#xavier x chet
late night sins ~ xavier plympton;ahs 1984
word count: 5360 (the longest fic i’ve ever written!!)
request?: yes!
“Can you do a xavier plympton smut/ fluff where theres an poc reader and basically they meet at camp redwood and xavier basically flirts with the reader alot an the readers a virgin and she has like this gold cross pendant soo his friends kinda pick with the reader about her being the only virgin out of the group, and basically xavier sneaks in the girl cabin on a late night while everyone is sleeping wakes up the poc reader and takes her virginity under the covers but she has to be quiet to not alert the other camp counselors in the female cabin…”
description: in which the good christian girl decides to delve into sin after she meets her fellow hot camp counsellor
pairing: xavier plympton x poc!female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (oral; f receiving, unprotected p in v, pull out method is used but fr wrap it before you tap it kids)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The minute she stepped out of her car, she knew she was going to stick out like a sore thumb. She could see the other camp counsellors gathered around by the entrance. They were all wearing skintight, revealing clothes. One girl with messy blonde hair was passing a joint to one of the boys stood next to her. An older looking man was stood with them wearing pants so tight she could make out the outline of his...downstairs area.
The gold cross hung around her neck felt like it was burning into her skin.
She swallowed her fear and forced herself towards the others. The crunching of dirt under her tennis shoes felt like a thundering stomp as the attention was pulled towards her. The blonde looked her up and down as she blew smoke from the corner of her mouth. “Who invited the Virgin Mary?”
Two of her friends snickered while the other two - a black haired girl and a tall boy with sandy blonde hair - shuffled awkwardly at the joke. Well, the girl was awkward. The boy was silent, but he was looking at her with a look in his eye she couldn’t quite place.
“I’m, um, (Y/N),” she said, ignoring the hurtful comment. “I’m a counsellor this summer, too.”
“I guess Margaret needed someone to try and keep her goodie two shows rules in place,” the blonde said. “I’m Montana. This is Brooke, Trevor, Chet, Ray, and Xavier.”
“It’s n-nice to m-meet you,” (Y/N) said.
Trevor, the man with the tight pants and a big bulge, chuckled. “Well, isn’t she adorable. Where did Margaret find you?”
“Leave her alone,” Brooke said. “It’s nice to meet you too, (Y/N). Here, let me take you to Margaret. She’ll be able to get you acquainted here.”
Xavier watched as Brooke guided (Y/N) towards Margaret's office. Unlike the other girls, including good girl Brooke, she was completely covered in baggy clothes despite the intense heat of the summer. Which, he knew he shouldn’t have found attractive, but he did. He was so taken by her after such a short interaction.
Montana elbowed Xavier to snap him out of his train of thought. “Do not tell me you’re eyeing up the Bible humper.”
“Fuck off. I think she’s cute,” Xavier retorted, taking the joint from Ray.
“Never gonna happen, man,” Ray told him. “You’ll be lucky if you see her ankles this summer.”
“Or maybe not,” Chet added. “Most of those Christian girls are freaks. She’ll be on her knees by nightfall I’d say.”
Xavier threw the lit joint at Chet. The four remaining counsellors made noises of disapproval as the joint fizzled out on the ground. Xavier ignored them as he walked away. He wasn’t sure where he was going, but he needed to get away from his shitty friends. Sure, at one point Xavier would’ve been laughing along with them at the Christian girl’s expensive, but this Christian girl was different. To him she was, anyways.
He found himself headed towards the counsellor’s quarters, which happened to be on the way past Margaret’s office. He glanced over towards the open door as he passed and noticed (Y/N) stood with Margaret. As if feeling his gaze, (Y/N) looked over and locked eyes with him. He smiled at her, hoping it looked as friendly as he meant it to. She smiled back, shyly, and quickly looked away.
That was all he needed to be wrapped around her fingers.
That night, all the counsellors were gathered in the female counsellor’s cabin. It was majorly against Margaret’s rules, but that’s why they were doing it. If they were going to be forced into being Margaret’s anti-fun police for the summer, they wanted to have one last night of debauchery. That included weed, alcohol, and, if they could get away with it, sex.
When (Y/N) walked through the door, they were already well into their night of fun. Everyone turned to look at her as she took in the scene with wide eyes. She was coming from the showers, as evident by her dripping wet hair clinging to her neck and shoulders. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a white tank top that was so thin that it was easy to make out the outline of her brown breasts against the white fabric. Xavier had to shuffle a pillow over his growing boner.
“The Virgin Mary shows skin,” Montana commented. “How scandalous.”
“What are you guys doing?” she asked.
“We’re trying to have some fun,” Montana responded. “Which won’t happen if your goodie two shoes ass goes to tell Margaret on us.”
“I won’t tell.” All eyes followed her towards her bed, the one that Xavier was sat on. She put her dirty clothes into the bag and sat next to him. “Pass me a beer.”
Her request shocked everyone. Ray grabbed a bottle from the cooler and passed it to (Y/N). “You drink beer?”
“Well...no. But I’ve drank the wine at church, so I figure that’s the same thing.”
“There’s wine in church?” Trevor asked.
(Y/N) nodded. “Communal wine. It’s supposed to be the blood of Christ.”
“You Bible humpers drink blood?” Ray asked. “You guys really are freaks!”
“No, it’s not - ” Xavier cut her off by putting a hand on her arm and shaking his head.
She sighed and opened the beer bottle. Her heart was hammering against her chest. What would her parents think if they found out she was drinking at camp? What would her pastor say? They had all been convinced that the camp was going to be a place of sin and tried to convince her not to go.
But she had spent her entire life being a good Christian girl. She followed everything her parents and priests had told her from the day she was born. This was the first time she had ever made a decision for herself. She was a young adult now. If she wanted to drink, then she could drink.
There’s always the option to pray for forgiveness once the summer ends, she reminded herself.
She brought the bottle to her lips and took a big mouthful. When she swallowed the thick liquid, she cringed and began to gag. Her fellow counsellors laughed at her reaction.
“Definitely not like wine,” she croaked.
“Here.” Brooke passed her some water. “I’ll make the beer go down easier, and it’ll wipe the taste from your mouth.”
(Y/N) accepted the water gratefully and took a sip.
The small mouthfuls of beer started working very quickly on her. By the time she had finished her first bottle of beer, (Y/N) was already feeling warm and fuzzy. She felt her body lull to the side against Xavier, who welcomed her with an arm around her shoulder, adding his bodily warmth to hers.
“Hey now, Virgin Mary, leave room for Jesus there,” Montana mocked.
“Shut the fuck up, Montana,” she retorted.
The curse was new on her tongue, but it tasted delicious as it spilled from her lips. Everyone seemed shocked and impressed by her choice of words, and she was shocked herself, but she was starting to like the feeling she was getting. Not just from the beer, but also from throwing caution to the wind and doing what most people her age did. Sure, she would likely feel some sort of guilt over the coming days about this night, but for now she felt like she was floating on cloud nine.
“You’ve never done anything like this before, have you?” Brooke asked her. “The drinking and cursing, I mean.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Never. My parents say cursing sounds unladylike, and binge drinking is kind of viewed as a sin, especially when you’re underaged.”
“Religion sounds boring,” Chet said.
“It is,” (Y/N) admitted, shocked by the fact that she really did believe that. Her whole life she had been a devout Christian, never once questioning her faith, but no one could deny how strict her Christian parents were, or how intolerant some of her devout family members and neighbors were. She had never been around people like the other counsellors before. She never knew what kind of life she could possibly have outside of her religion.
“Are you even allowed to have boyfriends?” Montana asked. “Is that a sin, too?”
“Having a boyfriend isn’t a sin, but it is awkward to try and have any form of PDA in front of parents or other adults,” (Y/N) said. “Even holding hands is awkward.”
“So have you ever been kissed?” Brooke asked.
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah, a couple times. It was very awkward, but so are most first kisses.”
“Have you ever had sex?” Montana asked. Suddenly, (Y/N) became shy again, which caused Montana to grin wickedly. “You haven’t, have you? You’re still a virgin!”
(Y/N) shrunk back against Xavier, who held her protectively towards him. “Knock it off, Montana.”
“What? I’m just stating a fact, and the fact is she’s a virgin. Poor thing will probably never know how good it feels to have a big dick all up inside of her.”
(Y/N)’s thighs clenched together at Montana’s words. Of course she had thought about sex before. She was in her early 20s, she had gone through the crazy hormonal stages of puberty where sex was the one thing on every teenager’s mind. But she never got to explore those urges. She had been taught her entire life that sex before marriage was the ultimate sin, and that if she tried to...relieve herself, so to speak, that she would also be condemned to Hell. But, boy, did she ever think of how badly she wanted someone to finally deflower her, if not just to make the sinful thoughts go away.
Her squirming definitely did not go unnoticed by Xavier, but he didn’t bring any attention to it. The last thing he wanted was for Montana to have more reasons to mock (Y/N).
“I wanna have sex,” she said in a soft voice. “But I want to be sure of it. I want it to be with someone I’m sure of.”
Xavier wasn’t sure if he imagined it or not, but he could’ve swore he saw her eyes flicker towards him when she said the last part.
No, there’s no way, he thought. We’ve barely had a conversation together, stop thinking so highly of yourself.
But...but what if she did?
He glanced down at her again, but her attention was drawn to whatever one of the others were saying.
Maybe I could figure this out later on tonight when everyone is gone, he thought, and the idea made him smirk to himself.
The male counsellors went back to their own cabin once the night had come to an end. Xavier laid in his bed, starring at the ceiling as he waited to make sure everyone was asleep. Once the cabin was filled with soft breathing and snoring, he quickly got up and pulled on his shoes. He opened the rickety door as silently as he could, stopping to cringe when it let out a squeak anyways. When none of the others stirred, he continued on his mission.
All the girls were also sound asleep. Their cabin was nearly pitch black, with just some rays of white light shining in from the full moon.
(Y/N) was laying on her side, her hands tucked under her face as she breathed softly. Xavier couldn’t help but smile at her as he made his way towards her bed. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. Like an angel, for a lack of better words.
He knelt down next to her bed and lightly shook her. She stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up. Xavier looked over his shoulder to make sure that Brooke and Montana were definitely asleep before shaking (Y/N) a little harder. She mumbled something incoherent before her eyes slowly blinked open. When she looked at Xavier, she let out a gasp and he quickly covered her mouth to stop her from making any other noises.
“Shh!” he said. “It’s just me.”
“What are you doing here?!” she whispered. “If you get caught you’ll be in big trouble!”
“No one is going to catch me. Margaret has been dead asleep since before we had our little party,” Xavier said, a cocky grin on his face. “I wanted to ask you something.”
“It couldn’t wait until morning?”
“No, because my response to the answer might need the cover of nightfall.” She looked at him in confusion, so he continued, “Earlier, when you were talking about losing your virginity to someone you’re sure of, did you look at me?”
She stared at him blankly. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Xavier, this can wait until morning.”
She went to roll over with her back to him, but he quickly took hold of her arms and stopped her from moving.
“I’m serious, (Y/N), I need to know,” he said. “Because if you genuinely meant that, I might have to take you up on that offer.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Why? So you can brag to the others about taking the Christian girl’s virginity? I don’t think so.”
