#wv nightmare
relaxxattack · 8 months
how come we never talk about wv’s canonical nightmares… this grandpa is having war flashbacks while davekaters treat him like a small animal
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classpectpokerap · 1 year
MEGIDO - HADES MOD Prealpha Launch
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A Hades mod, crossing over Homestuck with Hades
AVAILABLE NOW ON NEXUSMODS! Officially launching with
Portaits (by @toasttiiee and @genuinely-unbelievable) of:
Rose, June, Dave, Jade, and Roxy as boon-granting Gods
Scratch, Callie, WV as denizens of
Damara (our heroine)
Death, certain items (Zillyhammer)
Custom animated textbox!!!
Beta text (implimented by @flaringk) for:
Item descriptions, name replacements, boon titles
CUSTOM FONT - FIRST EVER IN HADES MODDING - check NexusMods for full credits of THAT nightmare
All God aspects (done by @RoseRoxy_ on Twitter)
Calliope (3D model by @flooberino, animation done TODAY by @uberthemeh)
Screenshots under the cut!!! I urge you to PLAY THE MOD and send us feedback. HAPPY 4/13
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Oh, and ICYMI, here's the trailer.
(If you're still reading, why not check out my other 4/13 project?)
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piratefishmama · 1 year
OK, au where Eddie survived,
Its 1990, Steve hears this song and decides to drunkenly serenade Eddie with it
Steve had had maybe… four beers, maximum, maybe one little fruity cocktail, and a shot of something that tasted like apple but that was it.
He wasnt even thirty yet and already his alcohol tolerance had gone to shit.
It was new year’s though! They’d hit the big Nine-O! The kids were allowed to be there, to celebrate with them as adults! They’d made it to ADULTHOOD, They’d, against literally all odds, survived the eighties and all the horrors that came with them.He was allowed to get a little white girl wasted in his and Robin’s apartment.
He was allowed to be free and silly in his own space surrounded by only his people.
No strangers to be seen in that apartment. Sure there were a few friends of the family, but he knew them, he knew them well enough that they knew him. The new and improved him, not the douchey high school him they once sort of knew. There were no strangers.
The music was loud, the track list riddled with cheesy pop, glam metal, rock, one or two reasonable metal tracks that the CC boys wouldn’t ridicule because Steve had been adamant that he wanted them (Eddie) to enjoy themselves, a few Madonna tracks, Queen, Bowie, plus, Dustin had brought a karaoke machine, in the hopes that Jonathan would capture something stupid on the fancy video camera Hopper got him for Christmas.
Wasted Steve was happy to accommodate as the something stupid.
Happy to be the first person brave enough, or drunk enough, to turn that silly little machine on because he was the only one just drunk enough to not care about embarrassing himself for fun. He was happy to peruse the list of songs Suzie had managed to acquire for it like a wine list at a fine restaurant, feeling excited eyes drawn to him. It was happening. Someone was going for the Karaoke.
Who better than Steve.
Who better than the King?
Who could switch from kegs to karaoke so seamlessly that it felt effortless, Steve. That’s who.
They had a projector screen for the words, but Steve didn’t need them, he’d been humming that damn song under his breath for weeks, having heard it on the radio driving to work. He related to it is all. Having a stupid crush that wouldn’t go away on someone who clearly didn’t seem to feel the same, but he couldn’t get over it.
He didn’t want anyone else.
Who else could say they’d understand the trauma they’d been through? Who else could be woken up in the middle of the night by screaming nightmares and just get it without having to ask? Who could he even talk to without breaking several NDA’s?
That issue alone had lost him a few partners since ’86. Who wanted to be with someone who couldn’t tell them the truth?
He hadn’t gone through a whole goddamn bisexual crisis in ’88 when he REALISED his crush was an actual sexual sort of crush and not a ‘he’s just pretty Robin, it doesn’t have to mean anything!’ appreciation of another man’s ridiculously pretty face. Honestly what the fuck was up with his big doe eyes, his laugh, those lips, he made facial scars look so damn good, and—
The music was starting, he found Eddie’s eyes from across the room and locked on them, laser focus, go big or go broke! Worst case scenario Eddie punched him, he could probably take Eddie in a fight.
Maybe. Eddie was scrappy. But Steve had back up. At least a fight would probably shut his crush up.
