroes and warriors to clan members and visiting clans.
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thelostboys87 · 8 months
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that post i made on my writeblr about how there's this one story i have out with a mag that i want rejected because i have a story i think suits the mag better.....live cam footage of me receiving the rejection email on my rainy evening walk
#IT WAS A HIGH TIER REJECTION TOO LOL LIKE YEAH IVE GOT MORE TO SEND YOUR WAY!#like yes release me from these chains!#also another thing is this story was first drafted in june and i kinda want to...not shelve but put the stories from pre like#september on the top shelf...not putting them away entirely but putting them high up#not because i think they're bad i actually love that story in particular and think it has some rly good lines#its just that was a rly fragile era in my life LOL. i want to revisit them in like a year minimum#i didnt draft any flash in july and one i think ? in august that kinda felt like#the last story of that era IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE those stories just have#a distinct vibe to my approach that i dont see in 1970s leather daddy and between us girls#which are september and october#anyway this has actually presented a conundrum bc the story i want to submit needs more work#but i'm very intentionally doing nano as a break from 'professional' writing so no flash in nov#so anything i submit will prob be in december not the end of this month but thinking about flash in general has me like#i have a lot more story ideas than i thought so maybe it'd be beneficial to just fast draft/edit all of them#let them simmer throughout november in a word doc rather than just let the ideas rot in my brain#but that'll probably mean not finishing the lb chapter/update but also tbh...maybe ill just do that on the side in nov#i think if i do a rough draft of the lb chapter i can tinker with it/write up abt it during nov when i need a nano break#i did say just no professional stuff in nov so if the lover boy autism calls i will answer LOL#im doing the nano 50k goal for WS but not as high stakes as last year. honestly just 50k over any projects will be cool#also i got hit by an opening line on my walk too so now i have another flash idea i have to investigate
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miguelsslvt · 8 months
miguel o’hara x fem! reader shower sex
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word count: 796
TW: smut, nsfw, fingering, miguel is a little cutie
A/N: happy kinktober my loves, enjoy the smut, welcome to the club;)
Miguel had been quite busy recently. And when I say quite, I mean very. You two used to have sex at least once every day, but now you’re lucky if you guys can even see each other during the week. You understood it was his duty to protect the multiverse and keep it in order, but damn you’re starting to think Lyla might be more important then you.
Thats why, on one night, Miguel finally got back after being out for 4 days. You two had barely even spoken. He looked tired, as you walked up to him, hugging him softly. ‘God you look shattered.’ You said, pointing at his eyeballs. ‘Didn’t you sleep in the spare room at HQ?’ You asked, he nodded. ‘Yeah, but you know what the beds like.’ He reminded, as you nodded. ‘yeah.. pretty bad. Cmon, lets get you cleaned up. You smell like crap’ you teased, as he chuckled softly, holding your hips as you both went into the bathroom.
this had been the first time in exactly 2 weeks and 5 days you had seen Miguel naked. And god, it was like a bottle of fresh water. His tan kissed skin, his abs and muscles flexing in just the right way, his v-line looking delicious as always. it was like he was sculpted by a god. You both got into the shower, the hot water going on both of your heads, as Miguel pulled you right on top of the shower head, as you gasped and giggled in surprise. He laughed softly, kissing you passionately.
You kissed back of course, missing this sweet side of him. Its quite uncommon to see Miguel be human for once.
Things got heated pretty quickly. He had picked you up by your thighs, pinning you onto the shower wall. your hands gripped around his thick neck, as your tongues danced together. He let go soon enough, panting. ‘We haven’t.. in so long..’ He said between pants, you nodded. ‘If you don’t want to-‘ ‘I’ve been craving you for weeks, love.’ He whispered, the water still hot on Miguels back.
He kissed you again passionately, placing a finger inside you. ‘Missed this sweet pussy..’ He growled, lacing another finger inside as you gasped in pleasure. Sure you’ve fingered yourself this week thinking about Miguel, but nothing can compare to his long, huge fingers.
‘god.. mig..’ You moaned breathlessly, as he just shut you up by kissing you once again. ‘..you ready, mi amor?’ He cooed, taking out his fingers and putting his tip just on your hole. You nodded desperately. ‘please.. you don’t understand how much I’ve needed this..’ You confess, as he plunged all 8 and a half inches inside you. You moaned out loudly, gasping as you felt the same usual heat as you always do when miguel is filling you up.
‘You okay..?’ He asked, groaning. You nodded, leaning your head on the cold shower wall. ‘y..you can move..’ You said, as he nodded.
He started thrusting into your slowly, as his pace soon sped up. You moaned in ecstasy, eyes glued onto Miguel. he was a panting mess, his hands grabbing anything of you as he could. Your waist, your thighs, your tits, your neck, your hands, everything.
‘fuck.. you feel so good, sweetheart.. could stay stuck with you like this forever..’ He whispered in your er, as your lower stomach felt hot as he thrusted deeper. harder. Your mind was foggy and clouded in lust, all you could think about was Miguel and how good he ws making you feel. ‘M..Miguel.. gd feels so good..’ You whispered, whining a little. He chuckled slowly, lifting you chin to look up at him. ‘Its okay, keep your eyes on me. i’ll always be here, okay?’ He said, kissing you sloppily. ‘Always gonna be here to fuck my girl the way she deserves.’ He said between the kiss, as you moaned softly, hands trailing up and down his abs, feeling the same familiar hot coil down your stomach.
‘g..gonna.. Miguel..’ You whined, as he nodded. ‘I know. I know..’ He whispered, as he got faster and harder with the thrusts, so hard you swore you started seeing stars. You let out a loud moan of Miguel’s name, as your eyes rolled back, cumming on his cock.
miguel kept going, biting his lower lip, grunting as he groaned loudly beside you ear, mumbling something in Spanish as he came deep inside you.
You both panted together, the sound of the shower still there. You could worry about the water bill later.
You looked up at Miguel, as he kissed you passionately.
‘We’re not done yet, my love.’ He said, his voice husky and deep. god, you knew you were in for it now.
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hermit-lover · 8 months
hi! just want to say that i absolutely adore your writing! always finds a way to have me latched on! o(*^▽^*)o🌺
not sure if you're taking requests right now, but may i ask for a ren x sheep hybrid!reader angst/fluff? he needs more love, especially with what's been recently going on with him irl..
just the two comforting each other; giving each other hugs, positive affirmations, all the cute fluff that i really need! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ♡
feel free to discard this one if it feels a bit much.. no rush, of course!
remember to take care of yourself, eat and drink some water!💜
Character: Rendog x Sheep!Reader
Type: Blurb (~1.3k)
Theme: Romantic, Angst to Fluff
Summary: When the world gets to be too much, you can always find solace in each others arms.
T/Ws: Mentions of existential dread, negative events, sadness
A/N: Sorry this took me so long!! Ren does deserve more love :D
A shudder ran through your body, trying feebly to ward off the deep chill that crawled into your bones. Even with your fluffy wool, the strange cold that blanketed the sever seeped in. It been lonely recently, the other hermits busied with end-season projects. You however felt....pointless. You had nearly completed your mega base, but were in no state to do the detail work it deserved. Minigames made and played, hermit harassed...
You had nothing. Hollowness a gaping hole in your ambitions.
Well, not entirely.
A small bubble of bitter warmth built up in your chest as the thought of him slipped through. Charming smile, welcoming arms, and easy words. You missed him, but he too was feeling the end-season grind. Fluttering around his boat raceway, Rendog ignored you.
