#wtf why does that number look fake
picspammer · 7 months
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Happy 20 years to Somewhere Only We Know!🍁
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zabala0z · 2 months
Welcome back to “I’m listening to season 2 of The Magnus Archives and yeah it’s official, season 2 is currently my favorite season”
Surprisingly some tamer episodes. By tame, I mean I didn’t shriek and pause every 5 minutes. Though some characters popped up again which I was excited about like yay reoccurring characters!
MAG 48:
Not much to note. But Gerard Keay appearance! Or maybe appearance since the man didn’t give a name but come on, he had long black hair, that’s Gerard. I was pretty happy he helped out Andrea. Like it’s clear Gerard knows some stuff but he doesn’t use his knowledge to harm people, he uses it to help them and for that, I am so thankful there’s one character in confident in. Okay not confident. I don’t wanna say anything or God forbid, someone is going to die or get “replaced”
He also said she was marked, whatever that means. I’ll prob figure it out later
MAG 49: The Butchers Window
All Pryor wanted to do was to get that bag 🫡 Also Jared Hopworth appearance! Low key I forgot about him until the name Jared was mentioned and then I was like “oh that’s that weirdo from the bone turners tale”. I had to read over the transcripts from that to refresh my memory and man, he was a shithead from the beginning. Also I like the signs showing of him testing his power like on that deflated rat (which might’ve been his pet?? It was implied the rat looked like a pet so I’m assuming it was Jared) and maybe his mom. Also totally screwed up that he (presumably on my end) killed Sebastian. Like they were childhood friends man 💀
But I find it hilarious that he used his power to steal bones from other people and make himself as tall and buff as possible.
MAG 50: Foundations
Not much to note. I usually zone out more during the old timey statements but I got the general idea. Robert Smirke appeared again, I’m wondering what’s his deal. They say his buildings have a higher percentage of supernatural occurrences and he was rumored to have suspicious religious values so my theory is that he did some deal with something and now his buildings are just fucking like that. Also he said like “Balance, Equilibrium. The hardest thing for an architect to achieve. Symmetry is easy, but does not, in and of itself, result in balance. To stir, yada, yada” so this guy is already a little weird.
Also Tim congratulating Jon is the funniest thing ever wtf. “Don’t worry, I’m cool. 😏😏😏 good luck boss” like god. I mean supportive friend???? I guess??? 😭
MAG 51: High Pressure
God I hate the ocean. On another note, Simon Fairchild is back. When Jon said the case number, I had to go through the transcripts to figure out when he appeared before (thankful I understand the very confusing system) and he was in Freefall!
Anyways, looking back, this guy is definitely evil. This like 85 year old has evil schemes to make people go through an open area of sky or ocean like bro. In Freefall, the instructors name was Harriett Fairchild so I’m assuming she was in on it or like related to him. For gods sake, Simon said to Robert, “enjoy sky blue” like this man is a bastard. He knew what was happening. And he did say something to Antonia before he went down which I’m gonna assume “enjoy ocean blue” or shit like that. I hate him. And it’s definitely not because I hate being alone and open spaces.
Also another thing to note; fake Sasha. She’s been staring at that table. Jon described it as a fractal and she described it as a web. Both things that have been brought up a couple times in this podcast. I had to search up fractals to figure out what it was. That one guy I think in “Burned Out”, his dad was super obsessed with fractals. I don’t know how it ties into the plot but they do in some way. Also Gerard Keay made that eye painting that was described to get more intricate and minuscule which I think is a fractal?? Again, I have no idea.
Jon said “Sasha” has been going to a wax museum during her extra long lunch breaks. I got no theories why because what. Although it’s interesting because wax museums are replicants of real people most of the time and whatever that replaced Sasha is a replicant of a real person. So. Yeah no idea.
Anyways, I think that’s everything! They were some pretty calm episodes compared to the last couple ones which I’m grateful for
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queenofallimagines · 1 year
oh good gods pls your luciferian hcs made me YELL they’re so good lmao i was side eyeing my altar and space for lucifer the WHOLE TIME
do you think you could do a part two? and if possible, nsfw? if not thats more than okay!! thank you and i hope you’re doing so good!!!
Absolutely 🕷anon! AND LMAO YEAH I COULD FEEL HIM SIDE EYEING ME ACROSS THE ROOM AS I WROTE THESESGSHSJS asking the old man “why are you like this” whenever lucifer in game does something corny😭 ik he’s sick of me
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- Okay so since part 1 was when you arrived this will be more about day to day life in the next term
- Right off the bat I’m imagining minor petty spats that the other brothers are like…. Wtf is going on here
- Like y’all have been glaring across the table at one another for 30 mins and haven’t spoken a word
- WAY more picky w offerings lmao
- Is literally going to be super extra about it for no reason other than to bother you
- For example! When you give an offering to oshun( African orisha they’re like the HR in the heaven department just above the angel hierarchy) you have to eat a little first bc she was poisoned once so it’s like to show you’re in good faith
- Lucifer will ask you to do that w food you don’t like
- “Eat some”
- “I got this for you-“
- “And I want you to taste some😌”
- “….. do I really I have to???”
- “Are you telling me what to do w MY offering🤨”
- A lot of people ( white peoples I fear😔) be talking about he only accepts blood offerings and you have to sell your soul or whatever and stuff but literally this man will be giddy over a red candle w gold glitter
- Write all your assignments in sparky pen so when he looks at them he can’t hold back a smile
- As a joke you leave crystals associated with him in his coat pockets but he will never take them out
- Congratulations you played ya self
- You doing the stuff you do for him out of habit will fluster him if you say it
- “Why are you waking up so early to get ready?”
- “Hm? For Lucifer”
- “No im not gunna drink this tea it’s an offering🙄”
- Please don’t tell his brothers he will lock himself in his office💀
- Whenever you google “what can I do for Lucifer” 9/10 the first thing will be taking care of yourself
- So when your self caring w asmo and you go “oh I do this bc Lucifer likes it”
- The house will expose in chaos
- Mammon demanding you tell him your card numbers “for him” LMAO
- They’re all super jealous
- Gotta tell em its nothing personal he’s just always been there for you
- Whew if he reached out to YOU?
- The silence in the house REAL LOUD😭
- Belphegor waking up and going “ik you fucking lying!!!”
- You’re all confused like???
- “…..you said Lucifer… reached out to YOU?”
- “??????yeah????”
- “As in… he ASKED you to work with him?”
- “Yeah, I couldn’t stop thinking about his name and he showed up on my door one day”
- Lmao belphie and mammon are the LOUDEST FR
- lmao he’s sitting there red faced clenching his fist like
- “Listen I can explain”
- He cannot explain😭
- Can’t even say he did it on a whim
- “He really picked me up like a wet cat lmao”
- “Mc I am literally begging you to shut the FUCK up”
- Oh maaaaan diavolo will get a Kick out of this!!
- Solomon is very salty
- “But I can’t get a pact😒😒”
- He’s literally going to double down and bother him more
- “Lucifer you never told me you were taking on disciples🥺”
- “I didn’t think it was that important lord diavolo simply to pass the time”
- Simeon is laughing but internally having the feels bc he’s like 🥹 “even after all this time you still choose to be a guardian angel”
- Will tell you embarrassing stories about him he is now super close to you
- “Lucifer being the lords favorite was also the best one at singing👀 he loved music”
- That’s tru btw lmao Lucifer was like one of the angels who liked singing the most thats what makes humans and angels so alike- love for music and dancing-
- Call him your morning star and he MELTS
- Back to why were really here😌
- Call him that during sex or when you first wake up and he’s on cloud nine
- He’s literally he rises in the morning for a reason!!
