#it was so much fun to work on this and relive the hype of my og otp
beyondplusultra · 2 years
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Here's my full piece for @meroniazine! I got to collab with the amazing @yagami-raito-kun and illustrate a scene from her fic, Arsonist's Lullabye.
The zine is free to download and a great blast to the past for all meronia shippers. Check it out here if you haven't yet!
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twyllodrus · 5 months
dead boy detectives + ride the cyclone AU
like, say, the agency gets a new case in north-eastern saskatchewan, ppl report hearing music & singing once every year, at an abandoned warehouse of a theme park, on a specific day in september. with little digging, they find out there was an accident a while back involving a high school choir
for some reason the cyclone gang never moves on, so the agency arrives & so here are some headcanons for their interactions and agency's reactions to some of the songs:
the uranium suite, everyone's really creeped out/confused, except for niko who's vibing throughout the whole thing; at first the two groups don't realize they can see/speak to each other, but soon the cyclone kids find out that holy shit there are new people here hi hello heyy
everyone's excited about newcomers, ocean especially so, who quickly takes the initiative & so edwin defers to her as the group's leader (to noel's annoyance), and they attempt to work on solving the case together, it's all v civil. but then the talking part's over & the singing part of loop begins, so ocean performs what the world needs which does a total 180 on their encounter thus far & now everyone's high-key judging ocean; edwin gives a lecture on evils of social darwinism
noel's lament, noel right away clocks edwin as a repressed edwardian twink & sets out to put him in a coma with the whole monique routine. strangely the moment lipstick & lingerie come out it doesn't seem to faze edwin as much. but then noel also sees the way edwin sometimes looks at charles & so instead of mischa he pulls charles in for the kiss part, who cheerfully goes along with it, which nearly short-circuits edwin's brain (later on constance and niko get to gush together about two boys kissing). by the end of it everyone's dancing & being dramatic like they're the cast of cabaret on acid, except for edwin who's still digesting what's just happened
every story's got a lesson, everyone's still pissed at ocean, edwin incredulously wonders what was the lesson in being sacrificed to a demon & sent to hell at age 16
at first everyone's kinda cringing during this song is awesome, edwin is convinced this "autotune" is a modern tool used to commune with otherworldly entities, but eventually everyone gets into it; they all get sunglasses on, crystal gets edwin to wear a baseball cap backwards, everyone's having general fun
talia, charles is relived to learn that "the angriest boy in town", who could've been easily chalked up to being the toxic masculinity type dudebro, isn't like that at all (just mischa's whole monologue "i lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" gods). everyone gets to wear vyshyvankas & flower crowns. it's gorgeous
ricky potts unintentionally answers the age-old question of "is it actually possible to give a ghost an aneurysm?" the answer is yes, and space age bachelor man almost succeeds where the noel's lament failed. the moment horny cat people are in the mix, edwin is bombarded with cat king flashbacks and, later on, crystal "casually" mentions that they have met the actual cat king. ricky is super hype & asks lots of questions, giggling, twirling hair etc and also he totally called it that cats can talk but just choose not to
the ballad of jane doe, crystal hardcore relates to the dead decapitated girl, who doesn't know her own name or her past, or who her parents were and whom no one can identify too ("oh no soul, and no name, and no story, what a shame" like c'mon!)
jawbreaker/sugar cloud, everyone's gets a tad teary-eyed, but charles is openly weeping when constance lists all the random things in her life which she grew to appreciate only after the accident
in the end, they figure out the reason they couldn't move on is bc of virgil the rat who for some reason kept shutting karnak off prematurely, before the voting could begin. after figuring that out the voting proceeds as intended, but instead of one of them returning to the living world, they all get to move on. niko adopts virgil the rat
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whydoibe · 18 days
Ok so this gonna be one of the few what if where I don't absoulty send jay through achese grater again. But spioliers be warned
What if jay never lost his memories he still worked for the administration because he needed a purpose and was bored and the pay was good. Jay would take complete controll of realm reasighnment as the other agents were idiots he made sure each and everyone was put some where safe and sound encouraging arins parents being given a picture of arin to bring him to them he would put them in a small village with others he knew who would be kind. He has hundreds of little trinkets given to him as a little gift making sure thier safe. Than one day he'd saved all the people in non existence and a tiger man would approach him offering him a deal he couldn't refuse taking a copie of the reassigned.
Through out all of this jay would shatter his soul simply because ras never told him the consequences he did it once he hated how he felt after that more volatile sending a letter to arins parents talking about his change in scenery than the tournment would occur jay would not notice the ninja as he was sick the night when the feast occurred unfortunate I know. Than he would being hyped up that little snake kid fraq he liked him ras told him to win and he planed on it he herd who his opponent was nya the master of water his nya vs him this could be fun just a game no need to hurt each other as his eyes met hers he felt a smile form as he ran to hugg her she smilled back hugging him back he felt whole again complete. Looked behind her seeing his friends Cole looked relived Lloyd was smilling so much Zane had a look of joy he think thannya spoke.
"Jay it's you why are u working for ras"
"What you mean u know him" nyas face went still
"JAY THATS THE VILLAN" he looked at her very mad face "did you not listen to anything he said when he was indoctrinating you"
"No, I just wanted an out from the administration I did my part sending people home and to new families and also he said he knew where a kid called arin was I promised he parents to bring him to them" as jay finished nyas eyes went wide as she turned to Lloyd talking to a kid in an orange gi looking so happy. "OK so may the best ninja win"
Nya smilled "yeah, keep up." The fight well it was less of a fight but a race jay flashed with yellow and blue and was standing next to the knife smilling down at shocked nya "OK realy telportation when did you unlock that"
"He when sensis ghost thing brought me to a power source and I touched it" Jay giggled at nyas annoyance grabbing the knife winning the match arena rest as he ran over to lord ras.
"Walker what are u doing" ras yelled
"Quiting and taking fraq and jordana with me" he stated fraq jumping up and down in glee "Oi whoever u are get out of her body" Jay stated seeing jordanas eyes flash with shock and hope
"I don't know what u mean" snickered vioce breaking at multiple points.
"I can sense eltrical signals. I feel when thier being pupteried who ever u are get out of her head now" he seated eyes tighting "or I make you get out" he finished seeing true fear in her eyes but he could feel that wasnt her fear but the thing puttering her head he grabbed her collar and walked away the thing puttering her screaming a hundred words he didn't even know were swears. As followed the ninja asking nya to keep jordana of the ground he ran and hugged Cole tge two imbrasing. He than hugged Zane the cols being comforting after so many years. Hugging his little brother Lloyd who hugged him back.
"Why am I holding jordana" nya asked the teen nearly sitting her finger off
"Becuase that's not jordana that's something pupitering her now to get u out sorry jordna this will hurt" Jay placed his hand on the side of her head lighting sparking "I see u rox no hiding any more now jordana I know u can hear me j want u to run when u see the blue wall and by run run straight into it" Jay finished blue eyes glowing brighter jordana struggling before stopping Jay let her down into the bed to rest
"Why did you save her jay she's responsible" nya demanded
"Responible what could a teenager have dun that's so unforgivable that she needs to be possed" nya looked solom
" she helped ras banish kai to a place we can't reach" Jay turned to nya shock in his eyes
"K-kais gone" it only struck nya that jay didn't know that.
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Books of 2023
The ABC Murders, Agatha Christie--This is probably one of my favorite Poirot novels. It keeps you on your toes and as always with Agatha Christie, there’s a surprise twist (or two!)
1984, George Orwell--I feel like this is another book that has been lost to the times. When it first came out, I’m sure it was a phenomenal read--it predicts a dystopian future in a surveillance state, which, at this point, maybe hits a little too close to home for some. The ‘big bad’ and scary suggestions for the future in this book are, at this point in our lives, fairly normal feeling, or things that we’ve since in more recent sci-fi novels and tv shows, done bigger and scarier. So, while I’m sure it set up the foundation for which many of these new things were based on, I was fairly bored reading this book, and did not finish it.
Finn Fancy Necromancy, Randy Henderson--This was a fun, light read. It follows the story of a boy who was framed for a crime he didn’t commit, and his journey of discovery after completing his sentence. 
The Diviners, Libba Bray--A supernatural-esque mystery story set in New York in the 1920s? What else can you ask for? This book was actually really good, it had a well rounded set of diverse and interesting characters, and was a good mix of a scary read and a fun read. 
The City We Became, NK Jemisin--This was a really interesting book--it’s hard to explain without giving too much away, but it was a very unique writing style overall, with subtle shifts in narration for when a different character was telling their part of the story. It explored a new concept, I think, in writing and storytelling, which I really enjoyed.
Shadow and Bone, Leigh Bardugo--I’m a bit biased because I saw the show first, but that and a friend convinced me enough to read the book, and I loved it! The TV show stays pretty accurate to this book, at least (I’ve heard it strays from some of the later ones). Although it has some of the typical fantasy YA romance tropes, I still really enjoyed this book, and it had enough new and interesting ideas to keep me hooked and interested in the book. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!
Moby Dick, Herman Melville--It’s taken me literal years to finish this one because I was reading it on my phone so would read it while riding to work and then forget about it for months on end and then pick it up again. BUT regardless, I really enjoyed it! I can see why a lot of high schoolers hate it, she’s DENSE. There’s a lot of explanation and things that aren’t necessarily plot-related going on in the book, which I enjoy, but I can see why others wouldn’t. Another one that I’d maybe recommend reading the abridged version of, but I really liked it!
Dune, Frank Herbert--Having watched the newest movie beforehand really helped me with this one. It’s a FANTASTIC book, but there are a lot of moving parts, politics, and characters with similar names, that I definitely would have gotten confused and frustrated if I hadn’t have had the movie to base things off of. That being said, would highly recommend reading. A lot times with old sci-fi books like this, they don’t live up to the hype because like, they may have been groundbreaking at the time they came out, but our expectations have risen so much since then. However, for a book that came out in 1965, this one still holds up. It definitely kept me interested throughout the book, which is saying something, because she’s THICK.
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Eveyln Hardcastle, Stuart Turton--This was a really good book with a fresh new take on murder mystery/whodunits. Essentially, the narrator wakes up each day as a new person, reliving the events of the same day over and over again until he can solve the murder. It was a really interesting concept and I thought very well executed.
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strobarium · 6 months
big on introspective, ambient downtempo? come with me...
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"History" from Sonic Mega Collection (& Plus)
i don't remember the exact year i got introduced to Sonic Mega Collection Plus (the PS2 version, since that's the console that only dominated my kid years) but it was a constant force of good in my early years. being able to play that many sonic games just freely (on top of other games that werent sonic games but were by the same devs) was so fucking nice. but the menu shit was just. something else to me-they put so much care and effort into the presentation of games!!! like the journey TO playing was even a nice comfy ride! so CASH. i miss THIS sega so much. what an era. damn.
many a memory playing this shit or watching it get played either in my shared bedroom w/ my older brother or in the upstairs living room w/ mom and/or grandma watching (this sonic shit ran in the family pmuch LOL my parents n grandma got into em before we did). one of my fondest memories regarding it was my i think, longest-running active friend lyko/khaliq seeing my i think oldest sibling playing S3&K (one of the greatest. games of all time by the way) and beating it. bro saw the ending cutscene and was Flabbergasted w how cool it was, already riding off the high (that i was also riding off of) watching Doomsday Zone get played. SUPER, FUCKING HYPE. LOL. amazing shit. the collection is worth it for it having That Alone but also THERES SO MUCH COOL SHIT ON IT!
YEAH!!! ... i'm glad i can listen to this normally again.
this was one of many songs i just couldn't put on and sit through after the 2013 event happened and my life got fucked into a hole. it was exhausting and would just leave me really depressed. things are at least different now, over 10 years later, i can enjoy this n sorta feel like a kid again healthily, i guess. its nice.
reminds me of something
so one thing abt the PS2s we did have (there were two, two slim models), shit was just Faulty after long enough. one basically picked and choosed games it wanted to run (that or the CDs were fucked up or...idk) and the other you had to like. induce pressure on the disk drive part to get games to run properly?... it was weird.