It probably wasn't his fault, the day a hermit doesn't accidentally overwork themselves is the day the earth stops turning!- You quickly shake away memories of a looming anxiety and a too-large moon. Settling instead into this paraylzing chill. The fluffy blanket- a gift from him- cradled you snugly. But it was as if your blood had turned cold. Heart to stone.
A buzz from your comm pulls you back to the dark room, soft ear twitching, screen lighting up with a notification. Hope and confusion muddles your fuzzy head. You grope for the metal box, dragging it towards you. It takes some heavy blinks in order for your pupils to adjust to the onslaught of light, but when they do- your eyes widen.
'Hey, need any help with any projects?'
After so long of neglect from Ren the message pulls a mixed reaction. Excitement, and anger. Your fingers dance across the keyboard without thinking.
'No. No need to bother.'
Its snarky, you know it, but your too damn tired to be polite.
'Are you sure? is everything okay? :(' His message pings back, almost instantly. You hold back a cringe, knowing somewhere deep within that lashing out is childish.
Turning the comm over you stare into the dark abyss of your room. Void a welcome blanket. Covering you and hiding from the outside world. Eyes drifting shut, and you nearly pass out before a buzz jolts you. With a huff, you turn away from the intruding device, nuzzling futilely into the soft sheets. A few more buzzes pass before the pressing silence is back.
Faint birdcalls, the wind against the windows and trees outside, occasional rocket. It was soothing, but reminded you how the world goes on without you. Every hermit plunged into projects or Decked out. While your here.
Withering away pitifully. Holding back a sniffle you mourn. How did they have such endless energy? How did they deal with the increasing pressure upon their shoulders? How did Xisuma stay so ontop of everything and everyone? How was Tango constantly there for Decked out? How did Grian manage his own life games? How did-
A knock startles you. Snapping your jaw shut to hold back a bleat.
The stretch of uneasy silence that follows almost has you questioning if it even occurred. Maybe you were so desperate you were going mad-
"I know you're in there. If you don't want to answer that's alright I just- ...wanted to see you."
His tone is...soft. Sincere. Almost...tired. It stirs in your chest again.
You could never stay mad at him.
"Come in." You answer, voice scratchy from lack of use. You swallow, feeling the grit. It seems to take him a minute to realize you gave permission, but you can hear him shuffle and the door click open. It casts a rectangle of light into the dark room, His shadow outlined against the back wall. Ren stumbles inside, kicking off his shoes, and setting on the very corner of the bed. His weight makes it dip, and your heart skips a beat at having him close. Longing to untangle from the bed, and tangle into him, but pride holding you back. He smells of the cold and pine, yet the underlying scent of sweet musk and pumpkin pie like you remember. Ears twitching as he takes a deep breath, indicating your attention towards him.
"So..." Ren begins, surely picking at his cuticles like he does when he's nervous. He's almost never nervous, seeming so sure in all his actions. It hurts you to know he's hurting. Stupid empathy. "How are you doing, baby? I know its been a while since we've had time to hangout.." You huff, bitter amusement forcing a harsh smile.
"Since you've had time to hangout." you correct plainly, and he cringes.
"Right...I'm sorry, baby. I-" He takes an unsteady breath. "This isn't an excuse, but i've been having a really hard time mentally. With the raceway, some weird lingering vibeys from the king, Decked out, approaching the end of the season...It's all a lot. And I've been isolating myself and I know it." He's been having a hard time too...The realization chokes you up. He wasn't ignoring you, he was struggling, same as you. That idiot.
"Baby?-" You cut him off before he can ramble further, lunging from your blanket prison and into him, grappling and flopping backwards to pull him ontop of you. His warm skin sends goosebumps down your arms and a jolt up your spine. He allows himself to be pulled- or perhaps he was genuinely shocked. For a second he remains tense, but your soft hands and hair against him soothe away the nerves and he melts.
"You're an idiot." You scold affectionately, blunt nails drawing up and down his back. For the first time in a long time, warmth crawls beneath your skin. Heart melting from its icy prison. He grumbles, warm breath in your neck shivering pleasantly.
"I know." He relents, you make a noise of protest.
"But you're my idiot, my brilliant, adorable, amazing idiot." The words fall easy from your lips, he was truly a light in your life, and it was easy to tell him. The thumping of his tail against the plush bed brought a smile, you always found it adorable how his body betrayed him.
"Don't flatter me baby, I should be groveling to you" Ren shoots back, leaning back to meet your gaze. His eyes are like gemstones, glittering with affection, yet tinted by exhaustion. "You're wonderful, caring for me despite your own troubles. So talented in everything you put your mind towards, and you always look damn sexy doing it." He winks and you flush, hiding the embarrassed bleat with a cough. Laughing airily he leans, resting his forehead against your own. "We'll get through this slump together, alright baby?"
Humming in agreement you admire his features in the low light. Long eyelashes and quirked smile. What you wouldn't do for him.
"And, lets work on communication. Right?" You raise an eyebrow, sending a flush across his cheeks. "What? don't get sheepish on me now." You joke, a common slight towards you due to your fluffy heritage.
"No no of course not- thats your job." Ren agrees, basking in your faux annoyed eyeroll and small bleat.
"But seriously- together." You insist, smile sweet on your lips.
"Together." He agrees, he would vow himself to you a million times over, give up everything in his life should you need it, wait on your every need.
And you would do the same.
His lips are as soft as ever against your own, slightly chapped from the cold wind, but supple and plush. Ren kisses like it was the last kiss ever, pouring his heart into the connection. Sturdy, warm, caring.
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soraisnotsleepy · 4 months
Enki Ankarian in... love?!?! (small drabble + headcanons) 🪱🪲
C/Ws: slight desc of sickly appearance AND NOT PROOF READ enjoy wonky yummy grammar because I do too
• I know, it's unbelievable that Enki, of all people, can fall in love!!! Despite his antisocial personality and hermit way of lifestyle, he is still capable of basic human emotions (yet he's bad at naming them or recognizing at all)
• For him to develop any kind of relationship, he must be bound to that person by circumstances (for e.g, being stuck in the dungeons of Fear and Hunger, like you're rn!!!). Since he's forced to spend time with you like this, he will unintentionally get used to your presence because, like, he has to. You were crucial to him, without your assistance dwelling deep into the dungeons would be a one way trip towards death itself
• Like this he bears with you. Thoughts of '"how are they" and "what are they thinking" will slowly creep into his rotten dark brain. You will soon find him more talkative and genuinely invested in whatever relates to you. He will ask more questions about you without you being the conversation's initiator
• Yet he will still try to keep distance between him and you. He's not used to any sort of affection or a relationship based on trust. Expect him to warm up to you and then distance himself again as soon as he realizes that he got too close
• Of course he'll start worrying about your well-being as well. Y'all need to go over to that dark mysterious corner? Enki will go first and keep you behind him. Nonono! You can't eat that rotten cabbage, eat this fresh carrot instead. Enki has eaten worse, this hopefully won't upset his stomach that much unlike yours. You're really tired and sleepy? Let's rest in this room with a bed. Take that bed instead, Enki's fine with leaning against the wall nearby
• Okay help I'm running out of ideas /srs,,,, BUT LEMME JUST THROW IN THIS:::
(y/n) barely could keep up with the dark priest. Their feet gave away, with each step their legs felt heavier and heavier. Yet they kept quiet. They couldn't afford to just rest here out of all places, too far away from the surface. In such a dark place filled with grotesque gore scent and soggy filthy ground. Despite all that, it couldn't keep their mind away from sleepiness and hunger.