- He will deadass purpose bc imagine riding him as the sun stars peaking over the horizon
- He’s under you moaning looking up at you w the most glazed over love struck eyes
- The sun filtering through the window and hitting him juuuuuuuust right
- That it looks like he has a halo again
- Breathlessly calling your name as you grind down on him
- He barely manages to get out that he’s close before you caress some of his hair out of his face
- “Cum for me then my Morningstar”
- Time freezes for like 16 seconds and his eyes are getting teary
- He hugs you close as he starts rutting his hips into you harder
- Will cum and keep going until he’s about to pass out
- Holding you like a lifeline
- When you can finally breathe and think straight he pulls you in for a kiss
- Literally stealing your breath away
- Will say I love you in the most honest voice ever while smiling at you with teary eyes
- probably won’t stop touching you all day might as well just spend it in bed
-is embarrassed by body worship calling it now
- be HE can do that but if YOU sink to your knees behind his desk and hold eye contact he’s getting nervous
-“just showing my devout gratitude💕”
- embarrassed how fast he finishes
- if you keep doing to overstimulate him he’s putty in your hands
- this man is very soft he will crack at the slightest sign of domestic romance
- bring him coffee when he wakes up?
- he’s already selected a wedding venue
- I always thought it would be cute if he gave you his ring
- You swing by the celestial realm and it’s crickets and you’re like ??? Fuck is y’all starring at??🤨
- Simeon hums and says that nobody expected lucifer to get married much less to a human. How he was never one to put anything above his responsibilities
- Excuse me?
- “You’re wearing the right of light,yes? He doesn’t just give that to anyone dear. You two are bonded for life now🥰”
- “HELLO????”
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lurkingteapot · 9 days
Kidnap ลับ-จ้าง-รัก Ep 2
Held off so I could watch with @galauvant and man, it was a blast! Do I need to check my brain by the door when I watch? Sure do. But when I do, it's fun. Production value is good, which helps; the writing itself feels kind of wonky, but I can ignore that for now because for all the implausible bits, when it's funny, it does genuinely crack me up.
On to the live blog!
starting off on a nightmare, huh
wow James just really has no scruples whatsoever, does he? Doesn't think of rich people as human. Which -- relatable? but. oof.
Sleepwalker! So novel chapter and episode DO share a title
asdfasdfasdf this seems way more menacing
oh, Leng makes EYE CONTACT, good job my boy
oh wow that fake blood looks incredibly fake but we'll take it, eh
ty for giving us more of a timeline here!
merch discovery
oh, what are the medals for, Min?
hahaha that acting experience paid off, huh
or maye you just wanted to get him shirtless
man Ohm's so pretty
debt and more debt. Min, my boy ...
nice shot of Q's butt, team
asdfasdf THE EYEBROW
that CANNOT be comfortable
he's also not breathing like someone who's asleep so I'm guessing he's faking it
called it
Min is so FLIRTY wtf, dude, not the time!
oh, nightmare time
oh, he cries pretty.
oh idk, Q, MAYBE THE TRAUMA???
that's true
have you met a lot of kidnappers then, Q?
he's so fond I cannot
oh? this is different now
oh, it's Siia Muu
I wish my hair looked that good after sleeping on the couch
Q has his NUMBER I'm laughing my ass off
this would be VERY awkward if it were actually sexytimes (and they ARE both dressed)
JEEN'S HAND OVER MEN'S EYES I cannot, funniest shot of the show right there
ok, continuity: it looks like Min's room is on the same floor as the living room in this shot, but in the next one, it's upstairs? (which tracks with the novel)
Khanomjeen is so pissed
MEN IS NOT BUYING IT I love him so much already
He's seen your browser history, Min.
god this show is so FUNNY
she's so smitten and he's so conflicted (and not interested)
this is really cute, actually
he's not five, Min.
Q is like "oh ... family ..."
see, this is why having one blanket per person is the superior option
more nightmare? no, just sleepwalking
oop those are stairs
okay dude this sounds made up though. the waist touching, ear whispering bit, anyway. bit too convenient, no?
also nice to see choco pie still likes to sponsor Ohm's shows
this is so NORMAL XD
ah, this is chapter 1 info
this was a code lock in the book, which imo makes more sense
exact quote, nice
in the book, he already got ambushed here, huh
wtf are you DOING, Min?! looking all over for him like that, fine, but AT HIS HOUSE?
I like how they set this up tbh
why is there no pic of his dead wife up
oof kiddo kiddo
aww he's been crying
Q that's CRAZY talk
oh this is -- oh. Oh.
Oh next week looks INCREDIBLE
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folklorebae · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧
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meet me at midnight m.list
cast(s)/genre: influencer!reader & timeskip!kozume kenma/fluff
wc: 0.6k
a/n: haven’t written in a while and pls forgive me if this doesn’t scream “midnight”. i tried my best</3
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Like any other night, the starless night sky is illuminated by the dazzling airport lights. The airport is as calm as it has ever been at this early hour. People flow effortlessly, peaceful rivers of humanity just roused from sleep, and all you do is wait impatiently for your plane to board at your gate.
In forty minutes, you just need to wait for forty more minutes before you are no longer able to access the internet, and for some reason, going on a live is an idea that crossed your mind to save you from your boredom and somnolence.
You curl your lips into a smile and stop talking when your eyes catch your boyfriend’s fake Instagram account just joined your live.
ynfan13 OMG HIIII
ynscandle you look tired:(
notkenmasfan just try to get noticed over here
“I know, I mean, it’s midnight here in Tokyo. Yes! I’m at the airport right now.” You rest your chin on your palm, reading another comment. “I notice you, babe. No need to worry.”
notkenmasfan you deserve a long sleep after this
ynfan15 where is your sugar daddy?
ynmydarling why are you alone?
You’re immediately convulsed with laughter, drawing some attention from those around you. You cover your mouth with your palm in a swift motion and try to pull yourself together before looking at your phone again.
“Guys, I don't have a sugar daddy. My boyfriend is just rich.”
notkenmasfan you need to stop your sugar daddy jokes
hinatashoyo Y/NNN
itsynupdates you’re so pretty:((
“I know! I’m so proud of Japan's national team.” You respond before moving on to greet your best friend. “Shoyo! How are you?”
iheartyn you’re so gorgeous. pls step on me
hinatashoyo i’m good!
hinatashoyo can’t wait to see you!!
notkenmasfan shoyo wtf are you doing here?
hinatashoyo why are you so rude to me?
You chuckle at Kenma’s comment, since the orange-haired man has no idea about Kenma’s fake account.
hinatashoyo can i join your live??
hinatashoyo let me show you your bf. he’s sleeping rn
ynxln safe flight angel✈️❤️
You raise your brow. “Is he?”
hinatashoyo he is. he said he’s depressed because you're not here
You chuckle and shake your head as you try to accept Hinata’s request. But a FaceTime notification from Kenma suddenly appears on your screen.
“Action expresses priorities.” They say, and God knows who your priority is.
“Why does he think you’re sleeping?” You ask your boyfriend once you can see his face.
Kenma chuckles as he pulls his duvet over his shoulder, getting himself more comfortable and warm on the bed. “I told him I’m going to sleep so he will talk to Kuroo, but instead, he joined your live.”
You nod at him while fighting the urge to not grin. “I see…”
Kenma could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks and quickly hides half of his face with the duvet before you could see any sign of him blushing. “What? I’m not jealous, if that’s what you think.”
“I didn’t say anything.” You argue and change the topic before he could say anything. “So why are you calling?”
