#wu sisters
tydrags-beans · 4 months
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The cat squad
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jedimasterkaha · 30 days
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✨️Just gals being pals✨️
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snailwitdamail2 · 1 year
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storyboards by Nassos Vakalis for an earlier version of Kung Fu Panda where The Five fight Tai Lung. previous iterations of the movie had an army of wolves (later used for Shen in KFP 2) and The Wu Sisters allied with Tai Lung. never seen these before so i thought i'd post them!
check out the artists website for more: Storyboardpage (nassosvakalis.com)
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Say could I get kai shen tai lung and if you ever get to watch the show the wu sisters scorpion and fenghuang with a flamingo reader that steals the life force of others to extend there own life and increase their power. P.s your doing really great.
Tai lung,when,kai and the wu sisters x flamingo reader that steal life force from others
I'm back,finally.sorry for my absence but I'm getting back ontop of things now so I'm ok,also ty for the kind words :).
I also caught up on the wu sisters and all so I write for them now though they may be abit ooc.
<<has been proof-read>>
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Tai lung
Now I dont remember ever seeing a flamingo in kfp so I think it's safe to assume that their not very local in the areas that are shown in kfp
He'd be curious on how you balance on one leg so frequently and effortlessly
Hes infatuated with your bright colours
However hes mostly curious and intrigued by your powers
Having the ability to steal others life force to not only increase your power but also elongate your own lifespan?
Word is going to spread like wild fire
Most people are intimidated and scared,your something they've never seen before
"Never judge a book by their cover",you may be a brightly coloured gracious flamingo but your power is a little less welcoming
Your more than a worthy opponent
Your the opponent
Although hes still weary about you using your powers on him
I mean who wouldnt?
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Feels very threatened by you
It's bad when he hears a bright pink bird has been stealing peoples life force to increase their power
But it's worse when he enters a room and finds you standing there like the harbinger of death
Definatly trys to kill you more times than you can count
Hes not one to trust easily
Especially after your first encounter
He admires your balance though,there have been times where you've both been locked in battle and hes tried sweeping the floor from beneath you,only for you to land perfectly practically without staggering
He tries to find a way to best you at anything
Fears that you'll do the same to him and his fate will end up in your hands
Whether you want to take his life force though is up to you in the end
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Is absolutely flabbergasted
Hes extremely surprised,hes lived for 500+ years and has never seen anything like you
Other than himself of course,although his powers are strictly different from yours,he steals chi whilst you steal lifeforce
Hes rather star struck by your bright colours and he can get slightly distracted
He asks alot about your powers and how yours and his powers differentiate from eachother
Hes not very interested in having or gaining your powers,though as his goal is not to obtain life sorce
Although again you gain power out of life force,chi is easier to obtain and collect
Hes interested on how you can stand on one leg so easily,if he tried I think we all know what would happen
He can come of quite self centred and brash
Mainly because hes annoyed someone has similar powers to himself
Will ask if you can join him,and/or spar with him
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Wu sisters
Very shocked after finding out about your life stealing abilitys
Even the three of them are hardly enough to make you drop a sweat
They wander how a bird manages to so easily best a cat,which in the natural hierarchy the cat is the apex predator
Although due to your gifted abilities it seems you have managed to turned the tables quite drastically
Su wu(the middle sister) will most likely ask you to join very early on due to the fact that defeating you has few and far chances of happening,if at all.
Sparing will happen often though of course you wont be able to use your ability.
They are very pur-sistant(/j) persistent about asking you what the source of your power is and if you are able to teach them
They like your bright colour and the power you radiate
Cat cuddles
They to are good at balance so theyll probably try to see who has the best balance
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zoetiger-1106 · 2 years
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fav lesbian villain <3
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f-angy77 · 2 years
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Female felines 💖🐱 small tribute to all the beautiful feline designs that KFP has.
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shadowjinx626 · 1 year
A messy list of Oogway's past headcannons: Part 3
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Part 1, Part 2
Secret of the Masters to present:
Kung fu has been taught for a good while, to a point where almost everyone practice kung fu. Some people started to used kung fu for their own personal gain. Oogway at this time and age start to travel across China letting the universe guide to where ever he needs to go.
Villains like the Wu Sisters start to create a name for themselves and causing trouble in China. Oogway got involve with taking the sisters down. The sisters were then separated into three prisons.
A few years later he met young Master Rhino, Ox, and Croc in Secret of the Masters.
Oogway met a young red panda named Shifu as a student from a kung fu training academy. Took Shifu in as his student in the Jade Palace. Due to a vision of seeing Shifu training the Dragon Warrior.
When Master Shifu was ready to take care of the palace by himself, Oogway went back to traveling across China.
I don't think Tai Lung ever had that much interaction with Oogway. Since his only issues with Oogway was that he didn't choose Tai Lung to be the Dragon Scroll. So I'm going to assume that their relationship is very distant. Like you see a family member once a year distant.
While Oogway was traveling, Shifu adopted a snow leopard cub. Oogway would see this only when he returns to the Jade Palace, and was told that Shifu was training him to be the Dragon Warrior.
At first glance Oogway didn't see the Chi of the Dragon Warrior, but Shifu suggested that it might be because the boy just wasn't ready yet. Oogway was convince that this might be the case and went back to his travels.
