#wwe stephanie mcmahon
cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
IWTDFD (Chapter One)
IWTDFD stands for ‘Interview with The Devil’s Favorite Demon’ btw I dont got a better title for this one but I HAVE to call it something, this story was something I wanted to work on in 2020 but I was extremely self conscious then, especially with wrestling related shit- so this was a project from then continued now ...and also I fucking hate writing V*nce not bc of well you know...
But hes not a fun character to write so uh lmao if I accidentally somehow gave the impression that he might return- hes not, its only gonna be Steph and HHH I wanna explain what this story is gonna be but ya know what, I’ll let my writing do the talking for the next chapters
also this is a good a time as any to say I write STRICTLY kayfabe only, none of my wrestling fanfics will EVER be out of kayfabe, I don’t uh do that shit
TWs: Stalking, Mentions of eviscerating (I mean it IS a certain someone’s favorite word...) but it DOESNT ACTUALLY HAPPEN I SHOULD SAY, V*nce’s crusty dusty musty sorry ass is in here but only for the first bit, Choking and Violence
~5000 Words (thats what my goog docs counted it at so, i,, i trust)~
You stared up at the large arena, this was the place, or well so you had been told according to the directions Mr. McMahon had given you, the sheer size of the arena alone was enough to intimidate you but then there was also the fear of not impressing him enough… What if you didn’t actually get the job? You took a deep breath and headed into the building anyway, it was now or never… You headed straight to his office since you were told he wasn’t one you wanted to keep waiting, and okay honestly? Trying to find his office in the middle of all, well, t h i s was easier said than done but eventually you managed to make your way there, you looked up at his door, it had his name in big bold letters on it and a golden star even …The man thought highly of himself that was for sure but then again he was the owner of the company sooo… Either way, you took a deep breath, trying to shake the nervous feeling that had built up in your system.
This was it, this was the first big step into potentially getting hired here… It was now or never, and if worst comes to worst well you could manage, you plastered a smile on your face as you knocked on the door, albeit a bit hesitantly… Not even a few seconds later and a gravelly voice called out from inside “Come in!” You sucked in another breath before pushing the door open, that smile still plastered on your face, you looked over to Vince who was sitting at his desk, looking over some documents before finally he looked up at you, a small smile appearing on his face
“Ah! (Y/N)! Just the person I wanted to see…! Come on, have a seat” Vince pointed to the seat across from his desk, you nodded at this and quickly sat down, still with that smile on your face even though the air felt extremely tense right now… Once you were seated, Vince cleared his throat and then spoke up “Well, let’s begin shall we?” You nodded at this and then McMahon spoke again “So, I take it you wish to help out in… Interviewing our superstars, is that correct?” You nodded “Yes sir” Vince nodded “I see… Well, I want to see how well you do, so I’m going to assign you a simple task, not uh, usually how we conduct business… However, I think these tests will prove to me if your a loyal, hard working person”
You were confused by this, you hadn’t expected to be put on the spot just like this… Okay now you felt even more nervous than before, you watched him grab a microphone and then he handed it to you “I’ll uh, give you someone relatively easy and simple to interview… To start off with, let’s see here… Hm…” Mr.McMahon looked up in thought for a bit before he seemed to get an idea “Let’s start you off with err… The Miz! I will warn you, he does have an… Ego but he won’t be too difficult to interview compared to uh some of the others, I’ll be waiting here for your return, I have cameras so I can watch you from there…” You gulped but nodded
“Y-Yes sir…” Vince could sense how tense you were and he chuckled a little before patting you on the back after you had stood up “Relax, I get you wanting to impress me given that I am the boss, but I’m not as bad as others have cracked me up to be! I promise you that!” (...mhm suuuurree..) You nodded and took a deep breath, geez how many of those would you be taking today? Vince encouraged you as he led you to the door, and then he ushered you out, telling you just where you could find The Miz around this time.
