#yandere! actor mark x reader
ijwrff · 1 year
Are you still taking requests for stuff? If you are do you think you could maybe write a Yandere Actor Mark x reader?
I despise him. So much. But also??? He kinda fine??? Final verdict is he's a nasty man no one should love. Yet most of us (cough cough maybe me) can also love him.
Word Count: 1,225
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Everything about him, his smile, his cheesy jokes, the way he always brought roses of your favorite color to your dates…just enticed you. He was kind, and you fell for Mark hard after a good while of dating. The dances, candlelight dinners, cooking together and even just relaxing at the park. 
He was perfect. 
Today was like any other, and you decided to stop in and surprise him. You’d been working out of the city for a week or so, and weren’t due to be back until the week following. You shared a place, but you often traveled for work. He was all over the place as well, but he had sent a snap that day while he was on a jog in the neighborhood you lived in, so you knew he was home. A good day as any to stop by and surprise your boyfriend! 
It was getting dark when you got back, but there were a few lights on in the house. Mark was always so bad at turning them all off. In his words, “We don’t need money. Why should I bother with lousy electricity bills?” That was always followed by a cute laugh. You adored this man with all your being. 
You wanted to surprise him, though. That was the whole point. He scared you by sneaking up on you every once in a while, and laughing when you jumped. This was only payback! If he could do it, you could too. At least that’s what you kept telling yourself. 
You walked through the house, knowing one of his recording rooms was in the basement. He said it was easier for sounds to be picked up on his microphone in there, which made sense. You turned off the lights as you went, checking every room but the basement knowing he’d be in there. He tended to be a very loud man, especially when he was excited. So knowing that, you knew right away he wasn’t in any of the upstairs rooms. 
You weren’t prepared for what you were about to see, but really…who would be? 
Entering, you heard a weird sound. If you had to describe it, it would be something akin to tearing open a watermelon. His laugh broke through the silence, so you didn’t think anything was wrong. But something about his laugh had you second guessing everything in your relationship. It sounded ominous, dark. Cruel. 
As soon as the door closed, all the noises stopped. “Mark?” You called, carefully walking down the stairs. They were positioned against a wall, with another on the other side. So there was no way to see anywhere else in the basement until you were at the very bottom. It took a lot of courage to walk down those stairs, calling out his name once more. 
You should have never gone down there. 
He replied in a surprised voice, “Oh baby! You’re home! Go ahead and get comfy up there, I’ll be up in a bit!” And he was completely silent after that. No noises. No remotes clicking, no talking, no footsteps…nothing. It struck you as very odd. 
But it was too late, you were at the bottom of the stairs. You turned the corner to see what he was doing and the scene before you…gave you the feeling you wouldn’t get the chance to live long enough to forget it. No matter how hard you try. 
Body parts, presumably from multiple people, were laying all over the place in that dark and cold basement. Some stuffed into big trash bags, and readily prepared cement blocks with ropes tied to them filled the room. The smell was something you never thought about when you watched a horror movie, but it stained your nostrils and you felt the urge to vomit. 
“MARK! WHAT ARE YOU-” You couldn’t see with all the tears in your eyes, and looking at him, you saw an expression you’d never seen on him. Half lidded eyes, and a wicked smile on his face. 
“Oh…you stupid, stupid bitch.” He laughed, although it was anything but the pleasant laugh you had come to love. It made your skin boil, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood straight up. Everything in you was screaming to run, but you were frozen in place. Looking into those eyes you used to stare at, even from across the room. 
He stalked closer, and there was really no better word for what he was doing. Calculating, almost dancing to an intricate tune that only he could hear. It was as if he was giving you a chance to run, but with the knife in his hand, you knew that was never an option. He was tall, lean, fast, and above all…he knew you better than anyone. He knew that you’d never want to upset him. Even…if it meant there was a detriment to your own health. 
“Now why did you have to go and ruin my fun, huh?” He reached you, as you were frozen in place. He trailed the blade along your cheek, and thrust it upward, prepared to strike you, but all he did was hold it there and laugh when you flinched. 
“It’s alright darling…You were always fun. You’re gonna love what I have in store for you.” He cradled your head in his hand, before shoving you backwards into the wall. It hurt, but the little bumps and bruises it would have left you were the last things on your mind. You were going to die here. That look in his eyes told you so. 
“Mark…why?” It was all you could make out. “Was everything we had…nothing?” You wanted to look at him, but after all he had done he didn’t deserve that. You wanted to see his kind eyes and smile one last time, but there was no possible outcome that would ever allow that to happen. Those eyes were gone. 
“Why, why, why?” He mocked you and laughed, as he knelt down before you to be on your level. “Because it’s fun.” It was cold, simple. Coming directly from a psychotic bastard that had you fooled this whole time. “You wanna know something?” Those final words were sweet. In the tone you loved. Happy, carefree. 
You looked at him this time, and it was like some kind of scene out of a scary movie. Surreal. Immeasurably heartless. “It’s all an act, sweetheart. It always was.” He stood up, and spun around for dramatic effect. “Do you know how many different ‘partners’ I have in how many states? Nearly all of them. Always saying,” He used air quotes, “Let’s keep it between us, I don’t want to pull you into the lifestyle” he continued, “Yada yada yada.” 
“You aren’t special.” He turned to you, and sighed. “But you were fun, I’ll remember you. Might even go after someone who looks just like you, and I can remember aaaaallll the fun we had in this room tonight.” He stepped closer, and if you could recoil back anymore you would have. 
“Now…” He took the knife, and he placed the tip right below your eye. “I always liked your eyes. A real shame they’re about to lose all their color.” It crept closer, and you closed them. 
You didn’t want to see what he was about to do to you. 
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
Yandere Actor Mark @112-writes
He first met you through one of his performances. He remembers it like it was mere moments ago.
He had been backstage, discussing the details of the production with the stage crew, and a few costumers and makeup artists.
Amid the hustle and bustle of the room, he glanced around to check on everyone, making sure they were doing a satisfactory job, and then.
He saw you.
You, an underpaid stagehand, frazzled to the core and just trying to juggle everything being given to you.
In an instant, everything else was gone. The world could’ve ended in fiery chaos and he wouldn’t have noticed.
He’ll never admit (despite the at least twelve witnesses) that he openly stared for a few seconds, eyes widened. Everyone thought for sure that you’d done something wrong and were about to be fired when he straightened himself and started to approach you.
You were so caught up in your duties that you failed to realize he was in front of you till you turned your head and were met with his chest. He only saw it as even more endearing.
He immediately grabbed your attention by channeling his inner dominance, and gave a short quip about your state of being, before introducing himself. Though of course, that wasn’t necessary. Wait no never mind maybe you didn’t know of him. He doesn’t know, and never really cared to find out. After all, you know of him now.
You weren’t charmed by him immediately, he wanted you to fall for him by yourself. He wanted you to love him naturally, instead of being seduced by his powers. Deep down, he just wants someone to love him. To actually love him, and not just his power or looks.
But boy did he try everything natural to try and make you fall in love with him quicker. Anything you wanted, you got. And he was the perfect gentleman too.
Once he did have you, which took a while, Mark let you do whatever you wanted, really.
If you want to keep the relationship secret, then that’s fine with him. But if you want to be paraded around and shown off, well, he’s more than happy to do so.
You get everything you want. And if someone so much as acts rude to you, they’ll soon find themselves mysteriously fired from their job and their social life nonexistent.
He’s not above killing, he’s done it in the past after all, albeit indirectly, but he much prefers leaving his victims in ruins.
You’ll never leave him. If you try, you’ll find that circumstances just don’t allow for you to leave. According to how much you try to leave, he may even trap you in a story.
“Hello dear, how are you enjoying our trip?”*moment of silence* “Oh, come now, don’t be like that. After all, this is the world’s finest theatre! Though you certainly could perform better than the people they have on stage… oh, I have an idea!”
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𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒌𝒋𝒊𝒏
Hiraeth : Yandere!seokjin x female reader (@wildestdreamsblog )
Mold a Pretty Lie : YandereProfessor!jin x undergrad!female reader (@blog-name-idk )
Fools Paradise : YandereStranger!jin x pregnant reader (@min-hoax )
Price of Prejudice : YandereLord!jin x femal reader (@girlmeetsliv3)
Mercy : YandereKing!seokjin x maid female reader (@raggaraddy)
Obsidian Pearl : YandereMerman!seokjin x female reader (@angelicyoongie )
Ringmaster : YandereRingmaster!jin x female reader (@koosbabygrl)
Closed Curtains : YandereDirector!jin x rookie actress female reader (@angellgguk )
Sit, still look pretty; : YandereHusband!jin x wife reader (@aajjks )
𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏
Let the Villain Win : YandereWriter!namjoon x female (@lemonjoonah)
Persephone : YandereMafia!namjoon x female reader (@deepdarkdelights )
Baby Fever : YandereIdol!namjoon x female reader (@wildestdreamsblog)
𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊
Latibule : YandereMafia!yoongi x female reader (@wildestdreamsblog)
Angel's Mask : YandereMafia!yoongi x female leader (@min-hoax )
Daisy : YandereTeacher!yoongi x female reader (@cosmostae )
𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒌
Runaway : YandereVampire!hoseok x female reader (@raggaraddy)
Forbidden Fruit : Yandere!hoseok x fem reader (@deepdarkdelights)
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏
Little Mouse : YandereBully!jimin x chubby brazilian female reader (@thvlouvre )
Porcelain : YandereDollseller!jimin x female reader (@deepdarkdelights)
The Scent Of The Flower : YandereStepdad!jimin x female reader (@cosmostae)
Defiant Affairs : YandereStepbro x female reader (@yandere-society)
From Afar : YandereTeacher!jimin x female reader (@min-hoax )
𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈
Open : YandereBully!taehyung x stalker-ish female reader (@euphoricfilter )
Strawberries : Yandere!taehyung x female reader (@cosmostae )
Cut : YandereActor!taehyung x female actor reader (@deepdarkdelights)
𝒋𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌
POLARITY : YandereBestfriend'sbf!jungkook x female reader (@darkestcorners )
DARKNETS : YandereHacker!jungkook x female reader (@darkestcorners )
Bloody Love : YandereKing!jungkook x female reader (@hongjoongscafe)
Hangman : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@aft3rhrs)
The Deepest Marks of Essence : YandereTribeleader!jungkook x female reader (@lleldey)
The Crimson Shell : YandereMermaid!jungkook x female reader (@angelicyoongie )
Obsesión : YandereRugbyplayer!jungkook x hispanic latina reporter female reader (@thvlouvre )
Raven : YandereCultleader!jungkook x female reader (@darkestcorners )
I'm not human at all : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@silv3rswirls)
Velvet Heart : YandereIdol! jungkook x female reader (@bonny-kookoo )
LESSON I : YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem reader (@redsaurrce )
Companionship : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@aft3rhrs)
Bunny koo : Yanderebunnyhybrid!jungkook x owner fem reader (@aajjks )
Your eyes tell : YandereTwin!jungkook x female reader (@angellgguk )
Brother Knows Best : YandereStepbro!jungkook x female reader (@cosmostae)
Angel : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@silv3rswirls)
You Are My Crown : YanderePrince!jungkook x female reader (@redsaurrce)
Silver blades : YanderePrince!jungkook x fem reader (@jooniyah )
Scream, baby : Yanderebf!jungkook x female reader (@aajjks )
Nuisance : YandereStepbro!jungkook x female reader (@min-hoax )
Devil's Child : YandereStepbro!jungkook x female reader (@cosmostae )
Crush : YandereSimp!jungkook x barista fem reader (@aajjks )
Heartstrings : YandereNerd!jungkook x fem reader (@cosmostae )
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muzansfangs · 1 year
Can you please do possessive/ jealous souske hc with female humans reader please?
