#x men Angel
dinogoofymutated · 4 months
Omg I love your headcanons/fics!! I really need to ask if you'd be willing to write an addendum for the jealousy headcanons for Wolverine? Of course no pressure if you can't/don't feel like, just thought I'd try to ask! :) Hope you have a nice day/night, and keep up the good work! 💗💗💗
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Jealousy Headcannons!- Multi/GN!Reader - Wolverine, Morph, Angel, Sabretooth. You got it man!! Had a version of this requested for Logan so many times lol. I went ahead and added more characters to round it off into a full multi character hcs. Logan doesn't explicitly punch anyone in this one, so sorry if anyone was looking forward to that! (Sorry though, his is pretty similar to cable's) I'm also testing the waters while writing for Morph. I know everyone is starving for fics with them, but I'm not really used to writing for they/them characters (despite the fact that I try to avoid pronouns for the reader, weird I know, but its mostly due to me using you/your.) forgive me if I slip up with their pronouns, and let me know if I do so I can fix it! TWs: Violence (not towards reader, but some pretty mean names are called tho) Men can be creeps/harassment. Unnecessary changing scene with Warren bc I love non-sexual intimacy like that. Flirting, Barfights again but this time it's a little bloody (sabertooth) Drinking mentioned.
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Okay, so Logan here is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to jealousy. I really feel like it depends on the situation? In general, he trusts you more than just about anyone. When someone flirts with you, he's generally just very grouchy and most of the time, quiet. He glares a lot, and if you meet his gaze he'll raise an eyebrow, basically asking if you need an out, and then he'd act accordingly.
Buuuttt. If he's in a bad mood or has had a tough day, he's more likely to resort to threats and intimidation to handle any romantic attention you might receive. He gets more physically protective and will usually have an arm slung around you at all times.
That's not to say he only gets jealous of romantic attention though. I feel like he also get jealous of anything and anyone taking up your time, really. he'd probably stay quiet until he just kinda snaps and drags you away from whatever has your attention for smooches and cuddles. Don't let him fool you by telling you he's not cuddly, he totally is.
"Back. Up. Bub." Logan's rumbling voice is venomous, a growl of warning as he bows up on the man in front of you. The two of you had been out on a mission together, which normally would have gone perfectly fine. Unfortunately, you'd ended up running into some old acquaintances of his. Both of you were bristiling at the contact, but you knew that coaxing Logan into a fight was just what he wanted. The man had been making moves on you the entire time- and although you were practically an expert in ignoring the flirtation from asshole guys, you were beginning to get more and more uncomfortable with it. It was when the man had started to make sexual comments about your body that Logan snapped.
"Who you callin' bub, pipsqueak?" The man smirks, looking down on Logan with arrogance. Anxiety had begun to worm it's way into your stomach.
"You better learn to watch your mouth." Logan growls. His fists flex as his claws unsheath, the adamantium practically itching to dig into the guy's skin. This was escalating fast, and you needed to stop it now. You both needed to complete the mission without any complications, extra fights included.
"Logan, Please, can we just go?" You say, grabbing his wrist and tugging before he can launch himself at the man. Logan's angry face remains intact, but you can see the way his shoulders slightly loosen. He glances at you, before backing off from the man with a snarl. You sigh in relief as Logan turns to follow you as you drag him away, just thankful you've avoided a problem at that point.
" 'bitch's got you on a hellava tight leash. Who knew the wolverine would be so whipped over some cheap whore." Logan stops abruptly at the words, sighing deeply as he looks at you, rage burning in his eyes. Whatever reserved attitude you had about this fight was basically gone, evaporating at the insults. You let out a long sigh, before you pull your hands away from him and shrug your shoulders. Logan grins at you wickedly.
So what if he came home with a few more bruises than normal? His knuckles would heal- but the ass whooping he gave out would damage that guy's ego forever.
Warren is the silently jealous type. No matter how bad he's being cooked with jealousy, he's really just going to keep an eye on you from afar. Growing up as a rich kid, I feel like his dad was very strict on manners and how not to make a public scene, which has kinda carried over into his adulthood.