You nodded and then he wished you luck, closing the door behind you… You sighed, okay this… You could do this, you had come too far to turn back now anyways, you couldn’t afford to… You walked ahead, heading off in the directions Vince had told you, you didn’t know much about the superstars in all honesty but eh…
You figured if you had managed to get the job here you’d be getting to know them all soon enough, first thing was first of course… ACTUALLY managing to get said job, you continued down the long almost never ending hallways, these things felt so confusing ugh… Sure, Vince told you exactly where to go but these winding halls nearly dazed and confused you, you continued down the path you figured was right, you also needed to keep in mind just what you were interviewing The Miz for… Speaking of… Eventually you had FINALLY made it to The Miz’s locker room, you sighed in pure relief and then you remembered… Vince had probably been watching you this entire time, he was probably even laughing at you which that thought had embarrassed you, you quickly tried to shake it away and then you knocked on The Miz’s door, a voice called out, seemingly a bit confused “Uh, come in?” You slowly opened the door and then saw The Miz look even more confused before he looked down to the mic in your hand and grinned “Ah, guess you're here to interview me about my upcoming title defense match, hm?”
You nodded “Yes sir, I am!” You walked up to him and cleared your throat “So, Miz, may I get your commentary on said match? What are your thoughts about your opponent?” The Miz chuckled, once you held the microphone up to him, he cleared his throat, a cocky grin spread across his features “My opponent? Psh!” …And okay, wow, he kinda… Got spit on you, that was gross and rude… “C’mon, I mean, really? Is there any d o u b t? I’ll mop the floor with ‘em! I am THE Miz! I’m awesome!”
“There’s no way that lil punk can even come c l o s e to someone like me! I’ll beat them AND take their title! It’s plain and simple, there’s no way they could ever physically beat me, and I know my opponent is watching this little… Interview so hey, you, yeah you… Pay attention, here’s how this ‘match’ is going to go…” With that Miz looked into the camera “I’m going to beat you down, and then I’m going to take that title from you, so you better get prepared to lose that belt… Because I’ll tell you right now, you see this right here?” Miz gestured to himself “You’re looking at the future champion right now because I’m The Miz and I’M…. AWESOME!”
And with that Miz was shooing you away, you thanked him for his time but in actuality you… Hated… Every bit of that, holy s h i t this dude… DEFINITELY had an ego on him that’s for sure, you were quick to head out of his room now that you were finished with that… Ordeal, once you were out of his room you took a breath and pinched the bridge of your nose, after that you shook your head and began to quickly head back to Vince’s office, you had hoped this had impressed Vince, at least a LITTLE bit… It was fairly simple sure but having to be in a room with that dude for more than a few seconds was exhausting
(I promise, I might be throwing shade but I love Miz, he’s such a bastard <3) You weren’t paying attention to where you were walking, mostly in thought as to if this was really worth it to work with dudes like… Well, like that, maybe not every one of them would be like that… You sighed and as you stepped forward, you ran into something, and whatever it was, it was fairly huge… It had managed to knock you down, you blinked and looked up at whatever was in front of you and then you noticed… It was a person, and oh… Oh jeez…
He was tall to say the very least for starters but he hadn’t even stumbled back, he was just staring down at you, through a red mask that covered his face, he had red and black attire on in general actually… You glanced up at his eyes and you felt a shiver go down your spine…
His eyes were glaring right into your very soul it seemed, it definitely made you feel… Uncomfortable to say the least, you scooted back slightly before standing back up and dusting yourself off, even if you felt a little nervous in the moment, you still didn’t want to be rude… “Sorry, I uh, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going… Th… That uh, that’s my bad man…” The figure in front of you said nothing, he simply continued to stare at you which only made you grow more nervous, you fidgeted for a moment with the mic in your hands before you apologized again and then tried to casually pass by him… He didn’t make any moves to try and stop you at that moment but even as you got past, you could feel him still staring at you… You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head as you briskly walked away, once you had managed to get out of sight you quickly gasped in a deep breath, your body beginning to tremble a slight bit “...Geez… I wonder what that guy’s problem is…” (he’s got several)
You knew he was probably a bit angry at you running into him like that but there was just something… Off with the way he was staring at you… …You shook your head and quickly made your way back to Vince’s office, you knocked on the door but this time a much more feminine sounding voice called out for you to come in, you blinked in confusion but opened the door anyways, you saw a woman standing there and what was presumably her husband, sitting on the couch, just fiddling away with something, you looked toward the woman who was smiling “Hi, you must be (Y/N)... My name’s Stephanie… Stephanie McMahon, I’m sure you were probably expecting to see my father here but he had to step out for a bit…
He explained to me what I needed to know about you, and of course we watched your performance on camera as well” You nodded at this and then she spoke up again “I’m pleased to say that your performance was nothing less than perfect! Since my father left me in charge while he’s gone… I’m going to tell you right now that… Congratulations (Y/N) (L/N)... You’ve got the job” She extended a hand which you happily took, shaking it and you had a big smile on your face.
