#wu yifan fanfiction
randofanficrecs · 1 year
Please note that I have used google translate for all things in the {} brackets...and I'm really not sure they're all right. So my deepest apologies for that.
Today's fic comes from the 七十二层奇楼 | 72 Floors of Mystery (TV) Fandom, we have 民国日记体-父母爱情{Republic of China Diary Style-Parents Love} by tangent90
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Category: M/M Fandoms: 呜喵 - Fandom, Actor RPF, Chinese Actor RPF Relationships: 呜喵{meow meow}, 凡受{All suffer} - Relationship, 吴磊/吴亦凡 {Wu Lei/Wu Yifan}- Relationship Characters: 吴磊{Wu Lei}, 吴亦凡{Wu Yifan}, 吴磊/吴亦凡{Wu Lei/Wu Yifan} Additional Tags: Bad Ending, 刀又不完全刀{The knife is not perfect}, 如标题所示民国风并且是日记体 {As the title shows, the style of the Republic of China is in diary style}, 小孩子的日记 {children's diary} Language:中文-普通话 國語 {Chinese-Mandarin Mandarin} Words: 3,556 Chapters: 1/1
No Summery
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Trapped, luv!
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Genre: Mafia AU! (EXO OT12)
Pairing: Reader x Kris Wu.
Warnings: Angst, violence, murders, use of weapons and later smut.
Comment: Ok, I don't know how to do this and this would be my first fic.
I know there is a lot of exo mafia content but there are not enough (in my opinion) Yifan fics, so this is really a little dream I had with him. I hope you enjoy!
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You were alone again, the detective on duty had left a few minutes ago for the thousandth time, leaving you to break or as he had said: "so you could remember clearly," pure bullshit. You looked again at the small room, it is not as if something had changed since the last time you had done a panoramic view but there was not much to do either; the room was still claustrophobic, heavily lit and empty except for the table to which you were currently chained and its chairs. One of them that you had been forced to sit for hours in the same absurd position, supporting the natural fatigue of your body and the incredible pain of your back.
But what else could you expect from an interrogation room?
You heard the door open again, your eyes quickly shifting to the one-way mirror to watch Detective Zhang's reflection enter with his little partner Detective Do. They approached relaxedly, as if they had had some "break time" when you actually knew they had been watching you like hawks through the stupid window.
-I thought you could be a little tired. -Said Yixing, the nice cop while exchanging your empty disposable glass for one full of steaming hot coffee. He was kind enough to put it within reach of your cuffed hands and then slide two small sugar sachets across the table. - It should calm the hunger and the cold until we find a solution to that.
Detective Zhang used all his personal pronouns in the plural, "we" to refer to him and you, as if you both were some kind of small nice team against the bad guys and "they" either for the headquarters or for, well, he and his team.
All the sweet talk was accompanied by a dimple in his cheek and bright eyes, always charming, as if he was talking with her mother's friend and not well... with you. Instead Detective Do had not spoken at all yet, but you simply knew that his big dark eyes didn't miss anything at all. He hadn't given you his first name and his police role seemed to be "the intimidating one", with a poker face perfected over the years and an almost inhuman serenity; It wasn't that it worked for you for obvious reasons, but still both boys were trying.
-I don't drink coffee. –You let them know while you took turns watching them. Hell, the headquarters had really chosen their pretty boys for your interrogation. It was as if they thought you were a stupid woman, so you relaxed your shoulders further, completely ignoring your numb muscles and the pain in your neck to look as relaxed as you could; as if you were on a beach lounger, chatting with your girl friends and just hanging out. -Sorry.
Yixing did not allow himself to be immuted in any way, his facade was still "the attractive and sweet neighbor if your dreams" and all he did was drink coffee for himself.
-Well, we can do something. -He said distractedly as he added sugar and stirred. –A tea, perhaps, something warm so that…
-Fuck with her tea! –and there it was, Detective Do had exploded as he stood up and with his firm palms on the table he bowed until his beautiful and clean face was inches from yours. -Where is he, Y/n?! And before you try to be a smart ass, we know he didn't leave the country, so the fucking bastard has a safe place and you're going to tell me where.
What a character he had, but you preferred it that way, it kept you alert and with everything that had happened in the last twelve fucking hours, alert was how you wanted to stay.
- Have someone ever told you that you are devastatingly handsome up close? -You said with a smile while watching his face flush with fury. Yixing laughed softly as he stirred his coffee, as if he had expected exactly that answer. - And as I have told you my kind gentlemen, I have no idea of ​​anything and although I knew, I have no intention of ending, well, dead. So you see, that's the situation.
-You are his fucking wife and he is a bastard, but he wouldn't kill you. –Detective Do said as he calmed down, his eyebrows still held together in a frightening frown. - I repeat, you are his wife.
Yes, you knew that part since you had said "I Do" on the altar, but apparently the policeman wanted you to remember him while pointing you with his finger up and his pretty lips pressed in a pout.
-Surely, Detective Do you don't know much about my husband. –You said with the most pitiful expression you could achieve. -You don't know what he would do to keep himself safe; you just have to see me here, chained to a table at a police station after he left me behind to be trapped. Doesn't this create enough proof of our relationship?"
-Then you're saying, that you, Wu Y/n. - Yixing said as he opened, between sips of coffee, what appeared to be a singular sheet with your data collected thoroughly. –A graduated systems analyst with a deep knowledge in Web programming, Software and business management; twenty-three years old and married since your eighteenth birthday with Wu Yifan, who by the way has a high influence of the Chinese mafia, not to mention that he is the leader of absolutely everything ... that you have no idea of anything.
And then he looked at you, the "sweet neighbor in front" already forgotten and Detective Zhang reflected in his now sharp eyes. Yes, he was not swallowing any story and there simply were not many options to escape the situation without collateral damage, and looking at his serious face you asked yourself, What was going to cost you?
-If I were in your place, I would be furious. I mean, look at you. –Yixing continued as he cupped his empty glass in his palm and left it carelessly on the table. –He left you behind after a fatal shooting, covered in someone's blood in a house with four dead policemen, to escape while he and his men ran for their freedom. - He sighed as if everything weighed in his heart, as if he had somehow empathy for your situation, for you. -I'm sure you've always been the best wife, so beautiful, so loyal and intelligent ... all of that for this; Your life is gone, goodbye luxuries, goodbye freedom and seemingly goodbye husband.
Fucking. Bastard.
Yixing looked so distressed as he reminded you of everything you already knew, everything you didn't want to accept yet and everything there was no way to escape. Because Yifan had left you as bait to save himself and now your life, which from the beginning you had not wanted but to which you had become accustomed, was lost.
The man you loved had stabbed you in the back and although two days ago you had been in his arms, always being so completely his, your reality was now completely different: you were alone, with no family to call, no possibility of returning home and with a broken heart.
-We are willing to help you. –Yixing continued as he approached you, taking a small key out of his pocket. The detective came so close that you could smell his colony almost faded and see every wrinkle in his white uniform shirt; with quick movements he opened your cuffs and took your wrists in his hands, rubbing the marks that the metal had left while his eyes were still anchored to yours. - Witness protection, a safe place for your stay and security twenty-four hours a week every day until the bastard falls. And then a new life, without Kris Wu in it and without the Mafia on your shoulders. What you'd say?
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So, that's all. Really hope you all like it and that is well writed 😅
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biaswreckingfics · 5 years
Lovesickness (M)
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Author: biaswreckingfics
Pairing: Kris Wu/Wu Yifan x Reader
Genre: Incubus!AU, Angst, Smut (18+)
Word Count: 8k
Summary: When you learn the man you are falling for is slowly killing you, you have to be able to let him go, or perish in his flames.
A part of the 12 Days of Lust collab, which can be found here!! Check out the other amazing authors in this OT12 EXO collab! I can promise you won’t regret it!
The relationship you had with Kris had been a wild one from the start. After the information he had just shared with you, your mind had gone over all of the times the two of you had spent together, looking for clues or hints about what was to come. Maybe some would say that you should've seen this coming from the start, but who in their right mind would think the man they were falling for was a demon. An incubus to be exact.
Sure as hell not you.
You thought back to the first time you met Kris... You had been checking your mail in your apartment building, and he had just got done hooking up with your neighbor.
A door a little further down the hallway opened up and you did a double-take when a man not much older than you walked out of it. Last you checked, a rude girl around your age lived there alone with her cat, which could only mean one thing. Your bitchy next door neighbor finally got laid. Good for her. Maybe she'd quit complaining to you about everything under the sun.
Although you did have to admit, a part of you was slightly envious. It had been close to a year since you and your ex broke up, and you hadn't been with anyone since. Feeling the pent up sexual frustration building at just the thought of sex, you sighed and shut your mailbox.
You turned and observed the tall man walking towards you. He was attractive, there was no denying that, but it wasn't in the classically handsome way. He had a certain aura around him that intrigued you. He was of Asian descent and his bleached blonde hair was striking against his skin tone, but it was his piercing brown eyes that drew you in.
He smirked as he approached you and that was when you realized you must've been staring at him for a good minute, or at least long enough for him to walk down the hallway and be standing in front of you, his smokey scent invading your senses.
"Do I have something on my face?" He smiled at you with a confused look.
"Huh? Oh... uh, no. You're... good."
He let out a soft chuckle at your answer and you genuinely debated if there was a way to crawl into your mailbox and die.