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Possessive and jealous Aizen with a female human reader.
Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader;
Format: head canons;
Warnings: jealousy and slight yandere behavior, possessiveness, marking the partner, mention to sexual intercourse but nothing descriptive, mention to murder, kind of toxic relationship, slight choking.
Plot: how would a possesive and jealous Aizen act with his female human girlfriend?
• The moment his eyes landed on you, he knew he would have never let you go. Why? Not only you are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his whole life, but your human nature makes you vulnerable. What kind of man would he be if he let his little doe all alone, where other men and his enemies could harm you or simply look at you?
• Aizen is the kind of man who wants everyone to know who you belong to. He does not think that resting his hand on the small of your back as two walk together is a sign of weakness. A powerful man, a god, always has a sweet, lovely girl by his side anyway. He therefore tends to show you off and makes it loud and clear that you are his property. If his arm is not settled on the small of you back, he grasps your hand and gently brushes his thumb on the back of yours.
• If he needs to call a reunion with his underlings, you are obviously going to attend it too. Do not expect to have a chair and sit on it comfortably. His lap is your chair and his hands will constantly hold your hips as you sit on him.
• If he catches a human man, a shinigami or a mere arrancar staring at you for way too long, approximately five seconds, there is a high possibility you are never going to see them ever again. Forever. Maybe in a cemetery.
• “I trust you blindly, my dear. You see, it’s them I don’t trust” he whispers, sipping on his tea on a lazy sunday morning, as you start to question him about what is wrong. You can see his jealousy and the urge to touch you, to hold you close and own you are dripping from his words.
• Intimacy is hellfire with him. He is an attentive lover and would never hurt you, unless you want him to. Yet, bitemarks and hickeys are now a permanent tattoo on your cleavage and neck. He loves to stare at them in the aftermath and watching people react to them as you walk around is absolutely delightful. The shit-eating grin on his face seems to scream “Yes, I did them”.
• He is not very fond in visiting the world of the livings and he would rather have you in Las Noches all the time. However, he knows you have a life. Working and studying to fulfill your duties and persue a career are valuable things to him too and he does not mind you spending your time in those activies. But he is your shadow. A colleague talks to you way too much? Oh, dear, he won’t even bother calling Gin to take care of him. He personally cuts him into smithereens, pieces too small to be put back together. A man buys you a coffee? Ah, some venom is going to be poured into his one.
• He does not forbid you to talk to people, but he loathes it when you talk to Kisuke Urahara. Do not even glance in his direction.
• He loves you genuinely, there is not denying it, but once he might have scared you a little bit. He was in the world of the livings with you, when he heard the local theatre would have hosted a company of shakespearean actors. The tragedy of “Othello” would have been presented and he bought two tickets for you.
• Throughout the time, he had his eyes on you. You were already pretty shocked as the play unraveled under your wary eyes, until his fingers glided over your throat and wrapped around it in a firm grip. It was tight but not enough to hurt you. Your breath hitched in your throat, his breath fanning your earlobe as your eyes were transfixed on the tragic scene before you. Othello had strangled his loyal wife, Desdemona, out of jealousy.
• “I do believe you got the message, darling. You are mine. The last thing I want is having to strangle you in our bed out of a rumor about your loyalty” he darkly whispered, making you gulp down nervously.
• Regarding the way you sleep, he usually wraps his arm around your waist and buries his face onto the crook of your neck. This way you cannot escape his grip. You are his, how many times does he have to remind you of that?
• Going to the beach is kind of a problem. He does not forbid you to wear bikinis, but he definitely glares at every male around you through his sunglasses. Man on a mission: the real shark is on the beach, not in the ocean.
Tags: @stygianoir
Author note.
Hello there! Woah, I took care of a request and I am kind of proud of this piece. I will probably take care of Urahara’s NSFW ALPHABET next. If you want to be tagged, comment below.
Likes, comments and re-posts are appreciated❤️
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Title: Third Party.
Pairing: YandereLoid x Reader x Yandere!Yor (Spy x Family).
Word Count: 1.5k.
TW: Post-Reveal AU, Reader Is Sketchy, Implied Murder/Violence, Mentions of Blood, and Cheating (?).
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“Are you sure you have to leave?”
You let the words ebb into a lazy drawl, dragging your fingertips down the length of his spine as you nuzzled into his back. Loid’s skin was a patchwork of scars, no more pleasant to run your hands over than dulled sea glass or sandpaper, but you did your best to savor it, to let your lips ghost over a blossoming field of discolored bruises before your attention rose higher – to the rows of fresh nail-marks that’d been carved from his shoulder to the middle of his back. Most of his injuries had been left by his patients, permanent testaments to his dedication to his work, but those scratches had been your doing. A little present for the kindhearted wife he was going home to, sooner or later.
The thought filled you with a smoldering sort of zeal, quick to gnaw at your better judgment and infest the empty void where your guilt should’ve been. You swallowed down your excitement, taking instead to slotting yourself against him as if you weren't praying for him to leave, as if you didn't have anything better to do than press your cheek against the nape of his neck, string your arms over his shoulders, and beg him to stay. “We never get to see each other, anymore. I miss you so much when we’re not together – it feels like someone’s trying to carve my heart out of my chest.”
Sappy, overly sentimental, almost embarrassingly aggrandizing towards the object of your affection. The type of praise that’d only appeal to a man who thought himself enough deserve not just his wife to confide in during the day, but a lover who would spend their nights at his side in faded hotel rooms, between sheets that’d seen better days. This one was nicer than most – the sheets unstained, the lights pleasantly dim, the furniture not completely saturated with stale cigarette smoke and cheap perfume. You had to assume it was supposed to be a gift. Loid wasn’t the type to flaunt an affair, but he’d gone out of his way not to bring you to another seedy, by-the-hour motel. If nothing else, you could appreciate a man willing to open his wallet.
There was a moment of quiet hesitation, then an airy laugh. You let go of him just in time for one of his arms to wrap around your waist, hauling you off of the mattress and into his lap, where he could bury his face in the crook of your neck without intervention. He held you like that for a long, agonizing second before pulling back, allowing just enough space between your body and his to press his lips against your temple, then into your own. The kiss was gentle, lingering, and you let yourself melt into it, into him. Genuine shows of adoration were rare, in your line of work. While you doubted Loid felt anything more towards you than lust-tinged fondness, he was a good enough actor to pull off the role of ‘Lovestruck Idiot’ with little to no breaks in his character. “You don’t know how much I want to,” he started, with a smile as hollow as the man who wore it. “But Yor’s at home with our daughter, tonight. It’d be cruel to leave her on her own.”
A slight pout, quickly traded for something more aloof. As if you were trying to hide your disappointment and doing a poor job of it. “Anya must really be a handful if you’re too worried to leave your wife alone with her.”
He was grinning, now, his expression tinted with something you didn’t quite recognize. He opened his mouth, but a knock on the hotel room’s door interrupted your hushed conversation. You frowned, but Loid didn’t seem bothered. “Why don’t you get that?”
“It’s probably just some drunk tourist. They’ll go away if we ignore them.” You brought a hand to his face, cupping his cheek. “I’d rather give my attention to—”
Another knock, this one a little more forecful than the last. Loid squeezed your side, almost playfully. “Answer the door.”
It wasn’t a question, this time.
Hesitantly, you pried yourself away from him, pushing yourself to your feet. Your clothes had been torn off and discarded hours ago, but you snagged Loid’s button-up off of the floor and shrugged it on as you approached the door, pausing once you reached the entryway. You cast a nervous glance towards Loid, who responded with an encouraging nod and a slight wave, gestures that would’ve been more suited for an anxious child, afraid to leave their parent’s side for the very first time. Biting into your bottom lip, you slowly undid the rusted latch and slid the deadbolt out of place, resting your shoulder against the cool wood as your hand found the knob.
Yor was on you as soon as you opened the door.
Her hands in your hair, her knee between your thighs, her mouth crashing into yours with enough force to bruise. She slammed your back against the nearest wall, knocking the air from your lungs and pinning you underneath her strength as her tongue invaded your mouth, as teeth clashed against teeth and pointed nails scrape against your scalp. It was a desperate connection, frenzied and feral, driven by something you couldn’t define and only broken by your mutual need for air – her breath coming in shallow, panted gasps when she finally pulled away from you.
Her attire was the first thing you noticed, her evening gown dark enough to blend into the shadows of the entryway and maimed brutally. A long gash ran from her hip to the hem of her skirt, another bisecting her midriff, revealing a slit of pale skin and sculpted muscle. There were a thousand more nicks in the fabric, a thousand more reasons for you to panic, but your stare was quickly drawn upward, to her face.
To the dots of blood splattered across her cheeks, still fresh enough to shine crimson in the dim light.
