#wyvern asks trans
pyrotechniccake · 1 month
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My OC Cindrea Von Rigel!
Some fun facts about her: -Trans girl! -She's the only child of Margrave Rigel and heir to house Rigel -She uses magic and spears to fight when needed -The blunted horns on her circlet are a tradition of house Rigel, commemorating the circlet Rigel once wore to match the sawed off horns of the wyvern he once rode -Height 5' 4"
Not sure what I'll do with her for now, possibly a visual novel in the works.
Please ask away if you have any questions about her!
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cindysnuts · 1 year
Xander- Xander handpicked both of his retainers because he thinks they’re beautiful (canon btw. Okay well it is for peri but cmon). He of course could only marry a woman, and one of high standing at that, because of his duties as crown Prince, but he spends a suspicious amount of time with his retainer, taking “dance lessons.” Closeted bisexual. Camilla asked and knows and Leo surmised it. It is a secret to everyone else, including Elise and even Corrin (though only for a matter of time for them), as it is a scandal that could rock the nation.
Camilla~ Camilla is a lesbian. She ALSO picked out her retainers because she loves them and wants to dominate them. Well. Selena at least. She is a brat in need of taming frfr. Beruka is just a feral cat she’s trying to show love to. Technically Camilla is bisexual but she just loves women so much and only has female partners rn anyway so. Everyone knows though, she hardly makes a secret of it, much to Selena’s embarrassment. Technically an open secret due to Nohrian high society’s general intolerance, but it’s only spoken of in whispers, since no one wants to be on the bad side of the wyvern riding princess.
Leo- oh boy. This guy. The complexes… SO. Leo is very sharp. He’s very private, but very observant, and analytical. Being away from the spotlight of being the crown prince, he was able to privately deduce that he was gay very early on. Right? So like that’s it that’s the answer. So why doesn’t it feel quite right? And why doesn’t he fit his role exactly??? Must be something about being the second prince, yeah that’s it. Right? I mean he’s trying to be the man he has to be. I mean it’s weird being called a prince?? But that’s not right I mean he WANTS to be a royal so. Huh. Weird anyways he NEVER looks at the box in his mind marked “Gender” that’s rattling and SNAPPING at its lock and chain. Leo is the biggest egg this side of the bottomless canyon and everyone around him with even a hint of what trans people are know he’s a girl including all of his loved ones who already accept her for who she is. As soon as she realizes it. Camilla keeps trying to get Leo to wear dresses (while she wears the sharpest suits of all time, of course) but he just gets really weird and sweaty everytime she suggests it and always chickens out. Odin and Niles are NOT helping they’re both too insane to help (affectionate). Elise has the coming out party PLANNED on LOCK it’s in the CHAMBER ready to fire the second she gets the message. They’re all just lovingly waiting for her to crack.
Elise- Elise is ultimately straight. All of her closest, most meaningful relationships throughout her life are with women, but that’s a love that doesn’t run romantic, really. She is the STAUNCHEST ally tho!!! She isn’t really privy to many of the family secrets, not for a while at least, and is a bit oblivious when she’s younger, but she gets it eventually! And she loves her family so much you guys. She wants to throw them ALL huge coming out worries (even if they have to be private) no matter how they may object. Ultimately though, she loves boys! All kinds really. Later in life she even falls in love with a commoner boy, and they have a beautiful life together! The most normal and well adjusted of the Nohrian siblings, funnily enough, since she has the least pressure to succeed and has plenty of examples to lead from.
That’s it for now, I may do Hoshido + Corrin/ Azura or the Nohrian retainers later on, if there’s demand lol.
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approximateknowledge · 4 months
that poll made think about mondo emerso again. somehow simultaneously the most generic yet interesting fantasy books young ak had the pleasure to read. like there's some actual interesting stuff going on beneath the surface. (*fammins* dear gog the implications. also elven bio-warfare, don't ask. also just san. one of my oldest fictional crushes... morally gray half-elf with a sick-ass wyvern go brrrr)
but above all the sheer *projection potential* for adhara in the third trilogy especially
im like 80% sure she had like, a direct hand in my egg cracking
why yes the pov character wakes without memory and has to *discover she's a woman*, and then ends up choosing a name for herself, and eventually she meets her creators and they literally deadname her
adhara is like the most trans allegory you can make a protagonist by accident
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also yes she does look like that
i will not comment further, you all have eyes
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omgkalyppso · 8 months
sylvix 8 14 and 16 bc the ship meme popped up on my dash again :)
\( ̄︶ ̄*\) I appreciate you! Thank you for the ask.
8. Do they have any children? If so, do these children predate the relationship or are they a result of the relationship (whether through birth or adoption or otherwise)? Does any partner excel in their child-rearing? If so, is this because of education, experience or instinct?
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Picrew 1. Picrew 2. Picrew 3.
I never really explored a lot of my oc Fae's post-canon world publicly, but Sylvix are together there and it was my headcanon that trans Felix would not be comfortable carrying a child to term, and so they adopt Elspeth. There were already so many Faerghan redheads, that I didn't feel bad about going that route with her design.
