#wyvern asks
Wyvern asks
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dracanianwyvern · 1 year
what’s TLAI stand for? (you mentioned it in WOGO’s introduction/ref post)
*looking at you*
TLAI stands for "Taking life as is" and is a rainworld fanfic where the iterators get yoinked off their strings.
It's on ao3. Go check it out.
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
Do you want to link to Wyvern's adoption page so he can get some visibility on here? Maybe someone will see him and fall in love
I’ve gone back and forth but yeah.
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Here’s Wyverns adoption page. If you’re in WA state he’s truly an excellent puppy who needs a home. I’d love to stay in contact and would be delighted to help with training if he ends up being the right dog for you.
My betrothed and I were allergic to him, and after ten days they started experiencing anaphylaxis in proximity with him so we had to give him up. He knows sit, down, wait, and come, with growing name recognition and recall.
Still working on leash manners and potty training.
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
Would you happen to have good reference images for the Eyes of the Magician?
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I guess not really? They're a type of Wyvern tho, the other one we have a ref for isn't the same but maybe you can fill the blanks with the full body ref for this one.
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risingsunfish · 2 months
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Happy birthday, Claude and Pasha— now it's time to answer some questions! This one came from /u/HB_DS2013 on Reddit, getting straight to today's hard-hitting Pasha issues— and, perhaps unintentionally, prompting a sequel to Pasha’s post-April Fool’s blues here on Tumblr.
Stay tuned for more responses! (Still taking questions BTW!)
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pokimoko · 1 month
Can you draw a gender faun fox or dragon?
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Here's a lil' critter for you to fawn over (<- I am immediately booed off stage).
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uk-u · 1 year
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un michi
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bellarkeselection · 7 months
Hey I was woundering when you ha e time could you do a tyrion short where he stops y/n wedding cuz she finds out he was alive and the run away to the drogan queen
My Dragon Savor
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Tyrion was surprised when one of the Dragon Queens men appeared at his chamber door that early morning and presented him with a scroll that had the Lannister lion sigil engraved on the envelope. He tore opened the letter and began reading over the words perfectly printed on the paper that he could almost assume belonged to Sansa who was alive and had gone off to wed his brother Jaime after he killed his father. 
‘Dear Tyrion, I am sending this letter to you to inform you that my sister is being wed off to Ramsey Bolton who now holds Winterfell. I know that you and her were supposed to wed one another until your father wed Jaime and I off together. Hopefully this letter reaches you - Sansa.’ 
The dwarf got up from his desk, letter in hand and walked out of his chambers to the Queens. His feet went as fast as they possibly could before he kicked open her door seeing Dany sitting at the window of Dragonstone castle watching the sky. “My queen, I have an urgent favor to ask of you.” 
“What is this urgent favor?” She asked her Hand. 
He shook his head no, folding the letter that was still in his hands. “I know that you have your cause of gaining the Iron Throne. But I am coming to ask if you could help me go stop a wedding at Winterfell.”
“What wedding is so important in Winterfell?” Dany questioned him for more details. 
He slumped his shoulders. “I need to stop the wedding. Someone from my past is going to be forced to wed a very dangerous man. I am asking for your help to prevent this fate.”
“Could this person help me achieve my goal?” Daenerys rose to her feet. 
Tyrion stepped closer to her, lifting his green eyes up to hers. “The oldest daughter of the former Lord and Lady Stark is married to my older brother. Which means that now Winterfell and the loyalty of the North belongs to their second daughter Y/n. If you help me stop the arrangement then she can put one of the seven kingdoms instantly on your side.”
“Can you ride on Dragonback?” Dany asked him walking past the dwarf. 
He made a confused expression not expecting the response from her. “So you’ll help me if I can ride on Dragonback. I have barely ever ridden a horse.” 
“Is this Stark worth the risk? I have risked everything that I have to follow my destiny and I haven’t questioned if it was worth it. That is the question you need to answer for yourself.” The mother of dragons waits for his response. 
Tyrion sucked in a breath building up what courage he could. “For Y/n’s happiness putting my life at risk is worth seeing her safe.” The pair left the room and made their way to one of her dragons preparing to go to Winterfell. 