You opened your mouth, but didn’t have time to spit anything out before Yor snapped toward Loid, her disposition going from one of mindless desire to frantic apologeticness in the blink of an eye. “I’m sorry I’m late!” It seemed to come out louder than she intended it to, the words hasty enough to blend together as she stumbled through her crowded. "The governer wasn’t at home, and he had more guards than he was supposed to, and it took ages for—”
“As long as you’re not hurt, you have nothing to apologize for.” While you were stunned beyond words, Loid remained unaffected – indifferent to both his wife’s sudden appearance and your confusion. “Try to call next time, though. I was about to go out and see if you needed a hand.”
“Oh, I couldn't do that. Your job is already so much more stressful than mine - I can't ask you to do my work, too.” And just like that, she was brightening, any concerns she might've held about being late or injured or covered in blood dissipating in a matter of seconds. She turned to you, her hands falling to your own as she tugged you forward, towards the bed. You tried to pull yourself out of her hold, but her grip was vice-like, impossible to escape. She didn’t even seem to notice your futile efforts. If anything, she almost seemed shy, a pale blush creeping across her cheeks as she asked, “I… I didn’t keep you waiting for too long, did I?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to answer. Loid had been part of the job - seek out the target that the dark-haired man had identified, lure him into an affair, and keep up the act just long enough for his wife to catch and initiate a messy divorce. Sleeping with the aforementioned wife in addition to the mark you’d been paid to seduce had been a complimentary service, a creative touch to liven up an otherwise dull assignment, but you’d been careful, made sure neither of them had ever seen you with the other, never used the same shade of lipstick to stain Loid’s collar as you did to kiss Yor’s neck. You weren’t an amateur. You didn’t make mistakes like that. Neither of them should’ve known their partner knew about you, not unless they were both insane enough to come out and tell the other who they were going to see when they disappeared into cheap motels and empty offices. No married couple would be so honest about something so detrimental to their relationship. No normal married couple, at least.
But, you were starting to think that Yor and Loid didn’t fit into that category as neatly as you’d hoped they would.
“The poor thing must still be a little startled,” Loid chuckled, finally pushing himself to his feet. Yor perked up, and with an airy sigh, Loid nodded, the exchange as silent as it was coordinated. With no further permission needed, you were thrown onto the mattress, barely allowed to land before Yor was on top of you, latching onto your throat, pointed teeth burying themselves into the curve of your neck. The pain was immediate, searing, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about how much it hurt when Yor’s attention had already fallen to your collarbone, then your chest, her focus drifting lower while her affection remained just as hostile. Loid, as stoic and as sociopathic as always, positioned himself next to your head, watching his wife work with an expression that only betrayed the slightest trace of fondness – a pleasure so diluted, it might've just been a trick of the light. “You can relax. Yor’s been looking forward to this for months. I haven’t been much better, to be honest. Yuri's never sent anyone so...” He trailed off, letting his head lull to the side. “So tempting our way before., I suppose.”
He was cupping your face, as if to mimic your own dramatized mannerisms, running the pad of his thumb over your cheek. Yor groaned against your skin, a noise that you could only guess was meant to signal agreement, and Loid broke into a small grin.
For once, you thought his smile might actually be genuine.
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janitorhutcherson · 8 months
Sacred Self Care (Fluff)
OlderBf!Mike Schmidt HCs (Angst & Fluff)
OlderBf!Mike Schmidt Pt 2 (Fluff & Smut)
Actor!Mike Schmidt (Angst)
Yandere!Mike Schmidt (Fluff, Angst, Smut)
Stoner!Mike Schmidt (Fluff & Smut)
Marked Only For Me - Olderbf!Mike (Smut)
Mike Schmidt Comforting You on Your Period (Fluff)
Mike Fluff Drabble! (Fluff)
Love Languages (Fluff)
Bedtime with Mike and Abby (Fluff)
Wearing Peeta's Clothes (Fluff)
Peeta x Touchstarved!Reader
BF!Josh Futturman (Fluff)
BF!Futturman PT 2 (Fluff)
BF!Futturman PT 3 (Fluff)
Modern AU Finnick (Fluff)
Finnick x Bunny!Reader (Fluff)
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yandere-yearnings · 2 months
story masterlist. for the yans and ocs' main stories. links containing NSFW content will be bold.
♡ Burn & Burn Again (Male Yandere!Writer x GN!Reader) | pt.0, pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6 (coming soon!)
♡ Pour a Shot, Roll the Dice (Male Yandere!Casino Owner x GN!Reader) | pt.0 | pt.1 (coming soon!)
♡ From the Seams (Female Yandere!Mafia x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Give My Scars to You (Male Yandere!Mafia Boss x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon)
♡ Tongue to Your Ribs (??? x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Lay No Claims (??? x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Ocean, You Pull Me In (Female Dolphin!Hybrid x GN!Reader) | pt.0, pt.1, pt.2 (coming soon!)
♡ Palace Underwater (Male Yandere Dolphin!Hybrid x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Bleed, Into Your Heart (Male Alpha!Prince x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Make It Pink (Male Omega!CEO x GN!Reader) [omegaRe:verse AU] | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Error Codes (Yandere!Glitch x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Contract-Bound Death (Yandere!Actor x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ The Garden Where We Hunt (Male Yandere!Chef x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Blood in Buttercream Roses (Female Platonic!Yandere x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ On Firefly Fire (Male Yandere!Elf King x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ Run to the Crystal Ravine (Female Yandere!Fae Princess x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
♡ I Drink My Lemonade Warm (Male Yandere!Youtuber x GN!Reader) | pt.0 (coming soon!)
general masterlist. for everything else concerning the yans and ocs, including headcanons, scenarios, imagines and answers to asks about them. links containing NSFW content will be bold.
♡ Sun (Male Yandere!Writer) | intro. | reaction to being called cute | would he write a character based on you? | darling that's interested in true crime | wanting to put him in your pocket | loving on his name | nsfw hcs | pegging him w/ his glasses on | his kinks | on feminisation | darling who bites affectionately | finding darling's porn stash | darling w/ low self-esteem | colouring his beauty marks | his jealousy | would he put dirt under his pillow for the dirt man? | finding out darling is a dark romance author | in a Playboy Bunny costume | lipstick kisses | putting mascara + eyeliner on him and making him cry | using a pick up line on him | his dirty secrets | asking for his hand in marriage | his insecurities | beauty marks as kisses from a past lover | reaction to unserious darling | pet names for darling | biting his collarbones + licking his neck | w/ a jealous darling | favourite flower + food | hickeys + handjob | comfort | napping on top of him | he finds out you miss him | putting a leash on him | reaction to a darling obsessed with a fictional character | reaction to you not liking a character inspired by you | bad ending
♡ Dice (Male Yandere!Casino Owner) | intro. | would he still love you if you were a worm? | would he put dirt under his pillow for the dirt man? | using his money to gamble | darling w/ low self-esteem | connecting his beauty marks | reaction to lucky darling + Playboy Bunny costume | using a pick up line on him | beauty marks as kisses from a past lover | reaction to unserious darling | pet names for darling | biting his collarbones + licking his neck | favourite flower + food | reaction to reader w/ pebbling as a love language | when he becomes possessive | reaction to a darling obsessed with a fictional character
♡ Clover (Female Yandere!Mafia) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Laurent (Male Yandere!Mafia Boss) | intro. | is he more dominant or submissive? | general hcs
♡ [redacted] (???) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Cecilia (???) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Ophelia (Female Dolphin!Hybrid) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Dia (Male Yandere Dolphin!Hybrid) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Cassiel (Male Alpha!Prince) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Shura (Male Omega!CEO) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ c̷͎̩̳͗̉̆͛̇̑̂̐̌͌͝͠ò̸̡̩͈͖̯ͅr̸̺̓̓̇̏̄̈́̾̀r̵̛̗͔̅͐̔̈́̈́̈͊̀͝ư̴̛̳̝͉̪͕̘͋̐̒̂͌̍̃́̇͝ͅp̷̛̠̭̲̊t̴̢͍̲͕̩̞̮̱̙͇͉̤͓͖̐̂͐̅́̈͘̚͝͝e̶͙̦̥͉̮̩̪̲̺͉̝͉̗͖͑͌͌͠͝ḓ̶̻͖͙̝̺͈̲̪͌̍̆͗̅̀ (Yandere!Glitch x GN!Reader) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Vio (Yandere!Actor) | intro. | would they put dirt under their pillow for the dirt man? | using a pick up line on them | darling w/ low self-esteem | reaction to unserious darling | pet names for darling | biting his collarbones + licking his neck | favourite flower + food | he says something hurtful to you | nsfw hcs | aftermath of saying something hurtful to you | reaction to a darling obsessed with a fictional character | belly bulge
♡ Bear (Male Yandere!Chef) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Bea (Female Platonic!Yandere) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Dew (Male Yandere!Elf King) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Iolanthe (Female Yandere!Fae Princess) | intro. (coming soon!)
♡ Lemon (Male Yandere!Youtuber) | intro. (coming soon!)
fanworks masterlist. for creative pieces made by others about my yans and ocs. links containing NSFW content will be bold.
♡ Sun (Male Yandere!Writer) | sweet little thing called love | teen sun | in a Playboy Bunny costume | the '60s trio | the '60s trio sketches
♡ Dice (Male Yandere!Casino Owner) | drunkdice. casino buttonpin | teen dice | the '60s trio | the '60s trio sketches
♡ Vio (Yandere!Actor) | fanart | in a Playboy Bunny costume | w/ bp's jackpot | the '60s trio | the '60s trio sketches
♡ Laurent (Male Yandere!Mafia Boss) | his warm smile
miscellaneous masterlist. for works by me about others' ocs.
♡ Know Me Like the Devil Knows My Sins (Loser!Yandere x GN!Reader) | oneshot.
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Impatient - Yandere!Pup Hybrid!Seungmin
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Yandere AU & Hybrid AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Seungmin X Implied Chubby!Reader
Words: 1,627
Warnings: Implied masturbation and dirty thoughts. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: This one's a little darker than the first, but still pretty tame on the feral aspect imo. I'm still testing the waters a bit, but I'm still really happy with the way it turned out! As always, please let me know what you think! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Second of The Feral Drabbles
You’re mine.