I've seen a few people headcanon Miklan a child that they adopt, and have sometimes played with the idea that she's that, but otherwise her origin isn't angsty. Happily chosen by her parents in an orphanage because she was scrappy and because her hair reminded Felix of Sylvain's. A brighter, quieter swordsman than Felix was in his youth, who still manages to remind people of him somehow. A Fraldarius in every way.
She's adopted between five and seven, so they miss some of the younger years and milestones, but are around for her to be young enough that she still mimics some of Sylvain's exaggerated / flirtatious smiles, that she still requires a basic education besides one that would be specifically required for people of their rank, that other discoveries and heartbreaks and illnesses are still a new and delicate thing.
Felix is better with making Elspeth feel better after an injury, or handling colds and impatience and distraction. Sylvain is more approachable with emotional conversations, but I don't think he's the best at them or that he'd want to have them without Felix present so Elspeth has to deal with both of her parents talking about her insecurities and desires almost like strategy. Ultimately it works because Felix and Sylvain are mature and kind-hearted and attentive to their daughter, but it's definitely unconventional.
They're always trying to pull each other closer. A whole family with a concern of living up to deserving one another.
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Picrews 4&5. Other ot5 kids here.
I also want to add that she's at the Officer's Academy at the same time as two of my ot5 kids: (Hilda and Lorenz's youngest) Baldovin or Vinnie, and (Fae and Claude's only daughter) Sadaf. Vinnie and Sadaf, despite having different birth parents, near consider each other twins. Born only a few months apart and raised together by parents who were involved with one another, they're very familial at least, and the best of friends.
I wouldn't say I ship any of my next gen (with the specific exception of a merciedue fankid and an ot5 child), because I've not really invested in them as teens / adults the way that I've invested in them being children, but I like Elspeth developing a crush on Vinnie, and friends with both of them.
Baldovin is nothing like very little like Lorenz in temperament, unlike his elder siblings. He's loud. He's boistrous. He's short as a Goneril. Here's another paragraph about him from this post:
Baldovin (minor Crest of Goneril: Sometimes allows combat arts to prevent enemy counterattacks.) is a fortress knight. A slow, sturdy wall of armor. Lives to defend, and tries to incapacitate. Sympathy for his enemies. Feels like attacking marching units while mounted on either wyvern or horseback is unfair to man and animal, and thus only uses mounts to get from point A to point B. Crest nonsense: WILL wrestle your wyvern for fun, and enjoys the shock in how their necks rear back when his Crest allows him to pin their chin down while their wings struggle (squish that cat).
I also feel obligated to mention that in Fae's canon / post-canon, Sylvain joined the Golden Deer, and Dimitri survived Gronder but did not end up ruling as king. I have a few dimimari fics about where that left him, but they aren't fully transparent that Felix also remains his best friend.
14. How often does each partner cry? How do their partners engage or react to the differences in emotion between themselves and their partner(s)?
I think that while Felix did grow out of crying as often as he did as a child, that Sylvain cries a lot and unfortunately for Felix, it becomes more and more likely that seeing Sylvain in tears makes him cry also. Felix puts in so much effort post-canon in his relationship to Sylvain (among his platonic relationships to others), so that they can have harder conversations and feel better — and not simply awkward, after vulnerabilities are shared. It surprises Sylvain how bad he, himself, is at communicating, but it becomes more obvious through Felix's growth and efforts. They still have time to be young men together, and Sylvain also improves at giving tears their space, whether from sadness or otherwise.
16. If prompted to describe what love and / or acceptance feels like in their relationship, what sort of answer would each partner give? If this is not their honest answer, what would be the true answer for them?
Felix would say it feels like coming home. Like having a place to rest and not have to worry about being anything but you are.
Sylvain would say it feels like a warm fire after ages in the cold, like something you want to throw yourself into to recover from the chill, but that you have to wait for and tend and appreciate for it to steadily warm you.
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airlock · 2 years
6, 11, 27!
(pertinent to this ask meme)
#6 - Who's your favorite lord/protagonist?
I may or may not have recently declared a crusade in his name.
(Claude is up there as well also!)
  #11 - A character that deserved better?
speaking of which, Claude would have been a prime candidate here, but at least, Three Hopes finally gave him a route that feels like it's his own and not the church's sloppy... firsts. although that route did bring with it a new candidate for this question (they did so little with shahid,)
anyway, god, how does one even begin to choose? I could nominate like half of every female cast from the Kaga era games for one thing. get to the modern games, and you get countless characters who would've benefitted greatly from not being under pressure from being a viable target for the resident customizable protagonist's gaping S-supporting maw. the ones in the middle of the maelstrom are safe from that sort of sweeping problem, but that's not to say they don't have any characters they inidividually did dirty... (Lyn deserved more story relevance, Elincia deserved more time in the limelight in Radiant Dawn, Eirika deserves more respect from the fandom if that counts, and that's just going through protagonists)
anyway, a solid chunk of Awakening's second generation deserved to be in a better game -- perhaps even their own game -- so I guess that's also a big one
  #27 - Any fanfics/fan content you’d recommend? (You can plug your own stuff it’s fine)
sneaky creature you are to ask that, considering how much of your stuff I'll rec in a half heartbeat,
anyway, I'm not nearly as avid of a reader as I should be, for being a writer, but here's some of the finest Fire Emblem fanfic that my terrible brain managed not to wander astray from:
Princess of Dawn and its sequels by @wyvern-dork are the ultimate gesture of dedication to a blorbo that I've ever had the privilege of witnessing, let's see, around 80 chapters of so far. y'know, out of the 193 total that are presently up. to describe it only as a novelization of the Akaneia Saga, starring Minerva and featuring Minerva/Palla, would be selling it short. I think the more accurate thing to call it, rather, is the Minerva bible.
