#yall know I had to drop some solos of this shit.
bubblepopsims · 5 months
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Photoshoot <-
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bahrtofane · 3 months
bruised knuckles
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 Jude x gender neutral!reader 
While it’s not that surprising that a last minute party invite leads to a fight, Jude carrying you out was a little bit of an overkill 
Word count - 1.5K+ 
Watch it - physical fight, pretentious male character, bruised knuckles mentioned like once. i am so unserious for writing this yall
“That doesn’t make any sense though. “ You scoff idly playing with the rings adorning your fingers. Most gifts from Jude. 
Speaking of, He sits next to you on a sleek black couch. The both of you got dragged away to some party by his teammates on what could’ve been a lazy weekend at home. He got a call way too early than what was socially acceptable on a weekend, (it was 10 am), and was begged to come along. You were already getting up groaning at the whining coming from his phone. Blame it on being half asleep or unaware but you both mumbled a promise to be there and went back to bed. 
So here you are at a party hosted by god knows who in a now packed hotel, god knows where.
You know Jude doesn't like going to these. He calls them a poor excuse to show off and boost egos. You agree, it's all a ruse to see who can drop the most on champagne or bring the model with the most followers home. All just to have pixelated pictures of yourself blasted on social media 
You couldn’t even call it a party to be honest, there’s a crowd jumbling together in an attempt to dance and music blaring from somewhere. It's more of a bad linkedin meetup. Dim lighting flickering poorly and cups strewn carelessly on the floor. It’s lame and you can’t wait to leave. His teammates that dragged the two of you here have long since abandoned the two of you to do.., actually you have no idea what any of them are here for, nor do you care. 
You just continue to sip on your water and try to keep yourself entertained. It's not going very well. 
The guy you're in conversation with sits on an identical couch across from you rolls his eyes, “Of course you don’t understand. I don’t expect you to understand the complexity of such a topic. “
Judes been pretty silent this whole time, watching the exchange. He understands you prefer to handle things yourself and respects that fully. He won’t take that away just to tell someone off. Though the second you ask he doesn't have a problem getting in anyone's face. 
Now his hand moves to your thigh gently squeezing it, a warning to keep things in check for the night. He knows that you can get into more trouble than you care for sometimes. Spurring into action faster than you can actually process what you're doing. 
You dont want to give him anymore bad press but holy fuck is this guy youre talking to an ass hole. You don't even know how he spotted you in the almost pitch black room. He smiled and asked for a picture with the two of you, and had gotten agitated when you declined. 
“At least give me conversation.” He pleaded.
And so here you are. You regretted the choice about 20 minutes ago. 
Your eyes narrow as you clench your teeth. “Listen I don't care for pretty arguments on topics that are in my jurisdiction ”
The man, who’s name you long forgot, just shakes his head and takes a long drink from his red solo cup. 
“I seriously doubt that. You dress like that and expect anyone to take you seriously like come on. “ He snickers. 
Jude tenses next to you and you try your best to calm the both of you down. Jude isn't one to start fights per say but he's not 6’1 (give or take) for nothing. Reputation be damned. 
You breathe deeply trying to resist the urge to beat his ass right then and there. The cheap laser lights only make your head hurt. Jude rubs circles on your thigh, you settle for a quick response instead. 
“What I wear doesn’t mean shit. I look good. What the fuck you have going for you? “ 
“A diploma ?? I don’t think you have one of those do you.”
Your patience is wearing thin, knee bobbing up and down harshly as you try and focus your attention away from him.
Jude stands, gently nudging your shoulder. It's time to leave. And you agree. No worth entertaining this any longer.
Just as you stand, taking Judes outstretched arm with a smile, setting your cup down on the table.  You get one last retort that truly sends you reeling. 
“Oh yeah walk away,” he begins, using his cup to point at you both. When you dont reply he chooses to get up, following you around the table and back into the dance floor. 
“Let the money maker drag you away,” He yells, grabbing into your arm and yanking it back it almost knocks you off your feet“ So worthless compared to him you don't-”
You don’t let the man finish, rushing from your seat to slam him onto the floor. His drink splashes on your chest as you meet the slippery brown hardwood with a loud thud. Your body jerks with heavy force, ears ringing, but you don’t let up. Trapping his legs under your weight, one arm forcing his hands down while the other lands blows into his face. A crowd has gathered, you know that much, the bass that’s been shaking the floor has stopped as people are clamoring around to get a better look. 
That all fades in the next few moments, passing in a blur as the man under you tries desperately to get up with no avail. You're clawing at whatever you can reach, tufts of his hair in between your fists while he yells so harshly you think his voice is about to give out. 
He manages to land a kick haphazardly to your lower stomach, which makes you groan just enough for your grip to loosen and for him to begin to slip away.
Just as you get a good grip on him again you're lifted on the ground watching him skimper away, heaving deep breaths as he grips a couch arm rest. You thrash trying to slip away from the arms but you're caught all too soon. You're yelling at the man, spitting venom. Though the exact words are less clear at this point. 
When you walk out from the blaring lights, you have half the mind to realize you're in a familiar set of arms. Wrapped around to keep you steady, swinging you over their shoulders. Jude. 
The adrenaline rushes through you, blurring the party and its noise out of focus. You do realize you're heading down stairs and outside, the cool night air like a hotel AC on summer vacation, a little bit of an overkill. But it does good to bring you back to reality. 
“You're going to get quite the reputation if you keep this up. “ He sighs, amusement in his voice. 
You have half the mind to respond with a slap to his back. “Yeah well next time bitches need to know not to try me. A reputation wouldn’t even be that bad for me. Might be bad for you“ 
He pats your back gently and continues down the curb, softly setting you down when you reach your car. You lean against the passenger door, wiping the sweat off your face and checking for any major damage across your body. There are none, just bruising on your knuckles. Dude couldn’t even get one proper hit in. The aftermath of your actions sets in and you groan, rubbing your temples. 
Jude gives you a small smile, gently taking your hand in his. You look at him fondly, if it weren’t for him you really don’t know what you would do at this point.
“I'm sorry. This is going to be all over twitter in an hour fuck.” You apologize. 
“He deserved it. Doesn't matter what they say they weren't there.”
You shake your head, “i need to do better, this is just gonna come back to you. I guarantee you everyone was recording.”
“They can think and do what they want.”
“No more talk of that. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” taking your hands and giving then a once over.
“No baby. Im fine.”
“Thank god.”
“I'm really really sorry, love.” you mutter.
He fixes your outfit, gentle tucking and rearranging the fabric back into place. “I told you baby, it's really fine. He was disrespectful and passed the limit.”
“Do you think he'll press charges?”
“I'm not sure. But for now dont worry okay? I got you. He touches you first anyway”
“Okay,” you breath out. 
“Eduardo’s getting your stuff, he’s gonna be here in a sec. “ He tells you softly. 
You nod your head and lean onto his shoulder, “The carrying me out was a little bit of an overkill babe.” you play with the buttons on his shirt. Trying to find at least a little light in the situation. 
He snorts, “if I didn’t you would’ve mauled the guy.” 
You shrug in response. Maybe you should lay off parties for a while if they keep ending like this. 
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aspenthewriter · 6 months
I love velvet so much so what about fem!reader and velvet first kiss
I just remembered for a moment that velvet still about teen age and it seems to me that it would be awkward in some sense
but uhh sure anon thanks for the request!
Velvet x Fem!reader {first kiss}
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Fandom: Trolls 3/band together
warnings: TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF, minor grammatical errors
Pairing: velvet x fem!reader
Velvet and you have been dating for about a month, and EVERYBODY KNOWS- they’ve been begging to see you! So whenever it went around that there was a special guest in Velvet and Veneers new show, mount rageous definitely lived up to its name…
It was 10 minutes before show time and you were nervous as hell, you hadn’t preformed it years!… oh I didn’t mention that yet did I?
a couple years ago you where a nation wide singer and a very talented one at that. Everyone loved you, but due to a injury involving your leg you where not able to preform on stage… you kinda just lost interest and never preformed again
you where shaking.. almost tearing up from nervousness and anxiety.. Velvet noticed this, and asked what was wrong
“I-i can’t do this! I haven’t performed in years… what if I’m bad at singing? What if I fuck up!”
“Hey you’ll do great, you have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard… after mine of course, but like I said you’ll do amazing!” Velvet helped you get ready, you looked absolutely fabulous, and with velvet and veneers help your confidence level was pretty high
they then left to go preform, and you just had to wait for your grand entrance…
fog covered the state and a platform rows from the ground and you started singing along with velvet in veneer, the crowd was fucking shocked, jaws dropped
you a solo and velvet was silently cheering you on
after that she spun you around, dipped you and kissed you
it was the best kiss you’d ever had, her lips tasted like a mixture of coconut and mango
it was so passionate and you wished it lasted longer than 3 seconds
in that moment you where in pure bliss
They continued at normal after that you kept singing with them and after the show had ended people kept tagging you in videos of you and velvet kissing and you couldn’t stop the heat rising onto your cheeks
“I guess people really love us huh?”
“I-i guess so…”
She grabbed your waist and pulled you into another kiss… thank god veneer was still giving people uni-brows other wise he wouldn’t stop taking photos
“I love you poppet”
“I love you too..”
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Omg I couldn’t stop kicking my feet the entire time I was writing this-
hope YALL enjoy this, first actual fanfic in a while
bye pookies 🫶
-Aspen out
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
Building Trust (Chirp AU)
Anyways thank you guys so much for all the love we both really appreciate it and love reading ur comments. Im sitting here at 2am writing this and i already know by the time i wake up yall are gonna be crowding up my inbox.
Again thank you all so much for the appreciation. Cant wait to share all artemis and i have planned :D Grabs Macaque and fucking squishes him WHO WANTS BLORBO CONTENT?!?!??!
Anyways lmao enjoy the chapter !!!
MK wasn’t sure what had happened that day with Macaque and Wukong but what he did know was that it was only the beginning of a lot of changes. Both personally and in his day-to-day life. For starters, he began to chirp at everything almost instinctively.
Stub his toe? Chirp.
Drop something on his foot? Chirp.
Get frustrated or overwhelmed? Chirp.
It got so frequent and often that the other people in his life even began to take notice and question it. Pigsy asked about it and was quick to understand that it was another ‘monkey thing’. Tang thought it was a new type of stim that he was adjusting too and said, ‘it probably feels nice and calming to let out all those frustrations and anxieties so you might be chirping more and more as a buildup of stress’ which made MK feel a bit better about chirping as much, but he still worried about the effect it could have on Macaque and Wukong if they were around.
Speaking of which, both of them were beginning to make appearances around the restaurant more and more since that day. Macaque was quick to check in on him first thing in the morning before MK even properly left his apartment, his shadow figure was standing in the hall of the restaurant. He never stepped out of his shadow, only asking if he was alright, how he was feeling, and checking to make sure his head wasn’t giving him any issues. Macaque would then vanish just as quickly as he showed up just for Wukong to show up a short time later asking the same questions.
Though Wukong had the added question of “ Any sign of that rat Macaque? ”
Something MK quickly decided to lie to his mentor about. He didn’t know what happened that day but did know that he hadn’t really seen his mentor looking that vicious before. He didn’t know if Wukong could tell he was lying but if he did notice he never pointed it out.  
This continued for about a week, getting visits from Macaque and Wukong every other day, though there was once where Macaque visited twice in a row just so he and Wukong started visiting on different days to avoid seeing one another. But each time something similar began to happen until a new pattern formed.
Macaque would stay in the shadows (more so under MK’s bed once he invited the demon into his apartment) and talked to him from under there while avoiding too much light as he talked to MK or just listened to MK ramble. He also occasionally slipped pieces of paper out of the bed that were recipes, notes and even a cut out ad from a magazine.
“What’s this for?” MK asked, looking at the ad. “ Hair-and-fur shampoo? That’s a thing?”
“Yep. It’s how Wukong keeps his hair all ‘ fabulous ’ or whatever.” He said sarcastically. “If the chirping has any implications of anything, bud, you might be changing. I’m not sure how or why, but if you are starting to change I’d look into getting some of that. Normal fur shampoo will destroy your hair and hair shampoo will make your fur sticky.”
“Oh, okay thanks… but what do you mean ‘changing’?”
“Well, think about it. Chirps are the first sounds a cub knows how to make when they’re born. Could be signs that you’re turning into a monkey. Though we probably can’t be sure until you start to chatter… or sprout a tail.” Macaque said, his glowing eyes looking towards the door. “Your dragon friend is here. Cya, bud.”
Then, like that, Macaque slipped out of sight as Mei walked into the room.
“Hey, monkey man~! Are you ready to dance until your feet fall off?!” She said, then looked at MK. “Why are you sitting on the floor?”
“Huh? Oh! I dropped this.” He said, holding up the paper, “Then I sat down and started reading it.”
“What is it?” Mei walked over, looking down at it with a smirk. “ Hair-and-fur Shampoo ? Maybe you should buy some of that for Macaque. Who knows the last time he bathed.” She teased.
“Mei.” MK sighed, “You sound like Wukong.” He got up, putting the paper onto his bedside table.
“Hey, let’s keep the insults to a minimum now.” She said with a huff, “But seriously, what’s with that?”
“Uh… just started thinking, I guess. Since I started chirping I might be changing, so might as well be prepared.”
“Changing? Like what? Monkey puberty?”
MK shrugged, “Something like that. Now, let’s go before the arcade gets too crowded. I don’t want to stand in line forever.”
“Oh! Right! Leggo~” She said, taking his hand and pulling him out of the apartment.
The next day Wukong showed up in the restaurant itself.
“It always smells so good in here~” He said, sniffing the air as he sat at the stool.
“You sure have been showing up here a lot lately.” Pigsy commented, “Not that I don’t mind the business, I mean at least you pay.” He said, shooting a glare at Tang who seemed offended while MK chuckled. “Something going on?”
“Nah, just making sure Macaque keeps his grubby little hands off of you guys. I don’t know what he’s up to lately but if I show up here enough he’ll eventually get tired or face me himself. Either way, MK will be safer if I show myself sometimes.”
MK frowned, tightening his grip on the broom as he began to sweep again.
“I thought Macaque changed? Plus, he didn’t do any serious damage to MK, so… why are you out for blood, Monkey King?” Tang pointed out and Wukong frowned, then sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Macaque has ‘changed’ before.” Wukong said, quietly thanking Pigsy for the noodles and fruit dumplings in front of him. “I don’t want to think that this was like any of the other ‘changes’ but I can’t risk it, plus Macaque being near people - for any reason - is dangerous. For everybody involved.”
“You keep saying that, but what does that even mean?” MK asked, throwing his broom to the ground before he could even process that he was getting mad enough for this. “You say he’s ‘dangerous’ you say ‘he can’t be trusted’ but he saved me from you ! That’s enough for me! He saved me, helped me save you, and yes he did some bad things but he’s not a bad guy!”