He pulled away from her, hurt by her accusation, but then realized that it was a very valid point. They barley knew each other and here he was, coming to her in the middle of the night because he thought she had inferred wanting to sleep with him. Even if he didn’t have the ill intentions that she thought he did, he clearly did not have any pure ones either.
“It’s not that at all,” he said. “I swear to you, (Y/N). I just...I’ve been very infatuated with you since we first met earlier, and that’s very unlike me because we’ve hardly talked to one another. But it’s the truth, I swear. I’m not just trying to get into your pants.”
(Y/N) rolled onto her back to look up at Xavier. Her face was unreadable, which was just making things worse. He wished she would say something, anything. Even if she just told him to fuck off, with that beautiful, innocent mouth of hers.
Okay, maybe she shouldn’t say that.
She sighed and propped herself up on her elbows. “Okay, yes I did look at you when I said that, because I would be okay with losing my virginity to you, Xavier.”
With the words officially out of her mouth, Xavier couldn’t help but pounce on her. He pressed his lips against hers, stopping whatever else was about to be sad. He got up onto the bed and positioned himself so that he was straddling her still covered body. He kissed her intensely and passionately, but not so much as to rush her or make her feel uncomfortable.
She settled into the kiss very quickly. It wasn’t the first time she had made out with someone. Again, she had been a teenager with wild hormones once. Just because she hadn’t gone all the way with anyone didn’t mean that she hadn’t at least got to second base a couple of times. Of course, she felt guilty afterwards because of her upbringing, but it always felt good in the moment. And, in this moment, it felt especially good to be kissing Xavier’s soft, plump lips like this.
But when she heard the sound of one of the girls rolling over in their beds, she quickly put a hand against his chest and pushed him back. “We can’t do this here. What if they wake up?”
“It’s so dark, they wouldn’t even know,” Xavier said. “And we’ll be quiet. Well, I will be anyways. I don’t know about you.”
She wanted to glare at him, but he quickly ducked his head down to start kissing her neck. She bit her lip to stop a moan from erupting from her mouth as she felt a tingling sensation between her legs.
She couldn’t lie, the thought of losing her virginity in her camp counsellor bunk while her other camp counsellors slept did sound very risky and naughty. It also sounded very cliché, which was what she wanted. If she was going to be giving into sin this summer, she may as well do it in the most cliché way possible.
Xavier slipped under the covers with her and continued to kiss down her body. He kissed around the exposed areas of her neck and chest, not wanting to push too far just yet by trying to get under her shirt. Even though he was trying to get into her pants, he still wanted to be a gentleman about it.
(Y/N) looked down at him as he disappeared under the blankets. She was confused at first. If he was planning to take her virginity, shouldn’t he be up here with her? Wasn’t that how sex worked?
“What are you doing?” she whispered.
“I want to make sure you’re ready before we get into it,” he responded. “I want to make you feel good first. Can I take these shorts off?”
She nodded, but then realized he couldn’t see her and said, “Yes.”
He curled his fingers around the waistband of her pants and pulled them, and her panties, down in one swift movement. She raised her hips so he could pull them down as far as her ankles. Despite the blankets still covering her lower half, she felt very naked. Even if no one else could see her if they happened to look over, she knew that Xavier could see her. And right now, he was very, very close to her.
She gasped and quickly clapped a hand over her mouth when she felt something wet against her core. “What was that?!”
“My tongue.”
(Y/N) quickly covered her mouth when she felt it against her again. She had never heard of this form of sexual intimacy before. When she was in high school, her mom had warned her about all of the “impure ways” boys would try to use her, which included them wanting to stick their penises in her mouth, but no one had ever mentioned a guy doing the same thing to her. It felt dirty, but also it felt so good.
She muffled her moans with both hands as Xavier continued to lick from her clit down to her tight, untouched hole. A wetness began pooling between her legs that he lapped up as if it were the first drink of water he had in weeks. Her body shuddered with pleasure every time his tongue connected with her. It was better than she ever could’ve imagined, and that just made her even more excited for the actual sex.
Something began to build in her stomach. A feeling she had never felt before. It felt like someone was inside of her, pushing something down from her stomach to get it out of her. She tried to tap Xavier to tell him, but she was afraid to lift her hand from her mouth in case she made a loud noise and woke the others.
“I can feel that you’re tightening up,” he said. “That means you’re getting close. Lean into it, beautiful. Let it happen. Cum all over my mouth.”
It was enough to send her toppling over the edge. She pressed her hands against her mouth as hard as she could as a scream of pleasure ripped from her lips. Xavier’s fingertips dug into her hips as he held her to him, taking in every bit of her juices that he could. He knew it was her first time having an orgasm, but he didn’t expect for her to become so wet and to finish so quickly just from his tongue. His dick twitched with excitement at the thought of being inside of her.
With one last kiss to her clit, Xavier began kissing up her stomach, lifting her shirt slightly as he left messy, wet marks over her belly, her chest, her neck, and finally getting to her face. Through the white moonlight, (Y/N) could see a glisten on his mouth and chin. Between her legs throbbed as she realized that was her slick on him.
He gently moved his hands away from her mouth so he could kiss her. The taste of his lips were much different, and she knew that was because that was the taste of her on him. It was all just so hot that she almost couldn’t believe any of this was happening. She was sure she was dreaming it all, that she’d wake up in this bed alone and unsatisfied.
Xavier reached under the covers to start pulling down his own pants, but hesitated a moment. He pulled away from the kiss, (Y/N) trying to follow him with her own lips.
“Wait,” he said. “Before we go all the way, I have to check in one last time. Are you okay with this, (Y/N)?”
She nodded frantically. “Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, please Xavier. Please.”
“Okay, but if you want to stop at all you tell me, okay? I know I just warmed you up, but it is going to hurt at first either way. If it’s too much, we stop. Okay?”
“Okay,” she said.
He sat up and pulled his pants down around his knees. His dick sprang free from its confides, standing painfully at attention in the moonlight. (Y/N) looked at it with wide eyes. She wasn’t sure what to expect from the first penis she’d see, but it was certainly a big one. She wondered how it would even fit inside of her.
Xavier placed his hands under her thighs and pulled them up so they were wrapped around his hips. The ran the head of his dick through the slick that was still left over from him having been between her legs. She whimpered at the feeling, quickly putting a hand over her mouth again. Both of them glanced over to make sure Brooke and Montana were still peacefully sleeping.
“I’m going to put it in now,” Xavier told her. “I’ll do it very slowly, okay?”
She nodded. He thrust his hips forwards a little, pushing just the tip of his cock into her. He hissed at the tight feeling around his already sensitive tip. He wasn’t sure how he’d ever last when she was already gripping him so tightly and he barely had the head of his dick inside of her.
(Y/N) gasped into her hand at the feeling. Xavier pushed until his head was completely inside of her, stretching her out. The stretch was definitely a painful, burning feeling. It was like her body knew he wasn’t supposed to be in there and wanted him out, but she wanted him in there. She had fantasized about this since the first time she had ever laid her eyes on Xavier - a time she knew he had definitely forgotten.
He lick his thumb and lowered it between them, pressing it against her clit and gently rubbing circles into the bundle of nerves. (Y/N) whimpered at the gesture.
“This should help make it feel better,” he told her. “Just until I can get all the way inside of you, okay?”
She nodded again. At this point, talking was definitely not happening. Any noise that were to come out of her mouth would just be a moan or a whimper of pleasure, and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep the volume down without her hands over her mouth.
Xavier continued to push inside of her while gently rubbing circles into her clit. He looked between them and watched as his dick disappeared into her. His bottom lip was pulled between his teeth, trying to stop any sounds that might come out unintentionally. It felt so good inside of her that he already did not want the this to end. He just wanted to stay inside of her forever, feel her warm walls gripping around him, look at her beautiful face as it contorted in pure ecstasy.
When he was buried all the way inside of her, he leaned down and took her hand from her mouth so he could kiss her. He continued to rub her clit, but he kept himself deep inside of her so she could get used to his size. She moaned into the kiss, her body inadvertently jerking from the pleasure she was feeling. The motion caused Xavier’s hips to move forward to fill her again. It was just a slight movement, but it was enough that it drove Xavier wild.
“Do that again,” she whispered against his lips.
“The way you moved your hips. Do it again, please. It felt really good.”
He smiled down at her and gently grinded his hips against hers. Her mouth hung open, but no sounds were coming now. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and that was all Xavier needed to tell him he was doing a good job.
He took his hand from between her legs so he could fully press himself against her. He captured her lips with his again and continued to gently thrust into her. The slow sensation was enough to make his orgasm build at a quicker rate than he would’ve liked, but he knew he wasn’t going to finish until she did. He wanted to feel her cum around him at least once before he would let himself finish.
Luckily, he could feel that familiar tightening feeling; where her walls started grasping at him tighter than before and he could feel her stomach tensing beneath him.
“Remember what I said earlier,” he whispered. “Just let it happen. Let me feel you cum all over this dick.”
She nodded, soft whimpers coming from her mouth. It wasn’t too long afterwards that he felt her clenching around him so tightly that he was sure she was going to rip his dick off just with her pussy. He kissed her hard, muffling her cries of pleasure. His hips were stilled as he let her ride out her climax, knowing that if he were to move anymore he’d definitely cum, too, and he wasn’t going to cum inside of her. That was too dangerous. He didn’t want to be responsible for any sort of backlash from her parents once she got home from camp, even if that ship had already sailed.
When the feeling of her quivering became too much, Xavier quickly pulled out of her and sat up on his knees again. He pushed her tank top up just enough to expose her belly and the underside of her boobs. It only took a few pumps of his hand, slick from her juices over his dick, before he was exploding over her stomach. He threw his head back, letting out a quiet groan.
They both were still, panting to catch their breaths. Xavier looked down at (Y/N), now covered in his seat, and he felt his dick twitch again. If he could take a picture of this moment, he would. And he would’ve stuck it in his wallet so he could look at it all the damn time.
He reached for her discarded towel from earlier that night and wiped her off. She hissed when he wiped between her legs, and he mumbled as soft, “Sorry.”
They both pulled their pants back up and got themselves straightened away before Xavier laid down next to her. He figured he could spare a few moments just to cuddle up close to her before he would have to run back to his cabin and his bed to try and get some sleep. (Y/N) rolled into his chest, taking in his warmth and the scent of him that was quickly becoming her favorite scent; the smell of his hair paste and the sweet cologne he wore. She wished she could combine them together into a perfume that she would wear for the rest of her life.
It was silent for some time except for the soft breathing of her bunkmates and the occasional snore that came from Brooke. Once her head had finally stopped feeling lightheaded, (Y/N) decided it was time to confess to Xavier.
“I’ve seen you before, you know.”
He moved so he could look down at her. “What?”
“I was in one of your aerobics classes,” she said. “Not very long ago, maybe a few months ago? One of my friends signed us up because she heard it was a good way to stay in shape.”
“I...I feel so bad to say that I don’t...remember,” Xavier said. He was sure he would’ve remembered seeing this beautiful specimen in one of his classes. He saw so many faces every day, but he always remembered the prettiest ones, and (Y/N) was definitely a face to remember.
“I wasn’t in it long enough to be remembered,” she admitted. “We walked in, and I saw you and...well...I started feeling...impure things when I saw you in your tight suit doing all those hip movements and stuff. You were in the middle of another class so we had to wait. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to start our class because my friend’s parents walked in to bring her something she had forgotten and saw the way everyone was dressed and how they were all moving. They were appalled. They dragged us out and brought us home. Told my parents, who grounded me for a week because of it. They claimed that we were trying to behind their backs, but I truly had no idea what I was in for when I agreed to go.”