not looking for a work that will beautifully gobble up your entire life like that, though? first off all, why aren't you? but second of all, you can still get your Minerva/Palla from the same tap in shorter form: in Blades of Champions, where the two of them are some of the tryhardingest fencers in the whole modern alternate universe
and to complete the hat-trick on recs for this particular friend's works, there's Fingers Through the Sand. in this fic, Luthier dies at war and Delthea's journey to completely mishandle her grief eventually takes her across the sea and to befriend another magical powerhouse with a heart full of grief -- Linde. it will hurt you perfectly while dazzling you with stuff about magic
but lest you think I'm letting you off without another Akaneia rec with lots of magic in it -- as if; here's simplicity by name, the delightful gift I was given for nagamas 2021. it's Merric/Arlen, albeit with some flexibility as to how romantic you read their interactions here exactly, also they're both magnificently trans of gender in there
and I'm not done with the magic yet, or with the ones I've managed to prompt out onto existance. after all, @dornishsphinx‘s May You Arrive at Fertile Phthia dotted that year's FE Rarepair Exchange for me with some of the most evocative (and, at least once, haunting) descriptions of magic I've ever seen. besides that, it also has an intriguing Erk/Nino story largely set after Binding Blade, ie, well after they've both disappeared. it is deliciously detailed, and even has a bunch of Homeric references if that happens to be something you're interested in
while we're at Elibe, @royaltyjunk's the pain in my heart cannot be shared (i really miss you) deserves a mention at the very least because Lyn opening a text convo with Hector with "order bitch" remains one of the most beautifully in-character things I've ever seen for her and it's the first line of the piece- besides that, it's also a modern AU story taking place in our here world, but one might say that it's still about how much Lyn misses the plains.
anyway, let's cap this off with a hat-trick of @queenlua recs, notwithstanding that this tag there is entirely redundant with the other notifications she's about to be getting for this post- anyway, the first one of them is Silent World, a three-chapterer in which Naesala attempts to ruin Micaiah and Sothe's relationship for shits and giggles. it's not quite SFW and it does in fact feature Micaiah/Sothe, but if you're fine with both of those things, then you may join in me suddenly finding Sothe a much more interesting character than you may have originally figured (plus, that Micaiah and Naesala are great characters should require no convincing, but they're still in peak form here, so, that's just Oops! All Interesting)
and here's another three-chapterer while I'm at it -- Where the River Meets the Sea. it's a Claude/Hilda story that doesn't skirt around the dodgy history between Hilda and Almyra -- the opposite, in fact, as that's one of the central themes. the other being that these two are both extremely nonconfrontational people and, sometimes, that's not a good thing. anyway, Lorenz writes a strongly worded letter in this, so, that's the real #1 reason why you should go read it right now
and I'm not done asking you to enjoy Lorenz content either; for that matter, neither am I done with the modern AUs. because summer is miles and miles away is the white whale that I will always be kindly, playfully, yet persistently prodding the author about picking back up someday. it's a Claude/Lorenz story where all the Garreg Mach people are Harvard graduates, Claude is the tech startup bro he was always meant to be, Lorenz hasn't matured quite as fast as he did in canon without a war to light a fire in his ass, and Hilda is great
plus, there's always my own work to recommend, but I take in pride in all the stuff I got to make these days, so, it's hard to pick and choose just a handful. you could always check out my ao3 page and read every last one of them. but to select a few regardless: The Winter Bird is my love letter to all of the Dawn Brigade's obscure underappreciated blorbos; Forests and People features Jamke, Edain, Dew, and probably some of the funniest lines I've ever managed to get into a piece; Building Trust, slightly longer-form than my usual fare, is an ongoing effort to make Catria/Clair happen -- you know, on my part, on their parts, and on Minerva and Palla's parts, with the time they have to spare while they're not flirting with each other -- and if you're in luck I might actually finish the fourth and final chapter this year; and then there's my most recent piece, MozghuzCon, where I drastically exceed my own expectations vis-a-vis story length for a spot of modern AU Bernadetta/Marianne where they're both very transgender, very neurodivergent, and very nerdy.
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thebadgerburrow · 2 years
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Important Note: Around Christmas of ‘22 my laptop malfunctioned and, due to various circumstances, I lost access to queenofbadgers and bythelightofcamelot. Thus, they are now considered archives and replaced by this blog and camelotisshining. My main blog is, of course, paladinofthelantern. So, if I follow or interact with you, and I have done so previously on any of these blogs, please don't think I'm trying to be annoying!💖
Please make sure to read my DNI before interacting or following! Thank you so much!💖😊
Hello and welcome! This is a blog dedicated to all things Harry Potter (especially Hufflepuff)! However, before you starting looking around my humble abode I would like to say a few things.
