#wtnv 182
go-to-the-mirror · 11 months
cecil stop talking about your childhood trauma on public radio
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this image came to me in a dream once
[ID: an image a redwood forest hiking trail. white text with a black backing reads "woah there! is that a welcome to night vale reference?" with the words "welcome to night vale" in bold font and with purple backing. a red arrow and circle highlights one of the trees. text beside it reads "theres a boy in there !!" end ID]
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Cecil's mother used to bring flowers to the same tree. Cecil climbed into a tree and it didn't sound like he ever escaped.
.......I think he died in there, and his mother was leaving flowers on his grave. If she was actively mourning his death, it'd also explain why she told him he didn't exist, and maybe even why she left when he was a teenager
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
carlos come get your man he's losing memories of your family outings before our very eyes
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
Laughter is the best medicine, except in cases where you’re actually suffering from a medical condition or disease. For real, though, you need drugs for that.
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little-ajax-56793 · 2 years
What the fuck??????? What the fuck???????????????
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asydicsydney · 2 months
The new episode brings back up the question, what is Cecil's full name?
Most of us assume Gershwin is his middle name, but there's always been confusion on if it's actually a hyphenated last name (Gershwin-Palmer)
On the WTNV site you can find a list of character names and how they're spelled, and it's not hyphenated there
But if you search through the scripts, it's a mixed bag
Yes, he is more often referred to as Cecil Gershwin Palmer, but it's always when he refers to himself (33, 65, 127, 182, 206)
Wheras, others always refer to him as Gershwin-Palmer. Lubelle in 225 calls him "Mr. Gershwin-Palmer" twice, Sara Iyer of the Purrrcast in 190 receives an email from "Cecil Gershwin-Palmer", and Station Management in 217 address a memo to "Cecil Gershwin-Palmer"
The only outlier is when Cecil himself is naming Khoshekh in 159 "Khoshekh Gershwin-Palmer", which is where this whole debate even started I believe
But, now with Esteban referring to Cecil's father as "Grampa Gershwin", the issue has been dug back up
Could it be because Cecil seems to not be mentally able to retain any information on his father, that he just assumes Gershwin is his middle name? Perhaps he 'accidentally' writes a hyphen on any important documents like the cat show entry forms or an inquiring email to a podcast? Or perhaps it's still up to viewer interpretation, like most of the show
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Podcasts are so cool I swear, and they bring people together online and in the real world
Two podcasts I have started listening to recently is TMA and WTNV. (The Magnus Archives & Welcome To Night vale)
I’m completely obsessed with TMA and in the three weeks that I have learnt about it I have reached episode 172, the reason I am not further ahead is because my friend who made me listen to it is at episode 182 and I would feel bad passing them, but I just need people to know that I love this podcast so much and I feel like this is an amazing place to share!
I started listening to WTNV at the request of our very own @eldritchcats here on tumblr! Now watching the pilot was interesting… I was so used to structured things that this podcast took me so out of my comfort zone, but I was told it got better and I was bribed with food so I have been listening to it! It does get better, hasn’t take me quite by storm as TMA has but i like it and I’m slowly catching up to where eldritch is ..
I’ll never pass any of my friends in episodes, cause I’d find that impolite, but I’ll always be there lurking a few episodes behind them.
I’ve gotten so many of my other friends to listen to both, and we have tons of inside jokes about it now! I also love seeing art about it cause it so cool to see how different people see the same people! You know!
anyway if anyone has some good podcasts recommendations I’d love to hear them. I’m always looking for new things to fill my walls with.( even if it’s getting a tad bit crowded)
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warriorblood1 · 1 month
i have so many thoughts about wtnv because lets. lets look at this. look at this with me, please, is anyone else thinking about this-
like there's so much connections about trees. we know this. cecil's tree dad, we've been talking about it since like 2020ish. but we can go back further. look at this. take my hand.
246, "A Story About Him": Mom never read me stories, but dad did. 132, "Bedtime Story": This is a bedtime story my mother used to tell me.
Innocuous enough, but 132 also ends with Cecil saying, "And then my mother would pat my head and say: "Good night, Cecil. Good night." Or so I imagined. By then, I was long asleep. I hope you are too."
And in 246, Abby says "He read me stories. I don’t remember which ones." and "These stories you told weren’t lies or childish fabulations; they were recaps of my own dreams."
Perhaps it's Dad telling stories (in dreams or otherwise) and not Mom. But also. Also. Look at me.
Do you remember episode 132? The story Cecil tells is about a boy turning into a tree.