He shrugs and starts to murmur about something but you could barely hear it since his mouth is buried under the cover.
“Ken, I can’t hear you. Get that blanket off your face.”
Kenma sighs and does what you said. “I said, I found a good place for us to have lunch together but nevermind cause I know you must be ti–”
“Shut up, Ken. Of course I’ll go with you.”
“Okay… I’ll pick you up at six am right? Qatar time?” He asks and you answer it with a nod.
Then, a split second later, a welcoming cheery sound from the air hostess reverberates through the airport, announcing your airline and flight number.
“Have a safe flight. I love you.”
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dramallamas · 8 months
The (unserious) notes of Beyond Evil. Episode Three Edition
Previous Episode || Next Episode
Cant wait to psychoanalyse this episode later with the scriptbook!
Jinmuk je te deteste dont even dare feel sad you monster
that shot of Juwon lazing on his sofa im down bad
He has nice handwriting tho
Honestly when is this man not thinking about Dongsik
The fly jumpscared me bc of my headphones
Dongsik you bastard (affectionately)
He is not ok rn
Juwon eavesdropping was me and my flatmate last night trying to find out the drama
The camerawork in this show is beautiful omg
Dongsik has no right to look this fine rn tho
Oop spotted!
Jihwa knew both of them were at the station lol
And bada bing bada boom we are in the recording room
And theyre off and Jihwa is so done
Juwon is so like WTF with this whole thing.
If looks could kill Dongsik would be dead 💀
why at 5am?! WHY WERE YOU UP AT 5AM?!
Bro Juwon doesnt hold back
Dongsik <3
Juwon could murder im sure of it. He has it ij him.
I like watching the gay men fight… because its fun :)
THE ONLY TIME I WILL AGREE WITH HAN KIHWAN IS RN “What a nut job. I like him [Dongsik].”
Juwon pissing off Kihwan is just so great at all times.
Theyre gonna find the wrong body and blow this case even bigger
Dongsik again <3 the onlt dilf of my life tbh
My heart breaks for him though. He masks a lot if pain
“What if I ran into older Yuyeon on the street, but failed to recognise her. That worries me a lot…” 💔
Fellas is it gay to stare at another mans smiling photo for a long time whilst in your room?
Juwon you have always been a crafty bitch and I respect that
YJG is a brilliant actor he is a master at subtle emotions which makes him one of the most expressive characters in the show
YAY you found a phone
Bad news for Juwon its Geumhwas phone that has his number.
Mate ur laughing like a maniac like dongsik does. You two arent as different as you think.
But my god you like to jump to the wrong conclusions
Watching the scene with nam sangbae and dongsik makes me cry but i cant because im in the living room with my flatmates. And the score in the background just 😭
Me 🤝 Dongsik : Laughing to hide pain
Man will stay in work just for Juwon
They back and forth in every scene like its all they do.
Mf going on about the culprit always returning to the scene and here comes JINMUK AHDKFMSP FORESHADOWING WE MISSED
Part of me think that Dongsik is suspicious of Jinmuk atp.
If you told them that they would be so close by the end of the series they would be fucking disgusted.
Oop juwon getting interrogated.
Juwon pausing before adding 요 at the end of his sentence like bro you are forgetting your respect conjugation
oh shit juwon not looking good for you is it.
"Given his nature, there is no way he [Juwon] would get involved in a crime" HYEOK YOU DONT EVEN KNOW-
Hyeok became his tutor in 2010... when JW was 17. does that mean that he helped JW in Korea rather than britain? or the tail end of britain onwards.
Hyeok you are such a kiss-ass
Do Haewon 🤢 she is so fake i hate it (which is the poing ig lmao)
LEE CHANGJIN. hes so funny for a bad guy
Jeongje is so frustrated with his mum (same)
Juwon is this close to slapping Hyeok at times.
aliens? rude much kihwan (what did we expect)
and there goes juwon loosing his cool.
annoyingly kihwan makes some points even if its for self centered gain. still hate kihwan dw
bro standing outside as ppl talk about him like 🧍
And then the eye contact between him and dongsik god having a whole silent conversation
Nice recovery juwon.
Them being nice to each other? NOT THIS EARLY BOIS
And boom personal space who? They dont know it.
Dongsik telling Juwon to go to therapy lmaooo
Juwon grabbing Dongsik probably became a… different thing later on yk? Hehe
This episode is basically Juwon and his terrible no good very bad couple days.
Bro you need to hike/walk more Juwon how are you already sweating.
You make think you have him, but nope he has you.
The tiny bloodstain ofc. He def left it deliberately somewhat
And i am so hyped for episode four because of the incoming moments.
Juwon this isnt the victory you think it is trust me
see you all next episode! bye ^^
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
A Shop for Killers Live Blogging
I almost started watching My Stand-In (8 eps out) but am feeling a pull for this instead. I knew this had Lee Dong Wook when I came across it but forgot until right now when looking at the poster again haha. I'm hoping it's fun and action-packed and interesting.
Ep 1 (June 18)
that was pretty interesting intro, some guy trying to kill Jian and the woman in the house seems a danger too and maybe also the other guy who was lying down
They don't write Jian's full name in the subs even though the characters are clearly saying Jung Jian
머더헬프 = Murder Help? Mother Help? the translations say "murthehelp" but what?
so is the intro going to come up later? I don't think it said anything about "_ ago" or "_ later" when this scene started...
he's dead?! well i'd like to see his body to make sure it's not a fakeout
1 year ago
Her uncle is 1) expecting some sort of attack and preparing for it and 2) terrorizing people who wrong them/Jian
the last thing he said to her was her student number? but that was a 1 year ago, they haven't had any contact since then or what
ayo what the hell, we're getting to see the body? and it's actually him, not some other guy to pretend he died?
Is the synopsis that the uncle dies? idk why I thought her parents died, so she started living with her uncle
what does the tattoo say
oh lmfao it says murthehelp, I suppose the episode title was correct indeed
Does Bae Jeongmin know anything? or involved in any way? he's offering to clean the bathroom where Jinman died and he could be just being nice or hiding something
Comrade Lee Yonghan - name to remember?
Jeongmin found a (burner?) phone hm
drama at the funeral
Jinman was helping out everybody with money troubles in secret?
lived together for 10 years? so 1 year ago, did she move out?
aw, Jian breaking down alone at home
gun selling website behind the hose business
how many ppl are on her ass bruh
Ep 2 (June 18)
jinman's name 3 times to the sky
bro wtf did Jinman do for everybody to be hating him or seeking revenge or somethingggg? Did his enemies kill his mother and come to kill his brother and SIL?
the same burner phone a decade ago
[Linguistics] They keep using 금방, which I didn't know meant soon but that's fun. it's the syllables switched of 방금, which means just now/a moment ago. short time in the future vs past.
this guy who knows the password reminds me a bit of Wi Hajoon for some reason. I should watch a show with him soon
I've had recurring nightmares as a child and pre-teen about home invasions and such people coming to our house and having to escape like this. so proud of little Jian for escaping
who did the car hit? Jian? why'd it seem like a grown man running towards the house though, it wouldn't be Jinman, right?
this is so fucked up man, her escaping the hospital room and having to hide in the morgue in a little space beside her mother's corpse and she didn't even fully know that the parents are dead
why is he so mean to her lakjdf let's kill him, especially cuz he's the reason her parents and grandma are dead anyway
can't go one korean show without some terrible bully children
fuckkk this bringing her back to that day and getting mad that he came so late despite saying he'd be right back and finally speaking again
hm, the woman with the bob left but she's gonna be back to get caught in the fire with her and Jeongmin later
Ah, a shop for killers; he has a shop where killers can buy
is Jian Code Green?
well, they killed him and are now coming for her, so much for code green
What's up with all this? They banded together to kill Jinman, I'm assuming? And now that he's dead, they're getting rid of their codes (literally in their bodies), and going to kill his niece? Why?