Wukong tensed, looking back at him before he sighed. “Listen, bud. There’s a lot about Macaque that you don’t know-”
“THEN TELL ME!” MK said, stomping his foot with rage as the ground trembled slightly. “I don’t know anything about Macaque but I also don’t know anything about you! All I know about you, I read but I… I don’t know you Wukong.” He said, trembling as his eyes burned with frustrated tears. “I don’t know anything other than you picked an everyday, average, boring noodle delivery boy to be your successor…”
“Kid…” Pigsy began, walking around the counter. “Take a breath, you’re going to make yourself sick if you keep working yourself up.” He gently put his hand on MK’s shoulder.
“MK has a point.” Tang hummed, scratching his chin like an older gentleman would rub a beard. “All we know about the Six-Eared Macaque is some of his abilities, the Shadow Play stunt he pulled, and the way he helped us. But on a research standpoint, the Journey to The West only tells us that Macaque is one of four Celestial Primates and that he tried to use your appearance to seek out immortality. We also know that you killed him with your staff before reuniting your group and continuing your journey. Other than that one instance we have no idea what Macaque has done, and weighing the ‘good’ and ‘bads’ of the situation he’s helped more than harmed.”
Wukong popped a dumpling into his mouth, his tail swishing in a way that almost implied frustration like a cat read to pounce. “Well, there’s more to it than that. A lot more. But, no matter what that filthy monkey’s done… I have a promise to keep to him.”
“A promise?” Pigsy said as MK rubbed tears out of his eyes.
Wukong nodded, “Yeah, a promise. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you about why he’s dangerous but I promised Macaque that I wouldn’t mention it to anybody… though that was a long time ago. Before I killed him…” He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, “But for respect to the Macaque of the past I’m going to keep my mouth shut. Sorry, bud…”
MK shook his head, “Whatever… I’m going on my break.” He said, his voice wavering as he walked out of the building.
MK stomped down the street, trying to calm his heart which was pounding so hard in his chest he felt dizzy. The world was so loud when he was this upset, it was like everybody in Megapolis had microphones and big speakers attached to their backs and were all screaming at the same time. It was loud, crowded, and overwhelming.
His hands found their way to his hair, pulling at the strands as he tried to distract himself from how busy his mind was becoming with each step.
‘ He promised Macaque not to say, that means he’s doing it for Macaque, but it’s also hurting Macaque! Shouldn’t a promise not count if the person you made that promise to is suffering?! ’ He thought, tugging his hair again. ‘ Macaque needs people too, and you keep chasing everybody away from him all for a promise? Unless that promise was to make sure he was alone forever I don’t think he should keep it, and even if it was… shouldn’t the ‘respect for the past Macaque’ carry on now? If the past Macaque is hurting like the Macaque in the present then we should help him. ’
Mk took a sharp breath in, the afternoon air filling his lungs and attempting to calm him. Yet that incessant pounding in his chest wouldn't cease.The pounding was beginning to hurt, his breathing was unsteady and his eyes blurred with tears threatening to fall. It was all so frustrating. Every time Wukong did this it was like…no matter how much they go through, how close they get Wukong just won't talk to him. First the Lady Bone Demon, then the Samadhi fire, and now this! Mk let their breath out and ungripped his hands. Letting go of his hair and letting his arms fall to his sides.
He tried to steady his breathing but it wouldn't work with him, the frustration and anger grew within him with every new thought crossing his mind. He wishes he was strong enough to face Monkey King and get him to tell him everything, with no lies or excuses. The complete and utter truth, yet that seems too hard for Monkey king to do.
Mk’s walk is blinded by his thoughts and the tears that drip onto the concrete. He doesn't really know where he’s going and he doesn't care much. He just keeps walking while his frustrated mind and pounding heart guide him through the city. When he finally stops it's because he can't walk anymore. His legs have become sore and his frustrations have become too much for him. He needs to sit down.
Mk raises his head to look for a seat and something calms in his when he notices Macaques dojo not too far from him. He doesn't know how he made it all the way here yet he doesn't seem to care. His legs move on their own, walking towards the dojo with every step becoming quicker by the second till he’s full-on sprinting towards the dojo. When he gets there he throws open the door and finds Macaque in the main training room.
He’s panting while standing in a fighting stance, he’s not wearing a shirt so he must have been solo training. Mk knows he doesn't look good or okay, he wishes the thoughts weren't so deafening so maybe he could have thought to wipe away the tears and snot. Breathe the red out of his cheeks and nose. Then walk into the dojo with his usual big bright smile so Macaque didn't have to deal with this. With him.
Mk doesn't realize he chokes on his breathing, little sobs that escape him as he tries to breathe normally again. So he definitely doesn't notice the sad chirp he makes and what it does to Macaque the moment he hears it.
He doesn't have to know anything wrong, he shouldn't have to burden himself with his issues, it's not his problem, Mk’s just too sensitive for his own good and gets too upset over every little thing. It's really pathetic and stupid an-.
Arms wrap around Mk and pull him into a warm embrace, Mk is quick to throw his arms around Macaque and sob into dark fur. Between sobs, sad chirps continue to escape his lips. He lets Macaque pick him up and carry him somewhere. He doesn't know exactly where since dark fur covers his eyes as he continues to cry out his overwhelming frustrations. He’s suddenly set down in the middle of something familiar and soft. Mk opens his eyes and recognizes the familiar blankets and pillows beneath him.
It's the nest he and Macaque made the first time Mk had started chirping. He had kept it here? Mk’s hiccups and sobs crawled up his throat again as he was suddenly left alone without him ever noticing. He looks around the dim room for Macaque but doesn't see him anywhere, not in the room, not in the shadows. He’s nowhere to be found. What, did he just dump him in here to cry so he didn't bother Macaque with his annoying crying. He should have known, he should have known not to come and just cried it out on his own like he normally does. Instead of burdening other people with his issues. He should have known that he wouldn't get the comfort he sought for most.
He chirped again, this one louder than any he’s ever done before, then he sobbed and after another chirp. This repeating pattern of sobs and chirps as he curled up and hid his face into his knees is what causes something to drop outside. He grips onto his hair again, hands desperate to do anything while he sobs.
Suddenly something breaks closer to him and then hits the wall, before Mk can register what exactly that sound was he’s being pulled into those same warm warms and soft frantic apologies.
“I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry.” Something else warm and fluffy wrapped over Mk’s back and then around Macaque.
“Im wasn't gonna be gone for long. I'm sorry, see I grabbed a blanket for you. I'm sorry.”  Macaque wrapped an arm around Mk’s back rubbing gentle circles and his other hand combed Mk’s hair.
“Shhh, it's okay, let it out, let it all out.”
Mk grabbed onto Macaque as if his life depended on it, letting out frustrations even he didn't think he was still holding.
First Wukong not talking to him, avoiding the subject like he always did, leading to the Lady Bone Demon disaster, his best friend almost burning alive within the samadhi fire, Wukong getting possessed. Anything and everything going wrong till their on their last legs, barely coming up with a plan to save the world from being completely destroyed.
It all weighed so heavy on him, sure everything is okay now…but it isn't. It's not okay, nothing is okay and it hasn't been for a long time.
So he cries, he cries and he cries till his throat is sore, till his arms become too stiff to hold on anymore and he leans limp against Macaque.  Face red and stained with tears. Macaque grabs something off to the side and brings it close to Mk’s face, he wipes away the snot and tears then throws the tissue in a random corner to deal with later. Mk isn't crying anymore, tears still build and fall down his face but he can't bring himself to care. He’s too tired to care at all over something as small as a tear.
Mk blinks and looks around, Macaque's house is the same as ever, he doesn’t know if that's a good or bad thing. The nest is mostly the same, a few pillows in different places but that's the only difference. Mk wonders for a moment if Macaque’s been sleeping in the nest since they made it, if it's still here then it must be being used. Right? Mk hums to himself with that thought and looks at Macaque. He can't really see his face since he’s leaning against his chest, but because of the angle, he notices scar’s on Macaque's chest. Weirdly placed scars that seem familiar but Mk cant-
“Macaque?” Mk croaks, his voice sore and quiet due to all his crying.
“Hmm, yes? Do you need some water, another blanket?”
“Your trans?” Mk asks, looking up at macaque now, still leaning against him.
Macaque stared down at Mk, taking a breath in before answering. “...yeah,” he says, tightening his hold on Mk just slightly. Mk hums, putting his head back down.
“Me too.” he yawns, fighting the urge to let his eyes close.
“Really?” Macaque asks gently, combing through Mk’s now untangled hair. It wasn't much of a real question as it was to keep Mk distracted. Macaque had his suspicions but didn't comment on it. Felt it best not too.
“Mhm,” Mk hums, relaxing into the touch on his scalp. Something about the gentle caresses through his hair is just so…relaxing. So comforting. More so than any other form of comfort he’s experienced. It's soothing enough to just, fall asleep.
“Mei…Mei helped me get binders…and” Mk yawns “cut my hair….”
“I think you make a fine young man Mk.” Macaque hums, resting his head onto Mk’s head.
Mk sighs and finally closes his eyes “hmm, thanks…Momma.”
Macaque’s breath hitches, his fingers in Mk’s hair pauses and his tail lightly thumps against the floor.
Mk deosnt reply.
Mk breathes slowly and gently against his chest.
Macaque resumes his combing, letting his cub sleep. He needs the rest after crying that much. He can't bring himself to wake him up just to….
Macaque breathes, shaken and unsteady. His head still atop Mk’s. he doesn't know what to do when his heart leaps and something unfamiliar and scary builds in his chest. Yet it doesn't hurt, it doesn't make him cry. It's warm and protective. So he lets the feeling stay as he holds Mk against him. And with a sigh, he closes his eyes and lets himself rest.
Macaque stays there for a moment, not wanting to move MK from where he was clearly comfortable but after what happened last time MK was here he wasn't so sure. So after a moment of hesitation, he grabbed MK’s phone, but this time he didn’t bother just texting Pigsy or even calling him. Instead, he sent Pigsy’s contact to his own phone, then used his phone to call the restaurant.
“ Pigsy’s Noodles, home to the world's longest noodle. We’re not currently doing take-out orders but pick-ups are available. ” Pigsy’s voice said and Macaque hesitated.
“Pigsy, it’s Macaque. Don’t say anything, please, I know Wukong is there.”
A bit of silence, “ I see, how can I help you? ” Pigsy asked and Macaque let out a relieved sigh.
“MK just showed up at my place crying his eyes out. I don’t know what happened but I can guess… I just didn’t want you guys to worry. He’s with me, he’s safe, he’s just sleeping.”
“ Got it. Alright then. ”
“Do you want me to bring him back? I can take him to his apartment after Wukong leaves.”
More silence before Pigsy let out a sound that almost sounded like a sigh of acceptance. “ You know what, I don’t think we’re interested tonight. How about you keep the delivery at your warehouse tonight and drop it off tomorrow? I’m not sure we have the room in storage for it. ”
Macaque felt his eyes start to burn with tears as his tail flicked slightly. “Really?”
“ Yeah, why not. Other than a few bruised veggies I’ve never had any issues with your company. Just know that I’ll be keeping my eye on you and I’ll be sure to check the goods for bruises and damages upon drop off. Understood? ”
“I understand. Thank you, Pigsy… thank you.”
“ Don’t thank me. Enjoy your day off. ” Pigsy said then hung up.
Macaque looked at his phone before he put it down and relaxed.
Pigsy trusted him? After everything he’d done, Pigsy still trusted him? It was amazing and made his chest feel tight. Pigsy trusted him with MK, and he trusted him enough with him that he was letting MK stay the night. Though this did come with a bit of preparation.
Moving slowly he formed a clone to take his spot as MK’s pillow, continuing the pattern of hair petting that Macaque had been doing before Macaque left the room. He went to a more lofted area where his hammock was spread out and his clothes were discarded all around the room. He scrunched his nose, going towards the wardrobe as his tail swished. He didn’t have a lot of clean clothes left but he had a long-sleeved red shirt and black sweatpants with a blue and black “RavenClaw” patch on the left thigh.
‘ They’re all I’ve got to work with so he can use these. I just hope they’re not too big. ’ He thought, grabbing them both and taking it to the nest. He then put the clothes down on the corner of the nest, checking on the clone who gave a smile and a thumbs up telling Macaque that he can keep doing what he was doing.
Macaque smiled softly walking back into the main part as his tail swished.
‘ Now… dinner. What do kids eat? Noodles? It's too risky with Wukong there. Uh… maybe I have something ?” He thought, walking over to his cupboards.
Moldy bread, soggy old crackers, rice that had been gotten into by mice (gross), the milk could have been categorized as its own ecosystem just by looking at it through the carton, and there was something growing in a tupperware at the back of the fridge. Macaque’s ears drooped slightly, as he began to dump all of the food into the trash. One trash bag turned into two, then three. Finally, all that was left was canned soups that expired nearly a year prior. Hell, there was even a can that expired 5 years ago.
‘ What is this my emotional support can of soup? Why did I bring this everywhere with me? ’ He thought, flicking his tail with annoyance as he held it over the trash bag. ‘ It’s probably still good though. ’ He decided, putting it back in the cupboard.
Once the cupboards and fridge were clear of old and rotten food he took the bags out towards the alleyway dumpster. He then got to work on clearing the counter of old, broken, moldy, or plastic/paper dishes were either thrown away or put in the sink to be washed.
‘ When was the last time I cleaned? Why am I cleaning now? I guess it’s a good idea, MK could get sick if I don’t. I need to make sure the dojo is at least safe for him to walk through and stuff. ’ He thought, tying off another bag once it was full.
He continued cleaning the dojo, little by little making mental notes about broken glass, broken pieces of floor, and anything that was growing in corners. The longer he worked the more comfortable got until finally, he reached a point of comfort in the situation that he even began to sing and hum to himself.
Songs from musicals, old songs he’d caught others singing or new songs he’d heard over the radio. It didn’t matter, he sang whatever came to mind as he cleaned.
The dojo - for the first time since he trained MK - felt light and warm. A new kind of safety, comfort, and joy seemed to flow through the broken windows and empty halls. But why couldn’t he have done this when MK wasn’t here? Why could he only do it now that MK was sleeping in the other room? It didn’t make sense but honestly, Macaque didn’t need it to make sense.
Because it felt right.
It felt safe .
‘ Mama… ’ He thought again, ‘ I think I could get used to that… ’
When MK woke up it was to the sound of singing from another room. He blinked open his eyes, whimpering at the tightness in his chest where his binder sat as he sat up and rubbed his ribs. He then went to speak to Macaque who was now sitting behind him just to pale slightly when he realized by the slightly off appearance that it was a clone.
“Macaque?” He asked hesitantly as the clone picked up some clothes from the edge of the nest and held it out to him. The clone then tapped his shoulder where the binder straps sat. “You want me to change?”
The clone nodded.