WELL, SOMEHOW, through basic i guess DIY shit or whatever, at one point (post-2013 event) i got the fucking console working! AND I GOT SONIC MEGA COLLECTION PLUS WORKING TOO! blast from the ...actually not at all distant PAST! it was cool being in the menu again hearing the music and goin around and looking at all the extras and stuff. seeing sonic n his friends just always makes me happy.
slow, burn. realization. i was alone.
reliving hella cool shit but it was just me. older brother was off doing whatever the hell (not like i wanted to summon him anyway he was kind of fucking just...idk), and oldest sibling was just kind of, across the fucking country so i couldnt hit them up either. the finite nature of what i considered the most joyous period of my life i wasnt prepared to interface with and it just fucking, stabbed me so gradually i didnt even notice the pain onset somehow until it was too late. fuck. regardless of me doing what i did, that part of my life was still over. trying to recapture the magic just made me ever more aware that i had lost it, i guess. it was tough.
i, shut the game off, silently, go downstairs to my moms room and just, talk to her a little about how i. got it working. i just, lay on her bed next to her and i just. i start crying. for a while. not loud sobbing just. idk. quiet weeping. idk.
things are different now, is what matters. lot i've recovered from, but i do still miss playing it with my siblings. shrug. life goes on i guess.
~ E.K.S.G.
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goldenteaset · 9 months
…So I finished La Salut…there were things I really wanted to enjoy but couldn’t, and things I didn’t enjoy at all (sometimes things don’t need explaining!). And then suddenly the emotions worked again and I actually cried, repeatedly! I now have even more thoughts about “divine mantles” and how various characters in Virche learn to embody or discard them…but 0 coherence. ^^;
That said, I couldn’t get into Adolphe that much. I felt for him, but it’s the same feeling as from a distant acquaintance that you see sometimes on his way to Job at Location. There's a lot of implications to him that are interesting: how he's structured his whole life around Ceres and what that means for his sanity, his horror at Relivers, etc., but the writers are so committed to him being Normal (tm) that those aren't touched on as much. This is what happens when you put Ankou and everyone else right next to him. Poor guy…his more snide faces are extremely good though. Hopefully later playthroughs will make him more endearing!
...Actually I do have more thoughts, oops. First the "aw man :(" and then the "YAAAAAY" under the cut:
The "Aw, Man :(" which isn't "bad" so much as disappointing:
Please imagine with me a version of this story where Ankou is the God/Watchman of Death he proclaims himself to be. Imagine everyone else, terrified of dying, suddenly being able to ask about the Afterlife, even if the answers are vague. (Can't have everyone get too hyped to die!) Wouldn't that have been unique and gothic-ly fun? I still like the actual answer on some level, but I wanted this too.
On that note, an actual dislike: I viscerally hate Ankou being embarrassed about acting the part of Watchman of Death. It felt born from a place of love for the Drifter, Yves and Ceres, so for him to feel so negatively toward it? Awful.
Less awful and more confusing: Ankou says he uses "smoke bombs", but none of his previous exits imply smoke. All the more reason to pretend it's only canon here!
The "Queen's genes" (ha, rhyme) thing really did amount to nothing, huh? I don't understand why it's here and that rankles.
Every time some variant of the line "Ceres is a plant/lycoris" comes up I feel like the Six-Fingered Man from The Princess Bride while Inigo Montoya does his revenge speech ad nauseam. "STOP SAYING THAT!"
Seriously though, I can handle Ceres being like a lycoris, akin to, etc. But something about "is a plant" is so inherently funny/brain-breaking that I'm no longer thinking of all this as a metaphor, but an actual, physical part of her, and it just doesn't gel. ;_;
It feels like there were two plots going on in this route: The Royal Family and Adolphe VS Ankou, and frankly I wound up more invested in the former. This isn't the first time it's happened, it won't be the last, but I still was drumming my fingers a little waiting for things to switch back.
I was really hoping the bouquet confession would lead to an option to choose Adolphe or Ankou (or both), because it felt like Adolphe was passing the baton over to Ceres in that moment. But nope! :(
Yves and Lucas' mini-endings in this route's Salvation ending were so wonderful I now have 0 desire to play their actual Salvation routes. Oops!
The "YAAAAAY", which I hope is self-explanatory:
Dahut's reveal? Literally iconic, as was the final scene between him and Salome. Loved his revenge, loved his friendship toward Nadia, loved how he unwittingly gave Lucas the hope he needed to make his first steps toward freedom, etc.
All the love interests working together to save Ceres! Also self-explanatory.
Adolphe and Ankou's banter and arguments, down to their voices being similar, was so funny and also sad post-reveal. It reminds me a lot of Archer and Shirou in F/SN's Unlimited Blade Works route, but better crafted I think. YMMV.
Capuchine KABOOM! (I find him rather morbidly cute, so his frustrated scream pre-explosion gave me both catharsis and a weird sort of cuteness aggression. Again, Scien, again!)
On a more serious note, Scien and Lucas having to interact and him being able to help Lucas on the road to recovery was really sweet. They were both great in this route.
Hugo/Yves are my OTP now, actually. That love realization from Hugo was just too good, ditto them traveling together. Please let there be scenes of their road trip in the fandisc!
The aforementioned inconsistency and embarrassment aside, Ankou being revealed as Adolphe was masterfully done. Loved the Drifter planting those stories of him in the past and then those stories helping to keep Ceres alive in the future. The images of him collapsing among the ever-growing lycorises along with the voice acting made me cry!
THE BOUQUET. All that subtle build-up over the routes (this one included) culminating in that one gorgeous CG. Ankou choosing of his own accord to take up the mantle of Watchman of Death, fulfilling that now-old fairytale and closing the cycle for good. ;v;
Hearing Lucas' voice post-ending also made me cry, but happily this time. He's alive and well! He's free! Nadia has a cane now! AAAAAA
Scien ripping up the time travel research letter. Yes. YES. I don't know how to explain it, but something about the way he's written, whether antagonistic or anti-heroic, just gives me such joy.
Ceres flustering Adolphe at the end, and their kiss. Again, I still don't quite buy their romance, but like Ankou I'm glad she's able to smile from the bottom of her heart.
...And that's it! Now to choose whose Salvation route to do first, Matthis or Scien's.
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Hi dear,
I dont't know if you remember me but you said i could send you asks about uwma and so here i am to ask you if you've recovered from deanpharm because i haven't 🥲 their story is so sweet but because its entwined with kornin it leaves me feeling sad as well <\3 how do i get over the sad feelings
Hello darling, of course I do! I am so glad you wrote. Let me see if my perspective can help you, I hope it will. I tend to be verbose, so bear with me. I have watched Until We Meet Again twice now, and I'm guessing I'll rewatch again. For me, I find the story healing.
So much queer media, historically, has been about reliving queer trauma (now I know that BL are arguably not queer media as they are intended for a female audience but we all know that queer viewership, and creation, is huge and growing. But I digress). Anyway...the sort of "trauma porn" of queer trauma has been heavy on so many of our hearts for so long. So many of us have just wanted queer joy, queer love, queer happiness. I think that's part of the queer attraction to BL in general. And, this is definitely true for me. Witnessing queer joy is fun and healing and so many BL are focused on that (I don't watched the ones that are sad/tragic).
Now, for me, I was hesitant to watch UWMA because of the trauma and my own personal trauma around suicide, specifically. I chose to watch it first, because of the hype around Between Us, and second because I could go in, right away, knowing that Korn and In died by suicide.
What I found as I watched the show was surprisingly healing for me, so perhaps my perspective can help. I sort of watch the show and think of it as an allegory for queer history, and change that has happened over time. And perhaps that is how the story is intended? Within the romance, Dean and Pharm have the opportunity to fall in love, live their relationship out loud, experience broad support and acceptance, and work through their (still valid) fears about homophobia. They are also working through this on behalf of Korn and In.
What it feels like, for me, is Dean and Pharm truly honoring the past. Honoring the work, love, and often suffering or even death of their queer elders. The folks to came before them, and didn't get to live in the world they live in. Their queer elders are literally a part of them, but aren't all of our queer elders now, a part of us too?
For me, watching Dean and Pharm love each other, end up together, be loved and supported by not only their peers, but their families as well, and to also find love, connection, and forgiveness with the elder generations (Korn's father, In's sister) is just overwhelmingly gorgeous to me. I am starting to cry thinking about it. But not in a sad way, just in an emotional way. I feel moved.
I think the story of reincarnation works because it is told within a culture where that concept is present. In my opinion, it wouldn't work as a Western centered story. It's definitely not perfect (Pharm deserved pleasurable connection with Dean FFS) but it is very well done for the most part, and tells a truly impactful story.
So my dear, although their path was challenging, and they had to do work through unresolved traumas, it was founded in love and supported the whole way through. They healed, and they represent what we have today. And also - the work we are doing moving forward.
Plus, you know they stayed together forever, and probably met again, in another life, right? Maybe they are always here, forging paths for the next queer generation, representing our progress and healing.
It's a nice idea, isn't it?
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starlight-loki · 3 years
The World's Tiniest Galaxy (Loki x Reader)
Or, That Time You Painted Loki's Nails
Request: What if reader took loki to get his nails done at her regular salon? How cute would that be? He’d be so happy I bet. (Excuse the brainrot I just Binge watched all 5 episodes and I’m a bit hyped over him rn) -- requested by anon
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none!
A/N: Nothing but fluff for this one!
I just finished reading Crying In H Mart and bawling my eyes out as a result, so writing this was quite therapeutic :') I loved this idea so much, and I hope you enjoy ❤️
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“How in Valhalla did you paint that?”
Your gaze shifted up from your book as you glanced at Loki in confusion. Just as you began to ask him what he meant, however, you noticed that his eyes were trained on your hands.
“Oh! You mean my nails?” You asked, automatically lifting one of your hands and examining the new coat of nail polish that adorned them.
You had gotten them done earlier that day — usually you weren’t one to get anything extremely fancy, but you were feeling a bit more adventurous this time. Teeny tiny colourful flowers flecked your nails, and you couldn’t help but smile as you looked at them once more; they just made you so happy.
“I didn’t think it possible to paint such small and intricate details.” Loki observed, his voice filled with awe as he gently grasped your hand for a better look. His fingers lightly brushed over your own, and you smiled at how fascinated the Asgardian seemed to be as he examined your nails one by one.
“Did you have nail polish on Asgard?”
Loki nodded. “I often painted my own nails black. I didn’t think it possible to paint this, however. The brushes are so large, how could you possibly…?”
“I didn’t do them myself,” you giggled at the puzzled expression on Loki’s face. “I go to a salon to get them done. They’ve got an arsenal of small tools to paint tiny details like this…”
You trailed off as you thought about what Loki had just told you. He often wore nail polish as well. In the time he had been living in the Compound with you, you had never seen him paint his nails. With how intrigued he was by your own nail art, you decided you’d take him to get his own nails done.
“We should go together!” You exclaimed as you set your book to the side and grinned at Loki. “It’ll be fun, you can get tiny art on your nails too, and then we could match-"
You faltered as you caught a glimpse of Loki’s expression. As soon as you had mentioned your idea, you noticed that Loki had immediately shut off from you. His face, previously filled with awe and wonder, was now a stony and unreadable mask.
"Is that... not a good idea?"
"Other people work on your hands?"
"Yeah..." You answered slowly, still unsure of where Loki was going with this. "All you have to do is sit back and relax and let them do their thing. Is that okay?"
Loki's gaze dropped down to his own hands, and you noticed how he suddenly began pressing his thumb repeatedly into his palm.
He was anxious.
"Hey..." you soothed, leaning over to wrap your own hands gently over Loki's fidgeting ones. You tried to get him to meet your own gaze, but his eyes stayed locked on the floor, deep in the heart of a memory no person should have ever experienced. "We don't have to go if you don't want to, it's alright."
"I want to try this," Loki answered slowly. He frowned as he tried to choose his words carefully. "However I'm not quite fond of the idea of others..."