You may not know it yet, but it’s true.
Poor little kitty cat, soon to be caught by the big bad wolf, and you’ll be none the wiser.
It’s okay, I’ll take care of you. Really, I promise I’m not as bad as I seem at first. I can come across pretty cold and guarded at first, maybe even a bit judgemental, but I promise it’s not directed at you. 
No, never you. 
I just have to get over the initial territorial state of needing to constantly be near you, and marking you as my own. It’ll be a little rough at first, but once I know you want me as badly as I need you, I think things will be okay. Though, now that I think about it, I don’t really want to hide anything…
Why shouldn’t everyone know that I’m yours and you’re mine? It’s always been meant to be this way. I can tell just from your scent alone that you were made to be mine. You’re just so addictive, I don’t know what to do with myself.
Well… I do know what to do, but I’ll admit I’m a very impatient man. I want you now, not after I’ve spent precious time that could be used loving you, and keeping you by my side instead of building said relationship from the ground up. That’s going to take forever, and I’m not that good of an actor. Your friends are bound to piss me off with how close they already are with you, especially that one guy friend of yours who can’t seem to stop leaving his scent all over you. Right now, he’s on pretty fucking thin ice, and one more provocation and I might just snap.
No matter, I’ll take care of him in due time. He’s a threat to our relationship already. Bastard doesn’t understand that you’re mine.
I’ve already started laying out the foundations of our first meeting, too. Sure, I may be impatient, but perhaps it’ll make the reward all the more sweeter from the everlasting buildup. Maybe, just maybe, the tension will be so thick at that point that it cannot help but to snap while we’re with each other, losing ourselves to the throes of passion like I’ve constantly dreamed about.
Fuck, I can’t wait for that day - the day where I can show you in every and any physical way I know how just how deep my love for you goes. I want to build you up until you’re begging for me to touch you - until I’m the only one who you let touch that gorgeous body of yours. 
I’m the only one worthy of you, anyways…
I bet no one’s ever been fully able to satisfy you before. Assholes probably didn’t care enough to learn your body like I will. By the time I’m done with you, I’ll be able to play the most intimate of pleasures over you just with my fingertips alone.
Oh, you poor thing. You’ve just been desperately waiting for me to come along and please you to your heart’s content, haven’t you? You know what you want, and you won’t be afraid to take it all from me, won’t you, Darling?
It’s okay. I won’t mind at all. 
In fact, I want you to take my all. I’ll make your head spin and your legs tremble. I’ll run your voice hoarse from how raw your cries of ecstasy will be. I’ll make it so that pussy of yours trembles from a single glance from my heated stare, positively weeping with endless nectar for me to drink up to my heart’s content. Me, and only me.
With me, you’ll never have to worry about another half-assed attempt to please you again.
I want to become the only one you think about. No, I will become the only one you think about. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do.
I want to make you so cockdrunk on me, that you’re practically begging for me to breed you every time I walk into the room. I want to make it so you cannot help but want to spread your legs for me every time you see that lustful look take over my features, pleading for me to make you mine in every way imaginable. 
I want to make you so desperate for me that you ache for my touch when I’m not around, and when you so much as attempt to relieve that throbbing from between those plush thighs of yours, you’ll soon come to realize that it’s not enough. It will never be enough. Only my touch can satiate that need deep within your core. Only my cock can fill you up like you always deserve.
Let me treat you right, Darling. Let me love you like you’ve always wanted. Let me live to serve you, and then you can thank me by doing the exact same for me. I wish to consume you. I wish to ruin you in the best of ways, just as I want you to do for me. 
You won’t even have to try very hard. I’m already weak for you. Your smile, your laugh, your scent, your face, your body, your personality: everything about you drives me crazy. 
I won’t lie and say that I can never think straight around you. No, it’s more like my world shifts more into focus whenever I think about you. You make me finally understand what this life is all about. It’s always been about meeting each other, and belonging to one another. I only wish that it didn’t take me so long to realize that it’s been you that I’ve been searching for this entire time.
And another thing! I can’t believe I haven’t said this before yet, but you’re perfect. In every conceivable way, you are perfect for me, just as I am perfect for you. We have so many of the same interests and hobbies: you enjoy a lot of the same music and movies as I do, and we have very similar ways of thinking from what I’ve observed of you so far. Every detail I learn only makes me fall harder for you, Darling, and when the time comes, I only hope the same can be said for you.
You are perfect because you are mine. I am yours because you are perfect.
Nothing will change that. Nothing will ever change that.
I cannot help but wonder, though… will you think about me as much as I always dream about you? Will you also spend hours fantasizing about the life we’re going to have? About raising a family together, even if it’s just a fish, or a turtle? 
Whatever you want, really. I’m not fussy. 
How about how my hand will feel in your own as we walk through the park? Or perhaps you’re also like me when you let your thoughts roam, thinking about how good our hands would feel on each other’s bodies, mapping our own paths of pleasure over one another’s skin.
Would you be shy at first when you learn of all of my desires? Would you attempt to hide that soft and supple flesh of yours from me, brushing me off because you think I won’t love every dip and curve that I see? Or would you surprise me by taking control? Will you take everything that you want from me, and then some, once you know that I want you more than anything I’ve ever longed for in my entire life? Either way, I’ll make you confident in your ability to turn me on. All it will ever take is one look. Even just a simple touch will be enough.
I am desperate for you, and I’m not afraid to prove it.
I’ll admit, Darling, I’ve already torn through several pillows pretending that they were you spread out beneath me. It’s not the same. They could never imitate the warmth your plush body could provide for me. They’ll never let me know what your whimpers as you beg for ‘more' sound like, or how delightful I’m sure my name will be falling from your lips. They could never actually tell me what you enjoy, or how to please you in the best of ways.
No. Only you can do that. All in due time.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. I just wish it was sooner, rather than later.
Impatient, remember?
Alas, I suppose I’ll have to sweep the feathers from my floor again after tearing into this last pillow with my teeth. 
I cannot wait for the day when I finally get to mark you as my own. The pillow, it seems, just isn’t cutting it anymore, but it will have to suffice for now. 
I want to get all of this pent up frustration out before I meet you, though. The last thing I want is to pop a boner the moment you speak my name for the first time, or scare you away because of some other effect your mere presence affords me. I swear, I turn back into my younger, hormonal teenage self whenever I think of you. 
I guess that’s just the effect you have on me.
Oh, well. It’s a good thing that I’ve planned everything out already, up to and including our retirement together. Now, all that’s left to do is start. 
Hopefully though, I can make it through the long haul. I really hate waiting, especially when it comes to you.
I know that you’re already mine, and I’m already yours. All that’s left now to do is convince you. 
If I’m lucky, maybe you’re just as impatient as me.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
★ you get really drunk but that's okay! despite these strangers being a bunch of guys you just randomly met, you trust them! they'd never do anything to you! at least, nothing you don't want!
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a/n: was gunna work on the third part of the slasher yanderes but actually the werewolf yanderes did so well that i wrote this dirty rag i pass off as smut instead also lowkey one of my fav yandere blogs followed me becos of the werewolf fic sooo i have to write this LOL
important: for everyone that read the first part, i HEAVILY added some stuff so please re-read that before coming over here and reading this so it makes sense
also also this is the smut scene and theyre all men so please don't be gross in the notes or in my inbox about like butt stuff cus like they're men and they have butts idk what to tell you. one of the warnings is heavy ass play.
and please don't report my post becos that's literally so petty and rude and uncalled for, especially since it's properly tagged and censored (is that the right word? you know what i mean)
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part one (bite.) ★ part two ★ (here) ★ extras (bite and chew.) ★ extras (taste) ★ part three ★ (swallow.) ★ part four (digest.)
pairing: poly werewolves x male reader word count: 3589
general warning: reader is cheating, bottom reader has male parts and pronouns, reader is implied to be attracted to both genders, reader is definitely under the influence of alcohol, yanderes may be under the influence of the moon? real wildt, biphobia becos leonard assumed reader is straight, polyam ending (all three with reader)
sexual warnings: very dubious consent, descriptive ass play, leonard is a power bottom, one hard spank, reader is fucked and gets fucked, voyeurism because mel watches a little
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You felt yourself start to get sleepy. It only made sense, after all. Your stomach was full, you had your fill of alcohol and, now, you had a great time with your new friends.
Before you could drift off, though, a scene in the movie the four of you decided on caught your eye.
It was some angsty romance about a girl who moved to a new town and was caught between choosing two werewolves or a vampire as a lover. You had heard of it but never really watched it.
You think it was because your girlfriend trashed it all the time?
Shows what she knew since you ended up really enjoying it. The cinematography was great, the actors and actresses were all great and the plot was typical for the genre but still interesting.
What you hadn't expected was that it just had full blown porn as one of the scenes.
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You watched as one of the werewolves pushed the girl into the male locker room? Felt illegal but you stored that in the back of your mind. The other werewolf was already in there and caught her.
They sandwiched her in between the two of them and started making out, their hands hurriedly stripping her clothes as she watched them swap spit.
You couldn't help it. There was something about the, emmm, artistic filming of the two rugged men kissing that had your cock twitching in your pants.
With wide eyes, you continued to watch them strip her and start fucking her in the middle of the male locker rooms. Something about marking her as theirs or something? Making her their mate? Covering her in their scent?
This was so wild and what was even more wild was that your cock was steadily getting harder as you continued to observe them basically make a meal out of her body and impale her on their cocks.
You felt a breath against your ear "What, you like?"
You pretty much jumped in your seat, your hand clapping over your ear as you snapped to look at Leonard who smirked wolfishly at you, chuckling at your probably scared expression.
You just scoffed at him, pushing him away "I may have a girlfriend but I'm not blind."
My cock isn't either. You wanted to add. You'd never denied your attraction to men and women. Just because you were with a woman didn't stop you from ogling at men.
"Wait, really." Leonard was leaning against you again, trying to peer at your face to see if you were being serious "I thought you were just one of those poser straight guys that flirted platonically but would go 'Ohh, but like, I'm not gay or anything' and deny it."
You were really offended by his insinuation but decided to give him the benefit of your doubt "It's whatever. I'm attracted to both men and women."
You expected him to leave it at that but, suddenly, he smirked even more, looking quite pleased with himself "Oh, really?"