And (y/n) fell on the ground loud and hard. Enki immediately turned his head to his companion's direction and strictly asked:
"What's that all of a sudden?"
"Don't worry, I accidentally tripped," (y/n) answered as they desperately tried to get up.
It really looked pitiful. Their hands trembled and they barely could lift up their fragile frame. The priest huffed at their words (especially the "don't worry" part) and walked up to them to give them a lift.
"You're horrible at lying," Enki commented as (y/n) leaned against his shoulder.
They were completely pale, it was as if their body was deprived of blood. It didn't look like this before, well not that bad. Enki frowned his eyebrows.
"We're still not close to Ma'habre, don't you dare to die on me." and with those words you both walked around in search of a safe room.
The man's cold heart ached at his companion's sickly appearance. It was too much. He couldn't drag you to the ancient city in such a vulnerable state. You weren't just a meat shield like he thought at first, you were something more to him that he refused to say out loud in his head.
In this hell of a place, both dwellers were successful in finding a relatively safe place to rest. Enki placed (y/n) against the wall and proceeded to set up a bonfire. It was painfully cold, a single torch failed to keep anyone warm.
As the priest was trying to set up a fire, (y/n) finally found some strength to speak "We don't have to rest unless you need it... I can go on, it was nothing really,"
Enki sighed and said nothing. What he wanted to say he couldn't. Someone like him can't soften up. Someone like him can't succumb to 'lowly' human feelings and say words of comfort. Eventually the fire was set and he could rest alongside with you. Enki took his bag and found a piece of dried meat between books and various potions. Without a second thought, he offered it to (y/n):
(y/n)'s eyes widened at this gesture. After five seconds of silence, they shook their head.
"But this is the last food we have. Let's at least split it-" (y/n) tried to reason with Enki, but he interrupted.
"No, just take it,"
Of course (y/n)'s stomach already felt like it was about to eat itself from inside out, yet they just couldn't bare with the thought of eating all it themselves.
"That's unreasonable," they tried to argue.
But Enki was unusually stubborn in this matter "I insist."
They were already at their brink of blacking out from starvation and exhaustion, so they agreed. And like this, (y/n) started eating while Enki flip through some ancient book of unknown origins to them. It felt so serene to be like this with him. Too serene, too cozy for the dungeons of Fear and Hunger. Too comfortable to the point that (y/n)'s eyes began to close by themselves. Enki noticed it (because he was occasionally throwing glances at you).
"Sleep, sleep. I'm not fatigued, I will keep an eye on our surroundings." The dark priest spoke as he continued to read his book.
(y/n) could swear that they saw his strict facial expression soften up a little bit. Or was it the lighting creating an illusion?
Thoughts of why Enki did what he did plagued (y/n). Was it purely to keep them alive so that it will secure him a somewhat safe travel to the ancient city? Or was it because he wasn't a cold hearted monster after all? With these thoughts, (y/n) finally closed their eyes and fell into a deep slumber. Their head landed on Enki's shoulder. The dark priest sighed and kept reading.
"And why do I even like you." He quietly mumbled to himself, not really meant for you to hear.
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 11 months
I've been thinking about the difference between Davy and Malcolm and how Malcolm hurt Baz by the things he never said but through his actions demonstrated that he loves Baz very much. Like he never openly says he approves of who Baz is and of course Bazs hurt is valid in wanting to hear the words and not getting them. But Malcolm shows that he accepts him by making sure Baz has animals to drink and inviting Simon to Christmas. And Baz wanting to reach out to his dad in WS when he felt overwhelmed, he imagined that his dad would say things he didn't want to hear EX leave Agatha to die, but he knows it would be coming from a place where he values Bazs life and safety over Baz being a hero and Baz in his lowest moment wanting his dad shows that even Baz knows his dad loves him.
On the flip side as RR pointed out Davy says really encouraging stuff to Simon but he put in zero emotional labour behind it and when he did praise Simon it had strong stage dad energy where it's more about pressure, control and even vicariously living though him than actually building Simon up. I think its sad that for Simon Davys empty words are good enough because he had no way of knowing that it wasn’t. I think in CO when Simon wants to go to the Mage after he learns he's the Humdrum it's not to seek answers or comfort I think he knows that he's going there to be destroyed. Like all he is as a person is what the Mage made him and he's going to him to be destroyed figuratively and literally.
I just read "Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zautner and how parents can't always understand or especially for certain generations, express themselves to their children but they find avenues to show their love and I feel like Baz and Malcolm have that sort of secret language of affection with each other: Malcolm doing things to show his love for his son, Baz mimicing Malcolms habits. And I also finished "I'm Glad my Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy and I feel like her Stage mom had so much Davy energy maybe Simon will get to a place where he'll be glad he killed his dad. I think Simon can sort of grasp that he loved Davy and I think the part of his emotions he's repressing is the part of him that's relieved he's gone and that maybe a part of him hates Davy. And he'll have to grapple with feeling both those things about Davy someday. Yeah reading books about complicated relationships with moms made me think about CO dads
I do think it's interesting that Simon when he thought hed marry Agatha he said hed ask Dr Wellbelove what hed do for his future or in SFC when he says he wants to join the RAF and I although I think that's sweet that he wants to be like his grandfather I also wonder if it's Simon attaching himself to another father figure that is also emotionally one sided (not because Andrew is a bad person but he's dead and so Simon can infuse him with the "footballer" dad fantasy he had when he's an orphan) Simon is constantly looking for a grown man to tell him what to do and who he is. He seriously needs to talk to someone, his dad issues are very meaty
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afreakingdork · 6 months
I’ve been curious about the paragraph in chapter 47 about Donnie’s past partners and the description of them being transactional. I guess I’m wondering what he meant by that? What were the other parties involved getting from the experience? What kinds of people were they? What was he looking for? And in what period of his life? Sorry to bombard you with questions btw 人(_ _*) I tend to take things very literal when reading, my initial interpretation was that these past partners were sex workers. That doesn’t sound right though..
Happy new year!!!
Not at all; not bombarding at all! Please, always send any and all questions! I can totally see how it's confusing so let me share the ongoing history!
I know Weak Spot Donnie's sexual history has been a sort of ongoing question that I originally dodged like dodgeballs because, in all honesty, it wasn't something I bothered to plan from the beginning like I planned everything else. Since reader's sexual history was going to be ambiguous (so they can be insertable ((lol))), I thought of leaving Donnie's that way too since we aren't defined by what partners we've had.
That being said, I did eventually give in and decide something only because I was given the right idea! Shout out to @purplish-hue for saying he would fuck for gain and @hijinxensues for playing mad ball trying to piece it together while I was frolicking in the flowers. Using the word transactional totally came from @some-guy-named-dominyk who casually said the banger:
picks up WS Donnie wow you are troumatised and see everything and everyone (including yourself) as transactional pieces because you we brought up in a world that was cruel and unforgiving whne you were a child, but now that you are an adult and you are in the presence of relative safety, you are more afraid of the safety rather than the pain
All of this is to say the following below the cut is what I decided!
Also someday I'm going to take all the drabbles and what not that I've canon stamped for Weak Spot and make a proper post for them!