“I love myself, I want you to love me When I'm feelin' down, I want you above me—” Jonathan’s camera was ON him.The kids mortified, like they were watching a train wreck in motion, unable to look away. Eddie was just staring at him, wide eyed and flush cheeked. Or was that his usual big ol doe eyed stare and the alcohol hitting his cheeks? Steve was too drunk to know for sure, but he felt seen. He felt warm, full of liquid courage!
“I search myself, I want you to find me I forget myself, I want you to remind me” Eddie wasn’t moving, so Steve, in his infinite white girl wasted wisdom, decided to take a step from centre stage, to cross that distance and hope those pesky bandmates of Eddie’s didn’t get in the way. They didn’t. they moved out of the way actually. Leaving Eddie to gaze up at him from his seat while onlookers stared in amazement.
And maybe a little horror on the kids part, Dustin especially.
Those were his dads. His male role models. His big brothers. His dudes.
One of which was damn near sensually lowering his pretty self down into the other man’s lap, straddling it as if they were the only two people in the room. They were not. Steve didn’t care. “I don't want anybody else, When I think about you, I touch myse—”
“Alrighty that’s enough of that!” And the music was gone. Leaving Steve to awkwardly look over his shoulder at the culprit who’d turned off his thing. Eddie’s hand had landed on his hip to steady him, which was nice. Warm. Big. Grounding. He liked it.
Didn’t mean he was gonna focus on that instead of the culprit. “Dustin you shit! That was my big MOMENT!”
“That was horrifying beyond anything I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’ve seen. Some. Shit. No dry humping our DM at the GROUP New Year’s party! Do that in your own private time! In your own room!” At least he wasn’t saying not to do it. just. Not in public. Got it.
“Boy you have no idea what dry humping is, you’re like twelve.”
“I do TOO!”
“Do not!”
“Do too!!”
Robin chose that moment to turn the normal music back on to drown their bickering out so the party could continue around them. It did. There were no strangers at that party. No matter how surprising Steve Harrington serenading Eddie Munson with a sexy song was, there were no strangers at that party. They were family.
Even the other Corroded Coffin boys were family by association. Nobody would start shit in that apartment.
They’d be outnumbered.
That hand was still on his hip. Squeezing to get his attention back from where Dustin had managed to claim it. Whatever words he’d been yelling in a failed attempt to get over the music dying in his throat when he looked down at the man he was still straddling. He knew that look. Recognised it from days long since passed. Want.
Desire, lust, need, Steve swallowed his own saliva, then licked his lips to dampen the drying skin.
“You touch yourself a lot, Harrington?”
“Mmnhm, I’ve been needing a hand with it actually, you offering, Munson?”
“Bedroom, now.”
Nothing quite like bringing in the new year with one hell of a bang.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Karkat seems convinced that the Scratch is suicide - but this is an early Karkat, who doesn't really understand the situation. The Rift is the last thing he can see, so he assumes it's the end of the line.
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White Carapacian jumpscare!
The last time we saw the Exiles, WV had just revealed the White Queen's Ring - which means that, unless I am very much mistaken, a new god is about to be born.
The critical question, of course, is whether a pseudo-First Guardian can teleport in and out of the Medium. If so, Jack's reign of terror is about to be interrupted, and we're about to learn why he doesn't instantly kill the Players - he'll be distracted by a rival.
But he was a good dog. Jack, decidedly, is not.
It's worth speculating about what other effects Becquerel's prototyping will have. Jack is obviously the most immediate consequence, but Bec isn't just in Jack - he's everywhere. He suffuses the session.
Even Underlings will contain some First Guardian energy. They can't have Bec's full range of abilities, the same way Sgrub's Underlings couldn't unleash the Vast Glub - but I'm sure they're still grossly overpowered. Even if Jack wasn't a factor, the game would still be on Nightmare difficulty.
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And what of the Battlefield? What effect will the Green Sun's rays have on its appearance, or the world it's supposed to spawn?
This feels like an ingredient that absolutely should not be part of your universe - and if First Guardian energy has made its way into The Tumor, we might have an even bigger problem on our hands than Perfect Jack.
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Every station knows what's going to happen to it - so, naturally, this one has an 'undo getting blown up by Becsprite' button.