"Do you live here?" He asked, while his eyes ran over your body, checking you out.
"No. I just like to check random people's mailboxes in my free time."
His eyes lit up at your response and he glanced down at the mail in your hand.
"Y/N... That's a cute name. Perfect for a girl like you."
You glanced down at your mail and realized you were showing him your name and address like an idiot. Clearing your throat, you quickly flip it over and smile up at him.
"Thank you..."
"Kris... right. Well, it was nice to meet you." You told him as you attempted to walk past him.
Just before you cleared him, you felt a hand grip your wrist and spin you.
Startled, you looked up at Kris with wide eyes. This man clearly didn't understand personal space.
"Before you go, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?"
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Didn't you just hook up with my neighbor?"
He glanced at one of the doors behind you and shrugged. "Yeah."
You almost balked at his blatant attitude. If you had any doubts about him being a player, they were immediately wiped away.
"Yeah... no thanks." You answered, tugging on your wrist to get him to let go.
He looked down at his hand and realized he still had it wrapped around your wrist, and he quickly let it go.
"You wouldn't have to do anything you didn't want to do." He said with a shrug.
What the fuck kind of response was that?
"Sorry. I'm not really interested in random hookups. Nice to meet you though." You turned and quickly walked back to your apartment, feeling his eyes burning a hole into your back the entire way.
Just as you reached your door, you heard him shout down the hallway, "I just wanted to get to know you!"
Your eyes widened in alarm at his volume and you quickly turned to look at your neighbor's door. Was he freaking crazy?
You shake your head and look back at him, realizing he wasn't going to leave until you responded or went into your apartment, so you shout back, "Maybe in another lifetime!"
You then ran into your apartment and threw the door closed behind you. What you failed to notice was the smirk on his face as he watched you enter your apartment.
After that initial meeting, you had continuously run into Kris wherever you went. The bookstore, the grocery store, the cafe... He was everywhere and you had even convinced yourself that maybe he had been stalking you... Apparently, you weren't too far off the mark.
When you walked into your favorite bookstore, you were immediately greeted by your best friend, who just happened to be the manager of your hidden gem, before he ran off in search of something.
You loved this bookstore because it was one of the oldest in the city, and the only people who frequented it were the regulars and professors of the nearby university.
You began walking the aisles as you waited for him to come back, but when you heard your name spoken from behind, you froze.
There was only one other time when you've heard your name spoken with that voice, and for some annoying reason, you hadn't been able to forget it since. Slowly, you turned and looked up at the tall man in front of you. The scent of charred wood once again coming to your nose.
"Fancy seeing you here."
You furrowed your eyebrows at his tone, and not to mention that you had never seen him in here before. Was he... Did he follow you here or something?
A weird feeling washed over you as you took him in. His outfit was all black, boots, jeans, and jacket, and the smirk was still gracing his face. His eyes held the same determined glint as they did before and you almost took a step back.
Why did you have a feeling he was up to something? Something you would undoubtedly be involved in.
"...What're you doing here?"
His eyebrows quirked up at your question. "Well, I'm getting books... at the bookstore..."
"I just didn't think many people knew about this place."
You were torn between feeling stupid for asking such an obvious question and feeling cautious over the fact that he was suddenly here at one of your favorite spots, especially when you knew you had never seen him here before. Were you possibly making something out of nothing?
Before he could reply, your best friend Seojoon came up to the two of you, a giant bag full of books with him.
"Here you go, Kris. There's a couple of newer releases in there for you too."
"Thanks for the help, Joon. See you next week."
Your eyes almost bulged out of your head at the nickname. Joon?! They knew each other?!
A throat clearing caught your attention and your eyes snapped back to Kris.
"Um... see you around, Y/N."
As he awkwardly walked away from you, Seojoon turned to you at his goodbye.
"Oh cool. You guys know each other?"
"How do you know him?" You asked, bewildered.
Seojoon shrugged at your question, confused with your reaction. "He's been coming here for the past month. He's a cool dude, but he likes the dark stuff."
"Dark like what? Poe?"
"Dark like satanic rituals, spells, and underworld shit."
Your mouth parted at his response. "Wait, really?"
"Mhmm. He's read damn near every book we have on those subjects."
You stared at your best friend as you processed this information. You were known to enjoy the darker things in life, books, movies, etc., but you've never been known to read every book on those subjects in a bookstore.
"By the way, how do you two know each other?" Seojoon asked.
"Huh? Oh. I met him at the apartment. Guess he hooked up with Rae."
His eyes widened. "The crazy bitch down the hall? Huh... I guess that does seem like it'd be his type."
You stayed silent on the fact that he had asked you out too. There was no reason to give Seojoon any fuel to add to his already crazy ideas. Although, with the way your thoughts were going, you didn't know if you were any better.
A couple days after the bookstore incident, your suspicions skyrocketed when you saw Kris at the grocery store.
You only saw him for about five seconds as he walked past the aisle you were in, but you knew it was him. Much to your dismay, you had recognized the little swagger he had in his walk.
You had immediately turned around and begun walking back the way you came. What the hell was he doing here, and why was he suddenly everywhere? Did he just freaking move here or something? That had to be the answer because you had never seen him before you ran into him in the hallway of your apartment.
You quickly finished your shopping and were checking out your groceries, when you felt him get in line behind you. You couldn't describe how you knew it was him, maybe it was the smokey scent that you now associated with him, but a feeling overcame you and you quickly turned on him.
"What're you doing here?"
He looked up at you startled and you noticed even the cashier looked at you oddly. You paused and took a breath, ignoring the regret you were beginning to feel for asking.
"I'm getting food? Hi?"
Your eyes slightly widened at his demeanor. Did he really not realize it was you? Was this really somehow all a coincidence? Were you that fucking paranoid?
You thought back to your previous encounter. He had to have been at the bookstore before you if Joon was already getting his books, and with the way he was acting... It seemed like he didn't realize it was you he had gotten behind in line... Was this really all in your head?
"I'm sorry. That was rude of me... I just didn't expect to see you again."
"It's cool... I also didn't expect to keep seeing the girl who rejected me, so..."
You flinched at his response. Fuck, you were kind of an ass.
"You rejected him?"
Kris and you both look at the cashier and the shock that she had spoken out loud was evident on her face. She looked back down and started scanning your items quicker than before.
The two of you awkwardly stood in line while you waited for the cashier to finish up your order. You had prayed to about five different gods, hoping she would grow a third arm so you could run away from your embarrassment, but obviously, that never happened.
What was wrong with you? Why were you acting all weird around him and almost obsessing over him being everywhere? ...Maybe you needed to apologize for your weird behavior the next time you saw him...
Fortunately, you got that chance a week later.
You had been sitting at the cafe on the corner of your block, staring at your laptop. The current paper you were writing for your econ class was giving you every problem it could, and you were stressed.
It got to the point where you were just watching customers come and go from your little corner table, so when Kris walked in, you spotted him right away. You almost called out his name, but a thought occurred to you. Would he think you were stalking him?
You shook the stupid thought and waited for him to order, once he turned around to look for a table, you were going to get his attention, but two preppy girls immediately stepped in his path.
You watched the interaction and almost rolled your eyes out of your head at the flirting. It was all there. The hair twirling, the pushed-up breasts. It was textbook and Kris was falling right for it. You scoffed before you could help it and then leaned back in your chair, confused. Were you... jealous? No. Why would you be jealous?
Actually, why was this man stirring up so many emotions in you every time you saw him? What was it about him that caused you to act completely abnormal?
His order was called and the two girls pointed to where they'd be sitting, but once he grabbed his drink and turned around, you quickly stood up, your chair scraping the floor, causing his attention to immediately go to you.
Awkwardly, you kind of pointed down at the chair next to you and you were slightly surprised when he even considered joining you.
Slowly, he made his way over to you and the two of you sat down at your table.
"Intrigued now that someone else is showing interest in me?"
This would go to hell in a handbasket real quick if he kept up the attitude.
"The first time I met you, you had just got done hooking up with my neighbor."
He smirked. "Fair point."
"Look, I just wanted to apologize for acting... weird."
He searched your face before nodding. "Then I apologize for making you think I was stalking you."
His words caught you off guard and you looked at his teasing face before letting a smile grow on yours.
"Maybe we should start over with a clean slate?" You suggested.
When Kis agreed, the two of you did just that. Without noticing, you somehow spent the next three hours getting to know each other, and though it was confirmed that he was the biggest flirt you've ever encountered, there was actually a lot more to him than that.
You could only laugh at your previous actions now. It was obvious that the way he consumed your thoughts wasn't normal. You had never been one to obsess over a man and you had begun questioning and doubting damn near everything about Kris the second he stepped into your life.
You also should've listened to Seojoon when he would bring up the weird shit that Kris was into, but you always brushed it off. Who cared if he liked darker things? Well, apparently you should've.
When you told all of your thoughts and feelings to Seojoon over the phone, his one question was, "Okay, but did you ask him about his satanic shit?"
The words your best friend had told you a week ago flooded into your mind, but you pushed it aside.
"So, he's into some weird shit."
Seojoon was quiet for so long that you had to check he didn't hang up before you heard him sigh.
"I'm going to walk into your apartment one day and find you naked in a pentagram, aren't I?"
"Well, I really fucking hope not."
After you and Kris had decided to start with a clean slate, the dreams began. Not cute, fluffy dreams either. No, these dreams left you so sexually frustrated you were ready to rip your hair out. You could still recall the first one so vividly.
