#yall will not see me trying ti stay alive!
othercrossee · 2 years
Its so insane that chimps r our closest livin relative yet these mfs r homicidal as shit
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Ghostface!Shuriri Headcanons
Surprise! Surprise! I got some headcanons for Ghostface!Shuriri for yall. Also I recreated a tag list so in case yall want to be tagged in anything, go ahead and fill out this form right here. ---> Taglist Form
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Normal Lives
●👻● Outside her ghostface persona Riri is the perfect student. Still in college. 
●👻● Top of her class(of course), shows up on time, takes perfect notes, turns in work before the deadline, you name it. 
●👻● She doesn't mind doing work for her classmates. You want her to do your homework for you? It'll cost ya. (Her prices ain't cheap.)
●👻● Straight sneakerhead. Will make sure every outfit is tied together by the shoe.
●👻● Loves to go clubbing. Usually ends up with her finding a girl for her and Shuri for fuck around with if they're bored.
●👻● Despite her usually sticking to herself, no one truly has a problem with her. (If they do, RIP.)
●👻● Will talk her shit. Super sassy. Doesn't matter who you are or where ya live. Her slick mouth usually gets her in trouble. But ain't nobody gone jump with her partner a couple feet behind her.
●👻● Speaking of the partner, Shuri is the one who stays out of the limelight. 
●👻● She got away from Wakanda after T'Challa's passing. She believed he could be saved but that no one was trying hard enough. She dropped her duties as princess and went completely off the grid.
●👻● She spends most of her time in the lab under the house. Making new weapons, traps, home defenses. (She's still one of the smartest people on earth.) 
●👻● Also a sneakerhead. She's the one who likes to match shoes on a date.
●👻● Only goes clubbing so she doesn't have to hear Riri beg over and over again. 
●👻● Riri may be sassy but Shuri is MEAN. She does not give two fucks if she hurts your feelings. If you can't handle what she has to say then don't even look in her direction. 
●👻● If Riri has a problem with someone, so does Shuri. They're a package deal at this point. But if you're cool then you shouldn't have to worry about anything happening to you.
👻👻 "You know you was supposed to cash app me yesterday." Riri held a look of annoyance on her face as the football player fidgeted with his jacket. "Ah shit I forgot, $600 right?" She gave a small grin as she shook her head. "Nah, that was yesterday's price. It doubled since you forgot." His face fell and he bent down to mumble so his friends wouldn't hear. "$1200 is a little much don't you think?"
"Bet you won't forget again. I don't do this shit for free." She spat and he clenched his jaw. "What, are you gonna hit me pretty boy?" He steps closer to her before his eyes locked with another pair of brown orbs. "Is there a problem?" He quickly shook his head and sent Riri the money he owed before heading back to his friends. "I had it." The shorter girl grinned as she placed a kiss on Shuri's cheek. 
"Of course you did."
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Behind The Mask
●👻● They don't just go around killing people for the hell of it. Their victims are usually people who did wrong by them or just don't deserve to live out their lives. Doing the world a favor.
●👻● Shuri uses a hunting knife with a sleek edge while Riri uses one with a ridged blade. 
●👻● Shuri is better when it comes to speed. She was training with her brother when he was alive. So if you manage to get away from Riri, you're not getting away from her. Loves the chase. Don't run. It only makes it more fun for her. "I love when they run."
●👻● Riri loves to play with their victims. Turns any chase into a game of cat and mouse. She also excels when it comes to stealth. She's the one who sneaks up on you when you're not looking. Can disappear in the blink of an eye. "Eyes on me ma."
●👻● Riri almost never has a messy kill. One clean cut is all it takes, hence her weapon of choice. Shuri on the other hand usually has some pent up aggression that she lets out during a kill. Not too much blood but just enough.
●👻● Won't let you see them in action. The only time was when you first met. But never again. The two agreed to keep everything ghostface related away from you. No matter how many times you ask. 
●👻● They did allow you to see them behind their ghostface personas only one time. The three of you drove to an abandoned building to show you how they hunt after endless begging. They even gave you a head start to run and hide. They made a bet on who would find you first with the loser making dinner. It didn't take long for Shuri to find you and to this day you and Riri wondered how she did it. 
👻👻 The only sound you heard was your own footsteps on the hard floor as you tried to be sneaky and find a good hiding spot. The building was long abandoned but still stood strong for a quick game of hide and seek. The two women gave you 10 minutes to hide and you had to admit your heart was racing. Quick, you say as you notice the cloak disappearing around the corner. You ducked under a nearby desk as one of them dragged into the room. You had a feeling it was Riri with how quiet they were. Even though they weren't going to hurt you, the thrill of it all sent jolts through your bones. When she left the room you took off down the hall with a wide grin. Time was almost up. Just before you could reach the doorway, a gloved hand grabbed your waist and you squealed. Looking up you saw Shuri take off her mask with a smirk. "How did you…..where did you come from!"
"What's the matter mamas? You look like you've seen a ghost."
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When It Comes To You
●👻●Shuri is somewhat touch starved. So anytime you hug her from behind or snuggle up to her it makes her heart flutter. She eats it up.
●👻● Riri on the other hand loves having her hands on you. Whether it's holding your hand, grabbing your waist, or having you in her lap. 
●👻● They never let you go somewhere alone. If Riri can't be with you, Shuri is going and vice versa.
●👻● Riri is really big on PDA. Loves leaving small kisses and hickeys everywhere. Especially when someone hits on you while she's there. Shuri isn't into PDA like that but will not hesitate to pull you into a sloppy kiss if someone is bothering you. If it makes the other guy uncomfortable then it was worth it. 
●👻● Shuri gets jealous easily when it comes to you and Riri. That's where that sloppy kiss comes into play. And when you blush and hide your face in her neck, she's glaring at whoever is trying to shoot their shot. Also super territorial.
●👻● When you're alone they love to shower you in affection. Shuri loves running her fingers through your hair while Riri leaves trails of kisses along your shoulder. CUDDLE PUDDLE!
●👻● They will pamper you every chance they get when you're all together. Hugs? Kisses? Cuddles? Sex? They'll take care of you and all your needs. They will give you everything and anything you ask for.
●👻● Shuri teaches you and Riri Xhosa. You've learned that catching her off guard when switching languages flips a switch in her head. 
●👻● You're untouchable. No one in their right mind is going to lay a finger on you without lethal consequences. You want someone taken care of? Just say the word and they're gone.
●👻● They will not under any circumstances let you tag along for a kill. They would never put you through witnessing something as vile as them killing someone. Never again.
●👻● You definitely play with the voice changer. They have different ones but at this point you know who is who when they try to freak you out. 
👻👻 You tiptoed around the house trying to find your two girlfriend's with the small box in your hand. You found them on the couch watching Friday the 13th and grinned at the sight. Riri was lying under Shuri who had her arm over the girl's shoulder. You brought the box up to your lips and clicked the button. "Cuddling without me? How disrespectful." The two looked back at you before their laughter filled the room. "Girl, put that shit down and get over here." You sat down the voice changer and moved to lay your head down in Shuri's lap and your legs on Riri's. Though of course she couldn't keep her hands to herself and ended up between them. 🤭
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rolandtowen · 29 days
what's up nerds, new fanfiction for yall!
I went on hiatus for three years and came back with Cherik brain rot. Read it on ao3 or under the cut. Chapter two will be up shortly.
It started innocently enough. A chess game, two glasses of scotch, what could go wrong?
The topic of conversation this night was the hypotheticals of their powers.
“Do you think you could control the iron in a person’s blood?” Charles moved one of his knights forward.
Erik hummed noncommittally, moving a pawn forward one space. “I think it’s possible. I haven’t truly had the opportunity to try it.”
“But, could you sense people by their blood perhaps? Not manipulate it, but recognize it the way I recognize minds?”
Erik smirked. “That seems like something I could try without a certain someone getting mad at me.”
Charles put up his hands in mock surrender. “Not saying I want you to mess with people’s veins, but it’d be good to know in case we run into anyone else with your mutation.”
Erik knocked a rook off the board with one of his bishops. “I’ve always wondered, do people have to be alive for you to get into their minds? Hank was telling me the other day that scientists think there can be electrical activity in the brain for a few minutes after death.”
Charles scoffed. “I don’t really make a habit of trying to commune with the dead, darling.” He moved his queen. “Check.”
“Well, what if you could tell those scientists for sure? Connect with someone before they die, and see what all that activity afterwards is about?” Erik moved his king.
Charles stiffened. “I find that highly unethical.” Charles slid his rook to protect his own king.
Erik glanced up at him, gauging his emotions as he moved his last knight. “Just speaking hypotheticals, liebling. Check, by the way.”
Charles made a wasteful move with another pawn, clearly uncomfortable with Erik’s line of thought. “I wouldn’t advise any telepath to stay connected with someone during their death. I did it only once, and never again.”
“What do you mean?” Erik thought that perhaps Charles had reached out to Raven before she died, perhaps to give her some comfort.
Charles’ eyes grew hard. “When you killed Shaw.”
Erik’s hand froze in the middle of moving his rook. Charles saw his confusion immediately.
“What, did you think I was able to keep him frozen and not be connected to him telepathically?”
Erik began to feel a sinking feeling in his gut. “I guess, I thought—I thought you let go when I..”
“When you started driving a coin through his head?” Charles forcefully moved his queen forward. “Had I done that, he could have killed you.”
“So you tied yourself to a dying man?!”
“It’s not my fault you were killing him! Fucking slowly, might I add.”
“You felt him die? Why didn’t you tell me?” The chess game was forgotten.
“When would I have had the time? You shot me and left with my sister.”
Charles regretted his words instantly as Erik lowered his eyes. “To be honest, Erik, I wasn’t entirely sure what happened. It took me weeks to come to terms with the fact that I felt Shaw die. No other telepath has felt another’s death, at least to my knowledge.”
Erik was quiet for a long moment, before speaking in a whisper. “Show it to me.”
“What? No!” Charles sputtered. Erik still wasn’t meeting his eye, so Charles grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him. “Erik, I am not about to force the worst pain I’ve ever felt into your mind.”
“You aren’t forcing me,” Erik countered. “I’m asking you to show me.”
“Why? So you can make some demented penance? This is new level of masochism, even for you.” Erik’s jaw clenched, but his eyes betrayed his emotion. Charles softened his grip on Erik’s chin, scraping a thumb over his cheek. It was wet. “My love, I’ve already forgiven you, for all of it.” He wanted to run his fingers through Erik’s hair, talk him down from this ledge, and forget this whole conversation.
Erik caught Charles’ hand, holding onto it like an anchor. “How am I supposed to forgive myself, Charles? When I never even knew what I did?” Erik brought Charles’ fingers up to his temple. “Show me. You carry so much of my pain, let me carry some of yours for once.”
Charles’ hand was shaking, but Erik sent a mental message, inviting him in, begging—
Charles’ answer was agony.
Immediately, Erik was flooded with voices.
“Now, Charles!”
“Are you okay?”
“Moira, be quiet—I can only control this man for so long.”
Erik was in Charles’ head, in his memory, yet at the same time he was in his own head, as well as Shaw’s. He could see his past self, picking up his helmet.  
“Sorry, Charles.” His own voice, haunting him.
“Erik, please—be the better man—Erik, there will be no turning back!” And just like that, the connection between them was severed as his past self donned his helmet. This was where Erik’s own memory had previously ended their conversation, but now Erik could hear every word that Charles had screamed at him, willing him not kill Shaw.
He felt Charles’ fear when his past self revealed the coin. It was like the floor dropped out from underneath Charles. Chills ran down his spine. He wanted to run, to fight, but Charles knew that if he let go, Erik could die.
For the first time, Erik could also hear Shaw. For a man who presented himself as so superior, his final thoughts were frantic and pleading.
Xavier, please, unfreeze me. Please, I can help you. I have resources, anything you want—you can have it. Please don’t let me die like this—
But overriding Shaw’s babbling was Charles, still focused on Erik, still pleading with him, despite their severed connection.
“No, please, Erik, no.” Charles’ voice was quavering but his power remained strong. Erik could see through Shaw’s eyes as the coin approached, could feel Shaw screaming, but most of all could feel Charles begging to be heard by him. “Please, Erik.”
Erik finally understood the fear. It wasn’t that Charles was so afraid of Erik killing Shaw—Charles was afraid the Erik was going to kill him.
Charles thought he was about to die, but held onto Shaw anyway.
As the coin drew nearer and nearer to Shaw, Erik could hear Charles whimper one last “please”. And then the pain started. Charles could only scream, but even in his agony, Erik could still hear him mentally calling out for him.
Erik, Erik, please, it hurts. Erik could feel Shaw’s skin splitting and his skull cracking, could feel the shards of bone impaling nerves and skin. When Erik killed Shaw, it felt like no time at all passed between the moment the coin entered his head and passed out the other side, but to Charles—this was an eternity. Erik could pinpoint the exact time Shaw’s screams finally cut out, but Shaw was still feeling, which meant Charles was too. After what felt like years, Charles’ connection to Shaw cut out, and Charles’ mind went black.
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pablogavisgirl · 1 year
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Broken Love
read part three ➸ here
Pt 3? Who do yall think she should end up with?
"Hola, ¿cómo te sientes hoy?" (Hey how do you feel today?) Pedri's voice rang from the other side of the phone.
"¿Quieres que sea honesta?" (You want me to be honest?) I sighed, leaning against the counter.
"Si." (Yes)
"Me siento como mierda, lo he estado ignorando durante un mes, no sé cuánto tiempo más puedo mantenerme fuerte." She said. (I feel like shit, I've been ignoring him for the past month, I don't know how much longer i can stay strong.)
She had been ignoring Gavi for the past month, she had been ignoring his texts, his calls, she even had to ignore some of Pedri's calls, because it was Gavi on the other side of the phone.
"Oye, no es tu culpa, lo sabes, ven después de la práctica y te prepararé algo de comida para tratar de animarte." Pedri suggested. (Hey, its not your fault you know, come over after practice I'll make you some food to try and cheer you up.)
"¿Puedes cocinar?" (You can cook?) She snorts, she had known Pedri for almost a year and she had never seen him cook.
"Ay, sí, puedo cocinar mensa, ¿nos vemos esta noche?" (Aye, yes I can cook stupid, so well see eachother tonight?) Pedri asked.
"Vale. ¡Tengo que ir, tengo clases, adiós!" (Deal, I have to go I have classes bye!)
"¿Estabas hablando con Y/n?" Gavi asked, Pedri turing to face him. (Were you talking to Y/n?)
"Si." (Yes) He kept his answer short, of course he was mad how could he not be mad. Yes Gavi was his best friend, but how could he be so dumb and push the only good thing in his life away?
He destroyed her with just three words,
"No te amo." (I don't love you.)
Pedri knew thats all she could think about it, those three words were eating her up alive.
It took Pedri one week to get her to stop crying.
It took Pedri two weeks to get her to stop trying to text or call him back.
It took Pedri three weeks to get her to come out of her apartment, besides going to University.
It took him a whole month to finally get her to not breakdown, and he was proud of her progress. Those three words took a lot from her.
And he wasn't going to let him destroy her again.
"¿Cómo está ella?" (How is she?) Gavi asked. "Sé que están hablando." (I know you two have been talking)
"Ella esta bien." He said. (She's fine.)
"¿Sabes por qué no me ha hablado? He estado tratando de llamarla." (Do you know why she hasn't talked to me? I've been trying to call her?)
"¿De verdad te estás preguntando por qué? Le rompiste el corazón, ¿sabes cuánto tiempo llevó tener el valor de decírtelo solo para que la despidas así?" (Are you really asking why? You broke her heart. Do you know how long it took her to get the courage to tell you? Just so you can dismiss her like that?) Pedri sneered. "Sabes cuánto tiempo me tarde pa que dejara de llorar por ti." (Do you know how long it took me to get her to stop crying over you?)
"No quise hacerle daño." Gavi sighed (I didn't mean to cause her harm.)
"Dememente tarde para eso, ¿no crees que lo mejor que podrías hacer por ella es dejarla en paz y dejar que lo procese ella sola?" Pedri sighed. (Its too late for that don't you think? The best thing you can do is let her deal with this alone?)
Gavi laughed, "¿Sola? Prácticamente te estás lanzando a ella cuando esta mas vulnerable". (By herself? You're practically using her at her most vulnerable state!)
"Hermano al menos ella no tiene que preocuparse de que rompe su corazón como lo hiciste tú". Pedri laughed anger starting to seep through. (Brother, at least she doesn't have to worry about me breaking her heart like you did.)
Gavi stared back at him, everyone knew he had a bad temper, Pedri was usually on calming him downside not the provoking side.
He chewed the inside of his cheek, fighting back his screams at Pedri, he tried not to explode on his bestfriend but how could he not?
It wasn't his fault he didn't feel the same way towards her, its not his fault he didn't love her back, he can't force himself to love her, because if he tried he would break her more.
But he did miss her. He missed his bestfriend, he missed watching the sunsets with her, he missed her laugh, her smell, her smile, her hugs after a game or training. Now it was gone.
She was gone.
Why couldn't she keep her feelings to herself? Why couldn't she had just stayed quiet? Their friendship was ruined, and nothing could fix it not while she was in love with him.
"¿Podrías al menos decirle que lo siento?" He clenched his jaw, still upset. (Could you at least tell her I'm sorry?)
"No, ella no te necesita de vuelta en su vida solo para que la rompas de nuevo". Pedri scoffed, walking away from him. (No she doesn't need you coming back into her life, just so you can break her again.)
Training was done, Pedri was now home cooking your favorite pasta. He heard knocking at the door, "Hola." He smiled seeing you. (Hey.)
"Hola." (Hey.) She smiled back at him. "Entonces, ¿qué hay para cenar?" (So, whats for dinner?)
"Estoy haciendo tu pasta favorita." He said, stirring the sauce. (I'm making your favorite pasta?)
"¿De verdad?" Y/n asked. (Really?)
"Sí, ¿qué tal las clases?" (Yes, how were your classes today?) Pedri asked, Y/n rolling her eyes, beginning her rampage over her professor whom she hated. Pedri just smiled, listening to her talk.
"Entonces... ¿habló contigo hoy?" (So did he talk to you today?) She asked looking at him, he stopped serving the plates looking at her.
"Si" he replied. (Yes.)
"¿Y qué dijo?" (And what did he say?)
"Quería que supieras que lo siente." Pedri sighed. (He wants you to know that he's sorry.)