He trailed off, but as his faraway gaze fell on his own hands, you understood everything.
"You don't want them touching your hands." You observed gently. Loki sighed, giving you an almost imperceptible nod as his eyes finally reached yours. Even from just a few moments of reliving a memory, he looked so tired.
"Would you be alright with me doing your nails instead? I've got some nail polish of my own?" You asked carefully, stroking your thumb slowly over Loki's hands in an effort to help him stop fidgeting. A wave of relief washed over your heart as Loki gave you a soft yet grateful smile.
"I believe I'd like that much more."
You beamed at Loki as you dashed off to your bathroom, but not before instructing him to stay put for a few moments.
You remembered, as you searched through your nail polish supply in your bathroom cabinet, that Loki mentioned he'd often paint his nails black back on Asgard. You felt it wasn't enough to go for just black, and to your absolute delight, you found a package of tiny silver star stickers.
They weren't the flowers Loki had admired on your own nails, and yet... these suited him much more.
You stepped back into the living room, a few bottles of nail polish in one hand and tiny stars in the other. Loki sat forward eagerly as he saw you approach the couch, excitement making his lips quirk up in a smile that reminded you of a happy little dog.
"You have black paint." Loki observed, a hint of nostalgia entering his voice as you set everything down on the coffee table before settling in beside him. You kept the package of star stickers hidden, however, as you felt it would be a nice little addition to surprise the Asgardian with at the very end.
"I also brought a few different colours, in case you wanted something other than black," you nodded towards the little bottles clustered together on the coffee table. "Maybe dark blue? Or green?"
Loki frowned, deep in thought as his eyes scanned the various colours. A smirk formed on his features a moment later.
"I believe I'm still most fond of black, if I must be honest."
You nodded, reaching for the bottle of nail polish before beckoning for Loki to extend his hand. His fingers brushed over yours, and a small part of you noticed just how gentle and soft he was -- not just his hands, but his entire being.
It was nearly impossible to believe this was the same man who tried to take over New York years ago.
Neither of you spoke as you carefully painted Loki's nails, your brows furrowed in concentration as you tried to keep your hand as steady as possible. You didn't look up, but you could feel Loki's gaze burning into you as he watched you work.
One thing you noticed about the god beside you was that he was incredibly twitchy. Even though Loki sat perfectly still in silence without an issue, he'd often move his fingers ever-so-slightly whenever you took a break to dip the brush back into the bottle.
"Hold still," you mumbled just as a sudden fidget nearly caused you to paint half of Loki's finger. "I'm nearly done."
"Sorry." You could almost hear the smirk beneath the muttered response Loki gave you.
As you made one final swoop with the small brush, you caught Loki's wrist before he could raise his hands to admire his nails.
"One last thing," you added quickly. "And for this, I want you to close your eyes, okay? And don't open them until I say so."
Loki narrowed his eyes quizzically at the thought of your request, but to your relief he didn't argue and did as you asked.
"May I ask what you're planning to do?"
"No. It's a surprise- Loki, hold still!"
The smile that bloomed on Loki's face told you that that time, he fidgeted on purpose just to get a reaction out of you. Grabbing your pack of tiny star stickers, you swatted Loki's arm playfully.
"Seriously, now. No peeking, and no moving."
"What if I have an itch?"
"It can wait. This won't take long."
"Not even the smallest movement?" You could practically hear the teasing in Loki's voice at this point.
"No. I nearly ended up painting half your hand with how much you were fidgeting earlier-"
"Your hands were rather unsteady too, if I remember correctly. You nearly painted the couch a number of times."
"Loki! Seriously, shush! And keep your eyes closed!"
"As you wish, your majesty."
You rolled your eyes at the banter between the two of you, unable to keep the smile off your face. Loki could act like a real child sometimes, but you wouldn't trade your playful bickering for the world.
With as steady a hand as you could possibly manage, you began sticking teeny tiny stars to each of Loki's nails. Within a few moments, you had created what was probably the world's smallest galaxy.
"Okay," you whispered, setting the extra stickers to the side. "You can open your eyes now."
Loki's eyes widened as he took in the stars that now speckled his nails, and his smile was a beam of sunshine as he gazed at you.
"These are amazing, Y/N."
You couldn't help but grin back. "You like them?"
"I adore them. I can't take my eyes off the stars, they're beautiful."
Loki's gaze shifted away from his nails and over to you, and the excitement in his eyes nearly melted your heart on the spot.
"Thank you. I really enjoyed this."
"You're welcome. The stars suit you, actually."
In response, Loki reached forward and gently took your hand. He held it up beside his own, examining your set of painted nails before glancing at you with an amazed smile.
"What is it?" You asked, leaning in closer to him to get a better look at your painted nails side by side with each other. The combination of tiny stars and small flowers seemed to almost dance together.
"We both have slivers of beauty on our nails," Loki explained, nodding to your hands placed together side by side.
"The world's smallest galaxy next to the world's smallest garden."
TAGLIST (let me know at any time if you'd like to be added or removed from the fic taglist!) : @startrekkingaroundasgard @justasmisunderstoodasloki @delightfulheartdream @pastyoverlord265 @lowkeytesss @levylovegood @that-little-zebunny
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Having surgery scars
Bang Chan
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° You had no idea about Chan's crush on you, not many people did. The only person who knew about his crush was himself and his best friend Felix. You never thought he could love you due to how you saw yourself.
° You never wore cropped tops or anything that had the chance of rising up too high, even during the summer. He knew about your scar, but never saw it or knew how much you hated it.
° One day he was going to visit you by surprise, using the spare key you gave him to his advantage. You walked out in a cropped pajama shirt and underwear, not expecting your best friend/crush to be in the room.
° You scar was on your stomach, it was deep and noticeable to whoever walked by when itt wasn't hidden under clothes. You thought it gave off a negative impression, while Chan thought it gave you a unique beauty.
° Before you could cover yourself up, Chan gently embraced you in a hug. Calming your conscious, his fingers gently tracing over the scar. He placed multiple kisses to your head, asking you why you are so self conscious.
"Why can't you see how beautiful you are?"
Lee Know
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° You were very clumsy all throughout your life, constantly falling and running into things. But the worst scenario bad to be when you fell and someone kicked you straight in the face.
° This led to you having to get surgery on your broken nose, leaving a scar on the right side of your bridge. It wasn't overly noticeable unless you were very close to your face, which Minho happened to be.
° He wondered how he never noticed this scar before, especially since he loves giving you kisses on the top of your nose. He knew you were clumsy, but wondered how your only scars ended up in such a specific place.
° Minho gently traced over the scars, finding it cute how you scrunch your nose immediately at the touch of his fingertips. Before you scrunched your nose, he noticed that your nose must've been stitched.
° He assumed you did this by accident, by either falling or hitting your face with something. Minho was surprised to hear that someone did this to you intentionally, wondering why someone would hurt you.
"I'm losing hope in humanity at this point."
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° You has multiple scars on your arms due to an accident you had as a child, this is why you'd constantly wear long sleeve outfits. Feeling that people may become worried or grossed out if they ever saw them.
° But after being asked out by Changbin, you knew you couldn't hide your scars from him for too much longer. He didn't seem suspicious of your long sleeves, until you spent your first summer together.
° You were both sweaty messes who were slumped in front of multiple fans, he was just in his boxers while you had no pants but still your long sleeve shirt. You were turning red by how hot you were becoming.
° He looked at you astonished as how you hadn't passed out from the heat yet, but Changbin was mostly worried since he knew it wouldn't be long til you hit that point. So he moved the fan closer to you.
° You had enough of the heat, telling him to look away as you took of your shirt. Turning your back to him once you said it was okay to look. Changbin noticed your arms even if you tried to hide them, they were gorgeous.
"You will always be a super model to me."
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° You had a few scars on your neck, and you were embarrassed to admit where they came from. Even if you were close to Hyunjin and loved him dearly, you still felt silly admitting it came from a drunk bar fight.
° Hyunjin was curious to where the scars came from, but didn't want to pressure you into telling him in case it was from something traumatic. So instead he would just press soft kisses along the scars.
° You felt bad when he admitted ab embarrassing story of his to you, since he was revealing a moment that stuck with him in a bad way. Yet you were still hiding your scar story from him as he waited patiently.
° His puppy eyes and sweet smile made its mark on your heart, the story leaving your mouth hesitantly. You couldn't look him in the eyes, your cheeks were bright red from embarrassment. You felt stupid.
° He stroked your heated cheeks, turning your head so you'd make eye contact. All of your worries washed away when there wasn't a hint of judgement in his eyes. Only pure love and adoration were held in them.
"I won't judge a simple drunken accident."
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° You had scars all over your hands from a burning accident with a kettle, you were self conscious of your hands. But tried to hide those feelings when around other people, not wanting to make them worried.
° But your best friend Jisung noticed when something bothered you, your shimmering eyes would dimmer whenever someone would give you nicknames like 'Freddy Kruger' or 'The human torch'.
° Jisung loved you, even if you were too dense to catch onto that fact. He loves you and wouldn't let someone make you feel like garbage, which led to him defending you countless times throughout the years.
° You had this one fake friend that always rubbed him the wrong way, she would go out of her way to make fun of you and praise herself. Calling you ugly, and getting grossed out whenever you touched something.
° During a game of truth or dare, she dared anyone in the room to hold hands with you. No one was stepping forward, until Jisung crawled over. He didn't just hold them, but he also placed kisses along your knuckles.
"I would've done this without the dare."
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° You were never self conscious over the scars on your legs, if anything Felix usually had more self doubt moments about himself than you did about yourself. Which led to you giving this angel SO MUCH LOVE. (He deserves the world ngl)
° But when visiting Felix back stage, a make up artist mistook you as an idol and suggested finding something to cover your scars. This left an unfamiliar sting to your heart, never thinking it was an issue.
° You say in one of the chairs back stage, placing your coat over your legs as you awaited your boyfriend. It wasn't long before Stray Kids were ushered to where you were sitting, all of them hyped and energetic.
° Felix knew you well, immediately suspicious as to why you were hiding your legs. He had many scenarios in his head, you were cold, period problem, hiding a present, no underwear. His mind was racing.
° But when he saw your sad smile, he knew it had something to do with your scars. Someone must've said something insensitive, and they hurt his favorite person. This wasn't the first time this happened.
"Don't hide your beauty from me, lovely."
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° Seungmin witnessed how you got a scar on your back, you were running to catch the bus when you tripped over your feet and rammed into the glass of the bus station waiting area. Causing many gashes to appear.
° He rushed you to the hospital, watched the stitches and bandages go on, helped you up from the bed, helped you go to sleep, gave you medication for the pain. He made sure you were in perfect condition.
° Seungmin felt terrible that you got so severely injured, even though he couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening. He still felt guilty, even when you reassured him that it will be okay and will just leave scars.
° Scars were left on your back, and everytime he witnessed them he felt a slight ping to his heart. Wishing he could've done something to help you, but he doesn't want to relive that moment so he tries to ignore it.
° You asked Seungmin for a massage after a long day, laying down on the couch as he sat on top of your legs. His hands traced down your scars, rubbing the oils onto them gently as if they still hurt you.
"You look like a cute little tiger cub."
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° You sometimes forgot that you had scars on your thighs, only remembering them if you see them. They don't effect you in any way, especially since they came form a bike accident when you were very young.
° You and Jeongin both had long days at work, so you both wanted to have a relaxing bath together. This was one of the moments where you forgot about your scars, until Jeongin pointed them out.
° He was worried they were recent, concerned if someone did this or if you did it to yourself. But you calmed him down with a kiss, before explaining it was from an accident with a bike when you very young.
° Jeongin covered you in bubbles, before cupping water in his hands and washing them away. He started around your thighs, rubbing them lightly after they were washed off. He felt a bit bad for bringing them up.
° You did the same treatment for Jeongin, relaxing in his arms for a while until the water was beginning to cool. He dried you off, playfully whipping your thighs with the towel, giggling as you stared in shock.
"It's part of my drying treatment baby."