‘ Macaque’s clones are strange… they’re not like mine but they’re not like Wukongs. It’s weird. ’
MK grabbed the clothes then got up as the clone dropped into the shadows and slipped out of the room without saying a word. MK then shook his head, pulling off his shirt before putting it on the nest. He then rolled up the binder slightly, slipping his thumbs under the shoulder straps as he pulled it up then over his head. The shirt that had been given to him was a bit dusty but not unbearably so and thick enough to hide himself. He shook the dust out of it, before pulling it on, the large shirt going down to his upper thighs making him feel like a little kid in his dad’s shirt. It was fun! He then pulled off his jeans, replacing it with RavenClaw pajama bottoms.
‘ RavenClaw, huh? ’ He thought, tying the strings so that they were snug around his waist. The only problem was that the pants had a small hole in the back for Macaque’s tail, but at least the shirt covered the hole. ‘ This is nice… but why? ’ He thought, picking up his phone as he looked at the messages he’d received since falling asleep.
Wukong had sent; Sorry, bud. We’ll talk about it someday, I promise. I hope you’re not too mad. Please be safe.
The message had hurt a bit, but knowing that it was as close to an answer as he was going to get for a while he just let out a sigh and went to the other message he’d gotten.
Pigsy had said; Told the monkey to watch after you tonight, that being said your window is unlocked if you want to come home. Take care of yourself, kiddo. We’ll see you tomorrow.
MK smiled, that explained some things at least. If Macaque was told to let him stay then of course Macaque would try to find him something to sleep in. Though, that didn’t tell him what the singing was about.
Walking towards the door he slowly peeked out and into the main area of the dojo. To his surprise it was clean. Something that MK hadn’t seen since he had been training with Macaque. Though there was something even more surprising and that was the fact that Macaque was the one singing as he swept the floors. He looked and sounded so happy.
‘ Did he want a sleepover that badly? ’ MK thought, stepping the rest of the way out. “M-Macaque?”
Macaque quickly turned, then cleared his throat. “O-oh! Hey, bud. How’d you sleep?” He asked, looking a bit sheepish.
“Good, how long was I out?”
“Uh, about an hour or two? How do the clothes fit?”
“They’re a bit big, but they’re cozy.” MK said, gently flapping the sleeves of the shirt as they fell over his hands.
To both the surprise of MK and Macaque the dark-furred monkey let out a soft almost purring-like noise before he coughed into his fist.
“Great! Uh, so I don’t have a lot of things to eat so I hope you can at least tolerate some of this canned stuff?”
MK looked at the options, eventually picking up one of the cans. “I’ll try this one. Pigsy spoils me quite a bit so I don’t eat a lot of canned things.” He laughed.
“That’s good. Canned shit isn’t good for people to eat all the time.” Macaque said, grabbing a can and opening it with the can opener before gently taking MK’s can and popping it open too. He then poured the contents of MK’s can into a pot and put it on the stove while he just grabbed a fork and began to eat straight out of the can.
“You’ve done a lot of cleaning, it looks really good.” MK said, watching as Macaque’s tail flicked at the praise.
“Yeah? Don’t know what got into me if I’m being honest. Just kinda started and didn’t stop, y’know?”
MK nodded, “Yeah, I get it. You should have woken me up though, I could have helped.”
“No way, cub. You’re a guest, you don’t get to clean.” He said, stirring the pot for a moment. “So… wanna talk about what made you so sad?”
MK looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I… was arguing with Wukong. It was dumb and I lost my temper so I stormed off like a child.”
Macaque shook his head, “Cub, you are a child, that doesn’t mean that you’re acting childish. You were hurt, mad, and sad. Your fight-or-flight kicked in and you chose flight until you could calm down. Knowing when to walk away, especially when you’re pissed , is important.” He said, booping MK’s nose with his tail, making MK giggle.
“Of course, bud. If you never knew when to walk away from an argument then every little squabble would turn into a fight to the death. It’s just as important to know when to walk away as it is to know when to keep on fighting.” Macaque said, pulling the food off of the heat, pouring it into a bowl with a spoon that he sat at an island for MK to eat.
“But… I thought heroes were never supposed to back down from a fight?”
Macaque shook his head, “Nah, the real heroes are the ones who know which fights need to be fought to the end.” He said, taking another bite of his cold still-canned food.
MK nodded slowly, sitting at the island as he began to eat his food. “Macaque… why does Wukong keep saying you’re dangerous?”
He regretted asking the question as soon as it came out, watching the way the monkey bristled slightly then looked down as though avoiding the scolding of a parent.
“Because I am dangerous, MK. Sun Wukong… he’s right about that. I’ve hurt people, a lot of people including him… especially him. Wukong isn’t wrong for trying to keep me away from you and honestly if I could stand breaking your heart even just a little I would be staying away from you because I know that Wukong is keeping his eyes on me. He doesn’t trust me, and he has no reason to.”
“But you’re different, you’ve changed! You’re-”
Macaque put his can in the trash before he walked over, gently taking MK’s face between his hands. “I’m dangerous. Even if I’m not a danger to you at this moment… I’m still dangerous.”
“But how ? What aren’t you guys telling me? Why do you guys insist on keeping secrets from me to protect me but don’t explain when they hurt me?” He asked, not as angry as before but still just as hurt.
Macaque’s golden eyes scanned MK’s face sadly, “Okay… I’ll tell you a little, but I can’t tell you the full thing. Okay?”
MK relaxed, he would finally get answers? Really? Or was this just another trick? Gods, he was sick of tricks.
“Remember that story I told you; the one about the Hero and the Warrior?”
MK shuddered and Macaque shrunk down on himself slightly.
“I’m going to take that as ‘I wish I could forget’.” He said sadly, fixing MK’s hair before he jumped up onto the counter and sat down. Macaque rubbed his hands on his face, “Well, do you remember the part where I mentioned ‘the sun and the moon’?”
“I think so?”
“‘ The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light a protective glow shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth’ .” He said and MK frowned, wondering where this was going. “It wasn’t all… metaphorical. I mean, most of it was but… not all of it. See… the moon itself has no light of its own. It doesn’t glow or shine at all without the help of the sun. But if the sun left the moon could - hypothetically - get other light from nearby stars. Does that make sense?”
“Not at all.” MK said as Macaque let out a soft laugh.
“Alright, more direct then. My powers are weak, bud. I have very little power compared to Monkey King - to you - but I am able to absorb access powers that more powerful Demons and Celestials put out in their day-to-day lives. It’s how I was able to do all that stuff with your powers the first time we met. But that was ‘the moon’ forcefully stealing light from the ‘sun’ and the ‘stars’.”
‘OH, I’M A STAR! Okay, things might make a bit more sense now.’ He thought but kept listening.
“With more casual and comfortable friendships and relationships and whatever I can gain power even faster. But… at a cost.”
“What kind of cost?” MK asked.
Macaque hesitated, ruffling his hair. “Story for another day, bud. Eat your food, that stuff tastes terrible cold.”
“Oh, okay… Wait, then why did you eat yours cold?!”
Macaque laughed, “Lack of self-preservation, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m immediately worried about it.” MK said with a soft scowl.
Macaque placed his hand on Mk’s face and gently pushed, chuckling at the way Mk’s face scrunches up and he stumbles in place. “Don't.” Macaque removes his hand and jumps off of the table. Then sets his empty bowl into the sink.
“I will.” Mk retorts immediately, staring down Macaque.
Macaque takes the empty dish from Mk’s hands and boops his nose, again chuckling as his face scrunches up cutely.
“ Ack, stop doing that!” Mk demands, watching Macaque put the dish in the sink.
“Hmmm.” Macaque approaches Mk.
“No,” he says, booping Mk’s nose again and earning the same reaction. Mk shakes his head and glares up at Macaque with no real venom while Macaque just smirks. Macaque reaches up to do it again but is stopped when Mk grabs his arm and then slaps his hand onto Macaque's face. Macaque lets out a surprised noise and brings up his other hand to grab at Mk but he lets go of Macaque and runs off laughing.
Macaque huffs and chases him, back into the room where the nest is. He vaguely recognizes how broken his doorknob is. Look he’s not accountable for the things his instincts do, he heard a crying baby. He's gonna break anything and anyone to get to the crying baby.
Suddenly Macaque is attacked by a heavy pillow hitting him in the face
“Hah payback!” Mk yells pointing at Macaque with another pillow in hand. Macaque pulls his pillow down and raises an eyebrow at Mk’s giggling shenanigans.
“Ooooh you do not want to go down that route kiddo,,”  Macaque says playfully. Mk’s glare on Macaque hardens.
“Bring it. Old man. ”
Macaque gasps with half fake offense “you little-” Macaque leaps towards Mk and Mk yelps, jumping away from Macaque with his pillow.
Macaque is quick to drop the pillow and chase Mk on all fours, jumping on different tables and chairs as Mk continues to scream and run through the room. Dodging Macaques every ‘attack’. Till finnaly Mk trips on a blanket and Macaque leaps to grab Mk, they both yell and tumble into the nest laughing. They end up in the middle of the nest, Mk laying on Macaques side and both of them laughing till their lungs hurt.  
“Haha…who’s old now… squirt, ” Macaque said between laughs and breathes.
“Still you.” Mk laughed out.
Macaque grabbed Mk by the middle with a fake roar and pulled him close. Again Mk yelped and faked an attempt at escaping.
“Nooooooooo!” Mk laughed while Macaque dug his head into Mk’s head.
“Yeeeeeeessss!” Macaque grumbled.
Macaque smiled, loosening his grip on MK slightly, before running his finger through the kid's hair once again. “As fun as all of this is, if you keep picking a fight I will have no choice but to bring out the big guns and break my promise to your father~”
“Big guns?” MK tilted his head, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, if you keep calling me old, I’ll have to do this. ” He grabbed MK’s headband, using it to turn his head to the side before he blew a raspberry on MK’s cheek.
MK let out a shriek, kicking his feet as he laughed, grabbing at his headband. “Stop! Mercy! You win!”
“Oh? Are you sure? Because there’s a lot more where that came from, I’ve been saving them.” Macaque said as MK chuckled.
“I’m sure.” MK said, “You’re not old.”
“Good.” Macaque let him go and relaxed.
“You’re ancient. ”
“OI!” He said, grabbing MK again. But this time he rolled Mk over forcefully and pulled him into his chest. The little cub squirmed a bit but Macaque didn't let go, even as his tail grabbed the nearby blanket and pulled it over them. Mk finally freed his head from Macaque's hold and took a deep dramatic breath in.    
“You stink.”
“Your old and your stinky,” Mk said digging his face back into Macaques fur.
“Am I really?” Macaque chuckles lightly.
“Yeah and I bet you snore like an old man, an old stinky man.”
“Your so kind.” Macaque sighs.
“Mhm, I know.” Mk smiles, wrapping his arms around Macaque. Macaque does the same, then commands a shadow to reach up and flip the light switch. Turning off all the lights of the room.
The moonlight is now the only thing illuminating the room. Macaque traces its light with his eyes and how it leaks through his windows and over the various pieces of furniture and blankets till it reaches Mk. His cub really is adorable, especially with the light illuminating his features. If Mk didn't look like he was trying to fall asleep Macaque would pinch his cheek right here and now bit decided against it to let him sleep peacefully.
Macaque wrapped his tail around Mk and sighed, again noting how the moonlight covers his cub. His cub, normally illuminated by the sun’s blinding light. Now here resting within the moon's dim lights, happily content and comfortable.
Macaque only wishes he could experience this more often.
Mk slurps loud and obnoxiously on his cheese tea, then munches down on a fresh and hot croissant.
Macaque had nothing good or fresh to eat for breakfast, he should probably get some for the next time Mk comes around. As long as other food things. He’d sure like to try some new snacks along with making sure Mk was fed well whenever he was around. But since he didn't have any good things to eat this morning he decided to buy himself and Mk some breakfast. Mk had insisted on cheese tea while the croissant was Macaque's idea.
“Thanks, Macaque!” Mk said, muffled by the croissant stuffed into his mouth.
“Sure.” Macaque tapped Mk’s back with his hand, gently pushing him “but maybe you should try taking smaller bites”
Mk leans over due to the push and his face scrunches up, he then straightens up and with his eyes closed tightly he swallows the entirety of the croissant. Macaque silently prepares himself to care for a choking cub, he’s sure that after this Pigsy is going to beat him away with a wooden spoon the next time he comes around. Although it seems Mk’s just fine as he throws a thumbs up with his free hand
“Hah, did it!”
“Why?” Macaque asks. Mk hums
“Because I can!’ He decides and Macaque chuckles to himself while shaking his head.
When they get to the noodle shop Macaque tenses, searching for any sign of Wukong yet he finds none, and most-not all he’d be a fool if he let down his guard tension falls.
“Hi, Pigsy!” Mk yells out, waving to the pig demon at the front of his shop messing with the open sign.
“Hey kid” Pigsy waves. Mk runs over to Pigsy leaving Macaques's side empty. As he approaches the two talking he takes notice of how empty it feels without Mk beside him, his tail gently grazing the ground where Mk once stood beside him. He dug his hands into his pockets and looked around the street. Trying not to feel awkward as Mk and Pigsy talked.
That is until the pig approached him with a white bag in his hand.
“Good job with the kid,” He said, holding the bag on his side. Macaque nodded.
“Y-yeah, anytime…for him,” Macaque said, watching as Pigsy stared him down. He almost felt like he was on the chopping block as Pigsy searched for something within him. Whatever he was searching for he seemed to find because the next thing he knows Pigsy is shoving the white bag into his arms.
“The kid likes you, I don't know why…I don't know what he sees in you but it's something…”
Macaque notes how the bag is warm with a container inside.
“Whatever it is for his sake I hope he’s right…about you”
Macaque sniffs the air and realizes its noodles, fresh and warm noodles.
“Don't disappoint him, okay,” Pigsy says. Letting Macaque grab the bag and removing his own arm from his chest to step back.
Macaque looks up from the bag and to Pigsy. Something clicks in him. Seeing Pigsy confront him while Mk stands a bit of a ways behind him. Just enough so that their conversation is private but Mk is still present. Pigsy cares for Mk just as much as Macaque does. Protective and warm. He wants to hold onto this feeling. He never wants to let it go. Not again. He can't ever let his light fade from his life again.
Hehehe i wrote the breakdown scene btw hehehhee If ur from my fics YOU KNOW THE DRILL LINE UP Kicks bucket TEARS GO IN HERE THANK YOU VERY MUCH. FOR COMPENSATION YOU GET A WEIGHTED BLANKET AND A HOT DRINK. Thank you so much for reading. See you guys next time!!! -Stella
(Stella is so awesome, if you haven't checked out their stuff you should. Their writing and art is just absolutely amazing! I also hope that these chapters help make up for the lack of chapters of Monkies Aren't Alright lately. I'm trying to give the Season 4 Specials/Season 4 to come out in English. But I'm still working on it, I promise :D) - Ari
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
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Never in a million years could I have imagined this day. I mean lets face it i was kinda hovering on that edge for a while now and some of you noticed 😕
No i didn't break up with my girl.