“Oh thank you ma’am! Thank you so much! I promise… I’ll do the best I can!” Stephanie smiled at this and nodded “I’m sure of that… I think a tour is in order before you get to the other interviews we have planned for you, to at least, get you more accustomed to the building’s layout, my husband, Triple H will guide you around just follow Hunter” The man got up from the couch and walked over, patting you on the back a bit roughly “Yeah let’s go, get this done and outta the way” You nodded at this and walked out of the room with Hunter, it would be nice to get a proper layout of this place before getting started… Triple H showed you where certain halls lead, where the doors led, some of the locker rooms for some of the superstars, those were fairly easy to memorize given that the doors had the respective names of said superstars on them.
Hunter didn’t take you out to the ring but he showed you what lead to it, and showed you down the ramp, you noticed there was in fact a match going on right now, there was no lingering around for too long as Triple H then sped off in another direction, the whole time he talked about certain areas, talked about some of the superstars, etc…
It was honestly a lot to take in and process but you were eager, eager to work here and eager to please in all honesty, the tour wasn’t too long thankfully because before you knew it, you two were heading back to the office, Hunter as he walked asked a question “So… What do you think of the place so far?” You didn’t seem to hear his question because as the two of you got halfway down the hall, there was this feeling that was beginning to arise in you… Beginning to take over, you felt very uneasy and eventually you slowed to a stop, you looked around and then slowly turned behind you, you saw nothing… You saw nobody, well, aside of course the typical crew that was walking around and making sure everything was in order, it was strange…
You had felt like someone was stalking you, watching you from afar, the crew however couldn’t be the ones because they were completely ignoring your presence there, going about their daily routine it seemed …Still, you faintly wondered… If… And then a hand on your shoulder made you yelp and spin around, this made Triple H raise a hand in defense “Woaahh! Hey hey, it's me, it’s just me!” You sighed and shook your head “Shit, sorry… I just, I dunno, I got a weird feeling all of a sudden” Hunter raised a brow at this “What kinda feeling?”
You looked back slightly before looking forward to Triple H “I… I felt like someone was… Was watching me or something…” Hunter grinned slightly at that, patting you a bit roughly on the shoulder “I mean… There are cameras everywhere, it must just be the crowd, I wouldn’t let ‘em bother ya” For a moment you were silent, now sure, you knew the cameras were around, you knew there was an audience out there but it didn’t feel like it was them but you slowly shook your head and smiled back “Yeah, prob… Probably just them then” Triple H nodded and let go of your shoulder “Yeah, c’mon, let’s get back to Steph, she doesn’t like to be kept waiting too long… And another thing, you still didn’t uh, answer my question” You looked to him as you were now following alongside him rather than behind him “What was it?” Hunter then repeated his question from a bit ago “How’d ya like the place? Whaddya think? Pretty sweet, right?” You smiled and nodded, shaking off that feeling from earlier “Oh yeah, I love it here… It might take a bit getting used to even with the tour but… I’m sure I can manage” Hunter chuckled “There we go, I like to see confidence in the newbies!”