Y/n’s pov
The double doors that would lead out to the Godswoods opened before my eyes. I was dressed in a gray long dress and one of my former brown fur cloaks that my mother had made for me. My hair was loose except for two strands that were pinned back with a clip. A Stark guard escorted me towards the red tree and the man I despised not as much as Cersei but he was on my list, Ramsey Bolton. “Who comes before the old gods this night?” 
Theon who was standing beside me answers. “Y/n of the House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?”
“Ramsay of House Bolton. Heir to the Dreadfort and Winterfell.” The annoying young bastard replied. 
“Lady Y/n, will you take this man?” The minister asked me. 
Clasping my hands together I desperately wanted to run but I knew it wouldn't lead to anything good. “I…” 
“No she doesn't.” Whipping my head up into the dark skyline I recognized the voice of Tyrion but I couldn't see him until a large creature with wings dropped down right behind the four of us. The dwarf man dismounted with a woman that had almost white hair who remained standing by what I assumed must have been a dragon. 
I ran towards him not caring what might happen to me. “Tyrion!” Dropping to my knees in the snow I embrace him in a hug of relief and messy tears. The level of emotions I feel seeing him right now are almost undetectable at this point. I had assumed more than anything else that he was dead. That I would never see him again in my life, but here he was alive and well.
“”What are you doing here, dwarf? You and interrupting my wedding to Lady Y/n.” Ramsey scowled at our embrace looking at Theon to make a move and do something. 
Tyrion ignored the bastard lord behind us. All his mind could process was that he was holding me in his arms after so long apart. He didn’t care how powerful Ramsey thought he was in this moment for nothing could compete with a dragon. “I am here to take Lady Y/n away from you, bastard.” Tyrion separated from me and I rose to my feet, never removing my hand from his. 
“How dare you. I am the Lord of Winterfell.” Ramsey challenged him. 
The woman with white hair tied in braids stepped away from her dragon who blew its breath in our direction. She walked right past us and stared down at the bastard before delivering the most powerful declaration I had ever heard. “I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the blood of old Valuria. I am the dragon’s daughter.”
“That doesn’t mean anything to me. Y/n, come here now!” He spat in my direction. 
Tyrion and I shared the same look and he could see the discomfort in my gaze. “You don’t have to go with him. She’ll set things right…for me.” He squeezed my hand looking to the queen he had sworn to, she would handle him wherever she saw fit. 
“Has he hurt you, Lady Y/n?” The woman asked me. 
I shook my head no but gave her a verbal answer with it. “I’ve seen what he does to people he gets tired of. He lets his dogs eat them and I fear him may do such a thing to me one day if I can’t provide an heir.” 
“What shall we do with him?” She asked me a second time. 
Tyrion lifted his gaze to her. “His father will come after you. I suggest we send a message that shows we man business but not with blood.”
“Fire does not seem fair for him.” She agreed, eyeing me. “You should decide his fate.” 
“You don’t have to kill him, Y/n. We can lock him up and send a message to his father that way or we don't have to send a message at all.” Tyrion turns to me, taking both of my hands in his. 
I slumped my shoulders remembering how he had tried to touch me. The thought of what he did to members of Winterfell. I knew of violence and my father would say mercy if they deserved it. “Tyrion, I haven't been violent to anyone. But he deserves it…his family helped to kill mine.” 
“As did mine, dear.” He reminded me in defeat. 
Moving one hand to his face I sent him a smile. “You aren't like your father and sister.” 
“Okay then I'll give her the word.” He nodded seeing the mother of dragons waiting for our response. He didn’t like encouraging her to do violent things but for the sake of what Y/n felt he would bend what his opinion would be if he had lived through what she had since she had left her former home. “Use what you wish, my queen.”
Daenerys nodded her head in agreement uttering a word seconds after Tyrion had instructed me, the priest and Theon to get behind her dragon. “Dracarys.” Ramsey went up in flames by her dragon's fire and to my surprise I didn’t scream in terror. 
“I can;’t believe you’re alive, Tyrion.” I admitted hugging him once more, not bothering to care about my dress being dirty by the snow. 
He cupped my face in his hands, declaring to me with a kiss. “I’m done waiting to tell you this. I love you. I want you to be my wife, Y/n Stark.”
“I’ll gladly marry you, Tyrion Lannister. Now and always.” I kissed him back and that night we were wed under the Godswood tree together with the mother of dragons being my savior. 