"¿Estás bien?" He asked. (Are you ok?)
"Sí, ¿eso es todo lo que dijo?" She asked. (Yes, is that all he said?)
"Uh, creo que quiere hablar contigo, dijo que te ha estado llamando". (Uh, he said he's been trying to call you.)
"Si, pero no creo que esté lista para hablar con él todavía". (Yes, but i think i'm still not ready to talk to him yet.) She sighed, looking at him, his warm brown eyes staring back at her.
She was thankful for Pedri she really was, he helped her come out of her slump from the heatbreak. He was helping her heal.
She enjoyed his presence, she enjoyed not feeling like a fragile doll ready to break again when he was around. He was gluing her back together.
He was fixing what her bestfriend broke. But she couldn't help and miss Pablo. "Pedri, a veces lo extraño." (Pedri, sometimes I miss him.)
"Y incluso si no lo puedo tener, extraño su amistad". (And even if I can't have him, I miss his friendship.)
"Joder Pedri, lo extraño, nunca debería habérselo dicho". (Fuck Pedri, i miss him so much, i should have never told him.) She leaned her head on the counter. "No es tu culpa cariño." (Its not your fault darling.) Pedri resting his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.
"Sé que tampoco es su culpa, lo emboscé con mis sentimientos, pero joder, me destrozó cuando dijo que no me amaba porque pensé que- Hasta Belen lo señaló, me siento tan tonta, Pedri". (I know its not his fault, I ambushed him with my feelings, but fuck did he break me when he said he didn't love me, because I thought- Even Belen told me, I feel so stupid Pedri.)
"Nena, no eres tonta, te hice decirle que técnicamente fue mi culpa, pero no puedes dejar que no te ame, que te destroza, eres increíble y hermosa". (Hey, you aren't stupid, i forced you to telk him, so its technically my fault, but don't let the fact he doesn't love you break you, you're incredible and beautiful.) He smiled lifting your chin off the counter with his finger.
"¿Tu crees?" (You think so?)
"Lo sé". (I know so.)
You both just stared into eachothers eyes, Pedri leaned closer, "No deberíamos". She whispered. (We shouldn't.)
"Lo sé, Entonces, ¿por qué no te has alejado si no deberíamos?" Pedri smirked leaning in closer. (I know, but if we shouldn't why haven't you backed away?)
"Pedri, estoy enamorado de Pablo". (Pedri, I'm in love with Pablo.)
"Lo sé." (I know.) He whispered "Olvídate de él por un segundo". (Forget about him for a second.)
You nodded hesitantly, closing the gap inbetween the both of you. His hands finding your waist, his lips now on yours.
You felt the butterflies you felt for Gavi growing in your stomach. Except now you were feeling them for Pedri.
You admit this was wrong, but if it was wrong why did you enjoy it?
Did you enjoy the fact one of the most handsome men in spain was currently making out with you? Or what is it the fact it would hurt Gavi if he ever found out about this?
Or what is the fact that you enjoyed it, because in the past month you have managed to develop some kind of feelings for Pedri?
I mean how could you not, when those chocolate brown eyes were hypnotizing you, the more you hung out with him.
But you couldn't do this, no matter how much you wanted to. He was Gavi's bestfriend and even if you did want to hurt Gavi this was not the way.
Yes you lost your friendship with him, but that didn't mean he had to loose his with Pedri.
Pedri was your anchor, he was the one helping you get over Gavi. But you didn't want to get over him by moving on with his bestfriend.
You continued to kiss him, his body trapping you against the counter, you knew it was wrong but you couldn't stop he was addicting, his smile, his eyes were addicting. He was like a drug, a drug you wouldn't mind getting high on everyday.
You snapped back in reality when you felt that his lips weren't on yours anymore, but on your jaw. It was getting to far, you had to stop yourself because if you didn't,
Who knows how far you would go.
You pulled away, looking at him, "No deberíamos haber hecho eso, lo siento, Pedri, tengo que irme". (No, we shouldn't have done this, i'm sorry Pedri, i have to go.) You pushed him away walking towards the door, the pasta long forgotten about.
Why did you do that? You knew it was wrong and you still did it. What would your friendship with Pedri be like? Did you have to start ignoring him like Gavi as well?
You were in love with Gavi, so why did you kiss Pedri?
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datgurlkeke · 1 year
The Last One - Part 1 Omataciya Fem Reader x Neteyam Sully
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Summary: It's been a couple years since you and Neteyam started dating yall were having fun living and vibing on your home planet until you had to move along with the Sullys.
Aged up Y/n and Neteyam
Omataciya Fem Reader x Neteyam Sully
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, past traumas, death and more.
One day you and Neteyam were sitting in your shared tent until Jake came to tell everyone that war was coming. You got scared because of past experiences even if there was a war coming you were afraid of the outcome that was going to happen to you.
Neteyam leaves to go talk to his parents about the war coming very soon with the sky people.
Spider was with Quaritch's team and they went from clan to clan in order to find Jake Sully. But there was no luck until they found a Tulkan outside of Tonowari's clan.
Lo'ak goes to Pyykan to help him out since they planted a bomb on him everyone followed Lo'ak until they had to call for reinforcements.
Quaritch starts the kidnapping of the Sully Kids and Y/n.
You were swimming as fast as you could on an ilu until you got caught in the fish net and taken to the ship where Quaritch tied you up. That's when Neteyam starts to see red his loverand his little sister have been captured by Quaritch.
So he goes to save you and Tuk until Lo'ak tells yall have to get Spider. When you, Lo'ak and Neteyam are looking for Spider Quaritch's team members starts shooting.
You grab the gun from Lo'ak's hands and tell them to go because you have everything under control. When you dive into the water one of Quaritch's members shot you in the chest.
Neteyam calls for his dad and that when everyone is gathered around you. You look at Neteyam with teary eyes saying "I don't want to die love" and Neteyam is just there crying and making sure you're going to make it out alive.
Jake and Neytiri come and they look at you with red teary eyes and your last words were "Take care of him for me please" and then your eyes start to close.
Neteyam runs over to you and screams your name "Y/n, no no no Y/N!". All Neteyam could feel was heartbreaking pain and numb.
Neytiri who treated you like her own daughter was also screaming your name the same way Neteyam did.
As for Jake who also treated you like his daughter was hurt, tired and numb he couldn't feel nothing but anger and rage.
Quaritch who starts talking in the microphone piece that was wrapped around your neck and he says "The girl didn't have to die do we still have a deal or not because I have your daughters."
Jake asks Neteyam and Lo'ak where they're sisters were and told him they were still on the ship.
Neytiri who was still crying over your lifeless body see that Jake is trying to calm her down so she listens to what he has to say.
Jake says "Neytiri they have our daughter we need to be strong I need you to be strong and I need you by my side." Neytiri grabs her bow and gets on her iran.
Neteyam and Lo'ak stay with you and Tsireya until anyone got hurt or was taking to long.
All right reserved to Keke.
See yall in part 2
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wafermelons · 3 years
my heart is still breaking from your take on the replaced mc au >:(( i dont think i could ever forgive you.... unless make a part 4- (read: please continue the series it's so good,, your writing is SO GOOD)
replaced MC au. pt 4
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characters: OM! boys
genre: angst
warnings: abandonment issues(?), swearing
a/n: you never said it had to be comfort so 😋 as you can see, my simeon favourtism is showing
tags: idk if yall wanted to be tagged but i still did it
@jiminslajibolala @letsblazewolf @lemonandlime22 @crystal-freak24 @furblrwurblr @wawadraws12 @929497 @elizabeth-brown @neptune-cinths @moemoesenpai @delusional-angel @lmao-liz @ryokuu @jeancolors @nanamadama @prefesro @mammonl0ver @tenyaiidafan @bikkss @eckya @shikanou @reveltica @2d-brainrot @faboo-moon6
pt 1 pt 2 pt 3
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it was clear to you. the brothers did not love you for you, they loved you because you had ties to lilith. they loved you because you were their only link to their dead sister.
belphegor killed you once. only when he found out you were lilith's descendant did he regret what he had done. the brothers cast you aside the moment they found out laila was related to her as well.
what if you weren't related to lilith? what if you had no ties whatsoever to their sister? asmodeus would have charmed you already, you would not have lilith's blood flowing through your veins, the only thing keeping you from being manipulated by the sin in the devildom.
if you were just a normal human, not lilith's descendant, not versed in magic at all, would you still be alive to this day after having to be an exchange student?
the plush of the bedding gave comfort to your aching body and throbbing mind. you graoned, stretching your limbs with a soft moan.
as your eyes fluttered open, you could feel your face to be slightly sticky. dried tears? your eyelids were puffy and you could feel the salt residued on them. definitely tears. the soft glow of candles entered your vision, allowing yourself to slowly adjust as you scanned the room.
where were you?
the smell of vanilla hinted with myrrh was present as you sluggishly shuffled around in the sheets of the bed. you inched yourself to sit up against the headrest of the bed, noticing a dark figure seated on a green, cushioned chair.
you called out but your voice was hoarse, sounding much like gravel scraping against gravel. the body perked up, turning to you with a book in hand.
"MC, how are you feeling?" the sweet sounding voice of an angel spoke out, soft and gentle.
simeon put his book down and stood, making his way to your side as you rested against the wood and a pillow.
"do you need me to bring you anything? i could make you some tea? i have a few flavours that might help with the fatigue."
a tired smile set on your face, trying to swallow whatever saliva you had left in your dry mouth to lubricate your sandpaper throat.
"it's alright simeon, just some water will do."
as he poured you a glass of water from the flask set on a nearby table, you examined the room. a metal chandelier hanging from the ceiling with few candles lit. a dim lamp on the nightstand by your side, the flame within flickering to stay alive. the soft light gave a warm glow to the room, cozy and welcoming. just what you needed.
a stack of books on what you assumed was simeon's desk, along with papers, a quill nestled in a small inkwell. a closet and a few drawers, seemingly holding simeon's clothing.
your attention turned back to simeon as he handed you a clear glass of water. he didn't speak, only dragging a small chair to your side to sit by you.
downing the glass, you put it down on the nightstand and smiled once more.
"thank you simeon," you said, your throat feeling much better.
"what happened?"
simeone took in a breath, looking down at his thighs and exhaling a sigh.
"after the spell, you came back to purgatory hall with laila, solomon and i. i wanted to give you your own room but none of the rooms were ready so i just gave you mine. you knocked out without a word, MC... solomon said it was the aftereffects, that it took a toll on you. still... i... i was worried.
luke was very worried as well. that child was quite unhappy with what happened to you, crying along the way. he thought you would be sent to celestia. muriel was able to calm him, they baked some goods for you beforehand to feed you when you awake."
you put a hand on his, him now looking up at you, "i'm fine now simeon, see?"
he nodded and gave a shaky breath, "i was just so worried... you were calling out in your sleep. you were crying... but solomon told me not to wake you. he called it the 'coping process'. i didn't want to leave your side in case you woke up. i've been waiting here for you... i wanted to make sure you were okay."
you stared down fondly at the hand that rested on his thigh and placed yours on it. rubbing the back of his hand with a thumb, "i'm alright, simeon. you really are an angel, waiting for me..."
"how long has it been?" you asked, now looking up at him.
"2 days MC. would you like to come out and see everyone else?" your head tilted slightly. everyone else?
"i mean luke, muriel, solomon and laila. we haven't let the brothers take a step in purgatory hall. solomon said they would cause a fuss and interupt your rest."
you nodded, "sure. will you help me out?"
you sat at the dining table with the three angels and other fellow humans, laughing and eating away. luke's food definitely did give you back your strength.
they were dearly worried, seeing simeon hold you to help you walk even though your limbs worked fine. after giving them some reassurance and explanation, they were relieved.
"do you like the food MC? i hope it's to your liking..." luke asked, pouting while giving you those adorable puppy eyes.
"i like it very much luke," you answered, giving him a smile.
"so MC, we were able to grab some of your things from the house of lamentation thanks to the help of laila, but most of your things are still there-"
before solomon could finish his sentence, there was a loud banging at the door. you startled at the sudden loud noise, nearly dropping your cutleries.
"is MC awake? please let us see them!"
"laila please open the door, dear! we just want to see you and MC!"
you saw laila's previously happy smile turn to annoyance as she heard the avatar or lust call out to her, trying to get her to invite them in when they clearly weren't.
you sighed, recognizing the familiar voices. simeon visibly frowned at the unwelcomed guests trying, already standing up out of his chair, "don't worry MC. i'll handle them."
you shook your head, smiling weakly and putting a hand on his shoulder, "it's okay simeon. i'll go... see them myself. sit down and enjoy the food."
simeon gave you a worried look, but trusted you knew what was best and sat back down in his seat.
approcahing the door, away from thr dining room, you gripped the doorknob and took in a deep breath, calming youself before opening it.
met with the avatars of lust, gluttony and greed, you tilted your head to one side slightly, hand still gripping the doorknob.
"what? you wanted to see me?"
the three demons faces turned to those of relief and happiness.
"how did you even know i was awake?"
asmodeus answered, nearly throwing his arms around you but restraining himself, "beel felt your gluttony being satisfied! we guessed you woke up to eat and we were right! it's so good to see you again MC-"
ah. you forgot about the pacts.
"just say what you need to say."
"MC... would ya come back to the house of lamentation? we're all worried about ya... and we just wanna apologize and make it up to you and laila," mammon said, his eyes not being able to meet yours the whole time.
"i'm having dinner right now with the rest, so i'm busy. now if you would leave-"
"but MC-"
"leave," you commanded, feeling the power of the pacts working. the three demons had their mouths shut as you slammed the door, being unable to fight the magic that worked on them.
you let out a sigh and slumped your back on the door. without a word, you felt a hand rest on your shoulder. you looked up to be met with simeon standing over you.
"are you alright MC?"
you gave him a weak smile, your eyes now shifting down to the floor and nodding. you were tired. so, so tired of everything that had happened. everything rushed back at once, all the memories, all the happiness but also the pain.
it was all still fresh in your mind. the surge of emotions that came all at once in the span of a few minutes when solomon removed the spell. you could feel everything.
you felt your eyes water as you shook your head, revoking your previous answer. your knees feeling weak as you slowly slid down the door.
your tears were not hot from anger, not rushing down your red face. your face was pale and tired, tears streaming down slowly as if to symbolise the way you slowly built the brother's relationship back up. only to fall quickly to the floor, just like how the brothers discarded you without a thought.
you were crumpled in a ball, not bothering to wipe your tears as simeon shuffled to your side and wrapped his arms around you. the warmth emanating from him as he stroked your back with his cape draped on you.
protected. that's what you felt.
unlike the uncertainty of anything that would happen in the house of lamentation.
the brothers watched from afar as you sat in the canteen, laughing happily with the group of exchange students.
this was how it was supposed to be from the start. you should have stayed in purgatory hall, along with solomon, simeon and luke. then eventually laila and muriel would come. this was how it should have been.
without the pain, the death, the threats.
no one dared approach the brothers, the aura around them completely different to yours. they were jealous, joyless, resentful.
buy most of all, they felt guilt. guilt and regret.
"do not bother MC anymore if you care about them. do not approach or pester them. you have done enough. allow them to heal, and eventually, when the time is right. maybe, just maybe they shall forgive you."
that was all that was said by lord diavolo and barbatos to the seven brothers after the reversal spell. nothing more, nothing less. diavolo had not contacted lucifer for any new paperwork, all lucifer would do now was watch how happy you were with the others.
at time he did want to apprach you, all of them did. lucifer was willing to push his pride aside, all he wanted was his relationship with you to be mended. he wanted you back.
mammon wanted to apologise, beg for your forgiveness. he was willing to go on his knees, embarass himself in front of all of RAD. even pay all the grimm he owed to you and more, sell his car, his clothes, willing to work for the witches again. he no longer went to the casino, he only tried to figure out ways to get you to talk to him once more. give him one more chance to prove to you that he was yours.
leviathan hadn't been gaming as much recently, all streams halted. he tried to drown himself with games, tried to distract himself from the pain that was in his heart. but all those save files written 'Levi and his Henry!' reminded him of you even more. he hated how you looked so happy with the rest, but of course, who would want a shut-in otaku like him?
satan was enraged. enraged with himself. he wanted to tear up the house of lamentation. his room was a mess, books torn and thrown, papers scattered and crumpled. he was about to go on a rampage through the house of lamentation, but that same day, you returned to the HOL to get your items and move to purgatory hall. his angered self was met with yours, pain traced with fear in your eyes while his was full of rage and remorse. he couldn't feel his own sin anymore after that day, only feeling tears and heartbreak.
asmodeus had slept with more people. why was he caring so much about you? huh? you were a simple human! he was a stunning, handsome demon, loved by many throughout the devildom. so why was he reminded of you every single time he tried to bed someone? why was he reminded of your joyous face? one not filled with lust, but love.
the twins could not do what they normally did.
beelzebub no longer ate, his appetite practically gone except for the occasional snack lucifer forced him to eat. everything that reached his tongue was now tasteless. nothing he shoved down his mouth he could stomach, nearly throwing everything up.
belphegor tried to sleep. he tried to ignore everything that happened. but how could he? each time he closed his eyes, tried to doze off, he was met with your tear stained face. your tears would then turn to blood as the scene of him sadistically murdering when you just wanted to help him. how could he? when his large bed full of pillows felt so cold and empty without you lying next to him.
perhaps this was for the best. they all thought, you were so much happier, healthier, in the hands of your fellow humans and angels.
you cold not bear look them in the eyes, each time just quickly walking past them or being shielded by simeon, solomon or muriel. luke was too short to cover you and laila could not tolerate the sight of them.
thus, they all watched from afar. their ears straining to hear your seraphic laughter once more, eyes and mind trying to capture that genuine look of happiness on your face once more. trying their best to remember the you that loved them, once more.
you did love them, you did. truly. but it was time for you to give some of that love to yourself. it was fine to be selfish, to say no and to allow yourself time to heal. it was fine to not forgive someone, to take back that love and invest it somewhere else where it would be reciprocated tenfold.
it was fine, to finally realise that the brothers could wait for you.
they've waited for you to arrive in their lives for millennia, to fix their broken family. they could wait a little longer for you to fix yourself.
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Prisoner's Game Pt. 4 (Rowaelin)
Parts 1 \ 2 \ 3
Journal Entry #2000
Sometimes I think it wouldn't be so bad to die.
To leave this island forever and not have to worry about being discovered anymore.