Firstly, I can not stress enough that I do not agree with the woman, who I shall refer to as the Author, in any way, shape, or form in regards to her views on trans individuals. Everyone has the right to be who they are and it saddens me deeply that she can not see that. Especially since there are many people for whom her books were a life preserver during difficult times. All HP fans are welcome here and I hope my little blog can make you smile.
Secondly, I do not buy official merchandise since the funds would be going towards the Author who would use them to do even more damage. Any products I purchase will be obtained from sites such as eBay or those that support independent creators. If you ever want to suggest a shop or user to me feel free to drop an ask!
Finally, I understand if someone feels the need to disengage from the fandom completely. Everyone needs to do what is best for them and if that means never interacting with it again I have zero problem with it. I would, though, very much appreciate it if I were left in peace to enjoy my little corner of the internet.
Please, I beg of you, do not contact me trying to start a debate or tell me how I am wrong. If you need to block me in order to feel safe you have my blessing and I hope that you can find something that makes you just as happy. There is enough conflict in the world and I just want everyone to get along.
(note:blogs I suspect are spam will be blocked)
(although this is an HP blog, I might also reblog random posts now and then🥰)
My Harry Potter Headcanons
(below the cut)
✨Harry is the descendent of Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw who were very happily in love and married. They had four children, Helena (eldest), Edward, Aaron (from whom Harry derives his ancestry), and Charlotte (youngest).
✨Hermione is the descendant of Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff, who held just as much affection for each other.
✨The Founders in their youth once fought against a former knight named Cearul who had transformed himself into a wyvern. During their adventure they befriended two gryphons, Aymeric and Cecil, who later ended up donating a good portion of their wealth to help fund Hogwarts. They even became professors there.
✨Aymeric and Cecil's eggs were found by a wizard named Andreas Aviscorae after poachers slew their parents and were in the process of absconding with the young gryphons themselves. They were few enough that he managed to drive them away and, as he did not have the heart to leave them to the elements, Andreas decided to take them into his charge until a safer place could be found for them. During this time they hatched, almost immediately bonding with their rescuer. They became like sons to him and he a father to them.
Deep within their hearts, though they could not fully understand it themselves, was harbored a desire to be like Andreas. Now, the kindly wizard lived a good distance from any civilization, although it was near enough to it form him to perform his duties, and he was in the habit of letting the fledglings run about outside. He always tried his best to keep an eye on them, but one day they got away from his sight, which he lamented to no end. Aymeric and Cecil were oblivious to Andreas' worry, flitting about left and right as they explored and investigated anything that caught their interest.
One of these things was a small, round object whose blue hues sparkled in the evening light. Intrigued, they tossed it about until it suddenly burst, nearly blinding them as they fell over. Andreas heard their cries and rushed over to them, but was baffled when he saw two little boys in front of him. His eyes drifted to the ground and his stupor only increased, for there lay fragments of what he believed to be was an ancient artifact called a Wishing Stone, a mere handful of which were rumored to exist.
He managed to calm the startled children and escorted them home, where they were clothed as best as he could manage and properly fed. They then told him all that they knew, Andreas surmising that the Stone had somehow sensed their desire to be human. He warmly embraced them, promising to all that was in his power to give them a good life. As it turned out, they had not lost their original forms and could switch between both at will. Whichever they chose, they always knew that their father loved them as much as they did him.
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oliviridian · 1 year
multiples of 6
6.) if you could choose any place in the world to visit, where would it be? why?
I used to say Prague but I think I would really enjoy a typically touristy visit to Tokyo. I would love a chance to practice and develop my Japanese a little and maybe push myself to be less autistic about food.
12.) describe your best friend?
They're infuriating. Make the worst choices for themselves consistently, the most consistent of which is forgiving me for my mistakes. Things between us are never totally even and I don't feel like I give them nearly as much as they give me. I know this is tacky but I think of them as being the Wilson to my House, especially lately. They're smart and stubborn and deserve better than they get.
18.) describe your personal style?
24.) whom would you resurrect from the afterlife? which 3 questions would you ask them?
Eve. I'd ask her if she forgave me for never responding to her last message. I'd ask her to call Sarah once last time and give her the last two questions.
30. favorite mythological creature? and why?
Wyvern. I really don't know, I think maybe Fire Emblem? I just like the wing and no arms on the pseudo dragon. There's this line in Monogatari about how something that is a fake is more real than the real thing because it has to try to be real. That resonated with me very much as a nascent trans woman and I think Wyverns are fakes that try harder to be real than dragons.
36.) your favorite mantra to live by?
42.) what’s your favorite item you’ve purchased secondhand?
Right now this Hoodie that I purchased for around 300 dollars by spending way too much on a cheating ex who I never returned it to. It's a nice hoodie, makes me look nice.
48.) Animal you'd be most terrified to encounter
Yellow Ringed Octopus, I worry I'd impulsively grab it to see what dying is like
0 notes
This Wyvern asks goes out to a group I usually butt heads with, that being trans activists, and trans identified people themselves, however I genuinely want to know your takes on it. As with all wyvern asks if you aren’t comfortable sharing via reblog, my anon asks are open. If you submit an ask with a visible username I’ll message before posting to verify whether that was intentional or not, as I don’t want anyone receiving unnecessary backlash for simply answering a question from a mean ol’ radfem.