If someone just won't give it a rest and keeps trying to pursue you, Warren will be not low-key about it. He'll come over and set his hand on your back, or sling his arm around your shoulder, or if he's feeling really cocky, Shake the person's hand and introduce himself as your boyfriend/husband. He'll only outright tell them to back off if they start to get out of hand and he knows you're getting really uncomfortable.
"I just don't like him." Warren says, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom. He's still in his suit from before, the red and bright white standing out starkly compared to the muted warm tones of your shared bedroom. You laugh at him as you begin to change.
"What? Why? I think Pietro is kinda funny." You ask, beginning to take off your shirt. Warren sighs in a petty way.
"Yeah, exactly." He mumbles under his breath, walking over to help you when your head gets stuck in the neckline like it always does. You give him a kiss on his cheek when you're free, not quite having heard him.
"Can't I dislike him just to dislike him? I don't need a reason." Warren speaks up this time, and you can't seem to hold back your amused smile as he digs his hole deeper. "-but, if I did, I'd say he's just too friendly with you. I don't like it." You can't help but laugh at that as you finish changing into more comfortable clothes. He turns around on autopilot, letting you unzip him from his suit- careful not to catch his blonde hair with the zipper.
"It's not like he's taking me away from you, Warren." You say, pressing a kisses to his exposed neck and back as you help him navigate his wings through. Warren huffs a little, his wings twitching as his voice goes soft.
"I never said that. I know he's not. I trust you enough to know so. I just..." He trails off, stepping out of his suit and left in his boxers. He lets you pull his shirt over him, stretching his wings in the confined space of the bathroom when its on correctly. You cock an eyebrow at him now that you're facing him, waiting for him to continue. He doesn't, simply looking away from you to avoid your knowing gaze. You let out an amused chuff before closing in on him.
"It's okay to be jealous, Warren, but I promise you, I'm not going anywhere." You say confidently, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He sighs again, but smiles as he looks at you with a soft and loving gaze. His arms wrap around your waist as he rests his forehead against your own, closing his eyes as the two of you begin to sway a little.
"Yeah, I know."
I really think that Morph is more of an insecure jealous type, but they're more likely to hide it behind humor. If you're being flirted and don't seem to be overly uncomfortable, they're probably going to fade into the background. They know that you love them, and they trust you, but they're so used to being second best for everyone they know that they just feel like they're bothering you. Later on, when whoever is flirting with you leaves, Morph will shift into them and start joking about it. Don't let the humor fool you, they're hurting right now. Just give Morph some extra love and kisses and reassurance and they'll feel better eventually.
Now, if it's clear that someone is bothering you, Morph won't be afraid to roast the everloving shit out of them. They take the moment to really embarrass the person, and if you're in a bar he'd totattally shift into the dude just to offer a drink to everyone and then dip, sticking the asshole with the bill.
You really didn't like clubs. They were busy and loud, but you had a friend celebrating her birthday in one, so who were you to turn down the invite? You certainly couldn't go without your favorite shapeshifter by your side either. The only problem was that Morph wasn't the only one who had eyes for you that night. Morph hadn't said anything in the moment, but you knew stuff like this bothered them. Even while walking home from the club, they still seemed to be trying to brush it off.
"Hey, Good-lookin. You interested?" Morph says, having shifted into the guy who had been flirting with you earlier. They're leaning against the side of the payphone like a goofball, having waited there as you called the school to let the others know you were finally on the way home, tipsy, but still hoping the fresh air would sober the both of you up. You roll your eyes as you giggle at them, shoving their shoulder and sending them stubiling.
"In that guy? No way!" You laugh, walking past Morph before they quickly catch up to you.
"You gotta admit, he was pretty handsome for a POS." They joke, puckering their lips and making kissy faces at you.
"Mmhm. suuureeee." You hum, pushing their face away from yours as they laugh.