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riathedreamer · 4 years
Zero is Null
A discussion of Zero’s love-hate-relationship with RvB and struggling independence; including a hotdog too big for the bun, tragic backstories, a single bow-chicka-bow-wow, and a cookie at the very end.
Welcome to what will be a lot of text. Basically, it will explore why Zero fails as an RvB (with emphasis on RvB) season. I will not be the first one to bring forth some of the points, and I promise to be fair and civil and fun. This isn’t supposed to be a piece of hate – in fact, I’m writing this because I love Red vs. Blue.
Okay, first of all, to increase your fun – take a guess on just how much of Zero is spent on fight scenes. You see, I’ve calculated the exact amount, and I will reveal it later, but for now, take a guess and remember the number. Maybe you are the winner!
Alright, time to share my thoughts. Wait! Since I suffer from anxiety and have this one annoying voice pretending to be all those critical statements my opinion could be met with, let’s give it an actual voice and address the points throughout this review.
“Why would I care about your opinion, Ria?” – I don’t know, you’re the one who clicked Read More.
“Your opinion doesn’t matter!” – Of course, it doesn’t! Geez. Do you think your opinion matters, though? Listen, we’re on Tumblr, the actual equivalent of screaming into the void. And it’s fun, too!
“If you don’t like it, don’t watch!” - *activates Uno Reverse Card* “You can’t talk about something you haven’t watched!”
“You’re just a Hater” – Actually, this is a point I’ll come back to. Like a cliffhanger. Also, at the end of this, there’ll be a cookie. But this will also include me talking about the stuff I like, because, surprise, Zero is not without talent!
“You just don’t like it because the Reds and Blues aren’t in it!” – Actually, that’s a good point, so instead, this review will start with a sole focus on Zero and discuss the problem that lies within that story. Then we can address why the lack of OG cast is understandable and problematic and weird.
But first! Backstory.
When the first 5 second teaser dropped back in spring (you know, when we were young and innocent and the world didn’t feel like an apocalyptic movie yet), I held onto that one image of what I thought (hoped) to be Grif and Simmons in the sunset, hopefully addressing Grif’s hateglue arc, but boy was I wrong because a) that’s not Simmons, that’s Sarge, and b) the image was from a PSA since the Reds are not in Zero.
Actual face-reveal of me below:
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Admittedly, when I heard that the Reds and Blues were not going to be the main characters (or even show up), it felt like a gut punch. However, I actually found myself getting excited due to the creators’ hype. I want to praise them for this. It’s been a while since an RvB season was talked so much ABOUT before its release; it had advertisements, it had creators and voice-actors talking about it. Please. More of that in the future. Their passion rubbed off on me, and that deserves recognition. So it pains me that this was clearly a passion-project, and then when I gave it a try, I didn’t want to touch it again for weeks.
Here’s the thing. I cannot whole-heartedly say that Zero is bad. It’s not gonna melt your eyes. It’s not even so-bad-it’s-good. For me, it’s meh. It’s a Saturday-morning-cartoon aimed for a younger audience with a rushed plot and clichéd characters. The problem is that it calls itself RvB, and with that title comes something to live up to – but more importantly, something to continue.
My main issue is that Zero forces its story into existence by ignoring established content rather than adjusting to it. Let’s call this for the hotdog-too-big-for-the-bun syndrome solely for the sake of the bow-chicka-bow-wow that’s coming now. Bow-chicka-bow-wow. Many of the separate issues I will dive into all add to this hotdog-issue, so I will scream “Hotdog!” whenever this is the case so we can all keep track of my argument.
You can continue the story of Red vs. Blue without the Reds and Blues. While that would personally crush my heart, it can be done. There’s a story of Red vs. Blue that can be continued. The world can be expanded, the previous actions of the Reds and Blues can be explored from another angle.
How does Zero do this? It doesn’t.
I just want to make it clear that new elements can definitely be added when it comes to worldbuilding. That’s literally the point of sequels. But Zero’s settings are presented with so little grace and with no connection to previously established worldbuilding. We get Alliance of Defense and GLASS thrown in our face as very big important organizations – yet we’ve never heard of them before. A big central plot point of RvB is the UNSC and Project Freelancers, and those were introduced naturally with the plot. We already have big established intergalactic organizations. What is AOD’s connection with those? We aren’t told. We are just told they exist and expected to accept it, no questions asked. If this was a whole new world and story – fine. But when you need to build on an already established worldbuilding, you need more grace than this. Chorus was a whole new setting, but it was explained, and it was connected to the previous plot. Same with Iris. Same with Desert Gulch. In Zero, it feels lazy. It feels forced. These organizations are just there because the story is built around them (HOTDOG).
This vagueness when it comes to wordbuilding is also reflected in the settings - we have a desert, a training base, a lab, temples, Tucker’s workplace, and we do not know if all those are set place on the same planet. If that is the case, what is this planet’s relationship with Chorus? Is it Earth? And most importantly, what is the deal with the temples? Why are they connected to Tucker’s sword if it isn’t the same planet. Are they made by the same aliens? Are people okay with this? Why haven’t these temples been explored before? Chorus makes sure to establish this, while Zero doesn’t, adding to a growing amount of confusion.
Okay, so no connection with previous worldbuilding. What about characters? I mean, we got Wash and Carolina and Tucker! So we have RvB characters, it gotta be RvB! Technically – yeah. But it feels dirty. These three characters are not here to be characters. They are here to be props to the new cast. They are not given any development. Their presence isn’t even that important, and if this was a whole new show, they could easily have been replaced with an unknown face. Worst of all, they feel miswritten.
Carolina and Wash are working at a new military organization? Leaving the Reds and Blues behind? To help people? First of all, fucking bad idea, Carolina, the last time you left the Reds and Blues alone, they changed the timeline. But most importantly – Carolina and Wash just joined this new super elite military organization? After being mistreated and manipulated by such an organization in the past?
Carolina is there to introduce the characters. That’s it. We are force-fed their personality by having her literally read out loud their personality. There is no gentle introduction to the new cast. We are not allowed to get to know them naturally. Why show when you can tell, huh? That’s Carolina’s role. That’s why she is there. To introduce the cast and explain their story. That’s it. (HOTDOG).
How about Wash? He is there to get beat up and be a damsel in distress so that the new cast has a reason to explore the plot. Oh, and that brain damage that was the consequence of previous seasons – gone now. The guy who literally has trauma from having an AI explode inside his head is fine with having a computer inserted into it instead. Because that’s needed. To explore his brain damage wouldn’t work now when his role is to be a prop to lure the new cast for one episode and then be put onto the bench for the rest of the runtime (HOTDOG).
And Tucker – he is there to die for a second and have his sword taken from him. That’s literally it. And for the few moments he is there, he feels like old super flirty Tucker, which erases the character development he went through in previous seasons. Okay, so Tucker dies, and then not dies, and then he is put on the bench with Wash where they can sit and talk or whatever (‘cause holy shit, the new cast is not allowed to that), because he isn’t important. The sword is. Tucker is just a prop, even more than his sword is (HOTDOG).
Damn. Wash gets beat up. Tucker gets beat up. Dies. Gets his sword taken away. Almost seems like a Red’s wet dream. Sorry not sorry, Blues, you were done dirty.
So there are miswritten old characters. Even worse is the retconning. The plot needs a “normal” Wash, so, bam, magic computer solution. Never mind Wash’s trauma and character traits. Never mind the logic of the new worldbuilding which also includes a character suffering for years to heal an illness. But the brain damage that was such a big consequence that it became the main part of the plot of the last two seasons – gone. I mean, a gunshot to the head can be healed by CPR. That’s canon. But no one gave Wash CPR so it’s a big thing, okay. It was canonically a big thing, and Zero erased that. This is not me saying that a Cerebral Enhancer couldn’t work in the RvB universe. Imagine it being done right. Wash struggling with the choice of getting used to his disability or accepting the possibility of help - at the cost of reliving his trauma. The struggle between what to choose - what should he choose when he wants to help as many as possible, the sacrifices he thinks he has to make, the way it could have been used as a part of his character growth. But in Zero, the enhancer isn’t a part of Wash’s character. It’s there so the story can work without having to deal with the previous plot’s consequence (HOTDOG).
Same with the sword thing. They sorta explain it by having Tucker flatline, but it’s weak. Honestly, I find it sorta offensive. What about Locus’ sword as well? It’s twisting previous lore to make the new plot work (HOTDOG). (Also, are we not gonna talk about the ultimate power being Spencer Porkensenson’s helmet? Have the writers forgotten Spencer Porkensenson? Have we as a community forgotten Spencer Porkensenson?)
If you have Red vs. Blue in your title, you cannot ignore what you inherit from it. You need to respect the worldbuilding, the established characters, and the previous plot. Zero does not do this.
Let’s talk about the Triplets. No, really, let’s do it. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about them before, because season 14 was a mixed bag for me (that I have now learned to appreciate. Thank you, Zero.) because I have heart at the size of the Grinch and can only love a few characters at a time, and that did not include the Triplets. Can’t even remember their names. Well, I can, but I can’t for the love of me remember which state is which, and my tongue is twisted every time I try to say Ohio, Iowa, and Idaho, and I know it’s on purpose. I know it is. And it got me good. That being said, the fandom actually embraced them really, really well! Seriously, I’ve seen more content for the Triplets than for Zero as a whole.
Why talk about the Triplets? (Was Iowa the lesbian? Or was it Ohio? Fuck.) Because like Zero, they introduced new characters with a story of their own. The Reds and Blues didn’t play a role. But here’s what I feel like the Triplets got right. They didn’t change the settings to force their narrative. They used stuff already established (Project Freelancer), added their own story as a continuation of that. They even included old characters in the beginning (Wash and some other Freelancers) but it felt natural and it didn’t feel like it happened at the expense of the old characters. Wash’s writing felt natural, and his presence wasn’t needed to tell these new character’s stories. He wasn’t a prop to them. He was there to establish the setting and to establish the relationship with these new characters, and then he and the other familiar faces (helmets??) left, and we as the viewers were left with these new characters. And the new characters told their own story by themselves. It felt like, hey, here’s something you know – remember Mother of Invention, and remember Wash’ lower rank, but now, try to imagine being even lower rank than him, aren’t you curious about those fates? Now let’s hear their story! It was new, it was something else, but it didn’t wreck what came before it, and it stayed true to the classic vibes of RvB.
As I said before, the hotdog-issue is my biggest problem with Zero. It infuriates me. I will return to this. But there are more issues, even if we try to look past the title-related problems.
If we try to imagine Zero as its own story and universe (as it should be, in my opinion), it still earns the meh review from me.
These isolated issues include awkwardness, the writing, lack of self-awareness, and pacing. First of all, holy shit, this is a tell, don’t show. Nothing is subtle, nothing is allowed to develop. It’s like the show thinks you are six years old with an attention span of a goldfish. You are not just led by the hand – they have literally pulled off your arm by the end of the show. We are force-fed every bit of information, every bit of personality from these new characters.
The voice-acting is a mixed bag for me. Sometimes it’s pretty good, sometimes it’s not. Some of the problems can definitely be blamed on the dialogue that you can only do so much with. It’s not good. I can’t remember any good jokes (the one joke I really appreciate was the cast on armor, and that was freaking visual humor. That was so RvB. Kudos to that. It was fun. More of that, please.), and RvB is known for having memorably good lines. This is a show built on good, clever, funny dialogue. Zero does not deliver. You have to sit through clichéd lines – “You’re not my dad”, “I trusted you”, “Come with me”, “It can’t be!”, “She’s way too powerful”, and “We have to do this together” – performed unironically. I cringed more than I laughed. Worst thing is that Zero could be a good parody. Sometimes, it feels like it is. One-dimensional characters, a villain wanting ‘the ultimate power’, very overpowered characters, bad one-liners, etc. But Zero takes itself seriously, and I was one of the people rooting for Jax to show up at the end and yell “Cut”. That would have been a funny-as-fuck twist. A spin-off parody. If I can’t have “Sarge the Movie”, I would have taken that and loved it. I would have forgiven everything. “We put so much info into finding that power, but we had no idea what it was” is really a line in the finale, and I cannot believe this is real in a show that somehow still tries to present itself as serious. What a plot.