Xavier cringed. He felt terrible hearing the way (Y/N) must’ve lived her entire life. Having to be afraid of mistakenly doing something “impure” or “sinful” and getting punished for it, even if the “sinful” things were just basic things that happen in life. He wished he could’ve taken away all those bad times from her memory and replace them with good ones; memories where (Y/N) could just be a normal person and not have to worry about God’s wrath or whatever they said in churches.
“That’s why I glanced at you when we were talking about sex,” (Y/N) continued. “Because...because I had fantasies about this very situation happening since the day I first saw you.”
Xavier couldn’t help but smirk proudly at that. “And did the actual thing live up to your expectations?”
She giggled. “Majorly.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”
There was another moment of silence before Xavier added, “It doesn’t have to be a one time thing, though.”
(Y/N) turned to rest her chin on his chest. “What do you mean?”
“I mean...maybe, once the summer ends, we could go on some proper dates. Maybe...actually be a couple?”
(Y/N)’s eyes twinkled in the moonlight as she looked at him. He smiled at how beautiful she was, and at how lucky he was to be the one she was looking at.
“Really?” she asked.
“Only if you want to,” he responded.
Her reply was by attacking his face with kisses. He chuckled as she left not one inch of his face unkissed, ending with her lips against his.
“That’s a yes, by the way,” she said.
“I could tell,” he said. “I should go before I get in trouble for being here.”
“I guess you should.”
He didn’t move to leave right away. He continued to gaze into her eyes for a moment longer, before kissing her one last time and getting up from her bed. He couldn’t help but looking back at her as he made his way towards the door. She was still smiling at him as he finally allowed the door to swing shut behind him, obstructing his view of her.
He couldn’t help but stand outside the door for a moment, letting out a long, happy sigh, before making his way back to the boy’s cabin.
I’ve never written poc!reader before so I hope this is okay! I usually don’t describe anything with my general x reader fics because I want them to be inclusive for everyone, but I don’t mind writing specific ones like this when asked!
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eludin-realm · 11 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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melodymunson · 5 months
looking for american horror story roleplays 👀
I'm 33 female writer looking for any 18+ writing partners for discord for the American Horror Story and Cody Fern fandom. I only double.
Ships I'm willing to do and for doubling up. I am looking for a Michael Langdon from AHS apocalypse to rp against my OC. Other ships I will roleplay for you.
Michael Langdon x OC
Tate Langdon x OC
Gallant x Michael
Kyle Spencer x OC
Jimmy Darling x OC
Dandy Mott x OC
Tristan Duffy x OC
The Countess x OC
Montana Duke x OC
Xavier Plympton x Montana
Xavier Plympton x OC
Kit Walker x OC
Kai Anderson x OC
Winter Anderson x OC
Madison Montgomery x OC
Madison x Zoe Benson
Tate x Violet Harmon
James Patrick March x OC
James Patrick x the Countess
Chet Clancy x OC
Michael x Mead (platonic)
Kai x Winter (platonic)
Lana Winters x OC
Cordelia Goode x OC
Misty Day x Cordelia
Misty Day x OC
Zoe x OC
Zoe x Kyle
Kyle x Madison
Madison x Michael
Hypodermic Sally x OC
Billie Dean Howard x OC
Dot Tattler x OC
Bette Tattler x OC
Venable x OC
Ally Mayfair Richards x OC
Trevor Kirchner x OC
Trevor x Montana
I love a good romance and smut/nsfw is definitely allowed (besides the platonic pairings obviously) as long as it doesnt take up more than 50-60% of the storyline!
I'm in the EST time zone. We can talk about reply length and how often to reply upon discussion. Serious inquiries only.
If interested and serious just like this or comment on this post and I'll reach out to you.
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auroracalisto · 4 years
lotus flower
summary: escaping an abusive relationship was difficult.  rushing to a camp in the middle of nowhere to escape your husband shouldn’t have been as terrifying as it turned out to be.
pairing: xavier plympton x reader x chet clancy, reader x abusive husband named roger
word count: 1.5k words
warnings: abuse, physical abuse and mental abuse, mentions of abuse and physical depictions of what happened, ahs 1984, canon typical situations 
a/n: idk if i’ll actually continue this bc idk if it will do well.  however, i wanted to see the response i would get and i really liked writing this in general soooo.  also, for the title, just look up the meaning of a lotus flower :) you’ll understand if you don’t already.  
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You were running.  From him.  From your past.  From the nakedness that now adorned your ring finger.  And that’s how you ended up at Camp Redwood, as a counselor.  It was a job, far away from Roger.  As much as you had wished you could have stayed and not uproot your entire life, you knew that staying there was dangerous.
The fading bruises on your stomach were proof of that.
You had heard about the position through the newspaper—the only survivor of the 70′s massacre wanted to open it up to try and create some good memories there.
Miles away and deep in the forest was your best bet of avoiding your abusive husband.
So you called and inquired about the job—you weren’t even interviewed hardly.  The woman asked your name and said you were accepted.  All you had to do was show up the day before the kids were supposed to be there.  It would be you and a couple other counselors, but there weren’t that many kids—you wouldn’t be bombarded by everything.
You had hardly been out of your car for five minutes when Margaret led you over to Bertie.
“While we wait for the others to arrive, maybe you can help Bertie,” she said, giving you a smile.  “I’ll be back.”
She didn’t wait long before she rushed off, leaving you alone with the chef.  You gave her an awkward smile.
“Hi, sweetheart,” she said, balancing her cigarette between her teeth as she talked.  “Here,” she moved to grab a crate full of bread.  “Take this inside for me?”
You immediately did as you were asked, taking the crate as soon as she handed it to you.  She took notice of your shakiness, but she didn’t comment on it, much like she didn’t comment on the multiple scars you had lining your bare arms.
Bertie took in a couple more things with you, only taking a break to light another cigarette.
"And this is Chef Bertie," Margaret said, walking up alongside of quite a few other people. You stood by her truck, looking at the people as they all came around. "A Camp Redwood veteran."
"Dibs," a man with blonde hair and a blue shirt quickly spoke. He smiled over at his friends, clearly joking.
"You wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it, handsome," Bertie spoke, smirking over at the man.
You couldn't help but laugh at Bertie, quickly placing a hand over your mouth.
"And who are you?" the blonde quickly asked, raising an eyebrow.
You averted your gaze.
"She's another counselor. She got here earlier in the day. [Your name]'s car was the one you parked beside of," Margaret said.
"Oh, so the one Xavier here almost hit with his door?" a blonde girl grinned, crossed her arms over her chest.
Xavier's eyes widened and he looked back at her. "I did not!"
Bertie rolled her eyes, holding up a crate of eggs. "Put those scrawny arms to work and help a lady fill her pantry. All of you, grab a crate. This heat is a killer," she spoke, sighing softly as she removed her cigarette. "You don't have to carry anymore, [Your name]—"
"—I can," you smiled over at the woman. You moved to take a crate which looked as though it had been filled with bottles of spices, sugars, and flour.
The man beside of Xavier had taken the crate of eggs.
A guy with brown hair came up beside of you, his arm brushing against yours as he grabbed a crate himself. He blushed but couldn't help himself from smiling at you.
"Sorry," he said.
You gave a hesitant smile, moving to walk back into the dining hall when Margaret began to speak again.
"Chef Bertie here worked here when I was a counselor. We are so blessed to have her with us."
Bertie continued to talk while everyone else carried in crates. You stayed inside, putting things where they needed to go—it wasn't that hard to figure out things. Of course, you avoided putting up things like spices. You didn't know if she liked them organized a certain way. As you walked back out, you couldn't help but overhear Bertie.
"I'm sorry that one bad apple ruined it for everyone. Minute I heard Margaret was reopening this place," she said, waving her hand, "I was the first to volunteer."
Margaret looked at everyone and breathed through her nose. "Alright. Let's continue with our tour. [Your name], come along with us. You haven't seen everything yet."
You gave a small nod and hesitantly followed along, looking at the group of people. They all seemed pretty friendly with each other.
The lot of you walked along towards the showers. Margaret was set on showing you all everything.
"Girls shower in the AM, boys in the PM. Same goes for counselors, too."
Eventually, your walk lead you to the cabins.
Margaret eventually left you all alone, and you stayed in the girls cabin.  The boys ended up sticking around, talking with the girls that they clearly knew.  You sat on your claimed bed, looking through your suitcase.  You purse your lips, half-listening to their conversation, half-not even paying attention to what you were looking for.  
“Hey,” the same boy who bumped into you earlier spoke.  “[Your name], right?”
You looked up, seeing him standing right in front of you.  Your eyes widened but you nodded.  
“Uh, yeah.”
“I’m Chet,” he grinned.  “Mind if I?” he pointed to the spot beside of you.  
You nodded in response.  Chet sat down beside of you on your bed, handing you an unopened can of beer.  
“Uh, no thank you,” you said, shaking your head.  “I’ve... seen enough alcohol to last me a lifetime.”
“Seen—“ he stopped himself, nodding slightly as he watched you.  “Alright.  Well, why don’t you come join us?  I promise, we don’t bite,” he chuckled softly.  “We’re gonna turn on the TV.  Don’t be a loner,” he said.  “We’ll be here all summer anyway.  Might as well get to know each other now.”
You nodded, knowing he was right.  “Uh, okay,” you said, nervously biting the inside of your cheek.  
Chet continued to smile in your direction.  He stood up, holding his hand out to you.  “Come on,” he said.  
A feeling in your gut was screaming at you to just stay put.  But you reached out to take his hand, knowing that for the first time in several years, you could do so without someone waiting to ridicule you for it.  
Chet smiled even more once you took his hand and he lead you over to the couch.  
Everyone introduced themselves to you, making sure they knew your name correctly as well.  
The flirtatious blonde looked over at you, his eyes set in a glare.  
“You better not think about stealing Bertie from me.”
Your eyes widened and you felt your cheeks burn.  “I would never—”
“Mhm,” Xavier rolled his eyes.  “I saw how you looked at her.  If I were her, I would have looked at you the same way.”
“Wow, Xavier,” scoffed Ray.  “Give it a rest, will you?”
“What?” Xavier laughed, keeping his eyes on you.  “I mean it, though.  You’re like super fucking hot,” he said.
You averted your gaze, guilt swelling in your chest.  This was wrong.  You were married.  To a piece of shit asshole, after all.  Your marriage to him didn’t matter.  Especially now that you were so far away.  You didn’t have to feel guilty.  You didn’t have to feel like you were going to get in trouble.  No one here knew of your past, and they would never know as long as you never said anything.  
After a moment of thinking of what to say, you looked back up at Xavier with a smile.  
“You’re not too bad, yourself,” you said.  
Xavier let out a triumphant laugh, grinning.  “Sweet,” he breathed out, looking you up and down.  Montana slapped his arm and he leaned back where he sat, rolling his eyes at her.  “Can you not hit me again?  Please?  That kind of hurt.”
Chet cleared his throat as he looked at you.  You quickly turned to face him, hoping that he didn’t think it was wrong of you to say so.