Rough hands caressed your parted thighs and you closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation on your soft skin. You felt a hot breath over your center and shivered with anticipation. It felt like you waited forever before you felt the flat lick of his tongue on your clit. The moan you let out encouraged him to continue, and he quickly began lapping at your folds, sucking and swirling as his fingers found their way to your entrance. He slowly pushed his finger inside of you, curling it up and rubbing against your inner walls.
A second finger was added as he hummed at the moans that fell from your mouth, the vibrations driving you absolutely wild. Your hands dug into his hair as you began grinding against his face and you felt your climax rapidly building. Just before the wave of overwhelming ecstasy rolled over you, you looked down at the man whose face was in between your legs, to find his deep brown eyes watching you.
Your abdomen squeezed as you met Kris's stare and then a blinding, white light overtook your vision as you came. -----
You quickly sat up in your bed, drenched in sweat and soaked panties clinging to you. You took a deep breath as you tried to calm your racing heart, and you were quickly met with the hint of smoke left in the air.
As your mind came down from arguably one of the best orgasms you'd ever had, questions began to fill your head. Why did your room smell like Kris? Why did it feel like someone had truly eaten you out? Why did that dream feel more like reality?
You shook your thoughts from your head and tried to move on with your day, but when you encountered the same sexual dreams the next three nights, you were ready to scream.
Every single dream was Kris. Fucking you from behind, tying you up and blindfolding you, him having his way with you over and over again. Every single day you woke up feeling satisfied and spent and the hint of smoke in the air was the cherry on top of your confusion.
Now that you knew the truth, it was stupidly obvious. This was when Kris had been invading your dreams and feeding off of the energy you were putting out. You had to shake your head at the entire situation now. You had basically walked right into the incubus' trap.
The dreams lasted for about a week, before you got a taste of the real thing, in a supply closet at some gothic club. Seojoon and his friend Jaewon had dragged you there to help get your mind off of Kris, but boy were all of you surprised when he happened to show up at the same place.
"I don't know about his, Jae," Seojoon sighed wearily as the three of you sat at the bar and surveyed the scene.
"Trust. Me." Jaewon confidently said, before turning to you. "Our dear Y/N here needs someone a little rough to take care of her if her dreams have anything to say about it, and this is the perfect place to find that someone."
You groaned at Seojoon over the entire situation. "I still can't believe you told him."
"You told me?"
"Yeah, but you're you and he's..."
"Devilishly charming?" Jaewon provided for you.
"Fucking annoying was what I was going to go with."
Seojoon, who was sitting in between the two of you, grabbed his drink and downed it before saying, "Do you two always have to do this?"
Jaewon completely ignored him and continued, "You know... maybe I could help you with your problem."
"I would rather swallow nails." You scoffed at the gross thoughts that idea put in your head.
"Well, that was... kind of fucked up."
Seojoon sighed and turned on his stool to survey the crowd, while you ignored Jaewon and ordered another drink. A strong one.
Not even a minute later, Seojoon suddenly gasped and choked on his drink. Jaewon and you both quickly turned to check on him as he coughed, but he ignored your "are you okays" and turned to you with wide eyes. You searched his face trying to figure out what was wrong before he finally got out the word "Kris".
Your own eyes widened as you processed the name in your head. Kris? Kris was fucking here? You quickly turned and searched the bar looking for the man, literally of your dreams, while you heard Jaewon asking Seojoon questions.
"Kris, the dude she's been having dream sex with, Kris?"
Seojoon must've nodded or something, because then you heard Jaewon say, "Damn. I guess here really was the perfect place."
But whatever he said after that is drowned out, because you find the exact person you're looking for.
He stood off to the side in his normal all-black get up and stupid good looks watching the crowd of sweaty dancers. Your eyes tracked his every move like they couldn't help themselves. What was it about this man that caused him to occupy your thoughts so much?
You swung back around to the bar and downed your drink before immediately ordering three shots. Jaewon thought it was sweet you had ordered them a shot until you informed him all three were for you.
"Is that really necessary?" Seojoon asked.
"It's more than necessary, Joon. I haven't seen him since before those dreams started, and if I have to sit here and watch him talk to someone else... I need to be drunk."
"Why don't you just go talk to him?" Jaewon suddenly asked.
You? You had a whole list of reasons why you couldn't go and talk to him. "Because I'll probably do something stupid like let the word 'daddy' slip out or some shit."
"And who would you be calling daddy?"
Your entire being froze as the familiar voice joined in on the conversation. His words were like a caress on your body and you involuntarily shivered.
Slowly, you turned around to look at Kris, but not before catching Jaewon's smirk. The prick must've noticed Kris coming up to you and set you up.
Once you looked up at Kris, his lips parted as his eyes raked over your entire body, lingering in certain areas for too long. You quickly looked down to see what you had worn as it completely escaped your mind, and relaxed when you saw the tight, blood-red dress you loved. At least you had managed to choose one of the better outfits you owned tonight.
"You look exquisite." He told you in a low voice, while his eyes burned into you.
All words were trapped in your throat, and you couldn't have been happier when Seojoon jumped in.
"Hey, Kris. What's up?"
"Hey, Joon." Kris looked at him briefly before his eyes fell back to you.
It was like you were trapped in an illusion. Mesmerized by his aura and his eyes were leading you down a dark and dangerous path.
"Dance with me."
You heard the low command in his voice and your body immediately responded before your brain had a chance to catch up. Standing up from the stool, you heard Seojoon say something to you, but whatever he said fell on deaf ears. You took Kris's hand and sealed your fate by following him out to the dance floor.
The bodies dancing around you pushed you closer together and the music pulsated through you, giving Kris and you a shared sensual feeling.
Without hesitation, Kris put his hands on your hips, pulling you into him and a thrill went through you as his half-hard member pushed against your body.
You threw your arms around his neck as you grinded into his body. The two of you locked eyes and never looked away. The experience was so sexual that you were becoming dizzy, your mind clouding up with lust. Sweat gathered all over your bodies, making you slick, and adding just a hint more to the near unbearable sexual tension in the air.
You closed your eyes at all of the sensations you were experiencing, but when Kris's soft lips found their way to your neck and began nibbling, an overwhelming desire shot straight through you, and you knew only one thing would satisfy you.
You pulled away from Kris and met his blown out eyes with your own and the look on your face must've conveyed everything you felt because not seconds later, his lips crashed into yours.
There was no time to be sweet or slow. You needed him and you needed him now. When he thrust his tongue into your mouth, a small moan left you and you felt a low growl leave Kris.
He reached down to your thighs and you quickly jumped up onto him, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, causing his cock to push against your core deliciously.
You felt him pushing his way through the crowd, but you were too wrapped up in the taste of him to pay much attention. The way he worked his lips and tongue reminded you of the dream you had of him and you wanted nothing more than for him to taste you, but that would have to wait because you needed him inside of you now.
You were so turned on, you were clenching around nothing and the emptiness you felt pulled a whine from you.
You felt Kris push through a door and you pulled away for a second to see you were in some type of backroom, but you didn't care enough at the moment to pay much attention. The room was empty of people and that was all that mattered to you.
Kris backed you into a wall, recapturing your attention and his mouth found its way to your neck again. You moaned before saying his name, and when he pulled back, you searched his lust-driven eyes and swollen lips.
"I need you inside of me."
Instantly, you felt his hands push your dress up, exposing your lacy underwear. He pushed the scrap of fabric to the side and ran his fingers over your slit.
"Jesus christ. You're so fucking wet, baby girl."
He pulled his hand back and put it up to his mouth before sticking his fingers in and tasting your juices. His eyes rolled into the back of his head at the taste and you had never been so turned on in your life.
Without wasting any more time, he unzipped his pants and pulled himself free. Your eyes immediately went to his erection and widened at the size of him. The tip was a throbbing, deep red and precum leaked from it, making you lick your lips and yearn for a taste.
"This is going to feel so good, baby girl."
He took ahold of his cock and ran it up and down your slit a few times, before finding your entrance and slowly sliding in.
The pleasure you felt at finally having him inside of you trumped the pinch of pain and slight burning you first felt, and you needed more of it.
Once he started to move in and out of you, you almost went cross-eyed. This was even better than your dreams.
As he pounded into you, you made no attempt to hide your pants and moans. You were too focused on him filling you up, and when he found your g-spot, you knew you were going to be a goner soon. Hell, you already were. All you could do was hold on tight and enjoy the ride because Kris's pace was relentless and his grunts were sinful.
His name slipped out of your mouth once you felt your climax building. The muscles of your abdomen began flexing and an almost animalistic instinct drove you.
You felt the pads of Kris's fingers circling your clit and the sensations were too much. Everything was too much.
"Come for me, baby."
That was all it took. Your orgasm slammed into you like a tidal wave, drowning you in stars and static.
Kris pumped into you a few more times before grunting and cumming inside of you. Once he was done, he rested his head against your shoulder as the two of you tried to catch your breaths.
A soft chuckle fell from his lips and you felt yourself smile.
"Well, that was fun."
After that night, you and Kris had hooked up every day. Either he would come to your apartment, or you would find him waiting for you outside of work, and the entire situation was beyond thrilling.
At the time, a part of you wondered what the two of you were doing, but whatever it was, you didn't want it to stop. He was perfect and so good at everything. The two of you acted out nearly every fantasy you had, and he taught you so many things that you actually had to take a step back at his knowledge. He was very, very experienced, which should've been red flag number seven.
