dadaromance-azi · 4 months
Osuke wearing his dad's old drip
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I tried to replicate Kishimoto's style as much as I could ^^
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His family's reaction.
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yamazakura-shinden · 2 days
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Violet flames scorch the once-usually quiet woods of the Land of Fire. A boy stands amidst the chaos, heaving and desperately trying to catch his breath. He leans against a lone tree in the embers. The boy's- Osuke- pale skin is littered with bruises and scratches from head to toe. His cherry blossom pink hair is matted and messy. Long and soft locks ruffled in all directions.
"How did it come to this?" Osuke bitterly asks himself. The soul-crushing guilt clouds his judgment. His gloved hands tremble in fear. The pink-haired boy loses control over his chakra-enhanced strength snapping the tree in half with a single curl of his fingers.
Before Osuke can calm himself down, the clearing just a few yards away erupts in a giant mass of light, stunning him in the process. The mass destruction before his eyes is none other than the works of a Bijuu Bomb- something only tailed beasts can create. "No." Realization dawns upon the pinkette. Be wastes no time to dash in the opposite direction and pushes himself to run as fast as possible.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO!" Osuke chants to himself as he begins to feel even more distressed by the second. His breath is uneven and shallow, the stinging from his wounds sharpens, but he cannot stop running. He needs to get back to his friends- Suisen and Suzume. The former is badly injured and unconscious with only Suzume there to keep him away from the clutches of The Hidden Leaf Village, also known as Konoha.
Osuke maneuvers through the burning forest and swiftly jumps from one tree branch to the next while carefully avoiding the purple flames. His mind is only filled with images of his struggling friends, too preoccupied with them to notice the terrifying beast looming over his petite form. The beast is nothing, but a shapeless shadowy mass with a pair of lifeless white eyes. Despite being at least 20 times the size of its unassuming prey, its form is still incomplete and is a mere fragment of the Zero Tails.
A cold and disturbing chakra takes over Osuke's senses. The chakra is enormous and overwhelming enough to force the pink-haired teen to stop dead in his tracks. His battered and worn out body tenses and he slowly turns around to meet the animalistic gaze of his hunter. Before Osuke can get a better look at the shadowy creature, he's suddenly thrown into the chaos.
The ground splits open, and trees and massive chunks of the terrain fly across the scene. White hot pain swiftly spreads throughout the rogue ninja's body. The agony is an understatement to the pain he feels after the beast cleaves more than half of his left arm, leaving a small chunk of his upper arm intact, and splits his abdomen open.
"That was quite painful, wasn't it?"
There it was again. That obnoxious voice in his head.
"Although.. I'm quite curious about what happened next." The voice made its presence known seven or so months ago. At first, Osuke was startled and thought he'd gone mad after that terrible night almost 2 years ago from today.
"Well, well, well! Aren't you being uncharacteristically chatty and nosey today?" He sassily remarked, already used to the voice in his head. They had a strangely comforting and calm tone, but also baritone and weary.
"Seeing that I'm all alone in this dark place with so little to do to entertain myself, it's only natural to make use of what little I have."
The mysterious voice tried to reason, but he didn't buy it all.
"This is the fourth time you tried to pry into my memories!"
"And I failed every single time thanks to your freakish inner self!"
Another useless attempt to defend themselves regardless of whether they were in the wrong or not.
"It is as if he's your guard dog to your subconscious."
They crudely commented.
His inner self chimed in as if he heard the half-hearted insult thrown by the disembodied voice.
Inner roared in fury.
"There he goes again barking like a feral beast.."
They sighed tiredly. Something which Osuke's father did quite often at his childish antics from a time that was just a distant and bittersweet memory for him.
The pink-haired young man's inner self cracked his gloved knuckles.
"Wait! Keep your hands off of me, you brat!"
Osuke grimaced. While those two were getting into petty fights, he tried to concentrate on concealing his chakra signature. He didn't want to be caught in a place heavily guarded by Hidden Leaf ninja. The rouge ninja meant to contact Orochimaru, but the only way to do that was to personally visit him.