Then, he took you by the wrist and pressed it to his dick. You could feel it, even over his jogging pants, how hard and stiff and big it was.
He leaned forward, lips ghosting your ears "You know you made it like this."
"M-Me?" Your fingers twitched, unsure whether you wanted to pull your hand away or tease him through his clothes.
You felt his hips jolt up desperately to meet your palm and you looked down to see him tenting. Just seeing how hard he was and feeling it were two different things.
Seeing it and feeling it made it feel more real, made it feel like you should do something about it.
Distantly, you heard Mel say Leonard's name in a warning tone but you were simply too focused on the fact that you gave such a beautiful man like Leonard such an obvious hardon.
Then, Leonard was suddenly growling like an animal and pushing your hand away. You felt both relieved and disappointed, thinking that was that. Maybe Mel didn't want him doing anything?
You were dead wrong. Instead, Leonard was taking off his shirt and kicking off both his pants and his briefs.
"Gods, I've been waiting for your dumb fucking ass to make a move and fuck me all night." Leonard huffed, rolling his pretty blue eyes. "You're just as oblivious as you are gorgeous."
Another distant warning tone from Mel that you would've listened to but you just couldn't find any space in your brain to do anything but watch, mesmerized, as Leonard undressed.
You would take a few more moments to observe how handsome he looked without his glasses if it weren't for the fact that his cock, all pale and pink and girthy, curving up to his belly button, took all your attention.
"Hey, eyes up here, moron." Leonard tried again before kneeling in front of you and, finally, just taking your face into his hands and pulling you into a sloppy kiss.
It was absolutely filthy. His mouth was open, tongue practically fucking your mouth and coaxing your tongue to play, like he was trying to eat you alive or something.
It made you feel so light-headed, like you just couldn't think.
No thoughts passed through your head. You kissed him back. Your brain was empty. He pressed forward and your back bowed, trying to accommodate his body as you guys made out, chest to chest, his cock pressed against your clothed torso.
You could feel the wet spot on your shirt that his pre-cum made.
Then, just as suddenly as he started, Leonard was pulling away. Your eyes were unfocused for a second, like you didn't know where you were, like he sucked out your brain.
The first thing you noticed were how blue his eyes were, almost like they were the sky. They were so clear, so beautiful, just like the rest of him. Then, he was pulling away even more, taking the pillow on your lap with him.
You were still very drunk. Surprisingly, the kiss did nothing to sober you up. So, honestly, your broken train of thought didn't track that he would bend over for you.
In fact, part of you had thought (and slightly hoped) that he would've ripped your clothes off and bent you over.
Instead, he took your pillow and hugged it to his chest as he fisted his cock and bent to show you his cute round butt.
It was an ass you'd more than love to fuck, if you were being honest.
The biggest surprise wasn't his ass, however. A good looking guy like him? It was expected that his ass looked good too.
No, the biggest surprise was what was already in his ass. Nestled between his ass cheeks was a pink glass butt plug in the shape of a rose.
The rose was big enough that it pushed his ass cheeks apart and the glass was translucent enough so you could see the ring of his ass struggle to accommodate the rest of the plug.
You couldn't even imagine how he would've looked like, taking the butt plug in. Or how he would look when you slowly took it out of him.
But, then, you remembered.
You had a girlfriend that was waiting for you back at the bonfire. Or, maybe, not at the bonfire but definitely at home. Or, maybe, not at home because she never liked visiting you at your place but--
It didn't matter. All that mattered was, no matter how shitty she was, you had a girlfriend and fucking Leonard's adorable shapely ass was considered cheating.
"Fuck, c'mon, take it out and just stick your cock in." Leonard groaned, pushing his ass towards you even more. When he did, it made the plug in him stick out a little, pushing it out a little before sucking it back in.
You groaned too, palming your dick through your pants, unsure of what to do. Looking at him like that, watching him desperately holding the base of his dick, offering himself off like he was a man possessed, did something to you.
"I-I can't--" You tried to valiantly say no but he whimpered, all helplessly and soft, like he'd die if you didn't help him out, even just a little.
You sighed before deciding to acquiesce a little by grabbing the base of the toy and slowly pulling it out. You watched as his walls seemed to protest, trying to suck it back in, before finally letting go.
"Please, more." He moaned so prettily when it popped right out, all loud and high-pitched.
You turned to Mel, a look of desperation like he was the only one that could help you. Instead of help, you were met with the sight of Mel cradling Isamu in his lap.
Mel was still fully clothed but Isamu was completely naked from the waist down. Isamu's back was against Mel's chest, his cock in Mel's fist, completely hard, flushing dark brown-red at the tip and leaking so much pre-cum.
You hadn't even realised that the two of them had started getting it on behind you
Just watching them made you dizzy
You didn't think Mel was even paying attention to you for a second but, as soon as your eyes were on them, Mel's eyes snapped to you like he was hyper aware of you and you swore his eyes were glowing.
He was looking at you in a way that made you feel so small, that made you feel like a rabbit in front of a pack of wolves.
And he certainly looked wolfish, the way his sharp teeth marked Isamu's neck up, leaving bruises and bitemarks all over his tan skin, the way his eyes glared, all predator, none of that polite man that welcomed you in his home left.
You felt a shiver go down your spine.
You wanted to run away but you felt rooted in place.
You saw Mel's mouth move but whether he was mouthing something to Isamu or just mouthing at his neck, you couldn't tell. All you could hear was your heart beating in your ears.
From the corner of your eyes, you could see Isamu's hips jerk hard into Mel's fist but Mel's fist was absolutely immovable. HIs entire demeanor seemed unwavering, like a steadfast predator who'd chase you down to the ends of the Earth.
The entire thing both mortified you and absolutely turned you on and you didn't know why.
"Hey! What the fuck! Hello, someone's ass is right in front of you?" Leonard started whacking your thigh with his free hand, his ass wiggling around again as if that would entice you.
You were pulled away from your thoughts and you turned back to him, sigh leaving your lips again. You knew Mel would be no help and Isamu looked like his brain was leaking out of his cock.
"Okay, okay, compromise." Leonard looked at you over his shoulder, desperation clear on his face.
It made him look surprisingly pathetic but also incredibly cute, especially with that adorable red flush to his face and the way he was staring at you with puppy eyes.
"Just the tip. The tip is all I need. Just an inch and I'll jerk myself off." He tried convincing you and, though you knew cheating was cheating, you couldn't help but feel just a bit sorry for him.
At least, it made sense in your absolutely alcohol drunk head.
"Fine." You stood, taking everything from the waist down off and piling it on top of Leonard's things. "Goddamnit, fine."
Leonard practically squealed "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
You nodded, positioning yourself behind him. He whimpered almost excitedly, shifting a little to position himself better. You spread his ass cheeks with your thumbs, testing his ass to see if the two of you needed any lube.
Surprisingly, he'd used so much silicone lube with the butt plug that some of it was still dribbling out.
You moved the head of your cock to press against his ass, pushing it in just a little. And, oh god, did it feel good. Leonard definitely already prepped himself and he was sucking you in so good.
"Shit." You huffed out, eyes screwing shut as you gripped his ass tighter in your hands "Just the tip. Just the tip."
You heard him babble agreements but, honestly, the words you were saying were mostly for yourself.
"Gunna jerk myself off. Gunna cum while I squeeze the tip of your fucking cock." Leonard moaned as he pushed himself back as much as you would allow him "Need you to jerk yourself off too. Need you to cum inside me. Please? Please?"
You nodded, unsure if he was looking at you because you still had your eyes shut. You were sure if you looked at him even a little bit, you'd bust a nut immediately.
You let go of one of his ass cheeks to grip the base of your cock, getting ready to either jerk yourself off or hold it to prevent yourself from coming.
Before you could do either, you felt someone slap your ass. The force of it pushed you forward and you were suddenly bent over Leonard, your cock much deeper into his ass than you were planning.
You moaned, both from the sting of pain on your ass and from Leonard's ass milking your cock. The only thing that prevented the whole thing from going in was your fist.
Hell, the only thing preventing you from cumming was your fist.
"What bad boys, leaving 'Samu out." Mel muttered behind you.
You didn't know what he looked like or what he was doing. You were too busy moaning, your hand on Leonard's ass gripping it like a lifeline, your forehead resting on the nape of his neck.
"Shit, shit, shit." Leonard so eloquently replied, his ass humping back against you "Move, you fuck head! Shit! Ohhh, your cock feels sooo good, baby."
You moaned again, unable to take Leonard's dirty talking in conjunction with his ass just strangling your dick as you tried to stay as still as possible.
As a way to placate him, you shifted your head, your lips brushing against his neck before your teeth nipped at his skin and started leaving hickeys.
"Oooh, fuck, baby." You heard a squirt before, suddenly, Leonard's hand sounded like it was jerking his own cock off with lube.
Was that Leonard's hand? Where'd he get lube?
The thought had barely entered your mind before there was another squirt and then you felt the cold chill of lube between your own ass cheeks.
You looked over your shoulder to see Mel, looking down at you with that same piercing gaze in his eyes. This time, his mouth was stretched into a predatory grin, teeth too sharp and mouth too wide.
"Ya' know, 'Samu was feeling lonely." He told you matter-of-factly like that meant something but it wasn't Isamu that was pulling your ass cheeks apart.
Your eyes flickered around and, quickly, you spotted Isamu right beside Mel, cock in his hand, a dark flush on his entire face as he watched you and Leonard, mesmerised by the entire scene.
Before you could ask if you did anything to offend him, you felt one of Mel's thumbs start prodding at your ass and you groaned, your back bowing, your chest pressing against Leonard's chest and your hips pushing forward to get away.
Of course, since your cock was inside Leonard, it meant you were pushing more of it into him. Not that he was complaining. He was just babbling out obscenities, happy to take your cock as he jerked himself off.
"Now, now." Mel licked his lips, pulling you just a tad closer (and making Leonard complain a little) before pushing more of his thumb in "We need to make sure you're properly prepped to take Isamu."
"W-Why?" You stuttered out, cheeks feeling hot at the thought of taking that monster cock in your ass.
That had to count as double penetration and double cheating, right?
"You don't want to help him out?" Mel frowned at you and the disappointment on his face (however fake a part of you said it was) made your heart ache.