“He’s definitely not lying,” Chet spoke.  “You’re super fucking pretty.  I, uh, don’t want you to settle on him just yet,” he grinned, leaning against his hand as his elbow rested against the couch.  
You couldn’t help from your own laugh escaping you.  “Don’t worry, Chet.  He’s not the only cute guy here,” you said, locking eyes with his.  You noticed his blush right off the bat, but you didn’t say anything about it.  
You were glad you were here.  This was good.  It would be good.  It had to be good.  But what you didn’t know was that your hopeful thoughts were far too good to be true.  
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rhcenyra · 3 years
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We had a real connection down there at the lake. Like a... a meeting of souls. First base never felt so good.
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sadorangejuice · 3 years
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Head cannons for an alternate universe where no one was ever murdered at camp redwood!
Xavier is in charge of arts and crafts and is so good with the kids.
The kids are scared of Montana but she makes friends with one of those aggressive kids that’s like low key a bully and they bully the other kids together
Chet and Ray leading hikes and arguing about directions with each other, effectively getting the group lost each time
Trevor, Montana, and Xavier playing Rock Paper Scissors to decide who leads the aerobics class
The girls making flower crowns with Brooke
Brooke (as annoying as she is I’m sorry) is probably the best with the kids. She would be so good at like calming them down or patching up booboos and like working out fights between kids (or Montana and Xavier)
Chet having nightly tantrums or breakdowns whenever the olympics are on
Xavier trying to comfort Chet and Chet trying to fight Xavier which leads to an aggressive make out that Chet will never acknowledge (Chet has some serious internalized homophobia issues) ***
Montana and Trevor sneaking out every night to fuck 👹
I also think the girls would make flower crowns for Xavier and they would sneak and put them on him and run away giggling like it was the funniest thing ever and he’d just let them
Montana getting so fed up whenever Brooke gets spooked
Ray always being up for playing sports with the kids during free time and Brooke watching him and falling in love with him
Brooke definitely got the ick watching Chet’s tantrums so anything she felt for him is gone.
Chet still trying to flirt with her which pisses Ray off and also Xavier
Okay that’s enough about this little love square?? I’ve decided i will be writing a Xavier x Chet fic
Margret getting wise to the fact that all the counselors are fucking each other or getting stoned or drunk at night and cracking down on the rules and curfew
Trevor trying to take one for the team and sleep with Margaret so she’ll chill out
It obviously doesn’t work
Margaret enforcing Bible study before bed or something
Xavier saves everyone by faking improvement and convincing Margaret that she’s saved him from sin
Xavier and Montana bickering constantly
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gothicknightz · 3 years
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(warnings; swearing, mild violence)
MUSIC PUMPS through the speaker as a varied mix of guys and girls sweat in an aerobics class led by a blonde George Micheal. 
A blonde in a black unitard thrust her hips with each instruction by the leader of the group, Xavier, followed by multiple ups and downs, also including more hip thrusts, rolls, and side leg lifts. 
“It’s hard but it’s worth it!” Xavier yells as the class continues, going down for the lower body raise, which shifts to leg lifts afterwards. 
A few other things stick out like a sore thumb during the class, with two brunettes eyeing each other down during thrusts; the guy raising his shirt just enough so that the girl could see his abs. 
Not long after class, people were pumped, hearts were racing, and sweat stuck to bodies. But that didn’t stop a certain girl from making a comment. 
“It’s gonna be one hell of a summer if you keep on working us like that, Plympton.”
“It won’t be hell as long as you’re in it, beautiful.”
“Hi!” A blonde says, talking to a certain brunette. 
When she doesn’t respond, the girl pipes up again, “I’m not a lez, just friendly.” Despite her previous comment, the blonde checks out the other girl, “Rad bod though, like that girl on Cheers.” 
The blonde smiles, “I noticed you ogling my buddy Chet’s mound. You want me to introduce you?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. The whole reason most people come to Slimmercise class is to hook up.”
“Not for me.”
The blonde gasps, “The last American virgin.”
“She was stabbed like, three times.” The blonde tells a group of guys, alongside a girl. “Her throat was cut so badly she was basically decapitated.”
The blonde from earlier comes from behind the other, “Describing your last date?”
He chuckles, “Hilarious, no.”
“There was a murder a couple of days ago in Glassell Park. My cousin works for LAPD homicide, and they’re convinced whoever did it is responsible for a bunch of other unsolved murders in town.”
A girl crossed her arms, “You sure it wasn’t you sleepwalking again, Xavier?”
“Yeah, you wish.” Xavier gave the girl the finger before a brunette piped up. 
“I heard serial killers become more active in the summer months when it’s hot.”
The entire group put their focus on Brooke, “Because people sleep with their windows open at night.”
“Hmm. This is Brooke. She’s new in town.” The other blonde from earlier, known as Montana introduced the new comer to everyone else. “Brooke, this is Xavier, Cassie, Ray, and Chet.”
“Hey. How do you guys know each other?”
“Well, it’s LA; do any of us really know each other?”
Ray pushed himself away from the table, “We collected each other over the last couple of years. Xavier and Montana met in traffic — and dated for a hot second.”
Xavier interjected Ray’s statement; “’Met in traffic’ is a nice way of saying that I missed one of the last auditions for MASH because she rear-ended me.”
Cassie laughed, “It was funny cause I managed to see that on the way there.”
“Oh, I know.” Xavier rolled his eyes, “I saw you, and thought, that could’ve been me.”
“Anyway... my cousin was saying that they think that this guy's gonna go on a rampage, like Son of Sam did in the summer of ‘77.” 
Everyone’s attentioned turned to Xavier, waiting for a continuation, “Which is why I'm getting out of town for the next couple of months. I got a gig as a counselor at a summer camp they're opening up a couple of hours from here.”
“You guys should all come.”
Footsteps echo around the small apartment, a luminous figure quick to silencing a brunette. “Shut up,” They say, as the brunette keeps crying, “Where’s the jewelry?”
“Get it for me!”
The brunette struggles to get the jewelry, as the figure’s patience is tested. 
“Is that it? All of it?”
The figure swears, “You’re gonna be famous... You’re gonna die by the hands of the Night Stalker.”
As the brunette hits the ‘Night Stalker’ in the head with a pan, a concerned neighbour asks if she’s okay, and proceeds to tell her that the cops are on their way.
“I wil find you.” The figure threatens,
“Satan will show me.”
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fckinsupreme · 3 years
Omg I love your work! Could you please write an imagine of being in a closed poly relationship with Xavier and Chet? How the relationship came to be and the dynamic between Xavier x Chet x Reader? I really want some fluff and smut with everyone happy and in love with each other.
You lie awake in the bed you shared with your boyfriends, both of them asleep on either side of you. Xavier snores lightly, while Chet’s lips were parted as he lay on his stomach. All night, ever since the three of you had some pretty wild sex, you were thinking of how lucky you were to have them. Memories played in your mind, and your grin seemed to get wider with each passing one.
The first memory was how the three of you met. It was an aerobics class that Xavier was teaching, and you’d noticed that both Chet & Xavier could not stop watching you the whole time. Every move you made, every time you followed Xavier’s skilled guidance, their eyes were glued to you. They both hit you up once the class was over, and you ended up getting both of their phone numbers. You called them, went on dates with both of them separately, and became painfully close with both men. But when they found out you were dating both of them, they each took the news surprisingly well. In fact, that was how this whole thing got started; it was Xavier’s suggestion that the three of you just date each other. It was a suggestion you & Chet gladly accepted, and one that carried you to where you were today.
It was a very joyous & love-filled relationship from the start. Many nights of cuddling, them on either side of you, you sandwiched in the middle, became a new norm. Kisses were stolen, between all three of you, and the notion of having both was wonderful to you. You snuggled with them while watching movies or TV, often falling asleep before whatever you were watching was over. You always woke draped in their limbs with a blanket tossed over your bodies, put there by one of the guys. You never knew which one, but your money was on Xavier every time.
Then there were the date nights, which were typically split up. Some nights you went out with Chet, others with Xavier, and others spent between just Chet & Xavier. You went out as a poly couple as well, of course, and had more fun with all three than with the one-on-one dates. Dinners, movies, bowling, and hiking were just a few dates the three of you went on, and always ignored the odd looks & snide comments made when you were in crowded spaces. You always took turns paying for the dates, but Chet always picked up the tab more times than not.
Your mind then turned to sex with them, and you couldn’t help but smile as you thought of it. It was an act the three of you just partook in tonight, but every other time before was just as magical. It was usually soft and playful, full of laughter and gentle touches and a lot of kissing. Other times it was rough, full of plenty of aftercare and the occasional mark. But no matter the pace, it had one common denominator: You were all focused on each other’s pleasure, far more than your own. Even when it was one on one, with each of them and both of them together, it was all a focus on your pleasures and what made each of you feel good. Both of them enjoyed going down on you, and would often do it together. They would take turns making you cum, and would not stop until you got at least two orgasms every night. It was more than two sometimes, but two was always their goal. And you happily reciprocated, making sure that each man was just as satisfied as they made you with their own mouths & hands.
But for you, it wasn’t all about sex, nor was it for them, either. All of you enjoyed every little thing, and made it a point to focus on other, non-sexual activity as well. Dancing around in the kitchen while cooking or baking together was a weekly staple, sometimes nightly where Xavier was involved. You & Chet would just watch—secretly and at most times, not so secretly—while he shook his ass or pulled some ridiculous dance move. It didn’t matter; you had fun, and there was no shortage of joy around the two of them.
Tonight, watching them sleep as you remembered all the good times, you couldn’t help but feel blessed. Not only did you have one man’s love, but two. Not only were you given one man to share that love with, but two. The prospect of this lasting forever was not far-fetched, nor was it crazy. No matter how unhealthy people believed it to be, it was the opposite. No matter what happened, all of you would stand by each other, and if that wasn’t love, then what was?
Yes, you were quite blessed, indeed.
Baby taglist: @littledemondani @joandidions @wroteclassicaly @melodylangdon @dark-mei-rose @lovelylangdonx @angelicmichael @bloodcoatedeclipse @xavierplymptons @bitchchatter
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flowerbxuquet · 4 years
Pairing: Brooke Thompson x fem!reader
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Any sane person would have been traumatized for life if they went through what your girlfriend Brooke went through. It had been 7 years since the camp redwood incident and the nightmares still happened, not as frequently anymore but when they came they were absolute hell.You were laying in bed watching TV when you felt the bed dip besides you.
"Hey babe." Brooke smiled lovingly at you, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your cheek. You yawned and layed your head on her shoulder, "Hi." You mumbled back but it was muffled into her shirt.
Brooke giggled, wrapping her arm around you and tracing patterns on your upper and lower arm. You smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her neck, Brooke turned over to lay on her side and you lay your head on her chest.
Brooke began to rub your back soothingly and she kissed your forehead. "I love you." Brooke whispered and you smiled, "I love you too." You whispered against her chest.
Brooke turned off the TV and pulled the blanket over you two, the only light being a candle on your desk next to your lamp.
Brooke closed her eyes and relaxed into your touch, her arms were wrapped around you and you were snoring softly into her shoulder. You two both fell asleep in eachothers embrace.
At about 3 am you woke up to Brooke twitching in her sleep and gripping you tightly. You sat up and blinked your eyes, leaning over you flipped your lamp on.