I wasn't always this macabre, but two thousand days of checking over my shoulder and wishing for a man's murder has dulled the wishful excitement I felt when I first got here.
Five years ago, I was grateful to even be alive.
I couldn't believe a stranger give up everything for me and the others--couldn't believe she'd agree to fight this battle because of my decision.
I have to actually remind myself to still be grateful to her, if I'm being honest.
Because sometimes I think about that night all those years ago, when she showed up in the darkest part of the night to kill me. When she'd held the knife with a trembling hand and told me that the price for betraying Arobynn Hamel was my life. When we discovered together that she couldn't bring herself to kill me.
Sometimes I think it would be better if she would've just done it.
At least it would've been over.
At least I wouldn't have to spend years on an island, living the same day over and over again. I think that's what's driving me mad, beyond anything else.
The predictability of my time.
Every day, I follow the same routine. The routine she laid out for me in a hushed whisper.
I wake up and go to the small café a mile down the road to watch the news. And every day, I pray to see Arobynn Hamel's face next to to the words, "Breaking news: billionaire crime boss found dead."
Because that was her only stipulation.
That the ten of us would stay on the island, hidden from sight, until news of his death was announced. In exchange, we got to live.
She'd warned me it would take a long time.
She'd told me to not get complacent.
And then she'd whispered what she planned to do.
Even now, over five years later, the words she'd whispered while shoving a plane ticket and a new passport into my hands were crystal clear.
"The devil isn't going to go down easy."
The shaft of her recently-fashioned shiv was cold in her hand as she silently grabbed it from under her pillow.
The soft clink of the bars shutting again told her whoever had just snuck in her cell was now locked in with her.
Unfortunate for them.
She wasn't afforded the luxury of a clock, but she knew it was the middle of the night. Normal visiting hours were far over. There was no one here but the bored night guards, four janitorial staff, and rows and rows of sleeping inmates.
And the idiot trying to sneak up behind her bed.
She kept her eyes closed as she listened to the quiet steps walk closer and closer. Right when she was about to turn around and attack, they stopped.
Then the weirdest thing happened. It sounded like whoever it was slid down the wall directly across from her bed.
A killer wouldn't do that.
Curiosity piqued, Aelin turned her head to see who and what was going on.
It was dark in the cell, but she'd recognize that shock of silver hair anywhere.
"Rowan?" she whispered, so quietly she almost didn't even hear herself. "What are you doing here?"
He didn't respond, but the way his muscles tensed told her he'd heard her.
Slowly, she sat up so she could see him better and maybe figure out what was going on.
For the first time in a long time, he looked less than perfect. Far less than it, actually.
His hair was going every possible direction, like he'd been running hands through it and pulling on it. He was wearing a gray t-shirt, rumpled dress slacks, and tennishoes that weren't even tied.
But that wasn't what worried her most. It was the way he was sitting completely still and silent.
He didn't even look like he was breathing.
"Hey," she tried again. "What's going on? Look at me."
Another few heartbeats passed, and then he slowly shook his head.
"Please, Rowan. Just look at me."
He winced, like hearing her say his name physically hurt him.
And then his head came up.
Deep green eyes met hers, and even though it was what she'd wanted, what she'd needed, Aelin instantly wished he'd look away.
Because with one look, she knew he'd figured it out.
He knew, and the pain and turmoil in his eyes... she'd put that there.
She'd seen him angry and sad and happy and everything in between, but she'd never seen him, or anyone else, look so broken.
He looked completely and utterly broken as he sat before her.
"Rowan," she whispered, shaking her head even though she didn't know why.
He bowed his head again, seemingly unable to even look at her.
"Ro," she whispered, dropping to her knees in front of him.
Almost like the old nickname broke something inside him, Rowan's shoulders started to shake.
And then he sobbed.
It was the kind of sob that couldn't possibly be held in. The kind that made her heart clench and tears brew in her own eyes, the kind that told her how much pain he was in.
Tears ran down her cheeks as she put a hand on his arm. He shook off the touch like it burned him and looked up at her again.
"I ruined your life," he croaked, the tears on his face reeking of self-hatred. "I ruined your life."
She shook her head. "No, you didn't."
Anger bled into his tone. "I put you in prison for eight years for murdering people who aren't even fucking dead, Aelin. I didn't listen to you, didn't look hard enough. I've had the clues you left me for eight years. We were in love, and I didn't even try hard enough to... I... please explain to me how I didn't ruin your life."
"You did not ruin my life, Rowan," she told him again, meaning every word.
"Eight years of your life, gone because of me. I don't even understand how you can look at me." He huffed a laugh, but he was far from amused. "No wonder you hate me."
His chest was heaving, his hands were in fists, and his stubble-crested jaw was damp with tears.
And she'd thought he hadn't cared.
Aelin felt like a fool--a horrible, stupid fool--for ever doubting him. For thinking him indignant.
Because this was technically what she'd wanted. What she'd planned to happen.
She'd wanted it to hurt, had wanted him to feel an ounce of what she'd felt when he'd led the case against her.
But it wasn't what she wanted anymore.
Moving slowly, Aelin crawled onto his lap, put her hands on the side of his face, and lifted his gaze to hers while she said, "Arobynn Hamel ruined my life, not you."
He shook his head, breathing heavily. "No-"
She cut him off by wrapping herself around him.
Like she was trying to heal physical wounds, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled his head to her chest. She sank into him until there wasn't an inch of space between them. Her hands wandered over his back as she held him tight to her.
He was stiffer than a board at first, but eventually he sagged against her, wrapping his arms around her in return.
It was like he was drowning in the sea, and she was the only thing preventing him from being swept away. He shook, his entire body trembling, and his arms became a vice around her.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered after a moment.
She shook her head, but it didn't matter. He said it again, and again, and again, until his voice was hoarse and broken.
Aelin ran her hands over his back slowly, and just held him as pain he'd felt for eight years seemed to reach a crest.
Eventually he stopped crying and just laid against her, warm breath fanning across her collarbone.
"I'm so sorry, Aelin," he whispered yet again.
"Please stop saying that. None of this is your fault. You aren't the reason I'm in prison."
"Yes, I am," he insisted, shifting beneath her. "But I'm getting you out right now."
He looked up, eyes bright with new-found purpose, and wiped the tears off his cheeks like they were distracting him.
He nodded quickly. "We can bring those people back, and you can get your life back. I know it's not the same, and I know I can't get you these years back, but-"
He paused. "No?"
She shook her head. "I can't leave yet."
"Leave? What the hell does that mean?"
"It means I still have shit to do here. I'm not leaving before it's done."
His eyes narrowed. "You're acting like this is a hotel, not a high-security prison. And what do you even mean?"
Aelin had the good sense to feel a little guilty as she slowly got to her feet and walked to the wall at the back of the cell. A few well-placed taps later, it swung open.
Rowan's mouth dropped open, then closed, then repeated the whole routine like he couldn't decide what to say first.
He apparently figured it out, because it opened again so he accuse, "I knew you were robbing me! Where the fuck is my bed?"
She sighed and rubbed her temples. "That's what you care about right now? Seriously?"
He grumbled something as he got to his feet and leaned into the makeshift doorway in the wall.
It took him a few moments to examine the ladder leading down to the tunnel, and then he straightened and looked at her again with a mixture of confusion, awe, and understanding on his face.
"You've been sneaking out this whole time."
She nodded.
Most of her escapes had been in the past six months, but she'd occasionally left in the years before to check on something or track down a lead.
"You beat up your roommate so they'd put you back in solitary."
Aelin nodded again.
"But how did you know they'd bring you to this cell?"
A small smile pulled on her lips. "Look again," she told him, gesturing towards the open brick door.
He stuck his head in the hole again and couldn't stifle his surprised intake of breath as he saw the other ladders.
He came back in the cell, and the expression on his face made her bite her lip to hold back a smile. "You... you tunneled into prison?"
"Into every solitary cell," she confirmed.
"When? Why?"
"One of my old jobs for Arobynn was to break a client of his out of solitary. I knew which cell he was in, but... getting locked up is kind of a right of passage for my former career, so I figured I'd plan ahead and give myself a way out, should I ever need it." She smiled. "Hamel never could figure out how I did it, so it's safe for me to use now."
Rowan spent a long moment looking at her. "That's... genius."
"I tend to be," she agreed.
They were both silent for a minute, then he said, "You need to tell me everything. Enough of both of us wasting time assuming what the other is thinking. We need to get everything out in the open, and we need to do it now."
Aelin nodded, knowing it was true.
It was time to either finally trust him or kill him, and just the thought of the latter made something inside of her twist so hard she felt nauseous.
She nodded to the tunnel, not wanting to have the following conversation overheard by any prying ears. He nodded and followed her down, closing the door behind him.
When she knew they were alone, she started to explain.
"Maddison Kliff, my first so-called victim, funded her campaign for senator with money from Arobynn Hamel."
Rowan's eyebrows went up in surprise, but he nodded for her continue.
"He gave it to her, with the caveat that when she won, she'd vote against renewable energy for Rifthold. He has millions in oil, so when she did the exact opposite and voted for the green plan that switched the city to 70% electric, he took a pretty hard hit." She took a deep breath. "The day after the vote, I got my orders to kill her."
His jaw clenched.
"I went that night, thinking I could do it. Thinking I'd get it over with and never think about it again. I snuck in her townhouse and had everything set up." She let out a laugh. "But then I realized my deal with Arobynn covered ten of Sam's jobs. If I killed Maddison, and did a good enough job of it to get away with it, I knew he'd put nine more names on the list."
"So you didn't do it," Rowan said, like he already knew but needed to hear her say it.
"So I didn't do it."
Aelin ran a hand through her hair, starting to pace. "I ran. And then I went back the next night with a suitcase, a new ID for her, and a plan."
"Why Aruba?" he asked.
"I'd done all that research for our trip," she said, a pang of sadness shooting through her at the memory of planning their first vacation together. "I didn't have time to research another place. And I never told you, but the house I wanted us to rent? You kind of... own it."
"I own a house in Aruba," he repeated slowly, his tone making it clear he didn't understand.
She rolled her eyes at his tone. "Arobynn might be a bastard I'd love to put in a grave, but he paid me well. I was eighteen and didn't know what else to do with the money. So I bought a house."
"In Aruba. In my name."
She nodded. "No one can trace it back to you. It's hidden in an off-shore corporation, owed by another off-shore corporation, but technically, yes, you're the owner. It was going to be your Christmas present."
"You bought me a house," his lips twitched. "For a Christmas present."
"I was in love with you," she muttered. Then pointed out, "My lack of shopping impulse control really isn't the point of the story."
He rolled his eyes, still fighting a grin at her antics. "Please continue."
"Right. So I sent her to the house in Aruba and told her to stay at the house with anyone else he wanted me to kill. I told her to not say a word to anyone besides those people, and that I'd be forced to actually kill her if she did. If Arobynn finds out they're alive, he'll send someone for me."
She explained the list next. "He requires proof of all completed jobs, so I kept the "murder weapons" and made sure the crime scenes had enough blood to indicate the person couldn't still be alive. It was mostly fake, but I took just enough blood from each of the victims and mixed it in to make it realistic enough to fool DNA scanners. Then I put the weapons in storage lockers he owns and wrote the numbers down so I wouldn't forget them."
Rowan nodded, most certainly remembering that part.
He was doing a good job of hiding his emotions, but she still saw how heavily this all weighed on him.
Everything he'd been feeling for eight years was hitting him at once, and while explanation made sense, it probably didn't make him feel any better about the role he'd played in all of this.
He confirmed it by asking, "Why didn't you tell me?"
He asked it almost casually, but she didn't miss the pain he couldn't keep from seeping into his voice.
"I wanted to," she breathed. "Gods, I wanted to. I know now you investigated before giving the list to the cops, but to me, it looked like you found it and just turned me in. You never asked me. And you looked at me... you looked at me like you thought I was guilty. I knew you wouldn't believe me."
Rowan went quiet, regret and shame coming off of him in waves so thick she almost choked on it.
"How is all of this going to play out?" he asked, seemingly trying to force himself to think about something else. "And what do you have to do that you need to be in prison for?"
She hesitated, suddenly not wanting to tell him.
Not out of a lack of trust, but because if she told him... he'd realize she's guilty of the crime she's in prison for. He might go back to hating her, back to thinking her a horrible person.
And she just got him back.
She's pulled from her thoughts when he reaches a hand out, slowly gripping her jaw to tilt her face to his.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said, the words final.
Of course he knew what she was thinking just from looking at her face. He always was a little too astute.
A part of Aelin wanted to put on a brave face and act like that wasn't exactly what she'd been worrying about, but a bigger part wanted him. Wanted him to see that even after all this time, she needed him.
So she forced down the witty jokes and sultry smiles she usually used as ways to hide her vulnerability and looked up at him.
He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. "I promise, Aelin."
His hand was still on her face, and he leaned in until his forehead rested against hers. "I'm never going to leave you again. I'm so... I'm so fucking sorry I did in the first place. I should've come to you, or at least listened when you told me you were innocent."
"I'm sorry I thought you didn't fight for me," she said back. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
They'd both done things they regretted, but Aelin knew that now, no matter what, he was telling the truth. He wasn't going to leave her.
The knowledge felt like a weight lifting off her shoulders, and just to lighten the mood, she whispered, "And I'm sorry I stole your bed."
He pulled back to glare at her. "You're going to explain one day how you even pulled that off. But I'd like the answer to my other question first."
Aelin took a step back and ran a hand through her hair.
"Arobynn Hamel dying is the endgame, Rowan. I have to stay in prison so I can kill him and have an alibi no one will question."
He paused, and for a moment, her fears skyrocketed, so she rushed to explain, "As long as he's alive, those people have to be in hiding and I have to look like I killed them. Once he's dead, I can bring them back without worrying Arobynn will kill them. Or me."
He gave her a strange look, but she spoke before he could, explaining, "It's why I've been in prison for so long. I would've killed him and ended it years ago, but I only found him a couple months ago. He's been in hiding ever since I was locked up, because the FBI knew I was one of his and started looking for him."
"Okay, but Aelin-"
She cut him off. "I know it's insane and not at all ideal, but I need you to leave me in here. Just until he's dead, and then it's over."
He stepped forward and grabs her shoulders, shaking her slightly.
And then he did the weirdest thing.
He smiled.
"What the hell do you look happy about?" she demanded. "I'm being serious-"
It was his turn to interrupt her. "Aelin, if that's the stipulation, you're already free."
Unease drifted through her stomach. "What do you mean?"
"I mean he's already dead."
Shock rushed through her so fast and thoroughly, her vision swam and she swayed in his grip. "What... what did you just say?"
"That's why I came today, now. I actually figured out you were innocent two days ago, but I wasn't going to come until I could tell you with certainty I was getting you out, and I knew you couldn't bring everyone back without risking your life. I've spent the past 48 hours planning a jailbreak and a way to sneak you to somewhere the US doesn't have extradition."
He grinned again. "But then it was announced on the 11 o'clock news tonight that he died last week of pneumonia complications. His family kept it private because they wanted a small funeral, but he's dead, Aelin."
Still feeling the weight of shock, she argued, "He's not dead."
"But he is."
"No," she insisted, pushing away from him and starting to pace again. "He can't be dead."
His face softened at the panic in her voice. "Aelin, I know you wanted it to be you, but-"
"No, Rowan, you don't understand. I mean he cannot physically be dead, because I haven't finished killing him!"
It was his turn to be shocked.
"What do you mean you haven't finished killing him?"
She took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I've been poisoning him since the day I figured out where he holes up. Turns out he has kidney problems and goes in once a week for dialysis. I show up and add a little... extra to his medication. The last time I went was less than a week ago, and while he might have been sick, he most definitely was still alive."
Besides that, what were the odds that Rowan figured out her "victims" were still alive, and just two days later Arobynn croaks?
It would be one hell of a coincidence, and Aelin learned long ago to not believe in those.
His eyes went wide. "What? You mean he faked his death? Why the hell would he do that?"
"Because," she said slowly, dread forming like a lead ball in her stomach as she realized what this meant for her, for the ten people whose lives she'd traded her freedom for. "I told Maddison and the others to wait for news of his death before coming back. I told them that until he was dead, they weren't safe."
She shook her head, whispering, "I told them to watch the news."
Rowan realized what she was saying and cursed.
"He knows."
Lemme know in the comments if you want to be tagged!
Part 5 will (realistically) be out in the next three weeks. Sorry for the slow updates; school is consuming all my time and energy.
@audreycressworth @whimsicallyreading @onceupona-chaos @lil-unoriginal-weirdo-273sole @surielandiareendgame @captain-swan-is-endgame @poisonous00 @vasudharaghavan @sailorsassley @endlessdaydream @swankii-art-teacher @thenerdandfandoms @emily-gsh @beanco8 @stokingthemidnightflame @mis-lil-red @ladyfireheart-and-buzzard @sheharahu @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @jorjy-jo @court-of-dreams-and-ashes @perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @live-the-fangirl-life @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @loudphantomdragon @gracie-rosee @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
Inspired from a post talking about “feral Raya” hehehe
Also inspired from @moon-spirit-yue’s sapphic yearnings
Namaari: [hops off her serlot] alright everyone! Tie down your serlots and let’s scout the area for that binturi.
Atitaya: “dear diary, this is the 86th day of us trying to catch Raya. NO LUCK.”
Namaari: that’s quite dramatic, general.
Atitaya: OH IM THE DRAMATIC ONE- you know what? I’m not doing you today. I’m just gonna find Raya and when I do, I’ll strangle her perfect neck.
Namaari: that was kinda sus general ngl why did you say perfect-
Atitaya: alright Tai [pets serlot and ties it down] stay here. [walks off]
*the serlots talking*
Tai: psst, hey guys, coast is clear.
Myan: Whew, this heat is no joke.
Buwan: I hear you- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
Tai: what??? What???
Raya: [growling like a beast while killing a bunny with her teeth]
Buwan: is that…princess Raya?
Raya: YESS I HAVE KILLED MY PRAY. [stands up and wipes her mouth of blood]
Tai: oh lord
Buwan: don’t let her see us. I repeat. Do not let her see us
Raya: wait, are you guys from Fangs army? [walking towards them]
Tai: fuck
Myan: can she understand us?
Raya: [barks and hisses at them] NOT SO BIG AND BRAVE WITHOUT YOUR LEADERS NOW HUH?!