“Don’t worry, once ya get used to this place, it won’t seem too endless, eventually you’ll be walking around the halls like it’s your own house, ya get used to it real quick” You nodded and eventually you two made it back to the office without any trouble, HHH knocked on the door and Steph of course responded with the typical ‘come in!’ and then Hunter made his way in, you alongside him, this made Steph smile “Back already, you two?” HHH nodded and looked over at you then to Stephanie “Yep, they’re a pro already it seems, confident as hell, and they soaked up every word I said like a damn sponge” Stephanie seemed delighted by that “That’s good to hear… (Y/N), you just seem so eager and determined, we appreciate that eagerness, that determination, and certainly that confidence” You smiled slightly and nodded “Of course…” You were giddy, you were very giddy in fact! You could hardly contain your excitement but in order to keep from looking unprofessional you kept your composure.
Hunter headed back to the couch to sit down now as you and Steph talked “Alright, now, to further ease you into the business… I’ll give you some more superstars to interview, to start off relatively easy, you’ll do an interview with R-Truth and then Seth Rollins, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion” You nodded at this “Sounds good to me, I’ll get right to it!” Stephanie nodded and then waved as you walked out “Good luck!” She called out and you thanked her and then closed the door behind you, you took a deep breath, you were going to have fun here. You could just feel it, this was going to be so exciting! You couldn’t wait to get started, you slowly began to walk off, away from the office door, as you got about halfway you suddenly stopped again, you felt a chill go up your spine…
Something was wrong, you felt that same strange feeling a few moments ago when walking with Hunter, you quickly turned around this time, eyes darting around the place, but there was nothing …Nobody, well aside from the obvious crew walking the floor and making sure everything is functioning and going smoothly, but still… You couldn’t shake that strange feeling but you simply shook your head. Triple H had literally told you it was probably just the feeling of the crowd’s eyes and not to mention, those two were more than likely watching you as well, you were alright, nothing could or would happen to you… You sucked in a deep breath and continued down the hall, shaking that feeling off, you couldn’t focus on that too much, you had a job to do.
You walked down the hall, looking around, you needed to get used to this building so this was good for you, even despite the tour, you still needed to fully memorize where each place was, you walked for what felt like forever before you suddenly just found R-Truth walking around backstage, you immediately ran up to him to catch him, now Stephanie had told you what to ask (...pretend she told you what to do, i just,, forgot to write that bit sh- sh shush) “Excuse me! Mr. Truth! Sir, you just came from a long match for the Intercontinental Championship against The Miz, you unfortunately did not win the championship this time, how does that make you feel?” R-Truth looked at you, he looked a little upset before suddenly looking to his right “...You hear what they just asked me, Little Jimmy? They just asked me if I was upset” You were completely confused, th… There was nowhere there…? And then he turned back to you “Of course I’m upset! I just lost my chance at a title…! Do you think I’d be happy or sumn?” You brought the mic back to your face “...Erm… No, no sir, I-I didn’t think you would be…”
R-Truth once again looked back to that same spot, nodded a few times before turning back to you, you lifted the mic up and he gently took a hold of it “Little Jimmy says we gon’ get him next time, that Intercontinental Championship WILL be ours, and that’s all we got to say about that!” And with that he walked away, leaving you stunned, you… You genuinely didn’t know what to make of the situation there, you stood there for a few moments, completely in shock before a voice called out “...Wow, what the heck was t h a t?” You jumped and spun around, there was a man who was wearing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he looked down at you, he seemed just as confused as you were before a sly grin made its way onto his face “Well aside from… T h a t… I just got one thing to say to the entire locker room here, I know you all want t h i s!” He pointed to the champion belt, smacking it even before laughing suddenly, leaning close into the mic “If you want MY championship… Not that any of you deserve it of course”