So, of course, you nodded and Mel smiled again, all wolfish and mischievous, obviously pleased with your answer.
He slowly fed more of his thumb into your ass, stretching it a bit more and pushing at your walls. You just took it obediently, your hips stilled by his strong calloused hands.
Then, when he thought you had enough of his thumb, he slowly took it out before replacing it with his fingers. That was definitely much thicker.
He started with one, which was easy to take. But then two felt impossible, especially when he started scissoring them, pushing your walls apart and forcing your ass to take it without moving your hips.
You whimpered and whined the entire time.
You think maybe Leonard came sometime while you were getting fingered but also maybe not because he continued fucking his own fist and desperately trying to hump your dick.
You still kept your hand on the base of your cock, trying your hardest to save that last handful of inches as if it would make a difference.
"What a good boy." Mel pressed a kiss to your lower back as he fucked his fingers in and out of you, the squelch of it just as obscene as the way your ass clenched and unclenched around his fingers
Then, finally, he pulled them out and didn't thrust them back in "I think you're ready for 'Samu's cock, don't you?"
You shook your head but you were too overwhelmed to really say anything else. The words just wouldn't come to your head. It seemed they just ignored your silent protest because Mel and Isamu switched spots swiftly.
Isamu put the blunt head of his dick to your ass and, before you could say anything, he was pushing in. And, god, he was absolutely hefty. Your hips were already trying their hardest to push forward, to get away, to do something against the stretch of it all.
"It's okay, you can do it, darling." Mel comforted you, his sticky hand rubbing up and down your back.
Isamu didn't seem to pay you any mind, absolutely enamoured by how your ass felt around him. He just kept going, pushing more and more in.
Probably the only thing stopping him from just pushing it all in one thrust was Mel's other hand on his lower stomach, reminding him to go slow.
Finally, after what felt like forever, his hips met your ass and you didn't feel like your guts were going to come out of your mouth anymore.
You sighed, relieved, only to cry out when you felt him pulling out and it was like he was taking everything with him.
There was another squirt of lube and then the second push in was much smoother but it didn't make it feel any less like he was carving his way into your guts.
"Give him your hand, darling." Mel suddenly ordered you when Isamu's hips met your ass again.
You complied, letting go of Leonard's ass so you could reach behind you and offer it to Isamu.
Isamu took your wrist and gave the inside of it a kiss before biting down. You screamed, of course, but you didn't think he bit hard enough to draw blood.
"I-Isamu?" You whimpered, looking over your shoulder at him with tears prickling your eyes.
Isamu just pressed gentle kisses to his bitemark and apologised. That was when you realised that the embarrassed shy flushed look on his face was gone, replaced with an almost feral determined shine in his eyes.
You couldn't even question him. You couldn't even open your mouth before he was drawing his hips back and fucking you with abandon.
You leaned your forehead against the nape of Leonard's neck again, moans and whimpers and whines leaving your lips as you felt Isamu fuck you with abandon.
Your grip on your cock tightened even more as you felt that familiar coil of heat in your stomach.
Then, without you noticing, you felt someone's lips against your ear. Mel? You couldn't tell, your brain felt like it was melting
"Give me your other hand too, darling."
You obeyed without even thinking and, with one hard thrust from Isamu, you were fully sheathed in Leonard. Immediately, you came spilling into Leonard's ass and Leonard moaned like a porn star when he felt it.
"I-- Hah! Uwah, came! I came! Wait-- I-- Hah, wait-- I, hah--" You panted, huffing and moaning as your toes curled and your body bended, plastering itself against Leonard.
Instead of stopping, Isamu just pressed himself tighter against you until the three of you were as close to each other as could be, Isamu's hips still jack rabbiting into yours, his cock pistoning in and out of you, causing your hips to fuck your cock (which should've been softening but was surprisingly still hard) in and out of Leonard.
Mel smirked, your hand in his, watching the three of you, a satisfied expression on his face. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles before wrapping your fingers around his cock.
Oh, how cute, you couldn't even wrap it entirely around. That was fine, he would come easily around your fingers. Just knowing it was you was enough to make him cum, after all.
Add the fact that now he knew you were theirs? Well, he'd cum in a couple pumps, no problem.
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mothgodofchaos · 1 year
The line from damien video, actor mark saying "acting like you dont have blood in your hands!" to damien makes me imagine that our sweet beloved mayor isnt so sweet... so may i request a horror damien? Something like how sinister he can really be when he put his mind into it :)
I got several requests to continue my Yandere Damien idea, so I hope this answers your ask sufficiently! The mayor has a habit of letting his influence get to his head, and not caring about who is off limits to him.
Damien x GN!Reader, TW: possessiveness, hypnosis, stalking, yandere Words: 692
You were so good for him. How he’d offer his hand to you and you’d take it with a smile on your face, his arm being a perfect perch for his little dove. How pretty you looked in your gilded cage of peppermint steam he created around you, how sweet you sang only for him. He cherished you, let you flourish, in all the ways he allowed you to. You’d sing along to those old croony tunes he loved on the record player, how he could watch you sing for hours.
But others started getting suspicious, how could they? They were just jealous of how much he loved you, wanted you for themselves. But he didn’t have time for such people, and neither did you. Did they not know how important he is? Only he held the key to your cage, and he was going to ensure it stayed that way.
“I heard you, Mark. You know how the papers are, they write rumors, hoping they catch on, and then they launch an investigation if it gains enough traction. Simple solution: squash it out when it starts.”
You overhear him speaking in his office as you make his morning tea, and something in the pit of your stomach says that this is important, that you shouldn’t just brush it off like you normally do. You know that Mark is one of his close friends, a friend from his childhood. But the way Damien spoke, it felt unnatural, like sharp talons grazing slightly up your back, a small suggestion of the pain he can inflict if he so desires. “I’m having my men take care of it this evening. No one will notice a thing, and those who do, won’t say a word. Not if they don’t want to go the same way as this nosey reporter.”
No, something is deeply wrong. You drop the spoon you were holding onto the ground, making a noise of surprise that seems to get his attention. He hangs up the phone and you hear the click of his cane against the hardwood floors, sending a chill up your spine instead of the usual warmth that it typically brings. You jump when he enters the room, eyes wide with fear. 
“Something the matter, dearest? Something concerning you?” Damien tilts his head at you, taking slow but deliberate steps towards you. You turn around quickly, backing up against the table, looking to the doors, seeing if there’s any quick way out. Surely you could outrun him if you needed to, he has a bad knee after all. “Were you eavesdropping, dearest?” His tone shifts, a darker sinister look in his eyes as he encroaches in your space. Bodyguards fill the doors with their shoulders, blocking your exits as you glance around, trying to look for another way out. “N-no Damien, I’m j-just tired- I-” He uses the head of his cane to lift up your chin to look into his eyes, the once inviting blue now a sharp icicle piercing through you, searching for evidence of betrayal. You watch as he sticks his hand into his pocket, the pop of a cork, and a small glass vial is shoved under your nose. You try to push him away, but he blocks you against the table. “Deep breath now, come on, no need for those dangerous thoughts of leaving. You're safe here, dove. My sweet thing…” The sweet smell of peppermint overwhelms your senses, making your brain fog until you no longer struggle, the smile returning to your face. He cups your face, his expression softening to the same inviting, charming smile he usually greets you with. “There we go, isn’t that much better?” “Y-yes, I was jus-” “Shhh, it’s okay. I know it’s scary, but you’re safe here. With just me.” He accepts you into his arms as he begins humming a sweet tune, one that you continue as he just holds you, bodyguards resuming their usual positions. 
He doesn’t have blood on his hands, he must keep his perfect white dove innocent and safe. But he has no issue in ordering subordinates to do it for him.
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Hey can you do something with Yandere Damien from WKM. It can be either headcannons or a one shot whatever you feel like. Love your writing ❤️
Thank you so much your kind words! 💕😭
I wrote some headcanons this time- (I hope that you don't mind :"D)
But I plan to write a oneshot too as well, because this is very short-
×❢ About my work ❢×
Damien is creepy-, and cute at the same time-, stalking, the reader is gender neutral, jealous Damien
Type: Headcanons
Fandom: Markiplier Cinematic Universe (WKM)
Character(s): Damien, Y/N/The Reader, Celine, The Colonel, Abe (mentioned), Actor Mark (mentioned)
Ship(s): Damien x Reader
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐜𝐬 (𝐖𝐊𝐌)
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𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: One More Hour by Tame Impala
“Minutes are racing
Whatever I've done
I did it for love”
• he will get jealous very easily
• but he doesn't show it
• he will stalk you from distance quietly
• he's at your window right now as well (I mean probably)
• he will get agressive when his sister or his friends saying something nice of you
• he's too shy to talk with you
• follows you everywhere
• too shy for giving you secret love letter or something like that
• but sometimes he do give you some chocolate to you secretly
• but that is rare
• he will make sure that you got home safely
• and will stay at your window and watch you sleep for a few minutes
• just to make sure that you are alright ofc
• "Damien?" Celine asked with a sleepy tone.
"Yes, it's me." Damien answered as he closed the door gently behind himself.
"It's very late, you know? Where have you been?" Celine looked at him with a questioning look.
"Oh, I..." Damien blushed slightly as he tried to find an excuse. "I had some things to do." he smiled awkardly, then quickly went to his own room.
• his face will turn all red if you glance at him
• and oh gosh if you talk to him
• just a few words
• he is burning
• "Damien?" you asked softly. "Are you alright? You are all red."
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just..." he was searching for an excuse, but he couldn't think straight because of your sweet smell, of your, of your gergous eyes, of your beautiful voice.
"Bully!" The Colonel shouted to you with a wide smile on his face.Damien was saved, but he felt as the adrenaline burns his whole body. Jealousy jealousy
• damn and you always distracting him when he is doing his mayor things
• he didn't have this big crush on somebody a while...
• he can't think anything else
• just you
• he wish he would be brave enough to talk with you...
• he won't kill for you (he is too gentle and sweet for that)
• and he won't kidnap you
• he thought about it, but what if he accidently hurt you?
• he would never harm you
• never
• he hates everytime when Actor flirts with you
• or The Colonel
• or the Detective
• or any body
• he wish he could touch you...
• but that would be rude, right?