Brooke was now whimpering and shaking, "Brooke?" You whispered, Brooke was now full on sobbing and you began to shake her. "Brooke!" You yelled and she shot up, shaking and crying.
Brooke turned over to look at you and she let out a choked sob, throwing herself into your arms. You quickly wrapped her up in a hug and kissed her forehead, slowly rocking her back and forth to calm her down.
You pulled away from her and cupped her cheeks, wiping away some tears with your thumb, her eyes were screwed shut as more tears fell, "Brooke, hey, can you look at me, sweetheart?" You spoke in a soft tone.
Brooke sniffled and opened her eyes, you smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "It's okay, you're here with me, Brooke. No one can hurt you here." You cooed and Brooke seemed to be calming down in your embrace.
Brooke layed her head on your shoulder and steadied her breathing while you traced shapes on her back soothingly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" You whispered in her ear, Brooke moved up and sighed, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "I-I know he's dead..they all are, but I keep dreaming about the night stalker coming in and torturing you, and making me watch. Or- I'm stuck in camp redwood again a-and he starts chasing m-me." Brooke cut herself off with a violent sob and you shushed her, pulling her back into your arms.
"It's okay, it's okay, Brooke, you're safe with me now." You whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek. "I love you." Brooke choked out, gripping your shirt and pulling you as close as possible.
"I love you too, so, so, so much, Brooke. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, my love. You're safe with me, I promise." You whispered lovingly into her ear, you could feel Brooke smile against your neck.
Brooke leaned up and pulled you in for a passionate kiss, you cupped her cheek and pulled her closer. You both pulled apart, smiling widely. "Do you think you can go back to sleep?" You asked and Brooke nodded, you both layed back down.
Brooke snuggled up against you, laying her head on your chest as you stroked her hair. "Goodnight, my love." You kissed her forehead, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her closer to you. Brooke smiled, "Goodnight babe." She whispered before you two fell asleep wrapped in each other's warm loving embrace.
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infernwetrust · 4 years
saturday nights [Fem Reader x Michael Langdon x Jim Mason x AHS 1984]
Summary: You and Michael have a Saturday night routine,deeming Saturday’s a special time for each other, and then things get a little awkward.
Warnings: smutty smut smut, swearing, a lil bit o awkwardness, minute amount of angst.
WC: 1.5k
A/N: Part of the Bestfriends Universe that can be found on my master list, here.
All that could be heard within the confines of Michael's dorm room, and probably the entire hallway of his floor, were pants, moans, and the hitting of his wooden bed frame against the wall as he thrusted in and out of you with a fiery passion. Your hands stayed wrapped around his neck as you two kissed slowly, sloppily, and tenderly. Jim, who happily asked Michael to be his roommate for this year, luckily, was away, hanging out with one of his other friends at their fraternity house. Unfortunately, Michael had forgotten to ask him what time he would be returning, but that was long forgotten when you showed up to his door.
Saturday nights. Those nights were your favorite because they were reserved for just you and Michael. There was no doubt that classes and extra curriculars kept you two from seeing each other as often as you would both like during the week. But the only thing Michael had to do on Saturday was cross-country practice and then he was yours for the rest of the day well into the night.
Eating in the dining hall was never an option on Saturdays. At least that what Michael kept telling you when he would take you to your favorite place for lunch, followed by some Icecream or frozen yogurt. And if the rest of the crew didn't ask in advance to all go to dinner together that night, he took you out again, this time to his favorite place to eat. After it was either back to his room or back to your room, several events taking place before leading up the beautiful position you were in now.
He picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he sat down on the edge of the bed, pressing his lips back to yours to resume the kiss as his hands firmly gripped your ass, giving it a good smack as you sway your hips back and forth on his length. Moving a few pillows behind him, he lays back, hands now around your hips.
"I want you to do the claiming tonight." he said to you. "Remind me of who I belong to."
With those words said, you removed the pillows from behind him, so that he laid flat against the bed and you pinned his arms above his head as you began to roll your hips feverishly on him. It started off slow and sensual at first, then quickly became slow and rough. Michael thrusted upwards into you gently, eager to create a little bit more friction, but you held him down with your hips, moving your hands to his chest. He threw his arms behind his head, watching you at work.
"As much as I would love to ruin you, tonight." you said, leaning forward and brushing your lips against his ear. "I've been missing your rough side as of late. I want you to pound me until I'm a screaming mess. Pound away all the stress from this week. Can you do that for me, Michael?"
As if he was waiting for you to say those words, to change your mind when he gave you the chance to be the one in the charge tonight, he grabbed your hips, and rammed in and out of you at a merciless pace. You threw your head back, letting out a breathy moan as your walls clenched and unclenched around him. His moans echoed right behind yours, him loving the sight of his cock disappearing in you and then reappearing. Your arousal and his pre-cum coated his shaft, making him slide in and out of you with ease.
"Mmm, look at you, baby." Michael said in awe as he watched your face scrunch up with pleasure. "You like when I tear that pussy apart? Is that what you look forward to every Saturday night?"
"God, yes, Michael." you moaned in response, scratching down his chest. "You feel so fucking good."
"Say my name again. Louder." And just when you think he couldn't go any faster, he did. "Let the whole hallway know how you get wrecked every Saturday night." You dug your nails into his chest, leaving a fresh set of scratches as you screamed his name out over and over. He twitched inside of you, a signal to both you and him that he was close, but you weren't too far behind as well. So in tune with each other, 90% of the time you reached your climax together. The other 10% was when Michael was urgent, needing you before his first class of the day or needing you after his last class of the day and right before cross country practice. On those days he came quick, a combination of stress and missing you throughout the day. This often left you, longing for him and he always made sure to make it up to you either later that same day or the next.
Without warning, he slipped out of you, making you whimper at the lost of contact, so close to your end. He sprung up from the bed, grabbing you up with him, giving you a few quick kisses, a giggling mess the both of you, as he dragged you over to his desk. Whatever was on there was thrown onto his bed. Before he could tell you to do anything else, you were already bent over, legs spread wide apart.
"Such an eager little girl aren't you?" he smirked as he walked over to you. "What if I wanted to look at you? Hm?"
"Then make me look at you, Michael." you retorted, wiggling your ass a little bit.
"Mmmm, naughty naughty." he answered, biting his lip and lining himself up with your entrance before slowly sliding back into you, filling you all the way up. He wasted no time getting back up to speed, his hand taking aggressive strikes at your ass, his other hand entangled in your hair, snapping your head back to make you look at him while he pummeled you. "So fucking wet for me. So so so beautiful."
"Mmmm, Michael, I fucking love you. It's all for you, baby." 
"Yeah?" he questioned, kicking the his desk chair that was still too close behind him for comfort, to give himself a bit more room. He angled himself just right, now ramming into your g-spot over and over as a mixture of moans, expletives, and screams left your lips. "I love you too."
Over all of the moans and screams, the both of you had failed to realize that Jim was now aggressively rattling his key in the door, desperate to get it open. Through the door Jim and Brooke busted in a fit of giggles as the two messily made out with each other, hands roaming freely over each other's bodies. You and Michael both snapped your head in their direction, absolutely shocked as Michael halted, deep inside of you.
"I'm going to fuck the shit out of you..." a breathless Jim said as he quickly discarded of his jacket and white t-shirt, letting Brooke's hand roam down his chest and torso straight to his belt buckle, leaving sloppy kisses along his tummy. Attempting to get in tune with his surroundings, he quickly glanced around the room, you and Michael being a rather large blur, a blur so large that Jim had to do a double take. His eyes met Michael's first who simply just stared, speechless.
"Oh. Oh fuck." Jim said, grabbing Brooke's hands.
"What?" she questioned confused, looking up at Jim who wasn't even looking at her. She turned her head in his direction, looking at a naked you and a naked Michael. "Ohhhh...."
"Uhhhh...." Michael said, finally breaking his silence. "I won't say anything if you guys don't?"
"It's not the first time I've walked in on my friends fucking. I caught Xavier and Montana last weekend." Brooke shrugged. Jim and Michael now looked awkwardly around the room, not wanting to meet each other's gaze anymore.
"It's cool, we'll just Uh.... go finish in the showers or something." Jim said, scratching the back of his head, pulling Brooke up off the bed and to her feet. "Honestly forgot that you two usually have Saturday nights reserved." You couldn't bring yourself to say anything. While you've heard your friends fucking from outside of their rooms on days you would walk past or attempt to pop in for a surprise visit until you realized that you couldn't, you haven't ever been walked in on or walked in on someone else. You weren't embarrassed or anything since it was just Jim and Brooke, just shocked as all.
"Yeah... yeah... sounds good." Michael said. "Have fun?"
"Totally." Jim said, grabbing his towel out of his closet and quickly dragging Brooke out of the room. The two of you let out a hefty sigh as you were left alone again.
"What the fuck just happened?" you asked Michael.
"Let's not talk about it before it kills my hard-on. Let's just finish each other out. Deal?"
"Deal.." you said, your breath shaky as he resumed what he was doing before the two of you got interrupted.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @theneverendinghunger @fernfiction
Let me know if you’d like to be added!
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chaos-is-beautifvl · 4 years
Cece and Freddy
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
a/n: hi! this chapter is a little wonky. not my best work, but, hey, at least i finished. hope you guys like it :)
warnings: cursing (to be expected with this bunch), sexual innuendos (I think we all know who made them)
word count: 1K
Xavier smirked as he eyed you up and down, taking particular notice of the blue jean shorts you were wearing. His hands shot out to your hips, circling them around your waist, "I see you haven't changed much."
You linked your arms on his neck, your smirk ever so present, "I see you haven't either, Mr. Plympton." When you felt his hands start to drift down, you tsked, shaking your head, "Hands to yourself, Xavier."
He groaned, throwing his head back, hair somehow staying intact, "Aww, come on, babe. You never minded before."
"Well, Xav, that was a while-" before you could continue, Ray spoke up. "Okay, I think I'm speaking for everyone, but... how do you two know each other?" You turned around to face the three, Xavier's arms still wrapped around you, "It's a long story."
"Yeah, a really long one." You rolled your eyes at his innuendo as he playfully jutted his hips against your backside.
"Anyway," you separated yourself from Xavier, much to his dismay, "what's on the agenda today?"
Chet muttered something along the lines of 'so we're just going to ignore what he said?' Montana quickly recovered from her (practically nonexistent) shock and smirked at you, "Wanna get high?"
The five of you made your way outside. The sun was still emitting its torrents of heat, something that didn't please you. You surveyed the parking area, noting the absence of something.
"Xav, I swear- if you got rid of Cece, I'm going to kill you," Chet muttered to himself, wondering what the hell you were talking about now.
"Babe," Xavier groaned, swinging his arm around you and pulling you towards him, "why are you always threatening me?"
"First off," you nudged him in the ribs, eliciting a real groan this time, "not your babe. Second, because I can, and you're too in love with me to make me stop. And third, because Cece is my baby."
"Hate to break it to you, but you're wrong about two things, babe." He made sure to emphasize the nickname, to which you rolled your eyes, something you seemed to be doing a lot lately. "First, you are my babe - forever and always. Second, Cece is not your baby; she's mine. You have Freddy."
"What the fuck are you two talking about?" Ray pulled you and Xavier from your little bubble once again. You turned to see him staring at you two, more so at Xavier, suspiciously.