I'm going Solo for Jungkook 😭😭😭
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It's the pink for me. He kicked toxic masculinity right in the ass with this one and took Harry styles' spot in my cold gay heart🤧
Men wear pink and Jungkook looks so good in it. The aesthetics is mwah. Chefs kiss.
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Fuck. This whole sequence was sexy.
Never felt giddy excited in my hooha for a man before and here i I thought Jimin was the only one who had me in that chokehold.
Y'all saw the way he walked in right?? Whew the swag!!!!! Jeikei!!!!! He's so coooolll!
He's so main character i forgot Charlie was in the video for a sec💀
And his voice.... he really beat charlie puth?? He beat charlie and English is not his first language I'm sorry but that's talent right there I'm stanning. He killed his part and made it the whole song.
And Hobi😳😳😳😳
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What is he doing???
Am I the only one who thinks, damn you were hiding all this in BTS???
I have more on repeat and I'm not doing it for the numbers. I genuinely enjoy this song. He set the bar way high for whoever comes after him😭😭😭😭😭
Y'all know where I bought into his Solo right? When it dropped and he did his thang. Yiu know that thang he does that i like when he's on stage delivering- guys! I'M A HOBI SOLO TOO😭😭😭😭😭😭
He put out the most queerest MV I've ever seen and I've seen industry baby by lil nas x💀
When he held his neck like he's choking it triggered the bdsm hoe in me- I SAY MORE
THESE MEN ARE REALLY COOL. Love their swag and though i wasn't sure how I'd feel bout their Solo careers I'm kinda vibing with it.
Hobi's MV is well produced and they did him right with the budget. I'm used to the aggressive rap styles of Suga and on OT7 songs hearing Hobi's gentle almost musical singing style of rap after Suga or Namjoon's rough riding soothes me. I was waiting for him to hit me hard but it never came. I felt made love to not fucked. But the beat oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh chileeee okruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I'm scared for the live performance of this. He's gon rock us wild incite violence in us🔥🔥
Hobi is a gentle lover musically speaking. You don't expect that kind of gentlelity when you look at him and his packaging. He raises his hand and you wimp in fear but he comes down to caress your cheeks and whisper in your ears.
He's the contrast between Suga and Namjoon. You don't expect any roughness and manhandling from Namjoon and Suga when you look at them but that's when they throw you and slam you hard into the ground when you least expect.
I want more of Hobi. I want this. This Hobi i mean. Solo Hobi. I'm excited butt quivering pussy throbbing excited for his entire Album.
Visuals. Check. Stage presence. Immaculate. What a performer. He understands the assignment. Not sure if his non aggressive rap style is his weakness or strength but it is what makes him unique. More is dope. Fire. If yall don't stream this song I'll hunt you down and tickle yall till you pee.
Stream the shit out of the music. You'd want to. It's good. Jungkook ate left right. These men are doing great and I'm kinda super excited to see this journey to the end too.
And here I thought I'd never be a Solo
Congrats Hobi and Jungkook. Y'all are amazing 😭😭😭😭🔥
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akkivee · 2 years
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i did something similar last year but who cares about rehashing answers ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
1) i actually posted about it lol but i say my hypmic anniversary is when death respect came out!!! i got into around that time when a third jp merch site i used to shop at had a listing for bbmtc patches and yamada ichiro’s patch was the cutest thing i had ever seen lmao
2) besides ichiro’s face lol i listened to dba and was sold
3) hm!! i think it tracks with other stuff i obsess with!!! there’s characters with depth, finding bonds with each other/being found family, with a healthy dose of action!!!! the fact it’s told thru music is a plus; the fandoms i hung around longest in the past utilised character songs to supplement their character and i lost my mind then much similarly to the way i do now lol
4) i didn’t have a negative opinion on anybody the moment they appeared actually!!!! (except for rei lol but that was because he was disrespecting ichijiku and not for his crimes as a deadbeat dad lol) obvs the ones who stood out were ichiro, then jakurai, and then kuukou lol
5) ichiro!!!! ❤️
6) mtc and rei actually!!!! like mtc was my least favourite division when it was just the og divisions!!!! ‘somebody gotta do it’ and ‘don’t play no game that i can’t win’ dropped and that’s when my opinion of them changed but i’m not sure when i became significantly less normal about them lol 🤔 as for rei, i had a negative opinion from the get go and being bb’s father certainly didn’t help, but then i used my brain and embraced his mystery and his clowniness lol
7) buster bros in the house still number one☝️
8) i went from being a natural ichiro enjoyer, to a ‘not so normal’ jakurai liker, to a ‘i need him to breathe’ kuukou stan lol
9) dba!!!! and like a loser too lol i really did mean to listen to all the songs in order 💀
10) fav solo is break the wall but we’ll see how i’m feeling after year with nagosaka’s new solos hitoya and sasara’s are some real contenders lol
11) kaigen 😭😭😭😭😭😭
13) i’m assuming this is manga release songs and i really like rip, double trouble and murder in the house of magic lol
14) a toss up between hoodstar➕ and summit of divisions lol
15) are there any really lol???? i don’t interact with the fandom enough to know if there are songs that are universally considered mid or worse lol lemme know if there are
17) ichiro dice and sasara!!!!!!
18) honestly the better question is who don’t i listen to lol. i try to listen to the composers works when their collaborations are announced!!
19) i have been praying for queen bee/avu-chan to write something for kuukou, and i hope that when if we get solos for the ladies, goddess artist eill writes for honobono because i’m ready for this godawful woman to have the best j-hiphop song in this franchise LOL
20) i can’t remember if it was batfs or moonlight shadow that i was on the screen while my mom was home but she thought it was a jam so probably a bat song tbh
21) i have demoted myself to arb enjoyer from a distance lol 😭😭😭
22) shit arb’s been keeping me satisfied like all hell lmao!!!!! arb should give me an event with samatoki kuukou and juto tho lmao but oooooooh what if we got events with the mixed up divisions??? that’d be dope 😲
23) HAHA yeah i’m a huge multishipper. there are very few ships i don’t like, and my shipping bicycles have been both jakurai and samatoki, but you can easily flay me alive with ichikuu and riodice crumbs and i’ll break down thank you lmao
24) i’m not a self insert kinda person lol
25) since i’m introverted i’d probably get along best with someone like ichiro or jakurai. i can only love kuukou from a far i don’t think i could handle him lmao
26) no i’m not a kinnie lmao but i’m probably like a mashup between ramuda and jyushi with a dash of jakurai’s general dilf dad friend attitude, what ever that monstrosity would look like as a character lmao
27) *drowning in hypmic merch* i have some :) lol and I REALLY WANTED THAT BAT TOTE BAG I WISH I KNEW IT EXISTED BEFORE LAST WEEK 😭😭😭
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28) it’s not weird, i just want a large figurine of kuukou like the ones we got for rhyme anima 😭 he’ll probably look ugly but that’s okay he’s my gremlin scrunkly 😌
29) vocaloid collab??? a different mobage collab??? like idk what if ainana and hypmic collabed we could get the fattest spiderman pointing meme going on lol
30) i think there is a lot of empty air in between the 6 colours and mixed up tracks like how okay is samatoki and ramuda’s relationship really??? ramuda didn’t sound too enthused by jakurai’s desire to help even in the fling posse inc track. if chuuoku intends to use sasasama and ichikuu against each other i would like to see them really rekindle that friendship!!! and more of the mixed up divisions 🤭
31) i understand if rei’s not your cup of tea lol but he is a lot of fun lol. rosho tends to get slept on a lot in the sense that he’s kinda just sasara’s man, but only that and it kinda sucks a little lol. also!!!! if rio and hitoya have millions of numbers of fans i am one of them. if rio and hitoya have ten fans i am one of them. if rio and hitoya have only one fan that is me. if rio and hitoya have no fans, that means i am no longer—
33) hmmmmm how about: tho kuukou isn’t afraid of ghosts, when he was much younger, on a trip to the beach with his family, he saw all of the dead souls that the ocean has claimed reaching out to him as if to pull him into the ocean and claim him. so some of that fear comes from a bad supernatural childhood experience
34) liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike nemu?????? nemu???????? nemu??????????????? i also have taken unami and ren as lowkey ocs and supplanted personalities that are very self indulging to what i want for kuukou lol
35) bat has everything i don’t have packaged with everything that i love and it’s so dope like wtf??? wtf????
36) idk which hypster magazine it was but one of the magazines asked the characters what’s something they’ve been into lately. jyushi answered with muscle training and it’s 💯% because on a hot and sunny day, where kuukou quite frequently used his shirt to wipe up the sweat from his face and hitoya sweated thru both his undershirt and dress shirt, he was exposed kuukou’s abs and hitoya’s surprisingly fit body and thought to himself, ‘god i wish that were me’ lmao
37) i don’t want any new divisions at all but if we were to get some, i’d hope they’d be from okinawa, hokkaido or kyoto
38) i cyberstalk hayama-san as best as i can lol and i watch sakakihara-san, takeuchi-san, and iwasaki-san’s web shows occasionally!!!! i also poke around whatever mtc’s seiyuu are doing every once in a while 🤗
39) watching the hyprice grow to hypmic music has been very enlightening lmao
40) i’m still pretty proud i pumped out a whole month worth of kuukou art for his bday lol. also the fanart i just posted for bat solos might be some of my best stuff actually like how did i do that kuukou one fr
41) i prefer the manga/drama tracks, but the stage’s phenomenal writing will always have me in a vice grip lol
42) i’m banking on ‘if we hesitate etc’ being the most emotionally draining experience that canon will ever put me thru because if because if bat goes thru something like that i may never recover actually lmao
43) i feel like i’m an observer rather than a theorist??? but i made an observation that bat has a weathering the storm motif a while back from their speakers and mics and hitoya wound up stating just that in cross a line so that made me feel pretty accomplished lol
45) nobody irl but to all of those who sent me asks/dms, know that i appreciate it and i would k—
46) fck the drbs but also it’d be nice if bb or mtc won but also kuukou would look 🥵 on a throne soooooo
47) idk if anyone in this cast is considering the ramifications of taking over/overthrowing the government. i think it’d be neat to see a 2nd gen hypmic with new divisions scrambling to survive the power vacuum our gen has caused and the og gen has effectively become the antagonists to the 2nd gen. it’d be like a cycle!!!! otome took over the government for more altruistic reasons but is as oppressive as her predecessor; same hat, og gen overthrew the government for the good of all but didn’t have any plans to fix it, only to remove and creates even more discord
48) comfort???? a fandom home????? massive brainrot????? pick your poison lol
49) save your wallets and don’t lol the characters are fun!!!! the music can be a gateway to something you’ve never experienced!!!!!! you can lose hours of your life trying to find the details!!!!!!!!! it’s fun!!!!!!! 😄
50) lol i have a tattoo, that’s plenty reminder ✌️
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lqfiles · 14 days
omg and anon who brought up jjk… count ur days… jk…
without like,, trying to spoil anything.. bc i’m caught up with the story its literally (unfortunately) my top series anime wise i collect the manga and everything, id honestly put off watching it until the entire series is finished being animated, IF ur not already considering dropping the series all together. because a lot of people are due to the recent leaks chapters etc, although in my opinion they’re dropping it for the wrong reasons (got so close to the point and they still missed so bad)
i hate gege so bad they literally had every chance in the world to make such a good story with good themes and analogies and the whole shabang and they fumbled so bad. had everyone’s backstories and context set up so perfectly and then everyone was nerfed in some way. so many jjk consumers are perfect for gege in the way that NO ONE is understanding how hard themes and tragedy is meant to be. and it’s not even like “just because there’s no happy ending [yet] doesn’t mean it’s bad” ur right! it’s bad because jjk got to a point where the mc isn’t even the proper focus and there’s bitches misinterpreting his entire character as well as his most important supporting characters. YUUJI IS A CHILD. MEGUMI IS A CHILD. MY BEST FRIENDS. MY BABIES. WATCH UR MOUTH.
the way anime fans r a lot like kpop stans WHAT IS WITH GOJO SOLO STANS HES NOT THE MAIN CHARACTER SHUT UPPPPPP (coming from someone whos extremely parasocial to his character. megumi is my bias yall i love emo secondary protags it all started with sasuke and shikamaru.)
told a guy “friend” that it’s kinda like gege tried making angst in an age where aot and mha was at its peak and tbf still kind of is and he went on to say gege cooked mha and aot is ass bc of specific mha arcs (understandable but aside from those, the buildup was much better than jjk) and that aot got “political” when it didn’t need to be… i had to log out. when he said that. it’s almost as if. aot. was political. from the start. the whole theme. the whole point. of aot. was surrounding politics. it’s whatever tho… that’s what i get for trying to have a conversation with a man that plays valorant and smokes cigarettes in a non sexy way.
anyway this was my ted talk my sincere apologies for yapping again and possibly not making any sense……
i’m really trying to not spoil it for me but the way i already got a gist of who is going to do die because of all the leaks on my tl 😭😭 but yeah i always see jjk accounts complain on tl about how the series is starting to become shit and how they hope the ending is going to be worse than mha or smth? i’m still not caught up enough and have not read the manga to know what they’re talking about plsss
but omg clockkk i feel like jjk has kinda lost its plot from what i’ve seen, like the whole point of the story is supposed to be yuji centered yet it isn’t and gojo has become the main character (which not like i’m complaining but still) i feel like maybe that’s why gege ***** gojo because he was starting to become the identity of jjk, idfkkk man gege confuses me
SOOOO MANY CHARACTERS ARE MISINTERPRETED like pmg i saw someone get onto megumi and portray him as some heartless villain like what is even going on atp 😭😭 THESE ARE 17 YEAR OLD BOYS WHO WERE THROWN INTO A LIFE FULL OF DANGER HAVE SOME COMPASSION…
see i never finished aot (was gonna wait for it to fully finish but i also heard the ending was ass?) and neither have i watched mha (head bad stuff about that) so i can’t comment on either but from what i remember aots who theme revolves around politics especially in the latter seasons 😭 YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM DUDEBROS PLSSS they think they know everything and are genuinely so insufferable
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words-4u · 2 years
oscars 2022 - t.c
pairing: timothée chalamet x actress!reader
wc: 1.2k
warning: swearing
a/n: sunday night's oscars was crazyyyy. timothée coming topless... yeah that was everything i ever needed. this is just a little thing that has been being in my head since then, enjoy!
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[not my gif!!]
"y/n/n? you ready?" timothée called out as he entered your very messy hotel room. you were getting prepped and ready for the 94th academy awards today and you couldn't be more excited.
it came as such a shock to you when you got your invite to the oscars because you were only in a handful of stuff. you had only recently come on to the scene as an actor and had met timothée in the chemistry read for 'bones & all'. however, your first feature film was with taylor russell in escape room: tournament of champions and both of you were so happy to work together again.