If only the Earth had one of these...
There's that misaimed 'omnipotent' again. I guess it doesn't really matter if it's technically not accurate - as far as an average Player is concerned, First Guardians may as well be omnipotent.
...although, Jack isn't really a First Guardian, is he? He's just wearing a ring that lets him exhibit the traits of one. I doubt he's as powerful as Bec, and his connection to the Green Sun might not be as strong - which is, I think, why Rose believes she can use it against him somehow.
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I’ve seen this take about Westview Wanda being an alternate persona while the real one is puppeteering everything a few times, and I still think it’s totally ridiculous.
I bet that one came after MoM and that godawful scene where she says "lying" was the hardest part of Westview. It's such a disgusting retcon of everything that happened in WV. I will never understand Marvel's logic there. Once in a blue moon, they have something complex but in subsequent content, they shoot themselves in the foot by simplifying it to absurdity.
"Oh, Wanda was just lying!", "Oh, the mirror dimension is just geometry!", "Oh, Loki was just mad for no reason!"
What that user says can be a headcanon and they're entitled to it but there's nothing in canon to prove what they say is the truth. They can see the people of Westview were hurting so bad but they seem to be incapable of understanding Wanda was hurting too. They even say it to her that they were having her nightmares, that they were feeling her pain. If she had been in control the whole time she wouldn't have taken the Hex down, it really is that simple.
But even in that headcanon, her grief is still taking the wheel. If she was running the whole thing, then why did she need it in the first place? That's what WV is about. It's not focused on defending her (the series is pretty against her, actually), it's focused on the why she's doing it.
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wrt the southern reader thing: ghost would absolutely throw a fit about iced sweet tea
Honestly I agree with him I may be southern but iced sweet tea is my literal nightmare but here’s more southern foods that would send the boys into a coma:
Chicken fried chicken. The spice in the breading alone would kill them but the fact that it comes with gravy would have them in cardiac arrest
Fried green tomatoes. Again the seasoning in the breading but also they’d be confused as to why someone would fry a tomato I’m sure
Any dish from New Orleans or something that uses old bay seasoning would give them the worst heart burn
Collard greens. I don’t even like them but I guarantee if they had to eat them they’d be crying like babies
Hush puppies. Super good would probably confuse them because it’s fried batter
Any kind of Buffalo wings would kill them on the spot. Technically not a southern dish but it’s an honorary member.
Chicken and waffles might make them confused and the spice in the breading for the chicken would make them not okay.
Pepperoni rolls. As someone who’s from WV it wouldn’t necessarily put them in a coma but they’d say something like “you just made a pizza without the sauce” which is annoying.
Pulled pork. Don’t think I need to explain this one that much.
And of course, iced sweet tea. First they’d be mad because the tea is cold and has ice in it and then when they taste that it’s sweet they would spit it out and then get even angrier.
Feel free to add onto the list because there’s a lot that I missed but this is just my personal opinion.
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nutzworth · 5 months
reading again so soon?
DAY 8: APRIL 22, 2024
STATS: read for 1 hour and 20 minutes pages read: 1683-1903. 220 pages. NICE! slur count: 13 + 0 = 13 silly count: 13 + 0 = 13 piss count: 2/3
THOUGHTS: today was largely uneventful but we did get to [s] shut up and jam
today john went through gate 2 and saw rose sleeping and i literally cant believe how unreal he was about it all. i mean yeah its JOHN EGBERT but come on you crash land in your wonderful friends house and you dont even wake her up or wait to say hi. whats your problem dude. he was really devious about the whole thing (pestering kanaya under roses name; snooping in roses books; pranking her by putting a bucket on her ajar door).
