the-bar-sinister · 11 months
Your creative work is meaningful. Your creative work is important. Your creative work should be shared with the world.
💕 Even if it’s off-putting or weird.
💕 Even if it’s ‘just’ fan work.
💕 Even if some people vocally hate it.
💕 Even if you don’t feel like it’s good enough.
Your creative work is important. No one else will create exactly what you would.
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ultraluuminary · 5 years
Giving your Characters parents and family that support them isn't boring you guys are just neck deep in grim-dark realism
Having a supportive family can be super beneficial to a character!!
Plus, the happy ones are easy to break for ur angst
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storyunrelated · 4 years
Flash #2144
Pick pick pick.
He’s picking away. Just little picks, little morsels. Like how a crab eats, if you’ve ever seen a crab eat. Picking away tiny little chunks, feeding them into a furiously working mouth. Pick pick pick. He’s picking away at the details.
The details are delicious, you see? They’re where the flavour collects.
All things were made up of smaller details, component pieces. Some said - foolishly, wrongly - that things were often greater than the sum of their parts. This was ridiculous. The details were what mattered. The smaller, the better.
The whole was irrelevant, the components paramount.
Pick pick pick.
Picking at the details, devouring the details, picking away at the whole and eating it up little bit by little bit until the thing just collapses, becomes unrecognisable from what it was once made up to be.
But so what?
Intention didn’t matter, overall effect didn’t matter.
Detail mattered!
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