Ep 3 (June 18)
damn, he's on some drugs. and he's faking it to see what Jian would do or something I guess? what are the chances he's doing it again right now by faking his death?
What was that? Does Jeongmin also have a code thing in him? or ig not since it said Error
oh, is the woman actually here to help/protect Jian? I'd noticed that she wasn't with all the men who were planning on killing Jian at the end of last ep
does this woman speak Korean with an accent?
So we aren't counting bullets with the little pistol ig
close the workshed door at least
Brother... also a helper?
Ep 4 (June 19)
name to remember: Bale
oh, is that "Brother" guy the same guy? I couldn't see his face
oh, that's Pasin
Is Pasin also dead, hope not
yesss Jian Muay Thai expert
pls the karaoke guy always singing at the restaurant while watching TV -> singing on TV is so fun
The Minsook girl seems like she could do so much better than hanging out with those bully, cowardly boys (i think it's funny that she stole Jinman's watch but after getting stared down, returned it and apologized). i hope she'll show up again
Damn, Pasin ran off with people's money?
D: these cameras
Brother's working with Mihye
Oh, Jeongmin suddenly becoming bolder/harsher and stopping Brother guy from speaking... just as he's about to give more info...
Brother says to not trust Jeongmin... but Jeongmin doesn't trust Brother... I don't trust either fully
Brother says Jinman's died because of Jeongmin but he doesn't know how
Brother and Jeongmin at each other's throats and Jian's guy pointed at Jeongmin. who to trust?
why would clicking on 0404 kill them... Jeongmin...
Weapon shopping mall
Mihye does know Brother, though I assume she met him as a child
...choosing Jeongmin?
ah, I did wonder for a second whether at least Jinman wouldn't think that Jeongmin had locker her in because how would Jeongmin know where she was even at night + not go get anybody?
well, Jeongmin turning out to not be good isn't a surprise, especially the way he started behaving once Brother was here but from when I suspected him at the start + started suspecting him again in the middle of this episode, they were good at making me go like hm, perhaps he's not evil
good parallel with Jinman being like you must be responsible for your choices and Jian's decision to keep it meant she witnessed the cat's death and also her decision to trust Jeongmin over Brother resulted in her current predicament.
Jian was dumb to trust Jeongmin but people are seriously being too mean and flippant about her in the reddit on-air thread, makes me frown.
Ep 5 (June 19)
a manual labour part-time job, not website-making
he's not working on his own obviously, he's got some other people he answers to. seems like the big draw is money?
oh yeah, I'd wondered if he had somehow known about the site already when he was first "finding" it with Jian but it was a passing thought
hmmm these people who recruited Jeongmin basically, are they the ones who killed Jian's parents and grandma? And are they ones who were at Jinnam's funeral? Because those people didn't seem to be the weapons buyers who were trying to kill Jian
Damn, the other guy really just got shot in the head
I guess Jeongmin's actor cute baby face helps sell this sort of role because I think they said he was a killer in Blind or something too
cameras everywhere, including seeing Jeongmin mess around
so those people want access to murthehelp?
Naur, how could Jinman fall for a fake recording of Jian? I don't even know if she'd call for help from this like that... wouldn't it be Jeong Jinman x3? Maybe he's playing bc girl what. I think he'd at least just call her phone straight up just to see
damn that's wild, he just believed that 5 second recording and killed himself while believing that the people who supposedly kidnapped his niece would let her go if he dies? doubt it. i think he's still alive or Something bc wtf
right, so the show also knows that's way too easy...
btw where are Mihye and Brother?
oh lmfao they just left her there to fend for herself
oh yeah, I was wondering what he'd done secretly when he remodeled the house
hm, so Babylon also came? and the two teams are working together now or what?
hilarious "[the killer robot dog] is gonna steal our jobs later, you know"
this fight/shooting scene is so video game-y to me
why didn't Brother get the gun from the hallway and sneak up on the guy or something? good thing Pisan got here at the perfect time ig
We found out stuff behind Jinman's death and who's behind it but I still found this ep boring somehow...
Ep 6 (June 20)
ngl I wanna just finish this show and be done with it today so maybe I'll watch at 1.25x (I did that for the second half of ep 5 last night) unless I start Really liking it and wanna savour it
So seems like backstory is: Jinnam was doing stuff and killing people or whatever in a big team, which included Bale. Then 14 years ago he saw Bale kill a child in cold-blood because "there can't be witnesses." The killers here all seem trained and capable. He probably leaves/runs away and that's why he finally goes to his family but Bale and the people are all chasing him and killing his family and want to kill him. because of him as a witness or some other reason? I think 13 years ago Jian was living with Jinman so it makes sense ig
oh, so they were mercenaries and the mission was to take that guy to safety but Bale killed civilians.
damn, Jinman lied on the stand for Bale
Bale is scary af
Enough scantily clad women in vulnerable positions i feel ill and upset every time
is this Mihye?
ah, Bale literally saying that he'd kill all of Jinman's family and friends if he's still alive
he said he'd take out Jinman last... but Jian is still left... idk I'm just looking for clues that he's still alive somehow lmfao
ah, no more bullets to properly take out Bale but they assumed he was dead
Who is the person who's supposed to be tailing Jinman?
Bale didn't give Jinman time to Breathe, mans went back to his family and Immediately they started dropping like flies
I liked this ep, action, backstory, and answers. and also perhaps a more engaging story or maybe just the sort of story i'm more in the mood for rather than the other episodes.
Also, Lee Dongwook looked good whenever he had his hair down like toward the end of the ep when he's out of uniform and has the bandaid on his face.
Ep 7 (June 20)
is the guy who Mihye's staying with the same guy who went to save Jian but then got killed + his arm chopped off?
ohh, it must be him because I'm remembering that he also typed the answer on the phone to show Jian, right? and he uses sign language here too. though is he the one who called Jinman when his brother died? probably not
ohhh these fuckers orchestrated that murder-suicide story for Jian's parents
wait the deaf friend who I've been thinking has a nice face is named Honda here and he was also the main character in The Director Buys Me Dinner?!
so even the guy who gave the warning actually did it so that Jinman would leave and be ambushed
oh yeah, I'd wondered if the car broken down lady was actually part of the plan and seems like yeah
so not just Bale's conspiracy but entire Babylon wants Jinman dead because he lied about what happened and how Bale "died"
He needs a long-term plan... and that's why he's either not dead or died knowing exactly what was going to happen after
Aw, Pasin, Mihye, Brother, Jian all in that house
I'm liking the backstory episdoes. I liked the backstory in earlier episodes of young Jian when people were dying and how her and Jinman interacted but then I got bored of the backstories in the middle of when she was a teenager because it felt like we weren't getting scenes that needed half the episode to itself but these two episodes were interesting to see why everything was happening and the story just interested me more. Interesting use of flashbacks though because in the earlier eps, we were doing 50-50 flashbacks and current time, both in Jian's POV but now we've done 100% flashbacks in Jinman's POV.
Last ep, 1 hour left, we'll see how they wrap it up.