what IS a realistic interpretation of how i would interact with my online friend if i met him in real life is how rose and dave interacted for the first time on derse (which includes shut up and jam). imagine as follows: 1. i lean mischievously on your window sill. i throw a ball of yarn at your head and you wake up. hello. its me from the internet 2. you show me your awesome music gear and we dance and its awesome 3. i throw your creepy puppet out that has been giving you nightmares for like ever 4. you show me your computer. apparently our mutual friend is at my house. huh! 5. i disappear like yeah i would do that. rose is awesome
and of course the john (under the guise of rose) and kanaya conversation. i think its hilarious that was never explained and i like to believe none of them know any wiser except for john. kanayas like wow that was a weird first convo with rose haha and rose probably knows what happened to be honest. but kanayas left in the DARK. i love her. WE SAW SOLLUX TOO! kanaya is so cute. i literally love her. hassling sollux "You Used To Like To Talk More" fr girl. "I Dont Have An F1 Key" and then she throws it at his head. shes so awesome. ohh my god
another thing i was thinking about this session was hussie's use of tone. there were a few instances the tone was like crazy and they are as follows 1. john discovers roses gift for his birthday and reads the note. its like hes goofing off and is like "ok. im gonna look in the box now." and then theres this panel of the knitted con air bunny and its silent. and then he reads roses sentimental note. and its silent. and then he SLAM DUNKS THAT BUNNY BACK IN THE BOX!!! BOO YAH!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess it shows how john buries his feelings. no time to feel good! need to DO SHIT! 2. when john is ectobiologizing. and exploring the lab. its so... desolate. so disconnected. so silent. "A meteor ahead looks unnoticed." its like. it really sets a mood. its really. clinical. vague. abrupt. its SOMETHING. i really like it. especially for john. it fits him
rose and daves alchemizing parties were this session and they were only ok. daves is full of bangers like the brain in a jar and the swords and tuxedos. roses was just ok
[S] WV: Rise up IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOLEST FLASH EVER! I LOVE THE CARAPACIANS! i love to see his revolution its so awesome. ohh my god. its got beautiful music and beautiful frames its all so good. i love unity and revolution
complacency in the learned was pretty ok. rose is a great writer it sounds like wizardy herbert but more wordy though. which is pretty much what it IS. so whatever
i think thats it. i want to put some panels that i really liked in here cus there were a lot of beautiful ones so here goes. act 4 is so beautiful probably the most beautiful act. ok bye
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axlestuck · 1 year
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Nightmare Bec WV sprites!
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claystclare · 2 months
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(Glen Powell) [THE PRODIGY]. Please welcome [CLAY ST CLARE (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [33]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [MUSIC TEACHER AT HUNTSVILLE ELEMENTARY]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
clay st clare.
33 years old.
himbo extrodinare.
human golden retriever.
dedicated dog dad to the beloved furry son called peanut.
peanut is the light of his life. he wants to be a dad one day to a human child, but for now, peanut is his only son.
hat enthusiast.
lover of apples, hater of cheese.
visitor who is originally from austin, texas.
musical prodigy since he was a child, clay worked his way through school and became a composer for stage/tv/film.
had a fairly normal upbringing considering he was in a world of classical musicians who's overbearing parents were a complete nightmare and would compete kids against one another like it was a sport. think dance moms/toddlers & tiaras but for kid musicians.
it was a good job that he was incredible at music because the himbo brain was himboing during his time at school.
he was on his was to a new job across the country to compose a musical when he got stuck in huntsville with his car getting a flat tire and the rest is history.
he has been in town for 6 months now and is getting used to his new life.
he's taken the post as huntsville elementary's music teacher with his dog acting as back up vocals and class mascot - the kids clearly like the dog more than him but he's okay with that.
loves his job - he never planned on being a teacher but the role was recommended to him when he arrived in town and he feels a sense of accomplishment that he gets to teach
will add to this as clay progresses
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I mean... it wouldn't be that hard to retroactively say that there were casualties as a result of the Hex. I don't want that to happen, obviously, but if someone really wanted to, one could easily say that a bunch of people starved to death since they were being suspended and unable to eat or drink (though I think there's an argument to be made that the Hex itself was sustaining them), or that some people were so mentally broken by the mind control that they committed suicide. That would definitely be too dark for the MCU, but it would be feasible.
Also, even if no one was physically harmed, how are people supposed to mentally recover from having their minds invaded and their bodies puppeted for days on end, all while feeling insurmountable pain and torment to the point where they seriously want to die? I'm sorry, but there is simply no way to be OK after that.
And that's just talking about the adults. Imagine how mentally fucked up the CHILDREN will be from this. Even if Wanda's Hex kept them sedated, that still means they were still seeing her horrific nightmares the entire time, to say nothing of the day that they were being puppeted like everyone else.