"Oh, right," you started, leaning into the blonde next to you, "Cece is Xavy's van." The trio raised brows, and you rolled your eyes, yet again, "Vanta C? Cece is her nickname. Anyway, she is my baby, so I don't know why someone's acting like she's not."
Xavier scoffed as his hand reached down and pinched one of your cheeks, causing you to jump. You were about to say something when someone interrupted you.
"Okay, so two questions." Everyone turned to Montana, who stood with an almost disinterested look on her face as she adjusted her headband. "One, who is Freddy? Two, have you guys fucked, yet? Because I can totally smell the sexual tension from a mile away."
Well, that shut you and Xavier up rather quickly.
The blonde woman entered the practically hidden building. No one would have noticed it if they weren't looking for it. And, in this case, she was.
The inside was dark - the dust and moss having long ago covered the windows. The candles hanging on the walls, casting dancing shadows along the sunken-in tiled floor, were the only things that brought light into the building.
A scoff sounded from behind the blonde, causing her to turn around and face its maker. Once she saw who was behind her, she shook her head while releasing a scoff of her own.
"Would you look at what the cat drug in," the woman said, eyes rolling and arms protectively curling around her stomach.
"If it isn't the little witch bitch," the other woman said, tilting her head, causing her long braids to sway.
"And if it isn't the boohoo voodoo queen." Both their words hissed with venom.
The two alpha females were facing each other, having a staredown. It was safe to say that neither of the two was very fond of the other. Too busy giving icy looks that could kill, they didn't notice the temperature change. Or the man that appeared shortly after.
He leaned on his cane, watching the two women - both powerful beings in their respective congregations. Having enough of their bickering, he straightened his back, stalking behind them, "Ladies, ladies. No need for all of that."
They were quick to turn around, shutting their mouths. The darker-skinned woman knelt before the man, hitting her fist against her chest three times, "Papa."
"Rise." The command was curt, and the woman stood up, head bowed. Even though the blonde didn't kneel to anyone, especially no man, she did bow her head in more equal parts of fear than respect.
"Now," the man spoke, his voice seeming to resound through the empty building, "you may be wondering what you're doing here."
He walked around them in a slow circle, cane clanking against the floor. His words left his mouth in a pronounced fashion - slow and calculated. The anticipation in both of the women grew.
"It's fairly simple. The prophecy."
The women spared a glance at the other before sputtering out replies of: "I thought the prophecy wasn't going to start for another 100 yea-" and "How in the hell-"
"Silence!" They grew quiet, staring back at the man who now stood in front of them. The candles made the white on the upper half of his face appear more ominous.
"Now," he pursed his lips, black eyes traveling over them, "we always knew this day would come. After all," he rose one of his glove clad hands and waved it around in a dismissive manner, "prophecies have always been inevitable."
a/n: I don’t know if that ending was confusing. Just a side note, the prophecy mentioned isn’t the same one as mentioned in Apocalypse, but they are connected.
tags (if you want to added/removed, let me know): @lizzy-claire-fandom @mikhalxngdon @czarinera @fandomxloveer @ramona-thorns @leatherduncan @prophecy-is-inevitable @unblossomedme @michaelarchives @9layerdevilfoodcake @mochminnie @chicaluna2410
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mochminnie · 4 years
Life Goes On - American Horror Story 1984
Pairing; Xavier Plympton x Reader
Part 1/
https://ko-fi.com/mochminnie *(Please support my writing on both Ko-fi & Wattpad it would mean so much to me.☺️) *
Plot: Reader, Donna and Brooke survives the massacre. As she continues in with her career for the sake of Xavier as a singer/actress. Years later, she wouldn’t think about certain people coming back in her life again. She wouldn’t rest until Brooke gets justice and Margaret should’ve been the one behind bars. 
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(y/n) was in the same room as Benjamin aka Mr. Jingles. and Donna. She was gonna yell for Xavier’s name. Donna placed her hand over your mouth. Xavier gone all burned up. You pushed out of the way, looking at Donna. “You injected me and Brooke!!!”  then turn to Mr. Jingles terrified tears in her eyes. “You killed my friends!!! Putting my best friend inside the goddamn oven!!! WHY!!!” You were covered in some blood from Chets. You don’t know who to trust anymore. 
Mr. Jingles said he didn’t kill people and Donna wanted him to kill her off but he said. “That’ll be too easy.” 
You ran off to look for Xavier he was trying to save Margaret, You hide behind the trees. He killed Mr. Jingles. Margaret killed Xavier. You stayed quiet sobbing you gonna go find Brooke and Montana. 
You rushed to Brooke and Montana. Brooke yells, (y/n) RUN SHE WAS THE ONE WHO SENT THE NIGHT STALKER.” You rushed to fight off Montana.  “(Y/N) the dramatic little bitch that you are. You just have to come save miss innocent. I was so close to killing her!!!! EVERYTIME!!!! ARGHHH!!!!” Stabbing you and knocking you down. You always thought she was a good friend turns out she’s a psychotic bitch who wanted to kill Brooke but, she didn’t even kill him blame her fiancee he pulled the trigger. All you wanted was to have fun over the summer with your friends being camp counselors. You were mainly excited because, you love the kids, Xavier admired that.
You were knocked out so you didn’t know that Brooke killed Montana, it was self defense. You woke up there was so many cops and ambulance surrounded. You just lay there from some of the blood you lost and you got a headache from being knocked. To your surprise you see Xavier, he doesn’t have any burns. “Did Margaret did this?... Please (y/n) wake up... Please don’t die...” His tears started falling on you. One of the paramedics asked. “Miss is this your boyfriend? We're gonna get you out of here. Now sweetie he’s gonna stay with you inside till you get to the hospital. She carried you to the stretcher and gave you oxygen. Xavier can’t be real. You felt him held into your hand. “(y/n) I love you.” 
“I always love you. Even you had your burns I still think that you’re the most beautiful man.” After that, he was gone. 
He couldn’t leave the camp. He wanted to go home and stay with you. He knew you have to continue on with your life with out him. 
   ~                           ~                          ~                         ~        
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You wake up in the hospital bed gasping at seeing Donna by your side. Not seeing Brooke by your side. “I know that I am one of the last people you wanted to see. It’s better than Margaret.” You start removing your IV bag. Doing everything you can to leave this hospital. Sitting you back down. Calming you down. “Margaret I saw her... I saw her killIng Xavier. I even saw him without burns, told him I love him. Where’s Brooke?” You were hysterical. She held on to you. She told you about Brooke is guilty for all the crimes she didn’t do. (y/n) realizes that Margaret was the one who framed Brooke. “-That bitch framed Brooke.” Donna have an entire plan for the three of us to take down Margaret. Donna got you out of the hospital before Margaret gets the chance to come to your room. Who knows what she’ll do if Donna didn’t come to your room.
Throughout the five years. You slowly starting to gain that trust with Donna and became friends. You still couldn’t get Brooke out of prison, it was unfair for you living your life and she should too. You visit her many times. Some people think why are you friends with a serial killer. She isn’t, they act like they know your relationship with Brooke. 
You met many well known celebrities. You even got to star in your own movie. Michael J. Fox got to be your on screen lover. You even release songs about your friendships Brooke, Ray, Chet, and Montana even though she betrayed you and Brooke. Most importantly Xavier you were in love. Many wanted to interview about Camp Redwood. After your popularity as an singer/actress. 
        ~                   ~                        ~                             ~
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Donna called you and have a plan to get Brooke out of death row. You told her you’ll be going back to Camp Redwood. Said it’s not a good idea to go alone. “Who’s said, I’m going to be going alone to Redwood alone? You just have to trust me. I know who can help us take down Margaret.” You smirked through the phone. You just couldn’t be in the same room with Margaret.
Before you were on the phone with Donna
A man came on set, there were little security and crew members. “Hello, Ms. (y/n) I been watching your movies. I’d say your very great with your work. My name is Donald and can you please sign this CD?”
Wait? Benjamin? you thought. He was very well dressed and groom. You didn’t recognize he brought a living nightmare to camp redwood. To just remember what happened in the 70′s. Memories start to bring back into your head. “NO!!!! YOU ARE BENJAMIN!!! MR. JINGLES?! HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE?!” You panic about to call security.
Benjamin/Mr. Jingles serenaded. “(y/n) I just came here to make amends. I- I have a family, I changed my name move to Alaska. I am a changed man now.” 
You were about to do combat after years of karate and combat classes. “WHAT, So you’re not a serial killer anymore? BUT THAT DOESN’T CHANGE THE FACT WHAT YOU DID. You stabbed Chet, Chopped Ray’s head off!!! Poor Bertie she doesn’t have to die!!!PUT XAVIER INSIDE AN OVEN. NOW HE’S DEAD, I WANT MY BEST FRIEND BACK. I LOVED HIM!!!! We were both supposed to be acting together living our dreams. EVERYTHING... everything about you brings darkness.” Tears running down your eyes. 
You don’t know why but you feel bad you decided to give him a second chance. “I understand, I’m sorry. for everything. It won’t bring your friends back. I know you want to take down Margaret just much as I do. I want you to help me,  to protect my son from Ramirez he killed my wife. Bobby he isn’t like me, I just know it.” He did change, you just believe in Benjamin. He’s the one taking you to Redwood. “Your son doesn’t deserve to die nor did your wife.” Swiping your tears off of your face. “- Do you still want that CD signed.” you said awkwardly. He hands you a CD. “Just know you were one of the reasons, It was your album that made me realize that I want to be a better man and have a family.”  Surprisedly he brings you along to Redwood. Finally one of the security  is about to tattle him. “NO!!! um he’s with me.” The security card stop his tracks from tackling Benjamin. “Miss you were upset I figured he needs to leave the set.” You made up something. “He’s my uncle.. Donald he’s helping me with one of my lines for another audition.” The security guard believed it. Luckily you weren’t working on shooting the rest of the week. So, you and Donna can help Brooke get her life back. 
The road trip wasn’t quiet, he told you that he left his son Bobby with his sister in law.  What’s his wife, Lorraine is like in Alaska. Even as a VideoShack worker. And what happened to his brother Bobby and mother. That he isn’t monster. He is actually a kind hearted man. “Did you tell him that you love him?” he asked. “Yes, I thought he was going to stay with me in the ambulance. I knew he was dead, Margaret killed him.” He tried to make you feel better. “As I remember, if he was still here. the guy is more dramatic than you. he could of been one good actor.” You gave him a small smile. “I just know that you can’t go back in time. Having a grudge on you just won’t do anything. Actually taking down Ramirez and Margaret will do.”
                  ~           ~           ~             ~
Montana and Xavier were killing everyone on site. Ray was so upset, covering up for them and cleaning up dead bodies. Stealing clothes, and other things from tourists or campers. “Chill, just clean it up like you always do.” Montana said to Ray. Ray was pissed, “No, you can’t kill every single person that wanders through here. WHat will (y/n) think she was our friend.” Montana and Xavier rolled their eyes. 
“Yes, I can.” Montana smiles.
Xavier repeats, “Yeah, she can.” Fucking with Ray. “There are no rules for the dead.” Montana says. “You don’t know that. You don’t know why we’re stuck here.” Ray argues. 
“No one does, Ray. But you know what I realized? Nothing we do matters. When I was alive, in the last moments of my life. I tried everything I could to be good.” Xavier is still agruing about death rules here. Montana saw a magazine with you on the cover page. She held it in she missed you and she didn’t know. She’d be lying if she said she doesn’t regret what she did to you. She flip through the page seeing you having you worked on movies and you made a song about betrayal she knew it was about her. She was happy for you.