We have to talk about pacing. God, first of all it should be stated that RvB is a mess when it comes to pacing. I honestly get what they were going for. Sometimes, RvB has come across as a bit boring when you get three episodes stretched over three weeks without much going on. I know season 11 did not have the warmest welcome because it was seen as boring until the finale. But when you see season 11 as a whole, as a movie, as a part of a trilogy, it works so well. Zero is more focused on being episodic. They want something to happen all the time so we will stay tuned. The thing that will happen – a fight. Oh god. The fight scenes.
I have done the math. I have run the numbers. I deserve a freaking cookie for this. Are you ready?
If you put all the episodes together, you have a runtime of 106 minutes. HOWEVER, with the introduction of credits in every episode, you gotta account for this. Removing the credits, this gives us 94 minutes of actual runtime. Out of that, 45 minutes are dedicated to fight scenes. That means 48% of the show is fight scenes.
If I wanted that many fight scenes, I’d watch Death Battle. Except the actual RvB Death Battle episode has a runtime of 20 minutes, and out of that, 5 minutes is dedicated to the actual battle. For the people who hate math – that’s 25% of the actual runtime.
RvB Zero has more fight scenes than a show called Death Battle. Take that in.
The pace suffers from this. Where’s the time to explore the characters? Where’s the time for good dialogue? All I can think of is this:
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I get that RvB is a show that’s literally making fun of itself by acknowledging all their characters do is stand around and talk. I get that you want characters to do more than that. But for the love of Church, would it kill the new characters to stand around and talk? For just a minute? Stop fighting, I am begging you, stop fighting! Am I a pacifist now? Am I purple? Have I joined Doc’s team? What has Zero done to me?!
The good thing though is that fight scenes are very good. They’re entertaining. However, they seem to deconstruct themselves when we need to get a fight scene in every episode. Usually, the few fight scenes in an RvB season were in some of the most climatic episodes. In Zero, I can hardly keep up with the pace because they won’t stop moving. Fight scenes aren’t plot. They aren’t character development. You need more than just fight scenes. They entertain, but there’s a limit to that.
Noël Wiggins, the co-writer, stated the inspiration was a Saturday-morning cartoon. They nailed that vibe. If that was their goal, hurray, they have accomplished something! Because of the poor plot and constant fight scenes, it feels like you could just switch on the TV and drop in at any moment and let yourself be entertained by the cool and colorful soldiers punching and kicking each other. I will admit that the fight scenes entertained me. But they don’t make it a good season.
If I were the six-year-old with the attention span of a goldfish that the show believes I am, I honestly would enjoy it. The stiff dialogue and the constant tell-don’t-show makes you feel like an audience that’s not supposed to do anything else but admire the flashy fight scenes. I miss the cleverness of RvB. I miss the characters I get to connect with as I see them grow.
I miss the tone of RvB. Because this isn’t RvB to me.
It’s not that RvB hasn’t changed its tone before. Holy shit, I sorta do want to experience the absolute shock the RvB fandom went through when s6 aired and they were given new characters and serious plot. I would have loved to experience that, but I was too busy being ten years old. The Freelancers seasons also introduced a new tone and more fight scenes with very talented fighters compared to the Blood Gulch gang, but a balance was kept by having half of the season still revolving around the Reds and Blues. But Zero – Zero is so much change. And it’s on purpose. At least this has been made very clear from the beginning.
They constantly seem to appeal to new fans, rather than be directed towards older fans of the show. If you want an entirely new audience with a season with a new cast, new worldbuilding, and new tone, I’m confused as to why they don’t just make a new show. The hotdog-problem begs for this solution. This story and environment and characters feel so out of touch with the original RvB, that with a few rewrites and lack of Halo-armor, it could just be a new show. Problem solved.
If not this, then present it as a spin-off. In all ways, it feels like a spin-off (again, see everything marked HOTDOG). But the creators refuse to do this, and I don’t understand why. I could forgive many of these issues, had they officially separated themselves from canon.
Ah, what’s the idiom? You can’t both swallow and blow? (You can hear the Bow-chicka-bow-wow in the distance). Something about eating cake and having it. Forgive me, English isn’t my native language. POINT IS why are you calling yourself RvB while actively fighting against the core essence of RvB? In my humble opinion, you can’t be both. Marketing it as a spin-off would have granted it some defense when changing, well, literally everything, and I just, would someone please properly describe why it isn’t a spin-off? Isn’t this season marked by its association with the plot of RvB rather than a continuation of it? Zero presenting itself as not a spinoff feels like a toddler clinging to the hem of its mother’s dress while forcefully running away from her, ripping the dress in the process.
When they do connect with the original RvB, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. When they let Carolina, Wash, and Tucker appear for a moment, it feels like luring viewers in with the RvB title. Look at me. Look at me! I’m not saying this is the case. I say that it gives me the annoying vibes of being lured, rather than letting the characters be a part of the show for their own development, rather than having RvB in the title to continue its story. I should not be getting these vibes at all. But I am.
If you want to use RvB in the title, something from the core of RvB needs to be embraced. Things can be changed. They should. Something new should be brought in. But there’s a limit to how much you can change and replace and twist until it would have been better with an original show. As a season of RvB, it should tell the story of Red vs. Blue.
From my perspective, Zero fails to do so.
It pains me that the old cast has been replaced, but as stated earlier, a season could have worked without them. However, I do not like the take that one should be excited about all the new characters. That it isn’t a big thing that the OG cast got replaced. That we should just deal with it. Just, try to imagine another show suddenly replacing the main characters with characters we’ve never met before. Imagine RWBY suddenly only focusing on a new team of huntresses with the previous main characters reduced to an Easter Egg presence, or Camp Camp suddenly being about a new team of campers, no warning given. Can you imagine the outcry? So maybe let’s agree that a replacement of the main cast is a big thing and should be addressed and it’s valid to be upset about this change.
Could Zero have worked? It’s hard to answer this. How can I accept something as RvB if the season actively pushes away the core of RvB aside for an isolated story that could have been told in any other media? As a spinoff, I could have ignored it. To enjoy Zero, I have to fully separate it from RvB in my mind, and then it’s alright. S’not good. But it’s not bad. It’s entertaining enough. I really ended up liking Raymond and Tiny, and there were a few good jokes, and the fight scenes were admirable (but too much) and I love the creators’ passion. But it’s not RvB. I also wish that the new characters had been attached to previous worldbuilding, for example soldiers on Chorus or agents from Project Freelancer. That way we could build on familiar lore which would have decreased the confusion and added a much needed connection with the previous seasons of RvB.
God, the anxious voice is back (by the way, it sounds like Tutter from “Bear in the Blue House”).
“You’re racist” – I hope not. Literally, I do not want to be. Tell me if I’ve ever crossed some lines, because I swear, that is not my intention, I will apologize and most of all, change and do better. I included this because I’ve seen this take thrown around in the big ugly mess that is the fandom clashes regarding Zero. And racism is problem within RT community (this includes AH and RvB, sorry, I just use RT as an umbrella term for the latter), and I’m not saying it hasn’t been a problem with this season. Writers should never be harassed, and never-fucking-ever because of their skin color, and voice actors shouldn’t be treated like they are responsible for the choices of the show. But I was legit nervous to post this review, and I hope it’s been factual without feeling like personal attacks on the creators because that has never been my intention. I was delighted to hear about the diversity behind this project, and Torrian’s passion legit blew me away because it’s been a while since I’ve seen that for an RvB project. I’d hoped for it to be good, and when I feel disappointed, it’s for the reasons stated in this analysis. That said, Zero is made by a diverse cast and it’s made with love, and both of those things are so, so great, but it does not mean that Zero cannot be criticized. It can, and it should. It’s a product, just like all the other seasons, and fans are allowed to discuss it – both what they loved, and both what they found troublesome. And to repeat previous points, and be respectful, always, fuck racists, and never-fucking-ever harass the staff behind a season, what the fuck is wrong with you if you do this.
“Don’t you get it, it’s different because it’s trying something new!” – Hey, remember the philosophical question: if you replace all the parts of a ship one-by-one, is it still the same ship when you’re done? If it doesn’t include the Reds and Blues, if it ignores previous plot, if the old characters feel miswritten, if it values animation over dialogue, if it values fight scenes over comedy, if it wants to be Fast and Furious instead of Red vs. Blue – is it still Red vs. Blue? Because it doesn’t feel like it to me.
“It's been 17 seasons, it’s time to let the Reds and Blues go so someone else can shine!” – I simply do not understand us having been with the Reds and Blues for 17 seasons should be an argument to let them go, rather than be an argument as to why their absence hurt like hell.
“The Reds and Blues ran out of things to do!” – Did- did they, though? I mean, if we were discussing pretty much any other show, I’d probably agree that they were running out of content. But for the Reds and Blues… I think the PSAs nailed it this year! I’m not kidding, I had more fun watching the Reds and Blues discuss how to do laundry than watching Zero. You could literally give me an hour of the Reds and Blues trying to bake a cake or clear a gutter or simply settling down with an ordinary life, and I would trust them to make it worth the watch.
“The flaws were due to the fact it’s only 8 episodes long!” – Look, I can only judge a product the way it’s presented to me. I cannot come up with excuses for it. If they had 8 episodes to work with, they need to come up with a plot that works with this runtime. Seriously, this excuse cannot work when 48% of the season is spent on fight scenes. They could have used more runtime, sure, but the show needs to be able to pace itself and be planned accordingly.
“The OG cast couldn’t be a part of this year, hence Zero!” – That might be true. But. Would one year without RvB kill it? Is Zero necessary? Again, I just can’t judge excuses for the show. But trouble with the cast has been an issue before. Season 15 solves Geoff’s sabbatical by actually making Grif’s absence a part of the plot. Zero’s lack of Reds and Blues just feels like this excuse to tell a story that needn’t be a part of RvB.
Am I a hater? I guess? I greatly dislike Zero for the critique stated above. I do, however, not harass the creators and no one should ever do that. However, I have to admit that I feel there’s been this weird rejection of any critique of Zero where everything’s been brushed off as haters gonna hate, including the critique stated above. And I think that’s a problem because critique, as hard as it can be to hear (and I know this. I’m an author of original works. Weird flex, I know), is valid and necessary and shouldn’t just be shrugged away. As always, both sides of the fandom should always be respectful, but my own opinion is that addressing the flaws of Zero should not be controversial.
Does this super long rant/critique/whatever mean you cannot enjoy Zero? Gods no! I almost envy you if you enjoy this season, but holy shit, feel free to love it and tell the creators that you love it! Me pointing out the issues I have with the season shouldn’t be stopping you. I loved (and still love) s15 when it came out, and it was majorly rejected by the fandom. There were many, many critical posts, people were going on about how RvB should have ended with s13, and it evolved into the writer receiving death threats (me, once again: never ever harass the creators, assholes). But I didn’t tell people to stop being negative. I actually agreed with many of the flaws that were pointed out, and I enjoyed the season despite this, because that is possible. We, as RvB fans, should agree that RvB, is... I mean, it’s not the greatest, most flawless of shows, but we love it nonetheless. So go ahead and love Zero. This is not a stop sign. This is my opinion that you chose to read.
Wait, I promised you a cookie, didn’t I? Well, you’re not getting one. Why? Because I’m a Red and this is my chance to piss off a Blue. As Caboose wisely said: “Well, at least I don't go around... knocking on people's non-doors... and promising them cookies... and then NOT. GIVING. THEM. COOKIES!”
Blue Team sucks.
End speech.
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
fic writing tag game
@prolix-yuy tagged me like a week ago and I’ve been meaning to do this!!
Which one of your fics would you enjoy the most if you were able to read it for the first time?
probably a place among the stars! that’s one of my fics that doesn’t get AS much attention but I have such a penchant for star wars fics, world-building is my thing and there’s always so much detail to have fun with.