“Then you’ll have to pry it from my cold, lifeless fingers!” And then he laughed again, and finally Seth was stepping away, however before fully walking away, he paused for a moment, turning back to you, he still had that shit-eating grin on his face “...What’s your name by the way?” You quickly spoke up “My name is (Y/N)!” Seth took a moment, seemingly processing before nodding “Got it, well you already know my name, so I trust there’s no need for an introduction after all, who doesn’t know Seth Rollins! The WWE World Heavyweight Champion!” And then he was laughing again before finally walking away, leaving you just fidgeting with the microphone for a few moments, man… It was going to take some getting used to here, with these guys, some of them were weirdos and some just had such big egos, you shook your head before slowly turning around, a gasp escaping you as you nearly bumped into a face that quite frankly you didn’t want to see… It was that man in the mask again, you locked eyes with him, one of his eyes was a very vibrant shade of blue while the other one was a dark gray…
Those eyes stared intensely into yours, you somewhat glanced down to notice his hand clenching and unclenching, that made you tense up, you didn’t dare say a word, you could hear him breathing, it was a little heavy but instead of locking eyes with him again you quickly tried to sidestep him, however that didn’t work, he immediately stepped in front of you again, you began to grow more nervous, you could feel yourself beginning to shake slightly, you snuck a glance only to see him tilting his head to the side, a look of… Curiosity it seemed… You took a deep breath and tried to sidestep him once again only to have him do the same thing, he repeated this for a bit before suddenly grabbing you by the throat, causing a strangled gasp to escape from your lips, you instantly dropped the microphone in your hand, hands shooting up to grip at his arm, trying desperately to pry it off your throat, you could feel his grip get tighter, you wheezed out a breath, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you tried desperately to hit at his arm, it did nothing, he simply continued to squeeze your throat tighter and tighter, his head tilted still.
You struggled as hard as you could before suddenly, you reared a leg back and kicked him as hard as you could between the legs, you heard him yell out in pain but you felt the hand rip away from your throat, you suddenly gasped, falling down onto your ass, you gently grasped at your throat, trying to get as much air back into your lungs as you possibly could, while the man in the mask was on his knees, clutching at his crotch, you slowly crawled back after catching your breath before suddenly he looked up, he looked absolutely enraged and that was your sign to run, you quickly got to your feet and made a beeline past him, after all he was still clutching his wounded area… You sprinted as fast as your legs could carry you, you tried desperately not to panic and run every which way but it was really difficult when you knew that he was surely going to come after you, you had been right! There was someone watching you! But it wasn’t the crowd, nor just Stephanie and Hunter… It was him! It was that same man you ran into earlier, you knew something was off about him… You looked around, every direction and you were beginning to panic.
It felt like everything was spinning, the room was disorienting to look at, you looked at each direction you could take but you didn’t know the way back to the office, not, not when your mind was racing with a million thoughts and questions an hour, you were petrified…
You were absolutely terrified about what would happen if he caught you especially now that you pissed him off, your eyes widened as you heard a voice shout out down through the hall “WHERE ARE THEY?!?” You looked around at the options before finally making a decision, not wanting to stick around there for too long, you tore off in the direction you picked, you hoped, you p r a y e d it was the right way… Your legs were getting tired far more quickly with how fast you were running, the crew and even other superstars looked at you confused, however in the distance when they heard a familiar angry voice yelling out and stuff being thrown around, they instantly tore out of there themselves, getting out of the way… You quickly began to realize as you got further into the hall, this was the wrong way… This wasn’t the way to Steph and Hunter’s office! Shit! You quickly barged through the two doors in your way, not stopping for even a second, this room… It was full of places to hide!