Xavier continues, “-I tried to save Bertie, I fucking saved Margaret and she killed me. I thought I would be alive along with (y/n). But I don’t have that!!! I’ll never be an actor. Now I kill people. And guess what.” 
Ray snapped, “What?” Xavier says nothing happens. that being good brought him no where and being bad feels real good. “So you and the old-timers and the entire fucking universe can suck it.” Xavier flipping off the universe.
“Holy shit!” Montana came across the news paper and other magazines with you on the cover page. “-Look.”
“Oh, my god” Ray being shocked that Brooke is on Death Row or that your on a couple of cover pages on the magazine. Xavier grabs the magazines that you are on. While Ray grabs the news paper.
“Looks like (y/n) is having a time of her life and the bitch is finally gonna get hers.” Montana smiles evilly. Calling Brooke, a bitch. 
Xavier he thought maybe he still have a heart for (y/n) he just wishes he could be in her life with her. 
“(y/n)? I’m happy for her. But Brooke... Convicted on 11 counts of first-degree murder?” Ray, just know Brooke doesn’t deserve this. “This can’t be... She didn’t do anything wrong.” Xavier doing that thing with his tongue. 
“She killed me, Ray. Wasn’t that wrong.?” Montana fakes her sadness. Xavier looks at Montana then at Ray. “Yeah. Ray.” Xavier frowns. A Dustin’s girlfriend came back. yelling out Dustin. 
Ray says, Hello. she asks. “Okay, who are you? Where’s Dustin?” Ray doesn’t know who Dustin is. “I was, Uh, hiking around, and I saw your magazines and newspaper.” The girl stays quiet. “-Sorry uh let me explain. See you see these women on front page here? Brooke Thompson and (y/n) (l/n) They’re my friends.” So maybe he’ll find out more about you and Brooke. “You’re friends with a superstar and a serial killer?”
Montana walks closer. “Don’t listen to him. He’s delusional.” Ray tells Montana to stay out of it and Xavier kills off Dustin’s Girlfriend, slicing off her throat. Ray is done with cleaning after them. It was the last straw. 
Taglist: @kellysimagines​ 
*let me know if you want to have a full depth this story and made into a series? If so, ask away and I’ll make a taglist. I’ll take requests.*
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
i loved you first p.4
pairing: Xavier Plympton x Reader
word count: 2,332
warnings: violence, language, fluff, oops
part 1 | part 2 |  part 3 | part 4 | epilogue
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Your life seemed to flash before your eyes.
Chloe Smith was in tears; her red hair matted while her makeup from the night before smeared under her eyes. You had never seen her look like this. She was always fabulous. You'd admit it now, even knowing she was crazy.
"Chloe..." Xavier said softly, his hands slowly rising as she continued to cry with her eyes on you. Your eyes fell to the gun hanging by her side, her finger fiddling with the gun. She was going to cock it eventually. 
"Sit down!" she shot at you, and you didn't hesitate to take the spot next to Xavier. You realized you should have stayed away from him, but Chloe didn't comment, only raising the gun at the both of you.
"You don't have to do this," Xavier said, his voice hesitant. You knew he was trying not to cry, and you were right there with him. "This isn't worth it."
"You're worth it!" she yelled, pointing her gun directly at him now. "You're worth it, Xavier." she cried, her voice wobbly. You had never heard anything like this in your life. This all had to be a really fucked up dream.
You knew it was probably best to keep your mouth shut. Chloe hated you; you didn't want to push her any farther and risk putting Xavier in any more danger than he already was. 
Your thoughts were overshadowed when Chloe turned her attention back to you, her voice venomous when she asked, "What do you have that I don't?"
I'm not psychotic, clearly.
 You instinctively snickered at that, which was a huge mistake. You watched as Chloe's eyes went dark before moving the gun just inches from your face and fired. 
You and Xavier both yelled; he grabbed you and pulled you down as the bullet whizzed right by, almost hitting your ear. Your heart was now in overdrive as Xavier took this opportunity to rush forward and tackle her to the ground. You screamed as they wrestled, desperately looking for a phone to dial 9-1-1. 
You hoped that a neighbor would call the police. You weren't particularly close with them, but you were friendly enough to keep an eye on one another. You started to cry when you realized your phone was dead, and you didn't know where Xavier's was. 
There was no way you could sit back and watch this unfold. Chloe was screaming, cursing your name as Xavier wrestled the gun away from her. You looked around for something heavy, figuring this could be your Paul Sheldon moment.
You spotted an ugly vase that Xavier's mother had gifted you when you moved in together. It always sat underneath the accent table, collecting dust. You snatched it, looking to see that Xavier was somewhat able to pin down Chloe. But the struggle for the gun was still ensuing. Your ears rang as another shot went off, striking the lamp your grandmother bought you.
The last thing you wanted was to hurt him accidentally. You lunged for the pair, catching Xavier's eye last minute as he fell off her, falling to the ground. You smashed the vase against Chloe's head. A cry escaped your lips when a jagged piece broke the skin of your palm. Chloe shrieked, before falling unconscious. 
You gasped, falling to your knees as Xavier wheezed on the ground. You glanced down at the now bloody head of Chloe, who was still breathing. 
"That fucking bitch!" Xavier snapped, sitting up. You watched as he grabbed the gun, switching on the safety. "We need to call the police."
"I-I couldn't find your phone," you said shakily, stumbling to your feet, your eyes still on her unconscious body. 
Xavier had to dig underneath the cushions, but he found it. There was just enough battery to report the incident, and he stayed on the line as you both moved far away from her, almost sitting on top of each other in the corner. 
Your chest felt like it was on fire. The tears wouldn't stop as you hung onto Xavier, who gently shushed you while he spoke to the operator. You wanted Montana, you wanted Brooke. 
You were so shaken up that the panicked knocking on the door caused you to shriek. The operator on the phone was worried, as Xavier got up to investigate, before letting out a "fuck!"
Xavier wrenched open the door, explaining to the operator that you were still waiting on the police.
"We already called the police, they're not here yet!?" Montana yelled, rushing past the boys to where you were cowering in the corner. "Chet was outside when he saw Chloe arrive and called them."
She brought you into a hug as you hid your face in her neck, wishing for all of this to stop. You heard Xavier ask why Chet was outside, in which he replied, "Because I'm not dumb, I knew the bitch would be back."
You always adored that Chet was so protective of your friends. You had to smile, feeling your heart lift slightly as Montana held you tightly, shielding your face from Chloe.
It seemed like an eternity when the police and ambulance finally arrived. Ray ended up showing up sometime later while you were outside, claiming that Brooke was stuck at work and wished she could be here. 
You watched with your friends as Chloe was wheeled out on a stretcher; her hands cuffed as they loaded her into the ambulance. Your debacle caused some attention, as concerned neighbors and strangers gathered around. You slowly started to feel better, but the fear of almost being killed kept creeping on you. The paramedics cleaned up your wound and bandaged it.
Because your apartment was now an active crime scene, you and Xavier were forced to room with Montana and Brooke at their residence. You had gathered your things before riding over with Xavier in the back seat; his grip on you was still tight. 
You were pleased when Ray and Chet came over later that night with packed bags. They insisted on the group being together for support. You had hugged your friends more in the past few hours than you have all year. You knew they were as equally scared as you were, while simultaneously trying to ease your stress. 
That night after everyone settled into bed, you were restless. It was well past three in the morning, your boss already notified about what transpired and you needed some time off. Xavier was in the bathroom, almost begging his boss to give him some time, too. 
You waited until he finally came out, visibly lighter as he crawled down next to you, peeking to see if you were awake. The unexpected action caused you to snort, and he smiled at your laugh. 
"I'm sorry if I scared you," he whispered, settling down beside you. "My boss finally cut me some slack for once in his life."
"I think you should just quit, they don't deserve you," you whispered.
"Trust me, I've been telling myself that the day I started," he joked, and you felt hopeful that things could be normal again. "y/n, I just wanted to let you know that you saved our lives today."
You frowned, shaking your head, "You had her pinned to the ground. If anything, you're the hero."
Xavier shook his head, scoffing, "Don't be ridiculous, you knocked the crack-whore out."
You cackled at that, hiding your face in the blankets as Xavier's blue eyes widened, playfully shushing you as Ray snorted in his sleep a few feet away. "Keep it down!"
"Then don't make me laugh!" you seethed, yet your tone was playful. "You should know by now that you make me laugh without trying."
Xavier beamed at that, settling down to lay beside you. He was delighted to hear that, now smiling like an idiot at your compliment. You moved closer, putting your head on his chest as he wrapped an arm around you.
"I don't mean to make light of the situation," Xavier said softly, starting to run his hands through your hair. You closed your eyes in peace. "But I'm glad we were with each other today. I could never live with myself if something happened to you because of me."
"I need you to stop blaming yourself," you scolded. Xavier's face flushed, and he was staring at the ceiling with a hurt expression you couldn't see. "I told this to the others, and I'll say it to you. You didn't know. Montana..." you smiled, "She has a suspicious nature, and she's right ninety percent of the time. Montana had an equal hand in this."
"I should have known, though," Xavier said, frowning. "I was her boyfriend. I was going to move in with her!"
You smirked, "They say you don't really know a person until you live with them. Or something like that."
Xavier finally smiled at you, "Something like that?"
"Yes. That's what my mom said when I told her we were living together."
"Huh," Xavier said, his hands still running through your hair. "Your mom is a wise woman."
"Of course she is, why do you think I'm the way I am, hmm?" you joked.
"I guess that would explain a lot," he said softly. You laid there, your head still on his chest as you listened to the sound of his beating heart. 
In mere seconds he could have been taken away from you. 
You didn't realize your nails dug into his chest until he winced, "Ouch, y/n?"
You gasped, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Xavier." you said, rubbing the spot on his chest where you hurt him. 
"It's alright," he said, before placing his hand over yours. "I'll be here when you wake-up."
You tried to fall asleep then, but images of Chloe holding a gun in your face was a plague. Xavier was still awake, staring at the ceiling as he stroked your hair. He could feel your wildly beating heart, and he wished there was something he could do. 
Xavier was always the strong one of the group. You could always lean on him whenever you needed, even if he was struggling with something himself. But he wanted to save everybody, even though he knew it was impossible. His own past haunted him, and this was just the newest addition. 
The clock slowly ticked towards five in the morning, and you were still unable to find peace. You eventually sat up, Xavier's arm falling to the side as you sighed, rubbing your eyes.
"y/n?" he asked, sitting up beside you. You gave him a weak smile, which he frowned. "Do you need me to call someone?"
You shook your head, "I just think sleep is off the table for us tonight." 
He laughed quietly, looking around the dark room to see Montana hanging partially off the couch. Brooke was right on the floor beneath her, her legs over Ray's stomach, snoring.
"I feel safe with everyone here," you admitted, glancing at Chet, who was curled up with a pillow. "I always felt safe with you guys."
"Me too," he admitted, taking your hand. "I know I've made a lot of bad decisions in my life. I always felt like I wasn't supposed to be here, you know?" Your heart hurt hearing that. "I got myself in so much bad shit, and I guess I still do that. But I'd always find my way back... I had my friends. I have you."
