beyondplusultra · 2 years
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Here's my preview for @meroniazine! See this illustration alongside @yagami-raito-kun's amazing fic, "Arsonist's Lullabye," as well as everyone else's wonderful contributions in this free digital zine!
Cursed Moons drops on January 26 (5pm GMT)!
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secretshinigami · 2 years
Lights Out
Author: @yagami-raito-kun
For: @complicatedmerary
Pairings/Characters: Kiyomi Takada, Teru Mikami
Rating/Warnings: G
Prompt: Mikami is stuck with Takada in her apartment after the district got shut down with an unusual outage, they are forced to talk about topics other than Kira
Author’s Note: It was great fun to write for you again, considering the first Death Note fic I ever wrote was as your shinigami for the very first Death Note gift exchange almost a full decade ago. I hope you enjoy!
“Any luck?”
The prosecutor shakes his head. “They aren’t sure why the power is offline.”
Kiyomi Takada has never been the sort of woman who curses—heaven forbid—but at the moment, she understands the impulse. “How inconvenient.”
Even in the dim candlelight, his awkwardness is visible, his formality hanging off him like a slip cover. With her best TV-ready smile, Kiyomi gestures at an empty chair. “Someone will take care of it soon, I’m sure. We can continue when the power is back on.”
“Yes.” He doesn’t sit.
Well, then.
“This isn’t part of the interview, you know,” says Kiyomi. “There’s no need to stand on ceremony. We can just talk until the power comes back on. Not about Kira, of course—I don’t want to miss jotting down any important notes—but other things. Whatever you like. Is that all right?”
“Of course.”
She waits for him to set a topic, but he gives her no further response. Despite his suit and his ordinary appearance, he stands like a man ill-at-ease in his own skin—as if he were a tenant or visitor there, rather than a permanent resident. That’s a very insightful description. I should remember that one for my memoir. 
Not that Teru Mikami seems anywhere near interesting enough for a spot in anyone’s memoir.
Kiyomi tries again. “Surely you must have other interests besides Kira. You wrote on your form that you’re an admirer of Winston Churchill?”
“I am.”
“I’ve met a lot of men with an interest in the war, but not many who cared about Europe.”
“I don’t care about the war or Europe. I admire Churchill. He was a remarkable man.” Presented with a topic of interest to him, the prosecutor becomes more animated, his eyes taking on an almost zealous gleam. “There are very few men in this world who stick to their principles in the face of opposition, but he never wavered. Popularity meant nothing to him, only duty. Only results. He gave no quarter to his enemies. The world needs men like that.”
“Only men?” Kiyomi teases lightly.
“It’s more common among men.”
She smiles and doesn’t challenge him. “You admire strong leadership, then? A firm hand in time of war?”
“The world is always at war.”
Kiyomi waits for him to elaborate, but once again, he doesn’t. For a man who admires leadership and initiative, he seems very bad at it himself. That doesn’t surprise her, really. Since her college days, she’s met no shortage of men keen to tell her about some imagined, glorious past or some long-dead, manly leader they aim to emulate. Weak men and followers, all of them. Real men are their own heroes. The only men focused on the great past are men who have no real value in the present—which is, unfortunately, almost all of them.
She’ll leave that opinion out of her memoir.
“I’ve never studied his politics in depth,” Kiyomi says, “but we analyzed several of his speeches in one of my college classes. He was an incredible public speaker, a real master of the radio address.”
“Which college?”
“University of Tokyo.”
Ever so slightly, Mikami’s eyebrows rise. “Very impressive.”
“Thank you. I had a wonderful experience there.”
“I’ve heard it’s a very rigorous program.”
A lesser woman would beam at the flattery. Kiyomi accepts it with practiced, modest graciousness. “Oh, it wasn’t so difficult as all that. As long as someone is willing to work hard, it doesn’t take much natural talent to succeed.”
“Hard work is a dying value.”
“Indeed.” She looks up at him demurely. “Like sticking to one’s principles?”
“Exactly like that.”
“Then we’ll simply have to revive them. That’s part of why I became a news anchor to begin with. Popularity may have meant nothing to Churchill, but he understood that if you want to lead, you need a microphone. And a message worth hearing, too.”
Yet again, Mikami goes silent—a different kind of silence this time. Despite the poor visibility, Kiyomi can feel that he is studying her, weighing her answers on some private set of scales. Uneasy, she shifts in her seat. “Would you mind—?”
At that moment, the lights come back on.
Oh, thank goodness.