TLDR: If you want to answer please do, if you’re submitting an answer via ask, double check the anon button is clicked.
Detransitioners, you are more than welcome to answer as well.
Detransitioning, I believe we can all agree, is understudied. There aren’t really many studies on it to help socially or medically. To try and learn more about it, I try to read posts under the detrans tag, and other associated tags.
Under these tags are posts about wanting to be misgendered and forced into detransing as a kink. Usually I see this from transmen. Their blogs are covered with those types of posts. So my questions are as follows:
Do you believe these blogs are legitimate? Why or why not?
If you are kink critical, what kind of impact do you think this type of kink will have on the trans and detrans communities?
If you do not consider yourself kink critical, is this an exception for you?
Do you view this as fetishization? Or a legitimate kink?
If you yourself are trans, does this come off at a form of “chasing” (for lack of a better word)?
What is your opinion of someone who is willing to oblige this kink?
Thank you to anyone willing to answer
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queenofbadgers · 2 years
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Please make sure to read my DNI before interacting or following! Thank you so much!💖😊
Hello and welcome! This is a blog dedicated to all things Harry Potter (especially Hufflepuff)! However, before you starting looking around my humble abode I would like to say a few things.
Firstly, I can not stress enough that I do not agree with the woman, who I shall refer to as the Author, in any way, shape, or form in regards to her views on trans individuals. Everyone has the right to be who they are and it saddens me deeply that she can not see that. Especially since there are many people for whom her books were a life preserver during difficult times. All HP fans are welcome here and I hope my little blog can make you smile.
Secondly, I do not buy official merchandise since the funds would be going towards the Author who would use them to do even more damage. Any products I purchase will be obtained from sites such as eBay or those that support independent creators. If you ever want to suggest a shop or user to me feel free to drop an ask!
Finally, I completely understand if someone feels the need to disengage from the fandom completely. Everyone needs to do what is best for them and if that means never interacting with it again I have zero problem with it. I would, though, very much appreciate it if I were left in peace to enjoy my little corner of the internet.
Please, I beg of you, do not contact me trying to start a debate or tell me how I am wrong. If you need to block me in order to feel safe you have my blessing and I hope that you can find something that makes you just as happy. There is enough conflict in the world and I just want everyone to get along.
(note:blogs I suspect are spam will be blocked)
(although this is an HP blog, I might also reblog random posts now and then🥰) 
My Other Blogs
paladinofthelantern (multigenre)/bythelightofcamelot (multifandom)
My Harry Potter Headcanons
(below the cut)
✨Harry is the descendent of Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw who were very happily in love and married. They had four children, Helena (eldest), Edward, Aaron (from whom Harry derives his ancestry), and Charlotte (youngest).   
✨Hermione is the descendant of Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff, who held just as much affection for each other.
✨The Founders in their youth once fought against a former knight named Cearul who had transformed himself into a wyvern. During their adventure they befriended two gryphons, Aymeric and Cecil,  who later ended up donating a good portion of their wealth to help fund Hogwarts. They even became professors there.
✨Aymeric and Cecil could shapeshift into men at will.
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scribblesofanaricat · 3 years
Yo! Sooo who are some of your active ocs 👀?
And, if possible, can you provide a reference/description of what they look like and summary of who they are/their backstory?
For no reason in particular-
Uhhhh I'm not too sure what you mean by active OCs, but I can certainly list off some of my main ones, though they're not very special ;-; (I don't have that much of a backstory for them, but I'll do my best) (all art credit to @/doodlecam and @/mewi-or-lara!)
Finley Redding (aka Finny), age 8, from WIP #1:
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Born with abilities that harness the limitless dark energy of another plane, but grew up with the distinct impression that they had to try and restrain it, though they don't know why. Moved homes a lot over their eight years and pretty much isolated except for their parents and their grumpy shapeshifting wyvern Marshmallow. Met Marshmallow when they were not-quite-two years old; they found him injured in the forest and forcibly brought him home to be healed. Currently lives in a tiny dilapidated swampside village. Withdrawn and speaks in very short blunt sentences. Compassionate towards the lost, alone and persecuted. Cloak is actually a blanket. Big sweet tooth. Likes chocolate, stories and climbing trees, hates worms and crowds. Nonbinary.
Elias Felix, age 14, from WIP #1:
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Born with abilities that harness the energy of the waters. Raised in a large community of fighters in a war-torn province by Arna, the healer who nursed his mother after she gave birth to him. Not a bad fighter but much prefers listening to the elders' stories. Mostly isolated from the rest of the community; only really close with Arna. Has put a lot of time and effort into learning card tricks. Optimistic but also a worrywart. Hums a lot. Likes animals, jokes and cheese and crackers, hates heights and mint. Bi trans boy.
Robin Galanis (aka Laes), age 14, from WIP #2:
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Separated from their family in a huge electrical fire a long, long time ago - who really knows when? After that, taken in by someone who started out with his own agenda but grew to care about them. Stitch marks from incomplete mutilation transformation process. Left eye replaced with a cybernetic one that can see more brilliantly - difference in eye strength often causes headaches. Difficulty concentrating and patchy thought processes/poor impulse control. Struggles between their instincts and the right thing to do. Wants to know just what happened, how and why. Likes comfy clothes, windy days and ladybugs, hates bright lights and instant hot chocolate. Genderfluid.