• and like i said, he won't hurt you
• unless you want it :)
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
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Hello everyone! I'm terribly sorry for being away for so long! I've been busy with school and looking for a job (plus the awful heat - bleh), but I still wanted to take a moment to thank you all for 400 followers!
I know the number of followers isn't that important on Tumblr, but I still want to reach out to thank everyone who's here! Despite all my absences and delays too, it means so much to me! ✧( ु•⌄• )
I wanted to do an event!
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Look at the slots and find which ones are still open. If you're the first one then how lucky of you! It's first come first served!
Put in a request with the emoji/genre and the character. Then please tell me what you'd like the short story to be about. Please be as specific as possible (it helps me out), and please just ask for MHA characters. This is all MHA x Reader, it can be romantic or platonic, just please let me know!
You're done! Once I finish the short story then I'll mark the slot as [CLOSED], along with the link to the fic
I'll try my best to make these requests my top priority! I have free time this weekend so I feel I can spend it well (˶ᐢᗜᐢ˶)
If you want a Pick-A-Prompt, then please pick a prompt from the ones I gathered below, and then please tell me the character. Again, please be as specific as possible, it greatly helps!
Please Don't Ask:
Please no character x character
Please no NSFW
No real-life people can be involved in the fic (ex: celebrities, actors, political figures, etc)
I don't write ABO since I don't know anything about it (just putting this here since I got a request for it awhile ago)
No OCs please
🍰 Fluff [OPEN]
☕ Angst [OPEN]
🍘 Hurt/Comfort [OPEN]
🍮Childhood Friends [OPEN]
🔪 Yandere [OPEN]
🥠 Pick-A-Prompt 1 [CLOSED - #8]
🥠 Pick-A-Prompt 2 [CLOSED - #4]
🥠 Pick-A-Prompt 3 [OPEN]
Prompts (for Pick-A-Prompt):
"I'm glad you came into my life"
"It scares me what I'm willing to do for you"
"I've been looking for that shirt"
"You better have a really good reason for being out of bed"
" I thought you’d like some company. "
"Do you trust me?"
“I can’t sleep, can we have ice cream?” / “I was about to say that.”
"Why are hiding behind me? What did you do?"
"Do you want my help or not? Cooperate with me here"
"Trust me, I was an extremely irritating child."
♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡ ♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Thank you all once again! I hope you enjoy the event, and just so you know I'm going to start writing again soon! The cooler season is making it a bit easier to think properly (=゚Д゚=)
I hope you all have a wonderful day! ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
*P.S: I'm also currently working on those requests! I haven't forgotten about them!*
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shmowder · 3 months
Twyrin is a bop, it's like the Alone in the Town from Silent Hill 2 of Patho 2. When those sad clown noises kicked in in Haruspex Is All Alone... I really like that one.
My favorites from P2 are Useless Science (Victor + Yulia's houses), Deep Dreaming (Maria + Saburov's (I think?) houses), Childhood Grave (Nutshell), Doctor's Dead, and Mourning of the Gone (I have no idea when these two play), along with most of the Theodor Bastard tracks.
Love love love the contrast between yandere Yulia, Victor, and Aglaya. Your characterization feels right for all of them; they're so distinct from each other but I love em all <3
The meta elements of the game are something I haven't given much thought to and I hope they're explored more in P1! Like I know technically the game is a play - Aglaya, Mark, Tragedians will address you the player, everyone's an actor, but I know there's SO much more to it that I just kinda gloss over.
Finished P2 today!! It was great. I had stacks of leftover eggs. Big Vlad said I have the heart of a dove. I found Clara less annoying this time, hooray. The conversations you have with the kids on Day 10 😭💔 I remember the last few days being emotional but wow. Both of the main endings make me sad, as I'm sure they're supposed to. That being said, Diurnal 4ever. Now, onto the Marble Nest.
Did you know there are lizards carved in to the stair railings of the Broken Heart? It's cute because Peter Stamatin's animal is a monitor lizard :)
I'm not really in the Pathologic fandom either lmao. Just someone who likes x readers who also liked playing P2 and found your blog at the best possible time and now I may have a hyperfixation and I'm genuinely excited to play P1, wonky graphics and all :) I understand where you're coming from with not wanting to get canon, fanon, and your own opinions muddled up ^^
Competent reader who already is an established, independent person in the world! Ooh I can see why you're fixated on the sword one... I like the idea of a healer who works with the Dogheads. I'm fond of the cannon one, too. Generally reader who nebulously exists to be loved by [character] is my lifeblood, you know, just a projection of the idealized self or whatever. But when the reader really feels like a fully formed person - well, it might limit the projection possibilities but it allows you to better explore *why* the character is interested in them to begin with. <- Not meant to be negative btw, I'm just getting tired and forgetting how to craft sentences 😅
What you said about noticing your anons' style and reading between the lines to determine what they might like is so genuinely sweet I am just 🥹🥹 I'm so glad you think it's fun! Somehow you managed to read my mind with Mea Columba despite me not even telling you it was my request until you were done already but truly it was like that fic was beaming directly into my soul or something <33
Don't worry, I don't feel pressured ^^ Thank you, though, and same to you of course! I don't want you to feel pressured, either. I can see this becoming an endless circle of not wanting each other to feel pressured 😂
🐿️ anon
Oh useless science is absolutely amazing! I like pathologic's tendency to subtly poke fun at its own characters in the soundtrack or environment design. It's both cruel and so delicious.
I'm happy you enjoyed the Yandere HC! I tried to give each of them their distinct vibes. Yes they are characters who have a lot in common and call be grouped under the umbrella term of "seemingly cold and smart" but they are still so different.
Each of them holds contrasting principles, value different traits and views life and other people through contradicting lenses.
Aglaya searches for the meaning of life in every nook and cranny, takes all possible answers into consideration no matter how small.
Victor is part of something bigger than himself, bigger than humanity even and thinks the meaning of life should be shaped and scouplted.
While Yulia views it as more of a string of fate situations, life is simply a long series of coincidents. Reality branching with every decision you make and this thing called free-will is simply your mind coping with living in a reality out of your own control.
I'm lucky to have had someone like you stumble into my blog <3 You really do make the game more fun for me and I got to explore so many different sides and scenarios because of you. I enjoy these talks and hearing about your thoughts.
Woo congrats on finishing P2! Eggs are really the miracle of life aren't they? forget the polyhedron, it is the eggs which solved the famine! And omfg big vlad comment is kinda 👀 that man is really a romantic at heart isn't he.
And yes I do hope you'll enjoy P1! Once the wonky graphics become the new norm, you'll get as attached to them as P2 characters- God P1 Aspity makes me want to steal her out of the game and keep her safe in my pocket for eternity.
I didn't actually know about the lizards but once you mentioned it, I started seeing them everywhere! This is the bar stairs railing picture you attached:
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But you also can notice a lizard in Andrey's concept art too! on the fan he's carrying around.
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Andrey's symbolic animal is the shark so the lizard here is definitely meant just for Peter. You don't even find the lizard in Peter's own concept art, showing his loss of identity maybe? Or how Andrey's keeping his memory alive.
It is a little sad, how much more important Peter is to Andrey than the other way around. One will always care for the other more.
A lizard and a shark, how uniquely beautiful.
Talking about siblings, Capella has the butterfly while Vlad the younger has the bear. Maria has the cobra while Khan has the hedgehog.
Yeah, the more specific a reader gets, the less inclusive they become. However, sometimes that makes them even more popular amongst reader in a surprising turn.
Maybe because it builds a story better? Like they are still a blank state in some areas but giving them one gimmick makes them stand out and pull in people who wanted to see that gimmick explored.
Think of how much of an interesting dynamic a Doctor Reader would be with Daniil or an army general reader with Aglaya.
A kin reader with the Rubin or a bartender with Andrey. What if we just throw Daniil out the window and make the bachelor role a reader insert then have it be Reader x Victor or Reader x Artemy?
The detailed ideas I previously described started as simple concepts too, one gimmick, one trait and a blank state reader. Then I filled in the blanks the more I thought about it because it was fantasy for the sake of fantasy at the time.
If I ever turn them into legit readers I'd clean them up and remove some parts. Simplify their concepts as much as possible so there is room for other people to add in their own detials.
The dogheads reader started bc I wanted a character that carries a cool sword around and thought "hey khan likes sword maybe he will let them into the polyhedron" Then it spiraled into a noble knight reader who tries to remain chivalrous but prefers the past to the future unlike the utopians.
The herbbride x reader was because I wanted to smooch a herb bride pls let pls :"(((
A plague doctor reader who is actually equipped to deal with plagues and has the cool bird mask and everything rather than having Daniil improvise.
Detective reader is a favourite, they're more of a noir Detective and a drunk loser? Think Harry from Disco elysium but a younger version who is still more put together and eager to solve crime.
I'm happy you liked Mea Columba <33 I enjoyed writing it and exploring that side of Victor.
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fairiesthrum · 7 months
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love potion: do’s and don’ts ꒰♡꒱
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૮꒰ྀི つ ˘ ` ⸝⸝ ꒱ྀིა ♡‧₊˚ | hello dolls! welcome to the brewery. the following are the only available ingredients for your very special love potion aka the do’s and don’ts of what i write. please respect my work even if you don’t like it. if you’re uncomfortable, feel free to block!
૮꒰ྀི ⸝⸝ ´ `⸝⸝ ꒱つ ♡‧₊˚ | warning: my work is catered towards female readers who present themselves with sheノher pronouns and have female anatomy! my writing can include suggestive, smut &’ dark themes. if you find yourself uncomfortable, please respectfully leave my blog [just because i write something doesn’t mean i agree with it]! know when to separate life from fiction. do not reenact what you see written on this blog in real life !!