"Come on, you saying' that tall dark and handsome isn't your type?" Morph shifts from the man at the club, and into the blonde, blue-eyed Warren worthington, wings hidden underneath the supposed coat. "-Or maybe you'd prefer blondes. I hear Warren's quite at catch." You huff at them, and shake your head again. Something in their tone of voice just seems to set off alarms in your brain, and they doesn't seem to be acting as genuine with you anymore, a vulnerability creeping into their voice no matter how hard they were trying to hide it. This goes on for a rather solid minute, Morph shifting into different people you know and asking who you prefer with a laugh and a fake smile. You shake your head every time, but it's starting to become more than just a bit. You begin to lose your patience, your own hurt seeping through the cracks.
"You're into the gruff, muscly, Logan, right? Hafta' be if you're still-"
"Kevin." You finally cut them off with a stern tone of voice, grabbing their wrist as you abruptly stop walking. They flinch at the name, eyes blowing wide with concern as they shift from logan, then to the dark haired version of themselves- before then settling on the form you know so well.
"... Not the government name." They mumble, more caught up in the strict way you said their name rather than the words themselves. You grab them by the collar of their leather jacket, pulling them close to you as you look into their eyes.
"How many times to I have to tell you I love you for you to believe me?" You whisper after a moment, voice coming out a little broken. Morph's seems to panic a little, making a concerned face as their hands catch hold of your wrists gently.
"I- no, that's not what I..." Morph says, trying their best to fix the situation. They can't seem to come up with the right words, their eyes avoiding your gaze as their mouth opens and closes with no luck. You cup the side of their face, bringing them back to face you.
"I. Love. You." You say purposefully. "Not some guy at the club- you, Morph. Any part of you that you want to give me, Any form you want to take. As long as it's you, I don't care." Morph relaxes at your words, sighing as you bring them closer to you, resting their forehead against your own.
"Yeah?" They ask, eyes fluttering closed.
"Yeah." You reply, finally leaning in to kiss them lovingly. They return the kiss softly, only separating from you when you begin to drag them down the sidewalk with you once again, hand in hand.
He does not handle jealousy well at all. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to put someone in the hospital. It doesn't matter if they're just flirting, or if they're actually bothering you, he's going to start some shit. The man loves to start fights, and he couldn't care less what the reason is for. I will say though, he's gonna be a lot less smiley if the person insults either of you. He may be a shitstarter, but he doesn't take disrespect, especially not disrespect towards his S/O.
He's never mad at you for it. If anything, he's glad you gave him the chance to take some anger out. He'll encourage you to wear sexy and revealing outfits because he wants to see you wear them, and also because he's gonna beat the shit out of the first guy (and every guy, honestly) to look at you the wrong way. ESPECIALLY if you have boobs. Those are his boobs. He wants them to be popping out of your clothes 24/7 but no one else is allowed to look at them. Did he just see someone glance at you? Say goodbye to your teeth, motherfucker. (and your balls too.)
Victor loved shitty dive bars, as gross and unsanitary they may be. He liked to bar hop a few of them every other night, and although you weren't necessarily the dive bar type, you did enjoy spending time with him. Normally you'd just wear casual clothes, but today you had wanted to dress up a little bit. Nothing too fancy, but your shirt was a little low cut compared to what you normally wear. Victor had been loving it, especially since he got to have you as his eye-candy. That was what you were going for, and you succeeded! The only problem was that he wasn't the only one appreciating the view.
You were sitting at the bar, watching Victor win another round of pool while sipping on your drink. A man had sat next to you earlier, but you didn't think anything of it at first. It was a busy saturday night, and there weren't that many seats open at the bar. At most, you had a uneasy tingling on the back of your neck, feeling that someone was watching you.
"What's a fine thing like you doing in this shitty place?" The man suddenly asks. You send him a questioning glance, almost baffled at the flirting. He must be new here, because every other regular of this place knew for a fact who you always come here with, and no other man is stupid enough to try their luck with you while he's lingering around.
"Who, me? Enjoying some peace and quiet, obviously." You say in a sarcastic tone. The man chuckles next to you.