Ep 8 (June 20)
parallels with her hiding in her room while this fucker's out to get her
oof, Brother dead
It's really not fun to have everybody fighting and dying while Jian just stands and watches in horror even while everybody's telling her to run, thus also distracting them. either help or escape bruh
okay I defended Jian from people calling her stupid in like the ep 4 reactions or whatever but she's so frustrating now. i get she Wants To Know What Happened but just giving away her position and trying to talk to this guy is so... like he literally has a gun
dying, the way the guy was talking about and to Jeongmin before and after killing him was really funny
oh lol Brother was wearing a bulletproof vest. but on that note, what about Mihye? and also I can't believe it's seeming more and more like Jinman truly just offed himself over a fake recording like actually wtf, like he actually would not do that he can't be so stupid
okay she did it, clean bullet through the head, good job Jian
ah, so every killer came to kill them all because Babylon was offering bounty for their deaths. but what about Bale? or is he just fine w Jinman dead or thought dead or whatever
so funny, they're all like yaaas tax-free prize + sales on weaponry
thought the bus would have Jinman lol
okay, duh. ofc he's alive duh and comes right after Jian has managed to escape/survive/etc.
Kind of anticlimactic but tracks with what we've seen in the earlier eps I guess. Also, no Bale? Some people on the on-air thread said we're supposed to assume that maybe Jinman was fighting with Bale and that's why he's weak and bruised? idk.
Interesting premise + interesting execution with all the flashbacks, especially because it was like eps 1 - 4: about half is flashbacks to Jian's childhood/growning up with Jinman/teenagehood in her POV, ep 5: Jeongmin's POV flashback for about half, eps 6 - 7: almost entirely Jinman POV flashbacks, ep 8: almost no flashbacks. I think I liked some of the early Jian's POV eps (ep 2 comes to mind) and quite enjoyed eps 6 - 7 which gave us more backstory. I do have to say the flashbacks cutting through the current action was sometimes bothersome, especially after we'd established important stuff in the first few eps and were showing stuff in the middle episodes that didn't need as much screentime, specifically Jian's teenage life. I thought ep 5 was also weak af.
I found Jinman intriguing and mysterious and understood him despite being frustrated with how he treated Jian at times. Jian I liked way more at the beginning but then started being kind of annoyed toward the end at times. Mihye was soooo cool.
It was a surprisingly funny show, especially in regard to how this is just a job for these mercenaries and killers lol
The ending was a bit anticlimactic in terms of how things were resolved + there was a bunch of important threads that were unfinished (aiming for a season 2?). I wasn't surprised by the ending but I don't know if they were aiming for that anyway, I think they knew the audience to predict it and were okay with it.
idk what to rate it, like it's fine, I liked it well enough, likely will never think about it again, but may watch season 2 if it ever airs. I guess I liked it more than Killed Paradox (I actually barely remember that show, esp the second half? nothing in my brain)
Rating: 6.5/10
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clown-reads-homestuck · 10 months
First real post of my readthrough of homestuck! Just getting right into it.
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It's so funny that some random user just named his ass John Egbert.
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I really miss the style of just importing really crusty jpegs of real objects into your artwork. It speaks to the mid 2000s newgrounds user that still dwells in my decrepit soul. We should bring this back.
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This seems like a nightmare of a narrative device to write around. Though I guess I understand it because it kinda deters just picking up everything.
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Do it John. Shit on your desk. This animation is super cute though.
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What the hell is the background image supposed to be on this. Also GODS I would kill for a computer screen like this.
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Having war flashbacks to when my IRL WoW friends would use the term loot in public like it was nothing. This is the real relic of this era. Also what the fuck kind of username is turntechGodhead. It's probably a reference I'm not getting but I've never seen the term godhead used outside of elder scrolls lore.
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This is so quaint in 2023, I mean who doesn't know what piss tastes like. Also this whole exchange makes absolutely no sense if you haven't seen Little Monster starring Howie Mandel and Fred Savage. does Howie pee in a kids mouth in that movie???
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I have vague memories of people talking about monocles so much more often when I was a growing up. I feel like the internet had more of a fascination for them back then because fake rich people made us less pants shittingly angry. Also this is such an early 2010s level humor joke jeez.
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I thought this motherfucker was TOM from Toonami. Also COOL CLICKABLE pages, I didn't even know this had that. Least not this early on.
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This hideous book is a joy to look at. It reminds me of the weird intermission screens in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
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I misread this as making me so hard all the time. I almost blacked out.
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This is a lot more word salady than I expected. That's not really a negative though
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Not gonna lie a magazine like this would do numbers nowadays. It's kind of weird that a little bit of bro culture kinda just became normal culture for dudes generally. I wonder Andrew Hussie had something specifically against GamePro at the time or if it was just for the pun. Also John why do you own this magazine.
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Yooo CLOWN TIME. I guess Harlequins in this case but still I didn't expect clown stuff to start showing up this early. I know Hussie is a clown eboy or something nowadays so I knew they had to be in this.
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I would be bing chilling in this living room dude, this is so cozy. Also wtf does John's dad do to afford this happening pad.
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Final page! This is pretty fun so far. Stare into the flames John, let your hate go stronger.
Till next time anyone who actually reads this blog!
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
It's time to ramble about Lilith’s lore because I love my dark urge daughter with all my heart LET'S GO
(there are tons of BG3 spoilers ahead, and also TW for a looot of canon typical violence/vivid descriptions of it!! So pls be careful!!):
Afaik her past aligns pretty properly with the canon durge past in a lot of ways?? I think?
She was basically Orin except just. Much more Normal(tm) I guess? Was less giggly about her practices unlike Orin, and more - for lack of a better wording - aroused and enamored by it all.
They were besties nonetheless. Sisters in crime, Bhaal's favorite children, all that jazz. Or like, Lilith thought Orin was her bestie at least.
She 100% had a thing with Gortash. They were insufferably in love and absolutely deranged. Gortash was SO fucking into all her violent tendencies. They were going to rule Baldur's Gate together - not with her as his consort, but as true equals.
Now that her memory's basically gone after all that time, Lilith is repulsed by her urges. She's a sweetie and wants nothing to do with her desire to kill and cut and coat everything in her path in blood and guts
But obv she can't control that sometimes...
When she encounters Shadowheart she wants nothing more than to punch through the glass capsule the cleric was trapped in and expose her innards with the broken pieces
When she meets Lae'zel she daydreams of chopping her up, limb by limb, and tossing her off of the ship to be fed to the dragons
Upon meeting Astarion, with his knife to her throat, she's fully enamored by the prospect of him using it to slit her open. Similarly, she daydreams of doing the same to him, drinking in how beautiful his corpse looks as it bleeds all over her
Gale... she couldn't control herself lol his hand got chewed off SO fast by those little tiefling fangs of hers. RIP Gale
With Wyll, she wanted to take his own blade to his good eye to give the fake one a little friend
She, knowing full well that touching Karlach upon their first meeting could have burned her alive, relished in the idea of taking that chance. Feeling her skin char as she ripped her fellow hellspawn's horns from her skull to skewer the mechanical heart in her chest
She was terrified of herself already, imagine the horrors when she mangled poor Alfira WHEW!! RIP Alfira my beloved..
Canon typical Astarion romance ensues over time: She eventually opens up to him about everything before the incident where she's ordered to kill him by that little red goblin butler bastard though.
In turn, the vampire is more inclined to open up about his past to her. Eye for an eye or whatever. Except it's willing - she ensures him he doesn't need to share so much with her, in fact she has no idea why she shared so much with him other than out of sheer desperation for someone to confide in
Fast forward to the Ketheric/Myrkul battle: She knows Gortash. Doesn't know how, but she recognizes him, and something about him makes her heart flutter
She wants to throw up
Especially so when her bestie Karlach seethes at the mere sight of him
Who is he?
Likewise, she recognizes Orin, somehow. She feels comfort, even as the deranged bhaalspawn laughs in the face of Ketheric beneath her blade.