As Mikami looks up at the light fixture, Kiyomi swallows a sigh of relief. “That would be the power,” he says, pointlessly.
“It seems so. Do you still have time to sit for this interview? I’d hate to keep you if it would be an inconvenience. We can always reschedule and talk about Kira another day.”
“There’s no need for that, Ms. Takada. The prosecutors’ office can wait.” The zealous light is back in Teru Mikami’s eyes, and at last, he takes his seat. “I always have time to discuss Lord Kira.”
Weak men and their heroes, Kiyomi thinks. With her best TV-ready smile, she uncaps her pen and prepares to write.
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lawlightzine · 4 months
Introducing the wonderful contributors of Conviction! ❤️💙
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Merch Artists
Guest @poofmalyakaet
Guest @spiraling-trap
Ceramic_Avocado @kiipio
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Page Artists
Guest babeyxiao Guest karlikurl
Guest @stafsar @lloveliet @thanatelle
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@anaquariusfox @giogiostart @frootloopsl @kayspnart @aethellren @numbuh424
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@monakisu samiam.art @aranciangelo @lawllight venom.verdict @helm1nthic
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@franklyshane @kirasicecream @ponury-grajek @z-lue goldleafedcrown
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@alexsiple dolls_realm @sapin7 @iknowwhereyousnoozeatnight @softp3ach
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LikeASynonym pbstings @lightyaoigami @thisismypurrfectvictory @yagami-raito-kun
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 22 days
normally i inflict the terrors of being a stem student on my blorbos of the month but neither light nor L would be biochemistry majors. like it would kill them both. light is blisteringly intelligent but if he had to stay up to 4 in the morning trying to do organic chemistry synthesis problems he would actually kill himself because it has no tangible impact on the world, lmao. and L is the epitome of "if idgaf about aa subject i won't study it" and i simply cannot see him caring about molecules. or enzymes. both of these losers are humanities students through and through and then misa amane is the theater/business double major. i have no one to inflict my torments on.
like. can you imagine light yagami staring at a protein extraction column for hours having to babysit the elution rate. no. he would be bored to tears. the only reason i'm not bored to tears is because biochemistry is my one true love. raito-kun studies political science and international affairs because he is Exactly like some of the polisci majors I know and then L can be a sociology/data science and statistics double major because i think that if he was forced to go through college at any point those would be the majors he'd pick to not go fucking crazy.
i can almost see the argument that light has the perfect snootiness and disregard for human life that would make him a fantastic engineer but no no no. his particular holier-than-thou energy is absolutely a political science major with a chip on his shoulder. charming and funny but vicious on the inside. so. you know.
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happy march 15 :')
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meandmypagancrew · 1 year
Someone made a post to where you can watch each version btw !
But thank you so much for putting up with my questions!! Hopefully they made enough sense >_<
But Im also was wondering how you got into death note in general if you don't mind me asking? :D
Well. This is sure embarrassing but… I don’t know how I got into Death Note. I can tell you that I got into the demo because Jeremy Jordan (Light) is one of my favorite musical theatre performers and I would follow him anywhere, but I already knew about Death Note and had read much of the manga and seen a lot of the anime.
But… I don’t know how or why. Unfortunately, due to a medical condition, I’m fucked in the head. There are entire chunks of my life that I just… they’re blank. I’m in my mid twenties now and my brother swears that about 15 years ago I loved Code Geass, but I have no memory whatsoever of this. I have no idea what it’s about and I can’t tell you the name of a single character in that series. I looked up the opening, hoping it would spark something, but I would have told you I had never heard that song before in my entire life. There’s only one scene in that entire anime that I even vaguely remember but my brother swears I was obsessed with it.
I can tell you I’m not really an anime person in general. The only animes I’ve watched in full (that I remember) are Shoujo Cosette and Layton Mystery Tanteisha and in both of those, I watched them because I liked the source material first (Les Misèrables and Layton’s Mystery Journey, respectively).
But I can’t tell you how I got into Death Note. I just don’t know. My memory is missing so much… it almost seems like Death Note has literally always been there, because I really don’t remember a time before it or where I didn’t know about it.
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translightyagami · 2 years
5 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Got tagged by both @thisisfullofcringe & @truly-hopeless. I was surprised to be tagged, and I really appreciate it! Thankzzz.
1. Three Ships
oh well, to be honest, I don't rlly do that many ships anymore. something about getting older and being more into my work-work has made the fandom madness simmer down. but there's like three that i'll always like: lawlight, obikin, and spock/kirk.