Wanda may very well have damaged Westview's citizens beyond repair. Sure, she didn't mean to do it, or even realize she was doing it, but it still happened.
Lastly, constantly trying to distract from Wanda's crimes by pointing out that the other Avengers have also done bad things is whataboutism. It doesn't change the fact that she committed an act that could easily be classified as a crime against humanity.
Believe me, I wish none of this was true. I really do. But these are the unfortunate facts. There's not much we can do about them.
[Then again, considering the MCU has totally ignored the psychological ramifications of basically everything else that has happened since the first Avengers movie, making WV the outlier would be weird, so hopefully everyone will indeed be fine like you say, as unrealistic as that would be.]
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ofescapisms · 3 months
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(Danai Gurira) [THE PERSEVERANT]. Please welcome [IRIS CADE (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [45]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [OWNER OF MOUNTAIN NECTAR ]. They are looking for [XAVIER AND LYRA CADE] their [CHILDREN] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Iris was born and raised in Huntsville, growing up with her parents. As a teenager she started dating a boy her age, and they got serious pretty fast. It wasn’t long before she gave birth to their first child, but even then they were still managing. Her mother helped take care of the baby so they could both finish high school while her father worked. It made for some financial setbacks, but they still managed. Then in her senior year, Iris found out she was pregnant again, giving birth to Xavier when she was 18. But this was where it became too much for her boyfriend, and he left them all.
Iris was heartbroken, but it didn’t take long for her to just look at her boys and know she had to keep going. Her mom agreed to stay home and watch the boys while she and her father worked, Iris getting a job as a server and always putting a smile on to try and get the best tips. She put all her money into savings and trying to make sure her children never missed out on anything. She never wanted a holiday to go by where they didn’t feel like Santa was good to them.
Then when Iris was 23, after being with a new man, she gave birth to Lyra. Now with 3 kids, Iris told herself dating just couldn’t be a priority for a long time. She put everything she had into trying to be the best mom she could be. She eventually was so dedicated to her job that she was promoted to manager, which was helpful financially, and thankfully it was good timing because a few years later, her father passed. So Iris continued working hard and raising her three kids with her help of her mother, in the same house she grew up in, eternally grateful for everything her parents had done to help her.
When the paradox happened, she thought she was in a living nightmare until the runes were discovered. She had them on every wall, and regularly made sure the kids all knew to never open the doors or windows at night. As the years passed and her kids grew up, eventually they all reached adulthood and Iris’ mother decided it was best for her to move to the nursing home. With all her savings over the years, Iris was able to step up when the brewery owner decided to sell the business and buy it from him, finally in a place where she didn’t feel like she was scrambling for everything she could get.
Iris is now finally trying to allow herself to enjoy her life for herself again, but it’s difficult to change her mindset when it comes to putting her family first.
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shenyaanigans · 1 year
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chapter title: vi. dreams (nightmares)
fandom: trigun | trigun stampede
pairing: vashwood | WV | 葬台
rating: teen audiences
warnings: PTSD nightmares, mentions of vomit & CSA, choking, some suggestive content
read it here on AO3.
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rubsjuice · 2 years
Who had it worse: WV "i am belittled and my dream is dead", PM "i am treated like jade's dog and reduced down to angry", or AR "i was replaced by a pair of sunglasses"?
Hi this ask has been sitting in my box for a while cuz I needed some time to fully wrap my head around what i intended to write for it and ngl, of all three, I think the worst would've been WV
Not for any in-universe or narrative reason, but because of a different reason: the problem with WV is that he's been reduced as a pet and a joke character due to the traits he exhibits that are very clearly neurodivergent or mental disability traits; so, when people treat him as davekat's pet, what comes across to me is "we believe people who exhibit similar behavior are less people and more akin to animals", which... Kinda sucks tbh
The fact WV is implied nonverbal, the fact he has a paralysis behavior, PTSD-induced nightmares, the way he thinks and acts (which we can see at work plenty of times before act 6) clearly indicate he's neurodivergent coded (and also suffers from PTSD and survivor's guilt at the very least), so when people say "hehe he's so silly he's just a little guy he's just a pet :)" with all these things on the table make it feel... Very unwelcoming. Especially if you relate to him or empathize with him due to his mannerisms and mindset. Through all my reading of homestuck i deeply related to the carapaces in general and always liked that they all have this quirk of mindset that, while in common for all of them, is so deeply neurodivergent from a human perspective. Every carapace is autistic and when you beastialize them and pretend they're less capable of intelect or critical thought it really sits weird with me.