Tai: RUN
Tai: STAY BACK YOU CRAZY BITCH [roars at her]
Raya: [screeches like a banshee]
Myan: nope. Nope. Just kill me now. Nope. [curls up on the ground]
Raya: HA! You guys are a bunch of scaredy-cats. Pun intended.
Namaari: who is that?! I heard screeching!
Raya: I knew you guys were here! Your cats are lame.
Namaari: RAYA! Wait why are you terrorizing my cats?!
Raya: cause it’s fun🤨and easy. Especially this fat one right here [points at Buwan]
Buwan: EXCUSE ME >:0
Raya: [sprints back into the woods] FANG LAW CAN SUCK A DICK. >:) YOULL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE[cackles like a witch]
Atitaya: I knew she would get away.
Namaari: Aww but she has the prettiest laugh🥰
Atitaya: did we hear the same thing-
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14buddy22 · 4 years
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Okay Yall... Crossed fandoms between Criminal Minds and SVU.
Warnings: Violence, death, Sad Hotch
WC: 1217
Being Aaron Hotchner’s daughter didn’t mean a lot. Well, to you. It didn’t mean a lot to you. He was a fun dad that you loved to talk and watch crime documentaries and movies with. While you lived in New York and were a detective with Manhattan’s SVU, he stayed back in Quantico to profile some of America’s worst criminals.
Hotch wasn’t the scary FBI agent he made it seem to be. He had a good poker face when dealing with the worst of the worst but when you got to see him every once in a while, it’s not the Hotch everyone else knows. It was the side only you got to see.
You were young, only 25 making it to the SVU department. You were 21 when you were brought in. Hotch wouldn’t let you stay in Virginia with him so you stayed in New York with your mom’s brother. Your dad didn’t want you to be in harm's way.
You were enjoying a night out on the town with your fiancé, Dominick Carisi. Getting last minute things ready for the wedding. You two had met at a bar in Staten Island and it was about 6 months later when he had transferred to SVU where you two reconnected and after a year of dating, he proposed. He was your everything and you were his, at least just for a little while longer. Before the whole damn universe collapsed.
You and Dominick were walking down the street when someone came and punched Dominick. He fell to the ground and when you went to grab him. The man pistol whipped you and took you. As Dominick was trying to get up, he heard the man say, “Guess Agent Hotchner can’t protect you when he’s in Virginia.” Dominick looked at him and he tried pulling his phone when the trigger was pulled.
All you know is that you heard a gunshot, and everything went black.
Hotch was at the BAU when he got the phone call he least expected. When he heard Dominick had been shot and you were gone, he hopped on the jet with Prentis, Morgan, and Reid and flew to New York where he’d see Dominick in the hospital. Gunshot wound to the shoulder.
You were fighting for your life. You were just in a van, but you already knew you had to fight for your life. The man said, “I saw your picture at your dad’s office. I’ve been following you.” You looked at him and just kept thinking that it wasn’t true and wanted to know if you were going to see your fiancé alive.
You quietly said, “No. You don’t know me. My Dad’s dead.”
The man said, “No, he’s not. We’re gonna give him a call right now.”
You said, “Please let me go, I’m a detective, I won’t say a thing. I’ll say my friend took me as a joke for my bachelorette party. Please, I’m, I’m getting married in a week.”
The man just looked at you and laughed. He stared into your eyes and he said, “You think you’re getting married? I think it’s time to call your dad.”
You just looked at him. You tried to kick him, but your legs were tied together.
Hotch’s phone started ringing and he said, “Hotchner.”
You screamed “Dad!”
Hotch went into full panic hearing your voice. You sounded tired, in defeat.
You breathlessly said, “Dad. I love you so much. You’re the best. Tell Dominick I love him and that I’m sorry.”
Hotch said, “No, Y/N, honey, you’re going to be okay. I’m coming to find you. I’m going to get you. You’re getting married. We gotta see that lengthy iItalian at the end of the aisle.”
You and him both chuckled slightly and he said, “Hang in there honey, we’re coming to get you. I love you.”
The man ended the call and grabbed a knife and shoved it into your stomach.
Garcia said, “Hotch, we got a location.”
NYPD and FBI were rushing to the scene.
You closed your eyes because you knew it was going to be too late. You were bleeding, but you wanted to fight hard enough to see your Dad one last time. And hopefully see Dominick.
You were getting tired, when all of a sudden, the van doors opened and there you were. Lying on the ground. Your dad saw the state you were in. He was an FBI agent but most importantly, he was your father.
Hotch ran in and looked at you. He knew it wasn’t going to end well but he had to tell you it would. As you were slowly loosing your life, it killed him. Killed him that he couldn’t take your pain away. Killed him to know that he was going to have to be the one to tell Dominick that you were gone.
Hotch said, “Y/N, you’re going to be alright. Help is on the way. Okay? Okay? We’re going to get you some help.”
You looked at him with tears in your eyes. You knew this was it. You knew this was going to kill him and you knew you would kill Dominick.
You said, “I want you to record a video. Just the sound. I want to tell Dominick.”
Morgan pulled out his phone and said, “Okay.”
Hotch held his hands to your stomach wounds and you saw how much blood you had lost.
You said, “Hey baby, it’s me. I love you so much. Whatever happens to me, I want you to know it’s not your fault. I love you so much and I don’t want you to be upset. My dad’s going to need you and you’re going to need my dad. I want you to fall in love again. I love you so much sunshine. I love you.”
Derek stopped it and Hotch said, “You’re not going anywhere.”
I said, “Dad. I love you. Thank you for protecting me.”
Here you were, telling your dad how much you loved him.
You said, “You and Sonny were the two most important men in my life. I love you so much. Please, sing me to sleep.”
He looked at me and he knew this was it. He just wanted to make you happy and at peace one last time.
He sang your favorite song, “Can’t Smile Without You” by Barry Manilow.
Just as he finished the last line, you looked at your Dad and said, “Thank you, I love you.”
Hotch said, “I love you so much.”
You closed your eyes one final time and everyone around just watched your dad break down. He tried to resuscitate you but it was no use. You were gone. You were never gonna become Dominick's wife, You were never going to give your dad grandkids.
Morgan pulled hotch away into a van and drove to the hospital. Sonny was sitting there and saw Aaron. He said, “Aaron.” Hotch gave the phone to sonny and Sonny pressed play. He heard the message and Sonny broke down crying. The two men cried together. Something neither one of them envisioned doing together.
But most importantly, Hotch lost his daughter and Dominick lost the love of his life. When the whole world collapsed, it came down hard.
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puppy-phum · 3 years
some heihua for the soul
so the update for Binding isn’t happening today bc my brain is complete mush after trying to aggressively finish my thesis yesterday and i decided to give my brain two days off bc of that. also, i promised @ashenwren some time to beta read the ending part (which they already did but! now i need some time with it myself) so i am leaving everybody to wait until saturday. 
meanwhile, i am offering yall a sneak peek/first look at my heihua fic which is very loosely tied to my pingxie. basically, this is just me playing around with hei xiazi as a character and his and xiao hua’s dynamic’s more... tender side. 
i know that @jockvillagersonly and ashen have already read this which has been amazing so thank you for your love ♥ but take this again ^^ also thanks to @cross-d-a for listening to me ramble about heihua and sharing this idea with me. and thank you to @i-am-just-a-kiddo​ who i’m doing all of this for ♥ you are the best parent-in-law for these two and this fandom!
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It’s a bad week for him. 
First, it’s the girl he finds while raiding a warehouse full of smuggled weapons and possibly, most likely, drugs. She’s maybe twelve, eyes wide and hair messy, bones poking her skin where Hei Xiazi can see her elbows flashing under her short sleeves. There are bruises around her wrists and burn marks on the inside of her arms. She doesn’t speak but she doesn’t have to, all of her screaming of experiences worthy of a hundred years instead of a dozen. 
She presses her face into her hands when Hei Xiazi fires his gun, and he feels something come loose inside of him at the broken, aborted noise she makes that rings louder than the shot itself. 
Hei Xiazi carries her kicking and screaming out of the warehouse, leaving behind the slowly ending gun fight and the smell of gasoline. She only goes silent once Hei Xiazi puts her down, flinching bodily away from him but not going far. She hovers, fingers slowly curling around the hem of his long jacket while they wait, shoulders hunching against the cold. Hei Xiazi offers her his jacket with a smile, buys her a sandwich which she then throws up, and helps her into a hospital once they’re safe to leave. 
No one else stays behind with her. All the other people they found from that warehouse scattered as soon as the fight began and only she remained, lost in the thought of having to leave the premises that had become her world. She has no family, no house, no money. Hei Xiazi watches her leave with the social workers, bones of her wrists like twigs threatening to snap even after some proper meals and eyes so big they seem to swallow the light around her. She still hasn’t said a word. Hei Xiazi doubts she ever will. 
Her pale face looks like a ghost as she turns to give Hei Xiazi one last glance over her shoulder, and that’s what she becomes to him once he goes home and puts that warehouse out of his mind. It’s hard and he feels himself haunted, and whatever it was that got loose in his chest rattles like the tail of a snake. 
Then, he hears about Su Wan. Hears about the mission that went south with the three youngsters. Hears about Su Wan getting hurt. 
It isn’t anything new in their line of business to get hurt, to even die. When he first met the boy in the desert, he predicted he would find him six feet under after only a day. There was too much softness in Su Wan, too much trust, too much naivete. He had a big brain and clever ideas but his core was gooey, leaking out in way too telling bursts, leaving nothing hidden. 
Su Wan had reminded Hei Xiazi of young Wu Xie. Even his floundering with his knife had reminded him of Wu Xie. Even his adaptability had been annoyingly similar to Wu Xie’s, and Hei Xiazi had questioned his taste in students. At least the boy had paid better. At least the boy hadn’t been wishing to die. 
He had not expected, after knowing all of that, to experience such fear when he first heard that Su Wan had gotten himself stabbed and had almost bled out in a cave, with only Li Cu and Yang Hao to look after himself and a saving bed of a hospital hours away. His hands had shook, making it impossible to hold anything while trying to breathe, and he had quickly been reminded of the little girl, torn open and going a bit feral just because she didn’t know what to do.
It was a surprisingly new thing to care. As surprising as the fact that he still knew of such things.
“I thought I had taught you better, kid,” he says as he goes to the hospital, in the middle of the night of all things, having to cover Su Wan’s mouth so that he doesn’t scream and wake up the better half of the city. The boy’s eyes are wide and heartbeat rapid under his fingers where he can feel it pulsing against Su Wan’s jaw. Then the boy is scrambling at his fingers to speak from between them. He pulls his hand away. 
“Hei-ye!” the boy whispers fervently, like an anchor casted in water. “I thought you were out of the country!”  
“I was until yesterday when I heard that you got stabbed,” he explains, voice leaning more towards mockery than any actual care. Su Wan knows what that means. The boy knows more than anyone else has ever known about a person like Hei Xiazi. It’s a strange thing but Hei Xiazi has come to almost like it. 
“I’m fine!” the boy chirps, lighting up like a lightbulb. Hei Xiazi helps him sit in his bed, snatching a chair for himself from the corner, and then evaluates the damage. Su Wan is smiling while a thick roll of bandages circle his stomach. There are at least thirty stitches there, curving along his side. Some more adorn his bicep where he tried to evade another blade. A darkening bruise is making his cheek swell, casting an extra shadow under his chin. 
Hei Xiazi sighs and closes his eyes when Su Wan starts to tell the story, his voice a soft whisper made even softer with lingering sleep. The beep of the machines tell Hei Xiazi the boy is alive. The painful thrum of his own heart tells him he’s alive too. 
Su Wan falls asleep holding onto Hei Xiazi’s sleeve. He cannot remember how the boy got the leather between his fingers but prying his hold away is like bending steel. It feels impossible and burns equal amounts. 
Finally, he slips back into the cold night. 
He doesn’t go to his apartment, the one he’s currently occupying, his few belongings strewn across the floor and nothing making the place feel like his. Even after years and years and years, some part of him still feels sick at the thought of emptiness. He’s tried his hardest to carve his bones empty and chest clean but after each year spent alone or with someone or wanting, he realizes it’s a battle he cannot win. There’s something terribly strong under his ribs. It refuses to die even before his curse of immortality and the knowledge that goes beyond his comprehension. It refuses to die even when facing the cold, cruel world. 
The walls surrounding the Xie Manor are high but not high enough to keep him at bay. If they were, he would’ve never come here. He would’ve never returned, not after he once left. 
Climbing up the wall of the manor to the third floor makes his lungs burn, but then he’s pushing the window open already, stepping silently onto the polished floor. 
“Xiazi,” a familiar voice says, not even pretending to sound sleepy. “It’s three in the morning. Is it really a suitable time to be visiting the head of Xie family?”
Hei Xiazi smiles, shrugging off his leather jacket and placing it onto the back of a chair beside him. The air in the room feels chilly with the window open but he likes to hear the noises from outside and he likes the line of silver painted onto the floor and across the luxurious double bed. He likes that he can pretend his vision is so clear just because of the moon. 
“Hua’er-ye,” he says back, voice like honey because he loves to tease this man and loves how the tone makes his perfect eyebrows pinch. “Are you sure this isn’t a dream?”
“I would dream you naked at least, not dripping mud all over my floors.”
“As you wish,” he says and reaches for his own belt before moving closer to the bed, toeing his shoes off on the first two steps.
Xie Yuchen is warm but firm when Hei Xiazi meets his body, crashing into his lips and then slipping hands down his silk covered spine. He hums, hiding his laugh. He’s always loved the absolute brilliance and practicality and strength of this man but under all that, Xie Yuchen is a little spoiled. A rich family head. A powerful man with more money than Hei Xiazi could possibly imagine. He’s never tried, not really caring. For all his acting, he’s never gone for Xie Yuchen for his money. 
He takes care of helping Xie Yuchen out of his expensive pajamas, kissing him wet and shivering after each uncovered piece of skin. There is something beautiful about Xie Yuchen in the stark light of the moon, eyes burning bright and the line of his throat like an invitation. Hei Xiazi wishes he could tell him that, sometimes, but he’s preferred to seal his lips. His poetry would not suit the ears of Xie Yuchen. 
He’s never been one for pretty words, crude and almost barbaric instead, tongue made out of barbwire and mind of a strategic plan. Between them, all those edges exist in harmony, and so he’s never felt the need for anything more, enjoying the simplicity of just being. 
Ironically, as the sun is already rising, coloring the horizon with its colorless light, he still descends into words. It’s like something is pulling them out of his chest, and when there’s a force outside of his control beneath his ribs, he cannot do anything but unravel upon Xie Yuchen’s white satin sheets.
“There was this girl,” he says, looking into the still remaining dark – or as dark as anything can be for his eyes, that comfort taken from him ages ago. “I saved her from a warehouse a couple of days ago. She didn’t speak, couldn’t eat because she’d been kept hungry for so long. There were burn marks on her arms, probably from cigarettes or a lighter. They told me she was thirteen. She didn’t look like she was thirteen.”
Xie Yuchen’s hands are on his back, brushing lightly against his shoulder blades, drawing something there. His heartbeat is steady under Hei Xiazi’s cheek and his skin burns, burns, burns. He remembers how he had looked at that girl in the eyes and seen himself there. 
“I remember,” he says quietly, closing his eyes, “feeling the same burn on my skin. I have no memories of when or why but I know there were cigarettes. I know her pain. I know the scars.”
“Were you a child back then?” Xie Yuchen asks, his body a strong, sturdy thing against him. A rock. A mountain. He never thought he would feel lost in this world but there is something about himself in every child he’s ever saved, in all of their wide, fearful eyes, in all of their screams, their desperate fight, their bared teeth and messy heads of hair. There’s something about him in all of their thrumming, wild panic, like a bird under their skin; in their desperation to get away, to find a place to belong, to find safety and food and trust. To heal a body that has not been their own or has felt like an enemy or a liability or a curse. 
He cannot remember the time he was a child, cannot remember the time before he went blind and began to see too much, cannot remember being anything but this eternal man on the outskirts of the world. He cannot remember ever having a family or feeling the absence of it. 
But then, there’s this echo in his mind. It rings back from the eyes of every child he’s ever tried to help. He thinks, maybe, he still knows how he lost. 
“I only remember being burned,” he says. “I only remember the pain and being afraid. And isn’t that a stupid thing to remember when it could be so many things?” He laughs, as much as it can be a laugh when something twists inside of his chest, bringing tightly together that something that was let loose. He chokes on it, feeling his voice die down. Xie Yuchen turns beside him so that they both lie on their sides, looking at each other. The line of the moon falls over Xie Yuchen’s hips and almost lands on Hei Xiazi’s waiting hand. 
“Bad things linger,” Xie Yuchen says with a certainty of a man who knows this to be true. During the years, Hei Xiazi has learned a couple of the bad things that happened to this proud man. “But you are turning them into something good.”
“And how much does it change to save a couple of children?” he huffs, tired of the heart that cannot leave him at peace.  
“For them, everything.”
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
I Can’t Handle You Being Back~Chou Tzuyu x black! fem! reader {4}
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pairing: Tzuyu x reader
Summary: You’re still acting careful around Tzuyu as the both of you start to practice more and grow closer as you both had did five years ago. Your rekindling friendship starts to bloom to something more as you guy's duo performance at JYPEs showcase crawled closer, your feelings start to grow into something more until someone gets in the way.
Word Count: 2, 917
Writer's Note: Chapter 4!  I hope yall enjoy and keep the comments coming, I'm glad you're loving the fic. If you have any requests send them my way and if you sent some in I'll get to them soon.
Another music show performance of I Can’t Stop Me drained me for the entire day. We arrived back to the dorms and I collapsed in my bed immediately and groaned while Jeongyeon flopped on right beside me. 
“So, how’d I do this time?” I asked with a muffle caused by the pillow. 
Jeongyeon nudged her shoulder against me. 
“You did amazing as always,” she said. “Now are you really going to stay in bed? It’s not even eight yet.” 
“No, no! Y/N the day has just begun!” Sana shouted, jumping onto the other side of the bed, squishing me in between her and Jeongyeon. “We’ve got so much planned!”
I’m able to turn onto my back to meet Sana’s face clouded in over excitement. 
“Like what?” I said. 
The moment the words leave my mouth, Dahyun and Nayeon strolled into the room with huge grins on their faces. 
“We’re all playing games!” Nayeon announced. “Mina’s getting her switch step up now!”
“You got to join us Y/N!” Sana said as she wrapped me in her arms. 
“Fine!” I said as I struggled a bit in her grip. “Just let me get up already.” 