Which fic are you most proud of? Why?
hiding my heart! I know it’s not smutty and the story hasn’t been TOTALLY fleshed out (…yet) but it was one of those fics that I finished writing and was like holy crap this is actually kinda beautiful
Is their a work you would like to do over again? For any reason, to perfect it, to relive writing it, ect.
the way we were / the way we are. it’s my longest-running fic, I started it in May of 2021 and it’s still unfinished, but I posted it only on ao3 and part of me wishes I had come back to tumblr and got more into the fic-writing community before I started posting it. I still love that fic (and I still need to finish it!) but I would have changed that!
How do you feel about comments/reblogs/likes?
I LOVE THEM. THEY GIVE ME LIFE. honestly there’s nothing sweeter than knowing how a fic made someone feel or what their reaction was. reblogs always encouraged 😇
Is there a fic that you were shocked to find other people liked? Why?
I was NOT expecting the reaction I got for three for three - it was also the filthiest thing I had written at that point so I was nervous, but it was a pleasant surprise and it connected me to a lot more writers and bloggers!
Is there a fic you wish more people had liked?
I do wish a place among the stars was a bit more loved mostly cuz I’m so excited for how it’s going to end eventually! I know I need to do a bit more Din writing too but I just love that fic
Is there an idea that you were excited about but just didn't pan out?
I haven’t had that happen just yet! but I also have a LOT of ideas on the go so I don’t doubt it’s gonna happen. 😅 I did get super hype about an idea for a Marcus Pike fic I had but I haven’t touched that yet, not sure if/when I will!
How do you feel when you post a new fic?
nervous and excited! I really love people’s feedback and comments and seeing what the response is
this was so fun! no pressure tags: @saintmurd0ck @mindidjarin @supernaturalgirl20
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hippyjonny · 2 years
“X” Film Review: Reference without Reference
X is a nostalgia-fest horror flick for the scroll-through generation. It lacks the cohesion and satisfying gore of horror auteurs of the past, but has enough tricks up its sleeve to make it worth a bucket of popcorn. It boasts a self-reflexive awareness of film history and horror, but dips it’s toes a bit too much in homage. As an experiment it’s interesting, but judged through the lens of a solid horror film, it cannot stand against other films in its genre. However, there are enough cinematic moments in this film to make it a harbinger for better films to come from a new generation of horror directors.
Mia Goth plays a young, hot aspiring pornography actress who sets out to make her debut splash with the guidance of her boyfriend and the director. To save money the indie film crew sets out to the country to shoot in an old cabin near the bayou. A strange and hideous elderly couple that look eerily similar to our protagonist and her boyfriend are renting the cabin which is on their property. Things get weird as the housewife’s obsession with Mia’s youthful glow mixed with the regrets of her constrained, religious upbringing draw the old, ghastly woman to take what she wants at all costs: to relive the passion and glory of her youth. Sexuality is what defines us for so long. And the director attempts to ask us the question, How do we define ourselves and find our humanity after sexuality has left us? And how do societal expectations keep us from ever realizing our true sexuality?
The film waivers between art horror and grind house. The beginning of the film is a direct pull from Tobe Hooper’s iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Morally questionable young sexual teens driving in a shag-mobile head to the middle of bum-f*** nowhere and end up isolated at a house with backwards, inbred goat-f***ers. I know what’s gonna happen next! Or do we? This is where the film deviates from the format and innovates as I’ll discuss further.
The style of the first half of the film is a “romp” reminiscent of Tarantino. It has an in-your-face editing style and lots of 70’s-obsessed contrived coolness and sexiness. However, the middle of the film suddenly has elements of Brian DePalma and then starts to lean more and more towards an art-house film. There are disgusting moments that pull from Sam Raimi’s style in Drag Me to Hell or Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste. However, the more artful scenes and contemplation on the human body could come straight from a David Cronenberg movie. The mish-mash of confused direction detracts from the thesis of the film which is about death, aging and sexuality. If the film were a slasher, then it could lean into the Tarantino-esque comic violence and fun gore; and if the film were an art house film, then they could treat the first half and middle of the film with a little more gravitas in the camerawork and mood. Instead, we’re left wondering if we were supposed to have a blast and feel grossed out or feel horrified that one day our own genitalia will stop working.
Homage is fine, but the techniques are used arbitrarily. When the split screen is used in Brian DePalma’s Sisters, this is to highlight the psychological nature of identical twins. In X, it just looks cool and 70’s. Which brings me to an issue I take with A24 films. While beautifully shot and with some of my favorite films such as Good Time and Minari on their belt, their hype is not totally unwarranted, but shows like Euphoria have an almost superficial obsession with coolness and the idea of filmmaking itself rather than writing a solid piece. I think that sometimes the cinematography and film techniques are actually beyond the storytelling maturity of some of the directors that A24 takes on. X is no different in that we have a director who has a love for all sorts of films, an eager filmmaker who wants a little bit of this and a little bit of that and—ooh! What about this?—until the film lacks a personal stamp which is the mark of a true director.
One of the worst moments for me was when they had a sing along inside the cabin. All the characters join along as they sing the entirety of a song with an acoustic guitar. If you’re making an ultra-cool, emotionally distant French film or a Jim Jarmusch movie, then you can put a disaffected dance sequence in it, but otherwise, something like that will just pull you out of the movie and leave a bad taste in your mouth. A similar moment could be seen in another A24 production in the 2nd season of Euphoria.
This trend of cultural collage is indicative of the internet’s influence on all aspects of culture. The film reminds me of kids dressing now like I did when I was in 8th grade in the 90’s but having no reference for any of this culture, because we are all so interconnected now.  X is a perfect totem of our current cultural landscape. It’s a meme of a meme of a meme, a referential cluster-fuck copied into a pixelated oblivion. However, to reduce the film to that would not be giving credit to some of the more cutting edge  concepts hidden in the film.
There were many beautiful, skillful and unforgettable cinematic moments in X. The timing of the imagery of the crocodile almost snatching the protagonist was a great moment of foreshadowing. The jarring back and forth transitions between scenes set an unsettling mood for a horror film and add a unique stylistic consistency throughout. It also emphasizes the juxtaposition of age/youth, death/sex. 
The scene in which the old woman caresses the sleeping protagonist’s skin was masterful and the symbolism created by the camera angle when the old woman lies down but appears to enter her body shows that this direction just might have some chops to work with. The best moment of them film was the woman eerily dancing in front of the headlights after murdering the man who spurned her desperate advances. The old woman’s likeness to the young protagonist (also played by Mia Goth) was a great touch.
Analyzed strictly as a horror film it lacks. The deaths were too abrupt. There was no torture and no time for fear to build. I felt that there were too many shotguns involved as well. The deaths need to make our skin crawl and we must be forced to sit through the discomfort.
Despite the lack of visual tension, the film did have a great parallel emotional tension which all horror films should include. Another favorite moment was when the cinematographer’s girlfriend decides to star in the film. She is taking charge of her own sexuality despite the disapproval of her boyfriend. Not only is that moment the catalyst for the horror as is the tradition for moments of sexuality and questionable morality to incur the horrible deaths to begin, but it simultaneously turns the horror tradition upside-down. Although I feel Gen-Z’s sensitivities spoil filmmaking in their attempts to correct historical wrongdoings through art, one of the most interesting innovations of the film is the creation of the female gaze. They have turned the camera back on us and men are left with a selfie stick on their half-flaccid chubbies. Not only is it revolutionary,  but it’s new!
X is a fun horror film that I would definitely recommend watching in theaters. It takes on the timeless subject of death and aging but it may have bit off more than it can chew. With already so many horror films on his belt, I would have expected more from director Ti West and I still think that any artistic moments we may have experienced could be due to the involvement of the A24 production team. But if you’re looking for stylish fun, this is the movie for you.
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leefi · 3 years
Hello! I don't know how old is it, but I just read your answer on that TamaFumi ask and as a shipper myself I couldn't agree more! :D Also I'm so happy to find someone else who's got so much in the arcana story and their parallels!
Right now I'm in hype for the new chapters of Relive story, that on Shiori and Michiru, which is fantastic! Have you read it? I don't know if I could spoil it or not xD
Anyway, back to Rinmeikan, I'm still wondering in the Arcana story what kinda role will take Ichie. Would be a "follower" of Tamao, understanding her war? Or would it plot against? Since we still have not see her it worries me.
P.s. sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language
Hello anon! No need to apologize, your English is great!
Yes, I've read the Shiori and Michiru story and I thought it was amazing! Michiru is one of my favorite characters in the franchise, and one of the primary reasons for that is how she balances her ambitions with her love for the people around her. Yes, she's very single-minded in getting what she wants, but she's also extremely cognizant of what is best for the others around her - she's prideful but not opportunistic. And I think that her revue with Shiori gave her a much needed wakeup call with Akira - that she cannot control the destiny of one person and that she wasn't allowing herself to enjoy the stage she was on right now. I don't know how caught up you are with the stories that have only been released on JP so far, but I encourage you to read her conversation with Misora as well if you haven't already!
And Shiori fully deserves the win that was gifted to her with how much she's focused in on getting her sister back. I love how she used her role as the Chariot to push herself out of her comfort zone and fight more aggressively. She's so young that I don't fault her for being a meeker person, but she's really coming into her own.
But your ask was about Ichie!!
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Your question is an interesting one because I haven't given Ichie's role in AA much thought yet, so let's work through it together.
I think that the three Rinmeikan senpais are unique in that they are all united on the same front of what they're aiming to get - the revival of their performance department. It may be Tamao's darling, but Ichie is just as driven not to lose it either. Therefore, I believe that she'll work in Tamao's best interests, even if she doesn't agree with her methods.
The Sun arcana represents happiness, joy, and harmony. All of these things encapsulate Ichie perfectly - she is Rinmeikan's heart and light.
But The Sun also represents good fortune and success. "The universe comes together and agrees with your path and aides your forward movement into something greater.". I think that this is where Ichie faces the opposite situation from her assigned Arcana. Fate didn't play out well for her. Her idol career was killed in its childhood without a second thought by the people running it, and her second chance with theatre at Rinmeikan is quickly slipping through her fingers as well. She's positive and bubbly, but not passive. It doesn't seem so at a first glance, but Ichie is tenacious. I was so surprised when reading Rinmeikan's arc for the first time to see how angry and determined she was to reverse the loss of the performance department.
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She's already been through the wringer once, and that's why I anticipate that she'll work in earnest to defend her and Tamao's best interests, even if she isn't necessarily on board with whatever plans Tamao has in store - either way, lord knows that Tamao needs an ally right now. Tamao and Fumi are also both known for being grimdark edgelords, so I don't think Ichie's gonna be buying the whole gay little "death sure has gentle eyes..." schtick. She'll have a blast playing her ditzy airhead role along with Yachiyo and her wife Kuro and god DAMMIT they'll have a ton of fun with it. AND she'll get the performance department back too!!
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However many times she gets knocked down, Ichie believes in rebirth and fighting for second chances. Right now, Tamao and Fumi are fixated only on the the first part of that cycle: death. I don't think they've given much thought to the aftermath, and they'll very much need Ichie to guide them through that.
Sorry that this answer is a bit shorter and not as comprehensive as my previous ones - Ichie's Sun bond stories are only released in Japanese right now and really got mangled by Google Translate, so they were difficult for me to pick apart. That being said, I think I mostly reiterated here what I said in the last part of the TamaFumi ask - that for Tamao's single-minded sacrificial mindset and Fumi's pragmatic and realistic approach to life, they really, really need Ichie around to offer a lighter and happier kind of wisdom. I might try to revisit this once her story gets released on WW!