Yeah being flaunderized as just an angry doglady or being completely erased by fanon and replaced by a pair of glasses kind of sucks, but I think getting your character completely ignored and replaced by an ableist understanding of yourself has to take the cake
At least that's my takeaway of it.
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Raise of the Conductor’s Baton: Pgs. 248-270
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oh? what’s that? you call him “The Mayor?”
WV is an honest chess man thing, a humble farmer turned revolutionary leader against the tyranny of the kingdoms. he stood for democracy and freedom and fought for these ideals. he was the last man alive in a bloody massacre, left to sulk in survivor’s guilt.
“The Mayor” is a strange childlike creature with no true morals, relenting all of his autonomy so he can be coddled by everyone around him. he let Earth C be ravaged by a bunch of 16 year olds who turned it into a racially divided monarchy. he is a false idol and an insult to the legacy of WV.
anyways Rose Lalonde made a GameFAQ.
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the 2 flashes that open Act 2 have some really nice shots, seeing the skies of LOWAS without knowing what’s below is pretty damn menacing. you’d think the Egbert household got banished to the fucking void or something. welcome to purgatory, featuring clowns.
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and then oh FUCK it’s a WALKAROUND BABY.
the walkarounds are so fucking good, I just LOVE registering the dimensions of these fictional locations admiring the random shit placed within them.
weirdly enough, the Act 4 opener is the only other flash to exclusively use this style of walkaround. by that I mean, using the regular sprite mode art style in and letting the player move around in the isometric camera angle. on 1 hand, completely understandable, it would be an utter nightmare to constantly reuse or make brand new traditionally drawn art assets just for some open areas to fuck around in. on the other, literally controlling in a Homestuck environment is fucking cool, the feeling is like no other, this is the John house and I am walking through it.
best part about this has to be witnessing WV’s manner of speaking, it’s so fucking good. he’s eternally yelling in direct mannerisms while not knowing shit about anything.
some highlights:
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also very good that he utterly despises clowns because that was the attire of both the monarchs and Jack Noir.
oh also there’s the 
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command where you can turn
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and walk through walls.
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Trickster Mode is fun, Trickster Mode is silly, I am not going to talk about the white part, let me have this for a moment.
we should instead talk about how you can enter Problem Sleuth’s office.
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god Problem Sleuth is so fucking good.
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John is afraid of heights, another character detail that needs to be represented more in fanworks. we need more acrophobia content.
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just look at him, the poor child.
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[scuttles around like a little guy.]
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EB: i'm fine i guess. EB: since i got here i feel compelled to do these weird things i don't really want to do. EB: by some kind of voice that i can't really even hear. i don't know, it is hard to explain. TT: Perhaps the early symptoms of an anxiety disorder, like post-traumatic stress?
haha, John??? suffering from anxiety and PTSD??? hahaha, imagine. haha.
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backmaskcd · 7 months
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(Brenton Thwaites) [THE MENTOR]. Please welcome [LANCE CERULLI (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [33]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [USHER AT THE CHURCH / SOBER SPONSER]. They are looking for [COLE CERULLI & ERIC BENSON] their [SIBLINGS] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Full Name: Lance Alexander Cerulli Birthday: January 29 Age: 33 Hunter or Gatherer: Neither Sexuality: Straight Height: 6'0 Relationship Status: Chem Testing
The second oldest in a large family, Lance loved his siblings to bits. The tragedy that Eric went though deeply impacted him as well as a child, and it gave him nightmares, but he wanted to try to be strong and be there for his brother anyway. The family moved around a lot, and it was hard to feel safe anywhere.
Huntsville was just another place that just made Lance feel uncomfortable and unsettled. He'd started experimenting with alcohol as a teen, finding that the more he drank, the easier it was to sleep and not think about the things that would upset him. Leaving for college was almost a given, and that's when things seriously started to slip.