When Oogway returned while Tai Lung was at his prime, he sees that the boy grown up very different than when he was a cub, but there was no Dragon Warrior Chi there. Instead he saw that a darkness had grown inside of him.
Oogway must tell Shifu that Tai Lung wasn't the Dragon Warrior, even though the aftermath might be unpleasant. Believing it was better to tell them soon than let the darkness grow further in Tai Lung.
Oogway was telling Shifu why Tai Lung wasn't the Dragon Warrior when a messenger told the masters that Tai Lung was rampaging in the valley and was heading for the Jade Palace moments before Tai Lung came in to take the Dragon Scroll by force.
Oogway used a move that would help immobilize Tai Lung for a good while. He took Tai Lung to Chorh-Gom Prison while Shifu handle the mess in the Valley of Peace.
Oogway tried to talking to Tai Lung into sense in order to give the man one last chance of redemption before being locked up in prison. Tai Lung refuse to see what he had done was wrong and claim that it was his destiny to be the Dragon Warrior and have the Dragon Scroll.
After with what happen to Tai Lung, Oogway started to travel less and be more involve in the Jade Palace both out of guilt and age.
He tried to help guide both Shifu and Tigress while being there in the Jade Palace. Though he'll pull some mean tricks on Shifu whenever he is too harsh on Tigress.
In one of his travels, he heard stories about a monkey pulling pranks on a village. Oogway decide to get involve and help the village out with this prankster. This will be last trip away from the Jade Palace.
When Oogway stopped traveling and rested in the Jade Palace for good, he notice how Tigress became more reserved. He thought to give her advice and advise Shifu to not be so strict with training.
After the Furious Five defeated Boar, Oogway let Shifu to train the Five on his own. Trusting that his friend can handle thing on his own from now on.
Years later Oogway had a vision that Tai Lung will return. Even though it may pain Shifu, Oogway needed to tell him very soon because he knows that he would not be there to stop Tai Lung. They needed the Dragon Warrior to stop him.
While the Five was showing their skills in the tournament, Oogway was actively trying to sense the Dragon Warrior's Chi. So when Po was almost to gate's, Oogway sensed his Chi but didn't really see him.
Oogway had his eyes closed the entire time when choosing the Dragon Warrior, letting Po's Chi guide Oogway to where he will be.
Oogway was just as surprise as everyone that it was a panda who was the Dragon Warrior, but soon found it fitting since it was the pandas who healed him.
I do believe at this point, Oogway's age had finally got to him. We constantly see Oogway shaking and licking his lips, it comes off as him barely holding onto life. Especially when you compare his animation in the third film (yet again he was also dead so...).
Despite having a vision of Tai Lung's return, he was still surprise to hear of his escape.
Oogway had no control over when he will die. The petals were already moving on their own before Oogway had said "my time has come."
Oogway sensed that he will die soon, but was content with his fate and gives Shifu his last advice before passing.
Well that's all I have for now. Granted though the only thing I'm stuck on is wether Oogway had the visions of Tai Lung's return as well as Kai, or just saw the vision of Kai's defeat once he met Po.
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ace-risk · 2 years
Fanfic Cover for my story: Darkness In His Heart
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Link to Fanfic:
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Lloyd would be a messy eater. Food on his clothes, hair, all over the table, on the floor, everywhere.
Nya is the type to choke things down her throat without swallowing. She likes eating, but it’s too time consuming, so she just takes one huge bite of the whole thing and swallows.
Jay is the type to wanna watch something whilst eating. He sets the food on his lap, turns on the TV or goes onto youtube, and just watches whatever as he munches.
Kai is a fast eater. Not on purpose or anything, he just eats unusually fast. Leaves zero mess too.
Cole hates leaving any food on his plate. Like, he’s not gonna waste it, and theres only a bit left, so he might as well painstakingly eat the last bits for the sake of satisfaction of a clean plate.
Wu doesn’t eat (he doesn’t need to as often). He drinks tea.
Zane doesn’t need to eat. But he likes to. He guilt trips Wu into eating with the “poor, lonely, slow eater” Zane.
Morro casually forgets to eat, so Wu always had to call him down to eat at specific times with a meal in hand. After he left, he would always feel hungry at a specific time three times a day and could not rest until he had something to eat.
Skylor likes the cooking part more than the eating part, mainly because she’s never satisfied with eating her own food, but someone needs to test them to make sure they’re good for the shop. She does like soup though.
Pixal became the chosen one for Skylor when she shared how she wished to try eating more unique foods.
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nunafilms · 3 months
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I warned you not to get too attached. Have your forgotten the path that we are walking? What if I say I must sacrifice her to achieve our ambitions?
✩ The Double ─ Episode 32 (墨雨云间)
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jedimasterkaha · 4 months
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An attempt was made
(spoiler, they both are terrible)
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radiantrookie · 2 months
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portrait-of-a-moron · 2 months
I’ve seen so many HCs about certain ninja being autistic right, but what if all of them were and Wu accidentally created one of those accidental after school support group things for neurodivergent kids.
The whole gangs got something going on
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zoetiger-1106 · 2 years
[pause to read the sections are not equally long]
one day i will stop making making opionated edits. not today tho ;)
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Watched the true Potential episodes again.
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