After a month of daily hooking up, you found yourself developing feelings for Kris, and they were strong, You had gone to Seojoon for advice and he tried convincing you to talk to Kris, but something in you told you that Kris was not a relationship guy. Apparently, your instincts knew more than you did.
Another reason that you didn't want to bring it up was that lately he had been agitated by everything. A commercial on TV, someone driving the speed limit in front of him, the wind outside... He was so quick to snap, and at first, none of it was directed at you, but within the past few days, he had become very short with you and you couldn't figure out why.
The sex between the two of you was still great and even more frequent, which told you that couldn't have been a part of the issue, so you finally decided to ask him about it. He muttered something about "not feeling good" and "fever", so you shrugged it off thinking he was sick, but then he started to avoid eye contact with you...
One of the times he was doing it, you tried to force him to look at you, and when he finally did, you could have sworn you saw a flash of red in his eyes, but you quickly blinked and it was gone. At first, you thought you were hallucinating or maybe you were exhausted and imagining things, especially when you also started to feel gross.
The first couple of days, you wrote the headaches off as sinuses or something, but then you started to feel nauseous every day, and you assumed Kris had gotten you sick also.
Tonight though, tonight was the night everything had come crashing down around you.
Kris and you had been hanging out at your apartment, eating take out and watching Netflix, and Kris was bitching about the characters on the show the two of you had decided on. You had already been feeling like shit and your patience level was at an all-time low, so you snapped.
"Can you stop fucking complaining about everything?!"
You watched Kris through wide eyes because you hadn't really meant to yell at him... When he turned toward you, his eyes narrowed at you and you could feel agitation and anger rolling off of him.
"Am I bothering you?"
His irritation somehow seemed to spike yours, and you said, "Yes."
A look of hurt flashed across his face, and he looked away from you to hide it. You didn't know why you had said that. Yes, he was irritating you, but you would never tell that to someone so blatantly. You would at least be a little more polite, but you couldn't help it.
If you weren't feeling like shit, you were feeling pissed off, and there was no in-between. You weren't acting like yourself, and it almost felt like you were losing control. You wondered if maybe Kris was rubbing off on your attitude and considered maybe the two of you should take a break. This relationship or whatever it was had gotten hot and heavy a little too fast.
"Maybe we shouldn't see each other for a while..."
Kris slowly turned back to you and that was the first moment that you truly felt fear of him. His eyes had changed to a bright red and the whites of them faded to a black. The image was truly disturbing.
"Kris... what..."
In shock, you backed away from him on the couch until you were pushing against the arm of it. A sad look crossed his foreign features and you heard him say your name quietly.
You jumped off the couch and put at least five feet in between you, and that was when you saw the black horns pushing out of his scalp.
You gasped and quickly lengthened the distance between the two of you even more. "Kris, what the fuck?"
"Y/N." He said, standing up and moving toward you.
"No! Stay right the fuck there!"
He sighed and looked down at the ground. "This was never meant to happen..."
"What're you... what..." You were completely in denial about what you were seeing, and you couldn't remember how to put words into sentences.
"I never meant for you to find out like this..."
"Find out what? What is this? What are you?"
"I'm an incubus."
The word floated around in your head. You've heard it before and knew it was some type of sex demon, but they were myths, weren't they? They most certainly were not real, and one was not standing in the middle of your freaking living room.
You thought back to what Seojoon had told you about Kris, "he's into some dark shit... demons, underworld type shit...", and stare at the horns on his head. There was no way this was real... He had to be faking or something... But you had seen the changes happen themselves... He never put anything on his head or in his eyes as a joke.
"You don't believe me, do you?" He quietly asked.
When you failed to reply, another sigh left him and you couldn't tell if it was your imagination, but it looked like his shoulders slumped.
Then, before your eyes, his body began to change. Black scales began to replace his once tan skin. His body grew at least a foot taller and his horns lengthened until they twisted around like a ram. Blood red wings began to unfold from behind his back, expanding most of your living room, and a spiked tail was suddenly moving behind him.
You blinked multiple times, not believing the horror of what you were witnessing. There was no way that was Kris... Or you were having a nightmare because none of this was real.
Hearing your name come out of this horrifying creature was too much for you, and when the darkness crept into the sides of your vision, you welcomed it.
That was a few hours ago.
When you came to, you found yourself in your bed and you knew only one person... being... could've put you there. You quickly search your room for the terrifying thing that was in your living room and instead find Kris in his human form.
A relieving feeling washes over you at the normalcy of the sight. He was slumped under your window with his head in his hands and he looked... sad? Frustrated? You weren't sure until he stilled and suddenly looked up at you.
The two of you stared at each other in silence for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. How were you supposed to react? There was a freaking demon in your room.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way..."
You had no idea what to say because you had no idea how you even felt. "Oh, no problem, it's okay that you're a demon", or "how do I exorcise you?".
"I don't... I don't know..."
"I know it's a lot to take in."
"Why? Why me?"
"It was never meant to be you..." He sighs. "For my existence, I need to have sex to survive. Any kind of sex and a lot of it. It fuels me like food fuels you. I can't exist without it... Your neighbor was just that. Food. When I ran into you outside of your apartment, you were just going to be my next conquest. We were never supposed to start a relationship..."
You sat up from your laying position on your bed and turned towards him, quickly being drawn into his explanation, but maintaining a good amount of distance between the two of you. "So, you were following me..? The bookstore, the cafe..."
"Yes and no. I followed you to the cafe and the grocery store, but the bookstore was a coincidence. Also, before you ask, I didn't befriend Seojoon to get to you. I actually had no idea you knew each other."
"You followed me to have sex with me?"
"Yes, but feelings were never supposed to develop. It was just supposed to be a couple of hookups and then I was supposed to move on, as harsh as that may sound."
You flinch at the truth of his words, but really, what did you expect? He was a demon. This was apparently his existence.
You tried to process the words coming out of his mouth. He used you and it fucking sucked. Even though the circumstances had changed, and you didn't know what the hell to think about him, it was still hard to hear.
"So, what were you going to do? How long were you going to let this go on? Let me fall harder for you?"
He at least had the decency to look ashamed, but was it all an act?
"I've been trying to get myself to end it, but I can't bring myself to do it... I care about you too much to let you go. That's why I lost control earlier."
You thought back to the demon that had been standing in your living room, with its black scales and red eyes, and shivered. "Was that... Was that your true form?"
He nods yes and gestures to his body while saying, "I can make myself look like any human really, but this is the form I prefer."
"...This is crazy..."
"There's more... there's a reason we can't be together..."
You were sure there were a bunch of reasons you couldn't be together, and honestly, you weren't positive you wanted to be with him after learning his real identity, but you thought the obvious reason you couldn't be together was that he was a demon. "Isn't it because you're a demon and I'm a human?"
"There's that, but that's not the main one..."
It wasn't? His words made a queasy feeling grow in your stomach. What could be worse than the fact that he wasn't human?
He looks away from you and sighs, before turning back and meeting your stare.
"We're killing each other..."
You freeze and try to understand what he's saying. "What do you mean?"
"You've been feeling sick lately, haven't you?"
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest and you nod. He closes his eyes at your response.
"I should've known it wasn't just me, but I thought maybe it wasn't affecting you when you weren't showing symptoms... How long?"
"I've been nauseous for a few days and have had headaches for about a week... I thought I was just getting whatever you got..."
He laughs, but it sounds hollow, empty. "How did I miss that?"
"What does me feeling sick have to do with anything?"
"When a human being has too many sexual interactions with an incubus, they begin deteriorating, dying. We feed on human sexual energy and it drains the human, mentally, physically, and emotionally... They'll become attached, addicted, and it's all they'll care about."
Everything was beginning to become so clear. Why you always thought about Kris. Why you were feeling so out of control. The sick feelings you were experiencing... but now, your heart felt like someone had taken an ice pick to it. "You were going to let that happen to me?"
"No. I was going to leave at the first sign of it... I could never do that to you intentionally."
You heard the unspoken distinction clearly. He would never hurt you on purpose, but it was happening accidentally anyways.
"But what about you? Why are you getting sick?" He looked away and tried to figure out how to get what he wanted to across. "We need to have a lot of sex... and I don't mean a lot of sex by human standards..."
You flush at his meaning but are still confused. The two of you had sex daily, even multiple times a day... How much more did he need?
"Typically... I have sex at least 5 times a day, every single day, and that's a slow day for me. If I don't, I become irritable and quick to anger, and I don't mean this in a way to slam you... Humans can't keep up with an incubus for long periods of time, and that's partly due to biology, but also because we're feeding on you."
You really wished he would stop using the word "feeding" in reference to having sex with you. It was becoming more and more off-putting whenever you heard it.
"You're the only one I've been sleeping with... I haven't wanted to be with anyone else... That's why I've been acting so weird... I'm basically starving myself to put it in a human sense..."
"So, because I'm the only one you've been hooking up with... you're getting sick..."
When he nodded a yes, you looked at the wall across from you and tried not to let your ego take a hit. You weren't enough for him, and there was literally no way for you to be...
There was no possible way the two of you could continue a relationship. One, you weren't even the same species, and two, if the two of you stayed together, one or both of you would die.
You were both already in the beginning stages of the sickness and it would be better for both of you if you ended it now, before things became even worse.