It has been proven to be confusing and arduous to navigate in Orochimaru's hideout. The corridors were long, seemingly endless, their walls were adorned by serpentine patterns. The dim lighting illuminated by the few torches scattered around didn't help much. The interior was unironically befitting of the Snake Sannin.
"How the hell can Orochimaru work in such poor lighting?" Osuke wondered while he blindly sneaked into the darkness of the underground lair.
His silent musings were interrupted by a foreign chakra signature emanating down the dim hallway. The signature belonged to a Leaf Jonin patrolling the area. The young man unsheathed his tanto knife from its simple yet elegant sheathe attached to his thigh. The blade had a deep crimson color and the type of the hamon was kaen. Osuke planned on incapacitating the jonin quietly from behind. All he needed to do was plunge the glinting blade deep into his jugular and hide the body.
"Wait! Don't kill the guard. You might raise suspicion which will make it harder for you to come back here."
Osuke's disembodied companion interjected before he could act on his malicious intentions.
"Then what do you propose to do instead? I doubt you have any better ideas."
"As a matter of fact, I do."
​Meanwhile, a certain sannin tirelessly worked on making a breakthrough with an unknown substance that was brought to him recently. Orochimaru's golden eyes narrowed at the petri dish infront of him. Despite all the acids and bases along with the most powerful catalysts he has thrown at it, the contents inside remained all the same. In other words: no reaction whatsoever. Orochimaru had never come across any element incapable of reacting. The only acid didn't use yet was Fluoroantimonic acid, also known as the deadliest acid in the world.
The snake sannin's gaze lingered on the small glimmering chunks in the petri dish. They resembled familiar and commonly used elements yet also had an otherworldly appearance. As if they came from the distant stars themselves.
Suddenly, the sharp blade of a tanto was pressed against his throat. The cold steal against his jugular was held by Osuke Uchiha himself. Orochimaru easily recognized his chakra due to meeting many members of the Uchiha clan in the past. No matter how unique and distinguished their signatures were, they always shared one common characteristic- an inextinguishable flame that continued to burn even after death.
"You have some nerve to sneak up on me like that."
Orochimaru chided. He was unamused by the pink-haired Uchiha's audacity. He tightened his grip on his weapon. Osuke glared at him in silence letting the older man speak freely.
"I suppose you have some reason to come here- a place full of elite jonin who are being supervised by Captain Yamato directly."
From what was taught to Osuke during his days in the Academy, Captain Yamato was a seasoned ANBU captain and war veteran. He was described as a formidable opponent by his past jonin instructor when he was a genin.
"There's no way you could've gone this far without alerting anyone."
The snake sannin was curious about the lack of ninjas rushing in to apprehend Osuke for trespassing.
"Either way, how did you get in here?"
Osuke just ominously grinned.
"Well... I have my ways."
The "ways" yelled at his counterpart in the real world. His irritation with Osuke was more than obvious.
An awkward silence impregnated the tense atmosphere of the lab. That made the pinkette scoff indignantly and begrudgingly put away the tanto.
"I'll tell you why I came here to speak with you."
Osuke paused to collect his thoughts as he sheathed his weapon before continuing.
"You have some information I need.'
"Oh?" The sannin was intrigued. What could someone like him want to know from him? He'd seen Osuke a few times when the young Uchiha was still a child. The weak little boy with no self-esteem was a far cry from the daring rogue ninja before him.
"What information are you talking about?"
"I need Hashirama cells and the S-Rank jutsu Edo Tensei."
Orochimaru abruptly burst out in uncontrollable laughter. His cackles rang throughout the lab.
"So you came here, waltzed up to me like you own this hideout, and now you demand from me something you can only dream of?"
The snake sannin ridiculed Osuke in between fits.
"Do you hear even yourself, boy?"
The young man could barely hold back his rage and embarrassment.
"Hear me out, will ya?!"
