#y’all are driving me insane!!!!!!!!!
Me in the Hobie Brown tag tryna find some deep political analysis or headcanons about connecting to him on a personal intimate level and all i can find is smut about him blowing someones back out behind a guitar amp or sumn
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chappellcastiel · 6 months
The envy Arthur and Lancelot would have had for each other must have been insane.
Because Merlin is secretive with Lancelot. He tells him things he would never tell Arthur, he opens up to him and Arthur knows he can never have that trust. Never have that closeness not while he’s king and Merlin a servant.
But to Lancelot he’s been secretive about protecting Arthur. It all resolves around Arthur, opening up about protecting Arthur, giggling over using magic to please Arthur. Lancelot knows it will never be him on the other side of the devotion not like this.
just like he will never be Gwen’s because she loved him once yes but at the end of the day it’s Arthur she chooses.
and in Arthur’s eyes Lancelot is Gwen’s first love will always be known as such and will always be looked at as such even if she loves him she loved Lancelot first and Arthur can’t help but think if she could have him she would.
Anyway I’m so sane about them and at the end of the day how they still understand why it’s like this because they would choose the other as well.
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
so who’s gonna write a quiet place au with eddie
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foreveryrsalex · 1 year
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soldierboys · 2 years
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more jensen ackles photos that drives me cuckoo bananas
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buddiebuckley-diaz · 2 years
“I get taking things slow, but tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. So if you love her, tell her.”
God damn it Eddie take your own fucking advice. You love him, tell him.
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figonas · 2 years
I think you perpetually online people need to understand that “queerbaiting” does not mean a character is heavily implied to be a queer person, with a live in partner, but we the audience are not explicitly shown a coming out scene. Queerbaiting is when a character is heavily implied to be a queer person and then it’s explicit confirmed they’re Absolutely Not Queer(tm) and are in a Straight Relationship(tm) and that live in partner they have romantic chemistry with is just their Friendly Roommate(tm). Not everything needs to be shown to you explicitly for you to understand the implications. Having to use critical thinking skills to draw connections between clearly defined and obviously presented dots isn’t queer baiting. For the love of god use your brain cells before they all die and leave your head about as full as an empty peanut shell.
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eiraeths · 6 months
hello hi i’m making writing guides on injuries in an emergency setting is there anything specific y’all might wanna see? i work in a pre hospital setting so i’m not writing anything pertaining to in hospital care.
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watercolor-alien · 3 months
PlEASe 😭😭 draw my boy barcus being smooched on his bald head
Barcus being smooched on his bald head!!!! Hold his face gently in your hands
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I’m fully spiralling in the death grip of an old hyperfixation right now so here’s The Birds of Joy and Sorrow by Viktor Vasnetsov.
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notaplaceofhonour · 11 months
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what the absolute fuck is this idiot on about?
when did biden say he was going to jail people for “denying the state of israel”? (and what the fuck does that even mean? deny that it exists? deny its demands? what??) when & where did he say anything even remotely like that?
and how tf are you being shadowbanned for posting about palestine? palestine is at the top of the feed on literally any social media site when i log in: people talking about palestine, footage of pro-palestine marches, art in support of palestine, palestinian flags, etc etc. i would love if i could log in to look at cat memes or some other way of destressing without having traumatic, triggering shit constantly shoved in my face. i can’t even destress by playing a kid’s game about squids playing paintball without seeing community posts about this war.
constantly seeing this shit has nearly caused me to relapsed, & even after blocking dozens of keywords on tiktok and tumblr so i can just scroll in relative peace for a single minute, every 5th video or post is still about israel/palestine, so i know for a fact it is not being “shadowbanned”
like i have reported multiple posts that explicitly celebrate & deny atrocities committed by hamas (sometimes at the same time) and received a “no violation was found” response from that social media site. when people can literally talk about how they think hamas killing jews is good without any consequence, i doubt you are being shadowbanned for merely talking about palestine
have you ever thought that maybe—just maybe—your individual posts about palestine might not be getting traction because the websites you are posting on are already oversaturated with that content, and/or people are burned out from seeing it everywhere they go & scroll past without engaging because they’re just trying to see pictures of their friends & not have every other post on their feed be about traumatic shit?
has everyone’s brains rotted in their heads? what is going on?
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kittykatninja321 · 1 year
The way fanon clings to the depiction of cartoonishly abusive Willis despite the fact that it was a shitty retcon in the first place and is also no longer really true because rebirth sorta re-retconned it. The idea that Jason has nothing but contempt for his father is something that was not true before new52 and is also not currently true. There’s elevendy million posts/fics/discussions about (rebirth) rhato 25 but somehow nobody seems to remember that part of the reason why Jason took out Cobblepot the way that he did was because he was spiraling over Willis and wanted revenge for his ‘death’. Like remember when new52 made Rose Wilson fully white for a little bit? Me neither we should all forget everything that happened in that era <3
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i love shipping as much as the next guy but the way that some of y’all are trying to make spiderverse content revolve around shipping is kinda driving me nuts
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sexynetra · 9 months
I asked my editor what section to post but then my computer crapped out on me and I couldn’t do any of the edits she made 😔 also she never got around to telling me which part to post so uh. Up to me. Time to find a section that doesn’t have too many edits to post since I can’t actually do any of them until I fix my laptop 😭
“Can I help you?” Marcia asked, propping herself up on her elbows.
It was too dark to make out Anetra’s expression clearly, but somehow Marcia knew she was blushing. “So I had a lot of fun tonight,” she started lamely.
Marcia couldn’t help but smile. “I did too.” Anetra was silent. “Is that it?”
“I guess. I just… I really liked it. Maybe we can do it again sometime?”
“Of course we can. Now go to sleep,” Marcia giggled.
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caterpillarinacave · 2 months
y’all I am losing my mind
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kiibo-is-flustered · 1 year
My boyfriend drew all over my back while I fucking squirmed and giggled and he kept teasing me about how ticklish I was and he kept scribbling in the same spot anf hrbbbnhrh
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