Donnie's first time is related to a change in his line of production. So like I'm imagining old dude runs a mine for mystic crystals and he has a heart attack and the daughter (maybe a mujina?) steps into the role. Donnie has an ongoing deal with the old man, but the daughter is spoiled rotten ruthless and halts the flow. She won't be moved and she's got too much defense to take out, plus Don needs the crystals and doesn't wanna cut ties with the old man's business because it's such a pain and who wants to get into mining ops. Donnie looks into how he can manipulate her because she supposedly doesn't want anything. She obviously wants to put him in his place, but based on his upbringing (and that being out of the question) there is no one in this world that does not want. He finds out she's basically a pillow princess who loves sex. He does he research, the whole nine yards, he practices with the stroker to make sure he can last, he's EXTRA and then he confronts her and fucks the shit out of her. He doesn't let her cum and makes her agree to continue production before he lets her. She tries to get him back after that, but he refuses and now he's the one dangling the carrot. From that point on, he basically only used sex in that way, aka a means to an end. This would have taken place in his 20s when he needed materials but going back to the Hidden City was especially difficult for him.
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sailorblossoms · 2 years
Looking at the wording when it’s brought up that Agatha and Simon got physical, it always picked my attention that it’s both vague as hell and never really defined in terms of “quantity.” “It was just going through the motions” could be the conclusion of a series of experiences or a single experience. “It was always going through the motions” would obviously refer to multiple instances. Same with “I’ve seen this before” vs “I have seen him like this so many times before.” (mild SFC spoilers are below the cut/marked as spoiler because I have SFC related thoughts) (the other things that happened in the story inspire my need not for analysis but for FICS. I’ll EAT those fics)
It occurs to me that this whole thing is treated more like a concept rather than something that’s concrete and defined. The closest it gets to defining the experience is during the hospital scene, where Simon has the instinct to cover himself from Agatha in a protective gesture (already raising alarm bells) while all his instincts are screaming for him to run (this is part of why it boggles my goddamn mind when it’s argued “horny boy was horny” in this case because “sex automatically means just good feelings/sensations” – the very thing the book questions – and boy is boy. look at this shit! my man was about to piss himself!! that’s when it’s first brought up! this shit ain’t right!) and Agatha feels strange. She expresses no desire – she felt responsibility here. On Simon’s side, the closest is that one paragraph that establishes the comparison through structure: he wasn’t in love, he wasn’t turned on. He didn’t want it. “This is what sex looked like for them,” it says there, but beyond that, it feels like it’s very purposely left for the reader to fill in the blanks (the right choice here I’d say). Hell, there might not even be more thought on this beyond what’s on the page. 
I’m unfortunately the kind of reader that can’t leave shit like this alone – if you throw me something that puts me off and makes no sense (at least on the surface) I’m going to find out why. And what I think makes the most sense for them it’s that there might have been some mechanical fooling around here and there. Some curiosity and experimentation while trying to perform “a regular straight teen relationship,” in a way that feels uncomfortable but that would get downplayed (or not thought about ever in Simon’s case, you would never think he has ever done shit by the way he thinks before Baz) And honestly, nothing would be more fitting for those two than never being able to get each other off. (I made the case for Simon getting off for the first time in that scene with Baz, without his magic and all that.)
This is the only way it makes sense when you consider that 1. Simon’s crazy magic is a hell of a thing repressing him. No way he can get off without also going off. Wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t feeling turned on though and/or let his mind wander (dissociation would make feeling shit pretty difficult) 2. No way in hell Simon’s issues with intimacy start with Baz. Sure, there are new things he’s dealing with in WS, he’s re-traumatized in some ways, he has never consciously dealt with sexual desire before and his feelings for Baz are too overwhelming (he has never wanted anyone but Baz, he says). But the  he kind of “issues” that makes dissociation during a sexual situation common are issues Simon already had while dating her. If anything, unwanted experiences with Agatha where he pressured himself to go though would accentuate that. Can’t be a coincidence that Baz and Simon talk about this before they’re able to have sex, or that Simon says it at the very moment Baz is feeling the most vulnerable (while drinking) (Simon’s at his most vulnerable too) (whole thing is about exposing shame). 
As for “going all the way,” I’d say it happened once and I quote @carryonsimoncarryonbaz “during Christmas break 7th year” (we’ve had so many convos sometimes I forget who said what haha). Simon says, as explanation (because he feels the need to explain) “we were together for a long time” – you don’t say that shit if you’re doing it a couple of months into the relationship, because how long you have been together wouldn’t be relevant in that case. 
Why do I say once? First of all, logistics. You gotta remember these people didn’t have an awful lot of free time, even less Simon. His schedule was packed as hell. The argument that it had to have happened at least a couple dozen times or something is wild as hell to me because when the hell are they finding that time? Where would they do it at Watford like, realistically? Gay sex would’ve been easier there! they wouldn’t have the drive or the motivation to work to make it happen in non-ideal places. A simple kiss wouldn’t be leading to shit spontaneously. They don’t see each other during the summer break (when Simon pretends she doesn’t exist). They were left alone at her house sometimes, but not all the goddamn time, and Helen was still there. I could maybe see the argument for “trying going all the way a second time to see if a sucky first time was just first time nerves” or something along those lines, but multiple times? All the way? For two people with no sexual attraction to each other? With barely any time to be alone together? It doesn’t add up. We love fantasy, but I’m not suspending my belief for this shit. 
Another reason (the biggest reason I’m arguing this) is that the vulnerability of sex brings up relationship problems, and those two together were, well. A Problem. It’s one thing to have a series of experiences with unwanted “fooling around” and related but going all the way? Man. This could easily be the thing that seriously pushes them to break apart. A thing that brings up a lot of negative emotions. Agatha wouldn’t be equipped to deal with Simon breaking down, and it would have come to that if it he pushed himself multiple times to go all the way when he didn’t want it (but felt like he had to). 
The “it happened during Christmas 7th year” timeline it’s consistent with Simon remembering Agatha becoming more emotionally detached and irritated after the break, and it has Agatha running after Baz (as in, she has “tried it all” with Simon and it didn’t work, so time to look for a spark elsewhere). This is already telling you that she was reaching her breaking point and getting ready to break up, and it’s also consistent with the negative emotions that going through the motions sex can cause, negative emotions that also manifest in Simon when he talks about it (and outside of his head it’s the only time this gets approached, with Baz present to help him process it; never once alone in his head) Also, it always stood out to me when Agatha is breaking up with Simon, he tries to hold her hand and she jumps away from his contact. Simon brushes it away with “I moved too fast and scared her” but it feels like there’s something deeper going on there. He’s not fucking flash, it’s not... normal to be jumpy like that.
In SFC Simon brings up touch. He’s like “I never liked to touch Agatha in front of her parents because I didn’t want to remind them we were stuff together.” Again the vagueness. Obvious assumptions aside (because Simon challenges such assumptions during his conversation with Baz with “sex is not confirmation of attraction” and “is it good that it happened?”). Going to the movies is doing stuff together. Doing stuff together can be “let’s figure out how tongue kissing works.” It can be literally what Agatha describes in awtwb: sitting so close together while watching TV Simon is sweating all over her, while he puts his arm around her. It’s already a thing he wouldn’t be comfortable doing in front of her parents. 
“I wanted her parents to trust me,” Simon dated Agatha in survival mode. Even being together is survival. When he tells her “I love you,” his thinking mirror battle strategies rather than emotions. Here, he shows an awareness of expectations for boys like him. He didn’t want her parents thinking he can’t be trusted to be in their house when they weren’t around because he would be “a horny boy trying to get his way with their daughter” or some shit. He was aware of such expectations, and he performed with Agatha because that’s what he’s supposed to want, isn’t it? This is what happens in relationships, what leads to a future and a family and fitting it. This is what you do if you don’t want to be left behind, isn’t it? But at the same time, he didn’t want these expectations to leave him with nowhere to go. It’s a lot, and he was on alert. 