He yelled at the older man who has cackled and mocked him for five minutes straight.
"I would be a fool to expect you to want nothing in return."
Osuke "calmly" stated after taking a deep breath and putting on a stern face.
"Therefore, I shall assist you with your research on your most recent project."
Orochimaru rubbed his chin while contemplating the young man's words.
"I made a few breakthroughs on my own and am willing to share them in exchange for the information I'm seeking."
Then he added to sweeten the deal. He knew that the snake sannin was frustrated with his lack of progress in his research. It was obvious due to the messy and aggressively written notes scattered across the desk. He watched Orochimaru's thoughtful and reluctant expression morph into a pleased grin, his sharp fangs peeking out the corners of his lips.
"Very well then. I accept your proposal, Uchiha Osuke. I look forward to working with you~"
To be continued…
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edswordsman · 5 days
Summoned a new Saber-class Servant:
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👓 Yamanami Keisuke! 🗡️
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lelattti · 9 months
summer lights give a false start to the sunset
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hiddenworldofmary · 9 months
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i just spent an insane amount of money on a hobonichi calendar but it’s so beautiful 🤍
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ozziegarden · 28 days
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"The touch of your hand..."
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dajkag · 7 days
Bring down the sledgehammer on spiritless cowards
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nocterre · 2 years
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redraw same idea because i listened to words bubble up like soda pop scene at 1am and the line “i like the leaves you’ve hidden” sigh
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noirshitsuji · 1 year
Is Yamazakura (and the whole Five Petals verse) some of the best fic I've read? Definitely. Is the fact that it's making me want to write some Naruto fic very unfortunate though? Absolutely.
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if someone doesnt love me like cherry and smile love each other i dont want them
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madame-cookie · 1 year
Nandina Yamazakura (she/her) Rank: Legendary
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When the ice dragon Jormag forced the norn people to found Hoelbrak, her parents were not spared. She has sworn vengeance ever since, spending decades making her footsteps soft as feathers, and her sprinting breath no louder than a whisper. Her touch for the art of the silent kill drew the attention of Scarlet Murakai. In exchange for a favor, Scarlet provided a bloodstone tattoo imbued with powerful countermagics against the mind, as well as properties that shielded her from the elements. She spent years regretting the innocent life she took at Scarlet’s behest, but eventually insisted on joining the crusade against Jormag. The ice dragon’s death would make everything worth it.
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paleanimation · 1 year
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Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop (2021) dir. Kyohei Ishiguro + Pastel1
Yamazakura, I like the leaves you’ve hidden. Yamazakura, I like those cute teeth of yours. Yamazakura, I like cute fireworks too. Yamazakura, I like that cute smile of yours. Yamazakura I like you, Smile. I like you!
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theclouds43 · 9 months
it's always 'i like you' never- "lights in the summer night make a false start in the evening sunset. in my seventeenth july I met you. hey, sunflower I ask my dictionary the definition of cute. words bubble up like soda pop. a thunderous roar, words exist for the sake of expression. an evening rainbow, I have something to tell you. a piece of my great passion, sent into your hand. i'll scream with all of my might to you, during summer's end. yamazakura, i like the leaves that you've hidden. yamazakura, i like those cute teeth of yours. yamazakura, i like the leaves that you've hidden. yamazakura, i like those cute teeth of yours. yamazakura I like cute words, too. yamazakura i like cute fireworks, too. yamazakura i like that cute smile of yours. yamazakura i like you, smile. i like you!".
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astrangerthatlovesyou · 9 months
I made a flag for @yamazakura-system’s PMSC& term!!
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The teal represents those who identify as plural
The purple represents those who identify as multiple
The orange represents systems
The yellow represents collectives
The black borders represent every other non-singlet variation and all origins
The large number of circles represent a broader spectrum of included experiences than most terms
I really love this term and I am so grateful that its creator let me contribute to it in this way!
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birdmelt · 3 months
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[ yamazakura petals; bunny chase ]
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ozziegarden · 28 days
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