Jeongyeon’s already on her feet, pushing a giggly Sana playfully while she helps me to my feet. 
“So,” I said as the five of us trek down stairs. “What are we playing?”
“Well, I kind of stalked your Instagram again and found your Twitch account,” Sana said, rather innocently with her hands behind her back. “I found that you love Dragon ball fighterZ so I begged Mina to buy it!”
“We both found it Sana,” Nayeon groaned.
They both bicker a bit; Jeongyeon and I met eyes with faces matching in confusion. 
“You could have just asked instead of stalked,” I said. 
“I know,” Sana said. “I just didn’t know how to ask. I know you’ve been with us for almost a month now, but it’s pretty crazy to have you here after five years.” 
Sana’s eyes cut to the floor. Her excited demeanor now replaced with something more reserved and sheepish. I take her hand with a grin before shaking her gently. 
“And I’m not going anywhere anytime soon OK?” I declared. 
Sana nodded and pulled me into a bear hug before she skipped over to the carpet of the living room where Chaeyoung and Mina sat putting the Switch together. 
Tzuyu, Jihyo and Momo sat on the couch facing Mina, Chaeyoung and the television. My eyes landed on Tzuyu, nothing but a smile spreads across her face. It’s not huge or anything, yet I still don’t know how to act around her. She defended me a few nights ago, not only in front of Onces but the entire world: it set the entire internet a blaze. Of course the loyal Onces stayed true and cheered Tzuyu and I on in helpful ways. (There are some that are already shipping us and dubbing us “Rush Hour line” due to whatever reasons, even though Tzuyu’s not from China and---they got the spirit but it’s still tone deaf and a bit racist on both of our parts.) 
Then of course the netizens had their take on it, but I don’t pay attention to them that much anymore. 
“You could sit here if you want, Y/N,” Jihyo said as she gestured to the spot between her and Tzuyu. 
Tzuyu nodded, solidifying my decision as I take the seat. 
Nayeon sat beside Momo and purposely covered the gap of space between her and Jihyo while eyeing Jeongyeon. 
“Oh, Jeongyeon no more room,” Nayeon said. “Guess you’ll have to sit in my lap.”
Jeongyeon shook her head, yet the redness of her cheeks remained. She slapped Nayeon’s arm. 
“Quit playing,” she whined, then whispered something to Nayeon, who moved her arms immediately and smirked. 
I look between Jihyo and Tzuyu, trying to ask what’s the deal between those two. Jihyo caught on as she leaned in towards me with a giggle. 
“They’ve somewhat had a thing since pre debut,” she explained. “They love each other to death, but it’s really complicated at times.” 
“Oh, makes a lot of sense,” I whispered. 
The living room filled with the opening music to Dragon Ball FighterZ blasting around us. 
“All right!” Chaeyoung announced as she hopped up. “Who’s ready for the greatest tournament the world will never witness?”
“Why would it be never Chae?” Tzuyu asked with a snicker. 
“Because we aren’t playing it for Time to Twice or V live or anything,” Chaeyoung said. “Unless you guys want to.”
A collective unit of no’s came from everyone. 
“Week got a week off before that stupid KBS JYP special we have to rehearse for,” Nayeon groaned. “I need time off from the cameras and time to get drunk.” 
She rose to her feet, and disappeared in the kitchen.
“Grab me and beer too!” Jeongyeon called. 
“Are you guys even playing?” I asked. 
“Nope,” Nayeon and Jeongyeon said in unison as they each cracked open their beers respectfully.
“What about the rest of you?” I said. “I know Sana happened to spur this on during the last minute.”
“Oh I’m defiantly playing,” Chaeyoung said as she wrapped her arms around Mina. “Mina is too, right babe?”
Mina giggled and nodded.
“I’ve been playing since the game dropped, but I only played it with my brother back in Japan so I haven’t tried it out on Switch yet,” Mina explained. “Playing on camera won’t be a bad idea for future uploads for Once.” 
“I’m playing too!” Sana said with a grin. “What about you Dubu?”
Dahyun shook her head. 
“Nope, I think I’ll kick back, and cheer you on as much as I can,” Dahyun said as Sana wrapped her arms around her. 
“I’ll sit this out too,” Jihyo said. “It’ll be interesting to see how long Nayeon and Jeongyeon stay sober this time.”
Nayeon gives Jihyo the finger; Jihyo  pushed her playfully and I turn to Tzuyu, who’s eyes were on me then averted to the TV. 
“You playing too?” I asked, while trying not to seem like I caught her wondering eyes. 
Tzuyu shrugged. 
“Why not?” she said. “As long as I can play against Chae first.”
Chaeyoung let out a roar. 
“You’re on Tzu!”
A few hours crawled past: Dragon Ball FighterZ night escalated with Mina and I going up against each other with a tied set. It’s 3 to 3, this game would settle. Sana, Jihyo and Tzuyu huddled up behind me while Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Momo rallied behind Mina; Jeongyeon and Nayeon were slumped on the couch, cheering us both on when they could. 
“C’mon babe, you got this!” Chaeyoung shouted. 
I bit down on my lip as Mina zoned out my final character, Goku with her own, Vegeta. This was not only a stressful, but the final fight was reflective of Goku and Vegeta’s rivalry that ran deep in the anime. My heart pounded in my ears as the time of the round continued to slip by as I waited for any mistake. Mina didn’t yield as she fired the energy blasts my way. I blocked every one, even through Chaeyoung’s insistent cheering. My hands started to twitch and I took a deep breath. 
“You got it Y/N! Just focus!” 
My body jolted at who shouted just as loud as Chaeyoung: Tzuyu. 
I moved, jumped over Mina’s blasts and then she vanished. Vegeta appeared behind Goku, aiming to make the finishing blow. My finger almost slipped from the analog stick, but I blocked and reflected the hits Mina tried. There’s the opening I needed! I struck. Getting Vegeta up in a simple combo and ending it with a level 1 special move to ensure victory. 
“Nooooooo!” Chaeyoung groaned.
“Damn,” Mina said. “Great stuff Y/N. Good games.”
We shook hands, then giggled it off with a tight hug. 
“Great job Y/N!” Jihyo cheered as both she and Sana took me a bear hug. 
I melted into them, even allowing Sana to kiss my cheek before she pulled back with a chuckle. Jihyo kept her arms around me however, and whispered a quick ‘I’m so proud of you’ before slinging off to deal with Jeongyeon and Nayeon. They’re already asleep: Jeongyeon’s head laid on Nayeon’s chest as they snored softly. 
“Can someone help me get these two to bed?” Jihyo asked. 
Mina, Sana and Chaeyoung helped upon request as a confused Nayeon grumbled over who won. 
“Congrats Y/N!” Nayeon shouted with a smile. 
I mumbled a thank you and watched everyone file out the living room. All except Tzuyu, who took my hand--and I froze. My heart pounded yet again, proof that I’m still alive and Tzuyu hasn’t crushed me. Dahyun caught my gaze, then threw a wink my way as she left the room arm in arm with Momo. I’m not even going to ask what they’ve got going on. It’s complicated and I’ll figure out with time. 
“I knew you could win,” Tzuyu said. “I doubted it a lot since Mina’s so good.” 
I shivered as she walked around to face me; she looked nervous too. 
“You sure you believed in me till the end?” I asked.
Tzuyu nodded sharply. 
“You have this face where your entire body goes still and you just become sharper,” she explained. “You look pretty--ah! Pretty lame when it happens.”
Tzuyu’s face grew red; I scratched my arm in embarrassment. Maybe this is real after all. Still same Tzuyu being sly when giving a compliment. 
“Yeah, and it was totally lame cheering me on right?” I countered. 
Tzuyu shrugged and turned away. 
“I-I should let you go rest,” I said. “Pretty long day, right?”
Her head whipped back to me, the red color in her face left.
“I-I wasn’t going to yet,” she said. “Um, is it OK if we talk? I-It’s about our KBS performances in a few weeks.” 
“Oh, yeah. Of course,” I said. 
Tzuyu let go of my hand and gestured to the couch. We sat, giving us enough space between but not as much as we gave a dew weeks prior. This is the first moment we’re alone, no other members or managers among us. Just Y/N and Tzuyu. I can’t help but think back to five years ago: how exhausted we were in the JYP dance rooms at 5 a.m. as sweat clung to us. We didn’t care though; the smiles continued even through the hardships until--
“Y/N,” Tzuyu said. “Are you all right?”
I met her confused gaze and I couldn’t help but think back to the days of Sixteen, my elimination and eventually her own elimination. The tears that she shed, begging me to stay on Korea and breaking her heart by saying no.
I shook my head at her question.
“What about you? Tzuyu?” I asked. “You were right about before, I have no idea how much I hurt you while leaving.”
“I’m so sorry Tzuyu,” I said cutting her off. 
Tzuyu destroyed the space between us and hugged me flush to her, shocking me in the process. 
“I’m sorry too,” she whispered. “I frightened you, didn’t I? You’re back now, that’s all I ever wanted was my best friend back.”
Her voice shook. A hint of tears threatened to spill but I pulled back to cup her face. Our eyes met again, even through the emotion that clouded and covered her face, she still looked beautiful. She leaned in, making my heart pump faster and faster. 
“Your heart is so loud,” Tzuyu said with a giggle.
I inhaled as she pressed a firm kiss to my forehead. 
“I-It’s just excited to know we’re on good terms, right?” I said. 
“Yes,” Tzuyu groaned. “What else do I have to do to prove it to you?”
Her question made me blush a bit at how close she once was. Tzuyu must have picked up on it as her face grew red. 
“You don’t have to do anything else,” I let out quickly as I grabbed her hand. “Well, you could help me brainstorm what we could do for our KBS performance.”
Tzuyu nodded, her face brightened up. 
“Yeah! Well, Momo unnie is doing a solo so that leaves the nine of us. I think Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Sana are doing a set. We could pair up together if that’s OK,” she suggested.
I nodded as Tzuyu rubbed her thumb over the back of my hand. 
“Yeah, we should pick a song. What about something from Rihanna,” I said. 
Tzuyu chuckled as a wistful look overtook her face. 
“Oh gosh, do you remember our performance on Sixteen? What song was it?” she asked. 
“Oh my God, I remember!” I said. “We were too young to be dancing to S&M anyway!”
Tzuyu fell into a fit of laughter that I thought I wouldn’t have been able to see ever again. It’s like she said, we’re best friends again and I can’t help but feel like I can’t function from all the excitement bubbling up inside. 
“Would you want to do that song again?” she asked. 
“Not really--”
I was cut off by a yawn that forced itself abruptly.   
“We’ve got plenty of time,” Tzuyu said as she stood. “You need to rest.”  
“So do you,” I said as she took my hand and led us up stairs. 
The door to Jeongyeon, Momo and I’s room was shut, so I had to be a bit careful of stepping in to not awaken them. 
“Well, thank you for believing in me,” I whispered. “And becoming my best friend again.” 
Tzuyu only nodded and brought me into her arms again. I hugged back, burying my head against her chest. She had hints of perfume from earlier, along with the warmth that she always carried whenever I needed her. Now she’s back and I didn’t need to worry anymore; I could breathe around her.  I relaxed in her arms so much so that I didn’t want to let go; Tzuyu didn’t either as she gently rubbed my back. 
“You sure you’re all right?” Tzuyu whispered, the sensation of her words warming my chest. 
She pulled back to examine me, her arms not yet leaving my back. 
“Y-Yeah, I just miss your hugs is all.”   
Tzuyu smiled, kissed my forehead and squeezed me tightly again before letting me go. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight,” I said, leaning the frame of the door until she disappeared in her own room. 
I did the same, albeit, carefully in case Jeongyeon and Momo were asleep. My hunch was right: Jeongyeon was snoring softly on her bed and Momo laying on her own while scrolling through her phone.
“So, did you kiss her goodnight?” Momo teased. 
My breath caught in my throat even at the mere thought. 
“N-No, “ I stammered. “We hugged. W-We’re friends.”
Momo shrugged. 
“So were Mina and Chae and now look at them.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I muttered as I got in my own bed. my mind still on how warm Tzuyu felt. 
We just got back to being friends again, but I couldn’t help but think about how it would be if I did kiss her. No, she’s my band-mate. I can’t think like that, not anymore. 
Morning arrived quickly, even through the nonexistent dreams I still thought of Tzuyu and Momo’s words. Maybe I should talk to Jihyo about how Mina and Chaeyoung happened, even with Nayeon and Jeongyeon’s situation there had to be some agreement between the other members.
I waited until one groggy and hungover Jeongyeon rolled out of bed to help with breakfast, and for Momo to slunk behind her groaning about food. I shot a text to Jihyo for her to meet me here to talk privately. A knock soon came, forcing me to sit up and take a deep breath. 
“You can come in!”
Jihyo entered with a toothy grin and a sigh. 
“Sorry, I had to make sure Momo didn’t take all the food again,” she said as she sat beside me on the bed. “What’s up? Are you holding up OK?”
I nodded sharply; Jihyo noticed the nervousness and slid close to put an arm around me. 
“Breathe Y/N,” Jihyo reassured. “We didn’t overwhelm you yesterday, did we?” 
“No, of course not. It was really fun!”
“Yeah?” Jihyo said as she squeezed me gently. “What about the other members?”
“Ah, about that!” I said. “It’s about a member uh, Tzuyu.”
Jihyo nodded. The smile dropping from her face. 
“She hasn’t been giving you hard time, has she?”
“N-No, actually the opposite,” I said. “She’s been really cool. So cool in fact that I-I- our friendship picked up right where it left off five years ago. Jihyo I think I might like Tzuyu. Like her in a romantic way.”
Jihyo nodded throughout every word, but stopped once I finished. 
“Yeah, I had a feeling,” Jihyo said. “She always had eyes for you only, you should have seen her whenever you sung or performed five years ago. Saying she was mesmerized would be too simple.”
My face grew hot. 
Really? I saw pieces of it last night, but to this level?
“Nothing’s simple with any of us, is there?” Jihyo asked. “That’s why I’m going to let you do what you think is right as long as it doesn’t hurt either of you emotional, physically or harm your public image. However, I do have to let you know one thing before you let Tzuyu know anything.”
“W-What’s that Jihyo?” I asked. 
“I like you too.”         
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iamknicole · 3 years
Trouble Man
AN:: Because I ain't like it so rewrite it is. Mitch and Lainey are together, Candace is alive in order for this to work..
Candace tossed and turned in her hotel bed trying to shake the voices of those whose deaths she caused. From Oscar, War and Quincy to Erica and Lil Q. She yelled out in her sleep until she felt someone grab her and her eyes shot open landing on Oliver.
"Stop fighting. Stop. And shut up." Oliver demanded in a hushed tone.
"What are you doing in here? Get out of here! Leave me alone!"
Rolling his eyes, Oliver placed a the handkerchief he held over her mouth only moving it when she stopped fighting. Placing it into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, he stood from the bed and motioned to the men he'd traveled with.
"Restrain her and put her in the trunk."
Landen scoffed stopping the other two service members. "We don't just do what you say, Oliver. You don't make demands."
Oliver stepped into his face. "Who did Charles put in charge of this when the first person fell short? Who knew that there was a job to get done and played around?"
There was silence between the men.
"I'll answer for you. He put me in charge when you played around." Oliver spoke through clenched teeth. "So do what I said. Restrain her and put her in the trunk. Now."
Oliver glared at Landen a little longer then left the room with his phone to his ear.
On the other side of town, Benny sat in Melissa's house changing her locks. The two of them had just come in from their ruined dinner.
"Benny, you don't need to change those right now. They're not coming here. Lemme clean that cut on your forehead."
Benny shook his head still working on the front door locks. "Nah, ima be aight this needs to be done. You don't know these people like I do, they're coming. And when they do you don't wanna be caught slippin. Aight?"
Melissa sighed, "Benny, it's fine. I'll just call Veronica and get this taken care of."
"Isn't she the reason you're in this mess? You not calling her. That kid that they sent its tryna prove a point and I'm not gon let him use you for target practice to prove it."
"Alright, Benny. But when you're done I'm cleaning that cut and you're getting out of here."
Benny shook his head again. "No, I'm not. I gotta make sure you safe. He looking for me too I'm sure now so when he shows up he can get the rest of the ass whoopin he ain't get in that damn restaurant."
"I see you're not budging so I'll give up but I think you should at least go check on your family."
"I got that taken care of, ima call them. Why don't you go fix us something to drink or something. Relax. I got you."
After receiving his punishment from his family, Mitch went to sit across from Vinny in his booth clutching his side. Vinny took a swig of his beer then chuckled.
"Learn ya lesson?"
"Yeah, Uncle Vinny. So we good now?" He asked wincing a bit.
"Yeah we are but you listen to me no more lying to your family and covering up for this kid."
"I was helping my friend. His family is my family too. I told you that."
"No," Vinny barked, "The Malones are your family, not them. We are. Understand?"
Sandy approached the table clutching the ice back to his head. "He's acting like that cause he's dating that guy's sister. He's been hiding it from us."
Mitch turned to glare at his cousin, "Shut your little bitch ass up before you get beat up again, Sandy! Not the time!"
"You ain't gonna do nothin. Guess what else, Uncle Vinny. He's got a baby with the broad. How you like that, Mitch?"
Mitch got up as quick as his injuries would allow and stood in front of Sandy glaring down at him. "What did I say to you? What did I tell you?"
"That dumbass friend of yours is gonna get what he deserves for what he did and if I'm lucky I'll get that broad and that baby too." Sandy taunted with a smirk.
Mitch threw a few punches knocking the smaller man down before being pulled away, backed into a wall. Vinny stood in the open space between them pointing a finger at each of them.
"Sandy, if you knew how to back up the shit you say, you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. You just love getting your ass kicked, don't you?" Vinny asked sarcastically.
Sandy sucked his teeth. "Oh everybody has jokes now. Aren't you gonna do something? He hit me and he had a baby with the black kid's sister."
Mitch struggled against his cousin, "Oh shut up, you whiny ass cry baby! You're lucky they're holding me!"
"Shut it, Mitch! Sandy, you get outta here and do what you said you were gonna do and I want it done tonight. If it's not done then I'm gonna do it to you."
"You got it, Uncle Vinny. I'll even get extras for you." Sandy answered with a smirk.
"I swear to God, Sandy. If you do this, I'll take you out myself. And unlike you, I'm not afraid to do it."
Vinny waved Sandy out of the bar then got closer to Mitch letting his nephews know that they could move.