You wiped at your eyes, knowing Xavier hated to see you cry. "You've always had me." you laughed weakly.
"I wish I would have stopped being so stupid-."
"Are you kidding?" you laughed now, a little too loudly, you may add. "You just told me last night you were always flirting with me! You're the clueless one? Please."
Xavier gave you a smirk, and you reached up to pat down his messy hair. His blue eyes were bright in the night, and you knew you'd always be able to get lost in them. 
"Do you think it would be inappropriate if I kissed you?" Xavier asked, tilting his head at you playfully. You blushed deeply, thinking of all the times you dreamed of this happening. 
"I don't want you to feel like you have to rush into anything with me..." you admitted, smiling shyly at him. 
Xavier nodded understandingly, "I normally would say that too. But today was an example that we're not promised anything, y/n. I don't want to waste any more time with you than I've already had."
You couldn't believe this was happening. After a silent agreement, Xavier leaned in, pressing a deep kiss to your lips. It was better than you ever imagined, your hands gently twisting in his hair as his arm slid around your waist, pulling you in tight. Xavier kissed you until you couldn't breathe, pulling away with a satisfied smirk. 
"That was amazing." he grinned, keeping his arm around you as you smiled back. 
"I know, thank you." you joked before you were startled out of your wits when you heard Montana mumble into her pillow, "Oh, thank God they finally kissed."
Your mouth fell open when Brooke tiredly said, "About time!"
"You guys heard them kiss? Gross!" Ray slurred.
"Were you guys listening this entire time!?" Xavier yelled, your shock finally wearing off as you laughed loudly, hiding your head under your blanket.
"Only the last few minutes," Montana said, turning over. "Thank fuck, you guys were driving us all crazy, not dating each other."
"You guys are the worst!" you cried out as Xavier laid beside you, a broad grin on his face. 
"But you love us, y/n," Brooke giggled softly, "Goodnight."
You and Xavier finally fell asleep minutes after your friends fell back asleep. Chet stirred, peeking at you guys from his thick pillow. He smiled before laying back down to sleep.
taglist: some tags still aren’t working :( 
@the-walking-daryl @trichy-knitts @shydragonrider​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous @lemonwhiskers @jetblackpayne @langdonsvcrd @okoktrinity22 @uwonman @stefanmikaleson1864 @sevenwonderwitch @rubbrninja @iamnotjesha @leatherduncan @imshakingandcryingrn @bratzblitz @goblackcat69 @brookethompsonownsme @bookoffracturedescapes @zodiyack @bitchchatter @guiltyfiend @psychobitchtess  @aangrana  @thexmancometh @wtfcas @pleasforhelp @capshoney @agentnightshade44 @frenchlangdon @morganelizabeth-paige-blog @fathoe69333 @infagnito @felicityofbakerstreet @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern @arthurismybby @fandoms-allovertheplace @welcometothelioncage @mysteryartisticwriter
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auroracalisto · 3 years
beware the macabre
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summary: you go with your boyfriend to camp redwood after his friends talked him into checking out what it had to offer around halloween. word count: 746 words warnings: slight au, where instead of being there for the summer, the 1984 crew visits the camp during halloween, cussing, major character death, blood, stabbing, montana using pussy as an insult a/n: wrote this as a submission for my challenge! using the following prompts: "Can we leave before we're all possessed?" "This place scares the hell out of me."
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A chill ran up your spine.
"Can we leave before we're all possessed?" Xavier asked, standing right behind you.
You jumped at the sound of his voice, but his hand that soon rested on your arm quickly soothed your momentary fright. You looked back at your boyfriend, your eyebrows furrowed.
"We're gonna be possessed?" you asked, your anxiety getting the best of you.
Xavier's eyes widened. "No, just, uh, just a figure of speech. You know that," he said. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close, looking over at Chet and Montana. "Really, guys. This isn't fun anymore."
Montana rolled her eyes. "You're all a bunch of pussies. You're fine. I'm fine," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Chet shined his flashlight on the two of you, raising an eyebrow. "You can leave if you want. No one's making you stay."
Xavier frowned deeply. He knew if he left, his friends would never let him hear the end of it. But you, on the other hand, were quite literally terrified. The chill of October, the only light other than handheld flashlights being that of the full moon, and the fact that this stupid camp was supposedly haunted was starting to get to him, as well.
"This place scares the hell out of me," Brooke nervously said, sticking close to Ray. He placed an arm over her shoulders as Montana groaned.
"Then leave, you guys. Seriously."
You leaned back in Xavier's embrace, frowning deeply. Leaves rustled, just beyond the cabin you stood by. But there was no wind. Despite the chill of autumn, the wind had been stagnant for some time. Your hand quickly reached up, gripping onto your boyfriend's.
"Did you guys hear that?" you asked.
Montana rolled her eyes. "Stop it, [Your name]."
"What?" you looked at her defensively. "I'm not lying."
Xavier frowned deeply. "What did you hear, babe?"
You shook your head, swallowing thickly. Hesitantly, you pulled away from your boyfriend, pushing back whatever fear you had as you walked over to the tree line. You turned your flashlight on, shining it through the bushes.
It was quiet. There was nothing there.
You looked over your shoulder, softly sighing. "I'm sorry, it must've just been some animal," you said. "I'm not good with this sort of stuff."
You stood back up and turned around, seeing your boyfriend's face distort into that of horror.
"Xav?" you asked, warmth spreading across your stomach. "What's wrong?"
"[Your name]," he quickly spoke. "Don't – don't move, babe," he shakily said.
Montana's hand gripped onto Chet's arm as she watched, her eyes wide and a mystified expression taking over her features.
"Tana?" you began, as the warmth from your stomach slowly began to turn into an indescribable pain. You looked down, seeing a knife protruding from your abdomen. Blood trickled down your front, and would surely gush if the knife was removed.
No one was around – there wasn't anyone that could have done something like that.
When Xavier realized you were standing there alone, he rushed forward, quickly taking you in his arms. "Hey, baby, look at me," he said, attempting to lower you to the ground.
Your legs shook as he moved you. Pain rippled through your body.
"Be careful," Ray quickly said, rushing forward. "You're gonna hurt them," he said, getting to his knees beside you. "Was there a phone?" he asked, looking towards Xavier. "We need to call for an ambulance."
"There was one," Brooke said. "It wasn't working when I tried using it earlier."
"Shit," Ray cursed, looking down at you.
Your eyes were hazy and unfocused.
"Keep her awake," Ray ordered Xavier.
Your boyfriend reached forward and cupped your cheeks, his hands trembling. "Shit, shit, shit, we shoulda never come out here, baby," Xavier lamented. "You said it was a bad idea. I should've listened."
"Not your fault," you weakly said, smiling up at him. Your teeth were stained a light pink from the blood slowly spilling from the corners of your mouth.
"Ray, what the fuck is happening? Are they gonna die?" Xavier asked.
Ray didn't answer, looking at his friend.
"Fuck," Xavier cursed. "Fuck, fuck," he said, pressing a hurried kiss to your lips. "I love you, baby, you know that, right?"
Xavier didn't get an answer. 
The last thing you saw before visited by a wave of darkness was your boyfriend's eyes, and the thing that stabbed you slowly creeping up behind him.
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please comment and reblog if you enjoyed it!  reblogs are the best way to help creators get recognition. feedback is always welcome.
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sadorangejuice · 4 years
can u do an xavier plymton x reader and it’s just xavier being really protective over y/n? maybe chet keeps trying to get with y/n and it makes xavier really jealous so he finally confesses his feelings?
warnings: none? Chet being touchy and suggestive.
It started off with brief but suggestive stares during aerobics. With all the thrusting and the grinding it was practically the beginning of a bad porno. You noticed but didn’t pay it much mind. You and Chet are friends and you have no desire to be anything more but a little harmless flirting and looking can’t hurt.
Xavier on the hand noticed and payed it a lot of mind. He knew you weren’t his to be jealous and protective over, but he couldn’t help his anger everytime he saw Chet give you a flirty little wink during his aerobics class, or a sexual comment on you look in those leggings. He was furious. He tried to keep it together though.
“Wish you came to aerobics more often, Y/N.” Chet said as you and Montana walked back to the lobby after your showers.
“Oh I bet you do” you roll your eyes playfully.
“You know I could give you some private lessons sometime if you’d like”
“I think I’ll pass, Xavier is a pretty good teacher.” You smile sitting on a stool next to Xavier. You notice he smiles proudly when you said that. You all talk for few minutes. Xavier convinced everyone to go be camp counselors over the summer. You were excited, in all honesty, mostly to be able to spend time with Xavier. You’ve been crushing on him for who knows how long now. Sometimes you thought he might feel the same way, but you can never tell for sure so you just assume that he doesn’t. And as for Xavier, well he’s still trying to figure that out and what better place than in the middle of the woods at a summer camp.
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into be a walking breakfast lunch and dinner for mosquitoes for a whole summer” You say to Xavier, slapping another bug on your leg. You had only been there for a few hours and you were already itchy. You were all sitting around the campfire, smoking and relaxing before the kids get here. You’re sitting on a log, with Chet and Xavier on either side of you, and across from Montana, Ray, and Brooke.
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad did you use the bug spray?”
“Yes and they’re still biting me”
“They just can’t resist you huh?”
“I don’t blame them” Chet cuts in, giving you a wink. You notice Xavier rolling his eyes.
“Hey what do you say we get out of here?” Chet whispers in your ear, resting his hand on your upper thigh.
“Oh back off, she doesn’t wanna fuck you, Chet” Xavier snaps out of nowhere.
“How the fuck would you know?” Chet stands up.
“Alright well I’m gonna go inside, it’s getting kinda cold anyways.” You suggest, standing in between the two boys, trying to change the subject.
“Great idea, the olympics are about to start.” Xavier smirks at Chet, knowing that comment woul get under his skin, before walking away with you back to the cabin.
“I don’t like the way he talks about you.”
“It’s Chet, Xavier, he’s harmless.”
“You don’t hear half of the things he says about you” he looks down, putting his hands in his pockets.
“You just let me know if he tries anything you don’t want.”
“I’ll be fine Xavier, don’t worry about it.” You reassure him tossing him a beer and turning on the TV before the rest of the gang gets back.
“Y/N, I think I need to tell you something.”
“I’ve been feeling jealous, of you and Chet and I just- I don’t know he never shuts up about wanting to nail you, and it just make me so mad because he doesn’t respect you, or care about you” he starts, looking down and fiddling with the tab on the beer can.
“He doesn’t care about you the way I do.” He finally meets your eyes. You’re stunned, looking back at him with glassy eyes.
“What are you saying” you say barely above a whisper.
“I like you, Y/N. I have for a while now, I’m just- I guess it took getting jealous for me to realize.” There’s a long silence. You don’t know what to say. So you don’t say anything. Instead you grab the collar of jacket, pulling him in to kiss him. He’s shocked for a moment, before reciprocating even more passionately. The kiss is salty, due to both of your tears. You finally pull away for air, your hands still in his hair, and his resting on your waist as you straddle him.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You say, looking up at him and wiping away his tears with your thumb.
“Oh trust me babe, I do.”
I’m sorry this took so long I had to catch up on math homework, but I’m so in love with Xavier so I’m still requests. <3
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gothicknightz · 3 years
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felt spicy might write something for xavier
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