"yeah, come in," you said as you stuck in your diamond earrings.
you turned around to timothée shirtless in a sparkly louis vuitton blazer and a silver necklace going down his chest. "holy shit," you swore back.
timothée had to stand back with a hand covering his mouth as he drank you in. unbeknownst to you, your stylist had chosen a dress that complemented timothée's ensemble. they stuck you in a floor-length black sparkly dress. it had a pretty high thigh slit and a diagonal chest cutout that wrapped around your neck.
you have never felt more pretty than in that moment, seeing the effect that you had on timothée. poor guy couldn't even compose a proper sentence together.
"i don't ev-i mean you're so...wow," he stuttered. this time he approached you and took ahold of your hands. you laughed and spun for him.
"i can't believe you're going topless. that's kinda sexy," you lightly stroked his chest with a finger. you were gonna drag it further before you were interrupted by your agent. it was go time.
"to be continued?" he smirked.
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the carpet went smoothly. this wasn't the first time you and timothée walked a red carpet together but it was your first oscars carpet.
the photographers were eating you two up but there were many times when some of them yelled at you to step aside to get solo pics of timothée which only made him pull you closer to his body. it wasn't until you were further down the carpet that yall separated for all of 20 seconds until his arm found your waist.
entering the building was such as surreal moment. you had always dreamed of getting glammed up and going to this event and here you were now with your favourite person by your side standing in a roomful of legends.
"y/n, you look stunning!" a voice came from behind you.
your mouth dropped as halle bailey approached. "you know who i am?!"
"girl of course, i do! you look amazing," she opened her arms and you gladly went in for that hug.
"that is all you, babe. i mean this colour on you... incredible." you said about her aqua dress.
"i don't know if you've met but halle, timothée," you introduced the two watching as they exchanged pleasantries.
"i have to be seated but we should definitely grab lunch one of these days,"
"omg i'd love that!" you replied. "i got you on ig, i'll dm you."
she hugged you again before flitting off to her seat.
"halle bailey wants to hang out with me, no big deal," you dusted your shoulders.
"oh this is gonna be a long night," he humorously rolled his eyes as he walked you to your table.
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this year's hosts were regina hall, wanda sykes and amy shumer and they were doing pretty well but what took you by surprise was regina's bit in the middle of the show. she started off by saying there were missing covid tests from certain people and those people had to redo their tests backstage. she called up bradley cooper, simu liu, tyler perry and the one and only timothée chalamet. with this lineup of men, it was clear to everyone what the nature of this joke would be.
"y/n sweetie, you don't mind if i steal him do you?" regina asked. you laughed and shook your head giving timothée the okay to let go of your hand and go up. "i promise i'll return him... maybe not." she muttered that last part earning another laugh from the crowd.
regina hall continued with her bit once all men, including your man, were on stage. "i don't want any of you to worry, it's gonna be a typical quick covid test. you'll come backstage, take your masks off if you have one, and your clothes and then i'm gonna swab–no it's simple, i'm gonna swab the back of your mouth with my tongue and we're just gonna do some other freaky stuff which i will record for academy protocol really this isn't up to me. you know the truth is we're still in a pandemic..."
you couldn't help but giggle as timothée walked back with the most confused and astonished face. "i have no idea what just happened..." timothée whispered, taking his seat as jason mamoa and josh brolin took the stage.
"oh it's very clear what happened and to be quite honest i am kinda jealous THE regina hall wanted you and not me," you exclaimed.
timothée chuckled at that confession. "well, when i'm doing my covid test back there, i'll tell her all about you."
"that would be greatly appreciated,"
the rest of the night was eventful, to say the least with the whole will smith/chris rock smackdown but the best part of the ceremony for you was when jesscia chastain, your favourite actor and the person you look up to the most in the industry, finally won her academy award. you'd think you were in the movie yourself, the way you cheered and clapped for jessica as she got on stage.
since dune went away with 6 oscars you and timothée were in the mood to celebrate, so it was a quick outfit change and then you were off to the iconic vanity fair after-party.
after being in a dress for 5 plus hours you chose to spend the rest of of the night in a pantsuit attire while timothée chose an all-black leather and denim combo two-piece.
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the second you stepped foot in the room, zendaya had grabbed both your hands and dragged you to where she was with hunter schafer and her boyfriend dominic fike.
as timothée and dominic were getting acquainted, hunter had wrapped you in a hug. "y/n, it's so nice to finally meet you! z has gushed about you for so long."
"gushed you say?" as you turn to the woman in question.
"it's deserved, y/n/n. you are a rising star and i can't wait to see you kill in 'bones & all'."
you felt cheeks grow arm at zendaya's praise. "coming from you, it means the world."
after that moment, you, hunter and zendaya slipped into a discussion about the night's events but also audition horror stories. hunter's story was just starting to get interesting but someone decided to interrupt.
"mind if i steal my girl?" timothée asked kindly, appearing next to you in the minicircle you formed with the girls.
xo by beyonce started playing as you two approached the dancefloor. "god, i love this song."
"and i love you," his piercing eyes searched yours as you slowed danced to the chorus.
"oh timmy... i love you too,"
"no seriously, thank you for being here with me tonight. the oscars is always this elite a-list event and having you here... like i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else. you ground me."
there was so much you wanted to say back but couldn't find the words to so you showed him instead. grabbing his neck, you pulled him down to your lips and kissed him softly.
"this night was perfect. you are perfect," you said barely above a whisper.
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Grunge-Metal Geralt
Hi, im fucking trash for the idea of Geralt being the front man for a Five Finger Death Punch type band and my brain wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. This music genre is my bread and butter and I think Geralt’s repressed but highly emotional ass would fit right in. Yes im using another Hozier song, no i dont wanna hear anything about it. I’m a basic bitch and ive made my peace with it
Warnings: i honestly have no idea, its a little horny, little emotional, but theres no actual character interaction?, its at a concert venue? idk yall.
Jaskier was… out of his comfort zone.
It’s not that he didn’t like the grunge-metal music, he just hadn’t listened to much and he was not used to the energy. People were yelling and screaming and the opener hadn’t even come on yet. He didn’t feel unsafe, far from it. Several people had checked to see if he was okay, seeing as he was the only person in the entire arena wearing a sweater that wasn't ripped or faded to hell. It was just a far cry from the shows he was used to. 
He played folky-blues. This was nothing like his shows. 
When the lights went down the crowd was deafening, all moving as one to rush the front of the floor, not giving a single fuck about tickets. 
The openers were exciting, and Jaskier was surprised by some of the concepts and messages behind the music. It wasn’t what he’d expected at all and he found himself searching them up on Spotify to listen later. 
Then came The Witchers. 
Eskel and Lambert made their energetic entrance, followed by Aiden calmly walking to his drums and sitting as if he were walking into a college class. But Geralt was nowhere in sight. The one person Jaskier had actually come to see. 
He’d seen a video clip from a previous concert where they covered one of his songs, and he was praying they’d do it again. It was lovely in a haunting-almost-threatening way, and the expression in Geralt’s posture alone was enthralling. He had to see it live. 
But Geralt was still absent as the band started to build a song. First Aiden with the beat, then Eskel’s bass, then Lambert with a melody on his electric guitar. It built and built and built to a fever pitch, taking the crowd with it. People were already jumping and screeching. Jaskier had to stand on his seat to see the stage clearly. 
Geralt’s voice echoed through the venue, low and closer to a growl than singing, but he was still nowhere to be seen.
Jaskier thought he’d been prepared, but his whole body was covered in goosebumps. He briefly wondered if this was what his friends were feeling when they listened to ASMR.
Geralt remained hidden for the whole first verse, getting the crowd even more excited than Jaskier thought possible, only for the band to go completely silent for a whole measure. When the crowd's screams reached their absolute loudest, Geralt dropped from on top of one of the jumbotrons, landing on one of the horse-sized speakers before launching into the chorus. 
Oh fuck, he was even more beautiful in person. 
He was… well he was a beast of a man. Jaskier really didn’t have another word for the way his muscles bulged and how lithe and powerful he looked springing from the speaker to join his bandmates on the main stage. His thighs filled out his black, tattered jeans and there were clear faded spots where his muscles strained the fabric too often. The thin black tank he wore did nothing but pretend the man was semi-modest. It was so tight, the only thing left up to the imagination was tan lines and the color of his nipple piercings. 
Jaskier was most entranced by his long, white, wavy hair falling past his shoulders. As the show continued and he started to sweat, a lot, it got curlier and curlier at the root. Jaskier wanted to give him a mask and some curl cream, but only after a, uhm, rough night of getting to know each other. He’d heard rumors about Geralt from hitting arenas not long after they’d left. He was quite sure they’d have a great time.
As he focused on the lyrics more and more, he was more inclined to want to wrap Geralt up in a hug and worship every part of him until he felt whole again. 
Either he’d been shown the shitty side of the genre, or The Witchers were exceptions to the rule of content. Jaskier was almost moved to tears a few different times.
Finally, about an hour into Jaskier mindlessly feasting his eyes on the front man, Geralt leapt onto another speaker and sat down, breathing hard and grinning from ear to ear. 
“You still with us?”
The unholy screech from the crowd left no doubt they were just as excited, if not more so, than when they’d arrived. 
“Good! Good..” he trailed off, chuckling as he lowered the mic to take a breath, “We’re gonna slow it down for a minute,” he leaned forward and held the mic away as Eskel shouted something up at him to which he laughed and flipped him off. 
“As I was saying, we’re gonna yearn for a minute or two and do a cover. Song by Jaskier called ‘Talk’.”
The crowd lost their shit again, various pride flags popping up throughout the stands. 
Geralt chuckled and raised his combat boot, showing off the bi flag colored treads, earning another round of screams. If this is what the grunge-metal scene was like, Jaskier had been missing out his entire life. Sure his fans were sweet and supportive and loving when he’d come out. But this was electric and feral and completely addictive.
Lambert struck the opening chord to Jaskier’s song and the crowd settled to a gentle hum, setting the tone immediately, as if they all knew exactly what was coming. 
Geralt closed his eyes as he tapped his thigh with one finger, keeping time before his rumbling baritone hit Jaskier like a freight train. 
“I’d be the voice that urged Orpheus when her body was found…”
Jaskier could have collapsed right there. He knew he was staring like a lovesick idiot, but hell, everyone around him was too. When the chorus hit and Eskel came in with a heavy bass line he nearly fell off his chair. Geralt’s intensity raised with the addition of the backup but he didn’t move. He stayed seated, swaying slightly, with his eyes closed as he crooned out the words Jaskier had sobbed as he wrote, broken hearted and miserable. 
It was surreal. 
Sure he’d seen other covers. Sure they’d been lovely. But he wanted to listen to this and only this as he fell asleep for the rest of his life. He’d never play it again if he could only hear it one more time. 
After the last verse Lambert launched into a guitar solo while Geralt jumped off the speaker and meandered to the center of the stage to slot his mic back in it’s stand. He gripped it like a lifeline when Lambert held one last note for as long as his instrument would allow and only started singing the last chorus when it was almost silent. 
“I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things I would do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you
I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things we could do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you”
His expression looked hopeless and utterly desperate as he crooned out the last two lines. He let his hair fall to cover his face and Jaskier could just barely hear his panting breath over the sound system as the crowd exploded. Geralt tipped his head back and took two deep breaths before straightening up and getting on with the show but Jaskier was stuck. 
He was vaguely aware of someone taking a picture of him, but he really couldn’t care less. The fact that Geralt moved right on to a song called ‘Burn Motherfucker Burn’ didn’t matter either. 
Jaskier jumped down from his arena seat, whipping out his phone and sending the band a tweet, because apparently that’s what musicians did now?
“Record it. Please. It’s either that or sing me to sleep every night. You choose.”
He stayed for the rest of the show and walked to his car in a haze. Before he backed out of his spot he checked his phone like always and his heart nearly stopped at the two top notifications. 
One public reply: “Both? -G”
And one direct message: “If you’re still here and want to grab a drink, I’m just backstage.” 
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buckysdimples · 3 years
hello my loves! i think it's about time i drop in my two cents on the anthony mackie situation. fair warning, this is a long post and i don't make an effort to keep my language clean in it.
also important for me to note: i use "you" a lot in this post. it is a general you, directed at the group of people who have caused this problem. i am not directing this at all of the fandom. just the racists who caused it to get this bad in the first place. here we go!
i know people have pointed this out, but i want to make it very clear. yes, anthony mackie did word things strangely. you know what that means of him? that he's human. those of you who actively partake in fandom racism will take any white man doing the bare fucking minimum and elevate him to a pedestal that's unattainable by any people of colour in the same fandom, and as soon as a person of colour makes one (evidently dissonant with past actions) slip-up, they're the latest in the "which poc can we get out of the narrative today" game.
what makes the situation worse? a person of colour, in this case a black man who has consistently been activating and publicly lending support to many different and important causes as well as speaking up about his stance on the very issues that are so near and dear to people of colour in fandom, when they make a misstep, are absolutely torn to shreds.
meanwhile, you as a fandom whole will continue to apologise for white actors who continuously display problematic behavior, sometimes deliberately, and you either ignore it completely or make up some bullshit excuse to defend it. i'm not going to name names in this post, it detracts from the whole idea that i'm trying to get across, but these people are some of the biggest names in fandom. it is sometimes repulsive how you will use willful ignorance to apologise for them.
additionally, the full context of the interview with variety lends itself to many flaws, which you can read about in this phenomenal post by @thetransguard. the part of the fandom that attempted to eat mackie alive (which is most of the fandom) completely fucking missed this. it almost seems like you who went after him were searching for yet another reason to "fuck [poc name here], stan [white man 30495834] instead!" which honestly, is absolutely the case.
and that makes me fucking livid. you who are ripping him apart right now, your only concern for mackie and his character, sam wilson, has been sebastian stan and bucky barnes. mackie attends any interview, including interviews that are supposed to celebrate his achievements? he's only asked about sebastian stan. white fans discuss and love on "sambucky"? sam is just whatever trope he needs to be to make bucky cry, or smile, or feel better, or feel safe, and that is the extent of his character. that's disgusting. do you understand that?
stupid question. evidently not. mackie brings up valid points that yall stucky fans and now stucky turned sambucky fans continue to miss, he makes these points in admittedly a convolutedly worded fashion, but he makes them regardless. and you know what the other problem with white fans' reaction to it is? this is exactly what fans of colour in your very own beloved fandom have been trying to tell you. we attempted to make these points during the show. you know, when you lot were throwing steve in every damn chance you got and centering the show around bucky and steve and steve and bucky and who's sam? we don't know sam. all we know is a black guy who got steve's shield, and he won't pick it up, and that makes bucky sad, and bucky's doing his best, okay, he's not ignorant, sam's just mean to him, and--
it's fucking draining. from the beginning, this has been about sebastian stan and bucky barnes. you who are ripping anthony mackie to shreds were never here for him in the first place. you never listened to him. you never saw his character for who sam wilson was. and that's coming to a head in how you are receiving his words. and are you truly missing the point of his words? or is there another reason why you took apart that evidently hate-bait headline and used that specific word choice, when it was fucking clear mackie had a point that was an overtone to the words he chose, to turn mackie into a paragon of homophobia and problematic behavior?