"So what ... you're gonna kill your own family over these people? It's that what I just heard?"
Mitch glared at his uncle, "They're my family too."
"You mean the black girl and the black baby? Right?" Vinny chuckled.
"I mean my best friend, my girl, my daughter, all of them."
"When were you gonna tell us the good news? Our boy's a daddy now. Hey," Vinny called out, "Get him a drink. He deserves a congratulations."
Mitch huffed. "I don't want a damn drink. I'm leaving."
"No, you're not. You're gonna sit here and wait for Sandy to call. And while we're waiting you're gonna tell me why you didn't tell us."
"I'm not staying here while he's trying to kill them. I told who needed to know. Mama Rose. That's it. She loves my girl and my baby, she's gonna be pissed when she finds out."
Vinny's nostrils flaired as he grew angrier. "Mama Rose isn't here! I am! I'm in charge!"
"All you are is a placeholder while the heat dies down. She wouldn't leave this to you, Vinny. You couldn't even defend yourself from a drug addict," Mitch laughed.
"You keep it up and you'll end up dead along with your precious family, you lil bastard."
While they were going back and forth, one of Mitch's cousins sent a text to Mama Rose about what was happening. Moments later his phone rung and he stepped away to answer.
Hanna pulled up in front of her house and hopped off after killing the engine. She chuckled to herself approaching her stoop.
"Well ... well ... well ... look at my babygirl. What are you doing here this late with my baby?"
Lainey smiled bouncing her four month old daughter in her arms. "Tell your Nana that we were at home alone and your daddy wasn't answering so we thought he was here with Benny."
Hanna grabbed her grandbaby and gave her daughter her housekeys. "No, he's not here but I'm glad you two came to see me. I missed yall. Let's go in and I'll call your bug head brother, I'm sure they're together."
The three of them went inside the two story home, the older two engaging in conversation with each other.
Oliver stood in front of Candace in the chair she was tied to squinting at her. He took a moment to clean his glasses and put them back on before smacking the side of Candace's face.
"Come on, get up. I don't have all day."
Candace came to with a frantic gasp as she tried to move around.
"You might as well stop moving, you're restrained and that won't change. Now are you going to be quiet while we talk to you or do I need to tape your mouth?"
"No, don't. I just wanna know why I'm here. What's happening?" She asked fearfully.
Oliver stepped to the side as the door opened and in walked Charles. His signature smile plastered on his face.
"We met again, Ms. Young. Bet you thought you got away, didn't you?"
"Charles ... what ... what are you doing? Is this because I didn't want to come back? I'm sorry. Just let me go."
With his hands in his pockets, Charles walked a circle around the chair she sat in laughing loudly. "That's not it. Guess again, Ms. Young."
Candace sat quietly. "It's because I told you that I'm pregnant? It's the truth, I am."
"Its not about that because I know you're not."
"What? I went to the doctor. Yes, I am. Please. I'm go away and I won't bother you. Just let me and my baby go."
Again Charles laughed. "You hear that, Oliver? Just let me and my baby go," he mimicked, "When we met, I told you two things that you shouldn't have ever forgotten. Do you remember?"
Oliver stood back with an amused look on his face.
"No, you told me a lot of things. I don't know, Charles."
Charles stopped in front of her and leaned down so she could see his face. "I told you that I'm not the one to play with and there's nothing that you can do, nothing you can say and nowhere that you can go that I won't know about. That doctor told you that because I wanted her to. Wanted to see how long you'd keep it to yourself before you used the card you thought you had."
"All of this so I would come back? Are you really that delusional and crazy?"
"No, that's not it. Whether you came back on your own or forcefully you were coming back. I always make good on my favors for my friends. And this favor just so happens to be for a best friend of mine."
Candace started to move around in the chair trying to get loose. "This is about that money I took from Jim? He got you being his bitch now?"
"That's cute," he laughed, "You think that shit that you pulled with Jim is gonna work on me and you're wrong ... its not. I wouldn't piss on Jim if he was on fire."
"Then who? Who asked you to do this?"
"Aah, if I tell you then I have to kill you." He smiled wickedly at her. "Well ... I'm gonna do that anyways so I'll tell you. On a few occasions David Harrington let you know that you had no idea who you were playing games with and that he could make your insignificant life disappear just ... like ... that. And you didn't listen, you took him for a joke."
Candace started to get scared but still attempted to hide it. "Why?"
"Oliver, would you please enlighten Ms. Young with the list of offenses, please?"
Oliver stepped forward. "Gladly, sir. You extorted money multiple times, interfered and toyed with his niece, Amanda's well being, inserted his son into a murder and got his fiancé killed. And that's just what you did to Mr. Harrington."
"Thank you, Oliver," Charles said with a smile, "Now let's talk about the things you've done to other people. You screwed a friend over which caused the death of your son so you killed your son, you're the reason your brother has caused heartache in the past, you're the reason your brother almost died twice, you're too blame as to why Benny had bad blood with the Malonrs, and you're the reason you're mother almost died."
Candace bit back tears. "Why does he care about those things? They had nothing to do with David."
"Since you asked so nicely. David sees the pain you put your mother through and he doesn't like it at all. Your mother, Ms. Hanna, it's a beautiful woman and beautiful soul who didn't deserve the pile of shit you left in her lap. But he intends to clean it all up, starting with you being in Itty bitty pieces."
Oliver removed his suit jacket and picked up the electric hand saw starting it. The tears started to fall freely from Candace's eyes as she looked between both men.
"Please ... please don't do this," she sobbed "I'm sorry, I'll give the money back I'll leave them all alone."
"Sorry won't undo any of the shit you did, now will it? Oliver, she's all yours. Have fun."
"Will do, sir."
Furious, Mama Rose called Benny's phone. After speaking with her nephew she knew it was time to come out of her faux retirement to set some things straight. In that moment she didn't care about the heat on her being hot, she was going to protect those she held close to her heart above all else.
Benny looked at his phone and frowned a little before answering. "Who this?"
"Now, Benjamin, is that how you answer your phone for your Mama Rose?"
"No ma'am," he chuckled, "How you doing?"
"Oh I would be better if half of my family wasn't worthless. Where are you?"
Benny glanced up from his spot on the floor at Melissa, so was handing him a glass. "I'm at a friend's house helping her. You need me?"
"Is it the girl Veronica had Vinny go after? Is it her, Benjamin?" Mama Rose asked urgently.
"Yes ma'am and I don't even wanna know how you knew that."
"You know I know everything. Listen, you need to go to your mother's house. I'm on my way there but I don't know if I'll make it in time to stop it."
Benny frowned, "Stop what? What's going on?"Just as she got ready to answer, another call came through from mama. "This her right now calling. I'll call you back, Mama Rose." He answered her call effectively ending the previous call.
"Benjamin, baby. Where are you and that friend of yours?" Hanna asked laughing. "Your sister and niece are not happy that you're stealing him away."
"I'm not with him, Mama. I'm helpin, Melissa out. I'm bout to head that way though."
"Okay, baby and bring Melissa with you. And can you please see if you can find out where Mitch is?"
"Yes ma'am I will. Be there in a few. Love yall."
Benny finished chaging the locks quickly then he and Melissa left her house headed for his mama's house. Thankfully there wasn't much traffic so he was able to speed a bit to get there quicker. While they made their way to the house, Mitch was glaring at his uncle making a plan in his head.
"You got something you wanna say to me?" Vinny asked.
Mitch shook his head. "Nothing that I haven't already told you. You know where I stand on this."
"And you know where your family stands. There were lots of good girls that hang around here that you could've had. And you have too many cousins around here to be lookin elsewhere for friends. You're just gonna try any way you can to get away from us."
"I never wanted this. Ever. And you know that. The only reason I got as involved as I was is because your ass went and got stabbed so I had to help." Mitch fired back smartly. "You're so mad that I'm Mama Rose's favorite and she understood me not wanting to be apart of this."
Vinny grunted, "I don't give a shit about that."
"Yeah ... ya do. That's why you try do hard to find shit on me."
"You know what ... if Sandy doesn't get that broad and that baby I think I'll do it myself. And I think I'll enjoy it."
"The same thing I said to Sandy goes for you too. I'm not about to play this bullshit game with you or him when it comes to my family. I will kill you and not think twice about it. And if I don't," he smirked, "Mama Rose will. Just like I'm her favorite and she would do anything for me ... she feels the same way about those two. You harm any of us and she'll kill you."
Vinny stared at his nephew as he answered his ringing phone. He put it on speaker and sat it on the table.
"Just letting you know that we're pulling up to the house."
Mitch's blood boiled as he listened to his younger cousin talk. "You little bastard ... you better not."
"Shut up," Vinny barked, "Good. You do it and then you get your ass back here. Understand?"
Sandy agreed before getting off of the phone. One of the cousins that worked behind the bar approached their table extending the bar phone to Mitch making Vinny frown.
"What the hell are you doin?"
The cousin shrugged urging Mitch to take the phone. "Mama Rose."
Mitch took the phone and the cousin walked away. When he put the phone to his ear, he stared atvhis uncle.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Do not change your face. You keep whatever expression you have, I want him to think I'm pissed at you." Mama Rose instructed quickly.
Mitch sighed harshly, "Yes ma'am., I understand."
"Good, good. I know what's happening and I'm trying to get there and stop it."
Mitch almost broke and cheered but the sight of Vinny's smug smile kept him from doing so.
"But, Mama," Mitch started trying to act as if he was pleading. "Please, that's my baby in that house."
"And I'll make damn sure they all remain safe. But listen to me. Are you listening?"
Mitch dropped his head a bit. "I'm listening."
"If I am unable to get there before it happens and stop it, whether anyone gets hit or not, I will make sure that those involved are handled. In the event that this happens, I will let your cousins behind the bar know and they will do as instructed. Okay?"
Yes, Mama. I understand but please hear me out."
"I know, Mitch. You did good. I have to go."
The phone hung up before Mitch could say anything. The cousin came to retrieve the phone making quick eye contact with Mitch then walked off.
"Mama, can you make her a bottle while you're in the kitchen? She getting all fussy." Lainey yelled from her seat on the sofa in the living room.
"Yeah, baby but you're gonna have to bring her formula! I don't have anymore here!" Hanna yelled back.
Lainey looked through her daughter's diaper bag for the can of formula. Once she had it, she carried it and her daughter to the kitchen. Benny pulled up in front of his mother's house and quickly jumped out of the car with Melissa. He pulled her in front of him then let them into the house.
"Mama! Lainey! Where yall at?" He yelled frantically as he walked through the foyer.
Hanna laughed a little, "We're in the kitchen and stop yelling."
Benny pulled Melissa along with him, when he got to the kitchen he hugged his sister and his mama then kissed his niece's head.
Lainey stared at him strangely and laughed, "Boy what is wrong with you? You squeezing the life outta us."
"Something is going down, it's not safe." He explained quickly. "Mama Rose called to warn me. I'm sure it's about what happened earlier."
Lainey and Hanna shared a look then looked at him. "What did you do, Benjamin?"
Melissa stepped forward. "He was protecting me, Ms. Hanna. Veronica sent the Malones after me and Benny beat him up so now he's pissed."
The black van carrying Sandy and his cousins pulled up slowly in front of the two story home. Inside Sandy readied his gun but kept fumbling.
"You sure you got this? We can do it."
Sandy glared at his cousin. "I don't need help. I got this. You just sit back and watch. I'm gonna take all of them out."
Oliver finished with his task, set up the disposal and went to get cleaned up before going to meet with Charles. He met the president elect in his home office.
"I take it that it's taken care of," Charles said smoothly turning side to side in his office chair.
"Yes sir, of course. She's being disposed of as we speak."
Charles smiled. "Did you save what I asked you to save?"
"Yes sir," Oliver said proudly, "Packaged, sealed and ready to go."
"Good, good. I want to be in Savannah tonight. I like to deliver my good news in person."
Oliver nodded pulling his phone out. "I can make that happen in the next thirty minutes. If I can ask, sir. May I make a personal stop during this trip to Savannah? It won't take long."
Charles leaned back in his chair relaxing, his smile still on his face. "Somce you did such a good job, I'll allow it. What is the stop?"
"I just wanna check in on a friend of mine. She had a baby not too long ago and I haven't been able to see the baby yet."
"You got a girlfriend and a baby, Oliver? Hiding things from me?"
Oliver quickly looked up from his phone laughing, "No, sir. Of course not. Me and her have been friends for years, nothing like that. She's actually Hanna's daughter."
Charles raised a brow, "Alaina? She anything like her sister?"
"No, not at all. If she was, we wouldn't be friends. She's a good girl who doesn't take anybody's shit," Oliver laughed going back to his phone, "She is definitely her mother's child. She loved to fight growing up."
"I think I'd like to make this stop with you."
Oliver glanced at him for a moment then back to his phone. "That's fine with me, sir. But I have to warn you, she is in a relationship."
Charles chuckled. "I just wanna meet her. Nothing else."
"Yes sir of course. We will be ready to take off in about twenty minutes. I'll have a bag prepared for you. "
"Thank you, Oliver. Let Landen know you and Ramsey will be the only ones accompanying me. He is to stay here and make sure that the house gets packed up correctly."
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writingkeepsmewhole · 4 years
Snow In The Dark
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This is a new fic. I was gonna make it one shot but it’s already waaaaaaay to long to be a one shot so a fic it is haha. This is gonna follow the movies with some other stuff mixed in I hope yall like it and as always let me know what you think.
Fic Summary: Snow has never known who she was. Being raised in the streets made her strong but lonely. That changed when she met Jack them becoming as close as sisters. She thought she found her family. That all changes when she crashes on a planet with only one rule. Stay in the light.
Part Summary:Snow survives the crash of the ship. Her perplexed by the most dangerous passenger.
Riddick x OC Snow
Warnings: Language I think that’s it. 
Let me know if you want to be tagged :P
I woke up to everything shaking around me and alarms blaring in my ears. My eyes fly open searching for what was going on. I couldn’t get my answer because I was thrown out of the chamber I was in.
I smack into the floor rolling out of the way just in time for my chamber to be ripped off from the ship.
I grab the nearest thing I can keeping me from getting sucked out with the debris of the crash. The ship slides to a halt, everyone else being flung out of their sleeping chambers as well.
I could hear people talking, yelling for one another but I didn’t think about that. Jack was my only priority.
Pushing myself up from the floor I did a scan of the room not seeing her anywhere.
“Jack!” I yell my head pounding from the action or from smacking into the floor.
I step over fallen parts of the ship calling her name. Stumbling towards the ladder leading a floor down I take it, my gut telling me to go in that direction.
“Jack! Where are you?” I call out walking through the dark underbelly of the ship. It was where the storage was kept.
I stop in my tracks when a man is standing there. Him only dressed in a black tank top, cargo pants and boots.
I know who he is recognizing him as the prisoner on the ship. The cuffs and bit in his mouth tell me that. Fear settles in my stomach making me stay frozen in place.
He looks at me, well in my direction. He cocks his head to the side, and takes a deep breath as if he was smelling the air. Then in a swift movement he turns and disappears into the darkness of the ship.
I take a shaky breath and turn to go back up the ladder just glad he didn't try to kill me. I start digging through the rubble my heart starts to pick up at the fear of not finding her. Seeing a tuned over chamber I move to it pull the door open watching my baby sister roll out of it unharmed.
“So something went wrong I guess.” She says looking up at me.
“Yeah you could say that.” I say chuckling, helping her to stand up.
“Are you okay?” I ask looking her over.
“Yeah I think so.” She says looking down her own body.
“What about you?”
“Just a bump on the head.” I say reaching up to touch where my head made contact with the floor.
Hearing a scream we both quickly move in that direction finding the group of survivors around the two co pilots.
The one with the bar in his chest I couldn’t remember the name of but the other one was Carolyn I think.
“Everyone out.” She crokes out looking at her dying friend.
“Come on Jack.” I say touching her shoulder.
She turns to look at me with sadness in her eyes. I smile at her and pull her outside with me. As we walk outside I realize that the prisoner was tied up to a metal beam.
I wonder how Johns found him and got him secured so fast.
“You better be careful around him.” Says the man I was just thinking about him standing right in front of me.
I jump and look up at him as Jack walks outside with the others.
“He’s tied up and I’m all the way over here. I don’t think he can hurt me.” I say, not fully believing what I said but was there really a need to be scared of a man who was tied up.
Johns chuckles and turns to walk outside.
I turn to look back at the man tied up. With the others either out of the ship or too far away to notice I take a step closer to him.
I wasn’t normally the one testing my luck, I wasn’t the one that was attracted to the dangerous guy yet I found myself being pulled to a man I didn’t even know the name of.
I moved slowly like a child sneaking to get something that wasn’t allowed to have. I froze and took a breath when I watched him once again cock his head in my direction.
‘I’m not even moving, can he smell me or something?’ I think looking at him.
He huffs out a deep breath and sits up as straight as he can. I get the impression he is telling me that he is somehow the boss even if he’s the one in chains.
“Snow!” Jack calls, making me jump and spin around to face her.
“You gotta come see this.” She says waving me outside.
“Coming.” I say following her out of the ship.
I step out into the desert. It is hot, the air thick making each breath seem heavy.
“So much for going someplace nice.” I say following my little sister on top of the ship.
On top of it gives me the vantage of the rest of the ship. It’s pieces scattered behind where we crashed landed making me realize just how lucky we were to make it out alive.
I turn my head when I hear someone climbing up the ladder. It was Carolyn.
“We were gonna make a search party and look for the others until we saw this.” Sharon says, talking about the destroyed ship.
“Could be worse we could be in that.” I say pointing at it to remember the feeling of the hot air zooming past me.
“Hell I almost was.” I say earning a worried look from Jack.
“Relax, I'm harder to kill than that.” I say smiling and winking at her.
She smiles back and nods her head.
I take a deep breath and sigh.
“It’s already so hot out here.”
“Yesit doesn't help that we are breathing at a higher altitude.” The guy with glasses says.
“Feels like I’m breathing with one lung.” Sharon says, making me nod.
“Well considering we made it out of that alive and on a planet with ozanage I’m counting us as lucky.” Zeak says.
“Yeah this beast wasn’t meant to land like this so you did a pretty good job.” Sharon says looking over at Carolyn.
“Yeah thanks for saving out dicks.” Jack says patting her shoulder.
I giggle and turn to head back down the ladder. Laughing at my sister's attempt to sound manly.