"Aw, not interested, sweetheart? I swear I'll make it worth your while." You make an obviously disgusted face at that, beginning to wonder who this guy thinks he is. The tingling feeling you feel hasn't let up, in fact, it's only gotten stronger. The hairs on the back of your neck are standing up, and you can't help but feel like something is seriously wrong here. You brushed it off on the alcohol, but Victor had always been a bit more perceptive than you. He barely glanced over in your direction before he was storming over. For a split second you think he's mad at you, until he violently grabs the man next to you by the collar, his claws scraping across his collarbones and causing him to yelp as he shallow cuts begin to bleed.
"Did I just see you staring?" Victor huffs, glaring so hard you swear the man shrinks underneath his gaze. Every bit of confidence he had a minute ago had vanished completely.
"W-what? I... Uh..." The man stutters, unable to say a complete sentence through his fear. Victor turns to you slightly, his grip not letting up for a second.
"He say something to you, Doll?" He asks, and you wonder if you should tell him the truth. You almost felt bad for the guy in his grip, knowing that he was probably just stupid and new to this bar. You shake your head in response, even though the stranger had been giving you off vibes since the moment he sat down. Victor grins at you, a loving excitement in his eyes as his grip only gets tighter.
"Aww, you don't have to lie, sweet thing." Victor chuckles, and you grimace when you realise that he totally saw that lie coming a mile away. Vic turns back to the man, his smile dropping instantly as his other hand slips the guy's phone out and slams it on the counter of the bar. "Open your camera." Vic snarls. The man starts to panic now, squirming to get out of his grip.
"N-no! Let go of me Man!" The man stutters. Vic only begins to grin again.
"Nuh-uh. I want you to show my baby the photos you've been taking all night." Photos? You didn't know anything about any photos. Your brows furrow as the man begins to whine and panic, squirming to no avail. Vic smirks at you as he send you a nodd, and you grab the phone and open the creep's gallery. There has to have been over thirty photos of you from just tonight, sitting at the bar, ordering your first drink, even one from when you had gotten up to use the restroom.
"Oh, gross!" You say, recoiling from the phone and wiping your hands on your shirt, not wanting to know where this guys hands had been all night. The man in Victor's grip has gone completely pale, freezing at the sight of Vic's terrifying smile. He reaches over towards the phone with his free hand, picking up the device before crushing it with his bare hand.
"Why don't you head outside, honeybee. I'll take out the trash while you're gone."
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scottcyclopssummers · 3 months
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AU Jessica Jones was obsessed with Cyclops. Oh dear.
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herb-sherry · 4 months
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my favorite flop birdguy
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erjbruh · 23 days
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jean has a friend now
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avengedbiologist · 1 month
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'What fixation did you get after watching Deadpool+ Wolverine?' tiktok asked. Angel,,, it was angel 💔.
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shiftingwithmars · 28 days
Angel’s father saying that he’s “sick” and Angel trying to tell him that his mutation isn’t a “disease”. Oh disabled x-men references how I love you.
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niffti · 1 month
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uncanny-duskwalker · 4 months
Hi, I really love this from what I've seen, and I know that I really love when people ask me about my stories I was wondering if I could ask about what logan meant when he asked 'what Warren's little shadow was doing in the danger room?' I was just wondering what exactly kurt and Warren's relationship was because they seem very close and obviously warren is really concerned for kurt.
(You don't have to answer this I just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask an I just love the story that's cooking, I love kurt and I'm starved for x men fan stories.*especially comics*)
I also enjoy people asking questions! It helps me flesh out the story!
I'm hoping to display this more in the coming updares, but Warren sort of took Kurt under his wing, and acts like his big brother!
Kurt came to the dorm before he was highschool-aged, which is when most mutants arrive.
He and Warren are also the only homeschooled. They both can bond over not quite fitting in :)
Here, have a little doodle of the bois!
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juliandevorakswife · 5 days
Since you're a fan of Julian I bet you'd also love Zayne from Love & Deepspace. He's also a doctor
Ooooo okay! I had to search it up and it seems very interesting! I’ll definitely give it a shot since yessss I adore doctor characters so much ^^
For funnies these are the men who I LOVEEEE like these are my hubbies! 🥰🥰🥰
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+ I forgot I add in the killer from Thanksgiving and the human raven from Maleficent
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lehoodcollector · 10 months
These voiceovers go crazy!