yes, i believe there is. because it's the same fucking reason you will drown out the voices of fans of colour when we call you out for the utter bullshit you spout in regards to the media you are incapable of consuming beyond a shipping lens. it is the reason you take it upon yourselves to slam fans of colour for being selfish, or inserting into the narrative something that to your shallow interpretation wasn't intended, or reminding you that sam wilson, anthony mackie's character, is more than a racist trope prop for your favourite white character(s).
you will bemoan the lack of bisexual bucky in canon. you will throw bucky with any white man he looks once at. you will lament how "rude" poc fans are being when they ask you to focus on sam and his story. you take poc fans, black fans especially, talking and clearing up the commentary on racial and class themes that the show attempts to address, and you will tell all of us that "it's not that deep." you will turn around and shit all over bucky and sarah. sam and bucky to you is a prop to make your newly minted m/m ship canon, because stucky never became canon the way you insist it should have. that's the core of the problem, we say, that wanting the m/m ship to be canon has shifted from wanting representation to wanting two men, generally two white men, to kiss on screen so you can go crazy about it. bucky and zemo will never be canon. bucky and john walker will never be canon. you saw sam and bucky and you said, this is stucky 2.0, and you centered it around bucky and steve as an invisible third party. that is what you are advocating for. that is what mackie fucking addressed.
so the reason? the reason is that you know we're right and we have been right all along, but you're too fucking thickheaded to acknowledge that as a respectful human being. so instead, you turn to whatever the hell you can twist mackie's words into, and attempt to get him out of the fandom picture altogether. that's it, isn't it?
how fucking detestable.
just read the goddamn interview, read mackie's other interviews if you need to, and stop ignoring the truth of the messages he is trying to convey. maybe it'll do you some good to watch and read mackie solo interviews as opposed to sebastian and mackie interviews where all you focus on is the relationship between those two actors, completely ignoring what they, especially and generally mackie, are trying to convey. that's another problem, isn't it?
full circle. stop being fucking tone deaf and listen to poc fans and actors for once in your privileged, entitled lives.
thank you for reading all the way through.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
So exo will show support for kai and not kyungsoo I think you’re right I think kyungsoo is leaving cause that will only make sense on why none of them said anything
We never knew Suho went to support Ji if Ji HIMSELF didn't say it during his promotional Radio show. So how WOULD WE KNOW?? if Ksoo HIMSELF didn't tell us how the members supported him???? They did support him btw and they had a dinner to celebrate his solo but HE IS A PRIVATE BUSY PERSON.. and He himself didn't do any efforts to promote himself or go to variety shows or Radio Shows or music shows in order to be asked Questions by the MCs and for him to answer them, so that we would get news!!! Like girl??? If No one asks him he won't say anything 💁🏻‍♀️
I'm sorry to tell you that Ksoo doesn't like sharing his personal life with fans. PERIODT.
It's him who doesn't want any of y'all knowing any shit about him and he is not the type to go around saying members supported him! "Members brought me this" "members came at my filming site" "They did this, they did that" . Btw, Like where do you expect him to tell you?? In Gmail? Send you an 📨?? most of the time it's not him on Bubble 💭, and when it's him he's forced to do that by Exo managers, Now go cry about it.
I won't answer any asks about this issue. Because y'all don't want to get it in your mind that Ksoo didn't do promotions for us to know his news and what happened btw him and the members. I won't be surprised knowing he was the one who told the members to keep it low-key about his solo because of his and Essem's problems and I explained that long ago in many posts when his Solo dropped. Also HE DOESN'T WANT ANY OF Y'ALL'S NOSES IN HIS LIFE.
He loves his members and he goes out with Sehun to golf and eat outside every chance he gets between his tight schedules, and he is always at Ji's place and he went visit Baek and suho, yeah he hates them so much because they didn't support him. 💁🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Exo are on a level that they DON'T NEED to SHOWCASE YALL THEIR BROTHERHOOD AND BOND. They thought 10 years is enough to knock some sense in yalls brains that their bond is unbreakable. And they won't show you everytime they text or they eat outside or support each other!! Heck we always hear years or months later that the members did hangout together or went to gym tgt or went eating tgt or just went to walk by Hanriver tgt but they never share anything to us 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's because it's their personal life and they don't have to show y'all their love for each other on iG, thyre extremely busy and they don't do fanservice and lovestagram, they think they made it clear years ago that they're brotherhood is strong and that they don't need to show it to to y'all every time or to anyone and especially to their fans ! Their fans know them so well they don't expect y'all ESPECIALLY to doubt their bond.
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@Queen_Of_The_Universe_Aurore ✨👑✨
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moxfirefly · 3 years
I come bearing the gift of Angst™️ like yall this took for fucking ever and this is some sad af shit here so I’m sorry but it was an idea that hatched and I wanted to do it.
Rated Mature (18+ and up only)
TW: Blood, mentions of alcohol, death
Tagging a few Lee fans, my apologies already lol @southernblossoms @aurora-the-kunoichi @ray-jaykub
“Now I'm trying to wake you up,
To pull you from the liquid sky,
Coz if I don't we'll both end up,
With just your song to say goodbye.”
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Leonardo sees the night sky above him, the hard rain falling down on him and a vision of something he finds so beautiful.
He smiles at the image. He welcomes it and allows himself to be whisked away.
The cold night slips away in hues and as the rain falls down in harsh drops he refuses to give the cold pavement beneath him much thought. He sees something shiny fly across his vision and the only sound he surrounds himself is the sound of your laugh.
“I-I’m... S-“
You wake with a startle and a gasp. The coldness in the room too intense for the usual New York winter. You wrap yourself in the duvet and patter towards the heater, it’s clearly not working for some reason and you contemplate freezing and forgetting.
Sitting on the carpet, legs crossed and wrapped up you try your best to not let your thoughts stray. The cellphone in your hand is warm and your finger hovers over Donatello’s number.
There’s a large duvet on the living room window. Your eyes have refused to land there, to linger and allow for the icy sensation to run through your veins. Every so often you wonder about moving, not just from your apartment but from New York. To leave everything behind and forget that this was your reality.
-Don’t think about it-
The sentence echoes and echoes and echoes.
You press down on the number.
Leonardo secretly enjoyed being babied. He emphasized secretly, even if he knew that you knew to some degree. Your eyes trail bruises that tell a story of violence but Leo was always vigilant of never dragging you down that road.
It’s a horror show.
You press a frozen bag of peas to his eye, the swelling and black ring angry. “You can’t keep this up” You whisper against the top of his head.
“I have to, nobody is going to end this. Not the cops, not nobody that ain’t us... or me” There’s leftover adrenaline in his voice and if you weren’t sure you could command him to stay he’d probably haul ass and go out again before the sun decided to rise once more and ruin plans.
Leo is convinced that only he can bring down Shredder. Only he can save everything and everyone. It’s a stupid thought you think to yourself, that only one mutant such as himself could even pull it off.
But a huge chunk of himself doesn’t want his family involved like this. He doesn’t want the risk. “Your need to control everything is really annoying” You let go of the bag, he manages to catch it and place it back. You exit the bathroom and contemplate just how much bleach you’re going to need to get all of this blood out of your carpet.
You stare and feel your eyes begging to fog. The image of Leo climbing in a mess of cuts and bruises. Something within you wants to scream and never stop. You hear Leo get up, heavy steps approaching you as you stand like a ghost in the middle of the living room.
“Y/n...” Leo’s voice is soft but that hint of guilt stabs the end of your name. “Just leave with me, why can’t we go somewhere else? We can take your family and just leave, Lee” You turn around, fingers digging into your scalp. The manic feeling rises inside of you and your tears have to spill. Leo’s eyes look broken because he wishes he could give you this and everything you’ve ever desired.
“You don’t owe these people your life, Leo” You press a hand to your mouth as a quiet sob escapes you. “Please just-“ Your tears spill and he’s there in an instant to catch you and hold you so close it almost hurts. He soothes you with kisses and caresses even as you angrily want to shove him away for making this so difficult you fall against him.
The worry eats away at your insides. Why can’t he just understand that the world will never be rid of evil? It’ll find a new host to use and bring more chaos and death. Leo holds you close, even as you collapse against him in anger and fear, he holds you and tries to quiet the loud voice in your head.
The voice that bellows, ‘This isn’t going to end well.’
Leo’s eyes flutter open, an urge stuck in his throat that chokes him. The inherit need to cough pushes him somewhat upwards but as he tries he feels copper in his mouth, the taste of pennies too strong, god he wants to vomit. Warmth spills from his mouth as he looks about, eyes scanning but the rainfall blurs his vision.
He hears screaming.
He knows Shredder’s down, the monster hasn’t moved.
Leo keeps hearing his name in the distance, his side feels a pin prick when he tries to roll over the pain shoots all over his body and liquid spills from his mouth.
It’s blood.
“Sorry for calling so late but it’s either that or freezing to death” You prepared coffee as Donatello eyed the heater. “I hate winter so I understand” He picked up a wrench when you came into the room, mugs in hand and the blanket still wrapped around your cold body.
“How are you holding up?” He took a sip making a face, the harsh taste of whiskey hitting the back of his mouth. “Went too hard on the added flavoring?” You chuckled, sipping from your mug without hesitation. Donnie placed it next to his tools, his eyes had scanned you when he came over and you could see the worry.
It was safe to say you weren’t looking your best, but then again you hadn’t slept right in the last six months and the clutter of bottles in your trash bin spoke of how you’d been spending your evenings. “Miss seeing you coming around, Mikey misses you a lot” Donnie started to fix the heater, occasionally taking a sip from the spiked coffee. You held the mug tightly, it had been a few months since you stopped going mostly because you always found yourself stepping into his room...
-Don’t think about it-
“How’s everyone?” You asked avoiding the question. Donnie’s shoulders shrugged, pulling apart pieces of your dingy old heater. “Mikey’s doing okay, he’s going on solo patrols really matured you know?” The youngest turtle had changed, there was still a spark of his mischievous ways but he had taken his duties more seriously as of late. “...and Raph?” You weren’t too sure if the subject still remained sour, the brute had a falling out with the tech genius around the time of...
“Raph stops by once in a while, for Mikey’s sake and well since Dad hasn’t been too well health wise” You hang your head, the light brown liquid in your hands still in the porcelain. Splinter was old, it was understandable, maybe you should stop by and see him.
“Splinter is strong, Don” You took a generous gulp, the burn of the whiskey dulling you. “He’s gotten older Y/N, he’s frail... I’m keeping him comfortable” He dug through tools, pushing aside things he didn’t need. You couldn’t help take in Donatello’s features, he had bulked up a little more, more definition in his arms but his eyes still spoke of the little sleep he was allowing himself. Your eyes landed on his wrist, a small piece of blue fabric wrapped around it.
Your eyes burned, so you chased it with another sip of your coffee. Rest hadn’t found you either.
“You two should make up, you need each other” Donnie sighed at your retort, he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Getting through Raph isn’t as easy as getting through a firewall, you know how fucking stubborn he could be” He shook the heater, it tried whirring back to life but no luck. “He’s stubborn but he’ll listen even if you think he doesn’t-“ Donnie smacked the heater, hard enough something dented, hard enough for you to flinch.
“He doesn’t comprehend that we lost him too, Y/N, he wants to blame me or himself or... but no okay? He doesn’t get to act like a fucking child because it’s been half a year and it still hurts” Donnie gripped the machine, eyes shutting tightly, all you could do was remain quiet. Your chest felt too tight, you didn’t want to hear it.
Please, don’t say it.
The rain always brought an unpleasant smell. It’s probably due to how polluted this god forsaken city is. Aside from the smell of shit, there was that coppery scent in the air too and you smelt it as soon as you got to the roof via the fire escape. The guys had been chasing Leonardo and Shredder, April and you on car the others on the truck. This solo vendetta of Leo’s had gone too far and while he had tracked down the bastard it didn’t mean he had to take this on by himself.
The rain fell in hard drops, each resonating as it smacked down onto you. You looked about the roof trying to spot anything, the calm too eerie. The blood almost swam by you, meeting your sneakers, a proverbial map to your destination.
And what a awaited you...
There was no feasible way to prepare yourself, even the small prayer you whispered under your breath not enough to silence the gut wrenching dread that befell you alongside the rain. Your knees hit the pavement hard and you couldn’t seem to see clearly enough where to press down and hold the life slipping out of him.
It’s all mute from there, you remember the sobs mixed into his name. The slow way his eyelids fluttered and the shallow breaths he took, he wanted to move so badly to hold you close and tell you it’s alright. The part of his mind crashing, slowly but surely losing light just saw the image of you as a comforting sign.
That while he laid there feeling darkness overtake him, he’d at least have the image of you above him. You begged nevertheless, telling him to remain awake that the others would be there soon, even going so far as to try and move his heavy frame but you were too small and Leo would simply just not budge. Trembling hands pushed on Raphael’s name, something akin to ‘hurry’ escaping your mouth but your shaking hands couldn’t hold the phone long enough before more blood gushed out and you tried to hold it all in for Leo.
His hand landed on your cheek, thumb caressing the spot.
“I.. I’m s-sorry” He heaved out, hand slipping, blue eyes suddenly too dark.
He wasn’t breathing.
Leo wasn’t breathing.
You felt hands on your shoulder before you snapped out of that terrible memory. Donatello’s concerned gaze on you.
“Y/N? Hey, are you okay?” You couldn’t quite catch the image of Donnie, he was distorted as your eyes welled up with tears and you fought back the urge to let them drop. Because for six months you had been crying your eyes out for him, for six months you had not known the word peace, for six months you had stared at a window that yielded no end to your pain. In one manic night you had thrown up your comforter and nailed the damn thing over that fucking window, you had contemplated tearing up the carpets that had so many specks of Leo’s blood, you had tried to quiet the urge to burn your bedroom because every corner of it had some essence of him in or on it.
Some days you were so furious that he had done this. That he had died for a cause that would go unmerited, leaving his friends, his family and you to hold on to unamended pieces.
That very night he had been taken back to the lair, each brother having a moment with him, April as well. You were given one last moment with him, to be around him, to hold his impossibly cold hand.
At some point Splinter had stepped in and sat down next to you, his hand came to rest on your shoulder. It had to be admired, even if his eyes spoke that his world was crashing before him, he remained the rock that protected against the crashing waves.
“He loved you... with everything he had” Splinter had said and while there was comfort in there, the pain was far too great. You don’t remember stepping out let alone getting up, in fact most of that night had been a blur. At some point Raphael had supposedly picked you up and laid you down on the cot April used when she stayed over. Somewhere between that you had stumbled to Leo’s room and you had stayed there for a week.
That week had turned into a month.