“Alright I’m going to find some shade.” I say taking another deep breath and head back down to the ground.
Walking around the ship ready to go back in I stop when John’s is in front of me. 
I don’t get a chance to say anything, his hand coming up to smack me hard across the face. Gasping I stumble away from him holding my cheek.
“What the hell?” I ask looking at him.
“You let him the fuck go that’s what!” He says towering over me.
“What are you talking about?”
“Riddick I left you alone with him and now he is gone. I’m not dumb I know you fucking let him go.”
“I didn’t touch him, why would I let him go?”
“I don’t know you fucking tell me. Maybe you got the hots for him or maybe you know him.” He glares at me, almost shaking.
“I think you should go sit down, the heats got to your head.” I say moving to head back inside, him stopping me by grabbing my arm.
Clenching my jaw I look at him.
“Let me go.”
“Or what?” He asks, leaning down so our faces our inches apart.
“You don’t scare me Johns. But if what you think about me is true that guy I got the ‘hots’ for might not like you touching me.” I say surprised when his hand falls from my arm.
“Guess we really know who's afraid of who.” I say walking into the darkness of the ship.
Shaking off the feeling of his touch I start digging through the wreckage trying to find something to drink.
That was a bust but the guy with the glasses Paris was his name, led us to his stash of antice liquor.
“I thought you had something to drink?” I ask watching as he hands a bottle to Johns.
“Yes these are very expensive drinks.
Sighing, I roll my eyes and turn to find my sister, her outside playing with Imam’s three boys. Me and him talking shortly before we boarded the ship. Him taking them on some journey for his god or something.
“You guys okay?” I call out to them running around playing tag.
“Yeah, we're cool.” Jack says smiling at me.
“Okay.” I say moving to sit in the shade.
“What happened to your lip?” Asks Sharon sitting next to me.
“The dick in uniform. Apparently I let Riddick go.”
“Well did you?”
“Nope.” I say shaking my head.
“We need to look for water.” Imam says walking up to me.
“What is there isn’t any?” Johns asks, coming from the ship.
“All deserts have water, you just have to look for it.”
“So are we just going to dig a hole till we find it?”
“That is an option but I was thinking we look for it on the surface first.”
“Well we need to look for Riddick as well.” Johns says leaning next to the ship right beside me.
I push myself up and move away from him not liking him close to me.
“Why? He’s got his freedom. Why would he come after us?”
“Yeah is he that dangerous?” Carolyn asks.
“Only around humans.” He says smirking.
“Well guess you're safe then.” I say earning a weird look from everyone.
“Look he’s a wanted killer he will slit your throat without even blinking. He’s not gonna go far, he's gonna stay close enough to know how we plan to get off this rock. If you don’t want my protection fine but don’t come at me with that-.”
“Okay enough.” Carolyn says holding her hands up.
“We look for Riddick, while we look for water.”
“I’m gonna stay back, bury the bodies.” Zeek says, making me nod. That is a nice thing to do.
“Can I come with you guys?” Jack asks joining our group.
“Jack we should stay with the ship.”
“But we can help. I don’t want to just wait here, it's boring.” She wines, making me roll my eyes.
“Fine, but we come back if I think we are getting too far away.”
“Deal.” She says smiling.
It doesn't take long to round up the few of us that are going. Sharon and Zeek stay back to fix what they can. Paris stayed as well, not one for adventures.
I get dragged by my teenage sister wanting to go where danger leads her. So we start our walk into the desert sweating as we go.
It doesn't take long to reach a cannon full of very large dead things. Only the skullingtons of them left.
“Is this whole planet dead?” Carolyn says, making me look at her.
“Well that’s real grim of you.” I say moving to walk down in it.
“Where are you going?” Johns barks at me.
“This many animals around this one area might be water around, use your brain.” I say earning a giggle from Jack.
I smile at her as we walk into the cancon. She quickly takes off ready to explore.
“Not too far.” I call after her, she throws her hand up as she disappears into the maze of bones.
Sighing I walk slowly feeling out of breath. Hearing footsteps behind me I glanced back at Johns looking at me.
I quickly start moving, losing him as fast as I can. It wasn’t that hard I was known for being sneaky.
I walked under the fallen body of whatever the creature was. It’s ribcage and spine laying up against a rock wall made a good amount of shade on the ground. With a breeze it was almost pleasant.
I started to sit down and rest till the sound of something dropping behind me made me freeze. I turn around slowly coming face to chest with Riddick.
He is easily a head or more taller than me, making me gulp. He looks down at me, his eyes blocked by his goggles.
Taking a step closer to me I move back. He almost smirks at him lifting his arms trapping me between him and the wall.
He leans down making me hold my breath as he runs his nose up my neck. Without thinking I lean my head back giving him access.
‘What are you doing Snow?’ I ask myself a shiver going over me as he lets out a breath, brushing my skin.
“Who might you be?” He asks, his voice low, rumbling through me.
“Snow. They call me Snow.” I say gulping.
“Snow.” He says rolling it around his mouth. Pulling away from me he levels himself so my eyes are staring into his goggles.
“So you're the big bad Riddick.” I state him lifting the corner of his mouth into a smile.
“Are you trying to get on my goodside?”
“If it means you leave me and Jack alone then yes.”
“I’m not interested in Jack as you. Hmm.” He says him humming lowly it deep in his throat making a heat pool in my stomach.
“It’s been a long time since I smelt beautiful.” He says making me blush.
“I just have one question.”
“Ask it.” I say hating how breathless I sounded.
“What are you?” 
“Human.” I say not understanding his question.
He lets out a breathy growl and shakes his head. Not like he thought I was lying or it was more like he was in disbelief of what I said.
But what kind of question was that? I was human as far as I knew. Is that what Johns mean earlier? He was only dangerous around humans. So he wasn’t human? He looked pretty human to me.
“Are you going to kill me? If so, get it over with.” I say hoping my brave loud mouth would impress him or at least throw him off his guard long enough not to kill me.
He chuckles slowly, lifting himself up a bit but still has me trapped.
“You're not afraid of me.” He states.
“Should I be?”
“Definitely.” He says smirking.
“You don’t seem that scary.”
He smiles and moves once again closer to me his nose an inch from mine.
“That’s because you're one my goodside.” He says making me take a breath.
Smiling, he straightens up, dropping his arms down to his sides. It was a simple move but for some reason I wished I could see it again. Riddick moving almost like a cat. He was fluid and smooth.
“You should go join the others.” He says and quickly pulls himself up disappearing into the heart of the beast we were under.
I stand there processing what just happened. I quickly realized what I could be scared, and turned on at the same time. 
Just one thing I didn’t get, what was the big deal about Riddick?
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
The Ties That Bind 12 of ???
Rei and I held hands as we emerged from the dark into--more dark. Zane had promised the  rsh  wasn’t as dim inside as it seemed, but I missed the sun. And I was grateful for Rei’s hand in mind as we moved through the tight press of netting and vines.
There was an uncanny beauty to it, this joining of intention of happenstance, a closeness that I might have found comforting if I hadn’t felt so stifled already. Rei’s hand seemed too thick and hot in mine, but I stuck close to him anyways, unnerved by the walls of the  rsh . They seemed to slither and switch, and it wasn’t until we rounded a corner back into the main room that I realized their movement came from the shifting shadows cast by a dancing flame.
Once a fire was lit in the central room, the entire space transformed. Where net and leaf began became much clearer, because the nets, I could now see, had once been bright, vibrant colors. Time had dulled them, and I could only imagine the brilliant jewels they must have once been, however long ago.
They say our peoples have been at war for over two thousand years.
They also say the falcon empress Cjarsa is older still than that.
It seems petty to doubt such magic when I myself have knit closed minor wounds with only the power of my voice and prayer. But surely, surely, some myths need not to be true. I didn’t want to believe our war was that old. And I didn’t know what to make of an empress that was supposed to remember a time we knew peace, but did next to nothing to help us return to it.
 Zane startled me from my thoughts, even as my mind played back the last few seconds and realized I had noticed my guards shift around me and had simply dismissed it. It wasn’t  Zane  startling me, it was the interruption from my introspection in general.
 “It’s eerie, isn’t it?” he asked, gazing at the wall and not me. “There’s a  rsh  just like this on the edges of the marketplace, with a central room just like this one, but...”
 He trailed off, dropping the hand he’d been reaching out to a broken twist of net. It amazed me how it still stood at all, and I said as much.
 “This one is more vine than net, I think,” he said carefully. “It takes time and patience to grow up walls like this. And even more to bring them back down.”
 I humphed under my breath.
 “Everyone keeps talking around me lately, in pretty metaphors--or obvious ones.”
 He turned wide eyes to me and I gave him back what I hoped was a single arched brow. It was a difficult expression to master, without screwing up the rest of my face to be comical. Apparently it was effective though, or Zane was being polite at my failure when he smiled with a soft shake of his head.
 “That one was for me, actually. If you feel the tearing down walls metaphor is apt for yourself as well, then hopefully it means we’ll be able to find more common ground before the week is out.”
 My stomach dropped at the reminder that I was expected to stay here, with him--and Rei--for an entire week. It had seemed like such a good idea at the farmhouse, staring into the triumphant face of Alasdair.
 “You said your dancers dance around the sign of the Anhleh,” I said, not caring how obviously I was changing the subject. “Do you think there’s one intact here, or...” I gestured lamely at the walls. Zane gave me another humoring smile.
 “This nest is dead, a relic. I’m afraid if you want to see serpiente dance before the Anhleh you’ll have to come back with me to sha’Mehay.”
 It was only my blood running cold that kept my cheeks from flushing. The terror at the thought of willingly entering the heart of the serpiente palace cooled any embarrassment at the thought that I might have been asking him to dance, here and now.
 You want to do this here, now? Rei’s voice echoed in my head and the blush won out. Zane chuckled.
 “Is the thought of merely watching others dance too much for you, pretty Danica? I knew hawks were prudes but--”
 “I’m not a prude!” I snapped, and instantly regretted it. Softer voices could be politely ignored in this close space. Quiet shouting could not.
 I felt Rei crowd closer behind me and suddenly wanted out of this hole in the ground.
 “Rei,” I ground from between my teeth, “you  cannot  hover over me all week. I meant what I said to Erica, and I’ll say it again to you too. I don’t need a soldier, I need a guard. Go fly a scouting circuit, see how obvious the smoke from that fire is above the trees.”
 It was almost certainly the wrong thing to say. But he met my orders with a tight, “Yes, Shardae,” and gave me the space I so desperately needed. Now if only I could order myself up and into the sun.
 Zane was studying my face, and didn’t have the manners to try to disguise it when I turned back to him. Or maybe it was a cultural thing. Maybe serpiente just openly stared at everyone. Either way, my emotions were too wrung out for niceties anymore. I’d spent the better part of a week either traveling or trapped in fruitless arguments, and I just needed a  break .
 “This is the most emotion I’ve ever seen from you,” Zane commented before I could speak. “It’s a shame it’s all tense and jagged like this. I have a feeling you’d have a lovely aura in more pleasant times.”
 At that, I could only blink.
 Zane did that sad smile, headshake thing that was definitely starting to seem like his go to cover up for laughing at me.
 “In our scaled form, serpents taste heat. Life. Alive-ness. Like this, I can still taste your heartbeat, smell the sticky sharp closeness of panic on the back of my tongue--“
 “That’s disgusting,” I said, nearly sick from the thought of it. How could serpiente stand to be so close to one another if they were so aware of each other’s bodies?
 “It’s a metaphor,” he said lightly, colder than he’d been a moment before. “We sense it with a sense that isn’t taste or smell or touch, but it's like trying to describe a song to the deaf. I can hold your hand, tap out the beats, but you still miss the soaring of the melody, the finer notes that make it music and not just sound.”
 I nodded, contrite at having offended him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend.”
 He sighed. “It’s quite alright. I can only imagine it will be the first of many.”
 Something about that made me unspeakably sad. So sad that it changed my “taste” apparently, because Zane reached out for me, to brush my arm I think. But of course Erica was there, and I finally lost my temper completely.
 I snatched Zane’s hand in mine, earning startled cries from everyone in the room, even Adelina. I raised our joined hands and shook them, like brandishing a weapon.
 “Zane and I are going to touch. Zane and I are going to be close, because Zane and I are  trying  to have private conversations. If one more person comes within a foot of me without my express invitation I am going to send them home. So help me I will sit in his lap if that’s what it takes to get you all to  stand down .”
 Abruptly, I became  aware  of the fact that I was holding Zane’s hand, that I had taken it without his permission, and that the whole room was staring at us. I squeezed his hand tighter, not knowing how to get off this metaphorical dias.
 Zane squeezed back.
 “It’d be almost worth it to call your bluff,” he muttered, but then said to the larger group, “Is there something we can do to help make you all more comfortable? Among my people, we have elaborate rules and traditions for guests, and I do consider you all my guests, even as I consider myself yours. In my house, I would offer you food and drink, and you would know that no harm would come to you unless violence was offered. What is the way of it in the Keep?”
 In the Keep, violence was absolutely unheard enough. We had enough of that on the fields, on the training grounds. There was no violence in the Keep because it was our refuge from such things.But that wouldn’t help us here.
 “We are held by our word,” Raymond said. I startled, almost having forgotten the quiet raven in the press of so many louder personalities. “Words spoken by or to the Tuuli Thea have power, real power, especially in the halls of our Keep. I do not know how such oaths would hold you, but it is what we would do, if we felt the need.”
 Zane nodded. “We have our own words, codes of conduct, contracts.” He turned to me, pulling our hands closer to our chests.
The Ties That Bind Tag list: @thehellinsideyourhead @therecouldbecolorsandlove @adventuresofacreesty @writing-with-melon @rainydaydarling
Raev’s Gen Tag List (should I tag you guys in this? It IS a thing I wrote. I’m gonna say yes unless you guys are like “no of course not we’re sick of hearing about your stupid fic for a twenty year old book XD)
No one has complained yet so yall gonna keep getting tagged :P
List is currently: @lordkingsmith @writinglyra @drbibliophile @mperialscribe @adie-dee @adie-dee @lexiklecksi @writinginslowmotion @raenawrites @apollon-arium @anika-writes
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cassyapper · 3 years
i wish to hear more about part 5 avdol 👀
i genuinely think avdol would become a good mentor figure for everyone in the buccigang, including and not limited to bruno and abbacchio. giorno and him are probably closest tho,,,but i also do like the idea of fugo and avdol being close cause i like to think fugo reminds avdol of himself when he was younger (this is more headcanony than canon stuff tho)
as for actual plot stuff and how avdol would affect it;;;;;; due to avdol’s competence, no one dies <3 sorry araki but nara bruno and abbacchio are alive now. I'm still trying to work out the details regarding how he could prevent bruno’s death tho. maybe bruno will still have to die but I'm thinking about it
ALSO bc of avdol’s influence i think fugo would hum and haw over if he should go with the bucci gang some more. i dont think he actually will tag along completely, BUT he doesnt just leave he just does some sniffing around from the inside. they’ll meet up again later rather than fugo tagging along from the beginning. like fugo is like “yall r crazy. let me do sum research and ill get back to you” and maybe fugo finds polnareff that way (lmfao could u imagine. pol gets kakyoin flashbacks)
lots of kakyoin flashbacks actually. this would really be a bone breaker if this is an au where kakyoin is still dead
ANYWAY. since I'm still not sure abt the details of avdol’s impact on the PLOT, lemme get into character dynamics
giorno: big mentor figure, probably steals some (a lot) of bruno’s thunder in this regard. giorno just rlly respects him and avdol acknowledges giorno is a very hardworking kiddo (which giorno appreciates). i imagine he grows very fond of him throughout the events of va. idk if it would ever cross the line of mentor-protegee to father-son but regardless they're rlly close and giorno values his opinions a lot when he becomes the don even tho avdol says he doesnt wanna be involved in mafia business (and he doesnt but he cares more about the well being of his kids ie the buccigang than staying away from organized crime)
fugo: fugo is like a crazy thrashing dog that is going insane and yet never turns to nip at its owner who is holding it back (in this case that is avdol). yea i imagine avdol and fugo have a good relationship Eventually but it takes fugo some time understandably to accept/warm up to it cause of his issues with authority figures and how they've done him dirty before. avdol is nothing if not a patient man tho and i imagine fugo eventually comes to rlly trust him which is why he decides to squirrel around to get buccigang some info on the inside of the gang rather than disembark completely
narancia: nara would be as hostile as he can be at first i feel like cause he might think avdol is trying to replace bruno but once he learns avdol is a) not in the gang and will never be in the gang he’s not trying to take anyone’s position and b) sees BRUNO warm up 2 avdol, he accepts him very fast. it’s like a switch flipped it’s v sudden and intense change in demeanor. avdol is kinda surprised but like he’ll take it. avdol thinks nara is very funny and he helps him out w schooling when fugo is gone. avdol also listens to nara’s music w him and gives him recommendations which narancia is SUPER HAPPY ABT cause no one was willing to talk music with him before (indulge him and let HIM talk abt it yes, but never respond in turn and have a conversation before). nara loves avdol and avdol loves him in return. fun family (:
mista: hmm i cant see mista and avdol being suuuper close?? at least not at first but they def get along. but when avdol gets comfortable enough w the buccigang to do his funky fun smartass stuff sometimes (like how he was during the judgement fight) mista and him get a LOT closer. mista thinks avdol is the funniest man on the planet and they can have good talks. avdol is a good person to think out loud with which i think mista kinda needs. also I'm sure avdol is enamored with the sex pistols. not many stands can even talk yet these lil guys have outright personalities of their own. avdol joins mista during feeding time just cause he’s rlly intrigued by these lil guys. mista was a little weirded out at first but since warming up to avdol he doesnt mind (:
trish: HIS DAUGHTER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s got the age, he’s got the kindness, he’s got the patience, he’s got the respect, HE!!!!!! IS. HER DAD NOW. avdol might've laid the sympathy on a little too thick when they first met so trish might not have liked him much at first, but he notices she’s rlly stressed out and talks her thro it/lets her speak her mind which is rlly nice. trish hasn't ever had anyone prompt her to lose her shit before helping her to piece back together again but tis nice. when trish is supposed to be dropped off with diavolo, she actually hugs avdol (: also when trish awakens spice girls u BET avdol is rooting her on and helping her get more comfortable w her stand. avdol is thinks spice girls is rlly fuckin cool and combined w spice girls and avdol’s guidance, trish actually gets rlly handy at using her stand. pls imagine magician’s red and spice girls just chilling. thanks. anyway if avdol were to legally adopt ANYONE in the buccigang it would be trish. trish lives w him after va
abbacchio: i don't think avdol and abbacchio would be besties but bruno trusts him and narancia likes him so i think abbacchio wouldn't hate him despite them first meeting bc of giorno lolol. so like they're civil but i cant imagine their interactions getting warmer until after avdol tags along when they split up from the gang. abbacchio is like “why tf r u even still here” and avdol is like “YOURE the oldest here and ur only 21 u need an actual adult. no but i just wanna watch over the kids and make sure they're safe” abbacchio respects that. also avdol encouraging trish to train w spice girls is why trish is able to keep abbacchio from getting a fist through the torso (she makes him rubbery as spice girls can do so he can withstand the punch king crimson gives him) and he's kinda grateful bc of that to both abbacchio And trish. uhh yeah. lol. also avdol has good taste in wine which abbacchio can respect
bruno: FINALLY the man himself. for a long time he is just politely friendly towards avdol cause idk if bruno would know how to deal w someone who would be more likely to be a mentor to Him rather than vice versa but as avdol and him spend more time together and watch over the kiddos and abbacchio together they get more comfortable. idk if they’d ever get close close but bruno can rely on avdol and he does during the final fight. when they come out victorious bruno kinda promises him he’ll always have a home in italy if he needs anywhere to rest it’d be sweet (: avdol in turn would say if ur ever in egypt just ask around and u’ll find me
anyway uhhhhh yeah. i hope u enjoyed reading all this fjkdnjc;n i just think. avdol is very loveable and very cool and he would've added a lot to part 5 in my opinion,,,,
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ditch-witches · 4 years
Farmer’s Son - Dean Charles-Chapman x reader
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Ivanna, I love you. Thank you for always hyping up our stuff and BLESSING us with your amazing artistic talents.