Fast forward again to when the party makes it into Baldur's Gate.
At this point, it's small.
She, in a sleepy stupor, watched blissfully as Shadowheart had killed Lae’zel during their dispute over the Artefact.
When she went to the temple of Shar, she unthinkingly didn't think to include Shadowheart in it, so driven by her yearn to get the fuck out of there. So Shart obviously left because wtf that was a dick move, Lilith!!!
Gale was never around to begin with.
Jaheira and Halsin were off completing their own business, with intentions to join their endeavors in a tenday or so.
She know's there's strength in numbers, but now she fears the day Jaheira and Halsin and whoever else joins the crew. How does she know she'll keep them safe? Will she keep them safe? What if she herself is their demise (re: Alfira my beloved!!!)?
Imagine how that fear grows as she steps foot into Gortash's coronation, only to have all her memories with him come flooding back, as he introduces her so highly to the room of people as what one could only assume is a lover.
She remembers their lust-filled nights, dirtying the Lord's bedsheets with the blood of their enemies.
The days where they collaborated side-by-side on their next move both for Bhaal and The Absolute
The days where they... acted normal. Went on nice dates to the park, or had a lavish feast with nobody but each other as company
The day where Gortash asked Lilith to be at his side forever, and she wholeheartedly welcomed it
(Based on the lack of a ring, she can only hope she didn't actually tie the knot yet by the time she got flavorblasted into becoming The Bonemother or whatever the fuck Kressa said she was)
That's all I've got for now because as usual the lore is driven heavily by romance ckemviekbkn sorry
Edit: have decided based off her interactions with Alfira (before she brutally destroyed Alfira) that her hobby (other than killing apparently) is being an amateur bard (she has high performance so she always keeps Alfira’s lute around) (I am still mourning alfira)
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thegeminisage · 1 year
squeezing in a little zelda during lunch and AAAAAA this stable!!!
so firstly this is where the little npc was who dreamed about the sky, and she's still here...but she's the exact same age. i notice the ages aren't very consistent - this kid looks exactly the same, but koko has grown 3ish years, as has tulin, but hudson's daughter looks like she could be 6 or 7?? time is out of whack!! ik from a a dev perspective its bc they couldnt age every single child npc, that would have taken forever, but like...it's weird, and it's quite obviously why they won't put a definite number on how long it's been since botw
a lot of talk at this stable about gorons with strange looking rocks...what is going ON up there. apparently also the mountain has cooled? does that mean i can go without gear?
AND of course my reporter buddy is here. i don't see the horn guy though!
OH there's a great fairy here too!!!! god finally i need tp upgrade my armor sooo bad
there's a hot spring below this well.......
AND a kilton balloon wtf
HE HAS A BROTHER?????? oh he looks even more unsettling somehow
oh THIS is what u do with bubbul gems
oh my god he LEFT!!!!! come ON i have so many more :(
ugh it's BULLSHIT i cant put the towing harness on epona >:(
time for babys first escort mission lol. im glad this one seems short
time for poor link to get perved on lol
oh man fake zelda is LITERALLY up to no good
oh wow she just TELLS you where the others are??? sweet
clothes customized as much as i can...finally finally no more getting one shotted
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garak · 1 year
here are my thoughts on the x-men movies since ive finished most of them
x-men (2000): in my top 3. love mags and xavier in this one mostly because its ian mckellan & patrick stewart. my main gripes are with the merging of magnetos and mystiques brotherhoods & the exclusion of destiny from the brotherhood. magneto being willing to sacrifice his life & another mutants for his dream to be realized seems pretty accurate but i feel like they didnt make it clear enough that if the plan worked he would have died too...? HATE wolverine trying to put the moves on jean grey but thats true regardless of whether its a movie or a comic or a stageplay for all i care.
x2: the plot of this one kind of lost me mostly because i havent read god loves man kills yet so i didnt have any basis to understand wtf was going on except stryker was there and hes evil. love maggy in the prison being emo and shit although them deciding when he can or cant fly or use certain powers seems pretty arbitrary... ? i feel like deathstryke is treated pretty poorly by the plot here seeing as shes you know kind of an important character who they never introduce properly. nightcrawler looks better in this movie than he does in the later ones but still not good.
last stand: ive already talked about the choice of angel & worthington industries as the villains in this one so i won't go over it again. i think its DEEPLY funny that scott disappears and wolverine finds his glasses (which he cannot live without) just lying around and doesn't think "hey i wonder what happened to cyclops" until jean is quite literally unbuckling his belt halfway through trying seduce him. why does no one in these films seem to give a fuck about what happens to cyclops he dies in the first 10 minutes of the movie and its never addressed. also prof x dies in this one and i dont remember how he comes back to life so what was that. also they fuck up bobbys characterization SOOOO bad like i know they didnt know he was gay and he is kind of a player but in the comics kitty uses him as a rebound then breaks up with him and then his younger self (teleported to the future from the 60s) is like "why arent you gay. i'm gay" and bobby is like "no i'm also gay. i just act straight because of irish catholic guilt". so having him cheat on rogue with kitty and pressure rogue into getting the mutation blocker thing so they can have sex is retroactively an insane plotline. sorry im bobby drakes number one fan and this is so fake. also beast is so hot in this movie. what? who said that. also the phoenix plotline sucks and also magneto was right to try and explode the factory or whatever
origins wolverine: INCREDIBLY funny movie serious excellent. completely unintentional in how funny it is but so enjoyable to watch. why was cyclops there? why was emma frost there? what is going on in this movie? why is wolverine naked all the damn time? why does he know the blob? why can he BEAT the blob? why is the blob in this movie? seriously what the fuck is going on in this movie? x-men origins wolverine does not have answers to these questions. its really great to see the awful cgi claws though. i liked that gambit was in this movie.
first class: i have a lot of questions on this one. why is hank here. why is mystique acting like a child when she should be over 70 years old at the least. why would they get my hopes up by putting banshee and moira in the same movie but then not give them a relationship. why the fuck is scott summers' younger brother here. however it does well by making you root for magneto and then being like "and everybody then teamed up with magneto because hes awesome and abandoned xavier except for hank because theyre both centrist democrats" like you know what. so true. i like how mags just starts drama constantly for no reason like why was he fucking w mystique like that... good for him i guess but hes so gay in this movie its not even funny. okay it is funny but only a little.
the wolverine: i fell asleep during this one so i don't know but it seemed weird and racist in many ways and wolverine was a complete bitch during it for NO reason as always. also its so funny to see him fail on screen with basic japanese when in the comics he gets mind wiped and regains the ability to speak japanese before he regains english like that guy is an r/whiteguyswithasianwives prodigy. i liked deathstryke in this movie the actress was very cool. why didnt wolverine take the deal to save his friend and not be immortal anymore when he fucking hates being immortal half the time like bro come on... i hate him sorry
days of future past: okay at this point they should have known bobby drake was gay. so why all that with kitty. also why blame MYSTIQUE for the creation of the sentinels dawg she had nothing to do with that in the comics. the sentinels were not purple enough OR big enough btw. also, where is rachel summers. you cant do days of future past without rachel summers. either way this was a pretty good movie. quicksilver was excellent.
apocalypse: guys. why is scott summers wearing raybans. here are some other questions i hate about this movie: why is cyke's backstory never properly discussed. why do they give cyke angel or bobby's personality. why does nightcrawler look so bad. why would apocalpse choose angel over literally anyone else. why is it never addressed that nightcrawler is mystique's son. why is psylocke here if theyre not going to do anything with her. why is xavier such an annoying liberal. why would they introduce a new magneto daughter when he already has like 3 to pick from. why dont hank and mystique just sort their shit out. why does mystique go to bat so hard for maggy. why does jean already have telepathic abilities when she and scott meet thus making the way they originally get together (one of the main reasons i give a fuck about their relationship) impossible. who is the girl with the yellow hoop earrings they hang out with. dazzler??? why does jean have the phoenix spirit in her if she hasnt died yet. why isnt storm in her home on the mountain at this point. why is moira not scottish. why introduce her son if theyre not going to do the moira son plotline. last but not least, why would they include any character in this movie who wasnt quicksilver when hes obviously the best character by a wide margin and all scenes that dont include him are basically worthless. otherwise i quite enjoyed it. i liked angels haircut and im so glad they FINALLY made xavier bald.
i will add my reviews of new mutants, dark phoenix, deadpool, etc. once i watch them
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queen-boudicca · 2 years
First up in the nuwho rewatch, Rose!