2. First ever ship
Oh boy that's a long reach back. I'd say probably robin/raven from teen titans.
3. Last song
Genesis by Grimes. I was listening to a Spotify playlist that was mostly just pop girlies while I drove my coworker home.
4. Last movie
Oh! I saw Knock at the Cabin on Tuesday and loved it. M. Night Shyamalan truly makes films like no one else, and even if they don't always hit, they're always such unique cinematic experiences. Dave Batista was a real stand-out, but the whole movie really pushed me emotionally. I'm finding more and more that I like complicated movies more than simple ones, though I still like those. I just like being given a bit more work from filmmakers.
5. Currently reading
A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan. I totally stole the rec from @seventhfracture on his Twitter. It's good so far, but I've been a slow reader lately. I've also been digging into the Nana manga series!
6. Currently watching  
Do not laugh: I have been watching Bluey. Work has been stressful lately, and after the ice storm in Texas last week, its felt like there's been no time to rest. Bluey is for kids, but also its short and easy to throw on so when my brain is all mush after a long day I be watching the dang Australian dog show.
7. Currently consuming
I already ate dinner. Home Slice Pizza that someone brought to the volleyball game happening between my work building and their work building. God that pizza was good. I also got a cheesecake while going home, but I'm dealing with a lot of stress soooooooo.
8. Currently craving
I'm craving my laundry being done. I miss clean clothes, but its also so annoying to walk up and down to my apartment laundry room. Oh well. Such are the things that they are.
Tagging: @utopians @eyeciclez @allisonpregler @yagami-raito-kun @ponury-grajek
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jq37 · 6 years
yagami-raito-kun replied to your post “well. that was it.”
Given that the person who claimed Gorgug went to "orc heaven" turned out to be Kalvaxis, I think the discrepancy there is pretty easy to handwave. Especially since the orc heaven bit never made sense--why would Mr. Gibbons be there?
Oh was it? If that’s the case, you’re right. Unreliable narrator. Though idk why he’d lie about that.
And I just figured he converted to some orcish religion. idk man.
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Have some Noel art @yagami-raito-kun @half-sassed
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beyondplusultra · 2 years
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Here's my full piece for @meroniazine! I got to collab with the amazing @yagami-raito-kun and illustrate a scene from her fic, Arsonist's Lullabye.
The zine is free to download and a great blast to the past for all meronia shippers. Check it out here if you haven't yet!
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secretshinigami · 3 years
Author: @yagami-raito-kun For: @jeevas-exe Pairings/Characters: Matt/Mello Rating/Warnings: T for language Prompt: “a small town au, where matt meets a stranger (mello) who he doesn’t recognize” Author’s notes: This is very different from what I normally write, but I had a lot of fun with it. My dad grew up in small-town Iowa, and a lot of the details here are drawn from my memories of visiting his hometown.
Winchester Falls is a tired old town, home to crumbling buildings and crumbling lives. The motel you run is the former, and you’re the latter. You don’t know why you stay here, really, except that you’ve never been anywhere else. As a child, you were taught to stay put if you ever got lost, to wait for your parents to retrace their steps to find you. You know exactly where your parents are—you leave fresh flowers once a week—and you know where you are, too. But you feel lost, so you stay put anyway. Filling the vacancies. Waiting to be found.
Inertia is a property of matter, and the only property that matters to you is here.
You get long term boarders, mostly, and the occasional Kid Who Made Good. The ones who went off to college, who got out, bringing their girlfriends home to meet the folks. You knew them growing up, but talking to them is difficult, like forcing a man’s hand into a child’s glove. You have stayed small, and they have outgrown you. They say things like “quaint” and “suburbia” and “escape,” while you are unmarried, uncolleged, unchanged. You were “the Jeevas boy” when you were younger, and as you enter your twenties, you’re “the Jeevas boy” still. You wonder if you will ever be “Mr. Jeevas.” You know in your soul you never will.
But then the stranger comes.
He struts into your office like he owns it, a silver cross dangling from his neck, and he pays for his stay in cash. He’s your age, you think, all slender limbs and boyish swagger, and the cobalt in his eyes pulls at you when he talks. You’ve never seen anyone wear that much leather at once. You’ve never seen anyone care that little when people stare.
He’s trouble, Mr. Ruvie grumbles to anyone who will listen. That boy’s running from something. Mark my words.
Most people nod agreement or cluck their tongues, but not you. You just observe. He doesn’t appear to be running, you think, but you’re not an expert. You’ve never had anything to run from. You’ve never had anything to run to.