And with the way it’s phrased, it’s all in Simon’s head. He doesn’t say the parents did shit that cause him to adjust his behavior, it was coming from him. Because he just didn’t like to touch Agatha, period. Not as a boyfriend. He’s not like “I had to restrain myself” in front of her parents, he simply didn’t like it. So he put internal blocks here. Simon’s priority in that paragraph is parental acceptance. It’s getting the adults to trust him. And it makes sense that he expresses it like this, without much examination, because this is only 6 months after awtbw. It took him more than a year after they broke up to process in real time with Baz that he was never into Agatha, it makes sense he hasn’t dedicated any more time to this. And this thought occurred to him because of a situation with parents that triggered it. It also occurs to me: between this and Simon’s initial reaction when Baz asks, it seems like Simon considers "getting physical” with Agatha as something no one has to know, as in, this is something that’s embarrassing or shameful. And Simon is not at all a reserved “i just don’t like PDA” kind of guy – he was rubbing his cock on Baz in a library! A public space! Simon worries about “being gay” outside for a while, but when he’s working through this and they’re finally progressing, Baz notes he seems to get off on public displays of affection! So to dislike being public with Agatha, a straight relationship that is accepted by everyone and their mothers, it’s indicative of just disliking touching Agatha.
In contrast, what holds Simon back from touching Baz is external (a potentially hostile environment, where the parents are visibly “miserable” because of his presence). When Simon and Baz go to have dinner with Baz's parents, it’s the one (1) time Simon truly and fully enters survival mode in their relationship, and he notes “these adults are not going to trust me even if we’re sitting like we’re leaving room for Jesus.” It’s the complete opposite to the situation with Agatha, where Simon wanted parental approval, where she wasn’t the priority at all, and he didn’t like touching her, anyway. Here, Baz is Simon’s priority. Here, Simon has to restrain himself from touching Baz, and it makes him miserable, even though it’s only been a couple of hours at most. Here, Baz touch is linked to sustenance (breakfast). Touching Baz is as vital to Simon as eating. It makes him giddy. Not touching him it’s like torture. We get none of that “I don’t like PDA in front of parents/other people” he touches him and calls him babe in front of everyone with God As His Witness. He has 0 issues here. He doesn’t give a fuck. 
And his horny reactions to Baz helping him with his clothes is worlds apart from how uncomfortable he was with even the idea sex in CO or even in part of WS in his head, when he’s telling you Baz is the only person he has ever wanted “like this.” (Simon can’t even think the word sex, it’s memory Baz who says it.) If you consider Simon’s expertize with undoing Baz’s tie here, and the way Simon was regularly jumping Baz and thinking about his cock around him in awtwb, it all paints the picture of a Simon who has become “sexually liberated” in a way he never has before. He’s having sex regularly with his boyfriend and you bet your ass he fucking wants it. You bet he’s prioritizing it and making the time for it. Godbless.  
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sassykinzonline · 2 months
I’m a defender of a lot of the characters in Naruto, they are realistic to how ppl how in systems that are used to exploit others, and how the system creates this normalization of taking advantage and hurting those vulnerable to your own benefit
But Naruto, I don’t care how many gags they try will always be right even if he’s wrong he’s right same with sasuke, Naruto is so emotionally complex like he’s always a couple of steps ahead of ppl when it comes to it like yes Naruto emotionally manipulate ppl you deserve because you are good at and you need the Ws
And sasuke is so cool he’s quick to catch and comprehend anything so Naruto using strategies (without saying anything beforehand) that only one person can get to they can work cohesively and stay on top of shit wow. Like Naruto knows sasuke knows and they get shit done I would have them as my lawyers
Like no one really talks about how emotionally smart he is and ppl poke fun at the flute background noise but Naruto being hokage is sooo funny because had he been any one else ppl would def call out bs and they could see how he can corrupt or be a threat but Naruto being Naruto dances along with ppl (playing chess basically like the whole time he was cooking and he cooked) , and bending there ways it’s gorgeous I love it, Naruto being soo good but was label as a demon (basic literary components rahhh 🦅)
Naruto could have been homelander like literally difference between both of them is that Naruto isn’t a pathetic as homelander idk im high rn so i might not be making sense but Naruto and homelander are so similar but Naruto accepts being gay and opens his heart all the time while homelander is some dis-genuine loser who’s constantly going through it in a pathetic and uncunt way.
Point of this word vomit is Naruto is so cool sasuke is awesome and homelander balls
Homelander wishes he could be intimate with anybody without feeling week and shameful whilst Naruto always does and gets Ws has kissed more me men than homelander
anon im gently placing a kiss on your forehead
homelander is a loser because of his pathetic freudian mommy kink, homelander is like shikamaru if shikamaru was useful in battle
naruto is a chad because he objectifies both men and women in a completely subversive way while being totally chaste, represses all his trauma but weaponizes it at the same time, and is so sexily sociopathic that he wraps back around to being highly compassionate and empathetic to the benefit of mankind
naruto is the poster boy for "mental illness" being mental wellness, he is the poster boy for why eugenics is bad and we should let people with many fucked up life circumstances be in positions of power...intersectional king
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kotaka-kun · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
saw @middleearthpixie doing this and I wanted to do it too :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
249 works
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
380,279 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most recently I’ve been writing for Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies, but according to my AO3 dashboard, I’ve posted fics for just under 40 fandoms and naming them all seems excessive... That being said, my top five are Lord of the Rings, Phantom, MCU (mostly Captain America), Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Harry Potter. 
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. thank you for the food (ATLA, zukka, Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Modern AU) 2. Simple Happiness (ATLA, zukka, Fluff, Living Together, Modern AU) 3. Bucky has a belly kink, but Steve doesn’t mind in the least (MCU, stucky, ABO, Belly Kink, Pregnancy Kink) 4. Surprise (MCU, stucky, ABO, mpreg, Birth, Twins) 5. New Colors (One Piece, zosan, Fluff, Color Blindness, Gifts)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do try, though I know I’ve missed a few over the years... but I do love and treasure every single comment I get!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’d have to say that it’s probably a tie between The Worst Thing (MCU, Steve/Bucky, omegaverse, infertility, miscarriage) and overboard (LOTR, Frodo/Sam, trauma, depression, suicide attempt)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Hard to say, since aside from the two mentioned above, I write mostly fluffy happy endings... 