It's ya girl! 
I love how RTD sets look like actual places people live. Like that looks like an living room
Love the music so much omg
MICKEY i love you and your dorky dancing
This music is an absolute bop
Wait did she forget to bring down the till or did she hope nobody would notice before she left and didn't have to do it
Why is the ceo's office in the basement? And she knows him on a first name basis? Oh wait i bet that means chief electrical officer or something (judging by how there's the lightning sign on his door idk)
Don't like this music as much
Oh okay so it did stand for that
Rip Wilson
"I'm gonna go up there and blow it up! Which might well kill me in the process, but don't worry about me; go on home and have your beans on toast"
God i missed nine so much omg he's so sassy 
Lol their cute bickering it's amazing
"You need something stronger let's to go the pub"
"There's a match on isn't there?"
"Well I've got no idea what you're talking about how dare you even insinuate—"
Wakes up, goes back to bed
"I know she is Greek but that's not the point" amazing
"Well anything could happen" "no" the doctor is ace af and we stan 
Love the implication that nine hasn't seen his reflection, when later we get a whole series of audio dramas that took place after he regenerated and before he met rose so he hasn't looked in a mirror or anything in all that time
Jackie blow-drying her already dry hair for... reasons?
God he's such a bitch i love him
NINE'S THEME (which yes is basically the same as tens theme shut up his is softer and just has the vocals)
Rose googles "doctor" expecting anything other than a list of doctors and then goes to an internet stranger's house and would've gone alone if Micky hadn't insisted on coming
Also how the fuck is that picture supposed to look anything like nine
Also why was the doctor at the Kennedy assassination? 
Oh look another photo that looks nothing like him at all
At least the drawing does, though that's mostly bc of the outfit
'His constant companion is death' dude didn't you just say that he visited a family who then decided not to go on the titanic and thus survived? 
Oh i love these effects
Not gonna blame Rose for not realizing Mickey was sus bc nobody would think someone they know would be kidnapped and replaced by an evil plastic replica
lol love rose running right out even though fake Mickey is chasing them
She's so beautiful
And nines purposefully avoiding caring about Mickey bc he's jaded and doesn't want to be distracted and wants to think that sacrifices are justified bc that's how he copes
And rose is rightly like hey wtf how can you forget about him
God I love how a character calls out the doctor on his flaws (which are justified and understandable and make even more sense the more we learn about him) and it's actually true and not immediately criticized by the narrative certain showrunners could never
Nine in the middle of the London eye I'm gonna cry
I love how the doctor always cites the specific article or whatever from the shadow proclamation. Like even when alien species are governed by it do they really know every article and shit? I could cite maybe like five articles of my country's founding documents there's way everyone knows what part of whatever law he's citing
Hc that they just name random numbers and shit and nobody knows enough about it to contradict him
The grief in his voice holy fuck and how he's choked up and stuff
God Eccleston deserves an Oscar for this
People say he should get one for dalek and they're right but this is fucking incredible too
Aww Clive no
Jackie you are not doing a good job of running away
Rose i love you taking time to monologue before you save the day king shit
No i can't even lie i actually love her little speech you go queen
Mickey my beloved are you all right
Rose maybe tell your mom you're okay before you hang up lol
Rose maybe consider that Mickey didn't have any time to adjust or anything and he was just kidnapped and didn't really get to talk to the doctor at all
Aww nine is so sad :-(
Anyway the other possibility is that this was right after he regenerated but then he left w the tardis and had all the audio adventures before coming back and telling rose that it also travels in time
Now I'm filled with an overwhelming desire to read some nine fanfic (if only I fucking had any someone please rec some to me)
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
im going to hit my post limit just by talking about fairy tail so im going to make a master list of all my silly little thoughts
Why the hell isnt natsu automatically listed as an s class? Actually tho real talk why?
omfg happy is so cute i forgot how cute he is
i would love juvia if she wasnt so fucking crazy and also i kind of claimed gray as my "blorbo" back when i was ten and im a territorial wolf that pisses on everything that i own
rewatching it now tho gray looks more like a frog than L does lollll
also she isnt even really her own character which is sad but yeah she's annoying im sorry (not actually)
leave it to shounen to make obnoxious monologs literally every five seconds from both the heroes and the villains (notice how it's only ever the heroes who are five seconds from death, too, how convenient.)
also all of the whole feral drgon magic fanfics used to seem cringe but this one line from gajeel is driving e up the wall rn "who are you? you smell weird" he was able to smell loke/leo's inhuman nature immmmediately. they primal af
i forgot how insanely well written leo is
LOL ThE SCENE WITH NATSU SCREAMING After ERZA IS LIKE "you have a power deep inside you... unleash it for me... *fake dies*" IS SENNNNDING ME
also wowie erza is a total baddie she's been on deaths door like five times in the past two minutes and yet she keeps getting up to fight
speaking of erza and continuing my "there should be actual death and injury" rant,how the ACTUAL FUCK do her swords do no real damage? her swords are basically like bats because all they do is BLUNT FoRCE. they do not slice. they do not cut. they do not impale. THis guy's fucking ghost magic impales more than erza's CIRCLE OF SWORDS
lucy is a badass too actually wtf did i sleep through her entire scene confronting gajeel? she looked death in the face with a smile and a laugh
(gajeel hate group meeting starts now)
gajeel needs to stop being a nasty annoying dog for five seconds i beg
honestly i dont ship grevy anymore because levy doesn't deserve a piece of shit like gajeel. luvy (lucy x levy) 110% oh also fuck natsu x lucy fr i've always hated that pairing (in case you dont know i am a gratsu truther)
what the fuck even is a breath attack for an iron dragon supposed to be PLEASE make sense for five second
leave it to shounen to be like "im going to kill this character!" character b; "noooo! i couldnt stand seeing them lose, i'd lose all respect!"
the scene where natsu is showing off the job he wants to do as a kid but he doesnt know how to read anything besides numbers is making me fucking sooob "i know all the names of food! hamburger, spaghetti, rice bowls, soup, stew! igneel taught me the letters, he really did!" like bro how fucking sad
this concludes my fairy tail masterlist for now
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castle-dominion · 1 year
6x17 audio but I won't liveblog too too much hopefully
marlowe bowman amann yay
writer upon writer upon director
good profile closeup
Yeah esposition
"package" sure
literally ran lol
self congratulatory stuff now, & finally the how to direct stuff heheh
Just piling it on, for sure
the f*ck you moment XD
as fast as possible, that was indeed good.
What does she know, what doesn't she know? how can we use that?
It's an episode of not knowing, the camera direction is good too. Where is her head level?
violation, intimidation, who do they think she is?