For thirty days you stayed among his things, among his scent, on a bed you had been countless times on in countless ways. In the misery of it all there was comfort there, even if each night you dreamt of him, even if you swore that at times you heard your name being called by him. It was worse when you woke startled feeling as if he had ran his hand down your hip.
Around the end of that first month Mikey had stepped in with some food (much like he had done everyday) but this time he had placed it on the the night table and climbed into the bed with you.
He was crying.
You both held onto each other, anchoring one another to remain in the tough currents because this storm wouldn’t go away anytime soon.
You give Mikey credit for pulling you out of that room, even if you left a good chunk of your heart there, the other portions on that forsaken rooftop, the rest with Leo. You hadn’t been to the lair every since.
Donnie cupped your face, thumbs drying the tear tracks on your cheeks. “I’m sorry” You spoke out, not really sure why but all Donnie did was pull you close and hug you and you’re sure you haven’t hugged him in six months and while his scent is nowhere near that of Leo’s and his body lean muscle the contrast of his eldest brother, you still fell apart against the familiarity of it.
You sobbed against him quietly, dropping your mug, the shattering not jarring enough to bring you or him back.
And why come back to the present? To a cold home? To a place where Leo only existed in memories and lucid dreams?
Donnie held you close, his own tears falling and whatever fortress he had built up in this time had shattered like glass.
Leonardo was dead and there was simply nothing the two of you could do.
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beomglocks · 3 years
sk8ter boi ; c.bg
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summary : he was a boy, she was a girl. can i make it anymore obvious?
pairing : skaterboy!beomgyu x reader
warnings & other : reader already has a child with yeonjun ok, beomgyu still pining after all these years, based off queen avril lavigne’s sk8ter boi song, listen while reading if you want 
w/c : 2.1K (i may have gotten carried away)
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"where'd you get that note and roses from?" your friend maria asks you when you get into class. you wipe away your smile quickly, already knowing who the mystery person was. "i don't know."
yeah, of course you knew. how could you not when the boy oh so clumsily shoved them in your locker while you were literally turning the corner. he tried to act like he wasn't doing anything but he was clearly caught. he tried to play it off in the best way possible and smooth talk his way into a conversation with you but you shut him down due to the bell ringing.
"oh- oh ok sure...yeah," beomgyu stumbled over his words, nervousness eating away at him with you being here. "yo gyu you coming? i just finished fixing my drum kit," his friend, jeongin, calls him over, interrupting your already over conversation.
"you should go...but thanks for whatever you just threw in my locker," you laugh. he nods hesitantly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "dude," jeongin now stands in your vicinity. he looks at you and beomgyu before pulling away his best friend to where the spare band room was.
"well open the letter, we wanna know who your little secret admirer is," maria says, leaning onto your desk. your other friends agree, eager to know who was pining over you. you laugh nervously before opening it. you're not sure how they'll react to finding out that it's beomgyu.
you see, you wouldn't exactly call yourself the prettiest girl in the school but hell it sure was close. almost everyone would compliment you every day even if it was something minor like a change in your nail color. you kind of prided yourself in that, not to gas yourself up or anything.
someone like beomgyu...well. he wasn't exactly the ideal guy, to put it simply. he was a skater boy, he hung out with the "simple boys" who skated and did music and hung out around the skate parks after school. he wasn't the scholar type like soobin or the athlete type like yeonjun, he was simple.
you liked simple but your friends didn't. they had preferences for people like soobin and yeonjun, not people like beomgyu. you could probably guess they felt like beomgyu was the bottom of the barrel, like a roach on their foot not worthy of their time.
you pull the letter out of the envelope. for some reason without even trying, you could smell his cologne all over it. you want to smile at the obvious try hard gesture but your friends don't allow it. "what the fuck is that smell, it's so strong," maria gags. you roll your eyes at her dramatics. "it doesn't smell that bad."
"yes the fuck it does," she retorts. "just see what it says." you read over the letter, smiling at certain parts where you could tell he'd done his research on the things you liked. "it's from beomgyu," you say when you finish the letter. you already knew this anyway but maria's eyes go wide and she suddenly snatches the letter from your grasp. "hey!"
"CHOI beomgyu?" she asks while she reads the letter herself. "yeah?" you confirm.
your other friends mumble amongst themselves and you can hear some snicker. "y/n you could do so much better. beomgyu is like a street rat or something. don't do that to yourself," she laughs like it's the funniest thing she's ever said. you don't think beomgyu's that bad but you also don't stand up for him, simply biting your lip as she continues.
"he barely comes to school and when he does all he does is sleep. he skates with those other weirdos and thinks he's gonna make it big with his shitty guitar playing- i mean have you heard him?" she rolls her eyes, throwing the letter back on your desk. "you should go out with yeonjun, i think yall would be a cute couple. the prettiest girl with the coolest guy, your babies would be so damn cute."
"babies?!" you laugh at her ridiculousness. "yes! have you seen choi yeonjun?" she sighs in content. "anyways, don't pay beomgyu any mind because he's not gonna make it in life. go for someone like yeonjun and please for the love of god throw that letter away!"
you never did throw the letter away. you sigh as you think back to your high school years. you had just found it hidden behind one of the closet drawers while you were looking for valkyrie's binkie. she was crying so much since her father had gone out for the day and you were stuck taking care of her, as always.
you wonder how beomgyu was doing. you both talked after the fact but fell off during college since he had gone off to do his own thing. you didn't know what that thing was but you were proud of him nonetheless. you finished high school, went to college, got a good paying job, and were now married with a kid. all at the young age of 21. the typical life, you figure.
you're snapped out of your thoughts when you hear your child crying in the next room. "shit," you mumble to yourself. you leave the letter in your drawer and head back to the living room with the binkie. "valkyrie~" you sing song.
she continues crying, not giving a fuck about your efforts to calm her. she was usually a bit of a daddy's girl. "val please stop crying," you exasperate. "daddy's not coming home until late today. cut me some slack babygirl."
you slip the binkie into her mouth but her shrill cries go right through it. "let me go see if you need a diaper change," you mutter.
before you can even get up from the couch you hear your phone ring from somewhere in the couch. "shit where did i put my phone?" you put valkyrie down to look for your phone but it stops ringing before you can begin searching. you wait for it to ring again you find it between the cracks of the couch.
"oh hey mari," you say in confusion. after high school ended, you and maria kind of fell off along with all your other popular friends. you still had that clout all throughout college given who you were dating but you kind of strayed away from her. you guys were still on speaking terms though but this call was odd since it had been months since the last time she called.
"GIRL-" she pauses for a moment, still as dramatic as ever. "what it is mari? val won't stop crying she needs attention," you sigh, looking over at your daughter. her cries had gotten softer but she was still grumpy about not being with her father.
"girl turn on your tv to MTV right now- like right now before you miss it!" she says hurriedly. "this better be good you know i dont watch those shows," you say into the phone. you place the phone between your ear and shoulder so you can hold valkyrie while watching whatever it was that maria wanted you to watch.
then you see it. "is that-?" you begin. "CHOI beomgyu! yes girl!" maria finishes your sentence. she's right. there he is, the boy you were just thinking about was on your tv screen. "he's famous?" you ask.
maria sucks her teeth, "apparently after high school and like a year or two of college, he dropped out to pursue a music career and i guess it worked out for him." you nod even though she can't see you. "he signed with a label and now he's in like some super fucking famous band, look at him," she continues.
you stare at your tv screen in silence, watching beomgyu have the time of his life on the MTV stage. he really did get good on his guitar. the camera pans to the drummer and your eyes go wide when you see jeongin. wow, they really stayed together this whole time.
"he's fine as hell," you admit. you hear maria cackle on the other side, "you said it, he looks so attractive playing guitar like that, look at his fingers."
"ok alright maria, i have a child right next to me," you say. she laughs again, "anyways, i got tickets to their next show. you wanna come with?"
you're not sure how you managed to convince yeonjun to stay home with the baby while you went out with maria to this concert, but you did it. he was skeptical of letting you go out with what you were wearing which is why you both argued before you eventually stormed out to go anyways.
when you met up with maria outside the venue she looked up and down with a knowing smile. "i thought that pussy belonged to mr. choi yeonjun? what're you all dressed up for?"
"dressed up?" all you were wearing was a black and white bandana for a top and tight leather pants and comfortable shoes. "do the pants really have to hug your ass like that though?" she jokingly slaps your butt and you glare at her. "that's what yeonjun said," you mumble to yourself.
the concert goes smoothly and you're glad you actually got to see beomgyu in person and playing guitar. one thing about choi beomgyu is that he will play guitar like it's his last day on earth. he plays with so much intensity that you almost feel bad for the guitar.
you could almost feel how the crowd's energy in this packed room transferred to the members. if it was even possible, they started to play with more vigor.
at some point, beomgyu was full on immersed in his own playing. his once fluffy hair was now soaked with sweat and covering his forehead and eyes. he kept headbanging along to the beat while skillfully moving his fingers along the strings of the guitar.
during the middle of one of their songs, beomgyu took the center stage for his guitar solo. it was a fast paced riff that just seemed to give the song more life. his head is down so that it's solely focused on the guitar but once he finished the hardest part of the riff he looked up smugly. the crowd went absolutely mad when beomgyu bit his lip during the rest of his solo.
you had to admit the boy had stage presence, you practically almost re-fell in love with him.
after the show, you and maria went to get refreshments at the nearby bar. beomgyu seemed to already be there talking to one of his members so you took this opportunity to speak with him. you wonder if he'll remember you after all these years but you take your chances.
"beomgyu!" you shout over the music that's playing in the background. he whips his head around to the sound of his name being called and smiles lightly when he sees you. when you get to him, he subtly looks you up and down, taking in your body and attire. "y/n is that you?" he says, his voice laced with something teasing.
"you remember me?" you ask him with a smile. "how could i forget a face like yours," he smiles, leaning back. you laugh and he smiles. "i just saw you on stage, i never thought you'd become this huge! congrats!"
he nods, "yeah, i always wanted to make it big you know." he trails off, looking over you again like he's entranced somehow. "so how's life? you still with-"
"yeonjun...yeah we um- we have a kid...now," you finish nervously. did he really have to bring yeonjun up right now. "a kid?" he says, surprised. "let me see."
you show him a selfie of you and valkyrie that you took at a time when she wasn't completely hating your existence and wanting to cuddle her father instead of you. he laughs and leans back once again, "she's cute like you, she definitely got her mom's features."
"yeah and she's got her dad's attitude," you say, mostly to yourself but beomgyu catches it. "oh yeah! i wanted to say, i really like that one song you played, uh- fairy?"
"fairy of shampoo? yeah we added our own little rock twist to it," he says. "you know the lyrics are actually about y-" your phone cuts him off and you apologize, turning away to answer it. "what is it yeonjun"
beomgyu sighs in frustration when he hears you say that. when you finish talking you turn back to him and he has his eyebrow raised in question. "looks like my fun is over," you laugh dryly. he nods in understanding, "before you go though, let me get your number so we can catch up sometime."
you agree, not wanting to pass up the chance to reconnect with your now famous friend.
"maybe we'll see each other around gyu," you smile, beginning to walk away.
he smiles at the old nickname, waving you off, "i sure hope so."
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
narcos: jealousy hc poison
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a/n: yall im so sorry this took so long but its here and i hope its not bad pls love me:(( on another note i finished my finals so let’s hope my energy matches my free time now to get requests rolling out for you amores :) anyways lets get into it,, 
Tags: @fandomnerd16 @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @fleurfatale89
let me know if you want to be tagged!
Warnings: NSFW! you know the drill + its longgg
alright, so i get a feeling this would happen in the beginnings of your relationship with poison
like when no one actually knew that you two were dating-
every one of the guys just kinda think youre his friend since they’ve never seen you before and they dont expect poison being someone to be in a relationship you feel???
but either way, i imagine this would happen in the club with all the sicarios because the v i b e sss im feeling are coming from here,,
and also the fact that his ass would come up with some shit like “she’s just a friend, nada mas”
especially once quica gives him that shit eating smile when he sees poison pull out a chair out for you,, holding your hand- just acting like this gentlemen all of a sudden,,
omg- you would probably give poison this subtle look like really?? a friend? but,, just him giving you this nod like just go with it please
and honestly i can see this going smoothly like no problem whatsoever, youre both having a good time ya know,,,
like at this point he has his arm slung around the back of your chair,, everyones laughing and living the night and just- comfortable that he has you by his side and getting along with everyone,,,
but here we fucking go-
i would bet money that quica would be that mf to sweep in next to poison as soon as you get up to go to the bathroom or get some more drinks or something,,
just- this smiling dumbass telling poison he’s going to dance with you once you come back,, just so he can provoke poison because i know he fucking would,,
like i can imagine quica was already trying to get a rise out of poison throughout the night by making sure to direct his fucking jokes to you,, make you laugh and talk with him more than poisons dry ass-
and just before poison can even shut that idea down, quica’s already over here saying something like “what? pense que ella era solo una amiga? i want to dance with your friend, acabo se ve que a ella le caigo mejor que vos”
and omg- the way poison would just glare as he watches quica get up and walk up to you before you reach the table
and you wanting to be social,, honestly dont think much about it,, like its just a quick innocent dance with poisons friend,, nothing could go wrong-
but yall i JUST KNOW once quica has you bien pegadito with him
his ass would be looking over your shoulder at poison, making sure to get his reaction everytime he pulls your body closer with his, or every time he leans in to your ear making you laugh at something he said-
and poison’s over here not paying a single attention to what sure shots telling him,, like his whole attention is on you and quica-
cursing under his breath as he watches the way youre dancing with quica instead of him
and the way youre letting him pull your body closer into his with his hand on the small of your back-
just,, bouncing his leg impatiently every time he sees you laugh and just his eyes becoming darker everytime he makes eyecontact with quicas smirking ass-
wOW just poison having this tense posture,, lips sealed so tight that his hand is itching to reach into his back pocket to pull his gun out,,
and its not until hes had enough once he catches quica’s hand getting too close to his liking near your ass
and like a switch was FLIPPED because all i can imagine is pissed off poison, abruptly getting up that it knocks his chair over,, his jaw clenched as he strides over to the two of you so quick,,,
and just ripping quica off of you, almost making him fall and poison is just heated as hes ready to knock the shit out of him at any second as he stands in between the two of you - “hijo de puta, que te pasa, no la toques aSI”
god,, the intense ass stare off between the both of them, the red lighting of the club and bumping of the music only stirring more emotions in poison wanting nothing more than to wipe quicas smug smile off his face-
but then just,, poison snatching your arm when he turns around, not about to make an even bigger scene already as he drags you out,,
he wont utter a single word to you throughout the car ride, b/c im just imagining him having this death grip on the steering wheel,,, scowl on his face not wanting to hear a single word from you either right now,,
ohh fuck,, ok and once you both get home you would just head straight to the bedroom because at this point you just think he needs a moment to himself,, get some space b/c the atmosphere is fucking t h i c k
bUT then him GraBbing the back of your neck before you walk away,, roughly pulling you back into him and kissing you, not giving you a minute to even think
his hands would be roaming your body,, pushing you back to the bedroom, as youre desperately moving to take his clothes off as he tears off yours, not caring if they ripped or not in the process,,
wow- him dropping you on the bed as he stands at the end,, watching as you come up to him on your knees, your hands coming to unbuckle his pants as you feel his hands grip your ass
and the innocent look your giving him only makes him harder than he already is even tho he wants so badly to be mad at you-
“perdoname papi, no quise hacerte enojar” omg
and then him just giving you these abrupt rough spanks that you know are going to leave marks as he pulls you closer into him,, moving to knead your ass,,, your faces almost touching-
and before you can say anything else,, hes already turning you around and pushing you down onto the bed with your ass up, massaging you to alleviate the pain-
WOW ok,, this is leading into doggy style where he would have you almost ripping the pillows under you as you feel his bruising grip continuously tighten on your hips while he thrusts into you from behind,
just- having you to the point where when he looks down,,, your wobbling knees are about to give out,, your cum dripping down your legs onto the sheets,, and your muffled screams of his name being drowned out by your face in the pillow,,
and him pulling your body up to his by your hair, never once slowing down his thrusts as he places one of his hands on top of yours encouraging you to lick your fingers and touch yourself for him,, beg for him to make you cum- im sorry
i wow, just him holding your body up when you almost collapse,, his movements not once stopping even when youve moved your hand away from your clit,, just getting you until your pleading moans turn incoherent,,  
-turning you around on your back,, and moving to hold both of your arms above your head,, driving his hips roughly into you again not giving you a second to breathe,, 
forcing your legs to stay open with his body when he feels you start to squeeze them around him because you want to so badly close your legs,,
god- his hand coming to grasp your neck,, moving one of your legs over his shoulder as he moves his other hand down to play with your throbbing clit-
“de quien eres, mamacita? tu crees que ese malparido te puede chingar asi?”