And then we can connect that back to an episode we already know has Cecil Dad Lore, 182 "It Sticks With You." (A phrase repeated by Abby in 246, by the way.) Cecil's repeated recordings of going into a tree.
anyway. im thinking about the implications.
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go-to-the-mirror · 11 months
When did Cecil die three years in a row in a random tree in Redwood Remains State Park?
[Plain text: When did Cecil die three years in a row in a random tree in Redwood Remains State Park?]
It’s Cecil Gershwin Palmer, March 18, 2019.
This is 3 days after episode 144 “The Dreamer”and the time travel shenanigans only happen later in this arc.
Cecil Gershwin Palmer, February 26, 2020.
This is 11 days after episode 161 “Alpha” and only 4 days before episode 162 “Bravo.”
Cecil Gershwin Palmer, February 15, 2021.
The day of episode 182 “It Sticks with You” because this man has absolutely no chill.
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collgeruledzebra · 6 months
beep beep!
64, 890, 235, 398, 107, 499, 21, 816
beep boop!
64: I Miss You by Blink-182. as i mentioned on 45 this one's also vaguely associated with good omens but these days more with one of my friends who will randomly sing WHERE ARE YOUUU which means everyone in the vicinity picks up the song
890: Songs I Can't Listen To by Neon Trees. feels like i havent listened to this one in forever... maybe it got kicked from the playlist that happens fairly regularly to random songs. i also think this one has a music video people say is good but i havent watched it yet
235: Let The Bodies Hit The Floor by Activator. one nothing wrong with me two nothing wr
398: Spiral of Ants by Lemon Demon. lemon demon what can i say. classic
107: Born For This by The Score. not much to say about this one, another i havent listened to in a while
499: Willow Tree March by The Paper Kites. very good song very distinct vibes... makes me think of books about woods adventures but like the more mature ones where the woodland creatures have politics. like wildwood. which i have never finished despite checking out from the library at least three times over ten or so years. where was i going with this oh yeah it's also the second to last song in the first segment of the playlist! i start a new playlist every 500 songs so it doesn't take so long to scroll through, first part got started probably spring 2019 and ended summer 2020
21: Birdhouse In Your Soul by They Might Be Giants. LOVE this song. been actively listening to tmbg for maybe a year now actually but been familiar with their music since i was old enough to comprehend a here come the abcs dvd. legendary
816: Long Gone by Mary Epworth. another night vale weather! a substantial proportion of this playlist is wtnv weather, 72 songs in fact according to my spreadsheet! great job team
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"watching esteban and carlos sitting on moss covered rocks and pointing at fish and salamanders... i thought of what it must be like to have a dad. and how i was so glad that, unlike me, esteban has a loving father. in fact, he has two!" (182 wtnv)
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joskippy · 2 years
yo!! idk if you can help me but i DESPERATELY want to catch up on wtnv but i am a million years behind (i think the last episode i listened to was review) and am overwhelmed by the amount of episodes id need to get through. is there like a list of best/most important episodes that you know of?? no worries if you dont ^_^
GOD I AM THE WORST PERSON TO ASK THIS. Its hard for me to pick and choose certain eps because alot of the big stuff that happens in nightvale extends thru mutiple eps. For the like now? I would def rec the two years following review [ eps 71 - 111 ] bc theyre some of the most important ones. And after that i would rec skimming thru the nightvale presents website bc it shows certain eps that connect to certian arcs! [ the big arcs i recommended are door ajar, a matter of blood, the birthday of lee marvin / the blood space war , the delta arc ]. After that? For the current arc thats happening in year 11, i would rec eps 188, 190, 203, 209, and 210 bc those are the eps that build up to it.
and also! HUGELY RECOMMEND episodes 171, 181, 182, and 192 as those are BIG important cecil episodes.
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
We perform a service here. Without us it all disappears/ Got to keep my goals and purpose clear
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10moonymhrivertam · 6 months
WTNV 182 fucking me up at work
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people.
1. Rasputin - Turisas (the only valid version dont @ me lmao)
2. Parking Lot - Blink 182
3. Misery - Green Day
4. This Too Shall Pass - Danny Schmidt (i will never be over wtnv tbh)
5. Be Nice to Me - The Front Bottoms
6. Two Trucks - Lemon Demon (aka kazs favorite song fhaksj)
7. Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna (also a kaz song dont @ me again lol)
8. Candy - Robbie Williams (a fucking BOP holy hell)
9. Beggin’ - Måneskin (bop bop bop)
10. American Kids - Kenny Chesney 
Tagged By: @ultimatemusicians <3
Tagging: Literally everyone, you see it you do it
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