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Thankfully, no. But maybe that just means I need to write more divisive fics? 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do write smut, and it’s probably mostly -- if not all -- omegaverse tbh... 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love love love writing crossovers! I think they’re fun and silly and a good time all around. Don’t know if I have one that’s significantly crazier than the rest, but I think i read the hobbit (in 1937 when it first came out) is one of my favorites to think about. I’ve got a soft spot for ws!Bucky is all. Putting him in Middle Earth and adding him to the Fellowship was just for funsies :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A reader translated New Colors into Chinese, which was super neat!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Absolutely, 100% -- in the sense of collaboratively plotting out and writing a story, as well as taking turns in an improvised narrative style RP, and also something in between where the premise of a fic was agreed upon and each of us had characters to write, RP style. 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t think I can pick a singular ship to label as my favorite... I’d call Zoro/Sanji my OTP, but only because they were the first ship I got involved in fandom for -- I haven’t read a fic of them in years. I’m reading almost exclusively Erik/Christine fics right now, but I’ve come across Erik/Raoul fics that have made me fall in love with them, as well as Erik/Raoul/Christine fics that are so so good... I guess in terms of longevity and my ability to always come back to them, Steve/Bucky has been a solid ship for me? 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Gonna go with Zoro’s Promise, since it’s the only multichapter fic I never bothered to move from FF dot net to AO3. It’s literally been ten years since I updated it lmao
16. What are your writing strengths?
On one hand, I guess my ADHD-fueled hyperfixation that allows me to write fic after fic could be considered a strength...?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
On the other hand, as soon as my ADHD-fueled hyperfixation loses its vice grip on me, I lose all motivation to write. Especially if I’ve already written out the scenes that I had in my head, I become incapable of filling in the gaps and making it a cohesive fic... I honestly don’t think I have very good writing hygiene even after taking classes on being better about being a hobby writer oops 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I personally tend to avoid writing in another language, because I think it’s hard to do well. Sometimes it takes you out of the fic because you have to copy-paste it into Google Translate to figure out what they’re saying, sometimes it takes you out of the fic because you speak the language and the author evidently doesn’t and they used Google Translate. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I wrote fic for and then posted would be One Piece... but in actuality, I’ve been writing fanfiction from long before I knew that’s what it was called. I was probably in second or third grade when I wrote self-insert Peter Pan fics. Also Shrek fics. I don’t have the notebooks I wrote them in anymore, but I have a very vivid memory of writing them.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
This is maybe the hardest question of all to answer, because while I like a lot of my fics, I don’t know that there’s one that I could call my favorite. My current WIP stranger than you dreamt it (PotO, Erik/Christine, ABO) is one I’m excited to keep working on because, well, omegaverse. But also time and time again (LOTR, Frodo/Sam, Time Travel, Fix-it) was one of the first multi chapter fics I’ve actually finished, so in that regard I’m rather proud of it. I liked the time-travel-y premise of it as well. And even though what comes after (HP, Snape/Harry, Time Travel, Fix-it) is still technically a WIP, I’m still pleased with how it’s coming along... though it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated it oops
tagging... you! 🫵 if you're an author, i'm tagging u! i want to know about what you write!!!
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I finally get to meet Woody! I didn't know he only appeared in s4!!! I love this guy so much, he is the OG psych-ologically deranged (I mean, not really, look at the characters we have)
So here is my psychfacts masterpost on Woody because I'm insane
He has been playing with dead things since he was a toddler
The second ever episode I see with Woody in it has Shawn bribe Woody with slippers. They were so close & chill & calling each other nicely gelled & stuff, so I thought the first time that I'd seen it that they had been close & had conversations for years. I love them.
I'd be honoured to saw through your chest & remove your good natured heart from its cavity.
Third! "Hello Friend!" he says to Shawn <3
"is that third dead person you?" 'Yeah my daughter took a picture of me playing dead for her photography class"
Up to the elbows in blood "you need to try these french fries"
No fingerprints as there are no fingers. Also calls lassiter lassie.
MY MAN JUST DRAWS A KNIFE ON THIS MAN... & then... licks his finger to rub it off...
He's nice, telling gus to breathe properly. ..& then he unveils the severed leg
Woody may not have his face & voice in the philippines. Protection. He also might be a necrophiliac & mixed up formaldehyde & baking soda to get high. He was also part of a barbershop uartet. & their baritone was not alive. & his passion is skydiving, 42 jumps & 3 chute failure deaths.
Woody has the urge to comb their hair & try on their jewelry. I love this man.
He sent a 911 text trying to be a 7/11 text asking shawn gus & lassie to bring him a quesadilla in the shape of a tube. He also plays shuffleboard on the morgue table. Man I miss Rocketball. We had this weird shuffleboard table that was not like any shuffleboard table I've ever seen (shuffleboard is like mini curling), we had billiard/pool balls, & we would set them up on the opposite end like bowling & try to hit them off. I was a champion. It was shuffleboard/curling crossing with billiards/pool crossed with bowling. Great game.
& he found a jackrabbit in his dishwasher.
Ha. Does the perfectly coiled human intestine fit in a 10 gallon hat? Of course I can. *opens his computer to pleasureguide dot net with the word furries on it*
Wowza. Swan dive out of his bedroom window. I've always wanted to try that.
Woody with ipad shawn XD "Can you see this?" 'just like I'm with you there.' "How about this?" *ipad under the blanket... from the wrong end* *Shawn screams*
WS, holding up a 30yo photo of the vic: She was quite a looker. *looks at the mummified skeleton* Still is.
& proceeds to criticize her fashion. & my man didn't know that smallpox was eradicated.
Calls himself the woodmaster
omg he showed up with a six foot body bag when henry got shot. My dude. & later on my man shows up with a pair of bodybags when shawn & gus sit on a landmine. Dang. JoH: Then why are there two body bags under your arm? WS: No reason, dear *drops them*
WS: Whoever covered this up must have kept the body on ice.
WS: Now, come over here.
WS (when they hesitate): Come on! I want to show you something. It's not like you're gonna catch necrophylopigmentosis.
*Shawn laughs*
WS: Probably not. *He reveals the foot with a flourish*
WS: As anyone good at foreplay can tell you, electricity always leaves a mark. I know, I know. T.M.I. Tell more information. You see, a flashlight battery and a paper clip--
BG: Uh, no need to explain, Woody.
WS: I gotta tell you, I sometimes have trouble reading social cues, especially cross-culturally.
BG: What?
WS: Yeah, it's really starting to hurt me in the dating department. I can't--I can't read alive women anymore. *To Juliet* It's like, you're strobing right now.
Juliet set Woody up with Marlowe's parole officer
Woody tried to slip an illegal substance to Lassiter during his bachelor party. (Later, he bakes a cake with a gun in it to give to the guy who held him hostage. "only insane people do that" *throws it away*)
This man, who used to be married & had a 15yo daughter, is living in some mobile home. & Shawn is now his roommate. (& in the remake of the law episode, he slept with the suspect in his mobile home while he was down from LA)
He does a fair amount of nude sunbathing & goes into the water to rinse off, meaning he has almost been taken out by The Vortex.
He is not bulimic: he ate a donut out of the trash the other day
WS: What we have here is a… Woman. I am guessing by this wound, that she died of blunt force trauma to the back of the head. I would place her at about 27 years of age. SS, looking at her hands: I'm gonna say more like 47, Woody. WS: Trust me, Shawn, I know what a 69 (nice) year-old woman looks like in her birthday suit and this ain't it. SS: I said 47. JoH: She's actually 48 years old. WS: Oh, see? So, we were both wrong.
WS: Yeah, you are right. There are tiny surgical scars on her scalp. Yeah. This is well done. Clean lines. Nice smooth finish. This is Dr. Joan Diamond's work. I'd know it anywhere. I saw her speak at a symposium of forensic artists. She also appeared on The Love Boat back when she was a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader.
(Good old botulism. I could hyperfixate on that if I wanted to.)
CL: Did you sleep here last night? WS: No. Actually, I… Crash here all the time. Something about the smell of formaldehyde just lulls me to sleep. I think it's the scent.
Woody has an anxiety disorder. I'm just glad he didn't swallow the camera. I should liveblog that episode.
Woody Strode: Wife cheated on him 12 times, with 10 men. (He approved the one with the personal trainer)
Woody has a spell cast on him by his mommy that he's getting broken by a wiccan consultant.