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request: (jfc yall)
"I would do literally anything for more farm dean (can we eventually get a cute wedding? Take it slow tho dw)”
“I would kill for farmer's daughter part 3.”
“Okay wow I love Majesty it’s amazing but can you please give us some more farm Dean!! Love y’all!”
“Aight so can we pleaseee get another part for farmer’s daughter cause I never knew I needed farmer Dean in my life prior to that”
“Please give us farm/country Dean part 3 IT MAKES ME SO SOFT🥺🥰 They need to get married at some point sksksk”
“I’m the one who requested farm boy Dean and whew boy you guys did not disappoint! IT WAS SO GOOD."
warnings: ?language? 
word count: ~4000
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You furrowed your brows as you looked over the field of workers, tilling the dark earth beneath the hot summer sun. The living room radio was cranked up loud enough that the lulling tones of the singer could be heard from your front porch, mixing in with the calming noise of the wind-chime and cicadas in the trees. The scent of summer wafted through your hair with the same wind swirling through the chime, playing it as if it were a musician. The warmth of the sun settled against your exposed skin as you marched out to the field, throwing your hat over your wild hair. The cooler you were lugging behind you was nearly reminiscent of when your mother forced you to apologize to the men for your manners when now, it seemed that you could be wearing a winter coat and she’d nearly faint in embarrassment. Still, you were greeted with bright smiles and the welcoming of the refreshments. 
You tucked your hands into your back pockets, searching the small crowd of college boys almost too dirty to be recognized. The offset chorus of sentiments and thankfulness blended into the wind in your ears. “He’s not here today,” one of the boys you knew from high school piped up beside you, leaning against his trow and following your eyes towards the horizon over the field. You moved your head to look in his direction, perking an eyebrow as you did so. He ran one of his grimy hands through his sandy hair, taking a deep breath of the summer air you were also admiring a few minutes prior. 
You chuckled lightly. “Well, don’t write a novel, sparky,” you joked, making him snicker, a small gleam in his eyes as he looked at you fully this time. 
“Apologies, ma’am. Dean took up another shift at the station. He needs the money before he heads back soon,” he disclosed, his hand moving to rub at the nape of his neck. You felt your heart drop three stories into hell at his words. 
You wet your lips, searching his eyes. “Soon?” 
He nodded. “Didn’t he tell you? His mom sent him a letter or something.” You shook your head, thanking him for the information and handing him one of the drinks from the cooler, your mind racing at what soon meant. How soon? Next week? In a few days? Tomorrow? What happened to summer? You parted ways with the men, tying your hair back and deciding that waiting for him to get off work would eat you alive before you got the opportunity to figure out what was happening. 
It seemed as if your bike wasn’t quick enough to keep up with your legs and pacing heart. The vast cornfields and wildflowers you regularly would have stopped to enjoy, zipped passed your ankles alongside the gravel road into town. Your chest tightened at the thought of him leaving so soon after you had so much planned for these few precious months you had the opportunity to spend with him. 
The reality of the situation was that you both were getting older. Soon, at least by your mother’s standards, you’d need to be settled and on the road to having children before your life completely passed by your ears. There were only so many summer vacations you could enjoy before you were tied into a job or a family. It was only a matter of time before you’d be looking back on these summers and wishing you could curl back up beneath the large willow trees, pressed against Dean’s side after a long day. When you were old and harsh like your mother, would you regret it if Dean wasn’t the man you were spending the rest of your life with? Did he even feel the same about you, or were you still a summer fling to him? 
Your throat tightened at that thought. Were you becoming too attached when he had his own separate life back home, with no intention of blending you into it? The idea of him with another woman that wasn’t you boiled your blood. Yet, you still skittered on the edge of whether or not your father would even allow the two of you to be together. 
Who were you kidding? You were on your mother’s timeline, it didn’t matter if you wanted to marry him tomorrow. Maybe you could convince yourself that there was still time. Your fears seemed to wash away into the cracks of the sidewalk as you pulled up to the gas station, tucking your bike into the rack beside the front door and greeting the few cars of townspeople you recognized. You were now on a mission, your mind almost blank with everything else. The handful of Cadillacs full of couples in swimsuits that you had familiarized yourself with in school attempted light conversation with you as you vaguely surveyed the station before finally spotting Dean. His dark jumpsuit was, of course, already filthy as he wiped his hands on a towel, in mid-conversation with another mechanic. Your heart felt heavy looking at him again, as if you were seeing him for the first time again. His bright eyes turned to you as if he had sensed your presence, his smile brightening at your appearance as he headed for you.
You fought your blush as you excused yourself from the group and walked to meet him half-way. His usual dapper mood was still prevalent as he stood before you, seemingly pleased that you were there to see him. “Hey, I’d kiss you but-” He began but your impatience and slightly distraught expression sent his brows furrowing. He seemed hesitant to ask you what was wrong, like he knew what you’d chased him down for. He pulled his bottom lip between his gleaming teeth, tucking the towel in his back pocket. 
“I heard you’re leaving soon,” you mumbled, fidgeting with your fingers. You wanted to reach out and touch him despite his begrimed appearance. It was almost your new normal now: not seeing him covered in dirt or grease was almost foreign to you. You fought against begging him to stay with you rather than go back again, or at least take you with him as his curious eyes blueprinted your appearance into his memory. “What kind of soon are we talking?” 
Dean sighed regretfully, looking over his shoulder and gesturing at one of his co-workers before taking one of your hands lightly and stepping into the small station. The one-room business was empty and nearly pristine, evident that only tourists passed in whereas the locals knew not to step foot near it. “I was going to tell you, I just didn’t know how to. This is probably going to be my last summer here.” You inhaled sharply, attempting to keep your noises of upset to yourself as his eyes saddened, the blue hue deepening. Is this how he felt when you left for school? At least there was a promise you’d be back. “My mum’s getting old and I’ll have to take over soon.” Your mind raced at his words. It seemed like he was finally back in your life and now he was leaving. This time for good. 
Despite your fast track mind trying to figure out how to sneak into his trunk and force him to take you with him, you couldn’t think of what to say to him. “When?” Was all you could manage. 
“Next week.” His words were soft and apologetic. You felt guilty for making him feel like this. You understood; if you were in his shoes you would be doing the same. You looked away from him, blinking towards the ceiling in an attempt to hide your blurring vision, misting by your budding tears. You swallowed harshly, stepping away from him and shaking off your sadness. “Hey,” Dean called for you gently, his hand reaching to touch your wrist to turn you towards him. The way you led into his closeness seemed to make him forget about not wanting to dirty your appearance. He settled his hands alongside your jaw, forcing you to make eye contact with him. You relaxed into his touch almost instantly, your eyes fluttering shut against the stinging tears threatening to fall. His calloused thumb brushed against your cheek. “Just because it’s my last summer doesn’t mean I won’t come back for you if you’ll let me,” his words were like a warm embrace of their own. You sighed and locked eyes with him, hoping to keep the memory of their brightness in the back of your mind. He pulled you closer to him, his lips hovering over yours with a softness like you were a rare flower he was struggling not to crush in his fist. You let your eyes drift shut against the blissful feeling of his breath fanning against your cheek before he pressed his lips against yours, the mix of sadness and worry bleeding away from your mind as the gesture seemed to tell you not to fret over the future anymore. 
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The bell above the general store rang into the cool air, breaking the silence in the small shop. You untied the scarf around your head as you stepped towards the cashier’s counter, vaguely thinking of back home when you’d usually be greeted by someone you’d grown up with or someone who’d babysat a friend of yours. The man behind the counter stood up straighter, tucking away the magazine he was skimming and attempting to take in your appearance. You felt like a foreigner in the desert as you stood before him. He was rather tall, with clean overalls strapped over his shoulders. “Can I get a fill up?” You asked, gesturing towards your car parked outside. The man raised his eyebrows before nodding and following you outside. “Do you mind if I wait beside you? I’ve been driving all day,” you added as he flipped open your gas lid and began filling your car. You peered around the two of you, taking in the scenery. This part of England wasn’t much different from your hometown, yet it still felt like you had wound up in an alternate reality. 
“What are you doing across the pond, miss?” The man asked, his eyes quizzing your every move. 
You gave him a small smile, slightly nervous. “I’m visiting my boyfriend actually. He lives down the road, or so I think. I’m kind of lost to be honest...” you mumbled the last part more to yourself as you fished the small scrap of paper out of your pocket with Dean’s address scribbled down. The man gestured slightly, asking if he could take a look and you shrugged, flashing the paper to him. His eyes lit up with recognition and a small chuckle. Before you knew it, the two of you were leaning over the truck of your car with your road map spread out beneath you both, the man explaining the twists and turns on how to get to the house, and you scribbling down a few words to get you out of the woods. 
He closed your car door for you after you climbed in. “Remember, left at the fork, two rights, another left-” 
“And around the bend,” you finished with a grin to match his. “Thank you for your help.”
“Thank me with an invite to the wedding. They’ve been trying to get that boy married off for years!” He jested before sending you on your way. The run-in with the shopkeeper took your mind off the stroke of nervousness that seemed to rattle around in your chest with each turn in the road. You turned up the radio in hopes that your mind would wander away and stay there until you were in front of the man again. After Dean had left, the distance between the two of you was once again agony in a way you’d never have expected it to be on that first day of summer when you met him. You felt like a crazy person as you slowly checked off your list of directions. What were you doing? What if he didn’t want you here? What if he’s moved on? 
You finally made it past the last bend, your hands clammy as your eyes drifted between the road and the scrap of paper once again, looking for the correct numbers. The paper looked about as thin and crumpled as your mental state as you finally spotted a small house surrounded by cherry trees. A school bus sat in front of the driveway and as you grew closer, there he was. Dean stood in front of the door with a young boy clinging to his hand. Dean looked as if he were talking to an old friend, which you weren’t the least bit shocked at. His ability to hold conversations with anyone and everyone was almost annoying to you, but now seeing him like this, it was charming. Then something had been said involving the boy, who shied away, hiding behind one of Dean’s legs. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, attempting to remember who the kid could have been. Surely he wasn’t Dean’s.
Dean chuckled and knelt down beside the kid and murmured a few words before the child nodded at him and stepped onto the bus. Dean smiled and waved at whoever the bus driver had been as the vehicle took off. You opened your door and stepped out, catching Dean’s attention. He furrowed his brows as if trying to place you in a setting so far away from what you were used to. He’d cut his hair again, his nose slightly red from the colder air, making his eyes nearly crystal. You wet your lips, unsure of your next move. “Is he yours?” You asked. It seemed like his mind had finally allowed him to recognize that it was indeed you standing at the edge of his yard. 
He shook his head. “My brother’s. First day of year one, you know.” He gestured in the direction the bus had gone with a small smile. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he stated, taking a few steps towards you. You looked at your feet mildly in embarrassment, realizing how out of left field it was to just show up unannounced halfway across the world. He leaned against your car, stuffing his hands in his jacket pocket. A flannel shirt peeked out from beneath his dark coat, you noticed. The yellow and red leaves around the two of you seemed so out of place compared to the summer flowers and bright blue skies. 
You cleared your throat. “I’m sorry for just showing up…” 
He scoffed softly, a smile creeping across his lips. “I’m not.” You forced yourself to make eye contact with him, his excited expression warming your heart and reaching your nearly frozen fingertips. He stood up and wrapped himself around you, digging his face into the crook of your neck and breathing deeply. You let the tension from the last few months evade your body as you tucked your hands around his waist, yearning to touch the softness of his flannel. You weren’t sure how it was possible, but Dean still smelled like the summer sun was settling against his skin. He moved to kiss your cheek, and you met him with a chaste kiss against his lips. You relaxed against his touch. 
“I met your friend at the gas station,” you hummed, turning to look at him. His mouth twisted into a smirk as a flash of disbelief beckoned behind his eyes. “He was very nice.”
Dean laughed. “Yeah, I’m sure he was.” He knotted your fingers with his and pulled you towards the small house, placing a kiss to the back of your hand as you continued up the pathway. The home spelled like apple pie and warmth that only a full house in fall could protrude. “Wait, I just remembered,” he stopped you after you both were in the house, discarding a layer or two to hang on the coat tree in the corner. You gave him a tilted expression of worry. “Are you okay with meeting my mom?” You were taken aback slightly with a grin but before you could answer, a woman’s voice beckoned from another room around the corner. Your smile widened and you nudged him in that direction. 
The woman that had called for Dean was stout, with short hair and a kind face which was furrowed in concentration as she bustled around the stove, nursing a freshly made apple pie. “How’d he do? Did he get on the bus okay?” She asked, her expressions still focused on the task at hand. Dean cleared his throat, making her eyes snap up towards the two of you as Dean stepped out of the way between you and his mother. He put a hand on your shoulder, introducing you to her with a rather proud smile on his face. Her hand was warm and inviting as she greeted you after a moment of hesitation. Her sights flashed between Dean and you, as if asking him to pinch her. She smiled brightly as Dean wrapped an arm around your shoulders, recounting how he found you digging through the trash like a raccoon, making you roll your eyes and shrug his arm off playfully. It seemed like a click of time went by before she was shooing Dean outside to join the rest of the boys gathering leftover cherries. She looped her arm around yours, dragging you towards the back porch and offering you a seat. 
You smiled to yourself, a rush of memories flooding from the back of your mind as Dean caught your eye. He played bashful, smirking at you from his position on a ladder beside a man that looked almost exactly like him. His cheeks were already a deeper red from the cooler temperature. It seemed like just yesterday you were perched on your own rocking chair, hungry to catch a glimpse of the new farmhand with dark curly hair and bright eyes. His smile was a carbon copy from the first time you met him, yet this time it seemed he looked at you with a sense of content as he watched his mother take to you so easily. “I’m not surprised you showed up here finally.” The woman broke the echo of calming silence that had settled between the two of you. You turned to her in your chair, pulling your eyes away from Dean. “He never shuts up about you. His brother thought you were fake to be honest,” she joked, making you chuckle lightly. “I’m glad you’re not,” she winked. You gave her a small smile before looking out towards the orchard again. 
“I’m sorry to impose, really,” you apologized, a pang of worry thundering in your chest. 
She scoffed. “Please! We were bound to meet sometime anyway,” she gestured towards Dean lightly. “Figured he’d ask you at some point.” Her comment was set at an ease you didn’t think your mother could ever have been at. Her welcoming calmness was comforting to you.
Still, you wet your lips cautiously. “Speaking of that, I actually wanted to talk to you,” you chewed. She put her glasses on top of her head, her eyes searching yours much like Dean’s had so many times before. “I was wondering if I could get your blessing. I want to marry Dean.” You held your breath as she blinked at you. Her eyebrow quirked up and she settled back in her chair with a sly smirk painted across her thin lips. 
“I had to ask his father to marry me, you know? Those Chapman boys,” she sighed. “Where would they be without us.” You scoffed, shocked at her statement. She turned to grin at you before answering her own question. “Probably dying alone, right?” You chuckled lightly. She patted your hand, which rested on the edge of your rocker. “From what I’ve heard, you’re perfect for Dean. I don’t think I could have picked better for him.” You sighed in relief, your nervousness and unsettled stress had finally subsided with her words. 
You waited until the sun had set, spending the day getting to know Dean’s family and attempting to understand the cherry farming business when you barely understood your own father’s crops. Dean’s nephew had nearly jumped into the house after he had finally been released from school for the day; the family members around welcomed him like he had been off to war. Members of the small community in town had shown up at the door bearing casseroles and pies, a tradition for fall nights like this one which you figured you could get used to. And before you knew it, you and Dean were perched side-by-side on the back steps, looking out over the orchard to gaze at the stars overhead. You snuggled up against Dean’s side as he looped an arm around yours, his eyes twinkling with the light from the moon. One of his thumbs absent-mindedly slipped into your sleeve to rub against your wrist. You were beat from the events of the day, or maybe just your ridiculous nerves skyrocketing up and down, but finally you could say you were at peace. You were right where you’d want to be, for as long as you could be. 
You cleared your throat mildly. “Dean, will you marry me?” You asked, seemingly into the dark void of the night, rather than to the man braided into you. He shifted slightly to look at you, making you sit up a bit straighter. 
A cocky grin spread across his face. “I thought you’d never ask,” he jested, making you shove his shoulder and send him into a small giggle fit. “I’m joking,” he breathed, pecking your lips gently. “I’ll marry you if you marry me,” he added. 
You shook your head at his petulant jinxing. “All right, then it’s settled,” you responded. 
“Is there some kind of dowry or do I take you for free?” He taunted with another giggle. 
“I take it back,” you groaned sarcastically. He laughed harder, pulling you closer to him to seal the moment in a kiss. 
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