and dear god,, you cant even make his name sound coherent because your brain is solely focused on the snapping of his hips, his cock so deeply buried inside of you,, his fingers overdriving your stimulation and the feeling of his other hand increasingly adding pressure to your neck-
and the only thing coming out of your mouth is loud whimpers as you throw your head back,,, the feeling of his teeth sinking into your jaw has you feeling so many emotions as you dig your nails into his shoulders- 
just- him constantly reminding you that hes the only one able to make you feel like this,, making you stutter parts of his name out- i
making a mess out of you ok,, silencing you when you try to tell him you cant do another orgasm but telling you that you made him do this to you so you better take it to remind you that no eres de nadie mas,, 
holding your trembling legs open as he watches you still take him in by the way you let out moans of his name and the rise of your hips when he bottoms out- im not ok
wow just- by the time he’s done with you,, your whole body is jolting and covered in marks, your soreness starting to show,, and no words coming out of you as he ghosts his hand over you,,
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blazinbeautywrites · 3 years
Titty Tuesday
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Note: Due to the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
None of the pics or gifs I use belong to me unless stated otherwise. Full credit goes to the originators of said gifs and pics.
A/N: Now yall KNOW I couldn’t do Titty Tuesday without the titty man himself, BM aka the king of the Big Titty Committee! This is part of my Smut Week challenge than you can find here.
Length: 928 words
Genre: Smut
Matthew had been at practice all day and Niara, his girlfriend, was irritated. She understood he was preparing for his solo but damn. She didn’t spend half her day on a plane to be ignored when she touched down in South Korea. She decided to go out and explore.
After a couple of hours of shopping and exploring, Niara finally made it back to Matthew’s apartment just as he texted her he’d be home in half an hour. That gave Niara enough time to take a quick shower and freshen up a bit. Once she was done, Niara walked out to the bedroom and admired the pretty lavender lingerie set she bought while she was out. She quickly slipped it on and looked at herself in the mirror. She went to her bag and pulled out her spray bottle with her water and lavender essential oil. She sprayed a little on her hair and gently fluffed her hair out so that her hair was all puffy and sat on her shoulders. Just as she finished she heard the front door open, signaling Matthew’s arrival. “Showtime.” Niara thought to herself. She made her way downstairs and creeped up behind him.
“Babe? You here?” Matthew called out. When he got no response he turned to go look upstairs, when he was startled by Niara standing in the middle of the kitchen in sexy lingerie.
“Surprise baby.” Niara said as she smirked at him. She stood on her tiptoes and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. He deepened the kiss and Niara moaned against his lips. Matthew reluctantly pulled away and admired his beautiful girlfriend.
“Damn I fucking missed you.” He said, eyeing her up and down. He took note of how her breasts were spilling over the top of her bra. One thing about Matthew, he loved him some titties. The bigger the better. He noticed Niara’s nipples were hard. He took his thumb and caressed her right nipple. Niara loved this soft shit but she needed him to be rough right now.
“Baby, as much as I love this, I really need you right now. I’m fcking soaking.” Niara said. She took his hand and guided it to her dripping center. Matthew groaned at the feeling of her wetness. He gave her a quick peck then kissed his way to her neck and down the valley of her breast. He pulled her bra down, exposing her voluptuous breasts. He backed her up against the counter and started to suck on her left nipple, gently biting the sensitive flesh. While he showed her attention up top, his left hand dipped into her underwear. He drew quick, rough circles on her clit, causing Niara’s body to jerk. She was so sensitive, she felt herself cumming and Matthew didn’t let up. He got down on his knees and threw her leg over his shoulder. He immediately dove into her wet pussy. He moaned as he ate her out like she was his last meal. Matthew was getting hard just hearing the nasty, sloshy sounds Niara’s pussy was making.
“Fuck you taste so damn good.” Matthew moaned. Niara was losing her balance as she tried to hold onto the counter. Her orgasm, fast approaching.
“I’m cumming, fuuuck I’m cumming…..shiiiiiittttttttt.” Niara came hard. She looked down at Matthew and saw his fast dripping with her essence. She pulled him up and gave him a sloppy kiss, tasting herself on his tongue. “You’re right, I do taste good. Niara spoke.” 
That was it for Matthew. He dropped his basketball shorts and turned her around. He bent her over the counter and entered her sopping heat. He stilled his movements, allowing them both to adjust. Growing impatient, Niara started throwing her ass back onto him. He laughed and began fucking her at a moderate pace. He soon began fucking her full force, making them both moan in pleasure. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to him. He removed his hand from her hair and placed it on her throat, squeezing lightly. He pounded into her so hard he knocked over a cup that was drying on the counter. Niara raised her leg and placed it on the counter, allowing Matthew to go deeper.
“Ohhhh shit, fuuuuck you’re so fucking tight baby.” Matthew sighed.
“I’m so close baby, fuck I’m close.” Niara said. She felt another orgasm coming.
“Fuuuk fuck fuck fuuuuuukkkkk.” Matthew said as he bust a nut deep inside her walls. He fucked her through his orgasm and the next thing he knows he’s being forced out of her wet pussy. 
“OHMYGOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD” Niara yelled. She almost collapsed and Matthew moved to catch her. She looked on the floor and saw that she’d squirted all over everything. She look behind her and saw Matthew staring at her.
“Well shit. Babe I didn’t know you could squirt.” he said, amazed.
“Guess my pussy really did miss you.” Niara spoke. She gave him a sweet kiss then he started sucking on her nipples once again. She felt him harden again and laughed.
“You ready for round 2?” He asked.
“I JUST had a powerful ass orgasm and you ready to go again?” Niara asked.
“I got a lot of time to make up for. Now how’s bout you take you fine ass upstairs and get ready for daddy.” Matthew said.
“Daddy?” She asked, clearly amused.
“Did I stutter?”  He asked. He smacked her ass hard and she ran upstairs to get ready for round 2.
Niara was so happy to be reunited with her man.
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ahgaseda · 4 years
Can I say something real quick? I have discussed the subject of Got7 renewing with JYPE and it is no secret I despise JYP the man, but also the company. I don’t want to speculate, but I wanna bring up some facts that I’ve seen a lot of discourse about mostly on twitter.
Full disclaimer I am not trying to start anything with this. I just wanna put some of yall at ease because I see baby birds getting worked up over some of these issues. I love my ahgafam always.
Yes, Got7′s contracts expire next year. There is a strong chance that they already conducted negotiations this year (all of the members’ parents were spotted in Korea and at JYPE in January) and the final decisions will not be revealed until the actual expiration month. This is due to how the announcement will heavily influence stocks.
Also, this argument that JYP is no longer CEO and is not to blame for Got7′s mistreatment is incorrect. He is still the largest shareholder of JYPE. He is on the creative board. He still directly manipulates Got7′s activities. He constantly meddles in their music. Keep in mind the members actively fought for Page to be the title track of Spinning Top and lost because JYP pulled rank. Don’t think for a second he can’t do the exact same thing for business decisions. Division two didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to poorly manage Got7. They got their instructions from the top.
Jackson stating he wants to move to Beijing next year does not mean he’s leaving Got7 or JYPE. It means he lives in hotels every time he promotes in China and maybe just maybe he wants to have a permanent residence while promoting there. He wouldn’t just drop a bombshell like that if it implied something more serious. He has more tact than that.
JYPE not renewing a contract in Japan for Got7 is not suspicious. Got7 can still go on tour in Japan. They just won’t have anymore Japanese releases. The smart move is for Got7 to work more into the Chinese market, considering how well Jackson and Mark do there. Or to push for more activities in the west. We’ve seen groups signing with American labels for promotions here.
JYPE renewing the Got7 trademark through 2024 is not the end of the world. If Got7 does not renew their contracts next year they can still promote as a group with new material. We all know Jaebum has a whole hard drive of rejected bops. Not to mention Yugyeom and Youngjae actively write songs with the group in mind. All that music they haven’t released would not fall under the trademark and would be completely owned by Got7 however they choose to rebrand themselves. Also the members would continue getting royalties for songs they produced while under JYPE.
Everyone likes to shit on Got7 for not being popular in South Korea, but make no mistake it is known how much money they bring in internationally. Got7 would not get blacklisted for leaving JYPE. They could very easily get snatched up by a smaller label that knows their worth. The more likely scenario is that they make their own label together.
This next part is my opinion based on what I’ve gathered, but it’s still an opinion so keep scrolling if you don’t wanna read it.
All this being said, I don’t want them to renew with JYP and I honest to god don’t think that they will. Go on Youtube and look at the videos of Got7 shading JYP and then the video of JYPE mistreating them. It’s also no secret how well artists have thrived after leaving that shit hole. Just look at Sunmi. The first rule of management is to keep your employees happy or they will leave.
Jaebum is not happy. He has made that abundantly clear. He is not given any artistic freedom though he has more than proven he has the ability to make great music. I personally think JYP is trying to stagnate Got7′s growth while also spiting Jaebum, because Jaebum does not willingly submit to JYP and his massive ego. The way JYP openly ridiculed them on Knowing Bros and his behavior toward Jaebum on Hyena on the Keyboard was very telling.
Mark is not happy. JYP has time and time again made it impossible for him to go home and see his family despite other members given the availability to go home. Mark is doing quite well in China, though JYPE keeps his activities to a minimum. He needs more freedom to promote there. We also know the infamous Papa Tuan tweet that eluded to Mark thinking carefully of what to do when it was time to renew his contract.
Jackson is not happy. Team Wang has thrived and Jackson has built it from the ground up, and despite JYP having zero aid or input still gets a huge chunk of Team Wang’s earnings. As hard as Jackson works I know he does not like having to cut a check to a company doing nothing for him and his employees. Also comparing clips of Jackson with JYP to now, you can see they no longer have the friendly relationship they once had.
Jinyoung is not happy. JYPE is closing their actor’s division. We all know Jinyoung is passionate about acting. It has always taken a back seat to his commitment to Got7, but it is still something he very much wants to pursue. He also enjoys making music so it doesn’t seem he wants to entirely abandon idol life for actor life. I won’t even get into how much shade Jinyoung throws at JYP. He’s not exactly shy about it.
Youngjae is not happy. Got7 has been debuted for six years and Youngjae is just now getting solo activities. A radio gig and soundtrack songs are not enough. He should have definitely had a solo album by now. Given what little activities JYPE has gotten for him, he’s had plenty of time to not only put an album together but also promote it. There’s simply no excuse. JYPE has completely dropped the ball in giving Youngjae activities.
Bambam is not happy. Of the other members Bambam has gotten the best deal thus far. He’s been able to thrive in Thailand and we know Thai ahgases carry this fandom on their backs. But still he apologizes to us. He tells us he’s sorry and how scared he is that Got7 will disappoint us. He apologizes for short promotions and the poor job division 2 does. He knows what’s going on and he always acknowledges how hard we work and how frustrated we are.
Yugyeom is not happy. Resorting to his soundcloud and constantly having songs rejected for albums. Not to mention his limited promotions. He killed on Hit the Stage. Also most importantly with the recent incident of sasaengs trying to call him while he was on vlive. Ahgases have reported sasaengs and antis and JYP has done absolutely nothing to protect the boys. They don’t even release a statement.
My suspicions are that JYPE is milking every drop out of Got7 with minimal promotion as they have done for years. From a business point of view, Got7 churns out maximum income for very little effort. In addition to that, I have always thought that JYP mistreats them to a) stagnate their growth, b) spite Jaebum and the other boys that don’t fall in line, and c) because he’s a worthless turd that gets his kicks ridiculing underage girls for their weight.
I recently had a discussion with my friend who is a business major and she said something interesting. The big question was why does JYP mistreat Got7 when they are their biggest money makers? She said that’s exactly it. They know Got7 is leaving. Got7 has grown beyond their control. Got7 heavily influences investor confidence. They are trying to undermine Got7, to slack their popularity so that Got7 does not have such an influential hold on the company and its business interests. In a way they are trying to lessen the blow when it comes next year.
The fact that Dye promotions were bad, similar to YCMN, implies that Got7 did not renew if they did so already. If they had chosen to renew you can guarantee it was with the stipulation they would receive better support and promotion. JYPE in good faith would promote them better. Now if this next comeback supposedly happening in September has great promotions then I would change my mind. But I don’t think it’s likely. I know ahgases are hopeful that JYP will give Got7 their own sub-label if they renew but I don’t think his ego can handle that. He just has to have his hands in their music, getting a slice of that money.
In conclusion, I think it’s noble for ahgases to be campaigning so heavily for better treatment for Got7 but it’s a lost cause. There is absolutely no doubt that JYPE knows what’s up. They know if Got7 is staying or going, whether it’s already been renegotiated or not. It’s not like they sit in an office on contract expiration day and wait for the big decision. It’s like any other business. They make sure they know so they can prepare.
tl;dr: Got7 and JYPE already know if they are renewing their contracts or not. By the way Got7 has vocalized their disdain and how JYPE continues to mismanage their activities, it is likely Got7 are not renewing their contracts.
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