A tear silently slid down your cheek, and you almost wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't see Kris stop himself from moving toward you. You were feeling overwhelmed and you didn't know how to process everything.
Demons were real apparently, and the man you were falling for was one of them. He originally only got with you to feed on your sexual energy, which alone was a fucking weird thought. Oh and also, the two of you were making each other sick and could possibly die. Fantastic.
"I'm sorry, Y/N."
"It's just... a lot."
"I can only imagine..." He says with a sigh. "I never should've let it get this far, but I just care about you too much..."
After another tense moment of silence, he clears his throat.
"We have to end this tonight..."
"I know..."
"I just want you to know that I haven't felt the way I feel for you in a long time, if ever. You're special to me and I deeply care for you."
Kris's words affected you because it had been a really long time since you had felt the way you felt about him for anyone else either. A part of you wondered if it had something to do with him being an incubus, but deep down, you knew it wasn't. Your feelings for him ran further than just lust and sex.
After a moment, he unfolds himself from his sitting position and comes to stand in front of you. When you show no fear and make no moves to get away from him, he slowly brings his hands up to your face, putting one on each cheek. He searches your eyes for a moment, before slowly leaning forward and placing a kiss on your forehead.
It was tender and soft. Nothing you would expect from a demon, but everything you would expect from Kris, and you relaxed into his hold like usual.
You debated with yourself what your next move would be. A smart person would pull away and end it here, but a person like you, who cared about Kris as much as you did, was never smart when it came to emotions. Even if he wasn't... human... you had been with him too many times to care about that at this moment.
You brought your hands up to his and held them there, trying to show Kris whatever you were feeling as you met his eyes. Hopefully, he would be able to decipher it better than you could.
He slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours and you gave him an innocent kiss back, but when you felt his tongue lick at the seam of your closed lips, you quickly opened them and accepted him into your mouth.
You breathed each other in and tried to show your feelings for each other with every move and caress of your tongues.
You felt his hands leave your face before he was gently pushing you back onto your bed, and when you were fully leaned down, he climbed up on top of you.
The two of you made out like teenagers in their first relationship before he pulled away breathlessly.
"I need to be inside of you one last time," he whispers in a low voice, searching your eyes to see if you would be okay with it.
You nod your head in understanding and he quickly undresses while you pull your top off, but before you can get any farther, he pulls your hands away.
"Let me..."
He wastes no time unclasping your bra and pulling you free from it, before lowering himself between your legs. His warm fingers hooked onto the sides of your underwear and jeans and pulled them down in one torturously slow move.
You had been naked in front of Kris countless times, but there was a different sort of vulnerability there. Maybe because you knew this would be the last time...
You pulled yourself from your thoughts when you felt his breath on your most intimate area. He licked his lips before licking in between your folds and instantly finding a rhythm with his tongue that would drive you wild. He hummed and ate you out like you were his last meal, swirling, sucking, nibbling in the most perfect ways.
His fingers worked in tandem with his mouth and the high you were getting was otherworldly. As your moans began to rise in volume, he slowed down and withdrew his fingers, before giving a light kiss to your swollen lips.
He looked up at you from his position between your thighs and crawled his way up you. His hand made his way to his throbbing cock and he stroked it a few times before he guided himself to your entrance.
The delicious feel of him sliding his tip around your wet folds amped up the anticipation until you couldn't stand it, and you whined.
That was all it took for him to line up with your entrance and push his way inside of you until he was fully sheathed. There was no reason for him to wait until you were ready because you were so wet and needy he met no resistance.
He rocked into you at an agonizingly slow pace, before speeding up and hammering into you. He continued to switch up the pace, swirling his hips with each change.
It sent your mind into a frenzy and you wanted to be even closer to him, but there was no way he could get any closer, he was already inside of you. His hands found yours and they intertwined while the two of you locked eyes and watched each other as he pounded into you.
The moment was so intimate, filled with vulnerability and love, that it sent you over the edge together for the last time.
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bunnycitizen98 · 4 years
I think of that video of Kris Wu singing All of Me at least 5 times a day
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fairyixingstuff · 5 years
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— netflix help center | tao + kris + luhan ♡
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optimizche · 6 years
Smut - 🔥| Fluff - ☁| Angst - ♠| Violence - 🗡| Work in progress - ✏
Tell Me What Love Is (Kim Junmyeon - Suho/Reader/Zhang Yixing - Lay) 🔥☁♠✏
1 |
That’s My Girl (Park Chanyeol/Reader) 🔥☁
Angelic (Park Chanyeol/Reader) ☁🔥♠✏
Teaser | Prologue | Unravelling | Fantasies | The Kiss | The Touch | The Plan | I'm Here | The Madness | The Archangel | Sire And Seraphia | Purple Magnolias | Ritual | Cleanse |
Let’s Do This Again Sometime (Chanyeol/Reader/Baekhyun) 🔥☁
Bodyguard (Park Chanyeol/Reader)🔥☁
Storm (Park Chanyeol/ Reader) 🔥☁
Bodyguard (Kim Jongin/Reader)🔥☁♠
Daddy’s Little Princess (Kim Minseok/ Reader) 🔥🗡
Mornings (Park Chanyeol/Reader)🔥☁
His Birthday (Park Chanyeol/Reader)🔥☁
Insatiable (Park Chanyeol/Reader)🔥☁
Heat (Kim Jongdae/Reader)🔥☁
Fool (Park Chanyeol/Reader)🔥☁♠
Babygirl (Do Kyungsoo/Reader)🔥☁
Sinful (Kim Junmyeon/Reader)🔥☁♠
Chapters: 1 | 2
Brownies (Do Kyungsoo/Reader) ☁🔥
Where Is Love? (Do Kyungsoo/Reader/Kim Junmyeon) 🔥☁♠✏
Chapters: 1 |
Kitten (Do Kyungsoo/Reader) 🔥☁♠
Him (Kim Junmyeon/Reader) ♠☁🔥
Greedy (Byun Baekhyun/Reader) 🔥🗡
Game On (Park Chanyeol/Reader) 🔥
Young (Byun Baekhyun/Reader) 🔥
Myeonnie (Kim Junmyeon/Reader) 🔥
Delectable (Kim Minseok/Reader) 🔥
Un(DO) (Do Kyungsoo/Reader) 🔥
Raw (Park Chanyeol/Reader)🔥
Sanguine (Park Chanyeol/Reader) 🔥
Gimme That Feeling (Zhang Yixing/Reader)🔥
Wifey (Kim Jongdae/Reader) 🔥☁
Make Do (Park Chanyeol/Reader/Oh Sehun)🔥♠
Chapters: 1 | 2 |
Stockholm (Park Chanyeol/Reader)🔥🗡
Eureurong 🔥♠☁
Chapters: 1 | 2 |
The Brat Trilogy: Oh Sehun/Reader/Kim Junmyeon 🔥
Brat | Brattier | Brattiest
The Sex Tape (A Sequel to The Brat Trilogy)
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dragosfiction · 5 years
Tao is a witch, Kris is a fuckboy, and they work in a coffee shop. 
 (You can also read it here and if you like it, you may buy me a coffee :)
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onepumpofsyrup · 6 years
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Wolf AU
Request: I swear you read my mind. xd I was thinking of a request and hoped you’d have it open soon. Anyways, could I get wolf!au reaction with Kris were he gets y/n the doggo but he ends up getting jelly he no longer receives belly rubs so he ends up walking around in his wolf form? 💜anon (PS. This would be a sort of follow up????? From the exo reaction were their s/o wanted to pet them. It would a follow u b, for Kris put that he would be his s/o a doggo to pet) ~💜 anon
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softsan · 6 years
Gods & Monsters (profiles)
these are ideas for a future fanfic series if you’re interested let me know! also, who are you most looking forward too?
Kim Minseok
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god of ice
extremely powerful but is sensitive to heat
likes to wallow around the mountains in his free time
soulmate: moon rabbit
Lu Han
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god of knowledge (telekinesis/telepathy)
seriously lonely
finds it difficult to maintain relationships due to his powers
soulmate: yokai
Wu Yifan
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god of flight
loves to battle, notorious for winning wars
challenged to slay the bloodthirsty dragon
soulmate: dragon
Kim Junmyeon
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god of water
tries his best to keep his brothers united
1000+ year dedication to finding his mate
soulmate: hybrid (half god/half-elf)
read here - (pt.1)
Zhang Yixing
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god of health
oblivious of the number of female attention he receives
bewitched by a fallen star
soulmate: celestial guardian
Byun Baekhyun
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god of light
the most mischievous god to exist
doesn't believe in the idea of soulmates, actively pursues someone else
soulmate: rainbird
Kim Jongdae
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god of lightning
h a t e s. the idea of a soulmate
drawn to the song of the sea
soulmate: siren
Park Chanyeol
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god of fire
detest the amount of damage his power causes
shy about the idea of mating
soulmate: nymph
Do Kyungsoo
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god of strength
avoids unnecessary attention
curious about the stranger, that he exchanges notes with
soulmate: book elf
Huang Ztaio
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god of time
his powers are often used as a last resort
a fight gone wrong leads him to be taken captive by fairies
soulmate: fairy
Kim Jongin
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god of teleportation
sent to investigate the lifeless bodies drained of blood
unable to separate duty with desire
soulmate: vampire
read here - (pt.1)
Oh Sehun
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god of air
sick of his brothers finding their mates
finds fate can be cruel in the most unexpected ways
soulmate: werewolf
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k-p-p-d · 6 years
Make It up to Me, III (M)
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Pairing: Kris x D.O x Reader
Summary: Tall, dark, and handsome...  Just your style.