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puppy-phum · 4 years
apparently today is once again a tag game day ^^ thank you so much to @cross-d-a for tagging me :’) music is always my favorite things to share so this was very nice ♥ 
Rules: share five songs you’ve been listening to on repeat recently!
gosh this is gonna be rough but let’s see what i can do: 
Your Ocean x / The Love x by Hoppipolla 
i discovered a few days ago that this band had released their first album and i am absolutely in love with it! both of these songs make me super emotional and i wish to use “Your Ocean” for some edit at some point ;; it’s stunning. everything in this is just stunning. (also if you’re interested, one of the members does solo work too. I’ll has many amazing songs that am addicted to too. i could mention “Are You there” and “I Don’t Want U Back” as examples)
True Crime by Epik High ft. Miso x
as cross already mentioned “End of The World”, i am going to take the other favorite i have form this album :’) the whole album is amazing and there are many great songs but “True Crime” just hits differently ;; we can always trust epik high to deliver with the lgbtq+ themed songs sob
Rewind by ONEUS x
more albums that just got released! Oneus delivered again with this new (and their first full length!) album DEVIL. this is my favorite from there with “Lion Heart” :’) gosh I wish to see a performance for both wow 
Middle of The Night by Elley Duhé x
a new obsession from my this week’s discover weekly :o this came out of nowhere tbh and this is just perfect! also made me scream a lot bc this hit like a brickwall to my jiang shuo x qin yiheng -feels. i don’t usually get into horny thoughts but those two have something else going on ok, all that staring and jiang shuo being a BastardTM is kinda hot 
猎心 (A Hunter’s Heart) by 信 (Shin) x
god this song goes HARD. and with psych hunter that works perfectly! this song gets me so hyped even if am not usually that into this type of rock songs :o this is just so epic! and allows me to just relive all of that excitement i experienced while watching the drama ^^ 
as honorary mentions i’ll just mention the whole of Ultimate Note’s ost as well as both of the ending songs for Sand Sea! i just never seem to move on from those :’D
hey i didn’t even cheat that much! that’s cool :’D and i’ll just tag @ashenwren and @i-am-just-a-kiddo bc i love to hear what you guys obsess over ^^ even if i might know already? also going to tag @leonzhng @tiesanjiao and @aheartfullofjolllly for funsies ^^ have fun ♥
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 70 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 170 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 167 responses
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This episode received good ratings, though it wasn’t as hype as previous episodes have been. We presume this is likely due to the primary focus on Gabi and Falco over the Survey Corps/Warriors. Overall, though, the episode was solid for most respondents. 
Its pretty good
Alright for what it was.
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The majority of the most favored Gabi/Falco moments from the episode were in the second half, starting with Gabi’s unfortunate encounter with the horse with 29.9% of the vote. Behind that is Kaya and Gabi’s argument about why Kaya’s mom had to die with 27.5% of the vote. At 21.6%, Kaya remembering Sasha was favored and at 13.2% was Kaya taking Gabi and Falco to her old home. 
Gabi's character is so real. LOVED her and Kaya's argument; the va's went all out & it made me cry
Why do ask us what our favorite Gabi/Falco moment was without the option "I don't have one?" Falco's cool and all but Gabi's story has literally been nothing but a drag to me from start to finish
Would have chosen the horse thing for my favorite moment but went with Kaya remembering Sasha instead. At this point so close to the end of the manga I'd rather focus more on moments with characters I enjoy than obsessing with a character I utterly despise having some misfortune (to put it mildly)
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This pie chart was a bit more colorful than the previous one, with the largest piece going to Mikasa’s headache with her flashback to the night Eren saved her (26.2%). Behind that moment, 16.7% most enjoyed Hange confronting Floch and Co. about their involvement in leaking information about Eren, 16.1% favored seeing Hange remembering Sannes’ warning. 14.9% liked seeing Mikasa and Louise’s brief conversation in the dungeon and 13.1% liked the moment with Magath and the Warriors discussing their retaliation. 
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Nearly half of respondents were most touched by the moment at the end of the episode where Kaya talks about Sasha saving her and says she wishes to become a person like her. 29.6% got most emotional over seeing the flashback to the night Eren saved Mikasa, and 18.3% were most impacted by Hange remembering Sannes’ warning.
RATE JEAN’S OUTFIT 169 responses
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Jean doesn’t do anything in this episode really, but he sure did come dressed in, erm, a unique outfit. Overall most people were neutral or felt that he needs to up his fashion game. Although 34.3% altogether ranked on the higher end, feeling he’s a total fashion icon. We’re questioning the legitimacy of these claims or whether they were just being sarcastic for the fun of it. lol
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Eren thirst won out on this question, with 70.4% being most excited to see his half naked body in the previous episode. Though Reiner stans came through for him in their support of his shirtless moment this week with nearly 30% of the vote (and commentary).
More half naked Reiner thx
My only disappointment is that the shirtless reiner scene wasn't longer.
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When asked if respondents would like an excuse to have a conversation with our chaotic bae Yelena, 40.2% said they would absolutely love a reason to talk to her. 29% aren’t sure if they would want to or not, while 16.6% were a solid “no.” 14.2% didn’t care about this question. 
Yelena is hot
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There was a brief moment in the manga after Gabi’s misfortune with the horse where Falco thinks to himself about how he’s not yet ready to tell Gabi about his involvement in Eren’s attack on Liberio. 35.8% had completely forgotten this was a thing at all, while 24.2% felt it would have been a nice thing to keep, although ultimately unneeded. 20.6% feel it wasn’t a big deal since he tells her later anyway, and 9.7% feel that this thought of his will come up at a later time. 
I honestly forgot about it but it would have been really cool to see his thoughts in a better way, if that makes sense.
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Though a small detail, a few lines were cut from Pixis and Yelena’s conversation as well. 42.4% feel that it was unneeded and feel ok with the cut. 23% thought it wasn’t necessary to begin with, and 20.6% had completely forgotten about this as well. A handful didn’t care or feel saddened by less Yelena content. 
Maybe the actress wouldn’t come in to say one line l idk
I knew something was missing
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We get to reexperience Gabi’s evolution from a perpetuator of Marleyan propaganda to someone who learns to “understand Reiner’s feelings” and see that those she was taught to hate are just like her. 25.1% of respondents feel unbothered by her initial resistance to see things any other way as they know where her arc is headed. 22.2% were never annoyed by this facet of her character to begin with and are totally enjoying the ride. 15% love her but can’t help but feel frustrated by these early moments of her development. 13.8% have always felt annoyed by her character and so their feelings remain unchanged, and 10.8% simply stated that they had forgotten just how annoyed they felt by her at all in the early portion of this arc. 
It's annoying AF but looking back/knowing what I know now makes me more empathetic to her storyline. She still annoying AF rn, though.
Back then I was just antsy to get back to the other plot lines. But I’m enjoying this a LOT more this time around.
It's a mix of painful and Gabi I love you but you need sense knocked into you, ya know?
Always hated her, always will, nothing the anime does changes my hatred of her
To quote Eren, "I always hated you".
I feel bad for her, she doesn't deserve this
She’s so annoying but I found Eren just as annoying in the beginning and I grew into loving the character. The get the reasons for her character but boy yams really made her so fucking annoying
Gabi Braun Must Die
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The majority has spoken. 54.8% feel that if Gabi had been the one to encounter Eren at the hospital, her views would have mostly remained the same, as opposed to Falco who was probably a better person to put into that role narratively speaking. 24.4% don’t want to say for sure as there is no way we will ever know, and 14.3% feel that she would have had her views altered to a slight degree, but would still not have been as empathetic to Eren as Falco was.
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Overall, the anime had a profound effect on the emotions of the audience. 36.9% state that they were equally impacted in both mediums, though if a side was chosen, 32.7% felt that the anime made the scene more impactful, versus only 19% who thought that Isayama nailed it better in the manga. Only 11.3% were unaffected by this scene in either medium.
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MAPPA included dialogue of Porco and Pieck vouching for saving Gabi and Falco ASAP, arguing that they should get them for the sake of the warrior program and that losing their talent would be a blow, and it would take ages to train up new warrior candidates. This is most likely just their excuse to appeal to Magath while wanting to save Gabi and Falco because they care about them. 41.9% felt that their commentary added more depth to the situation and the urgency to retaliate against Paradis and get Gabi and Falco back. 28.1% were simply content to get more content of them. 18% weren’t super excited about it, just stating that it was alright, while 9.6% just felt “meh” about the addition. 
I like how they all piled on about the need to take immediate action
I want to say I enjoyed it and it added depth but thinking about it longer makes it sound like they only care about rescuing them only because their valuable warrior candidates. Like, it makes it seem like they don't actually care that much about them, even if I know that's not the case. LOL 
Any extra scene with Pieck is much appreciated!!
made me sad that they only see them as soldiers and not kids that need saving.
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The vast majority (65.5%) of manga readers are most excited to see Zackley blowing up in the anime (bye bye, poop machine!). At a distant second was seeing Eren his cell at 22.4%. Only 7.3% are looking forward to seeing Mikasa and Armin pleading with Zackley to see Eren, and Yelena and Pixis got minimal love. 
My memory is not working well, did Wit showed Zackleys poop machine or was it supposed to be shown in the next episode?
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The plurality of respondents (42.8%) seemed a bit disappointed, but had no problem accepting this cliffhanger. 27% seemed rather displeased, but nonetheless were also understanding of MAPPA’s decision. In contrast, 10.7% looked back to the Promotional Video (which had content from up 122) and expressed their PAIN. 8.2% actually wanted the season to end on this cliffhanger, so they were rather pleased instead. We also received a lot of write-ins.  
There absolutely needs to be season part 2, i don't accept any early endings
I am... not sure yet.
As long as it means less cut content lmao
Don't really care much where it's gonna end. I just hope the pacing is good.
i read it ages ago idek which chapter 116 is
I want people to stop complaining about the trailer “lying to them”.  Also my anime only gf is going to be very frustrated with where episode 16 ends.
I thought it would end with 122 according to the preview and it would have been, IMO one of the best cliff hanger ever since all the logic of the plot turns around with revelation about Eren path shenangians. However, I think it's really fine since it allowed MAPPA to take its time to show us the story without making to much choices or compromise. It also means longer s4 part2 if there's one.
I dare you to stop at chapter 114 and fluster up all Levi fans
I am going to die waiting for Paths. 
I need to recheck chapter 116 I forgot about almost everything happened after ema encounter in 112 :D
I don't care as long as they all cover it eventually.
Chapter 119 would have been a better end, but well, I'm gradually learning to lower my expectations for this season
I just roll with whatever they give me xD only fearing Hange's farewell </3
both 122 and 116 are okay for me tbh
It's all fine to me
Someone explain this whole "ending on chapter 116" thing please
It should've been 117 :/
I was hoping for 119, but I get why they picked 116
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In a nearly unanimous vote, the large majority of respondents feel that the series is best wrapped up with a “part 2” of the final season over the potential for MAPPA to conclude things as a movie (or as movies). Hopefully we’ll have an answer from MAPPA on this front at the end of this run. :)
Another season or movie series works as long as they keep to the source material
I’m happy with either. 
I really really reeeeeeally hope it's not movies. I do not want movies! It would take literal years for fans outside of Japan to get a proper conclusion to the series. Last time people waited years for a season so many people stopped caring, moved on and the popularity took a huge hit it never recovered from. I'm worried that due to Demon Slayer's success they're gonna get greedy but SNK movies wouldn't even make a fraction of what Demon Slayer made. That series is a behemoth over there, it's insane. And I love SNK but Evangelion it is not, and people aren't going to wait and will lose interest. Just please, NO MOVIES!
Final Season Part 2 BUT with lots of time to adapt it
part two but don't call it part two XD.... let's stay in a hiatus for an anime season or 2. or more i don't care , i hope they have enough time to make the amazing job they are doing right now :) 
Series Spin-Off after Final Season Part 2 !!
A movie would be super sick but unrealistic
Whatever MAPPA decides is best
The scenery is a 10/10
gabi braun and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad island vacation. 
Gabi sucks
All hail the Eldian Empire
I thought it was overall really good and funny because of the scenes where falco and gabi were just arguing,, it didn’t have much blood and all but I still really liked it!
I never noticed this in the manga, but seeing gabi constantly almost give them away and falco anxiously making up excuses felt like watching reiner and bert again 😂 
Gabbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! Kaya MVP btw.
Bless MAPPA for delivering on the shirtless scenes after we got robbed in Season 3. lol :p But seriously, this episode's scenery was gorgeous.