Adeline Jaxson (aka Addie), age 19, from WIP #2:
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Lives with her (biological) father, her (adoptive) father and her little brother in a cramped apartment. Underpaid overworked intern at a certain laboratory because it's the closest she can get to her special interest (coding and programming) as well as a reliable, if menial, way to earn a paycheck. Peanut butter is one of her samefoods. Sometimes plays monster hunting with her brother when she isn't too exhausted. Afraid of asking questions or requesting clarification. Very determined to prove herself but consequently never knows when to stop. Likes black coffee and the colour lavender, hates the heat and slimy textures. Lesbian.
........um, I hope this is good enough and I've at least made them sound semi-worthwhile 😅
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solipseismic · 2 years
🎂 and 🍻 for malice?
oc ask game! 
🎂: does your oc have any contradictory interests or traits to the first perception people have of them? how do they surprise people?
honestly. malice’s entire Malice is a contradictory wad of surprises stuck together with silly bands and weirdly patterned duct tape. malice’s most surprising moments include: being trans, attempting to kill a wyvern while in possession of only one functional arm, wielding a two-hander sword that’s like 1/3rd of her body weight, and refusing to listen to every direct order ever given to her. she likes wearing skirts, also, and prefers them to pants. 
🍻: what's your oc's favourite comfort ritual? how do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
floor time! malice likes laying on the floor in places with the most traffic so she can feel soothed (by the floor) but also comforted (by the company) and useful (blocking the entrance to the kitchen) 
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mudwingpropaganda · 4 years
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Starflight of the NightWings
Ah, the prophecy dragonet who was destined to be a leader because Morrowseer and Battlewinner didn’t have the metaphoric foresight to realize that a child will not be innately prideful and zealous just because of the illusion of control they had. The dragonet that they were willing to kill for despite letting their other NightWing children rot in a volcanic tunnel despite bounties of food being literally right there. Starflight’s heritage overshadows his character. I think his story would be fascinating if Tui didn’t drown us in NightWing content. 
If you want to hear about a good character rather than an over saturated tribe:
Design headcanons
Despite the idea of NightWings being a larger than life, intimidating, all-knowing tribe of dragons with piercing glares that can read your minds and foretell your death...
Starflight is a very small dragonet. There was no promise if he would actually hatch when Farsight laid his egg. Regardless of him growing up on the island, he reaped the consequences of his parents’ health, Farsight and Mastermind very barely leaving the island and Mastermind surrounded himself in dangerous experiments. Starflight has a small frame, but surprisingly still has brighter scales than most of the ashy NightWings on the island. As he matures, I imagine his scales will acquire a more rich, purple hue and his fur will develop more colorful galaxies as he is exposed to brighter night skies along in his life.
He is also a knuckle walker!!! I try to find excuses to find more unique stances for dragons to take... NightWings walk on their knuckles due to the weight they put on their “thumbs.” They are a wyvern-esque species with only four limbs, and their wings curl like that of a bat’s. His talons are also quite splayed. He used to be the only one who could properly fly within their caves, fitting to his name, and sleep among the stalactites if he wanted to avoid the Guardians’ judgmental eyes. 
Generally, he is not as imposing as his tribe is made out to be. Less spikes than promised and stouter build than expected. Generally, he’s not exactly special looking, among his more colorful siblings. And like they said in the book, they always expected he’d get his abilities and his intimidation factor once he matured. Yet he still is as kind and small looking as ever.
Not pictured, but I imagine that the entire front half of his body scorched after surviving the eruption of the NightWing volcano. He uses bandages around his eyes after the explosion less because he’s trying to heal, but more so he’s self conscious of the deep scars he’s retained from them. He retains damage to his wings/arms trying to cover his eyes as Clay pulled him away, through small holes where the embers crisped through. I ought to draw his post-explosion design but... I lack my drawing utensils right now.
Miscellaneous Thoughts
If Starflight were to hatch exposed to the three moons, I believe he would achieve a state of near omnipotence? Or, essentially, total lucidity. He would have been quite lost in the future and almost devoid of his own personal though, as he heard that of everyone around him instead. He would have been a terribly powerful NightWing, in the sense that he could know anything he wanted. But be unable to change fate or peoples’ minds. Instead, lacking that moonlight but getting a sense of that light on the flight to the mountain, he has a quiet, ever burning urge to know everything possible. 
Starflight, for a brief moment, was thrilled to think he had a biological sister. Hoping, as NightWings tend to do, that there would be an immediate kinship, understanding for one another. The sourness and bitter words she spat upon watching over him as he woke up on the island was less than pleasant, and since the events of the book he has been unwilling to go to the Rain Forest, risking running into his biological family and being blamed for not defending their crimes.
Fatespeaker is going to be much more important in my re-interpretation of the series. I won’t go into her character here, but Fatespeaker and Starflight are less romantically inclined to each other and moreso, Fatespeaker, by guiding and helping Starflight at the school, gives her a validating presence with a friend figure that doesn’t curse her name for being so “annoying” or bothersome, like the false DoD. Starflight doesn’t recognize how much his simple “please” and “thank you”’s with every request he asks and every task she fulfills validates her. They’re best friends, outside of the circle of dragons that Starflight has grown up with. 