Inertia is a property of matter, but you don’t matter. You never have.
Which is why it surprises you, honestly, when the stranger knocks on your office door one day and asks if you have dinner plans.
I never have plans, you say.
Great, he answers. Let’s make some.
You take him out to eat. Not the smoky diner on main street, with its faded, generic Coca-Cola sign and pebbled plastic glasses. No. For him, you go to the buffalo farm. You eat buffalo burgers in the gift shop while the eccentric old proprietor hovers over you, telling you at length about the personalities of her bison herd. The calf who gets stuck in the same section of fence twice a week. The cow who can unlock gates. The bull who broke out last summer and mounted her horrified neighbor’s cattle.
Beefalo, he deadpans after she leaves, and you smile. What do people here do for fun? 
There’s a Walmart twelve miles up the road.
He laughs until he realizes that you’re serious. This place is hell.
We could go shooting.
He perks up at that, so you pay your bills and drive to the bluff outside of town. He’s got a Beretta, it turns out, and somehow that doesn’t surprise you at all. You pin the paper targets from your rifle case onto the haybales with sticks, and stand back to see what he can do. 
Not bad, city kid.
Fuck off, farmboy.
You get out your daddy’s Ruger and show off for a bit, then let him give it a try. There’s a charge when you adjust his posture for him, a static zap in your fingertips, and you wonder if he feels it, too.
Back in his room, as you share a cigarette, you’re positive he does.
Where the hell are you going? he asks.
Getting you clean sheets.
We messed them up. Besides, it’s my job.
Your job sucks. The sheets are fine.
His smile has lodestones in it, and to your surprise, you stay. You still have nothing to run from, you think, but perhaps you have something to run to. The idea of it terrifies you, but your thoughts are already in motion. They will remain in motion until he leaves—or you do.
Inertia is a property of matter, but magnetism is a force. You can feel it. You move.
Fuck this place, he whispers. Come with me.
And you whisper back:
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dicefall · 10 years
              ⊰ ℕ ⊱ "A more fitting url for light is yagami-ratio-bō."
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lawlightzine · 2 months
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This longtime Death Note fan has our hearts with her impactful words and intriguing aus! Please give it up for @yagami-raito-kun! ❤️💙
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casuistor · 8 years
@skywolf25 said: Omg I'd love to hear why you think that, haha /Also a Zelda nerd + zolar-the-29th said: Genius+moron?
Pffft, thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt here and assuming there was a deeper reason for it. It’s just the way Mello’s pupils get drawn in the anime remind me of a Goron’s eyes. 
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You see. Plus, Mello as a blond goron eating rocks vaguely pleases me. Similar story with L. It wasn’t remotely based on personality or anything. ...But now that we’re on the subject, Imagine Near as a white Korok.... 
yagami-raito-kun said: //ZELDA AU YES (also breath of the wild has consumed what little remains of my life, why is it so good)
HELL YES, ZELDA AU. It should happen. I have no idea how it would actually work, but Mello as calamity Ganon fits just a little too well. Plus it makes me happy to reimagine LIght and Sayu as Rito.  BofW is such a gem amongst gems, I am so >w<!!!
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resilicns · 8 years
College Days
Despite what those who knew him believed, L was perfectly capable of subtlety. However, he also enjoyed being completely unpredictable. Not only was this safer for him, but the reactions such actions could provide were always hilarious. 
This is why, instead of planning out a schedule where he had only one or two classes with Light, he promptly injected himself into every single class the college freshman had. It might have been simpler to just confront the man on the spot, but L was not one for taking the easy way out- certainly not when he could have a bit of fun in the process.
On the third day of school, he found a seat in the lecture room that was directly behind the seat he’d seen Light in previously. While, he hadn’t spoken to the man since their brief greeting during the ceremony, he’d made sure to leave an...impression on the other. In every class so far, L had placed himself close to Light, and made sure to unwrap a hard candy that was certainly loud and crinkly every time.
Already well prepared, L lifted his knees up to his chest after fishing a candy out of his pocket, setting said sweet on top of his notebook, right beside his pen. 
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translightyagami · 5 years
yagami-raito-kun replied to your post “posting fills on the kinkmeme and having to b judicious bc i feel like...”
Me, trying to write something for kink meme: don't you dare use an em-dash or everyone will KNOW
honestly a well placed em-dash is a worthy hill to die on. its absolutely the way to go. and i assure you, what will give away that it’s you will be how amazing the fill is.
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