It was like the calm before the storm that's about to come with the next episode. Episode 71 will be when everything starts to violently turn
people should understand Gabi's character even more
I think Falco was very cute the whole time
Gabi beating that guard was way more brutal in the anime, but the scene of her slapping Lisa's hand away was badly done here.
It was a bit boring, but it was needed for character development
One thing I noticed about this episode is how heavily it featured female characters being influenced by other female characters/female characters in general (Louise and Mikasa; Kaya and Sasha; Kaya and Gabi; arguably Hange depending on how you identify them) which was a nice reminder that of the fact that AOT isn't one of those shows that falls heavily in the 'one token girl' dynamic. Isayama worked to include a wide variety of female characters with very differing outlooks, which clash occasionally, without it ever being about romance. 
Like most of this season (except episodes 1 and 7 maybe), I appreciate Mappa's work but that's all. I'm sad, disappointed, and I guess it's a good thing this season will end on chapter 116. Let's hope they will have enough time to adapt Part 2 and make it legendary, because this first part is good at best. Also, I totally forgot how annoying Gabi was back then. I really like her now, but geez, she was awful this episode.
Felt good to see Gabi get horsebite all over again. Can't wait to see how MAPPA extends Nicolo punching her lol
cool episode, i’m looking forward to seeing more of gabi’s development in the future episodes :))
The horror of mikasa's newly resignified memory... PERFECT. i was fearing they would use wit's romanticized scene... which worked just fine in the first season BUT NOT NOW! because the whole connotation of the memory is different. ALSO! the scenery was insane! 
Horse for President!
Damn, MAPPA's killing it on the scenery this episode. I really enjoyed the animation as well as the plot and voice acting.
In spite of the animation quality I had to give it an obligatory 1 because it was a Gabi episode, and anything involving Gabi automatically decreases the overall quality of the story
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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The next day, Aditi opted to clear her conscience by planning for the future. The next few days, she could visit Hajime and talk out her concerns. The Trifle situation was... more difficult. She paced outside her sister’s door for.. hours it felt like. In reality, it was only five minutes of hyping herself up, only to chicken out and speed walk back to her room. Her brain being so busy with ideas and studying dreams means she felt exhausted by the end of the day. Enough to fall asleep normally instead of with alcohol.
She suspected these dreams in her sleep was a form of self-analysis. That Albert was merely a character that existed in her head, that she could use to learn about herself. But, his reactions were independent of her? That wouldn’t make much sense. Least to say, when the dream blurred into her vision, she was the first to speak this time. “Do you exist independently from these dreams?” She blurred out without giving a second to consider waiting.
“Good day to you too.” Albert responded without the usual bravado, reading through the notebook he had been writing in the whole time, clapping it shut again, the usual smile appearing back on his face as he responded casually: “I don’t see how this is relevant to our progression, Aditi. If we were here to smalltalk and dilly dally, I would have met you in a cafe.”
He smirked a little as he remarked: “Dilly dallying is quite the entertaining word, don’t you think?” He chuckled to himself as he opened a drawer in his desk, procuring some papers, eyes roaming over them.
“You’re as humorous as you are straightforward, Doctor.” Aditi muttered in annoyance.
“For today I thought we could do a little personality test. Nothing too intrusive, it is just there to distinguish your basic characteristics, like punctuality, empathy, introversion or extraversion etcetera etcetera, you can also choose not to answer if you are not comfortable. All of these questions can be responded with ‘yes’ or ‘no’, you do not need to elaborate in any way.”
Aditi folded her arms together, much like a pouting child and rolled her eyes. She figured that questioning him any further was a dead end at this point. He was fair too cryptic and waffling to let her in on secrets. With a disappointed huff, she nodded to give her agreement to the test.
He wrote Aditi’s name on the paper and then read some of the questions to her:
“When I see someone crying, I feel the urge to hug them and try to make them feel better.”
“I often miss public transportation.”
“You can find me at the club every Friday night.”
“Family is extremely important to me.”
“I need social interactions every day to function.”
“I like to try out new things.”
The first, made her pause. Did she feel the need to hug or comfort anyone she saw crying? The answer was no. Crying only immediately provoked curiosity in her. Her sympathy pains only seemed to be accessible only with her loved ones. People she knew, and already could appreciate. Both being true, her choice was to stay neutral. “No answer.”
The second was simple. The few times she relied on public transportation, she was never late. Rather she stressed about being early. “No.”
The third took no time either. Easily assumed, she was a wallflower, and hardly ever had fun at parties. Unless illegal means were involved. “No.”
Family. The ones she chose as family, yes. Celia? Trifle? Knifu? The first name, no. The second.. yes? And the third was yes. So, she decided to follow suit. “Yes.”
Did she need to interact with someone everyday? No. She went without it for years being raised by Celia. “No.”
Trying new things? Adventure. Discovery. Absolutely. “Yes.”
He nodded along to her answers, occasionally looking down to jot the right square, a smirk edging on his face at the attitude Aditi was giving him. “Are you doubting my measures? Just wait for it. By the end of this test you might be surprised by how much more I know about you. I’ll just need a day to properly evaluate it.”
Amusement was edging on his face, a weird static atmosphere starting to fill the office as he continued with his questions, making sure his voice was clear so there wouldn’t be misunderstandings.
Aditi stared back defiantly, clearly not buying his claim. Answering a few questions with yes or no wasn’t nearly enough to get an idea of what that person was like. The static noise and atmosphere didn’t phase her outside of a more narrowed sharp gaze. He continued:
“I regularly go on holidays.”
“I suffer from thoughts that don’t seem to be my own.”
“I don’t understand social cues often.”
“I have a hard time imagining myself in someone else's shoes.”
“I feel the urge to physically harm people that have done me wrong.” His eyes flicked up to her for a moment to see her reaction.
Regular holidays? That referred to taking breaks and enjoying the company of others, didn’t it? “Yes.” She nodded.
Hear thoughts that aren’t her own? She remembered struggling with this since childhood, even before Celia. “Yes.”
Social cues. At first, she struggled with them desperately. Nowadays? She was fair better at reading the room, but not too comfortable to call herself an expert. “Yes.”
This one was easy. A perspective empathy question. She often exorcised her ability to relive the memories of others, in order to gain more empathy for them. While it was intrusive, it was the fastest way to understand. “No.”
The last question caused some amount of discomfort. She clearly didn’t like the question. But she disliked her answer even more so. “... Yes.” She admitted, glancing away while doing so.
His grin widened at her answers, quickly writing down the answers and reassuring her. “You‘re doing great. Don’t worry, we are almost done...” He flipped the page, a soft singing was audible, so quiet it could almost be missed. It sounded like a little girl singing a nursery rhyme, but in another language, so it wasn’t sure what she was singing.
When he talked, it sounded like multiple voices, hushed whispers accompanying him like backup singers, but the man himself didn’t pay it any mind, continuing as if nothing weird was going on.
“I wish that I had more friends than I actually have.”
“I feel the urge to harm people for no clear reason.”
“I feel scared of what the future holds for me.”
“I feel guilty.”
“I feel disliked by people around me.”
“Get out of here.”
His voice was very quiet compared to the whispers that were accompanying him, maybe those weren’t actually the questions he was asking and just the whispers, but he looked at Aditi expectantly. The whispers were still audible, telling Aditi to leave.
Aditi listened to the whispers and singing combining together into a whirl of madness. It was much like a nightmare, one of the standard ones that showed anxiety in others. People could hear voices of disdain talking to them mostly when they themselves felt judged by others. None of this triggered her into a breakdown thankfully, only medical themes or visions of past mistakes caused her to falter. While unnerved, she pressed forward, eyes narrowing in response to his encouragement.
Did she want more friends? She has been told many times that she isn’t easy to approach, and when she takes initiative that can turn poorly as well. Part of her wishes was that she looked more inviting. “Yes.”
A desire to harm others for no reason. Generally, no. She didn’t want to hurt people without reason. Only when she lost control did she feel that impulse. Of course, she considered herself a sadist to an extent also. Those factors made this question difficult to answer. “No answer.”
Scared of the future? Who isn’t scared of the future? Of the unknown? It’s only natural to feel that way, right? “Yes.”
Guilty. She barely had to think of her answer. “Yes.”
Does she feel disliked? That’s strange too. Her whole life, she was surrounded by people who wanted to kill her, or adored her. The laboratory experiment children would’ve gladly watched her drop dead. The cultist would’ve given their lives for her. Only now was there a happy medium. But... the bitterness of the past wouldn’t let her see on the brighter side. “Yes.”
“Very good, Aditi. You are doing great. We are almost done actually.“ He jotted more stuff down, his expression looking a little off from just a few seconds ago.
“I just have 5 more questions for you and then we can end tonight’s session.“ he informed her, turning the Page, fingers tightening around the paper and crumpling it lightly. He opened his mouth, but suddenly his voice was completely gone. It was like he got muted, in his place the whispers filling the room. He still held eye contact, though it was more like he was looking through Aditi, something clearly on his mind. And instead of the questions she heard:
“I’m sorry this is all my fault.”
“You don’t deserve this.”
“It should have never come to this.”
“He’s hunting you. He’s a monster.”
“Get out of here.”
His mouth closed again and he looked at Aditi expectantly, waiting for her answers. He looked less worried and more hopeful now, a giddy glint in his eerie eyes.
While shutting out the instructive thoughts was easy enough when she could hear a voice over them. Now? No. It wasn’t easy at all. Not easy to stare straight again. Not easy to keep from flinching every time the voice asked a question. Not easy to hold her neutral gaze. It reminded her all too much of how it felt to lose control. To be consumed by despair. Her thoughts no longer being her own, only whispers and taunts, keeping her at bay, pulling her down to let her instincts do all of the work. Her head felt.. fuzzy. Aditi felt similarly at this moment. Her lips curled into an uncomfortable scowl. What the hell is this? It hadn’t been nearly this unsettling the other times they spoke. What was getting in the way?
Or.. was this the plan all along? To earn her trust more, only to make the dreams devolve into hellish nightmares? She sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case.
The whispers suddenly stopped as he opened his mouth again, asking Aditi: “Are you alright, Aditi? You look a bit pale.“
Something really didn’t want this session to continue. But if the doctor noticed, he did a good job at hiding it.
“..... I couldn’t hear your questions.” She admitted quietly, her eyes shifting around the room carefully. “Voices spoke over you. Whether they were in my head or not, I’m uncertain. They are...” She paused once again, thinking over if she should be honest or not in this situation. Ultimately, she decided against lying. “They are.. apologizing to me? Saying I do not deserve this. It should’ve never come to this? He, whoever that is, seems to be hunting me. He is a monster? They are.. telling me to leave..”
He regarded her, expression serious as he listened to Aditi, contemplating something for a few seconds, then ultimately sighing. He looked around the room again, as if he could make out the voices and silence them, ultimately deciding to try and explain: “It is probably your subconsciousness running wild from stress...“
He set the test aside, leaning forward to give Aditi a comforting touch. It was cold as ice.
“Let us end the session a little early, alright? You don’t need to answer those questions. I’ll just review the test without them.“ he reassured her, a sad glint in his eyes.
The voices were a lot quieter now, but it was probably for the better to end this meetup earlier to start better off on the last one.
“Rest easy, Aditi. I’ll see you tomorrow.“
Aditi didn’t understand. She sat with shifting eyes, looking left to right like a frightened child. It made her feel weak for her emotions to be easily sensed or stated. It felt wrong to hear her dead name be spoken aloud in her ear, so wrong that it caused her to flinch back and fumble. Her eyes narrowed so angrily at the voice, she nearly forgot to take his hand. “... This was a mistake..” Her grip on his hand was uncomfortably tight now, she seemed to seethe with contempt.
This only happened after she put faith in him and gave away sensitive information about her past. She thought it was of little consequence, yet here it was... being shoved in her face. Taunting her. This being was taunting her, wasn’t he? Mocking her. Before she could convey her distrust, the dream had faded away like the smoke of fireworks.
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