In the end, Starflight stays away from politics and relationships concerning the queendoms after the war. He has decided that the world is much more than books or scrolls were able to explain, and aims to be an unbiased historian later on in his life, who just so happens to work at Jade Mountain Academy as a librarian. No shame in being a blind NightWing historian. That’s valid.
Eventually, Starflight and Fatespeaker establish a dragon “Braille.” They recognize how many dragons also suffer from blindness and their lives are frequently threatened in a world where dragons behave like wild animals, so sight is QUITE important. Starflight especially takes in those kids and helps them learn, as he picked up Survival tactics from Tamarin, who’s been afflicted with blindness her whole life, yet got by absolutely find in the Rain Forest.
LGBT+ headcanons
Rare as it is, I do headcanon Starflight as straight! But he’s also a trans man! His parents correctly guessed his agab, since he hatched on the continent rather than the volcanic island. He wasn’t quite well received when attempting to come out to the Guardians. But his siblings unconditionally loved and supported him to the point where he was comfortable embracing his identity. He was eternally self conscious in front of the NightWings when they captured him due to afab NightWings having longer chest fur than amab NightWings. In the end, he’s confident with his identity and prideful of his gender. The only issue he tends to grow smitten with every girl he meets. He and Tsunami share the “I am falling in love with everyone I see” genes. 
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
Hi, I'm sorry to bug you... I know you guys are super busy, and I appreciate you all so much. I'm writing a story set in a fictional landscape, loosely based off of iceland where dragons have a human form. My character Rive, is trans masc and has a kid, the two are nomadic wyverns and they live in a lavvu like structure. However because I know about cultural appropriation I'm not sure if that's what I should call it But I dont want to call it a tipi because that feels even more inappropriate 1/2
I guess what I’m asking is using the lavvu like structure in this story is super uncool. (The idea came to me in a dream and they lived in the lavvu there). I did think this out, if they’re nomadic they cant have a permanent structure and they also have a fire in the tent so they’d need the opening in the roof. But I really domt want to steal something from the sami people because I used it wrong… help please (2/2)
Using Sami Housing for non-Sami people
Giant grain of salt since not Sami:
I’m going to say you’re okay (based off execution, of course) with this because you have recreated two key things necessary for proper cultural diffusion: similar biomes, and similar circumstances.
You have Nordic nomadic peoples, of which the Sami share a region with, and it makes perfect sense to use their words to describe something they made to withstand the exact condition of the situation. 
As a result, it’s not an automatic stop, you’re appropriating. It’s something to be cautious of, of course, but so long as you’re respectful (not modifying the structure much, for example), you’re (probably) fine.
Sami people are allowed to disagree with me and provide their own opinions.
Might I suggest: add more Sami influence.
If you’re worried about just taking one part, try to create a Viking (which is what Icelandic people were, just those who settled down to farm) and Sami mix with a slightly larger geographic area to reflect their cultural practices. 
As much as the Southern Water Tribe is very obviously Inuit-Yupik, it is Chinese influenced to have it better fit in with the Asia vibe of the whole Avatar universe. I’m basically advocating for a similar sort of blending here: take two things that share regions and (cautiously, carefully, perhaps have regional variations where one is more prevalent than the other to reflect circumstances) mix them together in order to create a cohesive, believable culture that pulls from both its inspirations.
I would not use tipi
Tipi is its own structure, specifically for the Plains and Prairie people of North America, and it was built with completely different geographic constructions to keep in mind. It’s not a generic word for “nomadic structure”, and it’d be much more respectful to use something from the region.
~ Mod Lesya
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
2,3,4 for claude!
Thank you for the ask!!! :D
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
I think he's emotionally weak when it comes to children. I don't feel this is taking away from characters who have more canonical interactions with monastery children / kids in their ending cards, but I do feel that his interest in connecting with Cyril as well as his own fascination / unresolved history with his own childhood influences how much empathy he has for little ones in a hard world.
Meanwhile, I think his moral weak spot is different depending on your route, because I do agree that he comes to trust people more easily / at all in VW when compared to CF. CF Claude's moral weak spot is that he would risk anything to achieve his goals and assumes everyone else is the same, which is why the thought of someone close to him sacrificing themself for his goals is unthinkable. Meanwhile VW Claude's moral weak spot is that he would risk anything for those he trusts, up to and including his life, reputation and the needs of the many. The people closest to him mean everything. See: his paired ending with Lysithea.
3. Scars or painful spots
OH!! Let me start by saying that a bunch of us in the Rose Zine server were talking about a claurenz body swap au, and I suggested that Lorenz would be surprised to find a few assassination scars. And, that I don't usually depict Claude as trans in my art or writing, but that transition scars on Claude are always a good headcanon.
Anyway, I think he'd have a bunch and I've never been specific about him before. Hm. A good one just below the left side of his rib cage from a dagger. At least three from arrows across his back. A mark from a pike on the underside of his upper left arm. One that's just visible on his neck creeping down from his hair from being struck from his wyvern on the way from Almyra. Various which are smaller and less consequential. One on his left thumb from carrying too many books into the edge of a stone wall.
