#wtfock asks
rainparadefromhell · 6 months
croatian skam is officially coming this fall 🇭🇷
this is the best year of my life !!!
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ijzermansdriesen · 4 months
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-e. e. cummings.
Happy Birthday Ally ♡ @if-music-be-the-food-of-love
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booasaur · 11 months
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wtFOCK - 7x01
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bobbiedebruyn · 10 months
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bobbie + fidgeting when being nervous
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calliettes-posts · 7 months
Who cares its just a gif
It's not just a gif, it's hours of work just for it to be stolen in the end, often without credit
How would you feel if someone stole from you and turnaround and gave you this answer
It's also so clear you're from twitter, pls go back there, we don't want you here
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gezellig · 10 months
It makes me belly laugh when I see people who hated and criticised William in Skam defend Bobbie with their life. Bobbie is William!
William - Relentlessly went after Noora even when she told him to leave her alone
Bobbie - Kept putting herself in Anaïs circle when she made it clear she didn’t like her
William - Forced Noora into going on a date with him
Bobbie - Forced hangouts because of their parents dating
William - Noora going to Williams out of control party where she fell for him
Bobbie - Anaïs hosting an out of control party where she grows closer to Bobbie
William - Conflict with Vilde
Bobbie - Conflict with Hanne
William - Smashed a bottle over someone’s head
Bobbie - Smashed Hanne to the ground so she needed to be hospitalised
William - Gaslit and manipulated Noora until she couldn’t trust her own judgments
Bobbie - Made Anaïs question her own morals and encouraged her to do things against her beliefs
William - Had a sister who died in a car accident that he blamed himself for
Bobbie - Had a father who died in a car accident
We can all guess Bobbie was in juvie because she caused the car accident that killed her father. The song she wrote for Hanne is her version of Williams people need people article he wrote for Noora. Whoever the Sana character is (maybe Otis?) is going to tell Anaïs it doesn’t matter if Bobbie causes her to not trust her own opinions. In the end Bobbie will go to the police herself like William did as some kind of redemption. She is not Even
i do agree that this season has a lot of similarities with noora’s season, and bobbie and william are alike, but i feel like some of these things are not really comparable. noora straight up told william to leave her alone, meanwhile anaïs was just ignoring bobbie. also william forcing noora on a date is very different from bobbie and anaïs having to hang out because of their parents.
i think bobbie is just a less intense version of william (kinda like senne tbh). storyline wise you’re right tho! they are vaguely following noora’s season so i could see bobbie turning herself in.
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akkpipitphattana · 15 days
so i know it’s been years and no one cares anymore, but i know damn well i’m never finishing my sobbe eyewitness au. however, would anyone want me to post the prologue + the first chapter since i did actually write those and they were honestly pretty good if i do say so myself. i can also post the full outline i had planned if anyone is interested in that so you can see how i would have ended it
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zoennes · 1 year
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“Only... I’m the one.”
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jodyfostergaysilence · 9 months
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the golden retriever smile just for her to leave 5 minutes after they are hanging out.
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Woah he looks tons like that Willem guy 🤯
I honestly don't see it at all. And I tried 😂
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sageandred · 4 months
Send me 2 ships & I'll tell you whether they would get along or not.
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jorgecrespo · 1 year
cannot believe you’d do a massive sk*m rewatch and not tell me I’m devastated I’m just supposed to randomly open the tumblr app on a saturday night (like a normal person does) and see you on my dash like everyone else??? anyway loving the content I’m your biggest fan
i'm sorry i even thought of telling you but i was like hmmmm that's annoying i should have known better 😔
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wlwtfock · 9 months
I think it’s important for young adults to see themselves reflected on screen and that includes sex as well but the way they’re shot this is season is impersonal and too much. Compare it to the scenes between Sander and Robbe they were still realistic and graphic to a point but they were shot beautifully and lovingly. Anobies could be a one night stand
Yep, I wish they had been more loving rather than passion? Genuinely thought they won't be endgame because of how the first sex scene was shot lol
But maybe they wanted to be different this season?
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romanceforransom · 11 months
are you watching the new wtfock sapphic season?
I haven't yet 😭
When the new gen started airing I didn't watch it because I was burned before with skam fr lmao but honestly they look so cute in all the pictures I've seen so I'm tempted...
Is it a good season so far??? Let me know, I'm so down to watch it
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bobbiedebruyn · 10 months
do you want bobbie bpd+mental health storyline?
No, I don't. The mental health topic is pretty hard to tackle, especially something as complex as BPD, and those writers can't handle complex topics well. While she shows some signs, it's currently just a headcanon, and I doubt they'll explore it further. With Bobbie's season on the table, I can see them diving into the addiction storyline, grief, and generational trauma. However, I don't see them pursuing the BPD storyline, and honestly, I don't want them to. As someone with BPD myself, I'm not eager to watch 10 weeks of a poorly written mental health storyline and the inevitable ableist reactions to it (because, let's face it, people often struggle to understand female characters with complex mental health issues).
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calliettes-posts · 10 months
I think some people already made up their mind about bobbie being toxic and are now unwilling to see her in a different way
I'll be honest, when the season description was published, I wasn't too keen on Bobbie either, because 1. Its wtfock and I don't really trust them and 2. I thought they would go a completely different route than we're at tight now. But watching the clips I realised that Bobbie is simply just trying to help and be there for Anais, and also, she's just 16, she's trying her best. and I also think the show doesn't want us to think of Bobbie as the villain, or else twhy wouldn't have put so much emphasis on Bobbie helping Anais or noticing her when her friends didn't
Also, isn't the point of Skam that everyone is fighting a battle you don't know about, so be kind, always? That phrase always gets misused when it comes to genuinely bad characters with bad motives, but when it comes to Bobbie, it's suddenly radio silence lol
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