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content is labelled by ˊˎ- ♡ → fluff , ๑ → suggestive , ౨ৎ → smut , ༊ → dark content , 彡 → angst , ʚ → comfort
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ಇ ༘ my writing does include:
ʚĭɞ fluff, smut, angst + comfort, female reader [afab], romantic &’ platonic relationships, swearing, seduction, manipulation, infidelity, pining, kissing, cuddling, stuffies, marking [biting, hickeys, etc], yandere, sadism, bullying, dacryphilia, somnophilia, pseudoincest [stepcest, in-laws, adopted], targcest [house of the dragon incest], daddyノmommy kink, domノsub relationships, lesbianノgay relationships, flr, peggingノanal penetration, breeding, pregnancy, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pet names, virginity loss, praise kink, degradation, humiliation, brat taming, impact play [spanking &’ cuntノtitノface slapping], gropingノfondling, breath play, blindfolding, bondage, strap-ons, vibrators, humping + grinding, fingering, mutualノguided masturbation, edging, overstimulation, orgasm control, finger sucking, lactation, squirting, cream pies, nipple play, body piercings &’ tattoos, body + cock worship, cock warming, fellatio, cunnilingus, cum eatingノplay, spit kink, size kink, cervix kissing, bellyノthroat bulge, scent kink, temperature play, corruption, obedience training, objectification, dumbificationノbimbofication, rough intercourse, dubノnon-con, cnc, establishedノnon-relationship, threesome++, cuckolding, [un]protected intercourse, period intercourse, blood &’ gore, knife play, stalking, homophobia, sacrilege, sexism, monster fucking, tentacles, hyperfeminine!reader, bottom/sub reader, masculine!reader, topノdom reader, character x character, character[s] x reader, platonicノparental!! adult + child, platonic!! sibling + sibling, age gaps [legal], alcohol, drugs.
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ಇ ༘ my writing does not include:
ʚĭɞ racism, pedophilia, lolita, necrophilia, urophiliaノpiss, coprophiliaノscat, vomit, bestiality, voreノcannibalism, genital mutilation, age play, gノn reader, male reader, omegaverse, real people [actors, celebs, singers, etc].
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weirdlyhornyforegos · 3 years
Fic masterlist
All my stuff in gender neutral, unless explicitly stated otherwise! All Markip**er egos. Updated: 27/02-2024
^^ = Lime
*** = Lemon
Strike through means I do not recommend reading that fic, but it’s still there
Characters: Actor, Darkiplier, Damien, Engineer, E-plier, Eric Derekson, Googleplier, Heehoo, The Host, Illinois, Murdock (Murderplier/Killer Mark) Porniplier, Wilford Warfstache, Yancy, Yandere. (And some extra Antisepticeye)
Normal fic count: 77
Kinktober 2022/23, fic count: 23
All my fics
Prompt: “Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”/“Well, since you want to cum so badly, why don’t we see how many times I can make you cum right now.” ***
Prompt: Reader topping Actor and (consensually) wrecking his shit/Reader speaking French and turning an ego on ***
Prompt: Reader flirting with Google and Actor getting jealous and possessive ***
Fic: Damien x reader x Actor where Damien is in the middle for once ***
Prompt: Vampire reader with Actor, Darkiplier, & Wilford ***
Prompt: “Darling, your heart is too pure for me.” ^^
Prompt: “I don’t care if you think you look like godzilla when you wake up, you’re my beautiful godzilla.” ^^
Prompt: “Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to.” ***
Prompt: “You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat.”/“You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”/“You look good all soaking wet.” /“Are you sure that’s what you want? I could really hurt you.” ***
Prompt: “Did I say you could stop?” ***
Prompt: “You take my fingers so well don’t you?”/“Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”/“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”/“Pushing back against my fingers already? How pathetic.” ***
Prompt: “You don’t have to be gentle with me, I don’t break easily.”/“Pull my hair!” ***
Prompt: Voyeurism kink/“I want you to watch me, first. Then you can have me.“ *** (AFAB reader)
Prompt: Winged reader that melts into subspace when their wings are touched ***
Prompt: Dark and Anti tries to get with you, but are always interrupted by the other, ends with a fight and an angry three way ***
Prompt: Dark with a naturally submissive s/o that has a praise kink to end all praise kinks, and he starts praising them in public ***
Prompt: “If you keep making those sounds I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”/“I love the sounds you make when you come undone.”/“Say my name over and over again and, once you think you’ve said it loud enough, scream it. I want the whole neighborhood to know who’s making you feel good.” ***
Prompt: “You know, you always look so much better when I mark you up.”/ “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”/“Shh, don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you.” ***
Fic: Darkiplier in a white suit and a fuck machine ***
Prompt: Darkiplier in lingerie ***
Prompt: “Can you stop sending me nudes, I’m at work.” “That excuse never stopped you when I was working.” “Can you blame me? I bought lace undies, what was I supposed to do?” ^^
Prompt: Dark consensually influencing readers thoughts and actions with the lines “Be a god pet and do what I tell you” & “Open your mouth.” ***
Prompt: You get a little possessive over Dark and Anti and have to mark them ***
Prompt: Dark possessively fucking Reader dumb & calling reader darling ***
Prompt: Dark with vampire reader ***
Prompt: Vampire reader with Actor, Darkiplier, & Wilford ***
Fic: Birthday drabble with reader in a bow ^^
Prompt: Dark going down on afab reader *** (afab reader)
Fic: Dark and tentacles. That’s it. ***
Fic: This time reader is the one with tentacles **
Fic: Dark and Murdock shares you (afab reader) ***
Fic: Dark is asleep and you should let him, but you can’t help yourself *** (amab reader)
Fic: Damien x reader x Actor where Damien is in the middle for once ***
Prompt: Giving Damien a handjob ***
Fic: The Captain fucks Engineer against a wall *** (amab reader)
Prompt: “Stop talking and take off your clothes.” “Why would you say that! I tried so hard to make you happy and now you’re- Your hands are distracting me.” ***
Fic: You’re his boyfriend and walk in on a livestream, which leaves him distracted and horny *** (male reader)
Eric Derekson
Prompt: “Don’t hesitate, just kiss me.” ^^
Prompt: “Are you wearing my shirt?”/“Tell me what you like.”/“Did you dress up just for me?” ***
Prompt: Eric and a transwoman reader in an established relationship, reader offers him a blowjob for the first time (trans female reader) ***
Prompt: Eric fucking transwoman readers tits with “If you keep making those sounds I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”/“You deserve a reward for being so good today, what would you like it to be?”/“Call me selfish, but I don’t ever want anyone else to touch you.” *** (Trans female reader)
Prompt: “You have no idea what you do to me“ ^^
Prompt: Eric and dirty talk *** (Male reader)
Prompt: Google squad showing reader how much better they are at pleasing them than any other weak human ***
Prompt: Google and dry humping *** amab reader
Prompt: “I can’t wait to put bruises all over that pretty skin” + possessive Google *** (male reader)
Prompt: Consensual hunter/prey kink with Heehoo ***
Prompt: Reader accidentally stumbling onto Heehoo while camping ***
The Host
Prompt: “Shh, don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you.” ^^
Prompt: Male Reader topping Host *** (Male reader)
Prompt: “I only want to please you.”/“Well, since you want to cum so badly, why don’t we see how many times I can make you cum right now.”/“You know, you look real pretty when you cry.”/“Shh, don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you.” ***
Drabble: Illinois and someone with fangs ***
Fic: One tent instead of one bed ***
Prompt: Illinois and reader with an aphrodisiac ***
Fic: Illinois wanders into naga reader’s cave looking for treasure (male reader) ***
Fic: Illinois and almost skinny dipping ***
Murdock (Murderiplier/Killer Mark)
Fic: Dark and Murdock shares you (afab reader) ***
Fic: Waking up with curled around Murdock’s back  (amab reader) ***
Fic: Murdock having some fun with Yancy when you come home (amab reader) ***
Prompt: Plumber porniplier “inspects” readers “pipes ***
Wilford Warfstache
Prompt: “I think we need to talk about the fact that I’m in love with you and also that I’m pregnant.” ^^ (Female reader)
Prompt: “I’m gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you’re spreading your legs for me.” ***
Prompt: “Come here, baby, let Mommy/Daddy take care of you.”/“Aww, is my little princess/prince getting shy?”/“It’s okay, honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I’m between your legs.” *** (Female reader)
Fic: Wilford giving reader’s wings a massage *** (Male reader)
Fic: Dark walks in on Wilford and winged reader *** (Male reader)
Prompt: Reader is a little chubby and kinda insecure, Wilford is sweet and appreciative *** (Female reader)
Fic: Somnophilia with Wilford ***
Prompt: Wilford with bratty reader that gets slaps as punishment ***
Prompt: “ Do you like it when I touch you like that?” / “ Okay.. This is new. ” / “ What a pretty sight. ” / “ Good girl. ” *** (Female reader)
Prompt: Just some desperate sex with Wilford ***
Prompt: Vampire reader with Actor, Darkiplier, & Wilford ***
Prompt: Wilford offering Captain some stress relief ***
Fic: Visitation day ;) ***
Prompt: “Aww, is my little princess/prince getting shy?”/“Come here, baby, let Mommy/Daddy take care of you.” ***  (Uses the nickname princess, but gender neutral :) )
Prompt: “Wanna see what I’m wearing underneath all this?”/“These walls are pretty thick, which means you and I can be as loud as we want.” *** (Female reader)
Prompts: “Why do you keep looking at me?” “Oh, you only just caught on? Why do you think I can’t keep my eyes off of you?” / shut up and kiss me already with Yancy / I’ve wanted this for so long with Yancy ^^
Prompts: Stolen handcuffs + “ Okay.. This is new. ” / “I read your diary“ ***
Fic: Yancy gets a new tattoo *** amab reader
Fic: Petplay with puppy Yancy and dom reader *** amab reader
Prompt: Submissive and a little touch starved Yancy ***
Prompt: Reader being tired of being a bottom with “Touch yourself for me.”/“Did you touch yourself while I was gone?” ***
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melancholypancakes · 2 years
Yandere! Actor Mark x Reader X Darkiplier Fanfic Series Idea for anyone to do
I would love a fanfic series of Yandere! Actor Mark x Reader x Darkiplier where the DA was a lover of Damien but gets reincarnated as Y/N after perishing in the mirror.
Y/N has no memory of her former self and is manipulated by Mark to fall in love with him but her heart belongs to Damien/Dark still ( Y/N falling in love with Dark hard would be amazing)
Dark trying to save Y/N from her endless torture and starts to fall for her like Damien once did ;)
I could actually actually see Y/N loving Actor Mark but it’s toxic and she’s too blind to see it until Dark comes along 👀👀
Please tag me if anyone of you writes this series 🥰 I would appreciate it!
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I’m mostly going to make fanart of the fanfic idea 🥰
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