4. Best places to kiss on their body
His lips, forehead, ears and anywhere he could easily bleed out (thighs, wrists, heart, throat, etc.).
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bookclub4m · 3 years
Episode 130 - Battle of the Books 2021
This episode it’s the first part of our 2021 Battle of the Books! We’re each pitching a book that we think we should all read and discuss, and you get to decide which one we read! We talk about pombies, wooden book clubs, friendship, and more! Plus: Digressions about superheroes!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards
Which book should we all read?
I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl's Notes from the End of the World by Kai Cheng Thom
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
Things We Lost in the Fire: Stories by Mariana Enriquez 
Vote for which book you’d like us all to read
Our Shortlists
RJ’s Shortlist
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Golem Girl: A Memoir by Riva Lehrer
The Unspoken Name by A. K. Larkwood
Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi
Circe by Madeline Miller
A Mind Spread Out on the Ground by Alicia Elliott
Something That May Shock and Discredit You by Daniel M. Lavery
Meghan’s Shortlist
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James
Wanderers by Chuck Wendig
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Anna’s Shortlist
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Media We Mentioned
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke
Dr. Strange and Mr. Norrell
The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke
Loki (TV series) (Wikipedia)
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
Links, Articles, and Things
Episode 079 - Which Book Should We Read?
Episode 083 - The Fifth Season
Episode 103 - Battle of the Books 2020
Episode 107 - Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Dear Prudence
Shirley Jackson (Wikipedia)
The Shirley Jackson shirt RJ was wearing
Arsenal Pulp Press
Hark! Podcast
Canada Reads (Wikipedia)
Spider-Man (Wikipedia)
Peter Parker (Marvel Cinematic Universe) (Wikipedia)
Miles Morales (Wikipedia)
Ben Reilly (Wikipedia)
The New 52 (Wikipedia)
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Wikipedia)
Imaginary Prisons (Wikipedia)
Wyvern (Wikipedia)
Sixties Scoop (Wikipedia)
Canadian Indian residential school system (Wikipedia)
Cultural genocide (Wikipedia)
1976 Argentine coup d'état (Wikipedia)
15 Spy/Espionage books by Authors of Colour
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by POC (People of Colour) authors to help our listeners diversify their readers’ advisory. All of the lists can be found here. This is our retrospective book list for Episode 012 - Spies & Espionage. 
Benita Renee Jenkins: Diva Secret Agent by Lorisa Bates
A Hope Divided : A Novel of the Civil War by Alyssa Cole
A Spy in the Struggle by Aya de Leon
Spy x Family by Tatsuya Endo, translated by Casey Loe
Gentlemen Formerly Dressed by Sulari Gentill
A Map of Betrayal by Ha Jin
Your Republic Is Calling You by Young-Ha Kim, translated by Chi-Young Kim
The Starlet and the Spy by Ji-Min Lee, translated by Chi-Young Kim
A Spy in the House by Y.S. Lee
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen
Quotients by Tracey O’Neill
The Strivers' Row Spy by Jason Overstreet
Open House by Nabil Saleh
Impostor Syndrome by Kathy Wang
American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, August 3rd it’s time to jack in and download because we’ll be reading the genre of Cyberpunk!
Then on Tuesday, August 17th it’s time for another of our episodes in which we discuss books, movies, and other media we consume that aren’t for the podcast!
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monasterys · 3 years
gm ppl, bc i've had an issue w how to format requests, i'm giving you an example of how to request everything.
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ICONS: specify gif or still (they are still by default!), give a size (200x200 by default), color (gradient or plain), character to use (we can only do 2 per icon as of right now, but we can also do matchy icons), you can also give us an aesthetic to use (ie. lovecore), and you can give shapes (default is square). we can also do pride icons!!
example: hey could i request some 350x350 circle m!byleth icons. with a blue-green color? i'd like it if you could use some of the green haired portraits if possible! tysm
HEADERS: give a theme/aesthetic, color, characters (we could do 3/4 characters at most, if we tried), and size (idk the default size by pixel or whatever but it's tumblr header size). we can also do pride themes!!
example: hi can i get a rose gold or light academia header with lorenz and ferdinand? default size is fine! also, do you think you could use the heroes art?
LAYOUTS: request themes/aesthetics, colors, characters (you can do 3 at most?), and say if it's for twitter or tumblr. we can also do pride stuff for this!
example: hi can i get dimitri twt layouts in royal blue? with a snowy aesthetic maybe?
MBS/AESTHETICS: give themes and characters, colors if you wanna, and any specific imagery. again, we can incorporate pride things.
example: hi can i get a claude moodboard with themes of exploring, his white wyvern, and bi/trans pride? (so so true bestie 💖)
STIMBOARDS: stim types (ie. nature stuff, water), characters (we can do 2 at most), colors if you want, and what not to include.
example: may i get a stimboard for flayn with ocean themed stims? please no slime poking or clay cracking, thank you!
PLAYLISTS: character/ship, genre, themes, and # of songs (we can do up to 11, but aim for 9)
example: can i get an ingrid playlist with songs about trying your best and hard work? i'm fine with most everything but rap and rock music
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that's about it! and if you need any other specifics, send in an ask and i'll get to you! 😊💖
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