Yay bonus features
bowman saying it's good to hang on a shot? not fastfastfast?
delicious to write lol
that's true! it could be a call-response sort of thing! codewords!
every sentence is painful, dangerous
50k/week for my services? I am not a drug courrier
set dressing my beloved
displacement of information, ooh
Ah they had to switch the location of the phone call bc of the set
good point, women in hoods is not typical drug stuff
"We think that she's recovering from an attempted suicide overdose when in fact... oops" he says, deadpan
Oh did they ever find that letter?
Small in a large space, always showing the guards
feature film in only eight days...
Ok I'm missing onfo on the actual show bc I'm just watching the audio commentary "I'm coping with having killed somebody" to "I'm coping with the fact I had to stage a convincing fake murder"
gothic <3
surreal images, mansion, in over your head, yeah this is so much larger than life
mythologized characters. When do you reveal them?
lmao hotel california but yeah that lady was weird & totally in a different story.
Earned her way to descend into hell...
You keep the ceo in the basement?
Yeah beckett's mom's murder is still a thing even tho they caught the guy-- wait this episode is before that lol
3x13? Yeah this is great
why put her badge number when she could just put in her initials? or even a random 19484 101st & that's it, espt would be like "wtf is this" & then they look into it & still learn stuff
I recall the audio commentary for this with the extended scene
she was so excited that she was going to be tortured
take it away you horrible (great) writers
indeed, great filming
"wveryone else has beaten her up why not just throw her down the hill?"
organic AND a surprise
maturity? Oh you're right!! She has tact now!
Oof that was nice!
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theoracleofgiana · 1 year
Blog 1: Meeting
(Random prompt since my brain is dead. It's told entirely in blog format. Tw: language?)
roypensive - 1:00 pm
Why are people so fricking loud? We're in a library for Christ's sake. 
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fruityvalentine - 1:02 pm
WHY DO EXS SUCK SO MUCH?! I was just debating asking this cute guy out and then my stupid ex showed up. We got into a small argument and now Cutie is looking at me annoyed. 😭😭😭
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roypensive - 1:23 pm
They had stopped but the other dude came back again. Wondering if they're going to fight again.😑
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fruityvalentine - 1:24 pm
WHY IS DON FOLLOWING ME!!! Don. Leave me alone! I'm saying this hear cause I really don't want to hear his voice and I don't have his number. Plus he's blocked everywhere for good reason. 
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bluerosary - 1:34 pm
@fruityvalentine You good? It's been radio silent for a bit. We're very concerned. 
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primarilyfocused - 1:35 pm
@roypensive I know you're usually offline but, you usually say if you're away. Everything okay?
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roypensive - 2:00 pm
I'm so confused. I was just used as a fake boyfriend? Apparently, the two arguing are ex and this one dude won't leave the other alone. Suddenly the green-haired guy moved closer, wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and with full confidence says I'm his new boyfriend. I don't do well with other people so I froze. The ex finally leaves and Mr. Green Hair says thank you for playing along. I just nod because I have no idea what just happened. He left soon after. So now I'm here, confused. Does this happen often?
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primarilyfocused - 2:01
@roypensive wtf dude? Do you live in a drama or sitcom or what? All the weird stuff happens to you I swear. 
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fruityvalentine - 2:02 pm
@bluerosary HELP!!!! I AM FREAKING OUT!!! I SCREWED UP!!! I was panicking and claimed the blue-haired cutie as my boyfriend to Don! The dude just sat there and I was able to play it off. Don finally left and I was telling the guy how thankful I was. He was just out of it and so uncomfortable. I left after. I'm currently hiding in the bathroom. I never getting a coffee date with Cutie now. I might as well move states at this point. 
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bluerosary - 2:03 pm
@fruityvalentine PFT- You are the worst at flirting. You are for sure screwed. Good luck with your love life bestie! 😘
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(A/n: I'm enjoying writing this. I have a plan of how I want it to go. I also have something I'm debating on doing along with it. Either way, I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day.)
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ellaintrigue · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dirty Laundry
I mean, I could post the whole conversation but it would take up all of Tumblr. I'm not trying to be one-sided. TOP CONVERSATION: so that's a man I dated briefly who disconnected with me a while (petty argument). We reconnected as friends then he started messaging me every day and acting affectionately like when we were dating. The reason things didn't work out when we first dated is because he lives really far away.
So we had been talking all day, every day for over a month and I asked him if it was more than just being friendly and if he was trying to date again. And he said he would think about it. And nothing changed, we still talked and flirted, every day. I asked him again if he was still considering it or if he felt it was best not to over the distance? He said he was still deciding if he wanted to date or not.
Well, he's a timid kind of guy so I thought perhaps I was putting on too much pressure or whatnot so after 2 more weeks and him mentioning he was only single because all the local women he knew were gay, I decided to not pursue him anymore. I wasn't hostile about it except for saying I did feel kind of led on and then he blew up and said he had told me no many times and that I wouldn't accept it. He never did that, ever. I would have just stopped. I take "NO" the first time. I showed him the screenshots of him saying he was thinking about things and that sparked more rage on his part since he had no case. Classic gaslighting. My friends asked me if he was actually in a wheelchair. Nope, able-bodied man who compares his own cowardice to being someone unable to walk. Lol.
BOTTOM CONVERSATION: This is a guy I almost dated this spring but he went back to PA. He then moved back to Maryland and asked to date again but I told him I was into first guy. After that top conversation with first guy, I then started to talk to him again. Now he had always been kind of loud and all over the place and was kind of hard to assess as a person. Conflicting personality. But we talked and sexted again and then yesterday he messaged me in the morning and asked me to get on cam for him so he could jerk off. I was like no, not doing that, both parties have to want something sexual. He then offers to pay me (WTF I'm not a cam girl) and then gets really angry and starts writing me a whole damn book. I couldn't even understand him, for instance I don't know what "attack over a call or text" means at all. He then finishes things off by saying he's going to jerk off to my friend, which means my female cousin. I mean, I'm not even mad, just confused by why a guy in his late 30s is demanding I strip for him on cam when I don't want to.
His entitled behavior reminded me of when my early boyfriends would press me to do sexual things I didn't enjoy or wasn't in the mood for. I would just lay there. And you know, it wasn't rape because I consented. I was young, dumb, and manipulated. The big question is WHY DO YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH SOMEONE WHO IS NOT ENJOYING IT? Regardless, he is blocked for good. Erratic I can handle, disrespect? No.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE: Now this does make me look dumb, I admit to being stupid here. My mother and I always filled out mail forms for freebies and usually got them, or just more spam mail worst case scenario. So I got a form saying "fill out for a medicare pamphlet and a $5 gift card." I filled it out (fake name, no number) and mailed it off to Ohio or wherever the junk mail address was.
That was earlier this month. Well, the other day I stepped out of my house and found a "missed delivery" sticker on my door. I called the number and a guy answered, saying I had mailed in a form the other week. I was like yeah, it said free gift card, who are you and why are you coming to my door? He got incredibly angry and started yelling there was no gift card and that he was holding my form in his hand and "WHAT COLOR WAS THE FORM YOU MAILED BACK IN? WHAT COLOR WAS THE FORM YOU MAILED BACK IN??" over and over. He never told me if he was with an insurance company or anything. I had no idea who the fuck this guy was except for his name and number. So I told him I would call the police if he came back and hung up while he was still raving. I mean, this guy was MAD.
I looked the bastard and his number up and he was listed as a lone man finance LLC in Ocean City and he had a huge criminal record. So I'm trying to avoid crazy men and end up with one coming to my house anyway... smh.
I know I'm far from perfect but people need to stop playing games, stop being cruel, and just fuckin' act right.
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