Length: 4k
Warnings: kink negotiation (specifically, exclusive negotiation cuz Soo isn’t an asshole who’ll shove other kinks in just because they weren’t explicitly stated and/or discussed)
A/N: Honestly, I should be a food writer.  ANYWHO.  You know I couldn’t keep this from you~ @sojufor1 😘
Part One | Part Two
“This better not be something stu— Oh.” 
Standing before you was a man.  
An exceptionally tall man.  
A man who was likely even taller than your man.
The man’s long and lean form was draped in the slimmest of slim-cut suits, the mohair jacket being double-breasted with peaked satin lapels and the hem of the cigarette-style pants just barely grazing along his ankles.  It didn’t go unnoticed by you that he was, in fact, not wearing a shirt with said suit; but that was something you would have to process later (if ever). The glossy black, patent leather monk shoes would have looked like odd clown shoes were it not for the simple, understated elegance of them and the way he seemed to ooze assured confidence.  A litany of pale gold chains of varying lengths and widths encircled his neck, each being encrusted with various stones or gems—from sparkling diamonds to vivid citrine topaz to brilliantly deep emerald and sapphires—that caught the light whenever he so much as breathed, especially the dazzling dragon head pendant which rested snugly in the hollow of his neck.  Decorating each of his fore and ring fingers were a set of slightly mismatched, oversized rings--some a vivid yellow gold while others a more subtle pale gold; one boasted a hefty cabochon-cut obsidian, another an emerald-cut ruby of equal size and grandeur, one other was sculpted into the fierce face of a traditional shí shī, and the last was coated completely in diamonds—that would have been far too gaudy on anyone else if he did not the largest hands you had only ever seen in the pages of graphic novels.  The white gold studded earrings he wore were crafted into what you could only guess to be the Chinese characters comprising his name.  His inky black hair was up and back away from his forehead, save for a few stray tendrils here and there, to reveal a closely cropped undercut with an exceptional fade.  Perched on his impossibly straight nose were a pair of small sunglasses bearing only red, rectangular lenses and the thin wires that held it all together.  Behind the colored lenses were a mesmerizing pair of downturned, sleepy eyes which seemed to gaze straight through you as if there was nothing there for them to see since they already knew all your deepest and darkest secrets, and yet they offered you nothing but mystery and secrecy in return.
He was tall, dark, and annoyingly handsome.
You didn’t like him.
“Go on, dear,” Kyungsoo gently called out encouragingly, “introduce yourself.” The man dipped forward in a bow just shy of being too formal for the occasion before he greeted in an alluringly deep rumble of a voice, “Good evening, my name is YiFan and I am your gift.”  He straightened back up to extend a hand to you to shake, the assortment of Cartier bracelets dangling delicately off his wrists flashing brilliantly in the light.  He offered a small, reserved smile that only highlighted how small his pouty mouth was as he politely asked, “May I come inside?” Great; he was tall, dark, annoyingly handsome, and polite.
Your mild annoyance at his existence had just upgraded itself to full-blown dislike.  You narrowed your eyes at him, but stepped aside to grant him entrance the less.  He rumbled a soft “thank you” as he swept past you to get to Kyungsoo, who simply patted the left armrest of the chair.  YiFan immediately perched himself on it before turning to look curiously at you.  You only scowled at him as you plopped back down onto the couch.  A silent moment passed between you all, both men now staring at you with mirrored expression.  You tried your best not to be petty or sardonic, you really did but you couldn’t stand the way they just...stared at you.  You crossed your arms and huffed at Kyungsoo, “‘Very well-mannered,’ huh? Well, then why is he wearing sunglasses at night inside? Seems kind of douchey to me...”  YiFan’s strong brows knitted together just briefly in confusion at the sudden hostility.  Good, missi--
“Watch yourself,” Kyungsoo warned in a deceptively soft voice as his fingers lifted to soothingly stroke the back of YiFan’s neck.  “Just because you and I have done a preliminary negotiation which resulted in YiFan here being chosen does not mean you have the privilege to speak however you wish about or to him, least of all without his consent.  So please, apologize to my dear boy.” “I don’t see wh—” For a split second, all the rounded, softened edges of his face & demeanor hardened with the flaring of his nostrils and clenching of his jaw as his veil of demureness slipped away in tattered shreds to reveal something cold and domineering in its wake when he growled dangerously low, “I said apologize.”  The unwavering of his piercing gaze held you down under the crushing weight of the sudden wave of guilt of having callously insulted YiFan for no other reason than just to make a bitchy comment washed over you.  Shifting uncomfortably, you flicked your eyes over to YiFan who at least had the decency (or perhaps, the audacity) to keep his face completely neutral during this very awkward, unwelcome blow to your ego.  You mumbled out a quick apology with a defiant huff. YiFan opened his mouth to respond, but a gentle squeeze from the hand still stroking his neck had him snapping his mouth shut.  “That was not an apology,” Kyungsoo chastised bluntly.  “Do it again, and properly this time.”
You wanted to dig your heels in and tell Kyungsoo exactly where and how far he could shove his damn apology, but an unbidden flash of Chanyeol’s annoyingly effective pout flashed through your head.  You could almost hear him bemoan how he only wanted to spoil you for your birthday because he never got to do so and how much you deserved to have such a memorable experience, especially since he wasn’t there to enjoy it with you blah blah blah.  Ugh.  You hated having a conscience sometimes.  Begrudgingly, you turned to YiFan and mustered up all the sincerity you could, “YiFan, I apologize for having insulted you.  I meant no harm by it, I hope you will forgive my slight.”
YiFan’s small smile returned to his face, “I accept your apology, and I do forgive you.”  He shifted forward to extend a hand to rest on your knee but hesitated for a split second as if remembering he had not yet had your consent to touch you; so he placed his hand on Kyungsoo’s knee instead.  His slight hesitation frustrated you because how dare he be so considerate on top of being tall, dark, annoyingly handsome, and polite.  “He’s just overprotective of me, but don’t worry.”  He winked, “I can take much more take more than that.” That certainly got your attention.  “Is that so?”
YiFan shrugged, “It is. But we’ll discuss that later.  Right, Sir?”
A small, warm smile floated onto Kyungsoo’s face as he shifted forward in his chair with a gentle nod of acknowledgement.  “Have you eaten yet?” he inquired gently.  And just like that, the tension that had begun to mount between you and YiFan dissipated to a gentle simmer as you turned to frown at Kyungsoo.  He explained, “Mr. Park informed me that when left to your own devices, you may forget to eat every now again.”  At the scowl that was starting to worm its way across your lips at Chanyeol’s (damn him) keen observation, Kyungsoo lifted his hand in a placating wave.  “It’s perfectly okay if you haven’t.  YiFan and I are both very adept in the kitchen so it would be our honor to treat you with a delicious dinner, if you’d allow us.  Isn’t that right, FanFan?”
YiFan nodded once, “It would be our greatest honor.”
“I haven’t eaten dinner yet, no.” Although a part of you didn’t want to relinquish control of your most private and sacred domain, your kitchen, you were no fool to turn down a home-cooked meal made by someone who wasn’t you.  “But sure, go ahead,” you allowed.  “The kitchen is right over there, and both the fridge and pantry are fully stocked.”  You leaned back, one arm propped up on the back of the couch.  A playful smirk slipped onto your lips as you teasingly challenged, “Impress me.”
Kyungsoo rose, a smirk of his own tugging at his plush lips.  “We’ll do our best.”  He extended a hand for YiFan to take, “Won’t we, FanFan?”
“Yes, Sir.”  With that, the two men practically slinked to the kitchen, whispering conspiratorially between them.  It should have felt awkward to have these two strangers clinking around in your home, preparing a meal for you all to share, but it wasn’t.  Amidst the gentle clatterings of pots and pans being moved and the rhythmic thudding of knives against cutting boards, it actually felt quite peaceful, even a little familiar.  How interesting.  Soon enough, a spiced aroma wafted through the air to curl around and warm you from the inside out.  If whatever they were making tasted half as good as it smelled, you just might have had to show them exactly how much you appreciated it...with your mouth...  Maybe even a few other appendages and parts... But that still remained to be seen.  Several more quiet moments passed, interrupted only by the ambient noises from the kitchen and the occasional rumble of your stomach, before YiFan called out, “Where would you like to eat?”
“The dining room will be fine,” you answered, pushing yourself almost reluctantly off the comfortable couch to head to said room.  Although you and Chanyeol hardly ever used this room, much preferring to eat together in the living room or at the large island in the kitchen, you made it a point to remove the chair he tended to use from the table.  Just because he wasn’t physically there didn’t mean his presence wasn’t there.  And so what if that made you possessive?  It’s not like either man could talk considering the dynamics of their relationship.  Which reminded you that you really didn’t know much about their dynamic, or even them for that matter.  Huh.  Chanyeol might have vetted them out, but that didn’t mean you were going to just accept his (so-far annoyingly sound) judgment call.  You had questions, damn it, and they were absolutely going to be answered.  You took your usual seat at the table and began to compile a list of inquiries in your mind.  YiFan entered soon after to set the table, though you paid him no mind.  However, the delicious smell that had been floating from the kitchen suddenly grew stronger a few moments later, effectively disrupting your concentration.  Blinking, you realized that Kyungsoo had also come in and was currently placing a bowl of--
“You made pho,” you stated dumbly as you stared in awe down at the appetizing dish before you.  The bowl was filled nearly to the brim with a pale amber broth just the right side of cloudy in which swam a healthy heap of beautiful rice noodles, vibrantly green sprigs of cilantro, scattered stalks of bean sprouts, and ribbons of thinly sliced beef.