You’d hide here until he left and then you’d try retracing your steps, you quickly looked around and found one of those bins, it was a large one, you ran over and opened the bin up, hurriedly hopping inside and shutting the lid, your breathing was heavy and ragged and your body was shaking like a leaf, you felt around your throat again, gently massaging it since it was starting to hurt a little bit now… For a while all was silent until you heard that familiar shouting come from down the hall, it was muffled but you could still hear his angry yells and then him throwing stuff around, tears pricked at your eyes at this point, you were so scared as you sat there in the pitch black bin… it wasn’t long before you heard the sounds of his footsteps, he was running, you quickly clasped a hand over your face when you heard the doors get forcefully pushed open, and then aside from the awful banging sound the doors made when closing again.
It was relatively silent, the only thing you could hear was his breathing, heavy and ragged much like yours had been, even his breath let you know that he was absolutely incensed right now… You could feel yourself beginning to tremble more, you still kept that hand clasped over your mouth, stifling your own breathing so you wouldn’t be easily found… After all, this room right here was much more silent, there was nobody in here, no crew, no superstars, nobody but you and that monster chasing you of course… For a bit, he seemed to be catching his own breath now, it took him a good bit in order to do so before finally his breath calmed and you couldn’t hear it anymore. The room had fallen into pure silence, no voice, no breathing, n o t h i n g… But you knew he was still there, you hadn’t heard the door open back up, he was still there just simply waiting in the dark, if you climbed out of the bin now you’d be caught instantly, he was probably waiting right by the door for you in all honesty.
You were both merely playing the waiting game for one another, the man in the mask either waiting for you to run into the room or maybe out of it… And you were waiting for him to leave, after what felt like more than thirty minutes, he seemed to finally relent in the waiting game… He didn’t leave however as you hoped he would, no… You heard his footsteps, slow now, stalking around the room. You heard the footsteps go past the bin which you were thankful for and then you heard him moving something very fast, he only huffed seemingly in frustration, what or better yet w h o he wanted was not there it seemed… And then you finally heard him speak, a voice that sent absolute chills down your spine, a voice that rasped out very lowly now “...I know you’re in here, if you come out now… I might NOT eviscerate you e n t i r e l y…”
. . . Yeah no, that wasn’t convincing in the slightest because quite frankly you didn’t want to be eviscerated at all, in fact you’d much prefer your innards to stay i n s i d e your body because that’s where they belonged, you heard him rummage around some more before finally he had looked all around the room, all except for one place… Even though you were in the bin you could feel his eyes boring holes into it, you could feel him staring directly at the bin and then sure enough his footsteps slowly walked over, he was merely taunting you at this rate, his walk was even more slow than before, he was definitely taunting you right now, you could feel the sinister grin on his face even though you couldn’t see him, as he stalked over to the bin and then he stopped, you imagined he was directly in front of it now, your eyes were wide and you felt tears spilling out of them now but you kept the hand clasped over, and tried desperately not to sob, you felt his hand slam down on the bin, it made the entire thing jar and you had to force yourself not to yelp or scream at that… And then slowly… Very Agonizingly slowly…
                          The Lid Began To Creak Open. . .
(End of IWTDFD Chapter One, ooh a scary cliffhanger, what’ll happen to the reader next. . .? . . . :) heh)
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cre8ivesolutions16 · 2 years
I want Stephanie McMahon be the general manager not Adam Pearce
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samijey · 2 months
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WWE Hall of Fame 2024
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nathanael13 · 2 years
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I met @stephaniemcmahon last year in Houston Texas at @toyotacenterhouston @wwe it was awesome she was very nice person
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nightmare2cold - instagram / tiktok
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my-roman-empiree · 1 month
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This was hot af!!
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a four part story
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Stephanie, her husband Hunter, and Hunter's boyfriend Shawn
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WWE Deutschland Instagram - Stephanie McMahon
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sleepy-achilles · 5 months
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From me and my idiots to you and yours :)
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1-800iluvyou · 7 months
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