Comments really appreciated
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letternotekisses · 7 days
hanzo shimada with dragon shifter reader? thank you i love youuu!!!
i love this?? i love you?? mildly sleep deprived while writing these
Hanzo is intrigued, more than anything. His uptight demeanour holds him back from directly approaching you, yet when he incidentally comes across you in the training room, he can't help but feel a luring sense of curiosity. Naturally stealthy, Hanzo watches from the wall - a small sense of awe overtaking him when you shift fully into the most magnificent creature he'd ever seen. You were not like his own two Japanese dragons, you were a large Wyvern, with scales that glittered like sea glass and a moonstone underbelly to match.
Ever since that encounter, his tattoo had itched, his dragons itching to wind free from his arm with flowering curiosity. When it became too much, and the dragons sprung free by their own sheer will - the archer set to seek you out. And while you weren't necessarily hard to find, Hanzo had been softened to find you, sat cross-legged while his dragons snaked around your waist and arms playfully. You returned them in kind - playfully blowing billowing smoke from your nostrils onto their little whiskers, a neat little trick you could do in human form. Hanzo later discovered that you couldn't produce fire whilst human because it would damage you, yet small amounts of smoke was completely plausible.
It's a sweet interaction between you both. Hanzo's dragons weren't usually so bold or disobedient to his commands and when he bashfully tried to call them back - you simply smiled at him, telling him that you didn't mind at all. Hanzo soon finds comfort in your company, his dragons crooning at the familiarity, beckoning him towards you every time. You both grow closer, and Hanzo finds a small warmth that kindles him every time he catches your eye.
Missions are made much easier with you - and Hanzo will never admit it, but the thrill he gets from riding you into battle will never get old. Your wings are strong, beating down on the wind as he sits upon the base of your neck - his keen eye watching over the elegant crest of your head - Hanzo fires one arrow, striking two enemies down.
While in dragon form, Hanzo makes it a point to make sure you're well taken care of. He'll strike down any enemy that even dares aim for your vulnerable underbelly, or gently help pry off any scales you may be shedding. Cassidy caught him pocketing the scales you shed, yet neglected to say anything due to the fond look that flashed across Hanzo's face. The archer deserved some peace.
When the nights are cold, Hanzo comes to you. You run warm, due to the dragon blood coursing your veins. Yet as much as he can bluff or scoff at anyone's accusations, at the end of the day, it's true that even in summer - he'd still seek your touch.
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plutonium-sky · 2 months
Was unsure whether or not to post these dragon au sketches of Teth and Sah + Mekh but then Ebi told me to so- here u go very rough sketches of Insect Dragon Teth and Idiot Twin Wyverns
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I'm gonna try to get all the Elders LOL
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Wyvern asks!
Personally I consider myself a separatist. Though I feel like my personal standards are lax (male interaction being 100% optional, as I still have family and friends I would want to talk to) so maybe to some or many I’m not actually a separatist.
So my question is, what does your ideal for female separatism look like?
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vamprisms · 7 months
i love having minthara in my party because she will just say insane shit unprompted.
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
Wyvern the puppy was having a grand time on the couch until he managed to catch his own reflection. There was one terrified “boof” then he ran away and put himself to bed.
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esotheria-sims · 9 months
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This one's for you, @lunelfy! 💜
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I've been sitting on your ask for a very long time, wondering how to reply. My BaCC sims don't say an awful lot (I'm lazy to write dialogue, lol), but there is this other fun worldbuilding idea I've been mulling over: Factoid sheets.
Basically, little all-in-one info dumps where I can toss any extra info that gets overlooked or goes otherwise unexplained during my gameplay. I'm still trying to come up with a format that I can stick with, but for now, I think I'd like them to be sorted by themes. The sheet above tells us a little more about the paintings adorning the walls of Whitestone Castle, which is the residence of my BaCC's royal family, the Moonfeathers.
With apologies for the ridiculous delay, I hope you enjoy! ^^
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risingsunfish · 2 months
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Here's a pair of questions from @racecarart following up on Pasha's new sleeping and lounging arrangements. He'll never get too big for cuddles!
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themultiversefox · 5 months
is lani the wyvern intentionally aroace flag colored..
Oh my God I didn't even hecking realize-
My brain just hecking loves those colours so much ahehdj
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