“We did,” Kyungsoo confirmed with a gentle chuckle as he set down a plate of thinly sliced carrots, green onions, and garlic along with a couple small dishes of quartered limes and sliced chilis beside the bowl.  YiFan pushed the few dishes containing a few sauces and he had brought in earlier to be closer to you before sitting to your left.  Kyungsoo took the seat to your right. “Obviously, it’s not as authentic as it could be, but we hope it’s satisfying enough and that you enjoy it.”  Without further ado and not wanting to risk sounding like a broken record by proclaiming that they had made you pho, which you had been craving for days now (they were either psychic or Chanyeol tipped them off; either way you had pho!), you picked up your spoon and chopsticks and dug right into it.
You could not be blamed for the deep moan that rumbled through your chest and throat as the flavors practically in your mouth.  The broth washed over your tastebuds with its distinctly clean yet savory taste before the spices embedded within the liquid surged forward to ambush them with delightfully spicy stings while the noodles’ subtle flavor and the beef’s richness combined to mellow out the spiciness and deepen the overall the flavor.  In a word, it was delicious.  So really who could blame you for forgoing all sense of grace and civility by shoveling several more of mouthfuls of said deliciousness down.  It wasn’t until Kyungsoo gently chuckled that you put your utensils down and actually took a moment to properly chew your food before asking rather eloquently, “What?”
“Oh, nothing really,” he hummed, mischievous glint sparking in his dark eyes, “it just seems YiFan and I managed to do a decent job.”
This smug bastard… Straightening up, you reached for the glass of water YiFan had taken the liberty of filling for you with a shrug, “It’s not the best I’ve ever had, but it’ll do.”
Now it was YiFan’s turn to chuckle, which earned him a scowled “what” in response.  “You really are a brat, aren’t you?” he teased with a playfully arched brow.
“That’s rich coming from a man who-“ Kyungsoo’s own raised brow in silent warning had you biting back the snide remark.  “Never mind.”  YiFan smirked in triumph.  You contemplated punching him in his chest.  Deciding against it, though, you turned your attention down to the food.  It was only then you noticed that you were the only one eating.
Kyungsoo seemed to instantly recognize the confusion which flitted across your face.  “As was said earlier,” he hummed sweetly in that annoyingly rich baritone of his, “YiFan and I wanted to treat you, and you alone, because tonight we are here to serve and indulge you in anyway we can.” He leaned forward, sweet smile deepening into a dirty smirk, to nudge the bowl a touch closer to you. “So eat up, you’ll need all your strength.”
“So it’s going to be that kind of night?” you posited with a smirk of your own.
“It can be if it’s what you’d like that,” YiFan rasped as he leaned back in his seat and tilted his head back just so to stare you down hungrily.  Blinking slowly, he slid his eyes over to Kyungsoo, unabashed want still clear his face.  “Should we discuss our boundaries now or later?”
“Later,” he rumbled before finishing pointedly, “after she finishes her dinner.” If all that was standing between you and an evening full of fun was just a bowl of sinfully good pho, then you were never happier to obey an indirect command.
“So what’s with the sunglasses?” you managed to ask between bites.
The two men shared a brief yet meaningful look before YiFan responded, “Sometimes I can get overwhelmed easily with nerves and excitement when I know we’ll be playing with someone or something new.  Being so stimulated by the anticipation alone destroys my focus on anything that happens before a scene, such as work meetings or pre-scene briefings and negotiations.  So having these,” he reached up to gingerly touch the arm of the glasses, “helps me to remain calm and focused because my brain isn’t scrambling trying to encode and understand all the visual cues I’m usually flooded with at any given.  Basically, because my sunglasses make everything red, my brain can focus on other sense cues, like touch and smell which are harder and more impractical to reduce sensory input from in everyday life.  And plus, these are definitely my style.”
Huh. That was...incredibly logical.  Who knew everyday fashion could be used to practice kink outside of a scene.  Maybe you could try it with Chanyeol sometime, considering how easily excitable and distractible he could be… Before your brain could drum up any thoughts of Chanyeol squirming underneath you and breathlessly panting, you steered the conversation into a different direction.  “So you’re not a professional submissive?”
“Oh God, no,” he practically giggled, bright and goofy gummy grin effectively shattering his suave image (and effectively making your heart do this weird swooping thing that you did not want to think about), with a shake of his head.  “I’m far too controlling to be submissive all the time and to just anyone.”
“Here I was thinking you loved being dressed up and bossed around.”
“Oh, I absolutely do.  But even an ounce of my submission has to be earned,” he fired back with a wink, his face settling back into his coolly reserved and haughty default expression.
“And will you give me more than an ounce tonight?  It’s my birthday after all.”
“I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t like a challenge.”
“How do you know I do?”
“Don’t ask me, ask him,” he answered, jerking his chin at Kyungsoo, who had been quietly observing their playful banter.
“I don’t like repeating myself though,” you lilted before taking a sip of your water.
YiFan chuckled, “Neither does he, so you’ll both get along quite well tonight. So long as you obey him.”
At that, Kyungsoo calmly interjected, “You should finish your dinner before it gets cold.”  Recognizing an unspoken ultimatum behind his words, you acquiesced.  Once you were done, he wordlessly instructed YiFan to help him clear the table before requesting that you wait for them in the living room.  Just as you settled back onto the couch, they entered and each took a seat in the matching set of chairs facing you.  “Did you enjoy your dinner?”
“I did,” you admitted candidly, wanting to be done with all the pleasantries as quickly as possible so you all could have this very necessary conversation before (finally) getting on with the night’s festivities.
“Good,” Kyungsoo hummed.  Clearing his throat, he began, “YiFan, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, is one of my submissives.  I have chosen him to be your scene partner for the evening because the five kinks you listed earlier are five of his personal core kinks, or things he needs to have in a scene.  Do you remember the kinks you decided upon earlier?”
“Yes, I do,” you confirmed with a nod.
“Please repeat them so YiFan may know them as well,” he instructed.
Turning to face the taller man, you repeated your list: “Edge play, sense deprivation—but no blindfolds are to be used on me—, leather, bondage, and humiliation and degradation.”
“YiFan,” Kyungsoo called out to gain the other’s attention, “are any of those kinks not something you would like to explore this evening?”
“No, Sir,” YiFan answered firmly.
“Are you comfortable with being part of the scene?”
“Yes, Sir, I am,” he nodded.
“Wonderful. Please explain to her what your role this evening will be.”
YiFan leveled his surprisingly sober gaze at you.  “Tonight I am to be the submissive partner in the scene.  I am to be used to teach you the art of domination under Sir’s instruction and care as you, to our knowledge, have not had formal instruction despite having an interest in it.”
“Thank you,” Kyungsoo reached over to gently pat his knee before turning to address you. “Are you comfortable with his involvement in the scene?”
“I am, yes,” you answered easily.
“And are you comfortable with the role we would like for you to have in the scene? To be clear, you will both be submissive to myself, though you will have some direction and control over YiFan as I see fit.”
“Yes, I am,” you echoed your earlier response.
“Great.  You are to address me as Sir once the scene begins. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” you purred, saucily tossing a wink his direction.
“Good girl,” he teased.  “Let’s discuss hard limits now.  Hard limits are things you absolutely do not want to experience or include in this scene.  For example, the use of blindfolds on you should be considered a hard limit of yours. Correct?”
“Yeah, that is definitely a hard limit for me.”  Taking a moment, you carefully considered your own needs and wants.   “My hands and feet should not be bound at the same time.  Absolutely no scat play or watersports. Way too messy for my liking.”
Kyungsoo chuckled, “I think those last two are hard limits for all of us.”  A quick glance at YiFan, who was doing his absolute damnedest not to scowl in disgust but failing miserably by the way his nose refused to unwrinkle itself, confirmed it.  “YiFan, do you have any other hard limits?”
“Blood play, foot play, and tickling,” came his emphatic response.
Wait. “Tickling?” you asked incredulously.  The first two you could understand since not everyone could handle the sight and/or feel of blood or feet. But tickling? Good ol’ harmless tickling was completely off the table?  You just had to laugh.
“Don’t laugh at me,” he whined, his lips poking out in the slightest pout.  “I have long limbs that I lose complete control of when I’m tickled so unless you want to get kicked in the shin, kneed in the hip, or punched in the nose, absolutely no tickling.”
Waving a placating hand while using the other to swipe at your tear-filled eyes, you conceded, “Fine, fine.  No tickling.  Kyungsoo, what about you?”
“I have no other hard limits.  We should discuss safewords. YiFan and I tend to use a single verbal safeword or several specific non-verbal cues to end a scene. If you’d like, you can use the system we do; or you have the option of choosing to use the color system, which is where you might say “red” to stop the scene completely, “yellow” to pause it momentarily for any reason, or “green” to continue it. You’re more than welcome to use this system alone or within some combination of ours. Which would you prefer?”
“The system you and YiFan use will be fine. I don’t want to complicate anything or throw anyone off.”