He did okay in school, making sure to show up for important tests, but he spent a lot of his time partying, finding it easier to just drink his problems away once it was a lot easier to get his hands on alcohol than ever have to deal with things. What started as drinking every weekend turned into drinking every night, and then just before Lance was set to graduate, Eric seemed to completely drop off the face of the earth. He was grateful to still have Cole to keep him somewhat put together, but she was still a kid, and he couldn't burden her with his problems.
He was a functioning alcoholic by the time he graduated college, managing to scrape by with the skin of his teeth, and instead of moving on and trying to do something with his life, he stuck close to campus, finding parties to bury himself in every weekend, and sometimes on week days if he knew the right people to talk to.
Lance lost about three years of his life, memories coming in hazy if at all. He wasn't really sure what rock bottom would look like, if he ever hit it at all, because he maintained minimal contact with his parents and Cole, at least letting them know he wasn't dead. However he got the wake up call he needed when he woke up in a hospital, hooked up to various IVs, and not having any recollection whatsoever of how he wound up there.
One of the nurses there recommended an AA group that met nearby, and while reluctant, the fact that he didn't know how he wound up there or who brought him and no one could tell him, either, made Lance reconsider a lot of things. He started attending meeting and piecing a new life together, and finally at twenty seven, he started living his life instead of just trying to get through the day.
He was extremely passionate about helping others, going to a couple AA meetings a week and volunteering his help where he could; he started to mend the relationships he'd distanced himself from, and thought that maybe what he really needed was to just move back to Huntsville and try to start a new chapter in his life, remembering the joy he felt while Cole was growing up. However, he didn't realize just what that would entail.
Stuck in the town for the last two years, Lance still tries to help where he can, going to the meetings when they're held, and while he's established a routine, there's still a part of him that thinks this is either something he really desperately needed to stay sober or it's the ultimate test he never got the study guide for.
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dylangrimm · 1 year
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(alyssa sutherland) [THE GAMBLER]. Please welcome [DYLAN GRIMM (she/her)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [40]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [O'CONNOR’S OUTDOORS CASHIER]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
FULL NAME: Dylan Mallory Grimm
PRONOUNS AND GENDER: Cis woman, she/her
AGE: 40
OCCUPATION: Cashier at O'Connor's Outdoors
HOMETOWN: Hunstville, West Virginia
RESIDENCE: The Commune
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Death mention, divorce, gambling addiction
Huntsville local, but her parents split up when she was seventeen. Her mother moved to Massachusetts, and when Dylan was given the choice to stay or go, she left.
Her mother died just after Dylan graduated college. She had never been close with her father – especially not after she chose to live with her mother over him. After her funeral, they all but completely fell out of touch.
By that time, Dylan had started her own life. She worked as a dealer at a casino to pay her way through college, and by the time she graduated with a business degree, she'd been promoted to managing the place.
She initially refused to gamble, especially in her workplace – she watched over the years as her regulars got more reckless, and almost always left with less than they'd come in with. What she felt for them was pity.
Then one day she got roped into a game of poker, and walked out with ten grand in her pocket. That money paid for her wedding with her longtime girlfriend, and got them a decent honeymoon. It was like a switch had flipped – she understood. She kept it out of her own casino, only registering that she was developing a problem when she was driving two towns over and pretending she was going to work, only to spend the day in a rival casino. It went well at first – she was winning more than she lost, and she played small. Then things started to shift, and she was desperate to level out. They didn't. She dug deeper, and she got more frantic.
All leading up to her recent release from MCI-Framingham prison. She served two years after embezzling a little under eight grand from the casino she managed.
should be noted that she ruined her wife's (now ex-wife) life with her gambling. she drained both their bank accounts to try to dig herself out of her debt. (she is the one who proposed the divorce so none of her legal fees fell onto her ex)
got released from prison and was surprised to find she would still be divorced and her now ex had no interest in reconciling
with her life in massachusetts in shambles, dylan decided to visit her first home to figure out her next steps – had no intention of staying (mostly because her parole wouldn't allow it), and was shocked to find she couldn't leave.
she's trying to figure out how to adapt in the sudden place of her nightmares, but she's predictably handling poorly. she's resourceful, but she isn't exactly ethical most of the time.
Birthday: December 1
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius ☉ | Sagittarius ☽ | Libra➶  
Enneagram: Type 6w9
Temperament: Sanguine  
Moral Alignment: True neutral
Element: Earth
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