My man goes to putin on the ritz a shady russian club for the buffet.
*giving a report to the detectives while there is no body* Here we have a man, looks to be about six foot two. JoH: Woody, there's no body. WS: Oh what a relief! I thought I was the only one not seeing it!
He... ate applya mushrooms (possibly from under the fingernails of the vic) & says they taste like ass...
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hiyoir · 2 years
Hi!! How are you?
If you write for top reader, can I request Shu Itsuki x (dom) amab/male reader with corruption please? If not, it’s okay! Thank you for your time<3
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The reminiscence of love
A/N: HELLO ANON HI IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG... YES IM DOINF GREAT!! my damn draft for this disappeared i was more than devastated... ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOY .. this is surprisingly my first time writing for corruption so i hope i did it right lmao😭
C/Ws: corruption kink (...? idfk) bottom!shu itsuki, implied choking, implied sex toys, cuffing
Word count: 876
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Shu was an interesting man, to say the least. You started to notice his fondness towards you ever since you began to work alongside Valkyrie. You believed that whatever Valkyrie needed was a stable producer to get the boys back on their feet. Alas, your hard work paid off as Valkyrie had broken multiple records and charts worldwide.
Ever since the success started to roll in, Shu had been acting super odd. Mika assumed he wasn't used to large amounts of fame after so long, but you knew that wasn't the case. He allowed you near him more often, trying his best to express his affection towards you. You were unsure if he was trying to warm up as a way to repay you for everything but you played along. After all, Shu is your beloved idol.
You loved him so much, a sweet smile creeps on your face when you see Valkyrie's name on a musical billboard. Ever since you took the producer course in Yumenosaki and stuck by Valkyrie until now, you were unsure if your feelings towards Shu were platonic or romantic.
That all changed though.
There you are, wide eyed staring at Shu. He had a box of various sex toys sitting on top of a neatly folded lingerie. You tilt your head in confusion, trying to ignore the pang of arousal at Shu's unexpected innocence towards this.
"Well… It's only natural if I repay you for your hard work," Shu stammered, gripping tightly onto the dark blue box as his cheeks flushed a dusty pink. "With… My body…"
"Wha— You don't have to, Shu… It's my job as a producer," Professionalism was hard to act out in this situation. Your highschool 'crush', the man you've been debating your feelings over is standing right in front of you with a box of erotic toys. This is the perfect situation to determine your true feelings towards him, so why were you trying to push him away?
"Who even gave you this idea…?"
"Nobody did!" Shu yelped out, the obvious lie was funny. You had one or two names in your head that could be the culprit, but you didn't think about it too much.
"I just— I thought I was feeling some sort of strange fondness towards you. And with this… We can find out together! Only if you'd like…" It was hard to ignore your own growing erection at Shu's offer, this flustered sight of Shu is something you never expected to see.
It would only be right to savour it, right?
You had pinned Shu's wrists above his head with just one hand, the other hand feeling up against his chest to his neck. As your dick slid in and out of him, Shu cursed under his breath.
"More… Please, more…" Shu knew begging wouldn't get him anywhere especially with that grin on your face, but he pleaded so anyways.
"Oh Shu… I wonder," Your hand lets go of Shu's wrists as you stop rocking your hips. Reaching out to the box on the bedside drawer, you pulled out a pair of handcuffs. You carefully cuffed his hands, making sure the iron won't mark his hands. After all, you cared about Shu's reputation. It would be one hell of a scandal if they spot handcuff marks on their beloved Shu, right?
"What made you so naughty for me?" Your voice was dripping with venom as your hand crept on Shu's neck.
"...Quit the teasing and fuck me already, please…"
"And why should I?" You grinned, the grip on his neck tightening with every second.
"I— I love you, (name). I need you so bad… Please, I need you." Shu whines, trying to create some friction between you two by rolling his hips.
"Promise me you'll be my obedient little whore if I do?" You had unexpectedly inched closer towards Shu's ear, still tightening the grip on his neck.
"I— I promise…! I do, please just fuck me already…" That was all the confirmation you needed. Pulling away from Shu's ear, you thrusted deep into him, eliciting a loud moan from the writhing man beneath you.
A steady yet rough rhythm you made as you pounded into Shu, letting out occasional curses and praises towards your beloved Shu.
"I— I'm gonna…" You gaze down at the whining man, hushing him with a thumb.
"I know baby…" You softly whisper, "I know… I am too."
Your thrusts got sloppier and harsher, taking in Shu's expression in all its glory. His reaction to this unfamiliar feeling in his stomach was enough to send you over the edge. The knot in your stomach finally broke as you came loads, filling Shu up.
The feeling of being full with your cum was enough for Shu to break too. White and hot specks of cum coated his stomach.
"I realized we didn't even use half of what's in this box." You stated as Shu whines, still extremely beaten after some sweet aftercare.
Your fingers skimmed through the contents in the box, surprised at where Shu sourced any of these.
Vibrators, dildos, buttplugs, gag balls… A feather?
You pick up the white feather of a dove, chuckling to yourself.
So that's where he got these stuff from, huh?
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strawberryfaced · 3 months
What are your fave scenes in s3? ☺️
im so glad u asked anon .. ive been waiting to find an excuse to talk abt this. ….
ep2: ok so in ep2 i’m sooooo obsessed with the tiny scene where simon puts his head on wille’s shoulder like a little dog or something. there’s just something sooo innocent and wholesome about it. but then there’s also wille and august’s fight and oh my god. the way wille almost killed him just because he said a few words to his bf… like calm down but also i support u. then again I actually have found myself kinda rooting for august this season so… kinda yikes too. and oh my god wait wait i have to talk about simon’s new song. FIRST OF FUCKING ALL THE REFERENCE TO REVOLUTION BY ELIAS (which im coincidentally listening to right now)??? AND THEN ALSO HIS LITTLE CHUCKLE WHEN HE GETS THR POSITIVE COMMENTS (which are absolutely deserved. it needs to be on Spotify right now) THAT SCENE. I LOVE SIMON. BUT THEN AGAIN NOT EVEN THR BEST PART BECAUSE I INOW IT WS SAD BUT WHEN WILLE CALLED SIMON TELLING HIM HE NEEDED TO DELETE THR VIDEO HIS LITTLE OKAY… !!//&&
ep3: for ep3 firstly the pre-camp scene when wille picks up simon. the “big boy”. IM CRYING. and the hammock scene …….. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. but oh my god do not even get me fuckinf started on the rave scene. that one frame of wilmon. roshella and frederika’s jealousy (ok personally i am not a stella nor frederika fan. the way they treat Felice is an absolute no but still that scene killed me). BUT ALSO WILMON’s TENT FIGHT??? I MEAN LIKE. THE SHUSHING. WILLE REFERENCINF SIMON SELLIG TO AUGUST. ABSOLUTELY. FOUL. ok but the one that really did it for me was simon and linda comfort scene. i cried during that scene. i love love love linda and simon so much no one will get it.
ep4: wilmon flirting during the inspection. no further notes . anyways sara and her dad bonding driving singing scene. I didn’t include most of sara’s scenes in my favourite scenes but oh my god can I just say sara, august, and micke this season I loved their stories sos so much. and the singing while driving scene. it hurt me. because as much as I hate to admit it micke reminds me of my own dad (and wille. wille this season. when I watched some of his scenes I got fully afraid). so yeah that’s really important to me!! ok anyway there is also the baking scene. no further notes on this one too. OK BUT THE HALLWAY MAKEOUT I SCREAMED. WHAT. I really really really need edvin and omar’s commentary on this one.