Both men frowned at you, but it was YiFan who spoke. “Nonsense. You are our main focus and concern this evening. We are here to do whatever pleases you most within reason so do not for a second think you’re making things ‘complicated’ or whatever. We’re very flexible—both figuarively and literally,” he finished with a wink.
“I feel like I was just scolded,” you huffed.
“That’s because you were,” Kyungsoo stated simply. “The safeword we use is ‘tango,’ three taps to the arm or thigh is the non-verbal cue. Do you understand?” Once you confirmed you did, he continued on to ask, “Where would you like for the scene to occur?”
“Um, I guess the bedroom will be fine.”
“Are you certain?” he questioned, brows knitted together in concern; YiFan mirrored his expression.  “We don’t have to use the bedroom if it will make you uncomfortable during or afterward.”
“No, no.  It’s fine,” you assured them.  We can use it.  It’s the space I’m most comfortable in after all.”
“Alright.” Kyungsoo reached down to grab his duffel bag before turning to smile warmly at YiFan, “FanFan, where would you like to do your stretches?”
“Is it alright if I do them here in the living room?  There’s a lot of open space and well…” he motioned at his long, lean figure.
You smirked at him, “Of course.  Let me know if you need any help.”
“I’m very good at stretching myself,” he husked with a smirk of his own.
Kyungsoo sighed, “You two are going to be a handful, I can see that now.”
“You should’ve known that already,” you shot back teasingly.  “Or did Mr. Park forget to state that explicitly?”
“Oh, I assure you, he told me everything,” the way his voice dipped impossibly lower as he stressed the word caused your skin to ripple with chills, “in great detail.  YiFan, come to us when you’re ready.”
YiFan stood with a solemn nod, “Yes, Sir.”
“Now,” he rose from his seat to offer his hand for you to take, “lead me to the bedroom.”
Slipping your fingers between his as you slowly pulled yourself up off the couch, you let your lips curl slowly into a wolfish grin.  “Follow me…”
--Admin Lily💋
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Growl For Me (Exo fanfic)
Title: Growl For Me
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8584318?view_adult=true
Author: MitchMatchedSocks
Pairing: oh Sehun / Wu Yi Fan | Kris
Rating: Explicit
Length: oneshot
Status: Completed
Genre: Alternative Universe - alpha, beta, omega dynamic (more like alpha/alpha)
Warnings: explicit sexual content, rough sex, humiliation
Summary: As an alpha, Sehun isn't supposed to submit to anyone. His own instincts make the very idea seem repulsive, but a conversation with Jongin makes him curious, and the arrival of a new alpha in the house has him craving things he shouldn't.
Why We Love It:
Two Doms? Just how does that work? The author does well at writing dom/sub scenes without falling into some of the pitfalls of the genre. No abusive relationship here (ahem 50 shades of grey...just why), there’s an actual romantic plot line.....
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eliotbynight · 6 years
Hey there can I please request prompt 17 for XiuChen, 20 for Krisho and 22 for ChanBaek... I know 3 is large but I am craving angst and what's better than reading some sad fanfics of my otps...
Here you go with some EXO angst! *spark emoji*~17) Things you said that I wish you didn't [XIUCHEN]Loud laughters keep filling the air, as some take another sip of their drink and some stand up to catch some fresh air or go to the dance floor to dance a little bit."Ah, that was cool..." Minseok sighs, moving to sit next to Junmyeon. "What about you? Still single?"While Junmyeon nods and complains, Jongdae approaches them from the front, sitting on the other side of the table."And you? Weren't you flirting with that guy...?""Not anymore, he's too young." Minseok simply shrugs, and Jongdae rises his eyebrows from behind the glass he's drinking from. He is suddenly very interested."Jongdae, what about you?" Junmyeon goes on asking.Jongdae puts the cup down and swallows so quickly that the cup almost breaks on the table."Uh... I-I don't have anyone on my mind now, haha..." he stutters, while looking at Minseok with so much deep eyes, that even with his lips smiling everyone would notice that he's desperate to have Minseok's love back - everyone would notice except Minseok himself, of course.Junmyeon straightens up in his seat. "Well, you two could date, then!" He says jokingly and they both laugh, Jongdae's laugh fake as ever."Oh no, I could never." Minseok replies, still laughing a little. "I could never date Jongdae, he's my best friend."He looks at him and Jongdae really has to drink another sip of beer, so that he can hide his pain."Ok then, let me join the others on the dance floor... do you come with me?"Junmyeon and Jongdae both shake their head and Minseok just leaves, humming to the song currently playing.Junmyeon then reaches for his friend and holds his shoulder. "I'm sorry, man."Jongdae takes the last sip of beer and sighs slowly. "It will pass." He murmurs, still smiling, but Junmyeon could swear he was almost about to burst into tears.#20) things you said that I wasn't meant to hear [KRISHO]Everything is quiet in the dorm, and it can still be defined an exception, even at almost 2 a.m. Junmyeon knows that the younger members are sleeping, so he does all he can not to make any noise.While tip-toeing to reach his room, he hears some chatter when he approaches Yifan's room. He recognizes Zitao's voice, also because he's speaking Chinese, and he's thinking about telling him to go to sleep, but he stays still in the corridor after hearing Yifan's deeper voice."I just can't go on like this."Junmyeon's breath hitches and he decides to stay there and listen, because he can't help being worried."You know that I don't belong to all... this. I can't even tell if I'll come in tour with you guys."The air suddenly feels hotter and colder at the same time on Junmyeon's skin. He wishes he doesn't understand Chinese so well."Not even on tour? And what will you do, debut on your own?""Of course. And I'll do it my way. I can't be happy here, I've already explained it to Luhan and Yixing too.""This is so sad, man... and what will you do with Junmyeon-hyung?"Junmyeon stops breathing with eyes wide and feels cold sweat burning his temples. He hears Yifan sighing."I... I don't know. I can't imagine a future for us, it really is impossible.""You really can't try? China and Korea are close, after all.""No, it... it can't work."Junmyeon's sight starts to blur and he feels tears quickly rising, ready to come out. All he hears now is silence, before he hears Yifan's voice again, this time much lower and broken."It can't work." He repeats sadly, like he actually gave up on trying in the first place, and this is so much more painful that Junmyeon had to reach his room as soon as possible, before crying like a child with his face buried in his pillow.#22) Things you said after it was over [CHANBAEK]"We... we just kissed." Baekhyun confesses, and he's already crying.And while Baekhyun is crying, Chanyeol feels his chest weighing and aching terribly.He feels so, so betrayed. Not really because Baekhyun kissed Sehun, but because of what was behind it.In the last weeks, Baekhyun was so distant and distracted, and spent much more time with Sehun, who was supposed to be just a friend. They got closer and Chanyeol felt a terrible fear growing inside him that he didn't want to accept.He did so much to conquer Baekhyun's heart. He was a friend, then a friend with benefits after a drunk night in a club and then his boyfriend. So many things happened before Chanyeol could get Baekhyun to love him back.But Sehun needed just a kiss... and Baekhyun was already his.Chanyeol is now forced to acknowledge it and Baekhyun feels guilty, so guilty, because Chanyeol is such a nice guy and doesn't deserve to be treated like this, to have some jerk like Baekhyun at his side."I'm sorry..." Baekhyun repeats while crying, face in his hands.But Chanyeol can't stand it, he can't stand to be heartbroken, he can't even stand Baekhyun anymore.He takes his jacket silently and walks away, towards the door, like a robot. When he turns around for the last time, his eyes are teary and his lips pressed together in a thin line.He greets him with one last sentence, which he knows it's the biggest truth and also the biggest lie he could ever tell."I hate you."~
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exot12ficrec · 6 years
kris / tao | roadtrip au, romance, smut | mature | 36k | hobash
Tao, a recent high school graduate, wants to attend college, but feels obligated to stay at home with his single mother. In an attempt to find her companionship, he hatches a plan to reunite her with someone from her past, a lover whom she lost for reasons neither of them could control. With his not-quite-a-friend and not-quite-a-stranger Kris in tow, Tao sets off on a road trip across the country to find the man. 
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fanficsofmine · 6 years
OT12 Masterlist
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* - means smut
We don’t usually get requests for the three that left EXO-M, but we will happily write about them and add them to our masterlist!
Prompt 33*
Prompt 10*
Prompt 70 & 22*
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exo0t9-forever · 7 years
My Favourite EXO FanFictions
Okay, so these are going to be in no particular order but if there is a MUST READ then I will put a star after the fic xo
¬Nothing but Summer - Sehun x Kai (Smut)  🌟
¬Feels Like Flying - Xiumin x Luhan (Smut) 🌟 🌟 *two because this is my favourite ff ever!!*
¬The Coast - Baekhyun  x Sehun (Smut)
¬Guardian - Kai x Suho (Smut)  🌟
¬Falling For You - Kris x Kai 
¬Morning Coffee - Chen x Baekhyun
¬ Whole Lotta Glam (Sugar, Sweat, Spice) - Kris x Xiumin 
¬Try to Remember - Xiumin x Luhan  🌟 🌟 (Smut and joint place with Feels like Flying, although I avoid this one more because it makes me laugh and cry at the same time PLEASE READ!)
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arsenouselation · 6 years
if your heart can be at rest E X O WYF/DKS Words: 196 // Rating: G Drabble series
Like a movie, like a song.
AFF / AO3 
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