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vo1d-ed1ts · 2 days
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a moodboard of Angel from the X-Men comics with reds, whites, and some superhero theming for @lun4r-fl4r3 you'd be shocked at how hard it is to find non-villainous red imagery, so i hope ya like it!
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dinogoofymutated · 2 months
I’m CRAVING for Warren/Angel content and I’d love to see how would smeggs like with him😏
Sometimes I like to imagine him instinctively letting his wings spread as he yk… ✨cums✨ 😋
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NSFW! Angel/AFAB!Reader I was in the mood to write a golden retriever of a man so Warren it is! After seeing that Cypher panel I'm reverting back into my thing for blondes and warren is like, the #1 blonde in my book, so obviously I had to write for him lol. Sorry that's it's a lil rushed. I'm really sleepy. TWS: NSFW under the cut! Cream pie, mentions of public sex, Warren please marry me.
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Originally I really wanted to say that Warren is the definition of a classy lover, but then I remembered the whole "sky sex" thing and IMMEDIATELY changed my mind. Like sure, maybe he's matured and changed over the years, but to be honest? I think he's just waiting for the opportunity to let his freaky side out.
In the bedroom Warren is a switch, maybe a bit sub-leaning, but a switch nonetheless! He can be so sweet and loving at times, and then sometimes he's kinda bratty and very much a tease. He loves you so much, and he wants to see it for himself. He loves it when you chase after his lips and hands, pleading with him to touch you and kiss you in the way you've become so accustomed to. But then again, he's also a big fan of when you have him sprawled out on his back, wings stretching wide as you ride him for all he's worth.
Overall, He's just really smitten with you.
When it comes to his favorite places to do the deed, he's no stranger to semi-public sex. The sky is the limit with him (is it really?) but he'll admit, he does enjoy having you all to himself. He likes the intimacy of having you in private, and is quite the romantic. We're talking rose petals and everything.
And man, is he a sight when he cums.
"Fuck- so good. You feel so good. Always do." Warren gasps above you. All you can do is whimper in response, arms wrapped around his lower back as he pushes into you again and again, a deep and steady pace.
His moans are angelic, whines and wimpers going straight to your pussy as slick pools in abundance with every thrust of his hips. You gasp his name in a way you know drives him crazy, and he can't help but catch you in a kiss, hips snapping against your own a tad bit more rough this time. His wings twitch and strain, the limbs not quite knowing how to function with the overwhelming pleasure you give to him.
There's a thin trail of spit between your lips when he pulls back with an even louder moan, hips stuttering as he drives into your core. His cock hits you just right, pressing into that pleasurable, spongy spot inside you. Warren curses as your moans get a little louder, both of you desperately trying to reach that white-hot pleasure.
You know he's close when he lifts away from you just enough to snake his hand down towards your clit, touching you in a way he knows drives you crazy. His thrusts become frantic as he reaches his end, fluffy wings stretching out to their full span above him as spots greet your vision. He looks ethereal above you, blond hair sticking to his forehead as his face scrunches up- chasing after that high that so, so close for the both of you.
You cum just shortly before he does, legs wrapping around his waist so tightly he struggles to move, grinding into you as each rope of cum warms your insides. His groans turn into high-pitched whines, Warren biting his lip in an attempt to keep himself quiet. He tucks his head into the crook of you neck, grinding deeply inside of you twice more before he tries to relax, slowly slumping against you as he begins to relax, panting for breath.
"You're so pretty, Warren." You say after he has a moment to come down from his high. He smiles at you without opening his eyes as you run a hand through his pretty hair, scooting upward to nuzzle into you, speaking into your ear.
"I'm sure I'd look prettier in between your thighs, love."
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scottcyclopssummers · 2 months
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"That's the Cyke we know and love."
Warren called Scott the most moral and upright of men. He understood Scott was being manipulated by Sinister because he was manipulated by Apocalypse.
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pkmacabre-shadow · 1 month
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erjbruh · 19 days
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my xmen lineup so far!!!
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ninja-o-s · 4 months
Warren Worthington III is a millionaire in of X-Men ‘92 cartoon and it’s enough to fund Apocalypse’s research.
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