ep4: not many fave scenes in this one but my favourite scene in this ep was probably the one after simon’s home was broke into and wille runs to him and embraces him in a hug. no kissing, no sneaky flirting (as much as I love those things) just pure warmth and love and care. I loved it.
ep5: actually ep5 Broke me but since young royals is just so amazing I still managed to have favourite scenes in this one. first is the music room fight. yes yes I know it was terrible but it was terrible and I loved it. I just really loved the intensity here and it was such a huge contrast from the previous seasons too because tbh s1 and s2 to me were mostly like wille being obsessed with simon and simon being an amazing confident assertive boyfriend. but this season…. this scene… it changed. wille’s angry so much and it’s like simon is just trying his best. he’s sacrificed some of his own feelings to care for wille’s (not saying he didn’t do that previous seasons) it was biggggg. ALSO THE MORNING HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE YOU WILMON. oh OH OH AND THEN AUGUST GIVING SAFA THE LETTER. like I said previously i actually am kind of rooting for august this season and sara I love her screen time so much she’s such an interesting character. so the combo of this … it was crazy. and I honestly really enjoyed the way sara just hugged august it made me smile very hard but ngl the kiss was abit too much for me. i think that was like…not good of them to do. last but not least wilmon birthday fight. can i just say. the whole cast in that scene were amazing. you know the famous fallen angel painting. that was how amazing edvin’s acting was. it was so so intense. and simon/omar .. i respect them so much in that scene. anyways we’re not gonna talk abt the bed scene because that doesn’t exist in my little head anymore :)
okay that was it i believe. both waiting for and watching the last episode will probably include a lot of crying. but u know it is what it is!! we rock this shit right!! i love young royals with my whole heart and to the anon that sent me this ask im so so sorry for dumping all this on u but thank u for letting me talk :3 n to anyone else who saw this if u read even one paragraph of this i love you
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5ummit · 1 year
Do you like Omega Bucky?
I love omega Bucky. Unfortunately, despite there being hundreds of omega Bucky fics out there, I’ve only ever found a couple that I even like because I'm so picky, especially when it comes to A/B/O. Still hoping and praying that some day @ex0rin will write me some omegaverse winterbones because I know she would kill it. 🙏
And if you were wondering, yes, of course I'm going to drop the recs. Be warned though, these are all HTP and dubcon at minimum (as if anyone would expect anything else from me).
Burn by Marvelicious Pairing: Rumlow/WS Words: 3260
Rumlow can smell it on him long before the Soldier is aware of it, but he doesn’t say anything. The asset is not used to having heats; he never knows what is happening to him or what to do about it, and Rumlow takes a certain pleasure in watching him grow desperate first. The Winter Soldier might not feel fear, but neither does he know what to do when his pants soak through with his own slick, his body burning with need in a way that’s utterly foreign to him.
Without Understanding by Michael1214 Pairing: Rumlow/WS Words: 1790
He knows he is in heat. He can feel the itch under his skin, and each movement is torture all on its own. He wants even when he is not allowed to want, even when he's not sure what it is exactly that he wants.
The hunters' musk by seinmit Pairing: Hydra Agents/WS, Pierce/WS Words: 6530 Notes: gangbang, noncon bitching (turning an alpha/beta into an omega)
“What are we going to do with you, soldier,” Pierce said. “All that technology wasted because you haven’t got a brain.” The asset said nothing. Pierce used his grip to tilt the asset’s head this way and that, examining. “Hmm,” he said. “Well. I guess since we no longer need you to be subtle, it opens up another set of opportunities entirely.”
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bromcommie · 2 months
i don't even know if this is stucky but i must know more about "bayou hurricane blues 2009" from the wip tag game (if you're up to sharing!) <333
Hi! Thank you for the ask<33 and I absolutely love sharing. Oversharing, even.
It's not stucky - stucky's mentioned, but not the focus. I started it during the CATWS10 event for the Sam prompts, and it was supposed to be just two parallel memories at first: him and Riley on leave having a stupid fun time in New Orleans (Riley gets a tattoo lol) but also discussing doubts about their second tour, and then him and Steve post-WS taking a break from looking for Bucky and having some uncomfortable (but ultimately loving) discussions during the 4th of July.
I couldn't complete it in time, but it's really gotten away from me since. Turned more into Sam's retrospective about different relationships in his life, memories from growing up/pre-CATWS and his feelings about community and purpose and (to a lesser extent) being in the service. Snippet under the cut:
Sam was usually the one jumping in headfirst, and Riley was the one making the sign of the cross Sam'd give him shit for later before jumping right along with him. It's a dizzying reversal. He's not exactly sure what to do with it, and so he says the only truth he can think of. It's a given, really, or it should be: simple enough to fit into words and big enough to break through them, to feel overwhelming and awkward leaving his mouth. "You know I got your back, right? No matter what' you're thinking or what you decide, I got your six." Riley shakes his head, won't meet his eye like it's not the answer he was looking for; like maybe it's the answer he needed to hear the most. "That mean you're my guardian angel, Wilson?" "Hey, you're the one who's got wings scrawled on his ass." He takes a sip from the glass, mulls it around his mouth to buy himself some time like that might help wash out the feeling of being in uncharted waters. Some things never really needed saying between them before, but this is different. "Just means— I hear you, all right. And if you wanna jump ship after this, then yeah. Yeah, I got your back. I've been... I've been sea-sick for a long time, too." Riley's eyes still have that glassy, caught-out look to them, but after a minute his mouth ticks up at the corner. "You're heavy on the metaphors tonight, man." Sam groans. This is what he gets. "Oh, okay—" "No, I mean—it's very romantic, all this. The light, the summer breeze, you waxin' poetry about our camaraderie— you about to drop onto one knee? I mean, I'm pretty sure someone's pissed on this sidewalk more than once, but hell, I'll take it." ""Fuck off, Baker, Jesus Christ," he says, laughing. Safe back in familiar territory. "I'm about to ask for a reassigment is what I'm about to do."
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afreakingdork · 9 months
Hi Miss Dork!!
Ok, so I have always been one of those people who loves to annotate and highlight their fav bits + thoughts in books, so I was thinking about how much I wanted to do that, physically, with weak spot! (Like all the cute coloured highlighters i can use, little hearts + doodles drawn in, tiny notes analysing and squealing about parts of the fic!)
Long story short, I printed out the first 30 chapters so I could do just that and holy moly...
Tumblr media
All double-sided, size 9 font... I'm going to need a filing cabinet to hold this chunker!
Anyways, catch me sitting here, re-reading WS, annotating, and highlighting bits and pieces for my hyperfixated brain to enjoy!
Just kinda wanted to really show you how impressive your work is in physical form!! And thats not even all of it yet!!!
(I hope that you dont mind me printing my own physical copy to do this. If theres any issues, I have a lighter at the ready!! 🫡)
Thanks as always, Miss Dork! <3
Holy cow, look at that! It really is something to see it stacked up physically!
I'm totally alright with people printing it out as long as it's only for personal use~
I keep track of pages (my own document I use the Word default which is Calibri with font size 11). Currently there are roughly 332,000 words. An average novel is about 80,000 so Weak Spot is already about 4 novels in length and we're bobbing around the halfway point (a little over? Hard to say exactly...)
That doesn't even include the one-shot or sequel!
Thank you for sharing! It's always good to get a nice dose of perspective!
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